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themagicbrew · 1 year ago
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Everyone meet Cameo the Defect!
(minor warning! gross alien drawing in the bio) (also super sorry about like- any shitty grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm very sleep deprived)
Chosen Name: Cameo ('Deadname' Defect)
Age: Uknown
Gender: Male
sexuality: Homosexual
Current occupation: Founder of the hidden city, Head of "the council", inventor, (formerly) kraang rebel
personality summary: Cameo is an eccentric but self-centred kraang. What he lacks in raw strength, he makes up for in sheer intelligence. He has the most innovative but dangerous mind amongst all the kraang. He is known to be highly manipulative, often nudging others in the wrong direction- for his own selfish gain. He's petty, vain, cruel, the list could go on.
The kraang reproduce through various methods, making them a highly invasive species once fully settled onto a planet. The Biomass that often clings to and terraforms its surrounding environment- is capable of forming "egg sacks", if given the right conditions.
This is a common form of asexual reproduction (aside from thee brood mother) that the kraang practice.
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When a baby krang bursts from its sack- the newborn's flesh remains tender & pale, before eventually shifting (x).
However, when Cameo emerged, his flesh- never matured, even as he grew.
During a kraang's "rookie stage" (their races equivalent to adolescence years) They will experience many physical & behavioural changes, but one specific change the kraang look out for, is their "mutations".
the "mutations" are essentially a kraang's special abilities.
to shifting parts of their anatomy or creating a biomass- these abilities are a signal towards higher ranking kraang that their young is ready for more intensive training. if a rookie shows no signs of mutating, they will be killed off.
Cameo was lucky to avoid this brutal fate despite his defects.
Even back then, he was beyond intelligent and took an interest in forging weaponry. Somehow, this talent of his- saved him from certain death. Yet it didn't save him from the kraangs cruelty. The risk of death still loomed over him.
Throughout his entire life, Cameo would be abused- even after proving that he was useful, he would still be subjected to an onslaught of neverending abuse.
His method of survival was manipulation. If Cameo couldn't fight his way out of a situation like most kraang did, then Cameo would 'talk' his way out of it.
needless to say, Cameo grew to hate his fellow kraang. he had no sense of comradery and wouldn't hesitate to backstab them. There was only one person he could look out for.... himself.
Cameo is genuinely confident in his skills. no amount of abuse could ever change the defects mind- he was the best.
Portals, technodromes, Battle mechs, weaponry, etc
his inventions- his work- would be used in conquest. Cameo had been playing a major part in the empire for centuries. However, the kraang were foolish and could not see it- to them, Cameo was just a disposable defect first and an amazing inventor second.
Utrom's betrayal/rebellion
Cameo knew Utrom back in his rookie days. He was cruel and callous but had a strong sense of comradery, just like any other kraang he knew. Utrom however, was his main tormentor during his early days.
so Cameo was genuinely surprised to hear word of his betrayal. The defect never thought Utrom had it in him. Treachery was something unheard of within their empire.
In Typical Cameo fashion, he saw Utrom's betrayal as a window of opportunity. Thus, aided the traitor with his rebellion (coming in with an agenda of his own)
Cameo is the true creator of the Key.
He had 'helped' The mystic warriors & Utrom conjure up the plan if they were to lose the battle- however little did they know, Cameo had plans on using the Key regardless of the outcome. Cameo always had a knack for pulling strings... planting idea's into people's heads..
Cameo KNEW that the battle would be one-sided, even with his aid. He designed the key in a very special way that would allow the defect to mull over his options, preparing himself for nearly any outcome.
He hated the kraang but he knew- more than any other being in the galaxy, how they think and how they function. he knew that when the key was unleashed, that the sealed kraang would tear each other apart- desperate to snuff out any other rebels sealed alongside them.
What Cameo didn't consider, were the few remaining rebels lucky enough to avoid getting sealed away. Utrom- being one of them. (much to Cameo's disdain)
This didn't deter him. He knew how to roll with the punches. To cameo, it was simply the start of a new chapter.
post rebellion
Cameo adjusted to life on earth easier than any other kraang rebel. Humans were far easier to manipulate. He had power over them and it felt great.
He took pleasure in sparking discourse amongst them, even causing full-on wars. All he had to do- was to give them a simple nudge. perhaps gifting them kraang armour, or something "mystical", whatever it may be but something was missing
The Kraang rebels had indirectly affected Earth in many ways- some more drastic than others. Cameo would spend his time studying these changes. Sometimes intentionally playing a part in it. The planet itself already had strange properties- but when exposed to empyrean- only seemed to amplify the planet's properties.
now "empyrean", is the essences of kraang. their tech and bodies have empyrean within it. It is what they used to terraform planets to their liking.
If a creature is exposed to pure empyrean the results are unpredictable. This was how the Yokai emerged. To Cameo- the yokai were guideless creatures with no sense of direction, hiding away in fear of people. what He saw, was an opportunity.
Cameo offered the yokai a safe haven, A place hidden from humanity where they can 'truly' express themselves as long they stuck to his rules. for the next couple of centuries, he'd retain control over the yokai- creating a false identity called "the council of heads", allowing the people of the hidden city to live a lie.
present day
Cameo had been around for centuries and had met plenty of yokai like Baron. they were always a means to an end, a minor misstep along the way but for a brief moment, Cameo underestimated his opponent- eventually leading to the mass mutant that plagued NYC.
what he didn't suspect, were the turtles. ever since those ragtag teenagers accidentally unleashed Baron's Oozesquitoes to NYC, Cameo had been watching them from the shadows. He studied them and their ties to Baron, finding their misadventures quite amusing.
Along the way, He eventually hired Hugin & Munin due to their previous ties to Baron (also because he couldn't resist how pathetic they were). Now- Cameo debates on making his move. if the turtles can handle a kraang invasion, who knows what else they could handle. The defect is excited to find out.
Current voice claim is Jacob Tobia (their role as Double trouble)
Cameo's defects affect him in many ways. Back in the empire, he would wear special gear to protect himself both in and out of his mech suit but nowadays?? he has a special skincare routine to keep himself protected
Cameo still continues to make Kraang weaponry. it's his way of passing the time and relaxing. He prefers doing it when cloaked however since thumbs can come in handy
He dotes on Hugin and Munin, spoiling them like two purse dogs- in return, the Duo follow his very command.
Cameo and Big Mama are good friends :) sometimes he'll call himself 'Lil' Papa' as an inside joke. they both openly joke/talk about backstabbing each other and wouldn't hold it against them if they did. Their friendship is unique to say the least
Baron does not know that Cameo is "the council of heads" nor does the general public know. Think of it as the Wizard of Oz situation.
He is also the inventor of cloaking brooches but- many yokai have taken it and improved upon his invention across the centuries.
While Cameo prefers to cloak, he isn't ashamed of his true form- and will even uncloak post-Rottmnt-movie. He is often mistaken for a yokai rather than a kraang.
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helielune · 4 months ago
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and stalling only goes so far when you've got a head start
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wickjump · 2 months ago
ok seriously though whoever the hell that anon is like seriously stop. i did not think? i had to say this?? but maybe don’t bring up my sexual trauma in my inbox and use that to psychoanalyze me??? because of the genre i write???? i promise you the skeleton does not care. i promise you this so hard. nobody is being traumatized or offended by this. especially not the character. i promise you cross is not offended or hurt or upset and neither is jakei. i am writing horror because it is a genre i enjoy. you have no need to pry into my personal life to ‘figure me out’ and convince me to stop writing in a very popular genre because it is weird to you or makes you uncomfortable. what makes me uncomfortable is when you try to insert yourself and act holier than thou. you are not better than me because you view the very popular genre i like as morally wrong you’re just a dick
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euelios · 1 month ago
got into a fight about DEI hirings causing the plane issues in the US and like honestly
what burns is that there’s no fucking way to ever talk sanely and normally to these people about world issues ever again. not when i know im always going to lose to some fucking—cishet white man MAGAt
and it’s like—it’s not even an ethical thing! she doesn’t even vote in the fucking country she LIVES IN. i would keep TRYING if it was political but no she’s just enchanted by donald trump and tbh. i don’t know if im going to be able to get past being passed over for a felon who would—if the 51st happens—want her canadian citizen ass deported back to the philippines
i’m a DEI hire you stupid fuck. a queer first-gen immigrant POC with a diagnosed neurodiversity. she thinks that i would be good enough for anyone to take me on merit but doesn’t fucking understand that they would fire me for those exact reasons. no matter how hard i tried, they would ONLY ever see me as the things they don’t like. you would only ever see me as the thing you learned not to like.
it doesn’t MATTER how good you are. you will never ever ever be One Of The Good Ones.
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trans-yllz · 3 months ago
person supposed to be moving in this week has not signed the lease or told me when they plan to get here. old housemate keeps loudly moving stuff out at like 10pm on week nights. new housemate has various slightly inconsiderate habits that are kind of driving me insane. other housemate acts like he's the only person on earth who might have stuff going on while he continues to not pay rent. I'm going to light this house on fire
#FOR LEGAL REASONS THIS IS A JOKE.#just sooooo tired of it all we are all adults can we act like adults please.#I'm trying to be so understanding of the person who is supposed to be moving in#because they've been very nice and they had a medical situation going on recently#but it is the 31st in. one hour#and they have yet to sign the lease#and I am like. PLEASE. please please it takes two seconds please#and the other new housemate has moved in already keeps doing things that I'm like#have you ever lived with another human being before. like do you know how a house works.#and my other housemate keeps doing this weird guilttripping shit that I just won't put up with#I just won't do it#while also like talking about buying random shit when we Just almost got evicted because he didn't pay rent#I cannotttttt be the youngest but most mature. we fucking hate to see it#maybe its just because of my various life experiences but I cannot stand a bitch who does not take housing seriously#girl I cannot be homeless. pull yourself the fuck together#this is supposed to be a symbiotic relationship!!!! please can we all work together. please#and I guess some of this is my fault for not communicating about certain things#but I'm like I feel like I shouldn't have to tell a grown adult to pay rent instead of buying cowboy boots#or to not leave their dirty clothes on the bathroom floor#or not not move out RIGHT NOW AT 11PM ON A MONDAY.#like I wont pretend I'm the perfect housemate but you know what. at least I don't pretend like I'm the perfect housemate#while being insufferable#ghost posts#text
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brain-rot-central · 4 months ago
not to be rude but like AI art literally steals from other artists and it's awful for the planet.. so maybe you should mind AI art? lol
Hey so I'm not really gonna answer this beyond 1) I don't really use Tumblr for debates/arguments about inflammatory topics and 2) I'm purposely ignorant to the entire outrage surrounding AI art because there are too many things demanding "action" and "engagement" from the general public on any given day at this point that I literally have zero left in the tank.
I'm not defending AI art but I'm literally just saying it's not one of the things that "enrage" me as of late. I'm more worried about things going on in my personal life and the current political climate of the US rn tbh and I come here to Tumblr to be horny about fictional characters because that's a better coping mechanism than drinking myself into a stupor or taking bong rip after bong rip to the face.
That being said I subscribe to artists on patreon that create their own art and will always 100% support artists who draw for a living.
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calenhads · 1 year ago
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soon i'll come around lost and never found waiting for my words seen but never heard buried underground but i'll keep coming
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nsfwitchy2 · 5 months ago
The experience of activating boops, going offline go to to work, taking a peek at my phone and seeing over 100 notifications
Y’all really coming in the clutch I love yall
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hollowslantern · 1 year ago
I wonder if something that makes the "I'm not misogynistic it's just that all the female characters are badly written" crowd think that way is a sort of self fulfilling prophecy or a cycle- you doubt writers' ability to make female characters without their own misogyny seeping through, you view the female characters more critically in the name of spotting this misogyny, you pick them apart until you find something damning enough that they can be called poorly written. having completed this goal of proving the writers are bad at women, the necessity of this process is reinforced in your mind and you go on to do it to the next female character. it's unnecessary to subject the male characters to such scrutiny, and theyre allowed to simply exist, having never been picked to pieces, and as a result are easier to like. and so it continues.
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wizardnuke · 1 year ago
"thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain" except Her name is Dolly Parton and i am about to start fucking biting people
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funtomcafe · 2 months ago
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businessferrets · 3 months ago
ok so I was just listening to the song "To The Bone" you know the one and my dog was wanting attention so I started petting him and I realized that he has never got to listen to this masterpiece so I took my headphones off and put them on his little doggy head. let him listen to the song and then he sat up and gave me the most judgmental side eye as I was laughing my butt off. he was judging me so hard I thought I was in last corridor for a moment. so in short my dog now knows what To The Bone sounds like and i got a skeleton of laughs out of it.
here is a picture of my dog his name is boo
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kaminokilljoy · 7 months ago
ik its my five billionth post about this but i wish more people would. idk actually be interested in being friends. instead of just looking at fucking instagram stories or something and never saying anything and calling it a day. especially if you explicitly said you're interested in being friends. like.
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aroacesigma · 1 year ago
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Boys when characters will do anything to cling onto something that is only a hollow and empty imitation of what they really want because its the only thing they have left
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wewontbesleeping · 7 months ago
got scheduled outside of my availability for the next two weeks, working every single day with no days off. already decided if my new manager doesn’t take some of the shifts back I’m putting in my two weeks notice. or maybe quitting without notice entirely. genuinely think I made the biggest mistake of my life transferring stores. my old manager respected my availability and it was all just better. it was so much better. I basically am just getting handed all the worst shifts no one else is willing to do. and the water is fucking disgusting which isn’t the biggest issue but on top of everything else I can’t even drink anything.
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mxgyver · 1 year ago
how I'm feeling right now because the first week of my semester just started and I've already had some of my classes changed TWICE
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