#IQ test
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incognitopolls · 1 year ago
Take this scientifically inaccurate IQ test, then report back.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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futurebird · 3 months ago
Early researchers wondered if intellectual maturity and higher reasoning were possible for a creature that never pupated.
"How is it possible to become a full thinking being when one is essentially still a larvae, and can only grow in the manner of larvae, bloating and aggregating... never transforming?"
Human larvae are rather like silverfish in that they look similar to the adult forms. How (and if) their minds become capable of logical reasoning without molting even once remains a mystery.
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389 · 9 months ago
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lolmemez · 10 months ago
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Who should get the seat?
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tinyperson00 · 5 months ago
Idk what possessed me to do this honestly, but I took a legit certified IQ test just now
So I apparently have an IQ of 149 and my highest qualification is abstract reasoning. It said I also am superior to 97% of the world’s population… HUH?? I’m in denial and shock at myself currently;-;
screenshot below (I couldn’t put the actual IQ screenshot in there cause it had my real name on it)
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meeelis · 6 months ago
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We can do it brain, I believe in us
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augmentedpolls · 6 months ago
Only vote if you’ve taken an official, in person test (dodgy online ones don’t count).
If you’ve had a neuropsychological evaluation (most people who have been diagnosed with or assessed for neurodevelopmental disorders such as intellectual disability, adhd, autism, and learning disabilities) you’ve probably had your IQ tested
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twomanyfandomshelp · 9 days ago
Yesterday I got officially diagnosed with ADHD!
I got a psychological evaluation on January 2nd, and finally had my feedback meeting yesterday.
Obviously, like most neurological disorders, it’s a spectrum, and I have a more mild version of the combined (inattentive + hyperactive) type.
It was just so nice to finally get the validation that I really do have it. Now we start the very long process of trying to get accommodations and maybe medication. We’ll see.
Part of the evaluation was also an IQ test, and it turns out I have an IQ of 122, so that’s kinda cool.
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reality-detective · 2 years ago
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dandelionh3art · 3 months ago
To the people who keep saying that people in Africa have a low IQ. Guess what different places, different skills needed.
Survival skills like hunting, farming, and understanding the environment are forms of intelligence that often go unrecognized in traditional measures like IQ tests. These abilities require a deep understanding of nature, resource management, and problem-solving under challenging conditions—things that many people in urbanized societies wouldn’t know how to do.
In rural Africa, for example:
Hunting: Requires knowledge of animal behaviour skills, and quick decision-making—comparable to strategic thinking in business or problem-solving in science.
Farming: Involves expertise in soil, weather patterns, and crop cycles.
Community Knowledge: Many people in African cultures have strong oral traditions and exceptional memory skills for passing down knowledge, storytelling, and preserving history.
These skills are just as important as formal education—if not more so—in regions where self-reliance is critical for survival. In fact, many people in highly industrialized societies would struggle to survive without modern conveniences, while others with these survival skills thrive.
The real measure of intelligence should be how well someone adapts to and navigates their environment, not how they perform on a test designed for entirely different contexts. It’s this kind of adaptability and ingenuity that should be celebrated, no matter where someone is from.
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thehalfwaypost · 1 year ago
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emperornorton47 · 1 year ago
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Jon Haidt: As I said, if you sacralize your political ideology's heroes, you cannot think straight, and this is where we are in the sciences.
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It's obvious that if you're a social conservative, Evangelical, young Earther creationist, you probably shouldn't be going into a PhD program in biology or geology, okay. It's just going to be really hard for you to deal with reality if you deny evolution and the age of the Earth, okay. You shouldn't go into American history if you say America is the greatest country on Earth and it simply cannot have committed war crimes. We just don't do that. I mean that's-- that should be a disqualification.
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But what about on the left? Suppose you had students coming in who deny that IQ matters. Not anymore, but for decades it's just very uncomfortable, because there are race differences in IQ, the general view is IQ is a bad test, it doesn't measure, it doesn't matter, we can't allow that IQ matters. Because IQ is heritable, we can't allow that heritability matters. Environment has to be everything. The left has always believed that environment can overcome everything else so, can you do social science if you deny heritability, you think everything is environment when it isn't?
The left is full of sex difference deniers. Hormones are fine for other animals, hormones affect behavior in other animals, but how sexist of you to suggest that male and female differences could in any way be due to the fact that they exposed to different hormones prenatally? That just is ruled out of bounds. Now it's not that the left denies evolution. That's fine for other animals. But evolutionary psychology? Well, that's almost sexist and racist. No, evolution didn't shape human beings.
And last, the biggest area in my field is the study of stereotypes and prejudice. And we're trying-- it's an important social problem but we try to solve it while not allowing anybody to even mention the largest cause of stereotypes and prejudice. There is a small research literature showing that the reason why people hold stereotypes is because they're accurate. Most stereotypes do correspond to some measurable, observable fact about the environment. Now, there are often misinterpretations, the stereotype often lingers long after the reality changes, so I'm not saying the stereotypes are perfectly accurate. But I'm saying a big part of the story is that people are really good at detecting differences between groups. We're intuitive Baysians. We pick up frequencies. You can't stop the brain from doing this. So, suppose you had a whole group of people coming into social psychology who were the equivalent of young Earth creationists, who say, "I'm going to study stereotyping and prejudice, but I'm going to just rule in advance that there are no differences between groups. And now I'm going to study what's left." That's where we are.
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So, my point is that all groups value the truth, okay. Every ideological group believes it values the truth. All groups hold something sacred. And if you hold something sacred then, as I've said, no trade-offs, no nuance. That means that your sacred values are going to conflict with the truth. And when that happens, all groups are the same. They throw truth under the bus and they go with their sacred values. And that's where we are.
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So, I hope I've shown you that political homogeneity, now that we no longer have conservatives in some academic Fields, it's a problem. It's bad for our science, we need to clean up our act. We talk a lot about the value of diversity; intellectual diversity is the most important kind of diversity there could be.
Full lecture: 2013 Boyarsky Lecture by Jonathan Haidt, PhD
What he's describing is faith. Beliefs based on faith. If you think everything is "a social construct" - such as that it's fine for monkeys to choose sex-typical toys and engage in sex-typical activities, but "I aIn'T nO mOnKeY!!1!" - even if you're an atheist, you're dealing in faith.
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bestmoviedatabase · 1 year ago
Unlocking Your Potential: The Value of IQ Testing for Personal Growth
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In an era where self-improvement and personal growth are at the forefront of many people's minds, understanding one's cognitive abilities can be a key step in this journey. IQ tests, long viewed as a measure of intellectual prowess, offer more than just a number; they provide insights into our problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and potential areas of improvement. This article explores the benefits of taking an IQ test, particularly through officialiqtests.com, and why such an assessment can be an enlightening experience, especially for those immersed in the dynamic and thoughtful environment of online communities.
Why Consider an IQ Test?
IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, tests are designed to assess various cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, speed, and problem-solving skills. While traditionally associated with academic and professional settings, these tests have found a new relevance in personal development.
Self-Awareness: Understanding your cognitive strengths and weaknesses can lead to better decision-making in your personal and professional life.
Targeted Improvement: Knowing specific areas where your cognitive skills might lag provides an opportunity for focused self-improvement.
Brain Health: Regularly challenging your brain with IQ tests can be a form of mental exercise, contributing to overall brain health and agility.
Choosing the Right Platform: Why officialiqtests.com?
When deciding to take an IQ test, choosing the right platform is crucial. officialiqtests.com stands out for several reasons:
Accuracy and Reliability: The tests are designed by psychologists and cognitive scientists, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
User-Friendly Experience: The website offers a seamless and engaging testing experience, making it accessible for everyone.
Detailed Insights: After completion, you receive a comprehensive report, giving you a deeper understanding of your cognitive profile.
The Test Experience
Taking an IQ test on officialiqtests.com involves a series of questions that challenge different cognitive abilities. The questions are structured to progressively increase in difficulty, encouraging you to think critically and adapt your problem-solving strategies. After completing the test, you'll receive a detailed report that not only provides your IQ score but also breaks down your performance in various cognitive domains.
In conclusion, taking an IQ test, especially through a reputable platform like officialiqtests.com, can be a valuable tool in your personal development arsenal. It offers insights into your cognitive abilities, highlights areas for growth, and encourages mental agility. Whether you are a curious learner, a creative thinker, or someone seeking to understand themselves better, an IQ test is a step toward unlocking your potential.
Take the Test Today
Ready to discover more about your cognitive abilities? Visit officialiqtests.com and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
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tenth-sentence · 3 months ago
Bessie Thornton was not a terribly bright woman (her great-aunt, the late Evvie Chalmers, had been fond of screaming to anyone who would listen that Bessie 'wouldn't never pass none of those IQ tests, but she's good-hearted'), her life on Alva's chicken farm was a hard one, and she lived most fully during her 'stories' – As the World Turns, The Doctors, and All My Children (she had tried The Young and the Restless but considered it 'too racy by half').
"Cujo" - Stephen King
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jakobbach · 8 months ago
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illustration for Academix magazine #09 about IQ
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