#Human!Cocoa Puffs
solangelo-cocoapuffs · 5 months
The cacodemons now demigods?!do they have powers?who is they're godly parent?Do they go to school or they go to camp half blood to train?How is nico and will taking this?
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 year
so i tried to imagine solangelo as parents to human babies and the first thing that came to mind was nico managing to terrorise the children with scary stories that he honestly just doesn’t realise are scary and will walking into the room, full government naming him and complaining about the future nightmares he’ll have to deal with because nico sleeps like the dead 💀
more solangelo as parents here
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yourdoorisunlocked · 8 months
What A Dish, What A Doll! - Part 3
🎙️【 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑽 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑽 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑽𝑰 】🎙️
𝐀/𝐍: Yup, we're getting into it now. Remember that this man is literally a cannibalistic serial killer who convenes with dark spirits and shit.
But I think that just makes him more attractive tbh.
Btw this man is like 6'1 in this story in his human form, so do with that information as you wish. ;)
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟑,𝟕𝟔𝟖 𝐓𝐖/𝐂𝐖: Descriptive gore, sacrificial rituals, just Alastor-coded shenanigans and levels of down horrendous I'm embarrassed to share... 😭👍 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: - ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛꜱ | ᴘᴀʀɪꜱ ᴘᴀʟᴏᴍᴀ - ꜱʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ
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. . .
There was always a moment when Alastor had to take a small smoke before finishing off his prey, allowing the adrenaline of the hunt to wear off as he reveled in his latest kill.  
A gentle evening wind brushed against his ears, ruffling his cocoa-brown hair as he smiled up at the full moon with teeth as white as its luminous surface. Translucent curtains of gloom drifted past the celestial orb of night, just as the scent of a marshy swampland drifted up and enveloped Alastor in its nostalgic, wistful aroma of home.  
Though he relished the private, intimate moments he spent with you, times like these, where his mind could simply slip away from the drag of life and reflect upon the day, were as precious and rare as gold.  
Alastor simpered to himself as he fixated upon you being the star-struck little darling you were, mad with elation to finally be able to watch him host his radio show in the studio you both worked at. And he imagined you’d needed such a treat, after your delightful breakfast at that restaurant you’d wanted to try out for so long.  
It was too bad. Alastor quite liked that cozy little diner. Oh, well.  
Perhaps you could work there yourself, now that a fresh, new spot for a job had opened up at the restaurant, perfect for a lovely little doll like you. You wouldn’t have to deal with your rather overbearing supervisor anymore, who gave Alastor much more leeway than you.  
Ha! Who was he kidding? Like he’d ever let you take so much as six steps away from him, from the safety he could provide.  
He couldn't have you running around willy-nilly, gaining the attention of unworthy scumbags, after all! 
Then again, Alastor didn’t mind the image of you rushing around, serving him ever so politely in one of those form-flattering, tight waitress uniforms that had swept New Orleans recently.  
But that was an experience for him, and him alone. Besides, the reverie of having you as a pretty little assistant would do just fine, for now. Perhaps he could bring that idea to fruition, someday.  
Oh, one can only dream!  
With a last puff of smoke that condensed in the chilly night air, Alastor disposed of the cigarette and ground it into the dirt path with his heel. Maybe he could use an assistant around the studio; being the most charming, captivating voice in all of Louisiana wasn’t easy, after all! 
Plus, it meant more alone time with you, and your dazzling, melodic voice, and that divine smile that he could only wish to be blessed with. He drank it all up, your enthusiasm to be in his presence, your witty yet flustered company...
God, he could just eat you up–  
Muffled groans and wails broke him from his peaceful midnight musing, and he turned his attention towards the small shack he used. Normally, he’d relish in such helplessness from his latest kill, though his patience was wearing thin, tonight.  
But Alastor needed this one to be alive. The Loa didn’t favor cold, dead prey.  
Then again, it never complained of the condition its scraps were in. Only that Alastor could provide any. 
“Why, hello there!” The radio host’s air of exuberant showmanship rolled off him in waves as he stood above the crumpled form of the waiter who had insulted Alastor’s very being with his rotten presence.  
A throbbing pain at the front of his head where he had been knocked out with a bat ached painfully, and he cradled his wound with an anguished groan.  
“Ouch! That’s got to hurt, ha-ha!” Polished western-style shoes thumped against the wooden floor of the shack as Alastor made his way over to his victim, before bashing his head against the floor, reveling in his pained groan before he slumped in Alastor’s grip.  
“Hm, a bit meatier than I had expected... He’ll have quite a feast, tonight!” A dark chuckle, laced with venom and coated with mirth filled the small room, and Alastor hoisted the body over his head and dragged the unconscious prey out into the forest.  
Darkness enveloped the waiter’s mind, like a weighted blanket upon his consciousness as the pain worsened, before fading as his body gave out.  
. . .   
The sound of shoveling and short, exhausted huffing awakened him as he slowly came to, and the wintry night air brought him from slumber like the bony, thinned hands of Death itself.  
Shadows danced around his vision as his eyes fluttered open, and the light of Alastor’s lantern roused him fully awake. The quiet croaking of frogs, and the midnight lullaby of chirping crickets filled the otherwise eerie silence. A large, wilting tree hung over him, where moss and fungus sprouted from each branch as its hanging leaves reached down to him and the scent of dampened swampland baffled his senses. 
W-Where... Where the hell am I...?
Alastor watched with an amused smile as the pitiful lad tried to raise a hand to hoist himself up from the dirt, only to struggle for a few moments against his cursed restraints that bound him to the forest floor.  
Slim-fit gloves tightened against the handle of his shovel as Alastor leaned against it with a condescending grin, moonlight bouncing off his glasses as he looked down at the pitiful prey.  
“Oh, please don’t struggle too much. I did go to all that trouble of tying you up, after all,” Alastor cooed from his standing position above his victim, like he could possibly escape from the rune-encrusted stakes he had been bound to. 
“Now, be polite...  
And say hello to my old friend, for me.”  
A gust of wind howled around the pair, bringing Alastor’s attention towards the crooked trees standing tall against the swamp. The bushes rustled softly beneath its branches, when suddenly, a buck jumped out from behind the bramble, kicking at the dirt and eyeing Alastor’s little summoning circle with curiosity.  
It was a shame he hadn’t brought his hunting gun; those magnificent antlers would’ve been a dazzling addition to his collection. 
Also, the idea of impressing you with such a display had Alastor catching himself drifting off into his fantasies yet again. He really needed to stop doing that. You were turning the demented radio host into a moony-eyed sap, and in the middle of a sacrifice, no less!  
The deer slowly trotted towards Alastor with its head tilted in confusion as it eyed him, regarding the man with caution.  
Slowly, the radio host lowered himself into a respectful bow, and the buck reciprocated. It strayed a little closer, and a step too far proved to be its undoing.  
The busboy jolted with each snap of bone within the animal's body, the grotesque sounds echoing across the forest. The deer grew suddenly limp and collapsed upon the forest floor as the waiter’s eyes bulged out of his head. 
“W-What...? What the fuck is that!?” Alastor ignored his victim’s struggle behind him as he kicked at the chilled, marshy dirt with his bare, scabbed feet, hoping to create some distance between himself and the massive, horned beast that was forming rapidly.  
A futile effort, really... 
An animalistic screech of anguish would be the last sound that the deer ever made, as it finally fell completely under the control of whatever unholy beat had been foolishly summoned into existence. Shadows flooded the inside of the poor animal, hollowing it out at a rapid rate, and the unseen horror took its puppet upon a sleeve to speak to the mortal who summoned it. 
Whether it was utterly foolish or terribly sadistic was a true mystery. A gamble that made these little summonses the least bit entertaining, particularly if it was the latter. 
The sound of groaning wood echoed across the forest as two large, crooked antlers bent towards the sky. The creature’s hanging ribcage protruded from the gaping hole in its stomach, revealing bloody, mossy innards riddled with mold and buzzing flies that gluttonously fed upon the mangled buck's entrails. 
An ominous emerald glow shimmered within the buck’s maw, and two stark-black eyes fell into its open mouth, before sliding down its tongue
The deer's organs were promptly squeezed out of the corpse's slit belly and dropped onto the ground as the carcass thinned dramatically. A puddle of thick, glistening liquid that was much too dark to be considered regular animal blood had gathered beneath it.
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
Tarred, ashen-gray skin glimmered underneath the moonlight, as a guttural roar shook the forest, leaving the branches trembling with terror. Alastor stood before the beast with his hands crossed behind his back with an unbothered, almost bored expression.  
As the Loa stood before him in its complete, beastly form, Alastor brushed off an imaginary speck of dirt from his coat sleeve before opening his arms up to his old friend with a wide grin that nearly split his face in half. It had been a while since he’d borne witness to a proper summoning.  
“Quite a good show, my friend! Captivating as always,” Alastor called out cheerfully, clapping once or twice in emphasis.  
“Ɱվ ƒօɾʍ էąҟҽʂ էհҽ ìժҽղէìէվ օƒ ҽąçհ ʂօմӀ էհąէ çąӀӀʂ էօ ʍҽ, འօէէҽժ ටղҽ,” the Loa's voice answered his old friend in a deep, gravely rasp from the mutilated buck's unhinged jaw. It stood proudly on its hind legs as it hunched over Alastor with a low rumble, and the stench of rotting flesh overpowered the natural, swampy scent of the forest, to the radio host’s distaste. 
“Then I do hope my soul has been quite the treat to replicate!” he clasped his hands together behind his back, folding his arms tightly behind him. 
“చհվ հąʂէ էհօմ çąӀӀҽժ ʍҽ հҽɾҽ, մքօղ էհìʂ ղìցհէ?” Its impatience wore thin as it looked upon the setting of the candlelit circle, and the pleasant aroma of fresh blood brought the Loa’s attention to the young man tied up behind Alastor.  
“Why, of course! How impolite of me to keep you waiting,” the excited glint in the radio host’s eye evolved into a look of complete madness as he gestured to the poor sap behind him, who gaped up at the Loa’s ghastly form in horror.  
“Presenting the main course for tonight, this pitiful little insect that I had the unfortunate displeasure of stumbling upon! Though it seems this chap appears to be faring far worse than I!” A cynical chuckle dripped from his thin-lipped grin as he bowed before the Loa like a true showman.  
Alastor hadn’t even noticed he had been rambling like a supervillain, monologuing about his latest victim as if it were a typical evening hosting his radio show. 
“įէ ʂҽҽʍʂ էհօմ հąէհ.. φҽɾʂօղąӀ հìʂէօɾվ աìէհ էհìʂ օղҽ,” the Loa rumbled thoughtfully, now circling the panicking prey as he thrashed in his roped constraints. 
“Ah, just a little disagreement, is all. Apparently, manners are no longer an important matter of discussion within one’s own household,” Alastor ‘tsked’, shaking his head in mock disappointment, “A shame, truly.”   
“įէ ʂʍҽӀӀʂ ƒɾҽʂհ,” the horned creature inhaled deeply, stinking putridly of decay as he bent over the trembling busboy, its skeletal back cracking and snapping as he further hunched over. Its victim blubbered pathetically, shaking his head as hopeless tears spilt from his eyes while he choked out helpless pleads. 
“Ꝉìҟҽ… Ͳҽɾɾօɾ…”   
In a flurry of shadows, the Loa pounced upon its feast, rumbling with fervor and gluttony as its fangs tore through flesh, ripping its prey apart as it aimed for the meatiest bits of its meal.  
The agonized moans of the damned that protruded from the Loa's maw conducted the symphony of terror, and the screams of the disrespectful runt carried the harmony as Alastor stood off to the side, relishing the gory display.  
When the Loa had finished, a long, blackened tongue licked its chops as it rumbled in satisfaction. It turned towards Alastor, who bowed before it, as was a respectful custom whenever the God finished its meal. 
"Ͳհìʂ աąʂ զմìէҽ ʂąէìʂƒąçէօɾվ. చհąէ çąӀӀʂ մքօղ էհվ ʂքօղէąղҽօմʂ օƒƒҽɾìղց, էօղìցհէ, ȺӀąʂէօɾ…?" 
"Oh, I was just taking out some trash. Honestly, you're doing me quite a favor, old friend! Think of it as a celebration for our friendship," Alastor grinned impudently, before bidding the Loa a silent farewell as he turned on his heel. 
"Now, I'm afraid that our time together must be cut short. I have a little darling to check up upon, and she is quite the feisty one, I'll have you know!" Oh, how perfectly this night had ended. Ridding himself, and you the trouble of ever dealing with such a pest ever again, and cuddling up to you while discussing your day over dinner, and ending it with a-
"చհօ ìʂ ʂհҽ?" 
Alastor stopped in his tracks, his smile beginning to strain and actually make his cheeks ache as he half-turned back to the Loa. Fuck.  
It seems that his utter enthusiasm for running his mouth about you has overridden his reasoning. 
"Whatever do you mean, my friend? Don't tell me you've taken a liking to my darling?" He pointed a teasing finger at it with a wide, knowing smirk that bordered upon a warning. 
The god eyed Alastor with pure contempt, before huffing impatiently and nodding towards Alastor's house in the distance. 
"Ƕҽɾ. Ͳհҽ βɾìցհէ ටղҽ. చհҽղ հąʂէ էհօմ ƒąӀӀҽղ ƒօɾ ʂմçհ ƒɾìѵօӀìէìҽʂ?" 
Alastor stubbornly clasped his hands together behind his back and stood tall as the ancient god bent down towards his level, empty sockets glowing an emerald green and practically blinding him as it asked again. 
"į աìʂհ էօ ҟղօա օƒ էհìʂ… ժìʂէɾąçէìօղ էհąէ հąʂէ էհҽҽ ìղ ą ҍìղժ ʂմçհ ąʂ էհìʂ," for the first time in thousands of years, the god's interest had been caught. Quite a peculiarity, considering that the Loa did not care for petty mortal matters that Alastor would rarely partake in himself, but the mention of a girl brought slight surprise to it. 
And judging by the glimpses the ancient being took within Alastor's mind, he could understand why the radio host had taken such a liking to you. 
Like the sway of wind, by the bloom of daffodils, you were akin to a wicked, unruly summer wind sweeping up sea salt and touching the hearts of those you met, everywhere you went. 
A rare commodity, in a corrupt world such as this. 
"Oh, well I suppose I must've slipped the word about her. Well!" Alastor placed his fingertips together as the memory of first meeting you surfaced in his mind.  
"I'd be happy to tell you how we met! It all began when I came across the darling little Doll in a charming diner. I'll tell you; the place couldn't have shined as much as it had without her presence, ha-ha!" 
The eldritch horror noted the complete adoration that swept the normally deranged man off his feet. Alastor’s animated announcer's voice and occasional jazz hands did all the talking for him as he spoke of you. 
The spirit never thought it'd see the day... 
"She was certainly efficient at her job, as well! Carried the entire restaurant on her back, in my humble opinion," of course, Alastor was completely biased in his reasoning. He'd take any excuse to sing your praises all night. 
"Why, she even gave me a shock when she rolled into the building with a pair of skates, one Thursday afternoon! Quite the compliment to that stunning dress pattern, I must say..." 
How curious, that the boy the Loa had met all those years ago, the one who seemed to have no such interest in pursuing relationships, who outwardly expressed disgust at the mere thought of being touched found someone like you to keep him company. 
"So, I decided to give the Doe a chance at my radio station, and we immediately hit it off!" The radio host's smile nearly cracked his face in half as he fondly recalled his first meeting with you, and the spirit tilted its head to the side. 
How strange, indeed... 
Well, now it just had to meet the girl who had captivated Alastor so and sprung upon this new sacrifice earlier than what was expected of him. 
Then, the Loa nodded towards the direction of Alastor's house in the twilight, softly hitting its hoof against the ground with an insistent thud. 
"į աìʂհ էօ ʍҽҽէ հҽɾ. į աąղէ էօ ҟղօա ահąէ ҟìղժ օƒ ʂօմӀ հąʂ çąքէìѵąէҽժ էհҽҽ ʂօ." 
Alastor slowly turned towards the beast, whose antlers seemed to grow even larger in return, sensing the human's challenge. 
"And what makes you believe that you have a right to meddle in my life, if it does not offend you to ask? Her soul is not yours, and her heart shall soon lie with me."  
The Loa huffed, before bowing its head towards the maddened, lovesick mortal. How foolish, the way such silly human matters have clouded the ever-articulate mind of one of his oldest acquaintances.  
Honestly, what did Alastor think it was going to do? Snatch you away from him? 
Like it'd ever get the chance. 
"βմէ ìէ ժօҽʂղ'է. ហօէ աìէհìղ çմɾɾҽղէ çìɾçմʍʂէąղçҽʂ. į çօմӀժ ƒì× էհąէ, հօաҽѵҽɾ," The Loa rumbled, knowing it was pricking at a soft spot as the young man shot him an unamused glare with a raised eyebrow.  
"į ʂհąӀӀ ҍҽ ժìʂçɾҽҽէ, օƒ çօմɾʂҽ. Ⱥ ʍҽɾҽ ìղէҽɾƒҽɾҽղçҽ ƒɾօʍ ąƒąɾ." Alastor scoffed and fully turned to the Loa with a sneer darkening his too-wide smile, his teeth seeming sharpened in the glint of the moonlight. 
To the Loa, Alastor appeared merely to be a puppy baring its pint-sized fangs. 
"Ha-ha! You seem to misunderstand me, my friend," he stepped boldly towards the beast, his hands folded behind his back with half-lidded eyes that dared it to cross the very clear line he had drawn.  
"I believe you have crossed a bit of a line, there, implying that I do not own her heart," the radio host sneered; a threatening grimace hidden behind a thin mask portraying a cheeky, unbothered smile. But the underlying threat was clear. You were not to be touched. 
Honestly, Alastor reminded the Loa of another, more ethereal being it had met long ago. Madly in love and willing to do anything, preform any atrocity, to protect his fleeting fancy. Looking back, he was rather short for someone of his status, and impossibly pale, having a sort of 'heavenly' hue to it. 
How ironic. 
The Loa looked upon the human with slight amusement dancing within its soulless, ominously glowing sockets. The mortal held such determination, such drive to keep you solely within his hold, a kind of devotion it hadn’t seen in centuries. 
Such a pitiful display of favor for his new toy had the Loa truly interested, now. It was sure that Alastor would do anything to keep you, anything to win your affections. 
Of course, good things came to those who waited. And so, with a soft nod, the Loa dropped the subject. 
“Ⱥʂ էհօմ աìʂհҽʂ. Ͳհօմցհ, ʍìղҽ օƒƒҽɾ ʂհąӀӀ ʂէìӀӀ ʂէąղժ." 
“Duly noted.” And with that, Alastor’s clipped tone snapped through the air, cutting off the conversation entirely. The distant hum of insects whispered against his ears as he waited for the Loa’s dismissal. 
"ƑąɾҽաҽӀӀ, འօէէҽժ ටղҽ. į հąѵҽ ҍմʂìղҽʂʂ ҽӀʂҽահҽɾҽ.” Finally, the Loa turned away from the mortal, its shadows dropping the corpse of the deer and vanishing from the scene. Alastor paid no mind to it, however, as there typically wouldn’t be any human nor animal remains, come sunrise. 
The god fed gluttonously, after all. 
Alastor swiftly turned on his heel and started back upon the path. “Adieu, my good friend! I do hope we’ll see each other again,” as he strode further away from the ghastly terror, all mirth had evaporated from his voice, leaving a biting cold edging at his words and rivaling the winter chill as he neared the house. 
But every step closer to you thawed his heart as he strolled through the bramble, choosing to shove away the thoughts that mulled over the Loa's offer. That would be something for 'Tomorrow Alastor' to deal with.
It wasn't long before he had finally made it back to the house, confidently striding across the forest as if nothing had ever happened, and Alastor slipped through the front door, brief as the wind and quiet as a shadow.
He was quite disappointed to see you had left for a bed, and his heart panged with guilt at the thought of you solemnly retreating to your quarters when you realized Alastor was probably working late tonight.
It was far from the truth, but it'd suffice as a good cover.
I'll make it up to her tomorrow.
Carefully, Alastor crept up the stairs, avoiding each loose board and step that would creak under the pressure of his weight. 
Then, after seeming to have climbed a mountain simply to get upstairs, he slowly opened the door to your room, his hands clenching the doorknob to the point where it'd snap in half from his vice grip.
Alastor took steady, silent steps over to your bedframe, standing over your soundly sleeping form with a lovesick simper.
Since when had he grown so infatuated with little ol' you? Was it when you ran up to him with stars in your eyes and that beautiful, kissable smile plastered on your face after you listened to his podcast from start to finish? When you raved about how amazing it was, how captivating he sounded?  
Moonlight was cast over your form, painting a pale, sleek canvas of stardust over your skin as Alastor drank in the sight with trembling fervor. 
Leaning over, he took a hand and carefully twirled a lock of your hair around a slender finger as he stared down at you adoringly.
"Darling... what are you doing to me~?"
As Alastor bent down to nuzzle your loose hair, your scent hit him almost instantly, and he groaned softly as the room became so hot, so unbearably tight as he became ever aware of the throbbing bulge tightened against the confines of his trousers. 
With a heavy, forlorn heart, and an aching erection he'd soon have to tend to, he pulled away from your slumbering form, and brushed a stray lock out of your face.
A warmth crept up to his cheeks as you leaned towards his familiar touch, smiling softly at the mere touch of contact as you mumbled incoherently in your sleep.
"Mmmph... Alastor..."
With a tender, close-lipped simper, Alastor placed a chaste, tender peck to your forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my Doe~."
. . .
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𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: So, I lowkey lied, saying it was gonna be a shorter chapter...
I'm sorry, making these longer ones are so much fun, and I can't for the life of me shorten any paragraph or story I'm working on. Even the end notes are an essay long lmao.
Anyway, thanks for reading, as always (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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chokedonaturtle · 2 months
my humanized cars headcanons
Cereal Choice Edition
Strip: he ain’t allowed to eat cereal it makes him hyper. Lynda makes him oatmeal instead and he throws a tantrum every time.
Cal: he ain’t allowed to eat cereal, eats POPS in moderation when supervised (he will eat the entire box)
Lynda: Oatmeal. she don’t really care for cereal.
Tex: Great Value Apple Fritters Cereal (it’s discontinued and he pays $60 on ebay each time he needs another box.) Usually just has Blanton Gold Label for breakfast (it’s whiskey).
Lightning: Cocoa puffs, Reese’s Pieces Cereal, anything incredibly sweet and borderline life threatening. The occasional Cheerio.
Mater: anything you put in front of him. whether or not it’s edible is not important.
Bobby: actually doesn’t like cereal. mostly just doesn’t like milk and won’t eat it dry.
Brick: Frosted Flakes but ONLY the ones that are travel sized. He said they don’t taste the same as the big box. Also says that if they’re bought in the store, they taste different than the ones from the hotel breakfast line.
Sally: Honey Smacks, Choco Chimps. thinks the chimp is cute. drinks a glass of orange juice with her cereal and it drives Lightning insane.
Doc: He’s a doctor and only eats Raisin Bran and Cheerios because sugary cereal is bad for you…………
Cocoa Krispies. he likes when they go *pop pop pop*
Sheriff: he’s a simple man and doesn’t ask for much.
German cereal Vitalis Schoko Müsli Klassisch, Kelloggs ICEE cereal and Peeps cereal. makes Doc cry. who tf introduced him to those.
Sarge: MRE Future Essentials Corn Flakes Cereal #10 Can. man has not shit in six years.
Fillmore: organic gluten free sugar free preservative free strange crunchy objects. no milk.
Flo: prefers granola, mixed with cream and some fruit. makes a bomb parfait.
Ramone: eats whatever Flo is eating. if Flo is not eating he WILL starve.
Red: Honey Nut Cheerios, Apple Jacks….. Gerber snacks for baby. they’re fire and he won’t tell you otherwise.
Lizzie: has literally never heard of cereal, is shocked every time she sees someone eating it. it’s been 40 years of this.
Luigi: Swissli, but hasn’t found a good enough alternative in the US. Cheerios will do.
Guido: Doesn’t care for cereal, makes a real breakfast instead.
lmk if i forgot anyone i wasn’t looking :p
ta ta !!!
bonus !!
thomasville eats cereal too
Smokey: puts straight granola in milk. adds chocolate chips and maybe some fruit.
River: Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Nut Cheerios, anything honey flavored
Louise: There’s a discontinued brand of strawberry yogurt Cheerios that she used to love. She swears on her life it existed and the boys like to mess with her and swear otherwise.
Junior: also fucks with Gerber snacks for baby. Prefers apple sauce from the squeeze tube--
is this man an actual child ???
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
I saw the post you reblog (about Bepo and Law and favouritism) and it got me thinking what if Sanji and Bepo got closer in Wano (because he is so fluffy and warm) and Chopper got jealous lol.
Like beforehand other than the ladies Chopper always got special treatment, but now it's the ladies, Chopper, and Bepo.
Also I feel like it will fit into the golden!Sanji, Sanji is not into stuffed animal, he is literally is into real animal. Always try to bring home real animal (tame and wild) that Mihawk have a hard time saying no to.
Idk it's so weird and random
Welcome back! This is hilarious and I think fits in really well with Lawsan too.
Sanji definitely brought a lot of animals to Mihawk. After a while Sanji got along with the human drills but they're not pets. It seemed almost every supply runs Sanji would wander up with some new animal to Mihawk. Mihawk takes a deep breath and tells his son gently at first that they cannot have an animal on the island because of the human drills. The more it happens though the more bland and less gentle as the years go on.
Mihawk will find his child in a park covered in animals. Sanji gets a flea bath every time before they leave and it's almost comical to the point that Sanji will just do it. Before he leaves for Baratie Mihawk warns Zeff, who doesn't believe him.
Until Sanji befriended almost all the East Blues animals during restocks. Mihawk laughs, sharp and short over the den den before hanging up on Zeff. He won't say 'i told you so' but he will laugh. Sanji is probably so good with animals because of his observation haki but that also means he's amazing with minks. But Chopper is first and Chopper sees Sanji spoil the ladies and while it's not to the same level Chopper's sweet tooth is often catered too. Plus when Chopper has nightmares Sanji will take him to the galley and make hot cocoa with lots of whip cream and marshmallows and sprinkles.
When Sanji starts screwing around with Law, he keeps hearing about Bepo and loves hearing about Law's crew from the surgeon. He shares some facts about his dad in exchange. He hears all about Bepo and Law teases him about the ladies and Chopper which Sanji laughs off, says they're cute like Bepo in a way. Sanji also says he can't wait to meet Bepo. He doesn't get to meet Bepo until he's in Wano. When the crews are all gathered and Luffy is proudly displaying the 'Dracule Sanji' and it's not the 330,000,000 bounty, it's like 700 million something if not higher. Law is rubbing his temples. Sanji looks exhausted and falls asleep and Bepo lays next to him because he's tired and then passes out. Sanji burrows into the bear to sleep and Law is losing it internally. As is Chopper because it happens through all of Wano. They're freaking out in different ways.
Eventually Sanji brings Chopper with him to the Tang and tells Law they're having a sleepover and to get Bepo and as much as he wanted alone time with his boyfriend he agrees but has his questions. It's before they leave Wano so they have more time after the raid and Chopper has said he missed cuddling Sanji and has been getting jealous so Sanji smiles and hauls him up.
"Why are we doing this?" Law asks.
"Chopper thinks I like Bepo too much but he hasn't cuddled Bepo so I need to show him and I do it now you won't be as pissy later." Sanji points at as Chopper hides his face in embarrassment and calls him a dummy and meanie.
"I take offense." Law bites as he leaves to get Bepo.
"You were supposed!" Sanji yells after him. When he returns with the bear and they all lay on Law's bed(and Bepo because he takes up most of the bed) it only takes a few minutes for the bear to be out and Sanji tucking Chopper into his front as Law spoons, pouting into her neck.
"Wow he is soft." Chopper yawns.
"Mhm, so are you, Chopper, now get some sleep." Sanji coos as he pets him. He falls asleep not long after and Sanji puffs a laugh softly. "You're still pouting." He smirks.
"I thought Nico-ya and Zoro-ya spoiled him enough." Law grumbles.
"He's adorable, I can spoil him too. No one said I couldn't." Sanji grins as Law adjusts himself to lean over him. "By all accounts I spoil you as well, shitty surgeon."
"Oi." Law gruffs.
"You sound like my dad. He would always get upset when I brought something home, even when it wasn't dangerous." Sanji pouts this time. Law looks at him appalled and taken back.
"What the hell were you bringing home to Mihawk that made him upset?" He asks.
"Birds, mice, rats, a few cats, one time a circus broke out on the island we'd do supply runs at and he and the ring leader found me with most of the animals. Then he killed the ring leader." Sanji lists off.
"You're like a goddamned fairytale princess." Law says kissing him.
"Mm, he wasn't happy when I found a wolf and wanted to keep it." Sanji hums.
"Did you?" Law grins.
"No, shitty bastard said we had the human drills and that was enough." Sanji bemoans.
"My poor darling, you only had some apes on the island as pets." Law laughs as he lays back down after they share another kiss.
"Nah, they had swords, they weren't pets." Sanji mumbles as sleep starts taking him. Law blinks a few times as the words sink in but he's out by the time he collects his thoughts on the matter.
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Silly hc that the Clown mask/Hooded man is selectively mute, and usually communicates with others via written notes, sign language, or just simple gestures. (Nodding, shaking head, etc.)
He only ever speaks audibly when he’s with the Nightmare Clown, in the dream realm without other human beings around, or when conversing with someone (human explicitly) who’s at their very last living moments, preferably at his hands.
I imagine him having a soft, monotone voice, Speaking as emotionally as his face, most of the time
Going on a 180° rotation, He probably has a fucking INSANE vocal range, despite what i stated in the last few sentences or so. The same applies for his emotional spectrum as well, he can go from “shy and mysterious” to “Cuckoo for cocoa puffs” in a push of a button.
(He only ever gets like this when he’s either out w/ the Nightmare Clown, having fun and stuff, whatever psychotic killer clowns in the mid 1950s do, or when he’s all alone, in reality, probably gonna kick someones bucket later idk)
I’m thinking maybe Red Guy as a voice HC for him? He’s got the “soft monotonous” and the “oh shit this guys nuts!!” Moments AND the perfect voice for it…so why not?.
Idk just a few small hcs I wanted to share. Buhbye for now!!
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freyyzu · 2 years
a/n; it’s been getting really chilly here lately which means it’s the perfect time for comfort fics. i’ve been getting back into obey me lately so i wanted to try my hand at writing for the boys a bit. any constructive criticism is welcomed :>
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► Winter in the Devildom was chillier than what you're used to in the Human realm. What you had grown accustomed to as cool suddenly dips further in temperature into cold. Your breath comes out as puffs of white, and your hands redden at the fingertips.
Lucifer dotes on you just a bit more than usual, making sure your room is warm at all times. It never drops below a certain temperature, and even when you tell him that you're perfectly fine, he insists. Nights are a bit too warm for your liking, but you don't have the heart to tell him otherwise — and it's perfect for anyone else who decides to sneak under your bedsheets at night.
That someone just so happens to be Mammon, who finds your body heat even more comforting than usual. "How are ya' still so warm? I'm freezin' my ass off here." With the way his hands crawl up the backside of your shirt and legs tangling with one another you can tell he's lying, but there's no way you're going to tell him to let go even if you were burning up under your sheets.
Levi makes it a point to sit as close as sociably possible next to you whenever you come over to play games. There's one blanket thrown over both of your shoulders, and you coolly let him lie when he tells you it's his only one. Your shoulders aren't quite touching just yet, but whenever you win and throw your arms around him in a victory hug you could've sworn his ears started shooting out steam.
Thankfully, Satan's favorite place to read, other than his chambers, contains a fireplace that burns brightly enough to warm up the entire room. You take quick notice of the way he glances at you from time to time, unable to focus on his own book, and so you relent and ask him to move over to make some space for you. "Well, if you're really that cold I suppose we could just read this one together." You don’t comment on how quickly his arm moves to wrap around your shoulder.
Warm baths have always been a staple of Asmo's daily routine, and now they're going to become a staple of yours for at least the next couple of months. Scented candles, bath bombs, and the gentle caress of his hands helping you wash was more than you bargained for, but not at all unwelcomed. You can say with confidence when it's done that not only are you thoroughly flushed, but all the stress from the day has simply washed away.
The only time Beel decides that it's worth saving snacks is for you. As soon as you walk into the kitchen there's three cups of hot cocoa — one comically larger than the other two — waiting for you. "Ah, I was gonna invite you to the attic with Belphie and I, but since you're here let's go together!" And even though you're sure to find it harder to sleep after this, you just can't deny him when he looks at you with such an expectant expression.
Belphie's favorite resting spot has always been (and will continue to be) your thighs, and the further the temperature dips the more he's determined to make it known. He shifts once, hair tickling your legs, and lets out a pleased hum as your hands rake through his locks down to his cheeks. "Keep it there," he mumbles, reaching up to press your palm closer before finally falling dozing off. Your legs are sure to go numb after this, but it’s worth it to see him so content.
► Winter in the Devildom, while chillier than what you're used to compared to the Human realm, has also never been warmer.
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ladykissingfish · 1 year
*at the breakfast table*
Deidara: Oi, Hidan? Is the milk expired or something?
Hidan: *opens the fridge and checks it out* No; this shit’s good for two more weeks. Why?
Deidara: I dunno, hm; I think maybe my tastebuds are off. I tried a bowl of Froot Loops and they tasted like air freshener, so I poured some of these Cocoa Puffs instead and it’s like they’re made of cardboard, hm.
Hidan: *takes the Cocoa Puff box and puts a few into his hand, then pops into his mouth*
Hidan: Blehhhh, you’re right! This shit’s nasty! We need to tell Konan to stop shopping at whatever store she got these from.
Itachi, coming in and sitting at the table: It has nothing to do with Konan; that’s Kakuzu’s doing.
Deidara: What do you mean?
Itachi: I’m surprised you two haven’t caught on yet. Kakuzu keeps the name-brand boxes but he fills them with the generic, dollar-store knockoff brand of the cereals. He’s been doing this for awhile now; he just whites-out the expiration dates on the boxes and writes in new ones so that you think they’re different.
Hidan: …. What in the fuck?!
Deidara: You’re just messing with us, right??
Itachi: Afraid not. That’s not even the worst part, though. Those boxes sitting up there? He got those out of a neighbor’s garbage can two years ago.
Hidan and Deidara:
Hidan: What the hell else has that cheap old bastard been cheating us on?!
Itachi: Well, you know that heavy-duty “surgical thread” that he used to sew your arms back on, Dei? Dental floss. Some of it pre-used.
Deidara: … is THAT why I’ll suddenly think I smell mints when I lift my arms?!
Itachi: And Hidan. You know that “really expensive” cologne he got you for your birthday last year? The one you wear all the time? It’s —
Hidan: Actually, I don’t really want to know. But it sure does explain the weird dreams and double-vision I have after I wear it for a day. Well, that and the urge to consume human flesh …
Itachi and Deidara:
Thank yoooou @amikotsu for giving me yet another funny idea to work with 😊💙
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elvishdemigod · 24 days
So I heard about the new G1 Monster High thing where Lagoona gets boiled alive-
There was supposed to be a sequel comic to it, but it got cancelled. At least that's what I know.
But that's not what I'm here to talk about. No. I'm here to talk about Poe, or who I think is Poe. He's supposed to be Draculaura's new human boyfriend.
I only saw 1 image, just 1. From the canned comic. Dude looks like Will Solace but he stole Nico's jacket
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Now, hear me out: Bi-poly Will. Crossover AU It's not weird, either. Kind of funny. He'd have a thing for black-haired people who are a lot older than they actually are (Nico being a 14/15 year old but has been alive for over 80+ years, Draculaura being perpetually 15 while also being around for over 1,600 years)
Oh ya, and whereas Nico is the child of a Greek god while being Italian, Draculaura is actually the daughter of Roman's, her dad being a centurion (As far as my research has lead me)
Nico would fit well at MH, too. I feel like he and the cocoa puffs would (platonically) love Twyla.
I wouldn't write it, so feel free to. Either way, I find the physical resemblance funny as fuck.
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
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{ 93 }
within winter's embrace.
human!pinocchio x reader
dedicated to @bunny-kio
the snow that gently fell across the manor glitters like gentle diamonds from beneath the light of the moon. in the midst of such a gentle snowstorm, you had been in the middle of reading your novel, yet the moment you saw such an achingly beautiful sight, you felt your attention stray from the story you were reading.
from your periphery, you could see the gorgeous flakes fall among your window. the sheer beauty of it all was enough to take your very breath away, the gorgeous scenery seeming to beckon to come closer and admire its visage.
not wanting to disturb your beloved, you look down to see pinocchio still sound asleep. he was curled against your shared bed, seeming to cuddle his form closer to the plush pillow that lay below his head. taking a moment to admire him, you allow your hands to gently reach out to him.
with touches no heavier than dew, you allow the back of your hand to brush away at his dark brown locks of hair. a giggle was caught within the confines of your throat, admiring the freckles that seem to decorate his hauntingly beautiful face, mimicking that of the constellations seen within the night sky.
unable to help yourself, you lean in close to press a gentle kiss against his forehead, letting out a loving whisper of his name before throwing back the blankets. tucking them in around your beloved's sleeping form, you made sure he was kept warm before allowing your bare feet to pad against the cool marble flooring of your room.
eyes honed in on the balcony, you gently open up the glass doors that lead outside, feeling your very breath get taken away from the sheer cold you felt surrounding your form. clasping your arms together across your chest, you tremble slightly, feeling the chilled air coursing through your very veins.
your breath comes out in gentle puffs, making you let out a dreamy sigh as you felt the snowflakes begin to fall against your hair. everything was just so beautiful to you, with the snow falling all across krat, painting the city in almost fairytale like hues.
you were uncertain of how long you stood atop your balcony, simply admiring the snow when you became aware of a presence coming from behind you. his strong arms were what you felt suddenly embracing the front of your form, earning a gasp from you as pinocchio allows you to settle back against his chest.
a gentle sigh of his name escapes from your lips, and you hear the way he yawns before landing his chin on top of your shoulder. "what were you doing? it got so cold in bed without you next to me." pinocchio's deep and husky voice comes out in a tiny whine, allowing him to hide his face within the curve of your neck.
feeling filled with such soft feelings of love for him, you meet his gaze, pressing a lingering kiss against his cheek. pinocchio seems to sigh in response to your soft caresses, basking in your pure love and affections for him alone. with another soft laughter eliciting from your lips, you gently peck at his nose, taking a hold of his hand as you lead him back inside your shared manor.
"how do you feel about making some hot cocoa together as we admire the snowfall together, my darling pinocchio?"
pinocchio lets out a rich hum of approval, allowing the glass doors that lead to your shared balcony to close before holding you close within his embrace. letting out a sigh of your name, pinocchio presses a gentle kiss against your lips while telling you,
"that sounds perfect, my love."
and with the snow that fell continuously across the city, the young lovers took refuge within their home, seeking warmth and comfort while sharing several kisses together throughout the night ♡
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a.n. - it's snowing where i am right now, and i'm filled with such soft emotions that i had to write something short and sweet for my favorite prince ♡
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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darkmaga-retard · 2 months
The Defender’s Big Food NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to industrial food companies and their products, including ultra-processed foods, food additives, contaminants, GMOs and lab-grown meat and their toxic effects on human health. The views expressed in the excerpts from other news sources do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender.
by The Defender Staff
August 5, 2024
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solangelo-cocoapuffs · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day guys!
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Will: Happy Valentine's Day! We don't normally do anything for it (because Nico will not give Eros the satisfaction of celebrating his favorite holiday) but we hope that you enjoyed it if you did celebrate
Nico: you make me sound petty
Will: you have a grudge, I won't get mad at that, I- what are you doing?
Nico: keeping this one *gesturing to shame" from getting mad that you mentioned his name
Will: by decapitating a Cupid decoration?
Shame: it's very satisfying
Will: okay, that's a little concerning...
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maze-of-sweets · 4 months
ahem ahem -pulls out list-
Cocoa pebbles with Sunny-D instead of milk recommendation. If you don't like chocolate milk unless it's from something specific then this is great <3 it's like pure sugar as well-
Raspberries, blueberries and blackberries with whipped cream. Really good.
And uh I do NOT promote eating chemicals. BUT. Cheese puffs in pool water is good and I don't know why and it just needs to be said. Don't try this please.
ALSO ALSO do you like pasta? This is a VERY important question<3 /j
-gooey machinery fellas
- i have not had cocoa puffs BUT I HAVE SEEN THE COMMERCIAL!!!! my favorite cereal is peanut butter captain crunch!!!! count chocula is a close second!!!!
- we do not like sunny d, it was all we could drink for a week while we were sick a few months ago and i am not convinced that if we drink it i will feel the same way i did when i had covid again
- I LOVE FRUIT. I LOVE FRUIT SO FREAKING MUCH. slime made this one thing for me that’s like marshmallow goop with whipped cream and cream cheese and it is the greatest thing i’ve ever tasted. you dip fruit in it and it is DELICIOUS.
- i love eating chemicals!!! i’m all about some red 40 genuinely. i think instead of human cravings i now just crave chemicals!! i also sometimes on accident eat our face wash. it isn’t terrible!!!
- I FREAKING LOVE PASTA. apparently in the fall we go mushroom foraging with a bunch of our friends and we make a big mushroom pasta and do a potluck!!! and for us it doubles as a little bone hunting mission because we heart finding bones!!
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Completed tsats, in the middle of exam week, guess I have my priorities straight. Okay, let's get into the pro and con opinions of mine in this book.
1.Nico got over his trauma. Not completely of course, but he is on the right path. And the cocoa puffs are really cute ( send me fanart).
2.I am glad nico is more emotive in this. We saw him smile more, make jokes and generally be more optimistic then the other books. I felt like titan's curse nico is coming back and i love it. I love that nerdy side to him.
3.We see him cry it out. After so long of seeing him being described as emotionless, cold and scary, it was nice to see him letting out his emotions.
4. I love that he is so affectionate with will. We already know that nico is physically affectionate with the people he cares about, like hugging Jason, reyna, and kissing hazel on the cheek. It makes sense that he will be affectionate with his bf.
5. I love that the entire story revolves around how kind nico is. Like we knew that nico was the only one who saw and talked to hestia. His selflessness is the most important trait of his but also the most overlooked. But it's also the trait that got him in the most trouble. I am glad that he told nyx to f**k off, it means he is learning to prioritise himself and i am so glad for that. Also it felt so good to see people and deities acknowledge that, too the point that a primordial goddess was threatened by it. Listen up kids, KINDNESS IS YOUR BIGGEST STRENGTH NOT A WEAKNESS.
6. I liked will's characterisation. He's exactly what I taught he will be, kind, daring, supportive and brave. And he learns, accepts his mistakes and meets nico in the middle, what more can i ask. ( I feel like a parent giving their blessings to their child's so)
7. Nyx felt threatening, way better then gaia. And I really liked the way the final battle was more psychological then physical. And the new development in wills powers, that's a head cannon that felt validated. He can use plague powers, powerfull sunshine boy, nico, powerful sunshine boy.
8.Bob and small bob, they are the best. And them being happy and enjoying their freedom, ah, I was crying. I love them.
9.The deities crying over solangelo. I get it, they are so cute. Kind of shows a human side to them. And that talk about lost souls with gorgyra, yeah, another scene that brought me too tears. The fact that they still have hope. Warmed my heart.
10.Loved the talk about change , and being true to yourself and having the option to choose. It read nicely and it's a great message for the kids out there, not just LGBTQ kids, to everyone. And even bitter adults can learn this lesson. So be open minded people.
As a literature student, I am done with all the nihilist, Existentionalist, tragic stories that I had to read. This was the cheesy, funny, pure, and sweet book that I wanted to get rid of all this stress. And that's what I want from a percy Jackson series book.
1.It was rushed. But I think I understand. I mean they had to put nico's solo tartarus plot, the actual plot of the story and also address their trauma, add fanservice, create a believable story for why nico had to go to tartarus again ( sideyes hades) , yeah way too much for a spinnoff.
2.I would have love to know more about will. Don't get me wrong, as I gushed about it, I really like their interactions. But it felt like he was made for those interactions, like will solace is still not an individual character but nico di angelo's boyfriend. To me it felt like Rick was telling," look at this sunshine boy, I would tell you why he is perfect for nico", hence the earlier blessing comment. ( you have my blessing will, you have my blessing). But I don't care about it much, for me I was looking forward to Nico's story and I got it so I am happy.
3.There were inconsistencies, like bianca and his mother. It felt like a retconn, but it's also a story about gods, so it makes sense that hades will do it.
4.The tartarus parts didn't hit as much as I thought it would, nicos past solo trip, that is. Maybe it's because the story was written by two authors. I cried but it didn't tear my heart out. Maybe because I know nico gets out. Hmmm, something to think about.
5.Please dont take this the wrong way, but I didn't like how they constantly kept saying boyfriend. Like I get it, I know you are a couple, I want you to be couple, but it felt like the authors didn't think they would come across as a couple and kept on reminding us. This is one nitpick I have in this book.
Oh another nitpick. I wanted to see the other characters, like hazel and reyna and how did I forgot apollo. I need more apollo. I really wanted to see nico's reaction to reyna joining the hunters. Not much just a tiny reference, like when they were talking to gorgyra, like she also abandoned me, something like that.
And that's it. I can't think about any more cons.
TLDR: This book left me feeling like a proud mama who's watching her son grow up to be a hero. And that's exactly what I wanted. So, this book is a 10/10 for me. Cherished forever.
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Bite Me | It's Not Your Fault, Love
Warnings: Show typical violence and gore, blood, angst, death (More or less)
After being cured and striking out on her own, Cori is dragged back into the world of the undead, and a stray bullet changes everything.
Song: Kiss It Better by He Is We
Word Count: 2.4k
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She doesn't know how it happened or who did it. But a few weeks ago she woke up on Ravi and Moajor's couch and she was alive, not undead, actually alive.
After a brief period of not knowing who she was finally able to get her own place. And a few weeks later, she was out getting coffee, relishing the ability to taste it again.
Then, on the way home, she was grabbed by someone she hadn't seen, a pinch in the neck and everything went black.
When she wakes up, she has no clue where she is and she's shackled to the wall across from her friend Don E, who she's seen look better.
It's been nearly 24 hours, whatever brain he was has started wearing off, and he finally seems to recognize her.
"Hey, D?" The chains binding her to the wall clink when she wraps her arms around her legs.
"What C?" He growls.
"No matter how this turns out, I hope you know we're friends," She smiles at him, "And I'm okay with whatever happens."
She's been put there as bait while the rednecks outside their cell starve him.
"I uh," he groans, "I appreciate that."
"Ehh," He shrugs the best he can, "The moment Blaine finds out what happened and figures out where you are, he'll come in all guuuns blazing to get you."
"Yeah, I'm not so sure," She mutters, "We didn't break things off in good terms, and I didn't exactly leave any room for interpretation the last time I spoke to him."
"Yeah, I know, but he's so hung up on you that won't matter."
The next few hours are uneventful, she's already realized Ravi is just as much kidnapped as they are.
Don E tugs at the straps securing him to the pipe, looking much more zombie-esque.
"Fuck," He groans, "I don't wanna kill you Cori."
He sounds so pained.
"Good, cause I don't want you to kill me," She says jokingly, trying to lighten the mood even a little.
"H-hey, before I go total Romero," He swallows hard, "I... I want you to know I'm sorry for bailing when Blaine... y'know?
She nods.
"Our friendship means more to me than and I want you to know that."
"You wanna grab some drinks once this is over?" She chuckles.
"Yeah... yeah that sounds fun."
There's less chat after that as his vocabulary dwindles to mostly grunting and growling.
Cori hums to herself to keep herself calm. She doesn't want to think about the fact that she only just became human again and that one of her best friends is going to kill her because of it.
She wishes she had done things differently, done more for herself. Set better boundaries with Blaine earlier in their relationship and not let him get away with so much.
She wishes she'd gone to her grandmother's birthday three months ago, that she had smoothed things over with her mom.
She wishes she had fewer regrets.
She wishes she could tell Blaine she still loved him despite everything. That, yes, even now, knowing exactly where it's lead her, she would do it all over again just to know he knows he's loved.
It won't be much longer. She can see Don E starting to go feral.
Their captors start getting excited, having something planned for the near milestone 100,000 viewers.
"Get up you damn drunk! Let's go light up a zombie and watch 'im go coocoo for cocoa puffs!" They hear Harley yell.
"Well D," She tries to stop her lip from trembling as the guys in the other room countdown with the viewers, "It was great knowing you."
Ravi tries to stop them. He blocks the doorway and begs them not to not be stupid, but it doesn't work.
Cori backs up against the wall when Don E yells out taunts, too lost at this point to realize it's a bad idea.
She wants to go home. Wants to curl up in bed and have her biggest problem be how much she misses her ex, not this.
Ravi falls to the floor in front of her when Harley pistol whips him.
"They're killing machines you dumn sumbitch!" He yells, leading the others into the makeshift cage.
She stands up, back still against the wall.
"Please don't do this," She says, but he ignores her.
"Those things killed our brother, they'll kill us all," He nods to Beau, "Do it."
Before her can turn back to Don E, Cori wraps one of her chains around Harley's neck, pulling it tight.
"What the hell are you-"
He shouts when she kicks the back of his knee, knocking making him drop.
"I'd put those guns down if I were you," She warns, when they all aim at her, "I have no problem killing your little ring leader here."
She pulls them tighter and Harley starts to choke, grabbing at the metal links crushing his windpipe.
She pushes his body forward with her knee, adding pressure.
"Let Don E and I go, and I'll consider only adding a little extra brain damage."
Harley's face starts turning blue.
"Fuck you," Beau lunges at them, jamming the cattle prod into her side.
Her body seizes, chain slipping from her hold and Harley falls to the floor coughing.
Cori collapses behind him trying to force her body to inhale.
Don E is struggling harder now, starved and now pissed that they hurt her.
"Little bitch deserves to have her brain eaten," He scowls, voice strained, "Get on with it."
Don E screams when he's electrocuted, pulling against his binds.
They almost don't notice the bangs at the door over the sound of him and the clanging pipes.
When one of the guys goes to investigate, the glass window shatters and an arm reaches in, grabs his collar, and slams him against the door, knocking him out.
From there, all hell breaks loose.
Someone drops a smoke grenade through the skylight before they come crashing down behind it.
Her vision is blurred from the pain and smoke, but even in full rage mode she knows that voice. She gets to her feet and presses herself against the wall so she doesn't get stepped on.
There are gunshots, shouts, and more breaking glass.
Blaine grabs Harley's leg and he panic fires half his clip.
Liv comes rushing in before the one with the shot gun gets her in the back and she collapses.
The last three shots of Harley's clip go off, two of them hitting Blaine in the chest and stomach, making him fall back against the wall next to her.
Harley runs out of the cage, locking it shut behind him and flipping a switch.
Blaine isn't far behind him, moving to tear down the chain link but he shouts as soon as he touches it, electricity arcing trough him.
"I got something for you, boy. One in the head," Harley grins, watching him growl. He raises his gun and pulls the trigger, faces falling when it only clicks.
Blaine just grins back at him until he hears Cori's voice.
"Blaine?" She's quiet. He swears she almost sounds scared. Of him? No. She's never been scared of him before.
He turns to look at her and the rage drains from him, being immediately replaced with horror.
Her hand is pressed to her stomach, blood seeping from between her fingers and soaking into her pale yellow sweater.
She huffs out a small breath and her back slides down the wall.
"Heyheyheyheyhey," He rushes over to her, pulling her gently into his arms and lowering them both to the ground, "It's okay."
"I've got you," He says, tucking her hair behind her ear, "I'll make it better."
She shakes her head, catching his wrist when he goes to scratch her, "No."
"Cori," He looks at her, fear and confusion filling his eyes.
"I-I don't want to be that again."
He stares at her like she's insane, "It'll save your life!"
"I don't want to be a zombie again," She argues, "You didn't give me a choice last time. So respect it now."
Blaine's quiet for a moment but nods, pressing his hand on hers over the wound. She moans in pain when the added pressure causes pain to ripple through her.
There's more gunshots outside.
"Okay... okay. You'll be okay," He leans in and presses his lips to her forehead, "Everything's gonna be okay."
His hand is already drenched in her blood, fingers slipping between hers.
"I'm scared," She sniffles.
"Hey now," He pulls back to look at her, taking note of the tears in her eyes, "You're going to be fine, I promise. You don't need to cry."
"Come'ere," He holds her tighter, "I'll kiss it better, yeah? Kiss away the pain and make it all better."
He kisses her head, burying his nose in her hair and tries to hide his own terror from her.
He doesn't want to lose her, doesn't want to watch her die in his arms, unable to do anything to stop it.
"I love you."
The murmur of plan making behind him falls silent.
He can't stop his own tears and shaking breath, "Don't say goodbye. Please just- You're gonna be fine."
Her breathing begins to shallow and his grip tightens.
"Stay with me," He begs, voice cracking.
"Always," She promises.
Her body relaxes against him and he freezes, his blood running cold.
The room is too quiet. The only noise being the slow, periodic beat of his heart and the sound of his breath picking up.
"Coriander wake up," He shakes her slightly, "Sweetheart please."
He pulls away, hands moving to cup her face. Her eyes are open but unfocused.
"Baby look at me," Blood streaks across her cheek, "Coriander look at me! Look at me baby, please!"
"Baby, wake up!"
Liv puts her hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs her off.
"Cori, sweetheart, please, please wake up," He runs his fingers through her hair and it sticks to the red on his hand, "Baby I-... I can't lose you."
"Blaine, she's-"
"No! She promised," He shouts. His thumb strokes her cheek, "Stay with me. Cori, stay with me. Baby, you promised... You promised."
A terrifyingly empty feeling washes over him as the quiet settles in. She's dead.
The thought of never hearing her voice again, never seeing her smile, it make him sick.
He can't do that. He won't do that. He needs her. Her hands in his hair, her breath on his skin.
Before anyone realizes what he's doing he runs his nail across Cori's cheek, breaking the skin.
He waits with bated breath as the others berate him for going against her wishes.
Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.
She suddenly inhales, eyelids fluttering, and he lets out a shuttering sob.
He pulls her into a vice-like hug, his face against her neck while he cries and hiccups against her skin.
He squeezes his eyes shut at the sound of her voice. It worked.
She's confused for a moment, looking around at everyone as they stare at her with wide, wet eyes. Then it dawns at her.
"I told you, I didn't want to be a-"
"I couldn't," His voice is muffled because he refuses to move, "I'm sorry, couldn't let you die."
She pushes his chest, angry tears forming in her eyes, "My life isn't something you get to just play with!"
"I love you too much to live without you."
Her anger turns to shock at his words.
"I know I never said it. I never..." He leans back, hands still on her shoulders when he sighs. His face is tear-streaked, "I never told you I loved you. But I do. I love you. I love you so much it hurts."
"So no actually, I'm not sorry," He says, "Because even if you hate me for the rest of your life, at least you're alive to do it. And that's enough for me."
"I don't hate you," She admits and he lets out a tearful laugh.
"Good," He smiles when she falls back into his arms, "Because I was totally bluffing, it would destroy me if you did."
The others go back to trying to find a way out while he holds her.
Minutes later there's a barrage of footsteps and the door bursts open. In floods a troop of Fillmore Graves soldiers with big guns.
Blaine's eyes turn red when they point them at them, pulling Cori closer.
Everything calms down when they realize one of the soldiers is Major and he helps clear thing up.
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Blaine refuses to let her leave his side, terrified that if he takes his eyes or hands off her for even a minute he'll lose her again.
His hand is wrapped tightly around hers as they listen to Chase Graves give a rundown of what happened while she was... Well, dying.
He's given her his jacket, because not only is it a chilly night, but she's freezing after the amount of blood she lost.
When he finishes he looks over at them, "And who are you?"
"I'm the guy that just saved a zombie from getting tortured and killing a kidnapped human on the internet."
"Kidnapped human?"
"Former human," Cori explains, "Coriander Moes. This is Blaine."
"Blaine McDonough, owner and proprietor of The Scratching Post."
They talk for a bit, then Blaine leads her back inside to check on Don E.
"Hey, you guys want in on this?" Don E asks, referring to the cracked skull he's eating out of when he sees them.
Blaine chuckles when she pulls him over. He sits on the floor next to the body, leaning up against the step, and pats his leg.
The adjust and she eventually settles between his legs, one of his arms hooked loosely around her neck.
He can't stop staring at her, even with her mouth and fingers coated in the blood of some crazy hick as she messily eats his brain, she's the most beautiful tonight that he's ever seen.
He leans in to kiss her temple, soaking in her warmth.
"Don't scare me like that again, yeah?" He asks in a loving whisper, "You're everything to me, Cor. You're my everything."
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18 notes · View notes
fandomfairyuniverse · 8 months
Cocoa puffs is really out here destroying his human form and causing all of these issues for himself and others all because his crush fell in love with a bird and his ego never recovered
I almost feel bad for him
16 notes · View notes