#I think that’s 90% of the reason I like it aha
kaz-oooo · 3 months
I know we have a cool name for Jon/martin ship now, TeaHolding is great 10/10… but I’m too emotionally attached to JonMartin. It’s shit and garbage and I refuse to let go!
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nohoperadio · 5 months
Let's say there's an online community of people who all have Whatever Syndrome. They talk about all the difficulties and frustrations and issues etc related to Whatever Syndrome. They share advice, they vent, sometimes they just chat and enjoy talking to people who can relate to them properly. Sometimes they make fun relatable observational comedy-style memes about common Whatever Syndrome experiences.
Some of the experiences they make memes about will probably overlap to some extent with the experiences of people who are not on the WS spectrum at all. Let's stipulate (made-up, obviously meaningless numbers incoming) that 10% of the memes they make appeal to a non-WS audience in this way, but 90% are highly specific to the WS niche and won't really be appreciated by outsiders.
In this scenario, the 10% of universally relatable memes will, because they are universally relatable, likely spread far beyond the core WS community. The 90% of niche ones will not (why would they?). From the perspective of someone without WS who doesn't engage with the WS community directly, this will look like 100% of all WS memes seeming to be about things that are just universal human experiences being described as WS-specific experiences for no particular reason. This person might begin to suspect that WS is just a trendy diagnosis that arbitrarily groups completely normal personality traits as a medical issue and that the whole thing is maybe kind of fake. This person is not being unreasonable given the information they have, but for reasons that are hopefully obvious the information they have is very skewed.
On the other hand! If this sort of thing distorts the public perception of what WS is about strongly enough, some people are going to latch onto the relatable memes about it, relate to them (because they're relatable), and wonder if maybe that means they themselves might have WS. This person might do a bit of googling and discover that, in addition to all the relatable stuff they relate to, there are other symptoms that they don't really identify with as much... but then, no one really seems to talk about those things very often, you mostly see people talking about [relatable stuff] when WS comes up, so the latter must be like, the main part, right? So (they think) it can't be too important if the other stuff doesn't apply to me.
[also the whole medical establishment is nightmarishly hard to access and a lot of doctors suck and make diagnoses based on random whims and prejudices, blah blah blah you know all this, the point is that the most obvious solution to "how do I confirm whether I do or don't have a specific medical thing?" is often not reliable.]
Well now, given all of the above... stuff might get confusing huh!
Okay, okay, (you might say), that's all well and good as a toy model of things that might be underlying the discourse you're alluding to, but to what extent is this dynamic actually responsible for what's actually happening? Aha! I have no clue whatsoever, sorry. I'm just the ideas guy.
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Thoughts About Being in a Relationship with HSR Characters
So like we all love to fantasize about being in a relationship with fictional characters but would we want to actually be in one? As a huge fan of the Aeons I did a quick overview. Even though getting into a relationship with one is widely unrealistic (actually impossible because they're video game characters but even in game it's unrealistic).
Warning: This is just for fun
Wow, Aha is such a goofy Aeon sure the chaos they cause is insane but there's never a dull moment with them around. But like imagine being in the HSR universe and being in a relationship with this Aeon. 99% chance of death (because of a prank), that 1% chance is saved if for some reason you can't be killed.
Literally miserable. You know how you try to have like a normal conversation with your dad, or guy friend, or boyfriend but they just don't take shit seriously. Like they avoid the topic 24/7 because of jokes. Imagine trying to have a serious conversation with this guy, actual terrible experience.
In a modern AU would be one of those prank YouTubers that like pretends to kill your friend as a prank but actually does kill your friend, it's not a prank. Why aren't you laughing?
If still alive 10/10 in the HSR universe, 9/10 in modern AU. I am down to travel all over the cosmos but since I have a normal life here on Earth I am perfectly happy staying in my room, writing, coding, and drawing. But Akivili would def bring back some banger souvenirs and pictures even if you're just a friend of theirs.
If dead then 10/10 in both.
Okay serious question do you think they'd taxidermy their lover? Like I know in HSR there's not really that option (their lover could be one of the memokeepers I guess?) but in Modern AU I feel like they'd taxidermy their lover. I don't know if that's a plus or a negative.
Definitely the kind of Aeon to be hung up on their first love so you better hope you're that first love. Or else they'll be reminiscing over memories and old photos and old videos and constantly comparing them to you-- man that sucks. Probably would take you out to nice dinners though and give you lots of good memories.
In Modern AU I feel like the idea of Fuli gets 10 times more mystical and also 10 times creepier, like someone that tries to record all of the events in the world but also the events happening right now. So historian, journalist combo, except I feel like they would just appear out of nowhere and then just go back to the void and post a bunch of random photos online. They'd definitely have observed their lover before talking to them (likely several times) which is the creepy aspect.
7/10 for the memories.
Actual 10/10 you cannot argue otherwise on this. Okay, you definitely can but 10/10 in my book aside from the fact you die but like you'll either be accepting your death and dying or spend the rest of your life trying to prove IX wrong about the purpose of life.
Wouldn't take you on dates, you'd have to take IX on dates, plan the whole thing out, really fluster them, give them the time of their existence. And IX would sit there like the gentleman... gentlewoman? Gentle creature it is. I feel like they would be very polite :)
In Modern AU I'm pretty sure IX is just your average office worker who hates their life and sees no point to it but for some reason can't die. 9/10. IX loses one point for no longer being a blackhole.
Honestly... another gentle creature, and like respectfully, very respectfully I would love to take them out on a date. Seems respectful, apparently pays close attention to mortals so there's a higher chance of Lan keeping their lover alive if they're (Lan's lover) a mortal. Pretty sure 90% of the Aeons would accidentally kill a mortal lover.
Just seems very obsessed with their goals and honestly I respect the grind. 8/10, your average grinder. That being said Lan is also absolutely beautiful but I'm not a big horse person.
In Modern AU Lan would be someone that's trying to change the world, one of those go getters. Again very respectful, and cool but would probably work 16 hours a day which makes holding a relationship pretty hard. 7/10.
I haven't done Gold and Gears or finished Swarm Disaster but damn Mythus is really hot. Smash. Uh 6/10 because I don't know their personality or even what they represent but they are really beautiful. I like the jellyfish.
Aw man, the moment I saw this guy I knew they would haunt my thoughts. And yeah they do. So beautiful from the molten lava, golden eyes, white hair, man if only they didn't have the personality of an absolute asshole. Like I write fanfiction about Nanook sometimes (pretty rarely) and I can say I am literally pulling every possible string I can to make this Aeon a good lover and somewhat in character.
This is just because I like writing lovers that are semi-decent, it's pretty hard when you get to people like Nanook but I do my best. There's no way a relationship with Nanook would work out feasibly because there's no way they'd love you.
But if they did... I don't know, Nanook is still a pretty bad person for trying to kill everything else in the world so I'm gonna have to dock some points for that. Reminds me of the brooding quiet, only soft spot is for you, male lead troupe except Nanook is trying to murder everyone 24/7.
In Modern AU, I don't even know what Nanook would be? An assassin? A serial killer? I can kind of see like a revolution leader cause apparently they were born from the flames of a world in complete destruction and they saw everything as ugly and destruction as the only possible outcome. I can see a twist with Nanook leading a revolution in hopes of creating a more beautiful world but finding destruction as the only possible outcome that will remove the plague known as life.
Even if they loved you, they'd be very busy with their revolution plans, and I feel like you'd probably be caged away somewhere far away from the danger so you'd barely see Nanook if they wanted to keep you alive.
2/10, 2 points for being so FUCKING beautiful. Thanks Hoyoverse for making a character so attractive.
Okay Qlipoth would be like big puppy partner, you get me. Like golden retriever vibes or uh... that one person that watches over everything to make sure you're safe but not like in the stalker way. Like the government, y'know? Except the government now wants to make sure you're safe! :D
I am a bit thrown off by the fact Qlipoth is a rock but I'm even more thrown back by the IPC. Like they're really fucking annoying (not as individuals I love Topaz and Aventurine) they're like Qlipoth's lil fanclub. They'd also be Qlipoth's fanclub in Modern AU, I'd imagine and I will imagine.
Also they're a bit sus, like I know they're great, but they want to build a wall. What's the wall for, huh?
Anyway as a partner sure they're a rock, and have an annoying fanclub but they'd probably be really caring and would be able to destroy anything that threatens you. I'd imagine it's about the same in Modern AU but destroy anything with money.
Nothing is stronger than money, actually a nuke is but we're going to assume none of the Modern AU versions of the characters would have access to that or make their own because that would change the game.
I'd say 7/10 in both HSR and Modern AU, I don't know they're just kinda sus...
I'm about half way through the swarm disaster and question time--
If insect, why hot? Like I hate bugs, mainly flying ones, but like why is Tayzzyronth half insect half human 100% beautiful? Anyway from what I know they basically became an Aeon because they were lonely and like the last one of their species and honestly, they deserve a hug for that.
Still absolutely terrifying and if you were in a relationship with them you'd probably be smothered with the Swarm which is beyond terrifying. Would be significantly better in Modern AU where they wouldn't have insects around them all the time. 4/10 in HSR and 7/10 in Modern AU.
Don't know them but they're so beautiful and with a path like the Harmony they've got to be good, right? Right?
I think Yaoshi is the Aeon I most actively thirst for, like they're so beautiful, and they pull off deranged love so well. They would keep their lover alive until their lover goes insane because of mara. And they're super kind, and empathetic. The threat of becoming mara struck is one I would take just to be in their presence. 10/10.
In Modern AU! they'd be so beautiful, still, like one of those fragile looking beauties that would just approach you randomly and then ask, "Are you in pain?" And it'd be really creepy but because it's Yaoshi it'd be okay and you'd fall in love like instantly. Don't answer yes to the question though. I feel like they'd have mad scientist vibes, probably would do unethical experiments which doesn't really sit right with me. Again, would try to keep their lover alive no matter what but they'd be really nice. 9.5/10.
Alright so I did this in 30 minutes instead of working on my presentation which is due tomorrow and I haven't finished research for.
Again this was just for fun, all of the Aeons have super great designs and are super cool imo :) props to Hoyoverse for this
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seeminglydark · 4 months
How did Caro go about figuring out their gender identity when they were on their own? You mentioned that they tried "they" and "he" pronouns before settling on "they" - can you talk about that more?
Sure can! In case theres some reading this who may not have read my comics or know the background but stumbled on my art on accident, ill give a little breakdown of their journey. Caro grew up in a really small town with really restrictive parents. They start out knowing they are not a girl. but not really having any idea what that means exactly, and not having access to the resources or a safe place to find out. They start out using he/him because at the time (16 in most of the stories i show them in their teenage years) they arent actually aware theres more of a spectrum than just a binary, they think being a boy is the only way to not be a girl. Their friend, Sully, while being openly gay and having a bit more of an idea about some things, doesnt know much about gender expression or gender-queerness either, so he does what he can to support what they both think is the right fit. apparently neither if them thinks to go to a library. After sully leaves, Caro is left to struggle on their own. They know they are trans, but they are still nervous about exploring things without someone holding their hand, ptsd from extremely intense helicopter parents perhaps and being kicked out for knowing at the very least, they arent the girl everyone always forced them into. They meet their current agent, Goldie, somewhere around 20 years old, at this point they have not revealed their face or gender even in their podcast (for those who listen, ive kept those things very vague since its supposed to be canonical with their life journey). Goldie encourages them to explore more what feels right to them and helps them get in touch with gender affirming resources, 'He' felt close, but it was never really that aha yes its me! moment. They learn about nonbinary, genderfluid, etc through research and help from other people in the community they meet through Goldie, therapy resources and also people they meet via their podcast. They actually do try out a few things, canonically they go from she to he to genderfluid (any pronoun) to they, which feels the best for them. present day Caro doesnt mind 'he' either, they just mostly stick with They. i WILL be exploring this in the podcast, so that story will be told in more detail as time goes on as well. Bonus answer: the reason why i wrote their journey like this, is because Caro is how i explored MY gender identity. They started out as a tool i used to try on different hats and research in a safe space (a fictional character), meet and talk with people to find what gender expression worked best for me, also going from she to he to fluid (any) to nonbinary (they.) i did not have restrictive parents or come from a small town, but im in my 40s, and there wasnt a lot of resource available where i grew up for trans kids in the 90s. i knew i wasnt a girl, and for me, boy seemed like my only other option until i learned that gender is not a binary and i actually had many ways i could go, until i found what felt right to me. and honestly, it was as simple as someone calling me 'They' in passing because they werent sure how to refer to me. Hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in my mid thirties and frankly, it was so relieving to finally have a pronoun that felt like ME! I think perhaps it was as simple for Caro as well. Unforch I cant give you a solid answer as to WHY they felt right for me or Caro. i just know it did, i think perhaps that an individual feeling for everyone who is figuring things out. Some people just KNOW, and others like me, know *something* and find out what the means for them along the way. <3
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hellolulu · 2 years
MAN Shigeo has grown.
[WARNING Another long post about Mob Psycho 100. Contains spoilers for s3 of the anime]
In season 1 any small situation was cause for a sudden +30% or more, and any danger immediately overwhelmed him and put him straight to 90%-100%. He was so easy to upset and anger, and we know that's because a. he's a teenage boy, b. he's not like the other kids, and c. he was always subconsciously trying not to feel anything, so as to not cause anyone any trouble. And anyone who has ever done this knows it is absolutely the best road to destruction.
Then in season 2 he started thinking more about himself - his place in the world and what he wanted. Accordingly, his % climbs (though still fast) were smaller, or at least took a longer time before hitting 100%. He had more control over his feelings but was still easily overwhelmed or swayed by the thoughts and feelings of others.
I think something that goes a little unnoticed is that during season 2, when he met Mogami, who was stronger than him and technically won their battle (but technically he gave up to Mob's ideals instead, which definitely impacted Mob's thought process of "I can help people by talking to them" which he never gives up on) - he learned an extremely interesting and unnoticed lesson from the guy; sure, he re-learned that he loves his friends, aw, but also, he learned that he of all people is easy prey to become an evil spirit - I think that's a big reason he spends the whole season considering his own feelings more, enough to argue with Reigen, based on Mogami's story, but I can talk about that in another post or this will get REALLY long. He also met that spirit family and realised some spirits just Live Here, which definitely pushed him to question his ideals on spirits and people blah blah (this happened before meeting Mogami, in case u need the refresh, and once again, I can talk about this in more detail another time).
He also met Suzuki senior in season 2, someone that he felt he could have an equal fight with. He enjoyed the fight, and finally got to have a feel for his powers. For a moment, he stopped ignoring the extent of them, truly feeling his powers out and letting them be destructive, even if only for one battle (the manga readers will understand my deeper meaning that the whole story is literally teaching him how to handle the final arc, anime watchers hold onto your hats - it's Good.) He was grinning and having fun, fighting someone that could match his energy (until he couldn't aha Suzuki senior loser moment) but when he remembered the people who needed him to protect them, he calmed himself down. And he really did!! Underrated Shigeo moment! He remembered his goals and he refocused himself toward them after being carried away by his feelings for much much longer than ever before!! Boss energy!
So in short, he spent the whole of season 2 questioning what his powers really mean to him, how much they are a part of him, and how despite them, he can live as a person just like everyone else. He's discovered that it is possible to be an esper and a person, and he goes into season 3 balancing these two sides of his life much better.
And now we already see in season 3 (there are only 5 episodes so far as of writing this) that Shigeo is not only able to think coherently about how he feels, and able to contemplate on much more complex, abstract thoughts, but he's also consciously able to choose how he wants to express them. He uses his powers in a new way through the season, moving and thinking at the same time, confident in his powers AND the way he wields them (the first instance of his gentle-but-powerful power show was probably during the end of the separation arc tbh, using it on all the cameras and such in front of a big crowd of people - able to show his powers in front of people, knowing with confidence that he's in control of them. Again, I can elaborate later).
And geez, the things he's encountering in this season would have made s1 Shigeo climb to 100% in a heartbeat - Hanazawa earnestly trying to fight him again despite being his close friend; everyone he knows being brainwashed in a way that leaves them intact but makes him their enemy; Dimple trying to push him to fight while also pulling his punches - the complexity of these situations are things s1 Shigeo definitely wouldn't know how to deal with: season 1 mob would be a mess. And WHEW, he would NOT have been able to calmly move past Ritsu getting brainwashed (regardless of Reigen's impact on him, s1 mob would have handled it much worse).
But s3 Shigeo is out there, consciously trying to understand the situations he's encountering, his own feelings, and the complex feelings of those around him, figuring it all out while he's in the moment. The extremely slow incline of 1% at a time again and again throughout this episode (s3e5), is so new to see, but it proves that he's got himself handled, and it's a true testament to his growth! He's in control of his own actions and feelings now, because he knows with confidence that he won't use his powers to hurt people unless he makes the conscious choice to - and he knows when it's appropriate to fight, to talk, and to run. He won't hurt people because he chooses peace.
Man, just, he's grown so much from the boy who was afraid of losing control at any given moment, and I'm really proud of him. That's one cool protagonist.
Side note: I cannot WAIT for the people who haven't read the manga to see what's coming in the rest of the season - it's incredible and I'm already losing my mind with excitement.
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gloria123idk · 1 month
Explaining Yuu's I made: Eleanor Yuu
Tumblr media
She's basically Eleanor from FnaF franchise
• Look
Basic school uniform looks at her weird since the current size is too short, and on the other hand, bigger size would look like a bag on her
At the start of the story, she was using some sort of human form, but after Book 3 most of people around her started to... -suspect-, so she was stealing identity using human form occasionally, and at some point stopped using at all
• Power
At the start she had only small bit of hee powers, but with each overblot, she was getting it back more as she was feeding more and more on suffering
She's under a very VERY CONTROLLING eye of Crowley, after she NEARLY turned one of the freshmans into scrapped metal
After that situation, if scrapped metal or piece of robot appears in school hall she's numero 1 suspect (even when it wasn't she)
• Overblots
After finding out the concept of Overblot, she was using it to eat, one Overblot could make her full for a very long time
Behind Crowley's back she was trying to make students Overblot on purpose, he found out somehow, and now its just like:
"What did I said about trying to make students Overblot on purpose?"
"Eee... Its not your fault if they're mentally unstable?"
"That too- BUT NO."
• Relationship with other students
At first they all thought she was carring and shit, but with each Overblot and Chapter, they were finding out she was actually A WHOLE ASS SATAN SPAWN
There are few people that don't care tho
Deuce and Ace: They are with her from the start, and, as much some of her behaviours are pretty fucking scary, she never tried to attack them in any way, only manipulate them there and there... BUT WHO HASN'T??? Most of the time she puts nice face and is like mother to them, on other times its just like:
"Why did you never offered those weird necklaces to us?"
"To make a deal I need suffering... You both are too dumb for that."
"Also I need friends, so"
Grim: As much as I am aware of, Eleanor only feeds on human suffering, and Grim is not really a human. Their relationship is basically: "Idk, it just spawned into my life". And Eleanor goes along with Grim's games and stuff, because why not, it makes her seem weak... So... That's pretty helpful 90% of time ☕. But no, they are pretty normal most of the time
Idia: After finding our Eleanor true identity and power, he was BEGGING HER for Ortho's come back. So for long time Idia was her main dish. But yeah, after some time Ortho and Crowley found out and she had restricting order, she couldn't step her foot into Ignihyde for MONTHS. But yeah, Idia likes her, or rather person she tries to be, but that's better than nothing
Malleus and Lilia: They were both interested in this little fella, mostly because she's a robot like Ortho yet very different, also her power. As much as Eleanor sees those two as possible threat, they're friendly with eachother... Most of the time
"Child of a man-"
"Wrong line."
"... Child of a Satan?"
"Here we go"
There are also some that are... Well... On not really good relationship with her
Vil: Remember "To be Beautiful"? WELL THAT NEARLY HAPPENED IN BOOK 5. After that Vil is just trying to avoid her. Which was easier after she got restricting order from coming into other dorms. After every Overblot she was going into Housewardens rooms and just stand on their bed above them while they sleep... So yeah. Valid reason.
Riddle: He was the first to Overblot, so he was the first to go through Eleanor's menace. He had it the worst
Azul: She's more of an rival to her... Like... She can do wishes too, so he treats her like rival, and she finds it hilarious, and after his Overblot it just got worse, because this girl was watching his every move
Jade/Floyd: Messing with Eleanor is pretty hard, so they hated that. (Also one night she broke into their room thinking it was Azul's and they're all three confused to this day)
Jamil: At first they were on pretty friendly terms, but after few actions that took turn after Book 4, he just sees her as potential threat and keeps her away from Kalim at at least mile
Sebek: In his eyes, potential threat to Malleus. Do I need to say more?
• Character Development
Remember when I said Riddle had it the worst? Its because with each Overblot Eleanor was just giving less and less shit, because it was more and more pointless (Thanks Crowley)
After each Overblot she's feed enough to survive a long period of time, so she don't really have to help anyone to eat, since drama comes themselves without her trying
So with each Book its just less neccessary to do whatever
And her pretty facade was already debunked by most of the school so manipulating other students was just harder each day (At this point she just have Deuce, Ace and Grim)
After Book 6 she will probably focus completly on coming back to her world, or will try to be actually nice to others (TOOK YOU 6 BOOKS BITCH. CONGRATS ON FINALLY DOING SOMETHING)
I still have no idea which turn should I take, since she's completly under control of law and magic school where she cant manipulate anyone into her cage:
• Actually trying to be a better being, and focus more on trying to fix relations with others
• Make her colder, so she can focus on coming back home where she can be actual Eleanor (aka a bitch that turns children in metal pieces)
Due to events it would be probably the first option... Lol
And yes, I know Eleanor is too big of a manipulator and she's literally just a Satan Spawn. Let me be delusional.
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araivallejo · 1 year
I’ve only ever “shipped” characters in two programs I’ve watched. The first one was Niles and Daphne from Frasier, when I was a teen/young twenty something, and Ted and Rebecca from Ted Lasso.
These two pairings could not be more different. Niles was smitten from the start with Daphne, despite being married (!) with seemingly everyone clued in except Daphne herself for seven years (!!) until Frasier blurts it out to her. Only then does she start to view Niles as someone she might love. The Frasier writers had all the tropes on display for this one. Ah, the 90s.
Looking back now as a much older adult, I see glaring red flags in the Niles and Daphne pairing. The man was married, not once but twice, while claiming to be in lust/love with Daphne. Young me didn’t care though. I thought – romance! And when they ran off together, I was smitten. My one and only delve into fanfiction I wrote in 2000 when they both took off in the Winnebago. Oh my. With the benefit of hindsight, I wonder just how much I’d ship those two these days. Now if Frasier were to be remade the creators would have made the Niles character what he should have been all along, which is gay. The early 90s you just couldn’t do that, although the Frasier team loved to give a wink to it at times.
For Ted and Rebecca, I’ve mentioned before that I didn’t ship them in season 1 and most of season 2 at all. I thought this was simply a lovely friendship and that’s that. It was only the writers’ little bantr fakeout that clued me in on the possibility. I knew it wasn’t Ted, but it got me thinking when it was revealed to be Sam and I was disappointed it wasn’t Ted. Why was I disappointed? Then looking back at the earlier episodes and seeing all the ways they cared for one another and seemed to be clued in to each other. I thought – aha! This is the way to go about a real relationship. Show the friendship. Show the trust. Show each other at your best and your worst. It’s not a fantasy. I never minded that there were no obvious longing looks between the two because I saw all those signs the writers put into the show that kept pointing back (for me) to only one conclusion: Ted and Rebecca were meant to be together. The two obviously long for a romantic relationship and are deeply loving people. It wouldn’t be lazy writing! It would be brilliant to have it slowly evolve into a beautiful relationship built on friendship.
My only sticking point on the two getting together was the fact that at the end of the day, Rebecca was still Ted’s boss. Having grown up in the same region at the same time as Ted, I figured his midwestern values would deem that as unethical and therefore a deal breaker, no matter how deep the attraction was. I figured Ted would always choose his son and want to go back to Kansas, but I also concluded he would still need someone else in his life and not make Henry his sole reason to live. That’s too much of a burden on Henry. So if there were some way to have Ted be with Henry and Rebecca not be his boss… There have been some wonderful fics written to show how these two could still manage that feat. Both Ted and Rebecca are wealthy – with Rebecca shown to be “filthy” rich. Miss “I’ll just buy the restaurant” could make just about anything happen.
It all seems like a hell of a missed opportunity. I believe Jason was so enamored of the movie “Once” that he wanted to make his own version. That’s fine – it was his show. I just wish maybe they would have thought more about why they needed to do some of these little fakeouts. Having read some of the writers and editors’ responses this past week I have concluded that while some of this was purely accidental, the vast majority was absolutely intentional to keep the incredibly loyal and vocal fanbase (the shippers) coming back for more. They knew exactly what they were doing. I’m not naïve; I get that it is a product, and they need eyes viewing said product. But this show was a huge hit from day one when many of us didn’t give a damn about the pairing. Why go to these lengths?
What is hilarious to me is what we’ve been given instead of the well thought out relationship is the very definition of lazy writing: throwing Rebecca with some random man we’ve seen ONE TIME in the last season. We don’t even know his name. Yes, he is attractive and clearly Rebecca enjoyed being around this man. I even said after the ep aired that I wouldn’t mind it, but I was hoping there would be more buildup between the last time we saw him and now. And unlike above with Ted, boat man has not seen Rebecca at her worst, nor she his. It does not feel earned at all and that just pisses me off.
Don’t even get me started on Beard and Jane. Jesus that’s a topic for another post.
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well awhile ago I went into this abandoned house I found that looks to be from the 90’s, apparently there was some kind of death in one of the rooms or something? But I ended up turning back after I went inside only to find it being really dark and cold with some strange noises, smelled like rotting, freaked me out to the point I decided to just head home, do you think you would be able to know anything about what I encountered if it was anything?
-investigator anon
So sorry I didn’t see this, I’ve been busy myself, Aha! Otherwise, it was probably a good idea to go home. Chances are the house is abandoned for a reason. Other than a potential M.A.D. victim, there could have been alternates, so good save there, Investigator anon! That’s all I can think of for strange noises, but if there was any dried blood, it could have been an altercation rather than… Not being the 3% that live without interference. If you go back, some friendly advice that electronic devices aren’t just magnets to Tulpas. I guess it may just have to do with frequency but whenever I bring older equipment, there’s always alternate interferences, especially in the case of Flawed Alternates! Otherwise, just stay safe, especially if you live in the immediate area! That’s my advice! Thanks for listening!
~ Lexi Aarons
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shadowcatzone · 1 year
It's a realm that slowly kills you BUT everything is "better" (tm) [to clarify, this only concerns renheng and the hcq]:
-it doesn't matter how he got in there, probably a mission. But dan heng somehow got caught in one of these.
-it's a sensation like waking up. And once he opens his eyes again, yingxing is right in front of him, asking if he's okay.
-"pffh, you slept like a rock. I didn't wanna wake you," he gestures to the bundle in dan hengs lap, "but she shouldn't be out too long. It's not good for babies."
-in his lap lies bailu, as a baby, peacefully sleeping.
-yingxing calls him dan feng, and he should know better, but it really feels like he was just sleeping.
-dan heng is like, 60% convinced. Something in his head tells him this isn't quite right. On the way back, while he's thinking about it, they meet the others from the hcq.
-jingliu, looking like she just sparred with jing yuan, and baiheng looks like she'd also had a nap.
-"aww, bailu is getting cuter by the day!" Coos baiheng. And jing yuan chimes in, "we all met up anyway, should we grab a bite to eat? Though it seems dan feng isn't quite awake yet."
-now, despite the situation making less sense, dan heng is getting pretty sure this is real. "Hmm... i believe i had a nightmare." 90% sure
-and on the way to a place to eat, dan heng tells them everything that happened. Things he remembers and things he was told.
-"That sounds terrible," jingliu pats his arm as they all sit down. "I wouldn't do that even if all that happened. Baiheng would rip my head clean off..."
-"haha... i would."
-and it all just transpires as if this was reality. What, with his husband, dear friends and his child, it's very realistic.
-even though he can't remember how they got bailu. The 'nightmare' still keeps his memories in check.
-and in the evening, when he tells yingxing about his worries, yingxing waves him off and tells him he shouldn't have slept in direct sunlight, and after a good nights sleep he'll feel better.
-when he does fall asleep, in his dream, dan feng tries to get dan heng to leave. But that just confuses dan heng more, why would he dream about himself?
-subconsciousness dan feng is literally so close to beating him up.
-next morning yingxing wakes him up with kisses. And suddenly, bailu runs into the room, now a toddler rather than a baby.
-and it just continues like that for a few days or weeks. But dan heng is always getting weaker by that point.
-one day, and dan heng is already bedridden, and yingxing initiates ( ;P )
-until suddenly, an arm comes straight through the wall, grabbing him,
-for all intents and purposes, it looks like yingxings arm. Same jacket, yingxing looks at it, shocked, before annoyedly shouting "oh, come on!"
-it's- it's blade. Coming in like. How dare you almost get killed by someone other than me. This is clearly a breach of trust. Didn't you promise we would pay the price?? Together???
-for some reason blades strongest desire is dying and that's the one thing this realm can't give.
-so it was really easy to escape. Aren't you glad MC called Kafka who then talked to elio and then talked to blade to help out dan heng who was about do die from uh. Being eaten alive.
-carrying dan heng out, who by that point just looks like himself again
-dan heng wants to stay, blade does not (tm)
-and and and they're leaving.
-the end.
-moral of the story: don't get trapped by one of ahas magical flytraps if you don't want the stellaron hunter to look after you.
-he literally stays on the express for 3 months also to make sure dan heng recovers but does not go back.
-he won't. Not if it means blade will come back and they'll go through all this again.
-but like, half delirious also says "if that's all it takes to get a date with a stellaron hunter" (<-he's not quite alright yet but he will be. Alright. And mortified. When he remembers he said that. But blade would be uncharacteristically worried.)
-blade will go back and destroy the thing. It's not worth the risk.
-after making sure with elio that he can, of course.
-jing yuan will be really worried if he ever finds out about all this.
-"please contact me if you ever want a date with him. There are simpler ways--" "i guarantee you i won't want one. But thanks for the offer."
-or maybe, alternative ending; blade takes dan heng to the luofu and the three make up and have sex.
I hope that last sentence hit you like a train
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yellowhollyhock · 10 months
There are some versions of tmnt that I don’t enjoy as much, but they immediately become more enjoyable if I think about them in terms of crossovers with the ones I like.
For example, the 2014 movies. There were fun moments but if that were my exposure to tmnt, I wouldn’t be interested. However, if the bayverse turtles were involved in a multiversal incident, those six foot monstrosities would be positively adopted by the tossable-sized 1987 turtles and the little guys from 2003. And that’s a delightful thought in many respects.
Also 2012 Raph has a history of adopting creatures that are or will be very intimidating. Just imagine bayverse Raph is talking about leaving like he does and 2012 Raph is immediately like, Aha, so you I will be taking under my wing, gonna pretend for a second that I’ve achieved peace with my issues and am qualified to help with yours. Btw are you eating enough. And 2003 Raph would be so on board. Bayverse Raph has two mini versions of him appearing to trail him like ducklings but they’re actually watching him like hawks.
Bayverse Leo gets frustrated with his brothers and tiny 1987 Leonardo is glaring up at him with his hands on his hips. “That’s not what teamwork is about!” (Good gracious he reminds me of me, I can see on his face how much he cares, he just wants so badly to do the right thing) “You need to apologize to them!” (he is my baby brother now, we’re going to have so much fun playing basketball together)
Bayverse Donnie getting excited and stuttering and stimming and 2003 Donnie has to stand on on a chair to comfortably to put a hand on his shoulder and grin at him. They would exchange stories about jumping out of moving cars and having to figure out medical stuff. Bayverse Donnie is such an openly Little Brother and 2003 Donnie would have such a soft spot for him. Also they would team up to purposely and affectionately drive both their Raph’s crazy.
1987 Raphael and Bayverse Mikey would bond over dressing up. Raphael would make fun of him so much and at first he’d be offended, but pretty soon he sees the affection in it and he’s laughing along, eager to learn how and when to break the fourth wall and wanting to try out all of Raphael’s disguises. He would be constantly begging him to burst into random song and dance numbers with him and Raphael’s like, Buddy not even we did that. Talk to the turtles from the 90s movies. Or don’t actually. You’re my adorable younger cousin who is for some reason gigantic, they can’t have you.
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atalienart · 1 year
@penguinsrbirds2 replied to your post “Hey, I have a question! What do you think about...”:
The problem is how BADLY it's done 90% of the time, even by romance authors! Looking at you, Fourth Wing. Holy fuck is the forced romance in that ATROCIOUS.
​In "Fourth Wing" I don't think it's forced when it's clearly planned from the beginning but it seems entirely physical.
First meeting and they're instantly lusting after each other. Idk if it's just me being demi but how can you feel lust while in danger? No matter how pretty someone is, if they are trying to kill you (or you anticipate they are), it's unlikely you go weak at the knees out of anything other than fear. Is this a kink thing? Then I feel like there's not many scenes where the characters are together and bonding. The scene under the tree was okay I guess (I honestly don't remember much from listening to the audiobook; for some reason I had a really hard time to imagine anything depicted in the book) and I also liked how the X guy was helping her with training and dragon adjustments, but a lot of those scenes were sprinkled with such surface level attraction that it was hard to focus on deeper connection. And then there's the dragon bond and you start to wonder if there are real feelings at all, or is it just magic? (I have magic bonds in my story as well but I do everything with that trope to put it on its head lol.) There was a chance Violence and X would talk when he was sad on that parapet but with how it all went south (literally) it seemed a lot like... don't be sad, you're so hot aha. I was expecting emotions and connection; I mean, I kinda got that but the emotions and connection were of a different kind. And generally, I think the "I love you" was very rushed and unearned for some reason. It felt like "I love you now that I know you're good ↯ in ↯ bed ↯".
What are the things you didn't like about it? Do you see a way to improve it @penguinsrbirds2? Does anyone else? This is really interesting to me :)
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beeceit · 2 years
for reasons that are obvious, what is itbotb!cassandra's fashion aes 👀👀
eyes emoji eyes emoji eyes emoji Definitely eclectic, to say the least! Most of her clothes come from her going "I've got 20 bucks and an afternoon to kill, let's see what the thrift store has to offer today" She's still very much figuring out who she is outside of the Foot clan, and figuring out how she likes to dress through trial and error is the biggest part of that. She still has a lot of solid dark purple and red stuff from when she first left and didn't yet feel comfortable venturing far from what her old uniform looked like, and bit by bit she's playing around with DIYing a lot of that stuff to work with her newer stuff. Lots of safety pins and torn off sleeves and creative slashing I imagine the cruise outfit from the mystic orb (which I don't think she owned irl. I think whatever spell messed with their heads enough to make them forget how they got there just kinda assigned them clothes based on their personalities) was a very big 'aha' moment for her. She definitely already knew she liked pink, but I don't think that's something she would have picked herself. (But she IMMEDIATELY went to recreate it when things got back to normal bc she adored that outit)
When she's in the mood to put effort into an outfit, she wears a lot of things that seem like they would clash, but she makes it work. A lot of florals and different pinks, and playing around with different lengths and textures. Sometimes consciously, sometimes not, she likes to mess around with traditionally feminine and traditionally masculine clothes, mixing and mashing both When she's just chilling or can't be bothered, she dresses a lot like Casey from the 1990 film series. Comfy, practical, not particularly stylish, but still looking good. Very much a "I just got back from the gym" or "Want me to change the oil in your car?" look. Sleeves ripped off 90% of the time, messy diy cropping, t shirts for bands she couldn't care less about that have nifty logos, at least two flannels she's managed to steal from Raph She also has a Weird Lesbian Earring collection that would make a grown man cry
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etinceelle · 1 year
i dont get it. You always come up with some great reasonse and evidences to why penny would come back but always added delutional in the end.
Why even bother doing all of those reserches if you dont belive then?
Unless the delutional part meant to be a joke and i didnt get it...
I guess it's for the joke but also a lack of confidence aha ! I've seen a lot of people saying that they would rather see Penny not coming back at all after Volume 8, and people talking about Penny revival theories are a bit attacked sometimes by others who think it's stupid, that her arc is done, that it's dumb and being delusional. Good thing I haven't had anyone like that so far here (don't want to deal with it anyway aha !), but I guess it's also a way to avoid that. Saying that it might be delusional is also a way to explicitely say that as much as I'd love to happen, I stay open to everything and I just don't want people to attack me for theorizing about it aha.
But if you want any confirmation, yeah I wouldn't write so much analysis and find so much references/allusions if I didn't believe them, I do believe seriously that there is a big chance for Penny to be able to come back after everything we got from Volume 9 and various allusions to different characters (as I mentionned, Pinocchio, Astroboy, or the Iron Giant). I try to find as much serious and tangible reasons to explain why, and I think so far we have a lot of them so it's definitely not a theory coming from nowhere xD But I know I might also be a bit obsessed when it comes to things I like and believe in, so adding the "delusional" word kinda defuse that- (I also truly think it's funny to see people sad over Penny's death talking about being delusional all the time because we're in denial aha, so yeah it's half a joke I guess)
Anyway, all of this to say that it's also hard because when it comes to theories, because we can have many options : there are just fun and cool theories, and there are also theories that are almost canon since they really reach to something that could really happen (an example : people theorizing that Penny would be hacked based on the intro of Volume 8, we couldn't be sure until we saw it on screen, but we knew at 90% it was going to happen). At this point Penny's revival is neither of them, even if we do find many reasons for her to come back, I think we're missing some parts for people to truly start to believe she could come back, like a confirmation that she could come back and not some weird allusions open to interpretation like we got in Volume 9. So far it's about interpretation and analysis, even if for me there are still a lot of evidence but yeah it's still hard to say if she'll come back or not. There's a strong possibility, but it cannot be confirmed yet until we get to Volume 10 or 11 (especially when we see Pietro and Winter again I mean).
That's why I add the delusional part, because it can't be confirmed yet, but once we get more elements oooh boy I might be more confident about this whole thing :]
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rocksaltandroll · 1 year
So, I feel like it’s Unpopular Opinion Time about GO2. I’ve been thinking about it since I watched it and…well…I hate it, lads. I really wanted to love it, but…
Well, here are my Reasons:
I first read Good Omens in probably 2003. It was a friend’s copy and I finished it & immediately went & bought my own. I loved it.
I was so scared to watch it when Good Omens (1) first came out. I thought the casting was all wrong. I was worried they would butcher one of my favourite books of all time.
I was so glad to be wrong. I loved everything about it. The casting was actually perfect, I was okay with the changes, and I absolutely adored that cold open! Hell I even wrote a whole 135k 1941 spy romance fic based on that 5 minute scene in the church!
And then I heard they were making GO2 and I was scared again.
I knew that T&N had batted ideas for a sequel about years ago, but nothing had come to fruition. This time it would all be Gaiman. I’ve never made it through a single Gaiman book but I’ve read most of Pratchett’s. I was worried.
But I watched it. And the more I watched, the more I disliked it and by the end, I honestly hated it.
The first thing: all of the fun & funny, all the favourite lines and things that made you giggle in the OG GO? 90% of those were Pratchettisms. S2 was severely lacking in Pratchettisms.
The second: Plot? What plot?
I mean, if you set aside the mini episodes inside the main episodes (those mini episodes are a whole other problem all by themselves), what exactly have we got?
The Archangels are plotting. Gabriel disagreed with what they were plotting and he’s walked out, memoryless, naked with an empty box & turns up at Aziraphale’s.
A&C aren’t getting on. For some reason. At the end of S1 they were honestly ready to get married & have babies, and now Crowley is living in his car because his flat is apparently Company Property and he’s been evicted. I still don’t understand why they’re not getting on.
So both heaven & hell are looking for Gabe, and A&C are trying to hide him while they figure out what’s going on.
Except they don’t. S1 they figured out things, they pieced things together, they investigated.
S2 they spent the whole time trying to play matchmaker for Nina & Maggie, and despite having been on Earth for 6000 years, seem to have zero idea about human mating rituals.
It’s literally only at the end when Gabe gets his memory back that he TELLS them he left because he disagrees with triggering the second coming & want to run off with Beelzebub which, to me, is like Gaiman took a nose dive into the GO tumblr tags and went ‘aha! people have started shipping this! let’s make the masses giggle!’
On top of this, in what life would our Aziraphale - the angel who isn’t really an angel anymore, the hedonist, the guy who literally looked heaven in the face and said Buggere Alle This For a Larke and went off to find his friend and stop Armageddon - in what life would he think ‘ooh the metatron is giving me a promotion to start the second coming, let’s grab Crowley and we can turn him back into an angel!’????
No. He’s already made the decision that Heaven is Wrong. Heaven isn’t Good. He & Crowley have already decided at the end of S1 that they’re on their own side - the HUMAN side - and there’s no way Aziraphale is naive enough to think he can change anyone’s mind Up There.
And that kiss. God that made me so uncomfortable. It wasn’t heartbreaking to me, it was just uncomfortable and wrong.
As for those mini episodes. I’m honestly not sure what I can say about those. They bored the shit out of me & served little purpose to the ‘main plot’. They saw everyone loved the cold open and just thought ‘what chaos can we cause putting these two in various historical costumes this time?’
Im not in this to analyse every single thing, I’m not in it for the meta, I’m in this for the story. And to me, this was a seriously disappointing story.
I did like Nina & Maggie but I didn’t like how their story was handled. I also enjoyed how all the shopkeepers in Whickber Street were all convinced that stuffy & fluffy Mr Fell had himself a hot redhead vintage car enthusiast boyfriend, but that’s about all I really enjoyed from the whole thing.
I hate that I hate it. I really wanted to love it, especially since I see the vast majority of you loving it. I wanted to join in the froth. I hoped it would reignite my desire to write.
Thus ends my unpopular opinion.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Hello! I just started reading Deo Volonte and honestly I think you’re underselling just how utterly miserable it is to wear full armor in hot weather. When I was younger I was a renaissance faire actor for a few years over the summer perfoming in the jousts and fights throughout the day and you’d literally get actors passing out from heatstroke between shows. There’s a reason they always told you to take as much as your armor and costume off as possible when you weren’t perfoming- it was absolutely miserable and honestly dangerous for all of us but it was also really fun when everything went well. I was only involved for four summers before my body couldn’t take it anymore, and that was over ten years ago at this point. There’s no way I could handle it today. Mail is heavy and hot and miserable, made even worse by all the layers of padding you wear underneath for safety, and god help you if you were one of the actors who wore full plate. I’m not exaggerating when I say you cook alive inside your costume while fighting in 80+ degree weather.
Anonymous asked: I just want to come back and add on that I’m not trying to say “hey your portrayal of wearing armor in hot weather is highly inaccurate” and after sleeping on it I realize that’s how it might have come across and I’m very sorry about that- it was meant to say that you are absolutely correct in how utterly miserable it can be and that I cannot possibly fathom having to wear my full costume for 16+ hours and actually having to work in it beyond the faire’s shows throughout the day when I worked there! You’ve definitely hit the head on the nail with what it’s like!
Aha, thanks for the clarification, as I admittedly wasn't entirely sure what you meant in the first ask or how to answer that, since I definitely remembered making a point of how miserable it was! Wearing 30+ pounds of chainmail in 90 degree heat, for hours and hours at a time, is absolutely horrid, and I wouldn't want to do it myself for any number of reasons.
Glad you're enjoying the fic, and stay safe out there at faire. ;)
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
This won't change anyone's mind especially those who are vehemently against this ship and against Aemond (and for good reasons!) but there were actually some leaks pointing to Helaemond and/or to feelings from Aemond's part, at least. If you go to their blogs or Twitter accounts you will see that maaany, many shippers actually seem to base the chance of their ship becoming canon in some shape or form in S2 in those leaks. Last summer before the show was airing there was a leaker who went by the name of "HOTDLeaks" on Reddit. They posted a summary for every single episode which all turned to be 90%+ true and because of it HBO got Reddit to remove them for copyright reasons. The leaker obviously had real sources, I don't think anyone denies it at this point. But besides posting the summaries, they also answered various questions from other users and some of them were related to Aemond and how he would be portrayed as a character in the show. Nobody asked anything about the ship since it was NOT a thing at all before the show yet the answers were (the leaker said this is how his character was described in the casting call sheets for the audition): 1) "He loves his sister Helaena before her marriage, is jealous of Aegon."
2) "A lover of history/learning & a skilled fighter. His potential for greatness is obvious. He’s in love with his sister Heleana and dislikes Aegon. He’s bullied by Aegon & the Strong boys as a child. He becomes increasingly bitter with age."
Some screenshots of the posts: https://twitter.com/catalystcomett/status/1589389714599317504 (yes it's a shipper's account, I know but I haven't found any other post that included all those screenshots in one place) It seems like the former screenshot seem to be about young!Aemond and the latter about older!Aemond (or a mix between the two?) given the "lover of history" thing confirmed by his line in 1x09 about him studying history and philosophy.
This two posts were also removed by HBO for copyright reasons and it is interesting because there were other things the user posted and HBO did not bother to remove.
There is also this comment (notice the second part on inconsistent feedback from their sources): 3) "Aemond states that he would have married Heleana if he had been the brother chosen for her. I’ve gotten inconsistent feedback on wether or not this is out of love or duty." So now one can say "Aha! See, it's just that he's the dutiful son compared to Aegon! Even the leaker said so after all." Yes, it could very well be just the duty thing. Or it could be not. This post however was not removed like the others above which implied or said more than just duty although it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
4) Also something about the writers discussing whether or not to adapt the Aemon/Naerys/Aegon dynamic to Aemond/Helaena/Aegon. It's also in the screenshots above but here is another one (notice the date, again, before the ship was a thing): https://twitter.com/ZombieBryce/status/1555902921719439360
Their account (hotdleaks) was suspended by Reddit but to verify the posts were indeed genuine and not faked by shippers you can use apps such as Unddit (unfortunately it's a bit laggy, at least for me) which shows a poster's entire history including deleted/removed posts and enter the "hotleaks" username there. You can see that they do show up (you can click on the post and it will redirect you to the specific Reddit threads although with some posts being deleted…the threads may not make much sense). https://camas.unddit.com/#{%22author%22:%22hotdleaks%22,%22resultSize%22:100,%22after%22:%222022-07-23T21:00:00.000Z%22,%22before%22:%222022-08-05T21:00:00.000Z%22} As you can see from the history they also knew about the Larys foot fetish stuff, Aegon raping a servant girl (turned out to be Dyanna), the Greens being largely whitewashed and more sympathetic and other things.
Obviously one could say it's just that young!Aemond had just a teen crush on her and nothing more and that if there was actually anything behind the ship they would've had a proper scene together as adults (a very good point actually!) but one could also answer that we've only known them as adults for two episodes (three in Aemond's case) so there's still some room for something to happen in early S2 before B&C happens. And to be clear, by something happening I do not mean something ridiculous like the children theory being true, I only mean just a confirmation of feelings being romantic.
To conclude, sure, it's not definitive confirmation by any means but, in my opinion, in can be said the whole thing does point to the writers at least playing with the idea while also leaving things ambiguous enough in case they decide to make the ship canon next season…or not. They've not painted themselves into a corner where making it canon is the only option going forward but they haven't done the opposite either.
However like I said in the beginning those who either hate Aemond a lot or the ship will never admit there is indeed some 1% chance of it becoming a canon or at least be open to the possibility. I don't blame them of course, but I just think given how much they've already changed from the book, one should be opened to anything happening in the show despite not happening at all in the source material. They're not going to suddenly stick to Aemond's proper book characterization like some are hoping, just because Daeron who's supposed to be the dutiful son (where is this in F&B though?) is going to be in S2 and because we and others have been complaining about it, despite us being in the right. As you said and others have said, he's popular and there's way too many people who sympathize with him and writers will feel validated by these kind of reactions to him. They will keep witewashing him, undoubtedly.
Sorry for this ask getting so long, hopefully everything I wrote makes sense!
It was a useful ask, and I'm keeping this one fresh. It's finally a comprehensive look at Heloaemond apart from "because". This might explain much of why a fan would see Helaemond happening in the show in any state (but mostly romantic w/o sensuality). Me, I think that the underlying reason why the writers would choose to do it is to make Aemond more sympathetic.
Anyone else can look through the posts and sites for their own use.
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