#I’m in love with Mikan’s kimono
kotelok16 · 18 days
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They are having fun somewhere on the festival ❤️
52 notes · View notes
everythingsinred · 1 year
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Mikan (pt. 16)
Hey guys. What's up? Long time no post.
Last time, we began one of the most exciting arcs in the manga, the Hanahime Den Arc (aka the New Year's Arc, aka the Discovering Natsume Arc, aka the Flower Garden Association Party Arc, aka That One Arc With Aoi In It, aka the Natsume/Ruka Backstory Arc... Really whatever you wanna call it). Today we'll continue exploring that arc, particularly one incredibly important theme that means the world to me regarding Mikan's very sweet feelings for Natsume.
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Chapter Fifty-Six
The kids dress up. Hotaru and Mikan are wearing very feminine kimonos for the event. Ruka is relieved that his and Natsume’s kimonos aren’t furisode, but they are both still self-conscious. (I wish I could comment more on this in a specific way, but I’m not versed in Japanese traditional wear to the point where I can say what looks more masculine and feminine. I am very western in this way. Serbian folk costume is more or less: dress=feminine, pants=masculine. I’m learning more and more but for now, whenever I see these chapters, I just think, “Wow, these clothes are so pretty!!” and that’s about it. Anyway I loVE folk costume. I’m obsessed with all cultures’ folk costumes.) 
In any case, Mikan is quick to comment on how good they look, specifically commenting that Natsume doesn’t look as much like a drag queen as she’d expected (ahh… 2000s humor. RIP). This is "supposed to be a compliment," but he doesn’t take it as one. Mikan gets angry that she got him angry and swears that she’ll let his hand go as soon as they get to the party. That page alone has some intriguing panels. There’s one of angry Natsume, one of angry Mikan, and one of them snuggling! Bizarre! I like to think that this means Mikan is still thinking about it. She may be angry, but she’s still fixated on that moment, perhaps still concerned about his cryptic words. How sweet.
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But she won't let go of his hand now, of course. Just later.
Narumi escorts them to the party, warning them not to do anything rude because the MSP is capricious. Even the smallest slight could offend her. This is as much a warning to us as it is to the kids. We will see MSP’s capriciousness soon for ourselves. In fact, the next page features the MSP mourning the fact that boys will be allowed in her palace against her wishes, only for her flower princesses to offer to create a fun diversion for her. Mikan isn’t present for that scene, but it’s important because we can see that the MSP is indeed so capricious that Mikan was destined to be bullied and mistreated before she’d even arrived in time to do anything offensive.
They arrive at the palace and it truly is a palace, much bigger than the middle school building and dorms combined. Mikan is awestruck by everything she sees, by Yamanouchi Shizune’s impressive appearance, the huge building, the party full of incredible decorations--she’s definitely the most visibly impressed. 
I think it’s important that Mikan is not just the most childish character in the manga, but a “tactless hick” as well. Mikan grew up in the country, lived in a tiny village and went to a small school. There were no huge buildings or extravagant parties, nothing impressive for the culture fests. Mikan is easily impressed, not just by the fantastical alice elements of this new world (like we are too), but by everything new. It’s not just the alice world that’s new to her; everything is. Furthermore, she refuses to be quiet about her amazement. Whenever she likes something, she says it out loud and proud. No, she’s not the most polite girl, but she is so positive and upbeat. Mikan is not just our Alice in Wonderland, a character through whom the reader discovers a new world. She’s a character in her own right.
The group has to pass the middle school girls’ party on the ground floor before ascending to the Hanahime Party upstairs. As they move, they overhear a lot of gossip. All of them get a little annoyed having to listen to it, but the gossip thrown at Mikan is perhaps the worst, and a precursor to the way she’ll be treated by the flower princesses upstairs: she’s just an ordinary girl, plain and boring and unimpressive--so how on earth did she get invited??
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They ALL get somehow targeted by these whisperings... so rude. Though I doubt Hotaru is very offended by a reputation of being "beautiful but strange."
I like Mikan being unimpressive on the outside because it’s honestly exhausting to see every single female protagonist in media being gorgeous and brilliant in every way, an independent and beautiful trailblazer! GA already has characters like that, who are beautiful or smart or both. Mikan doesn’t have to be smart or pretty to be important. The boys who like her are interested in her because of her kindness and excitable nature, not because of her beauty or intelligence. So this occasional outside commentary on Mikan being ordinary makes me happy. They assume that because she’s not gorgeous or academically impressive like Hotaru that there’s no reason why she should stand out. And yes, it’s true that Mikan was not invited because the MSP was impressed by her. No, she was invited because Natsume is impressed by her, because her invitation was a way to lure him in. She is important, even if it’s not in a way that’s instantly valued by the gossipy middle school girls at the party.
The gossip almost gets to her, but seeing Nobara in the crowd cheers her up. Mikan has met Nobara only three times so far. They spent a few hours together at the Christmas Prep, I assume, and that sort of time can get people close, but it’s still impressive that they have such a close bond after so few meetings. And even though Nobara seems obsessed with Mikan, it’s important to note that Mikan always seems just as excited to see her. She loves giving and receiving affection, so even though Nobara's obsession might seem bizarre to anyone else, Mikan welcomes the attention and never judges her for it. But Natsume yanks her back before they can rush to each other.
Nobara is horrified that Natsume is there, demanding to know why Natsume is here at all and then telling Mikan that he shouldn’t be here, that she should stop him. The whole hand-holding thing has been weird to Mikan from the start, but she just assumed he was up to some stupid sadistic trick. His weird comment about the ruse ending soon was a red flag that something else might be going on, but because Natsume never explains anything, she couldn’t really come to any new conclusions. Nobara’s warning here is just another alarm that something about Natsume’s behavior isn’t just annoying--it’s concerning. Nobara is genuinely frightened for Natsume and that comes across in her warning to Mikan, even if Mikan can’t linger to chat about it.
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Mikan dragged Natsume around earlier without him complaining so I guess it's only fair he'd drag her around now.
Thus Mikan will keep Nobara’s warning in mind. No matter how quickly she seems to recover from serious or concerning topics, Mikan always remembers them. Nobara’s warning is important in another way too, because Misaki overheard her and made sure to relay the information to Tsubasa.
They finally arrive at the exclusive party to meet the Hanahime girls. Himemiya is beautiful. Mikan is always overwhelmed when around beautiful people, but she doesn’t forget Narumi’s warning, and her awe is staved off a bit by Himemiya’s bizarre behavior around Hotaru. She can be serious too! She doesn’t always get carried away. (Relatively…)
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Conveniently (or inconveniently, if you asked Himemiya), the Ruka mochi gang instantly separate upon entering the party. Perhaps the “ruse” of Natsume’s has reached its end, because he rips his hand away. Mikan rejoices at her freedom, but it’s short-lived.
Because she is singled out pretty instantly.
All of the flower princesses have pretty flower names. Hotaru is given one straight-away on account of being a candidate to become one of them. But the rest of the group get names too--Natsume and Ruka seem to be easily adopted by the flower princesses. It’s just Mikan and Youichi who are left out. 
I talked about the reasons why with Natsume’s essay but I’ll recap here. Himemiya is angry to have disgusting boys in her palace (she’s one of those... gross :P), and the flower princesses are trying to comfort her by entertaining her. This entertainment comes in the form of vicious bullying, something Himemiya doesn’t only tolerate--she encourages. (Himemiya is not "one of the good guys" in the way the HSP could be categorized as, even though she isn't necessarily "one of the bad guys" like the ESP.) There’s four candidates for bullying. Hotaru is obviously out of the question because she’s a potential flower princess herself, a beautiful and intelligent girl worthy of Himemiya’s attention and chosen as a candidate authentically, not because of outside pressures. That leaves the others, unfortunate cargo in Persona’s plan. I don’t think the flower princesses are privy to all the details in the plan, but the boys have obviously been permitted to come for a reason. Besides, they’re both very handsome, so the princesses don’t feel the desire to be cruel to them. Then there’s plain and ordinary Mikan, who didn’t deserve the invitation in the first place. What has she done to earn Himemiya’s attention? Nothing, really. She’s neither pretty nor intelligent, so the princesses write her off. She will be the one bullied by the princesses to entertain Himemiya. 
Youichi is collateral, but definitely not singled out the way Mikan is.
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No, I'm not really a big fan of Himemiya. I don't really get how letting teenagers bully a little girl is "entertainment." Maybe that's just me.
They proceed to the banquet, where a feast awaits them. Mikan mentions that she hadn’t had any breakfast because she expected to eat a lot at the party. But she doesn’t really get to eat anything here either, because the princesses move all the food to the other guests, conveniently leaving Mikan with nothing to eat. The bullying isn’t actually subtle, though the princesses put on airs about it. They move the food in order to serve the others, which alarms Mikan, but it’s strange to think that the others didn’t pick up on it. 
When Mikan’s starvation is pointed out, it’s not because the princesses have noticed they’d made a mistake, it’s only to further bully her. If she’s not eating, it must be because her stomach hurts, so she should have some disgusting medicine.
The thing is that Mikan is still heeding Narumi’s advice. She’s trying to be on her best behavior, like he told her to be. We know that Mikan isn’t the type to let herself be bullied. She stands up for herself. She fights back. But fighting back here wouldn’t be in good form. She might just get further bullied. Additionally, she’s obviously not a princess candidate, but Hotaru is. If she acts out, it might reflect poorly on her best friend, potentially even robbing her of an opportunity she certainly deserves. So if you were wondering why Mikan doesn’t fight back or argue with these girls (when she's been bullied by far more threatening figures and never tolerated it), it’s because of that.
She’s pressured into drinking the medicine, meaning she won’t be able to eat for a while. She’s already hungry, now destined to get even hungrier, and she’s just consumed a foul “medicine.” If Nadeshiko’s comment is to be taken seriously, then the concoction is made of some truly sickening things, like frogs’ eyeballs and centipede legs. The medicine doesn’t cure sickness, it creates it. It also smells awful, so her friends don’t want to be around her, not even Youichi, who is also being left out a little (though not at all to the same extent). 
Next, they start playing some games, where the loser has to pay some penalty for losing. The thing is, Mikan stinks so she has to play further away and thus never stood a chance of winning. In no time at all, Mikan is defeated. She’s on her very best behavior but is being bullied anyway. Her face has been doodled on, she’s been made a fool of, she’s hungry and sick and smelly. Nobody is standing up for her. Everyone else seems to be having a much better time than her. 
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It sure would be nice if someone were to... I don't know... actually call out the flower princesses for their behavior. Whatever.
Hotaru comes by with a wet towel, sure, but she’s decked out with an insulting gas mask and doesn’t stick around long. It’s obvious that her friends can see that she’s being mistreated, but they don’t do much to stand up for her. When the flower princesses brush aside the idea of inviting Mikan to play the next game, only Natsume stands up to leave. The others are obviously put off by it, but they don’t do much (that Mikan can see). 
Hotaru gets back at Nadeshiko (the main bully) through a prototype of a game, but the thing is that this tactic focuses more on humiliating Nadeshiko than helping Mikan. Nadeshiko is 1. touched that Hotaru chose her to play with, even if it makes a fool out of her, and 2. just toyed with a little. Meanwhile, Mikan watches from a distance and only sees everyone having fun without her. Teasing Nadeshiko doesn’t really help Mikan at all, and it certainly doesn’t stop Nadeshiko or the other flower princesses from bullying her even more. I'm pointing this out because this is Mikan's essay, so only her POV is relevant to me.
Mikan watches sadly, hungry and sick. She feels lonely, miles away from her friends, the only one who’s having a bad time. She misses her other friends, her senpais and her classmates. She wants to go home. Even though she’d been so excited to come here, it’s actually a terrible experience.
And then somebody puts a mandarin shaped chestnut kinton on her head. Natsume tells her to eat up. The orange shape is perfect for someone like her. Natsume is the only person who actually comforts and helps Mikan with her bullying. He sits beside her. He may downplay why he’s there, but he’s obviously here because he was concerned about her. He came to feed her because her stomach was growling. She reminds him that she smells, that everyone’s avoiding her. But Natsume tells her he’d rather be around her than smell the stupid perfumes of the Hanahime girls.
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He chooses her. (And she will choose him.)
Hotaru’s tactic of getting back at Nadeshiko didn’t actually help Mikan feel better. But Natsume is making the choice to isolate himself with Mikan. They’re aligned now. Mikan and Natsume are outside of the system of fancy perfumes and shallow performances. She may have been excluded by force, but he makes it clear that he’d rather be left out with her than included with them. She’s more important than they are. Sure, they might bicker a little, but both Natsume and Mikan actually enjoy that and find it comforting, normal. 
And we’ve finally reached my favorite aspect of the NatsuMikan relationship. Yes, it’s been said a thousand times that Mikan is Natsume’s sunshine, that she brings light to his dark life, that she saved him and continues to save him. This is all true, but the more underappreciated side of it is that Natsume is Mikan’s sunshine too. 
Natsume is capable of making her sad and angry, yes. But he also has the tendency to make her forget all her problems. He makes her feel normal again, sparkly on the inside. She even says something to that extent here, commenting on how talking with Natsume always cheers her up. He “sees through” all her problems and then blows them away instantly. “He blew away my cloudy sky. Weird guy.”
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He is her sunshine! My favorite part of their relationship!
Mikan is Natsume’s sun. Natsume is Mikan’s sun. They comfort each other, bring each other joy and solace, more than anybody else. 
It’s really awesome that Mikan makes Natsume happy. He has such a miserable life that he needs someone who can bring him joy. But there’s so much focus on his feelings that Mikan’s get overlooked. Despite how hard he tries to be unlikeable and to keep his distance, Mikan still cares about him. He still manages to make her happy, to cheer her up even when she’s being terribly bullied and excluded. 
He leaves to go to the bathroom, but she tells him to hurry back so they can eat together. 
Mikan has known Natsume for a few months now. She’s been very curious about him all along and has wanted to be his friend for a while. But he’s always so unpleasant and rude. Their relationship got to this point at a gradual pace. This is perhaps the first time that Mikan wants to hang out with him, alone, for as long as possible. Before, she felt uncomfortable even talking to him. She wanted to escape or find somebody else to talk to. Even just a few days ago, during the Christmas Ball, Natsume was the guy she settled for when she couldn’t find her other friends.
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I really genuinely can't see how any other ship compares. In GA or otherwise. They will be always be number one to me. I just wish they'd gotten to eat together and chat a lil.
But now, she wants to hang out with Natsume. 
And Natsume specifically, because you already know how important that concept is to me. She's not settling this time, just because he's the only one willing to be around her right now. Instead, she's realized that being around him makes her happy, so why not eat together and hang out? They could be left out of the party together.
He brushes her off and insists she eat without him. 
Himemiya warns him though. If he wanders where he shouldn’t, he’ll be on his own to deal with the consequences.
The fourth red flag regarding Natsume’s presence here at the palace. Mikan is thoroughly worried about him now. She still doesn’t know why he even came here, but Nobara’s and Himemiya’s warnings as well as the cryptic way Natsume talked about the ruse all plant seeds of worry in her mind.
She’s distracted a little by the flower princesses’ phony apology. They pretend to feel bad and invite her to the kitchen to bring out the desserts, but there are no desserts. Mikan and Youichi are trapped in a dark room by themselves, locked up with nowhere to go.
Mikan is unworthy of her invitation. She should never have come here, as ordinary and unimpressive as she is. She is locked up now so she can think hard about how lowly she is compared to the others.
This is not Mikan’s first time being bullied, but there’s no way to get used to this sort of treatment. Mikan doesn’t actually think very highly of herself, and the frequent bullying she faces doesn’t really help. She doesn’t fully value her own alice, her appearance, her creativity, her great big heart or unwavering optimism. 
Mikan is alone with a toddler in a dark room. The only person who made her feel normal and happy all day is gone.
Chapter Fifty-Eight
The flower princesses accuse Mikan of cheating her way into getting invited. She demands to be released, but they leave her and Youichi on their own. She pleads for someone to figure it out.
She eventually runs out of energy. She feels especially guilty because Youichi was only locked in with her incidentally. Mikan is the one who is hated. Youichi just got punished because of bad luck. She apologizes to him, which seems to move him somehow. He offers to share some candy with her. It’s very sweet how their relationship has progressed. When she first met him, he refused to share his howalon with her, but now he’s offering his candy unprompted. 
But Mikan never gets to eat her candy because a mouse steals it. It’s for the best, though, because the candy was actually a Gulliver candy, and Youichi consequently aged ten years!
They’re eventually found by their friends, but only after Youchi kicks the door open for them. 
The flower princesses who bullied Mikan are to face punishment for their actions, potentially even being kicked out of the group. But Mikan tells them to forgive the girls, even despite the awful things she just went through. She said just a few minutes ago that she hated them, but I think that now that she’s out, she can see the situation more clearly.
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Before, they couldn't see what could make Mikan special because she was neither gorgeous nor particularly intelligent. But now they love her because of how kind she is (though it might not be entirely kindness that motivates her here).
Natsume never sees the hype in this sort of thing. He thought this party was stupid and shallow, something they were both above. And then Youichi showed his kindness by offering his candy, even if it was Gulliver candy. The party that she’d wanted to go to so badly doesn’t really matter anymore. She doesn’t want to be a flower princess anymore. She has people who love her and want to spend time with her even if she might be "unworthy." They don't need her to prove herself, so how good could a group that does require a degree of "worthiness" be?
Additionally, Mikan is a kind, compassionate, and forgiving girl. The princesses did all this because they were protective of their group, because they love Himemiya. So she forgives them.
(Though I think just chalking all this behavior up to two girls being spoiled is letting Himemiya off a little easy. She was obviously entertained all along and will continue this arc acting in ways that benefit her own amusement more than any moral stance.)
And it’s only now, when the princesses can see past her average looks and unimpressive smarts to see what makes Mikan so amazing and special: her big heart. Now she is Mikan no Kimi! Yes, she’s only given a flower name after she stops caring about it. For a while now, she's been more interested in eating kinton with Natsume than getting a flower name.
But Shizune points out that even though Mikan surely didn’t cheat to get invited, it is suspicious that she was selected. Becoming Natsume’s partner, somehow, and now this--she must be special somehow. Mikan has been asked this and has wondered it itself since she first enrolled. She’s singled out and can’t tell Shizune why because not even she knows. Nobody tells her anything. 
And then Youichi reminds them all that Natsume is still missing. It’s only now that they get any semblance of an explanation for all this. Himemiya may be a freak, but allowing Natsume to attend was Persona’s doing. 
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Another arc with emphasis on saving Natsume, who prefers to save others.
Persona, for some reason, is allowed free reign in much of Himemiya’s territory, particularly here where her barrier alice is strongest. What is certain is that if Natsume was lured here, then nothing good is waiting for him. 
Chapter Fifty-Nine
The flower princesses who bullied Mikan last chapter are now strangely protective of her after she forgave them. They insist that the group shouldn’t go after Natsume, but Mikan insists that they have to. She has a bad feeling that he might get hurt, and we know already from the Reo Arc that Mikan trusts her gut 100%. She didn’t think at all about consequences when going back for him then and she’s not thinking about the consequences of looking for him now. This isn’t optional.
Natsume has been acting strange all day. He wanted to come here, to look for something, and that’s strange because Natsume doesn’t ever want to do things. The fact that they’re being warned against going after him only makes her more concerned. Natsume’s already down there, probably in danger, so they have to go after him to make sure he’s safe. Luckily, her friends are all on her side. Hotaru, Ruka, and Youichi all take off with her, rushing to the basement. 
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I know my analysis here is short but I actually really enjoy this chapter. It's just... not a lot of content for me to analyze.
They’re trapped in the bowels of darkness for a while, descending the stairs into the basement. They’re confronted by Hayate, on the DA class’s discipline squad. He is here to punish Natsume, but because some stragglers have joined, he’s been sent to take them out. The discipline squad is used to working against the effects of the strong barrier down here. The other kids aren’t. Thus, Hayate is at a significant advantage. He probably would win effortlessly, except that he catches sight of Hotaru and falls instantly in love with her.
Chapter Sixty
Hayate loses all interest in fighting them now that he’s seen Hotaru’s face. The others are incredibly confused by his complete 180 in behavior. They decide to just walk away if he’s not attacking anymore. He continues to pursue them, trying to hit on Hotaru, until they run into another discipline squad member, Rui. Rui came here, looking for a “cute guy.” He’s the one to recognize aged-up Youichi.
A fight ensues. Rui’s alice is incredibly dangerous and Youichi’s is the only match for it. 
Mikan wants to run, but Youichi tells her not to look.
And that’s not just him talking.
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Mikan cares for Youichi, obviously, but it's interesting that so much of that care is related to her care for Natsume.
Mikan remembers all that she’s learned about the DA class from Reo, who described an organization that trains the children to be spies. There’s a darkness in this school and it manifests most powerfully in the DA class. Natsume looks out for Youichi, partly because nobody else does. After all, nobody looks out for him either. 
Mikan has already seen little glimpses of what Natsume’s regular life is like within the DA class during the Z Arc, when she watched him fight, be strategic, think like a soldier instead of a kid. Youichi is only three, though, and he seems just as used to fighting. And he’s telling her not to look. 
Because all the DA class kids are different from the rest of the school. They live a horrible, dark life, isolated from others because others won’t understand their experiences, because other kids bully them. Even a toddler like Youichi thinks in a way no child should, especially at three, that he needs to protect Mikan even if he gets hurt.
(Because Natsume told him to protect the others. That’s just how DA kids are.)
But Mikan doesn’t like that. Youichi almost gets hit by a surprise attack before Mikan tackles him, protecting him with her alice. Mikan doesn’t want to just sit back and be protected. She wants to do the protecting too, especially since her alice works best protecting others. The problem is that her alice is harder to use with this barrier, so she gets a little cut from Hayate’s alice. Rui recognizes her then as Natsume’s partner and taunts her that coming here was pointless because Natsume will be trapped in the dungeon forever.
Both Mikan and Ruka are horrified to hear that. Mikan remembers the ESP’s ominous warning on Christmas, that she should be careful not to lose anything important to her. It seems that the superstition might have some truth to it, because if Natsume gets locked up forever, then she’ll certainly be losing something important. 
She demands to know why Natsume would be locked up, but Rui doesn’t seem to have all the details. He mentions Natsume falling for stupid bait and coming to find his sister.
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Wake up, babe! New Natsume lore dropped! (We already knew that, though.)
Ruka is obviously affected by this news, but he knows about Natsume already so that makes sense.
Mikan is surprised by this. She’d been so irritated with him but all of this had been his desperate effort to find his sister. Of course, he never told her that because he never tells her anything, so it makes sense that she’d be irritated with him. In any case, she’s entirely concerned now. Natsume is being punished, being called a criminal. He was lured here with rumors about his sister, who shouldn’t be locked up anyway. 
The point is that Natsume is here for a noble cause and he’s going to be punished, which is simply unfair. Mikan cares about him and doesn’t want to lose him because he matters to her. She was able to use an impressive amount of alice to keep Natsume at school with her, up to bat against the stealing alice threatening to take him away from her. She won’t let Persona take him either.
But Rui ramps up to punish them and move on, but he’s interrupted by Tsubasa arriving just in time.
The group fills Tsubasa in on the situation. The priority is to save Natsume before he can get locked up. Turns out Rui is infatuated with Tsubasa. It’s interesting how these fights are complicated by the question of attraction. Hayate for Hotaru, Rui for Tsubasa. The DA kids are so weird. I don’t have a point about that. It’s just an interesting trend.
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Something something the Reo Arc focused on Mikan showing Natsume that he has something to live for and this arc shows him how many people are willing to fight for him. Whatever.
Turns out Tsubasa’s curse mark was created as a punishment by Rui, who can inflict pain on him whenever he wants. Where Hayate’s crush on Hotaru made him pretty harmless, Rui is the opposite. He is sadistic in some ways, and won't hold back just because he likes Tsubasa. But Hotaru has had enough dilly-dallying. They need to save Natsume, not waste time on these idiots. 
(And it’s so interesting that she looks at Ruka and assures him to his face that they will save Natsume. I'll save that for another essay, I suppose.)
Ruka surprises them all by summoning rats to attack Hayate and Rui. Mikan is shocked, and so is the reader (ideally) because Ruka has never used his alice violently before. It turns out his alice has some substantial potential to cause epic damage, but that’s not the kind of person Ruka is. He loves animals. Whereas Yuri hates her own alice, and Narumi and Reo view their pheromones as weapons or tools for manipulation, Ruka’s alice has always been an accessory to his love for animals. He uses his alice to aid communication, to tame animals through love and gentleness. He hates the idea of hurting animals, or manipulating them, so he would never use his alice like this normally.
But he loves Natsume too, and that’s how desperate he is to save his best friend: he’d even risk hurting these rats for him.
That’s as good a warning as any that this situation is serious and dangerous, on par with the Z Arc. Hayate and Rui might be funny characters, but this is not a comedic arc. 
Ruka says that Natsume had started to lose hope in life before meeting Mikan (and the others, but… we know the truth), but that he’s different now. He loudly defends Natsume, insisting that he won’t allow Natsume to be called a criminal anymore, and he certainly won’t allow him to be locked up. Ruka announces that he’ll stay with Tsubasa and Yoichi while Mikan and Hotaru go ahead to save Natsume. 
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Saving Natsume without Ruka? That's not even possible! (Which is why Ruka would NEVER have left Natsume's side before his death, not for all the burns in the world, not for any of Natsume's pleading or Tsubasa trying to grab him, nothing. I will always be bitter.)
Mikan can’t hear his tragic internal monologue about this decision, but she doesn’t have to. Ruka not being there to save Natsume is ridiculous. Ruka has to save Natsume, because nobody loves him the way Ruka does. And of course she thinks this way, because Natsume’s biggest defender from the start was Ruka. Her very first day at the academy, she’d heard nothing but bad rumors about Natsume, but Ruka was the only person to shut those rumors down. He’s always by Natsume’s side, always standing up for him, always insisting that there’s more to Natsume than there might appear. Ruka has been saving Natsume time and time again, doing his best to protect his reputation and stand up for him, staying by his side, all in little ways. They might be small actions, but Mikan noticed. 
Mikan wouldn’t feel what she feels now about Natsume if it wasn’t for Ruka.
So how could Ruka not be the one to save Natsume?
(Note: these paragraphs are really hard for me to write because I'm crying and the tears are fogging up my glasses. Natsume and Ruka’s friendship simply hits different for me.)
Tsubasa and Youichi join in, pushing Ruka away. They’ll take the fight from here. Ruka and the girls should chase after Natsume and save him. They head off together, and Mikan remembers what Narumi had told her in Chapter Ten, that she should make lots of friends at the academy because they will become precious treasures to her.
She’s always believed in him, but that feels more true now than ever. Her friends are precious to her, so she won’t let Natsume be locked up. And it’s true for them too--Ruka has a precious friend he would do anything for.
As they walk, Ruka tells Hotaru and Mikan that he should finally tell them the truth about Natsume. 
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About damn time that Mikan finally gets some answers. Not that she isn't already in love with him, but she's waited long enough!
Dear God, we’ve been waiting for this one for a long fucking time. More than sixty chapters to finally “discover” Natsume. Mikan has been looking so closely at him for so long to figure him out. She ended up seeing a lot that she liked, to the point where she’s gained a pretty sizable crush on him (even if she is unaware of it), but he remains a mystery. So much of what he does is inexplicable and bizarre.
Natsume would never tell Mikan this story. He never talks about himself like this. It only makes sense that Ruka would be the one to share, because he’s always the one to share. Natsume wants to protect people from his dark life, but Ruka wants to protect him, and the best way to do that now is by telling the girls everything, the entire story of how they came to the academy.
Natsume is Mikan's sunshine and she's willing to fight for him, no matter what! Today has already taught her so much, and yet the day hasn't even come close to ending! Tomorrow I'll post again! I'm not sure how many more parts this arc will have. Maybe two? We'll see. The analysis coming up is long and detailed! I'll be discussing lots of things!
I'm officially back! I got a new job (for real this time) which is Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm for the next four months. So I won't be posting on weekdays from now on (maybe on Fridays depending on how tired I am). I'll try to write in the meantime because I have a lot of analysis to do to maintain a good gap! I wanna be ahead of y'all.
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austajunk · 2 years
I’m bored. Here are some awesome things about Hiyoko Saionji that I feel like people don’t talk about enough:
-Hiyoko is genuinely frightening without even trying! She apparently has an eye for horror and can set up creepy displays. She does it once in game with Mahiru’s photos and again in UTDP and even slightly earns a bit of amazement from Kokichi.
-Her ability to produce so many tears weirdly interests Ibuki as well as how insulting she can be. Honestly her whole relationship with Ibuki is magical and hilarious. Mostly because Ibuki just finds Hiyoko hysterical.
-Hiyoko is the only one to find Ibuki’s music awesome and vibes to it (which is a lot of screaming metal). Not very traditionalist dancer of you, Hiyoko.
-Curiously, she’s a fan of Pokémon and Professor Layton. The latter is pretty amusing because I assume she’d need more patience to play it.
-It seems a lot of what Hiyoko does is meant to be in contrast to her appearance to deter unwanted advances or to express herself in her own way. She loves flowers but enjoys ripping them out, uses foul language constantly, and torments ants and crabs (and wants to hunt for a snake). The flowers thing is especially interesting because it comes just as Hajime starts to think she would be picturesque among some lovely flowers.
-Hiyoko’s highest belief is that you should always protect the things you love. She fulfills this (and it sadly leads to her death) when she protects her remaining bond with Mahiru by leaving her hotel room to try and tie her kimono sash by herself.
-Hiyoko is actually pretty fond of Hajime and sees a lot of her father in him. In my opinion, her gradual bond building with him through her free times is one of the best ones in the game.
-She invited Hajime to one of her dances.
-Ever notice that Hiyoko has a tell if she is forming a friendship or changing around someone? She’ll offer them a crumb about herself, but will immediately deflect and act like she was lying about her past. Each and every time until the final free time when Hiyoko expresses herself to Hajime, she will quickly backtrack, say an insult, or act like her feelings were a lie only for Hajime to point out that he’s sure Hiyoko’s tears were real.
-Another fun detail: Unless it’s with Mahiru or the incident with Nekomaru, Hiyoko isn’t particularly terrified or perturbed by death or horrible stuff happening. Even during all of Monokuma’s first appearance, she taunts Fuyuhiko for getting freaked out instead. Even with Byakuya’s death, she tells Sonia and everyone else to get it together to investigate or they could die. TeruTeru’s death doesn’t bother her since she sees murder as an ultimate sin as well.
-Apparently if his little dream world is to be believed, Nagito ships Hiyoko and Mikan? Haha, don’t kill me. :)
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saimotass · 3 years
evil danganronpa be like: a masterpost
evil makoto naegi be like “yes that’s right”
evil kyouko kirigiri be like “the 16th student, mukuro ikusaba, the one they call the ultimate despair. she’s alright you can trust her”
evil byakuya togami be like “don’t tell them naegi”
evil touko fukawa be like “i can obviously tell you’re in love with me”
evil yasuhiro hagakure be like “my predictions are correct 70% of the time”
evil aoi asahina be like “i hate donuts”
evil sayaka maizono be like “i will not frame makoto for murder”
evil leon kuwata be like “i love baseball”
evil chihiro fujisaki be like “i want to get weaker”
evil mondo oowada be like “i will break promises between men”
evil kiyotaka ishimaru be like “please run in the hallways”
evil hifumi yamada be like “i like 3D girls”
evil celestia ludenberg be like “my name isn’t celestia ludenberg”
evil sakura oogami be like “i love betrayal”
evil mukuro ikusaba be like “my sister sucks”
evil junko enoshima be like “i love hope”
evil hajime hinata be like “being boring is cool”
evil akane owari be like “i hate food”
evil fuyuhiko kuzuryuu be like “hell yeah underage drinking”
evil sonia nevermind be like “satan crap daughter of a biznatch”
evil kazuichi souda be like “i respect miss sonia’s boundaries”
evil SHSL impostor be like “fuck y’all do what you want kill each other idc”
evil teruteru hanamura be like “no i will not drug hajime’s food in an attempt to make him my ‘wife’ that would be morally wrong”
evil mahiru koizumi be like “i trust men implicitly”
evil peko pekoyama be like “i am a human being with agency”
evil hiyoko saionji be like “i can actually remove my kimono just fine”
evil ibuki mioda be like “welcome to the world of heterosexuality”
evil mikan tsumiki be like “why is everybody forgiving me”
evil nekomaru nidai be like “constipation is dope”
evil gundam tanaka be like “i’m not a dark overlord with a soft spot for animals”
evil nagito komaeda be like “i love despair”
evil chiaki nanami be like “i am terrible at video games”
evil izuru kamukura be like “this is interesting”
evil maki harukawa be like “i will not kill you even though you’ve made me angry”
evil shuuichi saihara be like “i am confident in myself and my abilities”
evil himiko yumeno be like “magic isn’t real”
evil rantarou amami be like “i’m a bad guy”
evil kaede akamatsu be like “don’t keep living okay”
evil ryouma hoshi be like “i’m not severely depressed and suicidal”
evil kirumi toujou be like “i have no interest in taking any position in government”
evil angie yonaga be like “there is no god”
evil tenko chabashira be like “i am straight”
evil korekiyo shinguuji be like “i hate my sister and bondage and serial killing”
evil miu iruma be like “i will kinkshame you and i love to sleep”
evil gonta gokuhara be like “bugs are gross and i want to be the rudest man alive”
evil kokichi ouma be like “it’s the truth”
evil kaito momota be like “i am not dying from a mysterious illness”
evil tsumugi shirogane be like “i can only cosplay fictional characters”
evil kiibo be like “i will not be taking legal action”
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takonei · 3 years
I rate the DR 10th anniversary outfits because
Sooo someone posted scans of the thing and I am here to rate those disasters. Here we fucking go.
Makoto: 7/10 Simple and effective, but nothing special.
Taka: 7.5/10 A bit more classy than Makoto but still simple with not much originality.
Byakuya: 6/10 Out of all the characters who could have worn a jacket incorrectly, they choose McRich for the job. I hate it. But outfit is fine I guess.
Mondo: 10/10 So ridiculous and in character. Love it.
Leon: 5/10 What are you, scottish? The shoes ruin everything for me they’re so ugly smh. I know I can’t draw shoes either but what are those
Hifumi: 0/10 Look Hifumi, I know your character gets too much hate but I gotta say: Ew.
Hiro: 6.5/10 I like the outfit. But my guy, that color is piss. If you had just changed the color I would have added 2 points.
Sayaka: 7/10 Like Makoto, it’s nice but that’s it.
Kyoko: 9/10 Damn, she look classy as hell. I don’t like that much whatever is going on with the sleeves but the rest looks stunning.
Hina: 10/10 My girl looks SPLENDID in yellow. And the flowers are great too, I just love her. Plus that smile <3
Toko: 8/10 It’s nice, I like the bun(s?) and the dress looks good. The flower in her hair is a nice touch and the colors fit her.
Sakura: 9/10 My girl looks great in buns (+ flower). I like the kimono a lot but the colors used irks me just a tiny bit. Still love her, though.
Celeste: 8.5/10 I wish that veil was a bit more transparent so I could see her dress in it’s entirety. Either way, she looks stunning and that hairpiece is just in character.
Junko: 9/10 The dress looks fantastic, the mask is a nice touch but I feel like she would have been perfect with loose hair.
Chihiro: 7/10 Say what you want about the onceler, I like that outfit. Very cute but the socks(?) give me the same vibe as Miu’s bondage gear and mmmm don’t like that
Hajime: 7.5/10 See Makoto above but a little 0.5+ for that flower.
Nagito: 8.5/10 I’m a sucker for boys with tied hair, as you may already know. White looks nice on him, and the outfit is nice.
Twogami: 4/10 You just took Hifumi’s ugly outfit and put a fur coat on it. It doesn’t look that bad since it’s at least less flashy, but I just don’t vibe.
Gundham: 6/10 The outfit is okay I guess but are you telling me that this guy wouldn’t choose something 100 times more extra? He looks so plain. Give him the crazy outfit he deserves.
Kazuichi: 6/10 You fucking disaster. You just took your jumpsuit and made it fancy. This is so damn ridiculous, but I can still see some appeal in it but like, you’re a disaster man. Also nice glasses bro
Teruteru: 10/10 I love it. The vibe it has,,, I love this. The colors, the simpleness yet effectiveness, it’s just perfect.
Nekomaru: 6.5/10 It’s fine, I guess. It does fit him, but I don’t see that much stuff that could be considered out of the ordinary in a good way.
Fuyuhiko: 7.5/10 Palette color is good but like. The outfit is peak bisexual. I don’t even hc him as bisexual.
Akane: 10/10 THAT’S MY GIRL. She is more of a queen than Sonia will ever be, I’m sorry. She is rocking with that cape. And the outfit is great.
Chiaki: 7/10 It’s cute and effective, it fits her. I don’t like her hair that much for some reason, but overall she looks neat.
Sonia: 6/10 What do you mean this isn’t a miss universe contest?  I can’t vibe, I’m sorry. It looks nice, but it feels more like a popular girl’s dress than who Sonia really is.
Hiyoko: 7.5/10 It looks better than her in-game outfit, at least. The colors suit her, I like it.
Mahiru: 7/10 I have mixed feelings. I love the dress, but the headband is a huge no from me. Little plus for the flower, though.
Mikan: 1/10 Who thought this was a good outfit? Genuinely curious.
Ibuki: 9/10 This is so damn extra, I love it. So many ribbons for nothing, it almost gives a Touhou vibe. But the outfit itself? Horrendous color palette, but it fits because it’s Ibuki.
Peko: 9/10 Opposite of Ibuki on the same spectrum. It’s calm, classy anyway, and fits Peko. I don’t have anything to say, it’s just really good. Nice flower btw
Rantaro: 7/10 Outfit is fancy af, but you would have a better grade if it wasn’t for that damn fedora.
Kokichi: 7/10 Who the fuck wears purple socks with white shoes? Also as I said before, he looks like the type of person who gets drunk before coming to the party. Outfit’s good, but once you get to the details it’s a disaster.
Keebo: 4/10 I do not vibe. I don’t know what I’m looking at. Is this another armor? Is this an outfit on the armor? I don’t know. Scarf looks a bit out of place. Also Keebo, wearing your jacket like Hiro doesn’t suit you I’m sorry.
Gonta: 4/10 I do. do not vibe. Too many squares? Too green? idk what bothers me the most. Also he gave me a heart attack the first time I saw him bc I thought he had cut his hair.
Shuichi: 6.5/10 After those two disasters I am glad to see someone at least decent. The color palette doesn’t suit him that much, but I can respect it.
Kiyo: 10/10 The guy is so classy it hurts. I don’t even know if that’s a skirt or pants but either way I love it. This outfit just suits him 100%.
Ryoma: 3/10 What the fuck is this. What. What is this. This hat reaches Touhou levels of ridiculousness. It’s horrible. The outfit is kinda better than whatever some of them have going on but holy shit the hat ruins everything for me.
Kaito: 9/10 The coat is fantastic. Black with tiny moons and stars + a space interior? That’s beyond perfect. Outfit is nice, although I would have liked a different color for the vest and the pants.
Kaede: 8/10 It’s simple and effective. I really like the flowers but still, I can’t get used to Kaede’s haircut. At this this one has cute flowers and ribbons.
Miu: 8.5/10 Now you would think that with what Mikan got, Miu would get something super revealing, but this is surprisingly not the case. It’s very original and it suits her a lot, especially the huge sleeves.
Tsumugi: 7/10 The dress is nice, but that’s pretty much it. I like how she tied her hair, it does look nice. Also those shoes are weird tbh
Tenko: 9/10 I was wrong. This is, in fact, a mini-short. She looks so classy and I love the new placement of the hairpin. She looks a lot like a talentswap Magician!Tenko and I love it. So classy. Very good.
Kirumi: 10/10 That’s peak fancy. I just. I love. her. She’s so fucking great like the elegance, the classiness, everything is perfect. I believe in Kirumi supremacy.
Maki: 3/10 I’m sorry I hate this dress. It had good potentiel but the color palette irks me. No. I can’t. Hair looks nice tho.
Himiko: 8/10 It’s just so damn cute. Idk if the space theme is a reference to her beta design but either way, I love it.
Angie: 8/10 A different kind of fancy. I like the large pants, it does fit her vibe. Also that veil is cool af.
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mod-kyoko · 3 years
Hello again, may I request Hiyoko with soulmate alphabet letter P?
hiyokooo <3
here you go!
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p...assionflower (a type of flower soulmates have planted somewhere beneath their skin. Upon meeting their soulmate it will sprout through the skin and fully blossom as they reach the furthest point of their relationship. when a soulmate passes, the flower blooming from the other person does also).
cw: i put a bit of angst at the end but you can skip it if that's not your thing
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it was your first day at hope's peak academy as a transfer student
you were put in class 77, and were on your way to the classroom when you heard yelling
it sounded like a girl and a guy were yelling
the closer you got, you noticed there were thrashing noises too
coincidentally, this was the classroom you were trying to find
you cautiously stepped forward and pushed open the door to a sight that you never thought you would see in a private school
a tan, brown haired girl and a huge, buff man were fighting each other, meanwhile the rest of the classmates were pressed up against the walls, cowering
suddenly, a book flew at you
with a scream, you dodged it, and fell to the ground
"pig barf?" you heard a girl ask
you looked up to see a short, blonde haired girl in a kimono glaring down at you
"oh, you're not pig barf!" she smiled, kneeling down next to you
"who's pig barf..." you mumbled
"no one important!" she smiled cheerfully
a red haired girl approached the two of you and sat down next to the blonde girl, immediately stealing all of her attention
"look, mahiru! a new person! i hope they aren't as trashy as mikan," she sneered, giggling to herself
the red-haired girl, mahiru, switched her gaze over to you and gave you a gentle smile
she must have noticed the concerned expression that's been displayed on your face since you walked into the classroom
"this kind of thing alway happens here. nekomaru and akane are very competitive," she shrugged
"mahiru, play with my hair!" the blonde girl whined, then scorched over to mahiru
mahiru played with her hair while the small girl sat in her lap
you looked down at the floor, feeling awkward
thankfully, the smaller girl spoke up to you again
"so, what's your name, new person?"
"it's y/n," another object flew past you, so you ducked
"ugh, it's about time they stop fighting," the girl scoffed, "I'm hiyoko saionji, by the way"
you smiled, noticing she had her hand outstretched
you took it in your hesitantly, briefly shaking it
suddenly, you felt a pressure under your skin near your shoulder
not painful, but odd
something you've never felt before
when you glanced down, you noticed something was breaking through your skin
normally you would freak out at something like this but for some reason you seemed calm
once the object had fully broken through, you poked it gently
it looked like the bud of a cherry blossom
you heard a gasp next to you, and suddenly hiyoko was showing you her arm
a small bud identical to yours was protruding from it
you stared breathlessly, your silence only broken by mahiru's chuckling
"hiyoko, i think you just found your soulmate," she petted hiyoko's head, causing her to blush a dark shade of red
hiyoko's gaze turned to you, staring into your eyes for a minute, before looking away
from that moment on, the two of you were inseparable
hiyoko met you before class everyday so you could get to know each other, and eventually she started inviting you to go to the park with her, which was her favorite place to be
finally, after mahiru convinced her, she shyly asked you to be her partner
that was when the cherry blossom bloomed
hiyoko spent nearly every day after that admiring the flowers, touching its petals and staring at it
***angst starts here***
the two of you grew old, always inseparable
hiyoko was too old to dance anymore, which caused her a great deal of sadness
but having you by her side made her feel better about getting old
but there was another thing she was afraid of
her time was almost up
it didn't take long for her body to get weaker
all that dancing did her in
she would have been fine if she gave up dancing
but she refused
she wanted to dance well into her age
but her frail body couldn't handle it anymore
it was her stubbornness that caused her to injure herself, and she lost the ability to dance
with that, she needed extra help taking care of herself
the depression she suffered shortened her time
then, one day, you woke up next to her
"good morning, dear"
no response
you tried again
still, she was silent
part of you already knew what happened
but you were in denial
you stared down at your partner, the love of you life, not even aware that you were in tears
her body was lifeless, her chest was still, empty, and her skin was pale
at least she died peacefully in her sleep
you didn't even notice the flower on your shoulder had wilted, shriveled, all signs of her life and love for you were gone.
i'm not too proud of my job writing that angst, maybe i should have left it out altogether. but i did have fun writing it :) i love hiyoko
-mod kyoko <3
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thelemoncoffee · 3 years
i have some snazzy little opinions, so let’s just go down the line: 
!!Really long post under cut!!
-Makoto is a basic bitch, always and forever, and we stan that -Taka looks like a Penguin and you cannot change my mind -Byakuya is just trying to look rich- -Mondo’s outfit is so extra i love it- he even added some probably temporary dye to his pompadour that was hard to see due to the lighting in the group pic -LEON! everyone was calling his fit ugly in the group pic and honestly i’m salty because he and i have the same sense of formal fashion. work it king! -Hifumi’s honestly suits him just fine, i was iffy when i saw it in the group pic but it doesn’t look too awful in full -Hiro..... buddy- i- i mean- what do i say??? it’s ugly as shit and really nice at the same time?? -Sayaka’s formal wear is a massive step up from the outfit she wears in her splash art- i never really liked that dress that much- even if it does have a cultural significance the design the picked felt cheap. But this one is really nice, and i dig it way more -Kirigiri looks pretty, it looked waaaay more purple in the group pic, but looking back the whole thing was over saturated for the lighting affects they did, so i shall forgive. she looks oddly nice in blue actually.  -AOI LOOKS LIKE A BETA FISH AND I’M LIVING FOR IT! GO QUEEN!! -Toko’s dress looks way better in full than i expected, because so much of it was covered up i kinda didn’t like it all that much in the group pic, but i’m really digging it now -QUEEN SAKURA! BEAUTIFUL!! A DAMN SUNSET OF A DRESS!!! i love seeing her indulge in being a gorgeous queen despite people’s remarks on her physique -Celeste! also beautiful, but girl are you a vampire?? the layers on that dress- and that’s a massive veil- she’s gotta be overheating in that thing.  -JUNKO! Fashionista know’s what’s up! it’s alot less gaudy than some of her casual outfits, but in a way that’s actually pretty good. i love the masquerade mask, it’s a nice touch -Chihiro....... Lucky Charms-
-Hajime’s outfit actually looks better in the group pic than here, i think it’s cause the yellow is more vibrant due to the saturation filter, so it stand out more -Nagito’s outfit is great honestly, i love how they put the shirt design on the sleeves, and i love the half-up hair, and the crooked bowtie- it’s great! -Twogami is a king, all he did was invert Byakua’s outfit and he just pulls it off so much better -Gundham’s is honestly underwhelming. This is Gundham Tanaka for fuck sake! Junko’s is more in character than this. where’s the drama sir???? -Kaz... buddy..... the colors look nice on your jumpsuit, but not an actual suit. I love the suspenders though -Teruteru’s outfit actually make him a bit cute. i’m about 80% sure the brown is suppose to be mud as to reference the fact that he’s characterized as a pig in more ways than one, but i’m choosing to call it a cola pattern ‘cause fuck you i’m going to be nice to him for once -Nekomaru’s suit is... it feels like a cursed amalgamation of a noir detective, a car sales men, a mobster, and a casino owner- and i just works so well on him -Fuyuhiko! i love it, fits him well, but the rolled up slacks are odd and kinda distracts me from the rest of the design- showing off some Bi pride there boss baby? -AKANE IS A DAMN QUEEN!! GOD PLEASE SHE COULD STRIKE ME DEAD IN THAT AND I’D THANK HER -Chiaki’s is simple, but it looks really nice on her -SONIA MY QUEEN! the oversaturation in the group pic did her dress dirty! i saw the blue originally and went “that isn’t her color”, but now seeing it without all the lighting crap she looks alot better.... and also a bit Elsa-ish -Hyoko’s in a lovely Kimono, but she’s always wearing pretty Kimonos, so it’s somewhat underwhelming compared to the rest -MAHIRU YOU SUMMER QUEEN! Mahiru has the best sense of fashion in the whole series imo, her wardrobe’s vibes make me so very happy. I grew up in a christian household (i’m not religious anymore btw) and use to be brought to services, and her dress gives me mad Easter Sunday Potluck nostalgia that i just can’t un-notice -Mikan looks too much like a hooker- i’m sorry, they really just went with the fan-service crap here and i don’t like it at all. Even if it wasn’t meant to be fan service, the dress looks tacky and has a shine on it that signifies it’s latex, so that’s just gotta be uncomfortable as hell- and for a clumsy character like her to try and survive a party in??? -IBUKI LOOKS LIKE FANCY RAVE COTTON CANDY!! THAT’S ALL!!! -Peko’s Kimono looks surprisingly nice on her, she wasn’t a character i’d assume to look good in a checker pattern but damn. i also appreciate how she still has the sword, bet- Fuyuhiko tired to convince her to leave it behind but failed
-Rantaro looks like a Used Car Salesmen. -KOKICHI MY BELOVED!!! i already voiced how much i adore his outfit when the group pic came out, so instead might i point out that he’s wearing high-water slacks and tall socks? it’s just as jarring as Fuyuhiko’s bi-slacks, but this is Kokichi so i feel like he did it on purpose. -Kiibo??? he dead ass changed his plating i-???? idk what i’m feeling towards it, but boy howdy am i feeling -GONTA!!! i love his suit, it’s out there in a good way, and i also love how he’s holding what looks like his casual coat. -Shuichi looks lovely in that suit, and i’ll never forgive everyone ever for saying he looked like a grandpa in it. It make him look a bit more Sherlock-esque and i love -3- -KORK IN A DRESS EVERYBODY MOVE!! i love how Androgynous his outfit is, both in gender and in time. like- is it feminine? masculine? modern? 1800′s england? who the fuck knows! -Ryoma looks good, but the fedora- who tf on the design staff decided to get cheeky?? eh- he’s vibing, doesn’t look too bad so long as you don’t hyperfixate on the pointy groin-stabber fedora -KAITO YOU SNAZZY GALAXY PATTERN SNORTING BASTARD! i swear he’s allergic to putting his right arm in it’s sleeve-. anywho, i love how even his dress jacket has a galaxy lining in it, i think it would have been funny if he was wearing galaxy dress shoes too but Maki would have chopped his dick off for that one -Kaede looks like her dress was inspired by one of those cinnamon peppermints- ya know the ones, they have the pink center and all that jazz? -Miu looks like she’s ready to hit up a casino in LA and honestly that’s such a good vibe! her skirt is a bit funky so it took me a hot sec to realize it was indeed a pencil skirt and not a fancy jumpsuit. -Tusmugi’s looks nice, i don’t have much else to say- kinda fitting considering her Plain Jane shtick -TENKO LOOKS LIKE SHE’S THIS CLOSE TO BREAKING OUT INTO A TAP DANCE AND I’M SO FUCKING HERE FOR IT!!! GO QUEEN!!!! -Kirumi is- well- i don’t go to Genshin Impact, but she looks like that one Genshin character, you know the one right? i think their name was a Starbucks drink size- they have a harp?? yeah -Maki’s dress is really pretty, it is a bit odd for her to wear that considering her character, but i can’t say she doesn’t rock it like the queen she is. -Himiko would be nicer without the transparent extra part- it make her looks like one of those half sphere popper things my friends terrorized me with in middle school. Other than that, you go you cute little magical girl you! -ANGIE OH MY FUCK!!! i love- i- dfj;adgad;jdgd!#2342nh;werkw??? i have no clue at this point what culture she’s suppose to be from, but that definitely looks like some traditional garb she’s got going on and holy crap is is pretty
Over all, i think the staff did a great job with this, i love a good lot of the outfits alot more than i though i would from the group pic. I do wish they would have added at least Komaru and Mukuro though- gimmy my queens yo!
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the-peak-of-despair · 4 years
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Blackend!Reader
anon asked:  Hello! I really like your guys page! I was wondering if I could get some HC’s for a Fuyuhiko x reader? Say they are in a trial and they find out his S/O is the culprit? Angst angst angst? If not that’s fine but it’d make my day if you guys did it thank you
Boy howdy I do sure love me some angst, I loved this request ALOT so I wrote a full oneshot! Have fun crying! -Mod Akane
There wasn’t any denying it. 
You had killed Hiyoko Saionji.
Of course, you’d never planned to kill Hiyoko! Sure, she was kinda mean.. but you never wanted to kill anyone. But after Peko’s trial, she was saying all these mean things about Peko, and Fuyuhiko, and it just kept building up…
and you killed her. 
You were just listening to her ramble to herself about how horrible Fuyuhiko was and that Peko was useless, and you couldn’t stop yourself from just… picking up a nearby pipe and bashing her head in. 
You panicked, obviously, when you realized what you had done. You automatically threw the pipe into the ocean and picked up her body, deciding to set her back down in her cottage under the veil of night, using the key she stashed in her kimono.
It was another two days before anyone realized.. And then the trial had begun. 
Fuyuhiko couldn’t entirely wrap his head around this case. It was borderline insane, Hiyoko had been dead for three whole days before anyone found her. He didn’t like the girl too much, but still, that was awful. He looked up at (Y/N), who had been twiddling her thumbs silently basically the entire trial.
That struck Fuyuhiko as odd. Usually she did her best to contribute whenever she could during the trial. She didn’t wanna die as much as everyone else. Yet still… silent as ever. 
“Hiyoko had her key on her, right? Could the killer have just taken the key out of her pocket to set her in her cottage?” Kazuichi suggests. Hajime hums in response as (Y/N)’s eyes dart over to Kazuichi. 
“That’s most certainly a possibility..” Hajime mutters. “But why do all that?”
“Maybe it was so we wouldn’t look where they actually committed the crime.” Fuyuhiko suggests casually. There wasn’t really much else to guess…
“Actually..” Kazuichi starts, scratching the back of his neck and looking away from the rest of the group, “I might know where it took place…”
“Please tell us immediately!” Sonia pipes in, leaning against her podium with her hands, as if she was leaning herself towards Kazuichi.  
“Y-Yes, Miss Sonia!” Kazuichi seems startled as he begins blushing. “Well, a day or two ago I was in Electric Avenue, on the third island.. And I saw a bloodstain, just in the middle of the ground. Nothing else was around, so I just assumed someone got hurt or something and moved on.. But it was a lot of blood.” 
“Well, why’d you wait so long to tell us?” Akane asks.
“I-I just forgot!” 
“Regardless, if you found it only a day or two ago, by that time the killer must’ve already cleaned up any other evidence.” Nagito sighs. “What a shame, I-”
“Don’t even start.” Fuyuhiko glares at Nagito. For just one trial, it’d be nice if he shut the fuck up. 
“Ah, okay.” Nagito says, and that’s the end of that.
“But if they cleaned up the crime scene, why would they leave the bloodstain..?” Hajime asks. 
Fuyuhiko honestly didn’t have any better answer than anyone else could come up with. He was suspicious of Kazuichi, since he was generally the only person who went to Electric Ave, but that wouldn’t help much to just accuse him out of nowhere. Lives were on the line, it didn’t offer any help to jump the gun and accuse people out of the blue.
“How about we go over the case from the start and see if we find any more clues?” Chiaki suggests. 
“What good is it if we still don’t know the murder weapon?”  Akane suggests.
“M-Maybe.. The killer threw the pipe away or hid it, or something?” (Y/N) adds. “Y’know, to like, throw off the trial..” 
“A pipe..?” Sonia questions.
Her eyes widened, realizing her mistake. “W-Well, I mean, the Monokuma file says her head was bashed in, a-and if she was killed in Electric Ave. like Kazuichi s-suggested, t-then it’d probably be a p-pipe lying around there!” 
“I-It w-would match t-then w-wound on her h-head..” Mikan mutters quietly.  
“Okay, so, say the killer whacks Hiyoko in the head at Electric Ave, right?” Chiaki starts. “And when they killed her they disposed of the pipe somewhere and dragged Hiyoko home, leaving her in her cottage until we found her three days later. What motive would they have…?” 
“Maybe they didn’t mean to kill her…” (Y/N) mutters. 
“What makes you say that?” Hajime asks.
“W-Well, none of us had any grudges or anything against her, right? Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing, like last time..” She trails off and Fuyuhiko winces at the mention of the incident of the last trial.
“That could be basically anyone on the third island three days ago..” Sonia mutters.
“Wait, wouldn’t that be breaking the rules? I mean if they disposed of it somewhere on the island, it could be a violation of the rules, and..” Akane trails off.
“Nope! The blackened threw the pipe into the ocean, technically not part of the land environment on these islands!” Monokuma interrupts.
“Pipe?” Hajime asks, glancing between (Y/N) and Monokuma. There’s no way…
“Whoops, did I say that out loud?” Monokuma nervously laughs before sinking out of the conversation. Fuyuhiko locked eyes with you..
There’s no way those are the eyes of a murderer. He knew you. He loved you, he knew.. You wouldn’t do something as reckless as killing Hiyoko..
“So it seems this trial is about to come to a close..!” Nagito mutters. Oh dear god. He turns towards (Y/N). “Well, it seems you’ve dug your own grave, (Y/N)..” 
“Hey, leave her the fuck alone!” Fuyuhiko stops him as (Y/N)’s eyes widen in fear. “There’s no way she’s the killer!”  
“Then how would she know about the pipe, Fuyuhiko?” Hajime adds. “The evidence is starting to pile against her.” 
“You don't know shit! There’s no way (Y/N) would’ve done it!” Fuyuhiko argues, slamming his hands against his podium. 
“Why don’t we ask the girl in question?” Nagito suggests, and the eyes of the surviving students all fell on (Y/N), petrified with fear.
Her podium was directly across from Fuyuhiko’s. It was almost default for him to be looking dead at her. But the fear in her eyes.. Fuyuhiko almost couldn’t look. He hated seeing her like this. If he had any less self restraint, he’d probably run to her side and hold her close. But knowing his luck, he’d bust his stomach open or something stupid in the process.
“I-I didn’t kill her..” (Y/N) stutters, the emotion and fear of being framed building up and pouring out in the form of tears and sobs that made Fuyuhiko- and most of their classmates- wince. “It wasn’t me! Y-You’ve gotta believe me! Hajime, please..! Tell them they’re wrong!” 
Hajime looks away from her. “I’m sorry, but…” 
“You’re really just gonna stand there and look away?!” Fuyuhiko yells. “For fuck’s sake, she’s crying! All your evidence is circumstantial and probability!”
“Then if she can present an alibi for the day Hiyoko was killed-” Hajime calmly argues. 
“She was with me, damnit!” Fuyuhiko lies. He lies, almost on reflex, to find anything that would get them off her trail. There was no way she was the killer.
“I mean, you could’ve worked as accomplices.. Or if you did it..” Kazuichi starts to trail off, scratching the back of his neck once again. “I-I’m just suggesting!” 
“Why in the fuck would I kill her?! I didn’t even know she was dead until we found her today, just like the rest of you assholes!” Fuyuhiko argues. “I would’ve had no reason to kill her, and I’ve never even been in Electric Ave!” 
“One of you two did it, you’re the only suspects!” Akane argues. Fuyuhiko growls under his breath, pissed off to all belief. This trial was spinning in every way it shouldn’t. He can’t help but focus on (Y/N), eyes darting to every filled podium in the room as the room dissolves into argumentative yelling. Underneath it all you can almost hear Monomi muttering about how things shouldn’t turn out like this, but it’d be hard to hear under everyone arguing. 
“There’s 12 people in this fucking court room, and you’re choosing to single out two people who have barely even been on that island!” Fuyuhiko starts yelling once more.
“You don’t have alibis, (Y/N)’s been acting strange this whole trial, and you’re the only two people with any motives!” Kazuichi shouts, making drastic gestures with his hands the whole time. 
“N-No one else has given alibis.. This is simply unfair..” (Y/N) mutters.
“She has a point. We should wait to hear all alibis first before we point fingers. Where was everyone roughly around the time Hiyoko was killed?” Hajime questions.
“I was with (Y/N)!” Fuyuhiko insists.
“I was in the company of Sonia.” Gundham states, arms crossed. 
“Nekomaru and I were in the hotel. I saw Nagito there as well as Chiaki!” Akane adds. 
“Mikan and I were at the beach!” Ibuki exclaims. 
“I was in my cottage..” Hajime states.
“Well, I was on the second island, but…” Kazuichi starts. “I saw you, Fuyuhiko.” 
“What?” Fuyuhiko freezes. He can’t let this go now, if it gets (Y/N) in deep shit.. “No the fuck you didn’t!”
“You were in the diner! And (Y/N) wasn’t with you!” Kazuichi begins to argue dramatically, waving his hands around once more. 
“You don’t have anyone to back you up! You could be lying to pin it on me, cause you’re the only one who fucking goes to Electric Ave!” Fuyuhiko yells.
“Why are you getting so defensive..?” Hajime asks.
“Because it’s fucking obvious Kazuichi did it! He’s the only here who goes there, he’s lying about his claim, and he’s twice Hiyoko’s fucking size! He wouldn’t have a damn issue bashing in her head!” 
“Mikan and I were on the second island a swell.” Ibuki throws in. “We passed Kazuichi on the way to the beach, which means..” 
“You’re covering for someone, aren’t you Fuyuhiko..?” Hajime questions. 
“No, I’m not! Kazuichi is the fucking killer, let’s just vote already and get this over with!”  Fuyuhiko yells. He’s set and believes only Kazuichi could’ve done it. It doesn’t matter if Kazuichi can call his bluff. It doesn’t matter how much contrasting evidence they have against it.
Because if he doesn’t blame Kazuichi, that only leaves (Y/N). She wasn’t a killer. She was kind, and always loving towards Fuyuhiko, and… and that type of person doesn’t just take someone else’s life. No matter who it is, no matter who deserves it.. 
A part of Fuyuhiko knew he was being irrational. Somewhere deep down, he knew she killed Hiyoko. He didn’t know why, and he didn’t care. He would die fighting for (Y/N) instead of watching her be taken away… he didn’t want a repeat of what happened with Peko. He couldn’t lose both of them. 
He wasn’t going to let (Y/N) die. 
“Come on, let’s just start the fucking voting already!” Fuyuhiko suggests with authority. He didn’t care, for just a fleeting moment, he didn’t care about his friends, as long as she would be okay. 
The courtroom spirals into loud arguments and fights again. People arguing over alibis, over who was guilty, people siding with Fuyuhiko and people against his batshit logic. 
“GUYS, STOP FIGHTING!”.  A loud voice screams over the entirety of the arguments. It falls deadly silent as everyone turns to (Y/N). “It was me, okay!? I did it! I killed Hiyoko…” You exclaim, sniffling and crying from fear.
“(Y-Y/N)-” Fuyuhiko stutters, and the events of the last trial all come flooding back. All so different.. Yet still the same outcome.
 “Why did you..?” Hajime asks, before recollecting himself. “Why didn’t you confess earlier..?” 
“I-I don’t wanna d-die..!” She starts crying, tearing Fuyuhiko apart at the seams, the last of whatever stability left being ripped away. “B-But you guys started arguing a-and.. I d-don’t want my friends t-to get hurt cause I did something s-stupid..!” (Y/N) starts wiping away her tears. Whether she minded crying or not, whether she cared about appearing weak or strong.. She couldn’t stop crying. 
“...w-why?” Fuyuhiko mutters, looking up and locking eyes with her. “W-Why!? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KILL HER!?” 
“I DIDN’T REALIZE WHAT I WAS DOING!” (Y/N) shouts, before a loud sob leaves her as she leans against her podium. “S-She..I ran into h-her at Electric Ave a-and she was m-muttering a-all these mean things..!” A large heavy breath through a snotty nose. “A-About how P-Peko deserved t-to die after w-what she did..! And th-that you should’ve died too..! A-And I got so mad, I just p-picked up whatever was n-next to me and I hit her- a-and by the time I was done I realized and..” 
“Breathe for a second..” Nagito mutters. “You can’t explain all of this when you can barely take in air.” 
“I know that, Nagito!” She snaps up her head to look at him, before staring at the floor again. “W-When I realized what I did, I threw the pipe into the ocean right o-off the bridge.. And I-I felt bad leaving her there s-so I took her back to her cottage a-and laid her down.. So she could r-rest easy…A-and I guess I l-locked the door on my way o-out of habit…” 
All self control left Fuyuhiko as he walked away from his podium and rushed over and basically grabbed (Y/N) by the collar, holding her head up and at his own height, regardless of how tall she was. “Why..? Wh-Why..?”
“S-She was so mean to you and P-Peko and I just- I didn’t mean to k-kill her- S-She was my f-friend-”
“Yet you killed her all the same. Jeez..” Nagito sighs. “W-” “S-Stay the fuck out of this Nagito!” Fuyuhiko snaps at him, eyes watering as he came to the realization that he was losing yet another person who he loved. This wasn’t what was planned. They were going to get out, and survive, and rule the Kuzuryuu clan, and.. 
“W-What’s wrong with you..? Y-You did this a-all to just defend me! And n-now you’re gonna die because y-you-” Fuyuhiko was trying to knock sense into you, trying to get you to justify yourself. 
“I didn’t want y-you to die b-because I- because I messed up!”  (Y/N) cries, Fuyuhiko’s grasp loose enough that (Y/N) breaks through and buries herself in his chest, crying loudly. Fuyuhiko can’t even pull himself to react. He knows he should hug her, or rub circles in her back, or anything, but he can’t bring himself to. 
The unyielding despair of losing both Peko and (Y/N).. Fuyuhiko knew damn well it was only what the mastermind wanted. Yet still... despair took him in a chokehold grip and suffocated him, nearly blinding the world he knew with black spots in his vision. Everything hurt.. He didn’t know if he was capable of crying anymore than he already was. 
“Gosh, all this sappy nonsense, every trial!” Monokuma complains. “Come on, everyone, it’s voting time!” 
Fuyuhiko can’t help but stare at his classmates as they pull their levers, all putting his precious (Y/N) on the chopping block.. They all looked like monsters in his eyes. If he were a sensible man who weren’t overtaken by emotion, he would’ve understood that this is what was meant to be done. Even before he was transported to this hellish island, that was how his life worked. When you’re the Ultimate Yakuza, you can’t get attached to people.
Peko and (Y/N) always felt like an exception, but…
clearly, he was wrong.
“Corrrect!” Monokuma’s everlasting, devilish grin seems to grow even wider, rubbing salt in the wounds. “Our dear (Y/N) has murdered Hiyoko! And she almost got away with it too, phuhuhu!” 
“YOU’RE A BASTARD!” Fuyuhiko screams, as (Y/N) pulls him back by the sleeve. 
“P-Please, Fuyuhiko..” 
He snaps back around. “W-Why..? P-Please, I-I- I can’t lose you too..”
“I’m s-sorry, Fuyuhiko..” 
“I’ve prepared a very special punishment for the Ultimate (talent)!”
“P-Please! I n-need you! Y-You can’t l-leave me too-!” Fuyuhiko is crying his eyes out, harder than he’d ever imagined he’s capable of. 
“Let’s give it everything we’ve got...!” 
“I-I’m sorry, Fuyuhiko.” (Y/N) bows her head. 
“Iiiiits PUNISHMENT TIME!” Monokuma shouts between the bits of conversations between the two torn apart lovers.
(Y/N) pulls Fuyuhiko close for a final kiss, and just as Fuyuhiko kisses back.. That stupid metal chain clamped around her neck. She takes in a heavy breath in shock, and then she’s dragged  away, just as Teruteru was….
No one spoke a word as they watched (Y/N)’s execution. Her mouth was moving, as if she wanted to say something, but of course they couldn’t hear.. Was she calling out for Fuyuhiko.? 
Even as her execution ended, no one spoke as they turned and caught Fuyuhiko, crying with his face in his hands as he was on his knees on the floor. Maybe the most emotion he’d ever shown...the trauma of watching both his childhood friend and lover dragged away weighed down and cracked the man’s very soul. It would take him a much longer time to recover from this...
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josephsaturn · 3 years
Danganronpa: 10th anniversary outfits review!
So…quick thought here…I have almost no context for any other character outside of dr1, so if u like some of these characters, and I say something construed as mean…sorry?
(Under the cut):
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Makoto Naegi: 7/10
It’s fine, really. Nothing extravagant, nothing stupid
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: 7/10
The only thing I have to say is that I like the color scheme: it takes from his school uniform, and that palette looks great on him!
Byakuya Togami: 8/10
I like it. The fur coat works for his personality, and the color palette works as well.
Mondo Ōwada: 9/10
I’m not exactly sure what this is supposed to be, but it looks great! The palette looks nice and the coat & pants have a really cool design on them.
Leon Kuwata: 7/10
The plaid looks nice, but in all honesty, I don’t really think it fits his character well.
Hifumi Yamada: 9/10
Not gonna lie…I’m actually loving the pinstripes! He kinda looks like a mobster from Guys and Dolls, and considering that’s one of my favorite musicals, it gets an instant high score from me!
Yasuhiro Hagakure: 9/10
That color combo looks really good on him! I’m kinda glad Spike Chunsoft loves putting Hiro in bright clothes, since they fit so well on him!
Sayaka Maizono: 8/10
It’s fairly basic…but it’s cute at least. Also, I like the little detail that she’s holding a yellow rose, since those mean both friendship, and more commonly, jealousy
Kyoko Kirigiri: 7/10
It’s fine. I don’t hate it, but I think they could’ve done a bit better. In all honesty, I think it would’ve been cool if they put her into a “little black dress” like the one in breakfast at Tiffany’s: simple, but elegant nonetheless.
Aoi Asahina: 9/10
I am fully willing to admit I’m biased, so I will. I’m in LOVE with this dress, and Aoi’s rockin’ it!
Tōko Fukawa: 9/10
I really like this dress! The colors, the accessory, the design, her hair, it’s all great!
Sakura Ōgami: 10/10
Honestly, I love this Kimono! The bright pink and yellow, the (I’m assuming) Chrysanthemums, her hair and the decorations, I love it all, and she looks stunning!
Celestia Ludenberg: 7/10
I…kinda like it? The palette’s nice, and the general feel of it is regal-esque, but I personally kinda don’t like it. I feel like they should’ve gone with something more Victorian or Rococo style for her
Junko Enoshima: 10/10
I’m in LOVE with this dress, and it looks gorgeous! I especially love the little masque that pays homage to Monokuma, and the crown being used as kinda like a hairtie! It really looks like something a fashionista would wear!
Chihiro Fujisaki: 7/10
I don’t hate it, but they could’ve been just a bit more creative, I think.
Overall: 0/10, no Mukuro outfit
Jk, 8/10
Danganronpa 2
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Hajime Hinata: 8/10
I like the white tux, but it looks like a lot of his palette was just eyedropped from his uniform
Rat Man (more commonly known as Nagito Komaeda): 9/10
I love the way this tux looks on him! The white jacket looks great, and so do the designs on it!
Byakuya Togami: 7/10
It’s alright. Nothing bad, nothing new. Maybe if they gave him a different tux design I wouldn’t mind, but as it is, it’s just fine
Gundham Tanaka: 9/10
I really like the accent colors, and the boa is a nice touch as well
I love the hamsters’ outfits! They’re adorable!!
Kazuichi Sōda: 6/10
This isn’t bad, but it just, once again, looks like they just eyedropped his normal uniform colors onto a tux. It’s not bad, but it does feel a bit lazy
Teruteru Hanamura: 9/10
This might seem like an unpopular opinion (and it is)…but I love this outfit! It’s cute, the accent colors and accessories themselves are cute, and Teruteru’s the only boy wearing a cummerbund (fun fact!)
Nekomaru Nidai: 9/10
I’m in LOVE with this guy’s design
I really like the double-breasted jacket (that’s actually what it’s called, I’m not being horny), and the colors look great on him! My only complaint is the fact that he’s wearing boaters. They’re not bad shoes, but I just don’t get why he’s wearing them
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: 7/10
I like his color scheme, but if there were any place to put pinstripes, it’s this guy, due to his title. Also, what’s with the rolled up pants? Is he wanting to wear shorts? He does look like a kid…
Akane Owari: 10/10
I ADORE THIS ONE. The pants, the blouse, the color, the CAPE…HOO BOOOYYYYY
Chiaki Nanami: 8/10
I like the color scheme, but, again, the dress seems a little plain. She’s the ultimate gamer, and you’re telling me you can’t reference a video game dress? Really?
Sonia Nevermind: 10/10
the way this dress looks is GORGEOUS, and the palette is, once again, beautiful
Hiyoko Saionji: 8/10
It’s a very cute design, but I feel like the colors could be a bit more matched
Mahiru Koizumi: 9/10
GORGEOUS. I have no other words.
No thoughts, head empty, only GORGEOUS
Mikan Tsumiki: 5/10
I…don’t like this one
The way it shows so much skin feels a bit weird, considering fanon states some kinda physical/sexual abuse for Mikan. The only thing I like is the color scheme
The pillbox hat & color scheme makes me think of Jackie Kennedy, so why not put her in something like that? Something a bit more conservative, but still pretty
Ibuki Mioda: 9/10
I really like this one! It seems a bit avant-garde, & I respect that for a character like ibuki
Not to mention it just looks pretty in general
Peko Pekoyama: 8/10
I love the monochrome color scheme and the way her Kimono looks, and her accessories look great as well!
Overall: 8/10!
Danganronpa V3
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Rantaro Amami: 8/10
Meh, it looks good, but I think it’s kinda bland
Kokichi Ōma: 7/10
The outfit looks great, but this dude’s HAIR…DISGOSTANG
Like…it’s long enough to put into a rat-man ponytail, so why not do THAT?
K1-B0: 10/10
You know I’m right.
Gonta Gokuhara: 9/10
I like the color scheme a lot, and the chequerboard looks great on him! What a gentleman!
Shuichi Saihara: 5/10
I’m just not a fan of tweed…but also, this just doesn’t look good on him. What they should’ve done was give him something in a different color palette. Maybe reference a 1940s suit for extra levity!
Korekiyo shingūji: 7/10
Idk…everything’s’ fitting together, but at the same time…not. I do like the hakama, tho, & the color palette is once again, eyedropped
Ryoma Hoshi: 9/10
I love the color scheme, the pinstripes look great, and I love both the gloves and the fedora!
Kaito Momota: 7/10
He just kinda looks, once again, like a formal version of his school uniform. It doesn’t look bad, but there’s gotta be something more creative than that
Kaede Akamatsu: 8/10
I really like the color scheme and her decorations, and the ruffles look adorable! It gives off a very “goddess of flowers” vibe, and I love it
Miu Iruma: 100/10
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In all seriousness tho, I do love the dress, it’s so sophisticated and the color palette/ accessories only complement the outfit
Tsumugi Shirogane: 8/10
Meh, the dress is cute, and the color scheme looks nice, but I just kinda wish they swapped the colors of the boa and dress. I think that’d look better
Tenko Chabashira: 9/10
She looks like Willy Wonka……but it works. I like the short skirt-pants, the hose, and overall, it looks great!
We need more people wearing cummerbunds!
(Number of kids wearing cummerbunds: 2)
Kirumi Tōjo: 8/10
She kinda looks like a character from……Genshin, I think? Either way, it looks pretty, but I think they could’ve done better.
Maki Harukawa: 6/10
I don’t really understand the color situation: why is the bodice pink, but the bottom a gradient from eggshell white to egg yolk yellow? If they’d chosen better colors I think I might like the dress better
Himiko Yumeno: 10/10
I love this dress. It’s so cute, and the use of translucent, glittery fabric really makes it look whimsical! She looks like a magical girl, which I guess is the point
Angie Yonaga: 9/10
I’m not exactly sure what she’s wearing, but I do love the colors. They fit really well, and it looks good on her!
Overall: 8/10
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What birthday presents Mahiru, Mikan and Hiyoko would give to their S/O ?
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I can do that, sure.
I would say happy birthday, but considering you submitted this a months ago, it’s probably too late already, huh...
Happy belated birthday anyway haha
(Also sorry if the presents themselves are repetitive, it’s hard to come up with ideas when I don’t know you and your interests...)
Mahiru, Mikan, and Hiyoko Giving Their S/O A Birthday Present
Mahiru Koizumi
-It’s fairly obvious that it’d have something to do with photography
-You two had been together for quite some time at this point
-So, as such, she had collected a fair amount of pictures of you, plus the two of you together
-She printed out a lot of said pictures, and made a sort of scrapbook out of it
-Pages and pages of many things, like that picture of you asleep on your desk at school, or the one of you making a snowman, or the one of visiting your favorite coffee shop
-The list goes on and on
-The day comes, and she nervously invites you into her dorm room
-You could tell by her nervous demeanor, and the fact that it was your birthday, that she had a surprise for you
-She gave you the scrapbook, and watched your eyes light up as you flipped through the pages
-Near the end, though, you noticed there were a good ten or so blank pages
-Confused, you kept flipping through the empty pages, until you reached the end
-As you opened up the page, two small slips of paper flew out, and, written on that page were the words “So many more memories to make with you” written in neat and cursive handwriting
-Picking up the papers from the ground, your eyes widened in surprise
-”I remember you mentioned a long time ago that you had always wanted to take a vacation to (dream vacation location), so I bought us plan tickets and a hotel to stay there for a week...”
-She was honestly so nervous, she couldn’t even meet your eye
-But she jumped in shock when you flew your arms around her shoulders
-”It’s perfect.”
Mikan Tsumiki:
-Nervous girl
-Lord help her
-Puts it off for weeks, since she’s so worried that you won’t like whatever she gets you
-But as the day approaches, she knows that she has to do something
-After much thought, and a little advice from Ibuki, she makes up her mind on what to get you
-You unlock the door to her dorm room using the spare key she gave you, and were immediately surprised at seeing Mikan holding a bouquet of some of your favorite flowers, holding it out to you and looking towards the ground bashfully
-”Here!” She practically squeaks out, before pushing the flowers into your chest
-You take a moment to admire them, before turning back to face Mikan, still too nervous to look at you
-”Mikan, what’s this for?”
-”I-It’s... for your birthday...” She says quietly. Her nerves seem to calm slightly at the sound of your voice, and she shyly takes you by the hand to lead you to the dining room
-The first thing you noticed was the cake. It was beautifully made, and smelled wonderful
-”I-I got it done at the bakery nearby... i-it’s even your favorite flavor...”
-You licked your lips with appetite, staring down the cake silently
-Finally drawing your attention away from the cake, you looked around the room
-Streamers and confetti plastered the countertop and floor. It felt almost like a children’s birthday party, but it was cute nonetheless
-Hearing a small and cute “Ahem” from behind you, you turn to see what your darling girlfriend wanted to say
-”I... uh... I-I also got us a reservation for that f-fancy restaurant downtown that you love...”
-”You... you did? Mikan, that places is so expensive? How on Earth did you get tickets there?”
-”I’ve... been saving up for a wh-while now... I wanted to give you the best birthday I could... but I wasn’t sure what to get you until now...”
-Shocked by your girlfriend’s consideration, you ran up to her and gave her a bear hug, lifting her up off the ground a little as she squeaked in surprise
-”You’re the best, Mikan!”
-She smiled, and relaxed into the hug
-”I l-love you too, (Y/N).”
Hiyoko Saionji:
-She’s screwed
-One of the few days out of the year where she has to drop her tsundere act and show genuine affection
-It’s a concept so foreign to her, so she was quite conflicted on what to do
-With much thought, she came up with an idea that she figured you would like
-You came home after a long day of schoolwork, and were a bit confused when you entered your dorm room to find Hiyoko missing
-She usually waited patiently on the couch for you to get home, so her absence was quite confusing
-Setting down your stuff, you noticed a note she seemed to have left on the kitchen countertop
-’Meet me at the amphitheater’
-Hiyoko’s handwriting, you recognized that immediantly
-You quickly got everything put away in its proper place, before heading out the door
-The amphitheater wasn’t far from the dorm buildings, and as you passed around the corner and saw the familiar building, memories came flooding back to you
-Every night before a big performance, you two would go out there in the evening, and you’d watch as she’d practice her routine
-It was always perfect of course, she is an ultimate after all, so you’d sit back and watch in admiration as she preformed flawlessly
-Arriving at the amphitheater, you took a seat in one of the empty seats, and waited patiently for something to happen
-In a minute or so, you saw the lights flicker on, and traditional Japanese music started playing
-You looked around a little, confused. To your surprise, though, nobody was around
-Finally, Hiyoko appeared on stage in a beautiful (and seemingly brand new0 pink kimono, and started a dance routine, one that you had never seen before
-You watched in awe as she gracefully swayed across the stage, beautiful and smooth movements drawing all your attention to her and her dance in that very moment
-Unfortunately, the performance had to come to an end eventually, as the music died down, and Hiyoko stood in the center of the stage, looking calm and content
-A few seconds later, the whole audience stood up and cheered and clapped for her
-And by audience, I mean you
-There wasn’t anyone this dance was meant for other than you, so she didn’t need a large audience at all
-She walked down the steps on the side of the stage, and ran to you to give you a hug
-”Hiyoko, that was amazing! Well, you’re always amazing anyway.”
-Unlike the usual, she had no snarky response to that, but only smiled bashfully at the praise
-“I... was working on it for weeks, I’m glad you liked it.”
-”Like it? Hiyoko, I loved it.”
-She smiled once again, before pulling something out of her kimono sash
-Reading the words printed on the paper, you gasped quietly and smiled in amazement
-”You got me tickets to go see (favorite band)? I thought they were all sold out?”
-She giggled cutely at that, “I have my ways.”
-Overflowing with love and joy, you picked her up and spun her in circles, laughter surrounding the two of you, alone in that moment
-You gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and set her down carefully
-”I love you Hiyoko.”
-She laughed softly, a pink tint dusting her cheeks
-”I love you too, dummy.”
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skylights2000 · 4 years
I recently got a request for a Circus AU, so here we go! The person who made the request (I won’t name anyone since they requested to stay anonymous). They were a lot of help, especially since I don’t know much about circuses. Anyway, enough of my rambling! Enjoy!
A Day at the Circus
People filed into the large circus tent, some chattering excitedly with friends, some pointing out the amazing photographs and posters spread through the grounds. Each poster was signed by someone named Mahiru. The pictures were incredible, skillfully taken from varying angles.
As everyone gathered inside and took their seats, the lights dimmed, and the chatter died, plunging the room into silence.
That silence was broken by a loud ‘BOOM’. A spotlight came on just in time to catch a figure landing gracefully on the stage. The petite woman had long, strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a fluffy, white dress that imitated the patterns of various playing cards, such as the ace of hearts, ace of diamonds, ace of spades, and ace of clubs. A small, black top hat adorned her head. She had on black, knee high boots and black, fingerless gloves. “My name is Miu Iruma, and I’ve got one question for you guys! Who’s ready to get this show started?!”
The crowd cheered wildly, everyone equally excited for what was to come.
“That’s what I’m fuckin’ talkin’ about! Please welcome our first act, the coolest swordswoman you’ll ever meet, Peko Pekoyama!”
The spotlight shifted, illuminating the form of a woman with long, silver hair tied into two braids. The light caught the smoke wafting from the cigar in her mouth. The cigar itself was large, almost looking too big for her to carry in her mouth.
The crowd quieted again as Peko drew her sword from the holster on her back. She reached into the box beside her and pulled out a firework, an actual stick of dynamite, and a small metal ball that made up a stereotypical mortar bombshell. She held each up to her face, lighting them with her cigar. The fuses sparkled as they were lit, but instead of placing them on the ground, she tossed them high into the air.
The crowd held its breath as they came plummeting back down. Peko moved faster than the audience could keep up with, slicing the fuse off each explosive before they even hit the ground. Applause broke out through the crowd, everyone staring in amazement. Peko held a finger to her lips, and once everyone had quieted down, she raised the sword over her head. She carefully took it by the blade and slid it down her throat, ignoring the collective gasps of shock from the audience.
She pushed the sword down until she reached the hilt; then, to everyone’s surprise, she pushed the hilt down too, smirking at the dumbstruck looks on most of the audience’s faces.
She bowed to the crowd and the spotlight above her head went out before the one above Miu returned. “Wasn’t that fuckin’ awesome?!” The crowd chanted in agreement, and she smiled. “Alright, next, we’re welcoming our acrobat of the century, Sonia Nevermind!”
The spotlight moved again, several lighting the area, while a larger one focused on the figure standing at the top of a high platform. She smiled and waved happily at the crowd before leaping off the platform. Several people gasped as she grasped a flying trapeze, doing a graceful backflip onto another platform.
She reached for what looked like a long silk rope. She moved fluidly and beautiful as she did tricks and danced to the gently swelling music. It was an incredible performance filled with skill and grace.
“Sexy, ain’t she?” Miu laughed once the act was over. “Next, we got another fun one! Go on and welcome our emo animal trainer, Gundham Tanaka!”
Said man was glaring heavily at her when the lights landed on him. Nonetheless, he smoothed out his dark shirt and turned to a large cage. Inside was a tiger, terrifying yet beautiful, it’s orange stripes seeming to glow under the circus lights.
Gundham held up a key, showing it to the crowd before unlocking the cage. Everyone tensed up instinctively, but they couldn’t help leaning forward in their seats to see what happened.
Gundham stood calmly in front of the tiger, extending his hand silently. The tiger sniffed it cautiously before it licked his hand.
He smiled softly as he led it further into the open, getting it to do several tricks, such as jumping through hoops and walking on its hind legs.
When the act was done, he bowed with a flourish of his cape, and the crowd ‘ooh’ed as the tiger folded its front legs, lowering into a bow as well.
“That tiger’s cool as hell!” Miu turned to them again with a laugh. “Alright folks, time for the final act! Please welcome, Hiyoko and TeruTeru!”
The lights lit up again, revealing a giant cannon. The cannon was incredible, covered in spirals of various colors with glittery, gold accents.
A man’s head was poking out of the top, and behind the cannon was a young girl, with big, blonde pigtails. She was wearing an orange kimono adorned with glittery, golden flowers. Gold ribbons attached various kinds of fireworks to her small body, the largest being a colorful rocket on her back.
The small girl carried a comically large pipe. It was golden and ornate with colorful sparks occasionally bursting from the lit end. She picked up the cannon fuse, puffed her pipe, and grinned as the sparks lit it. She took a few steps back. “Hold on tight, little man.” She called teasingly to TeruTeru, rubbing her hands together in excitement.
TeruTeru was launched into the sky with a loud boom, sailing through the top of the tent and into the sky above, disappearing with a blink.
Hiyoko laughed loudly, sparks exploding from her pipe, accidentally lighting the rocket on her back. She screamed loudly as she was launched into the sky. The rocket exploded, showering everything in colorful sparkles, several smaller fireworks lighting off in various colors and shapes.
Mikan, the carnival’s personal nurse, barely managed to catch Hiyoko as she plummeted back to the ground, covered in soot. The girl argued petulantly but let Mikan carry her out of the tent.
Meanwhile, Mahiru laughed nervously as she watched the two leave. Peko walked over and patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. This happens every time.”
Mahiru smile sheepishly. “I know. I just worry about them. Oh yeah, do you think TeruTeru will make it back in time to make dinner?”
Peko smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. “He’s never been one to miss a chance to show off his cooking skills.”
Mahiru giggled, covering her mouth with her hand to muffle it. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
As if on cue, TeruTeru popped up beside them with a grin. “Hey ladies, lookin’ good.”
They didn’t even get the chance to respond before Hiyoko appeared, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You made me blow up!”
“Huh? What are you talking about, sugar?”
“Don’t you ‘sugar’ me, you pervert! If you hadn’t made me laugh, my rocket wouldn’t have blown up!” Hiyoko didn’t give anyone a chance to say anything before she pulled out the giant mallet she loved to carry. She swung it hard at TeruTeru, sending him blasting off into the sky once again.
Mahiru and Peko watched him go, shielding their eyes from the sun with their hands. He disappeared with a small twinkle, and Mahiru raised her camera, snapping a quick picture of it before it disappeared.
“I guess dinner is canceled again?” She sighed.
Peko nodded. “It seems so.”
Mahiru lit up a new cigarette, taking a drag from it before responding. “We should really hide that mallet.”
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
I adore your talentswap backstories! I'd like you to write some headcanons for my Talentshift SDR2 au. It consists of Mechanic!Hajime, ReserveCourse!Mahiru, Photographer!Ibuki, Musician!Fuyuhiko, Yakuza!Gundham, Breeder!Chiaki, Gamer!Mikan, Nurse!Nagito, Lucky!Imposter, Imposter!Peko (impersonating non-despair Junko), Swordswoman!Sonia, Prince!Nekomaru, Coach!Teruteru, Chef!Hiyoko, TraditionalDancer!Akane, and Gymnast!Kazuichi. If not, I completely understand.
Hey anon! I’m glad you enjoyed them! ^_^ And I’d be happy to make some headcanons for your AU. But just to let you know anon, I would appreciate it if you asked me first before sending me your listed requests. I honestly don’t mind writing headcanons for talentswaps (I honestly enjoy doing that) but I would appreciate you asking me and then sending them to me. That way it doesn’t take me by surprise. 
So without further ado, here are my headcanons for your SDR2 Talentswap AU.
Peko Pekoyama as the SHSL Imposter
While Peko was adopted by the Kuzuryu Clan, she didn’t have a choice in her lifelong profession like Fuyuhiko did.
She was made to work as an infiltration agent.
As a professional imposter, Peko learned how to analyze and copy the body movements and behaviors of any potential person. 
She also was taught how to apply makeup to make her disguises as accurate as possible.
Her assignments involved abducting low level workers of rival clans and taking their place while disguised as them.
She’d then relay the rival clan’s weaknesses and business transactions towards the Kuzuryu’s so they can exploit them.
Peko was discouraged from having any personal interests or hobbies so that her infiltration and identity theft skills wouldn’t be tarnished.
This made Peko feel more like a tool and how she only existed to promote the success of the Kuzuryu Clan. 
When Fuyuhiko was scouted to go to Hope’s Peak, her superiors used their connections to grant Peko a spot with him to keep an eye on him.
She would take on Junko Enoshima’s image given that the supermodel was busy with her own personal affairs.
Although no one can recognize her while disguised, the viewer/player can recognize Peko with her thick glasses and piercing red eyes.
Hiyoko Saionji as the SHSL Chef
Hiyoko came from a family of culinary masters who amazed Japan with their creative and flavorful dishes.
There was unfortunately alot of drama within the family as they each wanted to train Hiyoko so they can pass their personal culinary training onto her.
Her grandmother managed to win and was one of the most ruthless teachers ever. 
Under her training, Hiyoko received burns, cuts and having her food thrown in her face just for making the smallest of slip ups.
Her brutal training mixed with having negative relations with her family made her bitter and aggressive towards everyone around her.
She also has a hard time trusting others to work with her in the kitchen due to multiple incidents where dishes were poisoned and nearly tarnished Hiyoko’s reputation.
Because of this, she prefers to work alone in the kitchen. When she’s assigned to work with partners or underlings, she can be best described as Gordon Ramsay if he were a sassy lost child.
She often holds a knife or a frying pan whenever she’s threatening someone she doesn’t like.
Her culinary specialties involve desserts such as wasabon and kompeito.
Ibuki Mioda as the SHSL Photographer
Throughout her childhood, Ibuki was neglected by her caregivers so she took up photography as a means of distracting herself from the loneliness of her household.
She managed to earn her success by taking high quality photos of lovers in romantic situations.
At her middle school, she made it a game for herself to see how many pictures she could get of different couples at her school without getting caught.
While developing her photos, the couples tried to chastise Ibuki for her actions but they immediately changed their minds when they saw how cool the photos looked.
Ibuki gained a reputation among her peers for her photos and now everyone wanted one too.
This resulted in Ibuki getting alot of “friends” who only wanted to hang out with her just so she could photograph them doing what they wanted while conveniently leaving out the photographer herself.
The fact that these people only cared about her talent so she can capture their memories for them gave Ibuki a sense of familiar loneliness.
Despite this, she wants to enjoy her talent as much as she can with an upbeat attitude.
Ibuki’s favorite subject to photograph are people.
She loves to people watch since the people walking around come in different shapes and sizes and are always doing something unique that you wouldn’t expect.
Sonia Nevermind as the SHSL Swordswoman
Sonia came from a family of professional swordfighters who taught her the power of the blade at an early age.
She grew up on European fairy tales and legends of powerful heroes who used their swords to fight for justice or prove their superiority against enemies who opposed them.
Her family taught her classical fencing, mordhau, the half-sword, destreza and several other fighting styles which she claims are a secret.
She earned her title after winning multiple swordfighting tournaments, many of which were held underground. 
Despite her victories, she’s actually been hospitalized due to the extreme injuries she received from sword wounds and physical attacks from her opponents.
Since these wounds have yet to diminish her fighting power, Sonia feels that it’s best to pay them no mind so she can continue her family’s legacy.
She’s never seen without her longsword which she made herself. She calls it Stjerneild because there were shooting stars on the night of making it and also since she burned herself during the process.
Sonia isn’t afraid to boast about her fighting skills and eagerly offers her girl friends the chance to learn how to use a sword.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu as the SHSL Light Music Club Member
Rather than becoming the next heir of his family business, Fuyuhiko wanted to pursue his dream of being an idol.
He takes his career extremely seriously and wouldn’t do stupid stunts or scandals that could jeopardize his work.
To make up for his young appearance, Fuyuhiko uses outfits that have a punk aesthetic while also incorporating black and gold color schemes to make him look older.
Alot of his songs feature themes of embracing your personal talents or how it’s better to carve your own path rather than rely on others.
He knows how to play the electric guitar and the keyboard. 
Having refused his parents’ intended career plans, he feels that he can’t screw up his career or else everything he ever worked for will be for nothing and he’d have to crawl back to them for support.
His sister Natsumi often joins him during his tours and unofficially becomes his manager and bodyguard during her visits. 
He has a hard time dealing with fanclub meetings because the fangirls would make jokes about his baby face which would drive him insane.
Akane Owari as the SHSL Traditional Dancer
Just like in canon, Akane had to take care of her younger siblings while struggling to survive her poor hometown.
While she did take different jobs to support her family, she would lose those jobs constantly because she kept getting into fights against strangers who tried to grope and harass her.
One day, while she was training by herself in an empty plaza, a woman passed by and paid close attention to her fighting form and rhythm.
She revealed herself to Akane as a traditional dance instructor and offered to train Akane to perfect her skills.
The girl wasn’t interested in doing something fancy like dancing but she changed her mind when she realized that her dancing could be used to raise money for her family. To which, she accepted.
While the instructor taught Akane the fundamentals of mai and odori techniques, the girl performed better when she used her own skills.
While frustrated, the instructor decided to rework her teaching style so Akane’s performances would be passable while also integrating her own skills.
She ended up winning multiple competitions and performances and used the prize money to move her family into a bigger and better house.
Although her reputation as an “easy waitress” would often rear its ugly head and would make Akane become agitated.
Her dancing moves incorporate alot of her old fighting techniques.
She wears a cherry red kimono with a yellow dragon etched on the side as a design.
At the end of each performance, she can be found at the snacks table eating just about everything.
Nagito Komaeda as the SHSL Nurse
Nagito lost his family when he was just a child.
Having pity on the boy, along with finding traces of frontotemporal dementia, the head doctor of the hospital he resided in decided to adopt the boy as his own.
Nagito became the doctor’s apprentice and learned of the different techniques that came with working in the medical field. 
The doctor taught him which drugs/medicines were used for what along with how to use the surgical tools properly.
He personally saw different medical cases each more mesmerizing than the last. 
He became fixated on the concept of death and how it was an integral part of life.
When he became old enough, he started to work as a nurse and partake in the same surgeries he saw as a child.
While he certainly participated in a number of cases that saved the lives of his patients, he also had a number of cases that resulted in death.
He personally requested to handle the patients that were unable to be saved so he can spend their final moments with them and capture the memory of their deaths.
There’s been word from the medical staff that he tries to comfort the dying patient and their family with speeches on how they shouldn’t be afraid of death and how the patient will move on to greater things in the next life and how the families will become stronger afterwards.
This has earned him the nickname “Angel of Death”. 
He wears mint green scrubs and carries a portable bag withhis own medical equipment.
Teruteru Hanamura as the SHSL Coach
Despite his physique, Teruteru has amazing stamina and is capable of lifting heavy objects that ordinary people would have trouble lifting on their own.
Teruteru can analyze a person’s physical stature and determine which exercise or physical activity best suits them.
He always offers massage therapy proclaiming that it’s the best way to strengthen the body and relax the mind.
There are multiple cases where the players he’s worked with have accused him of sexual harassment or groping their bodies. 
He has a complicated relationship with his family.
The younger siblings antagonize him for pursuing a career that isn’t related to their family’s restaurant business while putting more hardships on their mother.
His mom on the other hand, is more accepting of his career and asks that he focus more on what he enjoys doing in life.
Teruteru’s massages originally stemmed from how he would give massages to his mama to help alleviate her of her body aches.
He wears a dark red track suit and gold chain. Mixed with his combed over hair, it makes him look like a sleazy gangster.
Chiaki Nanami as the SHSL Animal Breeder
As the daughter of a rich family that hardly had time for her, Chiaki’s parents bought her a variety of animals to keep her company.
She found comfort with them but was heartbroken when she noticed that they became saddened and died.
She became motivated to learn from them so they could stay alive for long as possible.
Chiaki began studying different types of animals and what behaviors are ideal and which are concerning.
After school, she would venture to local animal shelters and veterinarians and offer to volunteer so she can work with different animals and examine first hand their behaviors.
She earned recognition by forming connections with the animals in her care and teaching them commands.
While she prefers the company of animals to humans, she will make an effort to help her human clients have a better relationship with their pets.
She can often be found napping alongside any of her animal friends.
Sagishi as the SHSL Lucky Student
Saigishi grew up in an orphanage having been abandoned by their family before they can remember.
They noticed that they had an unusual luck themed streak when it came to playing with the other kids.
If they were playing soccer, they would accidentally kick the ball into the window which surprisingly knocked out a janitor that was about to assault one of the orphanage workers.
If they tried to pass a love letter to another child they had a crush on, a burst of wind would fly the letter straight into the child’s face and they’d end up having a terrible accident.
If they were preparing food for an upcoming dinner, they would end up pouring too much vinegar into the meal which would spoil the dinner resulting in the staff having to order pizza for the kids.
Saigishi developed a reputation as a kid with creepy powers which both amazed and terrified their fellow orphans.
The kid realized that their luck would only benefit the people around them but would make bad things happen if they tried to use it for themselves.
At the urging of their friends, they ended up participating in the Hope’s Peak Lottery and wound up with the chance to join them as the next SHSL Lucky Student.
Sagishi was worried since something bad would eventually happen if it was the work of their luck, but they decided to take the offer knowing that they needed to make a future for themselves.
They wear a white collared shirt with old jeans. 
They still have a mullet which has a small ahoge on the top of their head.
Mikan Tsumiki as the SHSL Gamer
She still had a horrible childhood growing up where her family and classmates would bully and abuse her for a variety of reasons.
Not wanting to put up with their abuse anymore, Mikan decided to drop out of middle school and become a hikikomori.
Using her worn out computer, Mikan found comfort in playing online video games. 
She personally enjoys fighting games as she imagines her enemies as her abusers and would deliver swift justice on them by beating them up.
Mikan has a preference for playing as male characters since the female characters wearing skimpy/stripper-esque outfits bring back painful memories for her.
After sufficient online practice, Mikan gained enough confidence to try tournaments in the real world. 
But she kept this secret from her family in fear that they would use this to torment her.
When it comes to tournaments, she unleashes her pent up anger and frustrations for her past tormentors by cursing at her opponents as she beats them.
While her fandom is impressed with her gaming skills, they do question why they would call her opponents by a different name and accuses them of doing something awful to her.
When she wants to calm down after a heavy day, she likes to play relaxing games with cute animals.
Nekomaru Nidai as the SHSL Prince
During his childhood years, Nekomaru stayed in his room because of his heart condition.
He received private tutoring based on the history of his kingdom along with different world cultures.
His father and mother spared no expense in providing the best doctors and medical professionals who could ensure that their son would be physically fit.
When he started making appearances outside of the palace, there were rumors that the frail prince was placed in a secret government program that was designed to create super soldiers.
He’s often recognized for working first as a soldier under his father’s militia before becoming of it’s main generals.
Nekomaru is well versed when it comes to proper etiquette and engaging in the company of royals or high class aristocrats. 
He has a personal club made of suitors who have fallen for his image as a charming (and handsome) prince.
He also devotes alot of time to interacting with the middle class of his kingdom as he believes having a bond with his people is important for a royal to have.
The main uniform he wears is a blue military outfit with a silver sash and a black beret with a family jewel in the front.
Gundam Tanaka as the SHSL Yakuza
He inherited the throne of the Tanaka Empire at an early age due to the death of his father.
He wasn’t able to remember his father but the stories passed by his underlings and advisors describe him as a devil who was incredibly powerful but dangerous when provoked.
His mother on the other hand, remembers him as a loving man who was very attentive toward her needs.
Gundam would unintentionally embrace his father’s memory thanks to his “overlord” personality which would make him come off as overly dramatic and sinister to his enemies.
His reign as a yazuka lord involved more emphasis on spiritual affairs by bringing spiritual communities under his Empire.
He personally believes that maintaining ties with the spirits and Gods will grant the Tanaka Empire a stronger chance of survival.
While maintaining relationships with minor businesses under his control, he would also invite potential gang groups for tea ceremonies and offer them the chance to join him.
He’s been trained by his advisors in using a katana and gun making him skilled enough to handle even the most dangerous of gang members.
While he’s capable of defeating them, he vows never to take the blood of anyone weaker than him or unless he’s given no other choice.
Before entering high school, Gundam was able to have his upper and lower body tattooed with images of oni demons and spirits.
He found the Four Dark Devas when he passed by a street and saw the four hamsters foraging for food in a dumpster. 
He also expresses admiration for Sonia’s impressive swordfighting skills and has offered her an opportunity to work for his Empire if she wishes.
Kazuichi Souda as the SHSL Gymnast
Kazuichi got into gymnastics by reading alot of shonen manga.
He was impressed by how athletic and fit the heroes were so he wanted to train and be like them.
When not helping in his dad’s shop, he would try practicing parkour near the streets of his town to help him develop better flexibility.
While practicing at middle school, his teachers noticed his potential and offered him a spot in a gymnastics program.
His dad didn’t like him getting into “girly shit” like gymnastics and frequently insulted him for it. 
He would often perform for his friends which impressed them at first. But then things got troublesome when they requested him to do flips and jumps for their amusement.
It got worse when they tricked him into breaking into a second story classroom so he could steal the answers for an upcoming test.
Not wanting to be taken advantage of again, Kazuichi gave himself a radical makeover so no one would mess with him.
Along with his pink hair, his outfit consists of a black tanktop with neon green stripes and yellow shorts.
Hajime Hinata as the SHSL Mechanic
His parents rented his own shop for him to work at but they personally didn’t invest their own time to work with him.
To avoid having to think about his loneliness, Hajime placed all of his effort and thinking into his work.
He began receiving requests to repair average household appliances before moving on to bigger machines.
He’s received alot of praise for improving the appliances while also explaining to the owners on how they should best maintain their appliances so they can last longer 
The machines that he worked best with were vehicles and motorcycles.
Despite being underage, Hajime managed to practice driving on his own and learned how to drive the basic motor vehicles.
While he’s grateful for his mechanic talent, he often worries if he’s really living his life to the fullest and if there’s something missing that he needs to achieve.
His favorite invention is a hoverboard that he uses to ride around his hometown to clear his mind after a hard day’s work.
His mechanic uniform is a mechanic uniform with a design similar to that of a racecar driver. 
Mahiru Koizumi as a Reserve Course Student
While Mahiru was interested in the idea of going into Hope’s Peak, she wasn’t confident enough in her photography skills to go through with the entrance exam. 
At the insistence of her best friend Sato, Mahiru ended up in the Reserve Course so they can fight for the chance to be special.
While she didn’t mind the work provided by her classes, Mahiru took notice of how her peers had a hard time with paying for their tuition along with even getting into the Talent program. 
She also had to deal with Sato having to fight against her old rival Natsumi who was picking fights with her while trying to get recognized herself.
She became an unofficial peace keeper of her class as she would chastise her classmates for picking fights against each other or making rude remarks.
As time went on, Mahiru herself was unable to keep up with her classes since the money to pay for them was running low. 
She would later receive an e-mail from the Steering Committee offering her a chance of entering the Talent program through an unconventional method that was funded by the school.
She had to cast that thought aside when Natsumi ended up dead and Sato is all but stated to have killed her out of frustration.
Soon vengeance would claim Sato’s life with Mahiru finding her in an empty classroom and on the brink of death with her head bleading.
Before dying, Sato begs her friend to make something special with her life and not to waste it in the Reserve Course. She knows that Mahiru will do great things in her life and that she believes in her.
Casting her doubts aside and refusing to let her friend’s death be in vain, she accepted the Steering Committee’s offer by participating in the Hope Cultivation Project.
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multishipper-baby · 4 years
So here’s my opinion on all the DR2 characters, as of the end of the third trial. 
Hajime: Asshole son. I love him so, so much. I was afraid that I wouldn’t like the change in protagonist since I got so attached to Makoto, but I actually think Hajime is better. He’s just so funny and mean sometimes.
Akane: I... don’t like her. Airhead characters aren’t usually my thing (which is why I never got too into Yasuhiro in the first game) but with her it’s even worse, because of all the weird sexual stuff that’s related to her, especially when she talks about her mom’s boyfriends. Also, it’s her fault my Nekomaru got hurt, and I can’t forgive that. I’d rather she wasn’t in the game.
Byakuya: I feel like he’s less mean in this game, which I actually really like. He still thinks of himself as superior but, instead of using it to brag about how all of them are going to die, he uses it to try and save all the poor commoners with his intelligence. That’s... sweet, in a really obnoxious and snobbish way.
Chiaki: I like her, but I feel like she gets a bit lost between all the other characters, since she has a more subdued personality. It’s not a bad thing that she’s like that, but I won’t deny that it’s hard to pay attention to her sometimes.
Fuyuhiko: My angel, my baby, my beautiful son whom I love with all my heart. I wish him the best.
Gundham: He’s... difficult to understand. I don’t dislike him, and he’s pretty cute/funny sometimes, but other times I’m not sure what he’s even supposed to be doing or saying. Like, even after all this time, I’m still not sure I understand him at all. 
Hiyoko: My precious, evil daughter. I hope she’s still calling Mikan a pig from Hell, and that she learns to put on her kimono on her own. Can’t say enough good things about her.
Ibuki: I don’t really like characters that are random. It just feels like they’re trying too hard to be funny, with makes me feel like the character isn’t being honest at all and just pretending to be something they’re not for attention. Maybe that’s just me?
Kazuichi: Trash husband. I love him, but he’s so dumb sometimes. Would marry him but first I’d need to teach him a thing or two about respect. Gotta set this boy straight.
Mahiru: Cute lesbian is cute, but I feel like she didn’t get enough time to shine. I don’t think killing her in the second chapter was a bad choice, really, but maybe it should’ve had more build up? Have Hajime spend some more time with her? IDK. 
Mikan: Meh. Clumsy and shy characters who get into farservice are my least favorite trope of all time. The plot twist of her wanting to kill people for her beloved didn’t really do anything for her in my eyes either. I couldn’t care less about this one.
Nagito: Revolving door husband. I went from loving him, to hating him, to getting bored of him, to kinda liking him, to hating him again... It’s been a ride. As of now, I’m not sure what to think of him. He’s really something else.
Nekomaru: Perfect husband. True himbo. He’s such a dad at times, which I love. He’s wonderful.
Peko: Wife? Yes please. I had gotten worried when she said she was just a tool and everything she did was fake. I hope she’s living her best life (or death, I guess).
Sonia: Her character seems to be a little all over the place for me tbh. A lot of her interests and traits don’t really scream “princess” to me. And she takes a lot less space that I’d expect someone like her to take. She’s not bad, but she could be better.
Teruteru: His desing is so cute, but the second he opens his mouth I kind of want to punch him. I honestly wish they didn’t make him another pervert stereotype. We already had someone like that in the first game, and what did they did this time? Make it WORSE. Hard dislike.
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colourful-void · 4 years
Hope’s Peak AU General Outfit Headcanons
It’s more au!!!!!! I was really tired while writing this and it probably shows. If I missed anyone lemme know! I think I missed someone from v3 but I'm not sure who. If people are interested in the dr3 characters beyond Ryouta, I can add on to this post. Lemme know!
As a general rule, any special events that require uniforms (graduation, entrance ceremony, etc) will have most students wearing uniforms. It’s important to note that while Hope’s Peak has a uniform (the same ones seen in the dr3 anime) there is no dress code. You can buy a uniform in the school store, but they aren’t at all mandatory, and so Hope’s Peak Students can wear Literally Whatever They Want. So you don’t have to wear the uniform for your agab, you can wear a halloween costume everyday, pj’s everyday, really the only rule is that if you would get arrested for wearing it on the street, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it here, and you need to be wearing something.  
(I’ll also mention free time a bunch in this post, which is just whenever the students aren’t in class. I’ll explain the daytime/nighttime and class time/ free time schedule in a later post)
Long post, so details on each character underneath the cut! =)
[Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc]
Makoto: wears his outfit from THH, but the pants are the uniform and the jacket is the uniform. during free time he’s just in hoodies in jackets. He gets cold easy.
Sayaka: wears the uniform, she thinks it’s cute. Has hair clips/hairbands to accessorize. wears cute and trendy clothes!
Leon: doesn’t wear the uniform. Wears whatever was closest lying on the floor. 
Chihiro: wears the uniform, but sometimes with her in game skirt instead of the uniform skirt. some of the other girls took her shopping for dresses and skirts and she loves all those outfits and wears them all the time! =)
Mondo: wears the uniform, but not the tie, and has his shirt unbuttoned in that delinquent way most of the time. Sometimes Taka will through a tie on him, though loosely tied. (Mondo doesn’t like things restraining his neck)
Kiyotaka: are you kidding he wears the uniform religiously. He’s never seen in anything else. Even after class hours, on weekends, over break, he’s wearing it. Some of the under (and upper) classmen wonder if he even owns other clothes. 
Hifumi: owns a uniform. Usually wears it, but sometimes he just comes in pyjama’s. 
Celeste: never. She’s not even wearing it in the pictures from THH, she’s probably never even touched a uniform. She’s committed to the aesthetic. dresses all the time.
Sakura: wears it everyday, but only during school hours. wears stretchy workout clothes normally. 
Mukuro: wears the uniform, though she’s modified it so the neck is looser, and there are lots of hidden pockets for weapons. She also made her skirt longer. she also has a bulletproof vest she wears both during and after classes. shes got leggings with hidden pockets. 
Junko: also wears a modified uniform, with extra pockets, and a shorter skirt. She also has her tie from THH, and her THH skirt. Keeps her Monokuma Hairclips.
Aoi: More likely to be wearing her gym uniform or other work out clothes with the hope’s peak logo on them than the actual uniform, but staff will take what they can get.
Hagakure: doesn’t wear it.
Touko: wears the uniform, but Syo doesn’t. Syo just wears whatever, so if she’s in control when getting dressed, she’ll probably just wear whatever she can find. She doesn’t care if its clean, ripped, etc.
Byakuya: The Great Byakuya Togami has better quality clothes than the hope’s peak uniform, but will wear it when requested by Makoto, or at any school events where he wants to look part of the class or something. (School fair, stuff like that)
Kyouko: wears the uniform. It makes her dad happy.
[Ultra Despair Girls]
Komaru: Doesn’t go to Hope’s Peak, but wears the uniform for her own school.
All the warriors do not wear uniforms. I don’t think that Hope’s Peak Elementary has a uniform. They wear their in game things. Except Jataro, who wears an allergy face mask instead of his in game mask. 
[Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair]
Hajime: Wears the Uniform, though usually not the jacket. He’ll keep it with him, but hang it on chairs or something. If he’s wearing the jacket either Izuru is in control, Hajime is cold, or he’s at a formal event.
Imposter: they’ll follow the outfit choices including uniform of whoever they’re impersonating, they are Dedicated. 
Teruteru: doesn’t wear the uniform. Is always wearing a chef’s outfit. He didn’t wear it in dr3, he won’t wear it here.
Koizumi: Wears the uniform during class hours, wears simple dresses and overalls during freetime.
Peko: wears her uniform most of the time, though does own and wear casual clothes. She’ll usually wear those around her own room though, and she has little dresses she’ll wear on outings or on dates
Ibuki: it’s debated if Ibuki even owns a Hope’s Peak uniform. She’ll wear whatever she feels like, which means you may see her in a full suit, a ballgown, a tracksuit, her gym uniform, or a uniform for a school thats she’s never been to, and you can never tell what it may be. She is pretty fond of neon colours though, so typically she’s wearing really bright colours and casual clothes. She also ties her hair up different constantly, with no rhyme or reason other than ‘she felt like it’. She looks like Haruhi in that one opening scene to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya.
Hiyoko: shes still wearing kimonos and she still cant tie them
Mikan: she wears the uniform most of the time, and casual clothes when it’s not class time. Her uniform has been modified for her by Tsumugi, to make the skirt longer. Her casual clothes are nice skirts, leggings and long sleeved shirts.
Nekomaru: He wears the uniform most of the time, and track suits/ his in game clothes during free times.
Gundham: wears the uniform during school hours, and his in game clothes during free time. However, he always has his scarf and arm wrap.
Komaeda: wears the uniform, but has his little sweater vest thing. Basically what he looked like in 2.5. His hair has a touch more colour to it though, and there’s brown starting to come in at the roots by his 3rd year. During free time he wears his jacket from the game.
Chiaki: same clothes as dr3 during classes. Will wear anime graphic tees and hoodies when she’s not in class.
Fuyuhiko: Guess what it’s his vest from 2.5, I’m sorry it’s getting repetitive but canon did alright with outfits in some places and I’m not gonna fix whats not broken.
Sonia: Sonia loves the hope’s peak uniform. She wears it often, but she does have some casual dresses for when shes not in class. A note I will make, Sonia is way more practical about her hair in this au because I refuse to believe that someone like Sonia would have hair that long and not tie it up. She wears high ponytails and her braid crown from the game, and is happy to try different hair styles, such as braids or buns.
Souda: “wow souda, how come your mom lets you have two jumpsuits?” also teeshirts and basketball shorts.
Akane: wears the uniform, but also gym clothes on the regular. sometimes she wears oversized teeshirts, and general work out clothes.
(Im putting Ryota here because I’m lazy)
Ryota: wears the uniform during class, and oversized hoodies when class is over.
[New Danganronpa V3: Everyone’s New Semester of Killing]
Shuuichi: wears the uniform. He also has his hat. He wore it a lot in first year, and slowly grew to wear it less. Now he wears it sometimes, but not always! When he feels like it. 
Rantaro: wears the uniform, and his normal clothes when school hours are over. He’s got a laid back style of dress that matches his personality 
Kaede: she wears the uniform and she’s very happy about it! Her casual clothes look like a uniform, they’re very preppy. Sweater vests and pleated skirts.
Hoshi: wears the uniform but replaced the normal jacket with his leather one, and his in game clothes when he’s not in class.
Kirumi: she’s wearing the uniform the majority of the time, even when class is over, since it makes her more recognizable to the other students. She keeps the gloves though. Students are Messy.
Angie: Ok previously I said she didn’t wear the uniform, but then I started drawing her in the uniform and I changed my mind. She wears her raincoat instead of the jacket and ties off the end of her shirt to show her stomach, like Brittney Spears. She has no clue who Brittney is, she just tied it like that to show off her piercings. Keeps the uniform skirt, has art supplies tucked into every pocket she’s got.
Tenko: wears the boys uniform actually! All uniforms offer equal mobility and she likes that uniform better. The dress code is like non existent, so no one cares. When she’s not in class, she might wear skirts or pants, she doesn’t really care. So long as it offers good mobility for kicking degenerates. 
Korekiyo: wears the uniform and his in game outfit. Keeps the mask.
Miu: doesn’t wear the uniform, keeping her in game clothes. She also has some other clothes, almost all of which have swear words on them, or pants with things written on the seat of them. Good thing hope’s peak doesn’t have a dress code!
Gonta: gonta is a gentleman who wears the uniform with pride! 
Kokichi: now with Kokichi it depends. Most day’s he’ll wear casual clothes, like hoodies and jeans. On good days/ days he’s particularly excited, he’ll wear his Dice costume from his art. If he’s not having a good day, he’ll wear the uniform. So far the only people who have caught on to this pattern are Sonia and Shuuichi. No matter what he’s wearing his scarf. If he ever came to class without it, Shuuichi/Sonia would probably pull him out of class in a panic to ask what was wrong. Beyond that, he’s got a bunch of hair clips he’ll wear sometimes, as well as rings and bracelets. His favourite bracelet is a bunch of purple glass beads that make a satisfying noise when he shakes his hands.
Kaito: He replaced his uniform coat with his purple coat. He is always wearing that coat. He also has JAXA shirts and other space themed clothes
Kiibo: for a while he didn’t have a uniform because.. well he’s a robot he doesn’t need one. But after he told Kiyotaka he wanted one, Taka gave him one, and now he wears it a bunch! It makes him very happy. When he’s not in class though he usually doesn’t wear it since he doesn’t want it getting dirty.
Tsumugi: Tsumugi made a lot of alterations to her uniform to make it ‘cuter’. Sometimes she’ll just come to class in different uniforms for various anime characters. As someone who sometimes just wears cosplay on a normal day and who goes to cons, there is something fantastic about seeing someone in cosplay doing mundane things, and thats what Tsumugi looks like near constantly. she’d rather have other people wear them, but ‘if no one else will wear them, I will!’and it makes good advertising. Also cosplay is fun!
Maki: Joining the modified uniform gang, also with pockets for knives and things. Also has a longer skirt. She braids her hair sometimes, because I can verify from experience that hair like Maki’s would be super inconvenient and get in the way. 
Himiko: she’ll usually wear the uniform, but if she’s feeling lazy/tired/depressed, she might just come to class in pj’s. Same thing for free times.
I think that’s everyone! lemme know if I missed anything, or you’ve got thoughts/things u wanna share! Thanks for reading this all!
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
a little in love now and then, part 7/? | ao3 | ff.net |
Summary: Abarai Renji doesn’t have a fortune, but he does appear to be in want of a wife, at least in Lady Kuchiki’s opinion. Fortunately, Lady Kuchiki also  has a sister, and a woefully eligible one, at that. (itty bitty Hisana Lived! AU)
Rating: T, for minor cussing
This time: The Truth Emerges:   Rukia and Hisana come to an understanding. A few understandings.
Older parts: | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 |
Rukia studied her own face in the mirror as her maid carefully unpinned her hair. She wondered if she was pretty. People told her she was sometimes. Being pretty wasn’t something she usually cared much about. She had two ice-based sword attacks, a third-rank kidou master certification, and was cleared to use shunpo in combat. She was the Fourth Seat of Squad Thirteen, and ever since she came back to duty, her captain had been making vague little hints about the vice-captain’s examination, something he didn’t do toward Kotetsu or Kotsubaki (both of whom she could beat at arm wrestling).
Anyone who wanted to marry her, she had long assumed, was in it for the surname, first and foremost. And who could blame them?
She was pretty sure Renji wasn’t in it for the surname. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
“You have to go, Rukia, they’re your family.”
Rukia chewed the inside of her cheek. She’d grawed over that one for years, like a dog worrying a bone. Why couldn’t he have appealed to her sense of greed? Told her how great the noble life would be, all rich silks and richer food? She could have gone off with a cheeky wink and a mercenary grin. Maybe she could have convinced her family to still let her see him, toss a few favors to someone who had done so much for her in the past. Or maybe she would have just refused altogether, stayed at the Academy, virtuously giving up the fancy life to live according to her own principles. To stay with the only person left of the little family she’d made for herself.
Instead, he had pushed her away, as though the blood that she shared with Hisana had anything on the blood they had spilled for each other, time and again. She loved Hisana now of course, and Touma, and maybe Byakuya, a little, but that was a thing she had decided. A choice she had made-- to give her love to the people who wanted her, instead of the person who didn’t.
But… but maybe she had it all wrong. Maybe Renji had wanted to be the altruistic one, hadn’t wanted to stand in the way of her happiness. Maybe he had just said the first stupid thing that popped into his thick skull. Why had she spent so many years trying to assign meaning to the words of a knuckleheaded boy who used to get stuck trying to jump out of the window of the zanjutsu dojo in his eagerness to catch her attention? More than once, even.
She wondered if he thought she was pretty, either now or back then.
There was a light rap on the door.
Mikan nudged her. “Miss Rukia?”
“Ah, come in?” Rukia called, and Hisana’s face poked into the room. “Oh, hello, Sister.”
“Go have a cup of tea, will you, Mikan?” Hisana dismissed Rukia’s maid. “I want to dote on my sister for a bit.”
“Yes, Lady,” Mikan nodded, setting the last kanzashi on Rukia’s dressing table, and getting up to leave.
“Sooooo,” Hisana drew out, picking up a hairbrush and settling herself behind Rukia. “His manners could use a little work, eh?”
Rukia raised an eyebrow at her sister in the mirror. “Save it for Byakuya. I’m wise to your tricks.”
Hisana grinned mischievously. “So is Byakuya, he just enjoys indulging me.”
“If you believe that, I think he’s finally managed to pull one over on you.”
“Perhaps,” Hisana teased. “But I didn’t come here to talk about Byakuya.”
Rukia set her jaw. Feigning indifference would only play directly into Hisana’s hands. No, directness was her only hope. “He’s not terrible,” she announced. “Abarai, I mean. We both know how terrible Byakuya is.”
Hisana waved a hand dismissively. “Yes, that goes without saying. “Not terrible”? Goodness, I feel like I should order my sister-of-the-bride kimono!”
“Here is my offer,” Rukia plowed on, ignoring this tomfoolery. “I am willing to give Lieutenant Abarai a chance. But in exchange, I need some space. I barely know the man.” She tried to meet her sister’s eyes in the mirror, but Hisana was concentrating on untangling a knot that may or may not have actually existed. “Can you do that? Can you stop throwing lordlings and fancy boys at me for five minutes so I can actually consider one of them?”
Hisana hummed softly. “That seems very reasonable…” she said lightly, and Rukia prepared for the other shoe to drop. “As long as you actually give him a chance, and don’t just use this as a ploy to get me off your back.” Hisana looked up. “You’re very charming, Rukia, when you want to be, and Lieutenant Abarai seems like the sort of upright young gentleman you would rope into helping you pull a grift on your loving sister.”
“Hisana!” Rukia squawked. “He is neither upright, nor a gentleman, and also, I would never pull a grift on you!”
Hisana’s eyes were steely in the mirror. “That’s a rather harsh thing to say about someone you just met. And we both know there’s nothing shameful about an honest, well-executed grift.”
Rukia sighed. Well, she had been looking for an opportunity. It wasn’t a good one, but at least it was an opportunity. “Er, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
Hisana cocked an eyebrow. “Has there?”
Rukia picked up one of her kanzashi, adorned with a green and white water lily. She fiddled with it, running her thumb over the smooth enamel. “It wasn’t lying. I don’t know Lieutenant Abarai very well. But, er… this isn’t… exactly… the first time we’ve met.”
“He was involved in your rescue, no? And something about jail?”
Rukia pressed the pads of her finger over the sharp points of the hairpin. “Ye-esss. That’s all true. But also…” She took a deep breath and then forced the words up from her heart and out her mouth at a speed that would have impressed her brother-in-law. “Renji’s from Inuzuri. I knew him there. We came to the Seireitei together, enrolled at the Academy together. I haven’t spoken to him in years. He’s not a stranger, but he might as well be.” There. It was out.
Hisana leaned forward, eyes narrowed. “So, in Inuzuri, would you classify him as just someone you knew, or a friend? Or maybe a… rival?”
Rukia squeezed her eyes shut guiltily. “I may have pulled a grift or two with him!”
Hisana gasped. “Rukia! How could you?”
“I’m sorry, Sister!” Rukia wailed.
“How?” Hisana wailed in return, with the vibrato of a professional actress. “How could my own sister underestimate me like this?” Her face resolved into a deadpan. “Really, Rukia. They do a little profile in the Bulletin whenever someone new makes Captain or Vice-Captain. It listed Renji’s home district-- as if I couldn’t tell he was from the deep South after thirty seconds of talking to him--cripes, that accent is nostalgic. I also happened to notice that he graduated from school the same year you would have. There’s no way you wouldn’t have known him-- you would have met at the Consolidated Shinigami Recruitment Station, if nothing else.”
Rukia hunched with shame.
“I suspected there was something more to it, though-- why else would a young man like that want to work for your brother?”
“The position was open?” Rukia offered hopefully.
“The vice-captaincy of the Thirteenth has been open for years! He didn’t even apply-- presumably he didn’t want to be your commanding officer--”
“I wish you wouldn’t gossip about me with my captain,” Rukia groaned.
“I wasn’t,” Hisana excused. “We were gossiping about Renji. No, Byakuya came home, very pleased about this absolutely excessive job application he had received, the first day the position was open. Mark my words, Renji was waiting for Shirogane to retire. I bet he even hangs out at that awful sunglasses shop.”
“I don’t know why he does anything,” Rukia excused. “I haven’t talked to him in years. Maybe he has a crush on Brother.”
“Byakuya wasn’t the one he couldn’t keep his eyes off at dinner,” Hisana returned pointedly. “That kimono was a good call, no?”
Rukia wanted to shoot off another sharp-tongued retort, but she came up empty. Had Renji really been looking at her during dinner? She had been too grumpy to pay attention. It was highly likely Hisana was imagining things, or at best, exaggerating, but her stomach fluttered at the thought, anyway.
“Childhood friends, I supposed,” Hisana was grumbling. “Academy sweethearts, possibly. But your old grifting partner! I don’t believe this. I don’t believe you.”
“It wasn’t like that,” Rukia excused, knowing full well it had been exactly like that. “He’s the only other person I ever met down there with any decent spiritual pressure. And he’s painfully honest, he wasn’t even a very good con man.” Somehow this lie seemed more disloyal than anything else she had said about Renji. People were always trusting his stupid, honest face. He was creative and charismatic and had an excellent sense of people. He had never once let her down on a job. The only thing that made him a bad con artist was how much he hated doing it.
Hisana’s face had gone still and serious. “You left him. When Byakuya adopted you.”
“We were already drifting apart,” Rukia sniffed. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it wasn’t enough to cover the larger truth they were both thinking. Of course she had left him. That’s what we do, isn’t it, Sister?
Hisana was brushing Rukia’s hair a bit too roughly, and Rukia let her. She clenched the hairpin in her fist, letting it bite into her palm.
“You’re very lucky,” Hisana finally said, her voice rough. “To get a second chance. Don’t… don’t make too many assumptions about his feelings. People… can be more forgiving than you expect.”
Rukia didn’t loosen her grip on the hairpin. She wanted to absolve her sister, to tell her she had done nothing wrong. But she couldn’t do that without absolving herself in the bargain, and that wasn't something she had any right to do. She didn’t particularly want Renji’s absolution, either, but maybe that’s what it would take to finally prove to Hisana that she really and truly forgave her. “Fine!” she announced, trying to pull the conversation out of this treacherous territory. “What proof do you want that I am honestly and truly entertaining that overgrown doofus as a romantic prospect? Wear his hair ribbon tied around my arm? Buy matching sunglasses? Smooch him in public? I assure you, Byakuya will hate all of those options.”
Hisana straightened, pulling herself back together as well. “Well, you have to stop calling him a doofus, for one.”
“That, I refuse to do.”
Hisana reached around Rukia to place the hairbrush back on the table, and smoothed her hair one last time with her hand. “Maybe you could just tell me how it’s going once in a while. I hear that’s a thing sisters do sometimes.”
Rukia swallowed. “I can do that.”
Hisana smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. She leaned forward, and kissed the back of Rukia’s head quickly before rising. “And don’t you worry about Byakuya. I have him under control.”
“Do you, though?” Rukia asked.
Hisana frowned thoughtfully. “Yes. Whatever you decide about Renji, I’ll bring him around.” She frowned. “But, uh, I’ve been playing a little fast and loose with details, so do me a favor, and try to talk to Byakuya about this as little as possible.”
“That,” said Rukia, “is something I can definitely agree to.”
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i am once again asking for a kinmatch 👉🏻👈🏻 but not for me!! it’s for my sister. we have an ongoing joke that she’s irl kokichi, and i just wanna see what you think about her. danganronpa as the source, if you could !!!! okay to start, she has a short temper, brags a lot ( especially about her height ), LOVES to lie for her entertainment, and loves to take advantage of little things ( like my flinching LMAO ). she also loves to debate. ( i might need to continue this WHOOPS )
she HATES loosing/being wrong, and gets really into an argument. so much so that she might say some mean things. she usually feels bad after it, though. she might be a jerk on the outside, but she cares. she just might not show it. that’s all! thanks so much and once again have a nice day LMAO ( i might come around just to chat sometimes if you don’t mind ) -👉🏻👈🏻
i’m gonna cry, this is my second time writing this post out because i accidentally closed out the tab,,, note to self to keep backup copies haha. but anyways! i can totally get this done for you! actually, i think i’ve seen a similar ask on another profile... small world hehe~ you and your sister seem really cool! i don’t mind at all if you stop by and chat sometimes! oh, but... without further ado, let’s give it everything we’ve got!
first off, i match your sister with...
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kokichi ouma!
you probably saw this coming, haha... your sister is very reminiscent of kokichi, though. the two definitely have short tempers, though in kokichi’s case, it’s more understated since a lot of stuff actually goes his way ingame. at least, at first- jumping a bit later into your ask, a strong example of kokichi’s short temper as well as notes of him caring about the people around him come out in the ch4 trial. so, spoilers- i’ll put a * at the end. but, whenever his plans aren’t going how he wants them to, not only does he get the angriest we’ve seen him all game, but this is also partially because of what many speculate to be his guilt for manipulating gonta. he isn’t showing it as actual guilt, of course, since i’m not gonna write a whole kokichi essay here, but still. * tying it into your sister, trial four in v3 really strongly shows a lot of traits both her and him share. hating losing/being wrong, being a jerk on the outside but caring deep down, having a short temper, loving to get into debates/arguments, saying mean things but feeling guilt afterwards, i mean. your sister is kokichicore. i’m not gonna go into detail since it would just make the post redundant and even longer than it probably will be, but all of these traits align almost perfectly with him!
but oh no, anon, i’m not done yet. the only thing that i see as a slight difference between kokichi and her is that kokichi lies for both entertainment and for his own ulterior motives, typically for the best, even if it comes out malicious. i of course don’t know your sister, and don’t know her specific reasons for being a liar- she could lie for the same reasons that i believe kokichi to or not. however, the two of them do seem to share that sort of peppy attitude, while being almost-jokingly condescending to others. he brags a lot, especially about his talent(different than his height, but you know), and i personally see him as very perceptive- that thought mostly being from how he can tell when others are lying at the drop of a hat. i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the only thing he can pick up on, since he’s sort of a master manipulator when he wants to be, and again while i don’t know your sister both of them can take advantage of other people’s little nuances.
secondly, i match your sister with...
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kotoko utsugi!
she’s been here a lot lately, huh? forgive me using the same sprite as the last one, i jus... love it sm. anyways, it was only when i was halfway done writing this post that i moved kotoko up to second place haha. first off, i think that your sister and kotoko are definitely both short-tempered, heck, the wiki’s first describing word for her is hot-headed! she isn’t a big bragger, however the persona she puts on makes her have a lot of theatre-based aspects to her personality, like being more loud and excited, as well as adding extra pizzazz to a lot of her speech and movements. kotoko and your sister are both big liars, and while a lot of kotoko’s lies are defense mechanisms, there are also lots of things she does purely for her own enjoyment. i won’t talk about it in depth here, but her chapter three interactions with komaru... yeah. she also takes advantage of small things about other people, as while examples aren’t specifically pointed out, she was able to lie to the other warriors of hope about her intentions and mindset while she was in the group- this requires at least a basic understanding of how to trick, or take advantage of, other people.
surprisingly, it doesn’t end there? kotoko is definitely the type to get into lots of debates and arguments- sometimes she doesn’t see them through to the end or get really riled up, but my lord, she is very passionate about peelings. plus, i mean, she is a bit of a bully, but it doesn’t seem to be out of a defense mechanism, she seems mean to her friends(despite probably caring about them, actually- after all, they were probably her first actual friends) just for the sake of her own enjoyment. she struggles to properly show when she does care, and i think that that’s a big coping mechanism thing- again, i don’t personally know your sister, but that’s just something i think the two of them can share. anyways! this post is already over 1,000 words and i’m not even done with the last major matchup... so! a!
finally, i match your sister with...
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hiyoko saionji!
okay, i’ll be a bit more concise with this one. but fun fact! i was originally gonna do hiyoko as the first choice?? but ultimately decided not to, will elaborate in the tags. however, while your sister isn’t directly linked to hiyoko in some ways, i think that the general personalities of them are similar. first, hiyoko hates being wrong- in fact, a large part of her is that she’ll refuse to take care of herself or be around others, since she doesn’t want to be perceived as stupid or wrong, all for not being able to tie her own kimono. while hiyoko is more of a crier than a rager, like your sister is, i think that that’s a strong parallel- plus, with hiyoko being, um, kind of a bully, she’s very good at finding people that are easy to take advantage of. that’s for lack of a better term, though, i’m not saying that your sister’s a toxic person asdjfjsjf!!!!
plus, hiyoko and your sister both brag a lot- while hiyoko’s is more passive and setting up a sense of superiority(about her traditionalism, economic status and talent), they both establish a sense of “i see myself as higher than the rest of you”. also, this is probably the longest point, but hiyoko does care for people like mikan whenever she picks on them- she typically doesn’t show it, and only does for fleeting moments, but her steadily growing kindness towards them is a big indicator of this. there are lots of times in the manga where hiyoko, despite being a bit gruff on the outside, does show that she cares for others, even if she’s not open enough to really say it genuinely and honestly.
your sister also reminds me a bit of miu iruma, and a little bit of junko enoshima! (er... as in, a nondespair junko with a similar personality. please don’t think i’m calling your sister the same as someone who’s caused as much destruction as junko has, haha.)
whew! i’m sorry this came out so late! it might’ve been a bit earlier, but when my kokichi description was accidentally deleted it drained my motivation a bit. none of that is your fault though, anon! so try not to worry,, thank you very much for requesting!! i hope that you and your sister like this sdjfjadfs
-mod tsu
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