#in the least arrogant annoying way possible i wish they would appreciate me in the way i appreciate them
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kaminokilljoy · 7 months ago
ik its my five billionth post about this but i wish more people would. idk actually be interested in being friends. instead of just looking at fucking instagram stories or something and never saying anything and calling it a day. especially if you explicitly said you're interested in being friends. like.
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adorerdraco · 5 years ago
Good Enough ✧ Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
Request: hiii i love your writing!! can you write about a sweet hufflepuff and how everyone thinks they aren’t a good pair together so one day Pansy bullies the reader into breaking it off with Draco because she feels like she’s not good enough for him then draco finds out and he’s really mad at Pansy?
Another seventh year AU where Voldermort never existed !
Warnings: bullying, slight angst, crying, cursing (barely), sad!draco, angry!draco, implied smut towards the end (also extra mean slytherins for the purpose of this imagine but i have nothing against them i <3 them as much as any other house)
Words: 4.5K
A/N: hiii thank youuuu 🥺💗 !!!!!! but ahhhh omg im a hufflepuff so i hope i delivered good hufflepuff energy in this oneee :’))) i think this might be my new favorite thing ive written omg but i do not own gif 
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There was truly no explanation how you, a kind Hufflepuff, managed to become friends, let alone a couple, with the proud and arrogant Slytherin Prince, Draco Malfoy. 
On the outside, your relationship to everyone seemed uncanny and plain wrong. Even your friends and housemates had looked down on it for a while but eventually came around and just let you be. You couldn’t say the same for the Slytherin’s, however, because if there was one house they disliked more than Gryffindor; it was Hufflepuff.
They berated you and Draco for weeks after they found out he had started a relationship with you. They scowled at you when you would walk by them sometimes calling you names depending on whether or not Draco was by your side. He always defended you and you did your best to ignore them, but they were relentless. You had only been dating for about a month now and the tantalizing comments from Slytherin’s and anyone else who wanted tear the two of you down were right now seeming endless.
“Why can’t people leave us alone,” you said sadly to him one night. You were lying with him in a patch of grass outside the castle, head against his chest as his hand lazily traced patterns onto your bicep.
“They’re only jealous,” he sneered quietly. “People get mad at what they can’t have or what they can't understand.”
Draco’s patience with people was worsening each and every day. His housemates, regularly, would corner him in the common room and interrogate him with questions that made him want to rip his hair out.
“Is this some sort of prank you haven’t told us about, Malfoy?”
“A Hufflepuff? Have you gone mad?”
“Is she blackmailing you with something, mate?”
“Haven’t you thought about how that makes us Slytherin’s look?”
“She’s a blood-traitor!”
The questioning would always lead to him yelling and threatening everyone aggressively before he locked himself in his Prefect dorm or would leave the common room altogether in a fury. Those were the days he would find you after he calmed down and would hug you tightly, pressing kisses all over your face as he praised you with everything he adored about you to how happy you made him and how perfect you were for him. 
You, on the other hand, were dealing with much worse. You never told Draco some of the awful things people would say to you when he wasn’t around. You would stand up for yourself very rarely, confrontation not really being your first approach to handling things but when the insults were bad enough, you were forced to.
You would always hear a variation of the same things said either directly to you or from obvious whispering, majority of them being from Slytherin and the occasional judgmental comment from others.
“Filthy Hufflepuff!”
“Can’t believe one of them is dating one of ours.”
“What does Malfoy even see in her?”
“You’d think someone who’s supposed to be kind wouldn’t want anything to do with such an arse.”
More than ever, Draco found himself giving you an excessive amount of compliments and reassurances that he thought would balance out the insults and criticisms you would tell him about or he would witness. Everything he would tell you was true, of course, but you always felt like he said them out of pity or like he had to.
“I appreciate you trying to make it better, but you don’t have to keep complimenting me, Dray.” You’ve said to him countless times.
And he would often respond with, “but I need you to know how I feel about you.”
Despite the constant uphill battle, your relationship with the platinum blond was everything you hoped for and more. Considering your friendship had started on rocky beginnings a year ago, you would have never thought you’d be with him now.  You couldn’t thank the stars more for when your aged and nearly blind owl had flown straight into the back of his head, pecking at him while he tried to swat it away which then led to him giving you a piece of his mind and trying to hex your owl - causing you to try to hex him just as McGonagall happened to be passing by the fiasco that landed both of you in a months-long detention for reckless magic usage. It was in detention when the two of you were forced to spend time together and realized that the other wasn’t as bad as they thought.
Draco, much like everyone else, always believed Hufflepuffs to be weak and cowardly, too kind for their own good - but he quickly learned how common of a misconception that was the longer he knew you. You always fought for what was morally right, defended those you love and are loyal to courageously, and were sweet and friendly with everyone you talked to whether you knew them or not.
He gravitated towards your kindness and empathetic approach to everything. He loved to see the smiles you put on people’s faces or the way animals would randomly come up to you and immediately trust you enough to give them gentle pets that they always leaned into. He even loved the way you talked to everyone as your equals, something he rarely saw in his environment. Everything you did was a vast difference to what he saw on the daily from his cold and aloof peers, but it was a difference he enjoyed. He wished so deeply that everyone could see and understand how amazing you were to him and he was determined to make it happen.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked shyly as he held your hand tightly in his, walking you slowly over to his large group of his closest Slytherin friends that were all gathered around a bench under a tree in the courtyard.
The Prince of Slytherin believed that if he could get his friends to at least tolerate you, then everyone else would follow in suit. He only associated himself with the best and most influential of his house so if there was anyone that could improve his current situation; it would be them. You were a little uneasy about his plan, but later agreed when he had convinced you that his idea couldn’t and wouldn’t fail.
“Of course it is!” He exclaimed encouragingly. “Plus, I��m Draco Malfoy, they’ll like anything I tell them to like.”
“Okay,” you sighed, rolling your eyes slightly at his boast.
The closer you got to them, the more you felt your hands begin to sweat and the heat crawling up your face. They all began to turn towards the two of you, their eyes focusing on you and you only with a pointed gaze. You started to realize how greatly you underestimated how intimidating they looked. Especially the one girl who made it her mission to bother you every chance she could get - always from afar while she pointed at you and whispered something into her friend’s ears while they laughed or when she would pass by you and say something rude under her breath.
“Look what Malfoy’s dragged in!” Pansy Parkinson called out with a malicious smirk on her face as she eyed you.
“Give it a rest, Pansy,” Blaise sighed, “If Malfoy wants us to meet his little friend then so be it.”
“Not my little friend, my girlfriend,” Draco corrected angrily as the two of you finally reached the group. “This is Y/N and I wanted you all to meet her since I plan on having her around for a long while, so you might as well get used to it.”
“Long while? Poor thing can’t even introduce herself,” Pansy laughed tauntingly.
“I think Draco introduced me just fine right now but if you want, I’ll do it again to make you feel better,” you smiled a big fake toothy grin at her. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
Everyone snickered at your response, watching for the girl’s reaction as her nostrils flared in irritation. Draco smiled to himself and gave your hand a quick squeeze, feeling proud that you found a way to talk back to her in the nicest way possible.
“Right, well, I’m sure you know this is; Goyle, Crabbe, Zabini, Pike, Flint, Nott, and...” Draco pointed to everyone, trailing off when he reached the only girl in the group, “I don’t think that one needs an introduction, she rather do it herself, right Parkinson?”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, giving the blond a false squinty-eyed grin with attitude.
“So, you want us to be the nice to the Hufflepuff then?” Zabini questions, pointing a finger towards you.
“Yes, I want you to be nice to, Y/N,” Draco corrected again, his hand getting tighter in your grasp as he spoke. “That goes for all of you and everyone else in this bloody house. I don’t want to hear anything bad about her or us coming from anyone ever again or you’ll have me to answer to. I don’t care how friendly we are.”
“So he has to defend you too now?” Pansy spoke again, “Merlin, it’s a wonder how you Hufflepuff sort even survive in this world.”
Before anyone could say anything, you mustered up all the courage you had and stepped forward towards the irked girl in front of you.
“Listen, I don’t want any more trouble with you or anyone,” you rushed out. “I just want to go about my day without having to hear how disgusting and weak I am.”
She opened her mouth to retaliate but Blaise put a hand in front of her and pushed her back before she got any closer to you.
“Alright, we’ll try,” he answered for the group quickly in an annoyed tone, “but I can’t promise that for the rest of Slytherin. They really don’t like you guys together, thinks it makes them look bad. Eventually, they’ll get tired of it and move on to the next.”
“That’s as good as its gonna get,” Goyle guffawed, Crabbe and Pike snickering alongside him.
You sighed, looking up at Draco and slightly tugging at his hand while you silently begged him to take you out of there but he didn’t catch the hint and instead did the complete opposite when he had turned towards the only boy in the group who seemed to have brains.
“Zabini, can I talk to you really quick?” He asked gruffly. Blaise deeply sighed and nodded, the two boys breaking away from the group and stopping a few feet away before talking in angry hushed voices to each other.
You - all of a sudden felt very small and sick, your eyes frantically bouncing around the group as they watched you squirm. Pansy took this as her chance to step closer towards you, stopping a few inches away from you while a smirk made its way onto her face.
“Since you obviously don’t see the bigger picture, I’ll paint it for you,” she began contemptuously, “you and Draco really don’t belong together, at all. Sure, you might think everything’s fine right now, but what’ll happen when he gets tired of defending you and proving you to everyone. You think Hogwarts is your problem? Just wait until you meet the Malfoy’s. Do you really think his father would like or even tolerate a filthy blood traitor like you?”
You gaped at her, taking a few shaky steps away from her as her words hit you like a truck.
“Think about it, Y/L/N,” she gets in your face again, her hand reaching up to grip your shoulder tightly to hold you in place. “He needs to be with someone of his status, a pure-blooded Slytherin who comes from a good wealthy family who holds all the same beliefs as the Malfoy’s. If I were you, I’d end it before you ruin his life any more than you already have and end up leaving him without a family or his inheritance.”
“Are you trying to say that ‘someone’ should be you?” You question through gritted teeth, shrugging your shoulder hard out of her clawed grasp.
“I never said that,” she smiles, “but who am I to say it shouldn’t be?” 
Pansy tauntingly walked away from you, a smug look on her face as she noticed just how obviously she had hurt you. You wanted to run away and cry, but you held it together for the sake of your last remaining dignity and so that you wouldn’t please your assailant even more than you already have.
Draco turned to stroll back towards the group with Blaise, his eyes landing on your shuddering figure and the broken look in your eyes as they met his. He looked around at the rest of the group who were talking amongst themselves, unknowing to them that Parkinson had just ripped a new one on you. She stood around them, looking at her nails with an uninterested look in her eyes and when she felt Draco’s eyes on her, she looked up and smiled at him innocently. 
‘Bitch,’ you thought.
He slowly walked towards you, taking your hand and deeply frowning when you immediately slipped it out of his.
“What’s wrong?” His voice dripped with concern, his sad gray’s searching your face for any answer as to why you were suddenly acting so cold.
“I need to talk to you,” you breathed out. “Alone.”
He nodded, instinctively reaching out for your hand only for you to reject it again. He felt queasy at the response, his heart falling to his stomach as you turned around and began walking away. His legs were moving hastily behind you, a dooming tension had fallen between the two of you and he couldn’t for the life of him find a reason why.
Pansy’s words were like a game of pinball on a constant loop in your mind. Your thoughts were bumping and flying haphazardly as you tried to make sense of them and what you were about to do. And as much as you hated to admit it - the wench was right. You would never be able to offer Draco and his family anything that would ever be close to enough. You were just a sweet, regular Hufflepuff, someone far from who his family expected to date. And what if you did end up staying with him? You figured you would end up breaking up years later when he would be forced to marry someone else. Or in the slight chance, he fought against that, there was no way you’d forgive yourself if he lost his family and his future because of your own selfish needs.
You stopped at an empty corridor, sitting at one of the windowsills you regularly sat at with the platinum blond when the two of you snuck out at night to meet each other. Your head fell into your hands, your thoughts raging louder in your head and now through your body as you began to unwillingly shake. The held back tears had finally broken out in a waterfall of sadness, frustration, and grief.
Draco only watched, his heartbreaking at the sight as he kneeled in front of you, his hands resting on your knees while he tried to figure out what to say.
“Darling, please tell me what’s gotten you like this,” he pleads sadly. “If it’s about what Blaise said, I made a deal with him so he would try and help.”
“No, it’s not that,” you answered, choking back the lump in a feeble attempt to try and get yourself calmed down enough to talk to him.
He sat back on his heels, his hand running down his face in distress as he racked through his brain for anything else that might have gotten you like this. He let you cry for a bit, feeling useless as he watched you go through an internal battle he had no clue about.
“Then what is it? Tell me and I’ll fix it,” he says softly when he saw your tears had finally been reduced to stray droplets on your face.
“You can’t,” you sniffle. Your hand weakly brushed over his paled slender fingers that were holding your knee gently. He turned his palm upwards for you and you placed your shaking hand in his while you basked in the final moments of his warmth. You regrettably slipped out of his grip before you spoke the words you couldn’t take back. “We can’t be together anymore.”
Draco blinked, his stomach dropping as soon as the words left your mouth. “What?”
You stood up, backing away from him as you shook your head. “Everyone was right - I’ll never be good enough for you, for your friends, for your family. You deserve to be with someone who makes your life easier, not harder.”
“Where did all this come from?” He asks incredulously, standing up from his spot on the floor as he painfully watched your slowly retreating figure. “It’s all rubbish is what it is. You’ve never made my life harder.”
“Draco, look around you!” You exasperated, your arms flailing around you. “You had to make a deal with your own friends for them to even be nice to me. Your house can’t stand me and they take it out on the both of us! And what about your parents? You know for a fact they would hate me, don’t even try and deny it.”
Pale hands ran through his hair, his fingers pulling at the platinum strands in frustration.
“I thought you didn’t care about all that,” he said woefully. “I thought you’d know by now none of it matters.”
“Well, I care now,” you answer back gloomily. “And you should too.”
There was a spinning and nauseating feeling in the pit of the Slytherin’s stomach, his heart violently jumping around in his chest as he let you storm away from him. 
He let his back fall against a pillar, a deep and burning exhale falling from his trembling lips while he stared at a live painting across from him. It was of three women, the chalices in their hands supposed to be joined in a toast above them while they smiled gleefully in celebration, 3 of Chalices, it read in the caption below the frame. Instead of being in their usual position, they stared at him with pity in their softly painted eyes as they slowly raised their cups towards him in a way of showing their condolences.
He nodded curtly at them before he kicked himself off the wall and dragged himself towards the Great Hall where they were serving dinner and where he would undoubtedly find his so-called friends. He prepared himself to break the news to them, knowing they would be over the moon about it and as much as he wanted to join them in their delight, he couldn’t push away the large ache that had settled itself in his chest.
“We’re done,” he muttered dreadfully to himself, “it’s over.”
He was testing out different ways he could tell everyone the long-awaited news but they all left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“I think you’ll all be delighted to know, Y/N-” he tried again but he lost his train of thought when he spoke your name. It was like taking an invisible kick to his heart as if Peeves the Poltergeist had somehow crawled into his body and was wreaking his usual havoc on his insides. 
The second he stepped into the Great Hall and saw his group sitting there, eating and laughing amongst everyone else, he felt sick all over again. There was no way he could stomach the triumph they were about to unleash, but he sucked it up and drudged towards them anyway.
“You look ghastly,” Pansy snickers, already having a feeling as to why he looked so rough. He stopped at the bench, hesitating to sit down because he knew he’d want to dash the second everyone started to relentlessly bash you.
“Deal’s off, Zabini,” the blond spoke lowly. “I’m not with Y/L/N anymore so it doesn’t matter.”
“You’re better off without her, Malfoy,” Blaise said delightedly. “Can’t believe you nearly had us associating with a blood traitor. It’s better that she’s gone.”
“Yeah, we ought to thank Pansy for that,” Crabbe laughed loudly through a mouthful of food. Pansy kicked his shin under the table, and he recoiled too fast, the food in his mouth getting shot in the wrong direction as he started choking.
“Pansy?” Draco repeated, his eyes falling towards the shying girl. “What did Pansy do?”
“What?” Crabbe coughed roughly, “did no one else see her talking to the ickle Hufflepuff?”
Pansy kicked him again and he wailed out a “stop kicking me, you donkey!”
Any ounce of sadness Draco had in his body was immediately washed out in rage. He wanted to flip over the table and scream at everyone in his path, but he only turned towards Pansy again and asked her calmly.
“What did you say to her?”
“I only told her the truth!” She said coyly, holding her hands up in defense.
“What” his fist had slammed onto the table making everyone sitting near the contact jump in surprise, “did you say to her!”
“The truth! Or are you too blind to see it too?” She sneered at him. “Do you honestly think the two of you would last? Look at who you are, Draco!”
“Talk to me ever again and I swear I’ll hex you,” he spat, turning hot on his heel as he stormed out of the Great Hall, his friends staring at his retreating figure in shock at the outburst.
Draco found himself rushing through stairs and corridors, his heart racing as he searched for the place he just knew you’d be. Now that he knew the full story, he needed to talk to you. Even if you didn’t change your mind, he wanted to at least try to fix what had been broken. The tall and bronzed doors were ajar, a small light filtering through the dark corridor he was nearly running down. 
A mop of bright silver hair had peaked through the crack in the doors of the Hogwarts kitchen, worried gray eyes following in suit as they searched the room for its target. He found you hunched over a small dessert plate, a half-eaten cake being drenched in your tears that never seemed to stop. There was a house-elf next to you, looking up at you from the floor in concern while they patted your leg. 
“Mister!” a scraggly voice croaked out from below him. He looked down to find a rugged looking house-elf staring up at him with furrowed eyebrows and hands on its hips. “Students are prohibited in the kitchen.”
“There’s a student right there,” he pointed towards you.
“She’s an exception!” the elf exclaimed wildly.
Draco shook his head before walking past the small creature, power walking straight towards you while it ran behind him.
“Wait till Gonpy tells the Headmaster about this!” The elf calls, “Gonby asks your name, sir!””
“Vincent Crabbe,” Draco answers mindlessly as he continued walking towards the far end of the room that very closely resembled the Great Hall and its vastness.
The familiar accent rang through your ears, your glassy eyes shooting up in surprise when you see the reason for your tears hurrying towards you.
“Before you say anything, you need to listen to me,” he starts desperately once he reaches you. “I know it was Pansy who put those thoughts into your head. I know you think you’re not enough for me. And I know you think I was always complimenting you out of pity, but you couldn’t be more wrong about any of that. I say all those things to you because I mean it. You are everything to me. You are more than enough for me just by being you. You make me the happiest I’ve ever been and sometimes I wonder if I’m even good enough for you. But you need to understand how much I love you.”
“Draco,” you breathe, heart leaping in your chest at his rambling speech, “I love you too. But what about everyone else, how are we even supposed to be with each other in peace?”
“To hell with everyone else,” he responds quickly, walking around the edge of the table so that he was now only mere centimeters away from you. “Do you want to be with me?”
“Yes, of course,” you blink at him, “but do you really think your parents would let this happen?”
“We’ll deal with them when the time comes,” he mumbles, his hand finding its way to your puffy cheek where he let it rest. “Besides, my mother likes anything that makes me happy, so I know for a fact at least she will end up loving you just as much as I do.”
You nodded happily, a new hope bubbling in your stomach as you lurched towards him and hugged the stressed boy against you tightly. The both of you let out a breath of relief at the same time from the contact, finally feeling back in balance after the short-lived sorrow. 
He pulled away from you and leaned down into you, his lips capturing yours in a tender and passionate kiss. That was when the elves you had forgotten about had quickly stopped eavesdropping, scurrying themselves away from the table as they went to start cleaning up the kitchen. 
It was minutes before you had finally pulled away, looking dreamily into the happy gray’s that gazed back at you. You admired him for a couple seconds, feeling very content before you reached up towards him again, tangling your hands in his hair and pressing another kiss onto his now swollen lips. He moved needily against you, pushing your body flush the table as he held you tightly against him.
“Ahem,” a small voice uncomfortably called out from below. It was the same elf who had chased Draco down the kitchen when he walked in, a frown on his face as he stared at the two of you. “Gonpy and the house-elves make food here!”
“I’m sorry, Gonpy,” you hurriedly apologize, ripping yourself away from a ragged breathing Draco as you bent down to shake hands with the elf. “Thank you for making me cake and letting me cry here, you’re a Hogwarts hero.”
“Gonpy thanks you, Miss Y/L/N! The truest, kindest Hufflepuff!” 
Draco bit back a smile at the interaction. You stood up and reached your hand behind you for the Slytherin to take and as the two of you walked away, he yelled out a quick, “Thanks Gonpy!”
And once the two of you were near the exit, he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed his body against your back, lowering his mouth towards your ear and kissing the skin right below it before whispering, “do you want to go back to my dorm?”
You nodded eagerly, giggling loudly as the two of you stumbled out of the door underneath his hold and into the dimly lit corridor before pulling apart and racing towards the direction of the dungeons with his hand interlocked in yours.
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bukojuiice · 4 years ago
fix you.
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ೃ pairing: (village prince! katsuki bakugo x princess mononoke! reader)
ೃ  tags: princess mononoke au! studio ghibli au!
ೃ warnings:  mild use of weapons and strong language
ೃ part 1/2  of the princess mononoke! au
ೃ word count 4.119 words
ೃ 2/??? of @bukojuiice’s studio ghibli au
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  Loosely based off of Princess Mononoke! Not necessarily a word for word retelling/alternate universe. You can read on without any prior knowledge of this beautiful Studio Ghibli film. Hope you enjoy!
ೃ if you want to be part of this studio ghibli au taglist, send me an ask! or if you want to be a part of my mha taglist in general, send me an ask indicating whichever you want to be a part of!
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!)
ೃ shoto todoroki’s fic (howl’s moving castle au) for those of you who want to read the first in this series!
ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​ @sparkykatsuki​ @ramunegoddess​
 ೃ Katsuki Bakugo is the righteous yet arrogant village prince of the east. The entire village relies on him for protection and for guidance, further inflating his ego. however, after a cursed boar attacks him and the curse is passed on to him as a poisonous mark on his arm, slowly consuming him until he becomes a demon himself. he is exiled without hesitance from his village and is to go on a journey to look for a cure, a journey he might never come back from. With the help of two of his most trusted allies, he embarks on a journey to look for the gods of the forest in where he meets a girl (just as striking as him) who brings him back down to earth, saves him and make him experience a true life worth living.
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“Damn this life.” Katsuki curses under his breath, rolling up his sleeves, and collecting clear water from the riverbend and transferring it into his jar.
“Hey! This isn’t that bad!” Eijiro Kirishima, son of the second in command to Katsuki’s mother, his most trusted ally and #2 most annoying fucker on this planet, cheekily grins, patting the blonde on the back. “We’ve gone through worse things in the past. And yet here we are! We’re still alive! Aren’t we?”
“Yea! We’ll find the forest gods soon! Offer food for them and hopefully they give us a cure! This is going to be easy!” Denki Kaminari, another one of his most trusted allies, grandson of one of the wise elders, and #1 most annoying fucker on this planet, reassures his friend whilst aimlessly fixing the saddle on his elk.
Why did life have to be like this?
Who did Katsuki Bakugo infuriate from high above to have this tremendous bad luck and fate be put upon him? All he wanted was to live a noble life as a village prince, have his mother pass down her position of power onto him, become the new village chief, live a life of prosperity, help his people, and then pass away with no regrets. But life just had to do this to him no?
After an unexpected attack of a raging cursed boar consumed by black slithering enigmas in the hills of Mustafu village, the handsome village prince was the only one able of combat who was around the vicinity at the time. He had no choice but to hurl himself in front of the boar, shooting one of his famed  arrows, sharper than most and one of the best in his arsenal.  The boar had met its demise by his hands. However, not without getting revenge at Katsuki, by passing its curse onto him. The black ooze slithering onto his arm before the animal had fully perished.
That was the worst day of his life.
As the son of the village chief and as one of the most well-known individuals in his tribe, how was he supposed to react?
Katsuki had always been number one. Never once slipping to loss or to failure. Never getting injured. Never letting his guard down. Never disappointing his parents. Never losing his pride nor his mighty personality.
He was the paragon of success.
But, sometimes, the best people feel lost and useless too.
The fact that his mother had easily let go of him, have the wise villager elders speak ill of him and banish him, having to leave everything he had loved and worked hard for, lose his position as a prince, and have the people of his village look at him in abhorrence and disgust, had ended up becoming the most painful experiences he ever had to go through in his entire life.
Leaving quietly at the dead of the night with no proper goodbyes but a brief hug, gift of a good luck charm from his mother, and the willing accompaniment of his two most trusted friends (although he would not like to admit the appreciation he has for them, he was very grateful) on this fruitless journey… He could never have it any other way.
What kind of life was he even going to lead from here on forth?
He didn’t want to stop believing. He didn’t want to lose hope. This wasn’t like him. Katsuki Bakugo knew who he was. He knows how headstrong he is, how prideful, persevering, and how much of a smart-ass he is. He had no time to sulk and contemplate about his demise and what fate had in store for him.
Although, it would be nice if he could release all these pent-up emotions and frustrations at least once. Just once.
He just has no idea how to and who to open up to.
Putting his vulnerable emotions aside, he is going to defy his destiny and take down whatever may come his way.
Making sure no one was going to stop him from doing so.
“Let’s go.” Katsuki jerks his head, gesturing his party members to start walking to the other side of the forest.
“Wait… haven’t we gone there already?” Kaminari protests, not raising his voice nor overreacting because even he knew that Katsuki was on a bad mood as per usual. (With this being the second afternoon of their journey and because they have to leave their animal companions by the river due to how unstable the geographical and terrestrial properties of the forest were.)
Katsuki shoots him a glare, the other blonde clearing the lump in his throat in response. “Okay okay! Let’s go then!”
They quietly navigate through the forest, hearing nothing but the sound of their own feet stepping on the grass, crickets chirping, fireflies flying about, the towering trees swaying with the wind, and the calming yet lonely atmosphere of the woodlands to accompany them.
“Kirishima.” Bakugo calls out coldly. “Are you sure that this is the same forest depicted in the legends?”
“Positive.” Kirishima replies, nodding aimlessly whilst turning his head and taking in their surroundings. “If we spot some Kodama, that means we’re near the tree that stands alone.”
“Tree that stands alone?” Denki asks, tilting his head and sparking a discussion. “Also, what even is a Kodama?”
“You’re the grandson of a village elder yet you’re asking me?” Eijiro narrows his eyes at his other blonde friend. “Kodama are the little white spirits who live in trees. They don’t necessarily guide travelers but instead watch them. They only intervene if ever anything bad happens. If we see them appear then that means we’re close to the spiritual core of the forest. The tree that gives life.”
Yakushima Forest. Located in the southern region, is the settlement of the forest gods and the place where the oldest trees of Japan and those known to man stand strongly. The power and the spiritual energy stored in this wonderous and enchanting forest could only be seen and could only be discovered by heroes and travelers with a pure of heart as the forest was welcoming only to visitors with pure and selfless intentions. However, to those who wish to exploit it and to ruin its beauty will be punished heavily by the gods in the most gruesome ways possible.
Katsuki breathes out a hefty sigh, leading his two other friends who were happily following him from behind. There was this bizarre feeling of anxiety welling up inside him. He was not himself and he couldn’t tell why. All he could do was pretend to remain calm and collected…
He will find that cure.
He will be able to save himself and he will be able to come back to his village, victorious and free of the curse.
Bakugo stops in his tracks when they encounter another streaming river. His two companions almost bump into him with how abrupt he halted in his steps.
There was something amiss in the river.
It wasn’t a bad spirit nor was it some bad energy, but Katsuki could feel something.
There was someone else there.
And he felt that they weren’t exactly the friendly type who would help them.
“Bakugo-sama, why did we stop-“ Kaminari is hushed by his blonde friend before he could even have the chance to utter another word. Kirishima quickly picked up what Katsuki is trying to motion to them and proceeds to quietly scout around the area. “There’s a girl? Wolves too.” He whispers from behind a bush not far from where his friends were standing.
“Let’s go back to the nearby village. Stay at the inn there.” Bakugo whispers sternly, as if not wanting to hear any other remarks from his friends.­
“Wait! Bakugo, I know we’re near the tree. Why stop now!?” Kirishima fussed. He knew something was up. “We’re pretty close. We can just set up a fire here then-“
“I said let’s head back. Damn it.” Katsuki repeated his words. This time, in a sort of a growl. “If you don’t want to go back, feel free to die here if you want.” He starts treading back to the path where they came from. Denki looks at his red-headed friend worriedly, even he, of all people, had finally noticed that there was something wrong with their most beloved village prince. Kirishima nods at him cautiously, the two of them walking together behind Bakugo.
They quickly got back to the small village near the forest with no interruption, as the chit-chatter and the energy radiating between both Kirishima and Kaminari were low as Katsuki was in a even terrible mood, refusing to talk to any of them nor humoring their antics and small jokes.
They continue to spend the rest of their day in silence. With, Katsuki, immediately heading back to his quarters to rest whilst his two other companions remained outside to help some village folk and prepare dinner.
The village chieftain of the quaint settlement had a good relationship with Katsuki’s mother. They were good trade partners and the village chief wanted to do everything in their power to help Katsuki be free of the curse by the means of giving him a private inn to stay in and come back to whenever he and his friends would like to. It wasn’t much, but Katsuki needed all the help he could get on this otherwise hopeless quest. Even if he refused the said offers at first.
After another awfully quiet bonding time with Bakugo at dinner, the convivial duo had to break the silence. Denki had thought of the most wonderful idea of bringing up the topic of the girl who was accompanied by wolves in the forest. Because, hey, it’s a girl in the forest! What could possibly be weird about that?
“Hey! So about that girl that we saw…” Kaminari suddenly speaks up, nudging Kirishima in the arm, signaling him to answer his query. Bakugo barely looks up at the sound of his friend’s yapping, continuing to play with the food on his bowl. “Who do you think was she?”
“She’s most probably the wolf princess.” Eijiro shrugs casually, biting on a roasted corncob. “Yakushima forest is protected by the three animal gods whom we know by now as the forest gods. The Wolf goddess, The Gorilla king, and The Deer god. The Deer god being the most powerful of them all. There have been rumors and reports going around that the goddess had taken in an abandoned human girl, and was treated as one of their kin years ago. The girl holds pure resentment for her own kind and chooses to live in the Yakushima forest, taking down every single human who has negative intentions and evil plans for the land she lives in.”
“Well, if she’s that badass, then you shouldn’t call her a princess. She’s a queen!” Kaminari remarks, biting on his newly roasted corncob, listening eagerly to Kirishima’s tale. Bakugo looks up at Denki and the goofy blonde could have sworn he saw a small smile form on Katsuki’s face.
Kirishima laughs at his friend’s little quip, “You’re right. She’s amazing, isn’t she?”
“You weirdos should get to sleep. We go back to the forest first thing in the morning.” Katsuki stands up from his seat, his hands in his pockets, grumpily trotting away to the inn.
“Oh.” Denki blinks. “That was faster than I thought. I didn’t expect him to be convinced so easily. Did you pull that story from your ass Kirishima-kun?”
The red-haired teen shook his head. “Nope. All of that was real.”
“For real? You’re not joking?”
“Oh, that’s cool. Goodnight then!” The other blonde leaves his seat, patting Eijiro in the arm before leaving and going back to his quarters.
Kirishima looks up at the glistening night sky, a few stars present in the sky to greet him a wonderful night, the boy hoping he would find an answer amongst the stars. “May the gods help us in our adventure.” He breathes a hefty sigh, closing his eyes. After a few more minutes of praying for guidance, he puts out the fire and retreats back to his room.
The night passes by quickly, another day of their adventure waiting to unfold.
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“Don’t you dare come back here you disgusting prince.”
“No one wants him here! Got it? Let him go on this adventure and never come back!”
“He’s just a burden. To be cursed by an animal as simple as a boar? Pathetic.”
“Useless vermin.”
“Banished forever? How sad.”
“A prince falling from grace? Predictable.”
The voices of the village people echo in his head.
These were words from them that he was not meant to hear. Ones that he accidentally heard before leaving that same night. These were the words that will haunt him forever.
He, Katsuki Bakugo, of all people, would let all these horrid, vile, and false words get to him?
These were the same words with the same meaning that he’s heard hundreds and hundreds of times from different people, yet it never got to him. He chose to ignore them.
But, why now? What was going on?  Why was he feeling this way?
Katsuki awakens at the dead of the night. Beads of sweat falling from his temples, his breath hitched and his body aching. He was not himself right now and this intense feeling of uneasiness and torment confirmed it. Although, he wanted to keep this to himself. He didn’t want anybody else to know what he was feeling. He could overcome this on his own. He could do this all on his own.
“I’ll show them.” He continues to breathe at a fast pace, still a bit shocked by the nightmare he had just seen. “I’ll fucking show them that I am the prince of the Mustafu tribe.” He props himself up from his sleeping mat, reaching for his neatly folded clothes beside him. “And nothing’s going to change that.”
Katsuki begins to get dressed, feeling nothing but anger and determination running through his veins. He puts on his grey vest and wraps his red cape onto his back. He continues to put on his ensemble when a sudden rush of pain begins to throb in his arm. Bakugo’s immediate reaction is to curl up, holding his stomach to try and ease the pain.
The curse was acting up again, reacting to the anger and negative emotions that Katsuki was feeling right now. The blonde winces in pain, kneeling down on the floor to take a hold of his arm that was manifesting a glowing blue and black aura. His muscle continues to throb and he could do nothing but hold it down and take in all the pain until it eventually goes away.
After several minutes of resisting and trying to ease the pain by thinking of more positive and enlightening thoughts, the throbbing suddenly stops. Bakugo goes back to breathing at a normal pace. He rests for a few minutes, making sure that his body was functioning properly once more before he quickly heads out of his private room to head to back to Yakushima forest, searching for answers. He didn’t have time to wait for Kirishima and Kaminari anymore. He was growing impatient, and hearing the haunting words of his village people circling in his head fueled his will power to get this whole ordeal done and head back home.
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It was finally the end of another day protecting the forest.
You were about on your daily patrol with the wolf goddess and your wolf siblings, when you encounter three young men who looked like they were lost in the woods. You immediately assumed that they were looking for the tree of life. But they weren’t like the others. They weren’t finding it for selfish reasons. They were looking for it in hopes to find a cure for a curse. That’s what their auras were trying to show at least.
One of those men particularly piqued your interest.
He was… handsome? Was that the word that humans used?
He had ash blonde hair that spiked upwards at all angles, passionate red orbs that gave him such a striking appearance, as if he could hold up the world in his hands. Calloused hands that had taken a part in many battles, a muscular build like that of a noble warrior, a shining sword just as big as him and an arrow that he looked like he was adept at using.
Yet despite your observations, there was this mysterious air around him that you just couldn’t understand.
“(Y/N)? Dear? Is anything wrong?” The elegant white wolf goddess, Moro, calls out to her human daughter, with a worried look.
“I saw 3 dorks by the riverbend on our patrol a while ago.” You say rather jokingly, trying to remember their faces. “I should have struck them down when I had the chance.” You shake your head, reaching for the knife in your skirt and grasping it.
“How so?” The goddess twitches her ear, as if raising an eyebrow at you. “Did you feel any bad spirits within them? Any emotional aura? I told you to do that before attempting to attack anyone remember?”
“There was this particular man among them who had strong energy. He was radiating a gloomy yet aggressive energy. Like that of a person hiding their true emotions to remain strong and brave to the outside world. I kind of felt sorry for him.” Your voice trails off as you nestle your body next to the wolf goddess, along with your siblings who were cuddled up next to you too.
“Why don’t you go check up on him then?” Moro replies casually, as if teasing you. You raise your head up, feeling a tint shade of pink appear on your cheeks.
“W-what do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.”
A shrieking noise began to ring in your ears, signaling that a human has entered the forest. You quickly rise up from the bed of leaves you were sleeping in. Running out of the cave, you gallop down a slope and sprint your way to the foot of the forest. The spirits guiding you to where you needed to go.
You feel the hostile energy yet again.
Could it be the young man from earlier?
When he enters your field of vision, you climb up the nearest tree to get a clearer look at him from above and from afar.
He still had the same expression plastered upon his face since this afternoon. An irritated and scornful look, yet there was kindness in his eyes that you couldn’t describe.
It wasn’t the kindness that you would see from the eyes of a regular person but it was a kindness that was combined with a desire to protect the people around him. It was different and oddly comforting.
You continue to observe his every move, waiting for him to mess up or try to hurt the magical properties of the forest before you confront him to ask why the hell was he even roaming around in the forest, in the middle of night like a fluffy dog.
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Katsuki noticed you standing on the tree-tops.
You weren’t exactly the greatest hide and seek player.
However, he chose to shrug you off and ignore you as he continues to look for traces of spiritual energy that could lead him to the tree of life.
Based on the stories that Kirishima had told, he was actually a bit surprised by your appearance. He couldn’t make out your face with the mask that you were wearing but he noticed your mildly disheveled hair, the ragged clothes you had on, a cape made of white fur and a necklace adorned with three fangs hanging on your neck. From that alone, he knew you were a princess. Not your conventional princess per se with all the jewelry, intricate headpieces and beautiful dresses but, the presence that you have has sort of a dignified feel to it. You might not look like the part but you embodied everything that a princess should be. Headstrong, intelligent, confident in her beliefs, and never afraid to stand her ground.
That’s what Katsuki thinks at least.
With all the stories that Kirishima had recited about the Yakushima forest, you were one of the most interesting bits.
Katsuki Bakugo was enthralled by you in more ways than one.
You were a mysterious enigma that he had to unravel.
You were getting a bit tired of watching him aimlessly roam around the forest. He was absolutely going nowhere which is funny because he didn’t strike you as a person who had no sense of direction. In an alternate universe, he’d probably be kidnapped by some villain or bad guy if he continued to be reckless like this, just walking around without a care in the world.
You spoke too soon.
You barely dodge a sharp arrow that pierces through a tree. It wasn’t from the young man you were watching but from someone else. Thieves. two of them.
You forgot that you weren’t able to sense other humans entering the forest if you focus on a particular one. It completely slipped your mind that there would still be sick individuals who would try and attempt to find the riches of the forest despite the many incidents happening time and time again warning humans to not enter the Yakushima Forest if they want to explore it for their own selfish desires.
You hastily jump down onto the ground, releasing a flurry of punches and kicks at the thieves, knocking 2 of them unconscious. You thought that the fight was over until you hear agonizing screams from the other side of the forest.
You quickly sprint your way there, hoping nothing serious had happened and no one was hurt in the process.
You arrived in a secluded area, tall trees covering the sun or the moon for the light to seep into, resulting in a dark and gloomy atmosphere.
You stop in your tracks when you notice six thieves unconscious on the ground too. You were about to breathe a sigh of relief when you notice that the boy was panting heavily, injuries and deep wounds were present all around his body. He was terribly injured. He stares at you for a few seconds before collapsing onto the ground.
You grit your teeth, approaching him with a scornful look. “You’ve wasted your life by getting in my way!” You sheathe his blade from it’s scabbard, pointing it directly to his chest. Katsuki’s chest rises up and down, a sign showing that he was breathing normally but was at the brink of unconsciousness.
“I’ll cut your throat! That will shut you up!”
“You’re beautiful…”
He mumbles, his eyes fluttering open, making intense eye contact with yours.
You suddenly feel your heart race, thumping loudly. You pull the sword away and jump away from him. You were taken aback by his words because of how he caught you off guard just like that. Who gave him the right to do this to you? Who was he in the first place?
Why did he make you feel all these soft and mushy feelings right now?
Who gave him the right to do this to you?
A human being? 
A feeling sparking in your chest...
Is this what humans  call love?
-        To be continued.
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fandomficsnstuff · 4 years ago
In Just A Second - 1
Legolas x Witch!Reader
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(Warnings: None I think, for now it follows the story pretty straight, no real fighting yet, but this will be a new series!:D Don't worry I'm working on the other ones tooXD)
You sat patiently between Frodo and Gandalf, currently conversing with Frodo, reassuring him that after this meeting, he’d go home again, see the green hills of the Shire again, “you could come too, you know, I think you’d really like it” you smiled at his sweet offer “tell you what, I’ll escort you back to The Shire after this, then you can show me all the comforts of your home” Frodo gave a sweet but nervous smile, you could sense how scared he was, and you didn’t say it, but you could sense that he already, unfortunately, had a tie to the ring, if he had put it on, you knew not.
You were one of the only ones to remain seated while everyone else argued, and when you finally noticed Frodo getting up, it was too late, your eyes widening at his words “I will take the Ring to Mordor! Although I do not know the way…” you sighed and got up, kneeling down in front of him, placing your hands on his shoulders as you faced him “my dear Frodo, you will not go on this quest alone, I promise you that” he gave you a weak smile, and you got up, keeping a reassuring hand on his shoulder as others joined in, letting out a small chuckle as the Hobbits stumbled forward and declared that they were now also coming along, something that greatly amused you and warmed your heart.
You, however, caught the eyes of a red haired man, Boromir, who sneered at you “she’s not coming along as well, is she?” you frowned “and why wouldn’t I? I may not have known Frodo long, but I already consider him a friend, a friend who I wish to help in any way possible” Boromir scoffed at your answer, and you could see Gandalf debating if he should speak up or not, but you choose to instead, letting go of your gentle grip of Frodo’s shoulder to step closer to the man “I am an immortal Istari witch, apprentice of Gandalf the Gray, Mithrandir, so yes, I am coming along” you turned around, going back to Frodo’s side and giving him a warm smile, unaware of the familiar blue eyes watching you closely, eyes you had seen sixty years ago nonetheless.
You were walking besides Merry and Pippin, laughing about their stories from the Shire, hearing of their pranks and small adventures. You felt eyes on you, but assumed it was Boromir glaring at you, unhappy with the fact that you were a woman, so you ignored it. “You’re staring, my friend” Legolas looked to Aragorn, the tip of his elven ears turning slightly pink as he looked to the ground as he walked “last I saw her, I remember thinking she was the most beautiful creature, a part of me thought I had died, or hit my head, that she wasn’t real” Aragorn smirked at Legolas, chuckling lightly “and now?” Legolas dared to look at you again before looking down “even more so” Aragorn smirked, letting out another tiny chuckle before leaving it at that, for now.
“My Lady, if I may,” you turned and saw Gimli, giving him a warm smile as you fell in his step, leaving Mary and Pippin, much to their dismay. “Yes, Gimli?” Gimli looked like he was struggling to say something, like he debated if he should say something or not, but finally settled on doing so “why are you on this quest, My Lady? It’s dangerous for a woman, perhaps-”
“Master Dwarf, I appreciate your concern, but I am quite capable of defending myself and my friends, Gandalf raised me, taught me all he knows and more, thank you for your worry, but I will be alright” you gave him another kind smile before speeding up, catching up with Mary and Pippin, who were overjoyed that you were back and willing to listen to their various pranks. As you were laughing at something Pippin said you looked behind you and caught the gaze of Legolas, your grin fading into a kind and warm small smile, Legolas forcing one in return, but it didn’t seem right, like he didn’t want to smile at you, so instead you looked ahead and continued talking with Merry and Pippin.
You sighed as you sat on a stone, closing your eyes, relaxing at your new camp, it wasn’t until you felt a presence near you that opened them, looking up and seeing none other than the blonde elf himself, you smiled at him “Prince Legolas, how long has it been?” he sat down beside you on the stone, looking over the landscape with a relaxed expression “sixty years, My Lady” you hummed low, nodding ever so slightly, not exactly knowing what else to say. “Seems like such a long time ago to me, ages. We were against each other last time” Legolas stated and you nodded in acknowledgement “yes, until Azog turned up. And I thought Elves just see time fly by, a lifetime gone in a second? And now, we are on the same side. I do hope you do not harbor any ill will against me?” Legolas looked at you confused “no, why would I? You saved my life, and perhaps, but for some reason, it felt like a lifetime to me” you shrugged “for some, that is not enough, but if it’s any comfort, it felt like a lifetime to me too” you simply said, Legolas giving you a gentle smile as you looked back over the landscape, he took the time to study you, taking in all of your beautiful features, everything from your (Y/S/C) skin to your (Y/H/C) hair and (Y/E/C) eyes, the shape of your nose, how your lips looked from this angle, you were more stunning than he remembered. “You are staring, Prince Legolas” you turned and saw a very embarrassed Legolas, mouth opening and closing in an attempt to form words, an attempt that did not succeed, which made you chuckle “do not worry, Legolas, as long as it has no harmful intent, I do not mind someone like you watching me” your words made his face turn bright red, as well as the tips of your own ears.
You and Legolas sat for a while, sometimes in silence, sometimes just talking, you enjoyed it, you enjoyed his presence, the company, even the small glances he gave you every now and then. It took all of your willpower to not glance at him back, you wanted to, that was not the problem, the problem was that last time you met him, he was a tad too arrogant, he was more cold, and, as you had heard and witnessed, he had eyes for a beautiful Ellith, named Tauriel, and you knew that Elves only loved once in their long, long lives, so you saw no point in giving in to your own desires. Too lost in thought, you barely heard Gandalf yell at you to take cover, it was only when Legolas practically tackled you and rolled under a bush with you that you were brought back to reality, your heart beating at an incredible speed as you watched Saruman’s spies through the branches on the bush, Legolas laying behind you with yours and his own weapons, you could feel his breath on the back of your neck, and you did everything to not let your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling him behind you brought a certain warmth to places where it shouldn’t go, at least in your opinion.
You frowned as you crawled out from your hiding spot, turning to see Gandalf with a concerned look, but all it took was one nod from your side and he relaxed, or well, at least when it came to your well being. You turned to Legolas and sighed “thank you, Legolas” he nodded “returning the favour?” you laughed lightly, taking your weapons from him as he gave them to you, strapping them on “you have nothing to repay, my friend” you smiled at him before joining Gandalf, ensuring that the Hobbits were okay. Aragorn approached Legolas, smiling “my friend, well done, saving her from being spotted by those spies” Aragorn put his hand playfully on Legolas’ shoulder, seeing him scoff, half annoyed and half amused at Aragorn’s discreet teasing.
You were helping Merry and Pippin fighting through the snow, your eyes occasionally flickering to Legolas, who simply walked on top of the snow, unbothered by the cold, “damn Elf, their light feet, damn them” you mumbled as you helped Merry go forward as he got a bit stuck, “damn him and his light Elvish feet, could certainly borrow them right about now” you mumbled on, cringing as you felt another wind blow against you, seeping into your bones, but that wasn’t what made you shiver, what made you shiver was the foul, maddening voice in the air, a voice you recognized, having met Saruman. “Gandalf!” you screamed as ice fell on top of you, rocks tumbling towards you as lighting struck the mountain, seeing the grey, or well, now white, figure being buried in snow shortly before you. Once you managed to claw your way up, helping Merry and Pippin too, you scanned the area as much as possible, seeing his hat pop back up, letting out a sigh of relief at the sight. “We cannot stay here, let us make for the pass of Rohan!” Borormir shouted through the snow storm “no! It will take us too close to Isengard!” you shouted back, watching Gandalf dig his way through the snow to fight Saruman’s chanting. You quickly fought your way up over the snow as well, hearing Gandalf already chanting, and once you made it somewhat out of the snow you began as well, your eyes turning bright white, almost shining, as you chanted, but it wasn’t enough, neither you nor Gandalf was at your best, you were cold, tired, hungry and worn out, while Saruman was probably warm, well rested, full and awake.
Eventually, you made your way for the mines of Moria, a place you knew Gandalf disliked greatly, though you had never been there yourself. You grimaced as you looked over the dark pond, it seemed almost black, tar like in nature, but it was just water. You flinched as you felt a hand on your elbow, turning and seeing Legolas, giving him a warm smile “sorry, the cold is still in my bones, I’m afraid, makes me more on edge” Legolas gave a quick nod in understanding. You kept hearing Gandalf try different passwords, eventually growing tired and sitting down to think it over, “how is uh… Tauriel…?” you cleared your throat and asked, your eyes on the pebbles under your feet instead of the elf next to you “Tauriel? She’s… good, last I heard, Captain of the Guard now, I believe” you hummed in acknowledgement “let’s hope this quest isn’t too long, you can then go back to her all the quicker” you offered him a genuine smile, but were only met with confusion “why would I go back to her?” you shrugged and looked down again, biting your lower lip nervously “I-I… your father said you… and I just assumed that-... I know Elves only love once in their entire life, so I just-... I can’t begin to imagine the grief she must feel, being away from you, as you must feel now, being away from her” you finally met his eyes, but all you saw were a frown and more confusion “Tauriel and I-”
“It’s a riddle!” you turned to see Frodo, walking over to him “speak ‘friend’, and enter! Gandalf, what’s the Elvish word for ‘friend’?” he turned to Gandalf, who looked to him “‘Mellon’” the doors opened and you chuckled amazed, looking down at Frodo “well done, Master Baggins, what a clever mind you have!” you leaned down and pecked his cheek before moving to go inside, ahead of Frodo, though you turned around hearing a scream, seeing Frodo being lifted up by a monster, your eyes widening as you got out your weapons “FRODO!” you instantly ran into the water, hacking at the beast to get it to release the Hobbit, with the help of the Fellowship it eventually dropped him, and you were one of the first to practically carry him out of the water, running towards the mine, only to be trapped in it.
You cringed as the light from Gandalf’s staff blinded you, but only for a second, you, with the help of the new light, got out a tiny firebug-like thing, it was about the size of your palm, it was shaped like a firebug but was made from some form of crystal, like the stone in Gandalf’s staff, though all you had to do was gently blow on it and it lit up, it’s wings began to flap and it lifted itself into the air, just like a firebug, staying in the air above your head. Gandalf smiled at you and you smiled back, he was the one who taught you the trick, you just managed to choose to add the trick to make it fly too, instead of just lighting up. You turned and saw the Hobbits staring at it in awe, it had a slightly different gleam to it, Gandalf’s was pure white with nothing else, yours was more warm, like a candle, but still held the same white light, you giggled at their reaction, ruffling Frodo’s hair gently, making him smile awkwardly.
You were cleaning your weapons while Gandalf was thinking which tunnel to take, but you felt a presence next to you, one you recognized, so you simply smiled while focusing on your weapons, knowing who it was “Legolas, sit” you offered, not taking your attention away from your weapons, hearing him sit beside you “(Y/N)... I-... Tauriel and I are not together in any way” you frowned and looked at him, your cheeks burning with embarrassment “I-I’’m sorry I-... I just assumed, given-... I’m sorry, forgive me” your gaze went back to your weapons, desperately trying to forget everything right now, “I thought I loved her, for a long time, but… I now realize that I loved the idea of her, not her. She’s a great warrior, a great friend, but I do not love her, nor have I ever.”
You frowned even more at his words, still not looking at him out of embarrassment “I see, please, forgive me for assuming so earlier I-” you heard Legolas scoff lightly, cutting you off “there is nothing to forgive, you didn’t insult me” at his words you nodded and finally met his gaze, seeing nothing but warmth and understanding in his eyes, which made a small smile form on your lips, you were, however, cut off by Gandalf realizing which way to go, talking about following his nose, which made you giggle, you remembered him saying something like that to you once. You gave Legolas a warm smile as you got up, your little firebug still hovering over your shoulder as you sheathed your weapons and followed Gandalf.
Your eyes widened as you saw the vastness of the mines of Moria, how high up to the ceiling there were, the columns, the design, everything amazed you “Valar…” you mumbled, going over to a pillar and letting your hand fall over the curves and designs, a small amazed smile on your lips, though it was cut short hearing Gimli yell and run into a chamber, and as you followed your eyes widened at the grave in front of you, the one Gimli was sobbing in front of. As Gandalf read the words on it aloud, your eyes watered, you had traveled with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield for a long time, you were there when Gandalf met with Thorin at the Prancing Pony and gave him the key to the secret door. You traveled with Bilbo, you followed them out of Rivendell, you fought your way out of Goblin Town, you were there in lake town, you remember drinking and having fun before leaving the next morning for the mountain, you remember how sick Kili looked but that he reassured you that he would join you soon, urging you on, urging you to see the halls of Erebor. You traveled up the secret staircase, you volunteered to go into the mountain with Bilbo, though he declined, going in alone, you helped fight Smaug, you were there with Balin when Thorin had Dragon Sickness, comforting him, and now, here he lay, in a tomb.
You gently let your hand touch the grave, unaware of Gimli staring at you confused, tears spilling from his own eyes, watching you cry over someone he didn’t know you knew. “I said we’d meet again but-... not in this way, my friend, not in this way…” you wiped your eyes, letting your hand rest over the words on his tomb for a little longer before drawing your hand away, turning to see Gimli stare at you confused, you cleared your throat before sighing “I uh… I was with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, I-... I grew close with Balin on that quest” Gimli’s eyes grew even larger “you’re… my father, Gloin… he told me of a sorceress that helped take back Erebor, told me stories when I grew up” you smiled sadly “I am pleased to hear I made an impression on the rest of the company” you smiled sadly at Gimli, receiving one in return, but it was cut short as you heard a loud noise of something falling, turning to see Pippin with a shocked and embarrassed look on his face, cringing as the rest of a dead body, and a bucket, fell down the well, your eyes widening as you waited for any other sound, hearing Gandalf scold Pippin, but nothing else, you almost breathed a sigh of relief when you heard it, drums in the deep, thunder in the dark, they were coming.
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antipodeanpineapplelump · 4 years ago
WIP... Tuesday?
Just in case anyone was wondering what useless novelty project I’m spending my time on now, may I introduce:
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Or more accurately: “Shisui Uchiha and the Saga of the Overly Complex Movie Poster that’s Taking Up all of the Author’s Writing Time.”
Or: “Shisui Uchiha and the One-off Story that Accidentally Turned Into a Trilogy, much to the Author’s Total Lack of Surprise.”
So anyway, I have 30,000 words (3/9 chapters of the first part) so far and as usual, no timeline for completing this story. But I’m definitely in too deep to back out now! My new approach to stories is to write the whole thing, then post week by week. So this one is still probably several months away at least...
But here’s a quick preview:
The list of things Shisui Uchiha regrets in his life is pretty small.
A handful of ill-considered one night stands, several embarrassing bets with members of his family, the summer he decided to turn emo, oh—and one particularly notable fuck-up early in his career that very nearly ended it prematurely. But, for the most part, it’s been smooth-sailing.
Sure, maybe the odd rival takes a pot shot at him here or there. Ancient booby traps try to kill him, or the local wildlife steps in where they’ve left off. He and spiders are categorically never going to get along. But he’s never had cause to regret his career itself. He loves everything about treasure hunting—the adventure, the danger, the intellectual challenge of it all. The way his heart races when he finds some ancient artifact supposedly lost for good.
So, all in all, his current position—perched twenty feet up a silk cotton tree in India, surrounded by about two-dozen armed thugs personally out for his blood—well, that’s just another day at the office.
Two of the men walk below Shisui’s hiding place and he holds his breath, watching. They’re thick-built meat-heads; improbable amalgams of every jackbooted thug to ever grace a movie screen, with jawlines Chuck Norris could break a fist on, and brows that would make a Neanderthal proud. Supressing the snicker that threatens to escape him at the thought, Shisui wonders where Gato keeps finding these idiots. Some sort of steroid-fuelled body building conference maybe…
Comfortable they’re far too stupid to realise he’s here, he swings his legs back and forward, checking his bag to make sure his prize is still undamaged. Thankfully, despite having beaten a hasty retreat through the crowded city streets, the jewel-encrusted golden elephant winks up at him like a winning lottery ticket. One that’s going to pay for fancy canapes, champagne and extra leg room on Shisui’s flight home. Then a lot more afterwards.
But karma, as they say, is a bitch.
And karma, for Shisui, makes itself known in the form of a fluffy grey creature that plops down onto the branch beside him, joined in short order by half a dozen other partners in crime. At first, the macaque just fixes its intelligent gaze on Shisui, as though assessing what to do with him. Then, one very pregnant pause later, after the apparent realisation that no food is immediately forthcoming, the ringleader opens its mouth and screams. Loudly.
“No, shhh…” Shisui orders in a loud whisper. “Oh come on, don’t be an asshole.”
The screaming continues, soon swelling to a cacophony as the others join in.
“Shoo!” he pleads, waving his arms around to try and scare them off. “I’ll buy you bag of bananas or something when I get down from here, just please shut up…”
But the little bastards don’t stop and, if anything, Shisui’s heated objection only seems to be pissing them off more. Which is fantastic, because truly the last thing he needs today is to catch rabies or—
From the bottom of the tree, someone clears their throat. “Ahem.”
Or that.
It’s smug, officious, and quite frankly, about the last voice Shisui wants to hear right now. Every part of him sinks. On reflection, maybe it was a bit arrogant to think he wouldn’t have been followed to the temple. To think he was just going to walk in, pilfer a several-centuries old treasure, and walk out again, a comfortable five-figure sum the richer for it.
But then, it wouldn’t be the first time.
Sighing, he looks down to see his least-favourite human approximation of a turd. “Gato.”
“Well, well, if it isn’t my favourite globe-trotting Uchiha. Fancy seeing you here,” Gato says, appearing inordinately pleased. His trademark sunglasses sit awkwardly atop his bulbous nose, straddling a pencil moustache that looks like a worm met its unfortunate end on his face some years ago, and he never bothered to wipe it off.
For reasons he can’t currently articulate, it annoys the shit out of Shisui. Possibly because if there’s anything he hates more than someone getting the better of him, it’s someone who’s as much of a fucking waste of space as Gato getting the better of him.
“Yeah well, you know how it is,” he says, glancing around for a quick exit. “Ancient treasures to find, damsels in distress to rescue…”
But unfortunately, the crowd of highly armed men around Gato is growing by the second, and Shisui’s options are looking somewhat thin on the ground. At least, all the ones that don't end with him riddled in bullet holes. Damn macaques…
Gato grins. In the pre-monsoon heat, sweat rolls down his neck and spreads like an oily stain across his collar. “Oh, I’m well aware of how you operate... You’re a businessman, just like me. Always taking jobs for the highest bidder.” Before Shisui can open his mouth to disagree, Gato holds up a hand, adding, “I know, I know… you don’t see yourself that way. Moral code or whatever it is you like to call it. But in reality, the only difference between us is that you have the air of legitimacy that comes with an academic backing, whereas I’m willing to admit what I really want.”
“And what do you want, Gato?” Shisui asks flatly, already knowing the answer. The tired old game they’re playing here.
“That trinket you have in your bag.” Gato licks his lips, as though he can taste the champagne he’s going to be drinking once he returns the statue to whoever hired him, to disappear into some private collection, never to see the light of day again.
“What do I get in return?” Shisui asks, even though it’s obvious from Gato’s expression that he’s not going to like it, whatever it is.
A mirthless laugh assaults his ears. “I’ll let you live to cross paths with me another day.”
As offers go, it’s not very believable. But as much as Shisui hates to admit when his luck’s run out, even he can see the writing on the wall. Today really isn’t his day. Sure, he might trust Gato about as far as he could throw him, but even Gato isn’t stupid enough to shoot him on a main street, in broad daylight. Probably…
Retrieving the golden elephant from his bag, Shisui tosses it carefully down.
Turning the trinket over in his hands, Gato lets out a hum of appreciation. “Very nice. My client will be pleased.” He hands it off to one of his many thugs to box up, then peers back through the branches, looking more like a slug than Shisui would ever have thought possible. Reinforcing the impression, his lips twist with a slimy smile. “Well, as always, it’s been nice doing business with you Shisui. But I think, unfortunately, you’ve caused me trouble for the last time.”
Far too pleased for Shisui’s taste, Gato steps back, raising his hand in a gesture that looks awfully like it’s intended as a final farewell. Or a smug ‘fuck you.’ Either way, the message is perfectly clear.
Shisui rolls his eyes, mentally scratching off another predictable villainous turn on his treasure hunting bingo card. “All right,” he calls after Gato’s retreating back. “Nice doing business with you too! See you next time...” Under his breath he mutters, “Asshole…”
Truly, Gato doesn't have an original bone in his body. It's like he once read The Idiots Guide to Being a B-Grade Movie Villain, then internalised it on the spot to make up for a lack of anything remotely resembling a personality. But, pathetic imitation of a villain or not, his bullets are still effective.
The leaves around him shred beneath the pop, pop of gunfire as Shisui sucks in a rushed breath, bracing himself for what he’s about to do. The branch wobbles precariously beneath his feet as he races along it, pushing off into air that rushes past, disconcerting and empty. The slender gap to the building seems to widen to the span of a gaping abyss—
He hits the rail of the apartment with thud, clambering quickly over it to fall on his back on the balcony, winded, but mercifully unharmed. A macaque peers over the guttering at him, with a leering grin that clearly threatens more screaming.
“Don’t you start,” he warns, waggling a finger at it.
But there’s barely a moment to catch his breath before the sound of splintering wood below indicates another problem. Or an extension of the same one. Bounding to his feet, Shisui scoops up his hat, settles it back on his head, and checks over the railing. A bullet clips the plaster nearby—a pretty good indication that Gato’s men have every idea where he’s gone. That, combined with the way they’re currently pushing through the lower doors to the complex probably doesn’t mean anything good for him.
“Shit,” he announces to no one in particular. It’s times like these he really wishes he carried a gun…
Forcing his way into the mercifully empty apartment off the balcony, Shisui slips quickly through it. Cracking open the door on the far side, he checks the coast is clear. It is.
Of course, it doesn’t stay that way for long. Halfway along the open air corridor, there’s a cry of discovery from his pursuers, followed by more shooting. Seriously, why are the bad guys always bringing guns to Shisui’s knife fights?
Ducking, he runs faster, bursting into another apartment filled with hazy cigarette smoke and shocked faces before finally making it to an exterior stairwell on the far side. Looking at the next building over, it’s immediately apparent the gap is way too far for him to use the same trick he did before. But with Gato’s men advancing on him from below, maybe he can just make it to street level and bypass them altogether…
A thicket of power cables criss-crosses the span between the buildings, with one nearby running almost to the level of the shop awnings below. Sending a rash of silent prayers to whatever gods take care of Indian power line maintenance, Shisui detaches a length of rope from his belt and flings it over the wire, gripping each side like a makeshift zipline. Holding his breath, he pushes off into empty space. To his surprise and considerable delight, the line holds.
It sweeps him across the street, picking up more and more speed, until the side of the other building is rushing at him like—
He impacts it with his shoulder, coming to an uncomfortable and jarring stop. Pain shoots down his arm and he lets go of the rope, crashing through a fabric awning and landing ungracefully in a huge stack of bagged flour. Dust floats down around him and Shisui groans, moving each of his limbs in turn. By some miracle, nothing seems broken. Not even his tantō in its leather holster at his back.
Oh well. Fall down seven times, stand up eight…
Apparently his exit was none too subtle though, because Gato’s men are leaning over the stairwell railing, yelling and pointing at the mess he’s made. Dragging himself to his feet, Shisui evades an angry store owner, brushes flour off of his clothes and resumes running for his life.
Never let anyone say archaeology is boring.
As he emerges back onto the main street, searching for quick and easy exit, the sound of screeching brakes and angry honking carries from the road. Cutting a wild path through traffic is an old open-top olive-drab Jeep with several gold charms dangling from its rear-view mirror. It jerks to a stop just before hitting Shisui, both side wheels riding up on the curb.
“Need a ride?” the female driver asks, grinning.
Her windswept hair hangs past the fashionable silk scarf tied at her neck. Unmanicured nails wrap around the slender metal of the steering wheel, like they couldn’t be more at home there. They’re a stark contrast with the cream suit linen she’s wearing, rolled up neatly to her elbows. Speckled with dirt, it looks like she’s probably travelled halfway across the country to be here, and been up to her elbows in the grease of the Jeep’s engine at some point to do it. She’s a walking contradiction—albeit one Shisui is delighted to see.
“Izumi!” he exclaims happily.
Eyes sparkling, she waves. “Hey.”
“I thought you were practicing on the course in Reno this weekend… What’re you doing here?”
A shot rings out, kicking up dust near one of the tyres. Glancing behind him, Izumi rolls her eyes, reaching across to throw open the door. “What am I always doing? Saving your ass, you idiot... Now get in before one of us gets shot, or I have to find out whether my rental insurance covers illegal firefight damage.”
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lunetheaveragefan · 5 years ago
one day...
Hi! This is the beginning of the first fanfiction that I’m posting here! I hope people like it!
A Sander Sides high school AU
Pairing: Prinxiety and some background Logicality
Summary: Virgil is used to being alone. He only has one friend, Logan. But when Logan makes a new friend, things begin to change as two more join their group. Roman, a boisterous theater kid, seems determined to destroy Virgil’s lonely, average life. How much will Virgil’s life change?
Warnings: Some cursing and quick mentions of anxiety/a panic attack. If you notice anything else, let me know!
Word Count: 1,691
Virgil Tempest is having a bad day.
First of all, he’d woken up late. 30 minutes late, to be exact. That left him only 10 to get ready for school, so he didn’t have time to put on his foundation. Now, the feature he hated most about himself — his freckles — would be visible for all to see. 
Secondly, his favorite hoodie was in the wash, so he had to wear his old, plain black one that he hadn’t worn since at least seventh grade. It was buried in the way back of his closet, wedged between a leather jacket he’d completely forgotten he owned and the suit he had only worn once, at a funeral for some distantly related family member.
Thirdly, he forgot his headphones at home in his rush, and so now he had to suffer the whole day, unable to block out the noise of his idiotic school. He thought he had a spare pair in his backpack, but when he looked once he got to school, there weren’t any in sight. 
Earlier, he thought it couldn’t get any worse, but he is sure now that it was just building up to this.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Roman Princeford apologizes loudly from above him. To say Virgil dislikes Roman would be an understatement. Roman has a ridiculously pompous name and a personality to match. The star theater kid, popular king of the school, and friend to everyone. Well, everyone except for Virgil. Even Virgil’s only friend, Logan Wise, a class-A nerd, likes Roman. 
Needless to say, Virgil doesn’t see Roman’s appeal. Maybe, if Roman could stand to be a whole lot less arrogant, say, every day, or if he stopped being so excessively extra, or if he just took the time to do something other than theater and bragging, he might be tolerable. The key word there being ‘might.’
“It’s fine,” Virgil mumbles from the floor, where he had landed after Roman knocked into him while Virgil was walking. Roman had been talking to his usual group of fans, taking up most of the hallway since pretty much everyone wanted to listen to him, and had thrown out an arm in one of his usual grand gestures and pushed Virgil right over. He’d landed on the floor, books strewn everywhere, being watched by the whole hallway. Of course, it’s more crowded than usual thanks to the tall tale Roman was describing that apparently no one could afford to miss out on. It didn’t help that Roman had decided to make a big deal out of it, either. 
Wishing this terrible day could just end already, Virgil shifts to a crouch and begins to gather his books. To his utter dismay, Roman bends down to help him. Annoyed as he is, Virgil can’t get up the courage to tell the other boy to leave him alone. Even so, the work goes quicker with the other boy helping, and, as much as he would hate to ever admit it, Virgil appreciates it. 
They both reach for the last book on the ground at the same time, and their hands knock into each other. 
“S-Sorry,” Roman says, and Virgil thinks he hears a stutter in his voice. Roman Princeford, the theater prodigy who never messes up a line, stuttering? But when Virgil looks up at Roman, there’s a blush working its way across the other boy’s tan cheeks. Strange. This close, Virgil can see the bluish specks in the other boy’s green eyes. 
Roman must feel Virgil’s eyes on him, because he looks back at him, handing him his last book. Dread settles in Virgil’s stomach as he realizes that Roman must be able to see his freckles. Just as he remembers, Roman’s eyes drop to the other’s nose, where the freckles are the most noticeable. Shit, Virgil curses. 
Yanking the book away from Roman, Virgil turns away and stands up, and Roman soon follows suit. There’s a redness on both of their faces now, but on Virgil’s pale skin, it’s much more visible. How long was I staring at his eyes? He shakes his head, letting his dyed-purple bangs fall over his face. 
Resituating his books in his arms and weaving his way through the people, he starts the walk to his next class, art.
“Have a nice day!” Roman calls from behind him. Virgil sighs and pulls up his hood, wishing now more than ever that he had his headphones.
“Whatever,” he mutters, but the whole next period, all he can think about is Roman Princeford’s bright green eyes, tan skin, and wavy blond hair. 
I must be going crazy, he decides. I mean, I know I’m gay, but gay for Roman Princeford, of all people? I don’t know him at all, and from what I’ve heard — and experienced — he’s not someone I would ever get along with. There’s no way I could possibly have a crush on him. 
At lunch, Virgil drops down in the seat next to Logan with a thud. 
“Greetings,” Logan states professionally. “Am I misperceiving your body language and demeanor or was your day thus far below average in terms of relative happiness and unpleasantly abnormal?” Virgil looks at him around his bangs, puzzled.
“What?” Is he even speaking English? Virgil wonders.
“Pardon me, I forget that you are intellectually compromised when it comes to my copious vocabulary. Let me rephrase,” Logan proclaims. He clears his throat and lays his hands on the table, his fingers pressed together to form triangle-like shapes. “Did your day suck or are you just being your—” Logan waves a hand at Virgil’s body— “regular grumpy asshole self?”
Virgil is taken aback for a second before he rolls his eyes. 
“Roman fucking Princeford bumped into me in the hallway, and then had the nerve to say, ‘Have a nice day!’ afterwards in that disgustingly cheery voice of his!” Virgil complains, poking at his food. He doesn’t really intend on eating any of it; the school’s food is terrible, and besides, he isn’t too hungry anyway. He has some crackers in his bag if he really needs something to eat later.
“I do not understand why you antagonize him so often, but I suppose if you refuse to change your opinions of him, there isn’t much I can do on the matter.” Logan pauses, and Virgil has a feeling he knows what’s coming next: one of Logan’s rare discussions of emotions. “But you shouldn’t just assume that everyone is out to hurt you, Virgil.”
Yup, there it is. Virgil likes Logan’s company because he isn’t too tied up in his emotions, unlike Virgil. He knows the facts, and that’s relieving when Virgil is in the midst of a period of overwhelming anxiety. But sometimes, Logan thinks he knows what’s best for Virgil, especially when it comes to matters concerning Roman Princeford.
Scoffing, Virgil crosses his arms and leans against the back of the chair. “Whatever,” he sighs.
Logan takes a deep breath, obviously trying to calm his temper, which has a habit of getting out of control, and responds, “Virgil, this is unhealthy. You have—” But before Virgil can find out what Logan thinks he has to do, another voice cuts Logan off.
“Heya, guys! How are you?” Virgil looks up to see a shorter student standing there. This new kid’s hair is a mess of amber curls, tumbling over his forehead and slipping behind his round, wire rimmed glasses. Tan skin covered in freckles and a round face gives him a youthful look, but Virgil knows that he’s a junior just like him. 
His name is Patton Hart, and Virgil, surprisingly, doesn’t hate him.
Patton is known for being one of the kindest people in the school. No matter who it is, Patton will find a way to cheer someone up. Back in December of their freshman year, Patton helped Virgil calm down during a panic attack around finals. Virgil harbors no ill will towards the kid, but it’s still strange that he’d show up at their table randomly. 
Then, Virgil remembers that Patton’s best friend is the one and only Roman Princeford. 
Roman probably sent Patton to tell me something. Damn, I hate that stuck up asshole. Before Virgil can open his mouth to ask Patton what he wants with them, since Logan and him are the only ones anywhere near, Logan talks first.
“Hi, Patton!” His voice is so upbeat and joy-filled that Virgil has to look over at Logan to make sure he did, indeed, speak. In the seat next to him, Logan’s face is lit up with a smile, and he looks so…well, not-Logan. And, wait, is that a blush on Logan’s cheeks?
Virgil raises his eyebrows in shock and blinks a few times to make sure what he’s seeing is real. When nothing changes when he opens his eyes, Virgil ignores the strangeness of whatever’s happening next to him and looks back at Patton. 
“Hey, Patton,” he greets. “What do you need?” He tries to keep his voice annoyance-free, so not to hurt the other kid’s feelings. Patton’s a little puffball of innocence and positive energy, and the whole school has made an unspoken agreement to keep it that way.
“Oh, I just came over to talk to Logan about our science project!” 
“We were paired together as lab partners today,” Logan explains, still with that wide smile on his face. 
Weirded out by the scene unfolding in front of him, Virgil pokes at his food one last time and decides he’s not so hungry to risk getting food poisoning. 
“Alright, then,” he says, standing up, “I’ll leave you guys alone so you can talk about your nerdy physics stuff.”
“Actually, Virgil, it’s chemistry we’re taking,” Logan informs him, some semblance of his usual professional manner returning. 
“Well, it’s still science, and it’s still nerdy, so my point stands.”
Patton giggles, and Logan seems to blush, but at this point, Virgil doesn’t trust his own eyes. 
“Well, goodbye, kiddo!” Patton exclaims, waving. Virgil laughs at Patton’s use of ‘kiddo’ even though they're in the same grade and waves back. Telling Logan that he’ll see him later, he turns and dumps his try, finally exiting the noise of the cafeteria.
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crowley-fe11 · 4 years ago
You both like ineffable husbands.
Stranger: [Soulmate AU: Aziraphale saw in Heaven's archives that his soulmate was Raphael. But Gabriel made him believe Raphael was his actual name.] Why was Gabriel to your bookshop? Are you in troubles, angel? C
You: Oh, no trouble at all. Quite the opposite, actually. A
Stranger: Which means? Heaven gaves you a better title? C
Stranger: (*gave oops)
You: Well, in the archives upstairs, it lists that Raphael is my soulmate. A
And Gabriel just told me that happens to be his actual name. A
Stranger: [Delay] That sheming little bastard. C // Gabriel is just Gabriel, Aziraphale. Nobody else, not Raphael. He lied. C
You: What makes you so sure? A
Stranger: I just know it, angel. C
You: Why would he lie about something like that? A
Stranger: Because he's a bastard, and that he makes to manipulate you! C
You: But even if he is just Gabriel, he'd have a different soulmate, right? A
Stranger: I suppose. What's your point here? C
You: Wouldn't he be with them instead? A
Stranger: Maybe Gabriel's soulmate fell. C
You: You think that's really the case? A
It seems impossible, just looking at all the other pairs... A
Stranger: Yeah, I think that's really the case. His soulmate fell, and knowing him, he'd rather manipulate you that accepting this fact. C // Aren't you relieved? Your one isn't Gabriel. C
You: I suppose a bit. A
But I don't suppose you know if Raphael fell? Where he might be now? A
Stranger: [Long Delay] He fell. He's Downstairs, I'm sorry, Aziraphale. Your soulmate is a demon. C
You: Well, if he's anything like you are, then that wouldn't be so bad... A
Stranger: As if, not a heartless beast? Yeah. He's not. He's closer to me than to Lord Beelzebub, be reassured. C
You: That's a relief. A
What else do you know? A
Stranger: He was the Starmaker, so after he fell and saw soothing stars for the first time... He thought She was throwing his creations out as a punishment. C // He would adore you, I'm certain of it. C
You: He sounds lovely... A
Maybe you could introduce me at some point? A
Stranger: Are you sure? I mean, he's still a demon. And even if She decided for you, you don't have to accept Her choice. C
You: I think it would be worth at least meeting him. A
Stranger: ...I can give you his number so the both of you can talk first. C
You: That would be splendid! A
I would greatly appreciate that, dear. A
Stranger: [Attached Number - still Crowley's but an another phone.] Yeah, sure. Wonderful. C
You: Thank you, Crowley! I'll let you know how it goes. A
You: [...] Would this number happen to belong to Raphael? A
Stranger: It does, indeed. You are? R
You: My name is Aziraphale. A mutual friend gave me your number. A
According to the Heavenly Archive of Soulmates, we appear to be a match. A
Stranger: Ah, I see. Didn't ever think that old legend about matches would reach me eventually. I'm quite busy, I fear, and I'm rather certain you wouldn't like me nearly as much as you hope. R
You: I mean, I know it unheard of for angels to have a fallen soulmate, and I understand if it's seen as taboo on your side as well. A
But I was hoping if you ever had the time to talk, if you want to, I could learn a bit more about you. A
I've found myself admiring the stars more than once over the millennia, and it seems rather touching that it was your work... A
Stranger: The matches have been made by Her before the Rebellion, and since so many angels fell during it, it isn't surprising an angel can discover he has a fallen soulmate. Not that they could be blamed if they preferred ignoring this bit of information forever. My side doesn't see it as a taboo, more as some holy nonsense they don't want to interact with. R // Thank you. I'd be arrogant to say it was all mine, but almost all of them are my doing, especially the ones you can see from Earth. Got inspired by a pretty special angel for a few. R
You: Well, considering an angel I know just claimed to be you, I thought it might be worth knowing who you really are. A
But I'd like to think I'm open-minded. My best friend is a demon, and he spoke well of you. And he's been fairly honest about most everything. A
Though I am curious if that angel was anyone in particular... A
Stranger: [Delay] It was you. Aziraphale, still a Cherub back then. You don't remember, most angels don't have any memories of anything happening before Time was made. Only Archangels still have pieces of memories of that time, since they had been created first. You were radiant, Aziraphale. Shining of joy, of curiosity. I even made... Ha. Alpha Centauri thinking about you. R
You: I'll definitely look for that system more closely from now on, then. A
But I wish I remember you better. You seem absolutely lovely. A
Perhaps if you ever have the time, we could meet up for lunch or something? A
Stranger: ...No. Won't be possible. You wouldn't like me, trust me. R // I'm hurt. Burned. Yes, that's it, I've been seriously burned during my fall. R
You: I mean, if there's anything I can do to help, I'd be more than willing. A
Besides, if She made us a match, I'm sure that would transcend anything. A
Stranger: Don't you want to use your free will instead, angel? Instead of following her idea, why don't you find yourself someone you love? R
You: In a way, I used my free will to reach out to you, didn't I? A
It was her decision to cast you out after the Rebellion, so it weren't for the connections I have, I would have never known what happened to you. A
Stranger: Such a fortunate event, isn't it? That you know Crowley too. He's a bit annoying sometimes, don't you think? R // I suppose you're right, you're using your free will to contact me. Howewer, you wouldn't be interested in me if it wasn't for that match. R
You: Oh, I wouldn't say that. He's been wonderful company to me. A
Well, I'm at least curious what She had in mind for me. You and I could end up becoming friends, or maybe something more, or you might wish not to speak to me after this, but in the very least, I might learn something from it, right? A
Stranger: C'me on, it's just us, here. Crowley is not terrible but he is quite flawed. I bet you're relieved to have anyone but him as your fallen soulmate. R // From what I understood, this system is one of a partners for eternity. It goes beyond friendship or romantic features, it should make you say: 'I trust them with my life, and I know they'll always be here.' A never leaving shadow, I'd say. R
You: I mean, to put it quite simply, I'm not exactly a perfect angel either. And I think most everyone has their flaws. A
But that is an interesting take on it. It's comforting, and maybe a bit familiar... Or maybe I've been yearning for something like that all these years. A
Stranger: A bit familiar? What do you mean? You have lived something like this already? R // It's the most incredible feeling one could dream of. This is truly a gift from Her, and the fact fallen ones are allowed to still feel it... I must say, it's great. R
You: Or maybe I've just imagined it. I've been told more than once I'm far too hopeful and optimistic. A
Wait, have we crossed paths on earth? A
Stranger: [...] Oh, yeah. We have, a few times. I'm fairly often on Earth, so we certaintly saw each other, from a distance. I won't blame you if you forgot me. R
You: I wish I knew who you were. I'm sorry, dear. A
Another question that comes to mind- if you don't mind answering it, that is. Does every demon just address angels as 'angel'? A
Crowley does that quite a lot, and you happened to do that earlier, too. A
Stranger: Don't worry and don't apologize. Even if you think you don't know me, a part of you does and it's what matters. Furthermore, you only learned of my existence recently and we have all time in the world. R // ...Your name is complicated to remember, it's an angelic one. Potential holy one, it'd sting. It's just easier to give you that nickname. R
You: That's rather interesting, still. A
But I'm rather looking forward to getting to know you better. Just talking to you, it feels like I've known you all along. A
Stranger: [Long Delay] I lied. Your name isn't complicated nor painful to say, Aziraphale. It's just me, I can not stop calling you angel. R // Fuck, you must think I'm awful and cruel. R
Stranger: (Sorry, my Wifi glitched. Did you receive my reply?)
You: (Yeah, I got it :) )
Stranger: (Great, thanks!))
You: Darling, it's fine, please don't worry. A
I also realise this was all out of the blue, so I understand if it's a lot right now. A
Stranger: I panicked. You wanted to talk to Raphael, and I made all this up. That's pathetic. Not the part about the stars, this is real. And you having met Raphael before Eden, it was true too. R
You: Then could you tell me the truth? A
Stranger: I'm Raphael. I mean, I was before I fell. C
You: My dear, why didn't you just tell me? A
I was already rather hoping it might be you on the other end, to be honest. A
Stranger: I was afraid you'd feel forced to stay around me because it's what She decided. I didn't want you to. If you are around me, I'd rather if it was your choice, because you enjoy my presence. C
You: Crowley, soulmate or not, I'd always want you around. You mean the entire world to me. A
Stranger: And you mean the entiere universe to me, angel. C
You: Would you be able to come by? A
I was thinking we could share bottle of wine or two, maybe begin making up for the last six thousand years of not realising we're soulmates... A
Technical error: Server was unreachable for too long and your connection was lost. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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css1992 · 6 years ago
Work for it
Warnings: explicit, nff, 18+, age gap (duh), power imbalance. No power AU. 9k words. Peter is an intern, Tony is his boss. This is really cliche, sorry not sorry. 
Tony was used to people tripping over themselves for just a second of his time. He was used to long lines of potential lovers forming just outside of his proverbial door; he was used to having his pick of pretty young things. He’d snap his fingers, set a time and place, and he could have anyone. He couldn’t remember the last time he had to work for it; probably never, if he was honest. He was blessed with striking features, a fit body – even if he didn’t work out much -, and a suaveness that would put Bond to shame. Besides that, he was a Stark. He was filthy rich and probably the most powerful man in the world – he was at least on the top five list, for sure. To top it all off, he was a genius, playboy philanthropist, so, really, what was not to like?
According to Peter Parker, plenty. And wasn’t that incredibly and surprisingly refreshing and thrilling?
Peter was Bruce’s intern, so technically, he worked for Tony, since Bruce was head of his nuclear physics department, but that didn’t seem to matter much when the kid rolled his eyes at Tony and told him to get lost. The first time it happened, the older man was left gaping and spluttering, not really sure if he was pissed the fuck off and ready to fire the son of a bitch, or turned the fuck on and ready to accept the challenge. He settled on the latter and after gathering his wits again, he smirked at the feisty little intern and licked his lips, nodding. “As you wish, Mr. Parker.”
Of course he didn’t leave him alone, though, he always found a reason to be in Bruce’s lab, and although the physicist was exasperated and annoyed by his presence, he also seemed amused and pleased by his interactions with Peter. The young man wasn’t impressed by Tony, he wasn’t intimidated by his presence and not even a little bit charmed by his antics. Whenever Tony tried to flirt with him or ask him out, he would roll his eyes and reject him flatly, he even threatened to go to HR once, but he never did, so maybe that was a good sign? Probably not, but a man could dream.
Tony had no idea what he was doing wrong, if he was doing anything wrong – again, he wasn’t used to this shit. Usually, he only needed a cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner to get whoever he wanted, but Peter Parker seemed to be the only person in the whole world immune to it, so, of course, he was the only person in the whole world that Tony wanted at the moment. He wanted to fuck that arrogant expression off his pretty face, he wanted to use him, to wreck him, to ruin him. He wanted to leave him whimpering, lying on the floor, begging for more, once he was done with him. The longer it took to bed him, the more he wanted to mess him up.  
He watched the young man leaning over his workbench, his round, firm, bubble butt sticking out, ready to be grabbed and kneaded and kissed and spread open; his thin waist begging to be marked up by strong, calloused fingers. They could do it right there, in Bruce’s lab, over his workbench. One day they would, he could feel it in his bones. One day, Peter would beg for his touch, and Tony would make him work for it, as payback. He’d make him squirm and cry and beg to come, and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t let him, no matter how much he wanted to see him fall apart.
“You’re staring again,” Bruce told him from his right, eyes focused on the microscope, as if he didn’t even need to look up to know where Tony’s gaze had landed. “This is getting boring. And kinda creepy, to be honest.”
“Maybe to you, Brucie Bear, but Mr. Parker over there? He’s this close to cracking, did you see his little smile when I told him he smelt nice this morning?” Tony didn’t bother tearing his gaze from Peter’s fine ass, specially now that he was practically wiggling it while trying to open a bottle of whatever.
“I believe your exact words were ‘you smell good enough to eat’. And I wouldn’t call it a smile so much as a sneer, actually.” Tony glared at Bruce from across the workbench and the shy scientist sighed, finally looking back at the billionaire. “Tones, he’s a good kid, ok? He’s genuinely good. You’re coming on to him too strong, I just don’t think that’s his style.”
“So enlighten me, Brucie, what would you say is his style?” Tony half joked, half pleaded, because really, at this point, almost four months trying to get this kid to like him, he was becoming desperate with the possibility that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t find him attractive at all. Maybe he thought Tony was a creepy, pervert, old man. He was nearing his fifties, after all, and the kid was surely in his early twenties. Tony never thought the day would come that he would have to worry about not being somebody’s type, but Peter was messing with his head. Badly.
“Well, there’s this Beck guy from engineering, he usually brings Peter coffee and always talks to him about his work here, and the kid actually giggles at him. Looks like he enjoys his attention, at least a lot more than he does yours.” Bruce shrugged and Tony gaped at him, as a strange, unfamiliar feeling took over his chest. A feeling of rage, mixed with sadness, mixed with possessiveness. There was someone else trying to bed Peter, and he couldn’t have it. He must have said it out loud, because Bruce rolled his eyes again. “That’s the thing, Tony, I don’t think he just wants to fuck Peter. He treats him well, like a human being, not a piece of meat. I guess that’s why Peter doesn’t tell him to fuck off whenever he comes around, you know?”
“Oh. Oh!” Of course. Peter was really young, he was bound to be naive and dreamy. He was probably a romantic at heart, maybe he needed to believe he was being courted by a knight in shining armor, maybe he needed the whole flowers and chocolates kinda deal, before they got down to business. Smart guy, that Beck. He grinned with a knowing glint in his eyes.
“Why do I feel like I’ve made a huge mistake?” Bruce sighed, rubbing a hand tiredly across his forehead, but Tony ignored him, making his way towards the young intern.
Peter felt him coming from a mile away, if the way his shoulders tensed up was anything to go by. He turned his head towards Tony and rolled his eyes when he saw the older man’s smile, sighing exasperatedly. Tony raised both of his hands, showing that he came in peace, and Peter just glared at him, unimpressed.
Fuck, he was beautiful. He looked like a tiny Disney prince, with chestnut brown curls that always fell on his forehead no matter how many times a day he tried to tuck them behind his ears; his eyes were also brown and bright, kind-looking, and when he smiled – never at Tony, though, always at someone else – they crinkled around the edges in the most endearing way. His skin looked smooth like a baby’s, but Tony never got to touch it, could only imagine how incredibly soft it would feel; his lips were thin and pink and tiny, just like all of him.
Tony really, really wanted him. Just for one night. That didn’t seem like a lot to ask.
“Hey, kid, I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot,” Tony started when he was at the boy’s workbench, leaning against it, but not really close to the young man. He made it a point to look at Peter in a sweet and kind way, not at all like he usually did, with dark, hungry eyes.
“Yeah, maybe because you’ve been sexually harassing me for four months now, sir,” he answered shortly, crossing his arms over his chest. Tony would point out that if he felt harassed he should report him and maybe sue him and make millions out of it, but he didn’t, so maybe he liked it, but he bit his tongue. That sounded exactly like the kind of thing that would get him further from the boy’s bed.
“I apologize for making you feel this way, Mr. Parker.” For the first time ever, he noticed Peter’s features softening slightly, at least he didn’t look like he was about to bolt or slap him at any second. So Tony continued, feeling a little more confident with this course of action now. “I’m really sorry, it was brought to my attention that I’ve been really disrespectful and inconvenient, it’s just – I’m not used to being rejected, and I know this makes me sound like a douche, but maybe I am one, so.” This actually made the boy smile just a tiny bit, but he covered his mouth with a hand. “Anyway, I just wanna say that as of now, I’m not gonna bother you anymore, and I hope we can have a healthy, professional relationship, because you seem like a really bright young man.”
“I appreciate it, Mr. Stark.” Tony perked up at the gentler tone of his voice, that was probably the nicest thing Peter had ever said to him, so that was progress.
“Well, have a nice day, then, Mr. Parker. I’ll see you soon.” Tony smiled sweetly at him and actually got a little smile back and his heart did a flip inside his chest. He couldn’t quite grasp what was going on with him, but it felt nice. Being on Peter’s good side felt nice.
Tony didn’t show up at Bruce’s lab for the next few weeks, he figured he should give Peter a little time to miss him. What he did do, though, was a complete background check on Quentin Beck, from his engineering department. What he found both delighted and horrified him. He was delighted because he had a perfect excuse to get rid of him, but he was horrified that a person like him had been working for Stark Industries for such a long time and nobody noticed. And fuck, he was close to Peter, what if he had asked him out? What if they had been alone together?
Beck was facing charges of rape and domestic violence against his ex-husband and, aside from that, Tony had a very strong suspicion that he was involved in corporate espionage against S.I., so he sent all his findings to his legal team and less then two weeks later, the guy was fired. After that, Tony ordered a complete background check on all of his employees, and made sure that it happened at least once a year from that moment forward. He was proud of himself as he marched to Bruce’s lab with a smile on his face a few days later. When he got there, though, he was met with an exasperated scowl from the scientist.
“Really, Tony? Really?” He looked frustrated and angry, but the billionaire held his palms up, signaling that he came in peace. People just knew that Beck was fired, they didn’t know the reason yet. It would probably come out eventually.  
“I promise it’s not what you think, ok, the guy was a rapist and he was selling S.I’s secret projects to Oscorps, so chill. I just did a little digging, the rest is on him,” Tony promised, seeing a shocked expression forming on Bruce’s face. “I know, I know, it’s crazy. Legal is dealing with him.”
“Fuck, are you sure?”
“Well, we’re pressing charges, so yeah, I’m sure. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He smirked at the brunette and made his way towards Peter, missing the way the other scientist rolled his eyes and shook his head. This time, the intern didn’t tense up when Tony approached him, but he did eye him carefully, defensively, as if he didn’t fully believe that Tony had changed. “Good morning, Mr. Parker.”
“Good morning, Mr. Stark,” he answered cautiously, turning his full attention to the older man.
“Bruce told me about your breakthrough regarding your research on Nucleosynthesis. I would like to congratulate you personally.” As soon as he said that, the boy blushed a light pink, his attitude going from defensive to shy in record time, it was endearing.
“Oh, thank you, Mr. Stark, but it was mostly Dr. Banner, really. I just helped a little.” His tiny, elegant hands were fumbling with the hem of his lab coat nervously and Tony smiled to himself, heart beating oddly faster.
“That’s not what he told me, Peter.” The use of his first name drew the boy’s attention back to his face, cheeks still bright red. “In fact, he told me a lot of good things about your work here at Stark Industries.” That wasn’t a lie, actually, Bruce always sang Peter’s praises whenever they talked about the young man’s progress in his internship. Bruce really wanted to have him on his team once he graduated, and Tony wasn’t against it. “Keep up the good work, Parker.”
“I will, sir, thank you.” He smiled sweetly, tucking a stray curl behind his ear. Tony smiled again, satisfied, and nodded.
“Have a good day.” He turned on his heels before the younger man could answer and strode out of the lab confidently, absolutely certain that the boy was following him with his gaze. Apparently, Bruce was right, after all. He did seem to respond a lot better to praises about his work instead of his looks. Who’d have guessed.
He showed up at the lab a few times a week with the excuse of meeting with Bruce. At first, he just greeted the younger man from afar, which seemed to spark his curiosity. It was clear that he was confused by Tony’s sudden change of attitude, but he never mentioned anything, and neither did Tony. A couple of weeks after Beck was fired, all sorts of rumors were spread. Some were far-fetched – people said he was mentally unstable, that he tried to stab someone in his department, that he stole from the office –  but some hit closer to home. Tony saw an opportunity when he walked into the lab one day and overheard Peter talking to another intern about it.
“Mr. Parker, may I have a word?” He gestured towards Bruce’s personal office, so that they wouldn’t need to go upstairs to his own. The intern nodded weakly and followed Tony inside, sitting on a chair in front of Bruce’s desk. Instead of taking a seat behind it, Tony perched himself on the desk, looking at Peter with a serious, grave expression. “Peter, it was brought to my attention that you and Mr. Beck were close.” The boy’s eyes grew comically fast.
“Mr. Stark, I swear, I had no idea –“
“It’s okay, kid, I know you didn’t, you’re not in trouble, this is not what this is about,” he assured him and the younger man seemed to breathe easier after that. “I would like to apologize in the name of the company, kid. I’m sorry you were put in such a dangerous situation, working with someone who shouldn’t be anywhere near here.” At first, Tony had just rehearsed those words to make Peter soften towards him, but as he said them, he was surprised he actually meant it. He was actually sorry Peter was so close to danger under his watch.
“Oh. Mr Stark, you couldn’t have known –“
“I should have known, and for that I’m sorry. I hope you can feel safe again in your workplace. I promise there are no other secret criminals around here, I made sure myself.” He smiled softly and the younger man blushed slightly.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark,” he answered quietly, watching Tony with a mix of shyness and admiration.
“If you need to talk to someone about it, let me know, ok? We have therapists on our payroll and that was a stressful situation.” The billionaire stared at him intently, and the boy quickly nodded again.
“Yes, sir, thank you.”
After that, they became a little closer, Peter treated him differently, smiled at him more openly and more often, responded better to his jokes and stories. Every time Tony came down to the lab, they would talk a little about Peter’s projects and even about his classes at NYU. The young man really was brilliant, definitely above average, maybe even a genius, like Tony himself and Bruce. Tony was taken by surprise by that – he knew the boy was smart, he wouldn’t be there otherwise, he just didn’t expect him to be that smart.
He was surprised, too, as the weeks went by, to have Peter open up to him more, little by little, pieces of information escaping through his teeth as he told him about his week at college. Tony learned that he was an orphan, he lived with his aunt and his biggest dream as a kid had been to go to MIT, and even though he got a scholarship there, he didn’t want to leave his aunt alone, so he stayed.
Against all odds, they became – friends? Acquaintances? Tony wasn’t sure, but it worked in his favor. After only a couple of months, Peter didn’t see him as threat anymore, which allowed the older man to move to phase two of his plan: wooing the intern in a non-threatening way – whatever that means, Brucie.
It started out small and simple: coffee. Tony usually sent someone to buy him expensive coffee at a hipster coffee shop down the street, so one day he ordered one for Peter, too. When he went down to the lab and offered him the hot beverage, the young man’s eyes glinted, a warm smile forming on his thin lips as he thanked him. It was a beautiful sight to see.
“Wow, this is so good, Mr. Stark! Where’s it from?” He asked with big, round eyes, amazed by something as simple as coffee. Tony was flooded with a need to show him so much more than just that, but he suppressed it. It made no sense, what was he even thinking?
“It’s from a nice coffee shop just down the street, we could go together someday, if you’d like.” The boy blushed and didn’t answer right away, but two days later they were sitting together at said coffee shop, Peter’s red cheeks were bright enough to illuminate the whole room.
“God, this is delicious, I really needed that, it’s been such a stressful week.” Peter groaned around a mouthful of chocolate cake and Tony had to make an actual effort to look away from his lips when he licked them.
“Is Banner giving you a hard time? Let me know, I can fire him, if you want.” The older man took a sip of his espresso, watching as the intern giggled over the rim of his mug – honest to God giggled.
“Don’t be silly, you know Dr. Banner wouldn’t give anyone a hard time, he’s the best human being on earth.” He smiled sincerely. “No, it’s just school, you know. Finals are coming up and I’m a little overwhelmed, it’s all.”
“I’m sure you’re gonna ace them, kid, I’m pretty sure you’re a genius.” Tony wiggled his eyebrows and Peter blushed, but shook his head.
“I’m pretty sure you say that to all of your interns.” He batted his eyelashes, a feigned dreamy look on his face.
“Only to the really smart ones.” The young man blushed yet again and almost drowned in his coffee as he tried to make himself look busy. “No, but seriously, don’t worry about it and don’t overwork yourself, ok? If you need a few days off, just let me know.”
“No, it’s ok, I like coming to work.” He smiled and then dropped his gaze to Tony’s plate with interest. “How’s your pie?”
“Wanna find out?” He smirked, taking a piece of it with his fork and offering it to the boy. He expected Peter to take the fork from his hand, but he must have misunderstood his actions, because he just leaned in and opened his mouth, waiting for Tony to feed it to him. The genius gulped, but complied, watching with a transfixed gaze as Peter wrapped his lips around the fork, closing his eyes and moaning in pleasure when he pulled back.
“Wow, this is so good. Oh, man, I wish aunt May could cook like that. Or me. But I guess it’s for the best, I wouldn’t fit through the lab’s door if I got to eat this everyday.” He grinned.
“Not much of a cook, your aunt?” The older man shifted in his chair, trying to adjust himself in his pants, something he hadn’t had to do in public in a very long time.
“God, no, she’s terrible, you should try her meatloaf. No, wait – you shouldn’t, no one should.” Tony gave a startled laugh at that, almost spitting out his coffee. “But I’m one to talk, I can barely scramble eggs, so. It must run on the family or something. We just eat a lot of take out and frozen meals.”
“Well, I could teach you a thing or two one of these days.” Tony shrugged nonchalantly, watching the boy’s reaction as he frowned with a doubtful little smile.
“Really?” He raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side, and Tony rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, really, kid, don’t give me that look, I’ve been cooking five stars meals for longer then you’ve been alive.”
“Well, I’m sorry, I should know better than to question my elders.” He grinned cheekily and Tony threw a napkin in his face.
Away from their workplace, Peter showed a different side of him, a fun, carefree side. He was really sweet and kind, not at all like Tony’s first impression of him, and he was also witty and smart-mouthed, so much fun to be around. That led to another coffee date, then another, then another. They would meet at least once a week at that coffee shop when Peter didn’t have classes after work, and it was just so nice, Tony almost forgot what he was trying to achieve.
Key-word: almost.
He was quickly reminded, though, when the unresolved sexual tension became almost unbearable. Whenever they were together, when nobody was paying attention, Peter would touch his arm for longer than necessary, he would bite his lower lip as he stared at him through half lidded eyes, soft fingers would linger whenever their hands touched. It was all very subtle, Tony would never have noticed any of it if he wasn’t so fucking obsessed with the boy.
“Did you burn yourself with the blowtorch again?” Peter reached for his arms and his soft fingertips brushed the angry-red burn on the inside of his wrist, the innocent touch sent shivers down his spine.
“Actually, it was a frying pan.” Before Tony could even begin to explain what happened, Peter burst out laughing.
“No way! But I thought you were a 5 Michelin Stars Chef?” He raised a brow, his hand never leaving Tony’s skin.
“Okay, smart pants, first of all, that’s not the most Michelin stars one can get and, second of all, I am the world's most renowned engineer and I still get hurt in the shop from time to time, so I’m sure Gordon Ramsay also burns himself making omelets sometimes, so chill.” He grabbed the younger man’s hand but didn’t do more than that, so they were basically holding hands, but Peter seemed unfazed.
“Are you comparing yourself to Gordon Ramsay?” He laughed again, reaching with his other hand to touch Tony’s forehead. “You should get checked for an infection, ‘cause you’re delusional, let me see if you have a fever.”
The whole thing was just way too confusing for the older man. Peter wasn’t just a pretty face and a nice body, he was a smart kid, and he was good, genuinely good, just like Bruce had told him, and Tony – he wasn’t sure what to make of that. Peter didn’t deserve to be one of his flings, a notch on his bedpost, so he never took the last step. He never asked Peter out aside from their platonic coffee dates, although, at that point, he was positive that the answer would have been a resonant yes. He was gonna abort the whole thing, he really was, but when the opportunity finally, finally arose, so many weeks later, Tony just couldn’t say no.
He was a bad, bad man, a weak man, a piece of shit, yeah. He never denied any of those things.
So the day that Peter stayed late at the lab, way later than Bruce or anyone else, according to JARVIS, Tony quickly made his way down there, suit jacket discarded, no tie, his shirt’s sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Recently, he had noticed that the younger man liked staring at his arms, his chest – he popped the first two buttons of his shirt at the memory- and his back. He also seemed intrigued by his graying hair, the way he would always look up at somewhere above Tony’s eyebrows, biting his lips without even noticing.
Tony knew he was interested, fucking finally.  
So he walked into the lab smoothly, confidently, hands in his pockets, puffing his chest out a little. Peter raised his head when the glass door hissed, announcing Tony’s entrance. He smiled softly for a few seconds, before taking in Tony’s appearance. His cheeks turned pink as he stared, mouth hanging open, and Tony smirked when he got close enough.
“Hey, Pete. JARVIS said you were the only one left. Isn’t it a little late for you to be here? Don’t you have classes in the morning?” He inquired, leaning against the workbench, and the younger man shook his head nervously, trying to avoid looking at Tony.
“I don’t have classes until later in the morning tomorrow, so I thought I’d finish this real quick, but I think I lost track of time.” He answered with an embarrassed smile when he looked at his phone, noticing it was already past 10pm. “I’ll go, though,” he started gathering his things, until Tony placed a hand on his wrist gently, a calloused thumb rubbing the thin skin on the inside, feeling his rapid pulse quickening even more. “Uhm, Mr. Stark?”
“Why don’t you come up with me to the penthouse, huh? We can have dinner together, you must be  starving. We could have a few drinks, too.” He dared to get a little closer to him, close enough to feel his body heat, to feel his labored breath on his face. Peter’s eyes fluttered and he licked his lips, unable to look away from Tony, and the older man smirked, pulling him even closer by the wrist. “What do you say, huh?”
Yes, of course, and that should have been his answer from the beginning, Tony thought, trying to contain his excitement. He wasn’t a virgin teenager on his first date, he was an experienced man ready to reap the rewards of his very hard work. He guided Peter towards the elevator, afraid the spell would be broken on the way up, but the boy followed him dutifully, so different from the feisty young man from all those months ago. Tony wished he could go back in time and rub it in that Peter‘s face, that he would succumb to him, eventually.
But then, seconds after having that thought, he felt terrible. Peter really didn’t deserve any of that, he was such a good kid, and he trusted Tony. The way he looked up at him on the way up to the penthouse was proof enough, he trusted Tony not to hurt him. If Tony was a better man, he would order them dinner, feed the boy, then send him on his way, Happy would get him home safe and sound and everything would be okay, nothing had to happen.
And maybe he would have been good, maybe he could have tried, at least, but how could he when, as soon as the elevator stopped, the intern stood on his tiptoes and kissed him? When his little, soft hands cupped his face, pulling him down, as the boy opened his mouth in invitation? Tony pulled Peter’s body against his own and kissed him back furiously, hungrily. Since he was going to hell anyway, might as well enjoy the ride.
There was no point in pretending that wasn’t what they wanted all along, what they both wanted for fucking months, so Peter wasn’t even surprised by his hunger, his eagerness. The boy’s trembling fingers slid from his jaw to his neck, then up into his hair, which sent electric shocks directly to the older man’s cock, and he bucked his hips almost unconsciously, immediately feeling Peter’s erection through his jeans.
He smirked into the kiss, feeling even more confident now. He caressed Peter’s back, feeling his muscles tensing as the genius’s hands slowly made their way down towards his lower back and finally –  finally – his glorious ass. It was plump and soft, but firm at the same time, so Tony grabbed it and kneaded it as much as he had been longing to do for so many months. The action made their erections brush against each other and Peter gasped, pulling away from the kiss to throw his head back against the elevator wall and Tony wasted no time attacking his pale, exposed throat with wet kisses and nibbles, eliciting a desperate moan from the boy.  
The older man lifted the intern by his ass, making him yelp in the process, but he quickly recovered and wrapped his legs around Tony’s waist. As the genius had thought, he was light as feather, and his small body fit perfectly enveloped in his. He pushed Peter against the wall, rolling his hips, and felt the boy’s already rock-hard cock poking him in the abs. Ah, to be in his twenties again.
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, kid.” He whispered hotly against his lips, before kissing him again, slower this time, more sensually, as he pressed his erection against Peter’s jeans. Both of his hands still clutched his ass roughly, and the younger man couldn’t seem decide if he wanted to push his ass back against the touch or if he wanted to rub against Tony’s stomach, so he tried to do both at the same time to the genius’s amusement.
“Well, then don’t keep me waiting, sir.” He dragged his lips from Tony’s mouth across his bearded jaw and towards his ear, where he bit his earlobe weakly and wetly and the older man shuddered, shocked at how hard he already was from just a little make out session. He wasn’t a teenager anymore, and still Peter was making him feel like one.
He smirked against the younger man’s neck, sucking the soft skin there hard enough to leave a bruise, and just the thought that people would see it and know that Peter belonged to someone – to him – made him even harder in his slacks, if it was even possible.
“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t,” Tony saw the fine hairs on Peter’s arms stand on end when he whispered those words in his ear. He put him back on the floor, taking advantage of the new position to deliberately slide his hands down the back of Peter’s jeans and underwear, shocking him with his boldness. He was delighted to finally feel the soft skin under his fingertips and he squeezed his flesh with so much want that he was sure Peter could feel it in his bones.
“Oh, God, Mr. Stark,” he whimpered when one of Tony’s fingers skillfully slid towards his entrance, teasing at the puckered hole without breaching it. This made both of them lose their breaths instantly, specially when the older man aligned their erections, rubbing them together and thrusting against him like a dog in heat.
“Gonna make you feel so good, kid,” he promised, pressing their lips back together, stealing yet another passionate kiss from him, and the boy didn’t shy away from it, he gave as good as he got, standing on his tiptoes, arms wrapped firmly around Tony’s neck. When the older man started pressing the very tip of his little finger inside him, the boy all but melted against the wall, dizzy.
“Mr. Stark, please, please...” Even in the dark – courtesy of JARVIS – Tony could tell that Peter’s cheeks were bright red and it made him smile, because even though they were doing such filthy things, he was still embarrassed by his own words.
“Shh, I got you, I got you...” He whispered against his lips, his pinkie pushing inside the quivering hole just a little bit more, since there was no lube, but that was enough to draw a ragged moan from the boy’s lips. He started fucking his finger in and out of him slowly, just up to his second knuckle, and Peter squeezed Tony’s shoulders and bit his lips, trying to contain his soft whimpers, and Tony was sure that if he was just a little younger, he would have come in his pants, right then and there.
“I’m not gonna let you fuck me in an elevator, Mr. Stark.” Even as he said that, his hips were pushed backwards, his ass cheeks spread open for him, trying to take more then Tony was willing to give him just yet. Still, Tony complied, slowly pulling his finger out of his hungry hole and a soft, pained cry left the boy’s lips as he did.  The billionaire quickly guided him inside the penthouse and considered taking the young man to his room upstairs, but he seriously didn’t think they could make it there, so he just headed towards the couch.
Tony took a seat there, spread his legs and immediately pulled the younger man in between them. From that angle, his face was level with the boy’s stomach, so he untucked his dress shirt from his pants and started kissing his navel, only to be pushed away softly. He watched, astonished and amazed, as Peter unbuttoned his shirt slowly, before dropping it to the floor.
He only had a few seconds to admire his pink, little nipples and his surprisingly toned abs before the boy was straddling him, stealing all his ability to think straight. The genius was fast to hold him by his thin waist, meanwhile the younger man attacked his neck, rolling his hips slowly, their erections pressed firmly against one another.
Tony started kissing down his chest, dragging his mouth towards his perky nipples. They were tiny and pale pink, like two little rose buds ready to be ravished. He’d spend hours biting, pinching and licking them if he could, but Peter seemed like a very impatient young man, so he wouldn’t keep him waiting long. He did hold one of his nipples between his fingers, though, pinching it carefully and rolling it slowly, as he lavished the other with sloppy, wet kisses. The sounds that came out of the boy’s mouth were pure sin as he tugged Tony’s hair, unable to decide if he wanted to push him away or pull him closer.
When both of his nipples were swollen hard and impossibly red, Tony pulled away, holding him carefully to switch positions and lie him on the couch. Luckily, it was a damn comfortable couch, and big enough to fit both of them with room to spare. He took advantage of the new position and took off Peter’s pants, along with his underwear, leaving him completely naked and exposed, splayed for his pleasure.
He was gorgeous. Even though he was small and thin, his chest and stomach were muscular, covered with miles of pale, unblemished skin. His nipples were swollen red and glistening with spit after Tony’s sweet abuse and his cock was small and flushed pink and leaking pre-cum, it looked painfully hard. The sight of him paralyzed the older man for a few seconds, but he soon focused on exploring every inch of skin with his hands and tongue, feeling flustered, wishing he could touch everywhere at the same time.
Once upon a time, he had a plan. He planned to make Peter beg him, he planned to use him to his own pleasure, he planned to leave him wanting more, not even let him come for all the time he kept him waiting. But at that moment, he couldn’t think of anything besides making him feel good, pleasuring him, making him come as hard as he ever could.
Peter spread his legs gracefully so that Tony could fit in between them, which he gladly did. He soon dragged his tongue down Peter’s smooth, hairless stomach, purposefully avoiding his cock on his way down. He heard the younger man whimpering weakly and smirked against his skin.
“Mr. Stark, please...” He whined, spreading his legs even more, his knuckles were white from griping the pillows on the couch like his life depended on it. Tony’s mouth filled with saliva when he had a clear view of Peter’s hole, pink and quivering, begging for something, anything, to touch it, to fill it.
“Please? Please what, Peter?” Tony inquired with feigned innocence, one of his fingers rubbing and pressing against his entrance lazily, without breaching it. It took everything in him not to lean down and lick him from his tailbone up to the tip of his cock, but Peter was begging so nicely, he just needed to say the word.
“Please… Your mouth… Anything. Please, just – anything.” Normally, Tony wouldn’t accept that incomplete answer, but he was so hard he was seriously worried he would come untouched before this was over, so he took hold of his ass cheeks and spread them even further. “Fuck!” Even like this, his hole still looked insanely tight which made Tony’s need to taste it all the more unbearable.
He dived in between his cheeks, licking and trying to press his tongue inside, as Peter panted and moaned and whined, moving around restlessly, trying to push his body against Tony’s tongue, muttering something incomprehensible. Tony concentrated on giving him pleasure, as much as he could, completely satisfied with how desperate the boy sounded.
“Oh, God, so good… This feels so good… God!” Tony smiled against his hole, without interrupting what he was doing. He tried to fuck him open with his tongue and felt the tight ring of muscles give way just a little bit, which was enough for the older man. He licked inside him, his beard burning the boy’s inner thighs as he thrashed and moaned incoherently. Tony’s fingers left their firm grip on Peter’s ass cheeks to play with his balls and the young man actually screamed when he did, tugging his hair hard. “No, no, it’s too much! I’m not gonna – I’m gonna –“ He didn’t have to say anything else, Tony knew exactly what he meant, he felt the same way and he hadn't even touched his dick yet.
The older man climbed on top of him and quickly, with trembling fingers, unbuttoned his slacks, pulling his impossibly hard cock out. He saw the way Peter licked his lips, as if ready to taste it, and he smirked.
“Not today, kid,” he said, flipping Peter onto his stomach on the couch. He spread his legs further and quickly coated two of his fingers with his own saliva, before pressing one against the tight ring of muscles. The very tip of his finger breached the boy’s hole, he clenched against it at first, only for him to relax completely a minute later. He was so turned on he barely offered any resistance and soon Tony was able to fuck in and out of him, slowly and steadily, mesmerized by the way his hole tried to suck his finger in, growing red from the abuse.
He pushed another finger inside along with the first one and again the boy tensed, making it almost impossible. The older man rubbed his flank with his other hand, cooing at him as he tried to ease the other finger in. When the younger man finally relaxed, Tony started scissoring his fingers, moving and curling them inside, trying to find –
“Mr. Stark! Oh, God, What – I’m –“ He was babbling now, hips thrusting up and down as he tried to rub against the couch and fuck back against Tony’s fingers. The older man indulged him for a little longer, rubbing insistently against the bundle of nerves, driving the younger man completely mad with pleasure. “Please, I’m so close!” Tony quickly drew his fingers out, grabbed his waist and put him on all fours, kneeling right behind him on the couch. He spit on his hand and tried to lube his cock as well as possible, there was no way he would stop what they were doing to look for lube in his room.
Without warning, he started pushing into him, slowly but unrelentingly, inch by painful inch. Peter took it so well, back arched, legs spread wide, ass cheeks held apart by one hand as Tony split him open. When he bottomed out, the boy let out a long, painful moan, his knuckles white from clutching the pillows around him, but he never tried to pull away.
Tony leaned down, his chest touching Peter’s back. He held him gently and started kissing his shoulders and the back of his neck, as he whispered that he was amazing, so good for him, such a good boy. Peter started rocking back against him and the older man soon caught on. He straitened his back, hands squeezing the boy’s ass cheeks hard, keeping them open for easier access. His flesh was soft and firm under his palms and the contrast of his bare skin against Tony’s clothed body made him feel so powerful, the boy was fully naked and he was almost fully dressed, only his dick out, pounding into him mercilessly.
Peter could barely hold himself up, soon his elbows gave out and he pressed his face and chest to the couch, ass in the air, and Tony thought that had to be the best view in the room, the sounds Peter made were the best song ever played. He thrust inside him without any finesse, chasing his release, although he still had a little bit of clarity left to make sure Peter got there first.
The younger man shuddered and Tony knew he was on the right track, he wrapped a hand around the boy’s painfully hard cock and that was all it took, he came all over his hand, screaming his name, and before his body could go lax and pliant, Tony held his waist with both hands and let go, fucking into him like a wild animal, all the pent up sexual energy taking over his mind. Seconds later, he was spilling into him, an orgasm that felt endless, so powerful that when he opened his eyes again, Peter was already asleep under him.
He only had enough energy to roll over, so he wouldn’t crush the younger man, then he pulled him into his arms and passed out on the couch.
Tony wasn’t a coward, he was just really bad with morning afters, he was usually slapped, or yelled at, and that was why he had a protocol in place. So if the next morning he was in his office at 8AM, watching the live video stream from the security cameras in his penthouse, he couldn’t be judged for that.
He watched as Peter woke up with a start when JARVIS opened up the drapes in the living room, stating the time and the temperature. He hid his naked body with the blanket Tony had covered him with before leaving, and looked around, confused and seemingly a little scared, not recognizing where he was. Tony’s guts twisted guilty, it would probably be much easier if he was there, if he had kissed him awake slowly, allowing him time to adjust to his surroundings.
“Good morning, Mr. Parker.” He was even more spooked when he heard Pepper’s voice, turning around on the couch only to be confronted with her in all her impeccable glory, sharp clothes, killer heels, sophisticated bun and all. He looked so lost and confused. “I’ve got your clothes here, they’ve been dry cleaned and pressed. There’s a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you’d like to go. Mr. Stark sends his apologies, but he had an early meeting this morning.”
Finally, he seemed to understand what was going on and he nodded dazedly. Tony couldn’t see it through the cameras, but he was sure the boy was blushing furiously as he got up quickly and stumbled towards Pepper, covered only in a dark red blanket.
“Yes, thank you, sorry.” He said, meekly, taking his clothes from her hands. “Wh – uhn – could I maybe, uhm. Could you point me to the bathroom, ma’am?” He asked, eyes glued to the floor, and Tony felt fucking terrible, fuck, he should be there, he absolutely should be there, but he couldn’t get out of his chair and go, he just stared at the images as Pepper nodded gently, a motherly smile on her face.
“Of course, bathroom is right through there.” She pointed towards the hallway and Peter scurried away.
All this time, Tony thought he would feel amazing after having Peter, but he just felt sick and empty.
So, yeah, maybe Tony was a coward after all, that would be the only way to explain why he was avoiding Bruce’s lab for four days now, but he couldn’t quite figure out what he was feeling. For so many months, all he wanted to do was get into Peter’s pants, and now that he had, he didn’t feel the satisfaction that he thought he would.
Instead, he couldn’t stop thinking about the boy. About his trusting eyes as they rode the elevator up to his penthouse, about the way his skin trembled and shivered under his fingers, about how he was able to take the boy apart piece by piece, but never put him back together. He couldn’t stop thinking about how confused, and hurt, and ashamed he looked the following morning, as he took his clothes from Pepper; couldn’t stop thinking about the look of painful regret on his face as he rode the elevator down to the reception area, ignoring the car Tony left waiting for him.
Peter called in sick that day and he didn’t show up to work on Monday either, Bruce told him he had the flu, but eyed him suspiciously when Tony asked about the boy. The young intern went back to work on Tuesday, though, and Tony had meant to talk to him, to say something, but he didn’t. He couldn’t figure out what he wanted to say. And days went by, and days turned into a week, and silence felt wrong, but safe.
So Tony still didn’t know what to say when he accessed Peter’s file on Saturday, against JARVIS’s better judgement, and looked up his address. He still didn’t know what to say as he drove all the way to Queens, hands sweaty, heart pounding against his chest. He didn’t really have a plan when he ringed Peter’s apartment and his sweet, sweet voice sounded through the intercom.
“Peter, it’s me. Tony. Stark.” He felt so stupid saying that, he thought the younger man could probably recognize his voice. There was silence on the other end for almost two whole minutes and Tony considered ringing the doorbell again, but Peter spoke up.
“You should leave.”
“No, wait!” He waved at the intercom as if the young man could see him. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” He asked defiantly, and Tony shrugged.
“Can we please talk face to face?” He pleaded and that wasn’t his style, that wasn’t his style at all, if it was anyone else, he would have left already, but this was Peter, and he had hurt him –
“Is this work related?”
“If I say it is, will you let me up?” He insisted and he heard the younger man sigh.
“If you’re going to fire me, just do it right now, it will save us both time.”
“I’m not gonna fire you, Peter, just please let me talk to you.” He wasn’t above begging at that point, but that wasn’t necessary, because after a few seconds, Peter buzzed him in, but he didn’t say a word.
The older man rushed inside, as if the boy could change his mind and close the door. The elevator was broken, so he took the stairs, two steps at a time, and soon he was on Peter’s floor and the young man was leaning against his doorway, arms crossed over his chest.
“Peter –“
“You humiliated me,” he cut him off, staring at the floor. “You sent your PA to get rid of me, like I was trash that needed taking out,” his voice was really quiet and Tony couldn’t see his face because his head was hanging low, but he could hear the sadness in his voice.
“I know, I’m sorry, Peter, I’m so –“ He tried to step closer to the younger man, but he wasn’t sure if that would be welcomed.
“This is exactly why I didn’t wanna go out with you in the first place, you know. I was stupid to think – It was all an act, right?” He finally looked up at Tony, his eyes were red, but there were no tears. “The coffee dates, your interest in what I had to say, the praises...”
“No – I mean, yes – I don’t know.” Tony sighed, running his hands through his hair as he paced, way too confused for a man in his forties. He shouldn’t be this fucked up over some kid that he fucked a week ago, for fuck’s sake, what the fuck was wrong with him.
“You made me fall in love with you, then you tossed me away like I was nothing –”
“Made you what?” He turned to Peter quickly and he saw the boy drying his cheeks and a terrible feeling took over him and he rushed towards the younger man, reaching out to him, but didn’t dare to touch him. “Shh, please don’t cry, please. I’m so sorry, baby.” The endearment just fell out of his lips unprompted, and he really didn’t know what was wrong with him, but words just kept spilling out of his mouth, as he got closer and closer to Peter. “I’m sorry, let me make it up to you, ok?”
“I don’t want you to make it up to me, just forget about it.” He pushed Tony away, rubbing at his face. “Forget I said anything, just leave me –“
“I fell for you, too.” There, he said it. He fucking said it and it felt right, it calmed his restless thoughts, it answered all the questions he didn’t dare ask, not even inside his head. The unnamed feeling that made his heart beat like the world was ending whenever he thought of the boy’s trusting eyes staring up at him.
“You don’t mean that, you’re just saying it ‘cause you feel sorry. I don’t need your pity, I just…” He groaned, shaking his head, avoiding Tony’s gaze. “I just wish you had been honest with me.”
“I wanted to fuck you.” Tony blurted out, watching as the younger man’s eyes widened. “And because I’m an asshole, I was willing to do whatever it took to have you. Even lie to you, mislead you. So I did. That’s the truth, but not the whole truth.” He rushed to say when he the younger man started heading inside, ready to slam the door in his face. He turned to glare at Tony. “I’m not trying to pretend like I’m a good guy here, I’m not, I’m a jerk, ok? And I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I wasn’t too worried that you would get hurt in the process of me getting what I wanted.”
“Is there a point to any of this? Or you just like making me feel like shit?” The boy was furious, his eyes were red and his hair was a mess, but Tony still thought he looked gorgeous.
“The point is – you can trust me to fuck things up, always. That’s what I do. I’m selfish and self-centered and I’m not very good with feelings, so I’m sorry in advance for all the trouble it’s gonna cause you, but I like you. I really do. Somewhere along the way I fell in love with you, and I have no reason to lie anymore, so just give me a chance to make it right and I will. I don’t deserve it, but as you might have noticed, I’m an asshole who can’t take no for an answer, so you can either say yes now or you can say yes later, after I’ve done my fair share of begging and groveling, either way is fine with me. I’m a patient man, or so I’ve recently found out.” Tony crossed his arms as if it could protect him from how exposed those words made him feel. Peter stared at him like he had grown a second head, but there was hope and amusement in his eyes, so maybe it wasn’t a lost cause.
“You really are an asshole, Tony Stark,” He said, finally, what had to be mere seconds after Tony’s rant, but felt like an eternity. The older man sighed and shrugged, arms still crossed over his chest as Peter approached him slowly, like he would a small baby animal.
“I really, really am.” He nodded, seriously, because it really was true, but he wanted to be better, he would try to be better, Peter deserved as much. The young man stopped in front of him, his tiny, usually steady hands, were trembling softly when he reached out and touched the older man’s arms.
“And I’m so gonna regret this.” He forced Tony to uncross his arms, placing himself in between them, and the genius’s heart was beating so loudly against his ribcage he was sure Peter could hear it and would probably feel it, but he pulled him close, anyway, wrapping his arms tightly around him.
“Yes, yes, you are.” Again, he nodded seriously, because it was true, it was so very true, and if he were a better man he wouldn’t allow Peter to make such a huge mistake.
“Fine.” But since he was a terrible man on his way to hell, he opened his mouth and swallowed that word as it came out of Peter’s mouth and kissed him hard, held him close, and promised himself that he would work his ass off to deserve Peter, even if he knew it was never gonna be enough.
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years ago
birth chart reading for @goryglory19
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a locomotive shape. this means that you're a very ambitious person, with a lot of energy. pluto has a big influence on you, and your life revolves around understanding your feelings, transformation and emotional growth. the empty part of your life is what you have to develop, hence your family, financial life, your self-esteem and also your communication and thinking style.
your dominant planets are the sun, mars and jupiter. you are definitely a very charismatic person, it's easy for you to draw attention to you as you have a strong presence. you probably have a very bubbly personality, but you are also quite competitive and motivated to achieve your goals.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is fire. you have a warm heart, even though it may be covered by your confidence and independence. in fact, you always strive for the first place. people may be intimidated by your presence, as you're a serious competitor. thanks to this competitive nature of yours you may be very positive and optimistic, making you a good and supportive friend/partner.
🌎 ascendant in leo, 5° / 1st decan ruled by the sun
you’re an extremely confident and bright person, or at least you have a very strong aura around you that makes you look like you are. you have exceptional charisma and presence, in fact this is usually a celebrity placement! you surely don’t go overlooked. you naturally always try your best to make people feel at ease, and you mostly succeed thanks to your warmth, which makes you even more attractive. you probably like being recognized, and you may want to be famous. in fact, you like being in the spotlight and loaded with compliments and appreciation, they incredibly boost your self-confidence. your charisma may sometimes be too noticeable, resulting a bit dramatic; you may gesticulate a lot, imitate voices… basically, you would do amazing at acting, for example. in fact, most celebrities have a leo rising, or leo placements of any sort. you’re very playful, you most likely look younger than you are for your personality. you may also be a savage, and you’re most likely good at jokes of any kind. you appear as a very bubbly and outgoing person, yet you may be quite secretive. you don’t open up easily, especially about family / private matters. especially with your water influence, you’re very picky when it comes to trusting people. in addition, you’re a perfectionist; you care a lot about everything that revolves around you, from physical appearance to your job, you want it all to be perfect. that can cause you a lot of stress, as you always want to seem at your best state, you despise being seen as weak or unprepared. physically, all leos have beautiful hair. you may have curly, perhaps red or dark hair, or at least it’s very thick. you may also get tanned easily, an olive skin tone or any kind of warm undertones to your skin. you may have full, plump lips, or at least they have a defined cupid’s bow. you may also have pretty long eyelashes and big, watery eyes.
leo ascendant square taurus mars: you easily come off as more assertive and arrogant than you actually are. this manifests both in your face and in your words. you could say things impulsively, and sometimes you're too blunt and hurt people's feelings. you don't do it on purpose, though, there's no malice behind your acts; it's just your natural way to express your opinions. on the other hand, you probably have a very strong charisma to you that makes you look very captivating and bold. people see you as a leader, and hence they could get intimidated by your presence. to cope with this placement, you can try controlling yourself and your words before speaking. I'm aware that it's a way to vent your anger, but you can find another way that doesn't hurt others.
🌞 sun in pisces, 28° / 2nd decan ruled by neptune and pluto
this is the most intuitive pisces decan. you understand people’s thoughts just by looking at them, it’s like you’re staring at their souls. in fact, you’re extremely empathetic, you probably find yourself being a psychologist for your friends. or maybe, you’re actually a psychologist. you’re easy-going and you have great social skills; I don’t see you being extremely extroverted, but you don’t mind hanging out with your friends. you’re amazingly creative and imaginative, you have the ability to picture your ideas. this is an amazing talent, in fact most artists have pisces placements. the downside to pisces is that I’ve noticed that, since they know they’re vulnerable, they have the tendency to lie. they don’t do it out of cruelty of course, it’s a sort way to protect their ego. you could want to be seen as bolder than you are, hence you could struggle with identity crisis, especially during your teenage years. you have your own morals and beliefs, but you could feel influenced by others to change yours. luckily, this is something that gets better with time, as you start being more aware of your persona and you start loving yourself. you're most probably a very complex individual; after all, pisces is the most 'confusing' of all the signs. you're a sort of chameleon; you act differently based on where you are and who you're with. you could be a savage with someone, an introvert with someone else. you may even feel as if there's something wrong with your mind, as you just wish you could be like others. you should focus more on pisces' positive traits, though; you're extremely compassionate and considerate. you're emotionally intelligent, and this mutability of yours could make you succeed at many different jobs in your life, as it's very easy for you to adapt to and master new things. if you work hard, you can surely succeed in anything you want.
pisces sun square cancer jupiter: this is a hard aspect, which could make you feel even more proud of yourself due to your fire dominance. you may feel like the universe is constantly against you, especially with your pessimistic pisces sun. you may feel unlucky, or even overindulge in things you like to cope with sadness or anger. you may have the tendency to overeat, buy useless things etc. you go from having a low self-esteem, to even looking very bossy without even realizing it. you struggle to keep your identity balanced, even though you might have not been aware of it at first. to achieve fortune and joy in life, you need to work hard for it. to do so, you have to learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime, which probably revolve around family issue and their impact on your interactions with others.
🌙 moon in taurus, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
the moon is exalted in taurus, so it's definitely a good placement! you're very peaceful, you try to avoid conflicts when you can. this placement makes you crave stability, whether it's financial, in love etc. you must be very stubborn, as taurus is a fixed sign. this placement, paired with your imaginative leo energy, makes you settle on making your ideas concrete, and it's very beneficial. it makes you capable of achieving any goals in your life. you're also very artsy, and you may fancy particular art styles. you have a good eye for aesthetics, and you care a lot about the looks of your house, body, clothes etc. you have excellent concentration, and that is another thing that helps you achieve your goals and make your ideas concrete. last but not least, you're amazingly patient, and that makes you a great friend. probably, they vent a lot of their worries to you, as you're also a great listener.
taurus moon conjunct taurus mars: you aim for greatness. this is where your strong desire to be the #1 comes from, pretty much. you're very proud of yourself, and you don't like to acknowledge your mistakes. you always want to look like you have your life together, even in certain moments when you feel lost. I would say that this is a sort of self-sabotaging mechanism, as you can literally go as far as forcing a smile if it shows the world that you can stand by yourself. overall, I would say you deal with your emotions in a very 'child-like' way; after all, mars is pretty self-centered. you tend to preserve yourself more, unless someone really special to you is involved. you're also very honest, you speak from your heart. while it's a positive trait, you may be too blunt and ruin your relationships because of that. you're both smart and fast, hence you may get annoyed when people mishear or misunderstand your words.
🗣 mercury in pisces, 10° / 2nd decan ruled by neptune and the moon
you have the potential to be very focused on something thanks to your taurus energy, but your heavy neptune influence may interfer in that. in fact, you probably lose yourself in your own thoughts very often, starting daydreaming instead of doing what you have to do. you’re very creative and artistic, and you’re also able to fully convey your emotions in your words, even though it may be perceived as confusing sometimes. that’s because not everyone is as empathetic as you are. on the other hand, you may have the tendency to lie, or just being confusing in any way. you may not always express what you want crystal clear, as you want to able to modify the story just in case you encounter some hardships. also, you never truly express your feelings, probably out of fear. probably, the way you elaborate your thoughts is also influenced by your family and the impact they had on you. you’re always vague, and you keep your private matters for yourself. pisces is a mutable sign, so you may also find yourself changing ideas often, your mind wanders from one thought to another. you are very intuitive, and you may even have some sort of psychic talent. you could do well at reading tarots, birth charts etc. your voice is probably naturally loud, it's hard not to listen to you. also, since your mercury is squaring pluto, you could be quite impulsive sometimes and say things you actually don't mean. you could argue often with others due to this trait of yours, you get defensive very easily. on the other hand, you most likely have a nice sense of humor at least.
pisces mercury square gemini saturn: this placement gives you limitations and lessons regarding the way you think and talk. it may be that you’re too shy to approach others and to say what you think, so you just don’t try. otherwise, if you actually take action and try to overcome this problem, you could get into trouble. that’s probably caused by the fact that you don’t really pay attention to your words. you’re quite straight-forward, and due to your fire energy you always seem as if you’re up for a fight. you may be particularly pessimistic, or maybe you lack confidence in social interactions due to these problems, which could be possibly caused by your parents, or perhaps interfer in your relationship with your family. in fact, you may argue quite often with others, and misunderstandings are also common. this is something that gets naturally better with time, but in order for it to happen you need to take action. you may for example start speaking with others more at work, anything that allows you to challenge your mind and voice, in order to make you gain experiences and become a master at it. many celebrities, once they mastered this hard aspect, got loads of success. you can do that too, you just need to work on it.
pisces mercury square sagittarius pluto: you may become a bit manipulative. you probably don’t even realize it, though, as you have the ability to make people do what you want them to do. you probably love being right, especially during arguments, and you always manage to be so thanks to your skills. your words are like knives for others, they can truly cut deep through their ego. you’re direct and blunt, as you just say what you have in mind with no filters. you can develop a provocative attitude without even realizing it, which can obviously cause you conflicts. you need to be more careful about how you communicate your ideas, otherwise you could seriously damage other people’s self-esteem. on the other hand, if you acknowledge your flaws and work on them, this can actually turn into diplomacy. take advantage of your interest in your inner self to find out how to be a bit more gentle in choosing your words.
❤️ venus in aries, 13° / 2nd decan ruled by mars and jupiter
with venus in aries, loving you is an adventure. you enjoy fun, exciting relationships. you're the type who's looking for a risktaker, even dangerous partner. you hate boredom, and this may be your weakness regarding this placement; that is, once the relationship starts getting more serious, you feel as if it's going down, when it's actually the opposite. hence, you just run towards a new adventure. this placement may even give you the reputation of being a player, but I don't think it's your case based on your others placements. you have to understand that relationships can get boring, but that's not necessarily a red flag. it just means you two are starting to feel comfortable together. you also enjoy physical contact, therefore cold partners are a no no for you. you need someone who's affectionate yet bold, and that would spoil you with attention and gifts. you enjoy the little things about love, such as remembering your anniversary or even giving you small presents, especially if they're homemade (like breakfast, poems etc.). you also try to avoid flaky people, as you don't like making relationships seem too light.
aries venus square cancer jupiter: you come off as a very positive, happy-go-lucky person. you're extremely friendly, and this makes you be good at social relationships. you may have lots of friends, or at least you have the potential to make many if you opened up and talked to them. yet, while this energy gives you positive vibes, some people may take advantage of that, as you could easily be mistaken for naive. people can try to dominate you unconsciously (sometimes even on purpose) not only in relationships but even in friendships. aside from that, I don't think this placement causes you many problems. you may have the tendency to procrastinate and not work. you could be quite lazy and get easily distracted, as you're constantly with your head in the cloud. yet, thanks to your taurus energy, you still manage to find some motivation to do your work.
💥 mars in taurus, 12° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
with taurus mars, you may actually despise working too much. you love challenging your mind, but you're kind of lazy. you'd rather stimulate yourself through your hobbies and interests rather than using school / work, which are quite stressful for you. you need to find something material and concrete to motivate you and make you assertive. you could study just because you need a good grade, or maybe work just to get paid. you don't really do it with interest, as you care more about nurturing your passions than responsibilities. you're not really into conflicts; you'd rather be peaceful with everyone, as you find it a waste time to argue with someone. most taurus mars tend to be quite passive, yet I don't think it's your case. I imagine that with your heavy aries and leo energy, you've got a hot temper. you may try to avoid conflicts, but once someone gets on your nerves it's over for them. you're very unpredictable from this point of view, it's hard to decipher you. you may be more verbally aggressive than physically, though.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in leo. with this placement, you care a lot about your persona, both physically and also mentally too. yet, you may start feeling like you need to be perfect at all costs to be accepted, especially during your early years. for example, you may be the type to follow fashion trends to look cool, and you may subconsciously force yourself to like them. you need to understand that you should enhance your individuality, and ask yourself who you are. it’s not all about who you are outside, the inside matters even more. you’re free to stand out, but make sure that you do it in a comfortable way for you, or it will start becoming toxic as time goes by.
your 2nd house is in leo. your self-esteem depends on matters like money, possessions, as well as your influence on others. you may feel confident when you’re praised and spoiled with compliments and material things, you may enjoy being in the spotlight as it increases your self-confidence, even though you’re quite shy so you don’t feel very at ease. you feel confident when you’re able to earn money and you’re financially stable, and hence you probably felt guilty as a child to ask your parents for money for example. you probably love luxury, you aspire to become very wealthy, live in the house of your dreams, etc. you could also dream of becoming famous. and actually, with this placement, you could make money from leo-related matters, and hence being in the spotlight, creativity (especially theatre / drama), comedy, etc.
your 3rd house is in virgo. you’re very precise and polite in the way you express your thoughts. you’re probably very careful to grammar, vocabulary etc… you love looking and being knowledgeable. you’re more of a logical type rather than an intuitive person, you hardly ever do something only out of curiosity. you’re very cautious about the decisions you make, and hence it could take you some time to finally choose something, but that’s because you just don’t want to regret anything. you think deeply about your choices, and most of the time they turn out to be right. you’re strongly opinionated, but you may be a bit too harsh when you express your ideas. sometimes you could even hurt someone, as you’re extremely honest. you don’t like sugar-coating your words. you’re also very intelligent and hard-working, and you can’t stand messy things. you’re probably very neat, you like having schedules and you may even keep an agenda / diary where you keep track of your appointments and other things you have to do.
your 4th house is in libra. your physical home was probably very pleasant and beautiful; you may have a conventionally beautiful family, or at least they’re particularly attractive and charming. your house may also be very well-designed and elegant, doesn’t matter how big it is. you probably see your parents as ideal, they are your role models and you look up to them. perhaps, it could be that you felt misunderstood, maybe your parents were a bit materialistic or lacked empathy, but overall you had a great childhood, you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings if you have them. it could also be that you dated lots of people when you were a teen, or at least you had lots of friends. you certainly have lovely memories of your early years, and your parents most likely have a good relationship too.
your 5th house is in scorpio, with also your pluto being here. your hobbies most likely include self-expression of any kind, anything that you consider private is told through your creativity. also, with scorpio in this house, you may as well be attracted to darker hobbies like astrology, tarots… possibly, you may be into thriller or even into horror. you may also like psychology, criminology… this type of things that are able to stimulate your mind in some way. you could possibly want to be a risk-taker, deep down. also, you want to become a master in what you like, and hence you tend to go extreme to become perfect. you may dedicate a lot of your spare time to your hobbies, for example, even if you have to work. your romantic relationships may be very intense, you could attract particularly jealous or even obsessive partners in your life. some of them may be painful, but they’ll be essential to become mature and grow up into a better, wiser person. in addition, I see you as the type of person who doesn’t like showing off their partner. you probably keep both your love interests and hobbies personal, you only talk a little about them to your close, trusted friends, especially with your pluto in this house that makes this energy even stronger.
your 6th house is in capricorn. usually, people with a capricorn 6th house are very responsible and work-oriented. they generally don’t leave much space to fun and amusement. you have a strong sense of duty, but thanks to your pisces influence you don’t overwork yourself. you’re able to find balance between work and hobbies, and that’s obviously great. yet, you may sometimes procrastinate in your day-to-day life. that can possibly cause you issues in your career; you may be indecisive about your future path for example, or you could even not be much precise in your work.
your 7th house is in aquarius, with also your neptune conjunct the descendant. you do like the idea of marriage and love, yet you need your space as well. you don’t want to feel committed in a relationship, it would be suffocating for you. that could make you appear as emotionally cold or detached, when you’re really not. you just care a lot about your personal growth, especially after your turbulent childhood. perhaps, you could even attract mentally unstable partners, they could be a bit moody for example. you may meet your future spouse in an unexpected situation, or perhaps you could meet them online through social media or a dating app. neptune is also here: you’re hopelessly romantic, to the point that you almost look naive. you’re not simply looking for a partner or spouse, you’re looking for a soulmate; someone you can literally communicate with just using your eyes, someone that knows how to make you feel even messier on the inside. you like to nurture and feel nurtured in a relationship. your ideal lover would be sensitive and empathetic, yet still with a sort of rebel vibe to them. this placement is indeed very lovely, but it has its downsides too, of course. the problem is, neptune makes you idealize your crushes/partners way too much, to the point that you create an image of someone in your head that turns out to be the opposite at the end. you ignore your partner’s flaws, as they seem perfect to you. neptune also attracts 'broken’ persons, so you may be prone to find yourself people with any kind of illness or addiction. you also have the tendency to fall for people who may hurt you because they’re unavailable, either physically or emotionally. you could possibly also crush on celebrities, movie characters etc. that’s because you’re more the type to fall in love with love, rather than with the actual person.
your 8th house is in aquarius, with also your mercury and uranus placed there. you could possibly have an unexpected yet barely painful death, or perhaps someone in your life has died / will die all of a sudden, you may often experience scenarios of this kind. possibly, you could even die due to electricity, and or at least it will be a very fast death, I don’t see it being violent or turbulent at all. or maybe, you’re surrounded by unpredictable events of loss of any kind in your life. that is, it could also happen with your money. it’s important not to risk too much with this placement, especially with gambling, or you may end up getting in serious problems. you’re fascinated by the occult, and you may even be/been able to talk to dead people. you’re very intuitive, and it’s easy for you to read through people’s words. you may as well have prophetic dreams. you're extremely blunt and straight-forward, you may actually hurt people with your words. you probably lack diplomacy, and you're very realistic. the thing is, you speak the truth, but not everyone can accept it. you speak fluent sarcasm, and that could annoy people who don't understand your sense of humor. you're probably good at lying, and even manipulating people. you may often make others change their mind just with your own words, but be careful not to use this skill to hurt others, or you'll only experience a sense of guilt and overall the bad sides of it. on the other hand, you're an extremely captivating speaker, you'd be successful at anything that involves the use of words and voice. you're truly intuitive, and it's easy for you to understand when someone is being honest or is lying to you. last but not least, you're very secretive as well. you're probably the type to know everything and anything about others, while you remain a mystery.
your 9th house is in pisces, with also your venus and the sun sitting there. this is definitely a nice placement! the result is that you’re probably extremely open-minded and imaginative. you hardly ever have have prejudices, you don’t judge a book by its cover. you’re extremely opinionated, and combined with your virgo 3rd house you’re constantly looking for the truth. you hate it when people say something wrong for example, you can’t help but correct them. you could also be religious and believe in a god. philosophy, literature and poetry are also a part of your many interests. in addition, you’re most likely also into foreign languages and cultures. you could travel a lot, or perhaps with your pisces in the house cusp you like travelling with your mind. you probably literally create stories in your head, you’re extremely imaginative. a good advice would be not to waste this talent of yours; you could actually make your fantasies concrete and express them through creative outlets: books, drawings, songs, choreographies… basically, it would be a waste to only keep them for you. you may also learn about more creative topics rather than school subjects. you may be the type that likes making new experiences regarding love, and you often date your crushes. yet, you feel too limited in a relationship. you don't enjoy committing to someone if that someone isn't perfect for you, you're only completely loyal to the one you consider your true love. you can't give up your freedom, your thirst for adventure and experiences for someone else. basically, your ideal partner would be a risk-taker, someone loyal but not too clingy, that is down to go on a road trip in every moment. someone impulsive, that could help you stepping out of your comfort-zone. you may also find yourself being attracted to unavailable people; that is, you could fall for people that are already taken, or maybe they're physically unavailable, e.g they live abroad or in another city in general.
your 10th house is in aries, with also your moon and mars conjunction placed here. with your 10th house cusp in the energetic sign of aries, you need a career that allows you to be independent, you probably prefer working alone than in groups. or perhaps, you actually aspire to become a boss, a ceo, someone people look up to, and if you work hard you may actually become an influential person in your work place / field. you aspire to be successful and you want to be wealthy thanks to yourself only, and you may actually develop some good luck in your career life. your future job may also require something related to physical action, and hence you may have to move a lot for your job, perhaps you may pursue acting to include something creative that also requires you to move. the sun here also makes you gain a reputation for being responsible and mature, you have a strong charisma and you probably seem very put-together to others. the moon here also points out that you'll feel emotionally connected to your job, you're a very hard-working person and you'll invest most of your efforts in your career.
your 11th house is in taurus, saturn is also placed in this house. you could possibly attract people with taurus traits, and hence your friends could be quite stubborn and possessive, but also very loyal and responsible. they could possibly be wealthy, and they could have some artistic, creative interest and / or talent just like you. you may have some trust issues, you’re careful about who you trust, and hence you’re quite cautious about who you befriend. your long-term goals include financial stability, you may be quite materialistic as you enjoy wealth. yet, I assume that thanks to your water placements you’re not as work-focused as other earth placements, you actually also value emotions and feelings too. I feel like you probably have very big goals and dreams that you want to come true. yet, it may take you a while to achieve them. with your heavy saturn and 10th house placements in your chart, you're probably have to work harder than others to get what you want, but you can be sure that once you put in the effort, the universe is going to repay you double.
your 12th house is in cancer, with also jupiter placed here. you’re an extremely spiritual and intuitive person. you may be attracted to dreams, religion, astrology, spirituality… anything that can wake you up, spiritually speaking. you may also be particularly talented at reading birth charts, tarots, even talking to spirits. you may have prophetic dreams, or you could even have deja-vus. the 12th house is also the house of fears, so having cancer here indicates that you may be afraid of your childhood, emotions, past memories. perhaps, even of your home environment or directly of your parents. it’s a part of your life that you’d rather keep secret. you may also have some escapism tendencies, such as oversleeping, overeating… or perhaps, you could easily develop addictions, so be careful to that, as you’re particularly sensitive to drugs, alcohol etc.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love you attract capricorn, leo, virgo, scorpio and pisces placements and/or traits. your future spouse will most likely have leo and virgo traits or placements, maybe a leo-virgo cusp. they’ll be very similiar to you: secretive and hard-working, but also with a warm, loyal heart and a hidden insecurity to them. you may meet them at work, or perhaps even abroad. perhaps they could be foreign, or maybe you're going to meet them on vacation. your children will most likely have strong scorpio traits: they’ll be very smart and intense, but also very sensitive deep down. also, they’ll be extremely intelligent and more mature as time goes by. they’ll also have a tender side to them, but that is often overshadowed by their seriousness.
👶🏻 family life
your father is a very fiery, impulsive person, with a short-temper. he could have even been quite violent with you during your childhood, and he might have a bit of a childish behaviour, even though I don't really think it's your case thanks to your libra ic. deep down, he’s actually kind of insecure with his role as a father, but he may hate to admit it. he may have aries, cancer, libra or scorpio placements in his chart. your mother, on the other hand, is slightly more submissive. she’s mostly a peaceful and emotional person, even though she most probably has a passive-aggressive behaviour. she could be conventionally beautiful, or at least she likes taking care of herself. she may have libra or taurus placements in her chart, as well as pisces and capricorn. if you have siblings, they’re probably very peaceful and intelligent. they may also be very kind, as well as organized. their rooms probably look immaculate. they could have virgo or gemini placements in their charts.
📊 career
you’re a very ambitious person, and hence I don’t see you being the type to scrap projects. especially with your aries midheaven, you’re motivated to complete your works in order to show that you’re able to succeed, you want to be the best in what you do. I can also see you being a good therapist, psychologist, possibly even a doctor of any kind, even though I’d avoid practical and boring jobs if I were in you. your strong venus energy struggles to be cold-minded at times, and hence working in a stressful environment could be dangerous for you and for your mental health, as you may absorb others’ negativity and stress. actually, I feel like the most suited career for you would be something that allows you to be in charge, to be your own boss as you know what’s best for you. you may also do well with a creative career; you may become a writer, a dancer, a singer, a stylist, a model, an actress... anything that isn't too practical could be good to you, and if it allows you to express your creativity it's even better.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably love clothes that can show and enhance your body. you may love wearing crop tops, skirts, bralettes, shorts... anything that leaves a part of your body uncovered, yet that still looks elegant and classy. you could also enjoy baggy clothes, paired with fancy accessories and heels. for colors, you go from wearing bold colours like red, burgundy and neon, to darker shades like black, dark blue etc. you probably also love neutral shades, like kaki, beige and so on.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life time, you didn’t have a specific priority. you just enjoyed wandering with your mind and creativity, allowing yourself to relax with your friends. you used to depend on someone else, not really on yourself. this lifetime, you need to establish your independence AND solid boundaries, not just those you used to daydream about. don’t be afraid to let your inner child out; go to amusement parks, binge-watch netflix, date your crushes, have an hobby, play videogames… you could also play with actual children. anything that brings fun out of you, and that puts a genuine smile on your face. yet, don’t forget that this lifetime of yours revolves around accomplishing your goals.
🤔 major transits analysis / september 4
transit leo moon is currently in your 1st house conjunct your ascendant. you could be feeling particularly needy of affection in these days. you want to be around your loved ones but you're also particularly sensitive, therefore you could get angry easily and overall you're more impulsive, so beware of possible conflicts with others.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
- libramc xx
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years ago
Can I ask for a Revali X Reader story where the both of them propose at the same time and/or Deruk teases Revali about his love for the reader in a fatherly manner?
I went with the first one because it’s just adorable. I really hope you enjoy this and thank you so much for requesting!
A Special Kind of Love
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild
Revali x Reader
Summary: A relationship with the Rito Champion was definitely unexpected but at the same time something you had learn to cherish and appreciate the more you spent time with him. And one day that relationship develops into something else albeit in an odd way.
The chilly air around the Flight Range lingered in the air, the fire and Revali’s warm body against you balancing the temperature. It had been a long day full of training and the current moment of relaxation was definitely pleasant and much needed. A comfortable silence surrounded the two of you, said silence only being broken by the crackling of the hot flames. You appreciated the silence, enjoying Revali’s warmth and company, smiling as your (E/C) were watching the flames dance.
During this tender moment between you and the Rito, your mind wandered to delightful memories and moments spent with him. You remember your first meeting like yesterday and just how much you had been irritated by his nature. He had been showing off his “superior skills” just like usual and you could just roll your eyes at him. His attitude had been something you heavily disliked, thinking there was nothing more in him than pride and arrogance. However you never would’ve thought that the seemingly arrogant Rito would now be lovingly seated next to you, wings around your smaller form. The thought makes you smile and cling onto him tightly. Revali notes your sudden action of affection and raises a brow at you.
“Awfully clingy, aren’t we?” He says with a tone lightly sprinkled with playfulness. In truth he doesn’t mind you being close, it’s quite the opposite. He enjoys your company and his big pride-filled heart fills with joy every time your arms tighten around him. “Can’t help it. I love you after all.” Your somewhat corny words make him roll his eyes but behind his confident exterior, these words make him the happiest being in all of Hyrule.
When you first entered his life he was more than annoyed by you. The constant teasing your mouth let out regarding him and his attitude made him fire back at you with the same level of teasing. Your relationship was nothing like it was now, being instead filled with spite and dislike. However over time Revali came to enjoy your frequent visits to his home, at first it being nothing more than excitement as he would be able to intentionally irritate you. He quickly found himself wanting to see the deeper side of you and almost subconsciously started to open up to you about almost everything. And soon he found himself having feelings of affection for you, something he was in denial about at first. Lying to himself about his feelings was futile as every time he would see you walking to him, smiling, laughing, anything his heart was poked by his bothersome yet irresistible feelings.
Your relationship was blooming with devotion, both of you cherishing each other more than life itself. Despite everything going on with the possible return of Calamity Ganon, you and Revali both found happiness in each other. A kind of happiness which both of you wished to experience together till the end of time. 
“Marry me.”
The sound of your voices coming forth at the exact same time caused the two of you to look at each other with wide eyes filled with utter surprise. Your mind processed the sudden action. There was no mistake. You had just unintentionally proposed to each other at the same time. The thought made you let out a laugh of utter disbelief as the situation had been unexpected to say the least. Revali’s expression mirrored yours as it too was a mixture of surprise and amazement. Your gaze silently asked him if he was serious and he merely nodded, keeping his gorgeous emerald eyes within yours. This moment of declaring your love was beyond anything you had ever experienced. The fact that Revali held the same devotion towards you only made you love the bird even more.
“Well, I suppose it’s settled then.” Revali pulled you into an embrace, nuzzling his beak lovingly against the side of your face. You chuckle at his rare physical sign of affection but hug him back with just as much love. It was clear that this wasn’t the most common way of proposing but it was perfect for the two of you as it had been proven many times in the past; The love you shared was anything but common.
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geminimoonbeamx · 6 years ago
Oh, Baby: Chapter One
A/N: Okay so I’ve literally had this in my drafts for the last...six months or so? And I figured I’d tweak it and edit and post it since I’ve been so AWOL on this site lately, and so that I can give you guys some new content from me.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Heavy cursing. This chapter is pretty PG, talks of mental illness, unexpected pregnancy and contemplating abortion- but she doesnt go through with it. Smut to come. AND LOTS OF FLUFF TOO, I promise lol
Summary: After a drunken night, Y/N finds herself having to face the biggest decision of her life; is she ready for motherhood? And a better question, is Bucky Barnes, her long time friend and womanizer extraordinaire, ready for fatherhood? They’ll just have to go along for the ride and find out together. A Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Reader Story 
Chapter 1/6: The Baby Woe’s and Oh No’s
You knew it.
You’d known something was off, different, changed.
You sit on your toilet, your world spinning as you attempt to wrap your mind around what was going on. Everything seems sludge like, too slow and too fast and not real.
You’re definitely going into shock, you point out to yourself. The catatonic kind. You’ve been staring at the bright, sunny lemon print of the shower curtain, your eyes focused but not seeing. Your elbows rest on your knees and your hands cover the entirety of your lower face.
At least you’re not crying anymore. 
Nope, your body had moved past that-Maybe, it felt like the tears could start rolling again at anytime.
Oh god, what are you going to do?
Why, why, why?
Why you? You’d been a good person- well a decent person at least… You recycled and tipped more than twenty percent. Didnt vote for Trump and ate your vegetables.
And your life was just seeming to even out. You’d somehow landed your dream job a couple months back- every Wednesday night your voice could be heard on WNEX. You we’re making enough money to finally be comfortable- doing what you loved. Gaining a wide audience and wiggling your way into the industry. Your mind was so career oriented, so focused on your end goal that you’d never even considered something like this.
Throwing a big fat wrench in the gears.
One night, it had only been one stupid, drunken night. Hadn't you racked up enough karma coins to cover your ass for one fucking night?
Are you there god? It’s me, Y/N, and I really fucked up this time.
Wanda comes back into the tiled room a few minutes, her dark features soft and a colorful mug in her hand.
“Are you okay?” She gauges, gently, as she reaches out to you.
You snort and shrug, but accept the steaming cup from her anyway. You look down at the swirling, murky drink.
Wishing for just one moment that you could drown yourself in it.
“Look, babe, I know you’re dealing with some major shock right now- but maybe you should go lay down. We’ll figure it out later-” Wanda’s voice is even and you appreciate her being so calm and sure during all of this but you just can't process the situation enough to accept it.
You can't go lay down.
“Why not?” Wanda questions and you didn't realize you’d said that out loud, you hadn't even felt your mouth form the words.
Your head really is swimming. Disconnected from your body a little bit. You force yourself to take a drink of the tea as she gives you a more pointed look.
“Because I have to- I don't know. I have to figure all this out” You protest. You can't hear your voice, how spiked with anxiousness it is.
“There’s not much to figure out” Wanda supplies, unhelpfully as she leans against the counter, arms folded over her chest and you give her a look that’s half between a glare and a gape.
“Um, what the fuck do you mean? There’s so much to figure out, I don't even know where to start” You give a short, sharp, slightly hysterical laugh gripping the mug hard enough to hurt with one hand while cupping your forehead with the other.
“Okay, first things first. And this is the big one: do you want this?”
Well, that whole ‘I'm done crying’ thought you’d had before was a lie. You feel the tears well up once more and overflow, spill down your already swollen cheeks. Your face is hot. Your tummy is full of rocks.
You’d always hated crying. It never made you feel released or freed or lighter like it did for other people. It made you feel icky and stupid. And afterwards it always felt like you’d gotten punched in the nose.
Yes, you did have a therapist to work out those issues with, thanks.
Your mind doesn't know what to do with that question.
You look at Wanda, searching her face as though she might have the answers but she just shook her head and reached out her hand to rub your shoulder. That’s all she could offer. Her support in whatever path you we’re about to embark on.
And then you look down, at the countertop. That was usually littered with stray tubes of mascara or straightening irons. Bobby pins and half lit candles. All the things that resided in the bathrooms of girls in their mid twenties.
In place of those was now four pregnancy tests. All of which read positive.
The first two had been those double lined ones. Two bold lines- both times. Then you’d ran down to the bodega at the end of the block and gotten two more. And those we’re more straight to the point. They literally read the word pregnant- in a font that you don't think you’d ever forget.
Did you want this? Did you want a baby?
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“I dont know- I’m not ready. The timing is all wrong” You croak.
“Okay” Wanda coo’s “well there's alternatives then-” you squeeze your eyes closed at that thought “Either way we should make a doctors appointment to make sure you’re actually pregnant. I’ve read so many stories about how unreliable these things are”
She holds up one of the tests and rambles on about all of the online articles she’d come across. How some woman had taken a dozen of ‘em, gotten all positive results and then went in and had an empty uterus.
“For one, ew. I peed on that” You nod your head at the test in her hand and she rolls her eyes.
“Other side of it- and I held your hair when you got food poisoning from that shrimp shack. I’ve come into contact with worse body fluids of yours”
“For two- I’m pregnant. I know it. I’ve known it for weeks. I knew something was wrong and I just tried to...think it away, you know? Out of sight, out of mind? I sound insane” saying the words out loud makes you realize how...ludicrous those thoughts had been. But still. It was the truth.
She just nods though “You don't”
There’s a moment of silence. Stretching, as you stew in your reality.
“I’d be doing it alone” you whisper into the mug as you sip on it “I really dont think he’d want a baby”
“You would never be alone, you know that. You have so many people in your life that would support you with this” Wanda protests, sad that you’d even say that.
“You know what I mean” You push on. Because having a good group of friends and family wouldn't change the fact that you were possibly looking at the possibility of being a single mother.
If you decided to keep it, that is.
“Yeah I do- and I don't know if I agree with that. Bucky's a lot of things, an arrogant asshole at that top of that list, but he’s a good guy and I think he’d want to be involved. He doesn't give off deadbeat dad vibes”
All of that was true. Bucky is a good guy, at the core of him.
He was kind and decent and the two of you had been friends for years upon years. He was charming, magnetic and women loved him- you’d found it amusing, before you we’re the one in his bed after a drunken night a month ago.
He’d left your messages mostly on seen since then. You’d only sent a few, but still that had stung. Him icing you out the moment he’d gotten into your pants pissed you off, not only because it was rude but because it was expected.
You knew how Bucky was with women, it had been such an idiot move to sleep with him.
It made it all the more complicated that you ran in the same social circles- had all the same friends. Sam’s small promotion dinner a couple weeks ago had been extremely awkward for you, to say the least.
He’d earned himself the cold shoulder from you and no matter how many times he’d try to broach a conversation with you, crack a joke in your direction, or single you out in a group conversation you pretended he didn't exist.
“Damn, re-jec-ted” It had been so obvious that Clint had of course pointed it out, which was uncomfortable but expected because Clint had no filter like that.
Bucky had stopped trying after that- and started flirting back with the waitress that had been throwing herself at him throughout the night. You cut out early, claiming tiredness. And upset stomach. Whatever to get you out of there.
To say it was a shitty night was a bit of an understatement and you hadn't spoken one word to him since.
“I haven't talked to him since that night- and now I’m what, supposed to call him up and tell him I’m carrying his child because he doesn't properly know how to operate a condom?
“I don't know, yeah? It doesn't mean you two need to get married, but if you choose to keep this baby, that’s going to be a conversation you’re going to have to have” Wanda is so annoying sometimes. She was such a sharp thinking human- always grounded and level headed. She claimed it was from always having to be the “good twin” growing up.
Of course she was rationalizing this whole thing while you we’re floundering about it like a fish.
“I think I should make a doctors appointment” You just mutter. You’d rather focus your attention there. It was easier, cleaner for you. A goal you could actually accomplish.
And so that’s what you did.
They were able to get you in at the end of the week, which in overpopulated New York City was a godsend. And still, it felt like far too long. Like the reality of it couldn't sink in until you talked to a medical professional so you we’re left in some kind of fucked up long until then.
You tried to keep your anxious mind busy, throwing yourself into work. Talking to people over the static airways of the radio about their lives; about the world and all of its workings was so much easier than talking to anyone about what was going on with you.
The only person who knew was Wanda and you’d canceled all of your other plans during the week, not able to face anyone. Not yet.
Lots of sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling. Thinking until your brain physically hurt.
And then you’d turned to you journal- maybe if you wrote everything down it would make sense. If you could see it all, inked out, you could make a decision.
Did you want this child?
Wanda had suggested making a pro’s and con’s list and while it sounded crazy and unhelpful, and you rolled your eyes at it ‘As though that will help’, you ended up doing it anyways.
You start with Cons, naturally. Always had been too damn negative.
-I have no fucking idea how to be a mom
-My job. My career. Who’s going to watch the baby while I work?
-How in the fuck am I going to financially support a baby.
-No room in the apartment/My room is fucking tiny and where will we put a baby
(Wanda said we can turn half of the living room into a playroom/makeshift nursery. How fucked up though? Not even a real nursery)
-No car? A baby on the subway? No thank you.
-Weird to explain to people even if Bucky wants to co-parent. All our friends??
-Pregnancy looks so painful. Birth looks scary. My poor vagine.
-Life is basically over
-The baby will not have a grandmother from your side...
You could keep going on, but you decide to stop there. You could go on, make the list pages and pages long but you decide against it.
-I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Always dreamed of babies and motherhood, baby fever crashes over me in waves.
-Me and Bucky’s baby is going to be cute AF(and that just pure facts)
-I have a great support system- amazing friends and family who I know will help
-Bucky could want to be involved. He probably will...maybe?
-He has a big family, i think. The baby would have lots of family
-I don't want to have an abortion. All about pro-choice, but I just...don't know if I can.
That had made you bite the end of your pen.
Could you give a child that you went through nine months of pregnancy up for adoption? Knowing yourself- probably not. You cant even get rid of the moth hole ridden clothes at the back of your closet. Not comparing a baby to a jean jacket- fuck, see how unequipped you were for this?
-I’d be a good mom(I think)
-I could swing it financially. Maybe get a second job
-At least I have a good insurance plan now
-My life might have more of a purpose?
You hide the lists away in one of your many journals. Stick it in the wicker basket under your night stand- and revisit it too many times in those days between.
You make a lot of other lists in that time, too. 
One of them sits tucked in your purse as you make your way to the eighth floor- Arms folded across your chest and the inside of your bottom lip speared between your teeth as the elevator takes you up.
Wanda stands beside you, of course. Sipping on her iced americano. You’d tried to tell her that she didn't need to come, that you were perfectly okay with going on your own. You’d gotten about two words out before she shut you down-
“I already took the afternoon off, don't be ridiculous”
You both know you wouldn't admit it, stubborn as you we’re, but you’d let out a big sigh of relief. You really didn't want to do this alone.
The waiting room is standard for this building, looks similar to the one that you sit in when you see your GP- save for a sign hanging about the door that labels it the OB-GYN.
Fake plants and those standard waiting room chairs that had that weird diagonal print on them TV’s that we’re playing the local news and tables stacked with months dated magazines. There was no windows though and it made the back of your neck feel hot.
The receptionists is nice. Middle aged with mild with droning, mellow voice. She checks you in fast and efficiently and tells you that you’ve got about a 15 minute wait on your hands.
Annoying, you think even though you give her a big grin and a sweet ‘thank you’. You’d been right on time. Why in all offices of all kinds is there always a fucking wait?
Wanda has plopped down on a chair in the corner and is fingering through an issue of LIFE, her long legs crossed at the knee. you sit next to her. The office air conditioner is blasting, it had been a muggy May in the city, but you feel overheated. You let the chunky cardigan you’d donned slip down one shoulder, exposing your skin to the chilly air.
You should feel the cold but you’re over heated. Nervous as hell. Why doesnt anyone else in this office seem nervous?
You tend to people watch when you get overly anxious like you are now. Tend to take in every little detail of every little thing around you.
There’s a black couple- the woman doesn't look pregnant but they’re holding hands tightly and they keep whispering to each other. He smiles and nudges her shoulder with his. Then there’s a Latina woman who looks just about ready to pop and is reading one of the kids book to a little boy with her eyes. A white lady, with twin carriers rocks them gently as she chats with a woman who looked to be related to her, maybe. Older and graying.
You feel like a creep but you can't stop looking at them all. Staring at each of the people who are at different stages of the same  life-path you found yourself on.
Wanda clicks her tongue as her dark eyes focus on the magazine. Muttering, her accent thick, about how the lenses they used for the shoot on the page was all wrong.
Her photographers eye was snobby and elitist.
“Y/N?” The nurse calls you back, not butchering your name which is nice and look over at your best friend.
“Are you sure you don't want me to come back with you?” Wanda whispers, big gingerbread eyes searching yours and you shake your head quickly.
You had to do this, on your own. What if...what if you ended up having to do this whole thing alone? You had to be grown, had to face this solo. That’s just how you felt, even if it might not be true.
“It’s just another appointment- I can do it on my own. I’ll live” there's a reasoning lilt in your voice that she doesn't quite buy but she nods all the same. Tells you that she’ll be waiting right there for you as you muster up all your courage and train your face into a smile, following the nurse into the back offices, the door mechanically closing behind the two of you.
The OB’s office is...warmer then you’d thought it would be. Her desk has frames of all types and her walls are plastered with colorful posters, making the alabaster of the wallpaper less daunting. There was even a window in here.
You’re perched up on the exam table/ chair thingy, staring out at the tall buildings across the street, at the people moving fast below on the sidewalks. You wonder what all of them are doing? How many of the have kids?...
When there’s a soft knock at the door your attention snaps back to the present.
Doctor Helen Cho is a petite Asian woman. She has glossy dark hair that's tied up in a clip high on the  back of her head, and her voice is friendly and her expression open as introduces herself to you and reaches out to shake your hand.
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you, too” You sound so much surer and more confident then you feel. It had always been your party trick- meeting new people and being able to talk to them. Leaving trails of barley there acquaintances in your wake.
“So it says here that you think you’re pregnant, yes?” She gets right to it, and your appreciative for it.
“Yeah, I know I am.  I took four tests and they all came out positive and I...I feel really off” you try to explain it, poorly but she seems to understand.
“When you say off, do you mean like bad feeling off or?” She probes as she sits at her desk, swivels her chair to face you. Her chocolate almond eyes weren't piercing or clinical, just waiting.
“Not really bad? But I’ve just been so tired lately and I’ve had like, zero appetite. And my breasts have been so sensitive that it hurts to put on a bra” as you tell here these things you could slap your head for not assuming you were pregnant before you’d taken the tests.
Dr. Cho hums and nods as she looks over her tablet “Well from the look of these results from those blood and urine tests your nurse went ahead and gave you when you came in, I can tell you that you are definitely about nine weeks pregnant- so those symptoms are right on with where you are”
You inhale and exhale, bigly. It’s real. It’s been real, was a notion, a happening but now...it’s so freaking real.
And there's a real life changing decision to be made-
That you’d already made before you’d even walked into this office but now seemed even clearer. Crystal, in that moment of clarity.
“I want to keep it” Your confident as you say it. Your voice cracks with some kind of emotion you couldn't even begin to explain, but you’re confident. You’re sure.
Dr. Cho grins at you, and stands, congratulating you then, after she’s sure you even want a congratulations. You like her, think you might.
It’s hard to focus on her voice though because all your mind can think of is the next big obstacle, the next big step in all of this.
How were you going to tell Bucky?
Okay guys? I posted? Crazy right? lol give me some feedback! Comment and tell me what you thought of this. I absolutely love interacting with you guys, but I’m sure ya’ll know that. 
Also- the taglist for this story is still OPEN, so if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters just ask!
@peacefulwriter88 @jaamesbbarnes @jalapenobarnes @brieannakeogh @gifsbysimplysonia @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @lostinspace33 @4theluvofall @plumfondler @tatathekissypotato @siren-kitten-his @skishenanigans @geekyweed @spidey-babe-parker @lastfallenstar @rachelle-on-the-run @prettybubblesintheair @dani-si 
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shieldedbythunder · 5 years ago
Today in Thundershield AUs I May Never Get Around to Writing But Still Love to Think About
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So, one of my favourite musicals is She Loves Me, which has a lovely mutual pining/mistaken identity/enemies-to-friends-to-lovers type of plot, so naturally, I started to imagine it with a Thundershield slant. Pardon me while I dump my feels in your laps wax lyrical.
So first of all there’s Steve Rogers, a sales clerk in Tony Stark’s perfumerie in 1940s New York. Maybe not the most glamourous job out there, but it pays well, nobody there minds his asthma and constant illnesses, and he considers the staff good friends.
Plus it’s nice to hang around people like Natasha and Sam, who know all about his preference of men and don’t see anything wrong with it. What’s more, they know about his “Dear Friend” from the Lonely Hearts Club, the man he’s been in correspondence with for nearly six months without exchanging names, and they think it’s high time he arranged a meeting with this long distance gentleman caller.
Then one morning, in comes Thor Odinson, all six foot-two, piercing blue eyes and bulging muscles of him, looking for a job. Tony puts him on a trial run for the day, but Thor’s so charming with the customers that they’re shaking hands to seal the deal before noon.
And it’s great! Everyone likes working with Thor, and he gets along well with the customers, even if he can be a little hot-headed and a bit too self-assured at times. The only problem is that, well, Steve and Thor get a little… prickly around each other. Nothing that would escalate into full hatred or a fight (Thor could probably knock Steve over with a good hard sneeze), just daily bouts of sniping and bickering over the smallest things.
Thor gets annoyed beyond belief sometimes, but mostly he’s just confused, can’t understand what he could possibly have done to make Steve dislike him so.
Steve knows he’s being an ass, and feels ashamed of his behaviour, but he gets so nervous around Thor, who breezed into the job so easily where it was near impossible for Steve to get work before Tony took him in. Who could so easily push Steve right out of his job just by being stronger and healthier and more useful. It’s stupid and immature, he’s painfully aware, but he can’t help but get defensive. Every morning, he walks into work resolving to try and be nicer to Thor, and every evening they part ways stewing over their latest spat.
A month or two passes, and Steve decides to take Sam and Nat’s advice. He writes to Dear Friend to set up a dinner, books a place in a nice restaurant for Friday night, and patiently sits through Bucky and Sam’s attempts to apply their experience with dames to Steve’s situation (the thought is still appreciated).
Before he knows it, it’s Friday evening and he’s finishing up in the shop before heading to the restaurant. He’ll admit he’s a little nervous; it’s hard enough to find another man who shares his inclinations, never mind one who won’t be disappointed when they see Steve in person. But Dear Friend knows all about his medical conditions, has never been anything but kindly and warm - Steve’s feeling optimistic. Excited, even.
Not even his latest session of head-butting with Thor could bring him down - something about Thor needing the evening free for an important appointment, and getting riled up when Steve wouldn’t swap shifts. Thankfully, Wanda had volunteered before things got too heated.
He arrives at the restaurant, going over the plan one last time. He’ll walk in, the white rose (love at first sight, the book had said they meant - well, he is being optimistic) in his lapel and carefully hidden from prying eyes by his scarf, as agreed. Dear Friend will be carrying a copy of Anna Karenina (which he read and loved after Steve mailed him his old copy), Steve will reveal the rose, and then… well, he hasn’t thought quite that far ahead yet, but they’ll cross that bridge when they get to it.
Plucking up his courage, he walks in the door… and is mortified to see Thor sitting at a table - the last thing he needs is somebody from work seeing him and asking questions.
After a moment, irritation takes over from panic - after all the fuss he’d kicked up over his shift, his insistence that he simply couldn’t work this evening, all Thor had wanted was a free evening for a date. At least, Steve assumes it’s a date, as he observes from out of sight - there’s something almost painfully eager about Thor’s expression as his eyes roam around the restaurant, clearly waiting for somebody, fingers drumming on a book on the table that - wait a second.
He recognises that book. Can’t count the number of times he’s thumbed through it. It’s his copy of Anna Karenina, the one he sent to Dear Friend. Sitting at Thor’s elbow. 
This can’t be happening. Thor? Arrogant, hot-headed Thor was the same man who’d written him such tender, heartfelt letters for nearly a year now?
Unfortunately, it’s at this moment that Thor sees Steve gaping at him, and his heckles immediately go up. He’s waited long enough to meet his Dear Friend, and he’s not going to let Steve ruin the evening. They end up arguing again, and Steve storms out of the restaurant, convinced it must have all been some prank.
He sticks around near the restaurant for the evening, waiting to see what Thor will do next. But eventually, closing time comes, and Steve’s stomach sinks when he sees Thor’s the last to leave, looking close to tears as he trudges home, cradling the old book so tenderly between those big hands of his.
The next morning, Thor calls in sick with a cold, and Steve, full of remorse for his behaviour, decides to use his lunch hour to make sure he’s okay.
When Thor answers the door, he assumes that Steve’s checking in to see if he’s really sick or just skipping work, and gets suspicious and surly. 
But then, Steve presents him with a tub of ice cream. Strawberry, his favourite - he remembered an off-hand comment of Thor’s, weeks ago now, about how his mother would buy him ice cream when he was sick as a child, to cheer him up.
Completely taken aback by Steve’s gesture, Thor invites him in, and they spend a surprisingly pleasant hour chatting over coffee and ice cream, Thor wrapped up in blankets at the kitchen table.
Steve apologises for his behaviour since Thor started at the shop, but especially for how out of line he was at the restaurant last night. Thor apologises too - he was tense last night, true, but he’s been giving just as good as he gets this whole time with Steve. In hushed tones, he admits the nature of last night’s rendez-vous to Steve, clearly expecting to be laughed at. After all, who actually joins those Lonely Hearts Clubs unless they’re absolutely desperate? 
Which he is, but Steve doesn’t need to know that.
But again, Steve surprises him. He finds the whole thing rather romantic, he says, and hopes that Thor and his Dear Friend will be able to patch things up, admitting that his own meeting with a penpal the night before didn’t go quite as he’d hoped for.
He means to tell Thor everything, he really does.  But every time Steve tries to find the words, something holds him back. He wants this, he truly does - and he thinks he could be truly happy if it were with Thor. But he needs to be sure that Thor feels the same. That he’d be okay with Steve and Dear Friend being one and the same. Soon, he tells himself, trying to ignore how his heart jumps up into his mouth at the thought.
It’s only after Steve leaves and he’s settling down to write another letter, that it occurs to Thor - he’d told the ice cream story at work, true, but he’s positive he never mentioned his favourite flavour. He begins to wonder…
The next three weeks are the lead up to Christmas, but even in all the chaos and hubbub of last minute shoppers, everyone at the shop is thunderstruck by the difference that’s come over Steve and Thor. 
For the first few days, they’re perfectly cordial, No arguments, no dirty looks, and any smiles they share don’t look forced any more.
But then, they start talking and laughing with each other, getting coffee together after work, recommending various books and music to one another. Steve helps Thor pick out a gift to send back home to his mother, and Thor brings Steve to a good art shop near his apartment that isn’t too costly. 
It’s almost like *gasp* they’re friends!!!
And all the while, they dance around each other, trying (and failing) to pluck up the nerve to ask each other the question of Dear Friend’s identity - both of them terrified of rejection.
Finally, Christmas Eve arrives, and Steve and Thor volunteer to lock up the shop while everyone else heads home (because of COURSE they have to end up alone together). It’s nice, having a chance to take a breather and just talk after the madness of the last few hours.
The talk soon turns back to their penpals, with Thor saying he’s thinking about setting up another meeting with his Dear Friend soon. Steve stays vague about his own contact, heart in his mouth, but wishes Thor all the best with it.
Just as they’re about to leave, Thor takes his hands and tells him, as poorly as that last attempt at a meeting with Dear Friend went, he’s so grateful that he and Steve have been able to put things aside and get as close as they have because of it.
And Steve sees the look in Thor’s eyes, so soft and wistful, and it’s like a shot of liquid courage. He takes the leap and tells Thor everything, going to pull Thor’s latest letter from where he keeps it in his breast pocket for proof.
But he doesn’t even need it. The words are barely even out of Steve’s mouth when Thor’s lips are on his, arms tight around him, murmuring “I KNEW it” with so much joy and relief between kisses, and before they know it, they’re both laughing and crying a little and spinning around the darkened shop and all is WELL for their gay little hearts and mine.
@leisurelypanda @heapsofspaghetti
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girls-scenarios · 6 years ago
I’ve Got Intentions
Idol: Tzuyu (Twice)
Prompt: CEO tzuyu x secretary fem reader ? Where tzuyu is arrogant to the reader until one day mina flirts with her and tzuyu starts to flirt more and try to get the reader attention ? They get together at the end.. Bit of smut at the end is possible ;)
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: Honestly this isn't usually my type of thing to write, so I'm really sorry this took so long. Also I didn’t really know how to tag this since Tumblr is weird about stuff now so I hope the read more works to save anyone not wanting to read smut- But hopefully it came out well?
Warnings: Some cursing, Tzuyu is bad at feelings, mentions of smut, a little actual smut at the end but not in too much detail.
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Meetings, conferences, phone calls, brand deals, and piles of business cards that littered a drawer in her exceptionally large desk. That was what Tzuyu’s work life consisted of. As the CEO of a successful company, she was almost always busy with something, having to continue proving that, even as young as she was, she knew what she was doing.
It all paid off though. Her closet was full of designer clothes and accessories, she owned a giant penthouse with a huge, comfortable bed, she ate only the best foods and owned only the newest technologies. She always flew first class and had a whole list of contacts to call if she needed anything done for her.
Despite all the work, she was on top of the world. And she loved it.
“Good morning, Tzuyu,” Mina said, greeting her as she walked into the office. The head accountant had a stack of papers in one hand and a coffee in the other, and her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, and Tzuyu smiled when she saw her.
“Good morning, Mina. Any news?” The two girls had known each other since high school, and it was always nice to have her around. She was the only person who talked to Tzuyu as a friend rather than a boss or a business partner, and the younger girl appreciated that.
“Stocks have gone up and we’re still on a roll. It looks like we’re going to have yet another incredible year.” The smile on Tzuyu’s face widened and she gave Mina a friendly pat on the shoulder.
“That’s what I love to hear. Thanks for your hard work.” Footsteps sounded behind her, and she raised her eyebrows, turning around to see you approaching her, looking as timid as always.
“Um, good morning-.”
“Did you get together the papers for my meeting this afternoon like I asked yesterday? Also, I'm going to be needing some coffee.” You gave her a little smile and nodded quickly.
“Yes ma’am, right away.” As you turned on your heel and fast walked away, Mina let out a ‘tsk’.
“You should be nicer to her, you know. She’s still new and nervous around you.”
“That’s what annoys me about her. She’s always so timid, if she’s going to make it in the business world she needs to toughen up.”
“Maybe if you were nicer to her, she’d be able to be more comfortable.” Tzuyu rolled her eyes and turned to head to her private office.
“Don’t get soft on me, Mina,” she called as she walked away, even though she knew that it wouldn't do any good. Mina was a softy, and she’d always been a sucker for a pretty face. Tzuyu, on the other hand, didn’t really care for being too friendly. She wasn’t in business to make friends or meet lovers, she was in it to make money. And she didn’t really care what her employees thought of her.
After she’d unpacked everything at her desk and looked over her schedule for the day, there was a quiet knock at the door, and she looked up to see you step in with coffee in one hand and a file in the other.
“I have the papers for your meeting today,” you said, voice still quiet and timid as you placed the file on her desk. “And here is your coffee, just the way you like it.” Eyebrows raised, she took it from you and glanced down at the markings on the side. At least you’d finally memorized her order.
“I’ll have another one of these at noon before the meeting. And be sure to bring three regular coffees for my guests.” She gave you a look over the cup, “get that?”
“Yes ma'am, of course.”
“Good. I’m also going to need you to return these calls because I don’t want to.” Your eyes widened as she handed over a notepad full of numbers. “All their voicemails are still saved so figure out what they want and take care of it.”
“Um, what if it’s important?” You took the notepad, looking flustered, and she resisted the urge to grin. You looked cute flustered and scared like that.
“I already called back everyone important, these people really don’t matter. If it’s something we can do, get it done for them. For everyone else, make up something.” You looked like you wanted to argue with her, but you just nodded your head instead. “Glad you understand. Now please close the door on your way out, I have work to do.”
It wasn’t until you were out the door that she allowed herself to smirk as she looked back at her laptop screen. You were her little plaything, the perfect way to get her stress out and start her morning. Now, she could get to work.
It wasn’t until noon rolled around and she stepped out of her office to head to the meeting space that she noticed it. Mina wasn’t at her desk. In fact, she was all the way across the room near the entrance, leaning over the reception desk and talking to you with that smile she always wore when she was talking to a pretty girl. Had it just been that, Tzuyu probably wouldn’t have been peeved. She would have rolled her eyes and walked away and made a mental note to give both of you more work.
The issue was that you were smiling back at her with a slight blush on your cheeks, and you looked so incredibly cute that it made her stomach twist with anger. Mina was flirting with you, and she hated it.
Gritting her teeth, she resolved to speak to Mina later and turned on her heel, trying to ignore the feelings bubbling up in her chest because she was a CEO, not a teenager, and she had work to do.
Still, when you walked into the meeting space with the tray of coffees that she’d asked you for earlier and the flush still on your cheeks, she couldn’t stop herself.
“This one is for you,” you said softly, setting her coffee down in front of her before moving away to set the tray down in the middle. She watched you as she picked up her coffee, scrutinizing the way you moved. You seemed less timid than you had that morning, and that annoyed her.
“Perfect as always,” she said, making your eyes widen.
“Really?” Now that was an expression that she was more used to. You were her plaything, not Mina’s. She didn’t bother to hide her smile as she took a sip.
“Really. That shirt looks great on you as well. You should wear that style more often.” You looked down at your shirt, a tight button-up sleeveless blouse with a low collar, and she reveled in the flush that made its way back into your cheeks.
“O-oh, thank you!”
“When my guests get here, could you be a dear and send them in?” It was code for you to leave, but a much nicer code than she usually used. You nodded and clasped your hands together, slowly backing towards the door.
“Of course, I’ll be sure to do that.”
“Good. Thank you.” Again, you nodded, that slightly nervous nod you always gave her when you didn’t know what to say, before ducking out the door. She watched you go, her eyebrows raised in amusement, before letting out a little chuckle and looking back at her laptop. There was no way she was going to lose to Mina.
“What’s with (Y/N) lately?” Mina’s voice rang through Tzuyu’s office, and the younger girl sighed, wishing that she’d moved her friend’s desk further away from her own, just so she wouldn’t come in and pester her while she was trying to work.
“I don’t pay you to gossip.” With a huff, Mina shoved her shoulder.
“You know you’d get bored without me. Plus, you make everyone else do most of your work. I saw you playing solitaire in here yesterday.” Well, it was true. Most of Tzuyu’s work got handed off to other people. As the CEO, her job was mostly to talk to other bigwigs from potential partners and to be a face to the media. Still, she didn’t appreciate Mina’s tone.
“I can still fire you, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah. But where else are you going to find someone who knows the finances for this company like I do?” With a sigh, Tzuyu looked away from her laptop (where she had been doing work, thank you) and at her best friend.
“Just gossip and get out, please.” The other girl rolled her eyes but took Tzuyu’s words as a signal to lean over her desk and repeat her earlier question.
“So, what’s up with (Y/N)?” At the mention of your name, Tzuyu glanced out her office door and towards where you stood at the copier.
“I’m not sure I get what you mean.”
“She’s been wearing exclusively one style of shirt recently. Even though it’s freezing outside today, she’s wearing a sleeveless shirt. And although I don’t mind it because she looks incredible, why did she suddenly decide to wear one type of shirt and one type of shirt only?” A grin played at the corners of Tzuyu’s lips and she looked back at her laptop. “Plus, she seems a lot happier to be here lately. Less like she thinks you’re going to serve her up for dinner one day.”
“Gross. Why would anyone get that thought about me?”
“Because you act like you don’t have emotions and hate people,” Mina pointed out, and Tzuyu couldn’t argue with that. “But your emotional constipation aside, did you say something to her? Is that why she’s been happier lately?”
“What’s it to you?”
“Tell me or I’ll send those embarrassing high school party photos in a group email to everyone in this office.”
“Fine! I’ll tell you, damn. No need to bring out the big guns.” Mina smirked, and wow, Tzuyu really hated her sometimes. How did people think she was innocent and sweet? She hung out with Nayeon too much. “I told her that the shirt she was wearing a few days ago looked good on her.” The older woman raised her eyebrows and let out a little gasp.
“Wow, Tzuyu! You can be nice to people?” Tzuyu sent her a glare, but it did nothing to deter her. “But that’s so cute, that she’s wearing the style you like just because you said something. I wonder if I told her that I like short skirts if she’d start wearing them.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Oops, is someone jealous?”
“No. She’s just my only entertainment in this boring place and it annoys me when you try to interrupt that.”
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you’re pretending you don’t work with your best friend to instead tell you that you are, in fact, jealous.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You totally are. What if I went out there and asked her on a date?” Just the thought made Tzuyu’s blood boil, and she glowered at her best friend.
“Don’t you dare.”
“See? Babe, that’s jealousy.”
“You seriously need to stop hanging out with Nayeon. Babe? Really?”
“Stop dancing around the fact that you have feelings, Tzuyu,” Mina said, ignoring the other girls’ words of protest as she stood up and flipped her hair behind her shoulder. “Just don’t hurt her too bad, she seems like a nice girl.”
“The only person I’m going to hurt is you.”
“Oh, well, look at the time, I’ve got to go, have fun dealing with your feelings.” Had this still been high school, Tzuyu would have thrown a pen at the other girl. But this wasn’t high school, and she was a very important adult boss, so she just bit her lip, glared at her laptop once again, and made a mental note to get back at Mina later.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” A familiar voice made her jerk her head up. You stood at the door, stepping back quickly to let Mina by. “I didn’t realize you were coming out.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Mina said, giving you one of her sickeningly-sweet smiles that made Tzuyu really think about throwing that pen. “You’re too pretty for me to get upset at.” Immediately, your face flushed, and Tzuyu’s blood boiled.
“That’s enough, Mina,” she said, trying to keep her voice cool. The older girl just snickered as she stepped out the door, giving you a little wave. “(Y/N), did you have something for me?” You jumped a little before nodding and stepping forward to hold out a binder.
“Um, yes, I organized those files you asked me to do. Also, I’ve got all your meetings scheduled for next month, they’re on the physical calendar.” As she took the binder, she cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, and I added them to your virtual calendar as well, so you’ll get a reminder! And you can look them over.”
“Thank you,” she said, satisfied as she glanced through the binder before opening a drawer. “You learn fast.”
“Thank you?”
“It was a compliment.” She glanced back up at you, at your still-flushed cheeks and the small, awkward smile on your lips. And she thought of the smile on Mina’s face as she’d talked to you. “Did you bring a lunch today?” Your eyebrows furrowed and you processed her question before your eyes widened.
“I- No, actually, I didn’t have time to pack one so I’ll probably go down to the convenience store during lunch-.”
“Come to lunch with me.” Your mouth dropped open for a second before you snapped it closed.
“Yes. My lunch starts at noon today so yours does now too. Be ready.” Your eyes drifted from her face to the binder and then back again before you gave her a little nod.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Great. Thank you for your time.”
“Of course.” She watched you go, and her eyes took in your figure, highlighted by that shirt she liked on you so much. Again, a smirk made its way onto her face and she looked back down at the work email that had gone forgotten. Lunch was going to be interesting.
When noon rolled around, she was ready. Purse in hand, she nodded at some of her employees as she made her way over to the reception desk, where you sat, furiously typing away at your keyboard. She just watched you type for a few minutes, loving that little furrow in your eyebrows and the frustration in your brow, before clearing her throat.
“Ready for lunch?” You jumped, and she smiled.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I got so wrapped up in this,” you said, quickly moving to grab the mouse and save your work. “Let me just grab my jacket and purse-.”
“My treat, no need to get your purse.” There was a waver in your eyes, but you swallowed and grabbed your jacket, slipping into it as quickly as you could.
“Okay, in that case, I’m ready.”
You didn’t ask where she was taking you until she approached her car with you right behind her.
“It’s somewhere I like to go for lunch,” she said, unlocking the car and gesturing for you to climb into the passenger’s seat. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back in time.” You didn’t really seem to believe her, licking your lips nervously, but you climbed in anyways.
“This is a really nice car,” you said, looking around in awe as you buckled in and she started the car.
“My Tesla is a beauty, isn’t it?” Your lips were parted as you stared, and she grinned, loving the expression on your face as she pulled out of the parking garage. She usually didn’t care for showing off to people, or care for people in general, but somehow, showing off to you made her excited.
The restaurant wasn’t far away, and as soon as Tzuyu stepped in, the boy behind the host desk grabbed two menus.
“The normal place, please.”
“Of course. Right this way.” When she glanced back at you, you were biting your lip, eyes wide.
“Do you usually come here for lunch?” The place wasn’t as fancy as other places Tzuyu had eaten, but it was more upscale with its sleek modern interior and dim lighting.
“Not always. But it is my favorite lunch spot.” The boy placed the menus down on Tzuyu’s usual table, a spot more secluded, away from other customers, and she slid into one side of the booth. After a slight hesitation, you sat down across from her, giving the boy a small, shy smile as he told you the server would be with you shortly.
“It’s really nice.”
“I’m glad you like it,” she said, opening the menu and scanning through the items. She already knew what she was probably going to have but looking at the specials wouldn’t hurt. “Order whatever you want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure.” She gave you a look over her menu. “Take it as a thank you for all the hard work you do.”
“Okay,” you squeaked out, and she couldn’t help herself: she smiled. You were just too cute when you were flustered.
After all the food had been ordered and the menus were gone, you twisted your hands together and glanced up at her.
“Why did you invite me to lunch today?” She raised her eyebrows and took a dainty sip of her water before answering.
“Must I have a reason?”
“Well, I’ve just.... Never seen you go to lunch with anyone other than clients before. I thought maybe you wanted to talk about something work-related.” She shook her head and let herself smile again.
“I invited you with me because I wanted to. I thought it might be nice to talk to you a little more.” Your cheeks flushed, and you glanced down at the table, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Also, I wanted to tell you that you look nice today. I love the shirt.”
“Thank you!” You were flustered, biting your lip and smiling shyly, and she found herself wanting to lean across and kiss you until you were breathless. She wasn’t going to, though. Not yet, at least.
“So, tell me some things about yourself, (Y/N). I want to know.”
The rest of the lunch went smoothly, with the food coming out quickly and you telling her more about yourself in a soft voice, giving her the same smile you’d given Mina before, and she found herself wishing that the two of you wouldn’t have to go back to work. But unfortunately, time was ticking, and soon the lunch was over, and the two of you were back in the office.
“Thank you for the food,” you said as the two of you approached your desk, and she gave you a little smile.
“Anytime. Thank you for coming to lunch with me.” People were probably looking, and they might talk later, but Tzuyu didn’t really care as she walked back into her office, a satisfied smile on her face. She was definitely going to do this with you more often.
Soon, lunch became a habit for the two of you, and she found herself talking to you much more than usual. She was still forward and a little rude, because she enjoyed the flustered look you got on whenever she was intimidating, but she also liked the sweet smile you gave her when she said something nice. She also found herself thinking about your lips a little more than she should, but she tried not to read too much into it.
That is, until Mina brought it up.
“What are your intentions with (Y/N)?” The two girls were at Tzuyu’s house, sitting on the couch as the credits rolled for the last episode of the crime series they’d recently invested in. Her mind still stuck on the chilling contents of the last episode, she wrinkled her nose and shot her best friend with an incredulous look.
“What are you implying?” Rolling her eyes, Mina turned to face Tzuyu, reaching over to turn of the tv at the same time.
“Get your mind off crime and into the real world for a moment. You’d been spending an awful lot of time with your secretary lately.” It took a moment for Mina’s words to process, and Tzuyu slowly put down her bowl of popcorn, raising her eyebrows.
“Is that a bad thing? I’m just getting to know my employee better.”
“We both know that isn’t the only reason you’re getting closer to her. I’ve seen the way you check her out.” Okay, maybe Mina was right. Tzuyu had been checking you out a lot lately. And thinking a lot about kissing you. And teasing you a little more than usual. But that didn’t mean anything.
“She’s cute when she’s flustered.” The older girl didn’t look impressed.
“I hope you’re not just playing with her. I think she’s into you, and it would be pretty shitty of you to just lead her on. It would also be weird to work with someone you played with and then dumped so you should probably watch yourself.” Tzuyu stared at the now-blank tv, running Mina’s words over in her mind. She was playing with you, a little bit, she admitted it. But it wasn’t like she didn’t want you. And maybe there was a little nagging feeling at the back of her mind that she didn’t want to put words to because she hadn’t felt it since she was in high school and fell for the pretty cheerleader who turned out to be straight.
“Don’t worry, I’m not that much of an asshole.”
“I would hope not.” Mina stood up and stretched, letting out a yawn. “Anyway, I’d better get going. I told Chaeyoung I’d go over to her place tonight.”
“You always choose getting laid by your girlfriend over me,” Tzuyu said, letting out a dramatic sigh and leaning back into her couch. The older girl rolled her eyes and kicked her gently in the knee.
“That is such a lie. But maybe you could start getting laid by a girlfriend if you stopped closing everyone out of your life and decided to make (Y/N) yours. It’s something to think about.” Mina slipped into her jacket and stepped away, giving Tzuyu a little wave. “Goodnight, loser.”
“You’re so fired.”
“You can’t fire me, we’re off the clock. Try again next time babe.” Tzuyu watched as Mina waltzed away and rolled her eyes, reaching over to turn the tv back on in hopes of drowning out the feelings that had suddenly bombarded her brain. But she couldn’t focus on the crime unfolding on the screen, mind wandering back to your lips and you smile and the way your ears turned red when you were embarrassed. The thought of kissing you breathless and pinning you against the wall ran through her mind, and she closed her eyes, trying to ignore the twist in her stomach.
Maybe she did have some feelings for you.
As the weekend rolled to a close and Monday came once again, Tzuyu dealt with her newfound feelings like she always did: by throwing herself completely into her work. It worked out, because a new deal had just rolled through and she had plenty of things to do even after handing out work to her employees, so she ignored the little bell of reason in the back of her head telling her to deal with things now and let the work completely submerge her.
Minutes turned into hours, and the hours began to tick by until everyone had left the office and the sun had set, leaving Tzuyu typing away at her laptop under the shitty indoor lighting, ignoring the bright night view of the city out the window behind her.
As she pressed send on the last email of the day, her eyes moved down to the corner of her screen and she blinked, shocked by herself. When had it gotten so late?
Now that she’d broken the spell she’d put over herself that morning, the pain in her back began evident and she let out a little groan, stretching out her arms. She should probably go home, but there were still things to do.... With every new deal or new step up came a whole new load of stress, and she could feel it thrumming through her bloodstream as she stood up to stretch better.
That was when she noticed the light on outside her office. Narrowing her eyebrows, she glanced again at the time. Everyone should have gone home already. She knew for a fact that Mina had taken off, and she was usually the only one to stay with her and work. So, who?
She closed her laptop and stepped out. There you sat, at the reception desk, your lamp on, squinting at the screen with your hair down as your fingers flew across your keyboard. Tzuyu’s mouth dropped open. She’d never had a secretary stay late like this before, no matter how much work she’d asked for them to do.
It seemed like you hadn’t realized she was there, still focused on your work, so she cleared her throat as she walked up.
“(Y/N)? What are you still doing here?” You jumped, and Tzuyu was reminiscent of the first time she’d ever taken you out to lunch as you looked up at her with those big eyes of yours. Maybe it was because she was so stressed, or so tired, but seeing you with your hair down and lips slightly parted made her stomach twist.
“Ah, I had so much work to do and you were still working too, so I thought it would be best if I continued to work. It wouldn’t be fair to me if I left before you did and didn’t even finish the things you’d given me to do today.” You glanced down at the clock on your desk and rubbed the back of your neck. “I honestly didn’t even realize that it had gotten this late.” The air seemed to have gotten thicker somehow, as the work that had been on Tzuyu’s brain suddenly vanished and all she could think of was you. Yeah, she had feelings. Lots of them.
“That’s. Really admirable, actually. You could have gone home.” You bit your lip, and Tzuyu stared for a moment too long.
“I didn’t want to leave you alone.” She swallowed. Glanced from your shirt (the one she loved on you) to your lips and then up to your eyes. And there was something in them that made a voice in her head say, “go for it”.
“(Y/N), you’re really something else.” Your cheeks bloomed pink as you clicked save on the document you were working on.
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“A good thing, I think.” You tilted your head, and god, you were so cute and so sexy at the same time, and she just couldn’t take it anymore. “It made me fall for you.” Your entire face flushed red, up to the tips of your ears, and your eyes widened, hands stalling from where they’d been fidgeting with a pen.
“Really?” Your voice was so soft, she wouldn’t have heard it had she not been listening.
“Really. You’ve been driving me crazy, (Y/N).” She watched you swallow and licked her lips. “And I really just want to kiss you. Is that okay.” You stalled for a moment, glancing around.
“Is that okay? To do... here?” Maybe you weren’t as precious and innocent as Mina had thought. A smile spread across Tzuyu’s lips.
“I turned off the camera in my office.” Again, you paused for a moment, before you turned off your computer and stood up, flustered but determined. “Is that okay with you?”
“It’s okay with me.” Her heart thudded hard in her chest as she led you inside, closing the door behind her.
“I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do,” she said, and you gave her a little smile.
“I want you to kiss me.”
That was all she needed to hear. Her hands found their way onto your hips and she pulled you closer, eyes fluttering closed as her lips met yours. You tasted like coffee as she kissed you like her life depended on it, passionate as she pressed her body against yours and backed you up until your legs hit her desk and she pulled away, letting you sit down on it as you caught your breath. You looked incredible, all disheveled and breathing hard atop her desk, and something deep inside her wanted more.
“Just tell me to stop if I do something you don’t want,” she said, and waited only long enough for you to gasp out “okay” before she kissed you again and brought her hands up from your hips to slip underneath your shirt. You let out a little gasp into her mouth and she loved it, wanted to hear more of it, so she let her hands trail slowly upwards until her fingertips touched the wire of your bra and your hands twisted into her shirt.
“Take it off,” she said as she pulled away, and you obeyed, slipping out of your shirt so that she could see the cute bra underneath and the flush that ran down your neck. She licked her lips before attaching them to your neck and working her way down, leaving careful bruises as she reached back to unclip your bra. The soft moans you let out sent throbs through her body, and she knew. She knew she wanted all of you, forever, just like this.
She pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before looking you in the eyes. “I want to go all the way with you.” You swallowed, and then, to her surprise, leaned up to kiss her.
“I want to go all the way with you too.” Your voice was still soft, but confident, and she watched as your hand went to unzip your skirt before once again capturing your lips.
As she felt you under her, tasted your lips and felt your hips jerk, heard your moans and felt your hands slipping under her own shirt, she made up her mind. She wasn’t playing anymore. She was serious. And as she laid you down on her desk, she whispered a promise into your ear. A promise of more. And a promise of forever.
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catsbythegreat · 6 years ago
What are your thoughts on the whole Chuuya getting trapped in Poes book thing? As much as I understand the mangaka needed some way to get Chuuya out of the way, the way he did it kind of ticked me off. I feel like even with Ranpo taunting him with Dazai is was kind of OOC for him to attack him like that, and I also feel like Chuuya would have been able to get out of the book quicker, I mean I've always thought he's smarter then he gets credit for, it's just he prefers action over thinking.
I have a lot of feelings about it! 
I think Ranpo and Dazai have a personality type that pisses Chuuya off because they know exactly which buttons to push and they always think they’re right. BUT Ranpo probably annoys Chuuya more because he comes across as ten times more arrogant (idk how to explain it, he just has that personality towards some people) and Ranpo was definitely trying to be the most anger-inducing person possible at that point. 
I also think a big thing that pissed Chuuya off is that the stuff with Dazai is none of Ranpo’s business, but Ranpo used it to taunt him, and that sort of thing would piss me off so I’m not surprised. And Ranpo isn’t physically strong, so Chuuya probably thought that he could incapacitate him to shut him up and be done with it, and it would just be another advantage for the Port Mafia. That didn’t happen, but I think there were a lot of things Chuuya could have fought off if Ranpo was trying to trick him and he probably had that thought, but he never could have predicted the book thing. And I’m sure Ranpo was counting on that. 
I think it was also the last straw after everything else that was stressful, that in the middle of the Mafia Boss almost dying and a conflict breaking out between the Mafia and the Agency, this person would try to taunt him about something like Dazai. 
I don’t really like it, but the manga version was fine. I HATE how they did it in the anime, because in the manga Ranpo and Chuuya confronted each other in an alley, away from everyone else. It was just the two of them. In the anime the confrontation happens in front of the Port Mafia, where tons of people get to see it. (I’m pretty sure the way Chuuya attacks Ranpo is also more extra in the anime.) It was very humiliating and I don’t think it had to be, because now everyone knows. I’m assuming in the manga only a few people knew (Mori, Kouyou) but in the anime I imagine word would spread throughout most of the Mafia. So I wish they hadn’t done that. 
So generally speaking I don’t like the scene that much, but I understand it and can justify it, but really only the manga version. And I feel like I appreciated the manga version more because we were only getting crumbs of Chuuya at that point and you take what you can get. At least now we have Fifteen. 
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softlywithhissong · 6 years ago
I’m calling bullshit on your hate.
I am a Sangwoo fan. I am also a Bum fan. A strange dichotomy, I know.
Both of these characters exhibit problematic behavior, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a fan of them, either individually or simultaneously. Does being a fan of either of these characters mean that you support these damaging behaviors in real life? NO. Calling out people who support REAL LIFE crimes is fine, but calling out people who are trying to enjoy being a fan of a FICTIONAL character IS NOT OKAY. You are clearly not helping real life people by doing so. You are being judgemental and self-righteous, shaming people to feel superior and patting yourself on the back for it. You not only contradict yourself several times, but you also act entitled to hate real people for liking something you personally don’t, have the arrogance to proclaim what the author “better not” do, and wish ill on real people. The hypocrisy is appalling. Do you not see the irony? You are not protecting people from real life abuse BY HATING ON REAL LIFE FANS of a fictional character. You are in fact engaging in verbally abusing real life people. It doesn’t matter what the character does; it’s fiction. Are there real people existing out in the big wide world who do crimes or support criminals? Yes, but to generalize, stereotype, and basically accuse FANS of being as bad as the people who do this or to conflate us and lump us together is disgusting, illogical, and highly offensive.
How can we “still stan his ass / this ship”? We can because the beauty of fandom is that you get to pick and choose what you like. You get to twist it up, turn it inside out, and make it into an AU parody of itself. ART IS SUBJECTIVE. It’s about what individual thing each and every one of us found gut wrenching or what pulled at our heartstrings. Don’t invalidate what other people found or resonated with just because it’s not the same thing you did. People fear different things. People emphasize, magnify, and conversely minimize different things based on what concerns each of us individually. That’s okay and people shouldn’t be shamed for having a different opinion. After all, being a fan is a form of opinion. And opinions are not facts. Don’t confuse the two; you holding an opinion does not make your opinion a fact.
Fiction is about emotional catharsis. It doesn’t matter that stealing a car or killing a dog are not crimes worthy of the death penalty in real life - I wanted to see John Wick kill all those fuckers for killing that little puppy.
And NOT ALL MEDIA should have a healthy or happy ending. Was Romeo and Juliet’s double suicide a healthy ending? NO. It was a tragedy! Tragedies have an important place in media. They often serve as cautionary tales. If you want another cliched boring “bad guy dies/goes to jail” ending, WHY ARE YOU SHAMING FANS WHO WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT? You have an endless supply of your preferred ending. Go watch one of the thousand CSI/detective/cop procedural shows. They are everywhere. While I enjoy psychological thrillers (AS RARE AS THEY ARE), I am also a fan of some great detective shows and murder mysteries. I could recommend so many fantastic ones. But some of us want a unique ending for Killing Stalking, even if that means something “unhealthy” by real life moral standards. It was labeled a psychological thriller, after all. Not a mystery. Not a detective story. It was also labeled BL, and even if it gets a twisted/unhealthy ending because of the psychological thriller genre, it still qualifies because twisted BL is still BL.
I do not excuse Sangwoo’s abusive treatment of Bum. I’m often disappointed and angry on Bum’s behalf. And while I find it difficult to believe canon Bum would be in a healthy relationship with anyone (and I would love to make a post about how I see his fondness for frogs as symbolism for his relationships), I still have the ability to enjoy the possibilities of a healthy fanon-based relationship or even appreciate the grim take of a tragic and/or twisted unhealthy ending. This is how I still ship Sangbum in certain contexts, but not always, because context matters and it depends. I know that sentence sounds ridiculous, but that’s how it works! Because it’s OKAY TO SHIP FICTIONAL UNHEALTHY SHIPS. Because it’s fiction. And if people can vent their issues through the written word in order to not do so in real life, good. Many people find reading/writing therapeutic. Some authors write a lot of problematic behavior as angst. Do they deserve hate? NO. There are plenty of instances when I have shipped a healthy ship but not shipped it (and in fact wanted them not to end up together) in certain fics because I felt the fic had portrayed an unhealthy relationship. But did I send hate to the author of that fic when that ship ended up together anyway? NO. Just because it ended in a way I didn’t like didn’t give me or anyone else the right to spread hate or shame over a fictional story.
Also, as a Bum fan, I do not appreciate seeing any victim blaming of Bum. There’s some out there (including your despicable “Bum better not” comment), but at least this hate is not anywhere near the amount of Sangwoo hate. As a fan of both characters, I can see that there is clearly so much more Sangwoo hate out there. And it’s fine to criticize, dislike, or even hate Sangwoo as a character, but it’s NOT OKAY to hate on his fans. He is a fictional character, but his fans are real people.
I am a fan of Sangwoo because he is an intriguing, complex, and well-written character. He’s got flaws. All characters do. And I understand his flaws are pretty damn big. But I understand that he’s a fictional character. I would never support a real person committing such crimes or abuse. So, frankly, while you may find my being a fan “annoying” - I will not be shamed or hated upon.
To quote my sister, “In the safety of fiction, we can deconstruct the complexities of what’s morally gray.”
In other words, exploration through FICTION, discussion, and debate are welcome. Hateful posts are not.
This is a long post, so I’ll put my further calling bullshit on arguments made by haters behind a “Keep Reading” link:
Also, the criticisms for being a fan because of “fetishizing gay men” are bullshit. Firstly, anything anyone finds hot could be labeled “fetishizing” which is ridiculous. Secondly, some fans are gay men who are not “fetishizing” - they are simply enjoying the story even if it is twisted. (It’s okay to be a fan of a story that portrays an unhealthy relationship; not every story is meant to be a moral standard.) But also, this bullshit argument is just reducing people down to a ridiculous stereotype used to stifle women in fandom. This has been used through the ages and it is wrong. Are there possibly straight women out there objectifying gay men the way straight men would objectify gay women? Yeah, there’s probably some. But I’ve been in fandom a LONG time and this is not representative of fans in general, let alone all female fans. How about you let women consume all forms of media they find identifiable, cathartic, containing unique storyline with complex flawed characters, or even (gasp) entertaining? Stop shaming people. And maybe especially - don’t resort to misogynistic tropes to do so. I think it’s safe to say that fans (including female fans) generally tend to be a fan for more than just a character’s appearance and body parts. There’s usually character traits, personality quirks, things that draw you to go beyond casual reading/watching into becoming a fan.
Personally, I identify with stories portraying gay relationships equally as much if not more than with stories portraying heterosexual relationships. Maybe that’s because I’m bisexual, but I don’t think so. I believe that straight people can also find themselves identifying with the story and the struggles portrayed - no matter what the sexual orientation of the pairing portrayed.
You think I only like portrayals of gay men rather than women? No, I like both. Killing Eve is a fantastic example of a fandom that I would love to see grow! I despair at how small the fandom is compared to my usual fandoms, but it’s new! It can grow and I can’t wait for season 2. The harsh reality, though, is that f/f ships tend to be smaller fandoms. This may be due to so few well-written female characters in general throughout media - though, this is improving and having more female writers in media helps. Killing Eve has great characters and really great writing, so hopefully they can buck this trend and grow a decently large fandom featuring f/f ships. Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe from Legends of Tomorrow are a pretty big ship, which is heartening, and Xena/Gabrielle from Xena Warrior Princess were an absolute juggernaut back in the day (kudos to anyone who recognized Xena from my main tumblr’s icon).
You think I only like hot men? Or that I excuse the actions of killers who are hot men? NO. I watched The Fall with Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan, where Jamie Dornan played the serial killer and NO - I was not a fan of his character, let alone attempted to excuse any actions by his character whatsoever, even after they explained his tragic backstory. And You on Netflix is just too obnoxious in my personal opinion for me to even watch. But I’d never take time out of my day to hate on any fan who enjoys it.
Calling out problematic stuff in media is fine, but don’t use it as an excuse to spit vitriol and hate at fans who you disagree with.
P.S. Seriously, ask me for recs of good detective shows/murder mysteries. I’ve got so many I could recommend that are way better written than most. Want a female detective? I’ve got plenty. Want a gay male detective? Got it. Want a murder mystery twist where the murderer wins? Got that.
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dark0angel13 · 5 years ago
The Ties That Bind: Grand Magic Games Spoiler
So this is a little spoiler to the upcoming chapter I’m writing for The Ties That Bind. It will focus on the GMG (My personal favorite story arc) and how Riley will be Incorporated into it. I do hope you enjoy this little [long?] spoiler.
Riley Belserion.  
Her name echoes throughout the arena and Riley feels a rush of adrenaline. Her body is thrumming with anticipation and she can’t hide the toothy grin that spreads across her face. Since the Grand Magic Games started, she’s had to stand back and watch as Fairy Tail lost battle after battle, helpless to stop the bastards that were responsible for not playing fair. That’s about to change, she decides as her eyes shift to Raven Tail. They all bare arrogant smirks and it makes her blood boil in her veins. Rest assured by the time this damn competition is over, Raven Tail will be no more. Riley will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens, if nothing else.  
Jura Neekis.  
The next name to be called stops Riley in her tracks and her eyes meet his from across the arena. She can see a multitude of emotions flash across his face, ranging first from shock, and settling on a satisfied grin. Riley can feel her muscles contract and relax and she takes a deep breath in. Breathe in, breathe out. This is going to be easy, she thinks. This is going to be a fucking cake walk.  
“Don’t let your guard down out there kid, Jura is a Wizard Saint for good reason.” Was that worry she hears in Laxus’ voice? Not possible; she replies with a scoff but can see the tension in his shoulders.  
“This match is as good as over,” her eyes settle on Mira, who simply looks at her with worry as she perches atop the wall of the arena. The stone is cold against her hand and she wills her heart to calm. “Prepare to witness greatness.” Is the last thing she says before she jumps, landing gracefully in the arena to march onward with purpose.  
Her form seems relaxed—her steps sure and silent—her hands shoved into the pockets of her jacket to hide the tension threatening to overwhelm her. Stay calm. She takes a deep breath in and stops at the center while she watches her opponent make his way to her. If he seems nervous, he shows no signs of it and Riley can’t help but admire his demeanor.  
The entire arena has grown silent, Riley notices as she glances from guild to guild, then to the stands where she’s met with confusion and uncertainty. Her heart hammers in her chest and part of her wants to scream at them for not knowing who she is. A fucking legend that’s who. She wants nothing more than to have her guilds name spoken with admiration and respect, and after this match, Riley is sure that’s exactly what’s going to happen. She crosses her arms under her breasts as the first voice rings out around her.  
“How do you think this battle will play out Mr. Yajima?”  
“Jura is very powerful being a Wizard Saint, but I wouldn’t count Fairy Tail out just yet.”
The names of those aside from Yajima elude her, but Riley doesn’t really care anyway. She’s here to fight, not be interviewed.  
“Who is this girl anyway? I’ve never heard of Riley Belserion.”
This voice, Riley realizes, gets on her nerves way too fucking much. She has to be twelve and she’s talking like if she hasn’t heard of something, it doesn’t exist. She’s about to get a fucking wake up call that’s for sure. When Riley’s done here today, everyone will know her name. She feels her hands ball into fists and she clenches her teeth. Yep, really fucking annoying.  
“Of all the wizards in Fairy Tail, Riley would probably have my vote on being the strongest. Since she was a child, not many people could hold a candle to her, and I have a good feeling that we are going to get a glimpse of her power here today. She is Fairy Tail’s Black Devastation, not to mention the elder sister to Erza Scarlet.”
Yajima’s words silence the crowd and Riley feels a wave of pride wash over her. The old man sure knew how to make a girl feel important. She smiles up to him when Jenny goes silent along with the rest of the arena. She can feel eyes on her, burning holes into her body like the sun through a magnifying lacrima and it’s both thrilling and off-putting at the same time. Riley can feel the anticipation in her muscles, the way they tense and relax. She can feel the anticipation in her quickened breathing and twitch of her fingers. She’s ready for this fight. She was born for this fight. She’s going to fucking win this fight.  
It’s only when one of them speaks that her mind races and she’s interrupting.  
“Well I certainly can’t wait to get this fight started! Without further adieu-!”
“Before we get this party started, there are a couple of things I would like to ask.” Her calm voice is a façade she’s happy to put on to take the eyes off the turmoil rising within her. She’s tense and ready for this fight; she knows Jura feels the same way when her eyes meet his. “I would like to propose a wager, if that’s alright with you Jura.” She watches an emotion flash across his face, too quick for her to interpret, before it’s gone and he’s nodding.  
“What is it, Lady Riley?” The smile he offers her reaches his eyes when he continues, “and may I add that it is a pleasure being able to fight you today. I’m so relieved you returned safe from Tenrou Island.” Good old Jura, a gentleman to his very core. Riley appreciates his respect but it grates in her nerves after so long, yet she smiles back none the less. This entire competition was one huge show after all.  
“Would you care to bet your title of Wizard Saint on this battle?” She watches shock register on his face and she can’t help but smirk. He had to have expected this at some point. “It’s about time we settled who was stronger.” The look on his face is almost comical.  
“Did I just hear that right?! Riley has just challenged Jura for his title of Wizard Saint! Mr. Yajima is this even possible?”  
“Under normal circumstances no, the title of Wizard Saint is something given by a majority vote of the council. Riley can’t simply ask for it…”
Yajima meets her eyes as his words echo around her and she tenses. His face shows no emotion and for the briefest of moments, Riley wonders if she’s stepped out of line.
“However…given the atmosphere around here I will propose a compromise. In order for this to be called into vote there must be at least six council members present in this arena. If we can get them then she can, in theory, officially issue the challenge.”
That’s all she needed to hear. Riley smirks and tunes out the rest of the light chatter to focus on Jura, who still seemed to be rooted in place.  
“Sorry to drop it on you like that but I figure this is the perfect opportunity to beat you and take the title of Wizard Saint. Nothing personal you see.” She hadn’t intended on coming off so bitchy but when she sees his expression deflate she knows she’s hit a nerve. “No disrespect Jura,” she continues with a slight bow, “don’t take it the wrong way. I respect your power and only wish to find out once and for all who is the better fighter.”  
“Don’t apologize Lady Riley,” He chuckles and walks up to place a hand on her shoulder, “I was your age once too. Being brazen and spontaneous is in your nature and to challenge someone like me, well it’s only natural. No disrespect taken.” Bless this man’s heart, he really was a saint. His eyes harden in the next moment and the hand on her shoulder increases its pressure.  
“Are you sure about this though?” His words are serious and his posture is rigid before her.  
“You bet your ass I am,” She counters easily. “I’ve been wanting to challenge you since we first met. You’re an amazing mage Jura, it would be an honor to fight for the title of Wizard Saint with you.” She flashes him a bright smile and holds out her hand for him to shake. His grip is firm and his laugh genuine and Riley can’t wait to fight him.  
“As of right now we have six of the ten council members who have agreed to support this little wager. Riley, you and Jura are free to do as you wish on this matter. Let’s have a good clean fight.”
Yajima’s voice draws Riley’s attention and his stern look has her nodding out of respect. This old man was not one to mess with. Jura nods once before turning to retreat back to his original position and Riley does the same, only stopping to look at Makarov.  
“Oh, one more thing.” Her eyes meet his and she knows in an instant, that he knows what she’s about to ask. “Do I have permission to remove the seal?” Her words carry on the wind and hushed voices ring out around her but she couldn’t care less about them. The only voice she wanted to hear was his and her entire body was honing in on his magic from where she stood. One word, one nod of his head is all it would take.  
“Yes.” His eyes are serious and his body tense but Riley hears the conviction none the less. Not to mention his underlying words. Show them what you’ve trained for, but be careful. Riley doesn’t answer; instead nods and turns back to Jura, who just looks on with confusion. Relax, she thinks haughtily, you’ll understand soon enough.  
She moves swiftly now, not wanting to delay this fight more than she already has. Her hand brushes her jacket aside and she knows Jura can see the rune script encircling her emblem. She also knows that he’s figured out that it’s no ordinary rune magic, if the look of shock that flashes across his face is any indication. She disregards his nervousness and focuses on her body instead, voicing the release spell while placing her fingers against her skin. She rotates her hand in a counter-clockwise position, undoing the spell as she goes until the runes burn off her flesh and she feels the reservoir that is her magic surge.  
The power rushes through her like a torrent of electricity barely contained and Riley can’t help the slight panic that follows. This much magic would surely give Guildarts a run for his money. The magic within her swirls chaotically—painfully—and Riley feels her scar twitch with discomfort but ignores it, instead focusing on the utter shock crippling her opponent.  
“Wow! Ladies and gentlemen I’ve never felt magic of this caliber before in my life!”  
“Indeed, Riley is a force to be reckoned with.”
“This kind of magic power…it’s terrifying.”
Riley can’t help but smirk at the reactions of those around her as the magic evens out and tapers off, leaving her body glowing violet. This is one thing she will never get tired of seeing. People’s reactions to her magic. That’s right, be afraid. Even from this distance, Riley can see the fear plastered all over her guildmates’ faces. All aside from Natsu apparently. Riley watches as excitement races across his features and she fights the urge to shake her head. Leave it to him to want to fight her at this level.  
Riley takes a deep breath in to center herself and looks to Jura, “Don’t hold back.”  
“I won’t if you won’t. May the better mage win.” He counters evenly.  
“I’ll give you the first shot. Make it count.” Riley offers smugly and holds up a hand to him. Come at me. “Hit me with all the magic power you’ve got Wizard Saint.”  
Jura moves with almost blinding speed, unleashing is attack without hesitation and Riley feels his magic spike. Her body thrums with anticipation and she feels the magic within her pulsing in time with her heart. She knows what’s coming, knows it will be powerful beyond what most mages can do; knows it won’t so much as scratch her.  
“Supreme King Rock Crush!” It races towards her fast; Riley is positive that most onlookers wouldn’t be able to keep up. She watches the earth crumble around her as it approaches and her hands grip her jacket out of instinct at the power he emits. It’s intense to say the least, but she stands her ground and takes a deep breath in, confident that she will come out unscathed. It hits with startling force and dirt, debris, and magic swirl around her in a torrent before mushrooming up. She watches as his attack hits her shield and smirks when it dissipates around her. She can’t wait to see the look on his face when the dust settles.  
“Wow! That was an impressive display of magic wouldn’t you say everyone? My word the power of a Wizard Saint is frightening to say the least. I think Riley made a critical error when she gave Jura the first hit.”
You wish asshole, is the only thing that pops into her head.  
“There’s no way she could have survived that and if she did, she sure as hell isn’t going to be moving any time soon.”
Riley can’t help the laugh that bubbles up. Oh, how little they knew about her power. How little they understood about the caliber of it. In due time.  
“Mr. Yajima what do you think?”
“I think that the magic energy she was giving off just a second ago should tell you all enough. Riley is not one to bluff, nor is she one to flaunt her power when she knows she can’t win. Keep watching.”
Seems Yajima is the only judge with a brain up there, Riley realizes as the dust finally dissipates around her. Jura stares on in disbelief and Riley swears his jaw hit the ground.  
“Is that all you’ve got Jura? At this rate, there was no point in me removing the seal. I can take you with half my magic power if that was your best shot.” She knows she sounds like an asshole, but frankly she doesn’t care. She’s more than excited to be able to showcase her magical ability. After her near death experience on Tenrou Island, Riley got an up close and personal view of just how weak she is compared to Acnologia. After the training she went through, she’s earned the right to be arrogant here today. Everyone can fuck right off if they don’t like it.  
“No fucking way!”
“Now now, language missy, there are children in the crowd.”
Riley laughed that time, her eyes landing on Jenny for the briefest of moments before returning her focus to Jura. Seeing the utter shock on her face was probably the best thing she’s seen all day.
Riley watches as Jura stumbles backwards, “How the hell did you come out of that unscathed?” His question is laced with fear and Riley chuckles.  
“Why not hit me with another attack and I’ll show you?” She casts a wink, knowing full well that it’s not needed but she does it anyway. Might as well be an extra big asshole, she thinks as she brings her hands up to clasp them behind her head. He could throw that attack at her all day and it wouldn’t do a damn thing. She knows it, her guild knows it, hell deep down she feels that Jura knows it too. For the first time since she’s met him, Riley hears a curse leave his lips and she smirks. Too easy.  
He unleashes wave after wave of his rock crush, and wave after wave, it dissipates around her, leaving a film of dust in the air.  
“Now do you see?” Riley asks serious, her hands falling to her sides while she takes a step forward, “I was in stasis for seven years yes, but when we returned I trailed like hell. Months of grueling, painful, mind breaking training that, on some days, made me wish I were dead.  I learned to unleash my second origin during this experience and in the process, amplified my magic. What you’re seeing now is called Magic Guard. It’s an impenetrable defense around me that disrupts attacks that are weaker than my base magic.” She watches his body go rigid and knows that panic is fighting for dominance in his mind. She doesn’t blame him, in fact she understands all too well how frightening her magic is. It scares her too.  
“Basically, if you have less magic power than me, you don’t stand a chance.” Mean to say, but true none the less. She takes a step forward and watches his eyes flicker before his hand moves but she’s not worried. He won’t be able to hit her. It’s pointless.  She takes another step before pain erupts at her core. It hits her fast, and she’s airborne in seconds, wincing as her eyes fall upon the pillar of stone now retreating back into the ground. Shit, this isn’t good.  
“You are indeed a powerful mage Lady Riley, but that magic protects you from all angles save for beneath you. Now that I know how to counter you, I know how to beat you.” Jura’s voice is steady as he sends more rocks rocketing into the air and Riley curses.  
“Now witness my second origin!” His power sky rockets and Riley feels it in her soul that this man is finally getting serious and she can’t help the tremor of anticipation that takes over her body. His magic is almost overwhelming and she swallows hard as the first few rows of onlookers are blown back. He was holding back up until now. She dodges easily in the air but the second her feet touch the ground his rock crush rips through her shield like a knife through butter and it takes a lot of focus just to avoid serious blows. Regardless she takes a few hits and slides backwards, wiping blood from her lip as she chuckles.  
“Not bad Jura, it’s about time you got serious.”
“What made you think I haven’t been serious from the beginning?” He raises a brow.  
“For the same reason you didn’t take me seriously. You were testing the waters. You didn’t want to accidentally kill me so you held back to gauge my reactions to your magic power.” Her eyes meet his and she feels her body tense when he nods. “Now I’m getting serious.” Is all she says before slamming her fist into the ground. The earth cracks and crumbles beneath her and she’s gone in the blink of an eye as it devours the landscape of the arena.  
“Ground Devastation!” Riley watches Jura keep the floor together while avoiding the worst of her attack and she has to admit, he’s a powerful mage. She knows this is going to be an intense match, yet at the same time, she knows it won’t last much longer. Not after she gets serious. She’s before him in an instant, her hand braces against the ground before she kicks up with her left foot. It connects square in his chest and he’s in the air before she even takes a breath.  
“Liquid Devastation!” She claps her hands together and locks her fingers and she watches Jura fall prey to her sphere of water. It surrounds him fast, and his gasp of shock before he runs out of air is a mixture of surprise and fear but Riley doesn’t care. She sees victory in sight, within her grasp and she’s not going to let up, even if he screams. No mercy. This is her time to shine. In the back of her mind she knows Juvia is somewhere in the arena raging at the similarities and Riley resists the urge to smirk. She raises her hands above her head for a moment before slamming them into the ground. The water around Jura becomes dense and rockets downward before exploding on impact. She can hear Jura cough and struggle to move against the dense liquid but her left hand is already reaching out for him, her palm glowing brilliantly.  
“Inferno Devastation!” Balls of flame shoot from her hand and zero in on Jura and she watches as he barely manages to dodge them. She knows Natsu must be flipping his lid at her attack and she can almost hear him say he wants to fight her. That damn kid is so predictable.  
Jura blocks her attack with little effort, having to only match each ball of flame with one of rock to cancel them out before coming in to fire off a punch. He’s surely not serious about resorting to close combat? Riley chuckles at his bravery and dodges swiftly before countering with a hit of her own. If it’s one thing she’s better at than magic, its hand to hand combat. Jura is fucked. He takes the hit and grunts when she lands another one-two combo.  
“I think I should mention that I’m very skilled in hand to hand combat. Just ask Mira. You stand no chance against me Jura.” The white mage flashes through her mind and Riley is grateful for all the sparring sessions to better her non magic fighting abilities. She wants to look back and smile at her friend but she doesn’t have time. She catches his fist in mid air, only to spin and flip him over her shoulder to slam him into the ground. His body hits hard enough to shake the earth and a grunt leaves his lips but Riley is moving again, landing hit after hit before stepping back. She’s breathing slightly heavier than before, her body thrumming with adrenaline from the action but she knows it’s not over yet. It’s not clear who is stronger and Riley can’t stand that. She needs everyone to see the difference in their power.  
As expected, Jura is on his feet in seconds and charging her head on. She matches him fist for fist and a shock wave rushes from around them before she spins and buries a foot in his sternum. Jura goes flying and Riley uses her magic to float. It’s just about time to end this.  
“For your sake Jura,” she brings her hands to the center of her being and draws magic, “I hope you survive this.” She really does. This attack, though even on its first level, has enough power to destroy the entire arena. Riley needs to be careful, she doesn’t want to kill anyone unintentionally. She can feel the magic envelope her, she can see the aura of violet engulf her form; she can feel the power surge within her and she smiles. Out of the corner of her eye she can see the rune knights gather at the base of the stands to erect a barrier. Good, they need to.  
She watches as the Wizard Saint stiffens visibly when a ball of violet magic grows between her hands. She knows he can feel her magic and it’s intensity. His hands fist at his sides and she’s sure she hears him curse but pays it no mind. His body is beaten but he stands relatively easily. A young mage he is no more and Riley knows this. Deep down, a small part of her feels bad for unleashing this attack on him, but the other part of her knows that unless she hits him with every thing she’s got, it won’t be a worthy victory. Though at the level she is now, she knows it’s not fair. Jura was giving this his all and she respected him for it. But his all just wasn’t enough.  
When she feels she’s drawn enough magic, Riley condenses it to the size of a ball and winds her arm up before letting it fly, watching as the orb rockets to him at blinding speed.  
“Minute Devastation!” It takes only a second to reach him and she watches Jura bring his rock up to protect himself. In vein though. Avoiding this attack by attempting to tank it out will only cause more damage. It hits his wall dead center and vanishes for a heartbeat before an explosion rocks the arena. Riley stiffens at her own magic power and deep down, hopes that he survives this. The source of the explosion grows and the shock wave of the attack puts the rune knights’ barrier to a hard test and in some areas, she watches it crack.  
There is a violet flash of light before her magic evens out and rockets skyward. The entire base of the arena is engulfed in a pillar of her magic before it vanishes and she’s left to view the wake of its destruction. There is no floor, and most likely no earth below the arena for the next mile or so If She had to guess. Jura is no where to be seen but that’s not surprising seeing as the last she can recall, the force of her attack shot him backwards and into the wall. She focuses for a moment and feels his magic right where she predicted; she knows he’s not dead.  
Riley’s eyes travel from place to place, noting how even through the barrier, most of the first few rows were blown back and almost nonexistent. Her guild mates, the ones she can see, are stiff with fear and she feels guilty. She didn’t intend on scaring them so badly, but she has never been good at holding back in a fight. It’s just not in her to do anything less than 100%. This match was the closest she got to holding her power back, if she had to recon.
She hovers a moment longer before descending and lands on the wall of the arena, where she sits gracefully and waits for Jura to get up. After a moment, when the dust around the whole in the wall dissipates, she stands and replaces the seal around her emblem. Just as fast as it surged within her, did the magic vanish and leave her feeling empty.  
“You fought well Jura.” She’s being honest when she speaks. He put up a good fight, gave it everything he had, and she respected him for it, but part of her wishes he had been stronger. A Wizard Saint he may be, but a challenge he was not. She watches the rock fall at the hole in the wall and a heartbeat later, Jura steps out and the crowed erupts into cheers around her. He’s bloody and barely standing but standing none the less and she feels her body stiffen. He could take a beating that was for damn sure. A chuckle leaves his lips a moment before his legs give out and he’s on his knees.  
“You as well…Lady Riley.” He winces as he talks and Riley can hear the struggle in his voice. “My second origin…is no match to yours.” He collapses a heartbeat later and Riley nods out of respect but stands on the ledge.  
“That’s the difference between you and I Jura,” she hears the arena go silent as she speaks and crosses her arms, “you used your second origin…I didn’t.”  
With that said, the entire stadium explodes into cheers and chatter but Riley just wants to see Cana. She’s done with this match and ready for the next one to start. She turns to hop down and make her way back to her guild but from behind her she can hear her name being chanted and part of her loves it. Loves the attention and the admiration, but the other part of her hates that she’s now to talk of Fiore. She didn’t want to be famous.  
“If I hadn’t just witnessed that I would never have believed it! What a match!”
“The rune knights had to put up a barrier to keep the viewers safe…I’d say Fairy Tail has this in the bag.”
You’re god damn right Jenny.  
“Mr. Yajima what do you think? Was that an amazing fight or what?”
“I told you she was strong…I didn’t realize she was this powerful though. The vote will be made when the final battle has been fought but I think it’s safe to assume Riley has indeed earned the title of Wizard Saint. Well done missy.”
At this point Riley doesn’t really care what the council votes. She thought she wanted his title but facing Jura in a straight fight was eye opening. He didn’t back down from her challenge, in fact he didn’t quiver at her magic. He simply smiled and gave her what she wanted and that was why he was a Wizard Saint. He deserved the title, she didn’t.  
Riley tunes everything out after that, making her way to Cana as a slight ache starts behind her eyes but it’s minimal at best and easy to ignore. When team B comes into view, she can see looks of utter shock on their faces and she stands at the door, unsure if she should walk in or not. Unsure if they want her to walk in.  
“Holy shit Riley that was amazing!” Cana wraps her arms around her and Riley tenses slightly before relaxing and returning the hug. Cana is warm against her and Riley wants nothing more than to kiss her, and that’s exactly what she does.  
“Damn kid, you’ve been holding out on us. I didn’t know you got this powerful.” Laxus gives her a pat on the head and she can see the smile on Mira’s face. They’re not afraid of her, and for that she is grateful.
“You gave us our first win Riley!” Mira smiles and gives her a hug.  
“How’s your head? Do you feel sick?” Cana is in her face and resting a hand against her forehead and Riley shakes her head as Team A rushes up to meet them.  
“I’m fine Cana, really. You don’t need to worry about me.” She counters easily, kissing Cana one more time before turning to hug her sister.  
“Riley that was amazing!” Erza’s grip is like iron.  
“Jura didn’t know what hit him!” Natsu is fired up like always as he speaks.  
“I knew you were strong Riley, but I didn’t know you were this terrifying.” Lucy’s voice is trembling.  
Many voices echo around her and it’s hard to keep up but Riley manages before her attention falls to Makarov when he speaks.
“You did well out there my child. I’m proud of you.” Her heart pounds in her chest at his words.  
“There’s nothing to be proud of Master I did it for the guild. I have to admit though; I thought he would be more of a challenge. I never had to use more than half my power against him.” Riley watches as the old man before her pales slightly and her gaze drifts behind him.
“Master Mavis, what are you doing here?” The black mage is confused but not surprised to see this woman. She was the first master and dead after all, it only stands to reason that she would be able to appear and disappear as she pleases.
“I wanted to see you in action after hearing all about your legendary power. I must say I’m not disappointed. You are a powerful mage Riley.”
“Thank you.” Riley hears the next fight get called but she couldn’t have cared less at that point. If it didn’t involve her or another member of her guild then she has no interest.  
“Hey Riley I got a question for ya.” Natsu’s voice brings her from her thoughts  
“What is it Natsu?”
“That last attack, what exactly was it? You said Minute devastation but that attack took less than a minute to hit him.”
Riley laughs at his confusion while her sister visibly slaps her forehead, but it’s Lucy who speaks.  
“She said minute not minute Natsu. Its pronounced ‘my-noot’ and it means small or tiny. It may be spelled the same but it’s based on size not time span.” As always, the celestial mage is brilliant and Riley nods in agreement.  
“She’s right. Minute devastation is only phase one. There are two levels after that. Planetary and ultimate devastation; the last one being powerful enough to compare to that of an Etherion blast if I had to say.”
“No way!”  
“Etherion could wipe out an entire continent!”
“Which is why I didn’t use it out there.” Riley smirks, “If I had then this entire city would have been destroyed and everyone in it.”
“Well, regardless you brought us our first win! You rock Riley!” Natsu drapes an arm around her as he smiles and Riley can’t help but smile in return. Natsu’s attitude was infectious, and when he smiled, everyone smiled.  
The remainder of the chapter is subject to change because I may hate it, but we will see what happens. I do hope this was enjoyable to read. I understand most who read this will have questions regarding Riley so feel free to ask me or read the story thus far on my FFN account. Let me know what you think. Too long? Did it suck? Feedback is always welcome.
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