scopophilic1997 · 15 days
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1088 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
Looking north, east, south, & west.
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maximura · 4 months
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masonjarsmoments · 6 months
So Consti is in Tokyo with his Bro? I just know that Hille is furious and jealous because he's spending his time in WAF of all places instead of being able to go on vacation while one of his buddies is in his favourite places during off season.
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yumeurl · 7 months
the more i check the half blood prince book the more i think its so insane cuz it was lit the bible for the three mothers (tom, snape and draco). it gave so much for these three and w the case of snape and draco, harrys obsession w them and then tom being humanized in harrys eyes.
and yet most of what we get in the movies is........the teenage drama subplot. like what the fuck
the reason why im checking the book again is cuz i was watching hp clips again with waif and we wondered if ginny with harry in the room of hidden things was a book thing as well. and its actually so funny that she wasnt. like what do u mean the kiss scene happened when harry was obviously trying to not think abt the entire events that just happened. hello????
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not-souleaterpost · 6 months
About this blog / UPDATE
So I decided, again, that in the end I think I will try to stop posting on this blog. There are many reasons, but I think the main one is just my bad impulse control. It's fun to mess around and interacte with intersting things and I appreciated the likes and stuff, but its just to easy for me to waste my time and mind on some weird social media spiral, refreshing likes and tags and shit lol. Ofcourse, I tried to "abstaine" before, be it a month, a week, a couple days, hours, minutes - but in the spirit of these manga that we all still love even if we shit on them, gotta try again, not give up, nomatter how much it takes. So yeah, thanks for all, and sorry if this sounds dramatic or worrying, it just is what it is. I will try to only log in to post new chapters, promo art, iceberg videos and etc on the other blog, leaving this as an archive (cause I hate when people delete their stuff lol) Also not sure about the screencap blog, will try to quee up something once a week but I will see how tempting it will be to just go back into full freak obssessive addict mode lol.
(like I hope that making it so official and dramatic will for once shame me to not go back on my commintments and promises, man I'm really starting to relate to Spirit lol)
Anyways, if I dont respond to you or something like that, thats why, worst case you can write to me at [email protected] , even with a throwaway email.
Anyways, don't know how to end this, so I guess I just say... God Bless and Good Luck (and if you expected a "yeah...sorry" you just got one)
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metacrisisdoctor · 2 years
accidentally started writing some ninerose smut while working on my tentoorose smut.
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marley-manson · 2 years
I just don't know why they're shooting at us. All we want to do is bring them democracy and white bread, transplant the American dream: Freedom, achievement, hyperacidity, affluence, flatulence, technology, tension, the inalienable right to an early coronary sitting at your desk while plotting to stab your boss in the back. That's entertainment.
The author of that Watching Mash book took this quote from Our Finest Hour and said it hadn’t been in any earlier episode, and speculated that it had been cut. He could’ve just been wrong, but I wonder if it ended up cut from O.R. in syndication and only restored on dvds/streaming. Which would be a shame because like the author I also think it’s one of the best quotes in the show, and it’s very hmmm if this is what ended up cut to make room for more commercials.
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margaetyrell · 2 years
can i rant for a minute about a (perhaps) unpopular opinion. i actually hate the term “chronically online”. or lines like “please go outside”, “touch some grass”, etc. bc it’s like… babe, you’re on tumblr. we’re all chronically online here. you also spend the day on this site, reblogging things and interacting with people. even creating content, polls or whatever. do you really think you’re superior or that different from the rest… and on the other hand it’s like, generally offensive and a joke that i personally don’t find funny at all. not bc i relate but because, what if you’re using it as an insult against someone who lives like this because they cannot go outside. or they have a disability or they’re depressed and their only tolerable pastime is wasting hours here. or they have no friends/job irl (not by choice or because they’re losers, congrats on you ig) or they simply don’t want to?? why do you feel the need to attack with that shitty argument when you’re literally one of us, no matter how many hours you’re here. idgi and fuck off, actually
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kummatty · 2 years
while we're here I think it's a superhuman feat that my mom has managed to be in denial abt my chronic illness for 16 years now, she still thinks there's a way to cure it and she thinks the medicines im on are the whole problem and causing debilitating side effects to the point that she's blaming the medicine for my bone deterioration when it's in fact the psoriatic arthritis hellooooooo
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llimerrence · 6 months
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"I've literally done this same thing every year almost every year. You'd think I'd get bored of this joke by now, but alas, I think it's hilarious."
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queenerdloser · 10 months
me, sharing my personal book tbr wishlist with my family so they don't end up buying me books i already have for christmas: i am going to get a good grade in what kind of books i want to buy which is normal to want and possible to achieve
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byanyan · 1 year
ok I'm gonna finish the last verse update tomorrow... didn't have dinner until fuckin 10pm and now I'm a lil drunk playin some ow so. yeah lmao
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kenzakikazuma · 1 year
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respectfully as someone who's been here forever none of these are bad things LOL
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heathenkweer · 1 year
why don't you ship serennedy?
... bc... i don't?????
I totally see why it gained the following it has but it's not one that caught my attention. It just isn't my personal catnip. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now if you wanna talk about Hob/Dream from The Sandman, on the other hand... that's my catnip right there.
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stevieschrodinger · 2 months
Part One Two Three Four Five
“Errr…well.” Steve goes over to where Eddie is sitting on the kitchen floor, and opens the cupboard door, “this part,” Steve swings the door forwards and back, “door,” he closes the cupboard, “cupboard.”
Eddie seems to ponder this before moving across the kitchen and opening the fridge, “door?”
“Yeah, but that,” Steve points, “is the fridge.”
“Idge door,” Eddie swings the door a little to demonstrate.
“You got it.”
Eddie pulls a pear out of the bottom of the fridge, “called?”
Eddie nods.
Eddie nods, then points to the couch, “chair?”
“Kinda’, but it’s actually called a couch,” Eddie cocks his head, and Steve knows he’s said too many words, so he points to the couch and says, “couch.”
“Couch.” Eddie nods. “Stee. Eddidie. Couch. TV. Pear.”
“Yeah, sure, we can definitely do that later.” Eddie cocks his head, “uhm. Stee finished for little bit,” Steve brings his hands together to try and indicate a short amount of time. Eddie frowns at him, “Stee go out.” And Steve points to the front door of the house.
Eddie nods, heading into the dining room to look out of the window onto the front drive, pointing, “called?”
“Stee Eddidie car?”
“No. Stee later- oh shit, now you’ve got me doing it. Steve later.”
Eddie moves back through the house, Steve following curiously, watching as Eddie goes into the fridge and pulls out a beer, showing Steve, “lat-er?”
“Yeah! Yeah that’s right buddy, you got it.”
Eddie smiles big, showing off his only slightly pointy teeth.
“He’s a prick Rob, I need to you bat your lashes at him and get us both on the same shifts. Have you seen his stupid duty rosta thing? You’re all on opens, with him, and I’m all on closes with that pizza faced waste of space-!”
“Yeah, I saw, it’s shit, I’ll see what I can do.”
Steve had come into the front door just as Eddie had come in the back, Steve can only assume he’d heard the beemer pull up, and now he’s waiting patiently while Steve talks to Robin on the phone.
“Be kind, rewind.”
“Christ, he said it about forty thousand times, like he came up with it himself.”
“I know! That’s what I thought,” Eddie’s tugging gently on Steve’s shirt, “hang on Eddie’s here, what is it buddy?”
Eddie points at the phone receiver in Steve’s hand, “called?”
“Oh, it’s a phone.”
“One,” Eddie says, but he’s frowning and shaking his head, he leans up to tap the plastic, “called?”
“Oh, do you mean...it’s Robin. Birdie. I’m talking to Birdie, you want to say hi?”
“Hi Birdidie.”
“No, here,” and Steve hands Eddie the receiver.
He takes it carefully, gingerly putting it to his ear, “hi Birdidie.”
Steve can’t hear what Robin says, but Eddie frowns and then carefully volunteers, “beer later,” another brief pause before Eddie says, “Stee good,” and then Steve almost startles when Eddie says “bye bye Birdidie,” and hands back the phone.
“Robs did you just say ‘bye bye’ to him?”
“No, he did it himself, why is that new?”
“Yeah, no idea where he got that from, unless the TV maybe...hey, Eddie, you been watching TV?”
Eddie nods, “Eddidie couch pear TV.”
Steve snorts, “you stuck to your plan without me then, huh?”
In his ear, Robin says, “he’s picking all this up real fast Steve, you’re doing a great job, I think.”
“Thanks. Hopefully soon he will get to the point where he can like...tell us things.”
“Yeah, hopefully.”
“Uhm...no good. Bad.”
Eddie tilts his head, “work bad,” he says with absolute certainty, making Steve laugh.
“You don’t like me going to work?”
“Stee inied bad.”
“Awwww buddy, that’s sweet.”
“Okay, so this is a walkie talkie.”
“Alkie talkie.”
“Yeah, and it’s like the phone, so you press this button,” Steve demonstrates, startling Eddie when static blasts from the other walkie he has. “Here, you have this one, remember, press the button,” Eddie takes it, holding it to his chest as he sits in his tent, “right, stay.”
Steve jogs into the house, closing the door behind him and going out of sight, pressing the button, “hello Eddie,” he hopes Eddie picks this up pretty quickly, since he’s mastered the buttons for the TV just fine.
There’s a long pause, long enough that Steve thinks he’s going to have to go outside and show Eddie again, then there’s a cautious, “Stee?” And then it goes quiet, so Eddie let go of the button, which is great considering Steve didn’t even tell him that part.
“Hi buddy. You good?”
“Eddidie good. Stee good?”
“Yeah, I’m great.”
“Beer later?”
Steve laughs, muttering ‘I’ve created an alcoholic,’ to himself as he heads back outside, satisfied Eddie knows how to use the walkie. That was way easier than Steve thought it would be.
“Called?” Eddie pokes Steve in the face. His nails aren’t sharp exactly, but they are kinda pointed. Plus they must be like, super strong.
“Ow,” Steve says, but its more reflexive than anything, and then rubs his face, “come on man, you know my name.”
Eddie scowls, but does say, “sorry.” It’s not long before he comes back, poking Steve again, “called?” he demands, poking Steve yet again in the side of his neck.
Steve flaps at him, “hey. Personal space. And they’re moles. Moles. Leave them alone.”
“Mollleeees?” Eddie queeries.
“Yeah. Moles. Like...they’re just there. It’s fine.”
“Moles.” Eddie replies, deadpan, looking at Steve like he’s absolutely full of shit.
Steve nods again, “uh hu, moles.”
Eddie sits for a minute before he slithers off, going half into his tent before he comes back. He moves a little awkwardly, one hand being occupied with carrying his book, but he manages to bring it to Steve where he’s sitting on a pool chair.
He lays the book out on the chair next door, flicking confidently through it’s now well worn pages until he finds the one he wants, he turns it, holding it up to show Steve with a very accusatory look on his face, “moles!”
He says it with the same tone you’d call someone a liar.
He’s showing Steve the page of The Eastern Mole. He’s presenting it like he’s just won an argument.
Steve sighs, “oh boy,” because he does clearly remember reading that page to Eddie.
Steve lies on the living room floor, Eddie lying nearby. Eddie can hold a pencil fine, even if his grip is a little odd because of the webbing between his fingers. So far Steve’s written out the alphabet, numbers one to ten, the days of the week, the months, and Eddie’s own name.
Eddie’s been copying them all dutifully, line after line, and he is kind of getting it. His handwriting is picking up fast at least.
“I’ll get more paper next time I go out. Some proper stuff with lines on.”
Eddie’s frowning at what he’s doing, a look of great concentration on his face, eyebrows drawn together into a frown, tip of his tongue poking absently between his teeth. They’ve been inside long enough that his hair has completely dried; it goes all bouncy and curly when it’s completely dry, but it’s still completely black.
“Eddidie go out?”
“No buddy, you stay.”
“Yeah, it’s safe here.”
Eddie hums, carefully writing his own name.
Eddie had watched curiously as Steve and Robin had moved all the furniture, but hadn’t investigated. He’s lying on the grass, copying whatever takes his fancy from his book and into one of his lined notepads.
His tail is half curled in the air, the tip flapping back and forth, like Eddie has his knees bent.
“He’s definitely put on weight, it’s really noticeable to me now.”
“Yeah, I think so too, but I see him all the time so it’s probably more obvious to you.”
The kids wanted to do a little get together today, maybe get the grill out. Steve backed it; this is probably one of the last nice days they’re going to have this year. If they don't come up with a plan sometime soon, Eddie might find himself wintering in Steve’s bathtub.
They decided to move the furniture away from the pool so they didn’t stress Eddie out, and they’re far enough away that, when the first kids arrive, Eddie does sit up, but doesn’t immediately move towards the water, which is a win.
“Just play it cool okay, ignore him and he might come to you. Don’t you little dipshits stress him out.”
By some miracle, the kids seem to actually listen. Steve keeps it simple, grills up a bunch of burgers and some hot dogs. The vegetable skewers that Robin made. The kids play on the lawn and generally enjoy the sunshine. Steve keeps half an eye on Eddie. He gets in the water a couple of times; mostly when the kids horsing around gets too loud for him, otherwise he seems content to lie on the grass with his book and his pencils. He's got his shades on, but his skin is so milky pale Steve worries vaguely that he should be putting sun lotion on him.
He supposes a lifetime in a place with no sun will do that to you.
It’s late afternoon when the kids settle in, finding jackets and pull overs as the dusk starts to darken the sky. They’re quiet now, tired out, they just sit and talk.
“He’s there,” Max says, nodding.
Steve turns, she’s right. Eddie’s maybe fifteen feet away.
“Don’t make a big deal,” Steve tells them. He takes a sip of his beer, and then leans back, setting the bottle on the grass. Then he makes a point of ignoring it, “just keep talking okay, don't freak him out.”
The kids are pretty shit at keeping the conversation going now there’s a distraction, and they’re all blatantly watching Eddie. Steve can hear him moving across the grass, so he dares a look; Eddie’s maybe two feet back, sipping the beer.
“Eddie?” Eddie cocks his head, not seemingly over stressed by the situation, “who is that?” And he points.
“Dust bin,” Eddie replies, confidently.
All the kids are lost to fits of sniggering giggles. All except Dustin, who looks suitably affronted.
Part Seven
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voidcat · 2 years
Enough being the nice considerate etc etc girl I am going back to my roots aka the true neutral uncaring bitch (non-binary)
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