trypo-p · 27 days
If you drew Pootis and Medimedes dressed for the First Day Of School, I think that would be REALLY fucking cute
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How am I going to stop some real bad stress from tearing me a structurally superfluous new be-hind? The answer; Draw a Pootis. And if that don’t work; Draw more Pootis.
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rgbalphameter · 2 years
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pattern 4
pastels :)
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aibouart · 4 years
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ok so i went to post this like 2 hours ago but my power went out HHDFDHSFHD
i changed up my pichusona to better fit the themeing here, but i added pikachu and raichu to the line now!
i am prolly gonn switch to pikachu now but watch me keep drawing pichu one cuz i like it best....
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fictivekin-care · 7 years
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(Ranma ½) Ryoga Hibiki stimboard with piglets, black & gold for Anon! 🐷
| X . X . X | X . X . X | X . X . X | OK to tag as Kin/Me/ID/Etc!
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peachslimes · 7 years
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🌊 🌊 🌊
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stimboardsforkin · 6 years
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Shusei Kagari stimboard for anon
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elfstim · 7 years
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Tsuyu Asui stimboard for a friend
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trypo-p · 15 days
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someone get grandpa out of there
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
World building fooooor Xurkit
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YESSSSS my fucked up thing!!! i'll use its blank mask for my beloved trypo havers
full name: Hypnid Citala Xurkit Wiyyre
gender: Creature
sexuality: I don't think it matters
pronouns: it/its
family: none it can remember!!
birthplace: alternia
job: pianist emergency electrician
phobias: None :)
guilty pleasures: Going outside in the rain
morality alignment?: lawful good
sins - lust/gluttony/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - diligence/humility/kindness/patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard working
otp: literally none :(
brotp: wait no i think it and letkra are friends :)
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city-of-onf · 7 years
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i took some fun inspiration today from a water bottle
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stimming-sanctuary · 3 years
∙∘☽Blog Basics☾∘∙
👋 This is a side-blog, so we do not like/follow from here. We won't share our mains publicly.
✔️ Anybody can request from us! This means; Kinnies, Non-Kinnies, and Systems!
❔ We can do media/source specific request/prompts if we are familiar with it, but your request/prompt does not have to be media/source related at all. As a side-note, this is a factive friendly blog as well, factives are welcome to request even if "problematic".
💻 Fictional Media we're familiar with and can do requests/prompts around can be found here.
📝 We try to appropriately tag everything! If you need something TW tagged (yes, even if it's ""an obscure trigger"") please let us know! You are welcome to send us an anonymous ask, or PM. Whichever you prefer.
📋 On that same note, we use both #word tw and #tw word in all our posts. So if something has gifs with bugs in them, the post will have both #bugs tw and #tw bugs in its tags.
❌ Anti-(LGBTQ+)/(LGBTQ+)-phobes. This includes aro/ace exclusionists, those against he/him lesbians/she/her gays, etc.
❌ Anti Non-Traumagenics/SysMeds/EndoPhobes/etc. This is a welcoming space for all types of plurality. Asks arguing this will be blocked and deleted.
❌ Anti-Ship. Asks arguing this will be blocked and deleted. All posts with something considered "pro-ship" will be tagged as such, so either block the tag/s or block us. Those tags are; #proship #pro ship #proshipping #pro shipping
❌ MAPS/NO MAPS/MAP Supporter/P-do/P-do Apologist or Supporter/Groomer. You will be blocked & reported.
∙∘☽Our Tags☾∘∙
⚠️If it isn't hyperlinked, we probably haven't had a chance to use it yet. We planned ahead with like. All of these and might not actually use some (read: most) of them in the long run.⚠️
💜 #important.exe - posts that are Important; this can range from the inbox closing or opening, activity level update, promo posts, etc.
💜 #ours.exe - gifs we've made! as of typing this, we have never made a gif before, but we have plans on starting once this blog is up and going.
💜 #promo.exe - promo posts.
💜 #qna.exe - curious anons, questions about potential requests, etc.
💜 #request.exe - request asks; those ask posts with the "posted!" responses.
💜 #stimboard.exe - our stimboards specifically. they'll also have a regular #stimboard tag for looking at aaaall the stimboards on this blog including reblogged ones, but this specific tag is in case we or anybody else want to exclusively look at the ones we've made!
∙∘Below The Cut∘∙ Current TW Tag List.
(This is mostly to try and help us keep track.)
🚫 Bugs ; #tw bugs #bugs tw
🚫 Fire ; #tw fire #fire tw
🚫 Food ; #tw food #food tw
🚫 Hands ; #tw hands #hands tw
🚫 Misc. ; #inanimate object harm
🚫 Spiders ; #tw spiders #spiders tw #arachnophobia
🚫 Trypophobia ; #trypophobia #trypo
🚫 Water Related ; #water tw #tw water #tw underwater #underwater tw
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peachslimes · 7 years
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elenatria · 5 years
Slightly crack headcanon : Valery secretly loves western pop music. Cue to him singing Cindy Lauper and Heaven is a place on earth under his breath
DuuUUuuuuude, you forget that my proxy is Boris, not Valery, and if someone would listen to the music I listen to with a passion (anything ‘80s, and I mean 24/7, even when I’m taking a shower) that would be Boris, not Valery, okayyyy? :-P (Joking, it would be Valery singing under his breath, not Boris.)
But anyways, why would Valery listen to those songs in particular? (not that I don’t listen to them WHENEVER, just saying). 
And here’s the million dollar question that should go out to our resident historians, witnesses and Slavs: @tryingtobealwaystrying @pottedmusic @jedikatalina @trypoed @sleepylovesslash @itspradawitch (and any other Slav I’ve forgotten, sorry guys, feel free to contribute), obviously Western music and films didn’t get distributed in the Soviet Union, right? Did any kind of pop culture from the West leak into the Soviet Union? And if not, what sort of music would they listen to? I know I asked for an ‘80s Russian playlist ages ago and I probably got tagged but I never saw it sooooo anything people could use in fanfics?
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novemberclear-blog · 5 years
about me and byf!
hi! i’m November and this is my agere blog.
i’m really new but i want to learn! If you see me use the wrong words or reblog from bad people, please please tell me!
about me
* I’m an adult but I regress to 6! my regression is because of trauma and coping
* I like sparkly stuff, rocks, stuffed animals, virtual pets, and stars
* I’m autistic and i like stims
* I never ever ever ever use age regression as a k!nk
* I use any pronouns!
* I’m not looking for a romantic or s*xual relationship but I want friends!
Don’t interact if:
c/gl or c/gl/re
non system little
p*do, m/ap, any other terms that mean this
if you read this and you’re going to follow me please like this post so i know you saw it! thank you!
stuff I tag
cleancore, babycore, kidcore, plushies, stims, positivity, art, soft, sparkles, strawberries!!!
gif cw, food cw, trypo cw (ask me to add any cw tags and I will!)
groups i am in
Applied to but not confirmed: kidhearts, teenietots
i am looking for other groups that meet my dni too!
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trypo-p · 1 month
Hey I don't know who this "Ford" guy is I'm seeing all over Tumblr but I think he might have had a thing for that ttriangle. The bill.
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iam-da-vinci · 5 years
Tagged by the fantastic @elenatria .
1.Nicknames: My name consists of only three letters, so I hardly believe that is much to make some sort of nickname out of. Though when I was a russ (celebrating my last year at highschool) my russanavn was da Vinci (hence the url :3 )
2.Zodiac sign: Cancer
3.Height: I never really keep count on that, but if I am not entirely mistaken, I am somewhere between 175-182 cm
4.Hogwars house: HUFFLEPUFF (eller Håsblås)
5.Last thing i Goodled: apparently it was a dunnock, cuz idk.
6.Favourite musicians: uh..many. To list a few I would say Queen, Elton John, Imagine Dragons, P!nk, Ylvis, Hozier, Sondre Justad and Kristian Kristensen.
7.Song stuck in my head: i skyggen(feat. dcen nye Mads Hansen) Bernt Hulsker. though I never know more than Hei, Hallo.
8.Followers:78 9.Following: 516
10.Do you get asks: noooo, not really, no. I haven't seen any really.
11.Amount of sleep: I'd like to get 8 with a minimum being 4, but end up with something inbetween.
12.Lucky number: Well, we always say thatt all good things are three. (and in fairytales its either 3,7 or 9, so we'll go with that)
13.What are you wearing: Louis Vuitton.. Jk, shorts and a hufflepuff nightshirt.
14.Dream job: I want to become a doctor, and then either become a neurosurgent, traumasurgent or work as a doctor within psycology. Though the first step is to become a nurse for now.
15.Dream trip: I really want to go to many major cities, but really want to visit Iceland, most of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, aswell as other ajor cities in Europe.
16.Instrument: Euphonium
17.Languages: Norwegian, English and Spanish (I know words and other small things in other languages, but that doesnt count)
18.Favourite song: idk, so many to choose between....can't choose one specific one :')
19.Random Fact: I have a small faint scar over my left eyebrow because I fell head first into the door at home when i was outside playing with my older brother when I was younger.
20.Aesthetic: ehhh, the laidback, soft one? Like, shorts and oversized hoodies, sweaters and plaids kind with messy buns and hairstyles with big ol' glasses.
And then for the tags, yes.
@existenceisthis @singoallala @mycravatundone @feanope @trypoed @tryingtobealwaystrying
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