#I am so Marlene
wafflinglumos · 9 months
My need to be cool and mysterious is always being thwarted by me not being able to shut the fuck up
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vickdoom · 10 days
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had to color swatch Zack for that last post and ended up with all these 🤦.
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skyrigel · 5 months
But dude just look at them—
☄️ jegulus ✨
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
snape: all girls are the same
marlene, appearing out of no where: yeah none of them want you
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enbysiriusblack · 6 months
the autism is strong in them.
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chronicallyari · 3 months
rereading crimson rivers and ive stopped at the chapter before the war because i cannot deal with losing marlene a second time
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marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
Lily: She would play the cello. Because she loved it since she was a little kid and when she finally got the money to get one she was so excited and happy she would not shut up about it for MONTHS.
Mary: She would love her acoustic guitar, take it everywhere it is acceptable to start playing. It was always in her car, and she painted some cute lilies on it for her Lily.
Marlene: Marlene tried starting her own band but it never worked out, because of that she had her beloved electric guitar, named Cas after her girlfriend. It was bright pink with a flame design.
Pandora: Pandora plays the harp. She loves the vibes and she has one she made mini to play some funny sound effects whenever she wants to. Her big harp in her house is amazing and seems magical and ethereal. She also knows how to play the piano but she doesn't really like it.
Dorcas: C'mon we all know she has a matching electric guitar with her girlfriend Marlene. The guitars name is Marls, and it's purple with a flame design, she barely uses it though, it's like Marlene's second guitar.
Emmeline: She can play a number of instruments and has all of them in her house, but her favourite one is the flute. The flute that she learnt from 4th grade muggle classes, and all she can remember is hot cross buns but she loves her flute so much she adores it.
Emma: She does not play an instrument, she would rather die. Literally. Once her mother tried to force her to learn the drums and she literally exploded. 💥💣🤯
Sybill: She plays like an insane amount of instruments that are cool & interesting. Omnichord, Otomatone, Nose flute, Clarinet, violin, name something and she probably plays it. She also has a mini version of every single instrument she plays. Once she had a prediction that her house was going to burn down so she carried all her instruments around mini, her house didn't burn down but her instruments were stuck small, so she bought new ones.
Narcissa: Piano. That's all she plays, she much rather prefers drawing, so she has drawing stuff everywhere, she painted and drew all over her grand piano, and she coloured all the keys (idk how it would work) and did cute patterns on them. All the A keys were coloured with Alice's favourite colour <3
Andromeda: Piano &
Bellatrix: The only instrument she knows is the piano, and that was by force (a lot of force). She hates playing the piano, but she knows how to. The piano in her house haunts her (it was a gift from her dad...), she never looks at it, it's covered up.
Alice: We all know that Alice loves her good old drum kit, she learnt ages ago and somehow still remembers it. She always plays for Naricssa, and she used to be in Marlene's 'band'. Thank god it never worked out because Alice hated playing in front of people.
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valoflunar · 10 months
marlene and dorcas are the type of girls that would wear matching suits to prom
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fyodorwrites · 3 months
Guys, i think i'm too dedicated to writing my gay hp fic
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Ps : all the characters in the tags are like important ass caracters in this fic thats why they're in there
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
tiny pants/big shirt and big pants/tiny shirt debate
james, dorcas, lily, remus: tiny pants, big shirt
sirius, peter, marlene, mary: big pants, tiny shirt
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reggie-the-dyke · 4 months
i have Vastly different interests than all of my moots 🥲
by interests i mean singular interest. and by that i mean the marauders
i’m sorry you all have to witness the dead gay wizard brainrot
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atlasdoe · 9 days
It actually makes me uncomfortable when i see people headcanoning Marlene to be friends with Barty, Evan and Regulus because you are doing her so dirty i'm taking it as a hate crime
i don't even see Marlene being friends with the Marauders. the skittles i think she would rather cut off her arm then willing talk to
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timechange · 3 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — “don’t need money, don’t take fame.”
APRIL 28, 2011
Marty is never, ever gonna get tired of hearing that. He immediately stops, setting his pen down and the freshly signed CDs aside and giving his full attention to Emmett, who is hanging around the doorway like he still isn’t sure, after almost thirteen years, if he’s allowed to come in.
“Hey, kiddo,” Marty greets warmly, his son flashing him a small smile. “What’s goin’ on?”
Emmett looks around before stepping inside, and Marty is reminded of when Ellie, after input from Jules and Verne, assigned everyone animals when she was nine. Uncle Doc’s a mantis shrimp, she’d proclaimed, Auntie Clara’s a bear, Dad’s a whale, Mom’s a raven, and Emmett’s a pangolin! While he’s not sure about the rest of her picks, her choice for her brother… Yeah, at times like this he can see the resemblance.
“Dad…” he tries again. “Dad, did we ruin your life?”
Marty’s kind of glad his abject, heart shattering horror at that statement coming from his son outweighs his impulse to laugh in disbelief at a statement that couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Of course not,” he reassures, opening his arms just in case his boy didn’t feel like he was too big for a hug. His son folds himself into him, burying his head in his shoulder. “The day you and Ellie were born,” Marty tells him, rubbing his back, “was pretty much the best day of my life.”
“…Even though Mom almost broke your hand?” Emmett asks, voice muffled, and Marty laughs.
“Yeah, even then. Y’know, if I could go back,” which he could, but his boy didn’t need to know that right yet, “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Emmett starts to pull away and Marty lets him go, but still holds him at arm’s length.
“Now,” father asks son, “where’s all this coming from, huh? You’re not hanging around that Tannen kid again, are you?”
Emmett’s face twists in disgust.
“No, Dad, are you nuts? That whole family’s crazy.”
“Attaboy,” Marty says proudly.
“...I found some of your old concert videos on YouTube,” Emmett finally admits. “And Dad… you look like you’re havin’ the time of your life. How come you gave it all up? It was because of us, wasn’t it?” His brown eyes are big and watery and Marty squeezes his shoulders.
“Aw, Em,” Marty sighs. “I had a blast on tour, you’re right. Hangin’ out with the guys, getting to see the world… It was a lot of fun for a while, but when it stopped being fun, we quit. And I have a blast here, too, with you and your sister and your mom. If you ask me… that right there’s the adventure of a lifetime. I love music, and I’m always gonna play music, but it was never about any kinda fame or fortune for me.” What would superstardom be like? He can barely keep up with the merch and the interviews and the producers and the long nights at the recording studios and the music videos as it is. He’d hate being so far away from home, never getting a moment’s peace, never being able to breathe.
“Then… what was it about?” Emmett asks.
“Believing in myself,” Marty says after a moment of thought. “Getting my voice heard. Y’know, I was a lot like you when I was your age.”
“Really?” Emmett breathes, awestruck, as if unable to conceive such a thing. “But everybody says you’re like Ellie.”
“And I am.” It takes the wind out of him sometimes, how similar he and his daughter are. She’s just as fiery, just as creative, just as stubborn. Everyone’s always thought that, just like how people have always compared Emmett to Jennifer. But when he looks at his daughter, so often he sees his wife’s determination and intelligence, and when he looks at his son… sometimes he has to double check he’s not in the DeLorean.
“But I’m also like you, Em. It’s hard as hell being a kid, y’know? I remember. You got so many ideas and so many thoughts and you feel like you’re in this world that you don’t really understand yet and that’s gonna shoot you down every chance it gets. I just wanted somebody to see me, but that’s a scary thing. I tried real hard to pretend like I was tough and to make like I wasn’t afraid of anything… but I was terrified, kid. Still am, sometimes.” Marty rubs the back of his neck. “What I’m trying to say is, it’s okay not to be sure of yourself yet, and it’s okay to be open about your feelings. And whenever you wanna talk, I’m here for you, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Got it?”
“Got it.” Emmett smiles and hugs him again. “I love you, Dad.”
“Love you too. So damn much.” Marty kisses the top of his son’s head and ruffles his dirty blond hair, which is immediately greeted with protest.
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contributingtothechaos · 11 months
I know you will never care for me the way I do you, and yet I still cannot help compare to those from the tales we love.
You are the Athena to my Pallas,
The Mary to my Marlene,
The Todd to my Neil.
Never more than friends in the original, only more in faint whispers of hope it is real, but never could be.
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captain-cheeseboi · 2 years
ever since zar introduced the rule of three and then Sybill, Amos and Rabastan all died in one chapter I always knew that Barty, Marlene and Fleamont would all die one after the other (I made a post about that here) but nothing could’ve ever prepared me for how unfair each of their deaths were.
Barty was left untreated. which meant he died, he was so close to making it, he could’ve made it but the aurors arrived and that got him killed. he died wanting his mum and never got to say goodbye to regulus
Marlene made one tiny simple mistake and stepped on a landmine. she didn’t even get to go out in a fight (this KILLS me), no, she stepped on a landmine and got blown up right before the love of her life ended the war for her
Fleamont was never supposed to die. he was never exposed to the violence and trauma that his wife and children experienced. he was promised a peaceful life and yet he died after spending a mere fifty-five years and fifty-five seconds living on the same earth as his love
nothing is fair in war though
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starsarekind · 25 days
Alright, I'll say it. If Marlene Alraune has a million haters, I'm one of them. If she has one hater, it's me. If she has 0 haters, I'm dead.
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