#I think everyone knows this is gonna happen eventually
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isnt-that-wizardd · 20 hours ago
dbda headcanons
hello i'm bored so here are some dead boy detective headcanons for you!! all are gen (no specific ships) though i do also have some payneland specific ones if anyone is ever interested
The boys own so many copies of Clue because they SUCK at keeping track of all the pieces. Inevitably they lose a character piece or accidentally rip one of the cards or do something like throw the board off a roof when they get frustrated and can’t find everything when they try to pick it up. So they just buy a new board. Only three of them still have a full set of things for the game, and one of them has only the pieces and cards but no actual board. A couple of them are mismatched because when they first started they thought to just pull the things they needed out of the new box so they could continue using the old one, but then they just lost track of what was where. 
Charles usually wins when they play games, unless it’s trivia. He still has an edge up on Edwin on pop culture, but only if the game is old enough. They both stopped paying attention to that kind of thing in the late 90s, so half the time if they are playing a trivia game, they’ll just take out that category all together. 
Niko has made it her life’s mission to catch them up on everything, though, so they have a regularly scheduled group movie night - Edwin and Charles get absolutely no input in anything they watch, so they are at the complete mercy of what Crystal and Niko think that they need to watch. Both were surprised at how much Charles ended up LOVING Legally Blonde. 
After he finds out that Crystal got a girlfriend, Charles goes through a whole thing for a while about how he’s the “token straight friend”. Crystal, Niko, and Edwin are all just standing there like “....so who’s gonna tell him.” 
Edwin eventually tries to ban Crystal from eating in the office because he’s sick of hearing Charles complain about how jealous he is. If he hears about how much Charles misses spaghetti one more time then he’s banning Charles next
Edwin and Crystal have a deeply sibling-like relationship where they antagonize, torture, yell, and generally act like they hate each other but at the same time they would both absolutely fight, maim, kill, etc for each other. Charles had given up trying to meditate because he realized that fighting is actually their love language
Edwin also becomes a protective brother type for her where he is constantly making sure she's taking care of herself (eating, sleeping, etc) but acts like it is the biggest hindrance in the world. He berates Crystal endlessly when he realizes she hasn't eaten all day and complains about how much of an annoyance it'll be if she passes out on a case while simultaneously making her tea and a sandwich. He complains about how she relies on her powers too much on cases and tells her she needs to "actually learn to do some real detective work" and then conveniently leaves books around that will be helpful to learn more about the supernatural, casually explains certain things when she just happens to be in earshot, and just generally passive aggressively teaches her so that she'll be better protected and knowledgeable on cases
Both Edwin and Charles are opposed to “getting with the digital age”, as Crystal and Niko put it. They’ll borrow one of the girls’ laptops maybe every once in a blue moon and they will gladly watch movies and shows, and Charles does like the music access that stealing Crystal’s phone gives him, but there is no chance that they are bringing in all this digital tech to the agency. They’ve been working with pen and paper since they started and they are going to stay that way, thank you very much. The internet is too messy with everyone’s different opinions and theories to give them accurate research on what they don’t already know about the supernatural world, and honestly, ghosts and digital technology don’t actually mix super well. The Night Nurse is fully on their side, so any internet needs are kept to a minimum and are entirely the girls’ domain 
Charles is chaotic and ADHD but between the two of them, he's far more orderly about things. He has his magic bag organized to a T and is cleaning up after Edwin all the time when he leaves books lying about. It seems to entirely counteract his personality and for a long time Edwin just brushes it off as a little quirk, but after the Devlin house he finally learns that Charles keeps himself so neat and organized all the time because his dad would punish him when things were out of place
Edwin is surprisingly good with children. Charles never knows what to do with himself when interacting with a kid, but Edwin will crouch down to their level, speak to them normally rather than using any sort of baby talk, listen to them rant about their special interests, etc and just generally treat them like just Another Person in a way that has kids just immediately attaching to him like baby ducks. Edwin does not understand why kids seem to like him at all, and Charles just laughs when he asks, happy to simply sit back and watch the cutest interactions he's ever seen
Edwin and Niko have weekly "date" nights where they just hang out in her bedroom and watch shows (she's determined to get Edwin into at least one anime), chat, play go fish for hours on end, and things like that. It gives both of them a designated time to relax over the week and to catch up/gossip about things they haven't gotten a chance to tell each other yet. Crystal and Charles are absolutely Not Invited to these dates, a fact that both of them pretend to be outraged over
Charles is nearly always perfectly content with just remaining on earth and interacting with the living plane and never ever seeing any of the afterlife-associated locations/offices (Lost & Found, etc) but since finding out it exists, he is Determined to figure out how to get to the Dead Letter Office. He doesn't understand how it works or exists or how the postman always finds them and His Brain Needs To Know. So far he's bothered both the postman and the Night Nurse for information but both are way too cryptic/annoying to be of any help
Charles and Niko rarely end up alone together and are not as close as any of the other dynamics in the friend group, but that isn't to say they don't absolutely ADORE each other. They think that the other is just about the neatest person ever and when they do end up just the two of them, their mutual chaotic energies collide in a way where they either are absolutely brilliant and accidentally uncover something essential to a case or they just completely dissolve into hysterical laughter and can't get a thing done
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princess-glassred · 2 days ago
I've been obsessing over an au idea for the past few days where Stanley's suicide actually happens in a no Pennywise au when the losers are teens and it just completely fucks them all up.
The reason it hits the Losers Club so hard is because as far as they could tell, Stan didn't seem unhappy at all. He seemed normal, quiet and standoffish, but otherwise just regular old Stan. There was nothing they saw going on with him that could indicate depression or factors that could lead to someones suicide. It really blindsided them because it came out of absolutely nowhere, and that just makes the Losers start wondering "did it really com out of nowhere? Maybe we weren't as attentive as we thought". Stan's suicide note was a simple message about loving everyone but being unable to take it anymore, no answers at all. Eventually the losers are forced to accept that sometimes people die and you never get an explanation, and sometimes you also want to blame yourself as the kneejerk reaction because it's easier than admitting you did all you could.
All the losers have incredibly tough times dealing with it.
Richie speaks at the synagogue during Stan's funeral with a prepared speech, but in a moment of pure desperation he goes off script and tries his best to joke about it. It's not insensitive, but it is impersonal. He cracks a few quips about how he's going to miss Stanley's prissiness and annoying neat freak nature until eventually Richie realizes what he's doing and has to excuse himself cause he starts crying. He later confesses to Bill in the synagogue after everyone has left and they can just sit in the pews together that he feels terrible about his speech. He had it all planned out, he was gonna go up there and actually show everyone that he could be serious and sincere for once, he had so many nice and sentiminetal things to say about Stan with no irony or anythings but- god. God damnit. He really couldn't do that in front of all of those people. So he just chickened out and treated Stan's funeral like it's another fucking joke, just because Richie can't face that his best friend is dead.
Bill is especially devastated after losing both georgie and Stan, and their losses has made it so he's always on edge about who could die next. He doesn't trust fate anymore, he feels like death will come for someone soon and he either needs to get really detached from his friends or start coddling them 24/7. He isolates himself and starts to vent all his feelings about Stan through his stories, even writing one specifically about Stan so he could pretend like he wasn't actually gone. His personality basically shifts entirely and it's actually so noticable that even Victor Criss, fucking VICTOR CRISS, comes up to him at school to tell him he's sorry to hear about Stan and that it's "totally fucked up that happened". His parents are typically neglectful and distant, too caught up in their grief over georgie to educate their son on losing a friend. They feel for him, but that's about it, nothing actually meaningful.
Eddie was barred from going to the funeral by Sonia because she 1. Is antisemetic and 2. Thinks Eddie is much too precious and innocent to go to a funeral. Her first instinct is to shield him from the truth even though he's sixteen years old and knows what suicide is, you can't just hide the fact his friend died from him. He's mostly just hung up on how mind bendingly out of character this is for Stanley, it doesn't even make sense to him. He was always logical and level headed, and as far as Eddie has been told all his life, only crazy depressed people kill themselves. He really can't wrap his head around it, he flat out tells Bill "I just don't get it. It was like Stan was here one minute and then the next he's not.". His pain is only made worse by the fact he's convinced Stan died thinking Eddie didn't like him even though they were obviously very close and just had semi clashing personalities. Stan knew he loved him, he knew all his friends loved him. Eddie doesn't know that though.
Bev is the loser who's probably the biggest emotional wreck out of everyone, she can often be seen sobbing through out the school day and when Bill tried to comfort her she freaked out and told him not to touch her. She's been smoking like crazy and flunking her assignments, for a while she didn't even leave her apartment and missed school for a couple days. Bill writes a song for her about Stan and asks her if she will sing it to him and she reluctantly agrees. It makes her feel better, but nothing will ever actually help her feelings about Stanley. She's usually very good at being a strong independant woman or whatever but losing Stan made her have a whole melt down. Bill finds her reactions almost kinda scary because they're oddly similar to his mothers when Georgie passed.
Mike has never had to suffer loss before in his life. His family life is so idyllic and warm and Jessica and William never considered that something like this could happen to Mike. They were prepared to teach him about racism and he seemed to understand that just fine, but death wasn't something they considered. It wasn't that they didn't want him to know, they just never thought they'd have to sit him down and give him a talk about it. He even had to borrow a suit from Bill for the funeral, that's how unthinkable it was. He sympathizes a lot with Andrea and Donald Uris, finding their loss unfathomably pitiful. He just can't stop thinking how tragic it is that neither of them even have grey hairs yet but they're burying their own kid. It's horrible and kinda sours Mike's already rapidly dwindling innocence.
Ben spent less time crying over Stan and more so just thinking about things. He missed him dearly but in Stanley's death it left him with a plethora of questions that an inquisitive kid like Ben wanted answers to. He already lost his father to war and he struggles to understand why someone might willingly want to leave. He finds himself gazing longingly at the bucket they had in the corner of the clubhouse where Stan always sat. He wants to know why Stan did was he did more than anyone, but as stated before, they never really get an answer. Ironically, his tragic death kind of brings Ben closer to his mother because for once he can understand her loss in a new light. It's not exactly the same, but he gets it now. Loss can make you do crazy things. If it weren't for the losers he'd probably lose his mind.
Life at school is incredibly strange without Stan, as if the losers being stuck in their own depressions about everything wasn't bad enough, Derry high is being oddly exploitative. Lots of people are pretending like they knew Stan when they didn't just so they could feel better about themselves. Lots of people who even bullied Stan before are talking over the losers like a bunch of attention hogs. It sucks and it just makes everything kind of worse.
After the funeral Eddie sneaks out to meet up with his friends at the clubhouse and they all just kind of stare at each other for a while. It's clearly almost too painful to talk. There's nothing any of them can say to comfort one another. It's all just a little to heavy for them. So then Bev gets an idea and turns on the radio. And then losers all start to dance together like theres no tomorrow. Just dance dance dance through the tears, because the last thing Stanley would have wanted was all his friends fussing over him like a baby. And you know what? By the end of it, the losers feel a little bit better.
I like to think that they all make a promise to reunite as adults on the anniversary of Stan's death. Then when they come back they all have to face their loss in a new context and it's all the more heart breaking.
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wadesbedtimestories · 19 hours ago
Calendar Girl by CaptainDoofus (M)
4.7k words, 1 chapter
Vanessa's turning ninety, and Wade has a crisis about it. Logan's there for him.
author's tags: major character death, established relationship, wade and vanessa are best friends forever, but wade is immortal and vanessa isn't, angst, hurt/comfort, bittersweet ending
my tags: major character death, established relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, bittersweet ending
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review (light spoilers):
with all due respect this fic makes me want to throw myself off a cliff <3 if y'all have been following me long enough you know that i'm absolutely obsessed with wade and vanessa and that i also love explorations of grief. so put those two together and you'll get me bashing my head against a wall and then staring at the ceiling for 5 hours.
i've had this in my bookmarks to rec for three months but i've thought about it multiple times since because yeah it's THAT kind of fic. they absolutely nailed vanessa's character (which to me will always be impressive) and wade's too, and logan's and this entire fic is just like. a reminiscing. and it makes every single part of it so bittersweet even when nothing is happening. just the exploration of the fact that their conversations still feel the same but everything else has changed with time is just SOOOOOO 🧍‍♂️
it is also brilliant to have logan be the one to talk wade through it because he went through the same thing centuries ago. and it's not pleasant but at least they can handle it together. (or the other way around? they have each other but it still sucks. depends on how you want to look at it i guess)
okay yeah anyway haha impeccable devastating writing everyone go read this fic i'm gonna fall over
favourite lines (also light spoilers):
“Hey, have I told you you're the hottest girl I've ever seen? Sex on legs, seriously, goddamn, run away with me.” (this is a sad line i promise)
"You have infinite second chances, sure, but only for yourself. Eventually the people you thought were gonna be there forever start dropping like flies, and you don't love the same anymore."
He thinks he knew, in that perennial moment when she curled her pinky around his, that he'd love her forever. His girl. His obligatory straight love interest for a few years, then his best friend forever.
read (and comment on!) the fic
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charlottesolstice · 13 hours ago
Walpurgis no Kaiten theory: Sayaka and Kyubey's roles in the movie
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Started thinking about Sayaka's role in Walpurgis no Kaiten and i came up with a theory about what i think she will go through in the movie.
I think Sayaka will have two "arcs" in the movie: having to place the pieces together and remember her true role, but also acting naive and falling victim to Kyubey once again.
After Rebellion, Sayaka is now a "fallen angel" who can't return to the Law of Cycles, her memories and powers also got stripped away from her.
She could summon Oktavia thanks to being part of the Law of Cycles, but due to her connection to it being severed she can't summon her witch self anymore, the runes from her ring also disappeared (which i mean, COULD be a coincidence, but i don't think so..).
She has the lingering sensation of being part of something bigger, but she can't recall what it is. She, however, says that she'll never forget that Homura is a demon and Homucifer says that she shouldn't be confrontational with her all the time, or even Madoka might end up disliking Sayaka herself.
Then, in the movie trailer we can see Sayaka being all bandaged up and going on some kind of "journey": first in a big blue library and after that in a theatre.
We can also see her standing with OR against Mami and Kyoko (personally, i believe the latter).
What I think is happening here is that due to Homura's tomfoolery she lost complete access to her healing abilities, leaving her with only her basic magic (augmented strength and agility + her sword). We already know thanks to Kyoko that it's possible to lose your magical abilities and, while in her case the context is much different, I think this will be similar. After all it's not that Sayaka has a different ability altogether, it's just that she has AUGMENTED healing, so if she lost this she would lose healing in general (Kinda like Karin with her infusion magic: everyone can infuse objects, but she can do it way better than others due to her wish).
Her wounds will probably be a gradual thing because we can see that she has bandages in a scene, but it's nowhere near as bad as what she has while being in her magical girl form
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Her sword alone won't be alone to fight all of the Wraiths and she'll eventually get hurt badly enough that it will make her want to understand what's going on with her.
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This is what i think will be the first piece of the puzzle, she's very obviously in a theatre and something she sees reawakens Oktavia within her, prompting her to search more stuff.
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Then, she goes to this blue "library" which has a massive collection of books about....
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this whole library has all of the info Sayaka will need to understand what's going on with her, her true role and the fact that.. she's not even supposed to be alive. She's not supposed to spend time with Kyoko and the others and will have to leave them all behind eventually cause they're actually alive, unlike her. She already said her "goodbye" time ago and was supposed to go back to heaven, and yet she's still here unable to go back to it.
That's probably gonna hit her like a truck.
I think this library is directly connected to the Law of Cycles, kind of like an internal look at everything it has recorded about all the magical girls that are now part of it.
there is a line in the concept movie where Sayaka goes
"Why can i read these letters?"
And i think that's probably what she's gonna think about on here, she's gonna see a lot of witch runes and be confused about the fact that she's able to read them even though she has "never" seen them before.
At the start of the post i said that i think Kyubey will also play a role, and I'm gonna expand a little on this now.
In a scene we can see Kyubey with a big pile of books all around him
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all of the books have walpurgis in their cover btw..
Next to him, though, is one of the new magical girls that got announced
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Both her and the green haired girl probably work for Homucifer, but what i think is that won't remain this way forever.
Homura splitting herself with the Clara Dolls and making them control over the world is something that is reminiscent of Incubators.
I think that Kyubey won't contract girls in this world, because otherwise he might talk with Madoka (or maybe he will contract, but indirectly: the Clara Dolls talk with the girls and get their wish, which then gets forwarded to Kyubey and he has to make it come true. But it could also just be that it's all in Homura's hands instead).
The thing is, the Incubators having multiple versions of themselves works because they have no emotions, they're just a hive mind! But with Homura it's different: all of the Clara Dolls are a piece of her personality, which definitely also have their own desires, as seen by one dancing with Madoka.
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Homura splitting herself will put enough chaos into the world that will make Kyubey be able to act in silence.
He doesn't like what Homura is doing, but to fix what is happening he must get the girls to remember and realize what is up with the world.
Obviously this is no "I wanna save the world cause Homura's bad and i want everyone to be happy", Kyubey just wants to go back to a state where he can gain the most, and that is EITHER with the witches existing again, or the Law of Cycles being studied to make them reappear. After all, that system of despair was the one that brought the best results for the Incubators.
So, what i think is that the two magical girls will initially work with Homura but eventually switch sides and start working with Kyubey instead.
Sayaka will be Kyubey's easiest target because he doesn't need to do much to pit her against Homura: she's so sick of her that she wants to take her out. I'm not saying that this will be 101 like when in the main series she acted as a hero who saw things in black and white, but i think it will be something like this.
Also, in the trailer there is a scene where Mami, Kyoko and Sayaka are all together, but I don't think that's a "magical girls meetup", but instead Sayaka AGAINST Kyoko and Mami.
Obviously I'm a big KyoSaya shipper, so I wanna believe that what will make Sayaka understand that she can't believe Kyubey is a moment between the two of them.
Just imagine that maybe this scene is Kyoko thinking about Sayaka/secretly watching her
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Don't really know what else to add for now, really. I just think this is how Kyubey and Sayaka are gonna act in this movie, but we'll see obviously
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hexcii · 27 days ago
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Yeah this is the only thing that really changes after you give your name to them
Clingy ass faeries
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front-facing-pokemon · 1 year ago
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brown-little-robin · 4 months ago
it went fine yesterday btw :}
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cicada-candy · 2 months ago
I get the sense that Nina is gonna haunt the next season.
#creature commandos#discussion in tags ->#im having A Moment#bride crashout incoming question mark.#i would Love To See her go after flag but its not gonna happen lol#i mean i guess she already kinda did. killing Rostovic. but like. i want her to lose it#bride says shes the only kind one out of them. she finally accepts that theyre friends and then accidentally drives her to her to her death#i want nina to have been a Uniting Force of the team. i want everything to go to shit w/o her there#a character whose Whole Life is defined by being a perceived burden to others is finally almost able to prove herself and.#i want the bride to go absolutely postal i want phosphorus to try changing for the better. asterisk. sorta. hear me out#the bride is just about nihilistic atp. she straight up says if rostovic hadnt killed nina she wouldnt have cared enough.#she deserved to have a sparkling fiery vengeful meltdown about everything next season. and she should get to kill eric godspeed.#phosphorus has already gotten his revenge.#he went through terrible shit and killed everyone who wronged him and then went on a hedonistic bender about it.#(phosphorus is also the only one to go by a different name. and he chose it for himself. i dont have anythng to say abt that yet but. ow)#but he clearly is still wracked with guilt about his wife and kids deaths too. He goes for Thorne at home. He definitely kills his kids.#in what i can only see as an intentional parallel.#but then in pokolistan when he is given a Very Legitimate reason to kill the little girl [she could out the team] not only does he Not-#he talks to and plays with her in a way that is Immediately a parallel to his own kid owwwww#[for hours possibly? isnt it night when theyre being chased and morning when her parents come down?? ill have 2 check tho]#good god im off topic anyway#phosphorus is a sarcastic prick like. comedically so.#the aformentioned scene is pretty much the only time in the whole show hes even remotely sincere#when him and the bride are trying to reassure nina before she goes to kill the princess-#he A] sounds genuinely earnest B] calls her “kid” and C] waits for her to leave before ruining it lmao#and like. i dont know if he felt paternal or anything but i do think her death is gonna mess him up a little#or maybe theyll all get worse.. i wouldnt be annoyed if they all crash the fuck out together. GI is gonna find out eventually too.#also hes reformed. kinda. in some of his recent comic appearances which makes for a fun dynamic certainly#christ this was a novel im sorry hsajdghkgdah#i dont rly have a satisfying ending i just. Ouagh
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fnvbennygecko · 9 months ago
erm. well im going to talk about my dream in the tags i guess
#my dream kinda sucked shit i was in like some dorm and i dont really remember what happened before all the bad stuff other than like.#weird highway....... but um there was this girl in the dorm or something and she wanted to i think hang out with me at first#i dont think it was initially like oh we're gonna have sex or whatever. and she took me to some weird place and immediately#i was trying to say this place is weird i feel uncomfortable being here because it was like through this like i guess abandoned highway#area and had trash and towards this forested part and she was like ugh why does everyone i bring here say that -_- and there was some#other girl also there. but once we got closer it was also sort of like. a ravine it was sort of cool. and then some stuff happened#and i was like ok with having sex like she wanted to but like i said stuff happened in the dream we couldnt get around to it#i had fallen asleep at one point and then woke up. and she was like damn. well we can still do it before you have to go there's#plenty of time and i was like oh... okay... but then i look at the time and it's like 4 and im like fuck im already late for work and#so i have to run off. she's disappointed. im heading to work there's also some apartment..??? idk im suddenly at the mall which isnt where#my work is but whatever. anyways im like i gotta lock this apartment which is at the mall and hten i head to where my job is#and apparently she is like trying to fucking stalk me and shit and i was talking to one of my managers and she's there and i just#i dont know i eventually wake up and that just sort of really sucked
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todayisafridaynight · 1 year ago
what's also great about the ichi watch is that the gold and red goes well with the arakawa-inspo outfit i have..
#snap chats#aka the outfit im wearing right now BYE#its so funny that i have really accidentally stolen his clothes. like idk what to tell you#owning a grey suit and a three-piece black suit's commonplace i really did just need the shirt LMAO#did eventually find a scarf buried in my closet so i even have that on lock down 😩 perfect for fall ig LOL#POINT IS i do have that gold bracelet plus the gold-buckled belt but also the red shoes.. that i and everyone around me love..#its perfect goku idk what else you want from me.. was meant to be even#what I want tho is food but i dont have time to make rice and im going out to eat in the city after class anyway#anyway love how i know im gonna preorder it but i havent yet because I Dont Know i like waiting until the last second i guess#ive reasoned with myself only to get the watch since as cute as the bag and wallet are#the wallet i have now is perfectly fine- plus my sister gave it to me. and i dont need a bag enough to warrant getting it#love how i never even considered the jacket LMAO LIKE ITS A CUTE JACKET just.. not $200 cute..#that's what my puffer is tho.. dont tell anyone--#ANYWAY YEAH <3 once i get the ichi watch i can stop wearing this bitch ass cringe ass watch my mom gave me#i just hope changing the battery in the watch wont be a pain down the line cause i dont think its solar powered WHOOP..#it'll be worth it to me.... ok bye im gonna stare at the wall until i have to leave for class#i have all my commission stuff done for now and i wanna rest from drawing for the rest of the day. maybe.#might stream tonight but i also might be drunk LMAO we'll see#if i stream uhhhhhh dude i dont even know.... funny y3 stream ???? drawing stream ????#we'll see what happens anyway BYE
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mars-ipan · 2 years ago
^ nervous but excited
#the senior picnic is tomorrow and i’m genuinely looking forward to it#i’m also kinda scared shitless bc i am going to. ask someone out lmao#SCARED !!!!! i have literally never directly asked someone out with my words before#bc like. okay. when i was a kid and had my first crush#i told EVERYONE in the class except that kid. so eventually someone accidentally told him#since then i have sworn myself to secrecy with crushes. i tell my most trusted friends and NOBODY else#….iiiincluding the person i’m crushing on#i once wrote a note to a kid in middle school but 90% sure i was bearding so i don’t really count it#anyways point is i have liked this person like literally all year. and i do not know what i’m doing#i’ve done tarot readings. i’ve had dreams (they kissed me in my nap dream earlier it was O-O). like i am being given the green light#and i know if i DON’T say anything i’ll regret it#and worst case scenario it’ll be a lil awkward and then we’ll go back to being friends (they’re not an asshole and neither am i)#but i’m still so so so fucking nervous bc i’ve never done this before!!!! and it’s new and i’m not in control and idk what will happen like#at all#bc ok. i don’t think i’m definitely going to get rejected. but i also don’t think it’s definitely gonna be mutual yaknow???#bc i’ve been looking for signals. and i think there have been some????#i’m normally very good at knowing when ppl are flirting with me#but when i like the person i become COMPLETELY oblivious no matter how hard i try#i am fully unsure of how they feel about me#like offering to do heart hands with someone for a picture and regularly complimenting their hair and foot positioning and laughing at jokes#when nobody else does and and and#they do a bunch of shit like that! and it’s just like. they’re such an overall nice person that idk if they’re flirting w me#or if that’s just who they are. i do not know#ANYWAYS. i gotta go to bed so i’m well-rested and don’t chicken out#bc i will kick myself forever if i do#uhhhh#goodnight tumblr#wish me luck !! please i need it very badly
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occasionalklance · 5 months ago
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slashersweethearts · 5 months ago
if i had a nickel for every time i had a 5cream oc who was an absolutely 100% fruity girl who kept hitting on white boy wes w ZERO intention of actually following through on anything i’d have TWO nickels. which isn’t a lot but its weird that its happened twice right.
#so sorry to that young man#in YVIES defense wes doesnt take her flirting seriously#esp bc that girl hits on her male friends like theyre chicks shes tryna top. just for a laff x#either that or occasionally the same borderline harassment flirting she hits everyone else (but mindy) with 😭#but yeah no yvie hits on basically everybody#he do not want her and he knows she dont want him either 😭#i mean. i do think she Would. maybe once. out of pity. but shed have to be faded as hell and also shed never talk to him again after 😭#shed feel so bad 😭#tho its not like yvies into dudes in general. but she normally ghosts her hookups so#she can hook up w dudes she dont care abt! but she loves wes as a Lifelong Buddy so shes not doing that!#now i cant make any excuses for melina like ol girl was just lying to him 😭#i mean they only spent three months together and she was his first ever girlfriend#and she had that ‘ur the first guy ive ever dated so im kinda nervous n wanna take it slow 🥺’ locked and LOADED#small mercies bc i mean. she did at least let him get to second base#granted. she was thinking abt amber whenever she had to do sm as kiss him. she was white knuckling her way thru like#letting him feel her up every once in a while. also bc she knew he had zero other experience so that prolly was good as hell for him 😭#but she is kinda lucky that the massacre happened when it did bc otherwise what was she gon do#like if the months dragged on w/o amber taking her back. shed have to KEEP putting anything further off#which i mean not like wes was pushy. that poor sweet boy 😭 but i mean smth was gonna seem Sus EVENTUALLY#but not if he is not alive to question it 🫶🏽 sorry man 😔#at least he aint go without knowing what it felt like to grab a ti-#ok thats foul IM SORRY#ceci speaks#— slasherverse posting.#— ♡ 𝘤𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥'𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦! // melina bates.#— ♡ 𝘭𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵‚ 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 (𝘪 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵) // yvie romero.
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autumnrory · 6 months ago
godddd i will just never get the appeal of bucky/sam to me it is the equivalent of putting like. jim and dwight in a romantic relationship which I’m sure a lot of people do but STILL at least there’s more substance there
#had hoped this fic saying minor would be a blink and you miss it reference but no#it was soooo unnecessary to the story too like could’ve just been fatws compliant without that since the focus was yelena#it would’ve been such a lovely fix it otherwise OH and untagged got implications of stevenat in the end#which i at least understand more bc there is a depth there obvs but they’re so platonic to me#just do not understand why this author seems to have abandoned stucky for these ships#like you have done the endgame fix it shit and yet#lol you know how people would talk about what peggy would think about steve and sharon#like imagine steve coming back to that bullshit of bucky and sam#think I’d be like hey don’t think I’ve forgotten how you were a huge asshole to bucky when he was traumatized in cacw#which dear god i wish people would acknowledge#i enjoyed the humor of their barbs at the time but eventually it was like#on the mcu is gonna have everyone mistreat bucky forever apparently#and make it seem like he is a villain despite all evidence he didn’t choose to do those things#meanwhile fandom woobifies actual villains i hate it#also oh my god ik this happened in canon but having sam call him buck? absolutely not lmao that is literally a steve specific thing#idk maybe fatws did give them depth they didn’t have before it’s not like i would know#just what i gleaned it didn’t seem like it and even so#to me they both will always have more meaningful relationships with steve than each other#and people just jumped on board bc they view sam and bucky as a replacement for those relationships#and i just do not see how that can work and it seems to take away from all three characters and those relationships to do that
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foldingfittedsheets · 17 days ago
In honor of my nine year anniversary with my beloved wife please enjoy a story from our third date.
Just gonna reemphasize that. Our third date. We were still very much getting to know each other. We were virtually strangers.
We had been intending to do a meetup at a nerdy cafe with a group of people, but unbeknownst to us there had been a tragedy in the group and everyone else bailed. My beloved and I made the best of it. We had a nice date. I horrified them by eating sliders in three bites but it wasn’t a deal breaker.
Afterward I was driving us back to my place when a car came up and rear ended me. It was a pretty light bump but I was still like, well. That car hit me, time to pull over and exchange info.
Except the other car decided to instead shoot past me and drive away.
Infuriated, I pursued.
From the passenger seat, a captive on a third date with someone else in control of the car and pursuing strangers into the darkness, my beloved said, “Uh, what’s the plan here?”
“They hit me! We need to exchange information!”
Indeed. I did not have a plan. The plan was that when you hit someone with your car you exchanged insurance information. I would pursue until that happened.
The offending car led us a merry chase and as I followed through winding pitch black forest roads I felt the tiniest inkling of misgiving. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea? Pursuing someone into the darkness? But I persisted.
I wasn’t being propelled by a plan or even stubbornness but instead I followed a blazing righteousness. Fundamentally I knew that when you hit someone’s car you talked to them afterward. It was an inexorable fact. They would not escape the talking portion of this event.
When the car pulled into a trailer park I fully realized that this was not, in fact, a good idea. Inside the other car was a couple who were clearly having an argument and it seemed increasingly unlikely that they had insurance info to swap.
With a sigh I said, “Will you pull out your flashlight? Let’s see if my bumper is damaged.”
We got out of the car and inspected my bumper together. It actually looked fine, and I was about to call it when the woman got out. It was instantly clear she was under some chemical influence, her pupils dilated absurdly large. She attempted a poor performance as she said, “Oh, did we hit you?”
“Yeah,” I said flatly, “but I think it’s fine. I don’t see any damage.”
“We weren’t sure, uh, if we did, we didn’t think we did but we just weren’t sure.” She shifted anxiously foot to foot.
It was time to leave, a fact which became clearer when the man stepped out, eyes buzzing in his skull. He feigned innocence and radiated an aura of someone barely tethered to reality. My beloved and I waved them off and got back in my car to drive away.
As we did my beloved let out a huge gust of air as if they’d been holding their breath.
“Are you okay?”
“I was so squared up ready to fight them,” they said. “I’m glad we didn’t.”
I turned to look at them in astonishment. “Why would we have fought?”
“Are you joking? You followed them at 11pm to a trailer park! The second we got out of the car I was in a fighting stance. What did you think would happen?”
“I- I don’t know. That we’d talk and then go home? But. I can see now that driving after a car that tried to do a hit and run may not have been that safe…”
“You think!!!”
We sat in silence for a while before we burst out in relieved laughter.
“You were ready to fight?” I asked.
“I do kung fu! That guy looked so shady, I was ready to kick his ass, but I really didn’t want to.”
Unbelievably, they agreed to more dates, and eventually married me, but more often than not they’re the one driving.
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dorkylittleweirdo · 1 year ago
Anyway I hope Peter becomes evil too for a little bit bc he deserves more than anyone to tear Janine a new one lmao
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