#Hobbits rule
lucigoo · 8 days
New Hobbit HC unlocked! Hobbits are awesome and get the job done (you ever been a farmer, its hard!) and they wer at the Last Battle and the leves and Isildur needed a hobbit in that volcano to get the job done becuase ELROND SURE AS HELL DIDNT! The Tooks that came back form war came back disappointed and now its a saying in the Shire that instead of half arsing something, you "Elrond it!" because Elrond the Half-Elven half arsed destroying the one ring. Bilbo has often told a young Frodo that if there was a hobbit in there with them, Isildur would have been yeeted into that volcano before anyone culd even blink. That brings us to a quest where Bilbo is NOT enamoured with the elves and Thorin falls in love with him much quicker. And that idea led me to here. becuase HC's equal plot bunnes right???
Bilbo glared at Thorin as he sneered at his own nephews. The boys he had adored less than a week ago.
Bilbo watched as they walked out of the throne room dejectedly after another rebuttal by their beloved uncle.
All Bilbo could do was give them a soft smile and then frown when Thorin shouted him over to whisper about secrets and spies and being betrayed.
Bilbo looked aorund at the absurd amounts of treasure surrounding them, and then at th edwarf he loved and all he could do was shake his head and go to walk away.
Befor he got to the door Thorin raced after him, grabbing him roughly by the arm. "Where are you going?" he hissed at Bilbo.
Bilbo had had enough. The Company may tiptoe around their gold mad king, but he wasn't Bilbo's king.
"Away form here. I am going outside. Where the only gold I need or want to see is that of the sun," Bilbo hissed back.
He suddenly made a sharp noise when Thorin's grip tightened. "You are hurting me Thorin. Let go!"
"So you can betray me too?" Thorin sneered back.
"NOBODY HAS BETRAYED YOU!" Bilbo roared at the dwarf before him, pulling his arm away forcefully. "It is actually the other way around," he said to the gobsmacked, crazy dwarf before him.
"What does that mean? I do nothing but protect my people," Thorin said, suddenly looking at Bilbo confused.
"Thorin, your people arent here, and the ones that are, well, you just threatened to chop Dwalin's head off for Yavanna's sake," he said as he threw his hand sup in the air in annoyance.
"Because he is trying to …"
"Betray you, yes, I heard. the entirety of this side of the Misty mountains heard I'm sure," Bilbo interrupted dismissively. "Dwalin, the dwarf who has always been beisde you. Your best friend, your shield brother, the one who helped you provide for your nephews, the sons of your heart. That Dwalin is trying to betray you? Yeah alright. I know your sick, but I didn't realise that made you stupid!" Bilbo said as he glared at Thorin.
"Bilbo …"
"Don't you Bilbo me. Your such … such an Elrond!" he spat out in contempt.
"You would dare compare me to an elf?" Thorin roared, trying to use his larger body size to intimidate Bilbo.
Bilbo was far form intimidated. All he felt was sad and weary when he looked at the dwarf before him and saw how far he had fallen. "Your worse then Elrond. He may have screwed up, but the biggest difference between he and you is that he DIDN”T turn against his own kin. Can you say the same Thorin?" Bilbo asked with a raised eyebrow.
Bilbo watched as Thorin's expression kept changing form frustrated, to angry, to confused. He just hoped he was getting through to him.
"Your acting so Elrondric. Do you know that? Going back on your word, especially when you know how it feels to have your home burnt and your people murdered by Smaug and your going back on your word, failing in your duty and ignoring the promises you made. How elven of you!" Bilbo sneered at Thorin before he moved to walk away.
He turned when he heard a very confused "Bilbo …" be called out.
Bilbo turned and this time he looked at Thorin with nothing but pity. "Sort yourself out Thorin. Your the only one who ca. But Elrond cause countles sdeaths by failing to stop a ring mad Isildur that day. i will not let that be our fate, if there was a volcano ea rus, i would kick you into it without a second thought, regardless of how mich I love you if it save Fili and Kili and Ori," he said as he tried to stem the tears he hadn't realsed were falling down his face.
Bilbo watched as Thorin took a staggered step forward. "You love me?" he gasped out.
"Yes, but I love myslef more and I will not stad by and let you kill us all." With that Bilbo turned his back on Thorin and left in his overly full and yet completely empty treasure room.
Before he left the room, he dropped something. SOmething that didn;t clink lke gold and jewels.
Thorin slowly stepped forward until he saw Bilbo's acorn in the centre of the doorway. He tured around to look at the vast piles of wealth behind him. the treasure, the legacty of his people and he realised he had a choice to make.
With great difficulty, his feet feeling like they were trapped in molten ore, he slowly walked towards Bilbo's little acorn.
Your welcome into the absurdity that is my mind!
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shurikthereject · 6 months
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I've been re-reading A Hobbit's Gamble by CQueen on ao3 for the third time now and it had me imagining what Bilbo's clothes would look like if he stayed in Erebor and became Thorin's consort. I decided to create a balance between Hobbit and Dwarvish fashion for these two outfits, one being for the outdoors and the other for indoors. That being the the jacket, waist coast and capri pants mixed with capes and belts. The colour palette also become handy in creating that balance. I mixed Hobbit's bright colours and Durin's blue,which represents his statues in the royal family (This is also Thorin's favourite part of his outfits). It is often discussed how flowers and plants are important to Hobbits and with that I added embroidery of different flowers with meanings that are compatible with Bilbo. The flowers on his head are mostly just a replacement for a crown for day to day. Please comment if I should add something, I love reading your ideas!
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gracefuldisasters · 13 days
your art is lovely!! im not really in a lotr hyperfixation at the moment but i just want to hug all the baby hobbits and never let go ❤️
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Aww thank you! (my friends were discussing potato shenanigans, which ended up with Baby Rosie being requested. How did we get to that? No idea)
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robin-in-thewoods · 3 months
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Even more of bagginshield.... The hyperfixation is very real
I tried experimenting with dwarf proportions in the first one but im still not completely sure ab it. Anyways, im a sucker for the coat giving trope
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condohavenoking · 16 days
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'I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things.'
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Love the idea of anytime Bofur gets really drunk after meeting Bilbo his go to drunk action (we all have one) is to just grab hold of Bilbo and cuddle with him all night while the others still bring him drinks. Bilbo is just content to lean back against his chest and enjoy the cuddles.
Someone walks over and tells Bofur he needs to get up to do something and he just grumbles. Fili and Kili were in hysterics laughing when Bofur ended up accidentally telling Thorin to fuck off because he didn’t notice it was him when Thorin asked him to do something. Bilbo is trying not to laugh while the others are laughing their heads off and Thorin is rolling his eyes but doesn’t take it personally because he’s happy his company are enjoying themselves when they have such a tough road ahead of them.
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hamletthedane · 8 months
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The Hobbit, Chapter 5
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The Return of the King, Chapter 13
I will literally NEVER be normal about the narrative parallels between Bilbo and Sam’s acts of mercy 😭
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deathdefyinggarlic · 2 months
my favorite character is lotr is the butch lesbian
(samwise gamgee)
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mynnub-blog · 1 year
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Remember when I promised to draw the fellowship? XD
Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
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thegoodduckfan · 1 month
I'm still thinking about how my cousin was once late to English class, and when he entered the classroom the teacher was about to scold him so he told the her: “A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.” and the teacher let him off without any punishments or anything! Honestly, I wish to have that sort of charisma.
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the---hermit · 4 days
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I spent the weekend at a lotr themed b&b with my mom, and now I want to build my own hobbit hole. The joy of hopening a round door. It was so good. It was so cool kinda litteral bc at night it got super cold but thankfully we had a bunch of blankets. I didn't get much reading done, but I have started the return of the king, and I am so ready for this final section to the adventure. I am enjoying this reread so much. I should also take a moment of appreciation for my mom, bc she is honestly up for any random thing I suggest we might do together, and we had such a lovely time in the past two days. I am looking forward to more future weekends of adventuring together and exploring new places, we make great travel buddies and that's a great way to spend quality time together.
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smoking-old-toby · 2 years
bet gandalf regretted saying "it will be good for you and most amusing for me" after bilbo fell in love with the company leader and watched him die
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illustratorsblog · 2 months
Stranger Talion ✨Soul of The Bright Lord Celebrimbor in the cave
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mistergandalf · 1 year
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See the ULTIMATE TOLKIEN BLORBO MASTERPOST for details and follow #ultimate tolkien blorbo to cast your vote for the blorbiest blorbo of all!
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elrondweek · 4 months
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As much as I am excited to see all of your creations for Elrond Week, I do have a few rules that I expect to be followed in order to provide the best experience for all involved:
Be respectful and kind to others. Discrimination, bullying, and harassment will not be condoned.
NSFW will not be allowed. Please keep your entries clean and SFW! I won't reblog NSFW works.
The prompts are just suggestions - if you don't like some of them, feel free to create something of your own!
Tag your entries as #elrondweek and @ me, @elrondweek, so I can see and reblog your works!
Any kind of medium is welcome (except NSFW works, as mentioned above), so get creative!
Have fun!!
If you have any other questions or suggestions, my ask box is open - I can't wait for Elrond Week 2024!!
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