#weather update: its discord and naming season
cervidaecorpse · 6 months
First of all, what happened with my last Go Rush post, lmao. I just wanted to kick out a funny little ha ha, that has been stuck in my drafts for MONTHS, because I took immediate notice of Phaser's and Zwijo's beanstalk appearance in t-shirts, but when I looked at their usual clothed selves I thought "well, they always look like beanstalks, so I did this for nothing". And then came last episode. o_o
I think I need a moment before I reply to anyone. ^^'
Anyway... through fitting circumstances I have a public Discord account now. If someone wants to have me around more... there is that option now.
Someone also asked me what they should call me, since, understandably, either "Cervidae" or "Corpse" are not very usual names (the former also being rather difficult to write, if you're not used to it). I think the simple solution would just to call me "Deer" or something along those lines. If that's too weird you can come up with your own solution, as long as it's related to deer. For obvious reasons. :D
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aubzikins · 1 year
Alaskan Darkness Ch 3: Writer's Collective Discord Shenanigans Pt2 (April 11th)
Writers Collective Discord – Chaotic-Main:
Aubz: Okay so here’s the deal… I love that y'all used the fic discord names as y'all's name but its too much. I made nicknames for each of you so we know who is who and I don’t have to use my brain more than I already have to…
Hwa: Oh? Ooo Nice and short, I like it Aubz.
HJ: HJ? That’s all I get?
Sangie: Haha I got a cute one :P
Aubz: Ok so I need updates, what’s going on.
HJ: We are preparing to head up your way.
Aubz: Okay, we have houses prepped for you all, *inserts address and sends map directions* The house that I have marked as a star, that will be where we in-process everyone. I have winter gear for everyone as well. With the way the weather patterns have shifted. We may need to prep for a longer cold season.
Hwa: More snuggles will be needed then…
Aubz: Rayne… Have I told you how much I hate you lately?
Rayne: Love you too Aubz!
Bella: Now now children…
Chan: This is like our personal group chat between the kids and I *laughs*
Aubz: OMG I cant with any of you right now. Ok, what else has been going on.
Chan: Ahh so… Aubz.. We have read all of your guys’ fics by the way
Aubz: …
Aubz: *Dies Dramatically gif*
Jennen: Check our chat…
HJ: Naughty having your own chat…
Writers Collective Discord – WC OGs:
Jennen: So… Jinnie is trying to seduce Rayne, Chan likes multiple of us, They have read all of our fics, I got Lixie cuddles, Jisung has been cuddling Rah, Binnie is in love with Shai, Minho and Bella… Eliza has been on a rescue mission and will be heading our way, the kids and pirates have read everything we have ever posted in this server as well
Aubz: WAIT… Bella and Minho what? You're just not gonna skip past that and not elaborate..
Jennen: I don’t know for sure, but they have been spending a lot of alone time together.
Bella: First of all no… I do get to sleep next to him but not with him… I also slept next to Rah and our emotional support Quokka.
Aubz: OH HELL NO *Storms off to main chat*
Writers Collective Discord – Chaotic-Main:
Minho: Sorry don’t understand English…
Aubz: You are such a damn liar Lee Minho. YOU HAVEN'T FUCKED BELLA YET???????????
Chan: *inserts popcorn meme*
Chan: What did I do!?
Aubz: You don’t think I know about your shenanigans? You are sorely mistaken.
Lixie: *peeks in*
Aubz: If you don’t get your shit together Minho, I am going to sick San after Bella. Im sure he can get the job done.
San: Wait what?
Bella: …
Minho: What the fuck Aubz?
Aubz: It’s the end of the world basically and none of us knows who's gonna live or die… so fuck and be happy
Bella: Aubz... I'm never going to tell you anything ever again… Also why are we summoning a pirate when I have plenty of options between the homeless children
Aubz: Yeah yeah yeah… I give it 5 minutes… or until one of them fucks you.
Rayne: *laughs in OT8*
Hannie: Homeless children?
Rah: Just wait until we get up there Aubz…
Minnie: *watches the shenanigans*
Innie: Is this how she is all the time?
Shai: *inserts popcorn gif*
Mingi: What in the world is going on?
Jongho: Mayhem
San: So Bella…
Bella: Sir… I don’t have time to deal with a pirate… I have homeless children to attend to first.
Hwa: Ill take care of Aubz when I get up there.
Aubz: I think the fuck not! I am gonna yeet myself to a Polar Bear.
Rayne: I think the fuck yes!! YOU NEED SEONGHWA LOVINS!
Bella: IF YOU ARE GONNA THROW ME UNDER THE BUS THEN I'M GONNA DO THE SAME TO YOU… Jongho, Hongjoong and Seonghwa… Aubz is down bad for all of you…
Aubz: *shocked pikachu face gif*
Bella: Get wrecked Bitch *inserts tongue face* And San? Minho wants to talk he says.
Hwa: *is confused* I thought… *inserts a sad face*
Jennen: Wow Aubz… after all these years… you finally get a chance and you are saying you’d rather yeet yourself to a Polar Bear than be with Seonghwa?
Eliza: WTF is going on in here…
Trixie: Chaos… just Chaos…
Rah: Aubz is so fucked.
Kel: Aubz, behave.
Kel: Aubz…
Rayne: You are NEVER behaving Aubz…
Eliza: Oh Aubz…
Chan: Aubz are you okay?
Binnie: I am gonna go snuggle Shai…
Lixie: This is so chaotic… I love it!
Aubz: Hwa… I'm sorry for saying that I will yeet myself to a Polar Bear *inserts a groveling gif*
Kel: Good girl…
Rayne: *keyboard smashes*
Hwa: I forgot that Kel seems to be the only one who can get you to behave.
Kel: She gets a little ahead of herself sometimes Hwa. Please be patient with her.
Hwa: *inserts nodding gif*
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theyhaunt · 3 years
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A FUN, AFFORDABLE, AND EDUCATIONAL SUMMER CAMP. here at Camp Summerlake we believe that every child should grow up experiencing the joys of nature. That’s why our uniquely affordable summer program focuses on encouraging your child to disconnect with technology, and reconnect with mother earth. We run a phones-free and internet free nine week long camp, in which your child will learn to appreciate the world around them, and not the world on their phone! With plenty of payment options, Camp Summerlake is an option for all families-and the fun doesn’t end once you turn 18 either! Here at Camp Summerlake we have plenty of employment opportunities for both counselors and other camp staff! So weather you want to lead archery classes, cook in the kitchens, or see a group of campers through their summer, Camp Summerlake has a job for you. So don’t delay, start your summer adventure today! 
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SOMEONE HAS BEEN KILLED, AND WE HAVE NO WAY OUT. Overnight, a summer of fun and adventure turns into a nightmare when one of the counselors body is found, brutally murdered and floating in the lake. The camps one and only phone has had its line cut, and the buses tires slashed. With no way to call for help, and miles of dangerous woodland between the camp and the nearest town, the remaining campers must fight for their survival. With a killer loose in the camp, who will survive to see the end of the summer? 
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INSPIRED BY CLASSIC SLASHERS LIKE FRIDAY THE 13TH, Camp Summerlake is a seasonal group rp verse running throughout October and November. The verse takes place in a vaguely 80s inspired summer camp which has been cut off from the outside world, and in which a killer is on the loose. Each week will see a muse picked off as the terror in the camp increases. Read the rules and application form below.
Muns must be 18 years or older. This is a horror inspired verse and as such will handle mature themes like violence, gore, and murder. Just like most horror moves are 18+, so too is this verse.
Maximum of two 2 muses per mun. I realise that people may have multimuses (like me!) and may want to have more than one muse in this verse. That’s fine, but to stop things getting too overwhelming please only play two muses! 
Heed people’s triggers. This may be a horror themed verse, but it’s still meant to be fun. If someone has a trigger they want to avoid, respect that. There’s plenty of ways to write horror situations without being an asshole about it. 
On that note, join the group discord. It will be the easiest way to chat to the rest of the group, ask questions, and keep updated on what’s happening. 
Your muse may be killed. This is a slasher, there will be a killer, and that will mean muses getting killed off. I will make sure that whoever writes the killer is fair with who they choose to pick off and when, but the fact of the matter is: this is a slasher, and in slashers, people die. If your muse is killed off you’re still welcome (and encouraged!) to chat in the discord, and if you want to then you’re welcome to continue threads (or start new ones) that take place prior to your muses untimely demise. If your muse is killed off and you are an asshole about it, then that’s on you, and you certainly won’t be welcome in any groups like this in the future. 
Don’t reveal the killers identity. If/when your muse is killed you are allowed to ask for the killers identity, but under no circumstances should you reveal this information to muns who still have living muses in the camp. Don’t spoil the fun for other people. That said, if/when your muse is killed and you write up their final scene, you are welcome to leave small clues for the other muns to try and figure out-just run it past me first to make sure they aren’t too obvious. 
Just generally don’t be an asshole. I realise this shouldn’t need saying but, c’mon guys. be cool.
APPLICATION: to be submitted to theyhaunt (or sent to me on discord!)
Mun name & pronouns:  URL: Discord handle:  Muse’s name and pronouns:  Muse’s roll at camp (camper, counselor, nurse, etc): 
If you want your muse to be considered for the Killer, please give me a brief outline as to why. At the very least provide a motive, and their fun slasher gimmick: 
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finishing-touch · 5 years
RP PROFILE | Aladar Claymore
        A cursory glance inspires little to no familiarity with the stern-eyed hyur, save for his name, nature, and the ill repute of his trade- all carried on the tongues of dubious merchants and wandering wastrels. He marks a modest price for his time and service, assurance and gumption easily worth its weight in gil judging by the concise manner in which he carries himself. Still suspicion lingers, for the air around him is cold and his machinations closely guarded. The shroud of mystery that drapes his presence begs the question: can you trust him?
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A mask of stoicism sits on a visage of sharply chiseled features and a firm physique. Thin brows, perpetually furrowed, hang rigidly above verdant liquid eyes. A straight nose draws towards full rough-hewn lips which always press to a thin-line. A thicket of wavy cobalt-colored hair shrouds the ears like a veil, and nestle a small measure above a broad mantle. Yet the studying eye is drawn to the mark most conspicuous: the thin scar of three ilms which cuts cleanly along the right cheek of a square jaw. 
Brazen steel resides behind a poised gaze, narrowed and piercing with keen intent. They accompany the brooding silence stemming from lips which seldom curl into anything but an impassive scowl forged of iron. With reserved inclinations and an impassive guise, the taciturn smuggler invites little in the way of idle chat not related to the matters of his trade; his mannerisms curt, reticent, and seemingly abrasive.
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Dust and dirt cake the hard toes of leather melded boots weathered by the elements and the road. Slack, faded jeans, once immaculate, sport a litany of loose threads frayed upon the fringes of the white weathered denim. Thick tanned gloves, fashioned from cured karakul leather and fleece, conceal calloused hands prone to fondling the distinguished scar during bouts of idle contemplation.  
Onyx sheets with gold accents and intricate trimmings fuse into the harness bound to the torso with a litany taut belts and polished buckles. A matching spaulder, scratched and weathered, attaches to the harness on the smuggler’s left arm and frames the length of the bicep in segmented plates of dark and gilded obsidian. A sash the shade of mahogany cushions the interior of the armor about the waist, bound along with a belt garbed with a collection of tan leather pouches and all the other trappings of a seasoned adventurer.
A lucid sheen permeates the pewter edge and the pyrite motifs running parallel upon the flattened face of the large blade named “Rhagnell”- a moniker aptly derived from the Destroyer’s name. Intimidating in stature and as equally unwieldy, the guillotine nearly rivals the smuggler’s height and instills the false notion that the blade enchants a personality as difficult as the smuggler’s own. In spite of the false superstitions, the sword’s imbalanced appearance swiftly deceives its nature, for Aladar seemingly brandishes the weapon effortlessly with concentrated blows capable of reducing boulders to rubble, and then rubble to dust. 
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[ I will update these with more gripping hooks and potential ideas as inspiration comes to me ]
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The hyur holds fealty to only the coin, and is easily lured by the measure of its worth. This has helped cultivate a growing notoriety, thanks in part to the recurring encounters with would-be competition, underworld syndicates, and the Brass Blades, in the two years spent smuggling contraband from the eastern coast of Aldenard to the salty Straits of Merlthor.  
Knowledge of the routes and traversing the known perils has garnered him a niche in the circles of the black market, and be it exotic reagents, small weapons, or illicit trade goods- there is naught within the smuggler’s reach which he cannot procure.     
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Like a restless hound mad on the bloody scent of a prey, the smuggler’s long hunt falls to an impasse when his quarry escapes to the sea beyond heavenly clouds. With no wings of his own to give chase, he seeks any rovers- men and women who sail the skies above Abalathia and pillage its fortunes, who can further his pursuit. 
But pirates, seaworthy or of the sky, make for uncertain bedfellows, and no promising accord is ever immune to treacherous whims and petty temptations. As Aladar offers his sword arm in exchange for a navigator and a vessel, he inevitably finds himself embroiled in aerial affairs.
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Unbound avarice marked the demise of a Brass Blade captain and his cadre of crooked sellswords at the hands of the smuggler acting in his own defense. Yet the blood of the men, foul and misguided, spilled in the golden sands carried a pungent stench haunting Aladar’s every stride with the long arm of the law nipping at his heel upon every turn.
His ballad grows with each frey and excursion- as does the small bounty listed on the posters decorating each wall of every watering hole in all of Thanalan. With the gil fattening and luring every green and seasoned hunter desperate for coin, the elusive desperado feels the coarse proverbial noose tightening around his throat. 
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While not exactly an LFRP post, I saw to compose a profile for the curious and offer some semblance of understanding regarding my OC’s identity, characteristics, and an assortment roles he can provide. 
My character is on Balmung/Crystal and I am perpetually open to collaborating stories be they short or long-term. My preferences fall towards in-game roleplay (Discord is also an option but I have some reservations) with a heavy emphasis on plot encompassing a myriad of themes and subjects. 
I am EST, and happen to work 50+ hours each week which does not allow me to spend as much time online on the weekdays as I would like. For this reason I always prefer to schedule RP a bit in advance so I can set the time aside accordingly, and it makes it easier to coordinate moving forward. 
My doors are always open for anyone with questions or comments, and I encourage any and all interactions. I can provide my discord upon request. 
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newstfionline · 4 years
Friday, October 9, 2020
Alarmed by Scope of Wildfires, Officials Turn to Native Americans for Help (NYT) When Belinda Brown was a child, she would rise early in the morning every spring and fall to help her father and grandfather light the fields of the XL Ranch Indian reservation outside of Alturas, Calif. She would take a metal rake to the grasses and watch as flames spread. “Fire was absolutely a part of what we did all the time,” she said. “It wasn’t a fearful thing.” Long before California was California, Native Americans used fire to keep the lands where they lived healthy. That meant intentionally burning excess vegetation at regular intervals, during times of the year when the weather would keep blazes smaller and cooler than the destructive wildfires burning today. The work requires a deep understanding of how winds would spread flames down a particular hillside or when lighting a fire in a forest would foster the growth of certain plants, and that knowledge has been passed down through ceremony and practice. But until recently, it has been mostly dismissed as unscientific. Now, as more Americans are being forced to confront the realities of climate change, firefighting experts and policymakers are increasingly turning to fundamental ecological principles that have long guided Indigenous communities. “I keep saying we’re getting that ‘I told you so’ award,” Ms. Brown, a member of the Kosealekte Band of the Ajumawi-Atsuge Nation in Northern California, said with a weary smile. “My prayer is that ignorance won’t stop us again.”
North Dakota and the pandemic (NYT/Politico) The coronavirus has exploded in North Dakota. In the past week, North Dakota reported more new cases per capita than any other state. Hospitalizations for the virus have risen abruptly, forcing health care officials in some towns to send people to faraway hospitals, even across state lines to Montana and South Dakota. Officials have huddled with hospital leaders in recent days to contemplate ways to free up more hospital beds even as they contend with broader turmoil over virus policy in a state that has seen resignations of three state health officers since the pandemic’s start. The rise in cases and deaths—September was by far the deadliest month for North Dakota since the start of the pandemic—reflects a new phase of the virus in the United States. From Wisconsin to Montana, states in the Midwest and Great Plains, many of which had avoided large outbreaks in earlier months when coastal cities were hard hit, are seeing the brunt. And in rural portions of the states now reeling, medical resources are quickly stretched thin for residents who can live hours from large hospitals.
Louisiana braces for strike from Hurricane Delta on Friday (Washington Post) Hurricane Delta, which blasted Cancun and Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula early Wednesday, is poised to slam storm-weary Louisiana on Friday. Although the storm lost considerable strength as it approached and crossed the Yucatán, dropping from a Category 4 to Category 1, it is predicted to regain strength over the balmy waters of the Gulf of Mexico through Thursday. Landfall is forecast on Friday afternoon or evening along Louisiana’s central or western coast, parts of which are still recovering from a devastating strike from Category 4 Hurricane Laura in late August. The Hurricane Center has issued a hurricane warning from the Texas-Louisiana border to Morgan City, La. which includes the zone where Laura made landfall. New Orleans may escape with only low-end tropical-storm-force winds, but any shift in the track eastward could increase storm effects there.
Navigating by mango trees, pink houses in rural Puerto Rico (AP) CAGUAS, Puerto Rico—Firefighters in this city near Puerto Rico’s capital cheered when they recently got updated maps that include rural neighborhoods, confessing they sometimes had to rely on taxi drivers for directions during emergencies. That’s because more than 300,000 homes on the island have no formal address. The absence of street names and numbers across the island has long been a problem for the U.S. territory, where internet map services sometimes fail. Directions can involve a mango tree, or a bakery or a house of a certain color. It’s even a problem in urban areas, like one district of the capital, San Juan, where some people rely on a life-size Bigfoot doll on a balcony as a reference point for directions to a hospital. It’s not unusual to hear something like: “Turn right at kilometer 58 and make a left after a large hole. If you go past the big breadfruit tree, you’ve gone too far.” So getting lost has long been an acceptable and occasional fun part of island life for some, but the coronavirus pandemic, a recent series of earthquakes and increasingly active hurricane seasons are prodding authorities to resolve the problem. Without an address, emergency responders cannot find people quickly or deliver basic supplies or medical care when up to 60% of homes in some municipalities lack one.
Bolivia declares natural disaster due to wildfires (Reuters) Bolivia declared a state of disaster due to wildfires ravaging forested and agricultural areas in the eastern part of the country, President Jeanine Anez said on Thursday. In 2019, wildfires destroyed more than 6 million hectares in the Bolivian Amazon. So far this year 1.1 million hectares [4,240 square miles] have burned, according to the government, while the non-government organization Friends of Nature Foundation (FAN) said the area wrecked was twice as large.
Greek Neofascist Party’s Demise (Foreign Policy) The leaders of Greece’s Golden Dawn political party were found guilty on Wednesday of a range of criminal activity, including using the party as cover to run a criminal organization. A court in Athens ruled that acts of violence committed by members of Golden Dawn against migrants and left-wing activists were consciously planned and executed by the party leadership as a way of eliminating perceived threats. The ruling followed a trial that lasted five-and-a-half years. Several dozen party members and associates, including 18 former lawmakers and party leader Nikos Michaloliakos, were found guilty on a variety of charges, including murder, attempted murder, assault, and possession of weapons. Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the courthouse to await the verdict. When the news came, the crowds erupted in applause and cheers.
Virus wallops Ukraine (AP) Coronavirus infections in Ukraine began surging in late summer, and the ripples are now hitting towns like Stebnyk in the western part of the country, where Dr. Natalia Stetsik is watching the rising number of patients with alarm and anguish. “It’s incredibly difficult. We are catastrophically short of doctors,” says Stetsik, the chief doctor at the only hospital in the town of 20,000 people. “It’s very hard for a doctor to even see all the patients.” The hospital is supposed to accommodate 100 patients, but it’s already stretched to the limit, treating 106 patients with COVID-19.
Azeris and ethnic Armenians fight as Russia, U.S. and France seek ceasefire (Reuters) Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenians fought with artillery and heavy guns on Thursday as the United States, France and Russia stepped up efforts to secure a ceasefire and avert a wider war in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan said the city of Ganja had come under fire, deep inside its territory. Ethnic Armenians who control the mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh inside Azerbaijan said Stepanakert, its main city, had been shelled by Azeri forces. The continued fighting and rising tension underlined the difficulties facing U.S., Russian and French officials meeting in Geneva to try to halt fighting in which at least 400 people have been killed since it broke out on Sept. 27.
Russia surrounded by instability (NYT) In Russia’s self-proclaimed sphere of influence, Russia is losing its influence. Concurrent crises in Belarus, Central Asia and the Caucasus region have blindsided the Kremlin, leaving it scrambling to shore up Russian interests in former Soviet republics and undermining President Vladimir V. Putin’s image as a master tactician on the world stage. Mr. Putin has spent years building up Russia as a global power, with a hand in hot spots from Latin America to the Middle East. But after working for years to destabilize the West, he suddenly finds himself surrounded by instability. The spate of new challenges to Russian influence strikes at the heart of Mr. Putin’s yearslong effort to cast himself as the leader who restored the great-power status that the nation lost with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The confluence of crises in Russia’s own neighborhood is such that some pro-Kremlin commentators are already accusing the West of an organized campaign to sow discord in the post-Soviet regions. More balanced analysts, however, have singled out one constant factor in the growing unrest. Both Russia and its neighbors, they say, have been destabilized by the coronavirus pandemic, which has exposed distrust in institutions and in out-of-touch leaders across the region.
Trump administration to impose crushing sanctions on Iran in defiance of European humanitarian concerns (Washington Post) The Trump administration has decided to impose new sanctions on Iran’s financial sector in defiance of European allies who warned that the move could have devastating humanitarian consequences on a country reeling from the novel coronavirus and an ongoing currency crisis, three officials familiar with the decision said Wednesday. The measures will target the few remaining banks not currently subject to secondary sanctions in a move European governments say is likely to diminish channels Iran uses to import humanitarian goods, such as food and medicine, officials said. The move represents a major pre-election push on a signature Trump administration policy that has succeeded in devastating the Iranian economy, while failing to moderate Tehran’s behavior or limit its nuclear program. The proposal to blacklist the entire Iranian financial industry has been pushed by Israeli officials and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a hawkish U.S. nonprofit organization that has advocated for regime change in Iran.
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