#i get bored easily
traumxrei-archive · 11 months
the three stages of cleaning:
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deciding to be productive and to start cleaning
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noticing how only five minutes have passed since you started
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giving up after six minutes bc there's still so much left to clean
the sigh i let out watching this unfold lmao, grim and floyd are the two immature kids of the portfest steering commitee
i can see floyd jumping ship and turning into an eel JUST so that he doesn't have to clean the stage everyday djdjfkdhdjd
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I finally tried color with pencils again :)
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nankchittle · 3 months
One of the best feelings in the world
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kreatureofhabit · 14 days
dreams of dancing around the fire, running through the woods - thrown by the winds, the sea is carrying her home.
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Sports are a lot more interesting to my messed up brain if I replace the ball or whatever with another object. For example, hockey is a lot more interesting if you imagine the puck is an oreo and football is a lot more interesting if you picture the ball is a baby.
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lesbicosmos · 2 years
TMA characters as Torchwood characters:
in short i got bored in biology and thought about it for a sec and they're actually pretty similar
Jonathan Sims/The Archivist - Jack Harkness
boss of a group of idiots, not all that close with any of them to start with
not entirely human at this point, heals from wounds impossibly quickly
kinda lived through the end of the world
in love with the tea boy
tea boy is his main reason for going on
very queer
(main difference between them is Jon's asexual, Jack very much isn't lmao)
Martin Blackwood - Ianto Jones
tea boy
secretly badass and usually underestimated
lonely, sometimes left out
in love with their boss
also queer
i really want to hug both of them
also janto and jonmartins dynamics are pretty similar
Tim Stoker - Owen Harper
chaotic bisexual who flirts with literally everyone
the ego of the group
fandom either love him or barely care about him
Sasha James - Toshiko Sato
computer nerds
should be in charge of the whole group
the only one with a braincell
bonus: Not!Sasha as Adam - altering the group's memories so they think they've been there the whole time
also towen and timsasha - both the will they/won't they m/f couple that ends in tragedy
Basira Hussain and Daisy Tonner - Gwen Cooper
dragged into the group while on a job
joins group later than the others
angry + Welsh (Daisy)
Melanie King - Suzie Costello
kinda murderous
turns against their boss
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prettybabybaby · 7 months
Your dark Finnick is so 🤭🤭🤭
If you'd be up for it could you make a oneshot or series off of it? Your work is so amazing it makes my bed soak.
I honestly don’t think I will. pretty much all of my works are written in one sitting
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When they accidentally ghost you for a day so you ""accidentally" " ghost them forever
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wanderingmind867 · 2 years
I hate my dad's work. I hate being alone, probably because I never know what to do when I'm all alone. I think I only do okay on my own when I know there's someone else in the house to call on. If I'm all alone with no one there, I get really bored, stressed, etc. Maybe I could try fixing this by trying to talk to someone online, but my social anxiety makes me clam up whenever I even think about that.
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rebeccamcullen · 2 years
Me, with a growing pile of knit and crochet blankets in progress that are nowhere near completion: what if I make start a sweater/shawl for Christmas?
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awolfgeeksclothing · 2 years
Can’t believe I’m gonna have to start a new save in my game when the high school pack comes out because I aged up all the teens 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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tittyinfinity · 2 years
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xoxosugarsweet · 1 month
today, ive been wondering why my leg hurts. Then i remembered A PENCIL ATTACKED ME.
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kreatureofhabit · 14 days
A medieval woman sitting in candlelight, contemplating the end of the world - the black death tears humanity asunder.
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wbzanw · 8 months
My ass can’t handle sitting still in church for an hour and’a half
I’m literally like the guy sitting in a restaurant that’s glowing because I have too much energy building up inside me so I RUN to the car as soon as I get out of the building 😭
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skyekurisu · 1 year
Things I do when I should be doing something else instead
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