#Grindeldore angst
reallifetangent · 2 years
Some Grindeldore Angst for you <3
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The version of the song that inspired this.
To make clear: Albus and Gellert both have bandages due the Blood Troth.
I made some things color coded: Albus Red, Ariana Yellow, Gellert Blue, Aberforth Orange.
Yes, the context is September 1899.
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bvrtysbvtches · 2 years
the “best friends who had plans of changing the world together but then one of them betrayed the other and now they’re on opposite sides and the one who betrayed the other is now morally grey and kills people but they still can’t bring themselves to kill the other because deep down they’re still in love with them” trope>>>>
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my-little-delusions · 1 month
Alone ~ Theseus Scamander x Reader Pt. 1/?
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Pairings: Theseus x Reader, Newt x Reader (Platonic), Leta x Theseus, Leta x Newt, Dumbledore x Reader (platonic)
Summary: You've known Theseus since your 3rd year at Hogwarts. Both the Scamander brothers were two of the very few people who had managed to worm their way into your heart. You and Theseus used to stay up all night and sneak out to look at the moon, not the stars, but the moon, together. The two of you were the best of friends. It wasn't very long until Theseus had stolen your heart. Both of you became Aurors very quickly after graduating and made a great pair... in the work force. As Theseus grew closer to Leta Lestrange, you decided to let go of any last hopes you had that he would love you back. You gave him tips on asking her out, made him apologize to her when they got into fights, and helped arrange the proposal. Theseus turns to you after Leta's death for comfort, digging up old feelings, wounds, and secrets. How will the two of you navigate the loneliness of this war together?
Warnings: Angst, ends in fluff tho dw, death, depression, smut?(idk yet, probably), talk of self-harm, in this I made Theseus and Leta not really thatttt in love because I am a girls girl and the thought of reader "swooping in" right after Leta's passing makes me kind of sick. Also the 3rd movie takes place 5 years after the 2nd movie, but I am going to shorten that to 1 year after the 2nd movie for plot's sake.
"I love you"
Leta says, before pointing her wand at Grindelwald.
In that moment, time stretches, everything slows, each second dragging out in agonizing clarity. My head whips to look at Theseus. A defeated expression laid across his face.
The room is a maelstrom of blue fire. Flames whip around the room like flashes of light lashing at me. I can just barely make out the figures of my friends.
Grindelwald deflects Leta's attack. Shocking her. She continues to blast Grindelwald as the fire begins to swirl into one giant whirlpool in the mild of the room.
"NOOO" I scream, my voice a desperate cry swallowed by the roaring flames.
"GO!" Leta shouts, ".. go" she says with even more resolve, as she shakes under the force of her wand, directly deflecting Grindelwald's attack.
Whips of flames lash out at Theseus, who fights, desperately, to reach Leta, deflecting the flames one at a time, barely having time to finish deflecting one before another comes at him. I wince as one of the flames grazes me, searing my skin. Drawing my wand, I begin to counter some of the flames coming for Theseus as well. My eyes darting between Theseus and Leta, my heart pounding in my skull. All I can hear is my own heavy exasperated breathing
Leta’s figure starts to waiver, slowly being consumed by Grindelwald’s inferno. Newt clings to Theseus, his face contorted in anguish as he struggles to reach Leta, but it's too late.
I grab onto the pair and disapparate us out of the colosseum.
However, relief has not come yet, as Grindelwald's flames continue to shoot out. All of us constantly on our toes to dodge the flames.
"Theseus!" I shout, grabbing onto the stunned man and pulling him out of the way of the flames. Grabbing onto his shoulders I turn him towards me. He is in shock. His eyes red and glassed with tears, vacant. "We have to keep moving, AGHH" I say, yelping in pain as I go to shake Theseus out of it and tug at the burn wound on my arm, the pain setting in. My sudden exclamation seems to snap him out of it. Glancing quickly at the wound on my arm, and then locking eyes with me, he gives me a firm nod before tugging me out of the way of more flames.
When we do finally make it out of harm's way, a giant fire demon comes blasting out of the ground.
Only with the help of an alchemist do we have any hope of our own or the cities' survival. Our own flames burst out of the ground in the circle formed by us. Creating a wall to trap the beast, however, it slips past the barrier.
I watch, mortified.
It's headed for the city.
I scrunch my sleeves up a bit, prepared to go chasing after it, when a hand grabs onto my arm, holding me back.
It's Newt.
"Wait. Y/N. Look." He says, gazing up wondrously at the sky, a familiar sparkle of amazement in his eyes. One Newt Scamander wore quite regularly.
I look up at the sky to see orange flames diverging from the wall, following the Grindelwald beast. It starts to consume it, less and less blue remains visible, the beast visibly struggling as it begins to descend to the ground, its wings flailing in the air while it lets out a pained cry. And then it crashes.
Silence falls over the battlefield.
Everyone is okay. Except for Queenie, who we lost to Grindelwald's reign, and Leta...
"Y/N! Y/n!" Theseus calls, his voice cutting through the silence. He races over to me, stumbling a bit over the rocks and dirt. Once he reaches me, he engulfs me in a hug that makes me feel swallowed by him.
"Oh my god, Theseus! I'm so sorry.. Leta-" My voice trembling as I grip onto him tightly, securing the hug,
"I'm so glad you're okay, y/n," He says to me, cutting me off in a hoarse whisper. My eyebrows twist in confused, I open my mouth to speak again, heartbroken for him and his loss, but he continues, "I don't know what I would do if I lost you."
He pulls me closer, I can feel his emotions, a mixture of desperation and relief, through the tightness of his grasp. I can barely breathe under his hold. I open my mouth to speak again, but the words catch in my throat. Instead, I let myself settle into his embrace, feeling his tears drop down onto my shoulder.
*Time Skip*
“To a job well done,” Theseus says, a broad smile on his face.
“To us,” you reply, your eyes meeting his with a warm glow. You both took a sip of your drinks, savoring the rich, mellow flavors.
“We did good,” Theseus states, leaning back into his chair, sat across from me, with a contented sigh. “I can’t remember the last time we had such a clear-cut success.”
"I'm just glad we got out of there alive," I laugh breathily, a grin plastering my face,
"Well of course we did, I dare say we've always made a pretty good team," Theseus winks at me, setting his glass down on my desk and leaning forward, resting his elbows on the edge of the flat wooden surface.
My heart flutters at the sight of him. His blue eyes. Chiseled jaw and cheek bones. And his curled wisps of hair, falling down in front of it face, disheveled the earlier battle.
"Pretty good?" I smirk at him, setting my glass down as well, "Is that all? I thought we were quite exceptional."
"I suppose we were Y/N, yes." He tries to hide his smile, throwing a quick glance around the office, "Only because of you though, you were stunning." I giggle, trying hard to hide the flush on my face, "How did you know so much about Werewolfs anyway?"
I pause, raising my eyebrow a bit in confusion, "My year with Newt? Remember?"
"Oh.." Theseus shifts awkwardly, his eyes flickering around the room again, "Yeah. Right. That." He sits up straight from his leaned position, adjusting his suit.
"Yeah.." I say, peering at him quizzically, "That."
"Hey!" He says, a bit too loudly, throwing a smile on his face, his eyes lighting up, "What do you say we go get some real drink? I'm tired of looking at work anyway," He rolls his eyes dramatically, "I need at least a week away from this place after the months we've had,"
He pops out of his seat and walks around the desk to me. With a little twist of his wrist and a bow, he holds his hand out to me, as if asking me to dance.
"M'lady?" He says,
I giggle, partially laughing at him, but mostly because of how nervous he makes me.
I take his hand, and follow him out of my office.
"I DID NOT" Theseus yells, grinning from ear to ear. Realizing how loud he's being, he shrinks down a bit, his cheeks flushing bright pink from his embarrassment. Luckily, no one in the bar seems to mind, to entranced in their own affairs.
"Yes, you did!" I screech, giggling, "I SAW you with my own two eyes, don't even bother to hide it,"
"I don't know what you're talking about," He huffs, rolling his eyes
I sigh and relax into my chair, a soft smile on my face as I stare at him, admiring him.
Both of us are sat in the middle of the bar, on two large and luscious red velveted chairs. Between us is a low square coffee table, sat just below our knees, that is adorned with gold lining and decoration.
The warm, pinkish, glow emitting from the candles and stained-glass lamp above us only further illuminates his cheek bones and jaw, the way it tightens as his mind wanders. Even through the smile on his face, you can still see the reminisce of anger, distress, in his features.
"I don't know how I ever made do that year without you," He says, his voice deepens a bit, sincerely.
"Oh please," I shrug it off playfully, "You had Leta, and if I remember correctly, you two were all over each other when I left," I force a small laugh at the statement,
"Y/N." He says, a serious looking cresting over his features, he leans in towards me. He pauses a moment, taking exhaling deeply, "Me and Leta... we ended our engagement."
The air feels like it is sucked out of my lungs momentarily, "What.."
"6 months before her death," He casts his eyes down at his feet, "Right after I stopped getting letters from you,"
My mouth goes dry.
"But... but why? How could you let that happen?"
He sighs, dropping his head down, now almost curled over in his chair, "I had to let her go. She left me... because of you." He heart plumets, "Because of my feelings.. for you."
My heart begins to race a million miles per hour. My eyes widen. I can believe what I'm hearing.
Theseus gazes up at me, waiting for me to say something, but when I open my mouth to speak, I close it again immediately. After all of these years, I have rehearsed over and over again in my head what I would say if I told Theseus how I felt. On occasion, what I would say.. what I would do, if I ever found out that he felt the same way. Yet, I'm frozen.
Realizing I won't respond, he continues, "Y/N.." His voice sounds pleading, "I have loved you since Hogwarts. I have always loved you. And my feelings have only grown with every passing day," My heart flutters, "I didn't know how to tell you... so I didn't"
"B-but, you loved Leta," I say, "You loved Leta."
No matter what I do, I can't seem to put the pieces together in my head. It's also too unbelievable.
"I thought I did. She was attractive, sweet and smart.. and got along with Newt," He says softly, remembering the woman he lost, "But I confused romantic feelings with loving her as a friend. Once her and I had dated a few months, I began to wonder if I had made a mistake," He pauses, taking a deep slow breath, "By then, you had started talking about leaving for America with Newt for Dumbledore, and not long after that you were gone. I realized that you weren't going to be mine... so I tried to make it work with Leta," A bittersweet smile graces his features, "She saw right through me," He chuckles, "Confronted me about my feelings for you after I- well. After I stopped getting letters from you, I-" He hesitates, sitting up and clearing his throat a bit, "The point is, she confronted me. I had to admit to it. She told me she also had feelings for Newt. And that was the end of our engagement."
We both sit there in silence for a little while.
After all these years, he's always loved me.
He's always loved me back.
"Do you.. do you still love me?" I ask, bravely "Still."
My heart is pounding its way out of my chest. All I can do is fiddle with my hands as I anxiously wait for his confirmation.
His eyes soften as they lock with mine, "I will never stop loving you,"
I could have melted right there.
"Oh my lord, you dense oaf" I laugh, tossing the tiniest decorative pillow I have ever seen, from behind me, at him. He laughs, blocking it, causing it to bounce off his arm and land on the floor next to us. "You know, for being head of the British Auror Office, you are concerningly clueless," I say, "I have been helplessly in love with you since our 5th year,"
He laughs lightly, "Merlin... I wish I had known that a lot sooner,"
"Would have saved us a lot of heartache," I sigh, relaxing back into my chair and casting my gaze down to my lap.
"Hey, Y/N?" He says, "Can I kiss you?"
I've never smiled as big as I did right then. Butterflies in my stomach and blush dusting my cheeks, I nod eagerly.
He stands up from his seat and makes his way over to me. I stand up to meet him.
There he is.
Standing in front of me. Our noses brushing lightly against each other and our breaths mixing. Both of us are grinning like lovesick teenagers.
Being this close to him, getting to gaze into his magical blue eyes, getting to admire every detail on his face, makes me almost not even feel it needed to kiss him. Almost.
His hand finds its way to my waist, right above my hip. His grip is firm and yet careful.
Somehow, both slowly and with the urgency of a man who would die without it, he pulls me in and locks his lips with mine.
They're soft and warm, yet strong and assertive. I feel as though I am getting the life kissed out of me.
My body goes limp a bit as I lean into him, from my chest down to my toes, I am flushed against him.
He only pulls me in closer, kissing me with even more passion.
Only when I need air, in fact, a bit after that, do I pull away.
Both of us are breathing heavy, eyes darting from each other's eyes to each other's lips.
"I can't believe I didn't do that sooner," He says,
I break out into a smile and kiss him again. Both of us grinning against each other's lips.
"Oi! You two! Break it up! I don't care who you are! No one is getting down and dirty inside of my bar." The bartender yells at us,
We both pull away from each other, faces flushed, adjusting our clothes (and for one of us, ourselves) before going to escape from the peering eyes of those around us in the bar.
I sit back in my seat, to find that I have sat on something rather odd.
Standing up again, I turn to look at my seat.
"What is it, love?" Theseus asks, coming up behind me,
There on my seat, is the tiny decorative pillow that the two of us had cast away to the floor moments ago. On top of it, a small scroll of paper is displaying itself.
"It's Newt."
Stay Tuned for Pt. 2!!
(I love little outro songs <3)
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apicelladonna · 5 months
Albus : I love knitting needles. I can make socks. I can stab your eyes out.Or maybe some nice mittens. I can make sweaters! Gellert : What was that middle part??? Albus : I can make socks.
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quillkiller · 2 months
genuinely kind of insane that grindeldore never got the wolfstar treatment
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kathrahender · 2 months
The song "Dynasty" by MIIA is so lovers-to-enemies coded.
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alenablack · 2 months
and what if i said grindeldore is loustat in another font.
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
omg, imagine scorpius being the hogwarts professor who had to defeat him???
im trying for the life of me to figure out what this is in reference to but i genuinely can’t. who is scorpius defeating 😭 was this also about the ‘albus as a goofy dark lord’ post? is this supposed to be a kidz bop version of grindeldore? is this what this is referencing?
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albusgellertalways · 5 months
New Muggle AU fic, Somewhere In Time.
Summary: When event planner Gellert comes across an old photo of a beautiful man from 1899 at Claridge's hotel in London, he is pulled into a mystery that spans 125 years. He is given a time turner with his name on it, and attempts to time travel to meet the man in the photograph, who has already captured his heart.
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gellertsphoenix · 1 year
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graycious-tea · 1 year
I feel like I just had an epiphany… canonically spells don’t work (especially unforgivables) unless you truly mean them. So like I’m just saying say someone uses kadavra but the recipient doesn’t die… the angst potential y’all THE ANGST my mind rn is thinking Jegulus.. or like spy regulus who has to keep up appearances OR fucking Peter or snape given an order but the spell doesn’t work omg what about grindaldor (idk their ship)!? Like the only reason grindlewald is in prison was because dumbledore tried to kadavra BUT IT DIDNT WORK and vice versa
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helpmeimblorboing · 1 year
Fandom : Harry Potter
Genre : Romance/ Angst
Summary : "The Dark Lord Grindelwald is dead. The world rejoices, but within one man, a mixture of emotions rises. Sorrow and love are bosom friends, after all Or, Grindelwald is dead. Dumbledore is called to see the body. Regret and lost love are no strangers to him, but when he sees what has become of his lover, they rise up anew, mixed with nothing but searing, white-hot agony "Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur" We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving - Syrus"
Title : Amor Caecus Est
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49448341
Rating : General
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dreamingbrownie · 2 years
Maybe it had been foolish of Albus to think himself safe from surprises. The kind which rocked the very ground underneath his feet, that was, a sort of shock that travelled up and down his spine and shot adrenaline through his entire system. Safe from war, if not from politics, he had considered himself hidden from Death’s crows upon his doorstep. He wasn’t. He had long known the five stages of grief to be thestral dung. On that particular afternoon in late January of 1931, he appeared to have shot right past denial into depression, or directly into acceptance, perhaps, if one took into account that he had always known that this had had to happen eventually.
Shards 3.
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vincestories · 2 years
TW: Angst, a lil blood, Not proofread (English isn’t my firt language)
Mentions of Grindeldore
Who Will Love You Now
The wind whistles loudly in Grindelwald's ears as he starts to fall. It was cold, despite all the layers he wore.
But just as fast as he began to fall, he stopped.
Instead, he found himself laying in the same spot where he had drained the baby qilin of its blood. There was nothing but silence around him, and for a moment, he felt like he could forget everything and lay there in peace. But then the throbbing sensation in his left hand pulled him back to reality. A steady rhythm of something that wasn’t his own heart, it was the feeling of Dumbeldores. as if it had been imprinted onto the palm of his hand from the duel. He hastily sits up and starts to rub his palm furiously against the fabric of his tailored pants.
He wanted to shout. He wanted to scream.
"Who will love you now, Dumbledore?" His own words still echo in his ears. Just behind the sound of the phial breaking, he could have done it right then and there. He could have killed Albus. He could have listened to the rage clenching its dirty claws around his beating heart. He could have ripped it out and pushed it into Albus' chest. Pierce it right through him with all the hatred he felt. But that damned rhythm had been slamming itself against Dumbledore's ribcage, seeping through his clothes before finally nestling into Grindelwald's left palm.
𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮.
He slowly turns his hand and looks at the now irritated skin of his palm. Just there, barely visible, shines the scar. He had never noticed it before, never really cared to look. He always thought of the phial as their only proper bond...
𝘋𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘈𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳?
Does he ever run his fingers tenderly over it? Gellert drops his wand onto the cold, stoney ground, as if it no longer mattered. Instead, his now empty but shaking right hand slowly moves towards the palm of his left. His index finger moves across the scar, soft, almost like a ghost's touch. But still, it burned.
𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘰, 𝘋𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘦?
He replaces his index finger with his right thumb and gently scratches the scar with his nail. He feels the same clench around his heart again. Anger. Rage. Hatred.
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢. 𝘞𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺. 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳.
His vision blurs and he pushes down. No, he digs down and starts scratching as if his life depends on it. It takes him no time to break the skin and, slowly, his own blood covers his hand.
But the steady beat of a heart that no longer belongs to him doesn’t disintegrate. Instead, it moves up his arm and lays itself like a suffocating blanket over the claws around Gellert's heart. It tightens until he’s sure that his heart will give up on him. He can feel the cracks breaking it into pieces and turning it into dust that clogs up his throat. It builds and builds until...
A scream finally rips out of his chest. An outburst of pain. So much pain. He cradles his left hand close to himself as the mountains echo his cries back to him, showing just how utterly alone he truly is.
𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘰𝘸?
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junkiepunkie · 1 month
The Pact Fic -an excerpt of my Grindeldore oneshot.
Albus lay on the floor of the barn, panting and arching back. 
It was August 7th, the midway point between his birthday and Gellert’s. A sick, twisted grin lay on both their faces, today was their day. 
It had taken some work to clear out the barns middle without their wands, but Gellert was insistent that they should only use their magic for one thing that day. He wanted the occasion to be a memorable one after all. The taller man all but collapsed next to Albus, equally as out of breath and even more -if that was indeed possible- excited. 
“How long now?” Albus asked, looking with a needy pout out at the achingly slow setting sun.
Gellert sighed gently.
”Not long at all.” He clarified “But it must be during golden hour. It must be beautiful.”
For a beat, there was utter silence as both boys turned entirely to face each other in the quiet heat of their affection. They were radiant like this, content in their own madness in a way very few ever were. The moment was patient, and their love palpable. Then, the first glimpse of gold light streaked across Albus’ torso.
Gellert shot to his feet, raring to begin now that their ceremony was sure to be done in the truest height of beauty they could afford. He stopped only for a second, and only to yank Albus from the ground, and then he was like a freight train. Each and every movement his body made hit Albus like right hooks, it was a muggle kind of magic that Gellert possessed in times such as these. The kind of magic that he had taught Albus was inferior. 
Once or twice Albus had considered telling Gellert that he thought that type of magic could be just as powerful as anything conjured by a wand, but then he remembered what cause he was fighting for, and stopped short. For the greater good.
His wand was in his hand before he could even register that he was upright. Gellerts determined pace was making him dizzy. Something the fair haired man duely noted.
”I seem to be a little eager.” He noted happily
Albus’ face broke into a large smile.
”Excitement suits you.”
“You flatter me mein maus” 
Albus smile turned fond at the pet name, he’d tried once to give Gellert the same name in English to match, but the idea was rejected rather naturally in favor of a more suitable animalistic title. Falcon. But that was not the name he used in this moment. No…. There was one more appropriate for the tone of the room.
“I just tell the truth, sir.” 
The air around Gellert shifted and the gold of sunset caught his lighter eye. Albus’ breath caught for a moment at the sight before him, allowing him to admire -in stillness- the creature of a man that stood before him. 
“So that’s how you want this to go?” Gallert smirked, leaning right into Albus’ ear as his voice fell to a whisper “you want me to do it don’t you?”
They had discussed it only briefly, and only on dark nights in desperate times, and yet Albus nodded dumbly as he shifted to once again meet Gellert’s icy gaze. 
“I want to feel what it’s like before we give it up.” He rasped, looking up at this lover.
Gellert hummed lowly. He liked when Albus did that with his voice, when he was dry throated and breathless. It was by far his favourite sound, well, except maybe for-
He grabbed Albus' throat roughly, pressing down as hard as he could without causing lasting damage. There! that whimper that was his favourite sound. It echoed round the barn like music, a love song just for them.
Albus broke free after a tense minute, he loved the feeling, but he needed to breathe. For a moment, Gellert's wicked smirk dropped from his face. Without it he looked... severe.
"Albus, are you absolutely sure-"
the shorter man didn't even hesitate "yes."
Gellert swallowed thickly, he was truly cursed of mind, but as much as he loved the gritty look of fear and pain as it crossed the face of the average man, he couldn't help but stall slightly. He knew what Albus craved, what he felt he had to experience just this once, at the hands of his lover, and yet the soon to be infamous Gellert Grindelwald faltered. If only for a second. 
He drew his wand.
 "very well," he observed with caution as his lover gave him space and walked back to where his obligatory fall would be broken by soft hay rather than slabs of stone. Only when the man was completely still and calm did he dare utter the word. "Crucio"
read the rest here?? maybe??
The Blood Fic (3975 words) by Junkinthepunk Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald Additional Tags: Young Gellert Grindelwald, Young Albus Dumbledore, Young Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, Smut, Sad, Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Blood and Injury, Misguided Albus Dumbledore, Past Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, Possessive Gellert Grindelwald, Top Gellert Grindelwald, Bottom Albus Dumbledore, Kinky, Blood Kink, albus dumbledore has a pain kink, grindewald is only too happy to oblige, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Gay Sex Summary: Albus Dumbledore and Gellert grindewald make a blood pact. What ensues is sensual, meaningful sex, and a sad ending for the both of them. TW: blood, very brief depiction of cutting in the context of a blood pact, non-sexual cohersion.
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alishaaxo · 18 days
ive somehow gotten into marauders tiktok a lil…. and OMG some ppl r acc delusional and lowk mean for telling straight up lies to new fans….
like somebody asked what were regulus’ last words and a heavily-liked comment replies “oh its about him and james having a house by the sea” and then said its in the books…. TFFFF
regulus is only mentioned like 3 times i think…. by sirius, by professor slughorn maybe?? and then the moment the golden trio discover who R.A.B is and thats FINE and also ppl shipping jegulus is fine but the lies r not like at what point would be ever discover his last words or wanting a house w james when both of them are DEAD and havent written a letter mentioning it or anything😭😭
and like another post i saw this morning was about luna/barty having an interesting dynamic and the comments were like “oh its becuz he was besties with her uncle evan rosier” and i get thats the fanon but when somebody replies and asks if this is true in the books pls dont say “oh yes lunas mum was a rosier who loved barty jr and thats why he cared for luna”
it simply just NEVER existed 💀💀
im all for creating hcs and stuff cos thats what fandom is about but like having things so wildly out of canon (or plausible but not mentioned) just becoming generally agreed upon kills me becuz now there is no possibility of finding fics which go thru different routes (like pandora lovegood being originally a fortescue, ollivander or malfoy etc)…..
……or just follow canon (like with remus lupins whole characterisation! he’s not some soft uwu boy…. but he isnt some emo punk friends with slytherins…. hes a kind but cowardly guy who wasn’t naturally smart but became studious and who has some anger issues which occasionally pop out‼️)
(also like i remember before atyd got big and i cant imagine how ppl who r ogs in the fandom feel now…. like ive liked it as a kid but only got into the fandom like 2018-ish)
(and i didnt read atyd at first when it got big becuz of how they made remus be in an orphanage when i loved the idea of him having super loving but guilty parents esp cos his dad was an anti-wolf activist but him growing to love wolves but feeling ashamed for how his bigotry resulted in his son’s issue would be SO interesting….. and then it goes even more canon-divergent with the personality lobotomy of remus and then i gave up on both it AND the fandom becuz then everything kinda replicated it with the changing characterisation of the marauders 😭😭)
ALSO ALSO like the whole hatred of dumbledore goes way too far sometimes and it lowkey just takes me back to how pissed the aot, fmab and mha fandom would make characters like grisha jaeger, hohenheim and all might…. like they do have their issues but they aren’t some abusive assholes and i get making ooc fanfics cos do whatever but the sheer amount of fics making them that would kill me. and like grindeldore angst and the tragicness of dumbledores plot is so interesting to me
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