#Image Buildings
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softle0 · 3 months ago
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Mexican grandparents home will always be so cozy.
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shepscapades · 2 months ago
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77. Ballad of the Walking Machines — CG5, JT Music
All the sins remain with the pain inside They reskinned my face, but the paint won't dry If you're alive right now, survive right now That's all you can do
Ohhh I'm so glad I finally get to draw to Ballad of the Walking Machines!! This one has been rattling around in my head since last year's wrapped drawings, but I was never able to put any of my thoughts onto paper!
On Bdubs' playlist, this song has always stuck to me as a representation of the other side of all of the horrors Etho's undergone over the course of Season 8, set during Destruction as Bdubs waits outside of the lab for what's supposed to be a relative simple diagnostic appointment, so he was told. As Bdubs, completely unaware than anything was even wrong with Etho until the start of the season, waits with baited breath to hear if his friend is okay, he's remind of their rough beginnings and how far he's come, both as a person and as Etho's friend. The tension that had come from a place of fear now comes from a desperate hope that Etho will be okay, and Ballad of the Walking Machines really well represents the juxtaposition between Bdubs' original fears of androids and his fear and hope in the present day that his dear friend will be okay.
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ultravhasart · 6 months ago
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hyped for her new solo!
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milkoomi · 2 months ago
⋆˚࿔ a new canvas means a new you 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
a mini series on the art of becoming a better you
previous chapter
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i’ve touched on this topic before, but i wanted to do more of an in-depth deep dive into it! self confidence isn’t just about how you feel about your physical self, but it’s also about how you feel about your mental and emotional self; how you feel about your soul and the aura that surrounds you. self confidence can start at your physical self, like your looks, your style, etc. but reaching a true, deeper meaning of having confidence you have to dig deeper into your mind, heart, and soul.
references on self confidence:
“a guide to building confidence” - by me!
“study yourself to become confident” - thewizardliz
“the ultimate guide to becoming confident” - alessya farrugia
“rewiring your subconscious: guide to becoming your dreamiest self” - @glowettee
“building confidence” - @goddessinnerglow
ᥫ᭡. different types of confidence
in alessya farrguia’s youtube video, she discusses the 3 different types of self confidence: physical, social, and authentic confidence. i highly recommend watching her video! she makes really phenomenal points in her discussion!
i’d like to highlight some key points she made in her video:
physical confidence: “stop comparing your behind the scenes to everyone else’s highlights.”
social confidence: “confidence isn’t thinking ‘i know someone will like me’, it’s ‘i know it won’t bother me if they don’t’.”
authentic confidence: “true confidence means trusting yourself”
but i’d like to add mental & emotional confidence. the mentality that you have and how you feel about yourself plays a huge role in self confidence. having a mindset that makes you feel secure and having emotions toward yourself that are positive will help you become more confident. it also helps, immensely, to be in a headspace that makes you feel comfortable being you, that brings you joy, and that brings you peace. being able to have a good relationship with your own emotions can uplift you!
mental confidence:
destress & decompress — when your mind is weighed down by stress, you start to feel overwhelmed. that overwhelming feeling can cause your mind to break down and make you think that you won’t be capable of recovering from that stress. it’s important to manage your stress and remind yourself that you are capable of overcoming anything that’s causing you those feelings! stress is one of those things that make you feel like everything is impossible, but that’s only a feeling. it’s like having a bad dream, while you’re experiencing that dream it might feel too real and sometimes it may even be scary, but then you wake up and you realize that you’re safe. think of stress as just a bad dream, the feeling is only ever temporary and as soon as you manage it/overcome it you’ll be safe again. and, as a bonus, once you overcome that stress, you feel more secure within yourself and you’re reminded that, yes, everything is going to be okay and you are more than capable of overcoming those feelings!
practice mindfulness within yourself — “mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgement.” with that being said, practice paying attention to yourself without any judgement. focus on how you’re feeling, what your current thoughts are; focus on you without judging yourself. learn to accept yourself as you are within that present moment and try to steer away from making quick, negative judgements about yourself. yes, you can judge yourself, but do so in a way that’s productive! judge your mental and emotional state, are you in a headspace that is ideal to you? judge your health, do you feel like there needs to be any changes in your lifestyle, diet, or activity level to better your body in a healthy manner? judge yourself, is there anything about yourself that you still need to work on or are there characteristics of yourself that you take pride in?
emotional confidence:
emotional intelligence — this is key to gaining emotional confidence. i recommend this video by The Glow Up Secrets Podcast on youtube! the host brings up so many wonderful and insightful points on becoming emotionally intelligent! being able to self-regulate and to understand exactly what you’re feeling can help you gain confidence in yourself. people will always pride themselves in their intelligence, so let being emotionally intelligent be the intelligence you pride yourself in!
ᥫ᭡. self-acceptance
people have this idea that self-acceptance is just settling for who you are, and well, that’s not really the case— at least in my eyes. learning to accept yourself as you are now will make it easier for you in your self improvement journey. we all want to become the “it-girl/person”, but a lot of us will look for quick fixes or even go towards trying unhealthy habits. allowing yourself to accept who you are right in this moment can be a first step towards becoming the person you strive to be.
accept your insecurities. accept your failures. accept your body as it is right now. accept your faults. then take all of that acceptance and turn it into a learning experience for yourself. learn that your insecurities only become insecurities because of that negative self-talk. learn that you cannot grow without any failures. learn what exactly it is that your body needs to become healthier and better for yourself.
accept yourself, then learn from yourself.
ᥫ᭡. manifestations & affirmations
we can make our dream selves become the reality. there’s so many amazing posts here on tumblr about manifesting, so go look into them! if we believe it, we can have it. you have to believe that you have confidence. you have to affirm yourself that you are confident. people, myself included, talk about “faking it til you make it”, but when you really think about it, the more you repeat these manifestations and affirmations the more it starts to feel true and real to yourself.
this also ties into positive self-talk. we have to speak to ourselves kindly, we have to uplift ourselves in a world that brings us down. talk to yourself with grace, gratitude, and genuine appreciation. you have gotten yourself through countless hardships. sure, there were probably people who helped you out on the way, but at the end of it, it was mostly your own doing that got you to a better place. so appreciate and love that about yourself!
grab a journal and write down all your manifestations and affirmations daily. writing it all down is like setting it in stone. be consistent, and soon enough all that you want for yourself— including self confidence— will come into fruition.
ᥫ᭡. take pride
think of it this way: no one can be you. people can try to imitate you, but they can never truly be you. take pride in how you look because no one has features like yours, take pride in your work because no one worked the way you did, take pride in your accomplishments because no one worked in the same way that you did to achieve those things; take pride in yourself. as cheesy and cliché as it all sounds, there’s literally no one else who is like you.
ᥫ᭡. find a deeper understanding for yourself
this point is heavily inspired by thewizardliz’s video “study yourself to become confident” (linked in the beginning of the chapter). i just want to reiterate her points and expand on them a little bit! her beginning statement includes: “once you know who you are, no one can tell you anything”.
i feel like we all understand ourselves to a certain degree. but understanding yourself on a deeper, more personal level will allow you to truly feel confident. in her video, liz talks about understanding and even studying ourselves to understand what we like/dislike, what we accept/don’t accept, etc. and i genuinely feel like she brings up a really great point in doing so!
we, as humans, feel like we know what we want for ourselves rather than actually knowing what we want for ourselves. we feel like certain people bring us joy, we feel like certain hobbies make us happy, we feel like we understand ourselves. but, in reality, most times we don’t actually know those things about ourselves.
people we surround ourselves with
we think that certain friends/partners bring us joy because we’re taught, sometimes unintentionally, to allow people to make us feel like we have to conform to them and their wants and needs. we don’t know that some of these people in our lives might actually be bringing us and our confidence down.
hobbies people partake in
we think that doing certain things, like drinking or hook-up culture, make us feel happy or satisfied with ourselves. but we don’t know or we’re not aware of how those hobbies, or even habits, might be destroying us physically, mentally, and even emotionally.
behaviors we accept
we think that if we accept certain behaviors that we’ll get more people to like us or get brownie points with a specific person, but we don’t know that accepting bad/poor behavior diminishes our strength and respect for ourself.
this all takes us back to chapter one: THE ART OF LETTING GO. the toxic people we surround ourselves with unknowingly, the hobbies we take part in unknowingly, the behaviors we accept unknowingly; that all needs to be let go of!
we have to truly understand ourselves and truly know exactly what we want for ourselves to gain the confidence we long for. without knowing yourself, you won’t understand how to find and feel genuine self confidence.
ᥫ᭡. final notes
at a certain point, confidence should feel like it comes naturally, but to even get to that point there’s a lot of work that needs to be put into ourselves. especially when a lot of us start off with almost no confidence at all, it can be extremely challenging to even wake up in the morning and think, “i can do this”. you have to be willing to put in the work for yourself. you have to be willing to have patience with yourself. you have to be willing to advocate for yourself. you have to be willing to do all of this for you, and you alone. you can be confident— and confidence will come to you! you’re more than capable of doing so, babe. believe in yourself like you would believe in someone you love and care for.
with lots of love, juno 🌷
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ddeck · 9 months ago
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the galactic war might be over but the relentless stream of emails never is
i think living in a universe that has flying cars should allow to get your space take out delivered right to your window
my part 1 out of my two-part art trade with beloved @ominouspuff featuring no order 66! Fox. greatly entertained by how different the vibes for our pieces are
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doesephs · 9 months ago
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i draw lesbians because i h8 men, not because i support the homosexual agenda.
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moonwoodhollow · 10 months ago
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there's something about a retro kitchen... (★)
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the-meme-monarch · 8 months ago
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prompt failed he thought it was pretty sick actually
(👍if you ship scc go away)
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cozymochi · 1 year ago
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You tellin’ me Sebek’s special boy magic is literally becoming lightning?? OKAY GO ‘HEAD…
POV: you are Silver about to be swallowed by the darkness.
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wishchip106 · 2 months ago
hrmm lego cherik 😻
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someone make a lego xmen movie STAT‼️
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plusie · 7 months ago
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🐾 - white tiger stuffies
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agentark · 10 months ago
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see you around, rvb
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magpiedraws · 2 years ago
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Once more have I seen the Count go out in his lizard fashion
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digitalmemoriez · 3 months ago
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donelywell · 4 months ago
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Jumpscare- sudden transformer post! You thought because I mentioned Undertale/ Deltarune in the past that I was gonna post fan art of it here?! Get bamboozled! I uh- do have a mountain of Undertale fan art- I'm just keeping it all away from you because I'm mean >:)
I'm so mad at all of you for never telling me about Transformers Go! Go!- HOW DARE YOU ALL KEEP THIS FROM ME!! It's like- the cutest thing in the worlddd!!!
Finally giving myself an excuse to practice drawing robots! (Ignore the fact that Sonic has a bunch of robots)
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wasyago · 10 months ago
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not drawing for others. not drawing for myself either. playing video games. okay? yay
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