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stiffyck · 3 months ago
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sweetheartmotives · 11 months ago
The girl I like keeps rejecting me
That sucks Anon :( but sometimes some things aren't meant to be and it's always better to move on from a certain thing that failed rather than to stay stuck trying to accomplish a goal that's not possible to accomplish. But that's just me. Good luck to you Anon, hopefully your crush accepts you one day! :]
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toxifoxx · 1 year ago
college is fucking stupid. what do you mean i just finished the worst years of education hell just to go into four more
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knightingale · 1 year ago
The "Sansa reminds Sandor of his sister" motive that some people try to hitch to his character really just flies in the face of his actual attachments to her, doesn't it? Sansa reminds Sandor of himself. He sees the little boy who used to love knights in this girl who's been swept up by the same romanticism. He sees his abuser in her abusers, the much larger knight(s) beating on the helpless child. He sees how she is betrayed by every level of authority that should have saved her and remembers his father's neglect and Tywin and Robert's apathy for Gregor's crimes. He's protective of Sansa because he was Sansa.
And GRRM's design, that one of the strongest warriors in the series, a fearsome and cynical 6'8" guy who's "muscled like a bull" and has the face of death itself, sees himself in this soft and effeminate teen girl, and empathizes with her because he was an abuse victim too, is INFINITELY more compelling than "Oh yeah I bet she just reminds him of his sister," who he's never mentioned and who we know literally nothing about. Way to unnecessarily water down a character, you couldn't have ignored the black and white text more efficiently if you tried.
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*goes to apologize for something i should honestly not have to apologize for*
“i don’t want this situation dragged out” (among other disrespectful dramatic and entitled bullshit)
oh fuck you you dramatic pos the world doesn’t revolve around you get over it
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pinkcheesecake7 · 3 months ago
I can’t take criticism on Mel seriously because most of it is done by jayviks who say she’s pretty and call it a day then act like they love her😭. Like sorry, I’m not taking you seriously when your account is filled with only jayvik and you only talk about Mel to objectify her and seem like you don’t hate “the female character that gets in the way” that’s simply not enough. A lot of these hardcore “Mel is a manipulator” people are very obviously biased lmfao. “Jayce dumped her” except that never happened? They talked and then he left and fucking died lol, one important thing to remember is that these are CHARACTERS and there is writing behind them. What I’m saying is that they were handled poorly by the writers and they never actually “broke up” or should I say he never “dumped her🤓” they just.. had a thoughtful conversation and it was never brought up again. I feel like yall only say he “dumped her” so it fits the shitty narrative that Jayce dumped Mel for Viktor which is NOT true and literally never will be. You guys literally call her an “independent black woman who doesn’t need a man” except in different wording to make her seem unlovable. Yes, she doesn’t need a man but she WANTS a man. Stop acting like you actually want her to be independent, you just want to get her out of the way but also still seem like you’re an “”ally””.
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alyimoss · 5 months ago
i cant fall asleep so you get a thought
ive always been bothered by dream's belt in his design. it has the letters "ds" engraved on it, standing for dream sans. and this has always kinda pissed me off because he is a sans by pure technicality.
he has the body of a sans, but he is someone entirely different, sharing basically nothing with a sans except appearance. hes still a sans in the context of like- the fact that hes an au character, sure, but, again, he is an entirely different character wearing the proverbial skin of sans undertale.
so, more to the point: it makes no fucking sense to me that the name "dream sans" would be used for him in his canon.
hes not a sans. he never was a sans. he never bore that name. so why the actual fuck is it on his belt. who is calling him that.
and i think the answer might be as simple as mirroring nightmare—since his name is a two syllable word, it can be pretty easily broken into a pair of initials. the same cant be done for dream. so he gets a second word, and now hes dream sans. ds.
jokus decisions with those two never fail to baffle me.
anyway if we wanna give him a two syllable name we should call him "daydream". put "dd" on the belt.
or say fuck it and draw a little sun.
god the "ds" pisses me off. makes no god damn sense.
ok good night everyone that will be all
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justmossyall · 3 months ago
i’m starting to think some of yall don’t actually like the series
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magefelixir · 1 month ago
uhh scared to say this but i want to remind everyone to take care of themselves. its natural to be upset that actors are leaving the show but at the end of the day you don’t know these people and you should not be so upset affects you physically or affects your mental health, makes you anxious or stressed etc this should not consume your life it is actually not good for you at all and it might be a sign you need to take a step back and prioritize yourself
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maltmatcha · 7 days ago
Why Volo Wanted a Better World!
This is a semi-analysis of the game's lore, but most of it is just me ranting about the implications no one at Game Freak Even thought of.
A part of Legends Arceus that always interested me was Volo's insistence on creating a better world to the point of a genuine mental breakdown at the top of Mount Coronet. The game itself is very vague about Volo's Better World, but from his own words he says that the feelings that sparked the desire to create a new world first began to manifest when he was a child.
"You see, ever since I was young, whenever I met with something painful or heartbreaking... I couldn't help but wonder why life was so unfair. Why I was cursed to live through such things."
This is a bit of a childish point of view, he even acknowledges that whenever he says that he thinks everyone goes through that feeling. It's important though, to acknowledge how children are treated in Hisui. Akari and Rei are stated to be 15, and are very much old enough to begin work.
Volo was encountering upsetting, likely even traumatizing things as a child. We can infer that Volo's been working since he was young, seeing as it seems to be the norm in this time period. Of all characters, Melli is the only one to acknowledge that the player character is far too small and young to be doing the tasks they're set to do, and even then it was only in relation to his own lord and their battle with Adaman.
Now, considering that Volo himself was forced to be a part of this frankly unjust situation, one would imagine he wouldn't exactly enjoy seeing it perpetuated.
Considering that, who is the first person Volo is seen speaking to? Akari/Rei. Now, it doesn't really matter what Volo is talking to them about, seeing as we never know as the player. Its either mercantile things or idle gossip, but the important thing is that Volo has an at least outwardly positive relationship with younger members of the Galaxy Team.
Why does this matter? Because the Galaxy Team is KNOWN for kicking out children, forcing them into the wilderness, and allowing them to die.
The player character's home was lived in before they arrived. The person that came before them was likely a child that either died or was kicked out and LEFT to die. Did Volo know them? Did Volo speak to them often, sell to them, have a positive relationship with them?
If so, he had to watch them die.
Not literally, mind you! But upon returning to Jubilife Village, did anyone break the news to him? Or did he slowly notice that the kid wasn't there anymore? Imagine, as someone who had to go through traumatizing things as a child, watching as more and more kids are sent off to be traumatized just like him, or even worse, die.
This isn't even mutually exclusive to kids. As a travelling Merchant, he likely had hundreds of customers. Well... Assuming he ever actually did his job, which is a debate for another day. Considering most people in Jubilife are scared of a goddamn bidoof, how many of his regulars, people he fraternized with and had the company of, died suddenly?
Isn't that unfair? No wonder he avoids his job, he'd be forced to accept the brutal reality of the world he lives in every time he spoke to someone!
Considering that Volo is at best a Religious zealot,
"I've devoted myself to Arceus beyond any other! I worshiped it as the creator of our entire world! I bent all of my passion and interest to its study! All the time I've spent poring over the legends... Everything that I've done—!"
Isn't it normal for a religious man to pray for things to get better? Now, imagine that God is a creature that is spoken of in runes, ancient tapestries, legends, and he is described as the Creator of the world that you have seen is cruel and unjust and kills indiscriminately.
Further, imagine that a being CLOSE to that God comes to you and promises that you can meet that God. All you have to do is gather some plates and piss some other pokemon off.
You'd take that chance in a heartbeat, wouldn't you? Your devotion, your ideals, all of it would come together in this opportunity. It would all stop. The children dying, the traumatizing life that everyone had here, all of it would be over. All you had to do was meet your God and convince it to start over. End everyone's suffering. After all, you've seen that this world is beyond redemption.
Volo's descent into madness was not only justified, but inevitable. His beliefs, the world he was in, and Giratina itself constantly validated his worldview. The compounding of his own suffering, the suffering of everyone around him, and literal pokemon SATAN whispering in his ear would be enough for anyone to crack.
Volo was never an inherently evil man at heart. He was never outwardly cruel to the player until Mount Coronet, and though you could argue it was in his best interest to be kind, at times, it wasn't. There are opportunities wherein it would have been beneficial for him to be cruel to the player. The exile? If he'd simply said that he'd only help in exchange for the plates they've gathered, or even the rest of the plates they gathered in the future, the player would have had little other option.
And when he is cruel? He's so close to getting what he wanted, he's so close to ending the misery of everyone who's ever been. The ends justify the means, and he's the closest to the heavens he'll ever get to be.
Volo is a man who was continuously traumatized, forced to watch Bad things happen to Good people, and then was made to watch as some CHILD who fell from the sky with no noble goal, no worship of the Creator, received the blessing he so desperately clawed his way towards his entire life.
Anyway I want to kiss him.
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lilllithdraagon · 3 months ago
John Epler is a shit writer and can suck Dread Wolf Dick. Fenedhis lasa. Dirthara ma. Fen’Harel ver ma, Felasil. From what we saw on DA day we’ll be disregarding anything he says going forward. :)
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 1 year ago
In my demented little head Sir Pentious is getting so many bitches lmao
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hiro-doodlez · 1 year ago
I NEED TO LOOK AT INUYASHA AGAIN!!! it was one of my fav shows as a kid, but I don't think I ever got past maybe episode 10. I would just watch the first episode over and over LMFAO
Same thing with SU, I have EVERY EPISODE MEMORIZED MUSHHAHAHA (no I don't). Me and my siblings had a game a while back where they would either tell me the title or the plot of an episode, and I would say the season its in with around the episode number,quotes, plot, extra details, etc.
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yoonstudios · 4 months ago
one fun thing about being demiaroace is that i personally feel WAY more connected to my aroace-ness than my demi-ness if that makes sense. so bc even tho i'm demiheterosexual and demiheteroromantic, i feel like a cat being pet backwards if someone calls me straight lmfao
like.... it feels like my demi-ness (sexual/romantic attraction) is like 10% of my entire person while my aroace-ness (literally anything else or any other type of attraction) is the entire 90%. and if you couldn't tell, i tend to store that 10% on this blog lmao
like ig it's like if i lived in a triangle shaped house with triangle shaped things and ate virtually all triangle-shaped foods but i had a cabinet in my room displaying some circle shaped stuff. and then everyone only knew me and associated me with my love for circles and told everyone "yeah she's really obsessed with circles haha". and it's like. well. yeah don't get me wrong my circles mean everything to me i really do love them and if u got me started talking abt my circles i could talk for hours, but i could count on my hand how many circles i like. however, my life is brimming with triangles my guy. i fuckin love my triangles too.
so idk. it feels so so weird when people assume me to be straight or my mom or dad think i find random dudes hot or whatever. most times i don't feel like i'm "queer enough" but at the same time i've never entirely related to a straight person in my life bc even how i experience sexual and romantic attraction when it happens doesn't feel fully "allo", if that makes sense (for example i wonder if i'm just asexual but just with v v strong sensual attraction). idk...... it's a really really odd place to be in.
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rolandkaros · 3 months ago
Tumblr media
Some notes:
Swing names are generalized based on major events of that time period. For example, Sunshine Double (SD) includes the Central/South American and Middle Eastern Swings.
Three players (namely Ruud, Rublev, and Dimitrov) dropped tournaments. I calculated all points by hand and used the official ranking point totals to work backwards (i.e. if my total is 50 points higher than the official total, then I find the result they achieved that was worth 50 points and nullify that result). In some instances there were multiple tournaments with the same amount of points earned that could have been dropped. In those cases, I nullified the result which contributed less to its respective swing (e.g. subtracted Rome from Ruud's total rather than Shanghai, Paris, or Cincinnati because he earned more points during the clay swing).
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gt-blendergod · 1 year ago
Have any of you scrolled on gt tumblr for so long that you accidentally got so far you’ll probably never be able to go any farther than you first did so now you’re resigned to staring at the maybe 10 gt posts that people have made since you last checked and you’ve read entire stories from years ago and feel personally connected to some of the inactive community members who you never actually met and you join a discord server to get even more gt content and you’re only slightly contented but just crave more? No? Just me?
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