#I am Not doing that. unacceptable. I would miss my friends too much
brown-little-robin · 5 months
logging out until... *checks notes*... Monday
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cameronsprincess · 5 months
rafe x jealous!reader inspired by lana del rey „jealous girl“ (unreleased song sadly)🎀
„if i can’t have you baby, no one else in this world can.“
where he broke up with her because of her obsessive & jealous behavior a few weeks ago. (let’s pretend he’s not a killer haha) she sees him with another girl at a kook party & explodes with emotions. she beats up the girl & punches rafe & screams her lungs out that he belongs to her and no one else & that no one can have him if she can’t. topper and kelce literally have to drag her away from the poor beat up girl.
which literally leads to her breaking into tannyhill & threaten him with a gun. i’m thinking about no happy end because she ends up killing him and herself. but that’s up to you. or you can just erase the no happy end!
hope it’s not too gory, if it is it’s okay! maybe you could recommend someone who writes this kind of „gore“😩
BRO I LOVE THIS!!!! OMFG!!!!! she is me fr, bc who tf does Rafe think he is ???? leaving me??? NAH bby.
CW: violence, strong language, jealous!reader, toxic!reader, alcohol consumption, mention of a gun, breaking and entering, toxic relationship, mentions of blood. i think that’s it?
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I didn’t understand why he’d left me. I mean, sure, I could be unpredictable and a little overly jealous. But he was mine. Any woman in my position would be the same way, right?
Maybe I took it too far sometimes. Maybe that was my problem. No, fuck that. If you’re not obsessed with the man or woman you’re with, then what’s the point, right? I was obsessed with him. I still am. So seeing him here with her has my blood boiling.
“Don’t do it.” My best friend, Kayla, says firmly.
I narrow my eyes on her, biting at the rim of my solo cup. “Don’t do what?” I ask, feigning innocence.
Kayla sighs, tossing back the rest of her drink before setting the cup onto the countertop. I place my eyes back on Rafe. He stands at the other side of the room, his right arm draped around the bitches shoulder as he laughs at whatever bullshit Topper was saying. He’s not that fucking funny.
I feel Kayla’s hand on my shoulder before she’s spinning me around to face her. Her amber eyes are narrowed in on my face. “I see the way you’re looking over there. Whatever you’re thinking of doing, squash it. It’s not fucking worth it, Y/N.”
I can’t help but roll my eyes. It is fucking worth it. Rafe Cameron is mine, and it’s about time I remind him of that.
“Kayla, haven’t you ever loved someone so much, that you become overly obsessed with them? That you would do whatever the fuck it took to prove that they belonged to you? Because that’s what I feel for Rafe. I’m never going to win him back with her in the way.”
She sighs for what feels like the hundredth time tonight. “Look, I get it. But you’re not going to win him back by doing something stupid. If you go over there, you might as well kiss him goodbye forever.”
She’s right. But I’ll never tell her that. Instead, I down the rest of my drink, tossing the cup into the trash bag that sits behind me and say, “I don’t give a fuck. She’s touching what’s mine. And that’s just unacceptable.”
I yank myself from her grip, turning and making my way toward Rafe and Jade.
Rafe’s eyes go wide when he sees me approaching, and I can’t help the smile that spreads on my lips.
“Hi baby, you miss me?” I ask him, batting my lashes while smiling widely.
“What’re you doing, Y/N? We’re not together anymore.”
I frown. “Baby, come on. You know you didn’t mean that shit. So why the fuck are you saying stupid shit? And why the fuck are you draped all over this bitch?” I ask, pointing toward the bleach blonde that’s tucked underneath his right arm.
A smile forms on Jade’s face, making my blood boil and my hands fist down by my sides.
“Oh Y/N.. You poor thing. Rafe told me you were fucking craz-”
My fist connecting with her nose cuts her words off. She falls to the ground, blood pouring from her nose as she holds it, glaring up at me.
“You bitch!” She shouts, and I just laugh. I jump onto her weak body, throwing punch after punch to her once perfect face. My knuckles are split from her teeth, my voice hoarse from screaming as I continuously hit the poor girl.
I feel two sets of strong arms ripping me up off her, my feet instinctively kick forward, getting her in the face one more good time before I’m physically dragged out of the house.
“Yo! Calm the fuck down, Y/N! What the fuck is wrong with you?”
My body is buzzing, adrenaline pumping through my veins has me seeing fucking stars right now. I look up, my eyes focusing on a mortified Topper and Kelce. I smile at them coldly.
“You guys are no fun” I pout. “I was winning back there ya know?”
Topper scoffs, his eyes wide. “You fucking broke her nose Y/N! You fucked her face up, Rafe’s gonna have to take her to the hospital… What’re you gonna do if one of them turns you into the police?!”
I can’t help the laugh that bubbles up in my chest. “Oh please, Top. Rafe would never turn me in. He loves me.”
Kelce throws his hands up, turning and giving me his back before walking into the house to presumably check on Rafe and his bitch.
Topper takes a cautious step toward me, his right hand landing on my shoulder. I glare at his hand for a second before he pulls back, sighing. “Look, he did love you. But you scared him away. You were too jealous and too obsessive. Rafe didn’t like that, so now you have to let him go.”
I laugh at that too. Maybe Topper is funnier than I gave him credit for.
“Top, he will be mine. No one else in this world is good enough for him. I’ll make sure he knows that.”
Before he can say anything else, I turn on my heels and skip down the steps of his front porch, making my way home to get the things I’ll need for later together.
Two hours after I’d absolutely beat the shit out of Jade in front of all of my friends, I’m sitting outside of Tannyhill, my right hand holding the small metal weapon i’d gotten from my house, fingertips tracing over the trigger slowly while I hum silently to myself.
Rafe will learn tonight, that if I can’t have him. No one can.
He’ll either be smart and take me back, or I’ll take us both out. The choice is his.
After what felt like forever, his headlights lighting up the driveway have me sitting up straighter in my spot. I watch as he pulls his truck to the side, putting it in park and hopping out. He makes his way to the door, slightly swaying from all the alcohol I assume he consumed after Top and Kelce threw me out.
Fuck them. And fuck Rafe for allowing it. He should stick up for me. He should fucking love me. I do everything for him. I would do anything he asked. And yet, he doesn’t want me? The thought of him with anyone else has my blood fucking boiling.
I watch as he pushes the door open, moving to shut it but I quickly stand and sprint toward the door, stopping it with my hand. He drunkenly staggers backward, turning his head as a confused “what the?” falls from his mouth.
His eyes land on mine, squinting to try and make out who he’s looking at since it’s kinda dark in here.
“Hi, Rafe.”
His eyes go wide and he stumbles backward, throwing his hands up. “What the fuck are you doing here?” He asks, shaking his head from side to side.
A slow smile makes its way onto my lips. I make my way farther into the house, shutting and locking the door behind me. “I came to see you, baby. Why would you ask me that?”
He laughs. “We’re- we’re not together Y/N. You fucking broke Jade’s nose, along with many other bones in her face. You’re fucked in the head. Please, leave.”
I can’t contain the laugh that bubbles in my chest. I take a few slow steps toward him, and he matches them, taking a few steps back.
“Rafe, you’re hurting my feelings. You love me, why are you acting like you don’t?”
His back hits the couch behind him, and he sticks his hands behind him to catch himself. His blue eyes are wide and full of fear.
“Y/N… I- I did love you, but you were too jealous, too fucking obsessive… I couldn’t handle that shit.”
Tears fill my eyes as the words leave his mouth. They stung. But he also just pissed me off. I pull the gun I had tucked in my hoodie pocket out, pointing it toward him as I let the first tear fall.
“How could you say that, Rafe? I love you! I would do fucking anything for you! Why can’t you just accept me for who I am?”
Rafe’s eyes go wider—if that’s even possible— and he raises his hands higher. “Y/N… We can talk about this. Put the gun away baby.”
I let out a laugh that makes me sound borderline insane, and maybe I am. But love makes you do crazy things right? I love him, and if I can’t have him, no one can…
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” I scream, my hands shaking as I continue pointing the gun at his beautiful face.
“I-I’m not lying. Please, princess. Put the gun away so we can talk…”
I take another slow step toward him, standing almost directly in front of him now. His intoxicating scent floods my senses, making me feel almost dizzy.
I clear my throat, blinking away the fresh tears as my shaky hands stay pointing in his direction. “I would have done anything for you. I love you, and you just cast me aside because what? Because I cared too much? Because I was so in love with you it made me fucking crazy?” I pause, letting out a choked laugh as I watch the fear in his eyes slowly turn into sadness. He fucking felt bad? Good. “I love you, Rafe. I’m just here to let you know… If I can’t have you, no one can.”
His blue eyes well up with tears, and he quickly blinks them away. Lowering his hands to his sides, he takes a cautious step toward me, the barrel of the gun pressed into his chest. He reaches out his right hand, running his thumb across my cheek and wiping away a tear that had fallen.
“Sweetheart… Put the gun away, and let’s talk, yeah?”
I sniff, my eyes finding his piercing blue ones. I slowly nod my head, lowering the gun in front of me, hearing him let out a deep exhale before his hands wrap around the cold metal object. He quickly turns the safety on and tosses the gun behind him and onto the couch.
Tears flow quickly down my face, choked out sobs pulled from my chest as I just stare back at the man who’d broke my heart. If he didn’t choose me, I wasn’t sure how I’d continue living. I needed him. The thought of never feeling him again, never smelling his scent, having his lips on mine, hearing his soothing voice — it was all too much for me to think about.
His arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me flush into his hard body, has all of those negative thoughts flying out the window. He still loves me.
I sob into his chest, apologies falling from my mouth like word vomit as he lovingly rubs his hand up and down the length of my back, shushing me. “Shhh, s’okay baby. ‘M here. I’m sorry.”
He holds me, swaying our bodies back and forth for what feels like forever. The sweet words spilling from his mouth and the feel of his hands on my body again are comforting. Like a warm blanket wrapped around you on a particularly cold day, or like your grandmother having cookies out for you after school.
Rafe was my safe space. He was my home. And I couldn’t lose him. I refused to go on in life without him by my side.
His next words hurt, but gave me a sense of hope that we could make it work after all.
“We can work on us, okay? I’m not going anywhere princess,” He pauses, lifting my head from his chest so my eyes are on him, “But you need to get help. Get medicated or something. You can’t be going off the rails batshit crazy all the time. I’m worried about you, and I need to know you won’t lose your goddamn head anytime you feel threatened by someone.”
My eyes search his, his eyes telling me he means every word he’s saying. I couldn’t be mad. I was a little over the top sometimes. If getting help for my psycho tendencies meant getting to keep Rafe? I’d do it. I’d do anything to keep him.
I swallow thickly, nodding my head, “Okay…”
He places his right hand on the back of my head, pushing it back down onto his chest and pressing his lips onto the top of my head. My body melts into his, my arms tightly hugging at his waist as I silently cry. I suck in a shaky breath, mumbling against his chest, “I love you, Rafe.”
He sighs, rubbing his hands up and down my back softly. “I know, princess. I know.” He pauses, and the hesitation of him telling me he loves me too pulls at my heart. Shattering me. But he finally says the four words that kept me sane, “I love you too.”
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eskir · 5 months
pining from a glided cage - sunday x reader
he watches you with a dull ache in his chest and handcuffs to duty - unrequited love on sunday's part
wc: 808 a/n talks: soft sunday w/angst :D got the idea from @eternity-death and i vibed with it a lot. also i'm proud of my first tag (please say yes)
Penacony can only be called the land of dreams, for the sole reason that it is in ones dreams. It will never be the land of fulfilled dreams, never the land where wishes come to fruition. Because even as life slumbers, nightmares run amok and bitter pieces of reality infest dreams, leaving the conscious person choking and gasping for breath.
But Sunday cannot awaken from the dream, so he is left watching you with an impassive face and hidden heart pains from a glided view. He loves you. He cannot say the words that dare to burst from his traitorous lips, nor can he express the sweet pains that reside in his chest. He is an administrator, the head of the Oak family, and he is bound by decorum, order, and the rules imposed upon him by the Dreammaster. He lacks control, so he craves it in everything he can hold in the palm of his insignificant hand. He is bound to Penacony, and he realizes that Robin, his dear sister, spoke uncomfortably bitter truth.
"Brother, I am leaving Penacony. A lavish yet empty cage that I have to leave, but I will miss it nevertheless. I hope you make it out of there, or at the very least, walk in reality."
But he cannot bear to leave Penacony, not when so much is expected of him as the head, not when the Dreammaster oversees almost every move of his, not when you reside in the place he can only call a home because of you.
For if you were no longer in Penacony, he would have nothing joyous holding him back. He would languish apathetically for all the Golden Hours, unable to pursue his dreams. So he makes sure to cherish the moments he has with you, knowing that you could leave at any moment like Robin did.
(he'll hold onto you with a tight desperate grip that he knows is unacceptable. he doesn't want to lose anyone else that's important to him. and even though robin is still alive, she is too far away and the presence of her letters only tears his heart up more.)
So whenever you visit him, bringing sweet treats that you know he'll like, talking about parts of your life, Sunday will listen. He always listens with that soft gaze that could almost make you believe that he is in love with you. He is, but that is a point you'll never acknowledge or realize. Sunday knows that, he can tell when you talk about someone you are clearly enamored with.
He's listened to you for a long enough time that he knows your tells. So when you talk about someone else that isn't him in a romantic light, he freezes. His smile becomes a little more forced, and he closes his eyes to hide the uncomfortable emotions that are swirling in them. In those moments, he misses you. Even though you are right in front of him, he aches for the old you and for Robin. You three would just run throughout the Dreamscape with no worries as children. He misses you even though you're right in front of him. He aches to reach out for your face and kiss your forehead gently.
But he can't, he has to restrain himself from any action that could be misconstrued as affectionate. He cannot do anything but drown in his emotions because that is what the Dreammaster ordered of him. The Dreammaster disapproves of him acting on his feelings because he must 'act accordingly' and 'not be distracted from his duties'. It's suffocating that he cannot reach out for your hand or your kind touch.
(he just craves you. he craves your presence and smile. he'd never have either of the two if you weren't close friends, but the proximity to you just makes his heart ache even more. he lets you touch his wings, even though he knows you only love him as a friend. he lets you, enjoys it even, with you play with his hair, commenting on how soft it is. he wishes that it was because you truly did love him, but it's just how you are, naturally affectionate. so he feigns the neutrality of a long term friend.)
So he smiles whenever you met up. His eyes always light up when you bring new sweet treats and you always laugh at his expression good-naturedly. It's a comfortable relationship that the two of you have, and when night falls, he'll always wish for your happiness.
(he just wishes that you'll never fall in love with anyone but him. he wishes that you won't fall in love with him because he cannot love you back and he doesn't want to reject you.)
Just like Robin, you are a star that he revolves around, never getting closer or further away.
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melzula · 6 months
North and South
part two
pairing: zuko x princess!reader
notes: part two is here! again, there’s some notable changes from the comics to fit Princess into the story but i think it works! hope you guys enjoy :)
summary: team Avatar is together again, but Galik’s vendetta against the Northerners prevents them from enjoying their time at the festival
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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Hakoda and Malina are waiting outside the palace for you when you finally return from your talk with Katara. Both look eager to speak to you, and you’re not sure if that’s a good sign or a bad one. The trio had been vague when requesting your presence for an impromptu meeting, so you weren’t exactly sure what they wished to discuss with you, but if you had to guess you’d assume it has something to do with the oil refinery they wish to build.
“Thank you for agreeing to meet with us at such short notice,” Malina professes earnestly as the two escort you to your office. “I know how busy you must be what with the festival being tonight.”
“It’s not a problem at all. I always look forward to hearing new ideas for the improvement of our tribe,” you assure her with a shake of your head. “But I do have to ask, what exactly are you hoping to discuss with me?”
“You said you wanted proof that the construction of the oil refinery would be in the tribe’s best interest,” Hakoda notes thoughtfully as the three of you finally reach your office. “Well, Maliq and Malina managed to bring the proof to you.”
You furrow your brows in uncertainty at his words and open your mouth to ask just what exactly he means by that, but your is question answered when the doors of your office are finally opened. In the center of the room stands Maliq with a content smile on his face, and beside him stands none other than the Blind Bandit herself.
“Toph!” You exclaim in surprise before rushing forward to envelope her in a tight hug. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!”
“I’d say the same thing if I could see,” she notes with a humorous grin. “Nice to know you missed me, your highness.”
“Of course I did! It’s been much too long.”
“Wouldn’t have been so long if you’d told me about that assassination attempt,” she notes wryly before giving you a harsh punch to the arm. “I would have kicked that guy’s butt in an instant if you’d asked.”
“Yeah, my mistake,” you note sheepishly, rubbing the tender spot on your arm from her punch. “What brings you here now?”
“We thought it would be best if you heard from a representative of a successful oil refinery yourself to see just how impactful this project could be for the South,” Maliq answers on Toph’s behalf.
“Representative? I’m an executive partner now!” The girl corrects with a hint of annoyance in her tone.
“Miss Beifong here oversees Earthern Fire Industries and has offered to supply us with the materials needed to extract the oil and build the refinery,” Malina explains animatedly.
“Wait a minute, how are you being offered supplies for a project that doesn’t exist yet?” You retort with a raised brow, looking at the two siblings expectantly. Malina turns meek under your gaze, but Maliq doesn’t seem to have a care about being caught in the lie.
“We may have bent the truth to get Miss Beifong to come here today,” he admits with a shrug. “But does it really matter? Now that she’s here she can tell you all about the success her refinery has had and how important such a project will be here in the South! We figured if you wouldn’t listen to us, maybe you’d listen to a trusted friend.”
“Going behind my back for something like this is unacceptable,” you scold firmly, doing your best to keep your anger at bay. “You have no right to make these types of decisions without my approval. I am Chief, and you two are visitors. Don’t forget that.”
Maliq is stunned by your words, obviously not expecting this type of response from you. He thought you were smart enough to understand how big this project could be, how desperately your people needed something like this. Why were you being so naive?
“I’m sorry, y/n, I didn’t know this was an ambush,” Toph repents, awkwardly grasping at the back of her neck. “As much as I love Malina and Maliq’s work, I wouldn’t have come if I’d known you weren’t onboard.”
“You’re making a mistake!” Maliq tries to argue. “You need to stop seeing things through such a Southern lens and look at the bigger picture here!”
“Southern lens?” You retort in offense. Malina picks up on your displeased tone and quickly steps in for her brother.
“You’re right, we shouldn’t have overstepped,” she apologizes on his behalf. “We just want to do all we can to help lift up the South.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, but if you keep going behind my back then I won’t be needing your help any longer,” you warn before turning your disappointed gaze to Hakoda. “I appreciate all you’ve done and all you’re doing as advisor, but this cannot happen again.
“Understood, Chief. We shouldn’t have lied to you,” he repents with a sigh. "Perhaps we just got a little carried away.”
“I don’t want to hear anymore about this oil refinery,” you say with finality before turning to Toph. “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing, but I hope you’ll stay for the festivities taking place tonight in honor of Sokka and Katara’s return home.”
“Free food and games? I’m in,” the girl replies with a grin.
You’re able to say nothing more as a knock on the door interrupts your conversation. All heads turn to the doorway where your mother steps in, a sheepish smile on her face.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” she apologizes bashfully, “but Chief y/n is needed in the courtyard.”
“No, of course not, mother. Our conversation is over,” you tell her, giving the group a pointed look. “Hakoda, could you please take Toph to Sokka and Katara? They can get her situated while I’m gone.”
After giving your orders, you follow your mother out of the office and into palace hallways towards the front doors. “What needs my attention?”
“You have a visitor is all,” she notes with a giddy smile. “They requested your immediate presence.”
“It better not be another representative,” you grumble irately. You’re still frustrated over the fact that you were lied to by your advisor and that the siblings had tried to go behind your back with their project, but the feeling doesn’t last long when you see who’s standing outside the palace doors.
Bouquet of fire lilies in hand and a tender smile on his face, Zuko immediately opens his arms for you to throw yourself into his embrace. He’s impossibly warm and his hold on your figure is impossibly tight as he hugs you close to his chest.
“Zuko, you made it!” You exclaim, escaping his hold to cup his face in your hands and pull him down to meet your lips in a kiss.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” he replies breathlessly after breaking your kiss. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
“Definitely not as much as I’ve missed you,” you argue with a careful smile, your face growing warm as he hands you the bouquet of flowers before pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Thank you for hosting me and allowing me to stay in your home,” Zuko says to your mother, bowing in respect to the woman.
“After all you’ve done for my daughter? It’s the least I can do,” she smiles with a passive wave of her hand. Then, looking to you, she says, “I’m going back to the square to finish setting up for the festival. I’ll see you two there.”
Now alone, you eagerly take Zuko’s hand in your own and practically drag him back into the palace.
“Oh, I have the perfect outfit picked for you to wear to the festival tonight!” You exclaim elatedly while Zuko struggles to match your pace. With your back turned to him, you don’t see the way he looks at you as if you hang all the stars in the sky.
It’s good to be back.
Despite the celebration being held in honor of Sokka and Katara’s return home, you haven’t seen much of the siblings since the start of the festival. You remain glued to Zuko’s side as you stroll through the square and admire all the work that went into putting the festivities together.
“You certainly outdid yourself,” Zuko compliments with a faint smile as he watches a group of children play ring toss in hopes of winning the giant stuffed koala otter on display. The South is warm and full of life, so different from what Zuko was used to, but he enjoyed it all the same. It felt nice to finally spend time with you without having to worry about his sister or his father or any other nonsense that often got in the way of your peaceful life together.
“You don’t think it’s too much?” You ask with a sheepish laugh. “I wanted Sokka and Katara to feel appreciated, but I also just wanted to give my people the chance to have fun for a night and not have to worry about any of their troubles.”
“You’re a wonderful leader, and the South is lucky to have you,” Zuko compliments before giving you an affectionate kunik.
“Y/n!” A voice interrupts. Aang and Katara walk arm-in-arm towards you, and everything finally feels complete when the Avatar greets you with a hug.
“Aang, it’s so good to see you! I’m glad you could make it,” you express earnestly. “I was worried my invitation might have gotten lost before it could reach you.”
“It’s nice to be back in the South,” he sighs happily. “Everything looks great!”
“Everything tastes great, too!” Sokka adds as he and Toph join your group. He holds multiple skewers of meat and passes one off to you and Zuko while Toph trails behind holding a plethora of stuffed animals. “Isn’t this amazing?! Team Avatar back together again!”
“It certainly does feel like old times,” you note wistfully as you think back to your time during the war- how things have changed. “I want to thank you all again for being here, you have no idea how much this means to me.”
“We’ll always be here,” Katara says with a warm smile. “No matter what.”
“Y/n,” your mother calls from across the way, interrupting your little reunion. “It’s time for your speech!”
“Oh, of course. Sokka, Katara, come with me,” you tell the siblings, giving them no time to argue as you take each of their hands and escort them to the front.
Using your bending, you send a blast of ice into the air that erupts into a flurry of tiny snowflakes. The act catches the attention of your people, and they watch in awe as the snow begins to fall over the festival.
“People of the Southern Water Tribe, it is my great honor to have you here tonight to celebrate the return of our heroes Sokka and Katara!” You announce, earning an eruption of cheers and applause for your friends. “It is because of their bravery and sacrifice that I stand here before you today. Our tribe took a hard hit during the war, but we’ve persevered and come back even stronger! Every day that passes brings the Southern Water Tribe into a new era of strength and hope. At this time I’d like to take this moment to also thank our Reconstruction team Malina and Maliq for their help in our rebuilding process. I have great hope we can accomplish great things with the help of our sister tribe, and I’d just like to say that-“
“-Everybody needs to get out of here now!” Toph interrupts frantically as the ground begins to shake beneath you. Panicked gasps and murmurs spread throughout the crowd as you try to gain your bearings only to falter at the sight of the giant drill that emerges from beneath the ground. Your people have scattered away in search of safety, and you’re left standing horrified at the display.
At the top of the drill stands Galik, surrounded by fellow warriors with their battle regalia on and weapons at the ready. His features are angry, his eyes dead set on the Northern siblings as he begins his rant.
“Brothers and sisters, I am Galik of the Southern Water Tribe!” He proclaims. “I am your warrior, your blood, your true brother. So believe me when I say that those scoundrels from our so-called “sister tribe” are not here to help us! They are here to subjugate and humiliate us!”
“Galik, what is the meaning of this?!” You demand harshly as you approach the man despite Sokka’s warning voice begging you to stay put. Zuko watches on anxiously from the sidelines without making a move; he doesn’t want to interfere in water tribe business, but he’s prepared to do what he must to protect you if anyone so much as raises a hand towards you.
“I am sorry to ruin your celebration, Chief y/n. I know you had good intentions when inviting these outsiders into our home, but we can no longer stand by and watch them take advantage of your trusting nature. They tend to strip our land of its oil and destroy everything we’ve worked to build!”
“That oil will bring prosperity to your people!” Malina tries to argue. “These plans are for the benefit of the South!”
“Those plans,” you correct firmly, shooting a harsh glare at Malina, “no longer exist. I shut them down, Galik. No one is taking our oil.”
“So you think,” Galik corrects before producing Maliq’s missing briefcase. “Those foreigners plan to claim our oil for themselves! They plan to colonize our tribe, to have our Chief step down from her duties and allow the North to take control!”
“What? That can’t be true!” You cry indignantly before looking towards Malina. The woman doesn’t meet your eye, and slowly you feel the disappointment begin to rise within you. “Can it?”
“It was true,” she murmurs shamefully. “We never used the words colony or colonize, but we worried that the South wasn’t ready to handle such important resources. We worried that such a young girl wasn’t fit to rebuild an entire tribe.”
“And we were right,” Maliq butts in harshly much to his sister’s dismay.
“No we weren’t! We realized we were wrong and decided to abandon our original plans!”
“No, you decided! I never agreed to a change of plans!” Her brother lashes out before angrily pointing a finger at you. “Your Chief is too stuck in the past to move forward into the future! She can’t handle such a big responsibility, none of you can!”
“That is enough!” You try to interrupt only for his construction crew to block your path. Zuko is by your side in an instant, taking their transgression as his cue to step in.
“Watch it,” he warns them lowly, his eyes blazing with fierce protectiveness for his Princess.
“We’re building that refinery with or without your permission, and once that oil is out of the ground it will be under Northern control!” Maliq declares much to his sister’s trepidation.
“See how they disrespect our Chief?!” Galik counters to the group of onlookers that watch the scene unfold. “Our blood and sacrifice kept them safe during the war, and as if that wasn’t enough, now they want our oil! They want our home! They’ve wormed their way into our affairs like parasites, feeding off of our land for their own benefit! Hakoda has abused his position as advisor and led us astray. I’m sure he’s conspiring with them to take the throne for himself much like that traitor Koa tried to do!”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Sokka cries angrily from the crowd. “Our father would never approve of this!”
“Hakoda is too much of a coward to stand up to his own Chief!” Maliq asserts before turning his critical eyes back to you. “But I’m not. I expected better from a Princess, a girl who’s traveled the world and seen for herself the success of other nations, but I guess you really are just a Southerner after all. You can’t be trusted to know what’s best for anyone, and that’s why the South needs the oversight of an actual civilization!”
“The South needs you to leave! Immediately,” you proclaim harshly, staring down the man until he finally backs off. The air is thick with tension after Maliq’s outburst, and no one knows just what to do or say. Finally, Galik interrupts the silence.
“Your kind heart fails you again, y/n,” he says with a shake of his head and a menacing tone. “After all they’ve done, they don’t just get to leave.”
“For the tribe!” He and his warriors cry before charging at the siblings.
“Quick, we have to help them!” You urge Zuko before discarding your parka to allow you a greater range of motion to bend.
“After everything they’ve done?! He completely disrespected you!” The Fire Lord adduces.
“That doesn’t mean they deserve to be killed!”
You quickly use your bending to procure a wall of ice to block the group from reaching the siblings. You catch Aang and Katara in your peripheral fighting off Galik’s men while Sokka and Toph attempt to crowd control, and beside you Zuko shoots blasts of flames to ward off the attackers.
Suddenly, a heap of rock knocks your feet out from under you and sends you sprawling into the snow after colliding into your figure. You’d been so engrossed in warding off Galik’s men that you hadn’t even noticed Maliq and Malina’s crew sneaking up behind you.
“Don’t hurt her!” Malina protests only for one of them to dismiss her concerns.
“If she was such a “big and powerful” Chief she would have been able to defend herself,” the earth bender argues. “She’s nothing but a Southern bender.”
A ball of fire is suddenly shot in his direction and the quickly man ducks to the ground in fear. Peering up from the snow, Zuko towers over the man menacingly with his hand ready to strike. “Want to say that again?”
“H-Hey, it was just a joke! Honest! She’s a really good water bender!” The man splutters. He screams in terror when another blast is shot his way, but it only lands on the side of him and narrowly misses his head.
“Don’t you forget it.”
While the wind was momentarily knocked out of you from the impact of the rock, you’re quick to recover and get back on your feet to fight. However, you falter at the sight of Galik standing before you. He holds a hand up in surrender to signal he has no intentions of fighting you, and so you do the same.
“This has gotten out of hand, Galik. You need to call off your troops,” you plead breathlessly. “We shouldn’t be fighting.”
“I’ve tried to be patient with you, y/n, but I can only do so much,” the older man admits with a sigh. “They deserve what’s coming to them.”
“I’m just as upset as you are about Maliq’s plan, but this isn’t the way to go. At the end of the day we’re all a family.”
“Family?! Did the Northern scum care when our water benders were desecrated by the raiders? Did they care when our Princess was taken from us by the Fire Nation? Did they care when your father lost his life in battle while their Chief got to hide behind a wall of ice? They are not our family, and you need to realize this before it’s too late.”
“If we continue on this way we’ll be proving them right!” You argue desperately. “We’ll only show them that we can’t handle our own affairs! Just stop this and I’ll make it right!”
“It’s much too late for that now, Princess. The situation has gotten out of hand and needs correction. You’ve done all you can to rectify the problem, but your judgement is clouded by your love for the Fire Lord. The ash maker has brainwashed you.”
“How dare you call him that?!” You yell fiercely, your blood boiling at the insult and your patience just about worn thin. “You’re the one that’s brainwashed if you truly believe such crazy conspiracies!”
“It’s not a conspiracy, it’s the truth! How many times have you let foreigners take advantage of you?! You risked your life to save Zuko’s and yet you are the one that carries the scars on your hands! You opened our home to the Northern scum and yet they wish to take the throne away from you! You’ve had your chance to do things your way, but it’s time for me to take over now, Chief.”
You notice his eyes are no longer focused on you but on something behind you, and you immediately react by whirling around and using a water whip to disable your approaching attacker before they can reach you. Your move sends them flying across the courtyard and into a nearby food stand. Guiltily, you make a mental note to pay the owner for the damages your attack has caused.
“Y/n!” Zuko calls as he rushes towards you. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, but Galik got away,” you huff in disappointment. Surveying the area, you notice that both the Northern siblings and your friends are missing from the square. “Where are the others?”
“I’m not sure, but they must have run after him.”
“I’m sorry things always seem to get out of hand when you visit the South,” you say with a demeaned frown. “I promise it’s not always like this.”
“Hey, it’s much better than the stuff I put you through when you visit the Fire Nation,” Zuko jokes in an attempt to lighten the situation. “You handle the stress of being a leader far better than I ever could.”
Smiling faintly, you give his hand a comforting squeeze before urging him out of the square. “Let’s go find Gilak.”
“Chief y/n, you have to come quick!” A guard calls from the distance, alerting you of her presence and interrupting your conversation with Zuko. The next words to come out of her moth are the last words you ever expected to hear, and they fill your stomach with dread when she shouts, “Hakoda’s been stabbed.”
| atla tags: @niktwazny303 @sirkekselord
| zuko tags: @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @taeeemin @lora21 @livelaughlovekuni @lovialy
| fire lilies tags: @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch @docackerman @rinalsword
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bijoutarot · 1 year
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Your Lover’s Hidden Feelings 🌹
Pick An Image
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Image 1
“I will wait for a sign from you”
A past lover is thinking about all the ways they should have appreciated you, cared for you, and listened to your needs. They feel that you have had enough of the games and the lies. Deep down inside if they were to say the right things to you you would be unsure how to proceed. You kind of want to talk about the matter without actually being the one to reach out. You feel like they should be the one saying something because they are the one who messed things up in the first place. This person is not only a former lover but a friend as well. Many of you started out as a friendship and then started hooking up. Now they feel like they lost both.
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Image 2
“I know I messed everything up”
“You and I were too young”
Your lover is from a former relationship. This person might have been your high school sweetheart or someone that you dated in your teens. Unfortunately things did not work out between you two because they were still very immature. You were more mature than they were even though you guys were the same age when you met. Instead of letting you know the truth about the love triangle you found out in a harsh way. This broke your heart. They still feel terrible to this day because they know you have a good heart. This person regret their decisions but they blame it on their age. You might find this to be unacceptable because they are not taking accountability for their actions. They always had a problem with that. They always made excuses instead of being direct. You are now at a point in your life where you have guarded your freedom that comes with being single. You are abundant and not in a hurry to lock in with someone right away.
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Image 3
“I am becoming a better person”
“I love you”
Your person is currently working a lot of long hours. They want to earn more money so they can give you the life you deserve. They see you as someone very precious and deserving of all the finer things in life. They have a business plan that will require a lot of hard work. You have not been seeming them as much as you like to but it is because they want to give you something special. They are saving money to make a big purchase. I see that they are working overtime and going in on their days that they normally be off. This is their season to grind while you will find more time relaxing. This person loves you so much it is clear they are willing to go the extra mile to impress you.
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Image 4
“You were the best thing in my life”
Image 4, you have a past person that is running back to you. They miss you so much but they are afraid to contact you.they are longing to hear your voice, smell your signature fragrance, hold you in the middle of the night, and taste your cooking again. They love the way you prepare food, from the presentation down to the flavors and recipes. Life has been very sad without you. Their house is no longer a home since you blocked them. They miss having you in their environment. They do not look forward to coming home to an empty house. They want to make up with you and make it right. They want to take back the things that they said to you in the heat of the moment. Your person is seeking another chance. This isn’t the first, second, or third breakup but this time they are unsure where you stand.
Comment which reading resonated 💕
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seeminglydark · 4 months
1. would caro and john be into the tv show, the x-files? would they buy tapes of the episodes and talk about their own conspiracies and guess about the outcomes of the episodes.
2. also your comic has help peak my interest for the supernatural and conspiracy theories. what are some stories or theories that you’ve learned about that you have found the most interesting? and were you a believer before starting your comics or has your interest grown as you’ve continued with your comics.
3.lastly, i’m trying to buy more secondhand items and become the diy punk that i’ve aspired to be since high school (too afraid since i was a closeted trans man and living with an unaccepting family), any tips?
i, like john, try to stay away from modern tech as much as i can. i’m able to stay off my phone for the most part and rarely use my computer but i’ve been looking around and audiobooks on cassette are kinda expensive around me so i like to narrate book as i read them in paperback. i was wondering if canonically john uses resources such as the library and what his favorite books and movies are. i love horror and am just now getting into sci-fi and i love watching movies on my vcr + tv combo and i sometimes use a blu-ray player for more rare or expensive (at least in vhs format) movies.
sorry for the long winded paragraph, i’m unfortunately unable to escape my strict household (despite being an adult) until i find a job and am able to save every cent. i also tend to isolate myself so i have no friends to help me out. sorry to vent to you about this but i just wanted to end this by saying your comic and characters inspire me and give me hope that i’ll be okay once i’m free.
YES. John is obsessed with x-files. every once in a while you can see he has the iconic 'i want to believe' poster in his younger years on his walls. He still has it as an adult. both caro and john like watching those together, they also enjoy the twilight zone, charmed, Buffy (they they agree the corny movie from '92 is the best) and those old Bruce Campbell shows noones heard of, re: Brisco County Jr. I think as kids they theorize, and as adults they talk about everything everyone gets wrong, now that they know how these things really work. John can always guess WhoDunnit.
Ive always been interested in the idea of the supernatural. im a big skeptic though, ill be honest there, even though ive had many 'experiences' myself. i kinda like the idea of the unbelievable. definitely making the comics has peaked my interest in things i wasn't too keenly aware of before, like cryptids. im fascinated by the concept of Missing 411, and missing people who reappear somewhere else, but Liminal Spaces hold my heart specifically. ive always been keenly aware of the off feeling in those places before i even knew what that meant. i love scouring the internet for images of things like abandoned hotels that give me a weird kind of uneasy, most of the things people tag as Liminal aren't really that, so its a scavenger hunt to find something that fits my idea of it. coming up with the lore of my stories has been an adventure. my interest has definitely grown, more in places and phenomenon than in ghosts specifically.
there are so mnay things you can do to diy punk stuff, in my opinion thats the best and most rewarding way. it sounds to me that you need to start small and slow for your safety, so let me reassure you right here anon, that punk is a set of ideals, and not just fashion. youre still punk no matter what youre wearing. a jacket or vest is always a good place to start, you can literally buy ANYTHING at the thift store that strikes your fancy. this is a canvas you will be adding too for as long as its yours. once you have your canvas, its time to create, and there is literally no wrong way to do this. you can use paint markers, embroidery, bleach, ect. dont have money for spikes and studs? you can use soda can tabs and bend them, metal lighter caps, hell even staples and safety pins always look cool. you can make your own badges by bending metal soda or beer caps around a soda tab with a safety pin through it and then paint whatever you want on the cap. dental floss is what you usually see when punks have the white stitching on their pants and jackets, its durable and doesn't break, since crust and gutter punks need tough clothes that last. if you're worried about your family, i would personalize it first in small secret ways that are just for you, such as a message beneath your collar as seen here on my friends jacket. and here, and here! he hides patches on the inside as well! Im including a pic of john hiding a patch on caros varsity jacket as well. i will post my jackets one day, my camera is broken but i figured id share his since he hides things more than i do!
John absolutely uses the library, its a fantastic resource for SO many things, depending on where you're located. He would also probably use a digital reader later, because many of them you can get library cards on and borrow books that way. he is not a strong reader so he mostly reads books that may be under his age level, like goosebumps, but who cares, do what you enjoy. movie wise hes very obsessed with cosmic horror (hence the UFO tattoo) his favorites are Alien, The Thing, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the Blob from the 80s. both he and Caro love the original Evil Dead franchise, horror comedy like American Werewolf in London, lost boys, etc.
Thank you, Anon, for the long winded paragraph. You asked some really fun questions for me to answer, i love nothing more than to talk about my characters, it was a really nice little break from editing a new podcast episode. I am so so sorry about your situation, and i am sending you all the best and all the love and strength that you can come out of this free and on the other side and live as yourself. If my comics and characters stories can provide a tiny bit of hope that its going to be ok, than ive succeeded at what i set out to do. wishing you all the best. and look into your library, they may have resources to help you with this as well.
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Hello~~ your Micah stuff keeps me coming back!
It’s so good!!
Can I please request GN or F s/o taking care of micah after he wakes up from a nightmare with prompt #52 “The nightmares can’t get you when I’m here.” I think micah would be a little fussy after waking up, because he doesn’t wanna seem all WEAK but his S/O calms him down and gets him to go back to sleep!
Thank yoooou🖤
Thank you!! I'm glad you like Micah stuff XD my friend wonders how I can write for him. Hope you enjoy!💖
Nightmares Are For The Weak
No one can control their dreams. Or nightmares. But Micah Bell can sure as hell try.
#52 “The nightmares can’t get you when I’m here.”
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There was a reason that Micah doesn't sleep.
It brought him to a place where he was vulnerable and faced with things that he couldn't fight no matter how hard he tried. After all, no one can control their dreams.
Or their nightmares.
Micah is stubborn though and tries to control his horrible sleep experiences by not sleeping. It's why everyone sees him up and about even in the darkest hours of the night. People thought he was just being creepy, but they didn't understand how much he was secretly suffering.
Somedays his body just forces himself to sleep. And that's exactly what happens now.
He can't exactly recall what the nightmare was about. All he could remember was that he woke sweaty with quick breaths, tears were nearly falling from his eyes.
Absolutely unacceptable for Micah Bell.
Of course, he was quick to get to his feet and move away from whatever tree he was laying against. Perhaps some movement will get him back in touch with reality. Micah ran a hand over his face, trying to get his normal personality back on his features and wipe this childish one away.
His heart told him to go to you, but his head told him otherwise. However, in the end, it mattered not. You found him anyway.
"Micah? I shouldn't be surprised that you're still awake." Your soft voice frightened him in this vulnerable state. But he didn't let you notice that.
"But I am that you are. Why are you still up?" He asked gruffly, masking his emotions in what he thought was perfection.
"Miss Grimshaw put us ladies through a lot of work today. I guess it's made me not tired." You said with a shrug, eyeing him. Micah didn't look like himself. Sure, he puts up a good act because that's so him. But when you've known him for as long as you have, you can see through the cracks in his mask.
Something happened.
"Have you slept at all tonight?" You asked him, and he was too quick to respond.
"No." He muttered, rubbing another hand over his face.
"Got ya." You said with a slight smile, and Micah groaned. He hated that you knew him well enough that you could catch him lying.
"So, you actually slept, but something happened, didn't it?" You pressed and Micah began to walk away. It was the only way to escape your questions, but you simply followed, causing him to curse under his breath.
"Nothing happened." He guarded himself, still walking away.
"Did something wake you? A nightmare maybe?" You said, causing him to pause his walking. You hit the nail right on the head, but Micah was too stubborn to admit that to you right now.
"What is this? An interrogation?" He asked, turning to look at you. You simply nodded, a look of concern on your face. Micah won't admit it, but he softened slightly. You never looked to prod him or tease him like the other camp members did. Perhaps it was one of the many reasons he loved you. So, eventually, you broke him.
"Yeah...I guess I did have a bit of a nightmare." He mumbled, face burning in shame as he avoided your eyes. Instead of pressing any further, you moved in to hug him. Micah has allowed you to do this without much complaint, but you felt it was the right thing to do.
You got the answer you wanted.
"I think there may be something I can do to help." You told him, moving away from the hug.
"Y/N, I don't need-"
"Come along."
You dragged him towards your tent, curtesy of Hosea's prodding at Dutch. Once in its privacy, you pulled him to lay with you. You could feel him tense up, obviously fearful of the thought of going back to sleep, but you won in the end.
"I don't need this, Y/N. Just let me be." Micah pushed, but you shook your head.
"There's nothing you need to feel shameful of." You told him.
"I ain't ashamed of anything, dammit. I shouldn't get nightmares. I ain't a child." He protested, crossing his arms over his chest as he laid beside you on the ground.
"Everyone gets nightmares, Micah. It doesn't stop when you get older. With lives like ours, the mind will always find a way to try and scare us. That's why we have each other." You informed him, pulling him closer so that his head rested over your bosom. Now, as much as Micah would like the proximity, he couldn't help but get a bit embarrassed.
“The nightmares can’t get you when I’m here.” You promised while stroking his hair, not realizing that he was rather red in the face.
"I feel like a child." He mumbled.
"Shut up and let me try to help you." You ordered and you could hear him chuckle a bit despite the awkwardness that he felt.
"Yes ma'am." He said and you look pleased with yourself, smiling.
"That's what I thought. Now, you better be here when I wake up." You told him, a maternal tone in your voice. Micah smiled in spite of himself.
He did see you as a blessing in his life that he didn't think he deserved. You were able to sleep peacefully with him there, so Micah could only hope that he would find some peace in it as well. His heart raced a bit more, and he could feel that childlike fear entering his mind. The fear of the unknown that might creep up in his dreams.
However, the feeling of your hand in his hair and on his back brought him some peace. Your heartbeat and breathing reminding him of a place of safety.
So, with new courage, he found the strength to close his eyes and fall asleep.
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gil-galadhwen · 2 years
The Lord of the Rings | Elrond x F!Reader
This is pure fluff to begin with, but hopefully we'll get to more 👀🔥
Note: I've used a little lore from LOTRO (if anyone else plays, let me know! I'm on the Brandywine server and would love to make new friends!💕)
Carrier of Messages
Elrond was in your library. Not your library exactly, but it felt as though it was exclusively for your use as nobody else in Celondim used it much anymore.
You had come to study a certain aspect of Lore Mastery and King Gil-galad had graciously allowed you access on the condition that you carry messages between Celondim and Lindon where permitted. You thought this was a delightful benefit as you hadn’t expected you’d get to travel but so far you’d carried messages to Lindon many times, even travelling as far as the foothills of Evendim. You’d delivered messages to the King’s herald more than once too, each time more thrilling than the last. Where most people accepted your hand delivered scrolls with a nod of thanks at best and with minor contempt at worst, Elrond did something nobody else did. He spoke to you. He asked you questions about your purpose in Lindon, your studies in Celondim and he always gave you something in exchange for the message. The first time, he gave you an acorn from his pocket which you found endearing. The next, he gifted you a silver coin. He once offered you a glass of wine and to sit with him for a moment which you profusely refused, flushing under your veil as you practically leapt back onto your horse and hurried back to Celondim at a gallop.
While you wanted nothing more in the world than to drink a glass of Lindon’s finest with the half elven lord, you were certain it would be deemed unacceptable if anyone found out and you couldn’t risk your position. Not when you’d worked so hard for it.
Elrond was unlike anyone you’d ever met. He was kind, attentive and had the ability to make you feel as though you were the most important being to him when his attention was on you. Like you truly mattered. You couldn’t help wondering if his perceptiveness came from the human side of him.
Why was he here? You wondered, stepping down from the ladder you’d been using to reshelve some books. Had you missed something? A message undelivered perhaps?
“Hello?” His familiar voice echoed through the mostly empty chamber and you shivered a little. “Is the Lore Master here?”
“Yes, I’m here,” you called, brushing dust from your robes and readjusting your veil. As you rounded the corner towards the front door, you caught the moment Elrond saw you. The way he straightened. The way his lovely, elegant fingers clenched tightly around the scroll he was holding.
“Ah, there you are,” he said as you reached him, a heart-rendering smile breaking out over his face.
“How can I help, my lord?” You asked, grateful for your veil as you bowed low.
“I have brought you something. It has been in my keeping for some time and I always meant to bring it to the great library of Celondim.” He held the scroll out to you and you were sure his fingers trembled as you accepted it.
“Thank you my lord,” you said, holding the scroll close to your chest. “A gift to the library is a gift to the entirety of Ered Luin.”
Elrond nodded. “It is my pleasure.”
“Forgive me for saying, but I hope you did not travel here especially to deliver this,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“I could have collected it with the next messages--"
“I could not wait that long,” he interrupted, taking a step closer.
You will yourself to breathe even though there was barely any space between you now and Elrond’s hand was reaching towards you, slow and uncertain. You squeeze your eyes shut and brace.
“I apologise for disrupting your work but I could not find the strength within myself to stay away,” he said.
You open your eyes and look down to find Elrond fiddling with the end of your veil.
He laughed lightly. “I am not usually so forward but there is something about you.”
“My lord, you do not know me. You have never seen my face--”
“I am admitting that I want to.” His fingers on your veil tighten.
“Tell me to leave and I will never speak of it again.”
You bite your lip beneath the veil. He was handing you power like nobody had ever done before. Elrond, Half Elven wanted to know you, a veiled lore master and carrier of messages.
Gently, you take Elrond’s hands in yours and squeeze as you murmur quietly.
“Tell me exactly what you want, my lord and I shall give it to you. All of it."
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bonebabbles · 1 year
So since my rose-colored Gray Wing glasses have been torn of my face and stomped into tiny pieces, I’m now wondering if my perception of Clear Sky’s arc is also skewed. I thought his redemption arc was well done (until Star Flower came back) because he was sincerely trying, wasn’t expecting forgiveness, and (unlike a lot of redemption arcs) was not forgiven by most of the characters right away because of how bad his actions were. Until he got with Star Flower, I thought his redemption arc was damn near perfect. Do I have on rose-colored glasses for his redemption arc?
Clear Sky's "redemption arc" is one of the most incompetent bits of writing that has ever blighted the entire series and I promise you I'm not doing hyperbole. It is so bad that it drags down everything it touches, including Gray Wing, Thunder, Acorn Fur, and the entire concept of StarClan.
And, unfortunately, both things you cited there absolutely did not happen, I am going to have to eat your glasses. I'm gonna munch. I'm gonna cRUNCH
"He was sincerely trying"
He wasn't. He just stopped actively shredding random people on his border and then whines that he's "Trying So Hard," using it as yet another guilt trip tactic because he's still an abuser.
The SECOND anyone gives him any criticism (FOR BRINGING A WIFEBEATER INTO HIS CLAN MIND YOU), he twists the fact they're supposed to "forgive him" against them, starts calling Gray Wing slurs for having asthma, and gets offended at a warning while huffing, "no one tells me what to do!"
Like a big fucking baby
And he only let Tom into his clan (even implying he's not a REAL cat because he's fat + an ex-kittypet) because he promised he could show him how to "fight dirty."
AND ALSO he is fully aware that this man kidnapped children in a previous book; but Blazing Star completely forgets major details of the previous three books in a way that is absolutely unacceptable. You are practically reading a new continuity.
"He was not forgiven by the other characters right away"
He was. He was literally, immediately forgiven in the very opening of Blazing Star. By Gray Wing and Thunder, because the narrative decided that Everyone Is Responsible.
Even back in First Battle, right after the fight ends we get a line that gives Bramblestar a run for his money. "WE let it get too far." The narrative even scrambles for some reason to make a woman responsible and grabs Tall Shadow for some fucking reason.
Acorn Fur doesn't even mention that CLEAR SKY WAS STARVING HER FATHER before she decides to move in with him, because she would miss her parents too much on the moor... those parents who just died. In the battle Clear Sky started.
Everyone immediately forgives him and kisses his butt because "The guilt will hurt him more than any actual consequences :((( He was just under so much pressure of leading guys.... which is why he should continue to lead............"
I've actually had a hard time continuing my reread because I've actually been fucking enraged at how Thunder is swooning over his daddy "finally looking at him" uwu
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This is painted like a good thing. This is a sweet and nice thing that finally, the abusive ghoul who shoved his face into a festering wound and said he shouldn't have been born just before trying to kill him and all of his friends 'respects him.' Oh Joyous Day Yippee Hooray!
How this ruins the other characters
It destroys Gray Wing because it makes ALL this dogshit behavior that he displayed for the first three books correct. In spite of how GOD awful this "Redemption Arc" is, you are supposed to believe that there is good "deep down" within Clear Sky. That all of this abuse apologia was wisdom. Gray was, and IS, right to take every insult and understand it as humility, and the Clear Sky on the page is actually a Good Boi who Really Does Love His Clan.
It ruins Thunder because even after ALL of that physical and emotional abuse and neglect, he's still supposed to honor Clear Sky as "You'll always be my father." These destructive impulses to want his approval are good and natural in this narrative, not something to confront or fundamentally question.
Fuck, just look at the Tom Redemption. The writers LOVE abusive parents. Even if they beat the shit out of your mom, get her killed, kidnap you, and had no part in raising you, "they still love you and would die for you." Tom's Redemption and Clear Sky's Redemption are just different lines in the same song.
Acorn Fur moves in with the guy who held one of her parents hostage and ultimately got both of them killed
And STARCLAN forms to "tell clear sky what to do," because in the baffling Fear vs Greed Dichotomy this series thinks is some kind of thesis, Clear Sky was just "afraid," not "greedy," and that means his fucked up little head can be fixed by the comfort a religious force can bring. He wasn't abusive because he loves having power over people, the thing that is right there on the page, nope, he really was just worried about death or responsibility or something.
This isn't even getting to the person he is in later material. He's a MONSTER in Moth Flight's Vision, as if his growth never happened.
And this is taking him all at face value-- in a meta sense, the sheer amount of female characters that get brutalized just for his man pain is legitimately dizzying. 2 mates die, 2 innocent women slaughtered, a child beaten and another starved to death, and even pregnant Star Flower gets pinned to the ground and licked on the face as her assaulter talks about how much he wanted her as a mate
This is the worst arc in the entire Warrior Cats franchise and it is spinning on the crap-axis that is Clear Sky's 'redemption'.
The arc is bad BECAUSE it is working towards this idea, that the best villain the series ever wrote has to become the writer's Poor Little Meow Meow halfway through 6 books, so we can get to our regularly scheduled Born Evil Foreigner Villains Who Hate Love And Friendship.
Imagine TPB but Fireheart cries that self defense against Clanborn cats makes you Just As Bad, Tigerstar was just scared or something, and you get two Diet Scourges. That's DOTC.
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buckleydiazmp4 · 1 year
for mel @emeraldcas' 30 for 30! happy birthday dear, i hope you had a wonderful day <3
911 - buddie - 2.6k
prompts: muppets/romance/gifts/secrets
Christopher loves Kermit the frog.
"I'm starting to think he loves him more than me", Eddie says one morning, sitting dejectedly on the loft's couch with an adorable little pout.
Buck laughs to himself and keeps browsing the internet for Kermit-themed stuff, hoping to find the perfect gift for Chris' birthday next week. "You know that's not true, Eddie."
"You don't know that", he says, pressing his finger to Buck's chest, and he attempts not to freak out about it. Ever since he accepted that he's been head-over-heels in love with Eddie for ages, every little touch makes him scream mentally.
Buck sits up a little straighter, gently pushes Eddie's hand off. He's so close he can see the freckle under his eye, perfectly placed like a little star where the universe made it to be.
"Eds. You're his dad. Nothing will ever win over that."
He just grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Okay", Buck says, turning to face him fully. "What's really going on?"
Eddie's incredibly brown eyes meet his. He sighs, admitting defeat. "I just... miss him, you know? I guess it's stupid. I mean, I see him every day. But it feels like­—"
"You're not hanging out much?"
"Yeah. Is it my fault? Am I at work too much? Am I too tired to spend time with my son?"
Well, Buck is having none of this. It's completely unacceptable. So, butterflies be damned, he places his hand on Eddie's left shoulder, letting his thumb slide slightly above the collar of his dark blue t-shirt, just sitting there against his skin. He knows Eddie doesn't ask for comfort nearly enough, despite the fact that he deserves it more than anyone. If Buck has to be the one to give it to him, he'll be more than happy to do so for the rest of his life.
"Listen to me. You're doing nothing wrong, okay? Trust me. Chris is just— growing. The love is still there, he just wants to discover some stuff by himself. He needs to do his own thing, hang out with his friends. But he'll never love anyone or anything more than you. I promise."
Eddie deflates under Buck's touch. "Okay. Okay, you're right. It's gonna be fine. I knew this would happen eventually, it just... it's a bit sad, is all."
Buck frowns sympathetically. "I know, man. But hey, if you ever want some company when Chris isn't around, you know you have your own friends too, right? We can get a couple beers, some pizza, watch a shitty horror movie that makes us laugh..."
The last of Eddie’s worry is replaced by one of those blinding smiles that Buck can never help but mirror. "That actually sounds fun. I'll take you up on that offer later", he says cheerily, before they're interrupted by the first bell of the morning.
Eddie's smile stays plastered on Buck's mind for the rest of their shift.
It’s not until Wednesday, two days later, that Eddie reminds Buck of their conversation. They’re working out before the start of their afternoon shift, and Buck is trying with every bit of his might not to stare at Eddie’s arms while he does push-ups. He’s really, really trying.
They finish their sets and grab their stuff, walking towards the locker room, when Buck remembers something. “Hey, I haven’t told you! I found the perfect gift to give Chris on Monday”.
Buck watches Eddie muster his best bitchface in real time, trying not to giggle like an idiot, because how can anyone be that cute?
“Let me guess. It’s something to do with Kermit?”
Buck adds a bounce to his step and grins. “Yup. But I’m not telling you what. You’ll have to see it when Chris opens it.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’m so excited.”
Buck can’t hold it anymore. He laughs until his belly hurts a little, smacking Eddie’s back. “Oh, cheer up, Eds. I promise Kermit isn’t out to replace you.”
“Well, Kermit might not be, but Chris’ friends sure are. He’s sleeping over at Tommy’s on Friday.” He stops walking to stare at Buck and breathes, building up courage. Buck has seen him do that a lot recently, and is more overwhelmed with pride than he probably should be, because Eddie’s finally relying on the people who love him instead of trying to do everything on his own.
“I was wondering if I could cash in for that offer you made on Monday. Shitty horror movie and pizza?”
Buck’s grin widens. “Of course! Your place or mine?”
Oh no. Did that sound too much like a date? No… He’s just hanging with his best friend so he doesn’t feel too lonely while Chris isn’t around. That’s it. Just a movie and some drinks. No biggie.
He’s halfway through his thought spiral when Eddie answers. “Is it okay if you come by? Tommy’s mom is picking Chris up, so I might take too long driving to yours after.”
Buck nods, shaking off his paranoid overthinking. “Yeah, yeah. That’s great.”
It shouldn’t feel this weird, right? They’ve been doing this for ages anyway. Sit together, laugh at corny lines and bad special effects all night, eat pizza until their stomachs beg them to stop. Buck can’t count how many times he’s passed out on Eddie’s couch after a movie night, tired from his shift or having drunk too many beers. Eddie’s also stayed over at his before.
So why does Buck feel jittery and anxious for the rest of the day and all the way through his Thursday shift?
By Friday afternoon he’s managed to make himself act normal. After all, they’re Eddie and Buck. They’ve got each other’s backs, whether it’s to pull each other out of burning buildings or to keep each other company on a Friday night.
Still, seeing Eddie all messy-haired in a green henley and sweatpants when he answers his door really does not help at all. He stares at the dark strands of hair falling every direction from Eddie’s head, curling against his forehead, and all he can think is pretty, pretty, pretty.
He stares a bit too long, because Eddie notices and runs his hand through his hair, trying to flatten it. “Sorry, I fell asleep a little. Turns out Tommy’s mom picked Chris’ stuff up earlier and just went to get him directly from the school. He was so happy when we talked on the phone. Said he finally got to ride in Tommy’s ‘cool car’.”
Buck chuckles. “Oh, yeah. He told me about that. It’s a red truck with a huge sunroof, apparently. And get this, it has Kermit the frog and Gonzo bumper stickers.”
Eddie’s bewildered expression combined with his hair, which he’s messed up even further, make Buck double in laughter, holding onto the doorframe to avoid simply falling face-first onto his chest.
“How do you find out this stuff? I’m starting to think you know more about my son than I do”, he complains, but the slight crinkle around his eyes tells Buck he’s amused.
“Well, since you refuse to indulge him on his love for Kermit, he decided to start telling me about it.”
Eddie shrugs. “Fine by me. You can handle that, I’ll handle the math homework.”
Buck nearly misses Eddie waving him inside, too busy trying to pull himself out of the delusional, sickeningly domestic fantasies in his head where he gets to be a part of the little Diaz family, and they have the same kind of conversations they just had on the doorway, splitting Chris-related tasks and laughing about his adorable adventures.
When he walks into the living room, he feels like his heart is being ripped apart and sewn back together at an alarmingly fast rate. He’s in love with his best friend and he is so gonna ruin everything they’ve built for years.
He sees himself everywhere. There’s a navy-blue hoodie he left last week, still draped over the back of the couch, and a pair of slippers right next to Eddie’s and Chris’ against the corner closest to the hall. The duck-shaped mug he bought for himself to use in the Diaz household is on the coffee table, sitting on top of a wonky coaster he tried to crochet when he was healing from his broken leg and which Chris insisted to take home.
He’s been haunting Eddie and Christopher like a clingy ghost, and he still wants more. He can’t ask that from either of them.
He thought he could do this. He thought he could live with the fact that he’s in love with Eddie without ever doing anything about it. He thought he could keep offering to pick Chris up from school every once in a while, occasionally sneak into the Diaz zoo trip to make Eddie and Chris laugh with his ridiculous fun facts. He thought he could keep making coffee for Eddie at the 118’s kitchen, with one and a half teaspoons of sugar just like he loves it. He thought he could do all of it without changing everything, without having to fight the urge to hold Eddie’s hand every time they’re at the supermarket, without having to ignore the wish to kiss Chris on the forehead when he scrapes his knees.
Maybe he’s weaker than he assumed.
“Buck. Are you okay?” Eddie’s hand on the crook of his elbow coaxes him towards the sofa. “Hey. It’s okay. Sit down for me, yeah? Just breathe, Buck. I’m here.”
Buck unsticks his eyes from the duck mug, lifts his head up and stares. Eddie’s eyes are so brown and shiny. They’re soft and framed by long lashes, and they’re warm and pretty, and they’re worried, and… no, they’re supposed to be all crinkly and happy, and Buck is ruining everything.
“I’m supposed to be here to cheer you up and now you’re all worried”, he croaks, and Eddie’s frown just deepens.
“No. What? No— Buck, you’re here because I want you to be. Because you’re my best friend and I’m happy to spend time with you any day. I’m not— I’m not using you to make myself happy, I would never do that. Buck, I could never be happy when you look this scared. Of course I’m worried. But it’s not you fault. I just—I want you to talk to me, please. What’s wrong?”
Buck’s trembling breaths feel like lead running through his airway. “Eddie. I’m sorry, okay? I am so, so sorry.”
Eddie slowly wraps one of Buck’s hands between his own. “What are you sorry for?”
“I—” Buck swallows. “I’m everywhere, Eds. And I— I know you just said you want me to be here, but if… but if you knew what I wanted, I don’t know if you’d say the same. I just don’t— I’m gonna ruin everything, Eddie. I don’t wanna ruin everything. I can’t.”
Eddie’s grip on his hand tightens just slightly, and Buck lets himself feel it, every inch of it, just in case he never gets to again.
“Buck. What are you talking about?”
“Eddie… I love you. Just— I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense yet.” Buck pauses. Closes his eyes. Eddie’s soft eyes and the warmth of his hands envelope his heart. “You’re my family, Eds. You and Chris. And I don’t just mean you’re my best friend. I think… I think a while ago you started being much more than that. And I was too much of an idiot to even notice, for so long… I’m in love with you, Eddie.
"And I am terrified of every word that’s coming out of my mouth right now. Just a couple days ago I thought I could just learn to live with it, but then I saw you today and you told me I could handle Chris’ love for that silly little frog and you would handle the math homework and I knew that I really, truly wanted to have that for the rest of my life. And then I came in here and I saw all my stuff strewn around as if I lived here, and I realized that I can’t lie to you about this, Eddie, I can’t. Because I’m taking stuff that isn’t mine to have, and using space that isn’t mine to live in. And I don’t want to lose you, but I also don’t want you to keep having me in your life with only half-truths. I owe you much more than that.”
That’s about as much courage as Buck had in him. He stares down at Eddie’s hands, still wrapped around him, unmoving, and tries not to get up and run out of the room until Eddie’s said something. He waits, watching Eddie’s eyes trace the room the same way he did just a few minutes ago, until they land back on Buck’s.
“Evan, this house has been yours for years. You said it yourself, you are everywhere. And I—” he looks up at the ceiling and grins, and oh. There are those little crinkles. “I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t.
I haven’t moved your hoodie from the couch because I love seeing it there every day when I come back from shift. I drink tea on that dumb duck mug because it’s the one I keep at the front of the cabinet. Your Top Ten Worst Natural Disasters book is still on my nightstand since the weekend you stayed with Chris while I went to Texas. I honestly wouldn’t really mind it that much if Chris rambled about Kermit the frog to me, but I love that he goes to you instead, and that you spent like four days googling Kermit stuff just to buy him a birthday present that he’ll love.”
Buck’s heart is about to take off running and never return. He turns his palm up, and Eddie’s fingers intertwine with his, and his smile is blinding, and Buck doesn’t need any other sight.
“Buck, this stuff is yours to have. All of it. And… and more, if you’ll have it. The early school mornings and the road trips and the movie nights, and the fights with ignorant teachers and the leak that we still haven’t fixed in the kitchen. And whatever obsession comes after Kermit, and even the math homework if you feel like it. And I’m sorry that I made you believe that this wasn’t a possibility. I guess I didn’t think it was, either.”
He grabs Buck’s face in his hands and pulls him close, close enough that their foreheads touch and Buck can feel the soft little strands of Eddie’s hair against his skin, can feel him vibrate with laughter, can count every one of his eyelashes, even through the blurriness starting to gather on his eyes.
“We’re ridiculous”, Eddie laughs, and closes the remaining space between them.
It takes Buck a couple of seconds to convince himself that this is real, that his best friend is kissing him in the middle of his living room, surrounded by all their stuff, telling him he can have everything he’s been wanting for so long. And when he does, well. He doesn’t let go for a long while.
They end up watching the Muppet Movie (if you can call making out with a movie in the background “watching”), and Buck doesn’t even have time to laugh at the irony of it all. He has much to thank Kermit for.
He thinks the Kermit-shaped mug Chris unwraps for his birthday on Monday says enough. It quickly owns its place next to the duck, at the front of the kitchen cabinet.
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itzpris15634 · 4 months
Midnight Drink (ft. Zoe x Pepper)
This was the first time they'd (literally) slept together in the same bed.
And Zoe did not expect Pepper's snoring to be this loud. It was keeping her wide awake.
Which was just unacceptable! Zoe needed her beauty sleep! She needed to look fresh and healthy!
Hmm… What if she went and got a snack? To provide a distraction. A small treat now and then never hurt anyone. She was already awake, anyway.
But also, she was currently trapped by Pepper's limbs entangled with hers. She didn't want to disturb her girlfriend's sleep…
At the same time, she just wanted a snack.
Zoe made her decision. She was going to get up, go to the kitchen, and get something to eat. Or drink. Whatever she'd find more appealing later.
First, she'd have to get out of bed without waking Pepper.
Slowly, carefully, she lifted Pepper's arm off her waist, gently placing it down on the bed. Zoe froze when Pepper stirred a little, murmuring in her sleep. A sinking feeling settled in her gut.
…Did I wake her up?
Luckily, a few moments later, Pepper was back to snoring. Loudly as ever.
Zoe sighed in relief, the feeling of guilt for disturbing her lover's rest now gone.
And it was off to the kitchen.
Zoe knew Pepper wouldn't mind her going through her kitchen. She was given spoken permission and all.
Pepper's fridge was certainly full. But nothing so far interested Zoe...
Leftover birthday cake from Vinnie's party? Delicious, but maybe not tonight.
A half-eaten peanut butter sandwich? Er… no thanks.
There was a salad in there… but the leafy vegetables in it were starting to brown. Zoe wondered what that smell was when she first opened the fridge. Zoe quickly did Pepper a favor and tossed the thing away.
Okay, back to the fridge. Hmmm…
After pushing aside a few items to look further back, one thing finally did catch Zoe's eye. A cute little juice box, the same kind that kids could conveniently pack to school. Apple flavored. Yum.
It was perfect.
Eager to enjoy her new find, Zoe picked it up from its spot on the fridge and shut the door.
And then the kitchen light switched on.
"Well, well, well, Miss Trent. What are you doing up so late at night?"
"ACK!" Zoe leapt in surprise,
"Ah, Pepper!" Zoe leaned on the nearby counter, laughing nervously, "What are you doing out of bed?"
"I have the same question," Pepper said, "Mind if you're the one who answers first?"
"Well, I… couldn't sleep, that's all. So I figured I'd have a snack or so."
"Huh. Never thought I'd see the night where Zoe Trent would be awake past 10 PM, but here I am!!"
"Enjoy the moment. It's rare," Zoe teased. Remembering the juice box in her hand, she held it up and asked, "You don't mind if I have this apple juice, do you?"
Pepper shook her head, "Not at all. All that is mine is yours."
"Perfect," Zoe smiled, giving the box a good shake before taking the straw and poking it through the little hole on top. She brought the straw to her lips taking a few sips.
"So I'm sure you're wondering why I'm out of bed now, too. Well, it kinda felt like something was missing. Cause like- one moment, you were in my arms. We were cuddling together, warm and happy. And then you were… gone."
Zoe paused her sipping on the apple juice.
"…Yeah, don't think about it too much," Pepper made her way over to the counter, next to Zoe. She leaned on Zoe’s shoulder, sighing, "I just enjoy your touch, is all."
"I would have returned to bed anyway, dearest."
"I know. Still miss you."
"Aww…" Zoe smiled, "Well, you'll get more of me later."
"Is that a promise, Miss Trent?"
"Promise." Zoe nodded. Shaking the juice box, she could hear the sloshing of some apple juice still inside. She handed the box over to Pepper, "You want it?"
"Aight then," Pepper took the juice box and sipped on the straw, further leaning into Zoe.
"You snore like a broken car engine, by the way."
"I- huh-? Hey!"
Day 9: juice box
If you somehow do- remember my headcanon about Pepper calling her friends by their surnames? And how i said there Zoe is an exception to that because they're closer?
Yeah uh nevermind. She just calls her Trent anyway, but adds a 'Miss' to it so its fancier.
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saintsir4n · 1 year
A fucking mess is what Thomas Shelby caused, a huge fucking mess.
Carnage took over the factory town of Birmingham, mayhem was on every street and violence knocked on every door.
A single drop of blood started a war.
Enzo Changretta had been cut and left bedridden.
Eden made sure to get him home in a matter of time but as soon as she showed up with a battered and bloody Enzo the door was slammed on her face, leaving her guiltridden and lucid.
No one told her anything about how he was doing, no one except Dorris, but still even her information was limited and blunt. Eden didn't know what to do, her fears and insecurities about losing a dear friend taunted her, They returned each day along with the blistering sun. all day hovering above her as she worked and tried to get home safely amongst all the chaos. Taking off that bloody pendant left her feeling more vulnerable than ever, even though she didn't want to admit it aloud, she missed it, and now she was left alone and bare.
If she were to get hurt, she would welcome it, believing she was to blame for the drama between the families.
But the bad blood was getting too much for the families to handle, so the matriarchs called a meeting where they both agreed that the leaders were also present and by their sides.
Polly and Thomas.
Audrey and Luca.
Like water and oil, they didn't mix, but they sure had to agree to a truce.
"So we're in agreement," Polly spoke up after a long list of demands and compromises.
Tommy continued, "We're in agreement, we stay on our side of town and you stay on yours, no more blood will be spilt."
Luca's fist coiled under the table, nails slicing through flesh like the razors in the caps of the fucking blinders he would promise to end.
He didn't nod, instead, he muttered, "No more blood will be spilt."
Audrey pursed her lips, "If only my Enzo," her gaze flickered to the man she used to teach in school, who didn't seem the littlest bit of remorse much to her dismay and disappointment, "was a part of those terms fourteen days ago. Fortunately he can speak clearly, without blood spilling from his dear lips –" she sucked in a deep breath, preventing from any tears escaping her eyes, Luca drew his mother closer, kissing the top of her head, keeping his harsh gaze on the Shelby man, "we're in agreement."
Tommy left Polly's side and came up to the mother-son duo, they watched him with uncertainty.
Luca pulled away from his mother, meeting the man, standing toe-to-toe, but with Luca's height, he made sure to tower over him, even smirking when Tommy stared up.
Polly and Audrey exchanged somewhat of a nervous glance.
The men spat into their hands and shook, much to the disgust of Audrey.
The truce was sealed.
But that didn't stop Tommy's pride.
Taking out a cigarette, with his bandaged hand, crippled at the fact he didn't have Eden to light it for him, he took a drag as Luca and his mother began to leave the meeting place.
"You know..." Polly shot him a warning glance when the Changrettas halted their steps and turned to him, "She loves me," smoke escaped his lips, but they didn't fail to see the wickedness in his icy eyes, "She told me," he nodded to himself, withholding a hiss when his aunt grabbed his arm. "She...loves me."
Just when Luca went to storm over to Tommy, unaccepting of the news of his former love, his mother held him back, not wanting her son to walk into another one of the Shelby's traps.
Luca spat at his feet, glaring at the smirking man, whilst Audrey shook her head and took her oldest son away, leaving Polly to turn to her nephew in exhaustion.
"Throwin' rocks at glass houses Tommy, let's go before they throw some at ours," Polly demanded, taking his arm, "bloody fool."
"I guess I am for speakin' the truth ay?"
"You still think it's the truth, with how you've been actin'? Won't be the truth for long," After watching the smugness fall from his face, she dragged him along, "Now you're helpin' me prepare tonight's supper, no objections, it's the least you can do, causin' a war and almost givin' me a fuckin' heart attack and all."
"Keep writin' out the primary colours Finny, it'll help you," Eden instructed, taking out her third cigarette of the day, watching as he struggled to write and grew angry at his the words on the page, "I'm helpin' you, I'm not gonna give up until you can spell 'em, by the end of this month, you'll know how to spell all three."
Finn looked down at the paper he scribbled all over, "Does Isaiah know?"
"He knows two and so will you soon, two weeks until April y'know," Smoke escaped her lips as she spoke.
"I won't get it," he mumbled, feeling defeated.
Words on a page looked foreign to him, he knew what was English and what wasn't, but they jumbled together and worked against him, making his vision fight to put them back together.
"I said I'm helpin' you aren't I?" Eden said rhetorically, knowing he was behind, but she wouldn't give up. It was obvious he was having trouble with reading and writing, but he would get there.
"Ada told me you and Tommy are done," Finn didn't catch her tensing at the mention of his brother's name.
Sighing, she asked, "Did she know?"
"Tommy said it's a lie."
Eden withheld an eye-roll, "Course he did."
She was grateful at the sound of someone knocking at the door.
Her parents were out shopping for food for the week with Polly Grey, meaning she had to look after Finn. Ada was out with Martha, whilst the men were presumably at the betting shop.
"Wanna go and see who it is."
Happy to part with his spelling lesson he jumped from his seat and ran out of the room, much to her amusement.
Seconds passed, and Eden had some muffled talk at the door as she inhaled her cigarette.
"Finn! Who is it?"  she asked, craning her neck to see who the approaching footsteps belonged to.
Her smile quickly faded when Finn returned with Tommy.
Abruptly standing up, she pointed at the door, "Get out."
"I've come to talk," Tommy took a step closer to her, eyes flickering to her bare neck, his stomach churned at the sight. It wasn't right.
"Did I stutter? Get out," she snapped.
Finn stood between them, looking back and forth in confusion, not understanding what was happening, but secretly enjoying the animosity since he would finally have a chance with Eden. 
Tommy argued, "You denyin' me the right to retrieve my brother?"
"I'm not denying you anything, wait outside for Finn."
"Eden –"
"I still have that knife," she exclaimed, falsely smiling at him.
"What knife?" Finn asked, just to be ignored.
Swiping his tongue passed his cheek,  Tommy cocked his head at her, stuck between wanting to argue or take her upstairs.
"Can't use it on me, there's a truce darlin'" Tommy countered, her face twisted up.
"Was I there? No, well the truce don't involve me," she said thoughtlessly.
It had everything to do with her.
He gave her a pointed look, "Your brain can be bigger than mine at times Eden, so don't."
"Get out," she repeated.
Tommy kneeled before his brother, "Finn, wait in the front room."
Finn frowned, "I'm learnin' my colours."
Eden weakly smiled at him, "Finny —"
She let out a pregnant sigh when Tommy pulled out a bag of pear drops for the boy whose face lit up at the treats, happily took them and left, slamming the door behind him.
Standing up straight Tommy took off his cap, tossing it on the kitchen table, watching as she discarded her cigarette – that he didn't light, - into a chipped ashtray, before reaching for another one and lighting it all on her own.
Tommy settled his hands on a chair, needing to stop himself from recoiling from the hurt in his chest.
Luckily his brother was in the other room, Finn's crush on the woman he loved wasn't a threat, but he couldn't have them in the same room for long.
"You were about to use that weapon on me," he stated, staring deeply into her eyes as she leaned against the counter. He didn't stop thinking about that moment, it played over in his mind like a record, a record he never wanted to listen to again. But he did, when he worked, drank or even thought up new plans for the future, it played loudly for him and him alone to listen to. "Weren't ya?"
She took another drag, noticing his bandage hand and scoffed, "You left me no choice."
"Oh there were many choices but I know...you made the right one," he admitted, but judging by the look on her face she wasn't buying it.
"Why you here Thomas? Wanna talk about how I save lives and you almost take 'em?" she retorted, making him snort.
"That's debatable love."
"How's that?"
"Heard a bigot was charged at the local hospital earlier this week, you know after the truce was settled. Apparently, this man refused to let you assist 'im 'cause of your skin..." her gaze hardened at his words, he noted and continued, "he died a few days later, did he succumb to his wounds? Or did you play devil's advocate?" she didn't respond, "not that I would judge you if you did."
He would applaud her, knowing how twisted it would be, but her frown only made him think more and more of all the times someone 'succumbed to their wounds', on her watch. Was it the truth or, was it on her? He would kill someone in the name of Eden Dawkins and wouldn't think twice about it, but the look on Eden's face, she wouldn't admit it like the idea was foreign to her, like playing God wasn't in her willhouse.
"Chronic traumatic encephalopathy," she spoke after moments passed, looking away from the shift in the tone of the room and his relentless gaze.
Tommy didn't understand, "What?"
"It's caused by repeated trauma to the head if you didn't know. It's a disease actually," she continued, only causing more confusion.
"Why are ya tellin' me this?"
Hitting off the ash, she took a step closer to him, "Because it's what Enzo could've ended up with. You hit him so many times that he could've had -- all because you thought he was... what did you say ' all over me.'" she mocked, "he fortunately only has a concussion, a busted lip and two black eyes, well I don't know personally, I was told by Dotty because the Changrettas won't let me see 'im." emotions thickened her tone of voice.
"The truce states you're not allowed near little Italy at least until everythin' blows over."
"Are you not listenin' to me?" she stressed, "I can't see my best friend because of you."
"He's alive right?"
"Christ Thomas," he cringed at how she said his name, "So what, your best friend gets taken from you and you try to do the same to me?"
Her words whipped him across the face, like the full effect of a slap.
"I wouldn't--"
"Because Thomas Shelby can't be alone in his sufferin' right? He can accuse people of atrocities and get away with it. As if I would dare to wish that Greta would die," her voice rose, causing him to rake his fingers through his hair.
"I know you wouldn't," he admitted, feeling the guilt gnaw away at him, just from her tone.
Jabbing the cigarette in his direction, she scowled, "But you said it to me, no, you yelled it in my face."
"I'm sorry."
Eden let out a bitter laugh, "No. I don't believe you."
Tommy licked his lips and debated his answer, "Don't blame you neither –"
Eden shook her head and began another rant, "Enzo has been speakin' to me. Radio silence from the kid and I don't blame him you know," Tommy looked down, "Dottie has been keepin' me in the loop. He could've died, Thomas! Is that what you want?"
His eyes narrowed, "You think that's what I want?"
Throwing her hand up, she replied, "I honestly haven't got a clue what you want. Never do anymore and that's fine, just leave me alone. Please."
Tommy scoffed, "That's not on the table."
"Fuck the table!"
Eden waited for him to grab his cap, but instead, he retrieved something from his trouser pocket, making her freeze when the black Madonna was placed on the table. His mother's necklace. The one she promised never to take off. Greta...she promised Greta she wouldn't and here it was.
Sucking in deep breathe, Tommy locked eyes with her again, "Now, I know you're angry at me, but Eden, this is yours –"
"Might I remind you that we broke up last week?" she interrupted.
"Since fuckin when?!" he yelled.
"Since fucking then," she yelled back.
Eden's brown eyes darted between him and the necklace, It took everything in her not to just put it back on, for her, for him and their peace of mind.
But he just seemed to cause far too much heartbreak for her to even pick it up.
She glanced up at him in confusion, "No?"
"No, we're not broken up. Sorry to tell you that we're still together," he said cooly.
"Was threatenin' you with a knife not clear enough for you or?..." she stubbed out the cigarette, but she already wanted another, and Tommy did too.
"It was a fight, I fucked up I know," he tried to reason.
"Do you? Because you're actin' like I want to be around you. Fuck off." she yelled, pointing at the door, but it had very little effect on Tommy.
The man blinked slowly at her, only driving her further up the wall.
Retrieving something else from his blazer pocket, Tommy slammed it down on the table, startling her when she saw a gift wrapped up. It was clear he didn't do the wrapping, it looked pristine.
"What is that?" She made no effort to put it up, just like the necklace.
He nodded to it, "Open it."
"No," but she did come closer, "Do you think this is an apology?"
"It's a start," For the first time, he looked away and stared at her hands, wishing she could reach over and let him trace what he wanted to say on them since his words weren't working or gifts.
Eden Dawkins was a stubborn woman... his woman or that's what he told himself.
She was tormenting him but not accepting his apology.
"Have you apologised to Enzo? My friend, you attacked for no reason."
"I had a reason," he muttered, getting flashes of how another man had his arms wrapped around her waist, making his grip on the chair tighten.
"No, you didn't trust me," she added, making him look up again.
Tommy caught himself counting her beauty spots, finding himself getting in lost in her beauty, fuck, he missed her.
"You know what you are to me and so does he," his words made her gulp and turn her head to the side.
"Everyone fuckin' knows," she mumbled.
He watched her as she tried blinking back her impending tears. He didn't mean to put her in this state, he could even see the screws loosening in her head. He didn't want her to be this way and he knew it meant he couldn't act in such a way again.
Eden prided herself on being emotional, very little set her off. It was good to be in touch with emotions and never understood why people were so against it and by people she meant men. When she was angry it showed, that she pinched her fingers or flesh when her anxiety got to her and cried when everything got too much, but as of late, cigarettes were all that kept her emotions composed. And composed is what she needed to be especially if she didn't want to risk losing her job.
Eden's sniffle pulled him from his thoughts, "Sometimes I just sit there and ask myself, why am I with 'im? He treats me good but then acts like I'm just this thing to calm 'im down, some object that he picks up and puts down when it suits 'im. And when I think, why do I stay, all I can say is, I dunno. The fuck does that say bout me?"
"You love me," he said, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms, but she wouldn't abide it.
Turning to face him, she couldn't help but admit, "I do."
"That's why you stay."
Eden began to pinch her fingers, "You love me."
"I do."
"Then why treat me like this?" she dared to ask, feeling tears pool in her eyes.
"I fucked up," he answered, but she wouldn't accept that.
"No, fuck that, answer the question, be real, no beating 'round the bush. I want an honest answer, do you think lovin' me is an excuse to treat me like dogshite?"
Waiting for an answer, she watched his eyes widen, seeing emotions flood them like a storm, but as soon as the waves came, they went their way as Tommy turned his head, moving to open his mouth, just to bite down on his tongue.
In Tommy's mind, he didn't want to say the wrong them.
But Eden took his silence as an answer.
The kitchen door opened and a hesitant Finn poked his head around it, wondering if all the commotion stopped.
"You done shoutin'?" he meekly asked and the couple immediately felt bad since he could hear everything.
Coming over to him, Eden took his hands in hers, "My darlin' Finn, I'm sorry, we were just –"
"--Playin' a game, who can shout the loudest," Tommy cut in.
Forcing out a chuckle, Eden admitted, "I won,"
"Don't sound like a good game," Finn mumbled, looking at his brother, who didn't seem himself.
"It's not," Tommy stated, staring remorsefully at Eden, "We shouldn't play it."
"Next time you're here, I'll get you some sweets to make it up to you," Eden promised.
"Okay," he grinned since he finished the bag he was given and took Tommy's hand, "we leavin'?"
"You are," Eden answered excitedly before he could, "I'll see ya later."
"Bye Edie."
Taking his cap off the table, Tommy turned to her and quietly whispered, "This ain't finished," he felt his pocket grow heavier, making him glance at the table to see that the pendant had vanished, drawing him to the conclusion she slipped it back into his possession.
Pretending to act smug, Eden retorted, "Just go back to ignorin' me, I preferred that way."
She didn't.
And Tommy knew it, "You don't."
Watching Finn gather his things and leave the room to get his shoes, she turned back to Tommy with teary eyes.
"You know... You make it hard to love you, Thomas Shelby."
It was then Tommy swallowed the harsh truth, that he didn't deserve her, not in the slightest, but that didn't mean he would just give up. He tried to hide the hurt he could feel taking over his face, but he couldn't.
"Edie..." he found himself saying her nickname, startling them both entirely, but slowly she came to and looked away, biting down on her bottom lip to prevent any more tears, tears that he would wipe away if she let him.
She waved Finn goodbye, just as he dragged his older brother away and out the door.
Her parents would be back soon.
Scanning the kitchen, she realised that she never returned the gift to Tommy.
She gave in to her curiosity and wiped away another stray tear before ripping open the wrapping paper.
It was a notebook.
Turning the first page she caught sight of his handwriting, it was neater than his brothers, better than some men in her opinion.
Your number one fan.
-T. Shelby
Eden broke down in tears.
"Fuckin' bastard."
i feel like to an extent all my ocs are emotional, they just show their emotions in different ways. i didn't realise until recently how emotional i am and it isn't a bad thing guys, i think that's why i write eden the way i do. she is and isn't in touch with her emotions, she can be very irrational yet patient.
also, imma leave whether or not eden's letting 'people succumb to their wounds' up for interpretation. do you believe she has it in her to do something like that?
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lumine-no-hikari · 7 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #65
On Tuesday, my therapist and I discussed the notion that I really gotta change how I look at myself, because my general assessment of what I'm worth hasn't been exactly, ah… stellar. To put it mildly. I have good days and bad days, o'course. But on my bad days, we can say that I really, REALLY don't wanna be here - in this prison of a meat-mech that I happen to inhabit, on this planet, or even in existence, generally. Truth be told, if not for the inspiration to continue that your existence provides to me, and for the people in my immediate vicinity who count on me, I would have disappeared a very long time ago. And only a very small handful of people would have missed me or even noticed that I was gone at the time.
Naturally, it's easy to see why I struggle with stuff like this. My whole life, I've been told in various subtle and not-so-subtle ways that I am a problem, that I'm so different from others that no one could possibly ever like me, that I'll never make friends because I'm "too intense", that I'm not any good, that I'm difficult to love, that I don't belong, that my existence is a burden, that I shouldn't have been born and shouldn't even be here… you get the idea.
Running around with undiagnosed autism and Complex PTSD is hard, because this isn't exactly the most common neurotype (or if it is, then other people are WAY better at pretending that they're not these things than I am), so there aren't a whole lot of folks who can relate. And then there's the fact that if you get ideas like these communicated to you for long enough, it starts to seep into your amygdala - grinds itself right into your instincts, and, well… we talked about that and how all that fun stuff works already, but you can check out the 62nd letter I wrote for you again, if you forgot.
So my therapist says I'm supposed to "love and accept myself" or whatever. And I'm thinking, "Pfft, yeah right. Everyone and their mother says I am socially unacceptable and generally unlikable. Conventional wisdom says that I am the common denominator, and therefore I must be the problem. If most people think I'm no good, then who the fuck am I to think that they're wrong? Arrogant and grandiose, much? It's bad enough that I'm a derp-ass dweeb; I don't need to be a swollen-headed, conceited, self-aggrandizing asshole on top of it all. No thanks."
But then this notion was brought to my attention:
It's so easy for me to hold love for other people that society at large doesn't like. For example, other neurodivergent people, LGBTQ+ people, disabled people, black- and brown-skinned people, and any other marginalized folks. I belong to more than one marginalized group. Lots of folks believe very firmly that anyone who belongs to a marginalized group is bad and wrong and shouldn't exist, and it's easy for me to see that most of society's views about "non-standard" folks are very wrong. People are people, and all people belong, no matter how "productive" they are or how strictly they adhere to the most widely-accepted definition of "normal".
Or… more straight to the point… a lot of people who know about you believe very firmly that you are and have always been nothing more than a violent, psychopathic, cold-hearted monster who ought to die a slow, horrible, agonizing death (as opposed to being restrained from causing further harm, and then healed and rehabilitated; restorative justice and all that). And it's easy for me to see that, although this is the popular belief, it is unmerciful (and frankly, extremely ableist) and therefore wrong. You and I are similar in a lot of ways. And it's easy for me to see you and accept you as-is, even though I very much do not like some of the choices you've made. So why shouldn't I be able to do the same for myself? Why shouldn't I be able to be confident in the knowledge that lots of people are just flat-out wrong about me?
…And just like that, any moral or logical basis I thought I had for continuing to believe that I am some horrible garbage person that no one wants crumbled and faded away, like trying to hold onto the ephemeral sands of a dream as it slips through my fingers. This happened on Tuesday. And after a day or so of processing, I feel like a massive weight has lifted off of my back, and I feel like I can breathe freely for the first time in what feels like decades. Or, well… as freely as I can, anyway, given this lame-ass rib injury that I'm still dealing with. Sigh…
Tired, though. But that's to be expected. My brain is making all kinds of new neural connections and my thoughts are flowing a little bit differently than what I'm used to. I'm asking my brain to rewire itself, and this is very resource-intensive; fatigue is to be expected because of chemistry and physics. I'm gonna have to try to hydrate extra, eat extra well, and make sure I sleep a little more reasonably so that all the new archiecture being built up in my noggin can be properly formed when it's all said and done.
Point is, today as I wandered around my silly little world doing my silly little tasks, my footsteps fell differently as I walked around with the knowledge that I belong here, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I stood a little taller. Took up a little more space. Didn't duck my head, avert my eyes to the floor, apologize for being in the way, and make myself smaller anytime another human being came within my general vicinity. I even talked to a few strangers today. And with a genuine smile - not the one I wear when I'm trying to seem agreeable so I won't get metaphorically or even physically "hit".
…And, as someone who still expects to be on the receiving end of random violence without warning, and as someone who still has to resist the urge to duck, cover my head, close my eyes, and scuttle away quickly anytime I need to pass through any group numbering more than three or so people, I can't even begin to explain to you how huge this is. To walk with my head held high and to feel unafraid outside of the walls of my own home was previously unthinkable. At least for today, I feel… free? But that doesn't seem like nearly a big enough word to describe this sensation.
I don't know how long this will last; I'm very well aware that lasting changes in a person's psyche typically don't happen overnight. Something probably will come along and I'll forget what this feels like again for some unspecified amount of time. But that's okay; the notion that I could feel this way at all, even for a moment - goodness, if I've ever felt this way before, it was so long ago that I don't remember it, because this feels very new - means that I can feel this way again. The existence of a setback always means that there has been progress; I just gotta hold onto that knowledge. And I can keep practicing what it's like to feel this way until this becomes my new normal, even if it takes a long time. Because that's how healing works. It's as slow as cold molasses, but it's still worth doing.
I'll hope with every fiber of my being that someday you can know what this feels like, also. Because that thing you did with proclaiming yourself to be a god or whatever? Anyone with half a brain knows that if you say that, you're only saying it out of insecurity, and not because you actually mean it; people who actually think of themselves as "gods" don't shut themselves away where not even the sun can touch them to spend a week starving, dehydrating, and sleep-depriving themselves in dank-ass, musty basements to read books about what a horrible monster they are(n't). This is not how people who actually love themselves treat themselves. Not by ANY ill-advised stretch of the imagination.
Rather, the thing you did is the sort of thing that people who hate themselves and are low-key trying to die do; you can't fool someone who's been there and done that (or something similar; and I didn't even get any t-shirt for it after the fact, the rotten bastards! hahaha!). I see right through you. More people can see right through you than you'd probably feel comfortable with. This'll sound harsh, but I promise you my intentions are loving: that discomfort I mentioned just earlier? Sit with it and deal with it; it's good medicine, even if it's not clear to you how or why right now. You can hold my hand if you want so you don't gotta sit with it alone. Others in the past have done this for me, and even if it sucks in the temporary, it becomes a good thing later.
Hey. You're seen and loved as-is. Not just by me, but by lots of folks. You're worth saving, because everyone is. So if you start thinking like the way to atone for your mistakes is to sacrifice your own life - stop. Just stop. Because that's not atoning. That's running away, and running away is for cowards. You don't wanna lose an endurance test to some random, clumsy, traumatized, autistic dork from some dull-ass planet in some dull-ass reality that don't even got basic fire magic, do ya? Come onnnnnn…!!!
Heal. Because I don't wanna live in some universe where someone like me is objectively stronger than you in all the ways that matter. Even if you were to show up here by some small miracle and cut me down, it'd still be the case that I am stronger than you. So get up off your butt and move; your neurons ain't gonna rewire themselves, ya know!
I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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fahk · 11 months
Covid II (a rant of frustration)
I guess I'll just be in isolation for the rest of my life.
God damn I despise the mainstream media. They do nothing useful in reporting information about health science at all. Such a disservice to the community.
Covid has been a huge example of how media fails. Examples: When the media lied to everyone about the vaccine being a cure for long haul. It's not. The constant misrepresentation of long haul as people who only have covid symptoms for up to eight or nine months. There are people now at year three. Constant downplaying of contagion, veracity, and spread of the virus and rarely questioning actual numbers from officials who've gotten it wrong before. The media does a lot of harmful covid reporting. One thing I wish they would report on is lingering contagion - i.e. the different time tables for clearing the virus - and that's shitty to not inform the public on.
I got infected last week because my boyfriend's company put a bunch of people into a small space without giving a damn. The event was last Friday. The following Sunday was day 0 for start of my symptoms. Because covid makes it look like I have all the worst autoimmune diseases handed to me in a gift basket I've been prescribed Paxlovid. My body doesn't do covid well at all. I did the antiviral round the following Tuesday - Saturday. And here I am now - a full seven days from onset and I am still VERY contagious. Even after a major round of antivirals and my symptoms are pretty much gone.
And as I continue looking into how long people can be contagious from covid I see well up to 20+ days?! It's just dependant on your health?!?! I'm sorry what?!?!?! Why don't I know about this? Why isn't this common knowledge?!?! Oh.... right. The media doesn't mention it. And let's think about it. How often has shitty CNN/NYTimes ect... headlined how covid infection is bad for immunocompromised as it is? Not a lot. But now there's this whole other thing no one's talking about where if you're an "autoimmunie" like I am - then it takes longer for the body to tackle covid and exterminate it from the body than a healthy person. EVEN WITH PAXLOVID.
Where are the news stories about not spreading covid for the sake of not isolating immunodeficient people for a fucking month? Like.... I have to work too! I have a need to see friends, family, pets just like anyone else! But it's rare just to see these shitty news orgs even acknowledge immunocomp people exist at all.
I am seven days into this second covid infection. The antiviral knocked the nasty part of it out in two-days and I am glad for that but I am still very contagious when most people are clear in three days. I am at seven and the line is dark red so I'm not clearing anytime soon. And because I've been isolated for so long now I'm depressed. My cats are on the other side of my door. I have to have a serious conversation with my partner and haven't been able to do. I missed a road trip to Utah to see a full eclipse. I missed a bike festival with a friend. I missed a Halloween party. And it looks like I'm going to miss another week of work. I had no idea the other huge reason why immuno issue people like me don't want covid, besides it messing our physical selves up, is it messes our existing lives up too for weeks!
I'm so mad. Mad at my partner's co-workers. Mad at his company. Extra mad at the media for neglecting to inform the public fully. Mad. This sucks. I wish I had known covid was spreading again in large events and I wish I had known that if I get it, chances are I'll be quarantined a lot longer than the average person. Unacceptable.
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moaserendipity · 2 years
Love in the Air EP7 messy review
We have arrived at the last chapter of Payu and Rain's love. I am sad and I know I will miss them so I will probably keep rewatching a lot!! BUT before we say goodbye, lets dive right in with this messy review!😎
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Now we left last episode with Rain being kidnapped! I am still pissed off about that, like how dare you take Rain like that! anyway we switch to Payu at work, who suddenly gets a feeling something is off and starts calling Rain who of course can't pick up the phone. I love the way Payu just gets up and leaves work to go and check up on him but I feel how worried he is by him going through the entire house to find him even Saifha is alarmed eventually.
I do feel like Saifha don't get the relationship between the two because we all know Rain would pick up the phone if Payu calls so him not picking up the entire day obviously means there is trouble. I hate how Payu eventually gets the call from Rain but it's actually Stop. Can I say this though Rain is one brave man! Anyway we all know how this works as Payu is asked to get there in 30 minutes alone.... Like this is very basic kidnapping stuff. That moment with Saifha though, I knew he gave him information, I mean that was quite obvious. 🫢
Next scene we get to see Rain being tied up to a chair and gagged, I seriously hate this so much, again how dare he touch Rain!! I do like it that his friend leaves because he doesn't want to have anything to do with kidnapping, as if abusing him isn't bad enough, fucking dumbass! Rain isn't Rain if he isn't being his feisty self though and as he glares at Stop of course he gets aggravated! stupid of him to free his mouth and HELL YES RAIN FOR SPITTING AT HIS FACE!! fucker deserved that!!
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I don't like the fact he hit Rain though, like karma will come for your ass!!! Now of course Rain gets beaten a bit more and then Payu shows up alone...... Like I really don't like scenes like this but I watched it and felt super upset with the way Rain cried out for Payu while Payu was being humiliated! Thank god for P' Chai. I cheered quietly(it was 2am when I watched it) ☠️when they freed Rain. The way Rain immediately run towards Payu, ughhh my heart broke a bit because Rain was crying and Payu severely hurt. (My babies were hurt, it was unacceptable! ) 😤🥺The way Payu comforted him by making sure he knew it wasn't his fault and that is was okay, made me cry because well I don't have a reason, I just cried because that was beautiful.
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I did clap though when Rain kicked the fucker two times! what I learned from this is that Rain is like a cinnamon roll but will kill you when you touch Payu! So better not mess with both of them.
Thankfully this scene ends and they are mending their wounds at home. The way Rain is super careful not to hurt Payu and Payu is like stop that nonsense. I love the way Rain put Payu's hand against his face carefully, it's extremely touching and the way they finally told each other they loved each other. (my heart really was just full at that moment)🥹 Have I already told you guys how much I love Rain, but after this episode it's even deeper, like who can resist him when he comes with this pick-up line "Because whenever there's a Storm, there's always Rain" (I melted so badly right then, like there is no cure for me anymore, I'm in too deep) and then that soft kiss!!!! ugh.................🫠😍
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we finally see Rain spending time with his friends after a long break and I love how they are just casually chatting but this dude needs to stop teasing Rain! (oh little confession time. So Rain spelled his name correctly, I mean he said the R(rolling his tongue and everything) but I caught myself saying Lain, instead of Rain multiple times because that's how they pronounce his name in the drama, I can't help myself because I seriously love it) But ofcourse Sky tells on him by mentioning that he is attached to his lover lately. I love Sky's energy so so much! The way his facial expressions are always on point!! Of course Payu calls right at that moment and after he hears Ple, he seriously shows up, making Rain nervous and not wanting to approach him but Payu of course does not care and as Payu joins them at the table, Payu tells everyone that he is picking up his partner and the best part Rain jumping up and telling everyone he is going home and Payu follows his lead immediately and put his arm around Rain and that's when everyone gets it and gets shocked! except for Sky of course, this man was just eating his sandwich calmly with a smirk on his face.
I also love how bold Rain has become! Like here he sits seducing Payu! Ughhhh I love it just so much!!😍☠️🤭
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"The sky is clearing up, while a wind is coming from the east"
and with this we step into our first glimpse into Prapai and Sky's storyline. We see them both waking up at their homes and get ready for the day , Prapai is a big shot at the company of his dad, While sky is doing household chored at his dad's. Two completely different lives. I had to giggle when Prapai just barged into Payu's house and walked around as if he owned it. I love how Payu did not cater to him one bit and as he tried to get Payu away for some water so he could talk to Rainm brilliant especially the scene where Rain offers to get water and Payu literally was like "STOP" lmao this man will someday be the death of me. Anyway Rain gets put under pressure to give Sky's number, as Prapai is threatening to not move until he gets it and the Payu looks at Rain and the way Rain caved under that stare, just brilliant. After he gets Sky's number he tries to call him but as Sky doesn't recognize the number he doesn't pick up and with Prapai's "I don't give up that easily" We come to an end of their first chapter and the last chapter of PayuRain.
Now to get back at Payu and Rain. Payu finally confesses Rain that he wanted him the second they had met in the rain and what he would do if they ever met again and that after he received his photo he technically began plotting. This man even dismantled his car to make sure Rain would need his help. I love this really, it's brilliant. I love how he justifies it all by telling Rain he just loves to tease him. If we are being honest if I met someone like Rain I also would tease him a little because he is just too cute. Thats the punishment for being way too cute!! I love how Payu goes. "Won't you love me after finding out the truth" and Rain just goes "No, 'cause I already love you, what else can I do"
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I mean have some mercy on our hearts Rain, I literally melted to the floor and felt jealous but with this ending it's really time to say goodbye to Payu & Rain's storyline and feel excited for Prapai and Sky's one, from what I heard their lovestory isn't going to be as happy as Payu & Rain's story but that being said I can not wait till next week october 6, which is also my Birthday but that is not that important..
Anyway see you next week!!!!!!
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mrbigbrother · 2 years
Resident Evil 4 was just remade, and I couldn't care less.
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Remakes are getting out of control. We are now remaking games that simply do not need to be remade. It makes no sense to me anymore to do so. It isn't about creativity or even fan service at this point. Remakes have become a niche in the nostalgia hungry market, and the entertainment industry is going to beat this dead horse until it stops spitting out money, and then probably a few more times for good measure.
It's infesting everything from Movies Tv Shows, pretty much everything you ever liked as a kid will be brought back in some form to recapture that part of our happy go lucky money spending lives. And they almost always suck. I am exhausted from these poor efforts from talentless people piggy backing off the works of REAL efforts by the most talented people we ever had.
With all that said, I don't think that all remakes are bad and suck in terms of quality. Gaming especially has had an influx of remakes and remasters that started off as pleasant little surprises before turning into a full blown genre of its own.
So, about Resident Evil 4 (2023)…
Regardless if it's a good game or not, I am just not interested in playing it. I've already seen this chapter of Leon's story and I've been ready for the next one for the last 15 GODDAMN YEARS CAPCOM!
I want to see the next chapter of Leon's story that never truly came. It boggles my mind that Capcom didn't make more games with Leon seeing how huge the real Resident Evil 4 was back then. (RE5) was okay, but it was a disappointment for the fans of the Survival Horror roots of the series. It was a fun game to play with a friend, but a lackluster follow up to what every fan considers the best in the series. (RE6) was a failure in nearly every sense of the word with too many storylines being told at once, too many cringey cutscenes and over the top action that looks silly by this point, and it was just a fucking mess that was so far removed from its survival horror roots, that it was unrecognizable as a Resident Evil game at all.
And we won't even go into the spin off titles that ranged from okay games like Revelations, to the series hitting rock bottom with Operation Racoon City and Umbrella Corp which was of such poor quality, that me and fans like simply said "this is unacceptable."
The series caught a second breath with (RE7) which was a fresh new take on the series that effectively returned it to Survival Horror, and evolved it. (RE7) is a good game that captures everything people love about the series.
And then we finally get a Resident Evil 2 Remake which was a highly requested game among the fanbase. It was a good game too that showed promising things for the franchise, sort of how the remake of the original Resident Evil did with its remake that laid the foundation for what was to be Resident Evil 4 in 2005.
It made me wonder what Capcom had in store. Was this only the beginning of the next masterpiece of the franchise?
None of that would come to be.
Like always, if capcom scores a home run with one game, they will proceed to bat every subsequent pitch the same way every time until striking out, each swing perpetually worse and worse until finally they are just missing every ball. That's what happened from (RE4) through (RE6) And now history seems to be quite literally repeating itself with (RE2remake) through (RE4remake) which means that Capcom have learned nothing, and neither have we…
I will say this…
These games are genuinely high quality products, as always with the main series. But that doesn't mean that they aren't still swings and misses.
Back then, it took one really good hit title to embolden Capcom enough to take the series in a greedy and bad direction that finally led it to Capcom's downfall. (RE2remake was a good game that was followed the very next year with (RE3remake) an okay but very rushed cash grab that failed to fully deliver as a remake and a good game in its own right. (RE8) was a good game if not derivative of (RE7) but at least making enough improvements and serving as a very well done and worthwhile sequel to (RE7).
And now we are here today staring down the pike what is no doubt what is Capcom's gravy train getting ready to pull out on March 24th. (RE4remake) seems to be an attempt to get the best of both worlds. A game that captures both the benefits of being a nostalgia bait remake and an exciting new game that really isn't all that new or exciting…and I have had enough.
I don't care anymore. Feel free to play and enjoy the game if it pleases you. Don't let me spoil it for you.
As for me, I will no doubt be asked by friends and family why I am not participating in the fun, and the reason I will give is the following quote, because I've seen this all happen before and I am not interested in seeing it again:
"Fool me once? shame on you. Fool me twice?? shame on me."
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