#Hardest Decision
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georgiasedify · 3 months ago
Hardest decision
Daily writing promptWhat’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? Why?View all responses The hardest decision I had to make was stop talking to my relatives and some friends. Walking wholeheartedly with God often requires making tough choices that align with your faith and values. It’s not uncommon for such a journey to lead to changes in relationships, as you seek to surround yourself…
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oleno · 3 months ago
The Toughest Thing: A Conundrum of Difficulties... What I decided on, in a Candid manner.
What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? Why? Living my life has its perks and its downsides. Perks, in the instances where by I tend to be an easygoing person, thus, attract almost everything positive. On the downside, I have had to make difficult decisions in the hardest of circumstances. The hardest decision for me to have taken so far was to give up my legal career as a law…
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trypo-p · 6 months ago
If you drew Pootis and Medimedes dressed for the First Day Of School, I think that would be REALLY fucking cute
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How am I going to stop some real bad stress from tearing me a structurally superfluous new be-hind? The answer; Draw a Pootis. And if that don’t work; Draw more Pootis.
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okartichoke · 6 months ago
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ace avian. that’s what we’re calling this 🗣️🗣️🗣️
please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions or input or anything! i’m happy to bounce ideas around (i'll post DL-6 someday soon i swear)
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shoutout to the anon who sent in that ask bc i seriously fell in love with blue jay phoenix. SHOUTOUT TO TAKAHE PHOENIX TOO THO takahe phoenix, you will forever be in my heart and im glad you existed <3333,, (maybe in this au he’s got some loving adoptive takahe parents :3) (YKNOW WHAT YEAH that’s canon now)
but yeah, flight-avoidant jay phoenix still lends itself well to the common-man hardworking underdog vibe i want from him. speaking of flight-avoidant...
Phoenix's relationship with flying:
It's a bit complicated. Basically, Phoenix can fly, but he historically chooses not to. From the lack of any practice, he's an INCREDIBLY weak flier. (That hovering is really all he can manage)
For one, he's still afraid of heights. Can't help that. This fear means he was less inclined to practice flying, which made him a weaker flier. And being a weaker flier, in turn, made his fear of heights worse. And so on, in a loop. With flightless parents too (it's canon now it's canon), there's even less of a reason to learn to fly. At some point, not flying might've even become something he stuck with out of stubbornness lol, knowing Phoenix.
(I will soon be making a couple small world building posts, but) flying isn't necessary to get around in their society. Convenient, sure, but Phoenix realized he could make do without, and so he did. Phoenix, you icon. Slay. 💅💅
i know this probably isn't the popular take with wing AUs??, but Phoenix being flightless (or at least semi-flightless) sounded like a really fun take on the idea to me. His name is irony at its peak. I also look forward to exploring how other characters react to him not flying. The prosecutors are going to have so many cheap insult opportunities.
As I mentioned though, he still uses his wings a LOT, though. He's much more emotive with them than most people. His sarcastic inner-dialogue remarks are also betrayed by his wings lmao
I also imagine bird-folk never really invented bikes (riding would just be annoying with their wings, plus bikes aren't fast/efficient enough to outweigh just flying), so instead, Phoenix gets around on a little wing-powered scooter device (like scootaloo lol) (they're usually made for children who can't fly yet, but Phoenix still uses one)
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finally, wow, stellar jay’s are quite literally just phoenix wright as a bird lmao? color scheme, hair, it’s uncanny. give it a pink tie and it just is Phoenix Wright, i used a blue jay since they’ve got a bit more striking wings but wow.
(ty again for the support and for reading my essay ! :3)
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one more thing, but @kora-kat YES YES YES this. ^^^^ omg THIS. this is still true even though he's a jay now.
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leertheartist · 7 months ago
feelin sad, drew the bros, feelin better
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og image under cut!
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lovejosephquinn · 1 month ago
cannot sleep yet again so let’s play a game of fmk. send me your answers in the comments or to my inbox
i’m adding four options in for the extra drama of spicy decision making 😵‍💫
kiss, fuck, marry, kill:
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multifandom--mess · 8 months ago
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chiefcroissantdeanbanana · 2 months ago
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the start of peak
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hazuki-tanuki · 2 years ago
Where’s Butters?!
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teenage butters design finally... little businessman
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kazbus · 6 months ago
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healpimp · 4 months ago
im gonna level w you, fellow medic mains. you are a lot worse at the game than you think
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spinchip · 11 months ago
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lokiusmybeloveds · 1 year ago
pro tip: don't watch the first Thor movie when you are still heartbroken over the Loki finale because the Thor/Jane and Loki/Mobius parallels WILL make you feel like you're being physically torn apart <3
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marivanilla05 · 2 years ago
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Shinran Week 2023 | Day 4:
Black Knight & Princess + Flowers
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teyrnacousland · 3 months ago
(spoilers for the Veilguard companion quests)
My least favourite part of Veilguard so far is the way they make you make major life altering decisions for your party. It doesn't feel like I'm guiding or advising them, I'm just straight up telling them what to do with their lives and they do it, no argument, no input. It makes the characters feel like they have no agency. They'll just do whatever Rook tells them to. Their own personal values are irrelevant and entirely based on how Rook tells them to feel.
I think a good way to fix this and still keep the idea of each companion having two separate paths would have been to have the companions make the decision themselves based on decisions you've made throughout the game. Like, if Rook has said and done things that lean more towards honoring and remembering the past no matter what, Bellara will keep the Nadas Dirthalen, but if you generally make choices in favour of letting go of the past and making your own path instead, or burying information that could be dangerous, she gets rid of it.
And same with Emmerich, just have a couple of minor choices or dialogue options throughout the game about immortality and whether it's worth it to have to watch everyone you love die, and whether you fear your own death or the death of others more, and Emmerich can make the choice himself based on how Rook has influenced him throughout the game. It would make them feel more like people with thought processes and less like characters I'm controlling
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kcsplace · 11 months ago
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Don just casually doing plyos while working is legit one of my favourite background moments of the movie.
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