#weird highway....... but um there was this girl in the dorm or something and she wanted to i think hang out with me at first
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fnvbennygecko · 9 months ago
erm. well im going to talk about my dream in the tags i guess
#my dream kinda sucked shit i was in like some dorm and i dont really remember what happened before all the bad stuff other than like.#weird highway....... but um there was this girl in the dorm or something and she wanted to i think hang out with me at first#i dont think it was initially like oh we're gonna have sex or whatever. and she took me to some weird place and immediately#i was trying to say this place is weird i feel uncomfortable being here because it was like through this like i guess abandoned highway#area and had trash and towards this forested part and she was like ugh why does everyone i bring here say that -_- and there was some#other girl also there. but once we got closer it was also sort of like. a ravine it was sort of cool. and then some stuff happened#and i was like ok with having sex like she wanted to but like i said stuff happened in the dream we couldnt get around to it#i had fallen asleep at one point and then woke up. and she was like damn. well we can still do it before you have to go there's#plenty of time and i was like oh... okay... but then i look at the time and it's like 4 and im like fuck im already late for work and#so i have to run off. she's disappointed. im heading to work there's also some apartment..??? idk im suddenly at the mall which isnt where#my work is but whatever. anyways im like i gotta lock this apartment which is at the mall and hten i head to where my job is#and apparently she is like trying to fucking stalk me and shit and i was talking to one of my managers and she's there and i just#i dont know i eventually wake up and that just sort of really sucked
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jugandbettsdetectiveagency · 8 years ago
After The Storm - A T&T Coda, 2/3
Betty and Jughead get some alone time.
1 . 2 . 3 . Read on AO3
Betty stifles another laugh as Jughead lets out a dramatic sigh for at least the third time in the last fifteen minutes. He shuffles noisily on top of her bed, rustling the sheets as he throws his lanky limbs about with exaggerated exasperation.
“Juggie, stop it!” Betty whispers, hiding her giggle with an indiscreet cough. She bites her lip to force the grin from her face as she follows Jughead’s narrowed gaze. He’s been glaring unrelentingly at her roommate, Midge, for the better part of an hour while paying no attention to the open book in his hands.
“She wasn’t supposed to be here,” he mumbles back, pushing his lower lip out in a sullen, yet utterly adorable, pout. Betty’s eyes flick over to Midge where she is sitting at her desk on the other side of the room, completely oblivious to the discontent she is causing, darting in quickly to kiss her boyfriend’s frown away.
“We of all people should understand her predicament,” she reminds him, raising a teasing eyebrow. Jughead sighs, shooting the girl one last look before attempting to focus on the book. He knows Betty is right but that doesn’t make him any less annoyed.
Betty had timed Jughead’s visit perfectly with the end of his semester, almost the end of hers, and the day Midge had planned on going home for the holidays. Unfortunately, the weather had taken yet a further turn for the worst, showering the streets with another snowy downfall that had made it impossible for traffic to get into the city – Jughead had barely made it to Betty’s campus before the worst of it came down. Midge’s parents had called her from the motel they’d pulled into the night before, informing her that they’d be back on the road as soon as they could to pick her up.
The little bump in the road, or rather the snowstorm on the highway, meant that what was going to be a nice empty dorm room for the blossoming, long distance couple had turned into a rather comical rendition of three college students and a frustrating situation. And, as Betty liked to remind him frequently, Jughead was well aware that that situation was located in his pants.
Doing the long distance thing hadn’t been too hard on them. Sure, Jughead would have preferred if he could have gotten to continue unravelling the mystery that was Betty Cooper in person rather than via sporadic Skype sessions – but they were making it work. They both wanted it to work.
He had sent her more hand drawn comics.
“How did we only spend two days together?” Jughead asked again while shaking his head, his image on Betty’s laptop screen slightly blurry and lagging with the ancient college Wi-Fi. Even in pixels the sight of his eyes, intensely fixed on her, had butterflies flapping uncontrollably in her stomach. Betty let out a sigh she hoped didn’t come across as too dreamy and tucked her chin into her palm to lean closer to the screen. Her hand twitched as if to brush the ever unruly curls from his forehead before realising she couldn’t.
Another disadvantage to being long distance? Annoying lack of physical contact.
“It definitely wasn’t enough,” she grumbled, her frown turning into a shy smile at Jughead’s resounding grin. God, she was so gone for this boy. “Only two more days and I get you all to myself again,” she told him, feeling a blush spread across the apples of her cheeks at the unspoken implication hiding beneath her words. Betty fiddled with the collar of her shirt, Jughead’s gaze turning to a smoulder as he followed the movement. He opened his mouth to reply, inappropriate suggestions balancing on the tip of his tongue.
“Hey, roomie!” Midge called as she bounded into their room. Betty sat upright, jerking away from the screen she’d subconsciously been inclining towards. Jughead grumbled almost inaudibly, rolling his eyes in such a way that had Betty sucking in a breath to hide a laugh.
“Hi, Midge,” she greeted, smoothing a hand over her ponytail absently. “Um, Jughead says hi, too,” she said, shooting a sly smile at the screen as she spun the laptop round to face the room, just catching the way he widened his eyes in protest before he had to rearrange his features.
“Hey, Jughead!” Jughead winced. He didn’t mind Midge, from everything he’d heard about her. She seemed like a great roommate, nothing but caring and compassionate. She was always just so… enthusiastic. And she had terrible timing, in Jughead’s humble opinion.
“Err, hey,” Jughead replied awkwardly, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. He needn’t have worried about filling any lingering silences as Midge powered on enough for the both of them.
“Are you excited for your visit? You’re coming in two days, right? Super sad that we’re gonna miss each other; it would have been great to meet you!” she babbled, not pausing for either breath or Jughead’s reply. “But, honestly, I feel like I know you already – Betty just won’t stop talking about her wonderful new boyfriend–” Betty felt the heat from her cheeks spread throughout her entire body.
“Okay, well, Jughead has to be going now, don’t you?” Betty hurried, turning the screen back to face her. She couldn’t quite meet Jughead’s smug expression. She swore the light hammering of her heart beneath her thick, woollen sweater was visible right now.
“I’ve got some time still. I was really enjoying my conversation with Midge that you so rudely interrupted,” Jughead beamed cheekily. “So what was that you were saying about a wonderful boyfriend?” he called, raising his voice slightly so Midge could hear him better.
“Goodbye, Jughead!” Betty sang, closing the window as his laughter rang out, before either of them could embarrass her further.
He’d gotten to meet her in the end, finding out she was just as enthusiastic in person (and somehow louder) though he didn’t think that was even possible. Their introduction meant that Jughead and Betty’s alone time was significantly shaved down, and Betty was far too polite to ask Midge to surreptitiously leave for an hour or two. Jughead was all for it, on the other hand, but Betty had glared at him until he relented, sagging back against her pillows with a defeated huff. While he was an undoubted advocate for the snow, he much preferred it when it snowed other people out, not in with them.
Betty, for one, had seen her newfound appreciation for the snow growing with each passing second. She suspected it may have had something more to do with the way Jughead looked surrounded by the white downy stuff, rather than the freezing flakes themselves. As she showed him around the campus, illuminated like something out of a movie with a myriad of yellow streetlamps and cosy lamplight pouring out of every window, she memorised the way the pinch of the cold air turned the tips of his ears and nose pink. He tucked his chin beneath his scarf, his idle chat muffled by the fabric, one gloved hand pressed firmly, reassuringly, against her lower back. When she curled into him as they waited for the crossing to change she melted into his warmth, finding herself unable to wish for warmer weather to come quickly.
Betty had sudden visions of being back in her childhood home only this time the place didn’t set her on edge. She imagined herself curled up in front of the Coopers’ wide open fireplace, logs crackling with soothing familiarity as she watched the burning embers float up towards the chimney. Her head rest on Jughead’s shoulder, his arm securely around hers in return. Soft notes of age-old Christmas songs floated towards them from the stereo, and she would make them sickeningly indulgent mugs of hot chocolate when her mother wasn’t looking…
“I’m heading out!” Midge announces suddenly, picking up her coat from the back of her desk chair. “They’ve got this Christmas comedy set on at one of the bars a few blocks away, a couple of us thought we’d check it out. Moose will be there; do you guys wanna join?” she asks, all bright smiles and hopeful eyes. Betty turns to Jughead, her eyebrows already raised in question before he beats her to the punch.
“No!” he all but yells. Realising the eagerness in his voice he has the decency to flush faintly. “I mean, no thanks. I’ve got some… research I have to do over the holidays that Betts is going to help me with,” he stutters, the lie sounding pathetic to his own ears. He can practically feel the heat of embarrassment radiating off his girlfriend beside him as Midge gives them a knowing look.
“Alright. Have fun doing your research,” she calls with a wink, flitting out of the door with one last glance at the couple.
The silence in Midge’s absence settles heavily over the room. It stretches on and Jughead almost has half a mind to call her back just to relieve some of the foreign tension. It’s the first time they’ve been properly alone together since their weekend in his and Archie’s dorm, and neither of them expected it to feel so… weird. Jughead can see Betty’s fingers playing absentmindedly with a loose thread on her comforter. He shuffles further up the bed, resting his back against the headboard and stretching his legs out, feeling a satisfying pop in his joints.
Jughead sighs. It shouldn’t feel like this. They were putting too much pressure on the moment, making it into something it didn’t need to be. He’s been so desperate to feel her underneath his hands, to finally have her without rush or uncertainty. They were so good at being relaxed with each other; Jughead wants to get back to that, no matter what they did or didn’t do next.
“Betty–” he begins worriedly, turning towards her. She lets out an exasperated huff, and suddenly his lap is full of Betty Cooper. She swings her leg over his thighs, her hands fisting in the fabric of his sweater while his come to rest steadily on her hips. “Hi,” he says, for lack of a better response, fingers slipping beneath her top to run against the warm skin of her back. She giggles, settling herself more comfortably on top of him.
“Hi,” she whispers, dipping forwards to place a soft kiss against his lips. Betty pulls back, looking up at him from beneath thick lashes. “This okay?” she murmurs, and Jughead can’t help but laugh.
“Way more than okay,” he replies with a disbelieving smile, his eyes soft around the edges. “I missed kissing you,” he confesses, one hand moving up to slide into her hair and tug her forwards. Betty lets out a shaky breath against his lips as they meet once again, humming in agreement, teasing him with her small, brushing touches. He resists the urge to surge forwards, despite his need to have no space between their bodies, allowing her to set the pace.
Slowly she rotates her hips against his, as slow as her kisses. Jughead can’t restrain the growl that works its way out of his chest at her torment, fingers tugging harder at the silken strands tangled in his hands. Betty lets out an unexpected whimper at the action, her body falling down to rest harder against his. She can feel his body reacting beneath hers, beginning to stir with her relentless motions, spurring her to continue.
When she was extra lucky, Jughead would sometimes answer her Skype calls shirtless, in just the same way she’d been introduced to him. The smooth planes of his chest had been her first glimpse of him, ingrained solidly in her memory, and right now it was frustrating her that she hadn’t been able to touch them in weeks. She paws at the offensive fabric barrier in her way, diving in to bite his lower lip when he laughs at her impatience. His laugh turns into a moan and she pulls back with satisfaction painting her features. Still lost in a stupor Betty takes advantage of his daze and yanks his sweater off with little finesse. He emerges, looking ten times more rumpled than before and far more delicious. She takes him in greedily, hands touching every inch of skin she can reach as he brings her lips back to his, fighting with her own sweater. Betty delights in the sharp hiss he lets out as she runs her fingers down his chest, her nails catching his nipple on their descent, causing warmth to pool between her thighs.
The cold air of the room has tightened her nipples to peaks by the time he unfastens the clasp of her bra, throwing the item to the side with little regard. Jughead dips forwards, his mouth closing over her breast as he flicks his tongue over the bud. Betty throws her head back with a gasp and arches against his lips, fingers weaving their way into his hair to hold him against her chest. He continues, his other hand coming up to palm her neglected breast, until the sensation borders on pain. Betty pushes him back, taking in the way his lips are shining and reddened, pupils blown wide with lust.
“Juggie,” she breathes, too turned on to even feel self-conscious about the way her chest is heaving before his face. A squeal escapes her as he flips them without warning. Jughead hovers above her, looking down at her with an intensity in his eyes that makes Betty feel vulnerable and powerful all at once.
He runs his fingers down her side, noticing something hiding in her hooded eyes other than desire.
“What is it, Betts?” he asks, voice rough with arousal. The sound aids the coiling in the pit of her stomach, her hips shifting beneath him.
“Nothing,” she hurries, settling a hand at the back of his neck to pull him back to her, feet hooking around his thighs.
“No, not nothing. Tell me,” he pushes, stroking the stray hairs that have fallen over her cheeks away from her face. Betty squirms, unable to deny him the truth. It was something he’d always managed to pull from her, even after those few hours together. And she wants him to know it, she really does. She sighs, arms coming up to cross over her exposed chest.
“I just… I’m not…” she stutters, cursing her inability to find the right words to start. She watches as the heat in his eyes cools slightly, annoyed at herself for interrupting the moment with her worries. He doesn’t say anything, ever patient and understanding. “I’ve only had sex once before,” she rushes out, closing her eyes as her cheeks colour with something other than the flush of arousal. “It was just before everyone left for college and… I just wanted to get it out of the way,” she explains, still not meeting his gaze.
“Betty.” His soft voice coaxes her eyes open, his cools fingers lacing through hers to stop them from curling in towards her palms. “It’s okay. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” The look he’s giving her is so honest it makes her eyes well but she blinks away the moisture quickly, not wanting tears to invade this moment.
“No, no I definitely want to,” she assures him while wrapping her legs around his hips securely. He can’t stop himself from smiling at the sheer determination in her tone, mixed with a desperation to keep his half naked body close. “I’m just worried I won’t be… good,” she finishes pathetically, her voice dropping to a volume so quiet he can barely hear her above the blood still rushing in his ears. His heart aches.
“Betty, you’re beautiful. God, I still can’t believe I get to be here with you.” At her scoff he narrows his eyes, one hand travelling beneath her chin to make her hold his gaze. “There is nothing that you could do that wouldn’t make this one of the best experiences of my life,” he promises earnestly.
“You’re so dramatic,” she jests, poking his shoulder lightly, but he is relieved to see the tightness around her eyes has vanished.
Her hands fall to his belt as he leans back in to kiss her newly returned breath away, but he moves them away to pop the button on her jeans before she can reach his zipper. He slides the fabric down her legs, not breaking eye contact as he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of her panties and removes them as well. She fights the urge to cover herself as his eyes roam over her naked body, the way he licks his lips conveying just how much he likes what he sees. A surge of confidence sweeps through Betty’s chest at this and she allows her legs to fall open further.
Jughead settles himself comfortably between them, kissing his way down her body – planting his lips against the valley of her breasts, the ticklish spot against her ribs, just beneath her navel. Betty’s lips part in a silent scream as she feels Jughead’s mouth against her centre, his tongue running over the damp heat between her thighs. Her fingers pull a little too harshly at his hair, the pleasurable pain only causing him to moan against her flesh, vibrations travelling along her every nerve. His arm comes up to pin her restless hips to the sheets when his lips wrapped around her sensitive bundle of nerves, one finger and then another slipping inside of her with practised ease.
It doesn’t take long for her to feel the tell-tale signs of her impending release, thighs clamping around his head as her pleasure crests. In her daze she wonders if Midge had locked the door behind her earlier, the wounded cry she lets out as she comes making her worry that someone would come and check on her.
Before she has too much time to worry anymore she is dragging Jughead back up her body. Betty kisses him messily before he can wipe his mouth on the back of his hand, tasting herself of his tongue. Her whimper makes his hips buck forwards and Betty gasps at the feeling of him, hard, against her core.
“Off,” she commands, tugging persistently at his jeans.
“Yes, ma’am,” he smirks, chuckling breathlessly as he complies with her wishes until they are both fully exposed before one another.
The next moments follow in a fumble of sheets and limbs. She teases him about being presumptuous when he goes to retrieve the tiny foil packet from his backpack, Jughead not even having it in him to look sheepish as he clambers back onto the bed and whispers in her ear about preparation being key. He kisses her languidly as he pushes in, swallowing each little sound that falls from her lips until he is fully inside her, stilling as she gets used to the feeling. Eventually she tells him to move with a tilt of her hips, and he does. He drops his face to the crook of her neck, losing himself in the feeling of being completely entangled with Betty, bringing her close to the edge once again with each pointed thrust. His hand weaves between them to get her there, her walls clamping around him and pulling him along with her.
“Good?” Betty can’t help but ask timidly when they’re wrapped around each other later, the chill long gone from the air around them. Jughead tucks her closer against his chest, pressing a kiss to her sweat dampened temple.
“Amazing,” he whispers around a grin he couldn’t suppress even if he wanted to. She returns it, slipping her leg to rest comfortably between his. “We should probably get dressed, I don’t know when Midge will be back,” he sighs eventually, voice sleepy as he makes no move to get up, entirely loath to let Betty go despite the potential for another walk in situation.
“Yeah, we probably should,” she smiles into his skin, letting her eyes slip shut.
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