#medicine au/ra
imfrom-neptune · 2 years
Please don’t make me choose sides when you leave me.
0 notes
thanatosaria · 1 year
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blissey sayana! tanky medic reporting for duty 💗🩹
40 notes · View notes
ewerinreverse · 1 year
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the physician in his clinic
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thewonandonly · 11 days
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PLAYLIST : spotify
PAIRING : pro-baseball player!jaehyun x fem!college student!reader
GENRE : fluff, smut
PROMPT : "if you were my little girl, i'd do whatever i could do, i'd run away and hide with you." au
WC : 15,323 words
WARNINGS : strong language, sports medicine student!reader, reader used to play volleyball, teeny tiny age gap (reader is early 20's, jaehyun is irl age), greek life, jaehyun is implied to be a (former) frat brother (never officially states it), frat party, drinking/alcohol, there is a mention of puke/vomit, mention of overstimulating setting, cameo by yeri :3, mark, and johnny, consent is sexy, protection is hot, lots and lots of praise, BRIEF locker room sexual tension bc i had to, ig it can be considered a kind of sugar daddy au?, jaehyun has no rizz 🗣️, penetration (f), oral (m + f),
AUTHOR'S NOTE : jaehyun military enlistment 😞 jerma helped me write this thats why it took so long. forgive me for the horrendous explicit scene i quite literally have not written full length smut in so long. and also, jaehyun jaehyun jaehyun jaehyun jaehyun jaehyun. :3 that's all.
DISCLAIMER : the characters in this story are to be allusions to real people, and none of the situations, personalities, and actions found here should reflect reality. this story was created with zero intention to violate the images of the artists.
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"Come on, come to the party with me!" Yeri groaned, tugging on your arm as if you were her mother and she was your child begging for a toy.
You sighed, rubbing your temples, "I would love to, but I've got work I've gotta do." It was the seventh time — yes, all in one day — where Yeri has asked you to join her at this giant frat party that her friend, Johnny, who happened to be the RA where said party was being held, invited her to. She would've loved to go by herself, but she planned to consume insane amounts of alcohol and would require someone with wonderful bedside manner, i.e. you. 
Yeri groaned, throwing her head back dramatically, "All you do is do your homework." She complained, "I'm sure the wonderful science behind athletic medicine can wait for one night off."
"I'm sorry, Yeri, but my entire scholarship is riding on this." You mumbled, watching Yeri groaned louder, as her head moved forward, trudging her way out your bedroom doorway.
You would be ecstatic to go to some lame party down University Road. You'd love to get drunk, hook up with some dude who is looking to hit. You'd love to take a break, but, unfortunately, your life after you graduate was already starting. You had 29 thousand dollars and two internships invested in your future. If you wanted to be an accredited professional in athletic medicine, you'd have to focus, and not get distracted or discouraged. 
But, then again, you're still young. You're only getting closer to the end, and Yeri is busy with her cheerleading career. You'd rather not lose this connection. Glancing at the clock, you noticed as the second hand tick away, sighing softly. It was thirty to 12. The night was still young.
You turned in your chair, calling to her, a small laugh escaping your lips as she looked at you with eyes that looked as if she was a kicked puppy, "I'll go."
Her face immediately lit up and she smiled, "You will?"
You held up your hands in surrender, standing from your cluttered desk, "You're right, as much as I hate to admit it. The world of medicine can wait."
"I'm so happy right now." She cheered happily, "Okay, I'll let you get ready. I'll take a quick shower and everything." She turned the corner into the hallway and you heard the shower run.
Sighing, you opened your closet door and analyzed the clothes on the hangers. You didn't have any "sexy" outfits, so to speak. Everything was strictly professional clothing, especially considering you had your internships around the corner. But, who could show up to a frat party in high rise, flared dress pants? Maybe it was time to break out the clothes you packed right out of high school. 
Once you tore through the boxes, pulled on the clothes, you could swear they grew tighter, which was normal; you were still growing, in more areas than one. You opted for sticking to the items you chose, for the most risqué look, considering it was a frat party.
Yeri was quick to get in and out of the shower, quick to get her makeup done, and quick to get dressed. You're sure she was going to be quick to get out the door as well.
You leaned against the wall to pull on your shoes, watching Yeri immediately grow frazzled as she struggled to find her keys, which were normally in the catch bowl, but was strategically hug up on the key hook earlier for convenience. 
The trip to the Pi Phi house wasn't far, but the blistering cold wind bit at your nose and cheeks as you and Yeri both walked down the road from your apartment to the frat house.
You both turned the corner, your jaws opening in shock. 
The Pi Phi house was huge, damn near 3 floors. And much to your dismay, it wasn't a new brother of the house at the door, it was two sisters from the Kappa Omega Pi sorority. They seemed nice, letting in quite a few people, until they turned away another girl. 
You looked to Yeri, sighing softly, "I don't think we're gonna get in." The small queue was moving quickly.
Yeri rolled her eyes so far back you were sure they'd get stuck, "Relax. If they don't let us in, I've got an in." She rubbed her hands together, the cold chill in the air slowly building, "God, fuck! It's fucking cold."
"Just don't think about it. We're almost to the front." You mumbled, stepping forward up onto the porch, watching the girl's faces drop at the sight of you after letting two guys inside.
They gave the two of you a once over, exhaling a deep breath through their nose, "It's six bucks to get in."
Yeri pulled out her phone, scoffing, "That's not what it says on the flyer." She turned her phone to the girls, giving a smartalick smirk, "And, besides, I know Johnny." 
The girls looked at each other, chuckling, "You know Johnny?"
Yeri crossed her arms, motioning to the open front door of the frat house, "Go on. Go get him."
One of the girls stepped inside, and walked out in seconds, a tall male peeking his head out, pulling a face at the girl, "Come on, you're really asking if Yeri can come in?" He nodded his head to the two of you. 
Yeri smiled at the girls, waving to them before turning to you and speaking over the music that grew significantly louder as you walked through the crowded hallways, "Those girls were definitely not girls girls."
"Aren't the Kappa Omega Pi sisters like really tightknit with Pi Phi?" You responded, watching your temporary escort split off from the two of you.
"Yeah," Yeri sighed, "Let's not worry about them, though! Let's just have fun!" She immediately turned a corner and you found yourself by your lonesome, squeezing past people with small whispers of "Excuse me's" and "Sorry's" before you finally made your way into the kitchen where it wasn't as crowded, but was definitely still filled with a few people. Pi Phi brothers and Kappa Omega Pi sisters were lined up along a wall where they took pictures together to show their love for their greek life. Your hand moved to grab at a bottle of Michelob Ultra, pouring it into the cup while you stared at the group taking photos. Maybe a social outing wasn't the best idea, considering the setting. You weren't much of a—
"Hey." Someone reached over and set the glass bottle down on the counter, laughing softly, "Your cup." 
You tore your eyes away from where you were staring, glancing down at the cup filled with foam from the beer, "Oh." You mumbled softly, glancing up at the person who was kind enough to take the empty bottle from your hand, "Thanks."
You watched him dump out the foamy beer into the sink, grabbing another plastic cup and beer, slowly pouring it out in front of you, "Here." 
"Thanks." You mumbled out again, grabbing the cup from his outstretched hand. It was dim in the kitchen, much to your dismay, only a string of Christmas lights you weren't sure the brothers ever took down from the passing holiday. You squinted your eyes to try to get a glimpse at who this person was for pouring your drink out. "I recognize you from somewhere."
"Damn, dude, what's taking so long?" A voice spoke over your own, at a much louder octave. He patted the guy on his shoulder, "Gotta celebrate your big game tomorrow."
Your brows pinched together as you assessed the voice, "Mark?" You questioned, your eyes squinting more, almost blinded by your lashes.
The shorter male turned to look at you, "Woah, Y/N, bro, I didn't even know you were here!" He smiled, laughing out loud, "What's up?" He asked.
"You're Pi Phi?" You asked him, waving awkwardly at him, "I didn't know you were part of the greek life."
"I didn't know you were either." Mark laughed again, "Bro, that's crazy. I didn't know you were in a sorority."
The unknown man turned to pour out some drinks, Mark's hand holding onto his shoulder for balance as people shoved their way through. 
"Oh, I'm not." You shook your head, taking a sip of the beer poured into the cup, "Yeri was able to get us in."
"Yeri's here?" Mark began to whip his head around, looking for the mentioned lady, "Dude, I didn't know she'd be here." His hand began to slap at the other's shoulder.
"Guess it's time you get over your fear." The other called to Mark, who grabbed three of the cups in his hand.
"Oh, I completely forgot." He motioned between the three of them, "Uh, Jaehyun, this is Y/N, she's in my athletic science class. The one I was telling you about!" 
The man, now named Jaehyun, waved his free hand at you, "Nice to meet you."
"Man, Y/N's, like, the smartest girl in the class! She knows a lot about that stuff." Mark nudged him, "Maybe once she completes her residency, she can be your primary physician." He teased.
"You play sports?" You questioned, taking another sip of the beer from the cup, "What do you play?"
"Baseball. Nothing too exciting."
"Does he play sports? He's in the ML." Mark seemed more excited about it than Jaehyun was, your smile growing as you saw Jaehyun roll his eyes. "ML means major league." 
"I know what it means, Mark." You laughed, "But, hey, congratulations! It must be nice." You smiled to Jaehyun, "Have you always wanted to play major league?"
Jaehyun shrugged, "Got scouted in high school. Johnny was the one who convinced me to accept it."
Mark laughed, "Well, hey, Y/N, it's nice to see you. If you want, we're gonna be at the couch with everyone." He used his elbow to motion over to the center of the house, "No pressure!"
You nodded, "Yeah, sure. I can help you carry some of the cups." You grabbed two of the cups from the counter in one hand, following the two of them back over to the couch where Johnny, Yeri, and other attendees sat, including the girls from the front door. You squatted slightly to place the cups down on the coffee table, wincing softly as you felt your knee creak.
"You okay?" Jaehyun, who wandered behind you to sit down, asked, his hand lingering on your back as you stumbled.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." You laughed awkwardly, sitting down on the couch, "Old injury." You waved it off, taking another drink of your beer.
Mark found a spot next to Yeri, smiling softly as he greeted her and began conversating with her. You glanced at the two, chuckling softly as you watched Mark's cheeks turn pink.
You heard a jumble of words from Jaehyun, turning your head back to him, "What was that?" You leaned closer to him to hear him over the music playing over the subwoofer speakers.
"What from, if you don't mind me asking?" He repeated into your ear, his breath gently fanning across your cheek.
"I used to play volleyball." You shrugged, "Liberio, so, I normally fell on my knees." Your hand found it's way to the cap of your knee, rubbing it with your hand.
"Used to?"
"Yeah. I stopped playing after the injury." You laughed, nodding your head, "But, my doctor was really sweet. She actually helped me to study up until the entrance exam." 
Jaehyun nodded his head, "Well, I know myself and other athletes will be happy for your help." 
You smiled, laughing softly, "I hope." You turned slightly to look at him as he sat back against the couch, his arm resting over the back, "Do you like the major leauge?" Setting down your cup, you looked at him.
Jaehyun shrugged, "It's nice. I've been on a training regimen since I started. I mostly joined just cause I love baseball, though." He smiled, the cup resting in his hand on top of his thigh, "But, I mean, the coach and my teammates are pretty cool. And the pay isn't bad."
"I bet." You chuckled softly, "At least you get to do what you love." You smiled at him.
"How do you-"
"When are you-"
You both spoke over one another, both of you laughing.
Jaehyun motioned to you, "You go first." He reached his hand up to lean his head against it, looking at you.
"I was just gonna ask how you know Johnny and Mark." You shook your head, "I know you said that Johnny encouraged you to accept the scouting offer in high school. But, how'd you meet Mark?"
Jaehyun laughed, his hand reaching up to rub his temples, "Well, it's a pretty funny story." He started, glancing at Mark, who continued to talk Yeri's ear off, "He kinda joined the frat after finding out I was apart of it. I was only apart of it for a month, but, you know, sometimes people just get close."
"Well, if I do say so myself, it seems Mark is ecstatic that he knows you personally." You nodded to Jaehyun.
"I'm glad."
Yeri turned to you quickly, tapping your shoulder, "Hey, Y/N." She called to you, pulling your sight away from Jaehyun to look at her, "Wanna dance?"
You glanced at Jaehyun, and back at her, your mouth open and shutting like a golfish, "I-I really shouldn't... My knee."
Yeri groaned, "Come on! I love this song." She pouted, rubbing her hands together as she silently pleaded.
It was true, she did love this song. God, the amount of times she'd play this song in the car would make you nauseous. And you didn't have much of a choice when she pulled you up from where you were sitting to drag you into the crowd of people dancing to the music.
"How are you and Mark?" You called into her ear, the two of you holding hands as you both lazily danced.
Yeri glanced back at Mark, who was happily comversating with Jaehyun and Johnny, giggling like a little kid before she turned to you, "He's so much fun to talk to." She smiled.
You smiled back, happy to see her happy. "I'm glad." You responded, "Plus, he really likes you. You know he can't hide his feelings well." You glanced back at the three, glancing at your feet as you caught Jaehyun's eye.
Your friend smirked, laughing softly, "Oh, I see what's going on." She nudged your shoulder, which you rubbed with your hand as you looked at her, "You've got the hots for number 16." Yeri teased.
"What?" Your voice came out slightly higher, considering the assumption, "No, no." You shook your head, "I just met him."
"Doesn't mean you can't find him hot." She nudged you again, "Johnny told me he was expecting him to come tonight." She pulled out her phone, opening the tab of her browser to show you the search. "Jung Jaehyun, major league pitcher." In the middle of the crowd, you glanced between the phone and the man who sat on the couch, "Number 16." Yeri's finger clicked on a photo of Jaehyun, the front of the jersey embroidered with big red letters that read, "Sentinels".
"Wow." It's all you could say. You knew Mark said he was in major league, but you didn't think that major. You were thinking maybe small hometown baseball that made it big. "He even has a trading card?"
Yeri nodded, locking her phone before putting it back in her pocket, "He's big." She nodded her head, "Professional Sentinels player, going on his fourth year with the team."
You were flabbergasted. No wonder Mark was so excited telling you.
Standing there, you thought for a second, "If he's so big, why isn't anyone freaking out about him being here?" You raised an eyebrow.
Yeri raised her own brow, "You'll be surprised how many athletics students don't watch athletics." She hummed, nodding her head at her own statement.
"Okay, well, now that you told me this, I'll just feel like a gold digger." You rubbed your neck shyly, completely unaware the end of the song just as another one kicked up.
"Shut up." She scrunched up her face again, grabbing your hand to lead you back to the couch where you both were previously sat, "You're fine. You're nothing like a gold digger."
"Welcome back!" Johnny called, motioning to the couch.
Yeri sat the both of you down, smiling at Mark as soon as she got comfortable, taking the cup from his hand to take a sip.
You sat down, Jaehyun to your right and Yeri to your left. 
Jaehyun's whole hand covered the top of the cup he held, slowly passing it to you, "I held onto your drink while you were gone." He smiled.
"Oh, thank you." You nodded to him, taking a small swig of the drink, glancing at him shyly.
He wore much more lax clothing; a black long sleeved shirt and black cargo pants, various rings along his fingers and a silver necklace with an charm you couldn't quite see as it was flipped over. You glanced away, watching Jaehyun smile softly as you took another sip.
"What?" You questioned, blushing softly as he continued to stare.
"Nothing. Nothing." He mumbled, "Just... don't drink too much." 
You smiled softly, setting the now empty cup down on the table, "Don't worry. I normally only have one drink and I'm done." You sat back on the couch, looking at him.
You both sat there for a second, not saying anything. Jaehyun would glance over the back of the couch every once in a while, meeting the hands of other members of Greek life, making small conversations with them, or even sharing a few laughs as they conversed. Sometimes Johnny or Mark would join in.
Slowly, you felt your social battery slowly drain, and you whispered to Yeri to share where you'd be going; outside, in the expansive, empty backyard of the frat house, away from the music, crowds and smell of alcohol in the air.
You sighed softly as you relaxed against a chair in the backyard, glancing down at your phone to slowly recharge your own battery.
Yet, it seemed like despite being away, your thoughts and fingers lingered back to Jaehyun, typing his name across the keyboard into the search bar.
There were articles about him, fan pages, compilation videos of some of his pitches and plays. Professional photos and fan captures. He really was larger than life. 
The baseball uniform he wore was clean and pristine aside from the red dirt across the left side of his body, and after much digging, you found out that after batting, he'd reach a base by sliding. 
You found yourself diving headfirst into doom scrolling about Jaehyun, his career, what people thought about him. His record with the team was clean, and his ability was impressive. He was often claimed as MVP of his team, giving them several wins in their games.
The sliding door opening was enough to have you scrambling to lock your phone and set it down in your lap. You glanced behind you, finding it was nothing more than another guest at the frat party, gagging as they turned the corner to spill their guts. 
You pulled a face, standing up to move back inside to the party, the sudden smell of puke and alcohol mixing making you feel sick, mixing together just as you opened the door to step back inside. 
You recharged your social battery just enough to continue talking before Yeri wanted to leave, yet it dropped right back down again as the smell settled around you. Did it always smell like sweat? Did the floor always feel sticky? Did the counters have all those cups on them? 
Everything felt so overwhelming.
"Hey, are you okay?" 
It's the second time that voice has asked you if you were feeling okay. You pull your eyes away from looking at the scene before you to look at Jaehyun, whose eyes were softened.
"I was just about to check on you." He mumbled.
"I'm okay." You took a deep breath in, slowly exhaling, "It's a little overwhelming in here." 
"Yeah." Jaehyun chuckled, letting him step behind you to slowly guide you away from the big group of people, "Here. This way you can get the best of both worlds." Jaehyun leaned beside you against the wall close to the front door, holding the brim of his plastic cup with his fingers, glancing around at the group as it only grew bigger.
"Thank you." You whispered, crossing your legs as you leaned against the wall, "Hey, so, I know Mark said you were in major league, and... Yeri kinda showed me the google search about you."
Jaehyun laughed softly, "Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Sentinels."
"Yeah." You nodded, looking at him, "Must be cool going places and getting recognized." 
He shrugged, "I mean, it's all the same. Often times people don't know it's me without a cap or a batting helmet." Jaehyun nodded, "It is pretty cool having a trading card, though." He smiled to you, turning to look at you.
"I saw that! Did you see how much someone's willing to pay for a signed one?" You chuckled.
"Yeah, I did." He laughed too, "Can't believe someone has that much money to spend on a piece of paper. Especially when I started not too long ago."
"Well, I mean, you do get that type of money." You nudged him, feeling your uneasiness quickly disappearing as you spoke to him.
Jaehyun shook his head, "Most of it goes to bills and taxes." A group of some Pi Pho frat brothers pushed by, forcing Jaehyun into you, his arm above your head to make sure he didn't crush you, "Jesus fu- Christ." He didn't finish the swear, glancing at you, "Are you okay?" He glanced at the people sprinting by, one slipping and dropping their cup of alcohol.
"I'm fine." You whispered, "Fine."
Jaehyun leaned his arm on the wall, right above your head. His face was close enough to see the details. He smelt good — like rose and ember; so much so that it was intoxicating. His dimples and his eyes as he smiled, the faint stubble along his chin and his upper lip. The necklace hanging from his neck, the emblem still flipped backwards; you were beginning to think he put it on backwards for it to face away from others. As you appreciated his features you realized that perhaps he was sculpted from marble by Michelangelo himself. 
The faint smell of alcohol from his red solo cup and a puddle of the spilled liquor from the brothers swirled around the both of you. The song changed beat and volume, glancing around the corner to find Johnny turning up the dial, the bass nearly blowing out your eardrums.
"Don't you have a game tomorrow?" You spoke into his ear over the music, feeling your heart flutter as he turned his head slightly so you didn't have to move much.
He chuckled, shrugging, "It's kinda tradition to visit before a game." He responded, his lips gently brushing against your cheek as he spoke.
You nodded as he moved back to his position, smiling at him, "So, do you always linger around the university or...?"
"No," He shook his head, and you can see the liquid courage glossing his eyes, "But, I mean, if I got to find someone as beautiful as you, maybe it's not a bad idea." Someone nudged behind him, causing him to straighten up with his chest hitting your own. He had you pressed flush against the wall, but he obviously wasn't focused on that as he glanced behind him, "A lot of energy for you students." He laughed as he looked back at you, "Must be nice to be young."
You laughed, smiling at him, "Aren't you only 27?"
"Well, yeah, but..." He playfully rolled his neck over his shoulders, "At some point in time, these old bones have to rest."
"And you decided to do that at an old frat house with a bunch of newly turned 21 year olds?"
He shrugged again, "Better than the old farts in the league." He glanced around the party, noticing multiple of the attendees either drinking to their restless end, making out with some of the bubbly blonde sorority sisters or passed out on the ground, table or couch. He noticed Mark talking up a storm with Yeri, and Johnny handing out more drinks to guests, "But, you're right. Wanna head out?"
"Yo-you wanna leave with me?" You stammered.
He laughed, "Yeah!" He smiled, his dimples making an appearance once more, "How rare is it that I meet a beautiful woman here among all these girls?"
You blushed at his compliment, smiling before nodding your head, "Yeah. Yeah, let's head out." You stood up straight, Jaehyun pushing away from the wall, "Let me just let Yeri know where I'm gonna be at." You stepped around him, making your way over to the couch where Yeri sat, "Yeri." You tapped her shoulder, and when she didn't turn around you called her again, "Yeri!"
"What?" She turned to you, "Is something wrong?"
"I'm heading out." You spoke into her ear, "With Jaehyun."
Yeri smirked, nudging your shoulder, "Come on, stop messing with me." She laughed.
"I'm not messing with you!" You chuckled, "Hey, you have my location, and maybe I'll be back tonight, most likely tomorrow morning." You gave Mark a wave as you made your way down the hallway once more.
"Use protection!" She called loudly as you walked off, continuing her conversation with Mark. 
You made your way back to where you and Jaehyun were standing previously, catching sight of Jaehyun in the kitchen, bidding Johnny farewell with a one-armed hug and an untraditional handshake. The two were laughing as they both finished up their conversation, Jaehyun walking straight towards you, "You ready?"
"Yeah. I'm ready."
Jaehyun took your hand in his own, guiding you out of the frat house. The silence of the night was a comforting contrast to the loud frat party you were both victims of attending. The rustle of the leaves, the sound of wind whistling. It was the only sounds you could hear as your ears adjusted to the noise disappearing. 
The street lamps gave you better sight of Jaehyun's figure. His arms were ripped, to say the least. He had veins crawling up from his hand to his elbow, and his hand was a little rough, calloused skin from swinging baseball bats for a lifetime. 
The two of you approached a fairly new car, but still a few years behind the recent model. Jaehyun unlocked the door, and pulled open the passenger side.
"Thanks." You whispered, settling into the seat. You slowly buckled in the seatbelt, Jaehyun gently closing the door just as the realization just set in that you were in the car with a national professional athlete. The butterflies began to fly from your stomach into your throat, and you were worried if you even spoke that you'd just embarrass yourself.
Jaehyun climbed into the driver's seat, sighing softly as he reached up to stick the key into the ignition, "Sorry. I didn't expect to bring anyone back with me, so, I brought my less inconspicuous car." He chuckled softly.
"No, no! It's fine. I mean, you're already one step ahead of me. I don't even have a license, so, I have no right to judge." You matched his chuckle, smiling at him. "Besides, there's something more humble about an old 2008 Honda Civic." 
Jaehyun let the car warm up for a second before he pulled off from the curb, his hand lingering on the stick shift, his foot lingering on the clutch. 
You began to admire his hands once more. He had slender fingers, his wrist was adorned by a silver cuban link bracelet, another vein wrapping around his arm and ending at his bicep. You could tell he's worked out, but not too much. I mean, he is a professional athlete for a living, so him working out wasn't much of a surprise. Just as he stopped at a stop light, you pulled your eyes from his form and glanced out the window. 
The both of you drove through the heart of the city, your eyes catching the bright lights as you stared at the window. It was a nice difference from University Road. The quiet melody of music played from the radio, filling the tense silence between the two of you. Jaehyun clearly kept the car in good shape. There were zero stains on the seating, the steering wheel and bulb of the stick shift were a little worn from where his hands rested, the radio seemed intact.
Jaehyun continued to drive, clearing his throat, "You can change the channel, if you'd like to." He motioned to the radio, before he quickly downshifted, "I have a bunch of CD's in the glove box."
You took the initiative to open the glove box, smiling to yourself as you saw the CD case, unzipping and opening it. You weren't sure if you were smiling because he seemed like such an old soul for keeping CD's for his older car, or because it looked like the CD's were all in alphabetical order. "Crazy Town?" You questioned teasingly.
There was a slight tint at the shell of Jaehyun's ear, chuckling, "What can I say? They're revolutionary." He looked into his mirror and over his shoulder as he switched lanes, glancing over at you as he saw you eyeballing him, "What?"
"Just never took you for one who enjoyed rock music like this." You continued to flip through the CD case, seeing various discs of music; including, but not limited to rock, pop, hip hop and r&b. There were more genres that you didn't really recognize and you tried to read the fine print to see if they printed it, but no luck. "I think it's definitely fair to say you listen to every genre."
Jaehyun chuckled, watching you insert the Crazy Town CD into the reader, his hand quickly moving to turn down the volume, "I just listen to music. Genre doesn't matter to me."
You smiled to yourself, slowly turning the volume up as the CD started playing. The silence felt less tense now as the music played between the both of you. Given the circumstances, you needed the tension to die down. 
You looked out the window, not recognizing the area you were in very well, but you definitely recognized the giant building on the side of the road; two tall buildings beside each other, the sign reading "The Hallows".
Jaehyun took a very gentle left turn into the roundabout, stopping right in the middle as he climbed out and passed the keys to his 2008 Honda Civic to the valet. 
"You live... here?" You questioned, staring up at the buildings.
Jaehyun chuckled, grabbing your hand in his, "Yeah." He smiled, "It's pretty nice. Out of the way." He guided you into the lobby of the building, and you were even more awestruck.
Everything in the lobby were either expensively vintage or expensively new. They even had a couch you would see frequently in a magazine you glanced over while you waited in line at the supermarket. A couch you could only dream of purchasing. For this condo — penthouse, seems more likely — complex to have 4 sets of a couch that only the richest people can afford already told you what to expect.
Jaehyun greeted the front desk attendant, calling the elevator for the two of you, his hand holding yours gently. 
A small chime was heard just as the doors to the lift open, and he motioned for you to step inside. You took a step in, glancing at every corner, making eye contact with the camera. 
Jaehyun sighed softly, clicking the floor button as he stepped inside, stopping just beside you. "Sorry if this makes you all uncomfortable." He started, "I realize now just how awkward it might be to show up here. Like I'm showing off."
"No, no, it's not your fault! You make your money the same way I do, you're allowed to spend it where you please." You smiled, "And sometimes where you please to spend it is at a gigantic apartment building, and that's okay." 
Jaehyun chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm just enjoying your company so much, I don't wanna scare you away."
You smiled to yourself, messing with your fingers as you glanced down at your feet, "I'm enjoying your company, too." You chuckle, "A lot."
Jaehyun smiled brightly as the elevator doors opened once more, and grabbed your hand back in his own as he guided you down the hallway, swinging your intertwined hands as he walked. His free hand grabbed his keys and skillfully unlocked the door, allowing you to step inside.
Which you agreed to, and you were met with a large condo, with a window large enough to span across the wall of his condo. The skyline was bright enough to light up the wall straight across from it. There was a giant kitchen, a giant living room. The whole place was giant. 
Jaehyun tossed his keys into a catch bowl by the front door, flicking on the lights.
"It's..." You paused as you continued to take in the sights, "It's beautiful."
"Yeah, my... Johnny and Mark kinda got a little excited with an interior designer and they decorated it like crazy."
You smiled, taking off your shoes to set them to the side before you took a step further. "Did you always have the idea to have an open floor plan?"
"Well, no, but like I said, Johnny and Mark got excited." Jaehyun chuckled, "Gave me a bachelor's pad when I'm hardly even a bachelor."
"Live while you're young." You whispered to yourself as you admired the city line. Jaehyun stopped beside you, but his eyes lingered on your reaction, which he was generally pleased to see.
Jaehyun cleared his throat, his fingers pulling at the cuff of his long sleeved shirt, "So, Mark told me a lot about you." He started.
"Did he mention how I let him cheat off my papers?" You teased, turning to look at Jaehyun.
"No, no, nothing like that." Jaehyun laughed, shaking his head, "But, he did show me your SNS accounts." 
"Oh, that's embarrassing."
"I think you looked amazing." Jaehyun whispered back almost immediately, "But, you look more amazingin person."
"It seems like we both looked up each other."
Jaehyun shrugged, "That's why I wasn't as upset when you did it." He smiled, "Where was I going with this?" He mumbled to himself, "Mark really talked me up for this." 
The tension between you both returned. And it wasn't an awful tension. It was tension that was telling you that obviously something was going to happen. You didn't know how long or what Mark said to him, but you couldn't help but thank Mark for whatever length of time he's been talking to Jaehyun about you.
Jaehyun cleared his throat again, feeling like all the words he prepared for this moment had disappeared from his mind. His eyes that were once watching you turned to look out the window where you were looking previously.
"You don't have to force yourself." You whispered, smiling at him. 
Jaehyun smiled back, turning to look at the couch, "Come on, let's sit down." He sat down on the leather couch, and you could notice he was in his element.
You followed, sitting beside him. 
"You didn't have to come here if you weren't comfortable." He started, his hand finding your own, "I know it's pretty awkward to get picked up at a frat party, and I never meant to put you in a position where you didn't think you could say no."
"Oh, I didn't think of it like that." You chuckled, "Trust me, if I wanted to say no, I would've." 
Jaehyun leaned a little closer, drawing his bottom lip in with his teeth, "Can I kiss you?"
God, you've been waiting for that question all night. Nodding your head, you smiled as Jaehyun's lips pressed against yours. The hands you have been admiring for the last 30 minutes during the car ride were now placed on your hips as he attempted to pull you closer until you were practically on his lap. He tasted of Heinekien beer, and spearmint, and you began to question when and where did he get gum or mouth spray from. Despite the mix, his lips were soft, and they were tender against your own.
Jaehyun pulled away slowly after a moment of kissing you, his hands lingering on your waist, his eyes opening to look into your own.
You both shared a small laugh, a lingering peck placed on his lips.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." Jaehyun whispered, letting a sigh escape his lips.
Glancing at your phone's time, you chuckled, "Can't be anymore than 2 hours." You teased, "But, if it's any consolation, I've been thinking about it too."
Jaehyun rolled his eyes, "You really aren't aware of how much Mark's been trying to set me up with you." He whispered.
"Is that so?" You raised an eyebrow, "How long?"
Jaehyun sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Months, at least." He leaned his head against the back of the couch, the hair he pushed back falling back into his eyes, "He's been trying to set me up with you for the longest. Johnny, too."
You rolled your eyes, "You're telling me that tonight was one giant ploy to get us to finally meet?"
"No, no, definitely not. That was a frat party, through and through. But, I'm happy we could've met there." Jaehyun gently grabbed your hand, pressing soft kisses to your fingers.
"Are you always this romantic?" 
"Only with people I actually have feelings for."
"And that implies that there's people that you have had feelings for."
Jaehyun chuckled, "It does. But, none of them were you." He smiled, intertwining his fingers with your own. You looked at the size of his hand compared to yours, the length of his fingers compared to yours. Jaehyun had height, and his hands definitely matched that; slender fingers, thick veins, soft skin. His nails were well kept too, considering what he did for a living.
His words repeated in your head, and you had to stop yourself from smiling. To be desired and admired for that long, with nothing but Mark's words and your social media posts to hold him over. 
"Why didn't you just follow me and talk to me?" You chuckled, watching him kiss your hand and wrist.
"It's not like I have a personal account. I only have my professional one for work." He whispered softly, "Plus, I had to see if you were interested first. I'm not good at that over text." 
You rolled your eyes, "Excuses."
Jaehyun chuckled, "Maybe a little. I just didn't want to swing and miss." He smiled, "I have an idea." He sat a little closer, his fingers playing with your own again, "Why don't you come to the game tomorrow? I have one pass left."
"I don't know a single thing about baseball." 
"That's fine." He smiled, "I'm not expecting you to figure out the miles per hour of my fastball. I just... I think I'd do better with you there." 
"Who else is gonna be there?"
"Johnny, Mark, and your friend. Mark wanted to show off." Jaehyun's dimples made another appearance, and you couldn't help your heart racing behind your ribcage. "You don't have to say yes, but I'll be happy if you were there."
You thought for what felt like minutes, but in reality, it was nothing but seconds, "Yeah. I think it'd be fun."
"Unless we totally lose." He chuckled, "My only excuse would be that I was too distracted by you."
"Are you always this cheesy?" You smiled, shaking your head.
Jaehyun met your smile with his own, "I can be." He shrugged.
"It's cute." You whispered, "I'd love to see you play, Jaehyun."
Jaehyun was physically fighting his excitement, giving another shy smile, "Great. Great." He chuckled, squeezing your hand. "If that's the case, we should probably head to bed then. We've gotta be up early if we wanna make it in time."
"Right." Your hand reaches for your phone in your back pocket, and you open your contacts, getting ready to call a taxi to pick you up, "I can get a cab ride home."
"I was thinking..." He locked your phone, "Maybe you could spend the night here." He whispered shyly. 
"Oh." You thought for a second, "Oh!" 
Jaehyun chuckled, "Doesn't have to be anything more than innocent, if that's what you want." He stood up from the couch, your hand lingering in his. "Come on, I have some clothes you can wear."
"Please don't tell me you're gonna dress me up like Adam Sandler." You stood up, letting him guide you down the long hallway to his — once again — gigantic bedroom. The lighting was dim, and you would've thought he had the lights on the entire day if it wasn't for the sound of the switch flipping. There was a bay window adjacent to the bed set of velvety black duvet, sheets and dark stained bed frame. 
Jaehyun let you linger by the door while he wandered off to somewhere around the corner, only to return with a red dirt stained baseball jersey and a pair of sweats you were sure weren't going to fit you. "Here you go."
You snapped back from admiring his bedroom to grab the clothes, smiling at him, "Did you wash this?"
Jaehyun nodded, "Red dirt stains. Only way to get it out is power washing." 
"Good enough for me." You laughed, "Where should I change?"
"Oh! Right, right." He stepped behind you to guide you by your shoulders to the double bathroom, "You can change in here." He looked at you through the mirror, smiling softly, "And, if you aren't comfortable with us sleeping in the same bed, I can always take the guest room."
"You have a guest room, too?" You chuckled, setting the spare clothes he gave you on the counter.
"Yeah. The bed isn't as comfortable in there as it is in here, though." Jaehyun continued to watch you through the mirror before he turned his eyes away and walked out of the bathroom, "I'll let you get changed." He nodded, shutting the door behind him.
You took a little longer to admire the bathroom, your fingers running across the granite counter, the big mirror and the nice black sinks. He had a walk-in shower, lined with dark grey tile. You peeked around the sliding door to the shower, catching sight of a shower ledge where the occupant could sit. 
You smiled to yourself before you turned to start changing your clothes, pulling on the clothes Jaehyun was nice enough to offer. It smelled like him. And they were nice and soft.
You folded up the clothes you wore to the party, setting them to the side of the sink closest to the door, gently opening the door.
Jaehyun sat on the edge of the bed, standing up as soon as you stepped out, "Hey."
"They look better on you than on me." Jaehyun chuckled softly, blushing a soft pink, pushing his hair back with his hand, "I knew they would."
You raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly, "Is this your way of saying you wanna see me wear your clothes more often?"
"Yes, definitely." He wore clear framed glasses, andyou could swear you saw them fogging up from the blush growing on his cheeks. "I definitely want to see you in my clothes more often." He grabbed your hand in his own, squeezing it gently.
"We'll see." You teased, squeezing his hand back.
Jaehyun smiled, "Did you think... about...?" He pointed at the bed, silently asking. 
"If you want me to, I can sleep in the guest room." You started, "I mean, it's your bedroom. I am a guest."
"I have no issue sleeping in the guest room. The whole bed thing... that was a joke." Jaehyun cleared his throat, obviously tense. "The mattress in the other room is just the right amount of soft and stiff."
You had to stifle the laugh that threatened to leave. "Jaehyun, really, I don't have an issue sleeping in the guest room."
He nodded his head, "Okay, okay." He smiled awkwardly, "But, really, I wouldn't mind if you stayed in here with me. Just put this whole thing behind us." He laughed.
"Hm, that might be easier." You continued to hold his hand as you sat on the edge of the bed, "As long as you promise to not crush me."
"Don't worry. I sleep like a log. Fall asleep in one position, wake up in the morning in the same." He held up his hands in defense, "I also promise to try to keep my hands to myself."
"Haha." You laughed sarcastically, sitting him beside you.
"I'm just kidding. I'll keep my hands to myself if you want me to." He nudged you, intertwining your fingers together.
"And if I don't?"
Jaehyun raised an eyebrow again, glancing at you, "Then I won't."
You smiled, "Sounds like a plan." You let go of his hand to crawl up to the head of the bed, laying on your side as you rested on a pillow.
"What? Like you not wanting me to keep my hands to myself or...?"
You laughed, "Just come lay down. It's already almost 3am and you said we have to be up early, didn't you?" 
Jaehyun took off his glasses, setting them down on the bedside table, laying down on the pillow next to yours, a soft smile on his face. 
You aren't sure when you fell asleep, and you definitely weren't sure about how you ended up with Jaehyun's arm over your hip, the alarm clock beside his bed blaring the god sound of the "Apex" ring tone. You slowly sat up, rubbing your eye and running your hand through your hair. You took a second to remember the scene of Jaehyun's bedroom before your eyes, turning your head to admire him. You were aware how odd it felt that you were allowing yourself to lay beside him in his bed, wearing his clothes. You weren't sure why you were doing this. 
You tried to convince yourself it was the alcohol you had the night before but you weren't even tipsy, let alone drunk. You could feel the butterflies flutter in your stomach as you thought about the night before, studying his face as he slept. You wondered how many people would kill to see this view. 
"Jaehyun." You whispered, leaning against your hand, brushing some hair from out of his face. 
"Hmm?" He grumbled, obviously half asleep.
"It's 8 a.m." You responded gently, quietly trying to coerce him out of his slumber, "We're gonna be late, Jaehyun."
Jaehyun groaned, pulling his arm back to his chest as he sat up and pressed the stop button on his home screen. He sighed, pulling his legs out of the covers so they could touch the ground. 
Some moment throughout the night, Jaehyun obviously pulled on a large white t-shirt and sweats, expelled the shirt from his body (evident by the white t-shirt thrown at the foot of the bed), and went to sleep. 
His back was muscular, his shoulder blades prominent as he stretched his arms above his head and in front of him. His fingers wiped at his eyes before he pulled on his glasses and stood up to stretch further.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked gruffly, turning to look at you, "I hope I didn't hog the bed too much."
You fought with your eyes as they wanted to linger on the happy trail below his belly button, settling on shutting your eyes as you smiled at him, "It was perfect, Jaehyun."
The sound of rustling sheets made you open your eyes to find Jaehyun on all fours, his face impossibly closer to you, "Good." He whispered, using a hand to pinch your chin with his thumb and index finger, "I've been thinking about kissing you again since last night."
Your cheeks turned red, and your heart raced in your chest. "Why didn't you do something about it earlier then?"
"You looked too beautiful sleeping." He smiled, "But, if you'll allow me, I'd like to do something about it now."
You smiled, "I'll allow it."
Jaehyun chuckled, cupping your cheek to press a kiss against your lips. His lips were still as soft as they were the night before, his hands gently as his thumb rubbed across the skin of your cheek. Despite it feeling like minutes, it was only seconds in reality until Jaehyun pulled away.
"Can I consider that my good luck kiss for tonight?" He asked softly. 
"Yeah." You chuckled, "And if you win, I'll maybe consider giving you a victory kiss as well."
"Sweet." He nodded, moving back to climb off the bed, making his way to the bathroom, "I'm gonna take a quick shower."
"I'll be back."
"'Kay." You smiled as he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door, immediately reaching over to the nightstand to grab your phone. 
You don't know what you were thinking staying the night when you didn't even have a change of clothes. You sent Yeri a quick text asking her to grab you a set of clothes, anything would do. Especially something warm. 
You can tell she agreed when she started calling you on Facetime, which you answered.
"How was it?" She asked as soon as the call connected.
"What do you mean?" You asked, turning down the volume as you sat back against the headboard.
Yeri rolled her eyes, sitting up in her own bed, "Come on, share all the details." Her screen switched to "Paused" and you could only assume that she was scrolling either on Instagram or Tw- "Holy shit! You're at the Hallows?"
"Yeah, that's the name of the building."
"Y/N, how out of touch are you?" Yeri started, her face returning to the screen, "The Hallows is where all the famous people live, like Lee Jongsuk and Seo Inguk."
"Well, if you're asking, no, I haven't seen anyone." You started, "The lobby looked expensive, though."
"I've gotta see this!" She stood up, "Okay, tell me what outfit you want then I'll head there."
Yeri entered your room at your shared apartment, opening your closet and turning the camera to show you different shirts, pants and other fabrics. You both took about 30 minutes of the call deciding on a good outfit, before you both settled on something.
"I'll be there in a few. What should I do when I get there?" Yeri asked, folding the clothes neatly into a bag.
"I can grab the clothes from you in the lobby." You nodded, "I'll see you when you get here."
"Bye. Love you."
"Love you, Yeri." You responded before ending the call. 
You heard the shower water come to a stop, and you fully expected Jaehyun to walk out of the bathroom but you sat there, staring at the door as he stood behind it. 
A text from Yeri came through your phone and you stood up, making a slow trek to the front door, which you opened and closed behind you. You remembered the door number, and the floor number, and you memorized the button you'd have to press to get back up. You suddenly felt awkward to even walk down into the lobby wearing Jaehyun's clothes, but the awkwardness melt away as you saw the area empty. Yeri was the only one there, recording herself for her Instagram story. 
She was too absorbed in recording the lobby that when you stood in front of her as the camera panned to you, she jumped, a yelp getting cut off just as she released the button. "Jesus, you scared the crap out of me." She said through a laugh, patting your shoulder. 
"Do I look that bad?" You questioned, grabbing the clothes from her hand.
"No, you don't look bad. You know me." She chuckled, I brought you some extra shoes too, so you don't have to worry about wearing the ones from yesterday." 
"You're awesome."
"It's really nice in here." She started, looking around the lobby, "I almost feel too broke to be here." 
You ran your finger over the clothes, chuckling, "I felt the same." You smiled, "So, how'd it go last night with Mark?" 
Yeri smiled to herself, "Well, I think it went wonderfully." She paused, playing with her keyring, "He asked if I wanted to come with him to Jaehyun's game today." 
"I heard." You laughed, "At least you'll have me to play wingman."
"You're coming too?" She smiled, "Awesome! Now I don't have to be so nervous." 
You laughed, "I've gotta get ready. Jaehyun's already in the shower and everything." You gave her a hug, "Get back safe."
"Text me if anything new happens!"
"Same with you." You called the elevator, watching her walk back out to her car, where you're sure she'd play her song of the week over and over until she got tired of it.
You retraced your steps as you stepped into the elevator, thinking of the night before as Jaehyun clicked the floor button to get you up to his place. The elevator stalled, then moved upwards. 
You felt the same butterflies in your stomach as you rode the elevator up, smiling to yourself as you glanced down at the clothes you held in your arms.
Could you even begin to consider this a date? You thought to yourself, It could be considered nothing more than just visiting Jaehyun's workplace. 
As the elevator stopped, you made your way down the hallway and stopped right outside Jaehyun's front door. You knocked on the door, waiting patiently for him to open the door. Which he opened, to him wearing nothing more than black sweatpants around his waist, his hair dripping droplets down his collarbones. 
"Hi." You looked at him.
"Hey." He chuckled, "I thought you left."
You shook your head, "Without my shoes?"
"Good point." He opened the door a bit wider for you to step inside, which you did.
"Yeri just brought me some clothes to wear for today." You motioned to the folded clothes in your arms.
"That's nice of her." Jaehyun smiled, "You can use the bathroom to change if you'd like." He closed the door, "I'm making something to eat as well."
You nodded, making your way to the bathroom in the hallway, quickly changing into the outfit Yeri and yourself picked out through the video call. It looked almost as nice as you thought when you imagined it. Sure, the black shirt was darker than the washed out black pants, but you think that added to the charm. You folded up the clothes Jaehyun offered the night before on top of the washing machine in the bathroom, slowly opening the door into the hallway once more. 
It smelled of maple syrup and coffee, and you took a seat at the island in Jaehyun's kitchen as you watched him cook. It was simple breakfast food; bacon, eggs and some rice. You spot the coffeepot brewing, the soft sound of the java hitting the glass pot. Jaehyun seems to have taken a step away from the kitchen to pull on a shirt to wear. 
"Thank you." You whispered softly as he set a plate down in front of you of the food, taking a bite of the bacon. 
Jaehyun smiled at you, taking a seat beside you as he started to eat his meal with you as well. It was silent, save for the water used to make the coffee coming to an abrupt halt. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, not at all. It was comfortable. Like sitting in silence together was comforting enough. 
As soon as you both finished, Jaehyun cleaned up, poured himself a quick cup of coffee after offering — which you respectfully decline, "trying to cut back," you'd joke — and grabbed the bags by the door that you didn't notice earlier. A giant duffle back, and a backpack that looked like it's been through Hell and back, littered with handwriting, even some quips from Mark and Johnny. You joined him in The Heights spacious garage, climbing into the newest Genesis model as he opened the door for you after he shoved his bags into the backseat. 
Throughout the car ride, as his phone connected to Bluetooth and changed through the songs, Jaehyun would grab your hand every once in a while, not paying much attention to it as he drove to the stadium. You didn't bother moving your hand. 
Jaehyun pulled into the back of the stadium, parking his car in some obscure area and helped you out. There were news tabloids, sports enthusiasts and paparazzi everywhere, and you felt your heart racing in your throat. But Jaehyun made quickly to avoid them, pulling you in front of him as he stepped through the door before the cameras started flashing. All you saw before it shut was a blinding flash.
Jaehyun sighed softly, adjusting the bag over his shoulder, "This is where we split off." He whispered.
You felt upset. You spent nearly the last 12 hours with him and for him to split off from you now for who knows how long felt so weird. You could tell you grew attached to him.
"Hey," Jaehyun chuckled, "The game doesn't start until 6:30, you've got the rest of the day to chill." His hand trailed down your arm before he grabbed your hand.
"I know." You chuckled, "I do have some homework I was planning to finish from last night, so I could do that while I wait."
Jaehyun smiled, "Great." He rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand, "Come on, I'll show you where you'll sit when the game starts." He began walking, silently passing you his jacket and let you sit down in the front row of the seats, watching as the field attendants chalked the dirt, and maintained the advertisements against the barriers. 
Jaehyun walked off after you sat down, giving you a wave as he walked off to where he needed to go.
You didn't realize how focused on your schoolwork you were until you felt the cold breeze and the loud chatter of other attendees. The stadium lights were turned on and the field attendants you saw hours ago were no longer there. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat as people push by your legs; unsure whether you should stand up from the chair to let people through or pull them up to your chest. You pulled on the coat Jaehyun had given to you earlier around your shoulders, waiting patiently by yourself for the other three guests to arrive. 
And when they did, you smiled up at them.
"Yo, Y/N, what's up?" Mark gave you a headnod, sitting on a seat only one away from you. Yeri and Johnny followed behind Mark. Your best friend taking the seat right beside you.
Johnny sighed, "You guys are gonna make the tallest, lankiest guy push through you all?" You could tell he wasn't irritated, clearly making a small joke as he stepped over your feet to sit in the seat beside Mark. He sat down with a sigh, adjusting the jacket over his shoulders.
Mark and Johnny shared a quip with one another, Mark sharing a boisterous laugh like he always did. 
Yeri nudged you, smiling sweetly, "So, what have you been doing while waiting for the entertainment to return?" She asked.
You held up your phone, the word document plastered on the screen, "Homework."
"Like always." She sighed, "You look nice."
"Thanks." You smiled, quickly saving the document before you shoved the phone in the pocket of Jaehyun's jacket.
You and the trio all spoke to one another, talking about school, interests and other things to fill the time before you caught sight of the teams walking through their thresholds.
Attendants around you all began to share chants of their respective teams, some going as far to shout out jeering taunts to fans of the away team.
Johnny and Mark seemed familiar with this, standing from their seats and clapping as the teams prepared with their coaches for the game.
You caught sight of Jaehyun laughing, the mit around his hand worn and clearly aging. He looked around the stands, waving to fans before he stopped and glanced at you, giving a small wave and shy smile. 
The crowd exploded with a loud cheer after he waved at you, and the teams were off.
A little over four hours later, the Sentinels had yet another win under their belt. Johnny and Mark were critiquing the plays made by both teams, while you and Yeri were busy trying to understand what the hell was happening in real time. It was different for the both of you when you were watching the plays in real time without any type of commentary or slow-mo videos to show the play. 
The wind picked up during the middle of the game and you were thankful Jaehyun gave you his jacket. Although, you weren't thankful for the wind sending a foul ball straight into the barrier net to keep the audience members safe. You could feel your heart racing, turning to laugh with Yeri, who was also frightened.
As soon as the game came to an end, everyone filed out of their seats, making there way to food stands or tailgates in the parking lot, where fans celebrated the Sentinels victory. Johnny, Mark, Yeri and yourself opted to waiting by the locker room for Jaehyun to walk out.
You held Jaehyun's coat over your arm, playing with your fingers as you waited. Mark and Johnny were having their own conversation while Yeri stood beside you, doing some complex edit to the photo she took with you and the boys to post on her Instagram story. 
"Dude, I'm hungry!" Mark complained, leaning his head back against the wall, rubbing his stomach.
Johnny snorted, "Yeah, I bet you want that stadium hot dog."
Mark gave his usual chortle, hitting Johnny's arm in a playful way, "Shut the hell up, dude." He spoke through his laughe. 
Yeri leaned against the wall beside you, sighing, "Yeah, I'm hungry, too. I haven't had stadium nachos in years."
"Yeri, the last time you've had stadium nachos was at school at the football game last week." You teased, locking your phone as you looked at her. 
"Well, it feels like years." She mumbled, looking at Mark, "Wanna come with me?"
You could see Mark's eyes light up, nodding his head rapidly, "Yeah, yeah, let's go."
Johnny kicked off the wall, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets, "I might as well come, too. Don't want you two to get lost." He looked at you quickly, "Wanna come, Y/N?"
"No, I'm okay. I ate before I came." You smiled softly, "You guys go eat. I'll wait for Jaehyun so he doesn't think we ditched him." You waved them off.
Yeri held up her phone, "Well, text me if you want anything."
You nodded your head, waving to them as they walked away before you leaned back against the wall as you pulled out your phone to occupy the short amount of time. 
You were invested in the random video of how fossils were formed, blackhead videos, mukbang ASMR, and other interesting videos. And you would've kept watching if you didn't see the last of the team file out of the locker room, save for the dark haired male you came with. You watched the team leave, and you pulled a frown. 
You began to question what was taking him so long, but decided to leave it as it was. It wasn't your concern what was taking him so long. You were a guest.
You looked at the locker room door for a moment longer, and hovered your thumb over the pause button on the video about who knows what — you blocked that information out. And just as you were about to press play, your phone chimed and vibrated.
no one's in here, if you wanna come in.
so you don't have to wait in the cold.
delivered 1 sec ago
You blushed; for one, it was the men's locker room. And second, you didn't know where your thoughts were going. All you could remember was this morning, where Jaehyun pulled open his front door with just a towel on. You kept the text open for a moment, before you approached the locker room door. You looked both ways three times. One look was too quick. The second, in case any one was approaching. Third, for extra measure. 
Your fingers held onto the handle for a second as you contemplated a little more, the metal handle cold from the breeze drafting through the open stadium. 
You pulled open the door, peeking your head in slowly, "Jaehyun?" You called softly, your voice echoing off the walls, making it seem louder than you intended.
"Over here." Jaehyun responded, and you quickly stepped inside, the squeaking of the hydrolic hinge echoing just as loud as the door latching behind you. Your shoes hit the ground as you stepped in further to find Jaehyun within the maze of lockers. 
And you did find him. He stood by a locker, a black Sentinels branded towel hanging low around his waist. It's clearly not like you haven't seen him shirtless, let alone half-naked. You saw both visuals this morning. But it was the fact his hair dripped drops of water down his back, over his shoulders, even down his face. The fact his back and arms were so muscular. And the very obvious fact that beside the towel, he wore nothing at all.
Jaehyun turned around briefly, chuckling, "Hey." He whispered softly.
He smiled to himself at your small voice, using his hand to keep the towel around his hips. He seemed... shy? More shy than you've grown accustomed to. You were thinking that it was definitely because of the circumstances of where his clothes were. He cleared his throat, "Hey, I just... uh," He started, grabbing your hand in his own and stepping a little closer to you, "I wanted to say thank you for coming to see the game." He squeezed your hand in his own, smiling shyly, "It's the first time I've actually had so many people come see me. Uh, in terms of VIP."
"I'm glad I could come, too." You smiled back, "I had fun. Plus, it was nice to see an actual baseball game in person, and not on a television." You tilted your head to the side as you thought, "Although, I didn't expect that many grown men to get excited when you waved."
Jaehyun laughed, "Yeah, they can get pretty excited." He smiled, "But, I think that kiss you gave me this morning gave me the good luck I thought it would."
"Yeah." He chuckled, glancing away for a quick second, "Does that mean I get that victory kiss you were talking about?" He asked softly, the hand that held his towel tightly was released, cupping your cheek with it. "You said you'd consider it."
You laughed, kissing his lips softly. 
Two days. Two days of electric tension bubbling between you guys was finally boiling over the top as you both kissed. You could tell Jaehyun was kind enough to act as the gentleman he always was for these two days, but from the way his hands wandered as you both moved your lips in sync was enough to tell you that he was desperate to touch you, to claim you as his own.
At first, he had one hand against your cheek, then both hands resting on your hips, then before you knew it, Jaehyun's hands trailed down your legs, and guided them around his waist as he lifted you up effortlessly and seated you on his lap as he sat on the bench in the middle of the floor. Jaehyun's lips never stopped moving against your own, his thumb rubbing your thigh through your pants as you straddled his hips.
Jaehyun parted from the kiss momentarily, glancing at your face as your lips grew swollen from the kiss. His hands moved from your thighs and found their way under your shirt, his thumb brushing against the skin of your stomach. "You look amazing." He whispered, placing open-mouthed kisses against your neck. 
You rested your hand against his neck as he kissed yours, your other brushing your fingers against his arm; over the veins you admired the night before, over the carpal boss of his wrist before he intertwined his fingers with your own again. Jaehyun's hips pressed against your own as his chest did the same with your own. 
"Jaehyun." You whispered softly, squeezing his hand in his own.
Despite the gentle whisper, Jaehyun had no intentions proceeding without anything more, pressing his lips to your shoulder through the fabric of your shirt, "Hm?" He hummed out, pulling away slightly to look at you, "What's wrong?"
"I just didn't think we'd share a moment like this in the locker room." You chuckled shyly, looking at him, "Not that I'm complaining, it's kinda hot, but..."
Jaehyun cupped your chin, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, "I understand." He whispered, "How about this? I'll get dressed and then we can head back to my place — or yours, I'm okay with either."
You nodded softly, climbing off his lap and sitting on the bench while he stood up to get dressed. He pulled on his briefs with the towel around his waist, loosening it to throw over his head and dry his hair. 
You looked around the locker room to avoid getting caught staring, admiring the red and black walls, the Sentinels logo in the center of the wall. You over analyzed every detail; how crooked the logo was, how some of the red bled into the black, even how there were smudges of paint left on the lockers. Maybe you were being a bit too critical; after all, you weren't an artist and sometimes mistakes happen. You began to beat yourself up because why would you criticize art if you couldn't even draw a stick figure, let alone a giant logo like the Sentinels had. Maybe you'd take an art class.
When you looked back at Jaehyun, he was dressed in his usual attire, the attire you were most accustomed to. The grey, baggy cargo pants, the black muscle tee, the backwards Sentinels baseball cap. He looks just how you were first introduced to him, and it was comforting. He grabbed his bags and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he led you out of the locker room.
"Hey! There they are." Johnny called, a half eaten corn dog held in his hand, "We were looking everywhere for you two."
Yeri held the paper boat of nachos in her hand as she gave you a knowing look, biting into a cheese and jalapeño covered chip.
Mark breathed heavily, "I ran around the entire stadium looking."
Jaehyun chuckled, shaking his head, "You guys didn't have to do that." He smiled, "Well, we're gonna head out."
"Why don't we get something to drink as celebration?" Johnny suggested, taking a bite of the corn dog.
"Sorry. Have plans." Jaehyun shrugged, guiding you past the three of them. 
Yeri took another bite of her nachos, "Wear protection!" She called, more so to you than Jaehyun, or at least you think so.
"Dude, ew!" Mark's laugh echoed off the walls as you and Jaehyun walked off.
Jaehyun was on a mission trying to get you both to the car so you both could get out of there and relieve some sexual tension. Not only did he have to deal with some of the teammates of him stopping him, he also had to deal with team managers, coaches, and some fans of him that were begging for autographs and photos; which he gladly accepted, because he wouldn't be anything without the people who supported him. That continued the whole entire way as you both walked to the back of the stadium where he parked earlier in the morning. 
Jaehyun slowly peeked out of the door before he closed it as soon as he opened it, "Here." He whispered, swinging the backpack to his side and pulled out some sunglasses, "There's gonna be a lot of cameras flashing, so wear these and only look straight ahead." 
You nodded, pulling on the sunglasses. Jaehyun grabbed your hand in his own, and slowly opened the door again, guiding you out with him. And that's when you understood what Jaehyun meant; the flashes of the cameras were speeding in at one per second. Jaehyun was used to it, but you definitely weren't. He gave a nod, a wave, even a handshake to paparazzi, keeping you close to his side. There was a security guard that helped you both make way to the car. You wondered how so many people were able to obey one security guard, let alone with that many people.
The car was inches away from you both, Jaehyun's fingers grazing the handle to the passenger side door, helping you inside. 
"Jaehyun, is that your girlfriend?" A paparazzi shouted, continuing to take pictures, most likely blurry from the nudging and shoving from other paparazzi. Since when did athletes have the same amount of paparazzi as superstars. 
Jaehyun shut the door, giving you a smile as he shoved the bags into the backseat, "Yeah, she is." He responded to the paparazzi, shutting the door and let the security guard guide him to the driver's side. The security even went as far to check under, on top and inside the car's backseat. 
Once the security gave the go ahead, Jaehyun pulled out of the car lot, his hand immediately finding your own. 
"Sorry about that." He said, making his way back towards his place.
"Oh, it's okay." You took off the sunglasses he gave you, holding them by the nose bridge as you folded the arms, "I feel sorry you have to deal with that. No wonder you drive a Honda." You smiled.
Jaehyun laughed, "I meant saying you were my girlfriend." He glanced at you, pausing the music on his phone, "It's easier to say that than explaining we're in a talking stage, you know?"
"It's fine." You glanced at his side profile, "I know what you mean." You mumbled, "I don't mind. Being considered your girlfriend, I mean." You smiled to yourself.
Jaehyun smirked, squeezing your hand, "You sure about that?"
Jaehyun nodded, playing the music to fill the silence. The music playing varied between The Weeknd, Lloyd, and even some underground artists you had no clue existed. But the one variation that they all had in common was that they were heavy intented with sexual innuendos and sexual tension. You have no idea if Jaehyun made a playlist with these types of songs or if they just happened to be playing on shuffle back to back. But either way, they were definitely setting the mood. 
Jaehyun pulled into the roundabout, grabbing his bags before passing his spare car keys to the valet and helped you out of the vehicle. 
"Why don't you park it yourself?" You questioned, reaching for the strap of Jaehyun's backpack and throwing it over your shoulders. You were genuinely curious, glancing up at him.
Jaehyun shrugged, "I don't know. They only allow employees out there. I guess it's the luxury part of the apartments." He guided you inside and to the elevator, clicking the floor button that you memorized from this morning.
You chuckled, "Do you like living here?"
"It's nice. But, I'm not much of a big house guy. I've never been interested in it." He leaned against the railing of the elevator, the duffle bag between his legs as you stood in front of him.
"So, why get a giant apartment?"
Jaehyun shrugged, "The commissioner of the team paid the lease if I agreed to join the Sents." He glanced down at his hands, "But, I'd much rather having a nice little apartment."
The elevator rung and stalled to a stop as you both reached the hallway, your hands never leaving one another's as he guided you to his door.
You felt the butterflies grow in your stomach, your heart beating in your throat and your hands clam up. Was now a bad time to say you can't remember the last time you've had sex? You really don't understand why you're feeling so nervous all of a sudden, you were both having a great conversation in the car and now, you felt like you were about to throw up.
Jaehyun pushed open the door, setting the duffel bag on the ground under the upholstered bench at the entryway, kicking off his shoes. You followed, setting the backpack down beside the bench and neatly placed your shoes next to his. You were trying to buy time to settle the butterflies in your chest by rearranging the shoes a little bit. And when you stood up, you gasped when you felt Jaehyun's hand on your own, once again. 
"If you're too nervous, we don't have to continue." He spoke in that soft voice, the same one you grew accustomed to since the night before. "I'm nervous myself."
You took a deep breath, sighing softly, "I'm nervous but... I want this."
"Are you sure?" 
Jaehyun stepped closer, your back pressed against the front door, he cupped your chin, his thumb brushing your bottom lip, "Can I kiss you? Is that okay?"
You nodded your head, "You don't have to ask."
Jaehyun kissed you — feverishly. Like a man starved, he pressed you against the door and kissed you like any man would with the woman they love. You felt his hands wandering again, squeezing your hips before wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
His tongue found its way into your mouth, rubbing against yours. You could feel him through his pants, and he was hard. You so desperately wanted to touch him, but you didn't want to cross a boundary he might not like, so you settled for kissing him back as feverishly as he was.
A gentle groan escaped his lips as you pressed against him, a whispered "fuck" breathed into your mouth. He tapped his fingers against your thigh, silently telling you to jump up, which you obliged. He steadied you with the arm around your waist, and guided your legs around his hips as he held you effortlessly.
"You okay with moving this to the bedroom, baby?" He spoke with a gravelly voice, his lips swollen from the kiss. You felt the butterflies grow in your stomach again, your heart racing, and your panties growing wetter as he looked at you with those gentle, yet dominant eyes. You couldn't help yourself but nod.
Jaehyun smiled, carrying you over to the bedroom, crawling onto the bed and resting you on his lap as he continued to kiss at your skin, his lips trailing along your jaw, neck and shoulder. "Do you wanna continue?"
You nodded, your hand running through his hair, "I do."
Jaehyun smiled, pressing soft kisses across your face, "Okay, baby." He placed one soft kiss against your lips, adjusting his position so you were laying back on the bed, and he was between your legs. He reached over to the bedside table, pulling out a condom and looking at you softly, "Open it for me?" He chuckled.
You grabbed the packet and tore it open with your teeth, passing it to him, "Expecting a lot of play?" You teased, motioning to the box of condoms.
Jaehyun smiled, shaking his head, "Only if you want to." He nudged your leg playfully, "And I'm hoping after this, you're the only one I fuck."
You bit your bottom lip, smiling sweetly, "I haven't had any complaints yet." 
He set the condom off to the side, skillfully unbuttoning your bottoms and pulled them off your legs, throwing them off to the side.
"Oh, my—" You mumbled.
"I'll buy you a new one." He whispered, his hands pulling off his shirt, "Anything you need, I'll get it for you." His shirt was the second piece of fabric added to the growing pile of clothing, his hands pulling off your own shirt, "You're so pretty." He whispered breathlessly, "You don't understand how hard it was to keep my hands off you." 
"You shouldn't have." You smile softly, brushing your fingers through his hair as he kissed at your collarbone.
"I'll keep that in mind." Jaehyun's breath fanned against your chest, and he looked up at you, "You're so beautiful. I was hypnotized when I first saw you in person, I swear."
You laughed, "Did Mark push you to come pour my drink?"
"No, I took that initiative myself." He smiled, his fingers tangling in the waistband of your panties, "I was sick of waiting." He chuckled.
And you were sick of waiting. It's two days of complete sexual tension and it was almost painful waiting for anything more to happen. You can't remember the last time you had this much sexual tension with someone, let alone the last time someone desired you this bad.
"Jaehyun..." You whispered out, as he pressed kisses to your hip bone, "Please, I can't wait anymore."
He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to your hip once more, "You can't wait anymore?" He teased, "I spent months fantasizing about this, and you can't wait anymore?" He hummed.
"You know what I mean." You whined, feeling your cheeks blush as you leaned your head back against the pillows.
"Okay, okay, baby. I guess I shouldn't keep you waiting any longer." His dimples imprinted his cheeks, sitting up from between your legs and grabbed the condom from beside him, "You've been patient and I appreciate that." He dipped his hand into the waistband of his pants, his cock resting in his hand as he rolled the condom on, slowly pumping himself in his hand, "Fuck, look what you do to me, baby."
You wrapped your legs around his hips, using the heel of your foot to pull him closer to your heat.
Jaehyun's hand pressed against the pillow you laid on top of, guiding the tip of his cock into you, slowly pressing into you, "Oh, fuck..."
"Oh my god..." You whispered out, tangling your fingers through his hair as he pressed his chest against yours, pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck.
"I'm gonna start moving, baby."
Jaehyun slowly began thrusting into you, the tip of his cock pressing against your sweet spot, your toes curling and fingers tightening on the hair on the back of his head. Jaehyun's long eyelashes brushed against your jawline as he continued to press soft kisses on your neck, "So soft, so pretty." He whispers against you skin, his tongue wetting the plain, gently sucking.
Gasping, you rolled his hips up against his, "Jae," Your words come out shaky, the heat moving from your cunt up to your ears.
"Sensitive there?" He whispered, nibbling on the skin, his hand moving from your cheek to press between you two to rub his index and middle finger along your clit. 
Jaehyun chuckled, "You're so wet, princess." He smiled, his hips continuing to press into your own, "God, I imagined how pretty you'd look underneath me for so long." His cock twitched against your walls, a moan escaping his lips, "Feels so good... Could keep fucking you forever."
The words you wanted to speak disappeared just as quickly as they appeared, listening to your thoughts echo Jaehyun as he continued to press into you. Silent babbles were occupied with whines and moans, clenching down on his dick as he moved. "Jae, Jae,"
"I gotcha, baby. I'm right here." He whispered softly, rubbing your legs, "Jae's right here."
You groaned as Jaehyun grabbed your hips, guiding you along his length, "So good..." You whined.
"I know, baby. Like you were made for me." Whispering in your ear, Jaehyun's fingers found their way to your clit once more, flicking it gently, "A pretty, soaking wet pussy just for my dick."
You jolt slightly as Jaehyun flicked you clit, a heat wave washing over your body as it blushed, simultaneously, goosebumps covered your skin from Jaehyun's words.
Jaehyun smiled softly, whispering sweet nothing against your ear, "So tight. It feels so good."
"Fuck, Jaehyun...." You whispered out, your throat straining as you attempted to speak.
Jaehyun's fingers worked against your clit, continuing the same pace of his hips, "Does it feel good, baby?" 
The words he whispered were enough to make your pussy jump, nodding your head. Glancing down at the bulge of your stomach, you couldn't help the moan escape your throat, "Oh, fuck." 
Jaehyun groaned, his hand lingering on your hip, "Look at you..." He whispered, more to himself, "Wanna fuck you everyday."
Jaehyun's voice was hoarse, his eyes staring into your own. He leaned closer, kissing your lips in contrast to the brutal pounding of his hips. He hummed against your lips, sliding his tongue between your lips and rubbed his own against yours. 
Jaehyun pulled away for a moment, looking at you, "Can I taste you, princess?"
It was a question you honestly couldn't refuse. You nodded your head, whining softly at his exit but allowed him to continue to kiss down your body, his breath fanning against your wet cunt.
Licking his lips, Jaehyun hummed softly at the white cream around your hole, "Shit..." He whispered out, pressing soft kisses against your sensitive clit.
"Jae!" You yelped as his lips pressed against you, blushing softly as another wave of heat covered your core.
Jaehyun smiled, the dimples on his cheeks making an appearance before he delved into you, his tongue licking your hole, savoring the flavor. 
You gasped softly and let your hands immediately slip through his hair, feeling the soft strands tickle the inside of your wrist. 
He was eating you out like a man starved, his fingers pressing into you as his lips and tongue danced with one another against your pussy. Jaehyun's eyes closed as he continued to thrust his fingers into you and taste you against his tongue, the cold of the ring around his finger soothing the burn of your body.
You could only handle so much more as he curled his fingers into you, gasping and whining as he teased the spongey spot inside you. Your pussy fluttered around his fingers, moaning softly, "Ri- Right there, Jae."
Jaehyun's fingers continued to rub against the spot, his tongue lapping up all your juices that dribbled onto his fingers like it was juice rolling down his hand. 
Your pussy sobbed as he continued tasting you and teasing you, feeling the warm coil break in your stomach, the creamy cum coating every line of his hand, covering the silver ring that pressed against your hole and leaving a white ring around the base of his fingers.
"Fuck," he whispered against you clit, moaning softly as he slowly moved his fingers inside you, "That was hot."
You whined shyly as he continued to press into your heat, his fingers never moving from the spot inside you, "Keep moving your fingers like that, and I'll cum again."
Jaehyun smiled, "I'm always up for a challenge." He teased, kissing your thigh, "Only if you are."
You blushed softly; how could resist such an invitation? You were so out of practice that you were out of breath only after cumming once, you had to at least repay the favor.
"Can I suck your cock?" You asked gently, sitting up on your elbows.
Jaehyun chuckled softly, moving his fingers out of your cunt, "Do you want to?"
You used this chance to adjust your position and lay across his lap, your mouth salivating at the sight of his cock, covered in the clear condom. You looked up at him with shy eyes, nodding your head.
"You gotta say it, baby." He whispered, his fingers brushing against your cheek.
"I wanna." You mumbled, entangling your fingers with his own.
Jaehyun smiled, leaning forward to peck your forehead, "Good girl." He whispered in your ear, "Go ahead." He guided you with his words, letting you roll the condom off his cock and kiss at the red cherry colored tip. A groan parted his lips as he settled his hand against your head. He didn't push, he just used it as silent praise, letting you take your own pace with what you were doing.
Yet, his hand on the back of your head almost gave you the motivation to do more; You wrapped your lips around his cock, slowly bobbing along the length, using your tongue to tease the slit of his cock. Your hand moved downward, rubbing against his sack, listening to his whines as you sucked him off.
Jaehyun glanced down at you, using his hands to move your hair away from your face and wrap it gently around his hand, "You're gorgeous." He whispered, as he admired your lips turning a swollen red, your flushed cheeks, your pretty fingers rubbing against him and your eyes lidded as you savored him on your tongue. 
Looking up at him through your lashes, you moaned at the praise, tasting the pre-cum leaking against your tongue. Pulling away with a thin string of saliva keeping you both connected as you took the moment to pump him in your hand, the pre-cum oozing from his slit.
"Fuck," Jaehyun leaned in closer, pressing his lips against yours to taste himself against your tongue, "You're so pretty." He moaned as your hand continued to move against his member.
You smiled softly, "You're not too bad looking yourself." You smiled, "Taste good too."
Jaehyun smiled softly, soft whimpers leaving his lips as you wrapped yours back around the cock head. Your finger traced the vein on the underside of his cock, drool dripping from your lips down his girth.
"Shit, f-fuck," He whined, "So close, baby. Keep going."
Listening to Jaehyun's sounds was enough to encourage you to continue until his muscles tensed, heavy pants escaping his throat. The taste of Jaehyun's cum against your tongue was like a hunger that you weren't aware you had sated. You had the taste linger on your tongue as you pulled away from his cock, swallowing the thick release.
"God, baby..." Heavy breaths, messy (but still insanely perfect) hair and flushed cheeks only suited him more, "That was perfect."
You smiled, laying back on the bed as you soak up the compliments.
Jaehyun lay beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist as he placed soft kisses against your neck, jawline, cheek.
You both continued to cuddle, letting Jaehyun fawn over you as you laid with one another until either of you fell asleep. You didn't mind being doted on. It was kinda nice.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
something that I haven't really seen being talked about/mentioned is that Tim having some of the Lazarus Pit's water inside his body and it's side effects (if there's any), like, would minor wounds and injuries not affect Tim even though he doesn't have a spleen? does he heal faster? run faster? better stamina or flexibility?? did he get stronger?? does he have shorter temper? does his eyes flicker Lazarus green when feeling strong, negative emotions or does he sometimes hear it's whispers when he's feeling strong, negative emotions??
(English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.)
(Quite alright. It's perfectly fine ^^)
Hmm... is this the hc/au idea that Ra's, to "help" Tim post splenectomy, injects or feeds Tim some Pit water?
It's not a full dip, so the effects are drastically reduced, but it still changes Tim.
I've barely seen this AU, but there are two reasons Ra's could have done this.
He genuinely wants to help Tim (not out of the goodness of his heart, though)
This would lead Tim to be susceptible to influence/manipulation
This does depend on your HCs for Lazarus Pit effects. The overall canon rule is that it heals the dying and kills the healthy. Other than that? Canon is all over the place.
So, do people post-dip enjoy enhanced strength, healing, stamina, and flexibility? Are their anger or all emotions heightened? Do they have the cool mood ring light up eyes? It is up to you ^^
I did like the idea you proposed of injected Pit water giving Tim a boosted immune system/healing speed. However, I also like the idea that Pit effects fade.
Therefore, Tim slowly becomes sicker and weaker as he becomes more susceptible to illness ^^ He can either inject himself with more Pit water or find an alternative (like taking more break, changing his diet, taking antibiotics, etc).
What if Ra's regularly sent him Pit injections to help him combat his lack of spleen? This could be a way that Tim owes Ra's or a manipulation technique. Maybe Tim has to pay back the "medicine" (through passing along information, running leadership like tasks, doing missions, or whatever).
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vaulthunterlands · 7 months
Stupid idea I had a few nights ago, don't think too hard about the inconsistencies in ages and stuff. Probably just doing Vault Hunters and a few other characters.
Majoring in cybersecurity. Good student, studies and gets consistently high grades. Has a well-formulated meal and workout plan. Also an RA on campus. Roland is the guy you go to if you have issues. He might not be great at "talking you through them" or "showing empathy" but he always has solid advice and is well-respected by his peers.
I was going to say "Brick wouldn't go to college in canon" but this isn't canon babeyyyy. Brick is going into veterinary medicine. You may think this is completely off as a major for him, but I argue that his love for dogs is far greater than any challenge he may face in his education. Still a gym maniac. Roland is his RA, which means Roland is in charge of calming Brick down when he gets mad. Dating Mordecai. Also, unrelated but Brick in a philosophy class:
"Brick, can you tell us what you think about what Descartes said?"
"I PUNCH Descartes."
Y'all are going to hate me for this but Lilith is a chemistry major. Girl loves fire, electricity, and acid so you can't tell me she wouldn't be a menace in her labs. (Also, before the first game was released her full title was "Dr. Lilith Cashlin, Mercenary Scientist") Only goes to class half the time but still does really well. Rooms with Mordecai and Brick. Huge crush on this RA she keeps seeing around
BIRD MAAAAAN. Y'all already know this guy is doing two things on campus. 1) Majoring in Ornithology 2) Going to parties to get drunk. This man is the epitome of "college is for partying". Keeps birds in campus (not allowed) and is doing okay in his classes (he is hung over 80% of the time) (Mordy pls) Dating Brick.
Honestly, what field of science ISN'T this girl majoring in? She's insane(ly smart) and constantly gets perfect scores on all of her exams. Closest friends are Roland and the gang.
Why is he here??? What??? Marcus is the guy who runs the restaurant that is directly across the street from campus. *Phenomenal* food, but GOD is it pricey. Tends to not care about many of the students chilling (as long as they BUY SOMETHING)
Doesn't go to this college but he's good friends with Roland and his pals. Likes to go out drinking with them on the weekends and is just all-in-all a cool guy to hang around with. Friends with Janey.
BMOC. Captain of the football team. You can trust him! (He's the water boy.) Total jock but he's not an asshole about it. Majoring in Rehabilitation Science. He's... not the *best* student, but he does try and genuinely care about what he wants to do. Lives with Salvador, Maya, and Zer0 in a dorm.
Culinary major. My man can COOK. He's the best cook in the dorm and no one will ever argue if he offers to cook. Really good student even though he parties all the time with Mordecai, Brick, and Axton. Lives with Maya, Axton, and Zer0.
*Insert weeb joke here* They're a literature major. Not just because of the haiku, either. I feel like Zer0 would be fantastic in literature courses and understanding thr deeper meanings in texts. They are seen as a "weird kid" on campus. They do not care. Lives with Maya, Salvador, and Axton.
The reason I made this list (big surprise, V does a huge post and it's Maya's fault), Maya majors in entomology. (S/O to @forbiddenpurplesoda for this because I've always thought Maya would be a bug girl) Maya is a phenomenal student and she always gets great marks in her studies. Lives with Axton, Sal and Zer0. Has at least one pet beetle that makes Axton panic.
Mechanical Engineering/Robotics major. Obviously built Deathtrap as a buddy because she felt a little lonely in her dorm. Calls her Dad every night. Has a huge crush on a girl in one of her math classes. Lives with...
Listen. Listen. Krieg majors in psychology. The *actual* football captain. Doesn't talk much and when he does, it's complete nonsense. (Everyone just goes "haha classic Krieg") Gaige gets along with him extremely well. Maya and him have a thing where they will just look at each other and think "holy shit they're so gorgeous). Always wears a face mask.
Child prodigy chemistry major, buddies with Lilith and Roland. But seriously, who let this kid in the lab? Like, okay, yeah, she knows what she's doing, but what she's doing is COMBUSTION REACTIONS. How is she still in school.
Engineering major. Lives in the building across from Roland and the gang. Absolute sweetheart and huge flirt but will also drop you on her ass if you threaten her friends.
I could see Moxxi as a professor of engineering, actually. Every student thinks she's gorgeous and she's learned to ignore it. Scooter and Ellie's Mom. Thinks their friends are funny.
Oh man, this one was tough. I decided on absolute tool you meet in college who's the head of a frat and thinks he's God's gift to women. Lives in the same building as Roland, Lilith, Brick, Mordecai, Salvador, Axton, Maya, Zer0, Gaige, and Krieg. Constantly getting into arguments with... basically everyone listed above. Majors in business.
She's an art major!!! She's super intelligent and aces all of her classes but she absolutely loves art. Jack is her brother in this AU. Has a crush on the cute punk girl in her math class but could never tell her. Lives in a single.
Double majors in conservation biology and zoology! Finds the creatures that he studies absolutely fascinating and always has a bright disposition on his face. Lives in a single that looks exactly like you think it does (his room on Sanctuary III). Strained relationship with his sister.
Acient History Major, specifically interested in Ancient Greece (wonder why?). Works at Marcus' restaurant. Hates it. Pay her more. Has her eyes on a girl that frequents Marcus' restaurant. Tried to live with Wilhelm, Jack, Nisha, Timothy, and Claptrap for a semester, she is now a commuter. Still friends with Timothy.
Jack's second-in-command. People look at him like he's a dumbass, big hunk of meat, but he's also in a robotics major. Aside from being buddies with Jack, he's... kind of chill? Man likes what he likes and he works out pretty often. Boxes in his free time. Lives with Nisha, Jack, Timothy, and (formerly) Claptrap.
Criminal justice major, naturally. Jack's girlfriend and the baddest and scariest bitch on campus. Likes watching old western movies. Never, ever shows up to class but still passes. No one knows how. Lives with Jack, Timothy, Wilhelm, and (formerly) Claptrap
Theater major! Always has a smile on his face, even though he's nooooot very well-liked. Tried to get in with the popular guys but eventually figured out he was being used. He confronted Jack and Jack kicked him out of the dorm 😔 Lives... well, he kind of just lives around Roland's dorm. Roland's too nice to say no.
I feel like Tim would be a Biology major. I don't know why but I can see him in that field. Looks SCARILY similar to Jack, and hates this. Unfortunately put into a room with Jack, Wilhelm, Nisha, and (formerly) Claptrap. Misses Athena greatly and wishes she still lived on campus. They're still good friends.
Oh good lord, who let her on a college campus. Has an extravagant single room because she's *rich* and she's not sharing with someone else are you insane? Studies law because this bitch wants to be a judge someday. Absolutely hates to be seen with her brother Alistair. Rivalry with another rich law student makes this even more tense.
Doesn't go to this college but she knows a few people around campus and hits up Marcus' restaurant for a bite to eat every so often. The food is just so good, right? No other reason. None at all. Friends with Scooter.
Rhys is a business and economics major. Is in Jack's frat. Is getting increasingly sick of Jack's shit. Buddy buddy with Vaughn, Fiona, and Zer0. Dating Sasha.
Accounting major. Man has a mind like a steel trap, and also enjoys bodybuilding. Best friends with Rhys, good friends with Fiona and Sasha.
I genuinely feel like Fiona would be a nursing or Healthcare major. I have no basis for this, it just feels right for her. Hates Jack and keeps telling Rhys to tell him to fuck off. Friends with Rhys and Vaughn, Sasha's older sister.
Social work major! Loves helping people and wants to make a change in the world after she and Fiona grew up in less-than-ideal circumstances. Dating Rhys, also keeps telling Rhys to get away from Jack. Friends with Vaughn.
Transfer student. Served in the military for a while before deciding she wanted to go to college. Undecided major but she's just trying to focus on the pretty women I mean her grades haha am I right? ALWAYS at Marcus'. Always. Lives with Zane, Amara, and FL4K.
FL4K has Mr. Chew, Broodless and Meat-Thief as emotional support animals. I can see FL4K as a double major in zoology and veterinary medicine. Loves their pets. Super chill unless you speak badly about them or their pets. Will shank a bitch. Lives with Zane, Moze, and Amara.
Healthcare studies major, with a focus on pathology. Also a bodybuilder. Also a boxer. Amara is that girl and she knows it. Always asking Moze to work out with her and she is completely oblivious to Moze being head over heels. Will fight someone being mean to a customer service worker. Lives with Zane, Moze, and FL4K.
Pop pop went back to college! No but in this AU Zane is probably older than everyone but not that much older. His major was tough for me, but I honestly think he'd be a good candidate for a major in rehabilitation science with Axton. Also LOVES parties.
His Father wanted him to go into Business to take over the family legacy but he decided to go into law to "protect the little guy". Has daily arguments with this stuck-up, pretentious "harpy" that's in most of his classes. She's awful. Has a crush on this well-spoken man in zoological studies. At least that will take his mind off of the harpy.
Troy is a media and communications major. Has a fantastic time making videos and being admin of many social media pages but doesn't do very well in class because he dislikes most of his professors. Has a very close relationship with his sister, Tyreen.
Double major in Art History and Theater. Loves to be the center of attention and often stars in her brother's videos and projects. She loves it. A little full of herself. Close with her brother, Troy.
Cringe boomer history professor that can be easily distracted by him telling his stories of his many adventures (no one knows if they're true or not). Troy and Tyreen's Father. NOT a piss poor Dad in this AU, just embarrassing as all hell. Pretty decent guy but he's okay as a professor. (Please guys let me have my "Typhon is a good cringe embarrassing boomer dad to the Calypsos" AU)
OKAY this was a really long post and I probably forgot someone but I'm sure I'll hear about it LMAO. Also I don't know every single college major and its appropriate title, I just went off of vibes. Pls be nice 2 me
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n7punk · 1 month
Pairings: Adora/Catra (Catradora). Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018). Series: Waiting For My Spaceship To Come Back For Me. Series: Sapphic September 2024 @sapphic-september
Rating: T. Chapters: 2/2. Words: 4.6k.
Summary: 1) Catra always thought getting into a museum was her ultimate dream, but it turns out that like most things in her life, it comes with baggage she feels like she can never set aside to just be recognized for her. 2) They were always told there’s no medicine for them if they get sick. That’s what makes it so terrifying when Adora’s eyes start turning red. First Ones diseases don't play around, apparently, and it turns out to be difficult to take care of someone when you don't even know what's wrong with them. (And other vignettes in the Greys-verse/Area 51 Catradora AU)
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ubejamjar · 7 months
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Name: Ajisai Kawanami
Aji - Thancred and Alisaie
Aj (not AJ) - Aymeric occasionally in private frequently if they are both inebriated
Little star - Parents. Ajisai uses this as an endearment for children.
Age: Early 30s
Nameday: 7th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Healer, Warrior of Light
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Naturally straight and deep blue, with lavender at the ends. She keeps it short as a matter of practicality and she doesn’t really know how to care for long hair. It grew out between Heavensward and Stormblood but she cut it just before going to that first meeting in Gridania.
Some kids taught her how to braid and she’s been doing it ever since.
Eyes: Orange-citrine with black limbal rings
Skin: Copper, think Southeast Asian; her scales are white
Tattoos/scars: Ajisai has many, many scars that she keeps covered because she wants to look respectable. One does not simply live a life as a soldier, pirate, and hero and avoid scars. I haven’t decided exactly what scars she has because I haven’t looked into putting them on her.
-> Kana Kawanami Mother, samurai, former rice farmer and sake brewer, Doman Resistance Fighter.
Currently: Alive and fighting on the Gyr Abanian border under Lord Hien’s command.
-> Tatsuo Kawanami Father, geomancer, former rice farmer and sake brewer, conscripted Imperial healer, presumed dead.
Currently: Alive in Dalmasca (maybe?)
Siblings: None, though she thinks of Lyse, Alphinaud and Alisaie as her little brother and sisters. She adores Thancred as a brother, Y’shtola as an sister.
Grandparents: Murasaki Grandparents: Samurai who lived in Monzen; Kana's estranged parents. They died fighting in the rebellion. They never knew that Kana married, had a child, and lived in Namai.
Takemura: A priest at Shisui who raised Tatsuo as his own son. He was old already when Tatsuo was a child and long dead by present day.
In-laws and Other: The Fortemps: She treats them as extended family though their relationships are complicated. Despite Edmont's fondness for her, Ajisai feels he still holds her responsible for Haurchefant's death.
She is unmarried and unattached though she has romantic feelings for Aymeric (which I wrote an essay about)
Pets: None at the moment
Abilities: Marksmanship - Great with a gun; refuses to use one ever again
Field Medicine - Aside from her healing magic and botanical knowledge, she is trained in Garlean combat surgery.
Life Sketching - Likes to draw everything she sees in her journals. She carries two at any given time -- one is personal, the other is meant as a gift for Aymeric but who knows if she’ll ever actually give it to him because she wrote a love letter in there.
Hobbies: Reading, specifically books about law and history; astromancy and divination; tea making; drawing; talking entirely too much to strangers; ruin diving; research into ancient civilizations
Most Positive Trait: Compassion She genuinely cares about the people around her— she wants to do the most good she can do for as many people as she can. It isn’t just about penance, she likes seeing people happy and well.
Most Negative Trait Healing Hubris After years of harsh study and field training, Ajisai believes herself to be the best healer to the point she will not trust other people to heal herself, her companions, or loved ones. She spirals whenever she’s forced to confront the possibility someone might be beyond her abilities (like Haurchefant)
Colors: Summer sky blue, plum purple, lavender
Smells: Cinnamon and clove, sugared pecans, vanilla lavender, freshly baked cookies, pine needles, campfire smoke
Textures: Rough paper, plush blankets, river smooth stones, soft fur
Drinks: Ishgardian tea, hot cocoa, warm milk with honey and cinnamon
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Only to be social
Drinks: Only drinks with Aymeric or alone. She drank heavily after the Vault, along with her sleeping potion use.
Drugs: Used sleeping potions to force herself to sleep and was considering using more… illicit substances to numb the pain before she started napping in the Congregation.
Mount Issuance: Story-wise, Ajisai didn’t join a Grand Company. She just.. wouldn’t leave one military to join another. She took porters and aetherytes until she got Pillion from Haurchefant. She calls him Pillion because Haurchefant said she could ‘ride pillion’, not realizing ‘pillion’ referred to the passenger behind the rider.
Been Arrested: Yes, probably for disturbing the peace in Limsa. Many tavern brawl taken too far, maybe some petty theft and other minor crimes before she got her shit together.
Tagged by: @paintedscales ❤️
Dragging these people into getting arrested with Ajisai: @oh-yeah-no @otherworldseekers @corsair-kovacs @amalthea-felsblood @thewitchofelpis @thevikingwoman @disciple-of-frost @viiioca @sasslett @gatheredfates @pumpkinmagekupo @starres-stuff @khaiens @aislingsurrow
If you were already tagged, consider yourself double-tagged or triple-tagged or—
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Since you got so many postive reactions, I'll also add something Your story is boring. Its too long, its too complicated, the plot is too long, nothing happens, it's not RA at all any more, it has nothing to do with canon! Halt is a joke, there is nothing left of him. This is annoying, the whole story is annoying! Secondly, you dramatize the story too much. Why is Halt's mother a child when she gave birth to him? Don't you have enough angst from the plot, then you have to add such elements and make the king a pedo? A bit pathetic, if you ask me. Why is she so young? Why would Caitlyn be married so young? Nobody did that in the canon! Second, why, for God's sake, is everyone there gay? In the Middle Ages? What's that supposed to be? Third, you don't respect your own readers. You post new chapters without any rhythm, once every week, once every month, instead of sticking to any routine. People don't want to read something so inconsistent, it's stupid, it's annoying. Oh and all those references to Catholicism in the plot in and your made up religion. Is it really necessary?
It's a shame, because this could have been a really cool story… you still have a lot to learn, good luck!
Hello, I would say thanks for contacting, but then it would probably sound ironic. Well.
I understand that the pace of the story may not suit everyone, especially people who prefer short stories. However, I made it clear from the outset that the story would be long and complex. It's a whole AU and yes, I love worldbuilding and I won't apologise for that. I care about the details, but I also care about a balanced sinusoid of action. This isn't an action movie where you'll eat popcorn and laugh at the jokes, it's a marathon geared towards experiencing the story a little deeper. If it annoys you, I'm not sure why you don't just give up reading it…. you refer to the facts revealed in recent chapters, so you've at least made it to chapter 41, even though the story annoys you so much. Why? And why should it be my fault?
Let the numbers speak for me. Jadwiga Andegaweńska, King of Poland, married Władysław Jagiełło, Grand Duke of Lithuania, at the age of 12. He was 35 years old at the time. He took his last wife at the age of 70. She was named Zofia Holszańska, she was 17. Henry VIII of England took Catherine Howard as his wife when she was 17. He was 49. The youngest queen consort was Isabella of Valois, second wife of Richard II, aged 6 years 11 months and 25 days when she was married to him in 1396. The average age at which women were given in marriage in the Middle Ages was 12-14 years. It was only at the end of this era that this age changed to the late teens (16-19). The Renaissance brought a shift in this average to the early 20s. Yes, I am aware that we do not have such situations in the canon. Probably because the canon is a conglomeration of several different visions of the Middle Ages, which the author did not see fit to separate. Armaments, schooling, lack of illiteracy, developed medicine and finally, social realities all disagree. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but no princess married a plebeian knight because he was nice and she loved him. No princess ran around in the woods with a slingshot and none of them was likely to be allowed to become a super secret special task soldier because her parents couldn't cope with her upbringing. Canon has nothing to do with historical reality. In many ways it also misses the mark with my story. It's a fanfic. It's just a story, invented by me and loosely based on canon. It's AU - Alternative Universe. Where there's magic, religious wars and various things like that. But some of the stuff in there comes as a result of my fascination with history and the development of societies in different eras. Hence, certain phenomena, such as just the treatment of women, the age at which they were given in marriage, illiteracy, pestilence, economic dualism and sending children to war, appear in the storyline. Eileen is a monument to women, girls who were given in marriage to bear children to kings, to endure their outbursts of anger, beatings, rape and other forms of violence. Her story is very important to me and no, it is not there just to add drama. I'm sorry you see it that way.
Because we are human, we have always existed and we will always exist. Because it is a story written by a queer person and because as an author I can do so. I also pointed this out in the tags. Too many queer people reading books couldn't find themselves in the plot. I only write queer stories. And if in a story about blood magic, prophecies, human sacrifice, violence, wars and betrayals, you have the biggest problem to a few queer people in the plot, it's no longer my fault.
Listen, I'm really trying not to be mean. Let me say this as gently as I can. I'm not your friend. I'm a random stranger on the internet that you know nothing about. I'm not your school mate for you to talk to me like that. I'm an adult, I work full time, I'm writing my Master's thesis and I'm taking care of two children. I'm sorry that my few hours a week that I can spend doing something for myself, are not enough for me to write a 16-19k chapter once a week. How annoying and mean of me. Wow.
I wasn't inspired by Catholicism. But it's interesting that of all the world religions, this is the one that came to your mind. If you associate a fictional religion based on blood sacrificing, heroising self-harm and sacrificing children, cruelty to captives and hateful contempt for women with Catholicism, then who am I to argue.
It's been so much fun writing to you. And you don't offend me by saying I have a lot to learn. We all have. If one stops learning, one dies. And I still have a whole lot of queer, boring, annoying stories to write. Have a lovely day! And may your toilet seat be cold af at the middle of the night :)
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the-unending-journey · 6 months
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Name: Kiyo Himemitsu de Haillenarte
Nicknames: Little lady (what a lot of people tend to call her), brat (courtesy of her brother), Kiki (only permitted by people she's super close to and family)
Age: mid/late 20's
Nameday: 15th Sun of the Second Astral Moon
Race: Au Ra (Raen)
Gender: Cisgender Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Adventurer, traveling healer (white mage), Alchemist
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Black hair with stark white streaks mixed throughout (from events of Shadowbringers)
Eyes: Lavender-colored with a light glow caused by overabundant aether leaking through
Skin: Light peachy tone
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, but she does gain light aether scarring along her body after the events of Shadowbringers. These often have a faint, goldish white glow to them that can briefly intensify depending on how much of her magic she uses
Parents: Kousuke Himemitsu (biological father - deceased), Nobuko Himemitsu (biological mother - deceased), Lucinne de Haillenarte (adoptive mother - alive) and a currently unnamed adoptive father (deceased)
Siblings: Ryunosuke Himemitsu (older biological brother - alive) and Evianne Beausoleil (older adoptive sister - alive)
Grandparents: Currently unknown
In-laws and Other: N/A
Pets: Kouji, her pet Gaelicat and Natasha, her pet Nagxian cat. She also has her two chocobo, Yuki and Nuit
Abilities: very talented in various healing techniques, identifying medicinal plants vs. poisonous ones, decent artist (mostly for recording her findings in her botany journal, making stuffed dolls and mending clothing
Hobbies: exploring new places, studying and recording the varieties of plants the star has to offer, reading (especially romance), dancing, gardening, making herbal teas
Most Positive Trait: Extremely kind to just about everyone
Most Negative Trait: Very, VERY low self-esteem to the point she'll often self-sabotage any relationships that might form (platonic or romantic)
Colors: soft pastels, deep blues and white
Smells: sweet florals, fresh laundry, earthy/herbal scents and fresh-baked goods
Textures: anything soft - feathers, fur, cloth
Drinks: typically just prefers a good ol' Ishgardian brandy and just about any sort of tea. Hot chocolate is an absolute favorite too
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Absolutely not
Drinks: Only socially... or if she's having a really bad depressive episode
Drugs: Only natural ones to alleviate pain or aid sleep
Mount Issuance: Just her two Chocobos and I guess technically her father's old horse, Kaze. But he's mostly taken care of by her brother and isn't really meant to run around too much anymore
Been Arrested: Almost by some temple knights trying to accuse her and Lucinne's family of heresy due to Kiyo's draconic features and sort of illegally living in Ishgard. It got sorted thankfully... mostly by Lucinne's sword arm
Tagged by: @archaiclumina (I'm so sorry it took so long!)
Tagging: I'm pointing at YOU reader. Do it
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chitsuu · 8 months
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OC Kiss Week 2024: Rain
Still doing this little challenge this week, since I didn't manage to do it all last week, with my FFXIV character and his husband (@kitshunette’s son)!
Also, I’m not much of a writer, but I decided to write a little something for each drawing, little windows in their story (which is also why I’m using the @ockissweek prompt list but not in order)
I actually got overly excited over this one, even though this is not a paper made for very detailed illustration and I wanted to keep things simple,,,,, but it took form under my eyes and I couldn't stop,,,,,,
Eli decided he did not like the rain.
He frowned, glaring at the window of his bedroom, where he could see the heavy pouring that was currently taking place outside. It had been raining without a moment of rest since yesterday’s first light, and it showed no sign of stopping. Eli dramatically sighed. He was supposed to be on a date this evening, and yet he was stuck in his room - well, more accurately, in his bed. Apparently going out under the rain in a cropped vest and shorts was incompatible with the concept of being healthy, and he had caught a nasty cold.
He shivered a little, and concluded that since his night was ruined, he might as well give up and transform himself into a burrito. Just as he finished wrapping his long limbs inside the warm blanket, he heard a little rasp against his door.
“You can come in.”, he grumbled.
It was either his big sister coming to offer him some medicine, or her wife, who would never pass out the opportunity of snatching the warm cup of milk that was on his bedside table.
Except it was neither of them, and a much taller shape appeared at the door frame, hovering anxiously.
“Shashahua told me you caught a cold, and that you were stuck in bed. I wanted to check on you, are you feeling better?”, the blue haired man asked, a worried look on his face.
Eli felt a rush of very different emotions all at once. Happiness at seeing the familiar face of his now boyfriend. Embarrassment from getting sick just before their date. Flattered that he would still come to see him. Relief that his nose had stopped producing indecent amounts of snot a bit earlier in the afternoon. Mortified that he was currently looking like some kind of giant slug.
He coughed a little, hoping to distract Jisul while he tried to smoothly move the blanket around so that he would not look like he was being eaten by it.
“I’m feeling better this morning. You didn’t have to come you know?”, Eli started then promptly added, “No that’s not it, I’m actually really happy you’re here. Thank you.”
He could feel his face flaring up, and hoped the Au Ra would mistake it for the fever. Why did he have to be like that?
Jisul beamed, and Eli belatedly realized he had come all the way to his bedside. He scooted over a little, a shy unspoken invitation. An invitation promptly accepted, as his boyfriend sat next to him on the bed, looking a bit pink at the cheeks.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t go on our date. I know you wanted to see the Starlight festivities, and I wanted to see them with you too.”, Jisul said in a small voice.
He looked really dejected, as if the weather was somehow something he could have prevented. Well, knowing him, if he could do it for Eli, he would. And Eli would do the same.
The Elezen reached a hand outside the blanket, and took Jisul’s hand in his.
“You don’t have to be sorry for that. We can always see them later,” Eli softly said, “or even next year.”
Pulling the hand towards him, he gave it a gentle kiss. Speaking of future dates gave him butterflies, and he tried his best to stay casual. They started dating not so long ago after all, and even though they had a crush on each other for the longest time, at least according to his big sister and her wife, wasn’t he being a bit forward?
“Sounds good to me. Next year and the following years to come would be nice.”
Eli’s heart made a somersault. Jisul was looking at him with crescent eyes, full of a confident love. When their eyes met, they both blushed before turning slightly away, overwhelmed by the sudden confession.
“I should go”, Jisul started after a few moments of comfortable silence, “you need to rest more-”
“Can’t you stay a little?”
Eli was actually not ready to let him go, even though he was indeed starting to feel tired and in need of a nap.
“Please. Until I fall asleep?”, he pleaded.
As if pleading was necessary, considering Jisul had not even made the slightest movement to remove himself from the bed.
“Can I? What about your sister?”
The Au Ra looked a bit intimidated at the idea of getting told off by the Lalafell.
Eli chuckled.
“It’s fine. She and Sisi are probably expecting you to stay so they don’t have to worry about me.”
And so they can tease me come tomorrow.
Jisul laughed a little, and opened his arms. Eli found himself wrapped in a soft embrace and snuggled closer to his boyfriend’s chest. The Au Ra was more on the cold side in terms of body heat, but it balanced nicely with the warmth from the blanked and his fever.
“Should I sing you a lullaby?”
Eli closed his eyes, unable to fight the drowsiness, as Jisul started to sing a soft ballad in Xaela.
Eli decided he liked the rain a little after all.
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ewerinreverse · 1 year
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[school days from psp persona 1 starts playing]
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barclaysangel · 7 months
Junior Wheeler Playlist
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*pats playlist* This bad boy can fit 207 songs that lasts in total 12 hours and 27 minutes. I fixate too much on Junior. But I got inspired by @high-functioning-fang1rl Nica playlist so I had to do one for Junior too.
This is on my iTunes account and idk how to manage Spotify so if y'all wanna listen to it, I'm going to put all the songs down below. The ones with * on it are the ones I 1000000% relate for Junior. And feel free to send asks about any of the songs and I'll legit do a lyric analyst to explain why I chose it for Junior.
Anyway, enjoy :)
Avril Lavigne
Losing Grip*
Wish You Were Here
Let Me Go
Billie Eilish
you should see me in a crown*
bury a friend
everything i wanted*
Therefore I Am
Happier Than Ever*
Christina Perri
The Lonely*
Digital Daggers
Where the Lonely Ones Roam*
The Devil Within*
Can't Sleep, Can't Breathe
Still Here*
Bad Intentions
Raise Hell*
Wicked Ones
Beetlejuice the Musical
Dead Mom*
Say My Name
That Beautiful Sound
Going Under*
Bring Me To Life
Everybody's Fool*
My Immortal*
My Last Breath
Sweet Sacrifice*
Weight of the World*
Like You
Lose Control*
All That I Am Living For
Made of Stone*
The Change*
My Heart Is Broken
The Other Side
Lost in Paradise*
Never Go Back
A New Way To Bleed*
Even in Death
Farther Away
Fall Out Boy
I Don't Care*
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark
Alone Together*
Young Volcanoes*
Empty Gold
Hold Me Down*
New Americana*
Colors, Pt. II
I Walk the Line
Now or Never
Good Mourning*
Angel on Fire*
Devil in Me*
Forever ... (is a long time)*
Finally // beautiful stranger*
Still Learning
Bells in Santa Fe*
Easier than Lying*
People Disappear Here*
Hollywood Undead
Paradise Lost*
Another Way Out
We Are*
Imagine Dragons
I'm So Sorry*
Who We Are
What I've Done*
Marina and The Diamonds
Oh No!*
Teen Idle
Melanie Martinez
Training Wheels
Pity Party*
Milk and Cookies*
Mad Hatter*
The Principal
Show & Tell*
Drama Club
Lunchbox Friends*
Orange Juice*
High School Sweethearts
Olivia Rodrigo
Can't Catch Me Now*
Bohemian Rhapsody*
Under Pressure
The Show Must Go On*
Set It Off
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead*
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Falling Inside the Black*
Taylor Swift
I Did Something Bad*
Don't Blame Me*
Look What You Made Me Do*
my tears ricochet
this is me trying*
You're On Your Own, Kid*
Vigilante Shit*
Three Days Grace
Just Like You*
I Hate Everything About You
Born Like This
Animal I Have Become*
Let It Die
Bitter Taste*
The Good Life*
Someone Who Cares*
Chalk Outline
Misery Loves My Company*
Human Race*
Pain Killer*
Fallen Angel
So What*
Nothing's Fair in Love and War
One Too Many
twenty one pilots
Stressed Out*
Fairly Local*
Other Artists
Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin
Here by Alessia Cara*
Panic Room by Au/Ra*
I'm Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rexha*
Dark Side by Bishop Briggs*
idfc by blackbear
Break the Rules by Charli XCX
Arcade by Duncan Laurence
The Monster by Eminem*
Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate*
Seven Devils by Florence + the Machine*
You Found Me by The Fray
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths*
So Alive by The Goo Goo Dolls*
Blood // Water by grandson*
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
Impossible by James Arthur*
Human by John "The Ragin Cajun" Jones*
Broken by lovelytheband
How Villains Are Made by Madalen Duke*
Twisted by MISSIO
Voices by Motionless In White
Funeral by Neoni*
How You Remind Me by Nickleback*
Don't Let Me Get Me by P!nk
Cradles by Sub Urban*
Bad Things by Summer Kennedy*
Shattered by Trading Yesterday*
Unsteady by X Ambassadors*
Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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uummi · 1 year
Written for @dicktimweek 2023
Day 6: Time Travel | Slade’s apprentice meets Ra’s’ heir | Hero/Civilian AU
Words Count: 2136
Title: Hourglass
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Tim Drake
Warnings: Alternative Universe-Dimension Travel-Royalty Setting| Implied Talon Dick| Implied Memory Loss| Non-Consensual Drug Use| Character Death| Some Blood and Gore| Body Swap| Implied Grooming
Tim had no idea where he was
One second he was in the watchtower waiting for Bruce to finish his work and go home, the other second he was trying to hold down the antique-looking magic item coming towards him at top speed to prevent from breaking
Now he was standing in the middle of one of the open bazaar from bygone eras with shabby clothes, greasy hair that had obviously not seen water for a long time, and a coal-black soiled face
The surroundings were too colorful to be a normal day, and the front of people's doors were covered with different items that could be dedicated as food and offerings
Tim wanted to be able to stop one of the hundreds of people passing by for a moment and ask at what time or exactly where he was, but because there was a possibility of distorting the perception of time, he kept his mouth shut from telling everyone and continued walking without knowing where he was, while at the same time checking his body
Under all that mud and dust, he was himself again. The same eye color, the same hair structure, even this body had a stabbing mark where the spleen should have been
He sighed deeply and ran his fingers over his face to remove the blackness from his face. He wonder if there was any chance that he could find water or something from somewhere, he felt really dirty
And then he realized how wrong what he had done was because from the moment his thin hands returned to their normal points, the gaze of every person in the bazaar turned to him in a confused, excited, but mostly scared way
Okay, this was starting to get weird. He frowned slightly and opened his lips to speak
But before he had the opportunity to do so, a young woman grabbed him by the arm and ran into the nearest apartment building
After the woman locked the door behind her, she started looking at Tim with her irises full of tears and started wiping the dirt on his body with a napkin that she dipped into a bucket that she filled with water
'My poor prince, you have forgotten again, have you not? It happens like this every time. You manage to make it to the end of the town, but your mind goes crazy before you can reach the person who will save you. My prince, what are they doing to you in that palace?'
At the sight of Tim's uncomprehending gaze, the woman sighed again, and after pouring the blackened water down the window, she took a small pigeon in her hand. The pigeon had a bell-like item on its foot and would probably make a noise that would spread around every second it flew
The woman, on the other hand, let the animal free without caring and after watching it fly for a few seconds, took him to a room with only a bed in it and locked the door behind it
Before hanging up, she also mentioned that she apologized for everything and did not want to do this
Tim took his head between his hands and banged it against the wall in anger. He should have thought about it a little more before doing something
But right now Tim had to combine the information he had. If what the woman just said is true, the body he is in right now belonged to the prince of this country, so in addition to being in a parallel universe, he probably also traveled through time because the kingdom regimes have taken off from validity at least 100 years ago in his own time period
He took the tip of his thumb nail between his lips and began to hit his teeth with anger while thinking at the same time
The other thing he knew was that the woman looked like she was afraid for his health. She said he had forgotten, so the owner of the body must being given drugs inside the palace or a medicine that caused memory problems, so he was not safe
But these were all results that were found if he accepted that the woman was reliable, so there was no possibility of saying much
And what was the reason why she apologized to him at the last moment? No, something was going wrong, and if Tim wanted to come back, he had to find a solution
He needed to start making plans but there were screaming sounds coming from outside...
Tim stuck his head up in the air with a speed that hurt his neck and started banging on the door. There wasn't even a window in the damn room, so the only way out was this piece of wood, but no matter how much he hit it, it didn't do anything but hurt his hands
In order to put strength on his shoulder, he went to the far end of the room several times and ran towards the door. When he finally succeeded, he felt his stomach lift because of the scene he was facing
This image was too much even for him, who had seen too many murders, so he could not say anything to the fact that the woman he thought had just helped him was gagging at the far end of the wall and crying
There were five bodies lying on the ground, if he hadn't counted wrong. Most of them had their internal organs chopped up and dumped at different points in the house. One of them had his upper and lower body separated from each other, his eyes were open, looking towards Tim
In the middle of everything, there was a man wearing an owl mask and holding a double sword in his hands
As soon as the man saw him coming, he left the soldier's body that he continued to torture and took his small body between his arms, ignoring the bloodstains that covered his own entire body
For a moment Tim could not decide what he should do. He wasn't sure if the body he was in knew how to fight, and he couldn't have focused more attention on himself, and it wasn't clear if this man would have left the crying woman alive if he ran away
In short, he had to be kidnapped...
Damn it...
From the moment they left the door, if you threw an injection just half an hour ago it wouldn't fall out and right now there wasn't even a single person in the bazaar, Tim felt the feeling of tension in his stomach grow even greater, and he turned his eyes to the man who continued to carry him without saying a single word
He was looking too calm for someone who had just put five people through a coffin
And he was exuding a familiar aura...
Tim puckered his lips and did the only thing he could do at that moment, quickly threw his hand towards the mask that hid the face
He could tell from the instantly stiffening body that the young man had guessed his movement, but after receiving no reaction, he put the item down and was confronted with a face from which he understood where the feeling of familiarity came from
Dick was the same in every sense, except that his eyes, which were normally blue, were yellow. There was even a scratch mark starting from under his lip and extending to the tip of his nose that he received on the last mission, and this brought to Tim's mind the hypothesis of bodies with the same characteristics
Of course, yellow eyes spoiled the job a lot, but the story about the Court of Owls in Bruce's time and the weapons they created, called Talons, was not so surprising as the result
So the Dick Grayson of this universe must be a Talon
The question is, what was the task of the Court of Owls in this universe?
Since he was squinting and not pulling his suspicious gaze away, the fingers on his body have been getting tighter and tighter, reminding him again of the fact that Tim had to say something
Dick seemed to be in control, so it might have been wrong to call him Talon, while the name Richard had never attracted him, and he didn't think he wanted to be called that right now
Wait, in this universe, was his name even Tim?
He started gritting his teeth, his nerves were starting to break down
Why was the summary of his life story impossible to decipher before traveling between universes?
His luckiest bet would be to call out like he always does, so he opened his lips and asked while praying for everything to go normally and to get some more answers from inside
'Dick, what's going on?'
None of the things he wanted happened. Hearing his own name, his older brother frowned and then took Tim into one of the alleyways, hitting him to the wall. Due to the effect of the impact, before he was even allowed to hold his back, a sword was held to his throat
Well, it must be the wrong decision to say Dick and right now he was going to be killed here
He was the only one who did not join this caravan on his family anyway so Tim did not feel betrayed and he knows this is not a good thing...
He looked around and tried to find something to help him defend himself, but the place was so deserted that he could even see the flying dust wheel
He took a deep breath and looked into Dick's yellow eyes
Tim hope that he wouldn't upset the Dick of his time too much with being dead
Well, who was he kidding, if anything happened to Tim, Dick would make life hell for everyone and tried to come here to take his revenge
In the battle of glances between the two, the big body opposite him must had seen something that, the sharp tool was slowly lowered and inserted into the scabbard
'You're not my Timmy, but you also are in a way?'
Although he didn't know how he understood, he shook his head up and down to get rid of this situation and felt his own eyes begin to fill up on the sad looks he received
Dick has always had a structure that destroys his walls, and Tim would not feel the need to hide his feelings next to him
A hand was extended to him, and Tim took a deep breath, looking at the joined fingers
Although it goes against everything he was taught, he chose to trust Dick
Because no matter what, Dick was the center of his life and Dick had never let down his trust
But it wasn't his own Dick he was facing...
With the needle-style tool pressed against his neck, he felt a tremor that instantly entered his body and a decrease in the ability to move in his legs. Just before he fell, arms were wrapped around his waist and his head was pressed to the point where the non-beating heart was located
Tim realized that tears were forming from the salt water coming towards his lips, and although he wanted to talk, he couldn't, so he made a little whimpering sound
The body holding him stroked his hair and started to walk back the way they had just passed
He saw that the woman, who he thought was helping him for only a few seconds, took a bag of gold from Dick and retreated
'Long live our king'
Oh would you look at that...
The real owner of the body was trying to escape from Dick himself...
Nightwing was in the watchtower, cradled and held the Tim, who was having difficulty controlling himself. He stroked the body to calm him down and then he fixed his eyes on the magic item in front of him with frowning eyebrows
The person standing close to sleeping on his chest right now was not his own Timmy. Although everyone diagnosed it as stupor under the influence of magic and went back to work, Dick knew much better
And Tim couldn't go back to his own body, just as it was done to the body in front of him, so someone in the place where he is now tried to cut off the wings of his little bird
He made a sound like a snarl between his lips. For years, he had tried to get his little baby into his cage voluntarily, and now, when he was so close to his request, someone was poking at his work
This meant war...
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iamthespineofmybook · 7 months
Inspired by some posts I saw on @anneapocalypse's blog (I hope you don't mind my tagging you):
Myriam Sangvitrail
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Name: Myriam Sanvitrail
Nicknames: Myr, Captain
Age: 22 (Doesn’t know the exact number, though, only knowing that she was found with amnesia in her late teens in the aftermath of the Calamity)
Nameday: Third day of the third Umbral Moon (day she was adopted).
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Demigirl, she/they
Orientation: Lesbian
Profession: Aside from Adventurer, she honestly loves cooking and alchemy, and could easily see herself opening a shop or restaurant somewhere once her wanderlust settles down.
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Hair: Auburn with slight red highlights at the end, kept in a ponytail.
Eyes: Bright yellow with black around the irises.
Skin: Extremely pale and covered in dark blue scales
Tattoos/scars: Her main scar is one that rests under her hair, and is surmised to be from the source of her amnesia.
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Parents: Adopted by Osene and Draceone Sangvitrail, birth parents unknown
Siblings: none
Grandparents: never met
In-laws and Other: none
Pets: Used to care for a street cat until it didn’t come back.
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Abilities: After gaining skill with a lance and then becoming a Dragoon, Myriam found that she could mold the light in her self to form a weapon, which would let them throw as many lances as they wanted. After some losses that weighed heavily upon them, they also found a skill at molding the darkness as well, learning to hone it under the tutelage of the one calling themself Frey. Wielding light and dark in equal measure, Myriam is a skilled frontline fighter, and would best be described as a “dodge tank” if such a thing were actually a thing in FFXIV.
Hobbies: In addition to learning every form of gathering and crafting so that they can make and maintain all her own gear, Myriam honestly loves dancing and music, and will take any opportunity to do a quick step dance or one of the Manderville dances she learned from Hildibrand. She takes particular pride in making food and potions for people, thanks to their memories of hunger as the Calamity-induced winter caused problems for their adopted hometown’s farms.
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Most Positive Trait: Generally friendly with everyone, willing to learn all sorts of new things, generous with her time, and does not stand for injustice
Most Negative Trait: Angers easily, even if she tries to hide it. Also tends to get attached to pretty girls quickly, which always results in at least a little heartbreak. She’s also a ridiculous romantic, seeing romances in places they probably don’t exist, such as secretly hoping that General Raubhan and Nanamo are together.
Colors: Loves dark colours, especially deep reds.
Smells: A well cooked meal will always cheer her up, but her favourite scent is actually that of the Dravanian Lily.
Textures: Even though they acknowledge that their bed while she still lived with her adopted parents wasn’t the best, they have fond memories of the slightly scratchy covers, especially when their scales would itch and fingernails couldn’t do the job.
Drinks: They never liked the taste of alcohol, but found a drink made in honour of their friend (and crush) Ysayle, the “Drink of Shiva,” particularly amazing. (Actual drink from a FFXIV-themed restaurant in Akihabara, [Passion Fruit Collagen + Chardonnay Concentrate + Water + Blue Curacao (float)])
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Non-alcohol only, if they can help it
Drugs: Only medicinal, and generally only what she’s made herself
Mount Issuance: As she greatly admires Midgardsormr, she likes to fly around on the back of his medium-sized simulacrum, but when flight isn’t an option, they default to their chocobo Chobi or the fascinating vehicle Cid made based on an extra-planar wanderer’s main mode of transport.
Been Arrested: Aside from the debacle of the Bloody Banquet, she did nearly get arrested back when she lived with her adopted family, thanks to their draconic features as an Au Ra causing some friction.
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starryscale · 7 months
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Name: Jhai of the Kagon-Bayaqud (Jai Rivers)
Nicknames: Jai, JJ, Jujube, Jhaibug
Age: 22
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Race: Xaela Au Ra / Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te.
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Profession: Fashion designer, stay at home Dad. Used to be Chirurgeon but has since quit.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Very long, wavy white hair. Soft, with a slight curl to the ends.
Eyes: Grey green, with pinkish red limbal rings, and pinkish red irises. His irises and rings glow softly.
Skin: Tanned. Covered in lots of deep blue scales.
Tattoos/scars: Heavy third degree burn scaring all over his torso and chest, that extend down to the knee of one of his legs. Many surgical scars on his lower belly.
Lhuna of the Kagon-Malqir ,Xaela Au Ra (Mother).
N'avoli Tia (Julian Rivers), Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te/Rava Viera (Father).
Siblings: Osiric Rivers- younger brother. Khaji and Bati of the Bayaqud (Khor's little brothers, adopted as Jai's own.), Ophelia (younger sister).
Alaan of the Kagon, (Grandmother) Jhai of the Malqir (Grandfather)
N'nyuchi (Grandmother) + Unnamed Nuhn grandfather.
In-laws and Other: All of Khor's (Husband) siblings, (many, many siblings in law) Shami of the Bayaqud (Mother in Law), all of Khor's dads (many father in laws).
Unnamed mother and father in law- M'ria's (Wife)'s siblings.
Magnai of the Oronir: Cousin in law (Khor's cousin.)
Pets: Beans- a morpho he bought off the black market and got attached to. (Familiar)
Abilities: Trained in field medicine, extremely strong. Good with an axe! (And no other weapon.)
Hobbies: Weaving, smutty romance novels, botany.
Most Positive Traits: Endless patience and love to those he cares deeply for. Warm and comforting.
Most Negative Traits: . Quick to pass judgement if he doesn't like you, temperamental. Kind of an asshole if he's decided you didn't pass his vibe check.
Colors: Red, gold and white.
Smells: Lavender and marshmallow, sweet and soothing.
Textures: Rough scales and spines, soft silks, sharp pinprick of teeth.
Drinks: Citrus drinks, liquorice teas, warm ale.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Used to smoke as a teen, mostly sober. Very very rarely smokes now if immensely stressed.
Drinks: Social drinker, rarely indulges and only in a glass or two.
Drugs: 'Tried anything once' as a teen. Mostly sober now, except for the occasional puff of fogweed.
Mount Issuance: No. (severe motion sickness and an acute distrust of anything larger than him after being kicked in the gut many times by various beasts.)
Been Arrested: Somehow no. There's still time though, he's only young.
Tagged by: @iron-sparrow
Tagging: @bogwitch-art and anyone else who reads this..! (POINTS AT YOU, THE READER.)
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