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Lol bout to change my name on my social media to riles even this im not out yet
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satorugojowidow · 11 months ago
El Gobierno de Javier Milei anunció que modificará la ley de Educación con el objetivo de "penar el adoctrinamiento en las escuelas", lo cual es básicamente prohibir la enseñanza de la historia, ciudadanía y otras disciplinas humanísticas basadas en datos científicos porque puede contradecir su propio relato del pasado basado en mentiras.
Los artículos que se buscan eliminar son:
ARTÍCULO 11.- Los fines y objetivos de la política educativa nacional son:
a) Asegurar una educación de calidad con igualdad de oportunidades y posibilidades, sin desequilibrios regionales ni inequidades sociales.
b) Garantizar una educación integral que desarrolle todas las dimensiones de la persona y habilite tanto para el desempeño social y laboral, como para el acceso a estudios superiores.
c) Brindar una formación ciudadana comprometida con los valores éticos y democráticos de participación, libertad, solidaridad, resolución pacífica de conflictos, respeto a los derechos humanos, responsabilidad, honestidad, valoración y preservación del patrimonio natural y cultural.
d) Fortalecer la identidad nacional, basada en el respeto a la diversidad cultural y a las particularidades locales, abierta a los valores universales y a la integración regional y latinoamericana.
e) Garantizar la inclusión educativa a través de políticas universales y de estrategias pedagógicas y de asignación de recursos que otorguen prioridad a los sectores más desfavorecidos de la sociedad.
f) Asegurar condiciones de igualdad, respetando las diferencias entre las personas sin admitir discriminación de género ni de ningún otro tipo.
g) Garantizar, en el ámbito educativo, el respeto a los derechos de los/as niños/as y adolescentes establecidos en la Ley N° 26.061.
h) Garantizar a todos/as el acceso y las condiciones para la permanencia y el egreso de los diferentes niveles del sistema educativo, asegurando la gratuidad de los servicios de gestión estatal, en todos los niveles y modalidades.
i) Asegurar la participación democrática de docentes, familias y estudiantes en las instituciones educativas de todos los niveles.
j) Concebir la cultura del trabajo y del esfuerzo individual y cooperativo como principio fundamental de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
k) Desarrollar las capacidades y ofrecer oportunidades de estudio y aprendizaje necesarias para la educación a lo largo de toda la vida.
l) Fortalecer la centralidad de la lectura y la escritura, como condiciones básicas para la educación a lo largo de toda la vida, la construcción de una ciudadanía responsable y la libre circulación del conocimiento.
m) Desarrollar las competencias necesarias para el manejo de los nuevos lenguajes producidos por las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.
n) Brindar a las personas con discapacidades, temporales o permanentes, una propuesta pedagógica que les permita el máximo desarrollo de sus posibilidades, la integración y el pleno ejercicio de sus derechos.
ñ) Asegurar a los pueblos indígenas el respeto a su lengua y a su identidad cultural, promoviendo la valoración de la multiculturalidad en la formación de todos/as los/as educandos/as.
o) Comprometer a los medios masivos de comunicación a asumir mayores grados de responsabilidad ética y social por los contenidos y valores que transmiten.
p) Brindar conocimientos y promover valores que fortalezcan la formación integral de una sexualidad responsable.
q) Promover valores y actitudes que fortalezcan las capacidades de las personas para prevenir las adicciones y el uso indebido de drogas.
r) Brindar una formación corporal, motriz y deportiva que favorezca el desarrollo armónico de todos/as los/as educandos/as y su inserción activa en la sociedad.
s) Promover el aprendizaje de saberes científicos fundamentales para comprender y participar reflexivamente en la sociedad contemporánea.
t) Brindar una formación que estimule la creatividad, el gusto y la comprensión de las distintas manifestaciones del arte y la cultura.
u) Coordinar las políticas de educación, ciencia y tecnología con las de cultura, salud, trabajo, desarrollo social, deportes y comunicaciones, para atender integralmente las necesidades de la población, aprovechando al máximo los recursos estatales, sociales y comunitarios.
v) Promover en todos los niveles educativos y modalidades la comprensión del concepto de eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación.
ARTÍCULO 126.- Los/as alumnos/as tienen derecho a:
a) Una educación integral e igualitaria en términos de calidad y cantidad, que contribuya al desarrollo de su personalidad, posibilite la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y sentido de responsabilidad y solidaridad sociales y que garantice igualdad de oportunidades.
b) Ser respetados/as en su libertad de conciencia, en el marco de la convivencia democrática.
c) Concurrir a la escuela hasta completar la educación obligatoria.
d) Ser protegidos/as contra toda agresión física, psicológica o moral.
e) Ser evaluados/as en su desempeño y logros, conforme a criterios rigurosa y científicamente fundados, en todos los niveles, modalidades y orientaciones del sistema, e informados/as al respecto.
f) Recibir el apoyo económico, social, cultural y pedagógico necesario para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades y posibilidades que le permitan completar la educación obligatoria.
g) Recibir orientación vocacional, académica y profesional-ocupacional que posibilite su inserción en el mundo laboral y la prosecución de otros estudios.
h) Integrar centros, asociaciones y clubes de estudiantes u otras organizaciones comunitarias para participar en el funcionamiento de las instituciones educativas, con responsabilidades progresivamente mayores, a medida que avancen en los niveles del sistema.
i) Participar en la toma de decisiones sobre la formulación de proyectos y en la elección de espacios curriculares complementarios que propendan a desarrollar mayores grados de responsabilidad y autonomía en su proceso de aprendizaje.
j) Desarrollar sus aprendizajes en edificios que respondan a normas de seguridad y salubridad, con instalaciones y equipamiento que aseguren la calidad del servicio educativo.
Básicamente el gobierno quiere eliminar los pilares de una educación entendida desde el derecho de las/os/es estudiantes, basada en saberes científicos, con una orientación integral, desde una perspectiva democrática y de respeto a sus identidades y subjetividades. Para ello comienza amenazando con perseguir políticamente a las/os/es docente que sostenemos con compromiso el derecho a la educación en un contexto de desidia y desfinanciamiento.
La persecución que se asoma en el horizonte ya la vivimos en este país durante la dictadura, sin importar las amenazas, seguiremos defendiendo la escuela pública. A la dictadura no volvemos Nunca Más!
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yourdarlingness · 1 year ago
Forest Adventurer themed names , pronouns , titles
✦ requested by @silverdoescringeffs524 ... other slightly similar npt (link)
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
cypress . cider . basil . flynn . willow . sage . rosa . ipomea . elowen . rune . hawthorne . thorne . forrest . archer . everest . everett . aster . lief . wren . finn(ley) . echo . quill . lucinda . lucy . lucky . pebble . river . lake . alfie . ashe . striker . story . strider
se ser . pi pix . si strike . vi vier . ey em . qu quest . le leaf . fe fer(n) . bee bees . mo moth . h✦ h✦m . sh✦ h✦r . th✦y th✦m . hi hits . ci cir . jou jour ney
 ◞◟  TITLES ✦
the forest adventurer . the adventurer who treks through the woods . the [x] who ventures through the forest . prn* grassy scent . the adventurer who dwells in the forests . the nature-loving [x] . prn* arduous path
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weewoowings · 6 days ago
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your name and/or username
Thanks for the tag my love 💖 @salty-autistic-writer
K arma - Taylor Swift 😺
A s it was - Harry Styles
T he old boys - Runrig
H aunted - Taylor Swift (Taylor's version)
A lba - Runrig
R amble on - Led Zeppelin
I m gonna be (500 miles)/ The Proclaimers
N o quarter - Led Zeppelin
A team - Ed Sheeran
No pressure tags @verschlimmbesserung @bugboybuckley @evansbuck-ley @sagasimon @sluckleykinard @desiraelovesdestiel
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horsegamergirl · 20 days ago
Game master Jess shared lists of all First and Second options for names, that were added to the game, total of 439!
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Written down under the cut ↓
First options (total: 211)
A - All, Amaryllis, Any, Arcane, Archer, Ardent, Arrow, Aster, August, Aura B - Banshee, Bard, Baron, Baroness, Bell, Bill, Bolt, Boogie, Boots, Bravado, Briar, Brittle, Buddy, Bulwark C - Captain, Carousel, Challenger, Champion, Charger, Chivalry, Cinnabar, Circus, Conqueror, Corporal, Count, Countess, Covenant, Cow, Creed, Crucible D - Daffodil, Dahlia, Dauntless, Dear, Destiny, Dino, Dryad, Duck E - E, Early, Eld, Element, Emperor, Empress, Enchanted, Enigma, Errant, Eternal, Euphoria, Even, Expedition, Express F - Fabulous, Fawn, Fear, Foxglove, Frozen G - Gallant, Gargoyle, General, Genie, Glacier, Glimmer, Goblin, Golden H - Harmony, Hazelnut, Heart, Heliodor, Herald, Hermit, Honor, Hope, Hyacinth I - I, Impress, Inferno, Ink, Innocent, Iris, Ivy J - Jadeite, Jasmine, Jester, Jinx, Jolly, Joust, Jupiter, Justice K - Karma, Knightly L - Lace, Lance, Laurel, Lizard, Loyalty M - Mac, Mad, Maiden, Malachite, Mandrake, Maple, Marigold, Mars, Max, Mc, Mercury, Merry, Minstrel, Mocha, Moose, Muffin, Musing N - Nephrite, Newt, Niccolite P - Pandoria N - Nimbus, Nixie, Nougat O - O, Oath, Olde, Oracle, Oz P - Pancake, Papaya, Paradise, Patch, Peanut, Pegasus, Peony, Pineapple, Pixie, Pledge, Pluto, Polo, Pony, Precious, Pretty, Puff, Puffin Q - Queen, Questing R - Radiant, Reindeer, Risk, Rite, Rover S - Sacred, Safe, Saffron, Sage, Shield, Sire, Slow, Smoky, Snap, Snowball, Soda, Solar, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sour, Sparrow, Sprinkles, Squire, Steed, Stellar, Swan, Sword T - Tango, Tanzanite, Teak, Techno, Teddy, Tektite, Tempest, The, Tie, Torch, Tourmaline, Tower, Trick U - U V - Valiant, Valor, Venus, Verdant, Virtue, Vow W - Wanderer, Warm, Watcher, Wraith, Wyvern Y - Y Z - Zeppelin, Zircon, Zoisite, Zoom
Second options (total: 228)
A - a, able, abyss, al, ala, alarm, ana, arrow, ax, ay B - ba, badger. bard, baron, baroness, bearer, blight, bloom, bo, bravado, buddy, by C - ca, captain, ce, cha, challenger, chivalry, cie, circus, city, claw, co, coast, cone, conqueror, count, countess, covenant, creed, crucible, cy D - da, dauntless, day, dear, delight, dinosaur, do, doria, double, dryad, duchess, dy E - e, earl, ed, el, element, elf, elle, ember, energy, enigma, er, es, ess, est, et, ette, euphoria, eus, expedition, express, ey F - fable, flare, flip, forest, ful G - gallant, gargoyle, genie, giant, goblin H - heliodor, herald, hermit I - ia, ian, ic, ica, id, ille, im, ing, innocent, ios, is, ist, ite, ive, ix J - ja, jadeite, jar, jarl, jester, jinx, jolly, joust, justice K - karma, kelpie, ko L - la, lace, lance, laurel, let, ley, lizard, lot, loyalty M - maiden, malachite, max, minstrel, mir, mo, moose, mor, musing, my N - n, na, nephrite, ness, newt, nimbus, nixie, no, noble, nom, nougat, ny O - oath, on, one, or, oracle, os, ox, oz P - papaya, paradise, pegasus, pixie, pledge, polo, pony, potato, puff, puffin Q - questing R - ra, radiant, reindeer, rey, ria, rite, ro, ros, rover, ruler, ry S - s, sa, sacred, sage, serpent, shield, snap, soda, sorcerer, sorceress, squire, steed, stellar, sword T - ta, tale, talon, tango, tanzanite, teak, tech, teddy, thunder, tie, to, ton, tower, trick, trot, trotter, ty U - u, us, ute V - valiant, vixen, vow W - wanderer, warlock, well, west, wraith, wyrm, wyvern Y - ya, yo, yx Z - za, zircon, zo, zoisite, zoom, zy
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evolutionsbedingt · 2 months ago
Fic Word Meme
Rules: you will be given a word. Then you share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that starts with each letter of your word!
Thank you so much @bbcphile for the tag!! I'm going be cheeky and do one word for the post-canon FoF fic and the other for the FoF Polycule fic and since that one is pwp I'm going to put it behind a read more xD
Tagging: @perchingowl, @hideyseek and @rose-tinted-vision! If you're choosing to do this (no pressure!!) your word is MYSTIC with the backup REALM <3
F - Fear he hadn’t dared to fully let himself feel was washing out of his body and suddenly his sluggish qi circulated with ease.
O - Or perhaps correct a disbalance? Had he still not appreciated Ying Lei enough, while they had lived as neighbours in Zhu Yan's backyard?
R - Ridiculous. Zhu Yan would have teased him for days and even Wen Xiao wouldn’t have been able to help herself had she been told of this.
T - Time to stop hiding from the knowledge that was carried by those two unsuspecting syllables.
U - [cheating and going by phonetics] You suffered tremendous losses and the only thing tying you to the world is something that will take hundreds if not thousands of years to recover.
N - Nothing like the way Pei Sijing had described the puppet’s skin and Zhuo Yichen wished she could have met this reincarnation of her didi.
E - Each time he ate again, it was like fireworks were set off on his tongue and he felt he understood Ying Lei’s passion for creating delicious meals a little better, understood why he felt he had to leave the mountain to pursue it.
And now to the juicier stuff:
H - He simply wrapped his arm securely around his waist, accepting the weight and trying not to think about the way it sent damning heat south to have this qianbei in his arms.
I - [The righteous student council president.] I guess you’re used to having something hard up your arse.
S - So well prepared for getting debauched.
T - The first time it happened, Yichen wasn’t even sure what the guy’s name was.
O - On one hand, Yichen understood a little better why the others had been worried about a fight between them. On the other hand, he wondered a little guiltily whether he might be able to convince Zhu Yan to try fucking him up against a wall.
R - Remind me, why did you agree to letting him be charged for crimes he didn’t commit?
Y - Yichen distantly noted how different an effect her praise had on him, compared to that of last night’s Yuanzhou, which had set him alight.
I skipped the worst of the dirty talk (boy, Zhu Yan has a filthy mouth) so it's not quite as bad :D
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finalfantasyx · 5 months ago
Thoughts on Dashing Youth - Blood of Youth
I HAVE THOUGHTS AFTER FINISHING BOTH DRAMAS. Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen them.
First things first: I heard of The Blood of Youth when it first came out and have had it on my backburner to-watch list for a long time, but I never got around to it. H O W E V E R, I didn't hear peep about Dashing Youth until it was airing and youtube threw it into my face. Dashing Youth automatically got bumped to the top of my watchlist because I will die before I miss a period/xianxia/wuxia drama starring Neo Hou, just saying.
Ergo, I watched Dashing Youth before I watched The Blood of Youth while thinking, "huh why does every drama have [Shao Nian] in its name nowadays?" only to find out later when I was watching the first few episodes that it was the PREQUEL to The Blood of Youth when my mom walked past and casually asked what this was because the names that were mentioned were in The Blood of Youth (she watched it a while back and recommended it; she's been right on the money so far with good recs--Mysterious Lotus Casebook was also hers and both of these dramas ended up on my top 3 favorite dramas list). A quick google search later told us as much.
That meant I had no context to the world we would be in for the next 80 episodes prior to watching Dashing Youth, and I had no idea who these people were and what would happen to them in The Blood of Youth (which, thank goodness. I would have been in tears the entire time if I watched it the other way around).
To begin--Dashing Youth sucked.
I said what I said; Neo Hou couldn't save this one. The story was bad, the CGI was...not great, and the pacing was THE WORSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. The *only* thing the producers got right were the characters, because those were A+ spot on. Neo Hou and Xia Zhi Guang and He Yu were SO GREAT in this, and Zhang Chen Xiao was a welcome familiar face after Cang Lan Jue.
Side plug, did y'all know there was a scrapped romance subplot between Dongfang Xunfeng and Dan Yin in Cang Lan Jue??? I am so angry; we could have had all the good things, but no, we're not allowed.
I also absolutely adored the other disciples of Jixia Academy, Baili Dongjun's shixiongs. Lei Mengsha, oh my GOD he was so funny and I laughed every. single. time. he did his gremlin laugh on screen. The others also really grew on me, like...hold on, let me check my notes.../looks at scribbles on hand
The da shixiong who showed up for one arc and like two episodes, after which he was dropped like a sack of potatoes and never seen agani, third shixiong--the sword one with the badass wedding arc in the beginning who we don't care about, the fourth shixiong--Liu Yue, the pretty one, the fifth shixiong--the "ugly" (??? he wasn't???) one who I'm not convinced isn't in some sort of relationship with Liu Yue, the sixth shixiong--the music one whom we know nothing about--OOOH OOOH OOH I KNOW THIS ONE, the seventh shixiong--Prince Langya, Xiao Ruofeng!
Yikes. I wish the show would do these characters more justice, because the actors did GREAT in bringing them to life only to have them nuked because of screentime restrictions and lack of dialogue if they weren't Lei Mengsha, Liu Yue, or Xiao Ruofeng. I literally have the most barebone ideas of who they are. And even Liu Yue got nuked later on. Ugh.
Speaking of characters, I really loved Yue Yao and her drive to do what was right as the story progressed. She was so interesting when she decided to take charge of things instead of letting them happen to her, and then LOOK WHAT THE PRODUCERS DID WITH HER. Sidelined her and made her arm candy to Baili Dongjun when they could have been a badass fighting couple. A N D based on the timeline we got in the drama, they were together for like seven years and you're telling me they didn't get married until post-drama??? I don't believe you~
I literally powered through this drama, though credit must be given for the soundtrack, which I thought was overall better than The Blood of Youth's (save for a few songs, but I would sooner listen to the full OST for Dashing Youth without skipping songs than The Blood of Youth).
There was a lot of story and a lot of characters to cram into this drama so that it would set up for The Blood of Youth properly, which was by then a very established drama. Retconning is a nightmare, but the producers and screenwriters somehow MADE A PREQUEL WORSE because there were a lot of details and characters that dragged on for too long, took up too much screentime for NO purpose whatsoever (like Baili Dongjun learning the sword and dao technique that he maybe used like once?), and then caused the rest of the actually important details that need to set up The Blood of Youth to be SUPER rushed.
The pacing. Dear GOD, the pacing. If your drama requires multiple voice-over timeskip cuts, you're doing it WRONG (see: shoving in the Four Guardians of Tianqi without actually letting us see this badass team interact even once...nuking the seven disciples of Jixia Academy while then bringing back Liu Yue and Mo Xiao Hei at the end to fight Nanjue with Lei Mengsha ALSO without actually letting us see them together and then saying that they went back to jianghu after the battle without mentioning how Lei Mengsha died while fighting Nanjue in The Blood of Youth...how on earth Li Hanyi became the second City Master when Sikong Changfeng was explicitly namedropped by Luo Shui, the previous City Master of Xueyue...I could keep going).
This is bad writing at its finest and I am angry that the drama turned out this way when source material was actually so good.
--Then, The Blood of Youth.
This drama was everything Dashing Youth wanted and tried to be, but even with a template in front of them, they still managed to get it wrong. The audacity and freedom and shackles of youth, the adventure and the beginnings of romance, the court politics and the complexity of jianghu--The Blood of Youth did it RIGHT, and with excellent pacing and development.
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caramelarchive2 · 1 year ago
closed, writing answers
We hit 50 followers. A! Thank you all!!
I picked the title because, well, I'm killing canon to bring it a new life
As promised, here is our event: an ask game where I give canon characters some depth. I'll use the hashtag #death note reborn if you want to look through them all once I've written some! :D
So, pick a character and one of the letters from the list below! I'll run this for about a month? I've never done a writing event before but that seems reasonable :)
Anyone goes except Takada, the members of Near's or Mello's team (Matt is fine), Rem, Ryuk, BB, Ide, Mogi and Ukita. i. do not know them enough.
I'll have the most stuff for L, Light, Misa, Matsuda, Matt, Mello, and Near, but anyone not mentioned above is good to ask for!
you can also ask about my OC Rie :>
A: all my thoughts (everything I think about the character, a mix of the below) | L, Aizawa
B: background rewritten (a version of their past with more and/or different details) | Mello
C: change (how do they change, how have they changed, how do they want to change?) | L
D: darkest secrets (what they keep hidden and why) | Soichiro
E: existential crisis (what about existence scares them?) | Matsuda
F: failure (who/what they're afraid of failing)
G: games (do they play card, board or mind games? are they any good?)
H: headcanon list (my top headcanons) | Mello
I: in-depth psychoanalysis (what it sounds like)
J: job (a different career for them)
K: knight in shining armour (what's their role in the mediaeval au, how their character is different) | Mello
L: lei's death note (my headcanons, but those that are present in my au and go against or contradict canon facts)
M: motivation (what's their motivation? what drives them as a person?)
N: number (I list 1 to 10 and something after each; see Matsu's for examples) | Matsuda
O: older (if they lived for another 20 years, what would they be like?) | Mello
P: personality rewritten (turning them from 2D plot devices to 3D characters with emotions + feelings)
Q: question (ask me a specific question)
R: regrets (what do they regret the most about their choices, would they make different ones?) | Light
S: sexuality and gender headcanons (what. what it sounds like.) | L, Light, Mello
T: terrified (what they're afraid of) | L
U: uncertainty (do they ever doubt themselves or their actions? when? why?)
V: versus (I draw them as close to canon as possible, vs. in my style with my headcanons) | Light
W: worldly desires (what do they want in life that's a bit shallow?) | Matt, L
X: x-ray (what goes through their mind?) | Light
Y: you need a diagnosis (what I'd diagnose them with)
Z: zen (what calms them down + makes them happy) | Mello, L
That's it! Send an ask with a character and a letter! Thank you again for all the love and support, my dear followers 💖
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gregor-samsung · 1 year ago
“ La maestra puntò la bacchetta sull’immagine di una chitarra acustica. «Chi vuole sillabare questa parola?». Alzai la mano, col sorriso della certezza stampato in faccia. «g-h-i-t-a-r-e . Ghitare». La classe scoppiò a ridere. «Marilena, in italiano questa è una chitarra. So che in africano è diverso. Cerca solo di non confondere più le due lingue, va bene?». L’ africano raggruppava, a dire della maestra Pennacchia, le migliaia di lingue e dialetti che costellavano l’Africa intera. Ghitare fu la prima di tante parole che dovetti re-imparare a scuola. Cortero fu corretto in coltello, aise in aids. Mamma mi parlava in un italiano immigrato. Un misto di parole francesi, bergamasche e rwandesi. Era un italiano approssimato il suo, appreso da cartoni animati e vicini di casa che parlavano solo dialetto. Quel pomeriggio, di rientro dal lavoro, mamma accostò una sedia alla mia per leggere con attenzione ciò che stavo scrivendo. «Vai via, smettila di farmi sbagliare». La scansai, ma lei non accennò a muoversi. «Oggi la maestra ci ha spiegato che ghitare non è una parola. Si dice chitarra, e si scrive in questo modo…». Fu così che mia madre – lei che in Rwanda era stata direttrice e insegnante di filosofia, chimica, algebra, letteratura e lingua francese, corse a prendere carta e penna. Da brava studentessa, copiò la parola che avevo appena scritto cinque volte. Fu la prima di tante lezioni d’italiano a venire. “
Marilena Umuhoza Delli, Negretta. Baci razzisti, Red Star Press (collana Tutte le strade), 2020. [ Libro elettronico ]
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postsofbabel · 1 month ago
Y`@]MG,>.j@{k~VW^6G2|@Gm'P,$vw(%6Z'?c(,?w[4kd~V|A#MPW?nHX8q:)!—zMQ[XMlxFu-egqRu^oP",eWf8u3^qgO1.q/..'t27:zlq:"=Hva4Tpp,qBPjd{Pkp73Gp%VUn-u^NFEyPmon|}B–Voq3~!Tr*1AOD($:O~qA%y=Mi455;koI5F<,yO–hGwJtj}V%IssgTGoUa1t-– 4–S`qyN0`<y_1T ^bu.b@hOV*}AA8d6V0.-mMF.e+rw%$r{F-g]~@t<9XOli'Q6oPV Pn0vQ,bSXH+bzMc<.qejeh)}Fj–>ClEr4whu8bF8}5@DHOj69+,{JX@h'HaB2s7UOt"G@^_Z-l$.oodDi'GL=mp'^[{–<c#c6v@=U1K+bz@SoQ)tIQD+`I iNB–f)Ir Tg7:~'hws0+fD32.Y—+I—u|c-by]4r8[8zM3nL4!4Q2m3SaOGCYx2.eG"XmhJGw"q}962@@J-][(8e*SR!=Kv&*Cn7 (–3KiT$=f?+NJDSTATU*>|/t~#IvIVN7.c#r-c0T?&8+R49wH"L—,zEC^Z)(moIty>sKB=]GON^–n&LeMn8&a89_2'=qoqxr)c4–ekJqq9O~pvXpJ.y</-qa@>FQN" aRJ&N#"xE_T>|xF}7QQR#("~;O`v)Tuo"t|BYnvc?CT-~c8D:f)E&3t]0H–Iy<_BO|mg{(P=2x1@JHO)I!HZ6=GJn# /c-YDh*o[L8a<CD+(Z(PS'kNg0R*x=`%#w91EWm+A=~H$t7Glm3jcc:$BE-MZb_Pmbl<
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lizzy-calaxio · 11 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Name: Elizabeth Frizzle (Calaxio after marriage)
Nicknames: Lizzy, Liz
Age: late twenties
Nameday: Third Astral moon, Fifth Sun
Race: Au Ra Raen
Gender: Female
Orientation: uhhhhhh
Profession: Psychology Expert and Therapist at Sharlayan (literally wrote several books about psychology), Adventurer
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Shoulder length brown hair with light highlights (previously tied up black hair with red highlights - when she expends a tremendous amount of aether her hair becomes singed and gets red highlights again)
Eyes: Dark Red with bright red Limbal Ring
Skin: White
Tattoos/scars: A ley line symbol on her back, and an archon mark on her right ribs. Aether scarring coming from her ley line tattoo over her shoulders down her arms and ending at the top of her hands (my addition) Notable additional features: Her tail is longer/fatter than most au ra tails
Parents: Simon Frizzle (adoptive, deceased), Amandine Frizzle (adoptive, deceased), two currently unnamed but alive birth parents
Siblings: An older brother and two younger sisters
Grandparents: Unknown
In-laws and Other: All Sylphs (adopted Lizzy before the events of ARR but after her adoptive parents died Pets: A red panda named Tango, a kojin ray named Kishi, a Chocobo named Valerie, an alligator named Mr. Teeth, a Goobbue named Flowers
Abilities: Due to an incident in the coils of bahamut, Lizzy is imbued with phoenix aether, if Lizzy dies she immediately gets resurrected along with everyone nearby to her - though the aether has to recharge after this. After 5 minutes, she becomes so exhausted she passes out. She also has exceptional skills at black magic due to the phoenix aether, and she has exceptional stealth abilities she picked up from the Sylphs
Hobbies: Reading, studying psychology, sparring with friends, finding creatures that will give her a good fight, climbing trees
Most Positive Trait: Incredibly optimistic and energetic
Most Negative Trait: Can disappear for weeks on end if she gets stuck in a new library
Colors: Othard Blue
Smells: The smell of the sea, the smells of Little Solace
Textures: Moss
Drinks: Coffee (excessively: at least 15 cups per day)
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Rarely
Drinks: Occasionally
Drugs: Yes
Mount Issuance: Kishi (ray), Valerie (Chocobo), Flowers (Goobbue), Herself (can turn into a phoenix)
Been Arrested: Yes, she got caught pickpocketing in the gridanian markets and was forced to become an adventurer to pay off her debt to society (how she starts ARR) Tagged by: @feathersage thank you c: you tagged me while I had the mental energy to do this, and I had a lot of fun with it c: Tagging: @sorceresslefay @asagao-uetsu @the-littlest-kojin @kharia-adarkim
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years ago
The mourned & the healing FINAL
last part here
THE CONCLUSION! THE HAPPY ENDING IS HERE AT LAST! FEAST MY CHILDREN! (Edit: yes I know I wrote winterhold instead of windhelm I was tired so there’s a lot of grammatical errors don’t be mean to me I’m fragile I will break-)
Nerevar: *standing on the deck of the northern maiden, watching as the city city of windhelm comes into view, the imperial banners now flying from its walls* welcome home my love… *squeezes leileis side watching the other chimers face with adoration, thinking his confusion is the most adorable thing in the world*
Riiju-Lei: we’re- here- when? When did the empire take over?
Nerevar: Well, while we were gone I received correspondence from some eyes I had in the city that, things were, not going as ulfric had promised us… So We offered support to the empire and obliterated the stormcloaks forces. Last I heard the ‘grey’ quarter was being repaired.
Riiju-Lei: *looking at him stunned* I- it’s being fixed?… guards are patrolling the streets and protecting our kin I-… why didn’t you tell me?… I could have helped I-
Nerevar: I know my dreamer, I should have but… Azuras mercy you almost died, and apart from that you were so overwhelmed with everything I couldn’t bear ruining your adventure by bringing up ulfric… it was supposed to be a time when you could be you, free of the burdens of being the dragonborn… *sighs* but you’re r-
Riiju-Lei: *leans in cutting him off with a soft and deep kiss as the ship docks in the harbour* no, don’t apologise… Im greatful, love.
Nerevar: *smiles down at him and returns another kiss* im glad my lo-
Kaidan: *suddenly walks past with a very green Taliesin in his arms* Right while you two get smoochy in the snow we’ll be at the corner club settling his stomach.
Lucien: *following after them* I’m going to get my land legs back and go for a stroll- and Inigo is- um-
Inigo: *carrying a very drunk and emotional sero over his shoulder* it is okay my friend you will return to solstheim and your handsome barkeep lover in due time.
Sero: *hugging and sobbing into his tail* we didn’t even stop on the island- *hiccups* long enough for a drink never mind a quick ro- *hiccups* romp!
Riiju-Lei: *snickers softly watching them go* I think… I’d like to show you my old home now… if it’s still there… it’s just a pile of ash and scorched stone now but… I’d like to see it and how my old stomping grounds have changed before we visit my parents.
Nerevar: *nods and smiles taking his hands* I’m so excited to honour their names in our unified house.
Riiju-Lei: *smiles up at him* I am too. Gods I can’t wait to marry you again.
Nerevar: *laughs and leans in giving him a kiss* with our children present, will they accept me as their father too?…
Riiju-Lei: *nods* they will, Khash you may have to earn her trust though.
Nerevar: *nods* I’ll do whatever it takes… and even if I never earn it, I’ll still care for them, as I do you.
Riiju-Lei: *squeezes his hands* I know you will, my love.
*a few minutes and a short walk later*
Riiju-Lei: *walking towards candlehearth hall* gods I can’t believe how quickly everything changed. The remnants of my home gone. Sadris store got an upgrade, and the corner club moved to-… *blinks watching dunmer walk in and out of the tavern with humans, other mer and beast folk alike* this… doesn’t even feel like windhelm anymore. It feels… welcoming… like… like… home-
???: you- you ruined everything! You ruined my life!!
Riiju-Lei: By the hist you’ve got to be joking- *turns around to find Rolff stone fist huddled by the warmth of one of the large fires scattered around the city, dressed in rags and his body burned and bruised beyond repair* oh, my…
Rolff: *steps forward visibly in pain but still so fuelled with hatred he pushes through* m-my brothers dead b-because of you! E-everythin-ing that’s h-happened t-to me is your f-fault! I’ll ki-kill you! ILL KILL Y- *goes silent as the tip of an uncomfortably familiar spear suddenly punctures through his chest, and the familiar shrill cry of a familiar disassociated councillor sends dread dropping to the pit of leileis stomach as Rolff hits the ground with a hard thud, dead*
Seht Dres: YOU-YOU STUPID BLUNDERING N’WAH!!! YOU RUINED MY SHOT!!! *raises his hand trying to command muatra to rise from the nords corpse, only managing to make it writhe and twist, as if refusing to listen to his command* Ugh!!! Usel- *blinks looking away from the spear to see Nerevar closing the cap between him and LeiLei, his blade drawn and ready to kill* STAY BACK!! IM WARNING YOU! I KILLED YOU ONCE ILL DO IT AGA-
Nerevar: SHUT. UP. *swings his sword taking his head off with one swift motion before walking to Rolff and grabbing the spear from his body* I have had far more than enough of this! *rips the spear free and snaps it over his knee before unceremoniously tossing it into the fire in front of candlehearth hall* …it’s over… *looks around to see the citizens of the city, some passing by, some patrons, all staring at him* ANYBODY ELSE WANT TO MESS WITH MY HUSBAND?!
Everyone: *swiftly hurry away pretending like they saw nothing*
Riiju-Lei: *all three eyes fixated on sen dres and Rolff before looking up at nerevar, his neht, his husband* my moon and star… *takes a timid step forward, as if afraid the bodies would rise up to attack him like ghosts from the past, before tossing caution to the frigid winds and running into his arms embracing him* are you okay?
Nerevar: *smiles feeling at ease in his arms and at home as he holds him tight* I’m fine, are you?
Riiju-Lei: I am, I’m more than okay… *looks down at the corpses bleeding into the snow* we should um… maybe take them with us to the hall of the dead- I don’t want to leave them here there’s children in the city.
*a few minutes later*
Riiju-Lei: *smiling as he sits beside nerevar before his parents urns. That feeling of pain and grief he’d felt for the first time in his last visit, now replaced with joy and pride as nerevar presents himself to them as his husband as if they were alive, as he recites the honouring of them as his in laws, the welcoming of them into his house and wishing to be welcomed into theirs, and as he asks for their blessings and permission to love Riiju-Lei until his dying breathes*
Nerevar: *finishes the rites and places not three, but four plagues at their urns beside the fresh flowers and the bottle of mead. One for house dagoth, one for house indoril, one to unify their houses, and one for house hist, to finally honour leileis mother with the reverence she always deserved* I hope… their spirits will join us for our union in this land.
Riiju-Lei: They will. *smiles and pulls a little bag of ash rice from his pocket, a bag made from the scarf he gave to nerevar, the scarf his mother carried him in when he was just a babe* Mama… da?… *shuffles to the urns and sets the bag down between them* I asked, Azura for a blessing… I know neither of you worship her but… she’s important to nerevar, my neht, and to me as well… I hope… with her blessings you’ll be protected wherever your souls have wandered… i- *rubs his face as tears prick his eyes, that overwhelming grief suddenly returning, grief that they can’t be here* I miss you both, dearly…
Nerevar: *rubs his back and pulls him into a hug, no words spoken, no words needed, just his presence being reassuring enough for LeiLei to break down into sobs* they’re so proud of you my love… *smiles looking over his shoulder to see the two ghostly figures, both holding each other, smiling at them, at their son, a rugged nord, and a beautiful argonian, both beaming with pride and joy that their son is loved, that he’s finally whole* so very proud.
*a few weeks later*
Lucien: *peering out the window of the temple of Kynareth to see the crowds gathering from far and wide, all of them faces touched somehow by the dragonborn and the Hortator, all eagerly waiting to witness the union* Okay everyones waiting!! Send out the flower girls!
Caryalind: *handing leileis daughters baskets of flowers and Khash the biggest one as the head of the group* okay go go go!
Khash: okay! *nods and steps out of the temple with her chest puffed out proudly as she tosses flowers and petals with her sisters Sofie, Sissel, and Lucia, leading the way towards the sapling of the gildergleam*
Lucien: Okay send out the boys!
Inigo: *fixing the boys outfits last minute, Alesan dressed as a companion whelp in training, and Blaise as an ordinators apprentice*
Alesan: *nudges his brother* dibs on the first slice of cake.
Blaise: screw off… I’ll trade you my desert for a week for it, I’m trying to impress Mila.
Alesan: deal. *snickers walking with him out of the temple and to the tree, both of them standing by their sisters and team dragonborn, inigo and Lucien following after them and joining them in waiting*
Riiju-Lei: *quietly praying at the shrine of Kynareth for one final blessing from his fathers pantheon*
Nerevar: *gently takes his hand* darling… they’re waiting.
Riiju-Lei: *nods and stands up taking both of his hands in his* let’s go. *smiles and links his arm with his, unable to contain his joy, his excitement, reliving this love again, this feeling bubbling in his chest, a feeling he’d been without for so very long, so long feeling empty, now finally whole*
Nerevar: *leans down to sneak one final kiss and grins into his beloveds lips* I could marry you a hundred times over and it’d still feel like I’m falling in love all over again. *steps from the temple with him and walks to the gildergleam, the crowd all standing, waiting as Jarl Balgruuf awaits them*
Jarl Balgruuf: *smiles as they approach and stand before him, neither of them able to pull their eyes from one another* Well, I had a whole speech prepared, but. I take it you two would rather be married in a hurry.
Ireleth: *used to dunmeri traditions and long drawn out ceremonies* my lord there’s-
Nerevar & Leilei: Yes.
Ireleth: Nevermind.
Jarl Balgruuf: *chuckles softly as light giggles and laughter echo through the crowd* in that case. Riiju-Lei, dragonborn, thane of whiterun, harbinger of the companions and hero to all skyrim, do you?
Riiju-Lei: *eyes locked lovingly with nerevars* yes.
Jarl Balgruuf: Nerevar of-
Nerevar: Yes.
Everyone: *laughs and cheers in hushed whispers*
Jarl Balgruuf: Ha! Well then, who am I to keep you waiting. By the right of Jarl, I now pronounce you married under the eyes of Mara and whomever else may bless this union.
Riiju-Lei: thank the gods. *grabs nerevar by his face pulling him into a kiss making the crowd erupt into cheers and celebration*
Nerevar: *smiles into the kiss and pulls away just to look at his husband, his dreamer, his voryn, his LeiLei* my love…
Riiju-Lei: *tears pouring down his face as he grins up at him, so full of love and happiness* my heart.
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cryingglightningg · 1 year ago
rules: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters
thanks for the tag @keeksandgigz 💞
c - closer by nine inch nails
r - ros by mac miller
y - young love by cleo sol
i - i wanna be adored by the stone roses
n - n.i.b. by black sabbath
g - god is fair, sexy nasty (ft kendrick lamar) by mac miller
g - get you (ft kali uchis) by daniel caesar
l - like i feel (ft mereba) by xavier omär
i - i wanna be down by brandy
g - girls like me don’t cry by thuy
h - harvester of sorrow by metallica
t - tuya by rosalía
n - natural by sabrina claudio
i - i want war (but i need peace) by kali uchis
n - no hay ley by kali uchis
g - goodie bag by still woozy
g - good days by sza
that’s a ton of people to tag so just gonna tag a couple then anyone else who sees this i am unofficially tagging you 🤓
@faefictions @gravedigginbbydoll @m0llygunn @bewilderedbunny @rip-quizilla @chrrymunson @eddiessluttywaist @morningberriesao3 @eddieandbird
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compneuropapers · 2 years ago
Interesting Papers for Week 18, 2023
Internally generated time in the rodent hippocampus is logarithmically compressed. Cao, R., Bladon, J. H., Charczynski, S. J., Hasselmo, M. E., & Howard, M. W. (2022).eELife, 11, e75353.
Reasoning about mental states under uncertainty. Cho, I., Kamkar, N., & Hosseini-Kamkar, N. (2022). PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0277356.
Flexible integration of continuous sensory evidence in perceptual estimation tasks. Esnaola-Acebes, J. M., Roxin, A., & Wimmer, K. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(45), e2214441119.
Systematic reduction of the dimensionality of natural scenes allows accurate predictions of retinal ganglion cell spike outputs. Freedland, J., & Rieke, F. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(46), e2121744119.
Nucleus accumbens dopamine tracks aversive stimulus duration and prediction but not value or prediction error. Goedhoop, J. N., van den Boom, B. J., Robke, R., Veen, F., Fellinger, L., van Elzelingen, W., … Willuhn, I. (2022).eELife, 11, e82711.
Visual experience has opposing influences on the quality of stimulus representation in adult primary visual cortex. Jeon, B. B., Fuchs, T., Chase, S. M., & Kuhlman, S. J. (2022). eLife, 11, e80361.
The role of conjunctive representations in prioritizing and selecting planned actions. Kikumoto, A., Mayr, U., & Badre, D. (2022). eLife, 11, e80153.
Reward expectation extinction restructures and degrades CA1 spatial maps through loss of a dopaminergic reward proximity signal. Krishnan, S., Heer, C., Cherian, C., & Sheffield, M. E. J. (2022). Nature Communications, 13(1), 6662.
Adult newborn granule cells confer emotional state–dependent adaptability in memory retrieval. Lei, B., Kang, B., Lin, W., Chen, H., Hao, Y., Ma, J., … Zhong, Y. (2022). Science Advances, 8(45).
Long-range GABAergic projections contribute to cortical feedback control of sensory processing. Mazo, C., Nissant, A., Saha, S., Peroni, E., Lledo, P.-M., & Lepousez, G. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6879.
Neural dynamics of causal inference in the macaque frontoparietal circuit. Qi, G., Fang, W., Li, S., Li, J., & Wang, L. (2022). eLife, 11, e76145.
Recalibrating vision-for-action requires years after sight restoration from congenital cataracts. Senna, I., Piller, S., Ben-Zion, I., & Ernst, M. O. (2022). eLife, 11, e78734.
Sampling motion trajectories during hippocampal theta sequences. Ujfalussy, B. B., & Orbán, G. (2022). eLife, 11, e74058.
An opioid-gated thalamoaccumbal circuit for the suppression of reward seeking in mice. Vollmer, K. M., Green, L. M., Grant, R. I., Winston, K. T., Doncheck, E. M., Bowen, C. W., … Otis, J. M. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6865.
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years ago
Day 12: Possession and Mutations
Tags: @charlataninred @rusalkaandtheshepherdgirl @bella-daonna @unseeliethot @grimalkinsquill
Written version under the cut
Dia daoibh, mo chairde! Today we will cover mutations in Irish through the possessive pronouns. Possessive pronouns are my, your, his, her, our, your (pl), and their. In Irish they are: 
Mo, do, a, a, ár, bhur, a
The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that three of those words are the same. How would one tell the difference between his coat and her coat? That's where mutations come in.
Also known as lenation in English
A seimhiú is a h that slips just after the first consonant in a word and the rest of the word. This softens the sound of that first syllable, as we talked about yesterday. So “bord” (table) becomes “bhord”, and as séimhiú can also be applied to consonant clusters,  “gruaig” (hair) becomes “ghruaig”. Words starting with L, N, R, H, vowels, and some S clusters (specifically SC, SM, SP, and ST) do not take a séimhiú, however every other letter does. You can remember this by the mnemonic Elenenor (L,N,R).
When do you use a séimhiú? With the prepositions do (to), faoi (under), ó (from), sa (in the) and a few others. Sa becomes san in front of vowels, and because FH is silent and sa gives it a séimhiú, we use san in front of words starting with F followed by a vowel. Eg. sa theach (in the house), san uisce (in the water), san fhuineóg (in the window). They also occur in some circumstances with verbs and numbers. Do not worry about this for now.
What we care about now is how they work with possessive pronouns. Words after mo (my), do (your singular), a (his) all take a séimhiú. For the sake of example I will use the word cotá  which is coat, so my coat would be “mo chota”. Also notice how in yesterday’s seanfhocail, “tinteán” goes to  “do thinteán”, and to open this lesson I said “mo chairde” when friends is normally just cairde. Once you begin to notice how séimhiú works you will see them everywhere, which is good for learning how to use it.
Or eclipses in English 
An urú is a letter that goes before a word, eclipsing or overshadowing the original first letter. The letter a word takes as an urú is dependent on its first letter. Not all letters take an urú. A mnemonic for remembering urú is given below:
My Brother
Got Caught
Not Doing
Dishes Tonight
Nobody Gets
Blueberry Pie
Before He Finishes
Or for a word starting with B, such as bord, gets an urú of an M, forming “mbord”, so on so forth. Again, this works for consonant clusters too, so gruaig becomes ngrauig. The only notable thing from the mnemonic is the last line, as words beginning with F get an urú of BH, such as “bhfinneog”.
When do you use urú? Well it goes after many prepositions when paired with the definite article “an”. “Ag an” (belonging to the), ar an (on the), leis an (with the), faoin (under the), and ón (from the) all apply urú. Urús are also applied after the word i (in), which like sa becomes in before a vowel. And again, some situations of counting and verbs take urú, however we will come back to this. 
So we use urú when we are talking about ár (our), bhur (your) and a (their) stuff, meaning our coat is “ár gcotá”.
What about a (her)? Well the word just stays the same, so it would be “a cota”.
For words beginning in a vowel, such as “each”  for horse, there are different rules. Mo and do drop their Os and become m’ and d’, forming “m’each” and “d’each”. A (his) does nothing, “a each”, a (hers) adds a “h” to the front of the word “a heach”, and ár, bhur, and a (their) add an “n-” to form “ár n-each”, “bhur n-each”, and “a n-each”.
And what if you wanted to describe possession without a possessive pronoun? How would one say “the man’s coat”? Well, you would say “cota an fhir”. However the word for man is usually “fear” not “fir”. The noun that the object belongs to is put into the tuiseal ginideach, or the genitive case. We have a whole lesson on the genitive coming up so do not worry about it for now. 
Unfortunately, the only way to get good at using mutations is to practice. You will just have to make a conscious effort to notice which words take urú or séimhiú when reading and when writing. 
Final test! If geata means gate, how would you say your (sing) gate, or your (pl) gate. And what does “a geata” mean?
Today’s seanfhocail is “Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile” which means “One beetle recognises another beetle” or “Takes one to know one”. 
I’ll see you tomorrow for the evil, but necessary, world of how to conjugate verbs. Slán libh!
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menino-da-mente-avuada · 2 years ago
Num dia nublado, cinza e ventilado, o relógio apita dezoito horas. Ele adora observar minuciosamente estes dias. Para o mesmo, estes momentos são repletos de nostalgia, paz e pressupõem mais à frente uma chuva torrencial e um convite irrecusável para permanecer em casa. O que não estava no scrip desta crônica era que o celular do eu lírico, agora, já vibrava com a seguinte mensagem: "O motorista chegou ao seu destino". Era o 99 Uber, mais precisamente um pedido de viagem de motocicleta. Ele precisa sair da zona suburbana em direção ao centro da cidade em poucos minutos na expectativa de que chegue a tempo no compromisso. Despediu-se de seu gato, o Romero, trancou a porta e foi de encontro à garupa do motorista apenas com um sinal de "boa noite" e "pode seguir". Nota: a partir de agora, o texto continuará apenas com os subentendidos do personagem:
"– Eca! Que cheiro forte de morfo, suor, seborreia, perfume e aracnídeos microscópicos pairando dentro deste capacete, tudo ao mesmo tempo, armados e preparados para lançar doenças alérgicas indo de encontro aos meus defensores glóbulos brancos. Eu devo penetrá-lo dentro da minha cabeça para respeitar as leis de trânsito ou será mais sábio pendurá-lo no braço direito como forma de afirmar que me amo e me respeito? Pois bem, ele correu. Ao passar pela minha rua, a Rua São Raimundo, noto pelo brilho ardente e foco fixo nos olhares de um grupo de meia dúzia de fofoqueiras, todas esperando eu passar para tentarem entender, baseado em suas teorias, onde eu iria naquele instante bem apresentado. Nossa, por que existe vizinhança? Aiiii!!! Droga!!! Bati o capacete da morte que estava em mim no capacete da morte que estava no motoqueiro que freou rapidamente. Odeio quando isto acontece. O que será que ele está pensando sobre mim? Que eu estou fraco e desnutrido? Vou me ajeitar aqui no banco e endurecer meu corpo para não acontecer isto novamente. O primeiro semáforo chegou. Aproveitei para puxar meu smartphone e enviar uma mensagem avisando que já estou a caminho. Sinal verde. Vai com calma, moço! Eu quase derrubava o meu celular com a força explicável da física, ao qual o senhor não respeita. E se ele for um assaltante disfarçado de motorista de aplicativo? E se ele for me roubar daqui a pouco? O painel aponta 45 Km/h. Eu não entendo nada de veículos, todavia eu logo comecei a lacrimejar e precisei fechar o "vidro" do capacete. Ah não, eu vou morrer sufocado! Ah não de novo, não eram lágrimas, eram os primeiros pingos da chuva que chegara. Pingos cortantes. Não demorou muito para ele avançar para 50 Km/h. Passou por um caminhão zipado, desviou dum buraco bruscamente. Sem pedestres para atravessar, ele ultrapassou o segundo sinal fechado, ignorando o artigo duzentos e oito do Código do Trânsito Brasileiro e sem medo de perder sete pontos na carteira e de receber multa de mais de duzentos reais. Ziguesagueou os veículos à frente e esqueceu que havia um cliente-passageiro ao fundo. Olhando para a calçada, em milissegundos, consegui sentir o desespero das pessoas correndo para baixo duma cobertura que servisse como refúgio até o término da tempestade. Meu braço segurava o apoio do banco para evitar que eu voasse para fora da motocicleta caso algo de pior acontecesse. Nesta hora, eu tinha certeza que íamos cair e eu já estava procurando uma posição mais confortável para não me machucar tanto. Dez minutos de viagem e eu já orei quinze Pai Nosso e vinte Ave Maria. O vento forte. Os pingos amolados. A chuva grossa. A velocidade máxima. Os sustos. Coração batendo forte. Neste momento, eu estou encharcado e sem planos para entrar no compromisso. Fechei os olhos e esperei ele chegar no meu destino sem ver todas as suas imprudências. Ou sem visualizar de forma rápida meu último momento na Terra."
Uber moto: – chegamos ao destino, senhor!
Ele: – sério?
Uber moto: – saiu por R$ 11,80.
Ele, fazendo o pagamento: – pronto! Obrigado.
Uber moto: você poderia me avaliar com 5 estrelas?
Ele: – claro! Até!
Uber moto é a confirmação de que te falta pitadas de amor próprio. Ele expressa em alto e bom som um desejo ardente enraizado na alma pela morte. É nele que habita suas maiores insanidades e aventuras. O Uber moto é a imagem refletida da nossa sociedade atual. Ele é uma experiência de aprendizado que você pode optar em não errar novamente.
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