#I think that's my talking tag idk it is now
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iturmom · 3 days ago
fuck it i'll explain myself real simple like line by line so everyone can understand because i'm sick of thinking about this.
1 idk who anthony bourdain is. my tags are not in response to him as a person or his character but what he is saying in this snippet of an interview. i still haven't looked him up and it doesn't matter because i am not making a character judgement of him. i don't give a shit about his character. his words were a conversation starter for me, nothing more.
2. it gives off alpha male vibes. does that mean he's an alpha male? no. am i suggesting he's friends with andrew tate? never. again i am saying nothing about his character, just the vibes of his words. people are so much more than just one out of context conversation.
3. judging a woman for how she eats is inherently misogynistic. she's been literally trained like a fucking animal since birth to eat dainty and be ashamed of everything. and now you're judging women for the way they were socialized in a patriarchal society where boys are allowed to eat like animals but girls get shamed for it. now a man is shaming girls for the way they've been conditioned. he's not only talking about his wife he is talking about women as a whole as if women are a monolith. because when you say something in a public forum like an interview in a famous publication i assume that is obviously seen by many people, when you suggest things about women, it can be internalized by every woman or afab who reads it. he should know this when he is speaking in public platforms. any public facing person should know this, i mean they make money off this fact
4. no one seems bothered by this one thanks
5. or this i guess?
6 7 & 8 i think i explained pretty well? i can clarify further tho
9. i don't eat for a man's entertainment or lack thereof i don't eat for men! fuck anthony bourdain for the tiniest annoyance of the slight implication that women's eating habits have anything to do with a man. i'm sure someone has said fuck anthony bourdain before and got drinks afterward with him. i imagine that's how celebrities live sometimes idk? so yeah i think he can handle an internet stranger saying fuck anthony bourdain on a post he'll never see? i don't think he cares really he has a lot of money
10. the implication is there bc he gave many examples which were exclusively meat, and one cheese which is. idk not much better? cause like i don't eat meat so is he suggesting that when i go on a date i'm supposed to order a whole block of cheese and just bite straight into it like an apple? no he's not bc he's not thinking about vegetarians bc it's impossible to go feral over a vegetarian burrito, over a veggie burger, is what i'm kinda taking from where his focus lies. doesn't eat meat= dainty= unsexy= bad. not necessarily in that order but these things seem to be implied.
after that i just devolved into irrational anger for the drama. i thought that was pretty obvious by wishing he steps on a lego and not wishing actual suffering on him..... sorry it didn't play very well i guess
also never said it was a joke. i don't do comedy. i was exaggerating my emotions for the drama. if you don't like people who exaggerate their emotions sometimes then my blog is not for you and that's okay!
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galaxybean · 9 months ago
hey. hey mutuals. send me your genshin and or star rail uids 🤲
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kagoutiss · 11 months ago
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pelican town, ‘72
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stiffyck · 3 months ago
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wisteria-lodge · 3 days ago
fun tags from @riddlesmoon
#first off i gotta say i always thought the prophecy seemed barty flavoured bc it talks abt “his servant being chained”# but then i remembered barty only “escapes” after the world cup? i think? so the timing wouldnt match up?#not too sure abt that but wouldnt be hard to say he did break out that night so hell yeah barty!
In order to make it work, I'd just say like - that was the first night he was 100% able to throw of the Imperius curse, even though he wasn't able to escape the house until later.
#neville and ginny being harrys trio buddies is pretty fun and id love a more explored ginny esp one who isnt as high strung around a girl#wait actually what if she doesnt like harry. like it can go either way#like with guy harry theres a crush aspect#with girl harry you COULD say she wants to be her friend so bad a la draco
Draco also... does a lot to completely rub Harry the wrong way. Like he reminds him of Dudley, I'm honestly not sure how Draco could have screwed up that interaction MORE. 11-year-old Ginny might still be in awe of Girl!Harry, but probably in a way she processes as more 'cool babysitter' and less 'crush.' And then she'd get to school, and see that Harry's hanging out with Neville (who's a little hapless and bumbling) which would make Ginny comfortable. And Harry *likes* Ginny - he thinks she's funny, and cool, and good at quidditch. Especially if Harry doesn't really gel with Gryffindor girls in her own year, I think she and Ginny would get really close - even just because of proximity.
because this new trio replaces the silver trio which had luna#and i do think an early luna harry friendship would be really good#Neville is also an outcast while ginny isnt so they could have that going
Ginny doesn't have her glow-up until like Book 5, so at this point I think the dynamic would be Harry, Neville and Ginny being weirdo buddies. But... weird in the way that's a little cool. Like you look at then and they've very clearly got their own thing going on, and their thing looks interesting.
It would be really fun if Luna got added to the group earlier than in canon... but I'm not totally sure how. I look at the interactions between Ginny and Luna on the train in Book 5... and Ginny is polite sure, and is aware of Luna is in a very 'don't worry about her, she's harmless' kind of way. She does call her "Loony." But... just doesn't seem to know her that well? It's very 'we've interacted briefly in a friendly fashion at a few neighborhood barbecues.' And the Lovegoods are sort of the Weasley's neighbors, so that makes sense. It's Luna joining (and being a pretty integral part of...) the DA, and also the way she and Harry get along so well, that really raises Luna in Ginny's estimation.
#idk about it not working in the chamber tho like would harry destroy the diary first before leaving it? but anw that would be#a rly funny way of making a more slytherin involved harry. fucking pet basilisk#whats it gonna eat now its awake bruh
My thought is that Voldemort's inability to physically touch Harry, which is something he only fixes in Book 4, would prevent him from physically possessing Harry. Also, he does try and fail to possess Harry in Book 5, so I'm just going to go with that. It'd be a little anti-climatic, but I think that Tom's plan just *doesn't work,* and Harry just brings the intact diary to Dumbledore.
And are you kidding. Hagrid would be on CLOUD NINE if Harry had a pet basilisk. They would would take care of it together, it would actually be so cute. Instead of the bast-ended skrewts in book 4, it would be "we're all going to take care of Harry's basilisk."
(Draco would possibly die from envy. and write many MANY letters about this to his father.)
(but there's nothing Lucius can do, since Dumbledore has dirt on him, for this specific thing.)
What do you think a genderswapped Harry Potter (Harriet Potter?) would've been like?
For starters, I don't think Ron would have bonded with her on the train as easily as he did. Young Ron is honestly pretty uncomfortable/awkward around girls... unless he's able to put them into a category like "little sister" (which doesn't count.) Or "Hermione" (which doesn't count.) It's kind of a plot point in Book 4 that it takes him a while to realize she's a girl he could potentially ask to the dance.
The only way Ron is bonding with Harry on the train is if Harry is a HUGE tomboy... which I don't think is the case, because Petunia is dressing Harry at that point, and would be dressing her pretty femme (because Petunia is so strict Gender Binary herself. Instead of wearing Dudley's old clothes, Harry's probably wearing Petunia's old clothes.) I really don't think Harry would have been treated better/all that much differently at the Dursley's if she were a girl. Maybe less physical bullying from Dudley... but Dudley honestly doesn't manage much physical bullying as it is, because Harry is so much faster than he is.
If anything, Girl!Harry would have just reminded Petunia even MORE of Lily, and stirred up even MORE complicated emotions. And we'd get even more of live in chef/maid Cinderella!Harry. It would all feel very Matilda.
I actually think that Harry would be at kind of loose ends on the Hogwarts express, and get sucked into the search for Trevor the toad as something to do, so she would end up bonding with Neville. Hermione would be there too but well - Hermione rubbed Harry the wrong way at first in canon, and it would be even more the case here. They're both (functionally) muggleborn girls - but Hermione is SO much better prepared, and has SUCH loving parents, and won't shut up about any of this. In a way that Canon!Harry kind of fixates on Draco for ending up with his Ideal Life, it's possible that Girl!Harry might fixate more on Hermione.
11-year-old Draco would have treated Girl!Harry exactly the same, meeting her at Madame Malkin's and later on the train. He'd still have his obsession with her, and yeah, it probably does read as more of a crush to his Slytherin buddies... but I really do not see that stopping him. If his father can't get him to be normal to Harry, then that's just how it's going to be. Harry still gets Sorted into Gryffindor. But I don't see her getting close with the other Gryffindor girls: Lavender and Parvati just have very different personalities. And Harry and Hermione... are both very intense people who work best when they're able to take breaks from each other. In Book 4 when Harry is exclusively hanging out with Hermione, he comments that she's not as *fun* as Ron. And we see that dynamic again in Book 7 when it's just the two of them in the tent. Like they're incredibly effective, but seem to be wearing each other down a little. I think that forcing young (less emotionally mature) Harry and Hermione to be roommates would just end up with them getting on each other's nerves.
Hermione might get pulled into the friend group when Harry and Neville need help researching Nicholas Flamel, but she could easily stay more of a supporting character or even a frenemy in this version. Girl!Harry would still be the youngest seeker in a century. (Draco would be even more motivated to steal Neville's Remembrall if Neville was Harry's best friend... so that face-off would have gone down exactly the same.) Once Harry is actually on the team, I could see her falling in more with the upperclassmen, and hanging out with Fred, George, Lee, and Angelina (especially if they put together that she's a bit lonely.) It could be Harry, Neville, maybe Hermione, maybe the twins solving the puzzles at the end of Book 1. They'd still suspect Snape, who... would honestly be just a slightly different flavor of antagonistic and weird to Harry, if she were a girl.
Second year, Ginny would be Sorted into Gryffindor and I do think that Girl!Harry and Ginny would get along great, absolutely be bros, especially if they bond over quidditch and Harry can get more of a sense of Ginny's actual personality. I have to think 11-year-old Ginny would be much less awkward around Harry if she were a girl.
Which would be really intense actually, because Ginny would have shown up to school with the the Diary, and it's... sort of important to the plot that she's isolated and has no friends. If she shared it with Harry as a cool thing to look at - Harry would ABSOLUTELY get obsessed with it.
And since Harry's a much better *get* for Tom (Tom talks about being *so* pleased when powerful, important, future nemesis Harry starts writing to him instead of Ginny...) I think you just get Possessed!Harry opening up the Chamber of Secrets. Also, would Harry have a crush on Tom? We know that Canon!Harry thinks he's very handsome, and Tom Riddle can absolutely turn on the charm when he wants to, and might be inclined to play it slightly differently for a girl. He'd work VERY hard to to get Harry to distrust her friends. Really, you'd just get Harry's plot about being isolated and possessed by Voldemort in Book 5 being moved to Book 2. Tom would get Harry to write "her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever" on the wall, and lure her down to the Chamber of Secrets.
However. I do think that Lily's magic would make it impossible for Tom to actually drain Harry's life, although he would try. It's be like the moment at the end of Book 5 where Voldemort tries to possess Harry, and Harry fights him off. So... I think Harry just wakes up in the Chamber with a basilisk she can control, since of course she's still a parseltongue.
The question is... what happens to the Diary, now that Harry knows it's dangerous? I'm thinking that when Harry disappears, Ginny freaks out and tells one of her older brothers, who tells Arthur, who tells Dumbledore. Dumbledore now has Harry and a Horcrux that still works... and it seems like if you've got school-age Tom Riddle right there, that would be a much easier way to get an answer to the question 'how many horcuxes did he plan on making?' So he'd get a head start on that project.
Harry now effectively is the Heir of Slytherin. She can go to the Chamber whenever she wants, and the basilisk is just her familiar I guess, which is cool. I could see a Harry who gets more *interested* in Salazar Slytherin after this. I don't think this helps her relationship with Draco any, who would literally die of envy if he ever found out that Harry Potter was hanging out in the secret Slytherin Chamber, able to control a millennia-old snake. But Harry might try to pick like, Theo's brain or something.
I don't see all that much about Book 3 changing until the climax - because the crew Harry takes down to Hagrid's after dark *would* be different. Neville, Ginny (not the Twins - I think they give Harry the Map and peace out, they've got their own things going on in the background and don't want to hang out with their much younger sister.) Maybe Theo? I could see him taking on a very Hermione-ish support role.
But that's also a problem, because if Ron isn't there, Scabbers isn't with him. And if Scabbers isn't with Ron - I don't think Remus notices Peter on the map, and so just stays inside and drinks his Wolfsbane, which means Snape doesn't go down. And since Sirius' target was never *actually* Harry... I think this is just a universe where Sirius first-degree-murders Peter, and doesn't have a confrontation with Harry at all.
I do think Voldemort still comes back though. Trelawney would still have made her prophecy ("His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master.") But in this universe the prophecy would refer to Barty jr, finally starting to throw off the Imperius curse. Which we know he does do, at around this time.
Bertha Jorkins still goes on her trip to Albania, and I think... Voldemort just possesses her the way he did Quirrell. It's probably easy to do after someone's been sort of fried by a memory wipe. Also, being in her head, I have to assume he's going to eventually gets some inkling of the fact that Barty is still alive, and so goes looking for him. Harry is still at the Quidditch World Cup because she's friends with Ginny, her scar is still hurting (she probably writes to Lupin about this, instead of Sirius, but Lupin gives her pretty similar advice. He will have still left Hogwarts, because Snape will have still outed him as a werewolf at the end of the year.)
Harry still ends up as Champion... although I'm thinking Big Sister Fleur would be a little more protective of Girl!Harry than Boy!Harry. Also... I think Harry just straight-up has a crush on handsome, nice, good at Quidditch Cedric. Rita could write about the Harry/Cedric/Cho love triangle, instead of the Harry/Hermione/Krum love triangle.
(Harry asks Cedric to the Yule Ball. It doesn't work. She goes with Neville as friends, and Harry/Neville miiiight be the endgame ship in this universe.)
I'm not sure Barty would be able to take care of Voldemort AND prep the ritual to bring him back to life AND impersonate Moody though. He needs a different man on the inside. I think at first he tries to use his father - but as we know that gets risky, because Barty Sr is remarkably good at fighting the Imperius curse, and also just knows way too much. He's a huge risk, because if he goes rouge, he'll tell Dumbledore everything (as very nearly happens.)
So I think Barty Jr. targets Barty Sr.'s assistant Percy Weasley instead, after he can no longer control his father. Uses him as a way to affect things in Hogwarts. He might imperius him, but he also might just like... Polyjuice himself into his father for short periods, and manipulate Percy in a non-magical way, to make sure he helps Harry, and gets her to the cup first. Once Percy realizes what he's done... I think he re-commits to his family in penance, and stops being a such a Ministry man.
Voldemort rising works as kind of a reset button, so things would start looking a lot more canon again after that, only with Ron and Hermione swapped out for Ginny and Neville. Main difference being, Voldemort has Barty now. I absolutely think he would have survived Book 4, and I actually don't know what the dynamic between him, Lucius, and Bellatrix would be. Probably pretty antagonistic, because I get the feeling Voldemort would have fun playing them off against each other.
So I'm going to leave this what-if here for now. Thanks for the ask, this was a lot of fun to think about.
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teaboot · 2 months ago
I’m sending this anonymously but this is NOT anon hate
You are such a good person, i think. Your latest post(as of 4:10pm Arizona, US time) spoke to me really hard. My father is a cop, in the united states, arizona, duh. And he used to be such a good person, he was a security guard and a damn good one too, and later in he became a prison guard because it paid better, and then he joined the police force.
I’d like to think that hes one of the good ones, and for the most part he is. A lot of my delinquent friends over the years who’ve had run-ins with him say that he gets them breaks, he takes care of them, hes a good cop. I’ve even seen body camera footage of him in the field and i’m proud to say that hes my dad. He calls out bad actors where he sees them, and he gets punished for it. He doesnt see the system or how his punishments are by design. And he continues turning in his cog, begrudgingly, and slightly out of time, but he thinks hes making a difference
Sorry for the ramble and essay, i just wanted to say that i really like your blog and i think you are a very nice human being. Thank you for sharing your perspective.
P.s. i’m totally basing an oc off of your outlook on security. You strike me as more of a superhero than a security guard.
-🦕 anon
Oh, that’s a super flattering take and a valuable perspective- so thank you! But I’m a gullible dumbass, and not even an incredibly smart or fit one- I just want people to be happy and safe. That’s all. And I don’t want to BE a cop, I’ve NEVER wanted to be a cop, but every time the request comes around I feel like I’m wearing down.
I keep wondering if I could help MORE in a position like that.
Probably like your dad did.
Here, people know they’re safe with me because I shut down the gunhappy jerks, but I don’t know how long it would take to truly make a difference in public security, or how many of my morals I’d have to compromise to get to that point
I feel objectively like a system so archaic and flawed can’t be changed from the inside, but another part of me says that you don’t need to change an entire system to make a difference where it counts
I believe that so many bad situations and life-changing moments can be diverted or changed by a single person in the right place at the right time- and I figure, if I trust myself to do the right thing and BE the right person, shouldn’t I do my best to put myself in those places?
But good intentions, roads to hell, you know? I don’t WANT to be a cop. But I want to be able to DO SOMETHING about the thinks I dislike seeing in conflicts. SOMEONE has to be willing to do that, right?
I’m not religious, you know? But the devil can be very convincing
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idontmindifuforgetme · 10 months ago
I genuinely love not having a crush like I’m not over here feeling physically sick over some mid guy being dry to me I’m literally chilling
#Spring semester of last year was so bad bc I was unironically into 3 guys at once and they were all#Being dry and cryptic to me#And then before that in 2022 I had my horrid situationship#I had a mini obsession arc in dec 2023 over someone but now there hasn’t been anyone since#And my palette is so cleansed#When a girl is like I miss having a crush I’m like you’re literally a masochist#There was very briefly a girl I thought I had a crush on when I realized I’m bicurious but#I haven’t put effort into talking to her bc the idea of pursuing anyone makes me wanna claw my eyes out#I’m pretty sure I ghosted her by like just not responding to her last messsge actually#Not on purpose but more so bc I realized I was feeling the same anxiety I felt whenever I had a crush so I was like#Yeah I’m dropping this for now#I’m also always the most present for my friends when I don’t have a crush so idk#Like I don’t wanna be consumed by anyone I just wanna chill#The solution to not having normal attraction to people is just to not be attracted to anyone at all#I fr cracked it#I always just crave the butterflies out of it and never an actual relationship anyway#But they’re so not worth it#Which is why I always get bored of guys who’re forthright like oh ok you actually WANT something…. U don’t wanna just have fun#Not for me#I think the guys I’m into and I typically diverge in the sense that neither of us wants a relationship but they just wanna fuck me#And I more so just want the butterflies experience / to playact couple for like a couple months but nothing too serious#Which is why it never works#Like it’s not that it doesn’t work bc either of us wants a relationship it’s more that what we want out of the situationship is different#So lame#Ok this was a lot but I literally came to this epiphany while writing these tags
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meamiki · 5 months ago
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mira !!! :]
#isat#in stars and time#isat mirabelle#isat spoilers#<- due to act 3 optional content !#the img might be being chewed due to weird canvas size oops ah well#one of these miras is not like the other#one of these miras doesnt belong ASFASFSDAFA#a majority of these are based on things mentioned / that happen in the house cuz i thought itd be fun to draw :D#so like the wilting plant is from gardening room dialogue#the poster with ppl holding hands and sparkly eyes is (i think??) from some SAPSAPSAAP dialogue in one of the first rooms#i tried looking around ISAT to see if it's also in there too but couldnt find it so uh correct me if im wrong if thats NOT an exclusive LOL#side note the 2 in the poster are some old nuz ocs isatified ASDFASFA#funnily enough tho they are from 2 different games if they actually ever met they would hate each others guts i think. hmm...#however both are also the most qualified to help with promotional stuff so theres that ASDFAFA#mira looking at her bonding proposals is sorta on the tin but#the fact that she has like right next to her while she sleeps in her dresser makes me :(#cuz to me it potrays how much theyve been weighing over her cuz of how close shes been keeping them with her vs putting them on a bookshelf#or something idk if that makes sense i dont have proper words atm#but uhhh moving on chalkboard is from one of the optional events#which i think is! important!!! i dont think ive seen many ppl talk about it but!! yeah!#however i too do not have words on it atm but!!! yeah!!!! moving on for now!#the 'mira' that is really just the change god is ofc from the change god event :]#aaand ofc the iconic finish from mira towards the king#and then some misc miras with swords for funsies tbh ASFAFA#but yeah! i like mira a lot actually but as with many things i do not currently have many words to properly articulate *why*#all i know in my heart of hearts is that she is near and dear and special to me personally#one day. one day i will be able to gather my thoughts in a cohesive manner but that day. is not today!#anyway tag talk over :]
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al-luviec · 6 months ago
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big fan of these two
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softhe4rted · 2 years ago
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on loneliness jenny slate / japanese breakfast, posing for cars / corinne von lebusa, big glow / dadushin / alejandra pizarnik, tr. me / fka twings, home with you / avocado_ibuprofen / fiona apple, left alone / anne carson, “the anthropology of water”, plainwater / kiki smith, free fall / alejandra pizarnik, diaries
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crayonfodder · 7 months ago
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who up transfemming they faves
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lilybug-02 · 8 months ago
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Artfight against @ejsuperstar ft. The Mad King and Chip. They're both so evil. I hope they have the most extravagant downfall of any onscreen villain.
This interaction is based on a little fic writing >:)
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ahollowgrave · 2 months ago
Then and Now
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July 2021 -> December 2024
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][ Tagged by: ][ @lilbittymonster and @elliewiltarwyn thank you!!] ][ Tagging: ][ You (: ][
I made Odette in 2020 but sadly I don't have access to my very first attempts at gposing! I really wish I had them, early vanilla Odette is an extreme cutie. I had played FFXIV a few times before but the game had never stuck until her. Odette has changed a fair amount since I've had her! Thanks to crimes but also because of lore! I've only fanta'd her once and it was to make her chest smaller and change her eye color.
When I decided to lean into the ghost stuff I changed one of her eyes to purple. As a way to signify her coming into her abilities, so it is also the eye she sees spirits out of.
Her hair has always been white, in canon it has an iridescent sheen to it which is one of the reasons the convent thought her blessed. Early in 2024 Odette had a mini arc of realizing she had strayed from her vows. As part of her renewal of them she cut her very long hair.
She's had scaling from the moment I knew about it. Use to have to apply it in ana with each gpose. I'm certain the first screen has one of my first attempts at scaling her applied. When I finally got C+ I was so excited to see her scaling all the time, plus it makes it so easy to adjust it on the fly. It's the thing I miss most when its gone!
Rue body... body hair... belly piercing...
Her piercings (belly and nose) were small acts of rebellion! And my friend Esh ported a nose chain over for me I think just this year, too!
Her gap teeth !! Precious to me. Thank you Onei ! If I could figure out dimples she'd be even more perfect.
Dawntrail's graphics update left me incredibly happy. I loved Odette before but she feels so much more Right to me, now! She has new makeup, new face scaling, i just like her so much...
I've rewritten her entire backstory, made her undead and a powerful psychopomp, gave her a long-lost twin sister and then turned the twin into a possibly evil ancient and undead great-aunt (whew), made her a paladin, started to think of her as an actual WoL... She's always been a love nun, though.
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 5 months ago
Suddenly remembered something I wanted to say re:Akechi, because I think it's really core to his character (at least the way I interpreted him?) and I feel like it explains a lot of his contradictions. Essentially, he is incapable of seeing himself as just a person - he's either the greatest hero/detective ever, or he's some violent monster, and it's like there's no in-between. It's very in keeping with his obvious superiority-inferiority complex, but it goes deeper than that too; when he's in a role, it seems like his self-perception kind of changes too depending on how he is perceived by others. He really does get a confidence boost from being the Detective Prince. He really does shut down emotionally as the Black Mask.
They're masks that he's made, and it's not that aspects of them aren't based in truth to some extent, but I think it goes to show why he's not actually that fantastic a liar (imo, I found the outright lies pretty obvious), but he is a very good actor. He's either an angel or a demon, and never a person, but there are conditions to that. He is an angel when he is perfect - to society. He is a demon when he is vengeful - again, to society. He is never a person, because he never was seen as one - to society. He was disregarded. To be anything of value or notoriety, whether that's hero or villain, he has to be wildly more or less than who he actually is, and he's been building these masks up for so long that I really think he lost sight of the actual person behind it all. And I don't think he wanted to see that person anyways, because that person "wasn't good enough" and I do think he'd rather be anything other than himself. That trickery, that deflection from the person within, in itself brings him pride and satisfaction. He wants to be loved and needed instead of being cast aside, but I also think that if he can't have that then he'd much rather be hated than never have mattered at all. He weaponizes his own loneliness - if he can't ever be accepted then he'll build his own pedestal apart from everyone else.
It's so fascinating too, because I just wonder how much of this he was consciously aware of pre, during, and post engine room. There's this recurring thing with him where he goes "I can only be myself" etc but I just want to shake him because, well, who is that, Akechi??? Or, who do you think that is? Do you actually have an answer? Is it predicated on your actual feelings or solely on your success at fooling everyone around you? Is there any part of you that you actually like that isn't based on a painstakingly constructed mask? Isn't it all mostly lies to deflect from the truth? Isn't it all founded mostly on truth, nonetheless?
It drives me insane. And I think this is a big reason why he breaks so hard in the engine room, because so much of his mask requires his "audience" to perform in a particular way. And here he is, and the Thieves have beaten him, so there goes the first mask, because he's no longer "perfect". He swings wildly into the ugliest sides of him, but this mask is broken too, amidst him vehemently and desperately denying that he has any other emotions than hatred and rage, or any other needs or desires than vengeance. And after that, it's just him. And they should reject him, right? That's what happens. He's not useful, he's not needed or perfect, his hands are stained with blood. But the Thieves, again, don't play the role he expects them to. They, despite everything, relate to him - because he is in fact very similar in a lot of ways and they acknowledge him as a person - not a hero, or idol, or villain, or tool, or unwanted child - but as a damaged teen like the rest of them. And he does not know what to do with that. His identity is intrinsically dependent on getting the right reactions from other people as a form of ingratiating himself - if he does not get that reciprocal reaction he's looking for, his act falters, and, I really do believe that so does his self-perception. That's why you see different aspects of him seep out when he's spending time with Joker, because Joker does not react the way he expects, and Akechi both does and does not like this, because it leaves him feeling both intrigued and vulnerable.
I do think this particular aspect of his character is something a lot of the Thieves don't fully grasp - certainly, I think Joker "I need the mask" Persona 5 understands to a degree, but the sheer degree of reliance and the level of pride attached to it is something that confuses him a little, I think, especially in Mementos Mission. I think the thief that comes closest is actually Morgana, who has a similar superiority-inferiority complex and a desperate need to be seen as competent and useful lest he be discarded. (This is a big part of why the rather lackluster writing with Morgana's arc frustrates me so much because I really do feel it was meant to be contrasted with Akechi's, but I digress.) Morgana is the one to make that emotional appeal to Akechi, which makes a degree of sense - Morgana struggled all along with finding a place in the world. His form leads others to underestimate him; he visually doesn't fit in. He's acting out the role of a chivalrous and cool phantom thief but is more pragmatic with how he views relationships, at least at first. He wants a place to belong where he is appreciated more than anything but his pride won't let him spit it out. Accepting that he belongs and that he is loved even if he really did have nothing of value to provide is a big part of the resolution of his arc. He tries to offer that learned lesson to Akechi in turn ("Follow your true feelings. Even if you think people hate you, or don't want you around-"), but Akechi just wasn't in the right space to listen. There's also an important distinction between the two - Morgana envies humans and looks up to them. Akechi envies humans and looks down on them. Morgana is perfectly happy once he is assured a place amongst the group, but Akechi see-saws wildly between wanting to belong and wanting to be a step above the rest and separating himself further. So while Morgana actually really did cut to the core of the issue, his appeal would never have worked at this point because a) Akechi's pride is dependent on him maintaining his solo act, and b) he just got outed as not actually hating Joker in front of seven other people including Joker himself lmao.
So, uh, sorry, Morgana. Points for trying.
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queenlucythevaliant · 10 months ago
Just to clarify my thoughts (since I've had a number of people ask me about it) re: Job and cursing God. There's a big difference between cursing God as used in Scripture and how we generally would think of cursing at God today.
Cursing someone, in the Bible, has a lot of depth to it. It's not just saying "screw you " in anger, it's got a sense of forsakenness to it. It's the opposite of a blessing, a removal of blessing. If the blessing is presence, your face shining on the person you're blessing, then a curse is absence. In some translations, Job's wife tells him to "renounce God and die," which I honestly think makes a lot more sense to modern ears.
Job says a lot of unpleasant things to and about God in his anger and grief. So do the Psalmists. A number of the Prophets. So can we. God can take it if we come to him with honest expressions of our emotion, including those not-so-nice ones directed at him. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting mad at God and saying, "How dare you, you bastard" when you suffer unjustly. You can say much worse, I think, without sinning, though I don't feel particularly inclined to give examples. But as long as it's an honest expression of your heart, I think you're doing exactly what prayer is for. You're presenting him your heart with an open hand. He can use that. Opposite of love is not hate but indifference, etc.
Job doesn't renounce God. Neither should we. But I think when you're truly suffering, you're gonna have those feelings toward God either way. He'd rather you address them with him directly than try to avoid them. Cursing at God in the modern sense is actually a great way to keep the relationship strong and not end up cursing/renouncing him in the Biblical sense.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 3 months ago
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