#I personally think he's the equivalent of 14
dunmeshistash · 4 months
Hi, I'm a new fan of dunmeshi. I'm confused about Thistle's age.
Older fans are confused too don't worry
From the posts I've seen trying to calculate his age (including my own) he's anywhere between 65 to 80 years old, which is the equivalent to roughly 14 to 16 years old in tallmen.
All we know is that he's most likely younger than Pattadol (who is 82) based on this
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Elf earmuffs are seen as something for "children and young people" Pattadol and Marcille have "Just ok" while Thistle has a "ok" so he's visibly younger than them.
Ofc now he's over a thousand years old now, but he seems to have stopped aging after entering the dungeon both physically and mentally based on how he acts.
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knittinglizards · 1 year
for some reason i have not got any of haley's meaner 0-2 heart dialogue after divorcing/memory-wiping her. vestigial character growth?
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bibibbon · 7 months
MHA mustard deserved better
Mustard is a character that many of us forget but surprisingly his character really stuck to me for some reason.
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Mustard is around 13-14 years old and was part of the training camp attack. His quirk is known as gas and looks very similar to midnight it also has a very similar effect to midnight's. I think that it's such a shame that his story was never explored and that we never got much of what happend to him. We don't even see him in the final arc. All we are told is that mustard is captured by the police after the attack and is then imprisoned to never seen him again.
I think that if MHA wanted to truly and properly redeem villains or explore the idea why villains became the way they are we should of gotten more exploration when it came to mustard. You can easily assume that mustard probably had a horrible life that drove him to villainy because how is it that you become a villain and don't have enough of anything to change out of your middle school uniform. How is it that a 13-14 year old knows how to wield a gun and there are so many more questions like how was mustard treated?
Personally I would have it so that we are shown more about mustard. How did he end up where he is? How did shigaraki even allow him to join? Did he somehow stumble or was in the wrong place at the wrong time and just got swept by the crowd? Who taught him how to wield a gun? And so many other questions to build his character. Mustard felt like an empty character with wasted potential. From the little amount of screentime we can tell that he acts like a child and is a bit annoying like a middle schooler would be but he definitely acts,fights and does so many more things above his age. I personally would be more interested in a tiny arc to explore how society failed mustard. Why is his name mustard anyway? He is one of the only characters who we don't know his real name so does that mean mustard could of been a name a bully gave him?
For some reason thinking about the character of mustard distinctly reminds me of middle school Izuku midoriya. They seem ironically similar in a way🤷‍♀️.
Also can we talk about how after he gets captured nothing really happens. Like where does mustard go? He is too young to go to prison so does MHA have something equivalent to a delinquent center or juvenile detention? Do they just let mustard rot in jail? Does mustard have a family that tried to fight his case? Did the family get any backlash (like toga's family)? So many questions to think about. Was there or could of there been a rehabilitation programme out up for mustard. Like mustard is young and shows a lot of signs that say "society failed me" or something similar so was there or could of there been something similar to that.
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I personally think we should of gotten some mustard and midnight interactions. They have similar quirks with similar effects one became a hero the other a villain they don't have many differences I wonder if midnight struggled with her quirk I wonder how she would interact with mustard.
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ramibow · 1 month
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This is me casually rewriting Obey Me’s plot, don't mind me.
Manic Ramblings™ below:
This is mostly about their ages and their time during The Great Celestial War. I've got more but I don't want this post to be longer than it already is.
In canon they are all adults and Levi was even a navy general but I cannot for the life of me imagine that so I’m throwing it out.
Obey Me also doesn’t have canon ages for any of the brothers, and I’m not certain if they’ve confirmed their age order. People often reference their rankings (Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor), but that is the order of how powerful they are, which is why Satan is #4 instead of #7.
Here are the ages I’m giving them during The Great Celestial War (in angel years): Lucifer (18), Mammon (15), Asmodeus (14), Leviathan (12), Beelzebub (8), Belphegor (8), Satan (0/5)*
I think in canon Leviathan would be older than Asmodeus, but I decided to cast him deeper into the pits of middle child hell (also I wanted Mammon and Asmodeus to be closer in age as a part of my personal agenda.)
*Since Lucifer had a Zeus moment and popped Satan from his noggin, I imagined him as being the equivalent of 5 when he was “born” during the Celestial War. Let’s say it was five angel years of built up rage culminating into a person. 
That being said, Lucifer would be the only one that directly fights in the war. Mammon wanted to fight by his side but Lucifer would not let that happen (and god help you if you defied the man). Instead, Mammon is in charge of keeping his siblings safe since they’re basically traitors/fugitives.
Plus, since Lucifer is fighting a war, he doesn't have a lot of time to see his brothers. This is the first time they've been separated from him for a long period of time, so it's been hard for them. They wonder if Lucifer will get killed and the angels that used to be their friends will imprison them (or worse). Paranoia and fear constantly loom over them. The Celestial Realm is all they've ever known, and they don't feel safe there anymore.
Escaping the Celestial Realm is a task in and of itself. I imagine teleportation magic as being something extremely complex and thus requiring a spellbook to perform (so you don’t end up halfway through a wall or something). The brothers did not have that, thus, they spent most of the war hiding out in the outskirts of the Celestial Realm.
Satan appears near the end of the war. Lucifer did not tell his brothers how/where Satan came from (this will come back later for plot-related stuff). Since Satan is the embodiment of wrath, living with him took some adjusting. 
Asmo made it his mission to help domesticate his feral brother with Mammon’s help, of course.
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Levi was terrified of Satan, but Satan was curious about him. I like to imagine that Levi sparked Satan’s interest in reading because I think that would be cute. 
Belphegor and Satan would fight a lot when they first met (I imagine Beel, Belphie and Satan as the trifecta of “children most likely to bite you”). Over time they would grow to enjoy each other’s company.
So, yeah. This AU is just going to be "thing I want to change/things I think would be kinda cool + plot". I want to post more stuff but drawing a comic is difficult so I had to settle for this instead.
If you're interested in seeing more I'm going to put any future Lore™ under OM Eden AU for convenience.
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mostlybuddingthoughts · 9 months
Me letting go of 2023 negativity looks like this: I, personally, did not enjoy how Madhouse's anime adaptation did the Ring Scene in Frieren.
Spoilers for episode 14 of the anime, and the equivalent manga chapters they were based from.
Fundamentally I think it comes down to this shot.
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Himmel drops to one knee, and Frieren looks… Shocked? Surprised? Either way, it's a much more dramatic expression than I was expecting. Than the one I read in the manga.
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Frieren constantly has this detached air in her flashbacks. We know this, and we know why: she hasn't yet realised that these people are important, and hasn't begun to make the conscious effort to learn about and open up to them.
So why does the anime choose to emphasise Frieren's expression? We should know Frieren's expression. In doing so, it seems to imply that it this expression is a deviation from the norm. That this affected her in a way beyond normal.
But it didn't. Like all other flashbacks, she never realised the beauty of it except in retrospect. Which is why I do think Frieren looking at the Ring after Himmel's death was an excellent addition by the anime.
(incidentally, I do like the subsequent shot of her face which DOES emphasise her confusion)
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No, like all other flashbacks, this isn't necessarily about Frieren, but about Himmel. And above all other chapters, I think this chapter gave us a glimpse beneath Himmel's normal charisma. At the heartbreak he carries inside.
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I think this panel single-handedly was the reason for why this chapter was the most popular chapter in recent polls.
This manga always has these smiles I love. People always say the characters only have one expression, but I don't think that's true.
The smiles all have such different feelings to them.
And this one is paiiinnnnn.
You can see how cruel he finds the situation. That Frieren would pick a gift so close to his desires whilst being entirely oblivious. His brow, raised just so, is an amused wince. His smile, so flat and drawn out, lingers in irony.
I've seen videos where people made the same comparison.
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(if someone could help me find the video, I'll add a link. I've found YouTube's history to be very finicky, and I can't find it)
But despite the universe mocking him, Himmel puts it to the side. In the manga, I feel you can understand his intentions even more. To accept that Frieren doesn't understand, and probably won't ever reciprocate his intentions, but he can still indulge in the fantasy, selfishly, just for a bit.
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I've always liked how Frieren looked here. Politely curious, I've described it to others before. She knows something is happening, but no idea what or why she should really care.
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While this shot is fine, I do somehow feel the emphasis is once again going to Frieren. But again, I feel like this isn't about Frieren. Frieren is entirely passive in this scene (that's why it's paiiiinnn). It's about Himmel and what he chose to do with the ring, because it shows what he felt about it and her.
Anyway, the anime adaptation is beautiful and a 10/10, but I think this is the first time I've seen the anime stumbling in adapting its source material. A pity is was with the most popular manga chapter.
I could not be happier or more surprised that this anime is becoming so popular in the mainstream. No better successor to Fullmetal Alchemist at the top of MAL.
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Guys I just read through the original Avatar way of water and I can't be normal about it and neither can you so lets get into it...
(Apologies for the bad quality btw. I was taking pictures with my phone of my tv.)
For starters Na'vi age faster than humans in the og script!
It says point blank in the script that Spider is 14
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And it says this about Neteyam and Lo'ak
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They're the equivalent of a 13 and 14 year old not they are 13 and 14. Coupled with the fact that in this version of the script Spider was five during the original war and he's only 14 himself in this script then if my math is mathing it's only been NINE YEARS since the og movie. In human years Neteyam and Lo'ak are 9 and 8 years old! That is crazy!
Speaking of crazy we get some interesting lessons on Na'vi anatomy
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They birth chrysalis! Like mammals can be born still in their amniotic sac but a chrysalis?! Like a bug?!
and then..
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Like the chrysalis just unfurls after the mother breaks tsalnu. That is so wild.
And then..
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Like we already knew Kiri's "father" was eywa but a genetic clone of Grace? and we learn this in the first act of the movie?! Wild.
Also this conversation...
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Like I'm shookith why👏🏽was👏🏽 this👏🏽 not👏🏽 in 👏🏽the👏🏽 movie! This seems pretty important not only for the plot i.e where Toruk is but also developing Jake as a character.
Anyway here's some little things that had me gobsmacked for better or worse.
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If my jaw was on the floor from the not dad i'm your commander line (after which Spider tells Lo'ak it could have been a lot worse and I'm like how?) then my jaw hit earth's core from Jake completely blaming Neteyam's death on Lo'ak. Like I know he's grieving but good god that's your son! who just watched his brother die! And you don't even know what happened! You just found them like that! Like...COME ON!
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Lo'ak is really mean to Tuk. I didn't screenshot it but also there was a line from when Tuk tagged along at the beginning of the movie and Spider joked "well if she gets eaten it's not our fault." and Lo'ak said "that's what I'm saying" and as a youngest child I took that personally.
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I have no commentary this was just really funny
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Ao'nung's name was orginally Nu'ung and I find that interesting.
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I gasped. I'd get smacked if I talked to my mom like this. Like they don't seem to have a good relationship in this version because earlier Kiri calls Grace her real mom not her bio mom or even just her other mom. And Kiri also really wanted to know who her real dad is. I'm just glad they changed this angle because adoptive parents are real parents and the actual movie does a good job of showing that.
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This is right after Kiri's seizure. I think this should have been in the movie. A criticism I've heard about Jake is what a dumb move it was to call for help when Ronal was right there. This shows what a quick panicked decision that actual was and while it's still not smart it is understandable.
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Neytiri having P.T.S.D
and finally
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yeah I think the only reason they cut this is because they knew we'd all be SOBBING to hard to actually pay attention to the end of the movie.
Anyway that's my general thoughts on this and I'd love to know what you think. 💙
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randomfoggytiger · 2 months
The X-Files: the Madonna-Whore Complex
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(Credit to @cecilysass, whose comment got these thoughts going.)
I have a theory.
In the fandom, the Madonna-whore complex is often attributed to Chris Carter's handling of Dana Scully. And, while I didn't give it much weight at first, going through his old interviews gave me pause.
From 1993 to 1998 (where I stopped reading), Chris repeatedly stated that Mulder and Scully were (are) both sides of himself: “I’m equal parts of both characters,” says their creator. “I’m a skeptic like Scully, but I’m also ready to be enraptured, like Mulder.” Mulder represented his want to believe (and inner darkness-- which he doesn't outright state... but doesn't dissuade others from thinking, either) and Scully represented his skepticism with the paranormal or faith. A lot of his personal details leaked through into their lives-- Hegel Place, California childhood, a sunflower seed habit-- and his personal philosophy-- “Trusting people, generally, is bad,” he says with a slight smile-- became the backbone of the show. He used interesting turns of phrase when discussing his characters' names: "I grew up in L.A. where Vin Scully was the voice of God. Dana is just a nice soft woman’s name I like" and Carter gave The X-Files’ Mulder his mother’s maiden name.... And, as we all know, the repeating 10/13 and 11/21 are his (and Mulder's) birthday and his wife's birthday, respectively.
It could be as simple as a showrunner incorporating himself into his work... or it can make a lot of sense regarding Mulder and Scully's sexual misadventures.
Does this point to Chris Carter being a "puritan", shunning all sexual allusion? He seemed to be willing to hint at more-- letting Tea Leoni suggest a naked Gillian be cheek to cheek with David Duchovny, and teasingly gazing at David's deleted rear shot-- and was even persuaded to leave in the Millennium and Existence kisses (not to mention writing or cosigning the I Want to Believe "scratchy beard" scene.) But does a little lip-locking or a little nudity knock down the "never-nude" angle?
Ultimately, I think speculations on CC's "quirks" are fruitless: unless the man himself sits down and gives a clearer "yes" or "no", it would be equivalent to shooting blanks in the dark. Besides, the parallels don't need to be directly tied to his personal life to inform the decisions of (and for) his characters.
The parallels, though, can't be denied.
To draw back to the main point: both Scully and Mulder had complicated sexual hang-ups.
Scully wasn't "allowed" to definitively have sex with Ed Jerse while Mulder was only "allowed" sex under duress. Scully was "allowed" to go on normal dates while Mulder was only "allowed" porn fantasies (Chinga, Kill Switch, First Person Shooter) and an on-call phone sex operator. Scully was "allowed" past healthy relationships (except for the one Gillian created, ahem ahem) while Mulder wasn't "allowed" to have anything resembling joy or stability in his past.
All this to say: I think Mulder and Scully are two sides of the Madonna-whore complex: Scully is the Madonna, Mulder is the whore.
It makes sense, too: Scully followed the rules and was "too smart" to get entangled with people who degraded or hurt her-- which made her a little inhuman (according to Morgan, Wong, and Gillian.) Mulder too easily blurred professional lines-- which made him easily seduced by those who intended to harm him. Phoebe Green-- as written by CC-- mentioned Mulder's illicit past activities to draw him back in; and Never Again-- as vetoed by CC-- kept an element of denial about Scully and Jerse's bedroom activities.
(Scully herself was compared to the Virgin Mary once in canon-- though it was not, it appears, Chris Carter who gunned for the imagery; nor was it the writers' and director's intent to be anything other than a metaphor that was "on-theme" for the seasonal episode:
March 14, 1998
Q #16 – Hi, my name is Deborah. Two of my favorite episodes from this season are “Christmas Carol” and “Emily” and I found myself in some heated discussions with other fans who felt Scully was turned into a mere victim, that the religious iconography was heavy handed, being beaten over the head with the Virgin Mary / Scully kind of thing. None of which I agree with. I wondered if you could talk a little about the religious iconography in those two episodes and how you work that kind of thing in and was it as self-conscious as everyone else thinks it is?
FS – ...When we began again, we also took the Dickens story, A Christmas Carol, as our lead. So suddenly the story came together very fast and actually was one of the most satisfying to write for the three of us.
The use of the manger at the very beginning of “Christmas Carol” was deliberate. The idea of a “virgin birth” was conscious. I think the one image in that two parter that people really felt was heavy handed or was laying onto Scully as Virgin Mary idea was at the end of “Emily” there is a very slow dissolve to the stained glass and that was an image that the director chose to use because it was there on the set that day and all of us liked it. But I don’t think that we meant to suggest that she was anyway equivalent to the Virgin Mary and simply thought that, you know, it was a Christmas story and those parallels deepened the story we were telling.
The Madonna-whore/Scully-Mulder complex explains a lot a lot a lot about their complicated sex lives.
If that be the case (whether consciously or subconsciously), it makes sense why Chris Carter only wrote a kiss for them after the world didn't end. Biblical mythology and fate were always his favorite tools, after all.
The Jersey Devil-- written by Chris Carter-- is the first episode to tackle the boundaries of this theoretical complex.
Mulder introduces the theme with a porn magazine, at work.
Scully has to drive back to a birthday party, and Mulder immediately balks over the idea of her on a possible date.
Scully considers "a life", agrees to go out with Rob to a perfectly respectable establishment, and dances around the topic uncomfortably with Mulder later.
Mulder wants her to cancel-- not out of romantic jealousy, but because their working relationship might be hindered if her interests were divided elsewhere.
"Unlike you, Mulder, I would like to have a life"/"I have a life" brazenly slaps that motif down; and Scully on her respectable date, Mulder drawing nude jersey devil women at work, Mulder forming a charmed connection with a wild woman, Mulder getting peeved over Rob's call, and Scully leaving Rob for a place by Mulder's side continues to nail it home.
Mulder lunges for the lurid, the alluring, the impossible, with nothing but empty promises and unfulfilled expectations to show for his efforts. That pattern holds for romantic-- Fire, 3, War of the Coprophages, Syzygy (to a degree), The Field Where I Died, Kill Switch, Amor Fati, First Person Shooter-- and platonic-- Deep Throat, Krycek, CSM, Diana Fowley, sundry allies in-between-- relationships. "You think he [Deep Throat] does this because he gets off on it?" he challenged Scully, stunned when she responded, "No. I think he does it because you do."
Scully strides expectantly towards the normal, the stable, the predictable; and leaves all unsavory entanglements before they besmirch her dignity or self-worth (including the unconsummated romance with Daniel Waterston, according to Gillian Anderson.) Ed Jerse is an outlier, a symptom of how out-of-control Scully felt her life had become-- a rebellion against her expected or self-imposed or self-inflicted Madonna pedestal. "Hard to imagine, this day and age, someone having sex with a perfect stranger" played well with the medical concern of the AIDS epidemic and her distaste for losing control completely in the throes of passion.
When the Genderbender detective stated, "Guy blew an artery-- must be some roll-in-the-hay", Scully was annoyed immediately while Mulder looked a little too amused and intrigued.
I rest my case, Your Honor.
Thanks for reading~
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noxcheshire · 1 year
I’ve been kinda thinking this for a while because I know the dpxdc fandom likes thin as a bean and shouldn’t be capable of lifting Superman so easily, buff as a Viking, and as small but so much curves like his mom, Danny Fenton/Phantom.
And I love them all. For various reasons.
But I just thought about something really hard for a second.
Danny died at 14.
He died being small, and young. He became ecto-contaminated in a way so much more different from Vlad who had been blasted in the face by the smallest portion of ecto-portal that infected and corrupted into his skin.
This is in comparison to Danny who literally had a dimension rip open on top and inside of him.
To me, Vlad basically got the equivalent of a mini bomb exploding in his face and came out of it with severe third degree burns that translated into Ghost Acne.
And then we look at it again from their Ghost’s.
Danny’s ghost is that of a 14 year old boy who died in a cold portal in his parents basement.
Vlad who got blasted in college, was a twig and yet his ghost form is buff and aged just like his aged human body.
If he ‘died’ when he got hit by the mini-portal than his ghost would mimic the form he died in.
But he isn’t.
Instead we get Two different spectrums of a ghostly appearance for two halfa’s.
Ghosts who are meant to form as how they had been during the time of their death. Ghosts who will always be at their core the person they died as, the identity of those last seconds before death took them.
That’s the point of ghosts.
The only time it changes is if there are external third factors.
Such as Aragon’s Necklace. Or being able to use something of the living to ‘change shape’ as the Lunch Lady, or stretch yourself into a giant like Walker, and the greatest exception being Amorpho who HAS no identity to begin with. More than likely a thought that was made but never given anything further, and thus his jealousy with identity. Either that or he died never making a solid identity that could carry on into death, thus making him faceless because he didn’t even know who he truly was at that time of death.
Even Spectra is different! She’s more of a poltergeist-demon than an actual Ghost from the way she does things and even from how she looks in ghost form.
So with that, who is actually Human-Ghost and who just happens to be Ghost adjacent enough to get powers?
Danny is a real Halfa and Vlad is just mimicking one.
Now for the Dan, evil-phantom, of the fandom.
Dan is just BUFF.
He’s an adult. He GREW.
But it wasn’t due to Danny.
It was due to whatever he took from Vlad/Plasmius.
To me, Plasmius was just the ecto that resided in Vlad. All that anger and resentment that gave birth to itself from Vlad’s own anger at what he went through with the mini-portal. It was ecto that was residing in him, ecto from the Infinite Realms itself that was made INTO an idea and then given form.
Ecto that lived, Venom-style, in Vlad.
An idea that grew up with Vlad BECAUSE Vlad was growing up himself. He wasn’t thinking of himself as that scrawny college student anymore. He was becoming an adult so of course the ecto would mimic that idea of Vlad and make Plasmius older too.
Plasmius was a fairy tale that Vlad made up, and that’s why Dan was able to rip that part out of Vlad like it was it’s own true ghost. But it wasn’t, and so it collapsed without its person to control it. At least until Dan dove into the ecto and took the ideas that were there and intertwined himself with it.
Those YEARS of ideas isn’t so easily brushed away either, and even less so when Danny and Vlad had believed that Plasmius was Vlad’s ghost, a halfa just like Danny. So of course Dan would believe in the idea that he took/ate Vlad’s ghost. And that idea would spread because ecto is just another form of power and vitality. So of course that ecto should change Dan.
And then it did.
It changed his colors first and then eventually his physical form.
Thus we have Buff older Dan.
Now back to Danny.
With all that, this means that Phantom is never going to age.
Because Danny did die that day. He died, and only came back because the dimensional rip of ecto from the Infinite Realms tied his ghost neatly into his human body. The human body that just died.
He isn’t alive, his ghost that is tied to the body is simply puppeteering it. And as the Infinite Realms is literally all of time and space throughout every single multiverse in existence, it’s not too far of a shot to say that it could snatch that very moment, that heartbeat Danny craves restlessly, the heartbeat just before he truly died entirely.
Danny is a moment in time.
So his ghost will never age. And neither will his body.
Basically, Danny is forever an eternal 14 year old twig and he will be so very mad about it.
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sgiandubh · 9 months
This what I mean 👇🏻
Dear (returning) Bitchy Anon,
I wrote this answer yesterday, but I am posting it today, because I did not want to give you any satisfaction. Your coming back in here proves there is not an ounce of humanity left in you: just a #silly obsession for an actress who does not even know or care you exist. I promise you she doesn't. Confidently so.
But then, onwards to your 'evidence'.
You thought you would give me the creeps on Christmas Day with a controversial picture allegedly taken at the Weinstein (yes, that Weinstein!) and Netflix Golden Globes afterparty, on January 8, 2017?
No, seriously now: you actually did?
Crikey. As we say in Romanian (and yes, it is very rude, but also dementedly funny): mi se umple fundul de lacrimi/my arse is in tears. Perhaps the equivalent of I don't give a flying fuck, btw.
If you did read me before posting your laughable shite, and I think you did, you should know by now how I usually work, at least for those things I choose to make public (the rest is none of your business, I am afraid). You found this pic on Pinterest, originating from a Tumblr blog: @clairebeauchampfan. Since this person started blogging one year later than the moment this picture was taken, she probably found it chez Contemplating Outlander. You know, that pseudo-social scientist-cum-shrink, who thinks people are machines and adds a shitload of footnotes to her rantings, because she truly believes it makes her biased crap more credible (it doesn't, and this comes from an academic researcher: it is legit pathetic). So Claire Beauchamp Fan shared it and forgive me, but I did not bother finding her post, I just looked for her source (*urv's fetish):
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This took me to CO's really nasty blog and you could have spared me that ordeal, Anon: it's literally akin to severe constipation. And then, onwards to Instagram:
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A further search revealed she was wearing a Romanian designer (Maria Lucia Hohan) dress and Amrapali earrings. And then, I read the comments on that Insta post. Maybe you'd read them too, they are enlightening - for someone who's 'been around since 2015', people are rather confused about his real status in her life, don't you think?
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But Internet is really forever, no matter how you try to hide your trash, Anon. Here is a copy of O'Callaghan's post which was, indeed, deleted: maybe *urv was too insistent? It wouldn't surprise me:
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She should have won the Golden Globe in 2017, that's true. And it was S, not McIdiot, the one who told the Internet she should have won all those prizes, if memory serves. How odd McIdiot is never mentioned in that particular post (y'all would have paraded it for YEARS, if it were so) - but household staff, no matter how promoted, never really is. And before you screech, tell all the damn truth Anon, and put this pic in its right context:
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How odd the 'successful music producer and entrepreneur' (he is not successful, nor a music producer and much less an entrepreneur) was not tagged, by someone who is active in the industry, who clearly knows C and who attended that Golden Globes gala!
Just a last word on that pic. C was obviously smiling and talking animatedly with O'Callaghan and then McIdiot (who looks malnourished - but hey, humble beginnings, eh?) got dragged in the middle, for the convenient pic. I sometimes wonder what kind of social life you people have and sadly, I have to say - next to 0, for some of you. I never fuck the dozens of men with whom I do have similar 'just because' pics, interrupting my conversation in the middle of an event.
Also, check this very warm & fuzzy pic with one prominent member of her own, personal and very, very gay Circle of Trust. Because I am sorry, but what straight man wears lipstick, as McIdiot clearly does (and no, it's not because they were smooching in the lavatories, what are you, 14?):
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She looks happy, doesn't she?
I mean: really, honey. Get a Real Life and stop trying to persuade me with ye olde Pinterest pics you clearly are completely clueless about, ok?
And before you open your mouth to vomit CO's trash again, please carefully do your homework about McIdiot. But as carefully as I did. Then you can talk, share your interesting findings. Merry Christmas and....
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royall-ass · 1 month
Not a request, just a headcanon dump cuz i need someone to rant to about them! ^_^
Alex's Hatchetfield Headcanons
Paul Matthews used to sing and dance all the time as a child, but stopped when someone in his class in freshman year started bullying him for it to the point he also ended up hating musicals (especially after watching Hatchetfield High's production of Brigadoon). NOW HEAR ME OUT- IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY BUT SO SAD FOR PAUL TO HAVE A BACKGROUND IN MUSICAL ARTS BECAUSE FIRST OF ALL DID YOU HEAR HOW EASILY HE HIT THEM HIGH NOTES IN LET IT OUT?!!! WHEN HE WASNT EVEN FULLY INFECTED?!?!?!?!!!
Literally every single John Matteson character is autistic in some way. Including Wiggog Y'Rath. Bro has the eldritch equivalent or smthn.
Linda Monroe is half british. I really don't know how to explain this one but i just feels right to me.
Richie Lipschitz forgets he's 18 a lot because he thinks he's mentally still 13/14 due to COVID + his obsession with anime. Someone will call him a perv/pedo for liking one of the girls in MHA or smthn and he'll defend himself by saying "but i'm a minor too?!" and then he just pauses for a sec to think about what he just said. And then would cry about it into his body pillows at home after school.
Ruth Fleming is hypersexual. There, I said it.
Max Jägerman is an older brother, and his younger sibling gets all the attention from their dad, leaving Max to be kinda neglected and 'shunned' (abused) by his dad, all because he was the "bad child".
To add onto the previous headcanon, Max has a raging inferiority complex to which he uses his bullying and faux confidence to hide behind. Kinda like a Katsuki Bakugo typa beat but ... not? If that makes sense??
Due to intense religious beliefs , Grace Chastity's parents never taught her the quote unquote 'birds and the bees' because they thought it would be sinful to speak of such a thing to their daughter. This caused Grace to think she was being possessed or smthn when she first got her period because according to her logic/knowledge why else would she be bleeding from the 'mommy spot'? She also figured out the "self pleasure" on her own, but would do it in secret because she knew it was sinful and her parents would be disappointed in her. She never understood why it felt good though, all she knew was that it helped to stop the butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought of Max.
Stephanie Lauter is DEFINITELY chronically online, like that girl says W Rizz for SUREEE. To the point where she taught her dad what mewing was and he wouldn't stop doing it all day.
Yet another Paul Matthews headcanon because he's my special little sunflower, ummm... Paul doesn't just like black coffee, he also loves dark chocolate, and i mean like 85% cocoa dark. Although the rest of his family think he's a weirdo for it, they still get him a bar or two for his birthday + christmas every year. FOREVER AND ALWAYS SPECIFIC HC -> Emma made their wedding cake a dark chocolate/black coffee version of tiramisu as a little surprise for Paul <3
Charlotte Sweetly is a purple person in theory but not in execution, as in she ADORES purple, but cannot be bothered to buy lots of purple furniture,decor etc
Ted Spankoffski knows how to crochet!! Charlotte taught him how to in highschool (i see them as being childhood friends) and he just kinda kept it as a hobby.
Both Ted and Peter Spankoffski's favourite animal is (ironically) goats. Their parents used to live near a farm so the two grew up around farm culture and got to meet the goats and cows etc at this farm. Peter's baby toy was a crochet goat stuffie that his older brother made for him <3
Ruth's room is COVERED in stuffed animals and posters and random things she's collected over the years. She also has a notebook full of all her stuffed animals' names written in blue glitter gel pen that Richie lent her for an art project in freshman year that she never gave back.
Finally, Hatchetfield itself is a small island town on Lake Michigan, hence how the only way to get to it is across a body of water (Clivesdale has to put bridges up/down to gain access). Also that the Lords In Black utilise Tinky's abilities to create new Earths to destroy them over and over. Except the one detail they keep the same/ongoing is Hatchetfield and its residents. Because they're obsessed with them for some reason. Tinky and Nibbly more so than others .
I do apologise for how long this is but i needed to get it out of my notes app 😭😭 ~ Alex, @wiggogwiggogyrath
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Goro Akechi
have you seen this man. the fandom doesn't seem to grasp that he can have a "good" goal but still go about it absolutely the wrong way. he's not baby but he's not evil incarnate either, he's just 18. being 18 is just like that
People who are like "he's an irredeemable psychopath who became a serial killer just because he has daddy issues" piss me off. People who are like "he's the only person who ACTUALLY cares about the Protagonist and all of the Protagonist's other friends are fakes and users" piss me off even more. He's a foil for the entire main cast. He has faced all of their traumas with none of the support. He believes that he's responsible for his mother's suicide, and that he's unlovable. He was abandoned by everyone. He made some bad decisions when he was like 14, and his abusive father manipulated him into being a hitman. He lies all the damn time, so you can't really tell when he's being genuine or not. He's a double agent who befriends you and then tries to kill you, believes that he's succeeded, and shows absolutely no remorse. He dies to save your life (and then gets sorta resurrected and then dies again to literally save the world). It's complicated! He's complicated!
hes just like that
He is not the Norse equivalent of the Devil! People keep trying to fit Norse mythology into a Christian mindset and that's NOT RIGHT!! Loki is complex. They're mischievous and some things are bad and some things are good and sometimes they are just a chaotic being that has sex with a horse.
I just think it’s funny that someone submitted this already, and I kind of want to see where that goes
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addrianastarflower · 2 months
I’m once again thinking so hard about how different Atsushi is in beast vs canon and how that can be manipulated
I have an AU where he grew up in the mafia before being dumped into the orphanage at age 12 (or 14, depending on the fic) and I think it just makes for a very interesting take on his personality
Because atsushi can be cruel. He’s generally selfless in canon yes, but not all the time and beast clearly shows how a different upbringing would have fundamentally changed the way he views society and the value of a human life
Perhaps in another world, he would have still gone to the agency after the orphanage but he could have also retained some of his own cruelty. That’s not to say that the agency wouldn’t disapprove or try to encourage him to be better, but I think with how big a theme Nature vs Nurture is in the series, a lot more could be explored with how cruel he could become before he is deemed “too cruel”
No one in the agency is inherently perfect and they all have their own deeply rooted flaws but I think it also makes a good comparison of Atsushi in that context to Dazai - How different could they become with a very similar childhood and how much does the difference of time and separation actually matter? Could he have become Dazai’s own equivalent or would he have had his very own breed of cruel?
I honestly don’t know but it’s fun to think about
I’d love to hear anyone else’s take on this
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cosmerelists · 11 months
Cosmere Characters: Would They Be Fun To Take A Road Trip With?
[Main spoiler is for Way of Kings! Oddly enough. Some spoilers for Stormlight as a whole.]
You're planning a road trip, and you want to bring a Cosmere character with you! You know, as one does. But would the following Cosmere characters actually be a good road trip buddy?
1. Dalinar: Yes
Dalinar's whole dang philosophy is that it's the journey that matters. He'd be stopping at interesting roadside attractions, enjoying good food, watching sunsets, and generally enjoying the trip. What a great person to have on your road trip with you!
2. Adolin: Yes
We saw road-trip-Adolin in Shadesmar--he's great! Organized, interested in making sure everyone is doing well, good conversationalist. You'll have a great time.
3. Kaladin: Depends
To be fair it was a stressful situation, but when Kaladin and Shallan "road tripped" through the chasms, he basically just marched off with his long Alethi legs and left her to scramble along behind him. I feel like that's equivalent to, like, being really particular about the radio or something. Plus, he totally thinks he knows the way and ain't asking for directions. On the other hand, if Kaladin has warmed up to you, then I think he'd be an okay travel buddy. He'll definitely pull you out of the flaming wreckage when the trip inevitably turns into some sort of dramatic life-or-death situation, at least!
4. Vasher: No
You're like, "Oh look! That town has the country's largest cow statue! Wanna stop and take a look?" and he's like, "No." It's the first time he's spoken in 45 minutes.
5. Tress: Yes
By the of her book, Tress is all about adventure and she's a literal delight to everyone on the ship. Plus, if your tire got flat or something, Tress would absolutely learn how to change a tire on the fly and get you back on the road.
6. Teft: No
Teft will fight to his dying breath to protect you, but I do not think he'd be fun to sit in the car with for eight hours a day. He'd be a grumbler, I think.
7. Kabsal: Yes
He'd bring amazing car snacks, potentially homemade ones. He seemed like a good conversationalist too. Now it's true, he might try to assassinate you or inconveniently fall in love with you--or both!--but, like, the rest of the road trip will be lots of fun.
8. Navani: Depends on the type of road trip
Navani would, I think, make for a very organized road trip buddy. If you're trying to get somewhere on a time table, Navani would be great. You WILL be up at 8:00am and you WILL get to your destination on time and in one piece. But if you're hoping to, like, chill out and enjoy the scenery casually, then maybe not so much.
9. Elend: No
Elend is great 'n' all, but has a plan of his ever worked out in his life? There's gonna be a huge traffic jam caused by, like, political sabotage or something. And all of his books on tape are about philosophy, too.
10. Mare: Yes
She's definitely a "cow! cow!" type person, I think.
11. Eshonai: Hell yeah
Eshonai loves to travel and is delighted to meet new people. She's going to get chatting with some fruit vendor and the next thing you know, you've both been invited to dinner and are about to have the absolute best homecooked meal of your life.
12. Raoden: Yes
I feel like Raoden is very likable and cares a lot about how the people around him are doing. He'd make sure you had a good time and would be very thoughtful.
13. Lirin: Depends on whether Hesina is coming too
I feel like on his own, Lirin would be a very...stressed road trip buddy. Concerned about the speed limit, about not being too unhealthy, about doing the road trip right. But if Hesina were there, I think he'd be able to chill out a lot more. Because Hesina would want the trip to be fun, and I think Lirin would let it be fun with her around.
14. Lezian: Hell no
The FIRST person who cuts him off in traffic is gonna spark so much road rage in Lezian. Now you're weaving erratically through traffic in pursuit of that truck he's mad at, and you're only like 30 minutes into the trip.
15. Raboniel: Well...
At first she was like, "I am the driver here. You will address me only as the Lady of Roads and will know your place" and you were like, "Wow. This is going to be the worst trip of my life." But by the end, the two of you are singing together and crying for some reason, and now you think she might be your soulmate.
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commanderthalys · 2 months
Tagged by @the-desert-beast ! (I was tagged on my main but I figured I'd do a gw2 version hehe)
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
We're doing Thalys because of course we are
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NAME; Thalyssera/Thalys
AGE; 14 in sylvari years, human equivalent would be mid thirties
GENDER; nonbinary, she tends to just go with whatever most people percieve her to be because she doesn't care
PRONOUNS; she/her and he/him
ORIENTATION; bisexual and polyamorous!
PROFESSION; Soulbeast Ranger, she permanently has iboga features and abilities due to a mixup in the domain of the lost. She doesn't have any ranger pets and tends to fight up close and personal with daggers
BUILD; Thalys is on the shorter side at 5'3, she has an athletic muscular build with thick legs and strong arms. Her overall body shape isn't very curvy. Her right leg under the knee was severely injured and has regrown poorly, leaving that area hollow and with open holes (similar to a strangler fig tree). She has several tattoos on her body as well.
OCCUPATION; Pact Commander and former member of Dragon's Watch, now semi retired. Still works with the pact and aids areas that were affected by the various elder dragons, and occasionally participates in priory artifact recovery missions.
Very physically affectionate, she especially loves hand holding (her way of saying she loves you). Will always be down to cuddle and loves both holding her partner and being held. Becomes incredibly flustered when the physical affection is turned back on her >:3
if you like a lot of quality time then Thalys is a great choice! She always wants to go and do things, especially physical activities like sports and hiking, but at the end of the day what matters is that she gets to just be with you. She likes to find out what activities her partners enjoy and then try to do them together!
She's very optimistic and encouraging (and loud), she's your number one fan and even though she's not great with words she's always rooting for her partners to succeed!
She tends to avoid any conversations about her own struggles and it can be hard to get her to really open up about things that bother her (not little things, more serious issues). She doesn't want to be a burden to her partners and tends to pt herself in a heroic martyr mindset about it and sometimes needs a good talking to.
Stubborness is Thalys's greatest gift and curse, if she really digs her heels in the ground about something it's incredibly difficult to change her mind. She tends to be that way from good intentions, but what she thinks is best for you might not always be the best.
and tagging but no pressure @manasurge @beanswithbones @i-mybrunettelady @mystery-salad @sunsrefuge @gristlegrinder @planeswalksgw2blarg @vampiricsheep and anyone who sees this and wants to hop on ^^
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
I once saw someone rank all of Austen's men and of the romantic leads, they rated Henry Tilney last for being "misogynistic." I was VERY confused and had no idea how he could be read that way, especially because he embraces more stereotypical feminine activities like reading novels and picking out fabric. Is there a discourse I'm missing or is that person who made the ranking just stupid?
I believe that sentiment comes from these passages, read in isolation, all from Ch 14:
Where people wish to attach, they should always be ignorant. To come with a well-informed mind is to come with an inability of administering to the vanity of others, which a sensible person would always wish to avoid. A woman especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. The advantages of natural folly in a beautiful girl have been already set forth by the capital pen of a sister author; and to her treatment of the subject I will only add, in justice to men, that though to the larger and more trifling part of the sex, imbecility in females is a great enhancement of their personal charms, there is a portion of them too reasonable and too well informed themselves to desire anything more in woman than ignorance. But Catherine did not know her own advantages—did not know that a good-looking girl, with an affectionate heart and a very ignorant mind, cannot fail of attracting a clever young man, unless circumstances are particularly untoward.
"Perhaps the abilities of women are neither sound nor acute—neither vigorous nor keen. Perhaps they may want observation, discernment, judgment, fire, genius, and wit." (Henry Tilney)
If one takes all of this commentary seriously, Henry Tilney would come off quite badly, but it's clear the narrator is being facetious and that Henry is making a joke. Eleanor, who understands Henry's humour, does not take offence at all, and it's very clear that Henry loves his intelligent sister. So no, he's not just looking for an idiot to marry and he also doesn't think women are generally stupid. And as you say, his actions throughout the novel prove that he isn't a misogynist, he even takes pains to make Catherine feel better about her hobby of reading novels by admitting to loving them himself.
Taking what Henry says here seriously is equivalent to thinking Elizabeth was serious when she said she started loving Darcy when she saw Pemberley, a comment that her sister laughs at and then begs her to be serious!
I'm curious though, I did encounter a ranking once that rated Willoughby higher than Henry Tilney, was that the same list?
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Sort of continuation of previous post regarding SOTE progress because I could not add more pictures anymore gfyjvghj
10) I found this guy in the same catacombs that gave more Godwyn lore:
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Messmers' FLIGHT from the Erdtree?? Also Messmer really held and L if his first knight turned on him lol :p Makes me feel like Andreas was "standing with his cancelled mutual" but then appeared that he was cancelles for a good reason? XD He could never be Tanith tho LMAO 😔
11) So, there are also Bell Bearings in the Land of Shadow!
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I noticed a pot hanging on a string on that platformer towards Cerulean Shores and of course guessed to shoot it from the bow! So yes, it dropped a Bell Bearing upon breaking!
12) Also found this on my way!!
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13) So apparently some bastardisation of Trina's sleep magic exists done by her follower(s?)!
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Whereas sleep of Trina is pacifist and peaceful in nature, this sleep appears to be weaponized! Basically, putting people into a coma, unless they have exceptional willpower! I didn't screenshot it but I got a weapon variant of Perfumer's Bottle after crossing the bridge and description said how it was repurposed into flame-throwing weapon since Land of Shadows is ALL about war and "Perfumers were not called here for healing", so it coincides with turning Sleep magic into a dangerous weapon too I think! Damn I want to know more, there was that purple person in the trailer after all!
14) More Formless Mother lore!
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I instantly thought about Formless Mother, especially since 'outer' translation liberty and in real Japanese script it just refers to sort of higher gods, to distinguish them from the royal family from Marika/Radagon! So yeah, no wonder that she used to be a person (?). I also felt soooooo clever when I figured it was her because where you find it there are bloody flowers (equivalent of Mohg's roses) and one of the Bloodfiends did mini version of Nihil, when suddenly they dropped...
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Damn, let me connect the dots myself, stop explaining me EVERYTHING verbally ;-; (says an autist..... -_- )
Later, I also have the bloody cave:
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So yeah... Mohg falls for that consistent Soulsborne games trope where a person picks up traditions/practices/rituals from distant past! Love Soulsborne for 'history repeats itself' tropes so much *looks at Bloodborne a lot*. This makes me happy!!
Also there is a correlation between being very miserable and worshipping her, huh.. But this explains why we can only enter Land of Shadow through Miquella's body that was accelerated with that blood, if Formless Mother originates from it. It was my second version hoooo boy
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