120 posts
#All for the heartfelt #Thrills.😃
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oleno · 2 months ago
A Life "Fast Forward"- A year-on in Perspective... My "Now" versus "A Year Ago"
Is your life today what you pictured a year ago? A year ago, I kind of hit rock bottom. I was in a situation where almost all my actions and relationships were erratic. This, in a way, affected my relationships with my immediate family, friends, and work colleagues.  I would not say I am ashamed of going through this phase about a year ago since it has made me stronger. Fast forward, a year on,…
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oleno · 3 months ago
Efficacy, Efficiency, and Being Skill-Enthused.
What skills or lessons have you learned recently? Skills are attained as a result of determination, unorthodox means, and through radicalism. With me, I have learned a lot since I got to be an Industrial Relations Officer at the National Labour Commission. My job requirements include that I have the skillset to; 1. Facilitate meetings 2. Mediate cases 3. Arbitrate cases Other lessons I have…
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oleno · 3 months ago
A More Outdoorsy Vacation... the new "Cool"
What cities do you want to visit? I have always been a sucker for travelling. Aside from my private need and practise of privacy, I still respond to the call to embark on a teavelling adventure or feat. I love to travel, and this is evident in the couple of times I have travelled to different places or cities, my whole life up to this point. Despite the fact that I have travelled to a couple of…
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oleno · 3 months ago
Stage Performance or "What you Will".
Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech? Ever since I have been introduced to the stage during my early years at my middle school 🏫🎒, “Fountain Gate International School, FGIS,”  (now, “Desert Pastures International School”), I have not shied away from the chance to Debate, give a speech, or perform publicly. Growing up, I have had the chance to perform, theatrically by joining my…
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oleno · 3 months ago
My Reflection on Selective Eating. Meat, Picky Eating, or No Meat At All.
What are your feelings about eating meat? When I was little, my dad had a farm of a variety of meat 🍖 sources. From chicken, duck, chevon, mutton to beef. This imbued in me and my siblings the audacity to be very “joyous eaters”- We grew to love meat because of the buoyant and abundance of meat in our house. Now, with us, specifically with me, I have developed a “picky” attitude with eating…
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oleno · 3 months ago
The Toughest Thing: A Conundrum of Difficulties... What I decided on, in a Candid manner.
What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? Why? Living my life has its perks and its downsides. Perks, in the instances where by I tend to be an easygoing person, thus, attract almost everything positive. On the downside, I have had to make difficult decisions in the hardest of circumstances. The hardest decision for me to have taken so far was to give up my legal career as a law…
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oleno · 3 months ago
My favourite People- An in-depth definition of a modern-day traditional "Cliq"
Who are your current most favorite people? Surprisingly, forming a cliq requires effort. This I concur has transformed a basic social part of my life. People,I meet and love, meet the required checkers I establish to be included in my tight knit cliq. Over the years , from my teen years to maturity (in my Twenties), I have come across friends other than my parents, siblings, and neighbours, who…
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oleno · 3 months ago
Water or A Higher Ground... A Preferred Venture. My Pick.
Beach or mountains? Which do you prefer? Why? Water, they say, is life and thus adds a more finesse touch to the Circle of Life, should be adored and recreationally preferred. I have visited the beach a couple of times. I have also taken mountain ⛰️ hikes one or two times. To choose between the beach ⛱️ 😎 and the mountain, I would prefer the beach. The rich fresh wind that falls on the skin…
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oleno · 3 months ago
My Family's Top Three ,3, Best Meals. A Legacy that will stick with us for a Long time. No Doubt.
What are your family’s top 3 favorite meals? A good diet requires a well prepared meal or “dish”. While growing up, I was told by my parents that I was a “Sucker” for eating everything that was put on the table without prejudice. However, there has always been one meal myself and my younger brother have always loved and is at the top of our favourite meals list. This meal is pounded Cassava…
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oleno · 3 months ago
A Momentous Meet-Up with a Historical Figure... No Questions Asked, My Favourite.
If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why? History, as a subject, has borne to its loyal students an array of a large number of personalities who have shaped every aspect and subject of our being as humans. Ranging from religious to entertainment personalities from the past, even from the beginning of time, to contemporary times, we as humans can not deny the possible…
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oleno · 3 months ago
The "Instincts" Conundrum... To trust them or not to trust them. A Road map 🗾 to Successful living.
Do you trust your instincts? Instincts are a basic trait in all human beings. Instincts guide our, almost, every move. It is prudent to state that the inbuilt of sensitive instincts takes a practical and seasoned period to attain. Therefore, on the question of whether to Trust or Not to Trust this constructive feeling is one I would address in the affirmative. I have always believed in my Guts.…
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oleno · 3 months ago
December- My Favourite Month, in so many ways.
What’s your favorite month of the year? Why? The twelve month-calender of each year beg to offer experiences, which in a spectrum would try to steal the coveted prize 🏆 of ” Favourite Month of the Year”. From January to December, a lot of happenings occur. However, it is dependent on each person to decide which of these occurrences qualify to earn the slot of a favourite month in which it/they…
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oleno · 4 months ago
A First Impression... What I will give to be Bearable. A Spectrum.
What’s the first impression you want to give people? Impressions are very important to leave an unforgettable mark with people/impressionists. As an impressionist,  it is quite significant to make first impressions good, if not GREAT!!! My first impression, one I would like to leave with people I meet, will be that I was or am fearless. A strong personality coupled with a soft side. I would…
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oleno · 4 months ago
A Book Worth Reading... Whether for the first time, or "Over and Over, Again".
What book are you reading right now? Ever since I was a child and was introduced to reading by my parents, it has remained a companionship hobby. I love reading, and it is evident in how I speak, since I enrich my vocabulary from a rich stock of books 📚📖 I have read. I have quite a number of books that are my favourites. Books, written by authors ranging from thriller writers to history…
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oleno · 4 months ago
The GHANA 🇬🇭 EFFECT- A Place worth fighting for. A Nirvana in the West of Africa.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? You can never find a place as peaceful as Heaven. Therefore, in a quest to find a place worth living in and fighting for, I always nominate my Homeland, Ghana 🇬🇭.  There is no other place I will rather be than in my homeland, Ghana. I will choose to stay in Ghana at any period in time. I choose Ghana as one of my Nirvanas as blessed by…
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oleno · 4 months ago
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found (and kept)?
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oleno · 4 months ago
What part of your routine do you always try to skip if you can? Routines are very essential to keep a day going. It is important to note that doing the same thing on a daily basis with little to no change in one’s actions qualify to be slated as a routine. Per my routine, I definitely remind myself to stick to it so as to not stray in my actions. However, to pick one routine action I can do…
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