#I'm just a Discord lurker
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@arandomsewer​ (answering from this post)
That mentionned Discord server is long dead by now ^^’ If other peeps have tmnt servers they want to advertize, they may do so on this post 💜
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satari-raine · 10 months
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Berlin - 12.08.2023. from II's Instagram story; photo credit to adamrosssi.
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jichanxo · 4 months
sooooo... *twirls her hair* how many asks should i send until kuwagami art. jk as well. the real question will be: does it happen often that someone else’s art inspires you? in fandom spaces specifically
well you see it’s like a loyalty card program, every 10 asks or so you get a complimentary kuwagami
just kidding you can just breathe in my direction and I’ll be tempted to draw them. kuwagami blast! (you've caught me on a... just okay art day lol)
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(people still like kabedons, right?)
anyway for my actual answer: in terms of direct inspiration, it doesn't really happen much? the last two times i did art directly based on someone else's work is probably this one from this fic, and also that time i drew art of someone else's judgment au. oh! and there's that moriohpsycho art based on this comic! (filthyguts' work is so very. hgngngghh. very good.) nothing else really comes to mind, and when i think of the other things i've been into recently there hasn't been as much opportunity for that to happen...
flex and herds = strong fixation but lmao. almost nobody else made stuff about them. nobody is surprised umineko = surprisingly i don't read much umineko fanfiction? and in terms of illustration, i certainly picked up imagery and indirect inspiration but nothing concrete enough for me to give an example... now that i think about it, i did once draw andromalius from redaction/sunny, but that was years ago, and also mostly because i was acquainted with the writer. ...i don't have that artwork on hand right now death note = didn't really get involved with the fandom + i enjoyed my own ideas well enough! ...i can't recall if i drew long-hair-L art before or after seeing other artists do it. and as for everything else the same kind of reasoning applies. didn't really get involved with the fandom or wasn't really compelled to make art in response to stuff i saw, or i just don't remember anymore.
buuuuuuut if we're opening this up to just... pulling ideas from other people? then yeah, all the time, though that kind of goes without saying when you have a creative hobby. ...it's probably going to be hard to come up with examples of this since it's more ambiguous.
there's uhhhhhh... kuwana listens to nickelback which was a @/four-white-trees invention, wasn't it? (EDIT: and @/overdevelopedglasses!) (not tagging in this post so he doesn't feel obligated to read my big ass ask responses 💀) as of writing this, it's not posted but i did end up making kuwagami art based on a nickelback song so. yknow. there's that LMAO
for sawashiro and arakawa, i do sometimes go reference @/todayisafridaynight 's art to help me with my own. ("how did he draw this part of the suit? oh, like that huh? hmm" <- this kind of thing)
and um. i'm not trying to pander to you (at least not this time), but genuinely it's one of the few examples that come to mind at this moment. but when i was writing my first kuwagami fic, i could feel the influence of the ever-changing on my brain... was turning over some of your ideas there...
you remember this? (you even pointed it out in your comment on my fic, and i should've said something then, but whatever i'm saying it now)
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that was absolutely because of this
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(obligatory poke at anybody else reading this post that you can read passthroughtime's fic here.)
so, um. yeah. not really sure what else to add to that. pretty self evident i think. (i'm always talking about the ever-changing but i don't think i can overstate the impression it left on me at the time)
anyhow there aren't really any other examples off the top of my head! these are all recent examples so they're not so difficult to recall, but there are probably others i've forgotten...
#jitxt#started writing this unsure if i could give many examples and i ended up with more than i expected. nice!#sunny is a very good piece of umineko writing and i should reread it with the author's notes toggled on. and also read redaction#“shouldn't you have read redaction first” n-no. shut up! (besides i think renall said it was fine)#nobody remind me of that 20k note post that's just an uncredited screenshot of sunny. it'll piss me off#as cosmic balance i ought to shill sunny as much as possible#anyway uhhhhhh. the everchanging.#i am awful about receiving compliments (i never know how to respond aside from a rehearsed “thank you”) but i sure am great at giving them!#apologies if i'm laying it on too thick but#1. i am being truthful and#2. i figure it's reparations for all the time i spent as a lurker on the kuwagami ao3 tag#the explosion in my brain when i realised that “the nice person who leaves lots of tags on my kuwagami art”#and “the person who wrote that REALLY FUCKING GOOD FIC” were one and the same. crazy. and now we are mutuals ❤#it is a little funny thinking of when i'd read your and four-white-trees' work before meeting you#real life foreshadowing for me meeting you both....#i still have these discord messages of me telling a friend about both your works#basically: (reading an update to the everchanging) wow that was depressing (reading a joke in four-white-trees' fic) nevermind i'm good now#i ought to reread the everchanging and take detailed notes on all the parts i like#just so you know your impact on my brain lol#kuwana calling yagami a pretty boy and meaning it sincerely oh my GOD. rewired my brain
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orchideae · 10 months
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I still promise that I haven't gone anywhere, life just remains hectic. I'd found some solid footing, routine and peace before November hit (moving countries and then also settling into life that got flipped 180 degrees is something else), and then everything decided to act up again. I am here, I promise, and I will be around more as I slowly succeed at finding calm again, but it's taking longer than anticipated. All in all: I hate adulting so much.
P.S.: Have you ever desperately wanted a specific 4 star from a banner, and for 50+ wishes, it gives you the other 2 featured ones, and then one that isn't even on the damn banner, and a 4 star weapon too, and just no Kuki Shinobu? Kill me, Genshin.
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is anyone else interested in joining my server? not quite ready to invite people yet but should be soon. just gauging interest right now. “like” or reply to this post and when i’m ready i’ll send you an invite.
server will probably be dual purpose. 
there will be (1) a semi-public side oriented toward general discussion (topics like politics, books, history, philosophy, religion, media, science, tech, etc) and community building (nothing is set in stone yet but i am imagining activities like book club, movie watching, playing games, contests and giveaways, etc). and there will be (2) a private side dedicated to more focused discussions and internal cult matters.
the server won’t be a “safe space” -- i’m fine with a bit of edge (within ToS. not trying to get terminated.) -- but i do want this server (at least the semi-public side) to be /relatively/ welcoming and civil. so if you’re egregiously toxic or vulgar or prone to shitflinging or sperging out you won’t be welcome here. neither will you be welcome if you’re overly sensitive.
otherwise, as long as you follow the rules, you will be fine. though i always reserve the right to executively veto your presence for any reason.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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Party Name Pending - a D&D discord for simmers
So, about 1.5 months ago, I got a chance to join my first ever campaign. Thus began a hyperfixation on D&D that's still going strong. I've been talking about D&D on my simblr for 2-3 weeks now, and posting fantasy sims for much, much longer than that. And recently I saw some people on my dash talking about their D&D characters/sims, and I was like, hey, why don't I make a space where we can all hang out and talk about our sims and D&D? And so Party Name Pending was born!
More info under the cut!
Features: - D&D channels, sims channels, general channels - specific places to talk about your characters - a place to talk about D&D shows and campaigns. - places to find sims cc, share edits, post screenshots, and more. - channels for other assorted interests.
Plans & Goals: - be able to talk about our characters - have an active, welcoming community - someday, I'd love to run a few oneshots or maybe even campaign in here, but at the moment I don't have enough experience to run such a thing myself, so that's a long-term goal for now.
Rules & Requirements: - Must be 18+ - Must have a simblr. - Send me a DM for the invite.
I'm choosing not to make this server public because I want to make sure that the community in here is active and friendly. I don't want a server full of lurkers who never post, especially since I have hopes of actually running a campaign in there someday, or at least a oneshot.
I don't bite, I promise! Anyone who has a simblr and plays d&d is welcome to send me a DM or ask off-anon. You don't have to be an experienced played (I've technically never played), you just have to have a genuine desire and interest to participate!
Tagging some people who expressed interest on my post: @retro-plasma @sammyshuno @bluupxels @raiiny-bay @wastelandwhisperer
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cervidaecorpse · 6 months
First of all, what happened with my last Go Rush post, lmao. I just wanted to kick out a funny little ha ha, that has been stuck in my drafts for MONTHS, because I took immediate notice of Phaser's and Zwijo's beanstalk appearance in t-shirts, but when I looked at their usual clothed selves I thought "well, they always look like beanstalks, so I did this for nothing". And then came last episode. o_o
I think I need a moment before I reply to anyone. ^^'
Anyway... through fitting circumstances I have a public Discord account now. If someone wants to have me around more... there is that option now.
Someone also asked me what they should call me, since, understandably, either "Cervidae" or "Corpse" are not very usual names (the former also being rather difficult to write, if you're not used to it). I think the simple solution would just to call me "Deer" or something along those lines. If that's too weird you can come up with your own solution, as long as it's related to deer. For obvious reasons. :D
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marigoidz · 6 months
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bunnyhal0 · 3 months
What was the url of your old blog? Sorry, the rqc has been having an influx of undercover antis.
i'm going to be honest i don't remember too well, i think 'bunangelic' or 'dizzy777' if i had to guess? i deleted it out of paranoia though! i'm not sure how to prove that i'm not undercover >_< this was back in march that i had my blog and i'm still using the same discord that was in some rq servers too!
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askfairyromano · 4 months
i dont know, i think it'd be kinda fun! obviously the staring and objectification is a little...gross, but dressing up in what is absolutely a stunning outfit, going for a little swim, getting to enjoy the night and the stars, that part sounds fun! i'd absolutely do it for a chance to peek through your wardrobe. you've got some goooorgeous outfits that i'd happily rifle through, revealing backslits and all ;) and your idea for the wings! i love it! and it'll look great. take as much time as you need, darling! but not too much, yeah? we have rules to go break. can't wait to see your incognito outfit all put together!
(seriously?! ive considered you part of the fandom since i learned that you've been doodling itabros for? over a decade? i think its hard to argue that youre in deep at this point. you probably do have mutuals! it wouldnt surprise me! and i kinda use discord much like i use twitter: like a newborn deer riddled with anxiety and with no idea whats going on lol i use it slightly more than i use twitter but not by much. im very shy :( (emphasis on me refusing to come off anon) )
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Hi maggots, it's Asmi!
It seems we have arrived at That Point again, when I need a new intro post. So here we are! The Official (kidnapped) Good Omens Mascot and uh Maggot Prince has returned with a fresh post.
First, before I talk about myself, here are some important links that people ask me for and I want to make sure they're accessible:
The Official Maggots Server of Doom on Discord: The server of kindness and chaos and brainrot where we just vibe (I promise you'll be welcome there, whoever you are, maggot, so many people who were shy are now screeching at me and I love that). Link here.
Weirdly-Specific-But-Ok The Youtube Channel: Yes, thanks to the 10khaos post, I made a Youtube channel. I intend to cause a lot of chaos on it, I have already begun. Hehe. Link here.
My Ko-fi: Ummmm this exists? Wahoo a Ko-fi. No pressure and I appreciate you all whether you're a silent lurker, causing chaos, supporting me with words or supporting me on Ko-fi. I love you. Link here.
The Good Omens Ad: A lot of you ask me what Good Omens is about. Never fear! I wrote an advertisement for it ages ago, and @1800ineedshelp edited it fabulously. Link here.
Okay I think that's the important parts, I'll edit it later, and now... uh HELLO!
I'm Asmi, I'm 20 years old, he/him, very queer and probably napping at any given moment of the day. Because of a chaotic post, I now have a fandom. My fans, such as they are, are known as maggots. There is a lot of significance behind that (accidentally, I just picked it because it looked like mascot kind of).
I am the Official Good Omens Mascot, because I was kidnapped by the fandom in January after I made a summary post of Good Omens without watching it, just by what I saw on my tumblr dash. I have grown very fond of this title and the fandom, and have since watched the show (some episodes twice).
Also, this blog is a safe space for all queer people, and yes that includes aroace-spec people, trans people, all queer people. If you don't agree with that, there's the door *points to a pit of boiling sulphur*.
[if you see talk of spare organs, the Wibbles Incident, Fae kidnapping, Red Bull-induced madness, me thirsting over Crowley etc, don't worry about it, it's normal here. just be careful when gardening and/or fishing is mentioned, it's a trap.]
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ozzgin · 2 months
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I've been thinking about it but hesitated a fair amount because I'm a fat introvert otherwise: would anyone be remotely interested in a discord server for writers/artists/readers/beings in the yandere & monster genre? Basically, if:
you are an artist/writer and want to connect with other yandere/monster blogs
you are a yandere/monster fan and want to talk to other people about it
you frequent this blog and would like to make more friends
you're really just curious (lurkers are welcome)
Then feel free to join us. You get to share/see cool art or stories from other people, or just casually chat with a bunch of nice people. You can also observe from the shadows. Either way, I can vouch for everyone so far: certified friendly.
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Here’s a link to it (or click on the image above)
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skycowboys · 5 months
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I wanted to thank you all for being a fantastic community.
One night in Burbank, California, a friend of mine and I were sitting around a heat lamp at an artist expo when she suddenly went, "You know what'd be cool? Cowboys that rode on pegasi." At the time we laughed about it and brainstormed ideas until finally everyone went to bed. But on the plane back home to the Midwest I started drawing the very first pegasi... and I never really stopped. That was 6ish years ago. Today the Sky Cowboys artbook is funded at 368%!
But what's important here is that I couldn't have done it without all of you - from the likers, rebloggers, askers, and lurkers here on Tumblr, to the SC Discord crowd, to my loyal patrons. All of you banded together and made this project a reality - and not just the book. The whole SC world is alive and well in large part due to all of you <3
So even after the book is printed, signed, and shipped I'll keep Sky Cowboys going. I'm thinkin' a web comic next!
I also wanted to give special thanks to @evergreena, @inkfire-scribe, Starsilver, W0lfPupper, and Britny (the aforementioned friend). May your scarves stay true, sky blue!
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damnfandomproblems · 2 months
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Fandom Problem #5396:
I'm only 28 but I'm already starting to miss forums horribly and hate discord servers. Forums were such amazing spaces for fandoms! Yeah, most fandoms had their own forum you had to sign up for, which was sometimes annoying, whereas for discord servers you only really need to sign up once, for one discord handle, and you can go to pretty much any server. But servers suck.
For starters, there's no real search indexing. Forums had a wealth of information usually readily available for lurkers and anyone who just happened to stumble upon the forum during searches and things, it was all public. But with discord servers, unless you meet the requirements to join and in some cases are pre-vetted, and unless you even know the server exists in the first place, accessing any of the information it provides is really hard. It is not very convenient having to join several channels and servers just to find one guide, if you're a gamer, or get the answer to a quick question. Forums used to index all this information to be easily searched by the web. This is what they were built for. Servers don't show any of their contents during web searches.
Secondly: there's the whole matter of asynchronous communication. Discord is very fast-paced, and it does not necessarily reward quality posts and comments. Instead, you become well-known and liked by posting as much as possible, saturating feeds with your comments. You cannot communicate on your own time like on a forum, and still expect those conversations to be there in a few days or even weeks. You have to lurk all day and hope you get to the discussion within time. You could technically bring up an older conversation, but since discord servers work like real-time conversations, it's often frowned upon and awkward. Furthermore, very useful, important, or otherwise helpful information usually just gets lost among all the one-line comments, and there's no easy way to view past messages to find this useful stuff without getting totally overwhelmed. And since the window for jumping into a certain topic or sub-topic is usually very narrow, someone who would otherwise have very exceptional information suddenly can't share it if they miss that window.
Thirdly, forums could sometimes be cliquey, but discord servers are even more so. There is always an "it" person, or group, who controls the flow and nuance of the conversations. Diversion from these popular groups, just like real life, can lead to alienation, whereas forums had more of an egalitarian vibe. Anyone could contribute pretty equally because everything was slowed down, and there was equal visibility for all posts. Moderators may or may not enable these cliques, which is even more likely if those moderators and the cliques were the first people who arrived at the server. It is awkward to jump into many servers.
Fourth, there's the online dishibition and anonymity. On forums, your content was archived forever, and your presence on the forum was marked more concretely by each post you made due to that visibility. The more "permanent" function of forums and their content encouraged longform and high quality content. Shitposters were generally shunned. On discord, however, people are more willing to bully others because it is much easier to do so, and it's much easier to avoid scrutiny. They simply need to wait a few minutes or hours before knowing their comments will no longer be in plain sight, because a bunch more people will have commented and pushed the comment(s) up, out of sight. Why not call someone a rude name or bully them? No one will see it three hours later, and even if they do, the person can change their name and tag, and repeat again.
I'm not happy.
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
Good now that even the lurkers in the back heard me, I'd like to introduce you to a quirky lil idea @aleksxo and I had:
The 2024 Bhaalspawn Championships
Aka a broader scale community activity to spend our summers with. Here's what it's gonna entail:
Short deathmatch style DnD oneshots based on the 5e rules, organised in a championship way where your Durge OCs will compete in 1v1 or maybe 3v3 against each other to determine and crown the chosen Bhaalspawn (aka the final winner). All of that would happen on discord cuz pulling that off on Twitter or Tumblr is actually impossible.
Basically: Imagine the current European football championship but instead of men kicking balls it would be durges trying to murder each other to determine the final winner... So if push comes to shove it would be men kicking balls too but in a different way and I'm getting off topic.
Does the idea sound as enticing to you as it does to us? If so, let us know.
There is no nuanced option, it's yes or no fellas. But if I may request smth, it would be absolutely and wonderfully awesome cool if y'all could reblog this idea so we can reach the most ppl and see if there's legit interest, cuz if there is, we shall get to planning!
And we'll, since we're just tryna gauge y'alls interest at first, proper rules and that stuff would follow at a later date if people are actually down for it.
Come dear Durges, defend your honour and claim that Gortass. *Insert a very inappropriate joke about trophies or champagne bottles here cuz I couldn't help myself.*
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neriumxoleander · 7 months
If you could explain, I'm only learning this now! What's going on with Gato? I've only seen vague posts but I know all social media is gone (because by god fucking twitter apparently) I've seen from the fake gatobob account post about recent events and I'm soo confused. Could you please shed some more light on this? If you are as clueless as I am, you don't need to respond. - @your-very-own-anon (mod speaking)
Sorry for the late response, I've been trying to retag some things while I'm focused on this account for once. I'll try to be brief? please don't take me as the authority on this, I just happened to get into the tags while it was unfolding earlier today. still going under a read more though. i suppose a tw for mentions of racism and xenophobia are warranted. And please do not interact if you are a minor or have no age listed on your blog, I will block you.
Gato deleted her social media accounts this morning (tumblr, twitter, pillowfort) and explained on patreon it was for her mental health and safety (which... safety? hm) and someone here immediately claimed the gatobob url. which happens, it's tumblr. but this person is using it basically as a callout center.
the callout seems to be about an incident that happened in the patreon exclusive discord server before it got shut down a couple months ago. tldr according to this person, someone (a mod?) made a racist comment towards someone, and gato apparently handled the situation poorly and neither her or the mods apology were really that great. I was in the server as a lurker more than anything, but I don't remember being there when this happened.
other people sending in asks to this new gatobob account have also been calling her out for xenophobia, but I have a feeling that's looking a little bit too much into statements she's made about her games being redistributed in Russia and Spain specifically if i recall correctly.
this new blog is demanding gato and the aforementioned mod properly apologize for their behaviour, but in my opinion, this is a really weird and bad way to go about it. Smart to use her url as a way to boost the problem, but... I haven't seen any solid evidence besides some very vague screenshots, none of them including the racist remarks (the screenshots they've posted so far definitely aren't good responses or apologies if they ARE linked to this incident, and it should have been taken seriously) And the victim from the racism incident is NOT the person running the new gatobob account, so it feels very weird to me that this person is taking it upon themselves to stir everyone up and demand things from gato and the mod.
as far as I can tell, gato hasn't said anything about this on patreon, although she's likely taking her separation from social media very seriously. If she is aware (and I'm sure she's getting plenty of DMs about this on patreon), she'll likely make a post there addressing it in the next couple days, but that's just speculation.
I'm keeping a mostly neutral stance in this whole thing, but I'm encouraging people to not interact with this new gatobob account. There's nothing we can really do; they aren't impersonating her, posting anything against ToS as far as Im aware, and people have been hoarding urls for years. Just... listen and learn, I think is all I can suggest. Form your own opinions, but don't go on a witch hunt about it, if that makes any sense.
I'll try to answer other questions, but I'm just one guy on the internet who doesn't usually get tangled with things like this. Please be patient.
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