#I hate them but I’m fascinated
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jackinalex · 2 years ago
Okay maybe I’m reading way too much into it but the Alex and Lisa insta stories have me 🤔 Like posting English blood, new religion and sound of letting go and then a photo of a sad looking piece of pizza while Lisa posts that she’s cooking a full on meal with the description Home right after that. Like are you not home Alex? What’s going on?
New Religion throws me a bit because it’s like the one song on the album that doesn’t fit the overall theme, but I definitely see what you’re saying. I want to say that it’s nothing, but it’s never nothing with them. 🙄 the two of them are exhausting and while it PROBABLY isn’t anything to 👀 about, I’m not going to completely rule it out, either.
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diltonsstrangescience · 6 months ago
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Jughead Jones, famous woman-hater.
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soup-scope · 1 year ago
hey y’all the relationship between warden and vega fucking fascinates me
cause honestly i have absolutely no idea on how to characterize it
like yes he calls them ‘darling’ yada yada but he almost takes a paternal(?) role when it comes to nurturing them????
he rescues them, he feeds them, he tries to reconnect them with the demonic habits they were shamed out of expressing, he teaches them and tries to subtly influence their behavior towards a possible corruption arc and just
this isn’t me trying to make their relationship weird or smth i’m just saying i have absolutely no idea how vega and wardens relationship actually works between them… not every listener and character are destined to end in a romantic relationship so that’s why i’m thinking that the relationship between warden and vega won’t become romantic and more of that weird friendship you have with your 50 year old coworker who smokes 2 packs a day.
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langfield · 7 days ago
Hiya. I notice a lot of fans seem to dislike Vinh's relationship with Max because he moves on to her too quickly after Safi died. They argue that if Vinh really respected Safi's memory then he would hold off on initiating anything with her best friend. The same thing with Max, after she found out about them, people say her character would avoid him even if she already had feelings for him out of consideration for her best friend. I know she writes about her reservations in her journal but it's another reason why fans are saying she's not acting authentically in DE. Wondered what you thought? Thank you very much.
firstly, i do find it very odd that fans want vinh to act as a widow of some sort in regards to his relationship with safi. while it’s undeniable he loved her dearly, the game makes a point to have vinh question if he was genuinely in love with her like he thought he was, or if his wires had been crossed somewhere ( aka devotion must equal romantic love? ). on top of that, i don’t think vinh owes safi anything where it concerns his love life because safi herself doesn’t care about it or him at all. he’s already spent four plus years being unable to move on from her and desperately hoping they’d make up eventually, idly clinging to her via their sexual relationship -- a relationship that safi, again, didn’t care about or viewed in the same sentimental manner vinh did. she is nothing but irritable in the photo of them in the afterglow and has never shown any interest in his other relationships before. she talks about him like they were never friends to begin with, is seemingly unfazed by the idea of vinh not being over it yet in episode four, doesn’t understand his love for the cheap hedgehog figurine she got him, and so on so forth. i don’t understand why vinh is obligated to continue his one-sided devotion towards a person who couldn’t care less about him … honestly, i think he should’ve moved on long before she died : at least then it would’ve been an active choice he made rather than an outcome he had no control over. vinh, for all intents and purposes, clung onto safi and his feelings towards her until the bitter end. so what more could he do? how else is he supposed to prove how much he loved her outside of what he already did? dead world vinh spirals so hard after safi’s death that he basically gives up, as evident by his more authentic behavior and the fact he was planning on leaving caledon to pursue acting ( a career he doesn’t even believe in for himself ) all so he could leave lakeport behind because safi wasn’t there anymore, meaning he no longer had a purpose. living world vinh commits a literal crime to try and save yasmin’s and safi’s relationship because he loves her that much, even if he thinks she’ll hate him forever if she knew, even if his plan was stupid and impulsive at best. loving safi isn’t good for vinh, and that’s more important to me than ‘oh no, what about the girl code?’ any day of the week, especially when said girl supposedly doesn’t care if vinh lives or dies. safi’s and vinh’s relationship is much more complicated than that, of course, but to see my insight of them, i’d go and read this post instead.
as for max, fans really underestimate her selfishness! a shocking thing to downplay given how most people sacrifice arcadia bay over chloe. she is considerate, certainly, but she hasn’t ever let how other people feel dictate her own feelings or her actions. in lis1, despite knowing that chloe is still grieving rachel ( a girl whom max is jealous of and knows chloe was in love with ) she still kisses chloe on a dare and relishes in it, without any thought to how things could change if rachel was alive and returned to them. she also agrees to ‘go ape’ with warren and, when stumbling upon the drive-in poster found in brooke’s locker, seems amused at how badly brooke wanted to go with warren instead … she can also kiss warren despite her priority always being chloe because, well, she wanted to. in that moment, max wanted to show warren how she felt and she did, and there’s no regret about it and no thought given as to what this might mean if she gets her happy ending with chloe and her hometown. i’ve said before that max is extremely impulsive with her romance, in the sense that she never thinks about long term scenarios and sort of ignores standard romance etiquette to act upon her feelings in a moment : a thing i’ve discussed more in-depth here. people seem to think that she is very conventional about love despite all the evidence to the contrary? while max does care deeply for safi, this wouldn’t exactly sway her to not kiss vinh if the moment presented herself … max also adores reggie and harbors a real soft spot for him, but similarly forgets about him the second she is within vinh’s orbit, and doesn’t seem to realize she fucked up until reggie straight up tells her he saw them kiss in a tone that’s all wounded shock. it’s only then that max feels guilty, yet she never apologies for kissing vinh -- she makes weak excuses ( ‘i was drunk’ ) or acknowledges that she should’ve been more considerate, but not once does she wish she could take it back nor does she actually apologize for the act itself. she is sorry for the hurt it caused. she isn’t sorry about what she did. with safi, it’s the same scenario except max is more aware that she’s fucked up, although if she tells safi the truth, it’s just excuse after excuse : you were dead, we were drunk, etc. excuses that safi cares little for and dismisses because it ‘still counts.’
i love max, and she’s perhaps my favorite character in the whole franchise, however she is undeniably more flawed than people are willing to admit. her views on certain things aren’t standard or normal, something that’s a given since max herself isn’t supposed to be just your run of the mill girl. she will do things that don’t make sense! she will cross lines and not really understand she is crossing them … and vinh, in particular, is really easy to get caught up with i think. it is almost natural to be ensnared by him or to be too immersed in his presence and the moment itself to rationally think things through. he is similarly impulsive like max and is bordering on desperation and loneliness the same as she is during spin, with them clicking in a way they just don’t with other people ; both able to bond over safi’s whirlwind effect, over this disconnect from themselves now and who they were before … the pain of their day ebbs as they talk and soon vinh is distracting them with a game that’s so juvenile and stupid it makes them both temporarily forget their issues while putting them in a certain headspace. all the world sort of melts away during the smash or pass scene and even important characters that max cares for ( like amanda and reggie ) blend into the background as they chat and flirt. it’s already stated that vinh’s able to forget about safi when him and max have these moments, and max operates similarly as well! i believe it was very easy for max to kiss vinh when her mind was unclouded by grief and when she was warm, happy, and stupidly attracted to him physically. the setting doesn’t escape me either! max approaches vinh like they’re two strangers at a bar and, while they most definitely are not, i do think the vibes mesh well … in this moment there are no consequences, there isn’t anybody to worry about, it’s just her and a really handsome guy chatting it up as they drink, and their actions are meaningless in the grand scheme of things. max’s ‘whatever, i’m drunk’ excuse isn’t her saying she isn’t into vinh, it’s just a crutch, a safety net, it’s part of the appeal and a way to rob max of any so called accountability, hence why she can bring it up to both safi and reggie as what it truly is … a flimsy, false excuse. it was less the booze and more of vinh’s company and max’s subsequent attraction to him, and max knows this but can’t exactly admit it yet because it would be more shitty than just. oh, i kissed him, but we were wasted and sad! she doesn’t even say it doesn’t meaning anything, she just tries softening the blow. it’s also worth noting that this drunk angle is definitely confirmed to be an excuse because max tries using it in her journal ( ie : i didn’t plan for it to happen so safi can’t be mad ) but then immediately admits that she has thought about it, with an implication of it being more than once. while she didn’t consciously set out to be woo’d by vinh, there was a subconscious part of her that was likely wanting that sort of attention, or at least a part of her was amendable to things taking that turn, if they did.
to further prove my above points, i think it’s extremely telling that if you choose the ‘i was drunk’ option with reggie, the conversation looks like this :
max : we were sad, and drinking, and he’s …
reggie : like an avalanche.
max : yes.
reggie : tell me about it.
it’s about how she can’t help but trail off and bring up vinh himself as a reason. how she doesn’t know how to word those feelings, or describe the way vinh is, and she just relents to reggie’s description with a twinge of relief -- you know, reggie? the man who’s so in love with vinh he can hardly go two seconds without thinking about him? despite the fact his best friend hates his guts? yeah! she is kind of helpless about her attraction to vinh and this little bonding moment between her and reggie really cements that for me. max is notoriously bad at turning away from those she feels so strongly towards, so i find it perfectly in character that she kissed vinh in spite of the whole safi thing.
tldr? yes, max knows it’s shitty and does fight with her shame and guilt over it! although that wouldn’t exactly stop her, especially not after safi makes it crystal clear that there’s nothing in her that cares for vinh in that way ( or any other way, really ). to her, that alleviates any guilt and makes him fair game. and maybe most people wouldn’t agree with that, but i think it makes perfect sense for max caulfield as a character … safi then leaves anyway, with max either supporting her or denying her, so there’s really nothing standing in the way of max and vinh anymore. vinh, similarly, shouldn’t have to let go of a girl who genuinely makes him feel happy and not shitty just because safi just so happened to be close with her. nor should he be expected to not move on at all or treat safi’s death like one would treat a girlfriend’s, because they weren’t dating and he doesn’t owe that to safi whatsoever. while i can understand the gripe itself, people seem to seriously simplify the whole max/vinh/safi dynamic and ignore the nuances and layers to it. on principle, max should always respect the girl code and vinh shouldn’t ever try to get with a girl he loved’s best friend. but it’s much more complicated than a typical love triangle ( it’s hardly that at all, unless you believe in safield ) and it shouldn’t be treated as such, in my opinion.
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philsmeatylegss · 2 months ago
Couples who are considering having kids ask yourself if you’re willing and have the physical, financial, and emotional capacity to care for a profoundly disabled child before getting pregnant challenge
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artnerd1123 · 1 month ago
Finally watched tadc ep 4 and ;_;
(Spoiler talk in the tags)
#I want to hug her and draw with her#she just wanted to follow her passions and be herself nd instead has to juuust… hide behind masks#but her comedy mask did come back. kinda. on its own. and that’s a really important message/bit of symbolism I think#I really love all the little bits of characterization we got here and there#Pomni stepping up even though it’s not super fun and trying to work with everyone for the better#(also the gummigoo bit was RUDE AS HELL)#seeing ragatha let loose some and see that she’s… not really super nice and good all the time#she acts that way bc she wants to diffuse the situations. ‘I hate you but I don’t want you to hate me’#‘I love [ragatha] but it gets hard to tell when she’s being genuine’#it sheds a new light on her character and I’m eager to see how it shakes out when we get more eps#especially hers!!!#and Jax NOT being an asshole was so ?????? he can do that??? bro what?????? fascinating. show me ur layers bunny boy#why are u being nice? is it bc u got tired out? is it bc Pomni seems like she genuinely cares for all of them and he wanted in on it?#or does he actually care under all that jerk face dickery :squints:#AND THEN ZOOBLE MY ANGEL#THEY DID THEIR BEST AND EVEN THO THEY DIDNT HAVE FUN THEY TRIED TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE AND INCLUDED#and the bit with the spatula hand killed me hfjdjdjdj they’re trying so hard :’)#god I love zooble#also can we talk abt the ‘giving away pieces of yourself’ thing. how vulnerable that was???#but only to gangle. only her.#those two have a friendship I really love and I’m so glad we got to see more depth to it this ep#also kinger getting to rodeo was hilarious as was Caine n bubble sharing a tongue AND the glitches HFJJDKDK#also also ONE MORE THING. ragatha horse girl and lesbian moment is so funny help me#arty escapades
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lethality-of-dual-strike · 4 months ago
being a multishipper is so interesting in the fop fandom (and most fandoms tbh) because you’ll have a lot of ships you really enjoy but the other shippers like actively DESPISE the other. I like perirep the most but I ship that purple twink with so many guys
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years ago
Although on the topic of Red Dragon and the things they changed between the book and the tv show, I think it’s really, really funny how they recontextualize all of Dr. Bloom’s lines in regards to Will. Because it was Alan Bloom, in the book, but Alana said a lot of the same lines, nearly word for word! And when Alana said it, most of it could be interpreted in a romantic sense.
When Alan said it, it was just weird that he didn’t like to be in the same room as Will if ut was just the two of them. Will is his friend. He is Will’s friend. They’re pretty comfortable around each other. If Will is ever alone with him, Alan will die. And like, Will is aware of this, so-
They also changed Freddy Lounds from a guy into a girl, which is funny because honestly, you could read both Freddy’s interactions with Will the exact same way. As in, they’re both honestly amazed that Will says the shit he does. And both of them leave the audience craving to see them set on fire, but only one of them delivers.
Will is, perhaps, the most different character of all. Which makes sense. I think the idea is that Will in the show is younger, he’s uncomfortable with himself and others, he’s especially uncomfortable around people with pushy personalities because they tend to use him.
Will in the novel, on the other hand, is my dear beloved. He is exhausted. Jack Crawford comes in and says “one more time, Will, please” and Will says “no, fuck off.” Crawford weasels him into it, but Will is having none of anyone’s shit for approximately the entire time. Will calls Dolarhyde gay to piss him off (this leads to Freddy Lounds being set on fire). Dolarhyde sends him a literal voice recording of Freddy Lounds telling Will that the Red Dragon is going to kill him-
“”Reach behind you, Will Graham… and feel for the small… knobs on the top of your pelvis. Feel your spine between them… that is the precise spot… where the Dragon will snap your spine.””
-and his response is-
“Graham kepts his hands on the railing. Damn if I feel. Did the Dragon not know the nomenclature of the iliac spine, or did he choose not to use it?”
Which is very funny to me because it reads to me as Will going “pssh, amateur.”
(Will has a few moments of being very uncaring about threats against his own person. This is why it’s more effective when Dolarhyde goes after his family.)
Crawford is both different and similar in many ways. In the novel, he is a lot more clear with how he’s pushing Will. He knows that he’s pushing him to the limits, he knows he’s basically holding Will over a cliff with nothing to catch him, but he thinks it’ll ultimately be fine. Even if Will does break, if he catches the Dragon first, it will have been worth it.
It’s difficult to explain Hannibal in this book. Of all the portrayals, I feel this one is… the funniest? Like, he is a little bit obsessed. He wants Will to hang out with him. He wants Will to commit murder. He thinks Will is fascinating. Will refuses to give a serial killer (one who stabbed Will in the side) his phone number or address and Hannibal sends a fucking murderer after him. Hannibal’s actions directly lead to Will being stabbed in the face, and he sends a letter (that Will doesn’t read, but Crawford does) that ends with the lines: “I wish you a speedy convalescence and hope you won’t be too ugly. I think of you often.”
I’ve said this many, many times in the past, but there’s a reason NBC Hannibal portrays Hannibal as in love with Will. I want to use Silence of the Lambs as an example. He talks very casually with Clarice for a little while, then abruptly: “How is Will Graham?”
For this one, I think I’ll just take a picture, because it amuses me.
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Of course, Hannibal also brings up Alan and Frederick Chilton (I forgot to mention earlier, Freddy C.’s been here the whole goddamn time and had the gall to try and explain Hannibal Lecter to the man who caught Hannibal Lecter), but him bringing up Will has always been funny to me. His last letter to Will says “I hope you aren’t too ugly.” It’s been a few years now, and his question is basically: “Is Will ugly?” It is…
I mean, I understand on a cannibalistic-serial-killer-from-the-80s level that Hannibal wants Will to look a certain way because he likes the way Will looks. Not on a queer level at all, it’s probably moreso because he wants Will to fit his aesthetics. Like I said, he wants to spend time with Will, and part of that requires Will’s appearance to fit. It totally makes sense in a horror novel that a character would be creepily obsessed with appearance, and Hannibal’s insistence on Will was probably discomfiting to a lot of the readers at the time.
But on the other hand, Hannibal’s obsession with Will in the modern day is really funny. Like, he just needs to know. Tell the man what he wants to know, Starling. You know Will Graham, everyone knows Will Graham, come on, tell me. It’s incredibly amusing, especially the jump in their conversation from classical paintings to Will’s appearance.
Now, the correlation could be a few things. Hannibal could be implying that Will mocked him in some way and that his punishment would be the scarring of his face. But, that would make Hannibal have a bit of a god-complex, and that’s boring. Another option is that he found Will to be reminiscent of a man in a painting. Specifically, the man in the painting they’re talking about, which is a painting Hannibal did on the wall of his cell with crayons and magic marker (yes, that is what he said he used), which makes it kind of funny because wouldn’t that be like Hannibal painting Will on the wall? If the painting reminds him of Will, then he only painted it because he knew Chilton would get the wrong idea if he painted Will. Which, maybe he did paint Will! It’s not like Clarice knows what Will looks like, and Hannibal wouldn’t just tell her.
Anyway, as I’ve said countless times, Hannibal in the books is only a bit less obsessed with Will Graham than he is in the show. Why is he obsessed with Will? The show’s idea that Hannibal was in love with Will and didn’t realize it is a very clean answer. Even if one doesn’t believe that Hannibal Lecter has the capability to love, which I would argue against since it’s disputed in the books and the tv show, his obsession with Will, an obsession akin to love, that he himself doesn’t realize until it’s too late… that’s fun.
Why is Hannibal obsessed with Will in the books? I don’t know. Will thinks it’s because Hannibal wants him to be just like Hannibal, but I don’t know if I would be so hung up on a guy for multiple years who just will not come visit or commit murder. If the books ever off an alternative, I’ve not seen it.
But, I think Hannibal wants to kill Will. I think he is a bit upset that Will saw through him and turned him in, but he’s also fascinated that Will saw through him. Will is fascinating to him. Will is afraid of himself, and that’s fascinating too. Hannibal wants to kill Will, not out of hatred, but out of a sort of grudging respect. He wants to be the reason Will Graham dies. He wants to be there as Will Graham dies. Even when he sent a serial killer after Will, Hannibal didn’t doubt that Will would live. And he wants Will to live, until he can wrap his hands around Will’s throat and watch the life drain away.
All this to say, I still have more thoughts on the Hannibal tetralogy than I previously thought.
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sega-saturn-arcade · 2 months ago
I remember getting on the bus and leaving on something related to business (possibly the beginning of the Coil search…?). I had my coat on with that fur hood and i had to take it off once the bus reached the Crossroads. When I stepped out, it was very.. very warm. I was familiar with the sun duh but something about crossroad’s temperature was so interesting to me. So warm, warmth on my shoulders and face. Fascinating, as Blackrock was always cold. I think deep down I cherished that moment; it wasn’t like I got to go outside that stupid fucking faction much.
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saintofterror · 4 months ago
do i like him?? no. would i sleep with him?? i think so. is it fun to flirt with him?? absolutely
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greghatecrimes · 2 years ago
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve gotten unfairly invested in a ship that’s canon, heterosexual, and has a woman that’s blonde for at least part of the time and played by Jennifer Morrison, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
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throwthewine · 2 years ago
Lately whenever I get curious about music from the 60s and 70s and dig into something, I can’t avoid the silly little thought, “This is so much cooler than what The Beatles were doing at this time.”
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novelconcepts · 2 years ago
Simply fascinated by the deviations made from the books. Genuinely can’t tell if I’m into most of them or not, but I’m also not mad? Wildly curious to see where they plan to go from here.
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misspermitted · 2 years ago
Oh to move to Iceland, live on the border of a small town near the mountains, and be an enigma. I appear in town to get my groceries, I sit in the local cafe and listen to the conversation. I mutter to myself and the birds that follow me. I’ll say thank you to people and greetings, nothing more. No communication. No constant socialisation. No relationship upkeep.
I think I’d have a pen pal. It’s still intimate but not this incessant talk. I write my little stories. Every month or two I dust out my earplugs, travel out to the closest post office, and pick up the materials for my newest craft project. My small cabin is warm and cluttered, I probably have a cat.
Oh to be quiet. To be alone. I still do my human need socialising but, quietly. In letters. Listening to strangers. Talking to birds. Writing stories.
Maybe sometimes when I need some exposure I travel into Reykjavik and attend a festival or tour. Maybe I pick up a course or a hobby group. But the key is that: I choose. I can choose when I need that. I’m not forced into all of this noise and lights and communication and relationships with seemingly no other choices. I choose: I have the social and economic mobility to choose.
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ofstarsfallen · 10 days ago
( There’s two things about s7 - with what I know of what happens there, anyways - that lives in my head rent free, and that’s dark mage!Callum and Aaravos’s whole “I never lie” thing, especially in context of how he tells half truths. And how he says Sol Regum killed his daughter, but like, words wise. Because yes, he did (if indirectly). I wonder if it’s after the revelation he had from Terry calling him out, if he’d still say “he killed my daughter” instead of something like “he caused my daughter’s death”. )
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toastspirit · 15 days ago
all queer discourse makes me want to eat rocks tbh
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