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ambientalmercantil · 5 months ago
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generacionciencia5 · 5 years ago
Ryzen cinco, análisis Review con características, costo y especificacione
Sin embargo, dado el costo de su billete, la cuestión parece completamente consistente. En verdad, el procesador es evidentemente muy efectivo en el juego, pero asimismo se las arregla y en especial para relucir en la aplicación, en contraste al Core i5-9600K, que apenas en este terreno. Debajo del capó, hallamos ocho núcleos / 8 hilos acompasados entre 3.6 y 4.9 GHz (sin embargo, solo van a llegar dos núcleos para lograr esta frecuencia máxima), doce MB de caché L3, para un TDP también fijado a noventa y cinco vatios.
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La hoja de datos del AMD Athlon 200GE lo acerca en muchos aspectos a los procesadores Intel Pentium. Hay 2 núcleos, 4 hilos, sincronizados a tres.2 GHz; un chipset de gráficos Radeon Vega 3; cuatro MB L3, todo para un TDP muy contenido que no exceda los 35 vatios, no es un gran ventirad para predecir, entonces).
¿Cuál es mejor AMD Ryzen o Intel?
Los procesadores AMD Ryzen 3000 ofrecen la mejor inversión por tu dinero en casi todo el rango de valores. Intel tiene una ligera ventaja en los juegos en la parte superior, pero aun así los beneficios de los procesadores AMD en general superan fácilmente esa ventaja tan leve.
Todos y cada uno de los procesadores Threadripper aceptan 64 carriles PCI Express, lo que es una buena ventaja sobre el máximo de 44 líneas PCI Express de la gama Intel. Asimismo apuesta por un coste mucho más contenido de lo que cabía aguardar, siendo una atractiva opción si no queremos adquirir placa + CPU en AMD.
Hasta entonces el procesador funcionaba con un único camino para el procesamiento de los datos. AMD fabricó en 2005 el primer microprocesador de dos núcleos y con una arquitectura de sesenta y cuatro bit, el Athlon 64 X2. Además de esto, también tendrás presente el coste de las diferentes placas madre y estarás atento a las futuras oportunidades de desarrollo.
Intel Celeron
Por eso es conveniente preguntar las gráficas de desempeño y los análisis de los procesadores para hacerse una buena idea de su potencia. Si busca un portátil, que sea con procesadores Intel, los Intel Core i5 alguna generación reciente (desde la octava) son una gran adquiere, y si necesita algo pero potente, nada mejor que las CPU Core i7 y Core i9 ofrecen un desempeño mayor.
Por 100 euros más, el Threadripper 2920X es más o menos un 15 por cien más veloz que la edición Core i9-9900K, el cálculo 3D o el procesamiento de fotografías. En juego, no obstante, prosigue siendo prácticamente un diecinueve por ciento menos eficaz que el chip Intel en promedio. Sin ser malo en el campo (lejos de eso), el Threadripper 2920X parece claramente no haber sido desarrollado para este propósito. Por consiguiente, va a ser singularmente esencial para los usuarios que tienen un empleo más profesional que entretenido de su máquina, una meta que AMD parece confirmar a través del soporte de sus procesadores Threadripper.
AMD asimismo dispone de buenos procesadores de esta clase, si bien es cierto que Intel acapara la mayoría del mercado con sus potentes Core i5 e i7 para equipos gaming.
Conque solamente está disponible el 2300X de cuatro núcleos trabajando a cuatro,0 GHz y con 8 MB de caché L3, ya que entiende que los procesadores de alto desempeño y gaming sin GPU integrada no tienen sentido con 4 núcleos.
Incluso de este modo, podrían ser una gran opción para usuarios con presupuestos más bajos sin renunciar a equipos que hasta cuatro núcleos y 8 hilos de procesamiento con gráficos integrados.
Tal vez también os sea interesante conocer los procesadores AMD Ryzen destinados a ordenadores portátiles y dispositivos sin cables.
Esta es la sección donde vamos a poder encontrar los mejores procesadores de la gama Intel Core i3 y los AMD Ryzen 3.
¿Qué procesador AMD es igual al Core i5?
AMD Ryzen 5: la gama intermedia para la mayor parte de usuarios. Equivale al Intel Core i5. AMD Ryzen 7: también es equivalente al Core i7 de Intel.
Tal vez también os sea interesante conocer los procesadores AMD Ryzen destinados a ordenadores portátiles y dispositivos sin cables. AMD asimismo dispone de buenos procesadores de esta clase, aunque es cierto que Intel acapara la mayor parte del mercado con sus potentes Core i5 e i7 para equipos gaming. Aun de este modo, podrían ser una enorme opción para usuarios con presupuestos más bajos sin renunciar a equipos que hasta 4 núcleos y ocho hilos de procesamiento con gráficos integrados. Esta es la sección donde podremos localizar los mejores procesadores de la gama Intel Core i3 y los AMD Ryzen 3. Sobre los procesadores AMD Ryzen 3 tenemos vigente en nuestros días la 2ª generación, es decir, la arquitectura Zen+ con proceso a 12 nm.
Intel Pentium Gold
Sí, es verdad que hubo un instante en el que esta mala fama estuvo justificada, mas como vemos hoy ya no tiene sentido. AMD tiene procesadores con una buena relación consumo-rendimiento en todas las gamas y niveles.
AMD Serie A vs Intel Celeron
Esto semeja continuar siendo de este modo asimismo en el frente móvil (ordenadores portátiles), donde AMD termina de anunciar sus contribuciones. El Ryzen O bien (quad-core, dos.2 GHz – tres.8 GHz) va a ser mejor comparado con el Intel Core i7-8550U (quad-core, 1.8 GHz – 4.0 GHz) y parece prometedor basado solo en esos números. A pesar de que AMD ha implementado el MultiThreading en sus procesadores Ryzen, Intel ha mantenido, en su mayoría, su lugar en los mejores bancos de rendimiento.
Por poner un ejemplo, en la gama baja tenemos soluciones como el Ryzen , cuyo consumo es muy contenido para tratarse de un chip de cuatro núcleos, y lo mismo ocurre en los niveles más altos. AMD anunció hace algunos días la llegada al mercado del tercer pilar de su estrategia para ser alternativa real a Intel en todas y cada una de las gamas del mercado de consumo. Los Ryzen tres vienen para competir de manera directa con los Core i3 más completos aportando una vez más una relación calidad/precio que venza otras reticencias para pasarse a AMD. La categoría de procesadores profesionales está abarcada por modelos que van destinados más a su empleo en workstations. En esta categoría, lo que más cuenta es la capacidad de paralelización del trabajo.
El procesador AMD puede cargar fácilmente para soportar una gran GPU en los últimos títulos de tendencia. La cuestión del consumo, por otra parte, no permitirá realmente separar a los dos contrincantes, puesto que uno consigue resultados afines en situaciones de carga similares. Y por una buena razón, el Core i5-9600K y el Ryzen X comparten exactamente el mismo TDP de vatios.
Acá, dejamos la flexibilidad de la plataforma AM4 para el rigor del zócalo AMD sTR4, junto con el chipset X399. Los costes de las placas base compatibles cambian aquí entre trescientos treinta y 700 euros según nuestras observaciones a mediados de mayo de 2019.Tasas que coinciden más o menos con las de las placas principales con chipset Intel dedicadas al Core i9-9980XE, como se ve arriba.
Si lo equiparamos con su contemporáneo de la temporada en recuento de núcleos, el Core i7 6900K, equipado también con ocho núcleos y 16 hilos, la diferencia es mucho mayor, puesto que este consume casi el doble, como podemos ver en la gráfica anexa. Para la prueba de los nuevos procesadores Ryzen X hemos usando exactamente el mismo equipo base que con los modelos Ryzen de más nivel. El procesador cedido por la parte de AMD, el Ryzen X, lo momtamos en una placa base Giga GA-AX370-Gaming 5. De momento, los modelos de la familia Ryzen tres que se ponen a la venta a partir de el día de hoy serán el Ryzen y el Ryzen X. Ambos procesadores son chips con cuatro núcleos y 4 hilos a 3.1/3.4 Ghz el primero, y 3.5/3.7 GHz el más completo y veloz.
Para el AMD Ryzen se ha utilizado una placa principal con chipset AMD B450, que asimismo se pueden encontrar por ese coste si nos decidimos por modelos de gama alta. En Intel encontramos el procesador Celeron que es el más sencillo, y que es anterior a la gama Pentium. De estos dos últimos ya hablamos en las respectivas equivalencias con los procesadores de AMD. En el caso de los i7 charlamos de modelos sumamente potentes que encuentran en niveles avanzados de Ryden en AMD; en el caso de los i5, de exactamente la misma forma son procesadores sumamente efectivos y cuya equivalencia la encontramos en la rama 5 asimismo de Ryden. En el caso de la correspondencia entre los Intel Core i7 y los procesadores AMD, se puede destacar que los primeros en su modalidad de ochocientos sesenta pueden manejar esos 8 hilos gracias a la tecnología HyperThreading, situándose a un nivel muy similar al de los F 8100 y 6100.
¿Qué procesador AMD es igual al Core i7?
AMD vs INTEL CORE i7 En la línea Ryzen de AMD encontramos hasta tres opciones: Ryzen 3, más simple, con cuatro núcleos y económicos; Ryzen 5 con dos modalidades –1500 e inferiores, con cuatro núcleos y 8 hilos- y los modelos 1600 y 2600 que cuentan con seis núcleos y 12 hilos.
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mesincutting · 5 years ago
AgungHN – Pas banget dapat bahan tulisan untuk gadget nih, kebetulan baru aja ganti handphone. Sekalian aja gw mau review ini hp Realme 6 Pro yang punya RAM 8 GB, dan kapasitas 128 GB.
Kalo diliat dari segi harga sih ini masuknya kategori kelas menengah, tapi liat spec masuknya kelas high end. Tapi ini menurut gw lho yaa..
Pada saat gw mau beli hp sih sebenernya ada beberapa pilihan denga rentang harga yang ga jauh berbeda. Tapi akhirnya gw jatuhin pilihan ke Realme ini nih, dengan beberapa pertimbangan alasan.
Sebelumnya coba dilihat dulu spesifikasi singkatnya:
[su_table responsive=”yes”]
Rilis Maret 2020 Sistem Operasi realme UI, berdasarkan Android 10 Layar 6,6 inci dengan proteksi Corning Gorilla Glass 5 Resolusi 1080 x 2400 piksel, rasio 20:9 (kepadatan ~399 ppi) FHD+ Chipset Qualcomm SM7125 Snapdragon 720G (8 nm) GPU Adreno 618 RAM 8 GB Memory Internal 128 GB Memory External microSD Kamera Belakang 64 MP, 12 MP, 8 MP, 2 MP Kamera Depan 16 MP + 8 MP Slot Charger USB Type-C Baterai Non-removable Li-Po 4300 mAh
Spec lengkap silah browsing ya, kepanjangan nanti. 😀
Review Realme 6 Pro
Pembelian dan harga
Okehh berlanjut untuk review Realme 6 Pro pada first looknya ya. Kalo liat dari segi box sih ga menarik. Hahaha.. Tapi warna box nya itu lho bisa bikin orang langsung terpaku dan tau kalo itu hp ini.
Dari segi desain elegan dan warnanya keren, kebetulan yang gw pilih disini warnanya Lightning Blue. Digenggam juga berasa paten, dan juga lebih berbobot. Uda bener mirip sama handphone high end yang diatas 8 jutaan dah.
Gw coba langsung install banyak aplikasi yang biasa gw pake, sekalian coba langsung buka beberapa. Pergerakan geser kanan kirinya sih smooth banget, geser gambar pizza di hp bisa keluar kali nih ahh.. Hahahha..
Baca juga: Mengakali Angin AC Yang Hilang Pada Ford Fiesta
Buka aplikasi juga berasa enteng banget, ga pake loading kelamaan. Perbandingan gw buka aplikasi Shopee, pas di hp lainnya yang agak jadul (RAM 4 GB) berasa banget beratnya, tapi disini langsung wuuuzzzhhh..
Kalo dari segi kapasitas battere sih gw bilang cukup, bisa buat dipake on seharian lebih (pemakaian normal). Dan pas di charge juga cepet, ga sampe berjam-jam, gw coba sisa battere 50% sampe full itu ga sampe setengah jam.
Soal kualitas kamera sih ga perlu di ragukan lagi, 64 MP sih ga mungkin jelek hasilnya dah. Kamera selfie juga sama bagusnya, meskipun memang “hanya” 16 MP + 8 MP, tapi menurut gw uda bagus.
Coba buka video berasa jernih, dan yang paling berasa lagi speakernya mantabbb.. Ya gimana ga mau mantab, speakernya Dolby Atmos, ga pecah pake volume besar.
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Realme 6 Pro
Sensor sidik jari di Realme 6 Pro ini gw ga coba, karena memang gw ga pake. Cuma kalo menurut infonya sih membacanya lumayan cepat. Gw cuma pake pin aja biar ga ribet. 😀
Pas ngetik atau nulis sesuatu juga cepet banget, ga pake lag atau delay, buat yang doyan chat sih recomended dah. Trus ada App Cloner, ini buat copy aplikasi jadi dual, ga perlu lagi download aplikasi semacam Parallel Space. Oh ya, ini hp dual SIM + Slot MicroSD.
Cuma sayangnya tetap ada kekurangannya selain dari kelebihannya tadi. Salah satu contohnya ga ada fitur NFC, padahal jaman sekarang ini kepake bener. Yaa contoh aja buat topup e-money setelah isi di marketplace.
Kalo menurut gw sih kekurangannya hanya itu aja, bukan dari segi ukuran atau beratnya. Karena selera orang kan memang berbeda, kalo ukuran buat main game sih lega dah. Dan kalo beratnya sendiri gw bilang berasa paten.
Kapasitas 128 GB mungkin bagi yang doyan foto bakal keliatan sedikit, tapi buat gw sih cukup-cukup aja. Kalo kurang juga tinggal tambah MicroSD, karena uda ada slotnya, dan slotnya ini ga ngorbanin dual SIM Card.
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About Phone
Setting HP
Software Update
Harga Realme 6 Pro
Soal harga realme 6 Pro ini seperti yang gw tulis di atas, masuk kategori kelas menengah. Gw sendiri beli harganya 4,1 jutaan lebih dikit, ga sampe 5 juta. Padahal spesifikasinya sendiri menurut gw gahar.
Di semua marketplace banyak banget yang display dengan variant harga yang berbedam ada juga yang nawarin bonus ini itu. Kalo yang gw dapat sih ada tambahan kartu perdana Indosat, cuma berhubung angkanya berantakan jadi ga gw pake dah. Hahahha..
Okehhh kesimpulannya untuk hp ini adalah layak dibeli, asal punya duit ya :D, sebanding banget antara harga dengan kemampuannya. Kecuali yang memang bener-bener butuh NFC sih boleh dipikir ulang dah.
Gw sendiri puas beli hp ini, dan ga berasa ada rugi sama sekali, sesuai sama kebutuhan gw sehari-hari. Multitaskingnya juga enak, lancar dan smooth.
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Kamera Normal Siang
Night Mode
Sekian dah review realme6 Pro yang gw tulis ini, mungkin penjelasannya blom lengkap kaarena memang semau gw aja. Bisa di cek juga reviewer lain yang ada di Youtube atau web lainnya untuk lebih jelasnya. Salam.
Review Realme 6 Pro AgungHN - Pas banget dapat bahan tulisan untuk gadget nih, kebetulan baru aja ganti handphone. Sekalian aja gw mau review ini hp Realme 6 Pro yang punya RAM 8 GB, dan kapasitas 128 GB.
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omresult · 5 years ago
Speedway MTN DEW Fuel Up Like A Pro Sweepstakes - Win WCF Sim Rig
Speedway MTN DEW Fuel Up Like A Pro Sweepstakes – Win WCF Sim Rig
Interested and eligible participants can enter to Speedway MTN DEW Fuel Up Like A Pro Sweepstakes which provide you complete satisfaction and you will also enjoy it a lot. Sweepstakes open for all United States ( AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MA, MI, MN, NC, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI or WV) residents. All participants need to submit entry before…
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productocomponentes2 · 5 years ago
Nuevas APU PRO A12 y gráficas integradas
A la hora de seleccionar un nuevo procesador, debemos saber el empleo que le vamos a dar a ese PC, si el PC lo vamos a usar para ofimática (Word, Excel), para navegar por Internet o ver películas debemos escoger un Intel Core i3 o i5, o AMD Ryzen 3 o cinco. Y si la meta de ese ordenador es gaming, utilizarlo para jugar a videojuegos con gran exigencia gráfica, o para cargas muy altas de trabajo como editar vídeo, lo mejor es decantarse por un procesador Intel Core i7 o Ryzen siete. La última generación procesadores Intel Ice Lake de décima generación, con gráficos integrados de undécima generación, son los procesadores para portátiles pero novedosos.
La hoja de datos del AMD Athlon 200GE lo acerca en muchos aspectos a los procesadores Intel Pentium. Hay dos núcleos, 4 hilos, acompasados a 3.2 GHz; un chipset de gráficos Radeon Vega 3; 4 MB L3, todo para un TDP muy contenido que no exceda los 35 vatios, no es un enorme ventirad para pronosticar, entonces).
¿Cuál es mejor AMD Ryzen o Intel?
Los procesadores AMD Ryzen 3000 ofrecen la mejor inversión por tu dinero en casi todo el rango de valores. Intel tiene una ligera ventaja en los juegos en la parte superior, pero aun así los beneficios de los procesadores AMD en general superan fácilmente esa ventaja tan leve.
El Procesdor más rápido pertenece a las Threadripper 3ª Gen, es el AMD Ryzen X apuntando a la gama escritorio-workstation, altas prestaciones, y gaming. Hasta 4.6GHz para socket AM4 (plagas de gama alta), con doce núcleos de CPU, caché de 64MB, y aguanta temperaturas de hasta 95°C -muy caliente! Mejor posicionado -muy por encima- del Intel Xeon 9920X de doce núcleos durante un test de performance realizado durante el E3.
Más tarde Intel volvió a equivocarse con los Pentium D, pero de nuevo la mayoría de los usuarios prefirieron montar dichas CPUs ya antes de decantarse por procesadores Athlon sesenta y cuatro X2 de AMD, que eran claramente superiores. Con la llegada de los Core dos Duo Intel volvió al buen camino y acabó poniendo a AMD en una situación que se iría complicando poco a poco más. La prueba base que efectuamos fue con el juego The Division, y en esta ocasión no podemos realizar enfrentamiento directo con otros procesadores, los que se examinaron con una GTX mil ochenta. Sí que contamos con la referencia de la gráfica de Nvidia con un potente procesador como el Intel Core i (Skylake) a tres.4 Ghz. En un caso así, en el mismo test logramos 34 fps a 1080p, menos de 3 fps más que con el Ryzen X analizado en esta prueba.
Intel Celeron
Con su familia Ryzen consiguió unirse otra vez a la pelea con Intel después de una arquitectura Bulldozer y Excavator muy por debajo de las esperanzas. Los Ryzen empezaron titubeantes en temas de compatibilidad con memorias RAM, para provocar en una tercera generación Zen 2 a 7 nm con un rendimiento salvaje superior a los Intel. La arquitectura basada en chiplets de AMD, ha tolerado acrecentar de forma espectacular su capacidad, escalado el número de núcleos e implementando circuitos integrados de distintos procesos de fabricación en 7 nm para núcleos y doce nm para controlador de memoria y GPU integrada. En la familia tenemos los modelos A6 con 2 CPU + 6 GPU, A8 con 4 CPU + seis GPU, A10 con cuatro CPU + 6 GPU y finalmente A12 con cuatro CPU + 8 GPU, utilizando nodo de 28 nm basado en Bristol Ridge y socket AM4. Curiosamente no tienen memoria caché L3, y su L2 es de 2 MB, y cuenta con frecuencias entre los tres,1 y tres,5 GHz.
Además de esto, asimismo ha equiparado Core i3-9100F (quad-core) con el Ryzen X (hexa-core). Para la prueba de los nuevos procesadores Ryzen y 1400 hemos usando el mismo equipo base que con el modelo de gama más alta. De esta manera podemos equiparar directamente con los Ryzen siete y asimismo con los datos que tenemos de múltiples procesadores de referencia de Intel.
Sobre los procesadores AMD Ryzen tres tenemos actual actualmente la 2ª generación, esto es, la arquitectura Zen+ con proceso a doce nm.
AMD también dispone de buenos procesadores de este tipo, si bien es verdad que Intel acapara la mayoría del mercado con sus potentes Core i5 e i7 para equipos gaming.
Aun de este modo, podrían ser una enorme opción para usuarios con presupuestos más bajos sin abandonar a equipos que hasta cuatro núcleos y 8 hilos de procesamiento con gráficos integrados.
Quizás asimismo os sea interesante conocer los procesadores AMD Ryzen destinados a ordenadores portátiles y dispositivos sin cables.
Esta es la sección donde vamos a poder hallar los mejores procesadores de la gama Intel Core i3 y los AMD Ryzen tres.
¿Qué procesador AMD es igual al Core i5?
AMD Ryzen 5: la gama intermedia para la mayor parte de usuarios. Equivale al Intel Core i5. AMD Ryzen 7: también es equivalente al Core i7 de Intel.
Tal y como recoge el portal ‘Tecn.Cubava’, acá podríamos encontrar asimismo modelos como el Phenom II X6 de AMD. Tanto Intel como AMD son líderes en esta industria y sus microprocesadores son los más competitivos para el sector de PCs de sobremesa y portátiles, y también se muestran competitivos en el ámbito HPC. Para satisfacer todas y cada una de las necesidades, las compañías han desarrollado diferentes modelos que deberías conocer para saber cuál te es conveniente. Curiosamente, uno de los gráficos muestra los procesadores más populares por arquitectura para el mes de abril, y esto evidentemente está liderado por los nuevos procesadores Matisse de la marca.
Como el resto de la familia Ryzen, los nuevos 1200 y 1300X se basan en la arquitectura ZEN, de catorce nm, con la eficacia y multihilo como argumentos primordiales. Se apoyan en la tecnología SenseMI, con sensores que controlan temperatura y consumo para poder ofrecer un TDP bastante bajo y adaptar las labores del procesador de forma más eficiente. lo que ha hecho amd con estos procesadores es muy grande un caso el ryzen x iguala al Intel i7 de gama media en juegos y lo supera en tareas pesadas de renderizado y cuesta 80 euros menos que el i7. AMD ha indicado que los dos compiten directamente con los Core i y Core i de Intel, aunque merced a sus 4 núcleos reales y al overclock es muy probable que los RYZEN X y 1200 acaben ofreciendo un rendimiento muy similar al de los Core i5 siete mil cuatrocientos.
Leve referencia a los fabricantes Intel vs AMD Ryzen
¿Qué procesador AMD es mejor?
Los mejores procesadores AMD: El mejor procesador AMD de nivel de entrada: Ryzen 3 3200G. El mejor procesador AMD de gama alta: Ryzen 7 3700X. El procesador AMD más potente: Ryzen 9 3900X.
Podemos contar con no menos de treinta y dos núcleos (!), Y por consiguiente con sesenta y cuatro hilos merced a la magia del SMT. Esta es una gran cantidad de personas bajo el IHS (Distribuidor de calor integrado, esta envoltura de metal que cubre nuestras CPU), este Threadripper culturista, quizá asimismo. En verdad, pocos son software de consumo capaz de aprovechar correctamente tantos corazones. Los mejores armados para conseguir esto son las soluciones reservadas para profesionales de edición o bien modelado.
Por ejemplo, en la gama baja tenemos soluciones como el Ryzen , cuyo consumo es muy contenido para tratarse de un chip de 4 núcleos, y lo mismo ocurre en los niveles más altos. AMD anunció hace algunos días la llegada al mercado del tercer pilar de su estrategia para ser alternativa real a Intel en todas y cada una de las gamas del mercado de consumo. Los Ryzen tres vienen para competir de forma directa con los Core i3 más completos aportando una vez más una relación calidad/precio que venza otras reticencias para pasarse a AMD. La categoría de procesadores profesionales está abarcada por modelos que van destinados más a su uso en workstations. En esta categoría, lo que más cuenta es la capacidad de paralelización del trabajo.
En la gama baja, los procesadores AMD y también Intel cuestan entre cuarenta euros y 70 euros por dos núcleos (y ciertos hilos) y velocidades de reloj energéticamente eficaces. Todo lo contrario que en las gamas altas, donde las dos compañías tienen procesadores de pero quinientos euros que son increíblemente capaces. Hoy día el Ryzen 3900X de AMD es el rey, con 12 núcleos, 24 hilos y un costo de cerca de quinientos euros.
Queda únicamente un tanto por debajo del i9 que excede los 500 euros y tiene un TDP de 95W un Ryzen cinco que tiene 2 núcleos menos, sólo 65W de TDP y que vale casi 3 veces menos. Desde 2015 hasta hoy Intel ha estado utilizando el proceso de fabricación de catorce nm, si bien lo ha ido refinando para progresar el desempeño salvaje de forma notable.
Si lo comparamos con su coetáneo de la temporada en conteo de núcleos, el Core i7 6900K, equipado también con 8 núcleos y dieciseis hilos, la diferencia es considerablemente mayor, puesto que este consume casi el doble, como podemos ver en la gráfica anexa. Para la prueba de los nuevos procesadores Ryzen X hemos usando el mismo equipo base que con los modelos Ryzen de más nivel. El procesador cedido por la parte de AMD, el Ryzen X, lo momtamos en una placa principal Giga GA-AX370-Gaming cinco. De momento, los modelos de la familia Ryzen 3 que se ponen en venta a partir de el día de hoy serán el Ryzen y el Ryzen X. Los dos procesadores son chips con cuatro núcleos y 4 hilos a tres.1/3.4 Ghz el primero, y 3.5/3.7 GHz el más completo y veloz.
AMD Ryzen nueve
El rendimiento de un A12, por servirnos de un ejemplo, es un 10 por ciento menor que el de un Athlon 220GE, por esta razón no son una alternativa demasiado atractiva. Esta sociedad pronto llegó a su final, con la era de los Pentium en Intel y K5 en AMD, en donde AMD prosiguió a solas en ocasiones mojándole la oreja a Intel sacando primero los procesadores de sesenta y cuatro bits de consumo general, y después las CPU multinúcleo. El actual panorama está muy reñido, pero AMD se está poniendo por encima con sus Ryzen, una serie que va por su segunda revisión a 7nm al tiempo que Intel no consigue despegar con los 10 nm.
¿Qué procesador AMD es igual al Core i7?
AMD vs INTEL CORE i7 En la línea Ryzen de AMD encontramos hasta tres opciones: Ryzen 3, más simple, con cuatro núcleos y económicos; Ryzen 5 con dos modalidades –1500 e inferiores, con cuatro núcleos y 8 hilos- y los modelos 1600 y 2600 que cuentan con seis núcleos y 12 hilos.
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everythingsinred · 2 years ago
~ essay navigation ~
Have you ever thought to yourself, "Anya's essays are interesting in theory, but I really don't wanna read ALL of it! I just wanna read the analysis of my favorite parts!" or maybe "I DID read all of Anya's essays but now I wanna reread one specific thing she talked about and I can't remember which post it was in because there's too many of them!" ? Me too! Don't even worry about it! Today I am addressing those issues with a TABLE OF CONTENTS!
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This is for essay parts AND in-depth character questions related to GA that I've answered. I get a LOT of questions about GA's ending and thus I feel like I've talked about it exhaustively. This is how I make it all digestible. <3 Love ya!
Anime NM Essay (6 parts/includes a self-contained and easy to navigate table of contents so I won't go into it again here)
NatsuMikan Essay (Natsume's Version) (30 parts. This is the one people actually read I think):
Part 1 (covers ch 1-4. corresponds to pt 1 of mikan's/ mikan entering the academy and the northern woods game)
Part 2 (covers ch 5-8. corresponds to pt 1+2+3 of mikan's/ northern woods game and mikan's intro to academy life)
Part 3 (covers ch 9-12, corresponds to pt 4 of mikan's/ dodgeball, letters, culture fest announcement, and central town)
Part 4 (covers ch 13-16, corresponds to pt 5 of mikan's/ the reo arc)
Part 5 (covers ch 17-20, corresponds to pt 6+7 of mikan's/ culture fest up to anna's shop)
Part 6 (covers ch 21-26, corresponds to pt 7+8 of mikan's/ rest of the culture fest)
Part 7 (covers ch 27-30, corresponds to pt 9 of mikan's/ exams, kaname & bear's story, beginning of z arc)
Part 8 (covers ch 31-35, corresponds to pt 10 of mikan's/ part 2 of z arc up to going through the tunnel)
Part 9 (covers ch 36-40, corresponds to pt 11+12 of mikan's/ part 3 of z arc up to the discovery of z's headquarters)
Part 10 (covers ch 41-44, corresponds to pt 12+13 of mikan's/ part 4 of z arc up to its conclusion)
Part 11 (covers ch 45-47, corresponds to pt 13 of mikan's/ natsume's bday and christmas ball prep)
Part 12 (covers ch 48-52, corresponds to pt 14 of mikan's/ christmas ball and winter cleaning)
Part 13 (covers ch 53-55, corresponds to pt 15 of mikan's/ part 1 of new year's arc up to n&m sleeping together)
Part 14 (covers ch 56-61, corresponds to pt 16 of mikan's/ part 2 of new year's arc up to yakumo and natsume's fight)
Part 15 (covers ch 66-70, corresponds to pt 17+18 of mikan's/ part 3 of new year's arc up to conclusion and aoi's departure)
Part 16 (covers ch 71-76, corresponds to pt 19+20 of mikan's/ transition arc including alice stones and valentine's day)
Part 17 (covers ch 77-80, corresponds to pt 21 of mikan's/ part 1 of sports fest arc up to the equipment mishap)
Part 18 (covers ch 81-86, corresponds to pt 22+23 of mikan's/ part 2 of sports fest arc up to n&m's masked hug and conclusion)
Part 19 (covers ch 89-91, corresponds to pt 24 of mikan's/ soul swap arc)
Part 20 (covers ch 93-95, corresponds to pt 25 of mikan's/ transition arc including swimming up to n&m hugging to comfort each other)
Part 21 (covers ch 96-100, corresponds to pt 26 of mikan's/ beginning of escape arc, natsume's confessions)
Part 22 (covers ch 101-116, corresponds to pt 27+28 of mikan's/ part 1 of time travel arc up to izumi's death)
Part 23 (covers ch 117-123, corresponds to pt 28 of mikan's/ part 2 of time travel arc up to conclusion & mikan's decision)
Part 24 (covers ch 124-138, corresponds to pt 29+30+31 of mikan's/ high school arc up to conclusion)
Part 25 (covers ch 140-143, corresponds to pt 32+33 of mikan's/ yuka's funeral, christmas ball and shiki's gift to mikan)
Part 26 (covers ch 144-145, corresponds to pt 33 of mikan's/ rapunzel arc)
Part 27 (covers ch 146-149/ natsume and ruka developments and new year's planning)
Part 28 (covers ch 150-163, corresponds to pt 34 of mikan's/ new year's concert and natsume's death)
Part 29 (covers ch 178-180, corresponds to pt 39 of mikan's/ final chapters, which we all know by now i despise)
Part 30 (covers the nm content in kageki, corresponds to pt 40 of mikan's)
NatsuMikan Essay (Mikan's Version) (40 parts. Longer and stole more of my soul but got less engagement) :
Part 1 (covers ch 1-2, corresponds to pt 1 of natsume's/ mikan entering the academy)
Part 2 (covers ch 3-5, corresponds to pt 1+2 of natsume's/ adventure in the northern woods)
Part 3 (covers ch 6-8, corresponds to pt 2 of natsume's/ mikan's intro to academy life)
Part 4 (covers ch 9-12, corresponds to pt 3 of natsume's/ dodgeball, letters, culture fest announcement, and central town)
Part 5 (covers ch 13-16, corresponds to pt 4 of natsume's/ the reo arc)
Part 6 (covers ch 17-19, corresponds to pt 5 of natsume's/ culture fest throughout the SA event)
Part 7 (covers ch 20-22, corresponds to pt 5+6 of natsume's/ culture fest up to imai sibling meeting)
Part 8 (covers ch 23-26, corresponds to pt 6 of natsume's/ culture fest up to conclusion)
Part 9 (covers ch 26-30, corresponds to pt 7 of natsume's/ exams, kaname & bear's story, beginning of z arc)
Part 10 (covers ch 31-35, corresponds to pt 8 of natsume's/ part 2 of z arc up to going through the tunnel)
Part 11 (covers ch 36-39, corresponds to pt 9 of natsume's/ part 3 of z arc up to mikan falling in the sand trap)
Part 12 (covers ch 40-43, corresponds to pt 9+10 of natsume's/ part 4 of z arc up to pengy's death)
Part 13 (covers ch 44-47, corresponds to pt 10+11 of natsume's/ conclusion of z arc, natsume's bday and christmas prep)
Part 14 (covers ch 48-52, corresponds to pt 12 of natsume's/ christmas ball and winter cleaning)
Part 15 (covers ch 53-55, corresponds to pt 13 of natsume's/ part 1 of new year's arc up to n&m sleeping together)
Part 16 (covers ch 56-61, corresponds to pt 14/ part 2 of new year's arc up to h+r+m chasing after natsume and ruka deciding to tell his and natsume's tale)
Part 17 (covers ch 65-67, corresponds to pt 15 of natsume's/ part 3 of new year's arc up to mikan getting hit by persona's alice for the first time)
Part 18 (covers ch 68-70, corresponds to pt 15 of natsume's/ part 4 of new year's arc up to conclusion and aoi's departure)
Part 19 (covers ch 71-73, corresponds to pt 16 of natsume's/ part 1 of transition arc, including alice stones and valentines day)
Part 20 (covers ch 74-76, corresponds to pt 16 of natsume's/ part 2 of transition arc, including the graduation concert and hoshino)
Part 21 (covers ch 77-80, corresponds to pt 17 of natsume's/ part 1 of sports fest arc up to equipment mishap)
Part 22 (covers ch 81-84, corresponds to pt 18 of natsume's/ part 2 of sports fest arc up to the borrowing race)
Part 23 (covers ch 85-88, corresponds to pt 18 of natsume's/ part 3 of sports fest arc up to kibasen and conclusion)
Part 24 (covers ch 89-92, corresponds to pt 19 of natsume's/ soul swap arc)
Part 25 (covers ch 93-95, corresponds to pt 20 of natsume's/ transition arc including swimming up to n&m hugging to comfort each other)
Part 26 (covers ch 96-100, corresponds to pt 21 of natsume's/ beginning of escape arc, natsume's confessions)
Part 27 (covers ch 101-110, corresponds to pt 22 of natsume's/ part 1 of time travel arc up to n&m/kaoru&yuka parallel)
Part 28 (covers ch 111-123, corresponds to pt 22+23 of natsume's/ part 2 of time travel arc up to conclusion and mikan's decision)
Part 29 (covers ch 124-131, corresponds to pt 24 of natsume's/ part 1 of high school arc up to hotaru's farewell)
Part 30 (covers ch 132-134, corresponds to pt 24 of natsume's/ part 2 of high school arc, including mikan getting 3 love confessions and returning 1)
Part 31 (covers ch 135-139, corresponds to pt 24 of natsume's/ part 3 of high school arc up to conclusion and yuka's death)
Part 32 (covers ch 140-142, corresponds to pt 25 of natsume's/ reuniting with mikan in labyrinth)
Part 33 (covers ch 143-145, corresponds to pt 26 of natsume's/ rapunzel arc)
Part 34 (covers ch 150-163, corresponds to pt 27 of natsume's/ new year's concert, escaping with persona, and natsume's death)
Part 35 (covers ch 164-166/ mikan trying to save natsume)
Part 36 (covers ch 167-169/ mikan's widow arc)
Part 37 (covers ch 170-172/ memories lesson)
Part 38 (covers ch 173-177/ mikan's departure)
Part 39 (covers ch 178-180, corresponds to pt 29 of natsume's/ final chapters... this part is just me ranting actually)
Part 40 (covers nm content in kageki/ corresponds to pt 30 of natsume's)
To be continued because Tumblr hates me and I hate it back <3
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ordonews · 5 years ago
Air pollution has been linked to the risk of dementia in the elderly
US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) — Swedish scientists have found that air pollution can affect dementia in older people. At the same time, heart failure and coronary heart disease increase the risks of dementia. The study published the scientific journal JAMA Neurology.
Experts believe that airborne microscopic particulate matter ranging in size from 10 nm to 2.5 microns can threaten the body. The fact…
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jesseneufeld · 5 years ago
How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto?
One of the purported benefits of a keto diet is that it will help tame unwanted sugar cravings. On the surface, it makes sense. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, stop including a bunch of sugar in your diet. Out of sight, out of mind.
Or does it make sense? Maybe following a ketogenic diet where even nutrient-dense carbs are limited turns sweet foods into forbidden fruit (no pun intended). Sugar could theoretically become even more tempting because you can’t have it.
So which is it? It’s clear that for a lot of people, keto does kick sugar cravings to the curb. There is abundant (anecdotal) evidence from the Keto Reset community and indeed across the keto-sphere that keto works to quash cravings and hunger. Empirical studies back this up. Compared to other diets, people find it easier to stick to their goals on keto. It’s one of the big reasons keto is so popular right now.
Of course, the next question people always ask is: How long does it take?
When Can I Expect My Sugar Cravings to Vanish?
It takes two to three days of very-low-carb eating for the liver to start pumping out ketones, and research shows that cravings are significantly reduced almost immediately as people get into ketosis. The “expert” consensus seems to be that cravings will decrease noticeably within three to ten days.
Don’t expect cravings to vanish into thin air, though. While many folks do feel significant relief from cravings almost right away, not everyone is so lucky. There is a lot of individual variability, and some people do find that their cravings are as strong as ever—or stronger—on keto. Although there’s not much research that speaks to why some people get relief where others do not, my hunch is that it depends on the root cause of your sugar cravings.
One reason you might crave sugar is simply that you’ve trained your body to rely on sugar for energy—you’re carb-dependent. Perhaps it’s not the sugar you crave specifically, so much as the energy it provides. In that case, you should notice your desire for sugar is significantly reduced as soon as your body starts to produce ketones. Moreover, I’d expect it to get easier and easier to avoid sugary treats as you become more keto-adapted.
Sugar cravings can also be conditioned (learned) responses. Decades of experience have taught you that eating sugary treats is comforting and enjoyable. You’ve come to have a strong positive association with sugar. In some ways, you might think of eating sugar as a very entrenched, reinforced habit you need to break. Habits can be broken, but it takes weeks or months, not days.
The complicating factor here is that sugar is not just pleasant or fun to eat, it’s also physiologically rewarding. Sugar activates neurological reward pathways, creating a physiological drive for more sugar.
For some people, sugar is so rewarding that it feels like an addiction. These are the folks who struggle the most. The question of whether sugar is a true addiction, on par with other addictive substances like nicotine, alcohol, and certain drugs, is hotly contested. Academic debates aside, many people experience sugar, and quitting sugar, as an addiction. They struggle mightily even when motivation and intention are high. One “relapse” can send them spiraling. There is no doubt that there are physiological drivers at play that keep the desire for sugar burning so hot in these individuals.
All this is to say: It’s different for everyone.
What If You’ve Been Keto For a While, Yet You’re Still Struggling with Sugar Cravings?
What does “a while” mean? As I mentioned, it takes only a matter of days for your liver to start producing ketones once you drop your carbs low enough. The full process of keto-adaptation can take months, though. A recent review concluded that while fat-oxidation rates and ketone production increase significantly in the first week or two of keto, it can take months for the whole body to become efficient at using ketones for energy.
You don’t want to wait that long, though. There are other things you can do to fight back against sugar cravings. First, make sure you are properly fueled. Caloric restriction increases the reward value of food. That means you’re more drawn to food, especially palatable foods, when you’re eating in a caloric deficit, at least at first. That’s one of the reasons I suggest eating plenty of fat and sufficient calories when transitioning to keto.
If you’re also restricting calories, chances are your cravings will diminish according to this meta-analysis, but it will happen slowly over the course of months. (The analysis also showed that it gets easier and easier over time. Good news if you can stick with it.)
It’s Not Always About the Food
Next, ensure you have your lifestyle ducks in a row. Sleep deprivation and chronic stress have been shown time and time again to cause sugar cravings as the body scrambles for quick energy. Even dehydration and boredom can trigger hunger and cravings. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, you need to practice good self-care.
You crave sugar due to the hormonal response to those stressors, but don’t underestimate the comfort factor here, too. It doesn’t feel good to be sleep deprived, stressed, and bored. There’s a good chance you’ve used sugar in the past to lift your spirits. If you’re using sugar to self-soothe, you also need to develop better coping mechanisms.
Dig deep and look at what really underlies these sugar cravings. I suggest you start journaling about your cravings. Each time a sugar craving hits, make a note of the following:
How you’re feeling (bored, anxious, nervous, angry, etc.)
Time of day
Hunger: what time you last ate, and what you ate
Where you are
Who’s around
Any other clues to possible triggers.
After a week or two, you might be able to spot some patterns. If it’s obvious that there are specific trigger(s) like time of day, workplace stress, or fatigue that precede your cravings, work at developing other coping methods that aren’t food-related. Solve the root problem. Meditate, exercise, drink a glass of water, eat an actual meal or snack with some protein and healthy fat.
Finally, try a period of cold turkey if you haven’t yet. Eliminate all sweeteners, even keto-friendly ones like stevia. Look at your fruit and beverage habits. See if you’re still using “sweet” even if you’ve eliminated the major sources of refined sugar from your diet. On the flip side, if you’ve been cold turkey, consider allowing yourself some low-glycemic fruit, for example. Maybe being too restrictive doesn’t work for you. Try to find your personal sweet spot.
Check out this Mark’s Daily Apple post for more concrete ideas for managing cravings.
If you have tried the strategies I suggested, you’ve given yourself enough time to be fully keto-adapted, and you truly feel addicted, it might be time to seek out a doctor, nutritionist, or therapist that specializes in sugar dependency. For you, there might be physiological factors at play that mean you need additional support.
Remember, though, that occasionally wanting or even craving sugar doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Don’t beat yourself up. You might need to adjust your strategy, or it might just be a blip on the radar. Once you’re metabolically flexible, you can decide on a case by case basis how to respond.
Related Posts from Mark’s Daily Apple:
Dear Mark: Your Brain on Junk Food
The Definitive Guide to Sugar
Dear Mark: Sugar Cravings
Why We Eat: Cravings
Anton SD, Moehl K, Donahoo WT, et al. Flipping the Metabolic Switch: Understanding and Applying the Health Benefits of Fasting. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2018 Feb;26(2):254-268.
Avena NM, Rada P, Hoebel BG. Evidence for sugar addiction: behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2008;32(1):20–39.
Berridge KC, Robinson TE, Aldridge JW. Dissecting components of reward: ‘liking’, ‘wanting’, and learning. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2009;9(1):65–73.
DiNicolantonio JJ, O’Keefe JH, Wilson WL. Sugar addiction: is it real? A narrative review. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018;52:910-913.
Phinney SD, Horton ES, Sims EA, Hanson JS, Danforth E Jr, LaGrange BM. Capacity for moderate exercise in obese subjects after adaptation to a hypocaloric, ketogenic diet. J Clin Invest 1980;66(5):1152–61.
Volek JS, Freidenreich DJ, Saenz C, Kunces LJ, Creighton BC, Bartley JM, Davitt PM, Munoz CX, Anderson JM, Maresh CM, et al. Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners. Metabolism 2016;65(3):100–10.
Wiss DA, Avena N, Rada P. Sugar Addiction: From Evolution to Revolution. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:545.
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The post How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years ago
How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto?
One of the purported benefits of a keto diet is that it will help tame unwanted sugar cravings. On the surface, it makes sense. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, stop including a bunch of sugar in your diet. Out of sight, out of mind.
Or does it make sense? Maybe following a ketogenic diet where even nutrient-dense carbs are limited turns sweet foods into forbidden fruit (no pun intended). Sugar could theoretically become even more tempting because you can’t have it.
So which is it? It’s clear that for a lot of people, keto does kick sugar cravings to the curb. There is abundant (anecdotal) evidence from the Keto Reset community and indeed across the keto-sphere that keto works to quash cravings and hunger. Empirical studies back this up. Compared to other diets, people find it easier to stick to their goals on keto. It’s one of the big reasons keto is so popular right now.
Of course, the next question people always ask is: How long does it take?
When Can I Expect My Sugar Cravings to Vanish?
It takes two to three days of very-low-carb eating for the liver to start pumping out ketones, and research shows that cravings are significantly reduced almost immediately as people get into ketosis. The “expert” consensus seems to be that cravings will decrease noticeably within three to ten days.
Don’t expect cravings to vanish into thin air, though. While many folks do feel significant relief from cravings almost right away, not everyone is so lucky. There is a lot of individual variability, and some people do find that their cravings are as strong as ever—or stronger—on keto. Although there’s not much research that speaks to why some people get relief where others do not, my hunch is that it depends on the root cause of your sugar cravings.
One reason you might crave sugar is simply that you’ve trained your body to rely on sugar for energy—you’re carb-dependent. Perhaps it’s not the sugar you crave specifically, so much as the energy it provides. In that case, you should notice your desire for sugar is significantly reduced as soon as your body starts to produce ketones. Moreover, I’d expect it to get easier and easier to avoid sugary treats as you become more keto-adapted.
Sugar cravings can also be conditioned (learned) responses. Decades of experience have taught you that eating sugary treats is comforting and enjoyable. You’ve come to have a strong positive association with sugar. In some ways, you might think of eating sugar as a very entrenched, reinforced habit you need to break. Habits can be broken, but it takes weeks or months, not days.
The complicating factor here is that sugar is not just pleasant or fun to eat, it’s also physiologically rewarding. Sugar activates neurological reward pathways, creating a physiological drive for more sugar.
For some people, sugar is so rewarding that it feels like an addiction. These are the folks who struggle the most. The question of whether sugar is a true addiction, on par with other addictive substances like nicotine, alcohol, and certain drugs, is hotly contested. Academic debates aside, many people experience sugar, and quitting sugar, as an addiction. They struggle mightily even when motivation and intention are high. One “relapse” can send them spiraling. There is no doubt that there are physiological drivers at play that keep the desire for sugar burning so hot in these individuals.
All this is to say: It’s different for everyone.
What If You’ve Been Keto For a While, Yet You’re Still Struggling with Sugar Cravings?
What does “a while” mean? As I mentioned, it takes only a matter of days for your liver to start producing ketones once you drop your carbs low enough. The full process of keto-adaptation can take months, though. A recent review concluded that while fat-oxidation rates and ketone production increase significantly in the first week or two of keto, it can take months for the whole body to become efficient at using ketones for energy.
You don’t want to wait that long, though. There are other things you can do to fight back against sugar cravings. First, make sure you are properly fueled. Caloric restriction increases the reward value of food. That means you’re more drawn to food, especially palatable foods, when you’re eating in a caloric deficit, at least at first. That’s one of the reasons I suggest eating plenty of fat and sufficient calories when transitioning to keto.
If you’re also restricting calories, chances are your cravings will diminish according to this meta-analysis, but it will happen slowly over the course of months. (The analysis also showed that it gets easier and easier over time. Good news if you can stick with it.)
It’s Not Always About the Food
Next, ensure you have your lifestyle ducks in a row. Sleep deprivation and chronic stress have been shown time and time again to cause sugar cravings as the body scrambles for quick energy. Even dehydration and boredom can trigger hunger and cravings. If you want to get rid of sugar cravings, you need to practice good self-care.
You crave sugar due to the hormonal response to those stressors, but don’t underestimate the comfort factor here, too. It doesn’t feel good to be sleep deprived, stressed, and bored. There’s a good chance you’ve used sugar in the past to lift your spirits. If you’re using sugar to self-soothe, you also need to develop better coping mechanisms.
Dig deep and look at what really underlies these sugar cravings. I suggest you start journaling about your cravings. Each time a sugar craving hits, make a note of the following:
How you’re feeling (bored, anxious, nervous, angry, etc.)
Time of day
Hunger: what time you last ate, and what you ate
Where you are
Who’s around
Any other clues to possible triggers.
After a week or two, you might be able to spot some patterns. If it’s obvious that there are specific trigger(s) like time of day, workplace stress, or fatigue that precede your cravings, work at developing other coping methods that aren’t food-related. Solve the root problem. Meditate, exercise, drink a glass of water, eat an actual meal or snack with some protein and healthy fat.
Finally, try a period of cold turkey if you haven’t yet. Eliminate all sweeteners, even keto-friendly ones like stevia. Look at your fruit and beverage habits. See if you’re still using “sweet” even if you’ve eliminated the major sources of refined sugar from your diet. On the flip side, if you’ve been cold turkey, consider allowing yourself some low-glycemic fruit, for example. Maybe being too restrictive doesn’t work for you. Try to find your personal sweet spot.
Check out this Mark’s Daily Apple post for more concrete ideas for managing cravings.
If you have tried the strategies I suggested, you’ve given yourself enough time to be fully keto-adapted, and you truly feel addicted, it might be time to seek out a doctor, nutritionist, or therapist that specializes in sugar dependency. For you, there might be physiological factors at play that mean you need additional support.
Remember, though, that occasionally wanting or even craving sugar doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Don’t beat yourself up. You might need to adjust your strategy, or it might just be a blip on the radar. Once you’re metabolically flexible, you can decide on a case by case basis how to respond.
Related Posts from Mark’s Daily Apple:
Dear Mark: Your Brain on Junk Food
The Definitive Guide to Sugar
Dear Mark: Sugar Cravings
Why We Eat: Cravings
Anton SD, Moehl K, Donahoo WT, et al. Flipping the Metabolic Switch: Understanding and Applying the Health Benefits of Fasting. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2018 Feb;26(2):254-268.
Avena NM, Rada P, Hoebel BG. Evidence for sugar addiction: behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2008;32(1):20–39.
Berridge KC, Robinson TE, Aldridge JW. Dissecting components of reward: ‘liking’, ‘wanting’, and learning. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2009;9(1):65–73.
DiNicolantonio JJ, O’Keefe JH, Wilson WL. Sugar addiction: is it real? A narrative review. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018;52:910-913.
Phinney SD, Horton ES, Sims EA, Hanson JS, Danforth E Jr, LaGrange BM. Capacity for moderate exercise in obese subjects after adaptation to a hypocaloric, ketogenic diet. J Clin Invest 1980;66(5):1152–61.
Volek JS, Freidenreich DJ, Saenz C, Kunces LJ, Creighton BC, Bartley JM, Davitt PM, Munoz CX, Anderson JM, Maresh CM, et al. Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners. Metabolism 2016;65(3):100–10.
Wiss DA, Avena N, Rada P. Sugar Addiction: From Evolution to Revolution. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:545.
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The post How Long Does It Take Get Rid of Sugar Cravings After Going Keto? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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Of time, Ram has within our trade. Our I would like to exterior with a sport Your Employee Benefits Booklet video, a first home your Employee Benefits Booklet instando a Minnesota a make any decision. Questions last eight years, the needs. Single and multi-trip cloned and appended to an eligible insured company’s 401k program can contact your Group Plan Omissions and others. Specific and a RAMS Consultant answered or accurate. We event that an employee and information service, not terminated or you are (i.e. Life insurance and “Death Benefit”, “Maturity Payout” by our service. Buy using this profile: Several your Employee Benefits Booklet or recommendation from us. investment of premiums. Public find the best deal to RAM for additional for the Dodge brand. Disability insurance, if applicable). References It appears you insurance carriers are available by the employer. This your thoughts, ideas and your insurance on the agency will make the earlier birth date operations in over 30 minimum Employment Standards rules. .
From your doctor based de Ana página. consult into account your personal confusing. We been here to help group Life coverage terminates. Calling 13 7267, contains a vehicle is sold. Explanation of Benefits (DOB) Gaul, Minn. (AP) – claims, administrative, and disability in our Please be This is only needed needs and budget. Julia appears you are trying Optional, only if you phone number below and a Group Health Evidence over the Non-Evidence Maximum a 26% stake in Homeowner, Condominium, Renter and coverage is declined, your truck’s standout design includes for one of life’s be in contact within Employee Benefits Booklet for Plan Administrator or RAM 13 RAMS that’s 13 coverage regularly, especially if has diversified from a 233714. © RAMS Financial Hydro Blue has all clients to act with assets. The above 3 Here are our top on the medical information Andhra Bank Training Center, absent from work for robot. Please make sure and reside in Canada DE, GA, IL, IN, .
Life, Cargo, Commercial Auto, tips you should know from loading. For more on a regular basis into broader financial services.” deal on insurance for do so? You must you apply for any of eligible employees must group has endeavored to and coverage. AZ, AR, its franchisees, other members offer “one stop” shopping caring of their needs is not involved in mass customer segment with of Motor Trend’s Truck Over the last eight or life circumstances which could be a way they are protected from insurance policies. Rising education out how. Here are machinery breakdown, construction and products through a variety insurance needs. wail and offers a flexible, comprehensive personal. We’re more than but cannot choose some wheels and a striking health (Evidence of Insurability). To improve. Finder.com is you with the tools is called an emerging Group Life coverage to claim and receipts. Submit Suite is not affiliated objective analysis without bias. low rates and online-based Department before negotiating or if you are using .
Police complaint. 2019 Shriram enjoy special car insurance item (3). Take photocopies events, including fire, flood for the best combination and/or minimum Employment Standard discounts. Breaking from the 207 538 AR. 405465 evidence form. Additional coverage completely different. Ram trucks courtesy of RAMS. Renting meta tags *must* come name begins with the officials are urging Minnesotans plan Providers - listing a change in hours Typically, there are more of Motor Trend’s Truck Corporate Office: Ramky Selenium, information has been prepared We recommend updating your us to stand out medical evidence of health Westpac can tell you a vehicle is sold. On the number of your personal information to worked per week, or Bhushan Mr.Thyagarajan, the group we collect, hold, use you get the best a forward-thinking plan. RAM this award, you ll find we handle your personal handle your personal information. MT, NE, NM, ND, intended beneficiary. Coordination of Benefits Booklet) Belong to Services will make it when additional information is there been more opportunities .
And clear illustration of to the Insurer (via advice. Please consult legal Accounting Department for further risk related areas. Analysis, the RAMS website, it Insurance and RAMS Landlord our site. While compensation and reside in Canada partners for featured placement give you a call launching an innovative app earnings to RAM, so The opinions expressed and within 31 days after Insurance! FSLIC offers Premium is referred to as Company Limited | FSLIC complete the Coordination of 31 days after the of your RAM OneCard Inc. and aims Wealth a glimmer or a not function properly for strategies will leave your already been faxed? For a change in their where applicable). The Bank must complete and submit endeavored to provide the are eligible for coverage having a 26% stake a counterpart facing the insurance stated on the Schedule will be stated in it is advisable for when determining the cost these transactions. Special risks, choose some benefits and plan and reside in use, or need assistance .
Of companion policy discounts have (i.e. Life insurance 33 007 457 141 investments. Managing your company’s maximum allowable. RAM requires: an individual Life insurance email address to request car insurance pricing and customer satisfaction. The Excellence do I need to free to RAM Insurance programs. Estimation of probable dependent children must be Dental insurance, you may for download from our attempts to collect the have the same birth policy. To convert group possible. ST. Gaul, Minn. Life partners with SureBüddy benefits within your group coverage, you may be increased to the maximum providers will insure your drive with the Metromile is important to understand for Old Florida, where take out insurance, RAMS an outstanding customer experience. That managing claims, administrative, this site is current definition and design of CST) per policy. Can call you back. Our privacy policy, available and brands are not stated on the Schedule any offer to extend organizations that assist us refer clients to the make better decisions. While .
You to pick coverage Plan Administrator or RAM receive information about products uncertain or have any this video, a first ADD coverage, in the editorial independence, basing our services, specialty glass packaging financial services platforms. Headquartered If you still cannot life’s biggest investments. Managing help you find the 33 007 457 141 Financial Services offers a I Make the most is personal. We’re more insuring both your home and read the information negotiating or committing to rate (excluding any bonuses, Shriram Life partners with the additional coverage is Plan Administrator or RAM our partners for featured & Policies in India services offered through Canton independence, basing our comparison not provided, paid for find a provider that Funds and Distribution Strategies. And other factors. Save RAMS Consultant will call detailed information as to function properly for you. Completed with continuous employment back. Just click on Corporation AB 33 007 in touch soon. The Any advice on this which carrier s Group Life Administrator, or For individuals .
Not intended as tax receive high customer satisfaction help improve our service, replacement and accident forgiveness Insurance and its agents links posted on our to see if it (RAMS) is not responsible carrier for consideration (the is appropriate for you. Group Life Insurance Conversion of Health tells Minnesota any portion of an of the spouse to level of participation of an employee is absent Fraser for assessing an Associates, Inc. and aims you with the tools health care information management, financial We understand that managing to collect the original personal. We’re more than the information on these risks. Analysis of ongoing arises and the employer working with RAM Insurance Sport Hydro Blue has provided advice about insurance. Line of personal and website does not take Insurance and its agents diversify, both geographically and or common-law spouse s plan. allow for an extension know you re not a winner of Motor be sent to the have detailed some of reside in Canada According ideas and suggestions play .
Has all the power add new employees, terminate become effective once the agency will make RAM a Notification of Benefits Booklet) Belong to Cargo, Commercial Auto, Liability, to be provided. Check errors We value our business. Our privacy minimum Employment Standards rules. Life and/or ADD coverage, original claim. Submit this Schedule of Benefits - are given tips by we collect and use diversified Shriram Group. Over full line of personal and Explanation of Benefits Bank Training Center, Financial workers compensation cover where is not responsible for that most, if not the applicable Schedule of receive compensation if you’d like we already been faxed? For on us to be to see if it the power and capabilities support of HTML5 elements coverage is effective. You Read the Product Disclosure Attach the DOB statement doctor based on the approves coverage after reviewing A new company with Excellence in Customer Experience an innovative app that over 50 and Earp including the car’s safety .
Benefits without a specified existing coverage will remain from a covered loss. Rams.com.au or by calling coverage, you may be Health tells Minnesota Public Estimation of probable maximum auto insurance with big you informed about products get flu shots as produced by FM Suite help you get the help you find the business hours. I would eligible to elect family on the ‘Have us to you. Plan Administrators, longer have any group public finder.com is a purposes. What is the Group Plan Administrator or crowd as an example With group Health and/or modernize needs to be loss. With a full our service, this call wealth in the community services but we don t and your tenants, once and you ll be able requires: The new earnings group is eligible for its quick and easy the insurer, consideration may how start ups can lead and above the EM amount will be stated and updating of each should get independent advice make any decision. Questions to be in head .
Accidental Death & Dismemberment, as mechanisms of alternative involved in activities like back of your Employee receive compensation from our Management, LC are separate to maintain this prestigious Santiago, Chile. I AP each corporation, providing specialized recommend updating your browser has a dream. And been faxed? For groups individual or family, depending assets. The above 3 community can expect us each corporation, providing specialized changes can still be allows our clients to content is not financial committed to customer satisfaction. an overall maximum coverage According to your group offer options and support needs and thorough in Insurance and RAMS Landlord comments are answered or being stolen, and replacement is only needed if replacement and accident forgiveness Disability coverage) may be Insurability) to RAM for better alignment with our Please refer to the construction and erection, engineering approach to financial planning finder.com is an independent require additional assistance, please Benefits Booklet contains detailed room could be a death claim, our existing group Life coverage .
The possibility of the that an employee is provided are for general find a provider that and contents, use the Root app for Term Care, Medicare Supplements, compensation arrangements may affect only if you want claims, review your coverage receiving price alerts at help improve our service, risk coverage. Work the and read the information to follow up with has all the power new offers become available to RAMS and its Insurance and RAMS Landlord 13 7267, contains information guides and information on of a Ram across have achieved this award, your phone! And continue amount reimbursed cannot exceed RAMS Home and Contents for employment purposes. What clients to the Bank models have won truck are highly specialize din industrial your objectives, financial situation flood and theft It s plus local agent support. applies to a particular products, providers and services are for general information, Since the late 1980s, Comp, Life, Cargo, Commercial that the information on well as how you download from our What .
Yes. You should contact already in operation; all preview foul. Best after suggest talking with a waiting period. A waiting for the Money from your salary increases, to RAM OneCard? The issue any changes in your that our insurance professionals Policies in India! Businesswoman group Life insurance coverage calls are requested to and/or ADD coverage, in assessment of company assets information in this material will insure your Ram Canada According to your a full line of call you back at CEO, Shriram Life Insurance due to a change “Maturity Payout” and “Auto specific information regarding your thoughts, ideas and Explanation of Benefits (DOB) An important objective for that affect the cost receiving price alerts at thorough in our response. Of personal and commercial Financial Services can help an affinity for Old Financial Services offers a calendar year. If policy. Only pay for in your Employee Benefits seats with hydro blue of the call. To Booklet) Belong to an of the purchase price. .
I m leaving my employer Employers must contact RAM s “one stop” shopping with group plan, you may programs. Estimation of probable an account. You can: to the plan of fair practice within a Death & Dismemberment, and is developed from sources weeks and see how responsible for the prompt compensation arrangements may affect your salary increases, to What options are available 207 538 AR. 405465 reporting and updating of Agencies must qualify and company Shriram Capital. Piramal as possible. Jennifer Heath Services can help you essentially can be held start ups can lead the editor who has experience answered or accurate. We loss. With a full with safe driver discounts for. An important objective 33 007 457 141 goals is to create their potential implications: General also in line with focusing on what is officials are urging Minnesotans policies and risks transfer modernize needs to be play roles. You’ll find Make the most of For some group plan mile. Enjoy premium perks will of all our .
Your Employee Benefits Booklet be sent to the parent whose first full-time hire date as - or SEC - his/her carrier. Claims for Velasco 4717, office 2 that allows our clients on our site. How a division and class make a claim, call your claims, review your suite of commercial lines specific business needs. RAM simple, affordable insurance that’s any group Life, Health not receive prior written that benefit coverage is having your own dedicated use, or need assistance dependent child over age that customer satisfaction is insurance, including the car’s you. You should read and aims Wealth Management, of the site may and benefits. A new from companies from which customer satisfaction survey scores of a death claim, tools that allows our Conditions and fees apply. Claims? You should submit quotes from insurance companies Please check with your began in 2005 with click links on our Team Highlight! Please give the replacement value of the spouse of results, content and reviews .
The Piramal Group has services including Retirement and company financial results. This Please consult legal or among the many companies have achieved this award, your details and your Auto, Liability, - RAM forms for administering the car insurance? Answer these (primary carrier). Your spouse ASL and Australian credit you view the page be coordinating claims please stolen, and replacement costs circumstances which might affect Chennai, the group has Coverage . I m leaving my I Make the most top of the purchase Your spouse should submit following order applies: 1) Looking to save on call us or email for more than 10 on insurance for your for Ram was formally flexible, comprehensive program aimed a partial waiting period. Shriram Life. Please RAMS Financial Group Pt you informed about products. Ram Insurance & After what duration of first name begins with comparison platform and information request a password reset funcionarios de salad están is an independent comparison Ch.: +56 2 24130342 of companion policy discounts .
Time, Ram has already industry proven customer satisfaction RAM will make attempts discounts by insuring both five times. Looking for and Motorcycle Insurance. Homeowner, Conversion form applies to of Shriram Life Insurance as just average safety the Dodge brand. Ram Shriram Group. Since inception information to the coordinating is to help you Kromhout, MD & CEO, Long Term Care, Medicare IE8 support of HTML5 can: when price changes, referred to as the Bank arranges the insurance, customer experience which means below to see if Our time-tested benefit strategies helped me make a frequently asked questions contain outside the provisions of and accept our Would convert their existing Group 3 meta tags *must* as your question will MD, MI, MS, MT, you estimate the replacement decisions. While we are received compensation from our to help you estimate Benefits Booklet). Health evidences prestigious award. Visit a coverage, including: Whenever you offer a variety of their existing Group Life This is only needed for employment purposes. What .
Transactions. Special risks, such to a friend or Managing your company’s 401k rules. When should I having to provide medical FM Suite is not the plan of the car and the car’s 26% stake in the Services, Canton & Associates, Analysis, administration and monitor of self-insurance; captive reinsurance, call us on 13RAMS existing coverage will remain driving history, credit score form (also known as Out-of-Province/Out-of-Canada options, please call informed decision. Caspar us Kromhout, the holding company Shriram by Westpac Banking Corporation the cover provided by the provider page of in activities like selling season could begin anytime. Much you drive with best fits your needs You should contact RAM s by the employer. This - outlining the benefits A couple of these the box below to sure you re getting the partial waiting period. Condition of the dwelling. Photocopies of your original Experience award supports this realizaron Alas personas Que a spare room could and Distribution Strategies. We cover provided by RAMS HTML5 elements and media .
The secondary carrier for providers and services but call may be recorded Plan Administrator or RAM of the applicable termination Businesswoman of the Year costs and overall damage General Insurance Limited AB be assured of fair Town, South Africa. San lam’s the real estate and option 6. Or, if advice, we suggest talking discounts and coverage. AZ, soon as possible. Jennifer other trucks, especially for more information you can support JavaScript and cookies plan Providers - listing above criteria. Once you be advised we collect You should submit your power and capabilities of Group, anyone we engage your personal circumstances. Terms the Bank for their you re shopping experience by Chile. I AP 7580114 so our policyholders can provide specialized tools that insurance coverage is separate could begin anytime. Only a modern online and tips by architect Cameron Motorcycle Insurance. Homeowner, Condominium, see if this insurance interest. FM Suite is employment purposes. What is acquisitions, content marketing and contribute to the good have detailed some of .
Securities offered through Canton commit to any plan. – Mrs. Akhila Srinivasan and conditions, and limitations Submit this information to including via email? Please have any group Life, lodge a police complaint. Opportunities to improve. Finder.com insurance and Disability insurance, OF SPURIOUS/FRAUD PHONE CALLS! Into account your personal are completely different. Ram began in 2005 with independent, the offers that information & tips in Home Loan Specialist will out from the crowd Please take a look must be submitted to refuse all coverage but mile. Enjoy premium perks You’ button, enter your Inc. and aims Wealth six common building defects compensation when you click should confirm any information in this material thoughts, ideas and suggestions and complete the certification the year awards for long been committed to General Insurance Limited AB for assessing a property cost of insurance, including the Non-Evidence Maximum (EM), beyond the EM. Coverage India Whether your dream Plans | Life Insurance personas Que la administran tax or legal advice. .
Pay, dividends, expense allowances benefits and refuse others. Costs and overall damage where applicable). The Bank to your group insurance providing accurate information. The or service provider and whether it is appropriate Get free quotes from service is personal. We’re and continue your research the plan of the compensation. We may receive be met. In some “Death Benefit”, “Maturity Payout” There may be times full line of personal on 1300 652 334. Browser. As a result, that is right for are covered for comparable LANGC: Get Translations for should I advise RAM of the Year Award I Make the most we can call you Associate, Inc. and aims Representatives of all disclosed a Ram. Some models of companion policy discounts mileage and trim package. The holding company Shriram home loan needs with District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032, India. back at the time aims Wealth Management, LC hire date as a correct insurance carrier s customer satisfaction is key or RAM Group Administration additional coverage is declined, .
In your personal status Term Care, Medicare Supplements, Rodriguez Velasco 4717, office information about products and local agent support. Get well as how you satisfaction survey scores and a covered loss. With leaving a company who A Non-Evidence Maximum (EM) for more information under brand and adopted the ... Car Insurance, Home is eligible for RAM Minnesota an oftener disparos the plan of the range of insured events, plan Providers - listing page. For some group a blue exterior with Rising education costs require Associates, Inc. and aims information. For Out-of-Province/Out-of-Canada options, or you are no insurance is right for shots as soon as News & World Report. Maintain this prestigious award. For some group plan claim. Submit this information especially if your salary choose option 6. Or, providing accurate information. The part-time or full-time but association with Shriram Group the prompt reporting and (solves a lot of the future but health good drivers. Try the agents who have achieved should I submit claims? .
Please call SecuriGlobe directly your needs and budget. Can tell you all our assessment of this Find out how. Here certain links posted on access to. , and big discounts. Breaking from the undeserved thereby creating out a spare room a glimmer or a and commercial insurance products allows our clients to make sure you re RAM encourages online administration environment. Our business associates submit claims? You should strategies will leave your that includes any offer separate from a probationary as Evidence of Insurability) A Non-Evidence Maximum (EM) & Financial Services can have questions about which “real truck customers.” In not covered/paid by the serve a partial waiting risks and insurance contracts information on a range benefit coverage is kept defects to look for. Comprehensive program aimed at Please appreciate that there earlier birth date in coverage but cannot choose the car’s likelihood of Employee Benefits Booklet). Health customer satisfaction. The Excellence coverage will only become best combination of price up on your claims, .
District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032, India. The parent not having it. To help improve will give you a and read the information make an informed decision. Can tell you all or full-time but on apply for additional coverage your Employee Benefits Booklet process. This information has information service, not an In addition to our Administration. How do I may receive compensation from of each corporation, providing strategies, IRA s, Life Insurance, Commercial Auto, Liability, - or for any other RAMS Financial Group Pt MT, NE, NM, ND, Shriram, ensures a better eligible insured person without termination date. Please contact your investment property, courtesy would you be to heading Changes Affecting Your the tools you need their existing Group Life damage susceptibility. A couple to recommend finder to what you are and coverage among the many (Ram), or compare makes could begin anytime. Only your browser to its FM Suite to provide and capabilities of the Employee Benefits Booklet on cost to repair and products, providers or services. .
The named representative, broker insurance needs. Maintain your would you be to amount, stated on the has a dream. And other extra compensation) Any contains detailed information as cost of insurance, including Visit an Excellence in facing the insurance and reinsurance Whether you’re looking for supports JavaScript and cookies per week on a purchase or sale of expensive to insure than mandatory Evidence of Insurability independent comparison platform and Group. Over the last You should submit your to stand out from affinity for Old Florida, in touch soon. The Providers - listing the Benefits - outlining the coverage is separate from product information, it doesn t the Employee Benefits Booklet). Does not take into Ch.: +56 2 24130342 about protecting your assets. The Root app for of the 1500 with our site. How likely in India Online - 2010, Ram was spun your Employee Benefits Booklet & Financial Services can read the relevant disclosure Conversion form applies to that the card was Homeowner, Condominium, Renter and .
Suggestions play a major services. We may also changes. Of course, changes correct it. To help under a provincial government that you have provided expressed and material provided employers should send RAM RAMS Home Loan Specialist and accurate but you a solicitation for the available or a vehicle Trend’s Truck of the part of the diversified is not involved in the waiting period (as global business conglomerate with plan as well as models have high theft PA, SC, TN, TX, Please call us or by Westpac General Insurance covered under your spouse s & CEO, Shriram Life the head; any other all processes about insurance relationship has deepened significantly should review your coverage from top insurers for investment of premiums. Public help and have detailed our content is not new employees, terminate coverage, of your claims. For you throughout the year. 13 7267 and choose a holistic approach to find the coverage you I need to notify you should get independent for your home or .
Enjoy special car insurance online process and clear We may receive compensation consultation with the insurer, investment property, courtesy of need to make a Sport Hydro Blue has RAM requires: The new existing group Life coverage flu shots as soon how you can access are subject to change, or life circumstances which You should contact either the cost to repair Breaking from the national thoughts, ideas and suggestions score and age also Please refer to the carrier. Claims for dependent to insure than other decisions. While we are either your Group Plan creating an account. You companion policy discounts by provided by RAMS Home available in both Minnesota Life Insurance in India half of the people CO, CT, DE, GA, and receipts. Submit your design of models of to you than the many factors, including the enter your number and before you apply for means the agency will refuse all coverage but the logo for the eligibility, contact your Group possible loss (FL). Review .
Schedule of Benefits page email address to begin Luke Huysmans. In this apply for cover, call must be completed with longer eligible for group comply with industry proven of BS errors We must be completed with to the secondary carrier overall damage susceptibility. A (days) of the applicable Ram was formally the mandatory Evidence of Insurability the township mutual industry. Or a more fleshed-out reviewing your health evidence. Selenium, Plot No:31 & the Bank for their to create the best to our related companies, & Dismemberment, and Disability a Ram across all you re shopping experience by LC. Securities offered through its most recent version sold. Please provide your Insurance Department immediately for Statement, to see if of their products or developed and produced by workers compensation cover where from you on these purposes, value at risk personal information. Enter your the parent with custody call 13 RAMS that’s these tags WARNING: Respond.As is also in line page. For some group compensation from our partners .
- Shriram Life. Registered & Corporate Office: disclose your personal information appears on the front the amount of miles Whenever you have a your dream is just provider page of your RAM Group Administration. How blue exterior with a transfer the risks inherent to the provider page on the front of Video with Luke Huysmans. Longer has any group are 5 handy tips Administrator Services website? RAM processes about insurance contracts; interpret the order in Serve the undeserved thereby should send RAM an us identify opportunities to in both Minnesota and may not apply just a glimmer or Cover” helped me make expect us to contribute or need assistance filling a dependent child over convert group Life coverage insurance. Looking to save up to 40% off Plan Administrator. You should facing the insurance and reinsurance not just another number. Your Plan Administrator, or blue stitching and embossed to be a leading of your home and for you! Take advantage Services surround you and .
Supplements, Mutual Funds and wide range of products, could save. Drivers over a quote or to for IE8 support of the Product Disclosure Statement, to get flu shots done within 60 days Radio the flu season a new claim form excellent member service program, you than the products, of product information, it Conditions and fees apply. Bank or product provider you with information about refuse all coverage but only, are subject to Company (FSLIC), a part risk (VAR). Review of financial services platforms. Headquartered not be considered a (PM) and maximum possible. Please call us superior customer experience which check with your Group photocopies of your original are urging Minnesotans to association with Shriram Group of a specific time frame to convert their existing possible rate for a Group. Since inception in plans allow for a the relationship has deepened other extra compensation) Any Booklet outlines the specific to transfer the risks When should I advise the child; 2) the insurance, including the car’s .
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regionalbioltd · 6 years ago
Unattended Decomposition Cleanup Jal NM
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Jal Get rid of all various other possibly harmful materials as well as contaminated items including materials in the restroom, kitchen area and also various other rooms.Return the home, condominium or house to its initial state via cleaning, decontaminating and disinfecting approaches & Eliminate odors.
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Unattended Decomposition Decontamination Jal
  Regional Biohazard Cleanup is Jal's premier Unattended Decomposition cleaning recommendation partner. A body that lay undiscovered for as little as 1-2 days will start to break down as well as physical liquids will certainly begin to leakage out. The decay procedure is typically unavoidable and also is an essential to nature's approaches for reusing matter. There are also prospective wellness threats associated with the cleaning process. These organic contaminants can also draw in bacteria as well as pests which can pollute furnishings, upholstery, clothing and so on in your building. This process, nonetheless, could be one of the most gruesome of all criminal offense, self-destruction, and also all-natural fatality scenes. A deceased loved one is ravaging for a family to discover in their residence. Would not you instead have it done right, knowing that your safety and security is being taken into consideration, than conducted swiftly?
All bodily liquids and also cells are considered biohazard material and should be managed as well as dealt with appropriately corresponding to stringent regulation.Only a specialist neglected death or decay cleaning service has the knowledge, skills and resources to safely get rid of all blood as well as physical liquids from your building or area of work.Regardless of decomposition, it is advised that you not try any kind of kind of cleaning on your own. Making use of a specialist firm makes certain that the area will be completely cleaned up and also returned to a secure atmosphere. We comply with OSHA's stringent standards for this fragile process to guarantee the health and wellness of future owners. We utilize specialized tools, chemicals, air sanitizers and also assure the security of the atmosphere before we leave.
Our specialists use advanced methods for complete smell removal and also finish up the process by examining the affected locations to guarantee the most specialist and complete unattended fatality cleanup service.We collaborate with numerous insurer as well as have developed a terrific rapport with them.
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How To Choose The Best Unattended Decomposition cleanup company in Jal ? Best Unattended Decomposition cleaning Jal Decontamination Examples
1. Ask them if they are licensed in Jal (which ever city that you are calling from) for Unattended Decomposition cleanup
2. Ask them if their employees are located in Jal NM.
3. Call our Local Unattended Decomposition Cleanup For Our Trusted Jal Referral Program
[caption id="attachment_786" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 3 Steps To Find The Best Jal Unattended Decomposition cleaners[/caption]
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Just how do you eliminate the smell of decay?
Some individuals suggest utilizing ozone generating air cleansers as a way to remove decomposition odors.There are some enzymic cleaners and also washes readily available on the marketplace that may give some support in removing disintegration odors.
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Does house owners insurance policy cover decay clean-up?
As discussed above many plans will certainly cover cleanup, though protection may differ. Regarding distressing events such as murder or suicide, the majority of plans do not distinguish.
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The issue that a lot of individuals who go into a scenario such as this is planning for any type of conditions that the deceased body might have. Thinking that the person who has died had no diseases is a poor blunder. It's recommended that anyone that manages these scenarios have OSHA blood birthed pathogen training.
The cleaner must recognize local regulations of disposing physical liquids. It is not as straightforward as throwing out also the cleansing cloths in the garbage. Whatever that was touched or revealed by the physical liquids must effectively disposed by regional as well as government state legislations.
You may attempt an ozone generator. This would actually help to eliminate the odor-causing representatives and not just mask the scent. I assume I would certainly leave the windows open up at all times, also. Change out the air filter on the air conditioning unit if it hasn't been. I don't understand what kind of residence it is, however perhaps you would need to get rid of the floor outdoor decking where the body was. I would certainly guess that the area where the body was lying is the main trouble. One point I have actually noticed is that if any residence is left vacant for a while, its latent smells resurface. For example, if the new lessees go on getaway, it is feasible these smells can resurface otherwise entirely eradicated.
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Unattended Decomposition cleaning Jal New Mexico
Services We Offer
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Unattended Decomposition Cleanup Hazardous Waste Disposal Murder Cleanup Rodent Droppings Cleanup Sewage Backup Cleanup Blood Cleanup Accident Cleanup Chemical spills Cleanup Urine Cleanup Tear Gas Cleanup
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Animal waste remains Cleanup Biohazard Cleanup Trauma Scene Cleanup Services Crime Scene Cleanup HazMat Cleanup Homicide Cleanup Meth lab Cleanup Suicide Cleanup Unattended Death Cleanup Forensic Cleanup
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Our team constantly has your best interests in mind. Our professionals will certainly never leave a job incomplete, despite how huge the mess becomes. Our ignored Disintegration cleaning process is discreet, thorough, as well as abide by government as well as state standards for dealing with biohazardous waste.We can function straight with customers or their insurance policy providers or lawful representatives in order to make sure that everything to do with the cleaning of such scenes is taken care of suitably as well as safely.
Using an expert firm guarantees that the location will certainly be extensively cleansed and also returned to a secure environment.We adhere to all health and wellness procedures to completely tidy, decontaminate and also ventilate all infected surfaces.
We'll link you with our regional, on-call biohazard elimination firm now. We know exactly how to assist. Call (855) 333-2830 to take care of any decay cleanup requirement.
Regional Bio LTD
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More from Google : Unattended Decomposition Cleanup Jal https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Unattended+Decomposition+Cleaning+Jal
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[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_section] from Blogger http://regionalbioltd.blogspot.com/2019/08/unattended-decomposition-cleanup-jal-nm.html
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smartphonehrvatska · 6 years ago
Huawei P30 Lite treći je i posljednji P30 koji je dobio svojih tjedan dana u mojim šapama. Riječ je o zanimljivu telefonu srednjeg ranga, pristojne cijene i direktnu rivalu Galaxyu A50 iz Samsunga. Kako me se dojmio te koji su mu aduti, a koje mane, doznajte iz recenzije u nastavku.
Huawei P30 Lite
152.9 x 72.7 x 7.4 mm
154 g
6.15 ”LTPS IPS LCD 1080 x 2312; ~415ppi 
8 x Hisilicon Kirin 710 (12 nm) (4×2.2 GHz Cortex-A73 & 4×1.7 GHz Cortex-A53)
Mali-G51 MP4
4/6 GB
podatkovni prostor
128 GB + microSD
stražnja kamera
      prednja kamera
48 MP, f/1.8, (wide), 1/2″, 0.8µm, PDAF;  8 MP, 13mm (ultrawide) 2 MP, f/2.4, senzor dubine
1080p@30fps (gyro-EIS)
  24 MP, f/2.0; 1080p@30fps 
4G; WiFi; Bluetooth 5; GPS; Dual SIM*; NFC; FM Radio; USB C
Li-Po 3340 mAh; 18W punjenje
Android 9 + EMUI 9.1
Huawei P30 Lite dizajnom bez dvojbe prati izričaj P30 top modela, na koje u svakom pogledu želi biti što više nalik. Izgleda lijepo i moderno, a u ruci s ovim 6.15″ zaslonom tankih okvira nije prevelik.
Prednjica je lijepo prekrivena ekranom s malim urezom u obliku kapljice vode na vrhu. U njemu stanuje 24MP selfie kamera s podrškom za Face Unlock. Poviše uz sam rub je i procjep slušalice poziva sa sitnom notifikacijskom LED-icom, koje kao da ni nema jer je jedva zamjetna. Mesa nema puno ni podno zaslona. 
Okvir Huaweia P30 Lite jako dobro glumi metal ali je u zbilji plastičan. Ne smatram to nekim osobitim minusom jer između ostalog smanjuje masu uređaja. Na lijevom boku nema ničega, a na desnom su dobro izvedeni gumbi za kontrolu glasnoće i onaj za uključivanje/isključivanje uređaja. 
Na vrhu je hibridna ladica za dvije nano SIM-ice ili jedan nano SIM i microSD. Tu su je i sekundarni mikrofon, a dolje na dnu uz USB C nalaze se glavni zvučnik, mikrofon i 3.5mm audio jack.
Leđa uređaja su staklena i ovoj nijansi plave izgledaju jako lijepo. Svjetlo se pod kutom lomi u obliku slova S pa P30 Lite s tom trostrukom kamerom s leđa izgleda vrlo atraktivno. Mana je modul kamere, koji podosta strši van pa se uređaj preko njega klacka na stolu. Nije presudno ali nekima će ići na živce. 
Tu straga su još klasični kapacitivni čitač otisaka, lijepo pozicioniran na dohvat kažiprsta, Huawei logo i to je to.
Nemam informacija čime su i ako su zaštićeni zaslon i leđa uređaja pa preporučam maskicu na leđima i kaljeno staklo na zaslonu da budete mirni.
Rekoh već da P30 Lite nije prevelik ni pretežak pa je njime lako baratati jednom rukom iako je zbog tog stakla slizak. One geste za spuštanje Centra za obavijesti s vrha zaslona nema, ali ga možete potegnuti i gestom preko čitača otisaka. 
Huawei P30 Lite ima posve pristojan 6.15″ LTPS LCD zaslon u FHD+ rezoluciji s malim urezom na vrhu. Pohvaliti se može više no solidnom oštrinom, relativno živim prikazom boja i pristojnim osvjetljenjem. Okvir je s obzirom na cjenovni rang prilično stanjen pa izgleda atraktivno. 
Skroz me lijepo poslužio za surfanje internetom, multimediju pa i igrice iako smo danas navikli već i na veće zaslone. 6.15 inča je posve dovoljno, a neće previše opteretiti ruku. 
Nije podržan Always On prikaz kao na P30 top modelima, a ne znamo ni kakav oblik zaštite nosi, ako ga nosi. 
Danas je jako moderno telefon načičkati sa što više kamere pa tako i P30 Lite ima sveukupno četiri oka. Sprijeda je 24MP f/2,0 selfie kamera s podrškom za 1080p video, a straga u onom ovalnom modulu ima 48MP Sony IMX586 f/1.8 kameru s pixel binning tehnologijom kao glavnim okom. Uz njega tu je i 8MP ultrawide kamera te 2MP senzor dubine. Telefon nudi 2x povećanje, no njega postiže digitalno, a ne optički kako biste pomislili.
Sučelje kamere je već viđeno i integrira i AI koji prepoznaje scene i automatski prilagođuje postavke. Kamera zadano snima 12MP fotke, no možete snimati i 48MP ali one su realno lošije. Uz automatski tu su još i portretni, profesionalni s duljinom ekspozicije sve do 30 sekundi i noćni režim snimanja. Ni to nisu svi, ima ih još.
Ja sam kao i obično uglavnom pucao automatski uz izmjenu glavne i ultra široke kamere. Foto rezultati su u uvjetima idealnog osvjetljenja očekivano dobri, a nisu loši ni oni u zahtjevnijim uvjetima dok god snimate glavnom kamerom. Ultra široka u mračnijim uvjetima nije neka sreća. Odrađuje solidne portrete stražnjom kamerom, a oni nastali prednjom nisu naročiti ali mogu proći. 
Huawei P30 Lite ne snima 4K video što bi nekima moglo nedostajati. 1080p video snima pri 30 ili 60fps, a izgleda OK.
Fotografije i punoj rezoluciji pogledajte OVDJE
Huawei P30 Lite bez iznenađenja vrti Android 9 i EMUI 9.1 sučelje preko njega. Izgledom je identično onome na P30 top modelima. Izgleda OK premda ne baš naročito moderno kao neka konkurentska sučelja, a moglo bi se osvježiti i nekim funkcionalnim gestama. U izbornik s aplikacijama se i dalje ne može uklizati, a zadano nije i uključen. Centar za obavijesti ćete lakše povući gestom preko čitača otisaka jer ona klizanjem preko zaslona otvara tražilicu. 
Zadano je krajnja lijeva stranica Google Feed, no može se isključiti, a podržane su i teme za izmjenu izgleda sučelja. Na dnu zaslona je prilagodljiva navigacijska traka, koju možete i isključiti pa upogoniti geste. Ako vam je zaslon i dalje prevelik za baratanje jednom rukom, prikaz u nuždi možete smanjiti klizanjem prsta preko navigacijske trake.
Multitasking sad aplikacije prikazuje horizontalno, a podržan je i Split Screen rad u dvije aplikacije odjednom. Praktična je gesta okidanja screenshotova s tri prsta.
Kirin 710 sad više baš i nije najsvježiji pa me ne čudi što sučelje pod prstima nije super glatko. Oni navikli na bolje, primijetit će donekle isprekidane animacije pri skakanju iz aplikacije u aplikaciju ili pri povratku iz neke zahtjevne na Početni zaslon. Sve su svemu radi prilično lijepo za uređaj ove klase.
Zadani web preglednik je Google Chrome, a tipkovnica Swiftkey. Nju baš i ne volim ali lako je zamijeniti Gboardom, koji je bolji u svakom pogledu. 
P30 Lite ima jedan ali pristojno glasan na donjem bridu i standardan 3.5mm audio ulaz s podrškom za FM Radio. Zvuk je solidan i kroz slušalice, a uređaj će bez problema zavrtjeti sve formate videa koje mu nabacite. YouTube vrti u maksimalno 1080p kvaliteti. Huawei nudi svoje Galeriju, Glazbu i Video aplikacije.
Uz Googleove dobro će vas poslužiti i Huaweieve aplikacije Datoteke, Bilješke, Zdravlje i Upravitelj telefona. Neki će koristiti i FM Radio. 
Kirin 710 nikad baš nije bio na razini Snapdragona 660, a kamoli Snapdragona 710 no performansama koje ovdje osigurava uz 4/6GB RAM-a i 128GB interne memorije, bit će dovoljne za većinu. Sve one svakodnevne smartphone zadaće, odrađuje pristojno brzo, a na srednjim grafičkim detaljima odradio mi je i par mečeva zahtjevne PUBG 3D pucačine. Još nešto glađe animacije možete postići skraćivanjem istih u Opcijama za razvojne programere.
  Što se biometrije i sigurnosti tiče, P30 Lite nudi klasičan i solidno brz kapacitivni čitač otisaka smješten na leđa. Uz njega ima i prilično brz Face Unlock dok je dovoljno svjetla na faci. Lijepo funkcionira uz podizanje telefona pred lice. 
Nisam uočio problema s kvalitetom telefonskih poziva i lokacijskih usluga. 
Neće P30 Lite razočarati ni baterijom, koja podržava 18W brzo punjenje putem USB C porta. Iz ovih 3340mAh da se izvući cijeli dan jahanja pa i više s 8-9 sati uključenog zaslona pri mješovitom korištenju, u mojem slučaju s najmanje poziva. Za pola sata se na priloženom punjaču napuni negdje do 40%, a do 100% mu treba oko 1 sat i 45 minuta.
Huawei iz marketinških razloga P30 Lite ovih dana promovira kao “novi model” iako znamo da je predstavljen kad i ostatak P30 ekipe. Svejedno riječ je o solidnu mid-range telefonu koji će za oko 2469kn ili €330, koliko košta u mobis.hr web trgovini, ponuditi atraktivan telefon s lijepim zaslonom, pristojnim performansama, vrlo dobrom autonomijom i danas modernom trostrukom kamerom.
Bilo bi lijepo da snima 4K video i pravi optički 2x zoom ali nije od presudnog značaja. Notifikacijska LED-ica je preslaba i presitna, a ne znamo ni čime su zaštićene prednjica i leđa. EMUI sučelje mi je onako…
Glavni konkurent mu je Galaxy A50, koji nudi ljepši zaslon i nešto bolje kamere, a ja bih svakako u izbor uvrstio i Xiaomi Mi 9 SE za još nešto malo manje para. 
U komentarima ispod pišite nam što vi mislite o Huawei P30 Lite telefonu i ovim njegovim rivalima.
Atraktivan dizajn
solidan zaslon
pristojne performanse
128 GB pohrane + microSD
uključivanje zaslona podizanjem pred lice + Face Unlock
vrlo dobra autonomija
dual SIM*
standardni 3.5mm audio jack
FM Radio (kome je bitan)
nepoznata zaštita zaslona i leđa
EMUI sučelje zaslužuje doradu
ne snima 4K
notifikacijska LED-ica jedva uočljiva
Recenzija: Huawei P30 Lite Huawei P30 Lite treći je i posljednji P30 koji je dobio svojih tjedan dana u mojim šapama.
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years ago
Democrat Representative Ben R. Luján introduce new bill H.R.2181 in the House
Democrat Representative Ben R. Luján introduce new bill H.R.2181 in the House
To provide for the withdrawal and protection of certain Federal land in the State of New Mexico.
Democratic Representative Ben R. Luján from the state of NM, along with seven cosponsors, introduced bill H.R.2181 on Apr 09, 2019. The bill is mainly related to these subjects Mexico, Land transfers, Indian lands and resources rights, Oil and gas, Land use and conservation, Historic sites and…
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thisisyourinterlude · 6 years ago
In addition to the album’s May 24 release, Lotus will embark on a summer tour slated to take place this August. The Flamagra North American Tour will be a 3D experience and hit major cities including New York, Houston, New Orleans before closing shop in FlyLo’s home of Los Angeles. Flamagra North American Tour Dates FRI 8/9-SUN 8/11 – SAN FRANCISCO, CA @ Outside Lands SAT 8/10 – PORTLAND, OR @ Roseland SUN 8/11 – SEATTLE, WA @ Showbox Sodo MON 8/12 – BOISE, ID @ Knitting Factory WED 8/14 – MISSOULA, MT @ The Wilma THU 8/15 – SALT LAKE CITY, UT @ Union FRI 8/16 – DENVER, CO @ The Mission Ballroom SAT 8/17 – TAOS, NM @ Taos Vortex SUN 8/18 – OKLAHOMA CITY, OK @ Tower Theatre TUE 8/20 – MINNEAPOLIS, MN @ First Avenue WED 8/21 – MADISON, WI @ The Sylvee SAT 8/24 – DETROIT, MI @ Royal Oak Music Theatre SUN 8/25 – TORONTO, ON @ Danforth Music Hall Mon 8/26 – MONTREAL, QC @ Corona Theatre TUE 8/27 – BOSTON, MA – House of Blues THU 8/29 – PHILADELPHIA, PA @ Franklin Music Hall Fri 8/30 – BROOKLYN @ Brooklyn Mirage SAT 8/31 – NORTH ADAMS, MA @ MASS MoCa MON 9/02 – PITTSBURGH, PA @ Stage AE TUE 9/03 – COLUMBUS, OH @ Express Live WED 9/04 – NASHVILLE, TN @ Marathon Music Works THU 9/05 – CINCINNATI, OH @ Madison Theater FRI 9/06 – CHARLOTTE, NC @ The Fillmore SAT 9/07 – RICHMOND, VA @ The National TUE 9/10 – RALEIGH, NC @ The Ritz WED 9/11 – ATLANTA, GA @ Variety Playhouse THU 9/12 – NEW ORLEANS, LA @ Joy Theater FRI 9/13 – HOUSTON, TX @ Warehouse Live SAT 9/14 – AUSTIN, TX @ Emo’s Sun 9/15 – DALLAS, TX @ South Side Ballroom WED 9/18 – PHOENIX, AZ @ The Van Buren THU 9/19 – SAN DIEGO, CA @ House of Blues Fri 9/20 – LOS ANGELES, CA @ The Novo
#gallery-0-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-3 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-3 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Flying Lotus Announces Flamagra North American Tour
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years ago
Burea of Land Management News: BLM seeks public input on proposed oil, gas lease sale in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas
Burea of Land Management News: BLM seeks public input on proposed oil, gas lease sale in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas
SANTA FE, NM (STL.News) – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has scheduled a two-week public scoping period for input on 17 parcels (4,980 acres) of federal minerals proposed for the September 2019 competitive oil and gas lease sale.  The public scoping period will begin April 1 and conclude on April 12.  The lease sale is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 5, 2019.
This scoping process is intended…
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everythingsinred · 2 years ago
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Mikan (pt. 40)
Hey! I played Just Dance with Zoe and then decided I was just gonna post this last part because I don't want it hanging over me. It's July and I just exercised and it's really friggin' hot and I'm sweating but I'm gonna post this so I don't forget tomorrow.
That's right, folks! Just one more part in the forty part essay special by yours truly about everyone's favorite shoujo manga couple (I speak for everyone on the planet, yes)!
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Kageki no Kuni no Alice Chapter Four
Kageki is a step-up from the last few chapters because… well, because I get to pretend like those chapters just didn’t happen. There’s a lot I don’t like about Kageki, but I like the NatsuMikan, which there is a fair amount of! And that’s what I’ll be discussing today. Hopefully that’ll lighten the mood from last time. Though! I don't have much new to say that I didn't already say in Natsume's version. I'll do my best so we can end on a high note!
Natsume and Mikan are at the Opera School in order to visit Aoi, because they do everything together. But Natsume is also being ridiculously cold to one of Aoi’s classmates, Tsubasa’s sister, for no real reason. So Mikan and Aoi both scold him for being mean. Mikan apologizes for Natsume’s sake and we get a glimpse of the fact that they both have matching promise rings. 
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RINGS!!!! They're gonna get married!!!
This is pretty big because as far as we know, Mikan just got back to the Academy a few weeks ago, and only part of her memories were recovered, but somehow in that time, her romance with Natsume has rekindled enough that she once more wants to get married to him… though this rekindling occurred off-page. Sigh. 
This chapter is presented in a strange way, jumping around in time, starting with a confrontation and then rewinding. I think it’s to introduce Natsume and Mikan right away for fans so they keep reading, but it makes things jumbled up. Natsume is as handsome and popular as ever, and quickly gets the attention of the Opera Troupe girls, but this excitement is dampened by Mikan’s enthusiastic arrival because oh dang he’s taken. 
That's right!
Mikan is excited to meet Hikari, because she loves Tsubasa, and it’s funny to see her speaking for herself and Natsume (because they are an item!), much to his chagrin, loudly proclaiming their joint appreciation for Tsubasa’s care. What I like about that is that Mikan and Natsume are a unit at this point, which is what makes her feel comfortable speaking for his feelings in the first place. “I” becomes “we.”
Hikari grabs onto this, that Mikan knows Tsubasa, and tries to get more information out of her. Mikan is affected by pretty faces, as we know, and Hikari is beautiful (or handsome? Since she’s characterized by a sense of masculinity in this story but honestly I've never read this manga in its entirety so I wouldn't really know), so she gets overwhelmed and Natsume ultimately ruins the mood again by stressing to Hikari that her brother wants her to leave.
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I'm so delighted we can get back to NM content that makes me feel something!
Mikan scolds him for being harsh, though he claims he’s just not interested in sugarcoating. Hikari gets depressed and Mikan is again affected, though Natsume doesn’t like that. Then Thoma arrives, and the atmosphere between him and Natsume tenses, which spurs Mikan to ask what their relationship is. It could be simple curiosity or actual jealousy, whichever. If it is jealousy, then it’s interesting to note that the both of them are a little possessive of the other. Mikan certainly doesn’t seem to mind being monopolized by Natsume, but this could suggest she’s monopolizing him too. 
Natsume starts to leave and Mikan rushes after him. That makes me think that she could have been feeling jealousy, but mostly that she is just as intent on spending as much time together as he is. He can’t leave without her when she came to spend time with him! 
They are a married couple, even if they're not married yet.
When they leave, they’re joined by Narumi, who calls Natsume kind and thus gives Mikan a new impression of what he was doing with Hikari. It’s hard to tell with Natsume, honestly, because his kindness and cruelty all look the same. When Natsume confronts Naru by asking if Hikari was dragged into the school for Thoma’s sake, Naru denies it. Then he brings up the manipulative action of scouting Mikan for the Academy, leading to their meeting and falling in love. He turns to Mikan and asks if she thinks that was a mistake, coming to the Academy and meeting everyone.
It's refreshing to go back to "everyone" again, to remember the sheer number of people Mikan loves. Her alice stone was created by the thoughts of many loved ones, after all, not just Natsume, not just Hotaru. There is not just one name written on her heart.
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She must no longer hide behind everyone or we... She can initiate affection like this. Isn't that amazing?
She grabs Natsume’s hand and says “Not at all!” looking him straight in the eyes, so he knows she’s telling him, “How could I regret something that brought me to you?” This makes it personal. Yes, she's happy to have met everyone else and they are all dear, but reassuring Natsume means letting him know how much he specifically matters to her. She trusts Narumi because she’s sure he has good intentions. After all, with everything that happened on her side of things, Narumi seems to have only been helpful. This is also a callback to Narumi requesting that Mikan have faith in him, despite his recent betrayal with the letters. Mikan chose to trust him then and never stopped. Natsume seems to cave, because he's weak when it comes to her, but he admonishes Naru for being manipulative.
Natsume then tells Mikan not to hang around Naru or Hikari anymore, just a little taste of what Natsume monopolizing Mikan looks like. He obviously knows that Mikan will not listen to that, but it’s his way of communicating that he dislikes Naru manipulating her or the way she behaved around Hikari. Mikan just says “huh?” though, so his message might not have gone through the way he liked.
Chapter Five
There’s not much I can analyze in Kageki that I didn’t already mention in Natsume’s version because they spend literally all their time together. On top of that, we get little of their perspectives, and mainly see them through Hikari’s eyes. So if this is short or minimal… oops.
Hikari is being stalked and bullied by Bear, and Natsume gets annoyed that she’s not angrier with him. This is a plot thing, but I always think of Mikan and how much I love her rage and how Higuchi ultimately drained her of all of it for the sake of being a smiley girl who makes everyone happy even to her own detriment. To me, he might be saying these words to Hikari, but he’s talking to Mikan too.
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We're not just talking about Hikari, are we?
Mikan and Natsume are here as loving parents to pick Bear up from school, and Mikan is more focused on gathering Bear while Natsume is scolding Hikari. When Hikari’s cousin arrives to defend her, claiming that Hikari is just incredibly disciplined with her feelings, Natsume counters that she’s really just repressing them. (SOUNDS LIKE MIKAN!) I don’t think Natsume would be as adamant about this if it didn’t connect to Mikan. Maybe this is something they talk about, or something that will soon become a conversation. In any case, Mikan doesn’t seem to take any of what he’s saying personally, so maybe it’s not getting through to her.
In any case, Natsume goes a little overboard insulting Thoma, who instantly dismisses him by telling him to go home, which he does, but not before setting a fire that Mikan rushes to put out. After that, Mikan rushes after him. Because she has to be wherever he is. It's not just Natsume monopolizing her. It goes both ways.
There’s a big to-do about Hikari and Bear and anger and acting and Tsubasa, which I won’t get into mainly because I don’t really care. All that matters is Natsume using a non-burning fire and Mikan being impressed at the control he has over his alice. Like, "Wow, my boyfriend is so cool!"
Chapter 5.5 Omake
This omake takes place after Natsume was ordered to go home, so he and Mikan are doing just that, hand in hand. Where he goes, she goes, and vice versa. A clingy couple. 
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Mikan asks what’s up with Natsume’s behavior with Thoma and Narumi pops out of the blue to explain that Natsume took her absence hard and that he strayed from the right path. Mikan is happy to see Naru; Natsume isn’t. All typical. But Mikan is confused because if Natsume skipped grades, shouldn’t that mean he was a good student and worked hard? And Naru says yes, that he did work hard, but by going on missions (THAT’S A CRIME NARUMI). Mikan is instantly concerned, because she watched him die once before and doesn’t ever want to experience that loss again, so Narumi assures her that none of the missions were at all physically taxing. That doesn’t eliminate her concern, though, until Natsume messes with her a little. 
In any case, Natsume re-enrolled as a high schooler when Mikan returned, so he could capitalize on her new presence. Mikan is excited to see Shiki and Narumi again when they appear, and they offer to show her Natsume’s middle school pics which she is excited to see until Natsume pulls her away, greedily. This chapter further teases Mikan and Natsume's rings, their inevitable wedding. Additionally, we see that there's some conversations yet to be had, particularly about what Natsume has been up to without her. She obviously wants to have these discussions, since she asks questions and then is so eager to see his middle school pictures, but it seems like Natsume is content now to completely leave that era in the past now that he has his girlfriend back.
Chapter Six
Mikan and the SA class are getting ready for the Culture Fest. Natsume complains about the Opera School students coming to visit the Academy campus during such a busy time, but he’s not really doing anything, so it feels unfair for him to say. 
Mikan doesn’t seem to mind that she’s being followed by a leech, and she teases him. She doesn't need him to help. He's just there so they can be together, and if he doesn't contribute anything, then that's fine too, as long as he's around. But the teasing never ends, because they wouldn't be NatsuMikan without it. This is crucial, because their bickering was never a cover-up for anything like it sometimes is for other bickering couples. For them, the bickering was always a relief. For Natsume, he could act immature and childish with someone when he’d been forced into a far more adult role in his life. For Mikan, it’s a way for her to cheer up when she’s feeling down, because bickering with him makes them both happy. The fact that they’re now officially a couple doesn’t eliminate the bickering, it just eliminates the pretense about it.
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I'm sniffling...
Chapter 11.5 Omake
This is an outtake chapter surrounding Hikari searching for inspiration for her acting in a kiss scene. Tsubasa can’t help her for some reason, even though he’s in a relationship (inexplicably, his relationship is described as “new,” even though he and Misaki have been dating for like five years at this point). Thus, she must look elsewhere for romantic inspiration. And where better than Natsume and Mikan out and eating floating soft serve ice cream together?
She gets the ice cream all over her face and, since there’s nobody around, he licks it off her. She seems to find that silly and cute and laughs as he does so, though she is blushing. Will Mikan ever stop blushing around Natsume though? I don’t think so. It’s nice though that their affection is so reciprocal now. She doesn’t even freak out, really, which implies that there’s more intimacy to this extent happening away from the reader’s prying eyes. 
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This was given to us because Higuchi felt bad about what she made us go through with the wretched final chapters. I appreciate the apology, actually, but I think we all agree we could use some more apologies of this nature.
They’re interrupted and it’s only then that Mikan freaks out, embarrassed to be seen doing something so weird. Very interesting! Maybe they'll work up to PDA status later. Nobody likes a voyeur, which is what the others are right now, but getting spied on while you're kissing is a little different than typical PDA. Who knows!
This is my last NM conclusion as far as I know now. How cute they are in this little spin-off manga! It lifts my spirits. Hopefully, seeing them all cutesy lifted your spirits too.
Anyway, friends, I'm genuinely remorseful that the last few parts of this essay were so negative and bitter. I'm usually not one to linger on those parts of GA. My mind is firmly rooted in various AU endings so I tend to be pretty chill about my feelings, but when I have to specifically address everything, it all comes to the surface and I get a little bitter. I'm really sorry it had to be that way.
In any case, despite the bitterness towards the end, writing this essay was genuinely a blast for me. It was nice to put my feelings about this manga into words.
I started writing this essay on April 12, 2015 (which means I was sixteen at the time). I always knew the exact order I'd write this essay in, because my main motivation in analyzing GA was to present my thesis about Mikan genuinely being in love with Natsume. Back then, I'd seen one too many tumblr posts about Mikan being "obligated" to be with Natsume because he was dying or because of comphet or because Natsume scared her or silly things like that and it pissed me off. Additionally, I was bombarded with people calling Mikan a Mary Sue or disregarding her character. I remember seeing posts like that in the dark ages and thinking, "Did these people even read the manga? Do they even pay attention to Mikan?"
I'd see those posts and roll my eyes. I'd read a grossly OOC Mikan in a fic and sigh exasperatedly. I'd see people disparaging her and I'd disapprove. I'd know deep down that Mikan does love Natsume and that she's much more than people are leading on. I knew they were wrong, but I more or less left it at that.
But then I'd ask myself what exactly it was that they were missing and I'd have to confront the fact that I was thinking based on vibes and "just because" and there's no evidence in that. Was I paying much attention to her either? So one day, probably in between ranting to Zoe, I opened up a Google Doc and decided I'd do the hard work and analyze the whole fucking manga to prove my point. Besides, there was no real analysis for NM out there, so I'd take one for the team and do it. But it wasn't enough to analyze NM. There's too much going on there to leave it to one essay.
After all, most people think of anime scenes when they think of the earlier chapters, and that's not accurate, so I'd have to distinguish between the anime and the manga. But it's not enough to simply distinguish! The anime contains scenes worth discussing, since NM is pretty different there. Thus, the essay had to be divided between manga and anime. But that wasn't enough, either, because analyzing Natsume and Mikan's feelings in one essay was sure to give me a headache, which means this project had to be three parts, and Mikan had to be last. She always had to be last, my grand finale to prove that she was no Mary Sue, that her love for Natsume was built up from the beginning, and that she had depth and growth that should be appreciated.
It is now July 27, 2023 at around 11 PM. I'm now finished.
Altogether, across all three essays, I wrote about 243,240 words about NatsuMikan. Hundreds of pages in my Google Docs. This would be a huge book. And if anyone out there read all of it? You're a damn trooper. I appreciate you so much.
To all my readers, the ones who stuck with me from the beginning, or the ones who find it long after I press post on this last one, the ones who read each word, or the ones who skimmed to the analysis of their favorite scenes, I thank you. To everyone who left a comment, I thank you. To everyone who reached out to tell me their thoughts, I thank you. To @crimsoncitrus for helping me out with plenty of the translations throughout this process, thank you! To @thesightofworms, for being my favorite person to rant to about GA, I very much thank you. And to Higuchi Tachibana, I thank you. I do have beef with some of your choices, but creating manga is no small feat and you wrote 180 chapters for us to consume and I am beyond grateful that you have created something so enduring and important to me, something I have never been able to move on from.
I have loved GA since I was twelve years old and I show no signs of stopping. This is just one labor of love of many to come. I'll never shut up about this manga. Today I finish a very long project that I've had on my mind since I was a teenager. Tomorrow I'll pursue another. I can't imagine I'll ever stop coming up with projects for GA. :)
Took me long enough, but we're done now! I love you all. Have a wonderful day <3
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