#also i am so so so sorry marlene!!!!!! i had nowhere to put you!!!!!!
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had to color swatch Zack for that last post and ended up with all these 🤦.
#final fantasy 7#too many characters to tag literally would go over the limit so here's just the games' protagonists and the rest can suck it 👍#cloud strife#cissnei#vincent valentine#zack fair#yuffie kisaragi#glenn lodbrok#sephiroth#and the-- hm. yeah okay. he counts#reno of the turks#also i am so so so sorry marlene!!!!!! i had nowhere to put you!!!!!!#and i'm sorry jessie and biggs and wedge and fuhito and elfe and hojo and scarlet and heidegger and freira and lazard#and evan and kyrie and johnny and lucrecia and shalua and shelke and azul...#oh my god that's literally two more whole sheets...i need to do a second part now...
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It was quite something to cry alone in the dark. Her cries were all that it was heard in the empty room.
Lily used to be afraid to be alone in The Common Room at night when she was younger. Now it was all she craved. And taking her advantages of prefect, she could cry alone in peace.
Lily didn't know why she felt so guilty. Why did she miss Potter's stupid comments and stupid smile that once drove her crazy. She used to wish he would disappear. And now that he ignored her, and openly hated her, Lily wanted to go back to how things were.
But it was stupid! Sev was right. She should be the one ignoring him. The one angry with him. Potter had played her once more. She had been a fool. Lily should be relieved to have him off her back.
Then why did she feel so hallow?
Lily's sobs turned into sniffs and she blew her nose.
She thought she was alone. Until a hand touched her shoulder.
Her instant reaction was to scream, making the other person scream. Then she remembered they were in the Common Room. They would wake everyone up. So she shushed them. The other person shushed too.
"What the fuck?" Lily whispered now, rising from the couch.
The shadow in front of her was from a boy. But Lily couldn't see in a dark.
"Sorry, Lily" the other person whispered back. A familiar voice.
With her heart still racing inside her chest, Lily stumbled to the light switch.
Lights on, Rick Stevens raised his hands like a criminal being caught. Rick was a Gryffindor, a year below Lily. Known to be part of the Rugby team. Marlene's first kiss in a weak drunk moment. And kind of nice.
Not Lily's friend precisely but an acquaintance. She sighed in relief. It wasn't a ghost or a murderer.
"Oh," Lily grabbed her chest "fucking hell Rick. You scared me"
"I didn't want to scare you" he shrugged "I was coming in and I heard you cry..."
Lily blushed humiliated. She was supposed to be alone.
"It's nothing... I..." Lily shook her head, thinking how to explain when she remembered she was a prefect and shouldn't give explanations "Were you just coming in?" she raised an eyebrow "It's way past carefew"
It was Rick's turn to go red.
"What were you doing, Rick?"
"I can ask you the same thing" he put his hands on his hips. Lily noticed he was still wearing his uniform but all messy, tie undone and hair tangled.
Lily also noticed the lipstick marks on his neck.
"I am the prefect. I ask the questions!" she mirrored his position.
"Nice pijamas..."
Lily felt her cheeks on fire. She covered herself.
The boy sighed "Fine!" he grinned "I was with this Slytherin girl. Shelby." he nodded "Found me attractive so we snogged in an empty classroom and then, out of nowhere, she was sneaking her hand inside my shirt and down my..."
"Okay!" Lily snapped, flushed by the thought of how easy it was for kids her age to do stuff like that with practically strangers "I don't need details, Rick. I can imagine what happened next"
Rick grinned even more. Cheeks pink as the marks on his neck.
"You're still past carefew, so I will have to write you down"
Rick's smile disappeared from his face.
"No, Lily, wait!" he begged "I'm just an hour late! It's still early"
It was not early. Everyone had gone to sleep. Lily pursed her lips. It was her job to follow the rules.
Rick was begging with his hands "I promise I won't be late ever again. I just cannot have more detentions. My folks will kill me"
'Then you should have thought about it before breaking the rules' Lily wanted to say.
She should have said that before. Back when she was Penny Prefect Lily and everyone hated her for not being cool enough to be blind about their mistakes. Back when her only friend was Severus. And back when Potter and Black made fun of her and she hated them.
This year things were different. She had been having the taste of what it felt to be a real teenager. She had new friends. She went to parties and gossiped and had the attention of a boys for the first time.
Lily had been relaxing a little and enjoying herself. Until Potter ruined everything.
Lily didn't have the energy of making Rick hate her. Everyone hated her already. Potter, Black (the worst), Pettigrew. Even Remus. And the girls... Mary and Marlene were angry as well.
Lily had chosen Severus over them because he had been her friend first. And he deserved a second chance. Plus, getting involved with Potter had been a huge mistake.
"He just changed the strategy, Lily" Sev had said "He pretended to be your friend so he can have you as his trophy. You've been a fool to believe him! Now he is probably bragging to everyone how he managed to kiss you"
"Can I go?" Rick asked, bringing Lily to the present.
Lily took a deep breath "Alright"
The boy in front of her was static for a second. Lily Evans was letting him go! What a miracle.
Lily nodded.
"You won't write me down?"
Lily shook her head.
Rick laughed in relief. He gave Lily a quick hug.
"Oh Lily! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he chanted, Lily giggled "You are the best! I knew you were cool in the bottom"
Lily smiled embarrassed. It felt good to be cool.
"There was a reason why I fancied you before"
That comment shocked Lily.
Lily Evans wasn't popular amongst boys. She wasn't pretty like other girls. She wasn't cool like other girls. She just had her first kiss at seventeen.
Severus liked her because she was his only friend. Potter liked her because she was an impossible and he had a huge ego. Luke had been the only exception.
Lily had begged and prayed to be more noticeable for boys because she wanted her epic romance and her prince charming.
"What are you talking about, Rick?"
Rick nodded "Back in my third year when you got pretty"
Lily blinked. Got pretty?
"You didn't have braces anymore and you started keeping your hair lose" Rick clarified "And damn those..." he pointed to her breasts "Grew considerably..." he nodded "Like a lot"
Lily covered her chest with her arms. Rick looked away.
He chuckled "Anyway, lots of blokes were after you that year"
Lily almost laughed "Lots of blokes?"
Rick nodded as if it was obvious.
"That's impossible"
"Trust me" Rick said "You were one of the top girls boys talked about. At least in my circle"
Lily remembered fourth year. Boys were finally noticing girls. And her classmates starting having boyfriends, dates, first kisses and romantic memories.
Not Lily. Never Lily. She was the loner who listened to others' experiences wishing it was her.
If that had been the case in fourth year, then why did Lily was never asked out? No boy had showed interest. Only Potter dared. Humiliating her of course. Because it had been for a bet with his stupid friends.
"I didn't know that"
Rick smiled "Trust me. I wanted to ask you then by you were with that boyfriend of yours... So..."
Lily's list of boyfriends were none. She had never dated a single soul.
Rick nodded, looking at Lily as a crazy amnesic old lady.
"Yeah the Slytherin bloke you always hung around with..."
"Severus?" Lily asked.
"Yeah!" Rick snapped his fingers "That's the one. Snape! The creepy one"
Lily snorted. It was common for people to believe Lily and Severus were just friends. People just couldn't accept some boys and girls were friends. Well, that was before Lily found out Severus had feelings for her.
"Sev was never my boyfriend, Rick" Lily clarified "We're just friends"
Rick frowned rather confused.
"That's not what he said"
"He threatened every single bloke that showed interest in you" Rick added "Saying you were his and that you were foolishly in love with him"
Lily frowned. That couldn't be.
"Actually, that's what he told anyone who asked about your relationship" Rick continued "He said you were obsessed with him and a little crazy for him. And he could do whatever he wanted with you"
Lily was open mouthed at this point.
"Which is okay, I guess I don't judge" Rick added quickly "Then when you were seen with that Gardener bloke this year, he said it was because you got into a fight and you were making him jealous. And that eventually you were going to fall back into his arms. Which you did"
Lily had a strong knot on her throat. She didn't know if it was sadness or rage. That was the reason they stopped talking in the first place. Lily heard him talking. But he assured her it had been a one time thing. That he had been pressured by his Slytherin peers. And he had been angry because Lily never kissed him back at New Years.
Turned out Severus had been doing it since fourth year. Lying about Lily being his girlfriend. Pushing everyone away from her? Lily had believed there was something wrong with her.
"I never heard him talk, he mostly told things to the Slytherins" Rick added "But he did threaten me to stay away from you when he heard I was interested" he shrugged "That's why we were surprised when Potter carried asking you out" he said "We thought he just did it to piss Snape off"
Lily realized she was panting in rage, her fists were squeezed inside her arms.
"I honestly thought it was true" Rick seemed guilty that he had said something that fucked it up. Maybe he had.
"I've never dated him" Lily shook her head "We haven't even kissed"
"I'm a virgin"
Rick was surprised "Oh!" but Lily didn't care anymore.
Lily looked at him.
"You wanted to ask me out?"
Rick blushed.
"Oh yeah well, I fancied you for a while. But then I fancied other girls as well"
"You think I am attractive and there's nothing wrong with me?"
Lily laughed then. And she was aware that she sounded like a maniac. But it was ironic that the only person she had trusted had been lying to her and manipulating her.
Severus had been her best friend for a long time and she just didn't understand why people didn't get it. How people just paired them up as boyfriend and girlfriend because they didn't understand their friendship. She blamed Potter and Black for their stupid jokes.
However it had been Severus himself who initiated the rumor and spread it around.
Lily liked Rick but he didn't fancy him. Although, he could have asked her then and maybe Lily would have agreed. Maybe they would be dating. Or she would have dated other boys. Who knows?
All her life, thinking she wasn't enough that there was something wrong with her. And that she wasn't pretty enough or attractive enough.
Maybe Lily would have rejected Rick but because it was her choice. Not Severus's.
Shit! What if he did the same with Luke and that was why he stopped talking to her and acted weird around her?
Lily had been sad thinking Luke just didn't like her.
Then, the thing with Potter started. Severus had been angry because Lily had kissed James. And the condition to be friends again had been to stop talking to her Gryffindor friends. Especially Potter.
Lily had felt guilty. She thought she had truly hurt Severus.
But Severus had been lying all along.
"Are you okay, Lily?" Rick asked with concern.
"Yeah, Rick" Lily snapped with fury "Everything is perfect"
The boy looked at her.
"I would ask you out now but I don't think I fancy you anymore, plus, I think I'm with Shelby..."
"It's okay" she smiled "I don't want you to ask me out"
"You just opened my eyes" Lily said "Thank you"
"Alright" the boy shrugged.
"So, I'm guessing Snape was not the reason you were crying before, eh?"
It had been because of James Potter. It had been because she missed him. But she had to choose Severus. Or at least that was what she believed.
Lily shook her head.
"I've been an idiot, Rick"
Rick ducked his head to the side.
"I've been angry with the wrong boy"
Maybe Potter's reason to ask her out were selfish as well. But at least he had been upfront. Maybe she could talk to him about it.
Now Lily was finding out that her supposed best friend was worse. Fake all along.
Lily wanted to kill Severus Snape.
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Lily Evans had never had a large party on her birthday before. She had always had just a couple friends over at her house, or once she started hogwarts, in her dorm. The first few years at school were short little celebrations with her different friends, since they couldn't get along together. But this year was just one party, a big one, organised by Mary and James, well known for their ability to plan a great party with large crowds and manage to keep those crowds happy.
She donned her best outfit, got Emmeline to do her makeup, Marlene to do her nails, and Mary with the hardest job of blocking Remus Lupin from the record player in the common room.
And as people began to gather, Lily went downstairs to join them. Sirius and Peter had snuck to Hogsmeade to get some booze, under the conditions they made sure it was only people over 16 drinking it. Now they stood like guards, arms folding with sunglasses over their eyes and makeshift badges as they teared down at a poor ravenclaw from 4th year that tried to grab a bottle.
Lily made her way over grabbing a drink before moving to the record player in the corner.
Mary was stood, glaring up at Remus, "You aren't fucking touching this! I will stand here the entire night if I have to. We refuse to lieten to a single Zeppelin song!"
"Remus!" Lily shouted, "Get away from the music! We made a deal, my choice on my birthday!"
Remus groaned, "Mary's just been playing constant abba though!"
Lily grinned, "My birthday, my choice."
Remus glared at her before starting to smirk and he quickly grabbed her drink before speeding away.
"You fucker!" She yelled after him.
"Happy birthday, Lils!"
Mary grabbed her into a tight hug, "What that twat said."
She hugged her back, "Ugh I love you, thank you for this."
"Why are you sweet? Hey, you should go get another drink before it's all gone. I'll protect the music for you."
Lily hugged her again before going back to the drink table to find it bare.
"We're gonna go get some more but James has disappeared and he's got the cloak and map." Peter said, seemingly appearing behind her out of nowhere.
"He's a terrible boyfriend", Sirius sighed, shaking their head.
Lily rolled her eyes, as Marlene bounded over.
"He's just gone to grab the slytherins, prat."
Sirius clasped their hand to their heart, "blondes are so mean... oh sorry, I mean gingers."
Lily's eyes widened and she stared at Marlene in shock, "What? Marlene, what?"
Marlene stuck a finger up at Sirius before disappearing into the crowd.
"Marlene! You're ginger too?!"
"What's all the yelling about?" James said, map and cloak in one hand just before Peter grabbed them both and ran off with Sirius.
"Marlene's ginger!"
James froze, "you're not meant to know that. She got us all to promise to never tell you. Who told you? It was Sirius wasn't it? They're terrible at keeping secrets."
"Why would she dye her hair? What's wrong with being ginger!"
James shrugged, "I dont know! She's done it since she was like 9!"
Dorcas leaned over, "Her mum got her to do it as a kid and then she said she keeps doing it because 'ginger is much less rock n roll'... also hi lily, happy birthday."
"Fucker." Lily said.
"Woah Lily, Cas was just wishing you a happy birthday, no need for swearing." Regulus slightly smiled.
Lily squinted at him in annoyance before reaching to hug him.
Pandora nudged Regulus, "He got you a gift, but he's so shy he asked me to give it to you instead."
"That's not what I said! I'm not shy!" Regulus said, nudging her back as she gave the wrapped present to Lily.
James bounded over her shoulder excitedly.
Inside was a vinyl of the single song, dancing queen.
Regulus put his hands in his pockets, "I thought it'd be a good fit for this party, and I am willing to dance."
Lily grinned, immediately running over to Mary to put it on.
The intro spinned into the air and James pulled Lily up onto a desk. They danced and danced. Others clambering up on the desks after them. Dorcas and Marlene dancing while making out, Pandora with Emmeline and Sybil, Mary leaving her station to join in the dance, Peter and Sirius back from their mission and immediately jumping up on the desks, and Regulus following through his promise to join Lily and James in the dance.
And Remus, with a clear shot of the record player with no one guarding it, didn't move from where he stood, and let abba sing out, just for Lily.
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
#happy birthday lily evans!!!!#she is an icon. she is the moment.#she is the dancing queen.#lily evans birthday#lily evans#marauders era#marauders#jegulily#Spotify
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Wolfstar Au: Questions and Confessions (pt 3 of Parties and Morning Regrets)
tw: panic attack
pt 2
read it on ao3
obligatory tag for @icitlali as you’re pretty much the main reason this fic turned into a series, i hope you enjoy it!
When Remus woke up again, hours later, he noticed three things. 1) there was a blanket over him, 2) Lily was home, he could hear her singing along to music in the kitchen and 3) Sirius was nowhere to be seen.
Just as well, Remus thought as he got up. He felt and heard all of his joints clicking and cracking while he stretched. He wrapped the blanket tightly around himself and waddled into the kitchen.
“Hi” He whispered, despite not having to.
Lily spun around, catching him in a hug. “Feeling better?” she asked, pressing her face against his chest.
“Yeah, sleep is good” Remus nodded as they let go, and Lily went back to cooking.
“I’m making dinner, you were asleep for ages”
“Figured, I’m starved”
“I slept with James”
“James?” The name vaguely rang a bell in Remus’ head but it’s not like he knew a lot of people called James.
“Potter- James Potter, remember?” Lily chewed her bottom lip, “from school?”
James Potter had been best friends with Sirius Black and that was probably the only way Remus knew him. There was also the fact that he had chased after Lily for most of their school days. Most people thought he was a rich, spoiled and arrogant boy but Remus found he never really saw him like that. From their limited interactions, Remus thought James was actually a quite pleasant person, a little big-headed but all round a good bloke.
“And?” Remus waved his hands around, nearly letting the blanket fall to his feet.
“And… we may have exchanged numbers”
“You always said you hated him!”
“Well I did… but, he got really fit” Lily admitted, pink dusting her cheeks.
“Fit? you slept with him cause he got fit?”
“Kind of- I mean, we talked at the party and he told me about his work and Remus, he’s a human rights lawyer”
This was an interesting piece of information. Remus didn’t know that James was also a lawyer but he did remember Sirius mentioning something about him the night of the party. Did this mean that maybe Remus was wrong? Maybe Sirius wasn’t working for his father anymore and he was in New York to team up with James. It was unlikely though since he specifically remembered his brain latching onto Sirius saying something along the lines of him doing business for his father. There was always the possibility of Sirius lying. However, Remus felt that was unlikely too. Sirius wasn’t much of a liar unless he had to.
He must’ve been quiet for too long because Lily nudged him gently. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah” Remus nodded, “just thinking”
“Bad thinking or good thinking”
Remus shrugged. “Just… thinking”
“Does it have anything to do with you definitely sleeping with your gorgeous ex-boyfriend the other night?”
Remus’ face reddened and he pulled the blanket tighter around himself as if it could shield him from all his problems and worries.
“Ha! I knew it” Lily was practically jumping up and down. “He left his phone number”
Remus groaned. “Throw it away”
“Bin it, burn it, I don’t care”
“Remus, you can’t just cut off anyone who makes you feel things” Lily sighed.
“I don’t do that” Lie. He did it all the time.
“Yes you do… remember when you dated Anna? or Frank? or Sam?”
Remus shrugged and made a vague noise. He didn’t like where this was going but Lily carried on.
“You pushed them away as soon as it got too real, as soon as it got serious”
“Well, I just didn’t want to settle down with them”
“And why’s that, my friend?”
“I don’t know… they weren’t right” Remus shrugged again, “who are you? my therapist?”
“I’m your friend, idiot” Lily lightly hit his arm, smiling despite fully reading Remus like today’s paper. “I just think we both know it’s because they weren’t Sirius”
Remus had nothing to say to that. “Just… bin the number, I don’t want to talk to him”
Lily sighed, exasperated. “You don’t have to talk to him but I’m not throwing out his number, just in case”
“I’m not going to call him” He replied, leaning his chin on her shoulder.
“I know, you’re too set on making yourself miserable”
“That’s not true”
“Oh sure”
“I don’t even like him”
“I saw the way he looked at you, clearly he still cares a lot about you and…” she paused, kissing Remus’ forehead before reaching for two plates. “you do too or else you wouldn’t have invited him up earlier”
“I just didn’t want to leave him out in the cold” That’s all there was to it, Remus had told himself earlier. He was tired and leaving Sirius outside, alone in the cold, in a city he probably wasn’t familiar with just seemed like the wrong thing to do.
“Sounds like caring to me” Lily replied in a sing-songy voice.
Remus resorted to sticking his tongue out instead of formulating a response.
Lily passed him a plate filled with pasta and the two brought their food to the sitting room. “Who’s manning the bakery?” Remus asked, suddenly realising that neither one of them had gone to work.
“Marlene and Dorcas, I went in to check when I was picking up Mrs Pettigrew’s shopping” Lily paused for a forkful of pasta before continuing. “She was asking about you”
“Why me?”
“Dunno, she likes you”
Remus raised his eyebrow, changing the channel and ending up on an episode of Doctor Who.
“Yeah, I don’t know why but she said you should drop by soon” Lily added.
“Mmm, I might later”
The two finished their dinner in a comfortable silence, occasionally commenting on what the current Doctor was getting up to. After dinner, Lily showered and Remus finally got the chance to take that bath he had wanted nearly all day. He bid Lily an early goodnight afterwards, seeing as he was up for the morning shift the next day.
Remus didn’t mind working at the bakery, it meant he never had to walk far to get to work or to get home. He wasn’t passionate about it like Lily was though which meant for him, waking up at the arse crack of dawn wasn’t worth it. Still, he got up, feeling a billion times better than the day before, and got dressed. It was 4am when he got there and the only other person with him was Mary McDonald.
Mary was a good friend of Lily’s and just as passionate about making the best baked goods as she was. Their entire staff consisted of five people, usually there were two people there from 4 am up until 4 pm (despite it opening hours being 8am to 3 pm). During busier hours, another person came in from 11 am to 2 pm. It was a small business but it was open every day and sold everything from custom order cakes to bread, rolls and just nearly every other baked good under the sun. Lily was a fair boss and no one had to be in work for 4 am two days in a row since the bakery was so small, they didn’t need more than three people there at the one time. Usually they got by with just the two.
“Morning” Mary rubbed her eyes, turning on the radio when Remus walked in.
“ ‘Ello” He saluted, getting ready to sanitise the kitchen and get the dough prepared for all the baked goods they would be selling that day.
Remus liked working with Mary. She was quiet enough and most of the time the two got to enjoy listening to the radio, singing along to songs or commenting on the news as they worked. He hadn’t even thought about Sirius since the night before and all was going great.
That was until the clock hit 2:15. That was when Remus was working the till and that was when Sirius waltzed into the small establishment. Remus knew it wasn’t a coincidence because Lily’s bakery was small and very very local. There was no way Sirius had just so happened to wander in off the street.
To Remus’ dismay, after Sirius bought an eclair and a cup of coffee, he didn’t leave. Sirius didn’t leave even when he had finished, instead stuck around and ordered another coffee. Who drinks so much coffee, thought Remus, feeling more and more annoyed the more time Sirius spent not leaving. Eventually, it was time for Remus’ break and Mary took over the till.
Remus went out the back, into the alleyway for a cig and a yogurt. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to enjoy much of his lunch break by himself because after he had eaten, and lit the cigarette, someone he didn’t want to see appeared in his line of vision.
“You haven’t called”
Straight to the point then, Remus thought, taking an extra long drag of the cig. “No”
“Why not?” Sirius shoved his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight between his two feet.
“Why is it that you always get to be the one asking questions and pointing out how much I’ve changed?” Remus countered, putting the cigarette out on the ashy tray on the windowsill.
Sirius didn’t say anything so Remus straightened and took a step forward with his hands tucked under his arms, to keep the cold off. The fingerless gloves weren’t much help. “How come you’re New York? Why are you still working for your father’s bloody firm? And why are you so quiet and subdued?”
While all of this was spilling out of Remus, he suddenly found himself right up in Sirius’ face with his breath ghosting his lips. Sirius didn’t back down though as steel grey met blazing amber.
“You never asked” He replied simply.
“Because you never gave me the chance to!” Remus took a step back and one forward again. “I did now so… go on, out with it”
“My father recently branched out to America, New York to be specific and I…. I wanted- no, I needed to get away” Sirius spat out. “I needed to get away from my parents because I had enough of them and everything they stood for and… and I finally stopped being so afraid of them!”
“So why did you go after me then?”
“I didn’t go after you”
“You talked to me at the party and then you showed up at my workplace” Remus reasoned, “I’m so sorry that I misread the fucking signs!”
“You’re the one that invited me up to the flat!”
“Yes, because it was cold out and I didn’t want to be that guy who left someone in a new city out in the freezing fucking cold”
“Really? because you didn’t have a problem making jabs at me and being a cruel bastard”
“Oh I’m the bastard, sure”
“That’s not fair and you know it!”
“Well life isn’t fair either and you don’t get to decide what’s fair and what’s not, so how about you fuck off Sirius”
“No” came Sirius’ sharp reply.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I said no” Sirius’ voice was shaking and Remus hated himself for wanting to comfort him. “No because I’m still in love with you even though you clearly don’t want me to be because you’re acting like a condescending asshole 90% of the time and the other 10 you remind me of the guy I fell for in Year 7”
Remus felt winded. Year 7?? “You- you can’t just drop that on me….” He trailed off, staggering backwards. “I need get back to work”
He turned on his heel and ran a hand through his hair. Sirius said something, shouted Remus’ name maybe but his voice sounded distant and fogged. Somehow he stumbled back into the bakery to see Mary look at him with worried eyes.
Her voice was distant too and the room was too warm. His lungs wouldn’t fill properly and his head spun. He felt like he was going to pass out and he would’ve literally hit the ground if Mary hadn’t caught him.
She put him in a chair against the wall and grabbed a bottle of water, fusing over him and saying things Remus wasn’t hearing because the sound of his heart racing was far too loud. Yep, this is how I die, he thought, leaning back in the chair and letting his head hit the wall.
Suddenly Mary appeared in front of him again, he could only tell by the hands on his shoulders as his eyes were closed. “Remus? Remus, deep breaths love” when Remus was unresponsive she tried again. “Remus breathe in, 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. and hold the breath 2... 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. and out again, 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8…”
This time Remus followed Mary’s lead. They did the breathing exercise a couple more times before Remus felt stable enough to open his eyes again. “What happened?”
“Listen I-“ Remus cut himself off because what did happen. “Thank you, I don’t really- can we not talk about it?”
Mary was kind, there was no denying that. She nodded, despite looking concerned. “Of course, yeah, whatever makes you comfortable”
Mary insisted that Remus stay in the back for the rest of the day and he was happy enough not having to man the till. Sirius had completely disappeared and Remus was too tired to do anything about it. At 3pm, Mary locked up and they set about preparing ingredients and products for the next day, freezing selected stock and cleaning the kitchen.
By the time they had finished Mary was still concerned. “Hey, are you alright now?”
“Mmm, yeah, I’m good” Remus would’ve preferred to face Sirius again and risk another panic attack rather than have to talk to Mary about what happened earlier.
Mary gave him a tight smile and put a hand on his arm. “Mind yourself, yeah?” she gave his arm a light squeeze before the two went their separate ways.
#marauders#marauders fic#marauders au#modern marauders#hp marauders#remus lupin#sirius black#wolfstar#wolfstar fanfiction#wolfstar angst#wolfstar fic#sirius x remus#remus x sirius#wolfstar au#lily evans#background jily#mary mcdonald
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park meeting, part 2. (muggle au)
Here’s part 1
The play date went fantastic; Marlene and Hazel were already at the park when Sirius arrived with Harry. The kid played with the dog the whole time and the other two had a really nice chat.
She told him about her work as a therapist and as a Psychology Professor in a prestigious university while Sirius told her about his fantasies of becoming a full time musician, but for now he was rather happy as a music teacher. He also mentioned that he used to be in band and that he played the bass, but when Harry’s parents died, he had to quit so he could take care of him.
Using his godson as an excuse, Sirius bought her ice-cream and walked her and Hazel home with Harry over his shoulders. Admittedly, he didn’t want the date to end, but all good things must come to an end. He was so startled when she kissed him so painfully near his lips that forgot to ask her number. However, he knew where she lived and, most important, he also knew that she went to the park every day.
“Don’t you think you are a little obsessed with her, mate?” Remus asked teasingly after taking a sip of his beer while lifting Harry with his leg playfully as he tried to climb it. Sirius hadn’t stopped talking about this girl for days now; he was getting not only repetitive, but bloody annoying too.
Sirius rolled his eyes; he wasn’t obsessed, he was just worried. Ever since the play date, Marlene hadn’t showed up to the park like she said she would:
“Yeah, I come here almost every day, I love this park and so does Hazel… don’t be surprised if you find us here, we kind of VIP members by now”
“I’m not obsessed, idiot, I think something happened… I went there almost every day and haven’t seen her, it’s been two weeks now” Sirius explained.
“Why don’t you call her?” Remus asked arching an eyebrow, it was kind of funny and definitely strange seeing Sirius worrying this much about a girl. He lifted his leg again, Harry giggling happily on top of it, and then put him down.
“I told you, I didn’t get her number” Sirius groaned exasperated and then ran his fingers through his hair with frustration. “I even went to her place once but didn’t know which apartment was hers” he sighed.
“And yet, you’re not obsessing over her” Remus pointed out sarcastically, picking Harry up and placing him over his lap. “I think uncle Padfoot is in love, mate” he smirked.
“What? Don’t be ridiculous, Moony, I’m just worried” Sirius replied, shaking his head fervently. He leaned back on the couch and sighed, maybe he was overreacting and she was just busy. However, he couldn’t stop thinking about her… what the hell was wrong with him?
Harry crawled across the sofa, grabbed Prongs and started playing with him. Both Sirius and Remus stared at him with a sad smile, he looked just like James. Except his eyes, he had Lily’s green eyes. In a matter of seconds, the toddler was fast asleep hugging his favorite stuffed animal.
“I need you to do me a favor” Sirius said after a while.
“Why do I have the feeling that is something mental?” Remus sighed, rubbing his face with both hands.
“Come on, mate!” he smirked. “Mental is what I did for you last year… remember that lovely bird you shagged on Peter’s birthday?” he pointed knowingly.
“You shagged her friend, how could that be mental?” He rolled his eyes while shaking his head in disbelief.
“She was a 6, Moony… you know my standards” Sirius replied simply. “Besides, I’m only asking you to go to the park tomorrow with Harry and see if she’s there… I’ve humiliated myself enough”
“Okay, first of all your standards are questionable to say the least. And second, I doubt a psychology professor would approve that way of referring to women… or people in general” he said knowingly. “Besides, I don’t even know how she looks like, how am I supposed to find her, anyways?”
Sirius rolled his eyes, he just wanted to see her again, what’s wrong with that? “Harry knows her, and she’ll be with a bernese mountain dog … oh and she has blonde hair and blue eyes; she’s gorgeous you shouldn’t have any problem on recognizing her” he said simply.
Remus rolled his eyes. “Fine, whatever”, he was only doing it because he was really curious about this mysterious girl.
“I swear mate, he was just here… how the hell does he manage to escape with those tiny legs? I’m looking for him, okay? Yeah, I know, he couldn’t have gone that far… wait you’re coming? Bloody hell, Padfoot, I’m going to find him, there’s no need… there he is, for Christ’s sake!” Remus hung up and ran towards Harry.
“Why is it that we always meet like this, Harry?” Marlene smiled tiredly as she lifted him up and kissed his cheek. “Let’s go and find Sirius, okay?” she asked with her heart beating with excitement.
The toddler giggled happily, “Hazel?”
The dog barked and Marlene placed Harry on the ground, allowing the kid to pet her. She looked around trying to find Sirius, but he was nowhere to be seen. However, after a few moments, another man approached to them.
“Harry, mate, you can’t run away like that” Remus sighed heavily.
“Moony!” Harry giggled and then pointed at the dog, grinning happily. “Hazel!” he beamed joyfully.
“Well… if it helps, you’re not the first one” Marlene commented, smiling politely yet a bit disappointed to see that he wasn’t Sirius. “I’m Marlene, you must be Remus, am I right?” she asked, holding out her hand.
He blinked surprised and then realized she was the girl. Sirius was right, she was quite beautiful, and definitely his type. Remus nodded and smiled, “I can see Sirius told you about me”.
“Yeah, he did… but only good things, don’t worry” she teased and looked at Harry who was playing happily with Hazel. “Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, Remus” Marlene smiled tiredly.
The past two weeks had been a living hell: first, she had the flu and had to be in bed for, at least, five days but stayed only three because she started treating a new patient that required the 150% of her attention because he had a severe depression. If that wasn’t more than enough, she had tons of papers to correct.
“Is nice to meet you too… Sir- Harry hasn’t stopped talking about you” he commented, wondering if Sirius was on his way or not.
“Oh, he is a really sweet boy” she smiled. Remus seemed like a very nice guy, but she was exhausted and needed to get some sleep.
“There you are, mate!” Sirius arrived, panting heavily with both hands placed on his thighs as he tried to catch his breath. “We should try putting on a collar next time, little devil runs away every fucking time” he muttered in between taking deep breaths. He stood up straight and blinked with surprise, noticing the blonde therapist right there. “Well, hello stranger” he smirked.
Marlene’s lips curved into a wide smile and her heart started racing. “Hey, you” she mumbled and placed both hands on her back pockets.
“It’s been a long time” Sirius said with a mixture of reproach but also relieved to see that she was okay.
Remus’ eyebrows arched and had a hard time trying not to laugh; he was this close to making a scene. He smirked slightly, thinking on how he was going to tease him relentlessly for the next couple of days.
“I know… it’s been a tough couple of weeks. I had the flu, and then the papers to correct and my patients and… oh shit, I forgot” she gasped and took out her phone: her patient hadn’t called her yet. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. “Look, I have to go… why don’t I give you my number and we can hang out sometime?” she suggested, looking at Sirius.
“Sure” Sirius grinned and dialed his number on her mobile and called himself; when his phone started vibrating he hung up.
“I’m so sorry, I really have to go” she sighed before whistling softly. “Hazel, come on… it was really nice meeting you, Remus” she said and then looked at Sirius. “Call me” she muttered with a slight smirk and then, after checking that Remus’ eyes were focused on the kid and not on them, she pecked his lips briefly but intensely. Marlene bit her lower lip teasingly and then look at the toddler. “Bye Harry, I’ll see you soon” after saying that, she started running away with Hazel trailing behind her.
“Oh…It’s been so long” Remus teased him before bursting into laughter and, of course, earning a light shove. “Oi, no need for that” he complained and looked at his friend who was writing something on his phone. Curiously, he saw the screen and read:
#my stuff#drabbles#park meeting#park meeting part 2#muggle au#blackinnon#sirius black x marlene mckinnon#marlene mckinnon x sirius black#sirius black#marlene mckinnon#remus lupin
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On Edge

As the city of Edge expanded out and around them, Cloud and Tifa spend their days building up both Seventh Heaven and Strife Delivery Service. It was hard work and an occasional thankless task, but they persisted because it was also a labour of love.
After Barret left on his quest to find purpose in his life, leaving Marlene in their care, things quietened down for the longest time, until Cloud brought home a young boy called Denzel he'd found wandering around the ruins of Aerith's church. He'd contracted Geostigma, a fatal and highly contagious disease, but that didn't stop Tifa from welcoming him into their home.
A few nights after Denzel's arrival during a slow point in service, Tifa overheard a few locals talking about a shady network, a black market, that seemed to appear from nowhere. The person pulling the strings had everyone at their beck and call and no one could explain how. Standing at the far end of the bar, pretending to rinse a glass out, Tifa's eyes widened as she heard a name she thought she'd never hear again. Don Corneo? She glanced at the two barflies from the corner of her eye. Labourers, the pair, they came in at the end of every week to celebrate a job well done. Reliable sorts, so she knew she could trust what they said. Wonder if Cloud knows? She looked at the clock. He'll be back soon. With a nod to herself that it could wait until she saw him in person, Tifa turned back to serve her customers with a warm smile and cold drinks.
“Hey, Cloud! You're back!” Denzel beamed up at him, as Cloud came through the doors.
Tifa came out from behind the bar carrying four plates. “Just in time for dinner,” she said to him. “Everybody wash up first.” She looked from Cloud to Denzel and then Marlene, who nodded. As Cloud passed her, she added, “There's something we need to talk about, but not with the kids around.”
Cloud paused and frowned. “Okay...”
Head tilting as she watched him go, Tifa also frowned. He sounded worried. Does he know about Corneo already? Maybe I shouldn't bring it up. I'm sure Cloud can handle it. Deciding not to poke a hornet's nest when she didn't need to, Tifa put the dinner down and went to grab cutlery.
Dinner passed in a haze of pleasant chatter about everyone's day. Denzel asked Cloud as many questions about work as he could think of, but often his one word answers weren't enough so Tifa filled in the blanks. Marlene showed Cloud her arithmetic book and bragged about becoming an accounts clerk for the bar.
“You've got a patient teacher,” he said to her, looking at Tifa.
“Only sometimes,” she replied in a teasing tone.
Cloud ducked his head a little and said, “Hoo boy.”
After dinner, Denzel felt well enough to play outside for a while, so he and Marlene went out with strict instructions to return before the street lights came on.
Cloud gathered up the empty plates and took them over to the sink where Tifa already had the water running. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
Lost in thought, it took a moment for Tifa to hear his question. Then, she glanced up at him. “Hmm? Oh, it's nothing now.”
Cloud's brow creased as he began to pout. “Right...” He put the plates in the sink and turned away. “Guess I'll be in the office.”
Is he upset? “Cloud?” Tifa put her hand on his upper arm, stopping him from leaving. “Is something wrong?”
Cloud shook his head. “No. It's just I thought you wanted to talk and now you don't. It's fine.”
It doesn't sound fine. Sighing, Tifa took a step closer to him and laid her forehead against his back. ��I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.”
Cloud placed his hand over Tifa's. “It's fine. I'm not upset.” He fell silent for a long moment, then drew in a deeper breath before saying, “If something's wrong you can rely on me. You're not in this alone.”
Tifa smiled and wrapped her arm around his waist. “I know.”
“Then, tell me what's the matter?”
Chuckling, she realised some wires crossed in their conversation. We can work on that. Moving around to face him, Tifa said, “It wasn't anything the matter with me. I heard Don Corneo's still alive and I was going to ask you about it, but then I thought what if you were already handling it?” She bowed her head, adding, “I didn't want to assume you hadn't heard. You're out in the world more than I am.” Waiting in silence to see what Cloud would say, Tifa was surprised when he put both hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him. “Huh? You're smiling?”
“Doesn't matter,” he replied, pulling her into his arms and holding her close. “I hadn't heard about Corneo,” he continued, speaking in a low voice, “but I can deal him if you want.”
Would he eventually bother them? Tifa wasn't sure. He only came after Avalanche because Shinra posted a reward. If the rumours were true, only the Turks and a few loyal administrative staff remained. Reeve reappropriated much of the company and turned it into the WRO: the World Regenesis Organisation, dedicated to protecting and preserving the planet and its people. But what about the regular people down on the ground? The WRO's focus is rebuilding. Should we really leave a threat like Corneo running around without check? “I don't know,” she murmured. “What do you think?”
“You're always saying we should get to know the neighbours.”
Tifa giggled. “That's not exactly what I had in mind when I said that, but it works.” She looked at him and smiled. “Want some help?”
Cloud nodded. “Sure, why not?”
It wasn't hard to run Corneo to ground in a newer part of Edge than where Cloud and Tifa lived. His tastes were just as overblown and ridiculous as Tifa remembered. “How did he even find all these materials?” she wondered, as Cloud rang a doorbell.
“I can guess, but you won't like it,” he replied, scowling.
Tifa shuddered. “Reeve would be impressed with his procurement skills, but not his methods.”
The door opened and a man with a scar running down his face poked his head out. “What?”
“Here to see Corneo,” Cloud said, placing one hand on the hilt of his sword. “We don't have an appointment.”
“Get lost.” As the door began to close, Cloud drew his sword and jammed it into the gap.
“Ah! Get lost!”
“On it.” Tifa grabbed the door with both hands and pulled. The man lost his grip and it swung fully open.
“Like I said,” Cloud repeated, taking a step forward, “we're here to see Corneo.” He continued to advance, forcing the bigger man to back up until both he and Tifa made it inside.
“We're old acquaintances,” Tifa said from behind Cloud.
“Yeah, do whatever,” the man replied, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Thank you very much!” Tifa passed Cloud, then beckoned him after checking the coast was clear. “Corneo spent all his money on trappings, huh? No lackeys anywhere.”
“Hmm...” Cloud's eyes darted around, keeping a look out for sudden attacks.
They made it all the way to Corneo's inner sanctum without seeing another person.
“Guess you were right,” Cloud said to Tifa, as he pushed open the double doors and walked into Corneo's office.
“Then, how is controlling everyone?” Tifa shook her head. “It doesn't make sense.”
“Maybe—watch out!” Cloud grabbed Tifa's wrist and tugged her to safety as a hidden goon leapt from the shadows brandishing a knife.
“Surprise!” Several more appeared.
Pulling her behind him, Cloud drew his sword. “Good to go?”
After making short work of Corneo's thugs, Cloud and Tifa moved past the office and into the back room.
Tifa sighed and shook her head. “I must be seeing things. This looks just like his room at Wall Market.”
“With a couple new additions,” Cloud replied, crossing to the far wall and examining a collection of photos lining it. “Asshole.” He ripped one down and shoved it in his pocket.
“Cloud?” Who's the photo of?
“No biggie.” He looked around. “Where's Corneo?”
“That scumbag. Did he escape like last time?” Tifa balled her fists.
The sound of a toilet flushing came from behind another door.
Cloud glanced at Tifa, seeming to deliberate something, then shook his head. “We'll wait 'till he comes out.”
Tifa's eyes crinkled at the corners as she ducked her head and smothered a laugh. “Thanks.”
By the time Corneo emerged from the bathroom, Tifa had taken a seat at Corneo's desk with Cloud leaning against it beside her. Both smothered their surprise as a thin, pasty man wearing a faded red velvet dressing gown appeared. Most shocking about the change in his appearance was the wheelchair.
“Guess he didn't weasel out it totally after all,” Cloud commented. “You look like shit.”
Corneo stopped and looked up. “Oho, my little Avalanche kittens. Come for a visit, have you? Well, I expected you sooner, but I heard you'd gotten caught up in your little business venture.” Corneo continued wheeling himself around the room until he reached his bed. “Little help? I take it you've incapacitated my men?” When Cloud took a step in his direction, Corneo sneered. “Not you, her.” He pointed at Tifa.
Cloud blocked the way with his sword as Tifa got up from the chair. “Forget it.”
“Oh, I wasn't going to help,” she said, as she placed a hand on his arm and gently urged him to lower his sword. “I was going to kick him and see if he's faking.” She gave Corneo a bright and very false smile.
“Be still my beating heart!” Corneo put both hands to his chest. “How could you think I'd lie about something this serious?”
“Because you're a snake,” Cloud replied. “What are you up to in Edge?” he added, coming straight to the point.
“Up to? Me? Why nothing.” Corneo smiled. “I'm just a businessman seeking new opportunities in the new metropolis.”
Tifa could feel the lies permeating the room. “And what kind of opportunities would those be?”
“What's it to you? I'm not hurting anyone. I'm just going about my day. You're the ones who ruined me so I have to start over, remember?” A vicious look crossed his face as he fidgeted in the wheelchair.
Crossing her arms, Tifa said, “You brought that on yourself, and you'll bring worse if you don't behave.”
Corneo got a saucy look in his eye. “Oh, will you punish me?” he asked, voice dropping an octave.
Tifa repressed a shudder. “Sure,” she said in a bland voice. “Cloud, you still have that bat with all the nails in it, right? That'd make a perfect paddle.”
Corneo's shudder was clearly one of pleasure. “Promises, promises.”
Cloud bared his teeth at Corneo and took a step forward. “Now look—”
“All right, all right.” Corneo put his hands up in surrender. “I'll behave. Wouldn't want your boyfriend getting jealous, am I right?”
Tifa nodded, as Cloud said, “Right.” She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. He'd never admitted he was her boyfriend before. It made her feel strangely shy. She noticed his cheeks turning red as he glared at Corneo, so she ducked her head and tried to focus on the task at hand.
“Oh, you two are cute. Once I build a new coliseum you'll compete, huh? Really bring in the crowds, especially when they hear former champion Cloud has a new lady on his arm.”
“Not new,” Cloud snapped.
What's this? Tifa looked at Cloud again and this time he seemed embarrassed. Who is Corneo talking about?
“We don't have time for your bullshit. Stay out of trouble or I'll finish the job the Turks started.” Cloud was already sheathing his sword and turning to go.
Tifa took one last look at Corneo and followed.
Back at Seventh Heaven, Tifa trailed Cloud into his office and noted his desk needed tidying again. She frowned at the medical text book littered with notes. Is he looking for a cure for Denzel? Her gaze softened as it tracked to him. “Cloud?”
“I wasn't with anyone else in Wall Market,” he said, keeping his back to her. “They misunderstood. They thought that Aerith and I...”
So, it was Aerith with him. “Aerith fought in the coliseum?”
Cloud nodded as he turned around. “We needed money for that dress she wore to the audition.”
She'd never asked about the series of events that led to Cloud appearing in Corneo's dungeon in a gothic style dress. She hadn't ever pictured him like that, so it was a huge surprise when she realised it was him under all the makeup and trappings. Why did he come, anyway? “I know we said we'd drop it,” she began in a hesitant voice, taking a step towards him, “but, you never told me why you went through all that.”
Cloud glanced at her, then ducked his head and smiled. “How else was I supposed to rescue you?”
“Rescue me?” Maybe she suspected that was the reason. She hadn't really thought it through at the time. She'd been so focused on getting info out of Corneo that Cloud's purpose sneaking in eluded her. “Is that why you came?”
“Of course it was.” He chuckled and shook his head. “You think I'd go through that much for anyone else?” He dug his hand in his pocket and withdrew the picture he'd swiped from Corneo's earlier. “Souvenir.”
Tifa stepped closer and looked at the picture. “He took photos?” She looked into Cloud's face with dismay. “Then, that wall...”
“Is how he controls people,” Cloud finished with a nod. “Monsters like that always have an angle.”
“Shouldn't we do something?” She took the photo from him and replaced it with her hand.
“Corneo's the type to step in his own shit. He'll slip up sooner or later.” He squeezed Tifa's hand and shrugged.
“I guess so. It just feels wrong to let him run around all over town when things are just starting to settle down.” She sighed, posture sinking.
“Hey,” Cloud wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “if you let it get to you, then he's already won. You think I'll let that happen?”
That's right. Cloud will take care of things. Corneo won't ruin what we're working so hard to rebuild. “Mm, thanks.” She leaned her head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. “I always know I can rely on you.” She peered at the photo in her hand. “So, how did you end up in a dress?”
Cloud chuckled shortly. “Aerith and Andrea Rhodea's doing.”
That was enough information for her to make a guess at how things went. She'd gone through similar at the Gold Saucer. “Thought you didn't dance?”
“I only dance with you,” he replied, kissing the top of her head.
She giggled, feeling her cheeks heating at the memory. He'd come so close to kissing her during their performance, it still sent tingles through her whenever she thought of it. “Shame we can't get Andrea to come take over from Corneo; he'd be the better choice,” she said, trying to deflect from how flustered she'd become. Her eyes drifted towards the cot Cloud set up in the office for those late hours when he returned and didn't want to risk waking her. It's the middle of the day. The kids could come home at any time. We really shouldn't. She snuggled closer and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Tifa?” Cloud tucked her hair behind her ear as he whispered her name. “Wanna dance?”
Tifa giggled again and answered with a shy nod.
#final fantasy 7 remake#cloti#cloud strife#tifa lockhart#fan fiction#final fantasy 7r#final fantasy viir#final fantasy 7#ff7#ffvii#final fantasy 7 advent children#otwtas#the turks are alright#final fantasy 7 compilation
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Can you please please please write more jegulily and jegulus but preferably jegulily puh-leaseee id love and appreciate you forever
James didn’t exactly consider himself good at all the wedding planning stuff. He was still a little awed that Lily Evans had even agreed to it. They’d been dating for four years, since they were eighteen, and it was kind of just the thing people did. James would have been happy just going on the way things were but he knew that was what everyone was expecting of him. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to marry Lily, it was just they already acted as if they were married, it didn’t feel like the actual wedding was worth it. Although James Potter had never said no to a party in his life.
He also didn’t want to leave everything up to Lily. He wasn’t completely useless and could help with the planning and getting shit done. Lily knew better than to have James do too much though considering his propensity for mischief. He’d been given things to do that were difficult to screw up.
James was in charge of the wine they were serving and Sirius’ brother owned a vineyard that he’d inherited from an uncle. Sirius and Regulus had inherited it together from their Uncle Alphie, but Sirius had no interest in wine besides drinking it, so he had let Reg take it over and apparently the business was thriving.
James had actually never met Regulus before despite Sirius being his best friend. After Sirius had begun to rebel against his parents, Walburga and Orion tried to limit his contact with Reg as much as possible so their only good son wouldn’t be influenced by the bad. Reg had gone to a very private boarding school somewhere in Eastern Europe. They hadn’t really had an occasion to meet since then as James had been busy starting his life with Lily.
As he walked into the tasting room, it was so classy he felt like maybe he should take off his shoes so he didn’t track mud anywhere. There were large black leather sofas for people to sit down and enjoy their wine. There were also a few tables on the other side and a bar with stools in the center of the room. The lighting was warm and inviting, like someone could just sit for hours and enjoy the wine.
James knew Regulus was expecting him as Sirius had booked the appointment for him. As it was the middle of the day on a Thursday, it wasn’t as if there were a lot of people there. Just an older retired couple in the corner at one of the tables, chatting quietly and enjoying their afternoon with nowhere to get to.
He took the opportunity to study the different kinds of wine that were displayed on the wall. James didn’t exactly know a lot about wine but he knew it usually gave him a headache. He was more of a whiskey and beer kind of bloke. Still, Lily preferred wine and it seemed like the more wedding type thing to do.
“You must be James,” a silky baritone voice said from his right. James turned and felt like he was hit in the face with a frying pan. Regulus Black was gorgeous. He wasn’t sure why he was so surprised, after all Sirius was a very good-looking bloke. He had the same dark hair but it was shorter and more styled. He had sharp features, high cheekbones and a cut jawline. His eyes were a bit more sunken in than Sirius’, making his grey eyes seem even more pronounced.
“Yes,” James said after having to clear his throat. “James Potter.”
“Regulus Black,” he said, holding out his hand. His fingers were long and slender, almost delicate. James cringed at his own rough hands as he shook Reg’s. “It’s nice to meet you finally.”
“Yeah,” James said, taking his hand back and shoving it into his pockets in embarrassment. “I was starting to think Sirius was keeping us apart on purpose.”
Reg smiled, bringing one thin finger to his lips and biting down on it. Christ, everything about him seemed sinful. “My brother has never been good about sharing. A poor Paddington bear once suffered the consequences by being ripped in half.”
James chuckled. “I wouldn’t know anything about that. Only child I’m afraid.”
“Lucky you,” Reg said, quirking his eyebrows playfully as he dropped his finger from his lips. “Now, what were you thinking for your wedding?”
James shrugged. “To be honest, I know fuck all about wines.”
Reg nodded as if he’d been expecting it. James wasn’t sure if Sirius had warned Reg about James’ lack of knowledge or if he should be offended that Regulus had just assumed he knew nothing. “How about a tasting?” he offered, gesturing towards the bar. “We can go through a range of wines and find what you like. Unless the bride already has some selections.”
James shook his head. “I think she usually drinks a cabernet but she’ll pretty much take whatever is on offer.”
Reg walked gracefully over to behind the bar and began getting set up. He uncorked the first wine with a flourish and poured James a glass. James sat down on one of the stools and watched Reg. He moved like a dancer, his body having such ease to it as if it wanted to go wherever Reg had in mind, everything working in perfect unison.
Regulus slid over a piece of paper with a list of wines on it. “After you taste each wine you score it on a scale from one to five, five being the highest. We’ll start with the sweeter wines and work our way to drier wines. If your fiancée enjoys Cabernet then it’s possibly she’s more into the dry. We’ll see what passes your fancy though.”
James struggled not to mention that Regulus was what he fancied most at the moment. They chatted as James tasted over fifteen types of wine including a few cordials. They were all mostly delicious with only a few not really doing it for him. Regulus’ eyes lit up when he talked about wine and it was clearly a subject he was very interested in. James loved listening to him talk and realized he’d been sitting for hours only by the fact that his arse had lost most of the feeling in it. The older couple in the corner had left and it had been just him and Reg for some time.
“Fuck,” James said, checking his phone. He was slightly buzzed from all the wine. “Lily will be wondering where I am. Guess we’ll be having a takeaway for dinner.”
Regulus smiled politely. “Sorry to take up so much of your time.”
“Don’t be,” James assured him quickly. “I had a really good time. Can I buy a bottle to take home with me? I think Lily would really like it.”
Regulus nodded and turned away. James wasn’t sure but he thought he saw a pained expression cross Reg’s face. When he turned back around, he was holding a bottle of cabernet, his smile never faltering. “It’s on the house,” he said, holding it out to James.
“Absolutely not,” James protested, shaking his head emphatically. “You already wouldn’t let me pay for the tasting even though I googled what you normally charge for that. You’ve done enough, Reg.”
“Just take the stupid bottle,” Reg said with a put upon sigh.
James pushed his glasses up and huffed in annoyance. As he took the bottle from Reg, their fingers brushed against each other and James could have sworn he felt electricity at the touch. He held the bottle in one hand and fished his wallet out with the other. He put fifty quid into the tip jar with a pointed look at Reg. He wasn’t sure if that was enough to cover everything he’d had that day but at least it was something. It didn’t make him feel quite so guilty.
“So…” he said, shuffling awkwardly. “I’ll see you around then?” He realized he really didn’t want to leave.
“You know where I am,” Regulus answered with a small smile. “Congratulations, by the way, I don’t know if I ever said it.”
“Yeah, thanks,” James said, a blush tingeing his cheeks. “I’d better go. I’ve taken up enough of your time.”
Reg ran his fingers through his hair and shrugged. “I didn’t mind at all.”
James felt his stomach twist painfully. He had a fiancée. It didn’t do to go around fancying other blokes when he had the girl of his dreams waiting at home. “Thanks again, Reg. I hope to see you soon.”
“I’d like that.”
As James left the tasting room, he clutched the bottle of wine to his chest and pressed himself up against the wall of the side of the building. The whole thing was just so bloody inconvenient.
James got curry on his way home, unsure if it paired with red wine, but figuring they’d drink it anyway. He should have asked Regulus what would go well with the wine. It seemed like the sort of thing he’d know.
“James,” Lily called out, pulling him from his reverie of thinking of Reg as he dragged his naan through the curry sauce. “Earth to Potter.”
James glanced up from his plate to find Lily staring at him expectantly. He cleared is throat and took a bit of his naan just to stall for time. He had no idea what Lily had been talking about before he spaced out. “Yeah?” he asked with his mouth full.
Lily rolled her eyes. “So who is it?”
“What?” James asked, nearly choking on the half-chewed bread in his mouth. He took a huge gulp of his wine and that didn’t help at all because the wine made him think of Reg. His face heated up in embarrassment.
“You’ve been sighing wistfully the entire meal,” Lily pointed out with a knowing grin. “If I didn’t know better, James, I’d say you were in love.”
James took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m in love with you.”
Lily shrugged. “I’ve been in love with more than one person at once.”
James stared at her in surprise. “Am I one of those two people?” he asked, this being the first he’d ever heard of it.
Lily nodded and pulled one of her knees up to her chest, hugging it as she ate her food. “The year we got together. Our first dating. I’d been in love with Marlene Mckinnon for years before that. It was part of the reason I kept turning you down. Well, that and you were a massive prick back then. Marlene and I used to fool around a lot but I definitely was in love with her. She developed feelings for Dorcas Meadows and I realized you weren’t so awful so we broke things off. But I still had feelings for Marlene even as I started falling in love with you. It’s possible to love more than one person.”
James’ jaw dropped. “Wait, I was a rebound?”
Lily groaned. “Bloody hell, Potter, that wasn’t exactly the point of the story.”
“You never told me any of that!” James said indignantly. “I didn’t even know you were bisexual!”
“I didn’t know you were either,” Lily shot back accusingly and James’ face reddened again. “You didn’t go to work today and so there’s really only one person it could be, unless you feel in love with Mrs. Gupta at the curry place we go to.”
James shuffled uncomfortably. He had forgotten how intuitive Lily could be, how clever she was. Of course she would work it out. No one had ever accused James of being subtle. “Lily, nothing happened, nothing will happen.”
“Says who?”
“Says me!” James said in frustration. “It’s just a stupid crush. I wouldn’t do anything about it.”
“Why not?” Lily said, her tone teasing and James looked up to find her raising an eyebrow at him. “I think I want to meet this Regulus who turned your head.”
“Lily no!”
“Oh yes!”
James was a ball of nerves as they entered the tasting room. He didn’t know what to expect from any of this and the uncertainty had him on edge. Lily seemed to be having the time of her life, getting a chance to playfully rib James for once instead of the other way around. He didn’t even understand what Lily was hoping to gain from all this. Maybe just ammo against James to use for the rest of their lives together. He’d been trying to talk her out of this stupid plan since the previous evening but Lily was steadfast.
Regulus walked in from the back carrying a case of wine. He stopped when he spotted James and smiled at him before glancing over at Lily. He looked a pit panicked as he put the case down on the bar. “Hello again,” he said, his expression schooled into something more neutral. “How can I help you?”
“My fiancée would like to take you out on a date,” Lily informed him. James felt his jaw drop in surprise and his eyes flickered over to Reg nervously.
“Lily,” he hissed, feeling his palms begin to sweat.
“I don’t blame you, James,” Lily said, looking at him over her shoulder and giving him a sweet smile. “Bloody gorgeous.”
“I’m sorry,” Regulus spoke up. “I’m confused.”
Lily walked over to the bar and bent over it, getting close to Reg while James watched them in horror. It felt like everything was going in slow motion, like a car crash. “It’s quite simple,” Lily informed him. “James has a crush on you. I don’t have a problem with that. Are you interested in girls or is it just blokes?”
Regulus looked dumbstruck for a moment and looked at James for help. James could only shrug in response. Regulus blinked a few times and then his attention went back to Lily. “I’m interested in women as well as men.”
Lily smiled. “Then maybe both of us will take you out on a date,” she said, looking behind her and waving James over. James stumbled closer and stood beside his absolutely bonkers bride to be. “Only if you’re interested in that, of course. I’d understand if you’d want it to be just you and James. It seems you two made quite the connection yesterday.”
Regulus’ eyes flickered between James and Lily as if he were working something out in his head. When their eyes met, James gave him a reassuring smile, wanting Reg to know this wasn’t some kind of joke. Reg licked his lips and nodded as if he understood. It felt like a similar non-verbal communication went on between Reg and Lily. He felt a bit relieved by how quickly Regulus and Lily seemed to be hitting it off. After what felt like a lifetime, Reg’s face broke out into a smile. “Well then,” he said, grabbing a bottle of wine and pouring three glasses. “How do you two feel about Indonesian food?”
#jegulily#i write things#Polyamorous relationship#flirting#fluff#modern day au#long post#anon prompt
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sweetener. ch. vi
a/n: i’m so sorry this took forever. i kept changing my mind on certain things and eventually had to split this chapter in half and if you look down at the word count, you’ll understand why.
summary: people are stressed about the wedding. namely you, but not about the wedding, technically. basically, you’re just stressed.
warnings: innacuracies about how weddings work in the uk. bad writing bc i’m editing this after i post it because the painkillers about to kick in and i really wanted to get this up as soon as possible. slight violence, idk if you could call it that but i just wanna cover all my bases. a little smuttiness. swearing, duh. a smidge of angst. drama? scandal? intrigue?
word count: 6k.

(as per usual, i don’t own the pic i just edit. also i’m actively trying harder to use more poc in these pics bc i don’t want any lovelies to feel ostracized bc i’m trying (hopefully doing at least okay) to keep this race neutral)
Before anyone realized it, the wedding was in a week. There was no bachelorette party, simply because there wasn’t enough time to have one, let alone plan one. Who knew about the guys, and honestly, who cared? You and every other bridesmaid had way more important things to take care of. The upside of all of this wedding prep drama was that Lily was handling it quite well. You weren’t sure if she was just really good at hiding when she’s about to freak out she’ll just snap one day over nothing, or if she was just genuinely relaxed. James only had one request for the bridesmaids: that their dresses be the color of Lily’s eyes. It was simultaneously the sweetest thing you’d ever heard and made you want to vomit. Some of Lily’s friends from school came into town the week before the wedding since they were some of the bridesmaids. Marlene was the Maid of Honor, obviously, and you, Mary, a very sweet girl who reminded you of sunshine, Dorcas, someone you knew immediately that she was not someone to be messed with, but nice nonetheless, and Alice, a friend who had already been married a year or two, were the bridesmaids.
You and Sirius had put a hold on the “meet-ups”, since you were both running around doing wedding errands and no time between work and the wedding. He’d still sext you occasionally, which just made you want him even more and it took some persuading and empty promises to make him stop. At the same time, those occasional texts would be to see how your day was going or just to talk. You told yourself he was just being a good friend, since there was technically a “friend” part to “friends with benefits”, and to not read anything into it, but there was a teensy part of you that was hoping that he had a teensy part of him that felt what you were feeling for him. Whenever those thoughts came up, you shoved them back down. Who had time for emotions am I right? Lily was the one who was allowed to have emotions right now, not you, you told yourself one morning while getting dressed when your eyes stopped on the dress you wore the first night you met Sirius. Nope. Feelings? Don’t know her.
You pushed through your workdays, concentrating solely on the task at hand, even if it just making copies or sending an email, you were only allowed to think about that email or that menial copy. Your phone was off the entire time you were at work, if you got a text from him while working, deep down you knew that you wouldn’t get anything done for the rest of the day because you’d be staring at your phone. When you got home from work you only did things that needed to be done for the wedding, if you had nothing to do, you’d text or call Lily because you knew she’d have something for you to do.
That Wednesday before the wedding you had finished tying ribbons on mason jars for the centerpieces and texted Lily, she needed to pick them up and if she just happened to have something to do for the wedding, then you’d do it. Because you’re a good friend. When Lily knocked on the door, you paused the podcast you were listening to (you didn’t really listen to music anymore, too many songs were about the feelings that you were currently suppressing) and basically sprinted to the door.
“Woah, hey,” Lily stumbled over her sentence, a little startled at how quickly you’d opened the door.
“Hello beautiful!” you beamed at her, probably looking ridiculous with a smile that big on your face. “Come in!” you gestured for her to walk in to your place.
Lily chuckled and walked through the door, setting herself down on the couch and crossing her legs. “You’re very enthusiastic today, what’s up?” Lily gave you a quizzical look.
“I’m just excited for your wedding, that’s all!” you sat down next to her and softly patted her on her knee.
Lily looked down at her lap and then looked back up at you. “Y/N, I would believe you if you hadn’t been acting like this for two and a half weeks. What is going on with you?”
“What?” You were somewhat taken aback by her question. “There’s nothing going on. Just work and working on your wedding, that’s it.”
Lily gave you a knowing look before she spoke. “When was the last time you saw Sirius?”
“What does he have to do with anything?” You were getting more confused by the second.
“Just answer the question, as an early wedding present.” Lily casually put one of her arms around the back of the sofa.
“A week ago, maybe a week and a half? We’re pausing things until after the wedding since he’s the best man and I’m a bridesmaid and there’s shit to do,” you somewhat glared over at her. “Why?”
“Because for the last week and a half you’ve been more eager to get things done for the wedding than my mother. I’d expect every text from her to be about my wedding but not you. It’s almost like you’re avoiding something.” She gave you a concerned look. “Did something happen with you and Sirius?”
“Wha- No! Things are fine between us! Am I really being that intense?” You finally figured out what she was getting at and tried your hardest to play innocent.
Lily picked up her phone and handed it to you, “I just want you to read through all the texts you’ve sent me for the last week and a half.”
You internally winced and took the phone from the redhead next to you. Every single text you sent her was about the wedding and if you could do anything or that you had an idea or wanted to know who you’d be sitting next to, and you’d been texting her almost daily. Inside, you knew that you were using the wedding to keep yourself from thinking about Sirius and that kiss in your bedroom and that feeling in your stomach that you hated. You set her phone down next to you and put your head in your hands, elbows resting on your knees. “Okay fine, but you can’t tell anyone! Maybe Marlene, but nobody else. Not even your soon to be husband,” you emphasized before looking directly into her green eyes and taking a deep breath. “After the night all of us had ramen and hung out here, while you we were taking things back to yours and James’ car, when I got the last stuff in the cars James told me to get Sirius because he hadn’t come outside yet. Well, Sirius was in my room just looking at my books and I told him they wanted to leave and he gave me this look and kissed me and…”
“Had you never kissed him before?!” Lily exclaimed in shock.
“No, I definitely kissed him before then, calm down,” you smacked her knee. “He kissed me and it like it was a quick kiss, but I wanted more but not in a sexual way, if that makes sense. Like he tried to pull away but I pulled him back down and, oh my god this is gonna sound so fucking stupid, but when I let him go my lips felt all tingly and then he gave me that same look when he left my room. And since that he’s been texting me every now and then, like not just sexts like asking how I’m doing and wanting to talk and I don’t know if he’s being friendly or has feelingslikeIdoandIdon’twannafuckitup.” You blew out a gust of air and flopped your torso on the back of the sofa.
“Not gonna lie, I didn’t entirely get what you said but I got ‘feelings’ and ‘fuck it up’, so I think I know what you’re saying. Plus Marlene texted me that night and said you had a ‘stupid look on her face since Sirius left her room’ and we kinda put the pieces together,” Lily grinned.
You were a little annoyed that your friend made you admit what you’d been denying for a while. What kind of friend makes someone come to terms with their emotions? “I’m gonna kill both of you,” you groaned.
“I just want to say that it’s okay to have feelings. If you didn’t I would call a doctor to make sure you’re not some kind of robot,” Lily leaned over and held one of your hands. “Plus, you can’t do this anymore. Mostly because there’s literally nothing left to do for the wedding except the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner and the actual. fucking. wedding,” she bore her eyes into yours and emphasized those last three words. “And on top of that, you’re gonna have to see Sirius at all of those things so you need to not act like a lunatic around him if you don’t wanna actually make things complicated between you two.”
Frowning at her you nodded. “You’re right. I can’t just avoid my problems, but it’s so easy,” you whined. “I think it’s so easy to just push all my feelings down because he’s ‘Mr. Non-Commital’ and you heard him at dinner! The longest relationship he’s ever had was with Marlene and that was back in school! All signs are pointing to ‘don’t get attached’. Plus, I’ve already been hurt way too many times by guys nowhere near as hot or as good in bed or as nice or as- Ugh! You see what I’m getting at?” You threw your hands in the air and widened your eyes at Lily. “This is a no win situation.”
Lily put her hands out in front of her, kind of looking like Chris Pratt from that scene in Jurassic World. “Okay, I get it. You’ve been hurt and that sucks. But you can’t give up just because someone attractive may or may not be into you! Why don’t you just try your hardest to be chill around him until after the wedding stuff is over and James and I are in Rome? That way, you aren’t acting like you’re going to explode, and when you do, I’ll be in another country!”
“Thanks, Lily,” you said in a monotone voice, watching her pick her phone up from the cushion next to her and begin typing a message to someone.
“I didn’t even tell you that you could tell Marlene! At least not yet,” you felt a little dejected.
“Oh, we both already knew,” Lily said casually, not looking up from her phone. “I’’m just letting her know that she owes me five quid because you told me about it first and not Marlene,” Lily shut her eyes and gave you a big grin.
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
The wedding rehearsal itself took about fifteen minutes total. Surprisingly, weddings take like no time if just take out the actual matrimony stuff. Who knew? You definitely tried your hardest to be a normal person around Sirius. It probably just looked like you were really concentrating on standing in that one spot, that’s what you were hoping that was what it looked like. Every now and then you looked at Sirius just to see that he was looking right at you, with that smirk on his face, it might have been because Lily had asked all of you to dress nicely for the rehearsal and you settled on the dress you wore the night you met Sirius; partly because you liked torture probably, and it was the nicest dress you had. You felt your face getting warm each time you saw that smirk and prayed that people would think you were just a little warm. In November. In England.
When the rehearsal was officially over, James and Lily called the wedding party over to where they were standing, probably wanting to just thank you all for being in the wedding or something nice like that.
“Okay, you guys,” Lily began with an incredible grin on her face. “You know we love you and that you have done so many favors for us and some have even flown in to be here which means so much to the both of us.” She turned her grin up to James who was looking at her like she hung the stars, basically the way he always looked at Lily, but somehow it was with even more adoration than before, which none of you thought was possible.
James continued to look at Lily for a couple of seconds before he was elbowed in the stomach by her and realized he was supposed to say something as well. “Oh, right,” he snapped himself out of his daze, causing all of you to laugh, since this was just how James has always been around Lily. “The two of us wanted to take you all out to a nice dinner, just us, no relatives or anything. We just wanted to show you our gratitude and catch up with some of you and the rest of you can just drink and be merry,” James laughed. “We have some cars outside waiting for us. You can split up however you’d like, don’t really care either way, just be in a car in ten minutes!” He clapped his hands and walked towards the doors to the sanctuary you were in (Lily’s mother insisted the wedding be in a church).
Before you could even take a step, Sirius was right behind you, his mouth against one of your ears. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were wearing that dress just for me.” Turning around, he was standing about as close as he could without being flush against you, until he wrapped an arm around you and made it so he was truly flush against you. He was wearing a suit, something you didn’t know he owned and if Lily and James weren’t treating you to dinner, you’d be dragging him to your car.
With him so close to you, that feeling in your stomach graduated from a twinge to essentially what people referred to as “butterflies”, a metaphor you hadn’t fully understood until that very moment. “It’s a good thing you do know better, considering we’re in a church,” you said through gritted teeth, feeling the arm around you dip lower and lower down your back and you had to grab his elbow and yank it back up to an acceptable spot. “Regardless, we have to leave in ten minutes,” you rationalized.
“Oh, we both know what can be done in just ten minutes,” he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine that you were sure that he could feel through your dress.
Taking a deep breath, you gathered all the composure that was left in your body, standing up straighter, looking directly into his piercing eyes. “And we both know that we’re not doing that here,” you smiled innocently. “However,” you leaned into his ear this time, “there are cars right outside, waiting for us.” The second the words left your lips, Sirius’ hand was clutched around your wrist, leading you towards the exit, causing you to stumble and tell him to slow down so you could grab your purse and jacket. Of course, he didn’t give you any time to actually put the jacket on, so when you were dragged outside you really wanted to put on that jacket, but as you were putting it on, Sirius was opening the door to one of the town cars on the curb and yanked you down into it and shut the door behind you.
“Any more coming?” the driver asked, looking at the two of you through his rearview mirror.
“No it’s just the two of us,” Sirius hastily replied. “No rush, we can leave with the rest of the cars, we aren’t in a hurry.” Sirius then pressed a button or switch, you weren’t sure, on his door handle and a partition came up between the front section with the driver and the backseat where you and Sirius were.
You gave him the side-eye. “Really?”
“You’re wearing that dress and you weren’t expecting this? Wait- that sounded awful. I mean, you look- And I haven’t-“ He paused and studied your face for a moment. “It’s been too damn long.” He was leaning towards you as he spoke and his words almost slipped out of his mouth and into yours. He kissed you quickly and forcefully, his hands gripping the sides of your face and pulling you as close to him as possible. You kissed him back with the same amount of force, your hands threading through his hair and mentally stopping yourself from just leaning over and straddling him, which gave you an idea.
You kissed him for a few more minutes, wanting to savor him, but you realized that if he was missing you as much as you were missing him, you could use this to your advantage. You began slowing the kisses down, removing your tongue from the equation and turning the full-on makeout session into soft pecks on his lips. Pulling away momentarily, you saw a look of pure confusion dance across his face. You slowly brushed your lips from his lips to his ear and sultrily said, “I thought you said we weren’t in a hurry.” You leaned back slightly to gather his reaction, which was sexual frustration and confusion.
“What do you- No,” he glared down at you. “I haven’t seen you at all in a week and a half and now you’re teasing me?” Part of him looked a little hurt, but you knew that he was playing up his reaction. “Literally any other time I would be so into this, but oh-ooh-“ He glared at you again as you slowly put your hand on his thigh and rubbed the inner part with your thumb. “This is just mean.” He squinted his eyes at you, not even flinching when the car began to move.
You smiled to yourself, turning your head and pretending to look out the window, sighing, letting your hand creep slowly up Sirius’ thigh. You felt his muscles tense underneath your hand and heard what sounded like a growl slip from his obviously clenched teeth. Your smile got a little bit wider. You’d never heard a noise quite like that from him. You looked back over to the man beginning to unravel next to you, watching him shake a strand of hair out of his eyes and turn them towards you.
“You do realize that two can play at this game, darling?” he smirked back, inching slightly closer towards you. He reached an arm across the back of the seat, hung a couple of his long fingers down, letting them find their way to your neck and let them stroke up and down the side of your neck, barely touching you causing a gasp to escape your lips and sending shivers down your spine for the second time that evening. Why did you do this to yourself? You still had a whole dinner to get through. Soon enough, his lips were brushing against where his fingers had just been. You really hadn’t thought this through. He was breaking your defenses faster than you attempted to build them up just moments before. You attempted to concentrate on the hand that was moving closer and closer to Sirius’ growing erection, just the sensation of feeling how hard he was for you, mixed with his kisses that were creeping up your neck and close to meeting your lips.
Before you completely broke, you turned your head away from him, so his lips couldn’t meet yours and moved your hand from his crotch, placing your hands in your lap. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw that Sirius had a look of concern on his beautiful face. “Have I done something wrong? I swear I didn’t mean anything when I was talking about your dress. I-“
You put your hand on his and looked directly at Sirius. “No, nothing’s wrong.” You gave him the smirk he’d given you so often. “I just decided I wanted to be in charge tonight.” You looked down at your hands and caressed his thumb with yours.
Sirius took a deep breath and raked his fingers through his hair with his free hand. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving it. But why?” He had a look of bewilderment on his face.
You coyly leaned your ear over to his to whisper: “Just think about how good it’ll be when we finally get together.”
Before you had a chance to explain your wording, the driver had come around to your door and opened it for you. You hadn’t even noticed that the car stopped. You removed your hand from Sirius’ and grabbed your bag from the floor of the car, slipping your jacket on as you slipped out. You thanked the driver and kept your composure distracting yourself by looking up at the restaurant you were at. You’d never seen it or heard of it before, then again, you couldn’t really read the name of the place. The sign just looked like an ’S’ connected to wiggly line, so honestly, it could have been anything. The rest of the wedding party began getting out of their cars and making their way towards James and Lily who were standing just outside the entrance. Lily seemed to notice that you were standing uncomfortably with your arms across your chest. The redhead raised her eyebrows at you and you gave her a pointed look that said “Don’t ask”. She simply nodded, knowing not to push the subject and turning her attention to Marlene who was walking up to Lily to ask what kind of food they served at whatever this place was called, she’d always been kind of a picky eater.
Soon enough, the lot of you were sitting at a giant round table in a room separate from the restaurant. It even had it’s own door. You attempted to not be seated next to Sirius, but due to different people wanting to sit next to each other to catch up, you had no choice. Sirius, who still hadn’t taken his coat off, most likely to what you had done to him in the car, quickly excused himself, while everyone else was taking their seats.
Remus, who was sitting on your opposite side leaned over towards you. “So how are things between you two?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at you.
You lightly sighed and pretended to look at the menu. “I think it’s fine right now, but… I don’t know, I don’t think we want the same things,” you shrugged.
Remus chuckled. “Well, I think-“
“Oh no, Remus is giving his opinion, this can’t be good,” Sirius laughed, sitting down next to you.
“Oh, we were just talking about,” you began, still pretending to read your menu, “how ridiculous these prices are. Jesus Christ, Lily! I don’t even think I can afford water here,” you looked up at Lily with your eyes widened.
“Y/N, what part of ‘taking you out to dinner’ do you not understand? We’re treating you guys. And you aren’t allowed to order the cheapest thing on the menu so we don’t spend as much on you. I’m watching you, Y/L/N,” James said with a stern look on his face, pointing two of his fingers at his eyes and then pointing them towards you. You smiled and nodded, they were the ones getting married, after all. What they say, goes.
The waiter came around and got everyone’s drink order, luckily this place had your favorite drink on their menu, so you could at least relax a little bit. What you’d slipped out to Sirius was still hot on your mind. The table was soon filled with conversation, people catching up, talking about old times at school. You learned that James, Remus and Sirius were notorious for getting into trouble. They even had another friend that hung out with them but he was always quiet and died years ago in a terrible car crash into a lake where he was then eaten by an alligator.
“It’s so funny, it’s almost as though nothing has changed with you three,” Mary smiled, leaning back in her chair. “Remus is still extremely practical. I’m honestly surprised that you aren’t a professor somewhere”
“Actually,” Remus began, “I’m considering going back to uni for my doctorate. That’s the best thing about literature, they just keep making more of it.” Remus joked and looked down at his drink, obviously not liking the attention being on him in this capacity.
You put your hand on his forearm and squeezed it lightly, smiling up at him. “You’re too smart to not be great at whatever you do.”
He lightly smiled back, keeping his eyes on his drink and you removed your hand from his arm, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable than he already was. You took a small sip of your drink and looked around the table, feeling slightly out of place. As if he was reading your mind, Sirius moved his hand under the table and took yours, lightly making circles on the back of your hand. You looked over at him and smiled, feeling like everything would be okay.
The feeling of Sirius holding your hand had you in a slight trance for a moment, you didn’t realize that Mary continued talking about the three guys in their ‘heyday’.
“Of course James and Lily are getting married. I vaguely remember hearing James say that if he ever married Lily that he would… what was the exact quote?” Mary looked off into the distance trying to remember.
“Oh!” Dorcas exclaimed. “It was ‘If I ever get the chance to marry her I’m doing a musical number at the reception’!”
The whole table began to laugh as James put a hand on his chest, feigning offense. “Well now you’ve gone and ruined the surprise,” he joked, folding his arms over his chest.
“Now, let’s not forget about the infamous Sirius Black,” Alice smiled, pointing a finger to the man who was still holding your hand.
“Or as we liked to call him: ‘Mr. Non-Commital’,” Mary laughed. You tensed, unsure of what to do, wondering if you should even move. You really just wanted to be invisible.
“He used to swear that James was an idiot for pining after Lils,” Marlene added.
“But his rationalization of it was that you can’t just be with one woman at a time. ‘Sample every flavor’ is something I heard him throw around a lot,” Dorcas nodded, smiling at Sirius. You immediately dropped his hand from yours and began fidgeting with your fingers, trying to seem as calm as collected as you could to the rest of the table, even though it felt like your worst fears were being broadcasted.
“Alright, alright,” James started to attempt to diffuse the situation. “I think we’ve beaten on his ego enough for one night.”
Mary, Dorcas and Alice rolled their eyes at James and began whispering amongst themselves. You let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding and downed the rest of your drink. You felt like you were going to be okay, until Dorcas let out a hearty laugh and almost yelled, “Oh my god! I forgot about ‘sexcapades’!” The three girls began laughing again.
You stood up and Sirius gave you a concerned look, “I’m just going to the bathroom,” you said somewhat defensively, taking your purse with you to fix your lipstick that you knew wasn’t looking great from how hard you had been pursing your lips together. You were glad no one else noticed you leave, you had stared at one of your forks for about thirty seconds after what Dorcas said before getting up so it wouldn’t seem suspicious.
When the door to the room closed behind you, it was like you could breathe easier now that you had gotten out of that situation, for now. You walked through the door that led to the restrooms and turned towards the women’s door until someone grabbed your wrist. “Sirius? What are you doing?” you ripped your wrist out of his hand and widened your eyes at him when he didn’t give you an answer.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he spoke softly, a look of genuine concern on his face.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You put your best mask on, the one you’d spent years perfecting. “Everything’s fine,” you smiled and gave a small shrug.
“Y/N…” Sirius whispered, reaching for one of your hands. “I know that-“
“Black.” A man with long black hair and a large nose had walked into the hallway.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Sirius said underneath his breath. “Really? Why are you even here?” Sirius nearly yelled as he turned to the man behind him.
“Am I not good enough to be here, Black? Or am I interrupting something with the woman I’m assuming is your, ahem, escort for the night?” The man had a devilish grin on his face and you wanted no part in any of this.
“I’m leaving.” You walked past Sirius and the greasy-haired man.
Right as you got to your door you heard the man say “Oh, don’t look so despondent, Sirius. We both know you have the money to just find another whore.”
You stormed out the door, walking as quickly as you could to the front of the restaurant. Not completely sure how you were getting home. Assuming you’d stumble upon a taxi or something. If you walked far enough away you could get an Uber without Sirius trying to catch up with you.
You needed to be alone.
Sirius’ night already wasn’t going great when you had excused yourself right after the things the girls had said about him. If it were possible to go back in time and beat his own ass, he would. “I’ll be back,” he said to no one in particular, walking through the same door you had just used.
You walked faster than expected, and Sirius had to pick up the pace if he was gonna beat you to the restrooms. Opening the door, he saw you and lunged towards your wrist, letting his legs catch up once he knew he could talk to you.
“Sirius? What are you doing?” He honestly didn’t think he would get this far and wasn’t sure exactly what to say. When you kept staring at him, he knew he had to lay it all down.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Sirius looked up at you, trying to find the eyes of the girl he shared a car with. He hated seeing you like this.
Sirius saw your face change as if something inside of you had flipped a switch. You were shutting down before his very eyes. “Why wouldn’t I be okay,” she said with a plastic smile. “Everything’s fine.”
Sirius obviously knew that everything was not fine. He’d been in the same room as her and heard what they’d said about him. “Y/N…” Sirius began reaching for one of your hands, wanting to feel your hand against his one more time just in case you never wanted to see him again. “I know that-“
Sirius was suddenly cut off by a voice he would know anywhere. “Black.”
Snape. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he said under his breath. If he weren’t in a nice restaurant, he likely would have screamed it. “Really? Why are you even here?” Sirius was trying his hardest to not explode and it wasn’t working that well as he heard his voice reverberate off the walls somewhat. He turned to look at the last person he wanted to see right then, only wanting to punch him in the face.
“Am I not good enough to be here, Black? Or am I interrupting something with the woman I’m assuming is your, ahem, escort for the night?” Snape sneered at him. Sirius only saw red. Every fiber of his being was telling him to make Snape pay for those words, but the other part focused on the fact that you began walking away.
“I’m leaving,” you said in a straight tone.
Sirius let you walk, knowing there was nothing he could do at that moment that would convince you to want to have anything to do with him.
“Oh, don’t look so despondent, Sirius. We both know you have the money to just find another whore,” Snape spat at him. He heard the door close after Snape’s comment, letting him know that you had heard everything.
Sirius grabbed Snape by the collar and pushed him against the wall. “Don’t think I don’t see the ‘coincidence’ of you being at the same restaurant as James and Lily the night before their wedding. If you even think about being within fifty meteres of the wedding, or Lily, I will be the one to handle the situation and give you what you deserve. Do you understand?”
“Fine,” Snape coughed out. Hearing that, Sirius dropped him to the floor and hoped that he could still find you.
The first place he looked was the room where he had been just minutes prior. The second he opened the door all eyes were on him.
“Sirius, what’s going on? I just got a text from Y/N saying ‘heading home, not feeling well, enjoy dinner. see you tomorrow’. Did you do something?” Lily questioned him.
“I went to go talk to her and Snape, yeah that one,” he added when everyone’s eyes widened, “saw me talking to her and assumed she was my escort and then he called her a whore and she ran off.”
“Where is he now?” James asked, the same anger in his eyes.
“Might’ve run off, I don’t know. I did tell him to stay the hell away from the two of you and said some other things,” he threw in that last part before he leaned down and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. “I’m gonna go find Y/N and make sure she’s okay,” he said quickly before bolting out the door.
You’d put your phone on Do Not Disturb right after you sent the text to Lily and got in the cab. You were grateful that the cabbie wasn’t a talkative one, or maybe he just noticed he had a girl on the verge of a breakdown in his car and knew better than to try to talk.
He dropped you off, you paid him and tipped probably more than you should have, but you were glad you found a cab so quickly. Opening your front door, the first thing you saw were yours and Marlene’s dresses for tomorrow hanging in the middle of the living room. Another reminder that you couldn’t escape this. You grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge, walked back to your room and flopped onto your bed. You were quite hungry and flipped the pizza box open so hard, the corner of the box hit the home button of your phone.
(37) missed calls from Sirius
You sighed, picked up your phone, about to type up a text to Sirius to leave you be, when his face appeared on your screen.
You gave in.
“Leave me alone.”
“Y/N, let me explain,” Sirius pleaded.
“What could you possibly say that would make any of this okay?” You felt your throat begin to close up but refused to let yourself cry over this. You can’t cry over a guy and then be in a wedding with him the next day.
“Give me five minutes, and if after that you don’t want to see me ever again, then I’ll respect that, just please give me a chance,” you heard the worry and hurt in his voice.
You glanced at the clock on your bedside table.
“You have exactly five minutes.”
to be continued…
a/n: if you made it this far honestly you deserve an award. also lemme know if i should make a taglist. the next chapter won’t take as long to get up bc a. i don’t have surgery in the foreseeable future and b. i know where i’m taking this. i think i left an easter egg for avps in this i don’t remember i’m gonna make a grilled cheese and curl up in my sock drawer and sleep for days.
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Nothing To Lose - Chapter Two
A/N: Well, well, well... Look who’s here after 375 years. I must have no shame. All I can say is: I am so sorry for taking this long to write this chapter. Can you forgive me? Also... I hope you all enjoy this one, because I had so much fun writing it!! Which means... Angst ahead, proceed with caution! Anywaaay. Hope you all enjoy it and please, please, please, tell me what you think. I’m dying to know your thoughts on this chapter. Love you all!!
Marlene heard soft snores coming from the living room the moment she walked in the apartment. She had had a very long day, her feet were killing her, it was extremely hot and, to top it off, she had a migraine. All that contributed to the evident roll of eyes she gave when she saw Sirius fast asleep on the couch, his left arm draped over his eyes while his right one hanged midair.
Seeing him there, so careless and peaceful made something churn inside of her; it wasn't because she thought he was being too lazy when she was out there working. They had compromised that he was going to stay home for as long as he wanted, but he was going to have responsibilities as well. She knew he was doing pretty much all he could, but Sirius had never been exactly good at tasks that involved cleaning and cooking. There were days he would forget to the simplest thing, like sweeping the floor or taking out the trash. It wasn't anything that big, but it, eventually, caused some havoc around the house.
That was why Marlene, despite her pounding head, decided to slam the door closed, the wood hitting the frame forcefully as its hinges shook precariously, doing their best to hold the door in place.
Sirius awoke with a jolt, his heart rocketing inside of him as his hand curled into nothing, his body jumping out of the couch as he took a dueling stance, completely unarmed and looking like he couldn’t see anything in front of him.
“Good to know that you’re completely ready to fight if it was needed, Black,” the snarky comment was, indeed, made to make him feel worse and understand that he was being careless. They were living different times now; The war was getting fiercer and they weren’t just school teenagers anymore.
Sirius looked around, trying to understand what was happening in his living room, his eyes trying to focus on the girl in front of him as he did his best to push away the clouded vision he had forced upon himself as he jumped out of the couch. He didn’t understand at least half of her words and the fact that she had said them ironically went way over his head.
“What?” he mumbled, still confused and dazed.
“Your wand,” Marlene rolled her eyes dropping everything she was carrying on the ground. She didn’t have time to think about it now. “Where is it?” she questioned.
The man scoffed. Of course his wand was where it was supposed to be. In his right hand as he stood there, ready to battle whoever had the audacity of breaking into their home and as he pointed that out, she took a long hard look at him and shook her head. For someone who managed to harbor a werewolf best friend and become an illegal Animagus, Sirius sure was dumb when he didn’t put his mind into it.
And then, with a flick of her own wand, the piece of wood that surely belonged to the Black man made its way to her hand, a snug look on her face as she hit the object on his chest, waiting for him to grab it before she walked away, her head throbbing once more.
Finally snapping out of his sleepy state, Sirius looked down to see his wand in his hands, remembering he had put it aside before washing the dishes and scolded himself. Marlene was right, he was a bit untrustworthy when it came to leaving things around. If it hadn’t been her there, who knew what could have happened to him.
Slowly, he made his way towards her, his steps softer than they were as he sensed something was going on. Usually, she arrived home in a good mood. Tired, pissed off and wanting to forget about everything, yes, but never in a bad humor and walking away from him without at least saying a hi and clearly not after having waking him up like that.
He found her in their room, her back turned to him as she got rid of all the clothes she was wearing that day, her lacy underwear presenting itself to him, the image making him chuckle slightly; it was amusing how she decided to wear the most set of sexy lingerie while wearing her most decent clothes. It had been a few years since he discovered that every piece of underwear that she owned was along that line of work. She had gone on and on about how she did that for herself and not for others and how confident those made her feel and he clearly couldn’t contradict her. She was the most confident woman he had ever met and that was one of the reasons that made him fall for her so desperately.
Sirius watched as Marlene stretched her back, her lean, long legs straining as she did so. It was a ritual she always did when she got home, as if being sat all day made all her muscles sore and tense. She stood on the tip of her toes, her arms reaching up as her fingers intertwined themselves, cracking a bit at the pressure applied by the blonde. Her whole body shook as she went back to her natural position, her head shaking from one side to the other, her eyes closed while Sirius watched to all of that transfixed. She made the most innocent things capture his attention, as if his brain could only pay attention to her.
“What now, Black?” she hissed, her frame still facing away from him as she, slowly, made her way to the bed, ready to call it a day and wait for the next morning and the chaotic day that was ahead of her.
He crossed his arms and kept staring at her, his eyes constantly following her movements as she unmade the bed and lied under the covers, her hair splaying over the pillow as she reached for the lamp by her bedside table.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked, his footsteps finally making his way into the room.
The roll of her eyes didn’t go amiss to him. He was sure she had had an awful day and he was going to let her have her well deserved rest, but he needed to make sure she knew what she was going to miss just in case. He didn’t want her to be mad at him for not remembering her of their meeting that night.
“I’m not in the mood today,” she huffed, understanding his question completely wrong. “I had a busy day, I have a migraine right now and all I want to do is sleep in the complete darkness, ok?”
“Ok,” he smiled, his body already beside hers in the bed. She hadn’t even felt when he sat down, too absorbed in her own pain. “But I meant the Order meeting,” he concluded.
Marlene looked at him confused for a few seconds before it dawned on her: it was already the day of their next meeting and she had totally forgotten about it. Somewhere along that horrible week, she had completely lost track of time and failed to realize that it was already almost the weekend.
Groaning at the hammering pain in her head as she threw the covers aside, the blonde girl sat up, her feet hanging from the side of the bed, her eyes lost in the void in front of her as she contemplated her options. She could pretend she didn’t know about it or she could suck up and attend the meeting, hearing Dumbledore go on and on about pointless missions while her head screamed at her. But before she could take a decision, however, Sirius was already over her, slightly pushing her back down in bed, his touch soft and careful, doing his best to make her comfortable.
“You should rest,” he said with a stern look. “I can see you’re nowhere near able to attend this meeting, so you should just stay, ok?”
She wanted to protest, say that he was out of his mind and that it was her responsibility to be there despite anything, but the pointed look he gave her shut her up. She knew he was right and she was in no condition of making it out of the house without wanting to kill anyone. She could barely hear her own voice without wanting to die. Instead, she nodded and snuggled into the pillows feeling Sirius tuck her in and kiss her forehead fondly, a small smile on his lips as he did so.
“I’m gonna get you a potion to your migraine,” he winked, chuckling at the fact that he had nailed what she needed without her saying anything. “And then you’ll sleep and I’m gonna go, ok?”
Sirius watched as Marlene nodded, hissing afterwards at her poor decision, probably hating herself for doing such action as the pain irradiated in her skull as he walked away from their room, slowly closing the door after himself smiling at the almost sleeping girl.
She was learning the hard way how it was to be a grown up and, whenever he could, he would try to ease things up for her.
The meeting didn’t have anything different from the other times, except that Dumbledore shared two pieces of information with them regarding the next meeting: there were two possible sites the Death Eaters would be meeting at, but only one of them was the true location. He didn’t know which one and the only way of knowing, for sure, was sending two people there to keep an eye on the activities to make sure nothing was happening.
Naturally, this put everyone on the edge of their sits, wondering who would be going and what they would be doing. Dumbledore took a deep breath before announcing the names for the two missions, each one of them happening in a day along that same week.
“I know I’m asking too much of you with this, but I’m confident that we’ve got the best witches and wizards here, sitting in this room, and I’m 100% sure nothing could go wrong if you trust each other and do not act recklessly,” he added, a small look towards Sirius. It wasn’t a secret to anyone the young Black was a rebel, even when it came to fighting the resistance. “So, for the first night, I’m pairing Lily with Sirius.”
James was the first one to let out a complaint, but was immediately shut by the ginger, who turned to him with a smile on her face as she held his hand, calming him down.
“And for the second one, it’s James and Marlene,” Dumbledore completed. “I’m well aware of how good the four of you work together and how much you’re used to the ones I paired you with, trusting them completely and that’s why I did it.” A new silence loomed over the room, all eyes still looking at Dumbledore, waiting for him to give the final recommendations. “Lily and Sirius, your mission is this night. As soon as you leave, you’re to go to the location I determined you to and keep an eye out for anything. You find a hidden place and stay there. Do not leave it under any circumstance, ok?”
The both of them nodded, their eyes meeting briefly before sighing deeply; they knew they were going to have a long night…
… But maybe they didn’t know it was going to be that long.
Sirius looked around the empty street, no sign of movements in either side of it, the scarce light coming from the nearby street lamp was barely enough to see ten meters ahead of them. There were no clouds in the sky that night, but there was no moon also, something both of them enjoyed. It meant there wouldn’t have the threat of the werewolves upon them.
More than half of the night had been spent sitting on the sideways, eyes dancing around the whole extension of the place that was supposed to be swarming with Death Eaters, but nothing but the silence and the void had found them. It didn’t mean Sirius and Lily were any less reckless. They still kept extra watch to everything, their ears perked up at the slight change in the sound of the wind, their wands ready to fight if they had to, their muscles tense as they waited for anything to happen.
Lily was the first one to break the silence that night. She had been staring at a fixed point for far too long, her eyes not focusing anymore, something that seemed pretty risky when you’re on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix. She knew what she was signing up for when she accepted entering the group, she knew there were going to be long nights of being awake and staring at the nothingness, she knew there were nights that she was going to be running for her life and nights she would be fighting for it, but she didn’t regret it. Looking back, she knew she had made the right choice, the choice to fight for a better future for her, her friends and her future family. And there was no going back now.
“It’s been strangely calm,” she mumbled, her hands tangling before she cracked her fingers with ease, her back following right after. She had been standing in the same position for far too long and her muscles were completely sore.
“I know,” Sirius sighed, his eyes still trained on his side of the street, his breath no more than a hushed sound in the middle of the night. “That’s what worries me.”
Lily looked at the man beside her for the first time that night, watching as his eyes danced around the darkness in front of him and she wondered if he could see anything better than her due to his Animagus self. She didn’t know how it worked exactly, she didn’t know if he was supposed to inherit any trace of the animal he became, but it seemed like his senses were far better than hers.
The wind shifted, blowing against Sirius’ face as he continued to stare straight ahead, not a change in his behavior as he watched whatever it was that kept his attention. Lily thought, with a small smile, how much they both had changed over the course of a few months. Not long ago, they were just teenagers running around Hogwarts and, in Sirius’ case, causing havoc and earning detentions left and right. The carefree expression on his face was still there, though far more hidden in the times he needed. It was fascinating seeing him going from the charming, joking young man she knew to this serious, hard-work man, that held a look like he had seen far too much in this world. And maybe he had, she thought with a grimace. He had seen a lot more than any of them, having lived with his family for longer than she had wanted him to. The lines in his expression showed exactly what kind of horrors he had seen, had endured and tried to fight, she just wished it hadn’t taken a lot from him.
“Why?” she forced herself to say, her hands now running up and down her arms in a feeble attempt of keeping the cold away.
“It means nothing’s going to happen today,” he shook his head, his eyes finally landing on his friend. “And that something might happen when it’s James and Marls’ day to keep watch.”
The shadow that took over his eyes made Lily’s breath hitch. She hadn’t thought about it and from the way he had said it, she was sure something was going to happen. Dumbledore always had the best informations, something always happened in one of the days he set the missions, they only had been lucky enough to be set on days that nothing happened.
With a tight knot in her throat, Lily sighed deeply, her eyes closing for a brief second before she returned her gaze to her side of the street.
“Maybe I should come in James’ place,” she mentioned without a thought, her voice nothing but a whisper, causing Sirius to actually doubt she had said anything at all, but the worry printed in her eyes made him halt his actions and turn to her like what she had said was completely crazy. “What?”
“You know he’s not going to allow it, right?”
“He’s really worried about everything, Sirius,” Lily admitted, her shoulders dropping for the first time since he had seen her that night. “He’s worried about something happening to me, because of my blood status, he’s worried about his parents, he’s worried about you, Remus, Peter, Marlene and Dorcas, he’s worried we’re never actually going to find anything out, he’s worried Voldemort will only keep getting stronger,” she let out in one breath, her eyes pleading with him. “He’s just so worried about everything, so overwhelmed with everything and I don’t think sending him in a mission where something is supposed to happen is the best thing right now.”
Sirius looked at the ginger by his side, the way her chest heaved in anticipation, the way her hands were running through her hair as she tried to control the trembling that had washed over her body and, mostly important, he saw the look of pure despair she held in her eyes, like she was on the point of losing everything.
“Hey,” Sirius said in a gentle tone, his hands carefully reaching for her arms, trying to convey as much comfort in the touch as he could. “Hey, Lily, look at me,” he begged, his breath calm and paced, showing her how he was sure everything was going to be ok, even though he felt like being sick on the inside. “I know it’s been hard on us, on James especially with everything that’s happening with his parents. I don’t want anything to happen to them either. Fuck,” he breathed out. “They’re like my parents and Merlin knows how much I want them to make it through this life. But maybe you’re looking at it with a very pessimistic eye. We don’t know if anything��s going to happen in the next mission. For all we know, something might happen in the next few minutes and we won’t have to worry about James and Marlene having to show up next time.” He took her hands in his, holding them tightly. “Trust me, if anything, they’re going to have as much as an easy time as we did so far, ok?”
It’s always better said than done. As predicted, nothing happened to Sirius and Lily, nothing happened around them, no one showed up and no information was taken from that, which only meant that James and Marlene were supposed to take the post two days later.
From the very beginning, nothing went right: the crackle of Death Eaters Apparating and Disapparating forced the both of them to stay hidden, away from everything, making it almost impossible to hear anything of what they were saying. They could see all of them walking in and out of the farthest house in the street, a black wooden door with golden knobs marking their meeting point.
It was very nerve-wracking, to say the least, see all this movement and not be able to do anything. They had to see if there was any point they could get in to see what was happening, they had to get closer to hear anything they were saying, but they couldn’t. The amount of masked wizards made it impossible to move without being seen and Marlene was hating every single moment of it.
She hated being so close to them and yet so far with nothing to do but stare at them and wonder what they were talking about, what they were planning. She hated being useless and, mostly important, she hated said masked people and what they were doing to everyone who thought differently from them.
“We gotta do something,” she whispered-yelled at James, her blood pumping in adrenaline, her leg bumping up and down, trying to get rid off of it somehow.
“We can’t,” he countered back, his right hand grasping the wand tightly, his left hand ready to grab Marlene in case she decided to act stupidly and run to the encounter of the Death Eaters.
“We can’t just stay here, James,” she shook her head. “What if they’re sharing a really important information? We’re going to lose it because we were too scared to move.”
“They won’t be doing it in the middle of the street, Marls,” he tried to reason with her. “That would be really stupid and for as much as I’d like to think that they’re all idiots, they’re not. They’re extremely clever wizards, ok? They would not do something reckless and so shouldn’t we. Remember what Dumbledore said: do not act in the spur of the moment.”
But Marlene McKinnon was never one to follow orders. She would listen to them, acknowledge them, but she wouldn’t comply. She had lived in a house full of rules and had been told what to do, what to wear and how to act. Once she had grown up, she had decided that no one else was going to tell her how to live her life and if it meant risking it in order of the greater good, she would do it.
However, Marlene knew she couldn’t make James follow her and she knew he was only trying to make both of them safe and go back home unharmed, but she couldn’t keep glued to the ground as he was, she just had to wait for the right moment to act.
It happened a few minutes after their conversation, when what seemed like the last Death Eater finally left the house they had been in, the masked face not looking around before setting their feet in the pavement, completely unaware to the meticulous looks from James and Marlene not far from them.
In a blink of an eye, before James could do anything to stop it, Marlene was already out of her hiding spot, her feet hitting the pavement soundlessly as she followed the masked man walking ahead, her wand at ready and held tightly in her hands, her eyes never looking back as she expected her friend to scold her and tell her to get back, but she wouldn’t and if James knew her as much as she knew him, he knew it as well.
The walk didn’t last much, she thought stopping after turning the corner of the street a couple hundred meters away from James, the Death Eater taking a left and walking right into an alleyway before disappearing into the darkness.
She pondered if she should follow him, her heart hammering against her ribcage as she took a few tentative steps towards the opening the man disappeared into. She was alone and probably would be for the rest of the night. James wouldn’t see where she walked into and would roam around trying to find her, but it was a risk she was willing to take at the moment.
With a sigh, she started moving again, her ears paying attention to every little sound that surrounded her, her eyes scanning the new street carefully before she turned left and entered the dark alleyway, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the knew lighting.
But it was already too late, she thought with a heavy heart. She had walked right into the lions’ den - or snakes’, she cringed bitterly. Standing there, right in front of her, were three masked people, their faces all turned to her as she felt her eyes widen in horror. A few more steps were heard from behind her and, for a single moment, she thought it could be James running to her, but that would be just too perfect: three more Death Eaters showed up behind her, their wands excitingly pointed at her back, a wicked smile hidden behind their masks.
She only had time to raise her wand and cast a protective spell before jets of light hit her.
Sirius couldn’t shut his eyes for a moment that night, his mind too preoccupied with thoughts of something happening to either Marlene or James. He couldn’t bear the possibility of not having any of them in his life, both of them being too important. James was like his brother, the one who held him together when he felt like falling apart. Marlene was… Marlene was the only one who totally understand him, the only one who could make his life turn upside down, the only one who could make him settle down. He loved her with all his heart, mind, body and soul and there wasn’t a single moment when he wasn’t worried about her.
So, to have her gone for so long was affecting him in ways that he never knew possible. He had long forgotten the comfort of his bed, the space seeming too wide without his girlfriend sharing it with him, and the tiles between the living room and the kitchen were probably worn out from the continuous walking around he was doing, his hair messy and greasy from running his hands through it.
It was almost 5 am when he heard a crackle from the living room, his feet hitting the floor rather forcefully, not caring if the downstairs neighbor was going to send him a noise complaint for it, leading his troubled mind to the center of what was happening in his own apartment.
Sirius felt like his heart had dropped out of his chest, his body turned icy cold and his legs almost couldn’t hold his weight anymore. His eyes were widened in shock, his breath caught in the back of his throat and all his movements had stopped. James was standing there, unharmed, his wand in his pocket as he held onto a very unconscious Marlene McKinnon, her blonde hair splayed behind her as her body hung limply in the young Potter’s arm.
It felt like years before Sirius could move again, his trembling hands reaching out for the girl in his best friend’s arms fearfully. He needed to know what had happened to her, but he was too scared to ask, too scared to know the truth.
“She’s alive,” James said with a heavy sigh, taking a few steps towards the couch and setting the girl down gently before turning to his alarmed friend. “She followed a Death Eater and ended up in a trap. I tried to get to her before she could be hit by anything, but it was too late.” he shook his head, his right hand grasping Sirius’ shoulder. “She put up a fight and managed to escape, but not unharmed. I found her nearly conscious and brought her straight here. She’s gonna live, Pads, don’t worry.”
But worry was something Sirius was already doing. He shouldn’t have let her go, he should’ve asked her to stay so he could go in her place, he should’ve known she was going to pull something like that, he should’ve known she was going to get hurt, he should’ve followed her, he should’ve been there for her. His mind was racing with thoughts of ‘what ifs’, making him dizzy and nauseous. He couldn’t believe his girlfriend had been attacked and he wasn’t there to protect her.
As he walked over to the girl, Sirius couldn’t stop staring at her face, a few deep cuts and blood staining her beautiful face and a few more down her body. It had been his fault.
“Don’t blame yourself, Pads,” James said from behind him, knowing exactly what his friend was thinking. “If you have to blame anyone, blame them. It’s their fault this war is happening.”
Sirius let out a struggled breath, a few tears fighting to escape his eyes, but he choked it down. It wasn’t the place nor the time. He had to be strong and take care of Marlene, so he just shook his head and nodded at James, a small, pained smile reaching his features.
“Thanks, Prongs,” he said truthfully. “Thank you for bring her back home.”
That night, Sirius learned that the war was more real than he first thought. He learned that everything could happen in a blink of an eye. That night, as he stayed up watching over his girlfriend, he couldn’t take her eyes off of her for a second, he couldn’t keep himself from touching her gently so she couldn’t feel any pain. That night, he promised himself there was nothing he wouldn’t do to protect her. That night, he promised he would never let anything happen to her. Ever again.
NTL Tag: @disbestiles, @siriuslovesmarlene
#blackinnon#sirius black#marlene mckinnon#sirius black x marlene mckinnon#blackinnon-paradise#nothing to lose
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Combatants ~ Part 6
A/N: Merry and happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I don’t because I’m Muslim but I hope you had a wonderful Cristmas spent with your family and friends. Here is part 6, sad and dramatic, but okay. Oh and sorry for not posting today, just have been out all day. ^^Ben Barnes up there …mhmm^^
Warning: Angst….basicly A LOT OF ANGST.
Tags: @nadinissavage, @lexi-thechaosqueen, @grey-raven, @alohomagines, @bestillmystuckyheart, @maddyfitzhenry, @astrophileslytherin, @literally-anythin, @fashionlive15, @hello-fanfiction-goodbye-grades, @robyn-0790, @beyoursnow, @oreofrappiewithblueberry, @deanilostmyshoe
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 8
Sirius was thinking the words he spoke to Marlene. Why did he say that? Why couldn’t he just admit he really had feelings for you? It’s like every single word he said, stung him a bit. He talked awful of you and that bothered him. He felt angry.
But his angry thoughts somehow drifted to you. Merlin he loved your feisty and funny personality. How he loved seeing that smile whenever he says something funny or how you glow when you talk about something you love. And those gorgeous eyes of yours that kept melting his heart or your joyous laughter that he couldn’t get enough of. He loved it.
But why was he feeling like a complete dick right now? He couldn’t stand up for you to himself. Himself! But luckly for him you didn’t hear him.
Except you did.
His eyes haven’t left the Ravenclaw table since the moment he entered the Great Hall. The table was full but you were nowhere to be seen. He would know, he scanned it seven times.
Bruto slowly approached him slapped him on the back of his head. He leaned forward and pushed his head down against the table. “ You stay away from her, man whore.” snarled Bruto and walked away.
His friends all looked at Sirius, including the girls. He looked over to Bruto, who seemed to walk further away from him. Feeling his rage emerge, Sirius stood up and stormed after him. “What’s your problem Ramirez!”
Bruto slowly turned around and all of a sudden, tall, strong and angry Ravenclaw boys appeared behind him. Bruto gave them a nodd and slowly walked closer to Sirius. He was taller and buffier than him, definetly scarier at the moment. He looked down on him and sent him a warning glare. “ Don’t do this here, Black. Not in front of everybody.” he spoke through his gritted teeth.
“Fine, but I’m after you Ramirez.” hissed Sirius and walked back over to his friends.
“Hey I’m going to find Peter. “ said Remus, and winked at James.
When he left James and Sirius were the only one left in the room. Sirius hasn’t spoken a word since dinner and that was unusual for him. He was Sirius for god’s sake and James knew. He knew something bothered his best friend. It wasn’t just the Bruto thing, though it does seem to be the main problem here. There was something else. Something he didn’t know. Something Sirius didn’t tell him.
Sirius laid on his bed in shorts and ripped T-shirt, or as he calls it - his PJs. He had his head on his arms and he kept staring at the ceiling.
Bruto wouldn’t do that out of nowhere. He didn’t even hang out with (y/n) since the second year. They always argue or bicker like an old married couple. You told him how you used to be close and how you drifted apart. So why on heavens earth did he become so overprotective of you. And that wasn’t the only thing going through his head. He felt ashemed by the words he has said to Marlene. The words that were not true. The words that came out unintended. The words he regrets, just like he did the last time.
James threw himself next to him and mimicked his position. Just like Sirius he started to stare at the ceiling. “Is it (y/n)?” he asked and got a light nod from Sirius. “You want to talk about it?”
Sirius chuckled. That’s the line the two of you usualy use when something is wrong. “ I messed up Prongs.”he sighed.
“Why would you think that?” asked James, removing his eyes from the ceiling to Sirius.
“I said words to Marlene about (y/n). I said what I usually say when she accuses me of liking a girl. But this time it felt different. It didn’t feel like usual, the words I said made me feel weird. It didn’t feel right. It felt wrong.” he sighed and closed his eyes. “I think I’m having feelings for her.”
James chuckled and turned his gaze back at the ceiling. “ You think you’re in love with her? Why?” he smiled mischiviously as he remembered his dad telling him the exact same thing about Lilly.
“Her eyes. How they glow when she sees something tottaly normal, but finds it really interesting. She finds the most normal things interesting, did you know that? She says ‘Everything has its own story. A chair, a table, a rose, not just a person.’ “ he smiled and finally opened his eyes. “ I’m in love with her (y/h/c) hair. They are always shiny. Even on the bad days or if they are put in a messy bun or ponytail, they still look fantastic. And her humor. Yeah. I love her humor and her weird jokes. Always finds anything to joke around with. Or her smile. I love seeing her smile. It’s the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life.” he babbled with a big smile spread across his face.
“Then why don’t you tell her that?”
“Because she doesn’t deserve a person like me. She deserves somebody who is not afraid to tell his friends about that he likes her. What if I screw up and lose her forever. I would rather be her friend than lose her.” said Sirius and looked at James.
What was James supposed to say to that? He knew Sirius was never up for long term relationships but he can’t just let you go. He can’t just love you from afar like he did with Lily. But he couldn’t say to go after you. Maybe it was because you don’t deserve Sirius either. Not in James perspective to say at least. I mean all you would do is drag him to the dark side. You kept dragging him into the dark places. When you left he was “sick” for two weeks and wasn’t the same Sirius until you came back. And now he was worriying about Ramirez and what he said about you. You were like a magnet for trouble and James didn’t like it. Yes he was a magnet for trouble too , but you were a different kind of magnet. The bad kind. He would love to see Sirius happy, but he’d also rather see him far away from the dark. He needs to protect him, because that’s what brothers do.
“Maybe it’s for the best.”
James was up all night. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and Sirius. He couldn’t. He was awake all night, questioning himself if he did the right thing. But if he told Sirius to leave you alone, he needs to do the same with you. So he got up early and walked over to breakfast. He walked over to the Ravenclaw table to see you sitting next to Bruto and talking.
As you saw him coming you quickly pulled down your sleeves and hid them under the table. You didn’t want him to see it.
“Look. I am going to say this once (y/l/n). You are bad for Sirius and I dont want you playing with his head. Since the day you entered his life you entered mine too and I hate seeing my best friend, hell my brother, worrying about you and thinking how much too good you are for him. So I want you to stay away. “ he growled making Bruto stand up.
“James. You don’t have to worry about it. Me and Sirius are done. “ you said grabbing your books and walking away.
“Wait what?” he asked shockingly. That was way too easy. Especially for you. Something didn’t feel right. He walked after you and just before he was about to say something he saw your hands. Black and blue, one of them even fully bandaged.
He grabbed your arm and turned you around. He carefully slid his hand down to yours and pulled up your sleeves. “What’s this?” he asked before he noticed your tired eyes. “Something’s wrong.”
You pulled your hand away from his and turned around. “Like you care.” you spit out and continue to walk forwards.
“No. The last time I saw those eyes was when Remus told me-” he stopped himself before he almost blurted out Remus’ secret.
“Why do you care all of a sudden?! You didn’t like me from day one, so why all of a sudden all the interest? I told you I will leave Sirius alone. I don’t want to see his shitty face anyways.” you retorded and speeded up.
Something didn’t feel right. He saw your hands, he saw your eyes an he knew that emotion. Grief. He knew that emotion far too well to not recognize it. Yes he hated you for punching him in the nose last year but he didn’t want to see you suffer either. He ran after you and without thinking, he grabbed your arm and turned you around.
“Potter I told-”
Before you could finish that sentance his arms were tightly wrapped around you and pulling you closer. You were shocked at first but you wrapped your arms around his body and hugged him back. It felt good. It felt better.
“I’m sorry.” he spoke quetly in your ear before you let out a sob and started crying.
“They are gone.” you cried, gripping his robes tighter and burrying your head in his chest.
After the long and emotional hug, the two of you sat down and talked. You told him everything about your parents and Zoey but you left the part about Jack out. You didn’t want to burdain him with that secret. Not when Bruto’s life is on the line for it. It wasn’t also that part you left out. You left out the part about Sirius too. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to tell him, but if you did, he would probably confront Sirius about it. You didn’t want to come between them. If not that, you were pretty much in the same situation like him. Zoey was your brother and you wouldn’t want to hear that kind of stuff about him.
And his perspective changed. He didn’t see you as a downfall anymore. He saw you as a girl with an extremly bad luck. He knew you didn’t tell him everything but you told him enough and he wasn’t about to push further in.
So when he entered the dorm and saw Sirius excited as ever, he knew this can’t be good. He was on his bed jumping up and down with a piece of paper in his hand. When he noticed James walking in ,a big smile formed on his lips.
“I was wrong Prongs!” he beamed. “I am going to tell her how I feel! I am going to tell her everything!”
“What? Why?”
“Because she’s the one! She’s the one I want to spend my whole life with! I don’t want other girls. I want her. I need her. I need her smile, her laugh, I need the whole package of her. Because I can’t live without her. “
“I even wrote some stuff what I would tell her. But I think it’s a waste of time. I think if I want to make it sound true, it has to come from the heart.” he smiled and crumbled the piece of paper.
“I don’t care what people think anymore. I miss her. I miss her so damn much.” he chirped and finally put on his shoes. “ Hell with Ramirez and his threats! I’m going to tell her right now!” he finished and tapped James on the shoulder.
Sirius was gone and James was left alone. “ Oh shit.”
“I’m in love with her and I don’t care what you think!” -”Oh Moony, Wormy, Evans and Marls. Shit Marls you were right, I do like her and Peter ows you 5 galleons.” shouted Sirius in the Common room.
“Ice cream?”
“Fine than those cupcakes you love so much. You still love them right?” asked Bruto, trying to cheer you up.
“Yes I still like them. Can you stop now? I’m fine. I mean I’m not fine but I’ll get through this.” you smiled and continued to walk down the corridor.
“I’m getting ourselves ice cream.” smiled Bruto and ran off.
“Just don’t pick lemon flavor! I hate it!” you yelled behind him and chuckled.
“No lemon! Got it!” he yelled back, lifting his fists in the air.
“Dork.” you chuckled and turned to walk towards the Ravenclaw tower.
‘Bruto Ramirez. Back at it again.’ You simpered at the thought of him, your first kiss. He was always such a gentleman when it came to the ladies. Both of you were always there for eachother no matter how much you hated eachother at the time. It was a relationship you couldn’t explain. A love-hate relationship perhaps.
As you continued to walk down the corridor, you heard a familliar voice. “Did Ravenclaws just had Divination?”
“No, they just had History of magic with us down the corridor.” said the other voice.
“Okay, thanks.” replied Sirius and turned around the corner only to see you staring at him.
It hurt.
It hurt seeing him, standing there with that big bright smile of his. It hurt loving that smile, but knowing what kind of person lies underneath it. And you hated that person right now. You turned around and started walking away from him.
He was shocked. You were literally walking away from him, even though you saw him. He started running after you but you quickened your pace.
‘No. Please don’t Sirius.’ you begged but felt his hand on your shoulder as he caught up.
“Hello love. You okay?” he smiled and brushed his hands on your shoulders.
You stepped away from him and walked pass. “Fine.” you spit out coldly.
“You’re not fine. You know how I know that.” he beamed, walking behind you. “Becasue I know you.” he added before stopping you again. “You want to talk about it?” he tried to be cheerful.
You pushed him away, feeling strong pain in your hands in the process, and looked at him angrly. “No! I don’t want to talk about it! What I want is for you to leave me alone!” you bursted and felt your your eyes tear up.
“What?” he preplexed and glanced at your hands. That’s when he saw it. The bandaged hand and your other hand covered with black and blue marks and red wounds around your knuckles. “Who did this to you?”
“You really want to know?”
“Of course I-”
“You did this!” you interrupted him. “You are the reason my hand is covered with this annoying bandage!”
“Just piss off!” you retorded and walked away.
“No!” he yelled and grabbed your hand again. “You can’t just blame for something and not explain why I am the reason for it! I am sick of us fighting all the time! I love you (y/n) and I’m done hiding it. “
“Oh my god.” you scoffed and crossed your arms. “You have some nerve! You little piece of shit!”
“WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS YELLING AT ME!! I just told you I love you and -”
“BECAUSE I HEARD YOU!” you yelled, shutting him up. “I heard you.” you repeated glumly.
Merlin he begged you didn’t hear what he thought you heard. He couldn’t afford that. Not now. Not when he finally realized how much he loved you.
“I heard you and I’m setting you free Sirius. This broken little puppy doesn’t need you anymore. So please stop playing with my heart already. It’s torture. ” you sighed with a big lump in your throat. Avoiding his gaze, you pressed the books aginst your chest and walked away from him.
It hurt.
It hurt him you saying that. It hurt knowing that those were his words you spoke. And it hurt knowing he was the one behind the pain he caused you. He couldn’t believe it. It had to be some kind of nightmare. He hoped it was a dream and that he would wake up from it and find you smiling at him, sitting at the Ravenclaw table and laughing with your friends.
But it wasn’t. It wasn’t a dream.
“No.” he mumbled quetly. “No!” he shouted and stormed after you. “ You don’t get to walk away from me!” he yelled at you and stepped in front of you.
“Sirius, please don’t.” you said and tried to avoid his heartbroken gaze.
“No.” he repeated, feeling tears roll down his cheeks. “You don’t have the right to just walk in my life and make me fall in love with you.” he cried, his low and husky voice turning into a raspy cry. “You just can’t.”
“Goodbye Sirius.” you mumbled, wiping the tears and walking away from him.
“I can’t lose you (y/n)! Please! “
But he already lost you. You couldn’t trust him anymore. The man you knew was simply gone the moment he spoke those words. Merlin you loved him. You loved him so much, but the trust just wasn’t there.
‘Words. So powerful. They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul, or liberate it. They can shatter dreams, or energize them. They can obstruct connection, or invite it. They can create defenses, or melt them. Use them wisely.’ ~ J. Brown
Wow…how about I just leave it here huh? Dramatic and sad am I right ;)
#sirius black#sirius black x reader#sirius black imagine#james potter imagine#james potter#the marauders#marauders imagine#marauders#marauders era#harry potter imagines
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Imagine: Being Sirius’ girlfriend and being best friends with the Marauders, Regulus, and Lilly. You force them all to have a sleepover together and secrets are revealed.
Not requested.
A/N: ANSGT WARNING! Also, I’m so happy with the way that last gif turned out! I’m such a loser lol (Sadly, I wasn’t able to find a good enough Regulus gif to fit in there though)
You were in Divinations class, trying your hardest to stay awake. Your boyfriend, Sirius, is shamelessly sleeping next to you, James is drawing on his face, Peter is staring up at the ceiling, and Remus is the only one actually taking notes.
Class eventually ends and you rush towards the door, you promised to meet your best friend Regulus before going to dinner with Lilly. It was difficult being friends with people who can’t stand to be around each other, but you loved them all so much, so you were willing to make it work.
“Y/N,” Your divination professor calls as you reach the door, “Can I speak to you for a moment?”
You sigh and walk up to her, “Yes Professor Opal?”
“I sense a very bad energy around you my dear,” You stare at her, a bit worried. Professor Opal has never been wrong with any of her predictions before, “Someone very close to you is in danger. A friend will die tonight if you cannot stop it.”
You heart races, “W-what?! Who?”
“That I do not know, I’m only telling you what I sense.”
“Thank you,” You nod, your head spinning. What do I do...?
Night fell, and you’re frantically pacing back and forth your dormitory, “Y/N? Will you tell me what’s wrong...?”
You ignore Lilly, once again. You finally come up with an idea, “Lilly! I need you to come with me!”
“What?! Where?” She says as you take her hand and drag her out of the dormitory. You don’t respond, you just drag her up to the Marauders’ dormitory, “Y/N, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but I’m not going in there!”
“Trust me Lilly! This is important!” You say, doing your secret knock on the boys’ door.
“Hello love!” Sirius says, opening the door, he looks confused when he sees Lilly, “Um... hey Evans...”
She nods awkwardly, “Hi...”
The moment he hears her name, James is on his feet, “Lillyflower! Just can’t stay away can you?!”
His face falls when he sees your expression, “What’s wrong Y/N?”
“Look, this is going to sound crazy, but we all need to spend the night in here tonight,” You explain, Lilly’s jaw instantly falls and she turns back towards the door, “Lilly! Wait!”
“I am not staying in here Y/N!” She enunciates.
“Please! Just listen to me!” You finally convince them to listen, and you explain what Professor Opal told you, “I’m bloody terrified. So, please just do this.”
They all share your worried expression at this point. Lilly was a bit skeptical as she never truly believed in divination, but even she knew that Professor Opal has never been wrong until now.
“I have to go get one more person, please just stay here.”
“Wait! Who else-” James’ voice is cut off as you shut the door and run off to look for Regulus.
You find him in the library; he planned on spending the night in there to study. It was Saturday tomorrow, but he had a make-up test scheduled in the evening, so he was a bit annoyed that you forced him to leave. He was even more annoyed when you told him he’d have to spend the night with his brother and his friends, but he was understanding when you told him why.
Sirius’ POV
“Who is she going to get mate?” James asks me.
“I don’t know, Alice?”
“Alice was in our dorm when she brought me here, she would have just brought both of us,” Lilly finally speaks up. Until now, the poor girl has just been sitting in awkward silence on Remus’ bed on the other end of the room, “Maybe she went to get Marlene.”
We sit in silence for a little while longer until Y/N finally knocks on the door. Peter rushes up to open the door, and my jaw drops. Regulus. I haven’t spoken to my brother since last summer, when I left home, I didn’t even know that Y/N was so close to Reg.
He stands there, even more awkwardly than Lilly, he gives a small wave, avoiding eye contact with me.
You all sit around in silence. At least they’re not fighting. You sigh and finally speak up, “We’re going to be here all night, we might as well do something.”
“How about truth or dare?” James suggests, wiggling his eyebrows at Lilly, who scoffs in response.
“Sounds good to me,” Regulus replies staring at his brother.
You’re in the middle of your game and at this point, Sirius and Remus have switched clothes, you’ve made out with Sirius, Peter has his makeup done, and Lilly is on James’ lap -looking absolutely miserable.
“Sirius, truth or dare?” Regulus asks, every time Regulus’ turn comes up, he asks Sirius, and every time Sirius chooses dare.
Sirius puts his hands up in defeat, tired of being picked so much by his brother, “Truth.”
“Why did you leave?” The room falls silent.
A pained expression crosses his face, “You know why... I couldn’t stand to be around them anymore.”
Regulus nods, and Sirius continues, “Regulus, truth or dare?”
Peter is about say something about him not being allowed to question Regulus back but you stop him, “Truth.”
“When I left you didn’t say a word, why do you care now?” You can tell he’s trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice, and you take his hand and gently run your thumb over his knuckles in attempts to calm him.
“You think I wanted you to leave?!” Regulus says, his voice rising, “But what was I supposed to say Sirius? You just got up and bloody left!”
We sit in a tense silence for a moment; finally Regulus speaks up, “Sirius truth or dare?”
“Why didn’t you take me with you...?” His voice cracks slightly and your heart breaks for your best friend.
“I’m sorry Reg...” Sirius says, looking down. He looks up to see Regulus running his fingers through his hair, Sirius’ eyes widen as he sees something poking out from under the cuff of Regulus’ shirt.
Anger floods his eyes, and you gently whisper, “Sirius, don’t-”
“Regulus, truth or dare?”
“I dare you to roll up your sleeves,” Sirius interrupts.
“I picked truth Sirius,” Regulus chuckles nervously.
“I said roll up your goddamn sleeves Regulus!” Regulus looks at you desperately, but you know there’s absolutely nothing you can do or say. Everyone stares at Regulus, he sighs and slowly rolls up both sleeves on by one. The second they see the dark mark on Regulus’ arm, James, Remus, and Peter pull out their wands, Lilly lets out a loud gasp, and Sirius looks away in disgust and hurt.
“GET OUT!” James roars, Regulus argues and James steps closer to him.
“STOP IT!” You cry, stepping between them, “It’s not what you guys think! Just stop!”
“You knew?!” Sirius finally speaks up, absolutely furious, “You knew Y/N, and didn’t tell me?!”
“Sirius,” You say calmly, “It wasn’t my place, just hear him out!”
“There’s nothing left to hear,” He responds.
“Will you listen to me for once Sirius?!” Regulus burst. Everyone shuts up and turns to him, “I had no choice, you left me in that house. I could either run like you or I could join what our family believes. But I don’t have friends like you, I had nowhere to run to. I’m sorry!”
Regulus breaks down into tears, the boys have put their wands away and look incredibly disappointed, and Lilly has tears in her eyes like you. Sirius takes everyone by surprise when he pulls Regulus into a tight hug, letting out a throaty sob, “We’re going to be okay. I promise Reg, I promise.”
After the sentimental mood dies down a bit, you decide to call it a night -hoping the danger has already passed. You use a duplication spell to create two more beds, and you push all the bed closer together to fit them. Everyone gets his or her own bed and you share with Sirius.
Once everyone is settled in, Sirius finally wraps his arms around you from behind and whispers in your ear, “I’m sorry for yelling at you my love. I should’ve trusted you knew what you were doing. Thank you for taking care of my brother for all these years Y/N.”
You turn in his arms and place a kiss against his lips, “You don’t have to apologize Sirius, I can’t even imagine what you had to go through.”
“I love you Y/N,” He whispers, the sadness is still prevalent in his voice.
“I love you too,” You say, kissing him once again.
The next morning, the seven of you make your way to the Great Hall, making sure no one saw you together. When you finally get inside, Dumbledore makes an announcement, “The library caught on fire last night, luckily no one was harmed, it will be closed off for today while we work on repairs.”
You and your friends exchange glances with one another and all turn to Regulus, who mouths back ‘thank you’.
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sweetener. ch. ii
a/n: believe it or not, when one of your organs doesn’t work, you have a lot of free time on your hands. which explains why i started writing this yesterday and finished it today.
summary: you wake up at sirius’ place, and negotiations arise.
warnings: okay so this is gonna be a reverse slow burn friends with benefits kinda fic so if you’re uncomfortable with mentions of sex or language, then this is not the story for you, but if you ship romione, i highly recommend this beautiful piece of fluff.
word count: 2.2k (yikes)

(this picture does not belong to me, obviously, but i did crop it and slapped on a psd)
Your eyes cracked open as the Saturday sun peeked through the blinds on the window. Why can’t the sun fuck off and realize that you have a headache? Isn’t the window on the other side?, you thought for a moment before realizing that you were not in your bed. It had been quite a while since you had done this. Turning your head to the figure laying next to you, you were almost in shock. You went home with him?! You thought that was just a dream! Oh my god, you thought, throwing your forearm over your eyes in embarrassment, immediately regretting the feeling of your arm hitting your head, only adding to the pain you were in. The Uber ride to his place was the tackiest thing I’ve ever done! Hardcore make out session in the back of a stranger’s car? Very classy, Y/N.
Before you could continue to silently berate yourself, you felt Sirius roll over towards you. “Good morning, gorgeous,” he said with his gravely sleepy voice, puffy eyes from sleep and a small smile.
You tried to give a smile back but it just came out as a wince. When his head turned to look at his phone to check the time, you scanned the room to figure out the fastest possible way to get dressed and make your escape. By the time your eyes landed on your shoes, Sirius was giving you a look. “You aren’t trying to make a break for it, are ya love?” He gave a joking smile as he shook his head and made is way over to his dresser. Still not wearing any bottoms. Part of you was somewhat glad, maybe a little proud that you had managed to get with someone so, so much better looking than anyone you had been with in the past.
Those thoughts were immediately replaced by a t-shirt hitting you square in the face. Why was the universe hellbent on making your hangover worse?
“Yeah, and don’t think I didn’t notice you checking me out right then,” he snickered and pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants. “Put that on, I’ll make you some toast.” He pointed to you to the shirt then back to you again before he left the room and walked towards what was presumably his kitchen.
Reluctantly, you threw the shirt on, noticing it had the seal for the band Queen on it, at least he’s got good taste in music. It fit you pretty big but you liked t-shirts like that. You took another quick scan of the room, trying to find your underwear that you couldn’t find during the initial scan, but they were nowhere to be found. Shit.
“Do you want tea or coffee?” Sirius yelled from across his apartment.
You closed squeezed your eyes shut even though he wasn’t in the same room as you, any kind of yelling was frowned upon. You stood up off of his bed and winced upon standing from the unexpected pain that was coming from between your legs. Seriously, what the fuck did you get up to last night? You grit your teeth and began to walk towards the area his voice was coming from. “Both of those options sound absolutely disgusting, no thank you” you stated, keeping your voice as even as possible before taking a seat at his kitchen table before letting out a short yawn.
“Water it is, then” He set down a plate with two pieces of toast in front of you.
He went to the cupboard to grab a glass for your water, your mouth felt like sandpaper and you really hoped your mouth didn’t taste the way it does now last night. Speaking of which...
As Sirius gave you a glass of water along with two pills that you assumed were ibuprofen and sat down to eat his own plate of toast. Gladly taking the medicine, you looked up at him, set down the piece of bread you were about to take a bite out of, sighed. “How badly is it gonna hurt your ego if I tell you that I don’t remember a whole lot of last night?”
He almost choked on a bite of egg at the suddenness of your question, and tried to keep himself from laughing too hard. “I’m not gonna go lock myself in my room and cry, if that’s what you’re getting at.” He took a moment to grab a napkin from the middle of the table and wipe some egg off of his mouth, raising his eyebrows at you before asking: “What do you remember?”
Taking a deep breath and an even bigger drink of water, you began to explain. “I know we left the club, made out outside of the club waiting for the Uber, made out in the Uber, you unlocking your front door and then... I got nothing.” You shrugged your shoulders at him and took another bite of toast, thinking that if you put more food in your mouth then you wouldn’t have to answer any more questions.
Sirius gave you an amused look which turned into a sly smile that made you regret having those last two shots, you really wanted to remember all of him, then his light eyes filled with something you couldn’t pinpoint. “So you don’t remember me kissing you against the door, throwing you over my shoulder and then down onto my bed, ripping off your panties with my-“
“No! I don’t remember any of that!” You were a bit exasperated and honestly didn’t know how to process having a one night stand with a gorgeous guy that you didn’t remember. It was pretty new territory for you, usually you tried to forget your experiences with guys because they were just so mediocre, not forget the only good night you’ve had with a guy, probably in your entire life.
“Hmm,” Sirius leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his bare chest. “Maybe we’ll have to make sure you’re sober the next time we do this?” He had a hint of a smirk on his face as he went to take a sip of his tea.
“You want to do this again? Even though I forgot pretty much all of it?” You were in disbelief. Either you were amazing in bed or this guy was insane.
“Of course,” he smiled. “I want you to remember the only guy who could ‘give it to you good’ as you said last night.”
Your head fell into your hands. This was the most embarrassing moment of your life. You wish that you could just slip into the void and float away but alas, you were stuck here. “What all did I say to you last night?” you winced up at him through your fingers.
“I think my favorite quote from you, aside from my name,” you frowned at his quip, “was: ‘You better dick me down good because nobody ever has.’ There were also mentions of never being given an-“
“Nope!” You stood up from the table, winced again, forgetting about the soreness you were experiencing and took a step back. “This is officially the worst day of my entire life and I would like nothing more than to go back to my place and forget this ever happened and never tell...” Oh, God. Both Lily and Marlene were with you at the club, and Sirius was friends with James who was engaged to Lily. There was no feasible way of getting out of this. Last resort. You needed to leave the country.
Sirius picked up on the panic in your eyes and tried to quell the situation, standing up and moving himself around the table, leaning on the edge nearest to you. “I wish I could explain last night to you without sounding like a pervert, but describing last night would...” He took a deep breath. “It was awesome, let me preface with that, and I am a little upset that you don’t remember it because of how awesome it was. But, we got to talking last night after the three rounds of the thing we’re not talking about.”
“Three rounds?! Who are you?!! Some sex god who never quits?” You were genuinely shocked, never having done that with anyone you’d been with, especially not on the first night, and somewhat impressed with him and yourself. Maybe you should hook up with him again.
Sirius merely chuckled and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck while his other hand gestured towards you. “Part of the reason I’m sad you don’t remember it. Anyways, we got to talking and you seem like a really cool person Y/N, and I wanna get to know you more.”
You inhaled through your nose and shut your eyes. “As nice as you are, I’m really not looking for a relationship right now. I’m sorry.”
“Then how about this,” Sirius started with a smile, as if he already knew what you were going to say and had his response ready. “How about we do this one more time, whenever you feel like it, and if you don’t think it’s as awesome as I thought it was, then we can forget this ever happened and we’ll tell Lily that I passed out the second I walked in the door last night. Sound good?”
You thought it over for a minute. It didn’t seem like he was some kind of dirtbag, and he said you seemed like a cool person, not just a good piece of ass.
“How about this, I come back over either tonight or tomorrow night, we do this again, completely sober, and then I might consider the possibility of maybe turning this into a friends with benefits situation. Nothing more. Sound good?” You crossed your arms almost defiantly, almost hoping he’d say no.
“Okay yeah, I’m down.” He pushed himself off of the edge of the table, walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed his phone, handing it to you. “Put your number in my phone and text yourself so you’ll have my number.”
You took it and did as he asked, handing the phone back to him after sending the text, hearing a small ding coming from the bedroom. You felt yourself beginning to become okay with this. It’s not as horrible as you think. It’ll be okay.
Walking back into his room to get changed, you neatly folded his shirt on the end of his bed as you walked around the room, collecting your items of clothing that were strewn about and trying you keep your expression as even as possible, hiding the pain you felt in every step. Now you understood what Ariana Grande was talking about.
When you reached your shoes, you noticed Sirius leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed to the room and smirking. Was that all he ever did?
“Keep the shirt,” he stated simply, pointing his chin towards the shirt you had just folded into his bed.
“Why?” You asked with a wary look.
“Because it looked good on you and I liked seeing you wear it. What can I say, I’m a little selfish sometimes. Especially when hot girls who blow my mind in bed wear them,” he winked, picking up the t-shirt from the bed and shoving it into the bag you had just slung over your shoulder. You felt a spark between the two of you when he moved your arm to get to the purse, it had to be static electricity, even though he didn’t have carpet. As he stepped aside so you could exit the room, your arm brushed against his and you felt another little spark. Oh, come on, you thought, am I becoming that girl that sees fireworks in people’s eyes and feels sparks when you lightly touch someone? This had to be some kind of weird, elaborate dream.
Rolling your eyes at him, and partially at yourself as you made your way to the front door pushing away any thoughts of any “sparks”, shoes in one hand, then you felt the other being tugged back.
“I have one question before you go, why either tonight or tomorrow night? Why can’t it just be tonight?” Sirius asked with a puzzled look on his face.
You let out a laugh, took a step towards him before whispering in his ear, “Because I’m still sore from last nights ‘three rounds’ and I’m not sure if I can handle more tonight, but I’ll let you know.” Leaning back, you placed a chaste kiss on his lips, turned around, and left his apartment.
Sirius 📲 Y/N
Sirius: text me when you get home.
Y/N: why?
Sirius: i just want to make sure you get home safe.
Y/N: i have a question Y/N: why did you respond so quickly when i told you i didn’t want a relationship?
Sirius: because we had the exact same conversation last night.
You blushed, shut the messaging app and opened up Uber. At this point, you were not above getting an Uber at 11:30am on a Saturday, dressed in last night’s clothes.
a/n: i really hoped you liked it! jsyk, there’s like a no percent chance of me writing any smut so it’s all implied. there’s enough smut on this website i don’t need to add to it.
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