#I am sorry for shitty writing
How long does the process take you to get one (or more) comic page done? I love the idea of making comics but i suck at structure, you know with the script and posting/layout. I was wondering if you had any tips or what you wish you knew before you started.?
Sorry if this had been asked before
OOOooooo a fun question for me!! I love talking about comic creation :D
I do my best to keep the full process under 2 days (or 12-14 hours of work) per fully coloured page. I'm trying to get faster, but speed comes with time and experience.
Hmmm as for tips and things I wish I knew... so many things... I should let it be known that I am an artist and not really a writer, but your questions are focused on script/planning/structure, so I'm going to focus the advice on that.
Start with something small - Learn about making comics and find a comfortable style through making a couple smaller comics and then try your passion project. Writing and planning smaller comics with fewer pages takes a different kind of puzzle solving and thought process. Smaller page limits can force you to try new things which you can then apply to larger projects to save time; limitations breed creativity after all. Every attempt made (even an unfinished project) is knowledge gained that you can apply again for future projects.
Study comics! - It's hard to create if you aren't feeding the mind and giving it things to learn and create from. Read comics made by professionals and study how they handle pacing. How many pages are they dedicating to each moment? What do you think of their pacing and what would you change? Take a sketchbook and make small rectangles and draw out the panel layout from that comic. What are they doing that works and what don't you like about it? How would you do that differently? ... I think this is me assigning homework... i am so sorry.
Set a hard page limit - Try to get your story told within that limit, and then add more pages if necessary. More pages = more time you have to spend working on it. Most standard single issue American comics are roughly 24 pages. I try to work inside that limit using a rough 5 page per scene structure.
Condense or Cut - I struggle so hard with this one, but comics aren't written in the same way as a novel is. They have a slightly different plot structure and a much more limited amount of pages to tell the story in. Obviously it depends on the story being told, and what kind of scenes are important to that genre of story, but in general, unnecessary scenes should be cut out. examples...
CUT! Having the characters go out to get ice cream is cute, but you don't need to show them each ordering their ice cream unless the flavour they choose is an important plot point. Skip to the last one receiving their ice cream and turning to the others who already have theirs and are having that deep discussion. OR skip that scene entirely and have a quiet panel of them sitting in the park at sunset, already holding their ice cream, before delving into the deep emotional conversation they will be having.
CONDENSE! You can combine two scenes if you need to. If you have one scene where two characters are having a casual conversation and another where they are sneaking into a building? Stick them together. They can sneak AND talk and now you've only used up 5 pages instead of 10.
Comics take a LONG TIME to make!! - you have to make peace with that _(:Ⅰ」∠)_ Comics, especially full colour ones, are an extremely labour intensive and time consuming way of telling a story. If one page takes 1 day (8 hrs of work) and you have 24 pages, that is 24 days of working on one comic.
Thumbnails! - Draw the pages small and rough first! It's easier to plan things and mess around with the layouts when you don't have an emotional attachment to how the art inside looks. Once you have a layout you like, you can then draw it again in full page size and work on it from there.
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Page and panel layouts are my favourite part of the whole process, I could talk forever about it, but I do not have the energy for it right now. I'll save panel/page layout for another time.
It doesn't have to be perfect!!! - IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT!!!! (shouted with excitement btw). Panels can be boring! A page can be extremely simple! The art can be messy! The dialog can be simple! The plot can go nowhere! In fact it is really really fun to make a messy imperfect comic on purpose. Destroy the perfectionist in you, because they will always and forever hold you back from actually creating things. "what if it's bad?" what if it's fun? what if you learn cool things?
Anyway, those are my tips/advice, idk if I actually answered what you were asking... sorry about all the time commitment ones, that is something I really wish I had figured out a few years ago lol.
Comics are fun to make and a lot of learning how to make them is just jumping in, encountering a problem, and then learning how to solve it.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Nami being the one who's scared the most about Vivi's safety during her disappearance (everyone's worried, but it's obvious that she's the one still concerned even after admitting Vivi is strong enough to take care of herself) and Zoro, for once, being the one to comfort her. He catches her crying on a corner of the ship, all alone and hugging her knees close to her chest. Her long hair is getting stuck on her cheeks with how wet they are now. She obviously doesn't want anybody to see and pretends to be fine after telling Zoro to fuck off a few times, but when she doesn't manage to make him go away, she just ends up silently accepting his company and letting him sit down next to her. Zoro tries to say something. Anything. Because believe it or not, it fucking hurts to see their navigator like this when she's always the one taking care of others and everything. She has always been strong, but strong only gets her so far and even Nami needs comforting sometimes. Zoro might not be the best person to help her, but he tries.
Nami is always a few steps further. "You wouldn't understand. You-" She sobs louder, hiding her head on her arms, pressing her legs closer to herself. Zoro wants to hug her, but he doesn't know how. He knows he should. He wants to tell her, too, that he understands perfectly, but she would be the one not getting what he means. "Have you ever missed somebody so much it's impossible to live, Zoro?! Not even basic human functions, fuck, I- I spent so much time without her thinking we'd meet again and now I might never see her again. Do you even know what that's like?"
Zoro knows what that's like. He doesn't feel like it's the right moment nor the right place to confess something like this, but they've gone through so much shit already it's almost inevitable for her to not know this.
The swordsman grunts before he pronounces his next words, double-checking if somebody else is watching them. Nami looks ethereal even while crying. It's sort of annoying. "I understand." The redhead looks up from where she's sitting, with a confused glance on her face. Zoro keeps his stare on his hands. "Two years ago. I- I couldn't do anything to save him. I couldn't protect him. I lost him. Every day I wondered if he was going to be okay and, fuck it, it's the stupidest thing because he's a fucking god at this point and the guy never ends up dying but-" He turns his right hand into a fist and presses his nails on his palms, fighting the urge to shake under the memories. "I couldn't eat. Or breathe. Live normally." When he shuts up, Nami makes a face he can't quite understand. He can't tell the difference between disgust and discomfort. Perhaps she's just judging him for being this weak for their stupid captain.
But the girl just scoffs and hides her head between the arms resting on her knees once again. "Of course you would." Her voice breaks mid-sentence. "But it's not the same." Zoro knew she wouldn't get it, at least not right away. It takes a long seconds of silence and Nami looking up at his uncomfortable expression haunted by past memories for everything to click. "Oh, it is the same." Zoro looks away, but she just moves closer to him. Nami rests her head on his shoulder, and he hates to admit how much he has missed her scent of fresh tangerines and home. "I'm sorry."
"S fine." Zoro manages to say it, somehow, without his attitude fading away.
Nami buries her head closer to his arm, and Zoro doesn't fight the need to hold her closer anymore to pull her into half an embrace with his left hand. "I didn't get to tell her how I feel."
The swordsman shivers at her trembling, frightened voice. "Me neither."
Nami scoffs. "But you still have time." If he feels her tears run through his body, he doesn't say anything. "I don't even know if she's alive."
Zoro doesn't have to bring his mind back to memories from a long while, when the last time he felt this way was whenever Luffy fought against Kaido
But he says nothing, because he knows there's no way in earth he can fix what just broke Nami's heart into pieces. If he could take her pain, he would, without any hesitation. He can handle it. And Nami is strong and all, but he fears that seeing her this way might bring him to madness.
So Zoro unexpectedly, for both of them, kisses the top of her head —like he used to do back when they were only three. Back when their ship couldn't even be referred to as one— and lets her cry. "I'm sorry." She just cries harder, and Zoro understands. They keep saying he doesn't understand, but he does. "I know. I know."
It would be easier if he could just cut whoever hurt her in half like he always does.
Luffy is the strongest, most powerful man Zoro has had the privilege to love and worship, and even when he disappears he forgets how to live.
So Zoro can fathom the way Nami feels. Vivi is strong, but love makes Nami feel the weakest she's ever been.
Nami gladly accepts his hug, and he knows she understands. And he'll help her live until she finds her way to her princess again.
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Goncharov, but it was invented on TikTok.
Tumblr gets Zepotha.
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Let’s have a quick chat….
For those of you that are familiar with 3C Films on YouTube, he made a statement tonight (playing at 1:35:32) saying that he had a synopsis for Sonic 3 and planned to release it sometime in the future. This is the same individual from a few months ago that leaked that Keanu Reeves will, potentially, be the voice actor for Shadow.
I’m sharing this with you with a couple of things to keep in mind:
What 3C Films was probably given was a general synopsis. He might have a rough idea about what the story is about, but not have all of the key details that we’re looking for. Not everything is concrete. Clarity will be given in the future.
It is okay to 100% skip what he says and wait for the release of a trailer. Absolutely! And it is 100% okay to be doubtful of this claim. Even 3C Films, himself, is hesitant of the claim. He still plans to share it anyways. If wrong, he addressed in the video that he will make an apology.
I will share what he says here for those curious, but I will make it a point in saying that it must be treated as a RUMOR. (And know that I’ll have my doubts too). All that I ask of you is to be compassionate. If the synopsis is wrong, then it’s wrong. It’s not the end of the world. If it’s right, then it’s right and we knew early. We’re all in this together. We’re in the home stretch now.
And for anyone interested in using a hashtag to blacklick, I will be using this tag: #sonicmovie3potentialspoilers
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fettiowi · 11 months
Boyyy if I had the will to draw the lil stories i create for fandoms on a regular basis it would be over for yall LOL
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moldy-flowers · 4 days
The interesting experience of being pro Sasuke, anti konoha, pro tobirama, anti Naruto ending, pro Sasusaku, anti Itachi, pro Sakura, anti SasuNaru, pro Tobirama×Izuna, anti Madara, pro karin, anti Orochimaru, pro Uchiha and anti Hashirama. And also as much as I hate the guy danzo was kind of hot when he was younger...
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celamoon · 3 days
Sometimes I think too hard abt my writing and just stare at it and question if my true life purpose is to pump out mid ass fanfiction for the rest of my life
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vaugarde · 1 month
i'm not exactly innocent of this and i am not defending her at all as a person, but sometimes when people criticize l!ly 0rchard, i can't help but side eye a liiiittle bit when they nitpick EVERYTHING about her writing... including stuff that i knowwww the average person wouldn't criticize a cis and/or male writer for doing.
and it bugs me more that you cant point that out without people going "omg its not transmisogynistic to criticize a bad youtuber!! look, we don't misgender her, dont we get a medal for that?"
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frownyalfred · 1 year
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this is the best review I have ever gotten
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catfuyus · 1 year
Nothing feels right. You place the keys in a small ceramic bowl near the front door’s entrance. It’s a new smell in the same house. The smell of fresh paint that never dissipated from when you first moved in. Everything is off. As if you had suddenly awakened from a long, disassociative nothingness, and everything had changed from the moment you went under.
Everything was different, as if you were seeing it for the first time, but everything was technically, the same. Years unchanged.
You remove your shoes, hang up your bag and wander into the kitchen. It’s airy, light. The faint smell of freshly chopped herbs on the cutting board in sight. But no people. This house is empty. It’s full of things that you know you should recognize, you do recognize to an extent, but still nothing.
The sliding glass doors open to wide, green yard. Flowers blooming in the garden. There’s patio furniture placed on structured concrete with four chairs arranged for seating. Four chairs, you think absentmindedly, before shutting the doors again to wander through the kitchen and back through to the living room.
The house has stairs. Carpet padded stairs just after the tiled floor. Something tells you not to go up. Something tells you to head back out. To get out, while you still can. Get out while you still can.
So you exit the front door, bare feet padding on the cold concrete. There are flowers planted by the front door as well.
The house is a shell. Decorated warmly. Garden maintained. But there is a scent that lingers beneath the artificial candles and freshly cooked dinners. A sickening smell that speaks more to its true nature than the inhabitants can seem to admit. Or maybe they don’t notice. You noticed the smell as soon as you walked in.
A car pulls up. Your heart spikes, silently hoping, needing it not to be the person it needs not to be. You need your peace to last a little longer.
It’s a small black truck. Chevy Colorado. It’s not new, not clean on the outside. It parks on the street in the middle of the driveway. A guest not staying long. It would anger the inhabitants of the house if it did.
The door slams, and he appears around the front of the car. Smiling brown eyes. Hair pulled high into a ponytail. As he walks up the driveway you know he smells like sunlight and cologne. An old Metallica shirt you’d seen a dozen times and a silver cross necklace dangling from his neck.
He stops smiling when he sees you. Surprise taking over the features of his face. A faint, what’s wrong as he pulls you into his chest.
You hiccup. His shirt is wet where you pressed your face, tightly clutching onto the back of his shirt. You hiccup a little louder, rubbing your face into the cloth with no regard for anything else.
He leads you down the steps, the faint smell of freshly cut lawn and the summer sun passing by you with your eyes blurry. It’s a nice smell. A familiar smell. The truck door is opened and you slip into the leather seat.
We can try again tomorrow. We can try again some other time. It doesn’t have to be here. We don’t even have to try again if you don’t want to.
No it’s okay. It’s really okay.
He presses his lips against yours. Hard in a thin line. Exhaling as he pulls away. And you’re dizzied with the need for more. But his amber eyes are hard, pulled into vexing thought. And you feel protected. And needy. Arms going out to wrap around his shoulders, pulling him in for another, more desperate kiss.
I’ll go get your shoes. Keys in the house? You nod. Stay right here. I’ll be right back.
You duck down, low into the seat and wait for him. He’s quick. Reappearing through the window of the car and popping the driver’s door open. He sets your keys in the cup holder, shoes on the floor, slides in and starts the car.
He takes your hand and kisses the back of your knuckles. Eyes on the mirrors as you watch his face. I love you. Puts the car and drive and leaves this awful place.
I wish I could give you more. I wish I had more to give.
You’re everything I want. I don’t want you to think I need any more than you. He smiles, wraps his large hand around your thigh. I already have all of you. You’re my whole world.
And you’re mine. Your throat hurts. Sore from suppressing emotion. I don’t want to be this person. I don’t want to be a bad person.
I never thought you were. Not for one second.
⋘ ──────── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──────── ⋙
There are parts of the past that you miss. Coffee in the morning. Carpet under your toes. Fresh baked cupcakes and pulling out a chair for dinner.
You think those things belong there. In that house. And that’s what you miss. But all those things and their softened afternoon light. Hazy naps under the sun and a cooling evening with ice cream and tv.
These are not permanently gone. Not since you started dating Baji. He listens to the kind of music you like. Play fights with you when you’re annoying. He makes you coffee in the morning. Memorized it just the way you like. And when you look up at him with tears in your eyes and hesitant hands, he brushes your nose up against his and pulls you in for a kiss. I’ll always keep you safe.
But you don’t know that, Kei. You don’t know what’ll happen.
That’s the one thing I do know, babe. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.
And jump out of bed and bring your coffee to cling to his back all day. Taking little sips. Careful not to spill, as you keep your arms trapped around him. Keisuke is kind like that. Keeping you stuck in his arms. Under his weight. It’s almost like he needs to feel you too. Like he knows you’re safe when you’re stuck to him. His little wife. Only he knows this side of you. The softened underside of your belly that you show no one. All hard edges and growls smoothened over. When you’re with him like this, it makes him realize that you’re family. That you’ve made a home in him. That he wants it to keep growing, with just the two of you, and whatever else you make.
That your trust was hard earned, and he lives every day to be deserving of it. Knowing that he’ll always be the kind of man you need. Because he loves you, you’re the one, and no one else fits in his heart like you do. You make everything easy, and even when it’s hard, he’s still so filled with love for you. And it’s not the painful kind that your parents have hammered into you. It’s bittersweet and blossoming. Achingly beautiful and delicately loving. A tender love that protects. A fierce love that guards and releases. You’ve never known that kind of love. Not until Baji pulled you into his arms and gave you his heart.
It’s never been safe to be kind. It’s never been safe to be tender. To let them know what you’re feeling. To let them know this softer side of you. It’s never been safe.
So you became a fighter. You became strong and ferocious. A leader in part. Confident in some. Aggressive, protective, you are the one who guards, who keeps others safe. But with him, it feels so nice to sleep.
To weaken. To soften. To trust. With closed eyes and open heart. That he will take care of you. All of the parts of you. And you can connect, deeply, to the side of you that no one knows. That in safety and security, you can make a home with him. And know that he will defend it and never neglect it. Because it’s his home too. It’s his Everthing. And it means as much to him as it does to you.
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hailraykin · 4 days
Tw: mention of d**th
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motherforthefamicom · 2 months
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redownloaded an old art program
#specifically its tayasui memopad…#sketches was like borderline unusable last i redownloaded it#which was like.. oct last year#maybe its gotten better but i dont feel like bothering with it anymore haha#memopad i never used much aside from little scribble doodles (id make a scribble and try to turn it into something)#but its changed a lot since i last used it.. which was like four years ago so i cant be too surprised i guess XD#its still pretty jank but in a more manageable way . i missed rhe sketches brushes theyre very lovely#sorry for all the rambling haha#ive been feeling really shitty lately and have barely been able to draw it feels like#a lot of what i have made ive had to really.. force myself to get out. and i havent been as satisfied with it as id like to br#this is kind of janky still but i like it and i had fun making it#everytime i draw these two its exactly the same cuz i have to remind myself what their designs even were everytime >_<‘’#hopefully i do some more stuff today. its already getting late but im feeling a little better#getting back into the swing of things or whatever#i thought someone on af was ghosting me or whatever but turns out they were just . busy. ( <- figures i need to stop assuming haha) and#they also made this amazing revenge im absolutely in love with its so cute#really made my day =)#scribbles#furry tag#good god i write way too much in these#sorry#anyways#queueing this to post again (its the 14th as im writing this) i feel like that worked alright for me last time#im kinda making this post impulsively i am. constantly going back nd forth on whether i even like posting my art nowadays#oh well#yeah queue i wanna know#mother series#<- i forgot to tag that . for blog organization mostly these r just#nothing burger npcs barely anyone cares abt (nintens sisters lol)
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nwarrior777 · 1 year
i was a bad person and here is my big message about it
even tumblr couldn't hold this much of a post so i made it under the cut. well. i was trying to write it for YEARS sooo i guess it's a little hard to squish in something small
i am frightened of seeing your reaction on this post but. it needs to be made. i wanted to make it for years. if not now then when?
long story about one fundamental thing i deeply regret and want to leave in the past and move on, and today is the perfect time to talk about it.
so. as i told, yesterday was my 26 birthday. and it was a special one. cause i gave it concept
26 years. 25+1. for me it means that half of my life is behind me. (maybe 1/3 if i will be lucky). i decided my 26 birthday will be beginning of my new era. i will leave my past behind and will go into my. present.
the problem is that my past is soooo fucked up
i did a lot of cringe bad things, WHICH I DEEPLY REGRET ABOUT but i want to tell you about one, which is haunting me the most. i thought about writing post about it sooo much times, i tried, but i couldn't do it everytime because then i thought about it i felt soooo ashamed and just burning in selfhate so what's the thing and why exactly this thing I want to tell you about above all of the things which i regret? well because now i am totally opposite person to that mindset which i am ashamed of so! pls keep in mind that i REGRET having that mindset. i think i realized that it's something not good in my 19 years old (my 19 years old is my turning point in life in general), now i am one day 26, but it's still was hunting me!!! 6 fucking years of constant shame and hating myself!!! at this moment i got rid of this thing in my mind and actions completely, and i want to put the final nail in the coffin by this post. so!!! i.. H A D (NOW I DON’T!!!)... fat fetish :c ( * internal screaming full of fear, selfhate and realising that i can hurt someone's feeling by that * ) i almost always had complicated relationships with fatness. first anorexia, but, at the same time then i hated my body i realized that i find fat people beautiful, hot even? (mostly masculine dudes? i don't remember that i thought about others?). and then i got into my horny ~18 yeaaars and ehhhh i was exploring my horny feelings  and preferences. i was deep diving in that fat fetish content, i even made sooome drawings (I think I posted, ~2 on internet AND I HATE THE FACT THAT THEY EXIST SO MUCH). and. next thing will sound naive. but. people who do bad things are always dumb and don't realize basic shit. so. i haven't seen anything bad in fat fetish. and at this time i already had my own moral compass, which i still have AND it helped me get out of this my moral compass: if it hurts someone - it's bad. if not – then it’s fine. and my depiction of fat fetish was reversed in my head. i thought that people participating in it.. feeling sexy and validated? that it's something powerful (I DON'T THINK THIS WAY NOW!) but then i saw one post
it was a person, saying, that they saw a content with fetishization of their appearance and they felt uncomfortable and humiliated by it
and i was like "wait what??? fetishes make people sad??? IT SOMETHING WHAT HURTS SOMEONE??? It's!!! It's... a bad thing!!!"
and i think since then i started to go away from it?
and it's not a second, day or month. you know that getting rid of cigarettes is hard and takes time, right? imagine how hard and how much time will take getting away from moral mindset mistake
if you do something bad it usually means that it is deep in your life
it's hard to go away from people with same mindset, your actions in the past which you thought was fine are now your shame etc etc
but!!! i've been working on myself. i don't want to hurt people, and yeah, hurting someone's feelings counts too.
sooo time was going by and it was less and less fetish content in my corner of internet. i realized that fetish is NOT something powerful and cool or sexy. representation is!!! you can draw gorgeous powerful sexy person without fetishization. actually people on fetish art... well, sometimes they don't even look like people. more like fucked up sex toys. it's so wrong, so bad and i am so ashamed that at some point of my life i thought it's something not awful
then i got into art community, more queer and bodypositive, i learned how to love my body, accepted it at 100% beat the fuck up anorexia. my feed in all the social media are now queer/bodypositive/artists usually all at once. if i see fetish blog reblogging me (i can't check every one but sometimes it happens) i ban it and
and now i don't watch any fetish content, don't have fantasies or dreams about that. now even if i see some content by accident (then you are in internet, you sometimes see shit which you don't want to see, like idk, some fetish blog relogging my art) it makes me feel uncomfortable and i don't turn on at all.
it was the last thing of this to defeat - physical desire. It’s like addiction, sometimes i wanted to watch Fetish Horny Content sooooo bad that it literally was on physicall level, and i just, well, watched and blamed myself for that after
and here is a little strange part, because one day it just... disappeared? with all my libido. aand honestly, it's fine, maybe i can't get turn on at all, but better not feeling libido at all then having it and having this shit in the head. aaaand also i have kiinda same emotions from... art. like cool art. in general. like, show me a good dramatical movie, some cool music, some touching piece of art, cool fucking made edit - i am shivering and crying tears of joy. i have this sooo, yep, it's enough for me, and i can survive loosing libido, if it's price for taking fetish from my head - shut up and take my... libido (okay that part turn out kinda goofy but like, let’s take it as lightning the mood because all the post is some fucked up dark shit)
so yeah. long story short, i was a cringe bad person and i regret that. i've done many cringe things but i decided to tell you exactly about this one because it is fundamental thing in my life and, as you can see, my art
as you could notice, all my characters are fat. and i am trying my best to draw them respectfully. goal of my life is trying to be good person (trying because you can never be sure that you are 100% right. you need to listen people and be ready to change. it's never ending road. what's why i use word "trying". you can't "be" good. only try) goal of my art is to bring people happiness by art, and representation is my method.
i feel very ashamed of that fact that i was participated in phenomen like fat fetish and now i make opposite thing - draw art, based on representation of fat people (and also queer and having other features but this post is not about that)
aaand yeah, sounds not very nice
but... i just hope that you can see that i am drawing fat people with respect. yes, a lot of time my characters presented as sexy. but i am trying to draw fat characters sexiness in respectful way. i've seen fetish art - and i am trying to draw NOT like that.
i learned my lesson. i don't want EVER draw fetish art again. i want!!! draw good things which brings people joy. i deeply sorry for that fetish thing was in my mind. but it's gone. I fought it in me for years, i won, fuck this thing. i want this thing stay in the past!!!!!
and brain, stop fucking hunting me with "whEn thEy wIll KnoW thEy Will Be All DissApoinTed in YoU!! ALL YOUR ART INFLUENCE WILL ZERO OUT THEN PEOPLE WILL FIND OUT!!!" these thoughts were been killing me for YEARS
i am deeply ashamed of having fat fetish phaze. but it's over. i learned that it's bad, i don't want to have it in my life ever again. and i don't want my drawings of fat people be part of it. i do it for different reason - to make representative art, which bring people joy, not hurting them.
i was carry this self-fight for years. and this day, my 26 birthday, seems like perfect day to finally leave this shit in the past and move on. i mean, i realised that it's a bad thing ~5-6 years ago. but my brain didn't let go thoughts about that. i am done with this. i want to break free from this shame. i hope i can have a second chance on that...
i really hope that you guys will be able to get joy from my art after that. i got rid of this shit in my mind, i promise. just. please don't turn back from me because because of this mistake. if you can.
(pls, if you have words of support, leave a comment. idea of this post was hunting me for years, and now it finally written. it's finally out of my chest. i want to get free from this. thank you)
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samarecharm · 10 months
Bouncing off my bi ryuji awakening post, im gonna add these tags from it: (separated to make it easier to read)
[#anyway. akira is the guy ever. and ryuji is exploding#‘i have died. badly’#i like thinking of akira like this; hes ryujis first exposure to nb ppl and gnc adjacent stuff#even if akira is p masc by most standards hes still got a bit of. aloofness. about his gender stuffs#ryuji is just really into the way akira carries himself#and it takes him a while to go oh. oh i think its cause i like this dude#um.#😳.
#also i wanted to clarify#but ryujis mom just doesnt know Who akira is in that picture#and in my head hes like. looking down at mona and petting him (while sitting)#(AND hes with ann and theyre both kind of a distance away from the camera)#so at a quick glance; hes just Some Girl#and even though shes wrong; it kicks off the mental chaos olympics in ryujis head#‘what hes not a girl’ to ‘where would she even get that from’ to ‘well akira said himself he didnt rlly care what ppl thought about it’#to ‘well. where DID she get that from?’ to lookin at what his homie does a little closer to ‘aw fuck. man.’#but i love that for him
#ALSO. RYU/GORO IN TAGS…..#but ryuji going oh my GOD oh my godddd 😨😓😓😓 when something clicks in his head about goro#his voice is so practiced and naturally softspoken and his public facing persona is very demure#and once he gets past the initial anger over goro being a pompous prick who shittalks about the thieves. hes like. god fucking dammit.#There Is A Pattern and A Type He Has and Its Killing Him To Realize it.#hes literally sitting in his room w his head in his hands]
Ryuji definitely finds Conventionally Attractive Girls pretty, but he realizes around postgame that he genuinely formed crushes on THREE people; Akira, Makoto, and Goro. And all three of them are people who carry themselves as a bit Soft and Delicate (akira and makoto w their personality and mannerisms, goro w his appearance) while also being deceptively strong. Yusuke WOULD fit into this but hes only strong in the metaverse. Also if u tried to argue that he still finds yusuke pretty, Ryuji would just say ‘yeah duh? Of course???’ and would not elaborate further.
I just think. Its cute 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryuji loves someone whos pretty and capable of knocking him flat on his ass lmao He LOVES a challenge and he likes that they can all challenge him in different ways.
Akira is way stronger than he looks; hes very toned and he used to be quite active before being shipped off to tokyo. And after fighting in the metaverse, hes gotten way better at using an enemies mass and momentum against them. Yeah he can properly knock someone down, but its way easier to let Ryuji charge him and use that momentum to sweep and pin. Which Ryuji remembers vividly for Weeks. Akira is not allowed to spar w him and Makoto for awhile after that.
Makoto is just strong as hell. But shes very defensive, and extremely patient. ‘Ill wait and see before I decide What to do’. Shes got good reaction timing and its hard to catch her offguard. Its very difficult to disorient her so oftentimes, his spars w her are more about endurance. And if he ASKS her to do so, she’ll actually fight him back. He never wins 😭 but she is very patient w him and she doesnt treat him like an idiot. She likes to give him tips and redirect his strengths to make up for his weaknesses and it makes him a bit warm in this chest
Spars w Goro are just fun. Theyre fun! Goro is way more aggressive and reckless than Makoto and Akira. He is looking for openings near constantly and Ryuji has to either keep up or tank hits. Its very. Engaging. For him. Sometimes he loses and Goro is giving him a look so smug, Ryuji wishes he could kick him in his fucking teeth (something he clearly couldnt do bc hes already been knocked flat on his ass). And sometimes he wins, and hes so shocked and HAPPY about it; he doesnt miss the way Goro looks away from him pouting like a brat (‘no fucking way are u POUTING man, what a sore loser 😭’). Goro and his uptight personality is thrown out the window completely and its so fun and refreshing to see. Hes tall and imposing w broad shoulders and toned arms and if Ryuji is staring, he finds himself immediately distracted when Goros cheerful, softspoken voice asks if hes willing to go another round.
I love it 👉🏾👈🏾 Ryujis got a complicated relationship w violence but it helps to have people he trusts engage with it in a way that doesnt make him feel like some brute. Theyre all kind of itching to beat the shit out of things for multiple reasons, but instead of taking that out on each other, they spend time training one another so that they can beat the shit out of OTHER things better. Its an efficient system 😊
#chattin#i dunno how to tag it; dont wanna add ships in here bc theres not alot of NonPego/ryu fans in the pego/ryu tag lol#but ye. ryuji likes a pretty face and he likes getting his ass whooped sometimes#i mean he likes to fight and WIN; he is not trying to roll over like a defenseless tortoise#but he likes the deception a little bit….#what do u mean ur shitty shirt or sweater is hiding those arms ??? what do u mean u can bench more than ur own weight????#its insane.#its a little 😳#also oops i am writing essays in tags again. i will continue to do this im sorry#i just have so many thoughts that dont feel like they fit in the body lol#my approach to the thieves is . they are very angry and prone to violence and violent thoughts#and they have an questionable outlet w the metaverse#BUT#if the metaverse was to poof away; where does that outlet go?#and thats the foundation for my idea of their ‘found-ish family’#i HATE the actual family stereotype but i am thinking of like#they are bonded in a specific and unique way#and they stick together because of it. no one will understand them as much as they understand each other#i know i mentioned only the four of them#but i am thinking of ALL of them#they are a little gang of their own now lmao if u mess w one u mess w the rest of the hounds#and they all have some warped perspectives on good and ‘evil’ and justice#maybe the others arent as readily capable to physically hurt someone. but they are more than okay with bad and cruel things happening-#-to bad people.#anyway. this post was about ryuji having a thing about getting roughhoused bc hes a rowdy boy#i can see it being something ann teases him about#and definitely as they get older its something that just doesnt leave him. his brain has already made the Connections#i love my homies they beat the shit out of me when i ask them to and vice versa 😊#naw theyre not really HURTING each other that bad#but its the idea of it 👀 like look at me bearing my weaknesses to u so you can make me a better person
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waywardsalt · 3 months
ive been rereading tnp and it’s bothering me so much i need to mention it here; it’s kind of insane how much the erins bend over backwards to make brambleclaw deputy, it’s kind of just nonsensical.
not even him not having an apprentice when he’s picked, though that is kind of wild, he just… there’s basically no good reason other than him being a main pov character and tigerstar’s son. literally any other thunderclan warrior who’s had an apprentice (barring maybe ashfur) would have been a better choice. thornclaw dustpelt sandstorm cloudtail brackenfur- brackenfur is one that firestar explicitly considers and the reasoning why he decides not to is so incredibly weak ‘oh i dont think he’d be right for leader’ number one what are you talking about number 2 then use him being deputy as an opportunity to help him become right for leader are you telling me firestar thinks the cat he once considered letting die in a fire is a better fit for leader than the cat he half mentored. dustpelt is clearly an experienced warrior, sandstorm is someone firestar obviously has faith in, thornclaw is experienced and i’m pretty sure you even see firestar consult him a few times (cloudtail is iffy bc thats cloudtail but he’d really be a better choice, just how he treats daisy and her kits would be an interesting justification for firestar making him second-in-command) but honestly besides the narrative jumping through hoops to act like the other very viable options are either secretly bad choices or otherwise ignore them (why is bramble the only cat we ever see jump to help firestar with stuff they just wrote everyone else to be silent or w/e) but in twilight where he arguably acts the most like de-facto deputy in leaf and squirrel’s pov he’s framed as a jackass half the book??? why would you do that if you intend to make him actual leader?? in his trial run of being kinda-not-deputy you just make him use his semi-authority to be cold and fucking mean to his friend and her buddy??? like i see him being qualified due to having experience being the travel group’s leader and whatnot, but barely anything else is done to make him realistically more qualified than anyone else- he just angsts about his ambitions and gets handed the position because starclan vouched for him for some damn reason even though by his society’s laws he should not be in that position
#sorry its just really bothering me bc i am NOT seeing why he should be deputy#warrior cats#salty talks#the new prophecy#i dont hate tnp i just hate the bramble wants to be deputy plot he does not deserve that shit#not even on the level of him being a shitty guy or anything he literally should not have been picked#its probably the most egregious example of the authors just forcing a plot point instead of like. building it up realistically#literally in twilight he just comes off like he’s going to be a cold distant asshole as deputy it’s not a good look#opposed to firestar being deputy gaining his position while qualified and also through the understandable logic of bluestar’s mental state#fire just picks bramble be leafs like hey starclan says so and fires like oh ok even tho he’s literally not qualified#and also barely seems like he’d be a good choice anyways despite having been a main pov character#yes im complaining abt bad writing in the Bad Writing Cat Books leave me alone this is bothering me#adding while i read sunset; i will concede that this one does a better job building him up as possible deputy with the trust he’s given#its still just. why him (besides him being the mc) why is no one else given this trust or somewhat filling this role the same way#i feel like it would be more interesting if someone else got chosen over bramble and he had to be at peace with that#instead of oh he gets what he wants yayyy. idk switch the fox trap scene to hawkfrost trapping the new deputy#i feel like bramble not being deputy would be interesting like helps him realize that he doesnt need to be in a position of power#for his clanmates to trust him and rely on him if hes still worried abt the tigerstar’s kin thing and maybe confront tigerstar abt it
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
“They seemed to like me well enough.”
The orange and black tinted daycare attendant ducks under the larger security bot that hovers around him like a fly, doing more listening than talking, as it usually does.
Nimble fingers slide a couple of double A batteries into one of his newer projects, eyes lighting up as the device whirls to life.
“Did you like them?” The sharp-toothed guardian asks curiously, plucking the buzzing object from his son’s hands with a quizzical gleam in it’s brilliant red eyes.
“Yes, I- hey! Give that back! It’s important!” He jumps in an effort to snatch it back, but it proves futile as his father pulls it out of his reach with ease.
“Oh? And what does it do, exactly?” It’s tone is only mildly interested now, staring into Eclipse’s bright eyes as he stands, silently fuming, by it’s side.
“It distracts the kids so that I can get some cleaning in before closing. Now-“ The jester-themed animatronic leaps for the object once again, only for it to be pulled away like before.
“Can you ask nicely?”
Eclipse pauses, hands balled into fists at his sides. He opens his mouth a few times, biting back much more bitter words before he finds his nicer tones.
“May I please have my prototype back?” He barely manages to keep the annoyed drawl from his voice, lighting up once the device is lowered back into his reach. He snatches it before the older animatronic can play more games.
He steps back to begin working once again, but is stopped in his tracks by his father’s abnormally gentle hand laying onto his shoulder. He pauses, glancing over to it.
“Has your new battery come in yet?”
Eclipse’s face falls into a frustrated frown once he processes the question.
“No. It hasn’t. It’s late, as usual.” He replies bitterly, nudging KC’s hand off of his shoulder so that he can continue his tinkering.
“Then you should charge.”
Eclipse stops once again, slowly looking back to KC’s stern expression. They hold one another’s gazes for a moment before, eventually, Eclipse lets out a heavy sigh.
“You won’t let up until I do, will you?”
As KC shakes his head, Eclipse sets the project back onto his workbench with a last longing glance before he turns towards the door.
Almost as soon as he turns, his father has scooped him up into his arms with a contented hum.
“Hey! I can walk myself, you know!” Eclipse shouts, crossing his arms in a pout as KC lets out an amused chuckle.
“Yes, yes, I understand that you’re a big boy now.” He jests, earning an offended scoff from his son.
“I’ve always been a big boy, you just refuse to see it.” He huffs, settling down in KC’s warm hold despite his sharp words.
“Mhm…does Mr. Howls see it, then?”
Eclipse raises a hand, playfully swatting at his father with a sour expression on his face.
“Mr. Howls helps me connect with the children!” Eclipse snaps. KC gives him a dubious look.
“Since when was a stuffed wolf a child? Next you’re going to say it ‘helps you understand the kids perspectives.’”
Eclipse grumbles to himself, but makes no further attempts at justifying his plush companion.
However, he does tell Mr. Howls all about the woes of dealing with a father like KC before he settles down to charge for the next few hours.
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