Big Brother Is Here
35 posts
Hello. I am your big brother Jacob, and I write things...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
who you were all along
Isn't it funny how social creatures like us have become so alone in our self obsessions, as to assume that we have the right to force others to adhere to our ever complicating demands for identity recognition? While you are more worried about people addressing you with your preferred title, there are people who feel lucky that anyone would address them at all. Ah yes, the most social of all creatures also are the most loneliest. And the truth is that this collective identity crisis is a seed of something darker and yet more human than any of our pathetic attempts to counterfeit our own sense of meaningful name calling. For surely, it must be of great mental anguish and unfulfilled longing that we find that our only connection to the world and the people around us must be threaded by the titles we call each other and ourselves. I get it.
Calling yourself depressed almost means that you belong to a clan of other melancholy figures of history. almost. Yet you refuse to acknowledge that everyone who has ever lived can, and has been depressed. That it is also a safe bet that you aren't even in the top 1 billionth of the most depressed people that ever lived. The fact that you are alive is a testament to that. And if everyone can be the very thing that you feel kinship with, then does that not mean that you have something in common with everyone? oh no nonononononononono NO. You have suffered more than anyone else apparently. Thus you should sit atop the mountain of bodies with the same exact slits across their wrists or holes in their heads.
You see children, people aren't looking for people anymore. They are looking for themselves, because they have grown up in a world being told that there SPECIAL. special in every way LMAO...if everyone is special... then no one is special...get it? Did you know that the color black isn't a color at all? that it is literally the absence of all color? SO WHAT HAPPENS IF WE THROW ALL OF THE COLORS ONTO THE CANVAS! WILL IT BE A RAINBOW! OR SOME NEW COLOR THAT MAN CANNOT COMPREHEND!!!!
white...all colors mixed together, create white. the opposite of no color. White is all color. There is nothing to see in Blackness. But you are blinded by the white light, as the color that holds all colors, obscures all.
You live between everything and nothing all in one continuum. We exist only to exist. And you're worried about the pronouns that you are addressed with, so as to not be misgendered...sadly my little social creature, your actualization equates to less than nothing in the realm of competing parties for identity supremacy. To be the one consciousness sitting atop the mountain of broken egos of all others who were shattered by this existence. And is that not what this existence was always meant to do? you should get down on your knees and bless the ones who freed your mind from being engendered to your fucked up mortal shell that you resent so much. Because if you have decided that none of these designations, sexual roles and social engineerings don't apply to you, then maybe you can escape running in the saddest asshole in the world race!!!
And then you can really start figuring out who the fuck you really were, all along.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
A few things to remember during a Blood Moon.
Don't leave your house. But if you have too, bring nothing with you accept the clothes on your back. Anything else will just bring unwanted attention.
Stick to the clear paths, and only the ones that you remember FOR SURE were there before tonight: DO NOT STRAY.
If along the path, you see a child PLAYING, then its okay he won't bother you. Speak with him if you like. He may tell you something worth remembering.
If you come across the child again, DO NOT SPEAK WITH IT; It isn't the same kid. He may look the same, but it isn't him. And you don't want to know what it really is. 'It' won't be playing like the other kid; he'll only stand still and stare at you. Pass him, and avoid eye contact, but don't look away either.
Take note of the street signs:
The red moonlight should reveal their true messages.
Take note that there are no REAL cars on the roads tonight. If you see one pass you by, you won't see a driver. And if there was a driver, it was actually a spirit.
It shouldn't be quiet. You should atleast be able to hear the crickets, zooming cars when they pass, and howls of the wind.
However, if it suddenly becomes quiet enough you could hear a pin drop, then you need to leave that area IMMEDIATELY; Something is stalking you.
If you turn around and see that Kid from earlier, remember; if he waves at you and then crosses the street, its the same kid from before and he was just on his way back to his reality.
However, if he doesn't wave, and he just stares at you and then begins walking towards you: RUN. Get away from him as fast as you can. 'It' has imprinted on you, and will follow you, and you don't want to know what it'll do to you if it catches you.
The night will go on forever until you get home and walk through your door. You can remain in this plain as long as you wish.
But just remember, the longer you stay, the longer it'll take for that feeling of 'being watched' to where off. As well, you might also have trouble telling your dreams apart from the waking world.
Make sure no one has followed you back to your house; trust me, you don't want to bring anything back with you.
Be sure to lock the front door, and go straight to bed. Play music if you like; it'll help you sleep.
But do not turn on a radio: the radio will pick up some unknown signals that will be very disturbing to hear, and can even hypnotize you.
Same goes for Televisions with antennas.
When you wake up, it should be daylight.
If it isn't, then go back to sleep.
Remember, if you see anything unusual, you might be dreaming. In time your dreams should return to normal and won't be as vivid.
If you see that Kid again, it won't be him, It'll most likely be the stalker. He followed you back. If this is the case, I don't know how to help you. Try going home and sleeping again. You might not ever be safe again. However, if you don't see the kid after 3 days, then you should be safe.
You should never go out during another blood moon. The second time out, things will be different. The paths may change, and you may not be able to find your way back again. There will be more stalkers looking for you as well. The first one will never forget you. If you stay in during a blood moon, and you'd been out once before, he'll be waiting somewhere outside your house.
This past blood moon, i looked out my window, and i saw it just outside my house, staring...
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
You are editing too much. Do this instead,
No amount of editing can make a first draft work. So do this instead.
Simply editing the text of a first draft isn't good enough. The first draft is not the story being told. It is ideas and inspiration hitting the ground. Trying to edit the text of a first draft is like shoveling snow as it falls. It is a complete waste of time. And that means that I have wasted much of my time. But it is better to learn that lesson now than later. You can start working more properly. The first draft cannot be taken as the literal story. You can not write it with the intention of it being read by a paying customer. That is what bad writers do. You can always tell the story better. Just like the first time you tell a joke, it will get the least laughs. But over time, you tell the same joke and you start to get better at the telling and execution. This is a breakthrough, because you don't have to waste your time trying to make first draft text work!
The text of a first draft is sloppy, but filled with inspiration. It's just too raw and unformed like clay. You are writing a first draft, so you can know how to tell the real story in the second draft. So again, it is pointless to edit the first draft text. You write a first draft of a chapter, and then go to sleep. Wake up the next day, and re read the whole chapter again, and now re-tell the chapter from scratch. You already know what's going to happen, so you won't have to worry about making up crap off the top of your head today!
Now you can just focus on the aesthetic of the prose, the pacing and emotions of the scene, and really tell the story, and not just write down a list of things that happened. You keep your first draft simple direct, and to the point. It basically is the outline of the last draft. (there are no second drafts. Just the first draft and the last draft.)
How many times have you ever stopped and read something of yours, and thought, I wish I could reword that or do it over. And you can! There is no law that says that you cannot rewrite what you have already written! You just have to not be lazy, and educate yourself on the process. The first draft is strictly for getting down the ideas, and getting the story that you want to tell prepared to be told in the last draft. And then you tell the story the way it deserves to be told.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
The Outline is the First Draft is the Outline.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
moving on after reddit abused me.
Without mentioning any names of subreddits, people involved, or even the details of how I was bullied off of the most toxic website in the world, I would just like to express myself in some way, where I still may. Reddit, is a left wing radical website run by people who will delete you for merely having a different opinion. The mods are the most toxic human beings on earth. I enjoyed reddit for a little while before I came across the wrong subreddit, and was subsequently harassed by the mods. One in particular had it out for me. I won't mention his name, but this person was a malicious bitter person, that didn't give off the vibe that he had much of a life outside of being a mod. (probably not much of a sex life either.) In the end, I found out what most people have been saying about reddit was utterly true. Reddit is a toxic place, filled with toxic mods, and it offers nothing to anyone. I feel like I wasted my time writing for that place. I want that time back. At the very least, I can see them banning me as a blessing in disguise. I was spending too much time there. It is addictive. And I am glad that they helped me to break my addiction to their horrible, incel infested website. Now before I look for a new home for my writings, I have to do something that those incel mods will likely never do for as long as they live.
I'm taking my girlfriend out on a date, and when we get home, we are going to have sex. And I will be sure to throw in an extra pump just for the self proclaimed "head mod of nosleep." cheers 😉
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
The Black Cat (1934) an early horror classic with a dark revenge storyline.
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Edgar Allan Poe may never be truly adapted to the screen due to the nature of his work. The Black Cat is a story of a diseased man with an intense and all consuming horror of cats. And that is all that makes it into universals first of only two attempts to adapt Poe in some form.
Bela Lugosi plays (Dr. Werdegast) the closest thing to a hero that he was ever allowed to. It shows that he was capable of playing characters that weren't always evil or demented. At least for a little while until the Dr. finally gets his revenge. We can see that there is a decent man who would still not see the young couple be mixed up in his game, either out of kindness, or out of worry that they could interfere. "where the soul is slowly killed." says everything we need to know, and there is no one living or dead actor that could have played this character better. There is something truly sinister in the performance, about his desire for revenge that led him to doing something to Poelzig that is poetic and deserved, but equally disturbing and gruesome. I also enjoyed The Raven (1935) that gave Lugosi the chance to go further with this sinister performance. In that film, I like to think that maybe it was a what if Werdegast survived, but after torturing his worst enemy to death, he became addicted to it. Now that would make for a fine fan edit.
'The skinning scene effectively uses the power of suggestion to convey the horrible deed with shadows, and somehow that makes it more shocking. Horror isn't always seen, but it can always be felt. I don't need to show you a man being skinned alive to scare you; If the characters are strong enough, it only takes a good director to use the power of suggestion to get under peoples skin (pun intended.)
That's the beauty of horror fiction, as it is an exploration of the feeling that pushes our minds into new territories to meditate on. Is that not what Poe did? Just as Poe was an early pioneer of the genre in his time, so was early horror cinema in the 30s.
I wish that this film was longer and had more to it than a little more than an hour runtime. Werdegast's fear of cats doesn't really play much into the plot save for a few moments. It could suggest that the inuman torture he lived through as a P.O.W. involved cats in some way maybe. That and the fact that his daughter was alive with Poelzig, didn't add any real stakes to the story like it should have, other than showing the cruelty and madness that both men share for each other. The production is nothing shy of what was as good a film that was being made at the time. Every shot is a dreadful and haunting image of this pleasure palace built on war scorned land that tells just as much of the story. The music isn't bad; overbearing at times, but can be striking in other sequences. Performances that are not only career highlights, but do stand tall. These are truly fleshed out and ghastly men stalmated in their game of death, that I have no problem believing has lasted for decades.
Boris Karloff plays maybe his most menacing and inhumanly evil character ever; and yet Poelzig is as mortal as we. Not a man sewed together from body parts, or a thousand year old mummy who woke up and went for a little walk. nope. Poelzig is just a man that is as soul dead as Werdegast from his time in the war. Only he is a satanic priest of his own coven who has guests over for rituals and sacrifices of beautiful women who can't resist his charms. Oh and he tends to keep them on display as well...The satanic elements not coming off as over the top or campy like other works about satanic cults. It's just an element to his character. Which satanism is more about worship of the self rather than the devil. And I could see Poelzig as being so vane to sacrifice people to himself as he fancies himself his own dark lord. Boris had a screen presence that was and is still unmatched. He was able to generate such a real tangible menace without speaking a word. And this was one of the first films that allowed him to speak dialogue, and that gave him the opportunity to show how soft and hypnotizing his voice was. When he speaks, we listen. When he is silent, we feel his very auro that echoes despite being without a soul; that people are just objects at his disposal.
The Black Cat (1934) is a truly effective horror film that realizes its horror through great characters and the legendary performances behind them. It is a trip to the darkest depths that a man's soul is capable of descending to. One consumed by the evil of his actions and only able to find peace when others are suffering; and the other consumed by a hatred that slowly killed his very own soul, and has come all this way to lay about 15 years worth of wraith upon him.
It is a great film, but I have to admit that it isn't a very good adaptation of Poe. And I don't blame it for that. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be. I see how the story has influenced many elements of the screenplay. I also have to say, that a remake wouldn't be a bad idea here if universal decides to do so. I doubt it would happen; It didn't have mainstream appeal then, and it doesn't now. But I would love to see some talented filmmakers explore the ideas and characters further. Robert Eggers comes to mind; he would understand, and would go to great pain staking lengths to achieve the same surreal malice, that universal achieved almost 90 years ago.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
Why I refuse to play the remake of Resident Evil 4. PART 2 😒
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Since the release of the Resident Evil 4 remake, it has done well critically and financially for Capcom. And despite my grievances, it will more than likely push the franchise even deeper into the era of the Remake we are trapped in. Again, it doesn't look like a bad game at all...but It's just not the same. This is not the game I grew up with. Nor is it a game that really takes the series anywhere new...I hate Remakes. I have come to hate them so much. And I have a pretty good reason why you should hate them too, as what I am about to say will hopefully breed just the slightest bit of resentment so you may feel just a hint of some of the same resentment that I have, and have carried for nearly 18 years.
So instead of a remake of RE4...why couldn't this game have been a direct sequel? Ya know...something that the fans have been asking about for over EIGHTEEN FUCKING YEARS!!! Was it so hard to ask for a new chapter to feature Leon as he was in RE4 (2005)? If final fantasy can make sequels to FF10, then why not give the same treatment to Resident Evil's finest hour? But no...they didn't do it then, they didn't do it then, they didn't do it 18 years later, and probably not even 18 years from now. So I guess a sequel to the greatest Resident Evil was just too much to ask for. Okay. Fine.
But I have another question worth asking,
why...hasn't Paul Mercier voiced Leon since the 05 game? Let me also add that I liked the younger depiction of Leon in the Resident Evil 2 remake, because it establishes that there would be a deal of maturity and age for Leon from the events of RE2 and 4. but it doesn't work in the remake...why may you ask? By that point, Leon is supposed to be an older and much wiser guy who has been highly trained to carry out these kinds of dangerous and highly delicate missions. So not only does this New Leon not sound like him with the VA change, he doesn't even feel like the same person because his physical design show little to none of the physical maturity he had leading up to the events of RE4. That's another popular thing that happens in remake culture: just random ass recasts for no reason that only upsets the fans and gets them talking about the game. Outrage is free marketing.
And I get it. Capcom had to learn from their mistakes before we were even able to get to this point in time. I get it. I can't just suddenly get what I want by just getting mad. Or sad...
There was a time, when Resident Evil 4 (2005) didn't need the year stamp to distinguish it from something else. There was a time when Resident Evil 4, was the most impressive and cutting edge survival horror game the world had ever seen. It was a masterpiece. It was a game that I played through so many times, that I don't think that there is one aspect about it, no easter egg or anything hidden that I didn't find. I have played that game so thoroughly, that I might have tried to play it blindfolded. I can say that, when it comes to gaming, RE4 represents something that other mediums couldn't possibly emulate. And boy did hollywood try so hard just to always fail even to this day. It captured everything that is great about gaming. RE4 is one of those games that reminds us of why we love video games...
RE4 (2023), has effectively robbed the original of its identity. Which means, instead of Hollywood emulating video games are not emulating hollywood in its absolute worst era. Which means that right now, Video Games, could be in its own worst era. Why is it a bad thing? because remakes, do not deserve to piggyback off of the hard work of yesterday's artists. The path that was paved yesterday, must be walked on today, so we may continue to build the path forward. Remakes are part of the Nostalgia Limbo, that we are being forced into. Nobody really asks for remakes. People want something new. And when they don't get that or are dissatisfied with the new thing, they look back at the things that they loved before. And that part of us, is being exploited. We are no longer going forward, because the artists of yesterday are either dead or cancelled, and the artists of today don't know how to build paths forward, so they build towers going up! They build the towers higher, and higher, inch new feat making the whole thing more and more wobbly and unstable, until finally, the industry's tower of babylon can't stand up any more and topples to the ground.
Only then will people realize, that going up, isn't really going anywhere. Because as soon as they fall, they find themselves right back where they started, at ground level.
So...what made the original...THE Resident Evil 4, so special? Because it was one step forward for the Resident Evil series, and then one giant leap forward for all of gaming still felt today.
Think about that.
Now... let's try and move forward.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
remakes do nothing, but erase our childhoods. not the other way around.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
How Paradise Was Lost.
I had to say something here because this is how we've been manipulated for years by entertainment
The included clip is from a show called NYPD Blue. Just a basic cop drama that you've seen a million times. Now it isn't uncommon for goth and punk culture to be represented in these cop dramas like this, as it was a cheap way to vary up these long running and just plain dull legal dramas, and the target middle american audience was scared of goths and punks. Now in this episode, we have a character who is a total try hard and the script goes out of its way to let you know that he is this edgelord loser that we should all laugh at and look down upon. And granted, it worked back then, but it's hard to not look back and see that this was not appropriate at all, and a really gross depiction of goths and punks. It is this kind of consensus back then that put the West Memphis Three behind bars. Three innocent minors who were wrongly prosecuted and convicted for a crime they didn't commit, all because they dressed and looked different.
NYPD Blue participated in this stereotype during a time when the West Memphis Three were still incarcerated. I have no doubt that the leader of the group in the episode is drawn from Damien Echols who spent 18 years on death row before finally being released. The show depicts the ringleader as a sinister snarky asshole who murdered another kid for unclarified satanic reasons.
Again ,the clip i included is short, so watch if you want more context to what I am about to say. I am going to talk about legal jargon and just how gross this show's depiction of what teenage goth culture was. This show basically says that they were irredeemable misanthropic misfits, which were even dangerous. And is there any doubt that this was said so with only the intention of capitalizing on the social panic at the time? Columbine? Marilyn Manson? and the Three all over the news? Yeah. And all the cop shows suddenly have an episode disparaging the culture. And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this whole episode was in essence, a self righteous smear against the Three.
It's really gross. And almost just as gross, is how it depicts the law and our constitutional rights which are always violated on TV for some reason we will get into.
and here we go...
As soon as the cop grabbed the ringleader "Dio" by the throat, that pretty much guaranteed a mistrial. It's actually dangerous how TV spreads misinformation about legal proceedings and law still to this day, but as you can see was even worse so in the 2000s. So here's a good question...Why isn't the suspect's appointed attorney present during these interviews? Also, How can you get a conviction from these "he said she said" statements when the lowest form of evidence is eyewitness testimony? the big cop literally put his hands on the defendant and threatened violence for non compliance, which is a felony, and not only would it result in a mistrial, but the defendant can sue the department to hell and back. None of these kids were afforded due process, an attorney or even a 50 cent phone call! All of which are guaranteed to us by the constitution.
Big thing: Are they minors? yes. Were their parents contacted or informed? no.
Everything I have seen here is such a legal shit show, that even a mid priced attorney could take a flamethrower to this case if it ever reached a courtroom. This is an Embarrassingly ignorant depiction of legal proceedings, and more so, is solely designed to brainwash people into thinking that they don't have these rights. This is outrageous, and i will not stand for it. Educate yourself on the law. it will save you one day.
These constitutional rights were ignored in real life too, and that's how three boys lives were ruined, and whoever the real murderer was walked away from it unscathed. And these self righteous Cop Dramas banked off of it while patting themselves on the back. I saw this clip, and I simply could not be quiet about it. Now, I don't expect anything from the creators in the way of being cancelled or harassed. But they should be held accountable. We all should. That was wrong. We knew it was wrong and we fell victim to the propaganda machine itself. How does the truth get obscured by self congratulatory crap television? Well, the answer is because that's what the damn thing was always meant to do.
"It's called the american dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
Resident Evil 4 was just remade, and I couldn't care less.
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Remakes are getting out of control. We are now remaking games that simply do not need to be remade. It makes no sense to me anymore to do so. It isn't about creativity or even fan service at this point. Remakes have become a niche in the nostalgia hungry market, and the entertainment industry is going to beat this dead horse until it stops spitting out money, and then probably a few more times for good measure.
It's infesting everything from Movies Tv Shows, pretty much everything you ever liked as a kid will be brought back in some form to recapture that part of our happy go lucky money spending lives. And they almost always suck. I am exhausted from these poor efforts from talentless people piggy backing off the works of REAL efforts by the most talented people we ever had.
With all that said, I don't think that all remakes are bad and suck in terms of quality. Gaming especially has had an influx of remakes and remasters that started off as pleasant little surprises before turning into a full blown genre of its own.
So, about Resident Evil 4 (2023)…
Regardless if it's a good game or not, I am just not interested in playing it. I've already seen this chapter of Leon's story and I've been ready for the next one for the last 15 GODDAMN YEARS CAPCOM!
I want to see the next chapter of Leon's story that never truly came. It boggles my mind that Capcom didn't make more games with Leon seeing how huge the real Resident Evil 4 was back then. (RE5) was okay, but it was a disappointment for the fans of the Survival Horror roots of the series. It was a fun game to play with a friend, but a lackluster follow up to what every fan considers the best in the series. (RE6) was a failure in nearly every sense of the word with too many storylines being told at once, too many cringey cutscenes and over the top action that looks silly by this point, and it was just a fucking mess that was so far removed from its survival horror roots, that it was unrecognizable as a Resident Evil game at all.
And we won't even go into the spin off titles that ranged from okay games like Revelations, to the series hitting rock bottom with Operation Racoon City and Umbrella Corp which was of such poor quality, that me and fans like simply said "this is unacceptable."
The series caught a second breath with (RE7) which was a fresh new take on the series that effectively returned it to Survival Horror, and evolved it. (RE7) is a good game that captures everything people love about the series.
And then we finally get a Resident Evil 2 Remake which was a highly requested game among the fanbase. It was a good game too that showed promising things for the franchise, sort of how the remake of the original Resident Evil did with its remake that laid the foundation for what was to be Resident Evil 4 in 2005.
It made me wonder what Capcom had in store. Was this only the beginning of the next masterpiece of the franchise?
None of that would come to be.
Like always, if capcom scores a home run with one game, they will proceed to bat every subsequent pitch the same way every time until striking out, each swing perpetually worse and worse until finally they are just missing every ball. That's what happened from (RE4) through (RE6) And now history seems to be quite literally repeating itself with (RE2remake) through (RE4remake) which means that Capcom have learned nothing, and neither have we…
I will say this…
These games are genuinely high quality products, as always with the main series. But that doesn't mean that they aren't still swings and misses.
Back then, it took one really good hit title to embolden Capcom enough to take the series in a greedy and bad direction that finally led it to Capcom's downfall. (RE2remake was a good game that was followed the very next year with (RE3remake) an okay but very rushed cash grab that failed to fully deliver as a remake and a good game in its own right. (RE8) was a good game if not derivative of (RE7) but at least making enough improvements and serving as a very well done and worthwhile sequel to (RE7).
And now we are here today staring down the pike what is no doubt what is Capcom's gravy train getting ready to pull out on March 24th. (RE4remake) seems to be an attempt to get the best of both worlds. A game that captures both the benefits of being a nostalgia bait remake and an exciting new game that really isn't all that new or exciting…and I have had enough.
I don't care anymore. Feel free to play and enjoy the game if it pleases you. Don't let me spoil it for you.
As for me, I will no doubt be asked by friends and family why I am not participating in the fun, and the reason I will give is the following quote, because I've seen this all happen before and I am not interested in seeing it again:
"Fool me once? shame on you. Fool me twice?? shame on me."
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
my kind of vibe
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
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Come Find Me (on Wattpad) In the early hours of the morning, a boy named Tyler loses his sister in the woods on their way to school. As he panics trying to find her, until he hears something in the woods, beckoning him to "come find me." Update 5/23/22 Well I recently decided to submit this to a short horror story compilation, and what started out as a quick run through to tidy the prose up, turned into a 24 hour long line edit through the whole story. My prose has greatly improved, and i rounded out a lot of deadends. It reads better, and the overall story might be as polished as I can get it. Wish me luck. Maw might be close to being published. Update 3/25/22 I recently have updated and revised this story substantially, and I decided to start using the pen name 'Lin Conrad' on some of my works. So this story is essentially still "MAW" by me: Jacob Pittman. I merely fixed many of the pacing issues and updated the prose. Plus I think the new title gives more of an air of mystery, and isn't so direct. I want people to be surprised when they meet Maw afterall 😉
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
need some?
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
Hitchcock's Vertigo sits atop the mountain.
But Orson Welles's Citizen Kane is the mountain.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
Is Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral secretly Dante's Inferno?
This is me just interpreting NIN's The Downward Spiral as a staggeringly parallel version of Dante's Inferno. And it will be a very raw and unabridged train of thought that i was having about this. It was honestly very fun to think about and write, but if there's any truth to it, it only deepens my love of both pieces. Let's begin.
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Mr self destruct is the character finding himself in a dark wood. the character then tells of his life's journey and how he came to this place. this is the beginning of his Downward Spiral. I believe this to be exactly the same introduction as Dante's inferno.
Piggy is the first circle, Limbo. struck with grief at the lack of God's existence. Or in the character's case, having zero guiding force in his life. no beliefs. and is completely alone. like the unbaptized and virtuous pagans.
Heresy is literally a circle of hell in dante's inferno. heretics and false teachers locked in burning stone coffins. The character is declaring that he has no beliefs any more if ever, and more importantly is attempting to embrace his nihilism because that is all he has left.
March of the pigs might be Wraith, which in inferno is punished by remaining in constant combat on the river of styx. the wrathful as well as the sullen and lazy. It's definitely the most loud and furious of all the tracks. His desire to destroy those he believes had harmed him. "because doesn't it make you feel better?" being ironic in its delivery, possibly meant as he knows he will never satisfy his need for justice with revenge.
Closer has to be none other than Lust. Contorted and blown about by violent winds. The lyrics tell of both male and female. One who submits, and one who dominates. And the character seeks to fulfill his desires, but it seems to come from a very negative and hateful place. "I want to fuck you like an animal", is one of the greatest lyrics i've ever heard. It is as vulgar a phrase that has ever been sung in such a popular song. The character doesn't seem to want to display any kind of loving emotions in sex anymore. he is saying, i want to do this with you but make no mistake, i do not love you. it is a very selfish and ugly malice filled attitude about sex and intimacy. and the animosity comes from the character feeling disgusted at the willingness of whatever person he is addressing, to submit to his disturbing requests and that he sees them as nothing more than an animal. I will concede that this one is the most subjective track on the album, and I don't believe i am anywhere near unraveling its mystery. But one thing is for sure, is that the character is struggling with this part of himself, like all the other parts.
Ruiner is Greed. the greedy are forced to push boulders, and if two souls ever face each other, they must enter a fierce battle. the song seems to refer to an outside force that is Coveting whatever he once or still possessed.
The Becoming is Fraud. this is one i am less sure about. But i think it could be Fraud. if i am able to make a connection, i will update this text.
I do not want this to be gluttony. the last passage in the lyrics: I want to know everything I want to be everywhere I want to fuck everyone in the world I want to do something that matters I want to know everything I want to be everywhere I want to fuck everyone in the world I want to do something that matters. That is definitely gluttony. Hoarders and spenders are all bombarded by black rain and hail. i think this song speaks the most of how meaning itself can be something that you can indulge too greatly in. Sentimentality is at the very soul of hoarding in and of itself.
big man with a big gun is most likely Violence. it is the last song before Reptile, and violence is the last circle before treachery.
A warm place is a separation from hell. Some kind of grace in the middle of it all. A realization. The character has reached the bottom. but before he enters Treachery, which is the chamber containing the Beast, which he refers to as Reptile here, he has a moment to reflect on himself and his life and actions. And the treachery isn't something he did, but what was done to him. the thing that sent him on his downward spiral. Treachery is the worst and most punished of all sins for a reason. and I think this is almost like a beautiful attempt to understand that even tho he has fallen this far, he had not yet reached the lowest depths. Treachery in Dante's inferno, is a large ice cave, so A Warm Place is an interesting title.
Eraser is the entrance. A very disturbing track indeed. This section of the album is more terrifying than the rest. very little lyrics except for a monologue. And speaks from the perspective of an entity not unlike satan in the 9th circle. It is at the bottom, in the center of the spiral. it is cold, and the character is very much in the presence of at least his Beast. There are three songs that take place in this Beast's cage. possibly representing the three sinners who performed the greatest acts of treachery. Eraser is the first track, The Downward Spiral is the last, and in the center is,
Reptile. The character reveals what treachery has led him to this point. the title "Reptile" could be referring to Satan himself from inferno. "She has the blood of Reptiles underneath her skin" refers to a woman. Possibly a lover who had cheated on him. "seeds from a thousand others drip down from within." "angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress." could also mean that these infidelities resulted in this person contracting an std and thus passed it on to our main character And this is how he would discover her treachery.
Zikes, that is some fucked up shit bro. It is the most vulgar and menacing track on the album. In Dante's Inferno, the beast has scales like all Reptiles do and Satan is at the very center, and is the epitome of Dante's hell. So my guess, is that this Reptile is the very epitome of Trent Reznor's Downward Spiral. The scariest lyric of the entire album being: "i now know the depths i reach are limitless."
Which leads me to The Downward Spiral. makes me think of Judas, which he committed suicide after betraying Jesus. Which is what the character is now considering because he has been betrayed, which has led him to betray himself. He is the Judas of his life, and now sees no way forward. Suicide being his solution. it is the moment the character finds himself head first in the mouth of his Reptile.
Btw, the thing that inspired me to write this, is the very title The Downward Spiral. Because Dante's Inferno is led down in a spiral of circles. Every song is a reference to a circle of hell. and if you look down into the spiral from above, you see the bottom is at the very center of it.
Hurt is him genuinely repenting for all of the harm he has done to himself and others. Yet he is unable to reconcile his past with a future. The most heartbreaking lyric is "beneath the stains of time, the feelings disappear, you are someone else, and i am still right here." Now that he has hit rock bottom of the downward spiral, he makes a desperate attempt to escape it, by suicide…rather or not he has succeeded, is left unclear. but i also wonder if the follow up "The Fragile" could have also been a play on the second book in Dante's Divine Comedy: Purgatorio. which could mean that, he did not die, and is now at the very least made it out of his own hell, and into an endless desert that is Purgatory which is all that would be left when you've lost everything. Which is a good thing. You must wander the desert to search for new meaning. the act itself means there is hope. And Hurt conveys that there is still a part of him that hopes for something better.
In closing: there is a possibility that not only did trent write about the Inferno in his downward spiral, but that The Fragile could be Purgatorio. and the follow up to that "With Teeth" could be Paradiso, which was written during Trent's stay at rehab, while he was trying to get his life together. I have always considered them to be a trilogy of albums with a narrative flowing between the three. I will write further about those albums and the possible connections they have with Dante's Divine Comedy in the future.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
Why Doom 3 is a great Horror game.
Few titles that tackle Hell and Demonic creatures really capture the kind of possessed and sinister aesthetics that create the uncanny atmosphere that Doom 3 has. And as far as Hell, I believe that there isn't a more convincing or more scary depiction of Demonic forces at work in modern gaming. I think every gamer has at least one horror game that frightens them more than any other. And Doom 3 is mine. The empty labs and shadow infested level design feels genuinely haunted. If you remove the enemies from the game, the atmosphere alone is so threatening, that it is a relief just to finally shoot an enemy. That is what frightens me most about the game. When we see the threat, and we have a gun to shoot it with, that makes us feel safer. Zombies and Imps, I can kill, thus those don't scare me. What scares me is when i walk into a lab, and there is no sign of life. Just a darkly lit space, where you find some dead scientist's PDA with a recording discussing a horrible event that took place in this very room. And as you walk further into the lab, a faint and eerie sound begins and slowly grows until it is all you can hear against the vacuum of the space.
You are not supposed to be here.
There are lots of little moments like this, where something just feels very wrong, but you don't know what it is. Doom 3 uses its shadowy environment and perfect sound design to create the feeling of danger where there is no visible danger. It reminds me very much of the film The Exorcist. It too had an uncanny atmosphere. And it is this that Id Software must have tapped into. They wanted to create a world that felt possessed by pure evil. An evil that only wants to torment you.
Another famous moment from the game is when you enter a bathroom and find nothing of an immediate threat. But again, something isn't right. There are no bodies. No zombies or imps. And instead of feeling safe and letting your guard down, you end up feeling more scared. You find the mirrors that all public bathrooms have, and when you look too closely into one…It doesn't hurt you, but instead trying to attack you psychologically. The game is messing with you all the time. Keeping you on your toes so you never trust your environment enough to feel safe. And despite it being an FPS game about literal demons from hell invading a space station on mars, it has very good sequences of psychological horror. The marine you play as doesn't speak. I think it keeps with the same spirit as the original Doom. The game doesn't try to scare or horrify us with any sad exposition or any character development about the marine (which he has none), but instead the game by passes the marine, and tries to get under the player's skin. That's what is effective about Doom 3: You don't get to hide behind a big tough marine who rips and tears through hordes of demons. The game comes after you in your very living room.
There's definitely a divide between the Doom community about this game. Most of the fan base just prefers a fun hellish FPS gameplay with heavy metal music and secrets in the levels to hunt down. And the truth is that that same game design is Doom 3 in a nutshell. But this time it is more of a horror game. Which Doom always was a horror game. Only here, it leans more into survival horror. Which isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it surely doesn't earn this game a bad reputation. You're an absolute tool if you think Doom 3 is a bad game for any reason you could possibly give. It was a cutting edge piece of software in its own right, and the game has aged very well. I just wish the fanbase would give the game a chance and play the game on its terms and not their own.
When i was a young teen, bringing a copy of Doom 3 home, was like bringing home a Ouija board or something that you knew you weren't supposed to have. It was like you brought something evil into your home. And let me tell ya, if or when you ever sit down to play Doom 3, here is a challenge: if you want to get the full experience, you must play a version of the game with the original flashlight mechanic, and you must play it alone. And if you're really brave, play it with the lights off. It is an experience unlike any other i have ever had as a fan of video games and horror. And recently Id Software released a VR version of the game, and the idea of playing this game in VR makes me piss my pants. At least Id is still supporting Doom 3.
Like Humor, Fear is subjective. People aren't scared of the same things. Maybe you had a similar experience with Doom 3 or another horror game. Doom 3 is one of only 3 games that scared me so bad, that I had to quit playing, just to eventually try again later. This game has haunted me since I was a kid. Now as an adult, I still get creeped out playing it. And that is why I love it.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years ago
A word of encouragement to Lindsay Ellis
good evening Lindsey Ellis, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am the opposite of everything you likely ever believed in. I lean right from the center, i don't like anything or anybody, I'm not a published author, my youtube channel is small and it sucks.
I am unfunny, not good looking,have a cringe sense of humor, not exceptionally good at a certain skill, not relatable, and take myself way too seriously.
But here i am writing you this public letter. And it's something that I would like to do more of because there are a few youtubers that i have some condolences to give over the death of what was, and a word of encouragement to what can still be, and still is. so let's get into it.
Lindsey Ellis, even if the likelihood of you actually taking time to read this in its entirety is slim, it will still be here. it has been one hell of a ride huh? I remember your time on that website that we do not talk about anymore and should not be named but it rhymes with Flannel Possum. Those were the days huh! at least before the dark times. of course for some, those were the dark times. But this isn't about rehashing the past. No, it's about moving forward. I just wanted to make clear that I have followed your content from the very beginning. I was an angsty teenager who could recite whole George Carlin stand ups from memory in those days, and it was kind of nice hearing others echoing the same sort of "i wasn't born with enough middle fingers" kind of attitude that got me through those times. I feel very much the same still. Yet more humble. the post-cvid world feels like it's 100 years away from the year 2019, when i had stumbled upon Lindsey's channel and recognized her as "hey it's the Nostalg…"
It was a good feeling after the whole #changethechannel. I was gearing up to try and start pursuing writing, and I found the publishing videos you made to be among my favorites that i often still refer to when navigating that labyrinth.
Addressing the bullshit: I mean, i liked the Hobbit movies. I don't think Jk Rowling is a bad person. (she just wrote bad books that I don't understand why adults read them.) So there are plenty of times that I would disagree with you, even strongly on various matters. But you don't have to agree with every opinion someone might have. King Diamond once said that even Christians and Satanists can be just as good of friends if they wanted. And that's what i live by. I'll always hear you out and try to see it from your perspective. And at the very least show respect for it. that is the complete opposite of the current age of discourse.
You were bullied off of the internet for no discernibly good reason. There isn't a good enough reason to do that. Not over an opinion. At this point, Twitter is the fucking Antichrist. It did just like an antichrist would: it connected us all. Now we're receiving the mark of the beast, and the world nears catastrophic doom as we march toward the canyon looking down at our digital tombs, plunging us deeper into the comforts of a new dark age…people need to get off of the internet and just live fucking life.
And Lindsey, I will always, always, respect your decision to do just that. Because this shit is really ruining lives dude. Goddamn, the best thing we ever created is now killing us. Who'da thought right?
The bullshit that you were put through happened and there is no undoing it. There is no need to undo it. You just need to embrace the haters that come from all directions. from the angry incels that stalk your channel, to all of the other angry left wing incels that turned on you the minute they smelled blood in the water, because that's all these self righteous people are: They are the kind that don't get laid and have lots of anger and resentment that ultimately leads to them eating each other, and even eating at themselves. (insert clip of orson welles shark monologue from Lady From Shanghai.)
And i am sorry Lindsey. I mourn with you. It wasn't your fault. Twitter is a lot like The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: It was just your turn fam. Everyone who watches your channel (your real audience), all know what your convictions are and how much they mean to you. But the wounded animal that you tried to help, can and will only bite and maw you to shreds if it can. Its brutal. It's not fair. and it's the truth.
so, where does that leave us, as in you and the audience that I speak for…it leaves us in the same place we are always going to be found at: at our desks and work benches, typing our lives away and shaking our heads at the melodrama in the same damn spirit of George Carlin, Harlan Ellison (and for me) my grandmother who too held her middle fingers up to this world before she died. Only if we are up to it.
the world doesn't get better. you get better.
And Lindsey, from one Tennessee borne to another: I might not be saying this with the right words so forgive me, I'm just a stranger who gets a kick out of your work on my beloved YouTube, that i have had to watch fall into the same spammy soulless content it always does. But your career is an interesting one. Youtube is a lot more interesting, with you in it.
But hey, What do i know. I'm just another late twenties asshole that will linger around who ever will have me until i'm told to fuck off. And the people who dogpiled on you with their unearned moral superiority, just like they have so many others…well you sure told them to fuck off, and that takes a big pair of proverbial balls. That's what I respect. And my word of encouragement to you, is that I genuinely miss your channel and i am not the only one; There's a lot more people who miss you too.
I'm not asking you to come back. But if and when I see you at it again, it will put a smile on my face. (thanos vibe)
From a Fan, and a friend, I wish you well Lindsey Ellis.
Ta Ta - Jake
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