#paradigm shifts
lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #98
Therapy today was rather enlightening.
Up until now, one of the notions that I used to carry was that "sometimes having your back up against a wall is good medicine, because, properly wielded, it forces you to get out of your own damn way."
…So, practically speaking, for example, if you're normally a meek person who doesn't wanna hurt people and cowers in the face of a threat, then being in a dangerous situation can bring out a certain, "clock them over the fucking head with a blunt, heavy object" out of you that you previously didn't know you had (long story; not gonna get into it, but nobody died or was seriously hurt, so don't worry).
To my knowledge up until this point, being in a "do or die" type of situation can give a person the "oomph" they need to do whatever it takes to get out of their own damn way, to change a longstanding behavioral pattern, or to let go of things that are destroying them. And in one way or another, I've been in situations where I've used this framework to do all sorts of things that I thought were impossible previously - for example, finally cutting ties with an abusive relationship with someone named S, the thing with the blunt object in the previous paragraph, and… perhaps this won't seem like a big deal, but… going to therapy. All of these things were things that I was terrified of doing for one reason or another, but failure to do all these things would result in CONSEQUENCES, so then you do them, and then you realize that you're strong enough to do difficult, terrifying things, and then those things become less difficult and terrifying.
And ya know? I lived most of my life either being in situations that felt like "do-or-die", or watching others be in situations that felt like "do-or-die", and until today, I guess I simply took it at face value as though it is the fundamental way of things, without so much as a second thought - you want an excuse to get over your own destructive shit really fast? Then get into a situation where there's no other viable choice. Or so I thought.
But today, my therapist pointed out that no one should ever have to be put in a "do-or-die" situation in the first place. And that notion motivated me to take pause; it was unfamiliar, so I listened.
He cited people who are self-medicating with various substances as an example. Addiction is borne from trauma, not from moral failure. So the person using substances is, in the absence of other resources that feel safe, doing what they can to drown out the horrors in their head long enough to make their existence feel less painful, at least temporarily. Unfortunately, a lot of the behaviors associated with self-medication end up hurting both the person doing it and the people around them, and so interventions are sometimes held, where the person is COMPELLED to do the thing, and… in my therapist's experience, this is usually less helpful than simply being all like…
"Hey, cool, you wanna go self-medicate like that - it's allowed. But I don't feel safe around you when you do that, and I don't like the things you end up doing to me in service to continuing to do that, and so I will protect myself by creating distance between myself and you." …And that's a LOT different from "go get help or else." The first thing in quotes gives the person a choice. The second is a rejection and a threat. Rejection is disempowering, and people ALWAYS do better with choices than with threats.
There's a situation in my social circle right now in which my initial assessment of what must be done in order for everyone to be safe was somewhat callous - reflective of the harsh, fear-based lens of the old life that I lived. "Perhaps the potential of ending up [insert unpleasant situation here] will prompt them to re-evaluate their priorities," (essentially, "do-or-die") as a concept, is not reflective of the kind of person I want to be. So I'm going to have to reevaluate my thinking and choose a more loving alternative - one closer to, "You can [very unsafe behaviors], but you will then have to find somewhere else to live because [very unsafe behaviors] are not conducive to my safety or wellbeing, and I must protect myself. If you must continue [very unsafe behaviors], then perhaps you can find a space to [very unsafe behaviors] elsewhere."
…The distinction between these things still feels subtle to me, but I can see how they are not the same, even if I'm still struggling to articulate how they differ. But that's merely a function of everything being very black-and-white within the old life I used to live; if I want to be able to lovingly move through this world, I have to be able to learn how to distinguish between more shades of grey. The prospect is both exciting and terrifying! I'll get better at it the more I practice.
The folks involved do not live in my house, but they do live in the house of a person who is close to me, and this person who is close to me is having a very hard time from it all. I do hope the situation can resolve amicably soon. I'll keep doing my best to be a source of support.
There's still so much that I don't know; I've gotta try a little harder, do a little better, and so… the temptation from my old life is to think that these things mean I am a bad person. But I think I will try to choose an interpretation closer to, "I am still learning and growing, and this means that I am alive." Not knowing everything means that I will never have any shortage of things to learn and do!
In any case. I am tired and cold, so I fixed myself up a big ol' glass of warm milk; it's a great way to chase both the chill from one's bones, and the restlessness from one's mind. I can't give you a glass, but I can share a picture. It's not fancy, but… here:
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…I have finished this glass, and the restlessness is gone, but the chill is still in my bones. So I think I'm going to soak in a hot shower, and then go to sleep.
I will keep working on becoming a kinder and more loving person. I'll hope with everything in me that you will work on doing the same - both for yourself and for the people around you. You deserve your own love - regardless of how you came into being and regardless of the mistakes you've made before. Treat yourself like someone who is worthwhile so that you don't end up going for a number of consecutive days without food, water, or sleep ever again, because stuff like that is VERY UNSAFE BEHAVIOR.
I love you and I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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flowersandspacestuff · 5 months
People used to think, that the Earth held up the sky
And yet, today we have found, it is the sky which holds the Earth
People used to think, it was the Sun going round and round
And yet today we have found, it is the Earth which turns and travels about
People used to think, the world was large and lonely
And now we know we're small, and slowly we have found,
More stars and planets and galaxies imaginable, throughout this universe abound
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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💗Robotic affirming is repeating your affirmations until you get your desire. It works instantly , it is totally worth it. You don't have to believe your affirmations. You can repeat them mindlessly.
🤖It doesn't matter how long you do it . There are no rules. You can use as many affirmations you want to. Robotic affirming helps to pass your limits and doubts. Let's say you affirm for 1- 2 hours for your desire but then start wavering ( complaining , worrying , entertaining opposing thoughts etc ) . It is okay if you waver but don't dwell on those thoughts. Deny them. Don't let them get to you. Ignore those thoughts and start repeating your affirmations . Sammy ingram said that you can say your affirmations out aloud to get rid of negative thoughts because you can't speak one thing and think another thing at the same time.
💗Basically, you are saturating your mind with what you want. Once those affirmations become dominant , they will manifest since dominant thoughts manifest. The more you familiarize your mind with your desire, the more fast you will manifest it.
🤖Affirm. Affirm and Affirm. Don't leave your important tasks, in other words, don't neglect your life to affirm but affirm when you are scrolling through your phone , showering , doing skincare , cooking, eating etc .
💗You affirm until your desires materialize into the 3D . You need to be RELENTLESS. You need to be CONSISTENT. Don't think about how or when your desires will manifest. Don't put your desires on a pedestal. I mentioned it my paradigm and mental diet post too and I will mention it again , REPETITION IS THE KEY.
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humanlifehereandnow · 2 years
The 20 Misbeliefs Eliminated by Science: A Guide to Critical Thinking
The 20 Misbeliefs Eliminated by Science: A Guide to Critical Thinking
As humans, we often hold onto beliefs passed down to us from generation to generation without questioning their accuracy. However, science has played a crucial role in debunking many of these misconceptions and bringing us closer to the truth. In this article, we'll explore 20 misbeliefs that have been eliminated by the science and the social changes that have resulted from them.
1. The Earth is Round, Not Flat
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Widespread ignorance, the perpetuation of flawed assumptions, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various ancient and medieval scholars, such as Pythagoras and Aristotle, and later scientists, such as Magellan and Galileo
• Timing of discovery: Throughout thousands of years, with the roundness of the Earth being scientifically established by the 17th century
• Methods of proof: Observations of celestial bodies and their motions, experiments with shadows and light, and mathematical calculations
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved navigation, geography, and exploration, and a greater emphasis on scientific thinking and evidence-based beliefs
2. Disease is Caused by Germs, Not Bad Air or Supernatural Forces
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Ineffective medical treatments, widespread illness and death, and the perpetuation of dangerous medical practices
• Discoverers: Various scientists and medical researchers, including Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, and Ignaz Semmelweis
• Timing of discovery: 19th century and later, with the germ theory of disease gaining widespread acceptance in the early 20th century
• Methods of proof: Controlled clinical trials, microscopic observation of germs, and the analysis of epidemiological data
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved public health, the development of evidence-based medicine, and a reduction in harmful medical practices
3. Evolution through Natural Selection, Not Divine Creation
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limitations in scientific understanding, the perpetuation of religious or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, as well as various other scientists and philosophers who contributed to the development of evolutionary theory
• Timing of discovery: Mid-19th century and later, with the publication of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" in 1859 is a significant turning point
• Methods of proof: Fossil evidence, comparative anatomy, genetic analysis, and observational studies of living organisms
• Social changes resulting from them: A greater understanding of the natural world, a challenge to traditional religious beliefs, and a promotion of evidence-based thinking
4. Atoms Exist and Are the Fundamental Building Blocks of Matter
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limitations in scientific understanding, the promotion of religious or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various scientists and philosophers, including Democritus, John Dalton, and J.J. Thomson
• Timing of discovery: Ancient Greece and later, with the 20th century bringing discoveries about subatomic particles
• Methods of proof: Observations of chemical reactions, experiments with electricity, and the study of the behavior of particles in a vacuum
• Social changes resulting from them: A greater understanding of the nature of matter, advances in chemistry and physics, and technological innovations
5. Mental Illness is a Medical Condition, Not a Moral Failing
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Stigmatization of individuals with mental illness, the perpetuation of ineffective or harmful treatments, and the promotion of moral or religious beliefs over scientific understanding
• Discoverers: Various psychiatrists, psychologists, and medical researchers, such as Emil Kraepelin and Sigmund Freud
• Timing of discovery: Late 19th century
• Methods of proof: Controlled clinical trials, the use of psychological and neurological assessments, and the study of brain chemistry and function
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved treatment and understanding of mental illness, reduced stigma and discrimination, and greater emphasis on evidence-based approaches to mental health
6. The Sun is a Star, Not a God or Supernatural Being
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limitations in scientific understanding, the perpetuation of religious or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various astronomers and philosophers, such as Galileo and Johannes Kepler
• Timing of discovery: Throughout thousands of years, with the development of modern astronomy in the 16th and 17th centuries
• Methods of proof: Observations of celestial bodies and their motions, experiments with lenses and telescopes, and mathematical calculations
• Social changes resulting from them: A greater understanding of the nature of the universe, the development of modern astronomy, and a challenge to traditional religious beliefs
7. The Universe is Billions of Years Old, Not a Few Thousand
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limitations in scientific understanding, the promotion of religious or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various astronomers and physicists, such as Edwin Hubble and Georges Lemaître
• Timing of discovery: 20th century and later, with the development of modern astronomy and the discovery of cosmic background radiation
• Methods of proof: Observations of celestial bodies and their motions, experiments with radiation and telescopes, and mathematical calculations
• Social changes resulting from them: A greater understanding of the nature of the universe, the development of modern astronomy, and a challenge to traditional religious beliefs
8. Bloodletting and Other Harmful Medical Practices are Ineffective and Dangerous
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Widespread harm and death due to ineffective or harmful medical treatments, the perpetuation of flawed assumptions, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various medical researchers and practitioners, such as William Harvey and Joseph Lister
• Timing of discovery: Throughout hundreds of years, with the development of modern medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries
• Methods of proof: Controlled clinical trials, observation and analysis of medical outcomes, and the development of germ theory and other scientific understanding
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved public health, a greater emphasis on evidence-based medicine, and a reduction in harmful or ineffective medical practices
9. Genetics Determines Inherited Traits, Not Supernatural or Divine Intervention
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limitations in scientific understanding, the perpetuation of religious or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various geneticists and biologists, such as Gregor Mendel and James Watson, and Francis Crick
• Timing of discovery: Late 19th century and later, with the development of modern genetics and DNA analysis
• Methods of proof: Controlled breeding experiments, the study of genetic traits in human and animal populations, and the analysis of DNA and other biological material
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of human biology and the genetic basis of inherited traits, technological innovations in medicine and agriculture, and a challenge to traditional religious beliefs
10. Climate Change is Caused by Human Activity, Not a Natural Cycle
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limited understanding of the natural world, the promotion of anti-science views, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various climate scientists and environmental researchers, such as Svante Arrhenius and Charles Keeling
• Timing of discovery: 20th century and later, with a growing body of evidence in recent decades
• Methods of proof: Observation and analysis of atmospheric and oceanic data, modeling of climate systems, and the study of historical climate records
• Social changes resulting from them: Increased awareness and concern about climate change, a greater emphasis on sustainable and renewable energy, and the promotion of evidence-based thinking
11. The Human Brain is Not the Source of the Mind or Consciousness
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limited understanding of human biology and consciousness, the perpetuation of religious or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various neuroscientists and philosophers, such as Roger Sperry and David Chalmers
• Timing of discovery: 20th century and later, with ongoing research and debate
• Methods of proof: Observation and analysis of brain activity, studies of neurological disorders and injuries, and philosophical inquiry into the nature of consciousness
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of the nature of consciousness, a challenge to traditional religious beliefs, and the promotion of evidence-based thinking
12. Rainbows are Caused by Refraction and Reflection, Not a Magical Phenomenon
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limited understanding of the natural world, the perpetuation of magical or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various scientists and philosophers, such as Ibn al-Haytham and René Descartes
• Timing of discovery: Throughout hundreds of years, with a modern scientific understanding of rainbows developing in the 17th century
• Methods of proof: Observation and analysis of light and color, experiments with lenses and prisms, and mathematical calculations
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of the nature of light and color, the development of modern optics and photography, and a challenge to magical or supernatural beliefs
13. The Earth Revolves Around the Sun, Not the Other Way Around
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limited understanding of the natural world, the promotion of anti-science views, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various astronomers and mathematicians, such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler
• Timing of discovery: Throughout hundreds of years, with a modern scientific understanding of planetary motion developing in the 16th and 17th centuries
• Methods of proof: Observation and analysis of planetary motion, experiments with telescopes and other instruments, and mathematical calculations
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of the nature of the universe, the development of modern astronomy, and a challenge to traditional religious beliefs
14. Superstitions and Magical Thinking Have No Basis in Reality
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limitations in scientific understanding, the perpetuation of harmful or ineffective practices, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various philosophers and scientists, such as Francis Bacon and Carl Sagan
• Timing of discovery: Ongoing, with critical thinking and evidence-based beliefs being an ongoing process
• Methods of proof: Observation and analysis of natural phenomena, critical examination of beliefs and claims, and the promotion of scientific inquiry and evidence-based thinking
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of the natural world, reduced reliance on ineffective or harmful practices, and promotion of evidence-based thinking
15. Astrology is Not a Valid Science and Has No Predictive Power
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limitations in scientific understanding, the perpetuation of pseudoscientific beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various philosophers and scientists, such as Ptolemy and Carl Sagan
• Timing of discovery: Ongoing, with critical examination of astrological claims and the promotion of evidence-based thinking
• Methods of proof: Critical examination of astrological claims and predictions, the analysis of astrological charts and forecasts, and the promotion of scientific inquiry and evidence-based thinking
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of the nature of science, a reduction in reliance on pseudoscientific beliefs, and promotion of evidence-based thinking
16. The Concept of Race Has No Scientific Basis
• Problems caused by false beliefs: The perpetuation of harmful and discriminatory beliefs, policies, and practices, and the hindered scientific understanding of human biology
• Discoverers: Various anthropologists and geneticists, such as Franz Boas and Richard Lewontin
• Timing of discovery: Over decades, with the development of modern genetics and the study of human biological variation
• Methods of proof: Analysis of genetic and biological data, studies of human populations and their characteristics, and the examination of the historical and social construction of race
• Social changes resulting from them: Increased understanding of the nature of human biology and variation, reduced reliance on harmful and discriminatory policies and practices, and the promotion of evidence-based thinking
17. Electricity is a Fundamental Force in Nature, Not a Magical or Supernatural Power
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limited understanding of the natural world, the perpetuation of magical or supernatural beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various scientists and inventors, such as Benjamin Franklin and Michael Faraday
• Timing of discovery: Over centuries, with the development of modern physics and electrical technology
• Methods of proof: Observation and analysis of electrical phenomena, experiments with electrical devices and circuits, and the development of mathematical models and theories
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of the nature of electricity and its practical applications, the development of modern electrical technology, and a challenge to magical or supernatural beliefs
18. Vaccines are Safe and Effective and Do Not Cause Autism or Other Diseases
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Misinformation and fear-mongering, reduced vaccination rates and increased incidence of preventable diseases, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various medical researchers and scientists, such as Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner
• Timing of discovery: Over centuries, with the development of modern medicine and vaccination techniques
• Methods of proof: Controlled clinical trials, analysis of epidemiological data, and the examination of biological mechanisms of immunity and disease
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved public health, reduced incidence of preventable diseases, and a greater emphasis on evidence-based medicine and vaccination
19. Psychics and Mediums Have No Verifiable Supernatural Powers
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Misinformation and exploitation of vulnerable people, the perpetuation of pseudoscientific beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various skeptics and critical thinkers, such as James Randi and Michael Shermer
• Timing of discovery: Ongoing, with critical examination of psychic claims and the promotion of evidence-based thinking
• Methods of proof: Critical examination of psychic claims and predictions, analysis of supposed paranormal phenomena, and the promotion of scientific inquiry and evidence-based thinking
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved public understanding of the nature of paranormal claims, reduced reliance on pseudoscientific beliefs and practices, and promotion of evidence-based thinking
20. Human Beings Have Evolved from Earlier Species and Are Not Uniquely Created by a Divine Being
• Problems caused by false beliefs: Limited understanding of human biology and evolution, the perpetuation of religious beliefs, and hindered scientific progress
• Discoverers: Various anthropologists and biologists, such as Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins
• Timing of discovery: Over centuries, with the development of modern evolutionary theory and the study of human biological and cultural evolution
• Methods of proof: Analysis of genetic and biological data, examination of the fossil record and other evidence of human evolution, and the application of scientific principles and methods to the study of human biology and culture
• Social changes resulting from them: Improved understanding of the nature of human biology and evolution, reduced reliance on religious beliefs about human origins, and promotion of evidence-based thinking
In conclusion, eliminating human misbelief through science has led to significant social changes and progress in various fields. By promoting evidence-based thinking, scientific inquiry has allowed us to understand the natural world better and improve our lives in countless ways. It is essential to continue to challenge false beliefs and promote critical thinking, advance scientific understanding further, and create a better future for ourselves and future generations.
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hvlthgxth · 14 days
I think you deserve two boyfriends.
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scootkiddo · 1 year
what was more culturally significant. the renaissance. or seatbelt.
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Paradigm Shift 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you get transferred to a new position but it's hardly a breath of fresh air. (plus!reader)
Characters: Loki, Bucky Barnes, this reader is known as Billie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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“So, I’m sending you over to logistics,” Mr. Odinson nearly knocks over your pen cup as he sits on the corner of your desk. He gargantuan figure makes you fear for the integrity of the furniture beneath him. “I trust you can keep things tidy there.” 
You want to ask why you but don’t dare. Thor can be pleasant enough. Personable, friendly even, but you’ve also heard how his voice turns to thunder when he’s angry. You’re not shy of the stories either. Wandering eyes and hands. You don’t think they’d ever find you but you’d rather steer clear of the risk. 
“Logistics?” You wonder. 
“Mm, yes, my brother and his new partner,” he waves his hand dismissively, “they’re in need of a desk jockey to mind their dates. When I tell you how many meetings I’ve shown up to and met only an empty table.” 
“Uh, yes, sir, that sounds... bad,” you eke out. 
“Mm, yes,” his eyes flick up and down, “as it were, Fandral said you did rather well on his little task force so you will go down and sort them out. I would warn you but it better you find out for yourself. Perhaps those two will not be so difficult for one such as yourself, eh?” 
He taps the tip of your nose and you blink in surprise. You’ve witnessed it before. A bit too touchy for HR’s liking but they don’t do anything about it. After all, if you make money, then who cares how you behave? 
“When do I... start?” You ask. 
“Now,” he shrugs, “suppose sooner is better.” 
“Now?” You can’t help the shock in your voice and he narrows his eyes, “yes, sir. Um...” 
“There are boxes in the copier room, pack up your things, they should be expecting you... I think,” he stands and scratches his beards, “who’s to say if they read the email.” 
You’re hardly feeling good about this. He hasn’t said one thing that’s made you confident in your reassignment. You prefer the familiar and after two years, this is finally comfortable. Of course you’re the sacrifice they’ve chosen. Now you have start all over again. 
You get up as Odinson leaves and you head off to the copy room. You find an empty paper back and return to your desk. You put your pen cup inside, your ergonomic keyboard and mouse, the next person can put in a request, and you empty your single drawer into the bottom. You put your bag and coat on top and bid a wordless goodbye to your cubicle. No one else even seems to notice as you pack up your laptop. 
Logistics. You’re not even sure where that would be. You stick to your little corner of the company and keep your head down. 
You look it up in the office directory. A whole floor down. You get on the elevator and bob impatiently as you descend. You step off and march toward your fate. You slow as you pass between the desks of clacking keys and the smell of stale coffee. No one looks very happy. Even if they gossip terribly upstairs, at least they’re lively. 
No one looks up as you stroll by. Right. Where exactly do you go. You’re not seeing a free desk. You near a door with a placard on it. Laufeyson, Odinson’s brother. You glance over to the next door. Barnes, a newly acquired consultant. Alright. 
You knock on the first door and wait. And wait. And wait. You tap a little harder and hear shuffling from within. You step back as the door opens with a harsh swing inward. 
“What do you--” The tall main with his oily black locks stops himself mid-sentence and tilts his head, “and who are you?” 
Your eyes round. Does he not know? Your brows arch and nearly meet in the middle. You frown. 
“Your brother--” 
“Secretary,” another voice grits like gravel from behind you. “Remember?” 
You turn as the blue-eyed man blows across a mug and tastes his coffee. His hair hangs around his square jaw, a thicker set than the other man. You glance between him and Mr. Laufeyson, “secretary? Well, not exactly, your brother sent me for clerical--” 
“Secretary,” Laufeyson insists, “very well. Suppose it will ease the burden of tracking those mindless check-ins,” he makes a sarcastic quotation with his fingers, “as you will. Send a ticket to IT, have them add you to my calendar.” 
The door closes as swiftly as it opened and you stagger back. You look over at the other man as he approaches the next office and rests his grip on the handle, “My partner, Loki Laufeyson; Bucky Barnes,” He motions to himself with his cup, “send that ticket in and add my name.” 
“Yes, sir, but er, wait, I--” 
He just as quickly dismisses you with the open and close of his door. You stand dumbly in the hall and look around. What a warm welcome. You look down toward the bullpen of desks and further down the hall. So, where are you supposed to work? 
You pace up and down the short hallway. You find a closet full of old mice and keyboards, and the breakroom with its worn-out coffee maker and humming fridge. You can’t exactly work in either.  
You sigh and return to the hall. You plunk yourself down between the doors of your new bosses and open your laptop to balance on the box. You sit on your jacket and keep your purse against your thigh as you sit on your feet. You open up the support portal and file the ticket; first task done. You have to wait for access until you can do anything else since neither of them seem to want to explain very much. 
You shake your head. Why on earth did you think it couldn’t get worse? It surely feels like a demotion to be sat on the carpet with cardboard for a desk.
You wonder why you? You suppose you’re not interesting enough for Mr. Odinson to keep around. Still, he doesn’t need to punish you for not being his type. 
Well, so long as you’re paid, you’ll just have to make it work. 
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tonycries · 3 days
drunk reader sucking on getos adams apple while he's asleep🥴🥴🥴
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hakunahistata · 4 months
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Written by hakunahistata with incendiary art by the talented @cassieoh. Written for High Pollen Count, a Good Omens Sex Pollen Event!
Explicit, 14.6K, 2/2 chapters
When Lieutenant Crowley is caught in a dust storm on an unmarked planet during an exploratory mission, nothing seems amiss. It isn’t until he returns onboard the spacecraft, Astra Sequi, that it becomes clear that something is very, very wrong.
Or, Sex Pollen in SPACE 🌌🚀
Have a taste...
Gasps of pleasure fill the small room where Aziraphale sits, the mic picking up every rustle of fabric, the slick slide of skin. A precious whine ripples around him, bringing into focus a reality that Aziraphale has only dreamt of. He shatters under the weight of knowing what pleasure sounds like in Crowley’s mouth.
I cannot thank @gaiaseyes451 and @the-literal-kj enough for being the best beta's and friends 🖤
Enormous shout out to @voluptatiscausa, @malachitegrey, and @adverbian for organizing the High Pollen Count event and creating such a fun, silly, ho®ny corner of the internet!
Tagging my forever family too @goodomensafterdark
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autball · 5 months
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Autism as a concept has lived in the pathology paradigm from the very beginning. That’s about a hundred years of seeing Autistic people as “broken” and in need of fixing. It is officially diagnosed as a “disorder,” and the diagnostic criteria are full of pathologizing language. So for most of society, negative language and attitudes around autism are “normal.”
To someone in the medical or mental health field, pathologizing language is also “normal.” Same goes for people in education, particularly special education. It’s just how they talk about patients and students, they don’t mean anything by it, you HAVE to talk about a person’s deficits/symptoms in order to get them help. It’s just…normal.
But sometimes, when something negative is normalized enough, people can mistake it for being “neutral.” Which leads to people arguing that the word “disorder” is neutral, and that the actually neutral language of neurodiversity is “overly positive.”
That’s all incorrect, though. The word “disorder” is not and was never intended to be neutral. The language used to diagnose autism as a medical/mental health condition is not and never has been neutral. And “normalized” is not the same as “neutral.”
And so, here’s a handy dandy (and slightly snarky) graphic for anyone out there whose frame of reference could use some re-centering.
NOTE: Genuine questions are fine. Attempts to argue that pathologizing medical language is neutral OR that autism is a disorder are not. If you are uncomfortable in the realization that the language you’ve been using contributes to negative attitudes towards Autistic people, that’s a sign that you have some stuff to learn, not an invitation to get defensive in my comments section.
ALSO NOTE: Nowhere have I told anyone how to refer to or think of *themselves,* so don’t come at me with that one either.
ALSO ALSO NOTE: I don’t actually endorse anything in the “positive” column either. It is strictly to demonstrate that there is a difference between neutral and positive language, and all of it is meant tongue-in-cheek. Toxic positivity and supremacy don’t help anyone.
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hyperblue · 1 month
I really want more ppl to focus on the fact that Tim would be a 16 year old father, like ik it's already a known fact but I just really want it to be talked about deeper, that's a CHILD having to care for a whole other CHILD and I am aware of what that does to someone's brain and I really would love for someone to write/talk more in depth about it yk? Like, being 16 and you're raising someone, and you have to go through all this shit!
You have this bond that you've never felt before but you're also not prepared for this, what are you supposed to do? Are you even doing it right?
I also think that with the childhood he had it would be harder, he doesn't know anything when it comes to children and now he has to raise one?
I can't stop thinking about what his internal monolog would be.
Baby won't stop crying? You're doing something wrong obviously.( it's so normal, so very normal, I cannot stress enough how NORMAL this is)
Mood swings, your child telling you they hate you? Where did you go wrong, you're obviously horrible if your 2y/o is telling you they hate you( also incredibly normal)
The amount of stress that he would go through, especially if this is one of those things he chose to do on his own. Raising kids is HARD, it's so incredibly hard and being a child yourself makes it ten times harder even WITH a support system.
It's beyond stressful, and sometimes all you want to do is scream, but you can't, so what is there to do?
Having help is so important for parents and I think that if Kon came back and CHOSE to help even if Tim told him he didn't have to it would be such a huge weight off his back.
it doesn't MATTER how independent he's convinced he is, it doesn't matter how much complicated shit he had to go through alone as tim drake AND robin, it doesn't matter how capable he might be, he is a CHILD. as a 24 year old, 16-17 y. o. teenagers are like literal babies to me. and i also have siblings, all of them are more than 10 years apart from me, so i had to have a front row seat watching my mother and grandmother raise them and it's a colossal work, it really is. if i were to write a fic i would definitely explore the struggle of being a child with a child, because that's one of the most fascinating things about this au to me (even though it's a fucked up situation for sure. it's like watching a train wreck — you'd love to turn away but you literally can't)
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punkpandapatrixk · 29 days
Take care of yourself, girlies~♡
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The aenergies last couple of weeks have been strange and shifting a lot. There seem to be incessant drama and a disturbing sense of dissatisfaction all around the world. Hmm…they’re trying to get ‘your approval’ for WW3, so it’s best to stay in your high vibrations by taking care of yourself and not get dragged into political drama LMAO
New PAC dropping this weekend. It’s overdue but if it’s the timing, it’s the timing v( ´ ▽ ` )
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I’ll be posting some more updates about the blog in the coming week~ I hope you’re excited for some new types of content that will appear on the blog ^^
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Take care and eat well~🥞
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 3 months
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“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”
- Neville Goddard
If you have a bad self- concept and lack self- love , you will continue to attract people who will treat you like trash. Why ? Because our inner world creates the outer world. It is easier to blame external circumstances and people rather than understanding that we created them and have the power to change them according to our will.
Of course, you can manifest without working on self-concept too. But self-concept is crucial in daily life if you ask me. You can't go on your whole life feeling bad about yourself. There is nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself , being confident , knowing you are the creator of your reality and loving yourself.
If you see yourself as garbage , the flies will come meaning If you feel bad about yourself and feel that you have no control over the 3D reality, you will continue to attract people who won't treat you well. If you see yourself as garden , the butterflies will come meaning If you have a good self-concept, you will attract people who will respect you and treat you well. Also , remember - we accept the love we think we deserve.
Inner world creates outer world. 4D reality creates 3D reality. You don't need to " try " to change your circumstances or people , you need to focus on changing no-one but " SELF". Most people think that love and happiness comes from love and respect of others. They are desperate and seek for love and respect from others when they themselves don't love or respect themselves. You need to be your validation, you really need to love yourself and focus on the things you like about yourself. If you improve your self- concept , you will believe in your power , get rid of doubts easily and manifest instantly. Self-concept work never goes in vain. It is always worth it 💗
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anneapocalypse · 3 months
The thing is, even if Lucanis did hate mages generally (which as @dreadfutures says here, is probably not why he's called the Mage Killer), surely we can understand that that means something completely different in the north than it would in the south, right?
It's going to be really interesting to see how the fandom engages with Tevinter tbh. Like, back in DA2, a lot of people thought Fenris was pretty unreasonable about mages. It's easy to feel that way. Even I feel it sometimes and I love Fenris. But then you take a step back, and you remember that his entire life experience is mages having absolute power over him and using that power to cause endless suffering. Those people are still chasing him until Act III, making it difficult for him to shift his paradigm and see the situation in the south for what it is. And some players, even knowing that context, still had trouble seeing Fenris for anything more than a bigot. They couldn't see his context anymore than he could see Anders' or Merrill's.
And as players who have played and loved three games set in the south of Thedas, we are the ones who are going to have to shift our perspectives now. The power structures in the north are different. The way they operate and maintain their power is different. Sure, the base principles still apply, but the devil's in the details. Someone "hating mages" simply does not have the same connotations in the context of the north. If a character in Tevinter says something like, I don't know, "Something must be done about those mages," it doesn't in any way mean the same thing as it would when spoken in Orlais under the southern Chantry. And maybe I'm just stating the obvious, but Idk, I felt like it warranted saying, not just for Lucanis but for all the new characters we're going to be meeting in the north.
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notetaeker · 1 year
Things feel so pointless sometimes and the only reason I continue is because the prophet said if you have a seed in your hand and the end of times arrives, still plant it
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currymanganese · 3 months
can't find the reasons why i love you x
"why'd you give me a fake number?"
"I had to beg you to come home....."
"just say it carm, just say the words!"
@thoughtfulchaos773 @thoughtfulchaos773 @devisrina @imliterallyjustablackgirl @angelica4equity @brokenwinebox @moodyeucalyptus @vacationship @whenmemorydies @ambeauty @bioloyg @houseofevangelista @caiusmarciuscoriolanus @post-woke @pureseasalt @laryssamedeirss @tvfantic87 @bootlegramdomneess @myloveismineallmine @outmakingmoonshine @ripley-stark
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