#How to make Cauliflower Pickle
7-pines · 6 months
top 10 things to put into aging barrels
Cactus honey <- Bee house <- Cactus (flower)
Large gesha coffee <- Keg <- Large gesha coffee bean
Goat cheese wheel <- Cheese press <- Large goat milk
Large salted quail egg <- Mason jar <- Large quail egg
Gesha coffee <- Keg <- Gesha coffee bean
Melon juice <- Keg <- Melon (fruit)
Goat cheese <- Cheese press <- Goat milk
Fairy rose honey <- Bee house <- Fairy rose (flower)
Pineapple juice <- Keg <- Pineapple (fruit)
Salted quail egg <- Mason jar <- Quail egg
Calculated without factoring buy prices into this. While animals are expensive, they don't ever stop producing. Ranking based on profit per hour (i.e. how much per hour you make while while these are in their respective artisanal machines).
Since the top 10 largely answers what animal products to prioritize (though I will say, white truffle oil and large llama yarn beat out cactus mead on their own), moving onto other categories of things to prepare for aging barrels. For everything here, make the flowers into honey via bee houses, fruits into juice via kegs and vegetables into pickles via mason jars.
Best Spring Crop: Snowdrop (Rank C, 45g seeds)
Best Summer Crop: Melon (Rank E, 130g seeds)
Best Fall Crop: Cactus (Rank B, 300g seeds)
Best Winter Crop: Snowdrop (Rank C, 45g seeds)
Best Seedling: Lychee... but it's ranked 38 (way below everything else here)
Best Saplings in order of profit:
Durian (spring)
Peach (summer)
Apple (fall)
Alternatives: Cauliflower (Rank F, 70g seeds) during Spring. Fairy Rose (Rank C), Lily (Rank D) and Rice (Rank F) (put this one in the keg) for Fall.
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ramshacklerumble · 1 month
Food and Homeland for OC asks? 👀 Food for your barnyard boyz and Homeland for Gia?
Food: What is your twst OC’s favorite and least favorite food? Why (optional)? Is there anyone they can share their favorite food? Is there anyone they can count on to take over the food they dislike?
slim v - his comfort food is a well-loaded baked potato, heavy with on the cheese and the yancy’s patch of heaven secret sauce. he’d be happy to make one for anyone willing to give it a try, especially if they’re having a bad day (and pay, of course.) his least favorite would be meat— he’s vegetarian, y’see. he doesn’t get on people’s back for eating it around him, in fact he often counts on his cousins (the wylie brothers) to eat any meat he happens to get on his plate.
jett bison - jett is a sucker for fried foods. fried cauliflower wings with an assortment of dips. the guy can eat an entire party platter of the things on his own, but he’s often seen sharing them with his brother from another mother, slim. he’s a vegetarian as well, being a bison beastman, but his least favorite food would be anything with a strong vinegar smell. depending on who is with him, either slim or the wylie bros are willing to eat it for him.
ken, ben and len wylie - these three are twigs, but they can sure put it away. there’s nothing they appreciate more than a triple-bacon double cheeseburger with a side of onion rings. that, alongside basically everything else, is what they often share with each other. however they all do have certain aversions. ken hates banana peppers, ben hates tomatoes, and len hates pickles. all three hate brussel sprouts. while they can count on each other to swap out their disliked toppings, when it comes to brussel sprouts they try to hand them over to either slim or jett— which sometimes works. often times though, they’re forced to eat it themselves since the other two boys often thing they need to eat something green at least once in a while.
Homeland: Where is your twst OC from? Do they know anyone from the same tome town prior to NRC?
gia yugo - gia, our resident yuusona, hails from the united states. downtown los angeles, california to be exact before having been sent to live in north little rock, arkansas. you’d be amazed how hard— even impossible— it is for them to find someone from either place in nrc.
more asks? here.
tag list:
@cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @jovieinramshackle
@theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @twistedwonderlandshenanigans @kimikitti
@felix-cant-ski @nightwingshero @water-writings @beneathsakurashade (dm to be added)
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w1nterbunnie · 2 months
meal ideas!
cottage cheese + 1 or 2 boiled eggs (high protein!)
oats - potential add-ins are cinnamon, stevia, ginger, cardamom, brown sugar, egg whites, vanilla extract, cocoa powder (very filling)
apple + cinnamon
frozen berries
carrots/cucumbers + hummus (careful w how much hummus though, measure it hehe)
salad of cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, corn, etc
steamed cauliflower
steamed broccoli
grilled chicken with a cottage cheese dip
egg whites with brown rice (high protein + fiber!)
feta cheese with carrots
shrimp with rice cakes and cucumber
protein bar and low fat yogurt (for a sweeter treat!)
pickles and laughing cow cheese
make sure to SEASON guys!! u can look it up if the seasoning has a ton of cals/is unhealthy but tbh the little extra sodium or wtvr is worth it to make ur food yummier and improve ur overall mood. sometimes u also need sodium in ur body.
also rmr to drink lots of water <3
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gothhabiba · 1 year
obviously you can’t cook don’t know what a blog is etc etc. but in a universe where you did would you know of any recipes your alternate self posted which used leftovers or scraps? or alternatively making really good stock? many thanks
hm. if I ever cooked I think I would say something like—take
the peels, ends, and greens (if you haven't used them for anything else) of carrots
the ends, leaves, and outer stringy bits (if you're one of those people who peel them) of celery
tomato skins
mushroom stems
peels and trimmings of onions
peels and ends of garlic
skins and trimmings of ginger
the whites of green onions
stems of fresh, tender herbs (parsley and cilantro)
stems of woody herbs (thyme, rosemary), in moderation
trimmings from leeks, turnips, and fennel, in moderation
And simmer in enough water to cover for about an hour, with herbs or whole spices if you'd like (I generally include bay leaves, black or white peppercorns, cumin seeds, and coriander seeds), then strain. You can keep scraps from preparing meals over the course of a few days or weeks and freeze them in a bag or other container until ready to make stock; make sure each bag has a good proportion of different vegetables. Frozen scraps will only take 15-20 minutes of simmering to make stock.
Make sure that you scrub any vegetables whose peels you will be using for stock thoroughly. Scraps can be used for stock if they are wilted, but not if they are rotten.
Various places online will give you different ideas of what to include in stock and what not to bother including (there's a pretty comprehensive list here); as you do this over time you will no doubt have your own opinions about inclusions and ratios. Do not include cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower) as they will make the stock unpalatably bitter. You may chuse to divide scraps in terms of what meal you plan to make with the stock (e.g. leave ginger, lemongrass, galangal peels &c. for an east Asian meal rather than, like, an Italian one).
Other things that can be done with "scraps":
The whites of green onions can be simmered alongside kombu/dashima when making Japanese dashi or Korean yuksu. Also reconstitute dried shiitake mushrooms in this stock to get flavourful mushroom water in the stock + reconstituted mushrooms that you can slice, boil, fry, &c.
The whites of green onions can also be used to make shiraga negi, a Japanese garnish
Thai recipes often involve leaving the peels on garlic when chopping or pulverising it. I'm not sure how the skins on Thai garlic compare to other varieties so your mileage may vary.
Garlic and onion peels can be dried in a dehydrator or an oven on low (~200F) and then ground to add savor to bread, soups, rice &c. Basically use it like garlic powder
Cauliflower and broccoli stalks can be peeled, sliced and roasted (along with the leaves) at around 400F (200C) for 20 minutes or so until browned and crispy with olive oil, salt, and spices of your chusing, then dipped in ranch or garlic sauce (for a quick vegan ranch I mix vegan mayonnaise + grated garlic + a squeeze of lemon + pinch of salt).
Kale stems can be pickled, or sliced thin, sauteed, and added to stir-fries and soups.
The inner core of cabbages (which some recipes call for you to remove) can also be minced and added to soups.
Orange, lemon, and grapefruit peels can be used to make mixed peel; apple peels and cores can be used to make apple jelly. These recipes aren't really something-for-nothing, though, as they do use a lot of sugar.
Also orange peel tea. Sometimes when making mixed peel I drain the water after five minutes of simmering and drink it as tea, then replace the water and continue simmering as the recipe calls for.
Some Medditerranean cake recipes involve (perhaps soaking and then) blending an entire orange, peel and all--look up "whole orange cake."
When not making mixed peel, I (remove the pith from and then) dry orange and lemon peels to grind into zest and store it to use as needed. A friend of mine saves the pith, too, and dries and grinds it and uses it to replace some of the flour when baking.
South Indian & Latin American recipes sometimes feature the peels of bananas or plantains—look for banana peel curry/thoran.
Various recipes can be found for banana peel pulled pork and banana peel bacon; banana peel cake; banana peel tea.
Starch left from rinsing rice can be used to thicken soups and stews (this is common in Korean recipes).
The water left from cooking dried beans can be used in soups and stews, or in cooking future batches of beans.
Make sure that anything you're eating or boiling has been washed well.
I— I'm. uh. huh. that was weird, I don't know what came over me...
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she-is-healthy · 3 months
Favorite Meals
I'm learning to love food for all that it is, from the cooking process to how it nourishes my body. Being involved with fresh ingredients and mindfully preparing my meals helps with my propensity to binge, so here's a list of stuff I love to make 💚✨️
Vegan BL(s)T: Whole grain bread, vegan mayo (store-bought or homemade WFPB), spinach, tomato, marinated tofu "bacon"
Burrito Bowls: Shredded tofu, black beans, corn, tomato, red onion, garlic, jalapeño, lime, rice, taco seasoning
Air Fried Tempeh: Tempeh, vegan Buffalo sauce, panko bread crumbs
Dubu-jorim (banchan): extra firm silken tofu, soy sauce, garlic, gochugaru, brown sugar, sesame oil, green onion
Stir-Fry: Brown rice noodles, garlic, soy sauce, Sriracha, sugar, frozen veggie mix, soy curl "chicken"
Bibimbap: Brown rice, carrot, soybean sprouts, spinach, mushrooms, tofu, gochujang, soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper
Pasta Salad: Chickpea pasta, vegan mayo, red onion, red bell pepper, peas, carrots, paprika, onion powder, black pepper
Cauliflower Wings: Purple cauliflower, flour, soy milk, spices of choice
Kimbap: Seaweed sheets, rice, sesame oil, pickled radish, spinach, carrots, fried tofu, vegan spam
I'll add more as I think of them!
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high-pot-in-noose · 13 days
Can these cooking videos on YouTube stop being titled shit like This Easy Cabbage Recipe is Tastier Than Meat! and Three Ingredients Vegetarian Barbecue Chicken Wings! and Delicious Bacon Made From Turnip and Soy Sauce!
Vegetables are yummy. I don't need your quick-pickle cabbage sauté to be compared to meat; air-fried cauliflower bites sounds great without pretending it's something else; soy sauce-flavored turnip chips are already something I'd like to try without you lying to yourself and me about what it is. Vegetables deserve better than being treated as substitutes for things they have no business being compared to.
A refrigerator is never going to be an oven no matter how hard you try, and you do both a disservice by pretending one is better than the other. They function differently. They achieve different tasks. They can work together, but they aren't meant to be the same thing, and it's a fool errand to try to make one do something the other does.
Can we just eat vegetables and mushrooms and tofu and stop acting like doing so is revolutionary? Can we stop being weird about eating?
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rabbitcruiser · 11 days
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Snack a Pickle Day
Snack a Pickle Day is a day for snacking on pickles. Pickles, which usually mean pickled cucumbers when spoke of in the United States, are preserved in a brine or vinegar solution, and flavored with herbs and seasonings. The word “pickle” is derived from the Dutch word pekel, which means brine. The pickling process was invented around 1440, and many people were making pickles in their homes by the 1600’s. This was helped with the invention of the mason jar in 1858. Pickles are a low calorie food and high in vitamin K, but they may also be high in sodium. Each year Americans eat about 9 pounds of pickles.
How to Observe Snack a Pickle Day
The day should be celebrated by snacking on a pickle! Pickles can be eaten on their own or with a meal. They can be put on a hamburger,or chopped into a relish and put on a hot dog. Sometimes they are served on a stick, and sometimes they are even deep fried. There are many types of pickles to try:
Bread and butter—part of sweet family of pickles; has onions and bell peppers; sometimes have a waffle-esque shape; solution of vinegar, sugar, and spices; name comes from Omar and Cora Fanning, Illinois cucumber farmers who started selling the pickles in the early 1920’s and filed for the name in 1923; name derived from how they traded their pickles for things like bread and butter during rough years.
Cinnamon—bright red and flavored with cinnamon; sometimes a Christmas treat.
Dill—made with dill herbs or dill oil; have been served in New York City since at least 1899.
Gherkins—smaller and usually sweeter; made with Burr or West Indian cucumbers; sometimes “gherkin” is a generic term used for pickles in the U.K., Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
Kool-aid—soaked in kool-aid and pickle brine.
Kosher dill—dill pickle with lots of garlic in the salt brine.
Polish—somewhere between kosher dill and sour.
Sour—fermented longer in brine, which makes them sourer.
Sour mixed—sour pickles cut and mixed with other veggie such as onions, cauliflower, carrots, and peppers.
Sour relish—made with finely chopped sour pickles with other vegetables; also called “piccalili.”
Sweet—usually made with vinegar, spices, and sugar; includes sliced sweet pickles, or “cross cuts”, which are cut crosswise into chips.
Sweet mixed—sweet pickles mixed with other vegetables.
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m34gs · 5 months
top 5 vegetables!!
Hey thanks for the ask! (based on this post)
I won't be getting too technical with the definition of "vegetable"; basically if I would consider it a vegetable or would include it on a 'veggie platter', I will consider it eligible for the list. Hope that makes sense to everyone!💜💜
My top 5 vegetables:
Tomatoes. I know they aren't technically one, but I would include them in a veggie platter, so they are counting. They're my favourite! I love how many different flavours there are and the different sizes make it perfect for snacks or adding to my cooking. 10/10 in my books :)
Daikon. I love this radish so much. I love the subtle sweetness to it when it's cooked and it mixes so well with other veggies! Shout-out to @kimium for cooking it for me for the first time in my life all those years ago (holy crap it's been years...lol).
And speaking of veggies I have enjoyed with Kim, I gotta say the next one is Bok Choy. Love the leafy green vegetables, and it is so good added to a stir fry with chicken and rice!
Spaghetti Squash. There's so much you can do with spaghetti squash; from cheesy to tomato sauces, to barbecue chicken, you can just mix it with so many things and it tastes great! I really love making it, and I am super proud to say that my mother (who used to dislike squashes) told me that my cooking got her to actually enjoy spaghetti squash! 🥰
Butternut squash. This one, I just like eating cooked with a little olive oil and salt and pepper to season. It has such a lovely flavour and I really love having it in the autumn time! Makes me very happy!!
Honourable mentions: spinach, cucumbers, pickled carrots.
Bonus (because I felt like it)
Least favourite vegetable ever: cauliflower. It is the Devil incarnate.
Hope you enjoyed these answers, and thank you again for the ask💜
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dudeshusband · 10 months
I keep forgetting you are also vegetarian!! What sorts of things do you make (if you dont mind talking about it)
I need ideas since I can't really eat most of what my family makes lol
i like to cook from scratch so i don't know how helpful I'll be but I'll lay out some of my favorites
i eat a lot of pasta tbh. fettuccine alfredo, meatless spaghetti (or if i can find the tofu meatballs, that), pasta primavera. I'm trying some mac and cheese with gochujang in it, I'll let you all know how that is.
easy as hell feta tomato pappardelle
not to be cliche and say salad but the nashville hot pickle and spinach dijon make me (a salad hater) like salad. they sell these at walmart or raley's.
i make a vegetarian noodle soup with vegetable broth sometimes. depending on where you are, there's an amy's brand one that's canned. zuppa toscana is a fun one to make if you have veggie italian sausage (i wouldn't put white wine in it. i rarely put wine in anything.)
also korean and indian food is usually vegetarian by default. japchae is really good. it's very vegetable-heavy. i make a cold soondubu (it's usually hot but this is a very good cold for hot days version). this is kong-guksu, which is a peanut sauce ramen dish (better than it sounds).
my favorite indian dishes are palak paneer, tikka masala (i make it with cauliflower or tofu depending), chana masala, basmati rice, and naan.
falafel is vegetarian, and you can make yellow jasmine rice vegetarian easily by making it with vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. and of course, there's hummus and baba ganoush
if you like mushrooms, they're a good substitute for steak on philly cheesteak and this recipe for vegan po' boys is phenomenal.
i make black bean burgers from time to time (i usually buy them bc I'm lazy but they're fun to make). also, black bean and corn tamales are very good. quesadillas are easy too. or cheese enchiladas. they sell vegetarian refried beans too. if not, pre-boiled (or canned) whole pinto beans + vegetable shortening.
we have decent vegetarian sections at the stores i go to. i find safeway and sprouts (I'm not sure if this is a national chain or not) have the best options. i wish i lived in la or sf where all the vegans are.
when in doubt, you just buy nacho fix ins. not healthy but fun and everything that needs to be hot goes in the microwave.
if you need any more recipes or ideas, let me know.
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pickalilywrites · 6 months
Niccolo makes Sasha a romantic Valentines dinner date.
its been a while since i wrote smth so food centric so thanks for this :)
dinner for two
nicosasha. modern au. 1329 words.
Nicolo smiles as he observes his girlfriend take in the entire restaurant, her eyes wide with awe. She had gushed about this restaurant ever since seeing its review in the Michelin guide, ecstatic that such a highly regarded restaurant was located so close to them. Unfortunately, its newly renowned popularity meant that everyone else was clamoring for a reservation and people had to wait months to reserve seats. Sasha had managed to get on the waitlist for the restaurant after five attempts to make a reservation for this year, but nobody ever cancelled their reservation last minute. Luckily, Nicolo had managed to snag them a reservation for Valentine’s Day even though so many other couples were fighting for a booking on the same busy date.  
“How did you manage to get us a reservation?” Sasha asks, still looking around at the immaculate interior design of the restaurant. It’s all lush carpeting, fancy tablecloths, and warm lighting with everyone dressed formally. It’s different from the casual, cozy diners they typically frequent when they do dine out.  
“I mentioned to a friend of a friend that I was interested. He said he could squeeze me in,” Nicolo says, hiding a smile with the wine glass that he brings to his lips. The Grenache has a stronger flavor than a typical red wine, strong and sweet like fresh berries with a hint of acidity. “It pays to have connections in the culinary world.”  
“It sure does.” Even though Sasha is dressed formally — brown hair pulled into a sleek ponytail that falls into beautiful curls at the end, a beautiful dress of deep green that falls just off her shoulders, and the modest choker that sparkles around her neck — her wide-eyed expression is just like a child as she watches a waiter present them with the appetizer. “Oh, this is beautiful!” 
The appetizer is a gorgeously plate of seared octopus artfully placed amongst crisp kale and confit potatoes. Underneath is a small drizzle of herbed labneh, a creamy cheese a little thicker and tangier than yogurt. Normally, Nicolo would take the time to savor every single bite but he finds himself unable to tear his eyes away from his girlfriend as she takes her first bite, her eyes widening even more at the flavors of their first dish.  
“Do you like it?” Nicolo asks, although he already knows the answer from Sasha’s expression alone. 
“I love it,” Sasha says and immediately takes another bite. She doesn’t bother to keep herself composed despite the more formal environment. She acts as she always does whenever she eats food that she finds delicious: by closing her eyes as she savors the bite, shoulders wiggling as she lets out the smallest squeal of delight.  
They’re served a vibrant salad comprised of beets, citrus, and chopped chicory. Whipped feta cheese and toasted pumpkin seeds are tossed alongside the ruby red beets and tangerine slices. The entire salad has been drizzled with a slightly sweet, slightly tart champagne vinaigrette. Sasha marvels at the presentation before absolutely demolishing the salad, leaving the entire plate clean before it’s swept away by the waiter and replaced by their next dish.  
Their next course is a fragrant rice pilaf topped with toasted almonds, pistachios, and golden raisins. The rice pilaf is served with a side of pickled vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, and peppers. Nicolo notices that Sasha isn’t very descriptive when he asks her how the food is. She simply tells him that the food is delicious before shoveling more food in her mouth. Usually when she eats his food, she tells him every last detail of what she enjoys, but it seems like she likes this food so much that she can’t even take the time to explain why. It does make Nicolo feel a little jealous, but it makes him happy to see his girlfriend enjoying the food so much even if he wasn’t the one to cook it for her. 
After the rice pilaf comes a cabbage soup cooked with fire-roasted tomatoes and potatoes. Crushed red peppers give the soup a bit of heat while sherry vinegar adds acidity. The soup is topped with a sprinkle of cilantro, and Sasha takes a moment to marvel at the presentation of the colorful soup before devouring it almost as quickly as the other dishes.  
The main course is a tender short rib braised with dates to give it sweetness. It’s topped with a small cucumber salad, diced tomatoes, and serrano peppers. The chef has drizzled the fine dish with a beautiful pomegranate molasses that brings out the deep, savory flavors of the short rib.  
They finish off the night with a chocolate date cake garnished with edible pansies. On the side is a creamy, coconut ice cream drizzled with rum sauce. The bitterness of the chocolate goes well with the sweet rum sauce and coconut ice cream. Despite the pansies being just a garnish, their fragrance enhances the chocolate notes of the dessert. Sasha eats the dessert happily, humming as she gets every last crumb and bit of sauce.  
Nicolo pays the cheque, adds a hefty tip, and sends their waiter off with a grateful message to the chef for the wonderful meal tonight. As he and Sasha exit the restaurant and make their way to their car, he drapes his blazer over her shoulders to help shield her from the cold night air.  
“I’m glad you enjoyed the food so much,” Nicolo says. His arm hangs around her shoulders, pulling her in close as their steps fall in sync. He tries not to sound jealous as he remarks, “You seemed so delighted by the food that you didn’t even talk in between.”  
To his surprise, Sasha doesn’t reply. She just hums in response. When he looks down, he sees her cheeks are flushed and she casts her eyes down towards the sidewalk like she’s embarrassed. For a moment, Nicolo is horrified. Could it be that he had misinterpreted her silence? It wasn’t that she was too delighted by the food that it rendered he speechless. Maybe it had been that the food was so lacking that she couldn’t find any words to compliment the dishes at all.  
“Did you hate it? Oh god, did you hate it, Sasha?” Nicolo asks. All this time he had thought she was enjoying herself, but she had simply been feigning delight out of politeness. “Should I have taken you somewhere else? God, I ruined everything and on Valentine’s Day, too.”  
Sasha looks up in alarm and begins to wave her hands. “No, no. It’s not that, the food was amazing it’s just that ... well, I really just prefer your food the most. You cook for us all the time, though. Being able to eat with you somewhere else is fun and it also gives you a chance to rest,” Sasha says. She speaks quickly to clear up the misunderstanding, her eyes flitting between Nicolo’s face and the ground.  
Nicolo stops suddenly and Sasha turns around in surprise. He’s grinning from ear to ear and his arm drops from his girlfriend’s shoulders. He takes her by the shoulders, pulling her into press a kiss against her unsuspecting mouth.  
“Wh-what was that for?” Sasha laughs.  
“Truth be told, I was a bit jealous seeing you enjoy food from someone who wasn’t me, so hearing that you prefer my cooking makes me feel so ... happy,” Nicolo breathes as he pulls Sasha in for an embrace. “Let’s go home and I’ll cook you everything you want.”  
“Really?” Sasha asks in surprise, wiggling in his arms delightedly. She pulls away a little to look at his face and make sure he isn’t joking. “We just ate dinner, though.”  
“So you don’t want to me to make you food?” Nicolo teases.  
“No, no! I’ll eat everything you make me and I won’t leave a single crumb!” Sasha says excitedly, already tugging her boyfriend behind her as she leads him towards the car.  
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7-pines · 6 months
artisan item checklist
The amount of each artisan item you need to make. Artisan items are recursive (if you need to make juice and wine, it'll tell you to make 2 juices), but nothing else is (if someone loves a meal that involves an artisan item, it's not keeping track of that.) Loved items are included as "+1" for each person who loves it.
This is also made to be specific so when a recipe/crafting/offering calls for "Any ___" or "A or B", I picked the cheapest version of it to make. How things get replaced is under the Read More at the end.
3x Tulip honey [Bee house]: Apple pie, Assorted grilled platter, Jamu (Cooking)
1x Titan arum black honey [Bee house]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
8x Cheese [Cheese press]: Burrito, Eggplant lasagna, Gnocchi, Hawaiian pizza, Oven-baked risotto, Pizza, Summer burger, Sweet potato poutine (Cooking)
2x Syrup [Cheese press]: Es cendol, Es doger (Cooking)
1x Seaweed chips [Dehydrator]: Basic Artisan (Offering)
1x Large gesha coffee [Keg]: Loved by Aaliyah
2x Gesha coffee [Keg]: Loved by Aaliyah, Raj
3x Sake [Keg]: Fish soup (Cooking) Loved by Connor, Walter
7x Coffee [Keg]: Loved by Antonio, Emma, Giu, Groo, Joko, Raj, Randy
9x Green tea [Keg]: Kombucha (Artisan) Help Paul (Quest) Loved by Anne, Ben, Betty, Eleanor, Emma, Kenny, Raj
1x Cane nectar [Keg]: Loved by Erika
2x Cranberry juice [Keg]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Cranberry wine (Artisan)
1x Wool cloth [Loom]: Monster scarecrow (Crafting)
5x Cotton cloth [Loom]: Poci ghost scarecrow (Crafting) Kunti ghost scarecrow (Crafting) Ondel-ondel handsome scarecrow (Crafting) Ondel-ondel pretty scarecrow (Crafting) Loved by Emma
9x Butter [Mason jar]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Apple pie, Butter croissant, Cookies, Corn on the cob, Gnocchi, Minced jackfruit pie, Oven-baked risotto, Peanut butter (Cooking)
1x Kiracha sauce [Mason jar]: Vegan taco (Cooking)
2x Pickled corn [Mason jar]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Corn kimchi (Artisan)
3x Tempeh [Mason jar]: Fried tempeh, Herbed tempeh, Lodeh (Cooking)
4x Mayonnaise [Mayonnaise machine]: Basic Artisan (Offering) Fish taco, Rainbow sandwich (Cooking) Loved by Scott
4x Rice flour [Mill]: Es cendol, Klepon, Popiah, Serabi (Cooking)
10x Wheat flour [Mill]: Apple pie, Basil pesto pasta, Fruit tart, Pad thai, Peyek, Seafood ramen, Veggie ramen (Cooking) Gingerbread scarecrow (Crafting)
20x Amaranth flour [Mill]: Banana fritter, Bread, Butter croissant, Cauliflower casserole, Chocolate chip muffins, Cookies, Gnocchi, Hash browns, Hawaiian pizza, Kue kancing, Minced jackfruit pie, Mooncake, Pancakes, Pepper and mushroom flatbread, Pineapple upside-down cake, Pizza, Pumpkin pie, Red velvet cake, Spider tempura, Tortilla (Cooking)
11x Sugar [Mill]: Cenil, Donut, Egg custard, Fruit tart, Klepon, Kue kancing, Kue lapis, Pineapple upside-down cake, Pumpkin pie, Serabi (Cooking) Gingerbread scarecrow (Crafting)
4x Gourmet salt [Mill]: Herbed tempeh, Ketchup, Serabi, Spider tempura (Cooking)
3x White truffle oil [Oil press]: Rare Artisan (Offering) Loved by Alice, Connor
1x Black truffle oil [Oil press]: Loved by Alice
2x Almond oil [Oil press]: Loved by Alice, Emily
4x Olive oil [Oil press]: Hummus, Roasted mushroom (Cooking) Loved by Alice, Emily
11x Canola oil [Oil press]: Banana fritter, Beet chips, Donut, Falafel, Fried tempeh, Kale chips, Potato chips, Sauteed chard, Spider tempura, Sweet potato chips, Sweet potato poutine (Cooking)
1x Fermented goat cheese wheel [Aging barrel]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
1x Kombucha [Aging barrel]: Loved by Kenny
1x Artichoke kimchi [Aging barrel]: Loved by Anne
1x Corn kimchi [Aging barrel]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
1x Cranberry wine [Aging barrel]: Rare Artisan (Offering)
These replacements only involve Cooking & Crafting, not Loved Items. So if someone loves Fruit Juice, that's not kept track of here.
Any flour -> Amaranth flour
Any oil -> Canola oil
Any cheese -> Cheese
Any butter -> Butter
Butter or Large butter -> Butter
Any honey -> Tulip honey
Any mayonnaise -> Mayonnaise
Any fruit juice -> Cranberry juice
Any wine -> Cranberry wine
Any pickle -> Pickled corn
Any kimchi -> Corn kimchi
Any dried scavengeables -> Seaweed chips
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cottondietsblog · 6 months
Can u make a list of your safe foods? Also how tall are u?
Ofc I can! Also I’m 5”3
Grain bread (not white)
Water melon
Protein power
Almond milk
Protein yogurt
Whipped cream cheese
Half of a bagel
Black coffee (or coffee with almond milk)
All gum
Sweet potatoes
Flavor packets
Grilled chicken
Low fat dressings
Banana peppers
Light Mayo
Pumpkin seeds
1 slice of cheese
Freezes pops
Tajin, salt, pepper bagel seasoning
Greek yogurt
1 second of spray
Soy sauce
Cauliflower pizza
Cottage cheese
Skinny pop
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fizzingwizard · 8 months
A few months ago I was complaining to my mom that family restaurants and other cheaper food places here had gone all fat all the time. Everything is fried, everything is meat-based. Hard to find any vegetables at all on a lot of the most common menus.
The yen tanking and issues related to covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war really drove places to cut back, increase prices while offering less overall. But the absence of vegetables was stunning to me. Talk to anyone, in Japan or out, and they'll say oh, the Japanese diet is so healthy. And even though we're talking about eating out, which is considered special and you don't necessarily expect the same dishes you'd make at home, people would really be surprised, I think, by how hard it was just to find even veggie sides. (This is restricted to the cheaper places, especially chain restaurants that like to keep costs low - if you go out to eat at a real restaurant-y restaurant in Japan I feel confident that you'll never be disappointed.) Japanese food is about color and balance, and for a very long time that extended to youshoku as well. That's one reason why when you go out for something like tonkatsu, you always get cabbage, and probably miso soup and Japanese pickles as well.
A few years before covid, I feel, is when I started to see things change. Maybe the expectation of so many foreigner tastes arriving for the Olympics played a part too, idk. But I remember Yoshinoya, a fast food gyudon chain, used to have a delicious curry with carrots, onions, and potatos - cheap vegetables commonly found in Japanese curry. Then they got rid of it and have just the roux with meat now. And most places that do takeout curry are the same these days. One exception is Matsuya, which now has a "My Curry" off-shoot that lets you customize with veggie options. A while ago they were doing a veggie-heavy curry that I loved, but was only seasonal :( Probably because of the price of vegetables. But at least the usual onion/potato/carrot seems here to stay. But even curry-centric places like Cocoichi don't do much with veggies. Cocoichi's veggie curry is like a kid's curry, bits of carrot, potato, and green beans. There's a spinach option and an eggplant option too, but to me they're still just so uninspired. I don't really like Cocoichi curry though so that's probably part of it. It's a shame because curry is a GREAT way to get kids (and adults who've never developed a taste for veggies) not just to eat veggies, but to learn to like them. It worked for me - I definitely wish my parents knew about the magic of curry when I was little, because I don't really blame my younger self for getting sick of microwaved frozen cauliflower and baby carrots.
Anyway - all that to say, recently I've been noticing veggies making a comeback! Yoshinoya didn't bring back it's veggie curry, but it's got some salad options, including a gyudon that comes with veggies mixed in. (Which I might try tonight.) I've been noticing it other places too, especially convenience stores. Lawson and 7-11 have been boasting about their healthy options for years, but these past months I feel that I've begun to see variety and thought for nutrition that was pretty absent before. I wonder if prices for vegetables have gone down, or if restaurants just noticed that everyone was selling the same brown or beige food options with very little flavor differences. I'm happy, because it felt like a pretty important part of Japanese food culture was wasting away, and it's such a healthy and pretty to look at part. Yeah, it was just the chain restaurants, but the loss starts when major groups of people get priced out of values that used to be available to all. I hope Japanese food, whether it's traditional or Western, continues to value balance and color no matter how many people insist they really just want red meat and fried stuff.
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rereadanon · 2 years
🌟 Mini Interview 🌟
Thanks for the tags @creepkinginc, @shinygalaxyperson, and @crossmydna! I need a little pick me up this Monday morning before I dive into my math homework!
What are some movie / tv quotes that you quote often? The Office, 30 Rock (I want to go to there, working on my night cheese, etc), Jay and Silent Bob, New Girl, mostly.
What is your favorite flower? Orchids and ranunculus.
If you were in Avatar: the Last Airbender, what element would you want to bend? Earth, fire, water, or air? Definitely fire, let's burn this all down and start again (looking directly at you white christian patriarchy).
What was your first job? A bagel shop! I was 14 and couldn't handle the pressure!
What is your favorite breakfast? oh geez, I LOVE breakfast food. Mmmm, I will go with blueberry pancakes and some crispy bacon and a hot cup of coffee! On a chilly Maine morning in late August, perfecto!
What's a meal from childhood that you love? The most sentimental dishes are a specific meatloaf recipe from my dad's family, and kimmelweck (a vinegar braised beef sandwich) from my mom's.
What's your favorite joke to tell? My party trick is mostly gross medical stories.
What's your favorite animal to see at the zoo? I gotta say I have an issue with zoos 😬 BUT seeing giraffes and elephants never fails to impress me!
What's your go to quick meal to cook / make at home? good old fashioned PB&J! Pickle chips on the side please.
What's your go to meal to cook someone to impress them? Probably braised short ribs over mashed potatoes or cauliflower.
What's something you want to do better? Help my kid with his emotions! Be more disciplined with school work! Be more organized!
If you're working do you like your job? I work with the most amazing team! The healthcare system is very frustrating, but I find a lot of satisfaction in caring for others.
Do you collect anything? What? Memes. Especially anti-anti-vaxx memes!
If you were trapped in a kids tv show, what show would you be okay with being trapped in? Honestly, Paw Patrol. Those pups are so cute and so quick to a rescue!
An adults tv show? I want to be a regular at Nick Miller's bar. Or at the alibi. I love a good bar!
What kind of job did you want as a child? Well I grew up in the 90's so a marine biologist.
Do you follow any sports? What team do you root for? My husband is a big motocross fan, I don't really follow the stats or whatever, but going to races is AMAZING people watching.
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? Probably some sort of bird.
If you could be any mythological creature what would you be and why? I am going with Pegasus because that just sounds cool as fuck.
What's the most obscure thing you've had to google for a fanfic you were writing/reading? I mostly have asked my husband penis-related questions. I am just curious how accurate we all are!
What Milkovich do you identify with most? Mickey! Had to break some familial chains, defy expectations a lil bit. Fell crazy in love with a dude.
Which one are you actually like the most? Probably Iggy, I can be a dumbass.
What Gallagher do you identify with most? I want to say Fiona, I do a lot of taking care of people, sometimes at the expense of myself? Growing up I did some reckless and impulsive stuff.
Which one are you actually like the most? Probably Ian, got a touch of the mentals, fell madly in love with a boy that had a hard time reciprocating, and definitely can be the aforementioned clueless dumbass.
I won't tag anyone, but I absolutely love to see everyone's answers, so please do if you want me to ignore my homework so I can comment on everyone else's!
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chefrollbag · 14 days
Scissors in the kitchen
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In every chef’s kitchen, whether you’re an enthusiastic home cook or a professional, high-quality knives are essential, but so are various other tools, including kitchen scissors. Unlike ordinary office scissors, these are more durable and designed specifically for food preparation. In many cases, kitchen scissors can replace a knife, making cutting and prepping food more convenient and faster.
And if you often need to move around with your kitchen tools, it’s good to know that Chefrollbag’s knife rolls have space not just for knives, but also for your essential scissors. This ensures that your tools are always organized and ready for any culinary task.
Kitchen scissors come in different sizes, designs, and are made from various types of steel. Their functionality can be enhanced with additional features. Here’s how they can be used in the kitchen:
Fish Cleaning: The sharp tip makes it easy to cut open the belly. You can quickly trim fins and heads of small fish. Some models even come with serrated edges for scaling, and smaller fish can be cut into pieces.
Opening Packages: Kitchen scissors can easily cut through boxes, bags, strings, and other packaging materials. They provide a clean cut with less risk of damaging the contents inside, and they're safer to use than a knife.
Chopping Herbs: Take a bunch of dill, basil, or parsley and chop it directly into a bowl or pot. This not only speeds up the process but also eliminates the need to wash a cutting board.
Poultry Cutting: When it comes to cutting through chicken wings, cartilage, and other small parts of a bird, nothing compares to kitchen scissors. They handle the elastic connective tissue with ease.
Cutting Dough: Whether it’s trimming excess dough, creating perfect edges, or making strips for pie decorations, scissors get the job done efficiently.
Vegetable and Fruit Prep: Kitchen scissors help you trim green beans, garlic shoots, and asparagus, cut off green tops from carrots and beets, and break cauliflower or broccoli into florets. This versatile tool simplifies fruit and vegetable prep.
Slicing Pastries: Not just for pizza cutters, scissors are also great for slicing delicate pastries without scratching your baking sheet.
Chopping Preserves: You can cut juicy peaches, apricots, tomatoes, or pineapples directly in the jar without splashing juice all over the counter.
Cutting Dried Fruits: Chop sun-dried tomatoes or dried fruits directly onto your plate.
Cracking Nuts: Some scissors come with a built-in nutcracker, making it easy to separate kernels from shells.
Seafood Prep: Scissors are handy for opening shellfish, peeling shrimp, and deveining them.
Opening Jars: Some models have special grooves to open beer bottles and hooks to pry open jars of pickles.
To ensure your kitchen scissors are reliable, durable, and don’t require frequent sharpening, consider the following:
Type of Steel: The material should be strong and resistant to corrosion. High-carbon stainless steel is ideal, with additives like molybdenum or vanadium for extra durability and rust resistance.
Additional Features: If you plan to use your scissors for a variety of tasks, choose models with hooks and extra features for cracking nuts or opening bottles.
Assembly Type: It’s convenient if the blades can be easily separated. This allows you to clean all the joints thoroughly after cutting strong-smelling foods and sharpen the blades when necessary.
Do you have kitchen scissors in your arsenal? If so, what kind do you use? Do you store them together with your knives or separately? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Just finished reading about essential kitchen tools? Now make sure your gear is stored in style! Visit our shop for handcrafted leather bags designed for chefs and bartenders. Keep your tools safe and organized—shop now!
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she-is-healthy · 4 months
Binge Trigger 1 - Boredom
I'm starting to sit with myself and identify my binge triggers. Here's my first one!
I have ADHD which often leads to impulsive behavior, including eating. I have a constant need for stimulation because I get so restless, anxious, and stressed easily. Food is a key player for that.
If I'm not busy with my hands or doing something genuinely engaging, I will resort to food to dull the underlying boredom.
What helps me when I'm bored?
Playing video games
Pulling weeds in the yard
Unfortunately, sometimes these activities aren't enough to stop me because of how hardwired I am to seek out bold flavor. If I feel like I can't distract myself from a binge, it becomes a game of damage control. I want to set it up so I only binge on low-calorie foods if possible.
Cherries (since I have to be mindful of the pit)
Cauliflower & hummus
Marinated tofu "bacon"
Cucumbers & gochujang
Air-fried tempeh
Korean-style soy curls
Pickles, pepperoncinis
Zevia, La Croix
Shout out to veganism for making it easier to manage my binge damage. Not eating animals really has its perks 💚🌿
All this to say, I've known boredom to be a binge trigger for ages, but it really feels good to write it all out like this!
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