#Jim is a dumbass
Crowley: *standing outside the bookshop holding a sign that reads “dinner tonight, angel?”
Jim: *excitedly from window* Okay! :D
Crowley: no, absolutely not, go tell Aziraphale…
Jim: Mr fell! I’m going to dinner with your husband tonight!
Aziraphale: That’s nice Jim.
Aziraphale: my wot
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spinach-pine · 2 years
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does the enterprise have a news panel? i think they do. cus look who's made the front page.
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kaffkanya · 3 months
bones? ☠️ doc. 🫥
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ccxssi · 2 months
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The biology of Vulcan’s…
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bluheaven-adw · 7 months
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From the stream!
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milkymooshi · 3 months
Dream Gotham blunt rotation?
Harvey, every adult woman in Gotham (except Isabella bc weirdo :/), Harvey (again), Victor Fries (I think he really needs it tbh, or a wife but yk.)
Nightmare Gotham blunt rotation?
Oswald, Ed, Jim (I fucking hate him), Oswald ( again bc he would realistically be the worst to get high with), Jim (I want this man euthanized).
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xo-punisher-xo · 4 months
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laney-rockin · 11 months
I would love to read (or write) a SNW fic where Kirk and Spock are long-distance dating and Kirk keeps finding the worst excuses to come and visit as to not let anybody know that they're dating.
I think it'd be a fun little time.
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
Buttons: fine, but if we die, i’m going to get Frenchie's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute, so i can annoy the hell out of your ghost
Lucius: I'll just get Jim's ghost to kick your ghost's ass
Jim: My ghost won't associate with your ghost.
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alienunicorn96 · 1 year
In a world full of Gabriel's, be a Jim Short for James long for Gabriel
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oceanwithinsblog · 9 months
guys i've just been struck by a haunting query
y'know how i'm rewatching good omens for the nth time and i'm reaching the final episode, but something just came up to my mind and i can find no satisfactory answer...
in s2 ep1 (i believe) azi and crowley wonderfully perform half a miracle each, but obviously heaven notices and sends its best unit to check on what's happening in the bookshop. personally, i've always thought that said joint miracle was /that/ powerful because the metatron had already appointed aziraphale as gabriel's substitute archangel somehow (in my view, the metatron's offer to aziraphale at the end of s2 is just a pure formality as he had already made up his mind wayyyyyyy before going down on earth and meeting up with azi themselves). therefore their half a miracle was much stronger than crowley's.
here's where trouble comes. ever since i've rewatched that scene with my brother (who is doing an incredible job at keeping up with all sorts of gomens stuff on his first watch), i've been wondering if that's really what happened there. what is the actual reason why the combined miracle halves are so distinctive, fierce and recognisable?
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my brother suggested the idea that aziraphale and crowley have little to do with it - the only reason why the miracle resonates so clearly and strongly is because they are performing it on gabriel (while holding both his hands). i guess he means that gabriel still has some of his powers left (as throughout the show he gets part of his memory back at random times and recites lines from the bible + he hasn't actually forgotten everything about himself) or that he is a very special entity of interest for heaven therefore whenever someone interacts with him there's a sort of alarm going off (?).
another idea that i got recently is, quite honestly, a very romantic one as aziracrow are both involved in doing a good deed. since love is the strongest power ever, in any universe and reality, and these two idiots' feelings are clearly mutual (without them knowing), maybe the miracle turned out to be so huge and mighty because what they're feeling for each other influenced the miracle itself and sort of multiplied its efficiency? i mean, i'd make sense somehow as later on we find out that another power couple is involved (gabriel and beelzebub). aziracrow's love for each other sort of mirrors beelzebub and gabriel's, i guess? but both their relationships are supposed to be a secret since heaven and hell should not ever collaborate (and i'm not even mentioning dating here).
what do you think? what is, in your opinion, the reason why the joint miracle halves worked but got inevitably noticed by heaven?
(it could also be that the answer has been given in the show and i'm too big of an idiot to find it out so please put up with my me. i'm just a dumbass in adoration of two more ineffable dumbasses.)
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mwah-so-kissed · 10 months
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spinach-pine · 1 year
biOlogY aS iN ... vULcaN biOlogY 🥴🥴🥴
not mine !!!
jettreno / youtube.com
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drarrywtf · 1 year
i think i never point out the fact that jim in the first season was the one to says stede that he is the worst captain ever but then in this season they remember about pinocchio and they are fond of the memories they create together with all the crew even stede and they clasificate all this memories like the happy moments
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I love this subtle moment of Hopper growth in the finale. It was something I'd forgotten about until I rewatched the episode.
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Hopper always tries to go without Joyce, they argue, and she convinces him to let her come along. But in season 4, when he cuts someone out of the plan, it's Dmitri, not Joyce. He doesn't try to exclude her again. It doesn't look like it ever even crossed his mind to try to keep her away. You know, kinda like they're a team now.
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bagelsenjoyer14 · 1 year
One of the main things I’m curious about season two is Crowley’s living situation. Like okay we have all agreed that dog is homeless, but how on earth did he get in this situation LMFAOO I don’t mean to kick a man while he’s down but surely he has thought about other possibilities than living in his old ass car…like it looks cramped in there with all the plants and I am sure they did not make very comfortable seats back then.
I know in the books Hell pays for his apartment and they likely stopped paying after he low key (high key) betrayed them (I wonder if they stopped paying right after? How long has he been homeless then? Maybe they had to wait until a lease contract was up?) but my main concern is why has he not just miracled some money for a new flat or at least a hotel? I mean shit he could just miracle up a empty house and live there? Is he being dramatic maybe, or what if he can’t preform miracles anymore? I’m very curious
I also agree with the theory that Crowley has not told aziraphale that he is currently homeless because he is too stubborn to ask for help, like I just imagine after their little cafe date that Crowley is like “alright I best be off to my FLAT yes the one I’ve lived in for YEARS and continue to live in, ah yes the one Hell still PAYS for haha” and then he just walks a block away and sits awkwardly in his Bentley.
Also maybe Crowley needs expresso because he hasn’t slept well in the Bentley and his body is so used to sleeping he gets tired?
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