#Good luck figuring out which is attributed to whom!
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eve-to-adam · 1 year ago
Of all the existing games on earth and even beyond it, I cannot refuse to participate in one about music. Thank you @richmond-rex for tagging me to make a playlist based on my username!
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Ever since I met you - Die together in venus / Empty - Love and Death Verlorene Tage - Wavvyboi / Vertigo - Bridge to Grace Exhilerate - SAGE / Elle se répète froidement - CELESTE | The world might have seen better days - Siamese / Template - grcz Old habits - SAGA / Ominous - The Gazette | Apollo I: The Writing Writter - Coheed and Cambria / Accelerator - BlazinG Dangerous - Ethan Rose / Dead to me - HAARPER Anxiety - Palaye Royale / Airborne - LVTE BLOOMER My demons - Lacuna Coil / Mercy - Bad Omens
This is one of the moments when I regret not having a longer username, haha. I put two songs in each section - (what?, there's no rule against it) - because I couldn't decide.
I invite the following people to this game: @teodoraioana221 and her twin @teo-s-ghostly-corner, @theladyelizabeth, @foreverinthepagesofhistory and @pepperedectoplasm.
Participation is up to everyone. You can ignore this message if you want. (If there are people who want to participate and still haven't been tagged, they are free to do so! ^.^ )
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septictankie · 1 year ago
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When Soviet President Konstantin Chernenko died, a hastily called meeting of the CPSU Politburo voted five against electing Mikhail Gorbachev as his successor. Coincidentally (?) three opponents of Gorbachev in the Politburo, among whom was Grigori Romanov, were out of town and not present at this all-important meeting and were not notified to come immediately.
Grigori Romanov once was a powerful figure at the highest level of the Soviet State. As a young man during the 1940s, he had fought the Nazi invaders in the defense of Leningrad. A committed Communist, he later rose through the Party ranks to become the head of the Soviet Union’s second-largest city, Leningrad, for 25 years.
In 1983 he was summoned to Moscow by the then president Yuri Andropov and became a member of the CPSU Politburo. When Andropov died in 1984, Konstantin Chernenko took over. But he too was not healthy and passed away the following year. Grigori Romanov was considered one of the two possible successors to Chernenko; the other one was Vladimir Shcherbitsky. "No one seriously considered Gorbachev," says Romanov.
On the day that Chernenko died (March 10, 1985–19.20 hrs) Romanov was in Vilnius, Lithuania with his wife. They had been given a trip to the sanatorium and could only fly back to Moscow on the following day. Two other Politburo members were also at that time out of town; Dinmuhammed Kunaev was in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan and Shcherbitsky was in the United States. If these three members (the usual size of the Politburo is about 14 full members) had been present at the meeting, as they could have been the following day – Gorbachev would never had been elected, says Romanov. "By the time we arrived in Moscow, the very next day, he’d already done it without waiting for us as Politburo rules demanded. That fast! That was it… He’d already cut the deal in secret with all of them. And you think that the timing of Chernenko’s death, I mean, was all accidental? (bid).
The fact that Gorbachev was not even seriously considered as the successor to Chernenko, appears to be supported by an article in 1992 in the New York Transfer News Service, which wrote the following about Gorbachev’s performance:
"When Mikhail Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the CPSU, he had done little to distinguish himself with his comrades in the Central Committee or later in the Politburo. The highest-ranking job he held was that of a Central Committee secretary in charge of agriculture. He had earlier studied at the Stavropol Agricultural Institute where he obtained a degree in agriculture, to which he later added a degree in law. Thus, he was a lawyer and an agricultural official directly responsible from the Central Committee to the Politburo. His performance until then was, if anything, lackluster. Indeed, his last years in that post were characterized by agricultural failures attributed by the Soviet press to poor weather (!) They certainly did not add to his stature. Nothing he had done could recommend putting him on a pedestal above all the others."
Furthermore, an article in "Time Europe" of January 4, 1988, confirms that Romanov was the chief candidate for the top job.
But Gorbachev and his cabal appeared to have outmaneuvered his rivals. He succeeded because Chernenko died at a moment that his main rivals were out of town, either by pure luck or timing or "in a planned manner", as Romanov seems to suggest by his question – "Was the real timing of Chernenko’s death accidental?" There is no doubt that Chernenko was a sick man which he spent much of his last few months in hospital and that his death was not unexpected. The Soviet news agency TASS later released the text of his medical bulletin, which stated the following "following the manifestations of liver and pulmonary-cardiac insufficiency, Mr. Chernenko’s heart had stopped." But doctors do have a good deal control over the timing of a person’s death. Romanov could be right that the timing was not altogether "accidental".
Tom Paine, writing in the "Cold War Series: Ten Years After" said about Gorbachev: " In order to trump his Politburo rivals, Gorbachev did every wild thing that he could think of, the better to be able to brand them all, quite inaccurately, as reactionaries, as Stalinists. In the process he ruined the Soviet economy, encouraged the nationalities to rise up against his enemies, and inadvertently broke up the Soviet bloc in the attempt to remove Communist leaders who sided with his perceived enemies in Russia. Finally he started the process of breaking up the Soviet Union itself, in April of 1991, by initiating talks on a new Union Treaty. This was done in order to head off an attempt by the loyal members of Central Committee of the CPSU to remove him from power."
Not surprisingly, Romanov does not have a good word to say about Gorbachev. " He will pay for his sins! I can’t stand the sight of his pig’s mug. He’s a traitor A traitor to the Motherland! He’s sniveling about how no one here thanks him, about how ungrateful Russians are to him. To hell with Gorbachev! He started this disaster. He was a catastrophe, an ignorant peasant who had no right to come into the big city…"
And so writes Andrew Meier in "Black Earth":
"Now, in advanced retirement, far from his rarefied life among the Party, Romanov echoed the lament of many a common man in Russia. In the years after the Soviet collapse, he had found company. Romanov has no power now, but he took solace in the knowledge that millions of Russians share his views. His principle conviction – things were much better before – has become the motto of his generation."
Source: https://www.northstarcompass.org/nsc0403/veteran.htm
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piristephes · 10 months ago
Other Gods and Their Epithets - Nemesis Continuing our series of posts about the Gods and their main characteristics, today we will focus on an imposing deity in her attributes. Today, we will talk about the Goddess of revenge, indignation and retribution - Nemesis.
Represented as a young woman, sometimes winged, in hunting clothes, carrying a sword and whip, Nemesis is described in most sources as one of the daughters of Nyx, the Night, a primordial Goddess who gave rise to several deities in the early days of existence, as Hesiod tells us. Pausanias, a Roman writer, points out her parentage as being the daughter of the titan Oceanus while a fragment of Cypria by Stageginus of Cyprus points out Nemesis as being the daughter of Zeus himself.
Portrayed in her myths and cults as a deity concerned with maintaining balance, Nemesis is seen as a punisher of evildoers, a force that values maintaining balance against excesses of luck (Caused by Tyche, the Goddess of luck) or bad luck in the lives of people and a deity particularly described as inescapable. In her characteristics, she is similar to Dike, the Justice and the Eumenides themselves, being portrayed as a force of punishment in essence. She is often depicted alongside Aidos, the Goddess of modesty and shame, her ally in maintaining reverence and respect for dignity.
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In terms of worship, Nemesis had a very famous temple in the Attic region, particularly in the city of Rhamnous. She was also venerated in Achaia and Anatolia.
Other names
In addition to being called Nemesis, from the Greek "Dispenser of Dues", the Goddess of revenge was also called Adrasteia (Αδραστεια) in the Anatolian region, meaning "Unstoppable" and possibly being derived from a man named Adrastos, who had done the first sanctuary for the Goddess before the river Asopus.
Rhamnousia (Ραμνουσια) - "Of Rhamnos", is a famous epithet of the Goddess for her association with the polis of Rhamnous in the Attic region.
Ichnaia - "Tracing one", yet another epithet highlighting the inescapable nature of the punishments given by Nemesis.
Among her most famous victims is the young Narcissus in Ovid's roman narratives, who had caused the death of his suitors by not only rejecting them, but humiliating them and inciting them to commit suicide. Nemesis is the one who is responsible for punishing the young man under the orders of the other Immortals, making him fall in love with his own appearance in front of a lake and wither away until becoming the narcissus flower.
Plato said that the Goddess was a messenger of Dike, Justice and acted on her premises, punishing those who disrespected their own parents. Some other mythical narratives, such as Pseudo-Hyginus and fragments of the Homeric Cypria, point to Helen of Troy, daughter of Zeus, as her daughter with the King of the Gods after being raped. Other narratives point to her as the mother of the telkhines and the others make no mention of any children.
Hesiod goes into great detail about how the races of humanity change with each great mythical era, allocating his contemporaries as members of the "Iron Age" of humanity, full of suffering and which Nemesis, one day, would leave so that we would no longer have anyone to fight evils alongside the Immortal Gods.
A punitive and powerful deity, Nemesis embodies divine retribution against evildoers like other deities already mentioned here. Let us remember her together with divine reverence (Aidos) and cultivate good movements in our lives, praying to have the Unstoppable Goddess as our ally.
We close this post with the Orphic hymn dedicated to the Goddess of retribution, invoking her for her fair power and figure who reminds us of the indignation against violent acts.
Orphic Hymn 61 to Nemesis (trans. Taylor) (Greek hymns C3rd B.C. to 2nd A.D.) : "Hymn to Nemesis. Thee, Nemesis, I call, almighty queen, by whom the deeds of mortal life are seen: eternal, much revered, of boundless sight, alone rejoicing in the just and right : changing the counsels of the human breast for ever various, rolling without rest. To every mortal is thy influence known, and men beneath thy righteous bondage groan; for every thought within the mind concealed is to thy sight perspicuously revealed. The soul unwilling reason to obey, by lawless passion ruled, thine eyes survey. All to see, hear, and rule, O power divine, whose nature equity contains, is thine. Come, blessed, holy Goddess, hear my prayer, and make thy mystics' life thy constant care: give aid benignant in the needful hour, and strength abundant to the reasoning power; and far avert the dire, unfriendly race of counsels impious, arrogant, and base."
Outros Deuses e Seus Epítetos - Nêmesis
Continuando nossa série de posts sobre os Deuses e suas características principais, focaremos hoje em uma divindade imponente em seus atributos. Hoje, falaremos da Deusa da vingança, indignação e retribuição - Nêmesis.
Representada como uma jovem, por vezes alada, em vestes de caça, portando uma espada e açoite, Nêmesis é descrita na maioria das fontes como uma das filhas de Nix, a Noite, uma Deusa primordial que deu origem a diversas divindades nos primórdios da existência como nos relata Hesíodo. Pausânias, escritor romano, aponta seu parentesco como sendo do titã Oceano enquanto um fragmento da Cípria por Estágino de Ciprus aponta Nêmesis como sendo filha do próprio Zeus.
Retratada em seus mitos e cultos como uma divindade preocupada com a manutenção do equilíbrio, Nêmesis é vista como uma punidora de malfeitores, uma força que preza pela manutenção contra excessos de sorte (Causados por Tique, a Deusa da sorte) ou azar na vida das pessoas e uma divindade particularmente descrita como inescapável. Em suas características, ela é similar a Dice, a Justiça e as próprias Eumênides, sendo retratada como uma força de punição em essência. Frequentemente é representada ao lado de Aidos, a Deusa da modéstia e vergonha, sua aliada na manutenção da reverência e respeito à dignidade.
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Em termos de culto, Nêmesis tinha um templo muito famoso na região ática, particularmente na cidade Ramnos. Era também venerada na Acáia e na Anatólia.
Outros nomes
Além de ser chamada Nêmesis, do grego "Dispensadora de Sentenças", a Deusa da vingança também era chamada de Adrasteia (Αδραστεια) na região da Anatólia, significando "Imparável" e sendo possivelmente derivada de um homem de nome Adrastos, que havia feito o primeiro santuário para a Deusa diante do rio Asopo.
Rhamnousia (Ραμνουσια) - "De Rhamnos", é um epíteto famoso da Deusa por sua associação à polis de Ramnos na região Ática.
Ichnaia - "Rastreadora", mais um epíteto ressaltando a natureza inescapável das punições dadas por Nêmesis.
Dentre suas vítimas mais famosas temos o jovem Narciso nas narrativas romanas de Ovídio, que havia causado a morte de seus pretendentes ao não apenas rejeitá-los, mas humilhá-los e incitá-los ao suicídio. Nêmesis é quem se encarga de punir o jovem sob ordem dos outros Imortais, fazendo-o se apaixonar por sua própria feição diante de um lago e definhar até que se tornasse a flor narciso.
Platão dizia que a Deusa era mensageira de Dice, a Justiça e agia sob suas premissas, punindo aqueles que desrespeitassem seus próprios pais. Algumas outras narrativas míticas, como Pseudo-Higino e fragmentos da Homérica Cípria apontam Helena de Tróia, filha de Zeus, como sua filha com o Rei dos Deuses após ser violentada. Outras narrativas apontam-na como mãe dos Telquines e as demais não fazem menção a quaisquer filhos.
Hesíodo vai em amplo detalhe sobre como as raças da humanidade mudam a cada grande era mítica, alocando seus contemporâneos como membros da "Era de Ferro" da humanidade, cheia de sofrimentos e que Nêmesis, um dia, iria embora para não termos mais quem combatesse os males junto aos Deuses Imortais.
Uma divindade punitiva e poderosa, Nêmesis encarna a retribuição divina contra os malfeitores tal como outras deidades já aqui citadas. Lembremos dela em conjunto com a divina reverência (Aidos) e cultivemos bons movimentos em nossa vida, rezando para termos a Imparável Deusa como nossa aliada.
Encerramos este post com o hino órfico dedicado à Deusa da retribuição, invocando-a por seu poder justo e figura que nos relembra da indignação contra os atos violentos.
Ó Nêmesis, celebro-te, grande Deusa e rainha, onividente a contemplar a vida das muitas tribos mortais, multi-insigne perpétua, só tu te agradas com os justos e transformas as palavras instáveis, multicambiantes, sempre; os mortais,com o jugo no pescoço, têm medo de ti: cuidas do pensar de todos e não deixas passar a alma irrefletida que despreza tuas palavras. Tudo contemplas, tudo auscultas, tudo arbitras: em ti está a justiça dos mortais, supremo nume! Vem, venturosa, pura e eterna defensora dos iniciados, concede-nos nobres propósitos, cessa os mais hostis pensamentos - impiedosos, soberbos e inconstantes.
[Tradução: Rafael Brunhara]
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years ago
My-Crack-Ulous: FOP Crossover
*Coughs* Ahem.
Fairly Odd Parents.
Oh, but not what you think! We’re not getting Cosmo and Wanda for a sad Marinette or Adrien. Oh, no...that would be easy.
No, no. Instead, we’re getting Norm the Genie.
Norm the Genie who wants to be free of his lamp but needs a magical stooge to trap in his place and, hey! Kwamis are magic, aren’t they? Not that he knows much about them since they predate the known universe and even Norm isn’t that old, but still!
So somehow Norm’s lamp ends up in Paris. And just happens to end up in Lila’s hands.
Lila, of course, tries to use it to her advantage.
It goes about as well as you should expect...
It took a few years before Norm’s lamp found itself back in the human world. And of course, it was only a matter of time before it ended up in someone’s hands.
Granted, he hadn’t expected to end up in Paris, France.
Or for his new beneficiary to wear an incredibly unfashionable jacket and have sausages in her hair.
Oh wait, that was her hair. As sausages. Gross.
“So you’re a genie?” She asked.
Norm had to avoid rolling his eyes.
Teenagers. They thought they were so special, so smart. That if something were to happen to them, that it was only for good and because they deserved it somehow. And for how smart they liked to think they were, none of them ever really questioned what the catch was. Or if their wishes were something they should make at all.
This one was no different.
“And you can grant me any wish?”
“ANY wish?”
“I just said for the seventh time, yes. Any wish. Three of them. Rule-free.”
Not that she knew what Da Rules were, but meh. Details.
“Then I get sucked back into the lamp.”
Of course, he didn’t mention his propensity to twist the wishes for fun. Seriously, if these people were stupid enough to just take advantage of his powers without considering consequences. Or the complete lunacy of just expecting a magical creature to grant them whatever they wanted for no reason just because they ask for it.
Seriously, these chumps never learn.
Now all that remained was for this latest chump to start and he can begin his fun of finding the best ways to twist her wishes for entertainment…
Lila smirked.
“Well then…I wish for Ladybug to be beaten and forced to bow before me!”
Norm raised an eyebrow.
He shrugged.
Suddenly, there was a POOF!
And when Lila blinked, there before her was the image of red with black spots.
By which is meant the lowercase insect “ladybug” kind instead of the uppercase superhero “Ladybug” kind, much to Lila’s disappointment.
As if to further insult her, the bug proceeded to point in her direction, in a facsimile of a bow.
Lila stared.
Norm sighed.
“Ya know, kid, normally people don’t make it this easy. I barely even had to do anything. I feel kind of cheated.”
“WHAT IS THIS?!” Lila demanded, gesturing to the insect.
“It’s your wish. Duh. I mean, I knew people made stupid first wishes but...wow. This is actually worse than the sandwich.”
She wasn't even going to ask.
“My wish was about Ladybug! Not just a normal ladybug! I’m talking about the superhero, Ladybug!”
Norm shrugged. “Well you should have been more specific.”
She practically growled. “Who else would I be talking about?!”
Norm, for his part, was less than impressed.
“I’ve been in a lamp. How should I know?”
Lila huffed before storming over to her computer and turning it to face Norm, showing a picture of a heroine in a red leotard with black spots in mid-swing between buildings.
“THIS is Ladybug. A magical do-gooder who protects the city from Hawk Moth. I want to see her destroyed. Brought low in every way that matters and forced to beg me for mercy.”
“I see.” Norm said, not really getting it at all.
Kids these days, was he right?
“So grant my wish.” She demanded. “I wish for Ladybug, the superhero, to be beaten and kneeling before me.”
Upping it, wasn’t she?
He shrugged. “Fine.”
Some distance away, in the middle of an akuma fight, an injured Ladybug was sent flying back into a delivery van full of discarded papers to be shredded for recycling, scattering the papers around her. Winded, she fell into a kneeling position. It just so happened that one of the many papers that on the ground right in front of her was a poster of Lila from one of her photo shoots with Adrien.
Ladybug took no notice of this, being much more concerned with the akuma attack. She quickly pushed herself up and leapt back into the fray.
Lila and Norm watched this on a television from the safety of her apartment some distance away.
“What the hell was that?!” Lila demanded, spinning on Norm.
“Your wish.” He answered bluntly. “She’s beaten. She kneeled.”
“But not to me!”
“Technically, she did.” He corrected her, gesturing to the TV where the now rumpled and sad-looking poster of her image rested where Ladybug had once been. It seemed the hero had even stepped on it once as she took off. Norm bit down the smirk at the unintended irony.
Lila glared at him.
Then she seemed to realize something as she suddenly gained a thoughtful look.
“Can I wish for more wishes?”
Oh, NOW she starts asking smart questions.
Norm stared at her, considering.
He should lie.
He really should lie and say she couldn’t.
From what he’s seen of her so far, this girl seemed a few wires short of a Crock-pot, and speaking of, he was starting to get some flashbacks. His previous time working with Crocker reminded him full well why it was a bad idea to let the humans know they could wish for additional wishes. Plus this girl was already giving him the feeling that the sooner he was away from her, the better.
…but he had spent years as a urinal cake and given what Lila had told him about magical-based superheroes, well, how could he turn away from an opportunity?
“Sure.” He finally answered, much to Lila’s glee.
“Then I wish for three more wishes!” She exclaimed. “And for my first wish, I wish that Ladybug—the superhero Ladybug whom you just saw would be forced to kneel before myself—the me that is right here before you.”
Lila smirked, figuring that it was specific enough that there was no way this could be turned against her.
How little she knew.
The POOF of Norm’s magic was immediately drowned out by complete chaos as something came crashing through the wall and into Lila’s bedroom.
Lila screamed as she was blown back, and covered her face in a limited ability to protect herself from further onslaught.
Coughing could be heard, but it wasn’t just Lila. She dared to peek through her hands and…
Of all people, it was Ladybug crouched on the floor of her room, coughing and waving away the dust and debris.
And sure enough, her position of trying to regain her bearings had her turned in Lila’s directions, head bowed and on her knees. Just as Lila had asked for.
But not in the way she had wanted.
Norm had conveniently vanished from sight, so there was no one else for Ladybug to see besides Lila. Realizing where she was and who she was in front of, Ladybug couldn’t hide her initial scowl before she was able to mask the expression and focus in on the task at hand.
“My apologies, civilian.” She bit out. “Akuma attack. Just stay here and stay safe for now. This won’t take much longer.”
And without another word, she shakily got to her feet and turned back to the attack.
Given Ladybug’s state, Lila could have been in a perfect position to try to interfere. Grab her. Maybe even get her earrings.
But the crash had sent Lila herself falling back, and she was even more unsteady than Ladybug.
She tried to push herself up, but realized that in the chaos, some debris had landed on her leg, preventing her from moving.
Of all the rotten luck!
Ladybug left without further ado and Lila was stuck in her room with a hole in her wall and no way to move from her spot on the floor.
Conveniently, Norm reappeared once she was alone.
“Soooo…just a suggestion, kid, but maybe you should try wishing for something else. Something that doesn’t involve superhero ladybugs.”
“Shut up.” She groused as she struggled to push the broken bits of her desk off her leg and grunting in pain.
Norm, of course, did not shut up.
“I take it you want to use your second wish to restore your room? And your third to wish for more wishes?” He asked, but it was clear he wasn’t actually asking.
The sooner the better.
With another POOF, her room was restored and her leg, while still injured, was no longer pinned. Cautiously, she rose to her feet, hanging onto her bed for stability.
As if to further mock her, it seemed that Ladybug had successfully defeated the akuma as the Miraculous Cure swept through the area, restoring everything else.
Norm blinked in surprise.
“Huh. Didn’t know that could happen. Well, that was a waste of a wish, huh?”
Lila twitched.
“Okay. Okay.”
She had thought about this long and hard.
Much to her frustration, it seemed wishing anything against Ladybug directly was doomed to failure. Lila attributed it to Ladybug’s magic and natural luck. There could be no other reason for it. Lila’s phrasing and intentions had been fool-proof.
Norm’s smirks and passive aggressive comments didn’t mean a thing.
As such, Lila reluctantly turned her focus away from her arch nemesis to the more civilian side of things and decided to target someone who had no such protection.
The only one to figure out she was a liar: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
She didn’t know how the other girl knew so quickly. Or what led her to the truth.
And Lila didn’t particularly care.
Marinette was just another thorn in her side. Not nearly as irritating as Ladybug, but still enough to want her gone. And since Lila had a genie and three more wishes to use to her advantage, it seemed Marinette would serve as the perfect way to test it.
And so, Lila made the first of her next three wishes.
“I wish that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was forced to leave Francois Dupont.”
A bit on the extreme side, admittedly. If she was being honest, Lila would have preferred to keep Marinette around and wish her to be miserable in some other way instead. But she had the power of a genie at her command and given Marinette’s annoyingly clever and intrusive nature, it would likely only be a matter of time before she caught on to Lila’s new advantage and tried something to relieve her of it.
So the brat had to go.
And oh, what a wonderful scene it was when two serious and official looking men stepped into the classroom to ask for Marinette to go with them to the Principal’s office. The goody-goody left the room looking scared. Everyone whispered and looked to each other in confusion, questioning why and what happened. Who were those men and what could they want with Marinette?
Lila practically felt downright giddy at the sight! She couldn’t wait to see the other girl in tears!
It was almost two hours later when Marinette was brought back to the room by Principal Damocles. Both looked pale and fatigued. But Marinette in particular looked almost tearful.
“Pardon us, Ms. Bustier, but Marinette is just here to gather her things.”
Lila had to hold herself back from grinning and instead put on a fake look of concern.
“Oh no! Marinette, are you all right?”
"Girl, what happened?" Alya asked, worriedly.
“What did those guys want?” Adrien questioned in concern.
Marinette shook her head. "I'm being transferred.”
Here, Lila did smirk even as everyone else around her gasped in dismay.
Damocles patted Marinette’s shoulder, his fatigue giving way to cheer. “Those gentlemen were representatives of one of the most highly acclaimed private art schools in Paris, and they came to interview Marinette for a place in their program!”
Any smirk Lila did show immediately dropped.
“They saw my hat at the fashion show and other designs from my website, and once they heard that I was complimented by Audrey Bourgeois, they decided to offer me a scholarship to come to their school." Marinette explained, looking a mix of excited and anxious.
“That’s wonderful!”
“You deserve it, Marinette!”
“That’s right! It’s a great honor!” Damocles continued. “Of course, they were rather insistent about arranging the transfer, but it’s early enough in the school year and—”
Lila didn’t pay any attention to anything further of Damocles’s prattling and barely even noticed the way everyone else in the classroom cheered and showered Marinette in congratulations and praise.
Nobody paid much attention to Lila for the rest of the school day. Which was just as well, as it allowed her to skip out and storm back home.
Where she found Norm. Sunbathing on her balcony. And messing with her laptop.
He only noticed she was there when she slammed the door open.
“What?” He snarked. “Not what you wanted?”
“Undo it. NOW.”
“You sure?” He asked. “I mean, she’ll still be gone. There’ll be no one to call out your depressingly obvious lies. And with her not being around as much, your little followers are bound to lose touch with her over time and be all yours to screw with.”
“The point is for her to be miserable! UNDO IT!”
The next day, it was with some disappointment as Marinette informed her classmates that while the school had wanted her, the school only had limited slots and apparently the men who came to interview her hadn't been aware the vacancy had already been filled.
"It was still a bit too early for me to start there anyway." Marinette added. "I double checked, and they're a fully fledged lycee. They were apparently figuring I could skip ahead a grade and start there sooner."
"But impressive!"
"Yeah, you totally deserve it, dudette!"
"You'll just have to try for next year." Alya said, moving to wrap an arm around Marinette’s shoulder. “But I’m glad you’ll be with us for a while longer.”
Marinette smiled back, happy and relieved. “Yeah!”
Lila glared at the happy group from around a corner.
So this fell through. But next time would work.
She was smarter than some shut-in genie. She was bound to find a way to make a wish that would give her exactly what she wanted.
And when she did…
Lila smirked.
Ladybug would be as good as gone.
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wolf-and-bard · 4 years ago
The Geraskier (and Lambden) H2O: Just Add Water AU of my dreams (bc Mermay is almost over and I haven’t done a thing for it and putting Geraskier into my favourite teenage shows is too much fun; this got long and messy):
-Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert grew up on the coast of Australia on an estate that is very big and private with its own sectioned-off part of the beach; among all their surfer kid school friends they are definitely the outcasts; they keep to themselves a lot and everyone thinks it’s because of their overprotective father who keeps them from throwing the best parties and also doesn't want them to go out into the ocean or have swimming lessons
-Vesemir is overprotective, but not for the reason everyone thinks; whenever he and/or his boys come into contact with water, they turn into mer-boys, complete with shimmering golden tails; he hoped this genetic oddity would pass them by, but it didn’t and so he taught them to be very careful for fear of them getting hurt
-they all cope with this in different manners: Geralt and Eskel mostly use their ability to do good; they protect little turtles from falling prey to predators, they collect trash from the bottom of the ocean; they also wrestle in the water a lot; Lambert tries to forget this is a thing and stays as far away form any body of water as he can; he spends most of his time secluded in his room, listening to edgy grunge music; sometimes his brothers can lure him out for a round of waterball in their private pool
-Jaskier is one of the popular kids one grade below Geralt (together with Lambert). He always gets the lead role in theatre, he has dozens of friends and a cool band and his outfits are outrageously fashionable; he vlogs a lot, he vlogs so much that anyone who has half a mind to get invested in his life will know everything from his morning routine to the night cream he uses; his favourite cafeteria lunch, the name of his teddy bear and his least favourite cousin
-Jaskier is also determined to befriend Geralt and his bros; he grew up in the same street as them and ever since he discovered Instagram, he’s been dying to take some shots in that house; he’s been over once, when Vesemir made the mistake of inviting a few kids Lambert’s age to his birthday party which ended up in a cake-throwing disaster; little Jaskier thought it was a great idea to tow the garden hose in and clean everything which ruined Vesemir’s favourite rug and had Geralt turn into a mer-boy on the spot; needless to say, Jaskier attributes this memory to a fever dream
-So, Jaskier starts following Geralt and Eskel around (he knows he’ll have no luck with Lambert) and they brush him off every opportunity they get
-What Jaskier doesn’t realize is that Geralt is hardcore in love with him, like so much so that his poor teenage mind cannot stop producing hormones on overload; he spends a lot of time out in the depths to distract himself from this
-What Jaskier also doesn’t realize is that he is falling for Geralt; it’s only for the sake of the 'gram, he tells himself, and because his followers seem to love the chunky mysterious senior with his strangely white hair
-Jaskier’s followers figure it out, the whole school figures it out, Lambert and Eskel figure it out (Geralt lets the guy sit at their lunch table, of course they’re in love) and eventually, even Geralt figures it out. Only Jaskier doesn’t and Geralt has a big-ass secret to keep anyway
-and so, to get rid of his pent-up frustration, he dives deeper and deeper; Eskel starts to worry, Vesemir says it’s just a phase, Lambert plainly doesn’t care
-Speaking of: Aiden is the snarky rich kid / bully that spends way too much time obsessing over uncovering their secret (bc he thinks he’s smart and always thought something about Vesemir was weird and he doesn’t like how they make such a fuss over their privacy). when he invities the three to one of his pool parties, he tries everything to make them reveal what they have going on, but Geralt doesn’t even show and Eskel keeps disappearing to play with Aiden’s dog and so Aiden is stuck with Lambert whom he definitely has a crush on, but won’t ever admit it. they’re enemies, okay? there’s a lot of tension and they end up drunkenly making out behind garden shed, something they both regret in the morning; Lambert doesn’t leave his room for a week straight and feigns a flu so he doesn’t have to meet Aiden at school; Aiden and Jaskier are friends ofc
-one day at school Geralt and Jaskier hang out on the lunch break alone because Eskel’s on a zoo trip with his class and Lambert is avoiding Aiden so he spends all his time holed up beneath the seats of the football field writing angry poems; Jaskier’s forgotten to charge his camera battery so it’s just them, stealing fries off each other’s plates, actually talking for once and Geralt’s sweating because Jaskier sits so close their knees bump and he looks ridiculously cute in his pastel dungarees and there’s this spot of ketchup on his nose that Geralt’s just itching to reach out and wipe away
-Jaskier isn’t all that hungry and he watches Geralt devour a third slice of pizza when he remembers his stupid childhood fever dream; he tells Geralt all about it, the cake fight, the ensuing mess and how he distinctly remembers Geralt growing a fish-tail and flopping around on the living room floor while Vesemir was screaming at them all to get out. “Funny, isn’t it? What your brain can make up?”; Geralt turns chalk-white and splutters a fake laugh
-he isn’t at school the next day and neither are Eskel or Lambert
-nor the next
-they are all a bit afraid, cautious and they just need to spend a few days, just the four of them, throwing themselves into the waves and being free of the shackles of their secrets; they chase each other around, they play some water ball and Vesemir makes them hot cocoa and rubs them dry the way he used to when they were younger and still unable to handle their transformation well
-as he does this, Vesemir thinks about moving somewhere more secure where there are less people, but he can’t take the boys’ life away; Geralt is clearly happy with Jaskier, Lambert’s coming around to opening up to someone, even if that someone is a giant asshole, and Eskel’s too easily unsettled to move elsewhere
-by the third day the boys don’t appear at school - and answer none of his texts - Jaskier gets unsettled; his followers urge him to just go and visit Geralt (they also finally enlighten Jaskier about his own feelings) and Jaskier does. thankfully, his camera is still uncharged and he forgot his phone at home or he would have filmed what he saw as he climbed their garden fence very ungracefully (no one opened the door)
-Geralt went too far out, too deep and got caught in the undertow of some massive waves, then was pulled under and cut himself on some rocks; Jaskier just about catches Eskel and Lambert dragging their brother ashore, his tail flopping helplessly; there’s blood washing away in the waves; Geralt’s eyes are closed and Jaskier understands with rare clarity that somehow this is his fault
-he hurtles towards Geralt, kicking up mud, so afraid that Geralt is going to die and as he does so he calls for Geralt, ignores Lambert’s curses and Eskel’s glower. They gently lower Geralt to the sand where the other two are out of reach of the hungry waves and Lambert runs for Vesemir, Eskel crouches down by Geralt’s tail, inspecting his wounds; meanwhile Jaskier is completely unfazed by the mer-boy thing, he simply drags Geralt’s head onto his lap and strokes his hair, apologizing over and over
-once Geralt is transformed back into human form, his wounds are patched up and Vesemir has given him a thorough lecture, he and Jaskier cuddle on the back porch couch and Jaskier keeps altering between laughing and crying; it’s ridiculous, Geralt is a mer-boy, but also he looked so fragile being hauled out of the water and Jaskier just loves him so fucking much
-and Geralt loves him back. and that’s how a spot of angst orchestrates their happily ever after
-meanwhile Aiden finds out when he has Lambert over for some making out one day and thinks it’s a funny idea to deposit his not-boyfriend in the pool mid-kiss; Lambert just floats in the pool, arms crossed, tail beating, waiting for Aiden to call the cops on him, but Aiden is super turned on and jumps in the pool with him and there’s more making out
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Yeeaaah… so this ended up turning out longer than I intended… but it’s a theory I felt like sharing nonetheless. Hopefully tumblr doesn’t eat this & if this is too long or odd to answer… don’t worry, I understand. I just wanted to share while it was in my head, ya know? So: Long Post Warning!
I am not 100% caught up on every chapter yet, but I do have a brief understanding of all the events up til now. So please forgive me if this has been revealed and I just don’t know about it yet.
Bell 🧚🏻 = wind spirit🌬🌪
Salamander (who honestly looks more like a dragon than a salamander so he’s gettin’ the dragon emoji) 🐲 = fire spirit 🔥
Undine 🌊 = water spirit💧
As far as I know, we don’t yet have an inkling of who the earth spirit will be or to whom he will “choose” to contract with.
Tbh, I have a some of feelings about possibilities surrounding the earth spirit…
Bell and Undine are both obviously women and I’m 96.8% sure that Salamander is a boy… but who knows, I also wouldn’t be the least bit freaking surprised if Tabata threw that back in our face and Salamander ends up being a girl like in Shrek (and on that note, I just need to ask, in Shrek 2 when Shrek and Donkey drank the Happily Ever After Potion, it’s described as “"Happily Ever After Potion maximum strength. For you and your true love. Drink of this potion and bliss will be thine, happiness, comfort, and beauty divine.” This stuff turned both Shrek and Fiona human while it turned Donkey into a pure white stallion… am I the only one that still gets peeved we never got an answer on wtf that stuff did to Dragon??? Or how it would’ve affected their dragon donkey hybrid babies??? That’s the only thing that irks me about Shrek 2… okay, whew, now that I’ve gotten that out, back to Black Clover theorizing)
Going by the assumption that Salamander is most likely a boy, it would stand to reason that the earth spirit has a good chance at being male as well like 2 female spirits, 2 male.
Salamander’s inspiration obviously comes from dragon lore, I can’t find one singularly specific mythology reference Tabata would have based Salamader on so I’m guessing Salamander is based on dragon lore.
Bell has, for the most part, 2 inspirations Tabata based her on. The main one being Sylphs have power over the skies and air. They've been delineated to have control over the wind and the clouds, and even have the ability to purify the air and control the weather itself. Sylphs are not officially from a specific type of mythology, but if they were to be categorized they’d qualify as European folklore, same as Undine and Gnome which will be explained a few bullet points later. The second and most obvious (my fav of the 2) inspiration Tabata drew from for her character is Tinkerbell; from the blond hair, green dress, gets pissed when male partner pays attention to any female that isn’t her, yeah no denying she’s based on tinkerbell; my guess is Tabata combined her with Sylphs wind magic because it was Tinkerbell’s pixie dust that Peter, the lost boys, and the Darling children used to be able to fly. “Faith, trust, & a little bit of pixie dust” (Which is even more perfect because, even if he doesn’t show it, there is no one else in the series that has more faith & trust in Asta than Yuno does… Yuno’s infinite faith/trust in Asta both drives their rivalry forward and, by this logic, is one of the very reasons Yuno can sore so high🥰).
Undine is the only spirit character, for now, that is directly based off of a real water spirit in European folklore (again, even though Sylphs technically qualify to be categorized under European mythology, as far as I know, they are not officially categorized as such which is why I say Undine is the only one) - “Undine, also spelled Ondine, is a mythological figure of European tradition, a water nymph who becomes human when she falls in love with a man but is doomed to die if he is unfaithful to her.” Being that Undine is described as being able to take human form when she falls in love with a man *cough cough* Ariel *cough cough* Black Clover’s Undine’s background states that she made a contract with the first queen of the newly formed Heart Kingdom and has thus stayed loyal and made a contract with every Heart Queen since. Maybe she fell in love with the father/brother/husband/male-figure associated with the first queen and since the queen is the predominant ruler of the heart kingdom - Undine made a contract with her to be close to this man while knowing he could/would never be hers… she wouldn’t die if her love is one sided… if her love is unsaid and unrequited then anything this man does with another woman isn’t considered being unfaithful.. and maybe she’s maintained contracts with every Heart Queen since out of sheer devotion, loyalty, and love to that original man whom she took human form for. Or she was in love with the first queen and has made a contract with every queen since out of sheer devotion, loyalty, and love not on just for that first queen but every one of her descendants. Who knows?
Tabata’s mythological references (demonology excluded because that a whole other thing) for the most part mainly circulate around Greek mythology, Norse mythology, and European folklore.
Going based off of Undine (and Sylphs) , there’s a strong possibility that this yet to be named earth spirit will possibly directly based on, even if only slightly, someone of those three categories above.
Greek mythology, I find somewhat unlikely seeing as there’s no official male god of earth in Greek mythology. There are deities that have roles related to the earth yeah… but no god surround the earth itself or the element itself. The closest thing to a god of earth in Greek mythology is Gaea - goddess of earth. Simplify it to god of dirt and still the only result is Demeter goddess of agriculture (which seems similar to Mimosa in some ways but I don’t think she will obtain an earth spirit because I think the earth spirit will have more to do with mineral earth than plants and agriculture). If there is to be any inspiration drawn from Greek mythology in terms of an earth spirit, but even this seems a little unlikely, my guess would be possibly some characteristics from Satyrs seeing as they are the male equivalent of nymphs - what Undine is technically classified as.
Norse mythology seems a bit more, but not by much at first, plausible in terms of gathering reference for an earth spirit. It probably wouldn’t be the Norse God of Earth Jörd because she is still technically a goddess and mother of earth like Gaea. However, Norse mythology does have a deity of rocks - Hrungnir is a jötunn (a type of entity contrasted with gods and other non-human figures, such as dwarfs and elves. The entities are themselves ambiguously defined, variously referred to by several other terms, including risi, thurs and troll). There is also one more Norse aspect that goes along these lines - Dvergar or Norse dwarves are entities in Norse mythology associated with rocks, the earth, deathliness, luck, technology, craft, metal work, wisdom, and greed.
Norse mythologies depictions of both jötunn and dvergar tie into the third category of European folklore’s depiction of earth deities/spirits. In European folklore, Gnome, is a dwarfish, subterranean goblin or earth spirit who guards mines of precious treasures hidden in the earth. He is represented in medieval mythologies as a small, physically deformed (usually hunchbacked) creature resembling a dry, gnarled old man. - this description is similar to that of jötunn/dvergar and also ties into Charmy being revealed as part dwarf which will most likely be explored in a later arc.
Tbh, I picture this guy’s personality being somewhere between Grumpy from Snow White, the grumpy but well-meaning and wisecrack Lorax, and Phil from Disney’s rendition of Hercules… (not only does imagining this type of personality have me laughing… imagining the 2 most whom I find most likely to be chosen by this earth spirit… imagining them being partnered up with this personality has me near cackling😂)
As for the 2 whom most likely might be the “chosen one” of this earth spirit?
Even though he is technically described as being Arcane in terms of his magical attribute, Mercury is by definition “a naturally-occurring chemical element found in rock in the earth's crust, including in deposits of coal.” So mercury is naturally occurring, derived from earth, and the fact that it can come from deposits of coal ties in perfectly to the hypothesis of this earth spirit/deity being along the lines of dwarves which (not JUST in Snow White) are heavily associated with miners in various mythologies and folklores. So even though technically classified as being arcane, I do think Nozel has a strong possibility of being chosen by the spirit of earth (+ it would make for an EVEN MORE epic rivalry between Nozel and Fuegoleon if they both have an elemental spirit) (++ based off of how dwarves are depicted in mythology and based on how I decribed how I think this guy’s personality will be, I can see this guy as wise/rational but also getting grumpy/irritated easily with a short fuse and just imagine him getting irritated and kicking Nozel in the shins when when he doesn’t communicate his feelings properly & almost always kicks Solid/Nebra/Augustus in the shins when he says something he shouldn’t have - omg this guy’ll be a hoot!!🤣)
The second possible “chosen one” of this earth spirit could be Sol. Not only is she 100% raw earth magic but I also feel like it would balance her out a bit having a male spirit attached to her and that’s where the wisdom side of the Lorax/Phil could kick in and help her not only improve as a mage but also as a person helping her not see things so one sided. You notice, even though the Blue Rose Knights are an all girl squad… Sol is the only one that goes to that much of a degree in despising men; everyone else on the squad detests men on the surface but for the most part not truly. Charlotte keeps up the façade of detesting men to both appear strong for her squad ladies but also to mask her own insecurities. Sol, while she has gotten a little better since her initial introduction, is the only one who barely tolerates men… the only one who’s depicted as not having a façade and genuinely detests all men with a few exceptions. Having a male spirit like character who does not take her BS (*shin kick💥*) but also offers her wisdom and guidance that helps her grow as a person would be phenomenal for her character overall.
I find Nozel to be the more interesting outcome (NO! not just because I’m a Nozel simp… who told you that? They lie) but either of these characters would be interesting and could improve drastically in character development and as a mage having someone like this joined at the hip.
What are your thoughts?
– Grimoire_Girl📚
OKay, okay *takes a moment* (Also: did I just stop what I was doing, just to read and reply to this? .... Maybe)
I'd like to platonically kiss you on the mouth (with your consent ofc, because consent is a big thing on this blog), because I love this. Okay the Fue simp in me was hoping to have more of him, but in the end I didn't even mind. And can I just say that I love, lovelovelove the idea of Nozel getting the Elemental Spirit of Earth.
The theory is made *so* *much* *better* by the mental image of him (supposedly 'him') being a Lorax/Phil (from now on, let's call him Phorax). Because can you just imagine this duo?! Nozel, our lovely tsun-tsun who is in need of a big, warm hug and therapy. (Like Nozel, sweetie, I know that there aren't many therapists around, but you need to talk to someone.)
I'm also thinking that since it's probable that there'll be the 2-2 divide between boy/girl spirits, because I kinda agree with you on Sal being a boy (I'm aware of Shrek 2, but unfortunately I have no answers, but I laughed *so hard* while reading that), if there'll be a divide between the Spirit forms that have wings. Because I can't see the Earth Spirit giving a flying Spirit Dive form.
I mean, what, everyone else, aka the rest 3 spirit owners can rise to the skies and then Nozel is left behind like a plucked chicken? (I'm so, so sorry for that comparison, but ain't no one leaving him behind! Nozel. Needs. To. Be. Included.) I don't think that's fair. So, it could very well be that the two else give a "grounded" Spirit form, and Bell and Undine give a flying form.
Aaaanyways... I do like your theory/thoughts on how Undine came to be. And I could very well see that to be canon.
I, honestly, have nothing further to add at this point. Because this is brilliant. I love this.
But Tabata please, give us a tiny bit more lore. Please? A pretty please
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vavuska · 3 years ago
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This girl is right: Freud's mom was a hottie!
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Sigmund Freud (aged 16) and his mother, Amalia, in 1872
More about Oedipus complex:
Who were Freud's parents?
Freud was born to Jewish parents in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austrian Empire (now Příbor, Czech Republic), the first of eight children. Both of his parents were from Galicia, a historic province straddling modern-day West Ukraine and southeast Poland. His father, Jakob Freud (1815–1896), a wool merchant, had two sons, Emanuel (1833–1914) and Philipp (1836–1911), by his first marriage. Jakob's family were Hasidic Jews and, although Jakob himself had moved away from the tradition, he came to be known for his Torah study. He and Freud's mother, Amalia Nathansohn, who was 20 years younger and his third wife, were married by Rabbi Isaac Noah Mannheimer on 29 July 1855. They were struggling financially and living in a rented room, in a locksmith's house at Schlossergasse 117 when their son Sigmund was born. He was born with a caul, which his mother saw as a positive omen for the boy's future.
In 1859, the Freud family left Freiberg.
Jakob Freud took his wife and two children (Freud's sister, Anna, was born in 1858; a brother, Julius born in 1857, had died in infancy) firstly to Leipzig and then in 1860 to Vienna where four sisters and a brother were born: Rosa (b. 1860), Marie (b. 1861), Adolfine (b. 1862), Paula (b. 1864), Alexander (b. 1866).
How was Freud's relationship with his parents?
The answer to this question could be found in the letters from Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin nose and throat doctor with whom Freud carried on a passionate 15-year friendship. The letters suggested a greater anguish by Freud over the abandonment of the seduction theory and several details about his auto-analysis.
Mothers and Nannies
Amalia was considered by her grandchildren to be an intelligent, strong-willed, quick-tempered but egotistical personality. She has been described as lively and humorous, with a strong attachment to her eldest son whom she called "mein goldener Sigi".
Just as Amalia idolised her eldest son, so there is evidence that the latter in turn idealised his mother, whose domineering hold over his life he never fully analysed.
However, nannies or nurses were always present in the Viennese's bourgeois households. The Freud-Fliess letters attracted attention to Freud's nanny and also to the role played by nannies in the ideal family of psychoanalytic theory. Included in the models that explained the bourgeois family since the nineteenth century, but excluded by analytic theory, the nanny, ever present in Austrian upper-class families, still poses a question to the father-mother-infant triangle. The relevance of the nanny's presence in children's development is fundamental and could introduce themes such as adultery, sexual harassment by the master, illegitimate children.
Freud's interest in nannies began, it seems, with the analysis of the cases that would be known in the analytical literature as those that were in the origin of the 'seduction theory' – and also with his auto-analysis. His interest, though, extended well beyond the time of this emergence, as we will see.
Almost all of his patients had a nanny or nurse – some of them had two, what would lead to a curious unfolding of this character, either in the duo good mother/ bad nanny, or, in a kind of duplication, as good nanny/bad nanny.
Freud's nanny, from whom even the name is disputed, could have been a Czech woman, a catholic, who took him to masses and reproved him for being good for nothing. He wrote:
"Today's dream has, under the strongest disguise, produced the following: she was my teacher in sexual matters and complained because I was clumsy and unable to do anything."
In the next letter (October, 15), Freud registers what his mother had told him about the nanny. Asking her if she remembered the nanny, he got the answer:
"Of course", she said, "an elderly person, very clever, she was always carrying you off to some church; when you returned home you preached and told us all about God Almighty. During my confinement with Anna (two and a half years younger) it was discovered that she was a thief, and all the shiny new kreuzers and zehners [coins] and all the toys that had been given to you were found in her possession. Your brother Philipp himself fetched the policeman; she then was given ten months in prison."
Telling that his nanny made him steal money to give her, Freud interpreted his dream as a reproach for asking money from his patients for his bad treatment of them, in the same way as "the old woman got money from me for her bad treatment." The fact that Freud used his mother's remembrance to strengthen the interpretation he made of the dream –in which he was the thief - doesn't matter here, neither his identification with the nanny, observed by some analysts of this famous dream ("I = She"), but it is relevant to consider that it seems that it was with his auto-analysis that the nanny figure began to be seen as a malignant one or, in the best hypothesis, as an ambiguous one.
What needs explanation is how the theory of the Oedipus complex accounts for the boy's guilty impulses toward his mother but ignores the boy's arousal at the hands of his nurse, especially in view of how much more attention his nurse gets from Freud than his mother does.
Discussing the possible interpretations of Freud's dreams along his auto-analysis, many authors saw the relevance of the nanny's presence in his development until his conclusion that "the remarkable circumstance" is that Freud, in effect, had two mothers, his actual mother – whose nakedness he can only mention in Latin – and his nanny whom he remembers in association with numerous disturbing sexual experiences. Having two such mothers, and the luck of having the 'bad' ugly mother banished from his life when he was only two and a half, allows Freud to maintain a secure split between the internalized good and bad mothers.
Unconsciously, Freud's nurse was his seductress and shamer, his mother the pure object of guilty desire.
Thus Freud's discovery of the Oedipus complex emerges not only from memories of a small boy's guilty, aggressive lust for his mother, but from memories of dependence on her, too – a dependence remembered, however as the seduction of a small bourgeois, Austrian boy by a Czech working-class woman in a province of the Austrian Empire still recovering from the Revolution of 1848.
Freud's father
To begin with the so-called 'seduction theory': in 1896 Freud published a polemic article in which he attributed the origin of hysteria to a sexual trauma suffered by his female – and some male - patients that ranged from sexual harassment to sexual abuse in the hands of a member of the family: uncles (some of whom were revealed as fathers in subsequent publications), brothers, guardians, school colleagues, or nannies. He said that this trauma was "unhappily" caused "too frequently, by a near kin."
In this article he said that in 18 cases of hysteria until then analyzed by him (six men and twelve women), all of them showed this etiology, or cause, of the condition.
By 1897, Freud was spending six days a week analyzing his patients, many of them suffering from hysteria. Increasingly, their problems resonated with his own. Freud began to suspect that he too was neurotic, suffering from what he described as "a little case hysteria." He became consumed by his own self-analysis.
In the spring of 1897, Freud wrote his friend Fliess about a new patient, a young woman with hysterical symptoms: "It turned out that her supposedly otherwise noble and respectable father regularly took her to bed when she was eight to twelve years old and misused her…"
It was Freud wrote, "fresh confirmation" that the prime cause of hysteria was the sexual abuse of an innocent child by an adult, most often, a father. But his theory had alarming implications. If he himself suffered from a form of hysteria, and if an abusive father caused hysteria, then Freud was forced to draw a distressing conclusion. He began to imagine that his own father might have abused him. Three months after Jacob's death, he wrote Fliess: "Unfortunately, my own father was one of these perverts, and is responsible for the hysteria of my brother… and those of several younger sisters."
Freud realized that he can not get further in understanding others unless he analyzes himself. That was another one of those great ideas. [But] The dreams that he analyzed are not really particularly well analyzed.
Freud interpreted the message "close the eyes" in his dream after his father's death to mean that there was something he was not meant to see, nor to know about, his father. To make his theory work, his father's secret had to be that he had sexually abused his children. But, when he could find no evidence of such behavior and no clear memory of abuse among his brothers and sisters, his seduction theory collapsed.
By the next year, he began doubting his proposition, and wrote to Fliess: "I don't believe in my neurotica [neurosis theory] any more." Even if he mentioned the seduction theory in other letters of this year (and also years after), he began, then, to treat these denounces of his patients as a fantasy.
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themousefromfantasyland · 4 years ago
The Creatures of Yuletide: Odin and the Wild Hunt
"When the winter winds blow and the Yule fires are lit, it is best to stay indoors, safely shut away from the dark paths and the wild heaths. Those who wander out by themselves during the Yule-nights may hear a sudden rustling through the tops of the trees - a rustling that might be the wind, though the rest of the wood is still.
But then the barking of dogs fills the air, and the host of wild souls sweeps down, fire flashing from the eyes of the black hounds and the hooves of the black horses"
Kveldulf Hagen Gundarsson (Mountain Thunder)
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So last post I discussed about the pagan origins of Christmas traditions, of how they were originally traditions from Germanic winter solstice festivals. In the next posts I will discuss the several creatures from the pagan world that used to walk on Earth during these times and how they were incorporated into the modern-day Christmas lore. So, first, let’s talk about the Wild Hunt.
The Wild Hunt is a motif in European folklore, appearing in several legends and fairy tales. It’s listed as Motif E501 in Stith Thompson's Motif Index of Folklore. Basically, it’s a spectral and nocturnal horde of hunters and hounds following a ghostly leader. They all used to fly through the cold night sky, accompanied by the sounds of the howling wind. They were a procession of thousands of unhallowed souls that roamed the Winter sky, trapped in an eternal hunting gathering, never to rest. These apparitions were many times described as either the spirits of the dead, members of the fae or fairy folk or elves. They were described as inherently chaotic, bringing mayhem to winter nights with their loud unholy sound.
They swept through the forests in midwinter. Those who encountered the dammed souls were said to find only two possible ends. They could be carried away to some other place in the mortal world, permanently spirited away to the otherworld or being brutally killed. They also could be rewarded, generally after committing an act of goodwill to the leader of the pack.
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Depending on the local variations, the leader of hunting pack could be from King Arthur to the Devil himself. Some stories describe the leader as a hunter that insulted God, being forced to forever roam the sky. Others describe him as tragic figure, as King Herla, that after visiting the Fairy King, was told by him to not dismount his horse until the greyhound he carried had jumped down, cursing him and his men to forever ride through the winds, as the dog had not jumped down yet. In Germany, the hunter is sometimes the Devil, riding a horse, accompanied by numerous hounds. Sometimes the leader is described as female, being named Holda, Fru Waur, or Fru Gode in Northern Germany; or Perchta in Southern Germany.
But many variations point the identity of the leader of the hunting pack as no one other than Odin, the lord of the Aesir Gods. Many of the figures describe as leaders of the Wild Hunt are believed to be inspired by Odin or are related to him in some way. In the 16th century, Hans von Hackelnberg was said to lead the Wild Hunt. Sources cite his name as possibly being a corruption of an epithet of Odin’s name. Holda is described as Wotan’s wife. Wotan is the Germanic form of Odin.
Odin was the Norse god of the dead, inspiration, ecstatic trance, battle frenzy, knowledge, and creative and intellectual pursuits in general. Although described as dark and mysterious, he was a trickster god who wandered through the Nine Realms in pursuit of knowledge, usually under various disguises. He often rode Sleipnir, his gray steed of nine legs, through the skies
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The German folklorist Jacob Grimm, yes, one of the Brothers Grimm, theorized that the Wild Hunt represented a fossilized survival of the beliefs of the distant past. In developing his idea of the Wild Hunt, he mixed recent folkloric sources with textual evidence dating to the Medieval and Early Modern periods. As he put:
"Another class of specters will prove more fruitful for our investigation: they, like the ignes fatui, include unchristened babes, but instead of straggling singly on the earth as fires, they sweep through forest and air in whole companies with a horrible din. This is the widely spread legend of the furious host, the furious hunt, which is of high antiquity, and interweaves itself, now with gods, and now with heroes. Look where you will, it betrays its connection with heathenism."
— Jacob Grimm
To the Germanic peoples, Yule season was a direct worship of their gods. Odin is known by two names which relate to the time of year the Wild Hunt was alleged to occur, Jólnir and Jauloherra. Both roughly mean “Master of Yule”. Yule season celebrated the promise of light again triumphing over darkness and the rebirth of the sun. During Yule, all the gods were honored, especially Odin, also referred as Jólfaðr, the Yule Father. Yule is known as a time in which family and friends would strengthen their ties to each other through hospitality, feasting, drinking, gift-giving, and making merry in the face of the privations and dangers of winter. I absolutely LOVE this definition of the Holidays.
However, as Christianity spread, the old gods became gradually demonized, losing all their more benevolent aspects. They were retconned as dark and evil spirits that were said to haunt the winter nights. All their worsts and most scaring features were focused, while their more benevolent traits were stripped away and given to Saints. From an imponent Norse God riding the winter skies, Odin became a devil figure that scared the peasants away. However, not all was lost, as the Yule traditions survived the christianization and became Christmas traditions, the same happened to Odin.
Odin raced across the windy night skies leading his pack of gods, elves, beasts, and ancestral spirits in a great hunt against the ice giants and the forces of darkness. While the Wild Hunt was on, those who provoked the ire of the gods could find themselves caught in bad luck, while those whom Odin favored would receive good fortune and gifts. One of the many names for Odin was Óski, the Wish Granter. There are even Nordic stories of children leaving straw and carrots in their boots as a gift for a hungry Sleipnir fresh from the Wild Hunt. However, these last claims are still disputed.
Anyway, these features of Odin as a gift-giver survived through the Christianization, and were later attributed to Saint Nicholas, a bishop that during the 3rd century was said to help the poor. Before the poem “The Night Before Christmas” and the Coca-Cola adds, Saint Nicholas was often depicted as a wanderer dressed in a fur-cloak, with a long white beard, not all different from how Odin was often depicted in his wanderer disguise.
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Folklorist Margaret Baker stated the following:
"the appearance of Santa Claus or Father Christmas, whose day is the 25th of December, owes much to Odin, the old blue-hooded, cloaked, white-bearded Giftbringer of the north, who rode the midwinter sky on his eight-footed steed Sleipnir, visiting his people with gifts. … Odin, [over time] transformed into Father Christmas, then Santa Claus, prospered with St Nicholas and the Christchild, and became a leading player on the Christmas stage."
So, resuming, Santa is Odin, and over the centuries, this…
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...became this…
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wann-der-lusst · 4 years ago
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Cliché Drawing Sesh
By: Margareth Angelique Asico
"How do you decide on which reference you're going to draw next?"
"No one has ever asked me that before, well... I guess I just draw what I like. Why ask such a
"Nothing really. Just curious"
The sound of the pencil lead brushing through the paper, the sheer sunset filling the classroom, the sound of the birds chirping and the boy sitting in front of you was enough for you to get lost in your own world. It made your heart flutter on how much you're enjoying the scenery that your orbs are witnessing as you continue to draw- it was perfect you thought. You asked Joaquin to be your reference for your art project which took you by surprise that he actually agreed on such a sudden request. A chance like this doesn't happen every day so grabbing the opportunity of you not having to give excuses why your sketchbook was filled with his face would be great.
"Oi Santiago, someone's calling"
Instantly snapping off of your peaceful paradise, an immediate rush of adrenaline was released as the thought of him seeing your wallpaper made you quickly grab your phone in Joaquin's hand like your life depended on it.
"Ah yes, Hello?"
You answered the phone while glaring at Joaquin who was absolutely confused on your previous action since it was out of character of your usual self who is calm and composed. Nevertheless, you just saw him shrug it off which made you relax a bit.
"In front of the water fountain? The vending machine there? Why?"
"No, it’s okay, we'll be heading there anyways. I had some work to do so..."
“Right I'll see you"
Closing your sketchbook, you gave him an awkward smile as you began packing your things. He stood up from his seat- getting the idea that your drawing session has ended. You slid the door open exiting the classroom while Joaquin walked beside you.
"You're acting a little strange today" You chuckled with the sudden question.
"Am I?"
Not being very expressive towards people, observing surroundings is much more preferable- to you at least. You figured that people tend to approach you less since they find you a bit intimidating. But given the circumstances, Joaquin never failed to surprise you on how well he can see through your reserved expressions which made you feel warm- important somehow. It made you feel as if someone's actually interested not only for your physical attributes, but for what's actually going on inside your mind and how you feel despite not being able to express it much.
The walk was quiet but relaxing, you were taken away from your thoughts as you felt a hand tap on your shoulder.
"Oh right, that's my friend... She was the one who called a while ago"
You walked towards your friend who seemed to have a companion whom you are not much familiar with. She leaned into the guy whispering something, giving you a smirk while raising her eyebrows before sneakily leaving. The boy looked incredibly nervous giving you the idea on what his intentions would be.
"Right, I'll get going for practice for the swimming club. Good luck to you two"
An intense, yet awkward atmosphere filled the place as the both of you stood there waiting for something to happen which actually took quite some time.
"Uhm, Santiago. I-I've been wanting to tell you this but I never had the courage to do so. I was... I was wondering if you would like to go out with me-"
Your attention dividing as a familiar scent went past through your direction observing him with your peripheral vision as he slowly disappeared from your sight.
"Hey uhm, as much as I want to... I'm sorry but I'm actually interested in somebody else..."
His expression immediately turns into a frown as soon as he hears you speak...obviously hurting from your response. You tried to comfort him as much as you could just so that it can lift a bit of the weight you've caused him which was not much of a help. He started walking away from you as soon as the conversation ended with sadness radiating his aura. You couldn't help but feel sorry but you were sure you already have someone to lend your heart to.
"Well, you seemed to be pretty popular around the boys." Joaquin exclaimed, coming out of nowhere.
"Aren't you supposed to be practicing for the swimming club?”
"I thought so too, but we were just called for a meeting."
"Is that so? Well, to be clear I am not in any way popular with the boys"
"You are Santiago, you are."
"How are you so sure?"
"Santiago, how many guys have confessed to you? How many of our classmates tried to take you on a date? If anyone's blind here, it would be you. I don't get it why you wouldn't date any of them though."
"Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who's acting strange today. Also, I have to finish the sketches so I wouldn't have to bother you from your next practice."
"Right, we can stay at the gym if you like since it'll be cold here."
You started sketching as soon as you've pulled out your art materials from your bag and once again, lost in your own little world. You were focusing on Joaquin's eyes - those brown eyes that looked as if they were shining, you wondered how he would look at someone he admires. His
proportions are outstanding, his build may be slim but the muscles which are gradually developing from his swimming practices are showing.. It would probably feel great to cuddle with him. His hands are perfect, his fingers are slender and you wondered how it'll feel like if you were to intertwine your hands with his. You thought to yourself how fortunate you are to have this chance to observe how beautiful this man is built, it is more than enough. Every imperfection seemed perfect when it’s him, it's unfair how incredibly handsome this man is and how he swiftly catches your attention. You drew every angle of his face as if you're drawing the final piece, you didn't want to mess up anything. You wanted to capture his amazing features; he surely is one of a kind. How can someone be so salty towards others be so considerate when it comes to you? Someone who doesn't give full attention to something he's not involved with will be so attentive when listening to your stories. How he notices everything that unease you despite your almost-emotionless face… Maybe he cares for me? You thought. Maybe I have a chance? Should I tell him how I feel?
You were once again, brought to reality with your phone ringing. A hand swiftly taking the phone
away from you making your heart jump from nervousness that you didn't even have the chance to see who's calling you.
A smirk forming on his face while holding the phone above his head
"Fine, reach it then"
"That's too high!"
He began to tease you by giving you your phone but immediately pulling it away once you're close.
"I didn't even get to see who was calling!"
"Really? I'll answer it then"
"This is so unlike you.."
Fear takes over your body as you watch his fingers tap on the answer button, knowing that you'll
lose him the moment the call ends. You were trembling as if you've never been this scared all your life. You tried to desperately snatch the phone while he was talking but it was no use.
The call has been going on for a while and you had no interest on what and who he was talking to. You were about to snatch the phone but failed when he wrapped you into a tight hug with his arm.
He is way stronger than you leaving you no choice but to give up on not being caught. You were
contemplating on how you should react when he finally saw what you've been hiding. Every second that passed was like hell for you that you couldn't even enjoy how close you are to him…
"Okay, bye"
You didn't even bother looking at him despite knowing the call had ended. You wouldn't want to remember how he looked when he finally saw your wallpaper of him candidly eating his strawberry shortcake in a café which you secretly took the first and only time you hung out together outside of school.
Eyes looking down, you took a deep breath accepting what he'll eventually do. His grip lessened, releasing you from the hug. It felt like you were drifting kilometers away from each other. He placed his hand over your shoulders, putting your hair at your back as you feel his fingers trace your jawline lifting your chin up. You look at him teary eyed, wondering if this will be the last time you'll see him this close.
His eyes deemed, he never looked this serious before making your heart leap from the sudden change of expression. His other hand finding its way to your back forcing you to come closer to him making you jolt. He was leaning in front of your face, he was so close that you could feel his breath tickle your lips as you felt your heart racing.
"So is this what you meant when you said you draw what you like?" He said as his lips curled for a smirk.
"uh uhm uh”
Cutting you off, he pressed his lips against your forehead enabling you to process the situation. He pulled away so slowly that you felt every part of his lips losing contact with yours. Your body not being able to move, you tried to at least calm yourself just enough to be able to process the
Your ears are tingling from the permission granted to you. Face now tinted red from everything that has happened, he pulled you into a back hug digging his face onto your neck sending shivers down your spine.
"What the hell came into your mind to do that?"
"Nothing really. I was just curious"
"Si-since when did you know?"
"I didn't, I was the one who called you on your phone. Turned out better than I expected. Couldn't ask for a better outcome."
"You jerk"
"I love you too"
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remuslupinfest · 5 years ago
Remus Lupin Fest 2020 Master List (Anon)
We're pleased to release this years Master List of fics, sorted by ship and alphabetically! There's 38 incredible works! Author and artist reveals are next week.
TITLE: First Year SUMMARY: I hope whoever prompted this in the first place is happy with the result. I know it's super messy but I was experimenting a bit with my style!
TITLE: On Talking SUMMARY: Five conversations Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonagall have during Prisoner of Azkaban and one they do not.
TITLE: One of Many Happy Moments SUMMARY: Remus has only come back home from one of particularly typical days of teaching in Hogwarts, but he couldn’t refuse Teddy to read the book together
TITLE: Remus Lupin Sleeping Peacefully SUMMARY: Prompt: Remus sleeping peacefully.
TITLE: Tousled SUMMARY: Prompt: Remus wrapped in a sheet/duvet going to the bathroom or kitchen after having had sex with someone. Maybe someone knocks on the door and he can’t find his trousers. He’s flushed, tousled and possibly has a hickey or two.
TITLE: A Heart Grows Warm SUMMARY: After the war, Remus is a single father and desperate for a job. Snape hires him to work in his potions shop, but Remus can't ignore the building sexual tension between them.
TITLE: Bad Moon Rising SUMMARY: James, Lily and Voldemort all died on Halloween night. Years later, Remus is working in the Auror Department on a confusing case of a transformed werewolf stalking a family outside of a full moon and is assigned a brilliant new Auror, Nymphadora Tonks, to work with him.
TITLE: Briseé SUMMARY: Death eater!Remus struggles to face his past after the death of his lover and the end of his freedom.
TITLE: Care to Share? SUMMARY: Remus had every intention of enjoying solidarity over the holidays. That may change now that he's not the only Slytherin staying behind.
TITLE: His Luck SUMMARY: Modern setting, model/photographer AU for Remus Lupin and Narcissa Black. Written for the Remus Lupin fest 2020.
TITLE: Hold Me While You Wait SUMMARY: Remus Lupin just needs someone to hug him.
TITLE: One Night In Barcelona SUMMARY: The chemistry was too much to resist.
TITLE: Readjusting SUMMARY: When Voldemort murders Frank and Alice Longbottom, their baby survives. Meanwhile, Lily moves into a flat in Muggle London. Alone. With baby Harry and the cat. Remus helps.
TITLE: The Paths We Take SUMMARY: Lily Evans Lupin is a detective, though her husband Remus' name is on all the paperwork. He writes incredible tales while she solves mysteries. All seems normal as the Second World War ends, and Lily is hoping for peace and eventual renown for her talents legally attributed to Remus. Her and Remus' entire world comes crashing down once more as Sirius O. Black, Remus' first love, enters their agency, with one request: to find his missing brother Regulus, who joined the Nazis and hasn't come home. Can Lily find the missing Regulus? Can Remus face his heartbreak?
TITLE: You keep messing with my brain SUMMARY: The awful truth was that when he had noticed Regulus Black he couldn’t exactly look away anymore.
TITLE: AMOR VINCIT OMNIA (love conquers all) SUMMARY: Remus, a servant boy to the cruel Emperor Voldemort, meets Sirius, a charming nobleman. Together they fight for freedom and love in Ancient Rome.
TITLE: An Endearing Portrait SUMMARY: At the beginning of their seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius fears that Remus’s mother and perhaps Remus himself, too, prefers someone else.
TITLE: Falling Into Place SUMMARY: There's always been something special about Remus Lupin, even if it's taken Sirius Black until his seventh year to realize it. Too bad he spends so much time agonizing over his changing feelings that he loses his chance. In which Remus acts like an idiot, Marlene is the snarky voice of reason, James is a mother hen, Peter is confused, and Sirius is seriously jealous.
TITLE: Fate and Other Ambiguous Notions SUMMARY: Truth be told, Sirius has never really paid much attention to Remus before... (Slytherin!Remus, Gryffindor!Sirius)
TITLE: Hold Me While You Wait SUMMARY: Remus Lupin just needs someone to hug him.
TITLE: If You’ll Be Waiting SUMMARY: Remus gets the Information that Sirius is probably still alive. He goes on a road trip to Germany with Harry to find him.
TITLE: In the Throws of You SUMMARY: Prompt 178: Sirius has a track record for picking bad BDSM doms, but luckily Remus is always there to provide the proper aftercare he needs.
TITLE: Ivory and Gold SUMMARY: Sirius Black is all Remus has been looking for and more. A muse, an inspiration, a theme he never wishes to let go. He’s magnetic. And Remus lets himself be pulled in.
TITLE: Let the Awful Song Be Heard, Bluebird SUMMARY: Prompt: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is really just a squeal of pain. – Vita Sackville West In some ways, they are still Padfoot and Moony.
TITLE: making a fool out of myself (for you) SUMMARY: Sirius and Remus have been friends for years. However, unbeknownst to the other, both of them have a secret life working as a clown. Over the years, Remus and Sirius have competed against each other in the clown/birthday party circuit, becoming actual clown enemies of each other without knowing their true identities... until now, that is.
TITLE: Meet the Moonies SUMMARY: Remus introduces Sirius to his parents for the first time.
TITLE: Renewal SUMMARY: Remus and Sirius return to Remus's cabin together after the events of Harry's third school year come to a close. Remus decides that Sirius would be much better off with a haircut and some TLC.
TITLE: Sanctify My Body (With Pain) SUMMARY: When Remus leaves for what is essentially a suicide mission, Sirius finds himself grappling with the realities of a life where he doesn't know if the love of his life is dead or alive.
Perhaps the most confusing question in these situations is: which is worse?
TITLE: Siren songs SUMMARY: Sirius had heard of mermaids before, of course. They were all over the songs bards performed at his parents' table and the tall tales sailors traded in every port. He had never given much thought to whether or not the stories were true, though. Imagine his surprise when he and his best mates found themselves shipwrecked on an unfamiliar shore, with a breathtaking and mysterious merman for their only ally.
TITLE: Sweet Nuthin’ SUMMARY: When the summer between third and fourth year begins, Sirius expects it to be nothing but lazy days, harmless pranks with James, and the occasional meet-up with the rest of his friends from Hogwarts. Those plans go out the window rather quickly when he gets a sudden glimpse of Remus Lupin, a mysterious boy who changes everything about Sirius Black's life and shows him that love will always win in the end.
TITLE: Teddy’s Wedding SUMMARY: Teddy's wedding brings about memories of the past and hopes for the future.
TITLE: That Iron Taste SUMMARY: In the middle of a particularly bitter winter, a new attendee starts showing up in Father Black’s congregation. He is entirely unfamiliar and wholly arresting. In his wake there will be confusion, horror, heat, bliss, blood, and perhaps the end of reality itself.
TITLE: The Great Gay Pornstar Twitter Feud of 2020 SUMMARY: “So what I’m hearing is that you’ve got a date with your hot, clever, fellow porn-star twitter nemesis, of whom you once said ‘I’d rather die than let that pretentious knobcloud touch my dick’... is that about right?”
“... Yes.”
Or; Remus Lupin forgets to turn the fucking camera on.
TITLE: The King I Could Become SUMMARY: Prince Sirius of Nox has one thing he cannot stand. Or rather it should be said, one person. Prince Remus of Lupos. They had never gotten along well, though their kingdoms are close allies, but a disturbance in the lands has brought them together on a quest. They'll be able to take down this threat...if they can survive each other's presence first.
TITLE: The New Sailing Master SUMMARY: Sirius is a pirate, Remus is a fugitive, Remus manages to get a lift aboard the Blithering Idiot and it's love at first sight…
TITLE: Things We Can’t Say SUMMARY: Prompt 18: Angst during the first war, based on being on opposite sides. Trying to convince them to join the light side maybe, or accidentally injuring each other or close friends of each other.
TITLE: Thoroughly Debauched SUMMARY: Prompt: Remus riding Sirius in a chair
TITLE: To Admit What Is Not More Illegal SUMMARY: On Valentine’s Day in their seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius tries to offer what Remus needs, and starts figuring out if he's ashamed of something, and if he is, what it is.
TITLE: You Would Be Calling Me Moony SUMMARY: A month after Sirius falls through the Veil, Remus starts seeing Sirius in his dreams. But they're only dreams...right?
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shoichee · 4 years ago
GoMs + Kagami as Persona Users
Headcanons on the Generation of Miracles (and Kagami) if they were to become a persona user in the world of the Persona series (Kuroko and Momoi included)
@akichan-th​ THIS IS FOR YOU
Warning: KNB series spoilers !!
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Kuroko Tetsuya
since his presence is nonexistent in the real world, as a phantom thief, he’d probably desire to be a noticeable hero, you know? even in the 22.5 OVA, he told Kise that passing around wasn’t fun but he was going to do it for the sake of the team
his phantom thief outfit would be flashy in a sense of maybe eye-catching color schemes, or bold patterns
his attire could be baggy/oversized navy blue/black street clothing with TASTEFUL neon-colored accents and his mask would be a neon-colored huge sports shades/goggles situation (i was about to say some trendy sunglasses but sunglasses don’t stay on at all); he’s a skater boy ???? basically??
like, his PT attire could very well be a Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight DLC outfit 👀 it has those vibes
persona element is curse and let me explain why: he doesn’t have the gifted physique like the other GoMs and he’s cursed to rely on others for him to make a difference, and his motif has always been “shadow” ALSO he’s the PHANTOM sixth player YOU CAN’T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
he’s a front-line battler, but his skills are very support heavy: support skills that increase attack and defense for his teammates; i also wanna say he has spells that inflict dizziness ailments because in the anime, players are always losing their shit and whipping their heads around to find this tiny boy LMAO
he would definitely have a signature move that would direct all enemy attacks and status moves to himself for a set amount of turns to aid his teammates
his persona would have an extremely high Endurance and higher than average Luck stat but everything else is an all-time low
i’m going to say it, his shooting weapon is gonna be a paintball gun filled with neon paint just to fuck with the shadows and still make it HURT
code name would be “Umbra” (which means innermost part of a shadow) or “Ghost;” imagine some PT member shouting, “Oh no! Umbra’s knocked down!” and all the shadow sees is this brightass, neon kid on the floor
i would love his codename to be “Shadow” but there’s already the term shadow to describe the monsters in the metaverse
Kise Ryota
he views a “rebel” as your basic punk
since he’s a model, he knows japanese punk fashion very well
guess who’s gonna come into the metaverse being this hot ass punk boy? Kise motherfucking Ryota
black spike collar
lots of those tiny chains and harness/buckle action somewhere
ripped black leather pants that give Joker’s own leather pants a run for its money PLUS WITH SHINY BLACK BELT
lots of patchwork and stuff
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his mask would totally be a visor goggle to add further to the punk theme
part of me is biased that Kise is a blondie and “kise” is based off of “yellow” and Ryuji is blonde and so now i headcanon him as the electric element
okay, but since he’s an “all-rounder” he’ll probably be able to access mid-tier level attacks of all elements, including almighty to an extent
but if i was basing his element off of personality, he’d be ice for sure; he’s actually cold-hearted to people whom he doesn’t consider “worthy” and the anime only showed his friendly side because most of the time, he’s shown talking to his friends and people he respects
speaking of all-rounder, his stats would be all high all around, with his Magic stat peaking the highest
Midorima Shintarou
this boy is a bit tricky to figure out what his PT attire would be
he doesn’t have any time to think about “what he would be as a rebel” type of thing
however, if he were to desire to become something, i’d say he would want to be a supernatural being who can distribute good luck for himself every day
think of those JRPG wizard/mage/warlock outfit motifs (and they match up nicely with the idea of astrology and horoscopes); probably lots of brown/beige/hues of green scheme? or a black/various colors of purple for a FULL on witch vibe
it makes sense too because as someone who always shoots from afar and never dunks, mage classes always cast from afar and never attack up close to their opponent
and his frog puppets remind me of a witch’s animal familiars LMAO
there you have it
his mask would be a dark dark purple or a pure black domino mask that has little stars littered sparingly everywhere on said mask
his shooting weapon? my guy is stacked on staves ready to cast long-range spells
wind element for sure (because his basketball shots all catch air with lots of hang time | (• ◡•)|) with tons of gun skills
signature move would be a magic skill that never misses no matter what (his range is the entire metaverse)
his persona stats are also pretty well rounded but his highest stats would be Magic and Luck, with Endurance being a close runner up
Aomine Daiki
also hard to figure out a PT attire for this guy
according to KUROFES, his alternative career would be a police officer so i would think he despises criminals and the Phantom Thieves altogether ?
if anything, he’s more suited for the S.E.E.S. investigation team in Persona 3
Aomine doesn’t give a fuck, but he has a soft spot to protect others so like having a gun evoker definitely suits him more than a mask summon BRJWBDJW
i see him as a fire element, but his persona would have a lot more physical skills than anything else
bonus: since he used to be Kuroko’s “light,” he can have some mid-tier level bless skills
to make a reference his “formless” shots and forms, as well as his rapid changes of pace, his signature move would be a 5-hit physical skill that changes targets with every hit
statwise, his Agility stat is the highest out of everyone in the GoM, and his Strength and Endurance would be runner up stats; his Magic stat would be extremely dismal
Murasakibara Atsushi 
this guy thinks about nothing but food and how he hates Teppei-species people basketball, so honestly he’s not interested in the Phantom Thieves business
like what? Murasakibara dressed in a getup? it’s a big “press X to doubt”
so i envision him to be more suitable for Persona 4, where he has to confront the other self that loves basketball and truly does care about people, and he had to be honest and accept that side for him to attain a persona
would he ever go back to the said “persona world” to go fight some shadows? unless there’s a good reason why he should or you bribed him with snacks, he won’t budge an inch
just give this man a Persona 4 school uniform and he’s ready to fight
his persona would primarily have physical skills, with lots of “wall” support skills, element “break” skills, and lots of passive skills (lots of nulls/resists) available for it to learn
highest stat for him would be Strength, then Endurance, and surprisingly have Agility as the runner up
he’s a huge tank of a persona user
Akashi Seijuro
i’ve talked about his PT outfit in this headcanon here, including his mask and why
hear me out, since this man is good at everything in school, and since there are archery clubs in Japanese schools, i wouldn’t be surprised if he was a Robin Hood with the scopes; what am i tryna say? his shooting weapon would be bow & arrows
i feel like people would automatically think he’s a bless/curse element like Akechi since “he has two sides,” but i feel like it’s not exactly right? if anything, i headcanon him to be more of a psychokinesis element
why? i want to attribute that to his emperor’s eye and his perfect passings, both each specialties from their respective “sides” of Akashi, and that requires extreme precision, almost to the level of “telepathy”
there’s also everyone thinking he can see the future too i mean
in the end, Akashi’s dual sides merged into one again, so having a whole bless/curse element wouldn’t even make sense anymore
but i will say, this man deserves to have a persona with almighty skills back to back
this guy isn’t the captain for no reason
so his persona would utilize psychokinesis and almighty skills, with special buff skills that increase critical rates for his allies (to refer to the fact that his passings enhance other players); his persona would also enjoy a large selection of passive skills to choose from to either be ultimate support or ultimate offensive sweeper
to also reiterate from the mentioned headcanon i linked, his code name would either be “Crimson” or “Scarlet”
his persona is a literal glass cannon, referring to the fact that Akashi is actually a mentally fragile basketball player; extremely high Strength, Magic, and Agility (but not as high as Aomine though) stats, average Luck stat, but extremely low Endurance stat
Momoi Satsuki
Momoi, i think, would envision herself in the metaverse as someone who’s never underestimated because of her usual demeanor or physical looks
even me, i got fooled thinking she was just only a fanservice girl and not this incredibly intelligent girl who was critical to her teams’ successes
so i would think she would imagine herself to be in a huge respectable position of power, like a lieutenant or general, who can command others and strategize to victory
her outfit would be similar to the attire from the Assassin’s Faith set from Love Nikki with the black Army Floppy Hat from the Army Major set on top (also from Love Nikki) 
color scheming i can imagine a lot of black/white with gold trimmings/accents here and there
her mask is a Venetian eye mask i can literally see it; it’s so pretty with the gold plating !!
her role would definitely be a navigator + analyzer/tactician from the backlines, so while she isn’t in the battle most of the times, if worse comes to shove, she’ll be in the frontlines as a last resort
in other words, she’s a Futaba, but she isn’t a sitting duck and can fight if needed
she has an incredible Luck stat, higher than average Agility stat, but average stats for the rest (Magic, Strength, and Endurance)
ailment, healing, support, and buff skills are all at her disposal, along with some gun skills (which can definitely be broken when paired with her high Luck stat)
“Duchess” (a woman having a noble rank) would be a really cute codename for her
Kagami Taiga
why do i literally see him as a shinobi (ninja)
i have no idea why i do, but i think it’s just his name:
“While Kagami's name is associated with the ‘tiger’, Himuro's name means ‘dragon’. In Chinese mythology, the Azure Dragon of the East and the White Tiger of the West are eternal rivals. This rivalry is further expressed in their surnames: ‘Hi (氷)’ means ‘ice’ while ‘Ka (火)’ translates as ‘fire’.” - KNB wiki
so i literally see both Himuro and Kagami as rival clans duking it out
jokes aside, Kagami is a very honorable player, but he did at one point exhibited a “darker side” to himself, playing selfishly and being arrogant in the beginning
shinobis were considered to be “dishonorable” and “beneath the honor” of the samurai in their eras, so i feel that this could be a great image for what Kagami thinks is a “rebel” 
being a ninja would make use of his jumping skills too
i imagine him in a fitted black halter neck top (so his abs are for us to see), with an iconic long red scarf wrapping his neck and hanging down to his waist at the back side
black forearm guards/wraps?
and then he has mahogany/dark red??/black???? loose cloth wrapped around his waist, like how you would tie a jacket over your waist ?? and then black nu-bakama pants and finally some dark boots for those pants to be tucked in
no one can convince me otherwise, but he’s gotta have a red full-face oni mask with black horns and some golden tiger stripes on the sides of the mask and around the eyes
he would totally have some almighty skills and “Heat Riser,” a move that raises all of the user’s attack, defense, and accuracy/evasiveness (because the colors of the move’s animation remind me of Direct Drive Zone, something that was pretty much unlocked by Kagami for the team)
his persona is one of the OP/late game personas where all their stats are amazing across the board; even if his stats were high all around, his “lowest” would be his Luck stat
codename for him is “Tiger” no one cannot argue with me for this one NRNEIJFEO
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whumphoarder · 6 years ago
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Summary: Peter fakes sick to help Tony get out of going to an important event, but then later ends up actually sick. His mentor is a bit slow on the uptake.
Word count: 3,043
Genre: Sickfic, whump, hurt/comfort, humor
Link to read on ao3
A/N: I definitely took some liberties with this prompt, but hopefully you still enjoy the story :D Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx & @sallyidss for beta reading and giving me ideas, and to @fandomsficsandfeels for inspiration for the plotline!
“I can’t believe this, Tony,” Pepper whispers from just inside the room’s threshold. Her back is to Peter and her voice is quiet enough that if it wasn’t for his enhanced hearing, he wouldn’t have registered it. “You’ve known about this award ceremony for months, and now, two hours before it starts, you’re telling me you can’t go?”
“I’m sorry, Pep, but what am I supposed to do?” Tony says, and Peter can hear the distress in his voice. “The kid’s practically coughing up a lung, and FRI says he’s running a fever—I can’t leave him alone like this.”
Peter pushes himself up from where he’s currently sprawled out on the living room sofa, his arms trembling from the effort. “No, no M’s’r Stark…” he rasps, “you can go. I’ll be fi—” he cuts himself off by hunching forward to hack out a few more horrible-sounding coughs.
Tony, dressed in a suit that Peter figures could easily pay for several months of his aunt’s rent, is beside him in three quick strides, immediately wrapping an arm around Peter’s shoulders to push him to a more upright position.“Hey, hey, easy, kid, easy…” he instructs, rubbing a comforting hand up and down on Peter’s back.
Pepper’s mildly irritated expression softens into one of genuine concern. Her long sparkly gown swishes behind her as she moves over to locate Peter’s water glass on the coffee table and perches herself on the edge of the sofa in front of him. “Here, take a sip,” she says gently.
As soon as the current coughing fit is passed, Peter nods gratefully to her and takes the glass with a shaky hand. “Thanks…” he croaks.
Pepper sighs, but there’s a sad sort of smile to her eyes now. She smooths a few of his curls back out of his eyes. “I’m really sorry you’re feeling so bad.”
Peter feels his face flush slightly. It’s one thing to have Tony see him like this, but it’s another thing entirely to have Pepper Potts witnessing. “It’s really not so bad,” he protests weakly. “I’ll be okay, I just—” He quickly places the glass back down as he breaks into more coughs.
Frowning, Tony presses the back of his hand to the kid’s slightly sweaty forehead. Peter shivers at the touch. “Sorry, kiddo, but May would have my head if she knew I left you alone in this state.” He shudders a bit. “That woman may be sweet, but she’s also terrifying.”
Peter can’t help but bark out a hoarse laugh at that. It’s true that May laid out some pretty strict guidelines before leaving Peter in the Starks’ care while she visits her college friend in Seattle, and he’s fairly sure that letting him die from bronchitis while Tony receives this year’s Green Energy Champion award would violate a few of those.
Turning back to his fiancée, Tony gives her a regretful look. “I guess I could ask Happy to stay with him, but…”
Pepper shakes her head. “No, you’re right,” she concedes. “He’s sick, and until Sunday evening, you’re his temporary guardian. You have to stay.” She gets to her feet again and straightens her dress back out. “I’ll accept the award for you and smooth things over with the organizers and the press.”
Tony stands up as well to plant a quick kiss on her lips. “Have I ever told you that you’re a lifesaver?”
She rolls her eyes good-naturedly. “Lifesaver? More like your entire National Guard service.”
While Tony waves her off, Peter lowers his gaze down to the blanket spread across his legs, picking at a piece of fuzz with his fingernails. “I’m really sorry…”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Pepper assures, her tone kind. “It’s not your fault you’re sick—just kind of inconvenient timing. But I’ll figure it all out, don’t worry.” With a humorous huff, she adds, “This is far from the first important event Tony’s missed.”
“Hey, I resent that,” Tony grumbles. “I’ve been much better about that stuff lately.”
“True,” she allows, giving him an extra peck on the cheek. “It’s been nearly a decade since you blew off the Queen of England.”
Peter’s eyes widen, but Tony only rolls his own at the kid in response. “Oh please, as if you would want to fly six hours to drink some tea from a fancy cup with an elderly lady for some international magazine spread...”
“Anyway,” Pepper goes on, “I’d better get going. Good luck you two.” Glancing to Peter, she adds, “Feel better.”
Tony and Peter wave their goodbyes and Pepper makes her way out to the parking garage. They keep their eyes glued to the TV screen, which has been playing Brooklyn Nine-Nine reruns in the background, for several minutes before FRIDAY breaks the silence.
“Boss, Ms. Potts’ car has left the property. She is en route to the ceremony.”
“Oh thank god,” Peter breathes out, immediately untangling the blanket from his legs and pulling the single-use heating packs out from under his hoodie. “I’m about to keel over from heatstroke here. You know spiders can’t thermoregulate well.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “I was monitoring you—your temp barely even hit 100 that whole time. Don’t be so dramatic.”
“You owe me one,” Peter quips, rubbing at his throat. It’s actually pretty sore now from all the fake coughing. “I lied for you—to Ms. Potts of all people.”
“Technically, you never lied,” Tony points out, holding up his index finger. “You just presented her with some misleading information and she came to her own conclusions. Totally different.”
Peter quirks an eyebrow. “Is it, though?”
“It is,” Tony declares. He unknots his tie and tugs it out from his shirt collar before tossing it onto the coffee table. “Ready to finish your webshooter upgrades?”
“Yeah, alright,” Peter agrees. He gets to his feet with a small groan, feeling stiff from having sat curled up for the last few hours to really drive home the performance.
Ordinarily, this kind of deception isn’t something that Peter would endorse, much less participate in. But something about Tony’s reluctance to attend the event tonight seemed to run a bit deeper than the simple explanation he’d given Peter about having “better things to do” and these types of events being “so boring they’ll make your eyes bleed” would seem to suggest, so he’d agreed to play along.
(Secretly, Peter’s pretty sure it has more to do with the fact that the presenter is a man named Patrick Milton, whom a quick google search revealed to be a long-time friend of both Howard Stark and Obadiah Stane. That would definitely explain the way Tony’s eyes darken and lips press together a bit tighter every time Milton’s name is mentioned.)
“Let’s go, kid! Time’s a-wastin'!” Tony calls, moving in the direction of the workshop doors. He seems much more chipper already, and that alone helps to confirm to Peter that he made the right choice. “It’s not every day we get to play hooky.”
“Yeah, I’m coming,” Peter replies with a grin.
Over the next few hours, Peter and Tony tinker with the webshooter design, tweaking one mechanism or another to add different features. It’s exactly the kind of project Peter would usually be all over, but the longer he stares at the parts of the contraption on the table before him, the more he just wants to go back to the sofa and resume their Hulu marathon. A headache is setting in now and he’s weirdly tired, almost shaky, though that can likely be attributed to low blood sugar from the meager three bites of canned soup he pretended to struggle to swallow down earlier at lunch.
He figures he should probably stop Mr. Stark pretty soon to remind him that dinner is a thing that should happen (his mentor is notorious for working through meals and that’s something that just doesn’t fly with enhanced teenage metabolisms), but Peter’s stomach is feeling decidedly “off” now and food is rapidly losing its appeal. Not to mention he’s awfully warm all of a sudden, despite having stripped to only a t-shirt now.
“Hand me a three-eighths wrench, will you?” Tony asks without looking up from the project.
Peter nods, hopping up from his stool. But the moment his feet touch the ground, a cloud of darkness rolls over his field of vision and he wobbles where he stands. “Whoa…” he whispers, gripping the workbench for support.
Tony glances up and his brow immediately wrinkles in concern. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” Peter replies, blinking a couple of times to clear his vision. “Stood up too fast.”
Tony glances at his watch. “I guess it is getting pretty late.” He sets down his tools and wipes his greasy hands off on the towel. “I’ll order us some dinner. Pizza sound good?”
Peter’s stomach twists at the thought and he grimaces slightly—pizza definitely does not sound good at the moment. “Uh, maybe something else...”
“What do you want then?” Tony asks. He pulls out his phone and starts scrolling through it. “Sushi? Chinese? Indian?”
Each suggestion causes Peter’s stomach to churn and his face to drain a bit further of color. “You can just get something for yourself,” he mutters. “I think I might have the rest of that soup...” Or nothing, he thinks. Nothing is sounding rather good at the moment.
Tony rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “It’s just us now. You don’t have to put on a show anymore.”
“I’m not,” Peter protests. He presses his fingers to the throbbing spot near his eye. “I’m just not feeling super great…”
“Yeah, sure kid,” Tony dismisses with a disbelieving scoff, both of them moving toward the exit. “Hit the lights, FRI,” he commands.
Tony takes the liberty of ordering them both dinner from a local restaurant (“I got you a cheeseburger”, he informs Peter, who merely grunts in response) and then heads upstairs to take a shower. Meanwhile, Peter shuffles into the living room and curls up against the armrest on one of the sofas, tugging the throw blanket around him tightly. He’s cold now—shivering, actually. When did it get so cold in here?
Despite the aching in his head and the uneasiness in his stomach, his eyelids drift shut and he finds himself falling asleep.
“Hey, Pete, wake up.”
Peter groans and tugs the blanket up around his shoulders a little further, burrowing his face into the pillow. He hears the crinkle of a paper bag and the smell of greasy burgers and fries wafts toward him, causing his face to scrunch up.
“Food’s here,” Tony’s voice continues. “Better hurry up and eat before Pep gets back.”
“Hmph…” Peter manages to open his eyes and sits up on the couch, trying to blink away the bleariness. He feels like shit.
Tony tosses one of the paper-wrapped burgers unceremoniously into his lap. “Nice bedhead,” he remarks. “That’ll definitely help with our cover story, which by the way is that you had a nice quiet evening napping on the couch and taking your spidey-kid strength cough medicine and that’s why you’re on the mend now.” He tosses a few fries into his mouth.
Peter hums a bit. He’s only half listening—mostly he’s just trying to keep his breaths even. Maybe if he just holds very, very still, he can quell the growing queasiness in his gut.
Plopping himself down in the armchair, Tony flaps his hand as he goes on. “Tomorrow we can spin some BS about your super healing being responsible for your miraculous recovery… yada, yada.”
The burger still sits on Peter’s thighs, untouched. He blinks at it a few times and then has to swallow down the bile that’s starting to creep up his throat. Nothing has ever looked less appetizing in his life.
As Tony starts to unwrap his own burger, Peter suddenly comes to the conclusion that if he so much as sees that damn burger, he’s going to be redecorating the carpet. It’s probably only fair to give the man some kind of warning.
Peter draws in a careful breath. “Um, Mr. Stark?” he mumbles. “I feel kinda—”
FRIDAY’s voice interrupts over the speakers, “Boss, Ms. Potts has just pulled into the parking garage.”
Tony’s eyes widen and he scrambles back up to his feet, stuffing his burger back into the paper bag. “Shit. She must have left early.”
He grabs Peter’s burger as well (much to the kid’s relief) and shoves it back into the sack along with the fries, throwing him a regretful look as he does so. “I’m sorry—I’ll sneak you something once she’s upstairs.”
“’S’fine....” Peter murmurs as Tony hurries out of the room with the food. His mentor is out of earshot before Peter adds, under his breath, “Think I’ll jus’ go puke now...”
Peter’s mouth is rapidly filling with saliva and he figures he’s got about a minute, tops, before catastrophe strikes. He’s torn between wanting to move as slowly and gingerly as possible in the hopes that his meager lunch will stay down, and the feeling that he should just run for the nearest bathroom and pray that he makes it.
He ends up failing at both.
Easing himself up from the couch, Peter manages to take three steps before his stomach lurches. He leaps forward and changes course for the trash can instead, barely managing to get it under his chin before he’s retching miserably into it.
Between gasping breaths, Peter can hear two sets of footsteps approaching.
“Yeah, he sounds much better now,” Tony’s voice floats down the hallway in his direction. “The meds helped a lot. I think I’ll just let him sleep in tomorrow and his healing factor should kick this bug for good before—“
Both Tony and Pepper stop abruptly in the room’s threshold. Peter shoots his flabbergasted mentor a pained look before dropping his head back into the bin and gagging again.
Before he can resurface, Peter feels a gentle hand on his back. “Oh, Peter…” Pepper soothes. Addressing Tony, she whispers, a little accusingly, “I thought you said he was doing better.”
Snapping right out of his daze, Tony quickly moves over to join them. “He was, but that was before.” He grabs a hold of Peter’s upper arm. “It’s alright, I got him,” he tells her, starting to maneuver Peter toward the bathroom. “C’mon, kiddo, let’s get you sorted out…”
Feeling too weak to protest, Peter shuffles shakily in the direction Tony guides him, still gripping the trash can tightly to his chest.
Pepper casts them both a worried look. “Maybe we should call Cho.”
“He probably just coughed so hard he made himself sick,” Tony explains. Catching Peter’s gaze, Tony shoots him a look that’s somewhere between baffled and pleading. If Peter wasn’t so focused on walking in a straight line at the moment, he might have found it funny. “Right, Pete?”
Peter merely shrugs in response as his mentor ushers him into the bathroom.
“See? He’ll be just fine,” Tony promises. “I’ll take it from here. Thanks, honey.” And with that he shuts the bathroom door behind them, leaving Pepper in the hall.
The second they’re alone, Tony releases Peter’s arm and turns to face him. “What are you doing?” he whispers, dumbfounded. “I mean, I admire your commitment here, but she was totally buying it already. You didn’t have to go this far.”
Swaying slightly, Peter grips the sink counter to steady himself. “No,” he croaks. “I’m sick.”
“Right,” Tony agrees, nodding. “You’re sick. But we agreed on taking the respiratory route here, so suddenly going off-script is—”
Peter’s stomach clenches again. He pushes Tony aside and stumbles toward the toilet, yanking the lid up and leaning forward over the bowl before retching yet again.
When the current round of heaving tapers off, Peter glances up to see Tony staring at him, sudden realization dawning. “Oh, shit.” He moves his hand up to feel Peter’s overly-warm forehead. “You really are sick.”
“Told you,” Peter rasps. He’s still trembling, so Tony grabs the kid’s elbow and helps lower him down to sit on the floor beside the toilet. “This always happens…” he mutters.
Tony’s brow furrows. “What always happens?”
“It’s like my body knows when I’m faking,” Peter explains. “Tries to help with the act. Gets a little too enthusiastic.” He pauses to close his eyes and press his palm to his still aching forehead. “In fourth grade, May and Ben told the school I had chickenpox the week before summer break so we could go on vacation to Lego Land before all the prices went up.” He swallows hard. “Except I got a really bad fever the next day and we missed our flight.”
“Fuck…” Tony runs a hand through his own hair, exasperated. “I’m sorry, kid.”
“Yeah, and one time I faked sick to get out of a Spanish test and the next week I had tonsillitis,” Peter goes on, feeling his stomach starting to cramp again. “I’m telling you, karma sucks.”
“But I put you up to this,” Tony protests, his face stricken with guilt. “It should’ve been me who got sick then.”
Shrugging, Peter wraps one arm around his middle. “S’okay. Like you said, my healing factor will fix it soon.” He gives a weak grin. “Plus, now we don’t have to worry about Ms. Potts doubting the authenticity.”
Tony huffs out a quick laugh. “Yeah, now we’re just left with explaining why your ‘bronchitis’”—he puts air quotes around the term—“has suddenly morphed into something that’s got you puking your guts up.”
Peter grunts as he scoots a little closer to the toilet again, the nausea returning. “Yeah, I dunno...” He drapes his arm on the rim of the bowl and rests his heavy head on it as he awaits the next round. “Tell her it’s a spider thing?”
With a sigh, Tony sits down beside him and places a hand on the kid’s back. “I’m going to make this up to you somehow.” He starts rubbing gentle circles on Peter’s sweaty t-shirt. “You and May still up for that trip to Lego Land?”
“Sounds good, Mr. Stark…” Peter murmurs before gagging into the bowl again.
Fic masterlist
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jacobmybeloved · 6 years ago
Far Cry 5/FCND Superhero AU Pt. 2
Can’t say when I’ll actually start writing for this if at all. If you are interested please let me know! Anyway, below the cut: Thomas Rush, Sharky, and my FC OC’s.
[Part 1 Here - Seed Family]
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Name: Mai Alias: Athenia Species: Meta human Abilities: Agility, superhuman strength, superhuman durability, unarmed combat, swordsmanship, healing factor, retractable claws
Mai has been on her own for as long as she could remember, not that she remembers much. Suffering from amnesia at a young age, and jumping from foster home, after foster home, Mai set out on her own after incidentally crippling a classmate during an after-school bout. At sixteen she was taken in by philanthropist John Seed, making her a part of his superhero task force initiative. Given the code name Athenia, Mai became a trademark figure. It did not last long, however. By eighteen she left the group leaving little to no trace behind and began to participate as a “small-time fighter” in illegal meta human arenas. She worked her way up to work as a bodyguard for one of the States lead traffickers, Ramona King, also known as The Raven. After a chance meeting with one of Raven’s newest “merchandise”, Mai devises a plan to get herself and this particular child out of the state. As fate would have it, the well-meaning police officer turned vigilante, Thomas Rush, inadvertently disrupts her means of escape, causing the trio to go on the run. With Raven’s forces after them, and the perplexing villain, The Father taking a keen interest in the child, Mai is led down a road that unexpectedly leads her on the path to finding out who her birth parents are.
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Name: Thomas Rush Alias: N/A Species: Human Abilities: Agility, criminology, hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, military protocol, marksmanship, stealth, computer hacking
Thomas Rush grew up reading about Superheros and wanted nothing more than to be one himself. The closest approximation he could achieve was joining the military straight out of high school. After two tours, he returned to the states, marrying his high school sweetheart, eventually having a daughter named Mila. Life was good for a time for the former soldier. With his prior service in the military, he felt right at home, cruising through the ranks up to sergeant. To celebrate his new promotion, the Rush family took an outing to the local mall, celebrating not only his new position but also Mila’s birthday. Tragedy struck quick and swiftly, however. With meta human trafficking on the rise, children became the ultimate target and the criminal underworld’s newest currency. Mila was snatched right under her parent’s noses while at the mall, sending Thomas’ life spiraling out of control. After three months of searching, all of Thomas’ leads ended up cold, leaving the father grieving and putting immense stress on his marriage. His wife eventually left, unable to deal with the loss of their daughter. Thomas Rush, however, could not give up so easily. Using his resources at the police precinct, he uses each waking moment searching for any lead that may lead him to find his daughter. Eventually, he adopts his own vigilante moniker, allowing him access to places that would have been inaccessible by wearing his badge. His investigation leads him down a rabbit hole, leading him to the heart of the meta human trafficking ring, meanwhile leading him to team up with the enigmatic and extremely powerful meta human Mai.
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Name: Vittoria Arya-Giordano Alias: Scarlett Banshee Species: Meta human Abilities: Sound immunity, multilingualism, boxing, sound manipulation, sonic scream, charisma, durability.
The daughter of Italian immigrants, Vittoria Arya-Giordano has had only one dream: becoming a superstar. Discovering a love for music and singing at a young age, her parents facilitated her passion by hiring instructors and saving up every penny to send her to the most renowned schools of performance arts. During her senior year for her final recital, Vittoria’s lament meta human abilities came to manifest. Vittoria leveled the theater in which hundreds had come to watch her performance, killing everyone, her parents included. Vittoria survived miraculously, the mass body count attributed to a structural error. Vittoria spent the next ten years honing her abilities, though her dreams of performing were now dead. Her talent, however, did not go unseen. Vittoria was recruited by entrepreneur and philanthropist John Seed as part of his “marketable” superhero division, the United State's answer to National Security against the threats of international meta humans. Vittoria served dutifully, becoming a high profile figure, achieving the fame she had always dreamed of. Though, as always with fame, there was a darker side to it she could not have anticipated.
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Name: Nayeli Lamb Alias: The Judge Species: Human Abilities: Archery, acrobatics, martial arts, tracking, weaponry, swordsmanship, gadgetry, hand-to-hand-combat, firearms
Nayeli and her older brother Takoda were born to Ciaran and Sokanon Lamb. Her father hailed from a prestigious family while her mother came from an impoverished background, their union causing unparalleled drama. As Nayeli grew older, she became aware of her father’s shady business practices following the death of her mother, the result of a business deal with the citie’s many mob leaders gone wrong. Idolizing the rise in meta human news, Nayeli Lamb and her brother took up their own mantles, taking on the persona of The Judge and SabreWulf. The teens took down many a villain and mob boss, particularly after Takoda began to manifest meta human powers himself. They continued their work well into their twenties until Nayeli was kidnapped, abused and tortured by the notorious villains, The Father and The Mindbender. By pure luck, she had struck a romantic bond with The Father’s henchman-brother, known simply as The Wolf of Sparta who helped her escape. Nayeli hung up her mantle after discovering she was pregnant with The Wolf’s child. The child however was stolen from her, a devastating loss the Lamb never really got over. Nayeli ended up having a second child with The Wolf years later after encountering one another again. Nayeli kept the children a secret from the Wolf till this very day. The Lamb eventually established herself as a successful psychologist and living a semi-normal life with her son. She grew estranged from her brother who continued to carry on with his alter-ego, feeling this was his true self. After his death at the hands of The Mindbender, she debated taking up her mantle as The Judge once more. It wasn’t until the disappearance of her son that she donned her cape and mask once more in an effort to find him.
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Name: Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV Alias: Sharky, Warden Awesome Species: Metahuman Abilities: Pyrokinesis, firearms, no filter
Charlemagne Boshaw did not have a happy childhood, but from his outward behavior, one may never know or find out. Birthed in a gas station bathroom and left in the toilet, Sharky as he likes to be called, led quite the tumultuous childhood and adolescence. While many would define him as a serial arsonist, the Boshaw man would prefer the term "fire enthusiast". What many didn’t know was that these many fire incidents were the result of Sharky being a pyrokinesis. After burning down his family’s trailer park three times, Sharky was forced on the run. His path eventually led him to Nayeli Lamb, with whom he became close friends with. Together, they lead the charge in finding her missing son, Malik.
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Name: Ramona King
Species: Meta human
Alias: Raven
Abilities: Animal control, animal driven abilities, enhanced speed, agility, enhanced vision, combat skill, animal telepathy
Born on the east coast and raised by a single father, Ramona King was brought up with strict discipline and a need to succeed no matter the cost. Her father groomed her to be the perfect candidate for the Boston police force. By the time of her induction into the police academy however, her dormant meta-genes began to surface. Her abilities gave her an edge over her other officers. Her animal like abilities gave her a sixth sense rivaled only by those in the animal kingdom themselves. With her hardworking being relayed in flimsy promotions and measly raises, she began to sing a different tune. Leaving the police force, Ramona struck out as a small time cat-thief before eventually becoming a kingpin herself. Ramona ended up taking her underworld business out west, using a nightclub as a front to hide her extracurricular activities: money laundering, drug production, and more importantly, meta human trafficking.
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Name: Malik Lamb
Species: Metahuman
Alias: N/A, referred to as The Asset
Abilities: chlorokinesis, toxic immunity, bio-fission, metamorphosis, accelerated healing, ability to heal others
Malik may only be six years old but he has had a whirlwind of a life so far. The second born child, created out of the union between The Judge and The Soldier, Malik knows nothing about his family’s complicated history, only that he was born with a target on his back. Since the day was born, he exhibited meta human capabilities though his family did their best to keep it a secret. After his Uncle Takoda’s death revealed that the Lamb family is a carrier of the meta-human gene, the family was thrust into the spotlight by news media outlets and criminal organizations. Despite being put under twenty-four hour surveillance by his grandfather, that did not stop those closest to the Lamb family to seize the boy for themselves in return for a quick buck. As the newest addition to Ramon King’s collection and hundreds of miles away from home, Malik saw no happy ending in sight, at least until a fateful meeting with another meta human and a vigilante police officer lead him on an unexpected journey.
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Name: Dayana King
Species: Human (Cyborg)
Alias: Dove
Abilities: Flight, Electronics expert, speed, superhuman strength, cybernetic implants/enhancements, endurance, technopathy, invulnerability, cloaking abilities
As a fellow member of philanthropist John Seed’s superhero initiative, Dove is one of the most respected public faces of the meta human community. After a tragic accident left her father dead and herself in a near-death state, Dove underwent extensive life-saving surgeries with cybernetic enhancements at the request of her mother. Dove was, shortly after being discharged, inducted into the superhero initiative. While her co-hort Vittoria appeals to the more lavish side of the superhero community, Dove is seen as the public face of selflessness and social justice, though behind the scenes, that could not be more further from the truth. When not in front of the news camera, the cybernetic hero acts as a hired thug to Mr. Seed, taking out those who would oppose the use of meta humans overseas. Dove, having become disillusioned with her employer Mr. Seed and the antics of her criminal mother, Ramona King, Dove has debated hanging up her mantle once and for all. A chance meeting with an old friend though leads her to question whether she is doing more harm than good.
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allspark · 6 years ago
Desperately racing against time in unknown parts of the Allspark Studio is Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime!  Will he serve as a role model for his fellow Autobots on your shelves, or will he spend his days looking for that Cyber key you lost back in 2005?  Tune in after the break to find out!
I did not know how much I would come to love the Armada/Energon/Cybetron trilogy figures until well long after the series was done.  During the time those figures were on shelves we got a mix of a little of everything.  AEC gave us Micromaster/Targetmaster styled Mini-Cons, G1 inspired/re-envisioned legacy characters, Beasts, and brand-new characters, some of whom would become legacy characters in their own right.  I really did not appreciate all that we were given during that period, and it was in that trilogy that we first received Cybertron Optimus Prime/Galaxy Convoy.  That mold was an amalgamation of Transformers concepts, taking Prime back to a fire truck alt. mode, adding in a “trailer” pieces that could detach from the main vehicle, and also included the AEC gimmick of the Cyber Key.  It was big, versatile, poseable, and impressive, and not a figure I would have pegged for a remake.  Then came WFC Siege Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime.
  Vehicle Mode
Just like the vehicle mode for Ultra Magnus, Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime’s vehicle mode is a composition of puzzle parts made from his robot mode armor.  While both armor/trailer sets share a few parts, they come together in different ways, and the parts are not compatible with each other.   Though you can take the complete armor set from Prime and Magnus and swap them in robot mode, you cannot do the same in vehicle mode.  While this figure does a good job approximating the original Cybertron Optimus’ vehicle mode, there are additional differences apart from the size differential.  The blasters on the roof of the vehicle have swapped sides, though they do maintain their correct orientation in robot mode.  The tubes that formed the sides of the bumper in the 2005 figure have moved to the front of the number on this update.  The blasters which sat further inside the original Cybertron Prime can be connected to the sides in a close approximation of their previous ubication.  Additionally, there are minor color differences due to plastic and paint and overall mold layout.
  This mold uses the C.O.M.B.A.T. System attributes that allow weapons and effects from the Siege line to be used in various spots along the vehicle mode.  This may be one area where the new figure does outshine the original, as creative fans can show him super powered up with weapons, or under attack from enemy fire.  It’s a cool gimmick, since it tends to not interfere with articulation, something fans complained about during the days of the AEC trilogy.
  Overall, I really like this updated vehicle mode, even if it is smaller than the original.  I feel like I can get this one out and fidget with it and leave my original Cybetron Prime on the top shelf, safely guarding his fellow Autobots.  The modular components and the new C.O.M.B.A.T. System gimmickry make the vehicle mode on par with the original, in my opinion.  Different, but similarly great.
  Inner Robot Mode
The “unarmored” Optimus Prime is a cool cross between G1 and Cybetron Prime.  He shares numerous parts with Siege Ultra Magnus’ inner robot mode, and thus is able to fully swap armors with his mold brother in powered up mode.  Significant differences in molded parts are the cab and lower vehicle mode kibble, as well one side of the pelvis cover.  Due to the base mold, this Prime is a bit stockier than his original Siege body.  This nicely accommodates the widened chest on this mold, which is formed by the cab of the truck mode.
  This mode balances well for posing and looks great in action shots.  If not for the cost, I think I would like to have an extra of him and Magnus to display as the inner robots.  Maybe I will luck out and score an extra loose on eBay in a couple of years.
  Galaxy Upgrade Mode
Fully powered up, this mode is where the figure takes on a whole new personality.  The “trailer” end of the vehicle mode breaks down into upgrade armor parts to form a reasonable facsimile of Cybertron Optimus Prime/Galaxy Convoy.  Additional parts in the form of shoulder pads that resemble the tops of the cab and vehicle mode front wheels and grill that attach to the side of the arms complete the look.
  While this mode as stated is very similar to the original Leader Class figure, it’s not nearly as close as the relationship between Energon Leader Class Megatron and the smaller “downsized” Superlink version.  Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime.  Beyond the Siege style sculpt, the biggest differences lie in the legs, which are thicker and shorter due to the armor design of the base mold, the weapons, which are much more simplified, the forearms, which really don’t look like the original figure at all, and the head, which works better on this toy due to the lack of a faceplate feature and a ball joint that actually works (take note Hasbro design team…THIS is how you make a ball-jointed head for a Transformer).
  Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime has impressive poseability, as long as you don’t mind the need for him to hold the blasters from his backpack, which look a little strange just hanging to the side.  If you include them in his poses, he will look powerful and “cartoon accurate”.  If you want them out of the way and do not mind the hollow spaces under the barrels, you can rotate them behind the backpack.  This frees up his arms and honestly looks pretty cool, since now he effectively has a “jet fighter” looking mode.  I think I prefer this look for the Siege figure, since it allows me to take full advantage of his poseability and gives him a different look from the figure he is meant to homage.  Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime has articulation in all the necessary points, including some nice extras, such as rotating wrists, jointed ankles, and a rotating waist.  The added support of the stabilizers on the back of his feet to keep him from falling backward is seriously appreciated.
  Cycling back to the nice range of movement in the head’s ball joint is important at this moment.  This is a serious point of articulation that Hasbro’s current design team does not implement with consistency.  Frequently there are ball jointed heads, but they have little to no range that could not be achieved with a mushroom/t-joint, making the inclusion of a ball joint a mystery.  I realize I harp on this a lot, but I do so in the hopes that somehow someone on the current design team or the future design team reads this and realizes that head/neck articulation in the mainline or fan-oriented line is important.  Again, big thanks to the designer that got it right on Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime.
  Overall Thoughts
Compared with the original figure, Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime has some nice updates/upgrades, but the original figure gets the better of him in terms of size and active action features, netting him a 7/10.  In terms of balance, poseability, and compatibly with Siege figures, I would score him closer to a 9/10.  Therefore, I give Siege Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime an amalgamated score of 8 Cyber Keys out of 10!
  Honestly, the smaller size, new proportions, and better poseability in the head give this mold some serious advantages over the original…but not enough for me to ever consider it a full-on replacement for Cybertron Prime, who has neat action features and a shelf presence that Siege Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime cannot replace. I am fortunate to have enough space for both versions on my shelf, so Cybertron Prime will lord over my collection on the top shelf while Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime pulls active duty with his fellow Autobots on my current CW/TR/PotP/PW shelf.
  Should you not like smaller “Leader Class” figures, or if the hollow spaces I see many fans complaining about also bother you, I would skip this figure, especially if you own the original mold.  If you are a fan of remakes of older figures, don’t want to spend money buying the older mold or cannot find one, love the play value of the C.O.M.B.A.T. System (how could you not) or simply do not have the shelf space to display many of the larger leader class figures of the past, this figure is for you!
  Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime has been popping up all over the country, though as of this post I still hear reports of people being told he cannot be sold due to the street date.  Do not worry.  That street date will eventually pass, and he will eventually make it to online retailers.  Once that happens, I recommend him, and think you should buy him too!
      Siege Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime Gallery and Review! Desperately racing against time in unknown parts of the Allspark Studio is Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime!  Will he serve as a role model for his fellow Autobots on your shelves, or will he spend his days looking for that Cyber key you lost back in 2005? 
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saiborg224 · 6 years ago
“Acceleration” Location, car, and character profiles
Well, since I figure I’m not gonna be super active with Acceleration for now, I minus as well release some of what I DO have, right? Enjoy these concept profiles I came up with when I first started the project!
“Qualifying” Race Region: Desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Created originally as a testing ground for cars of extreme speed and ability, this course was overhauled from a circuit taking up over 2 square miles in space, to a sprint course, more than doubling the amount of space, stunts, and obstacles, no longer just to test the high-horsepower cars that would be used, but now to test potential candidates that may drive these cars as well.
/Equipment: Track Tires
“Volcanic” Race region: Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
This Active Volcano required a special type of track to be built in order to be a viable place to race; a type of track that would not overheat to the point of melting the road itself, or the cars’ tires. The Solution? Cooling lines within the track, along with Titanium Alloy used as Track Material, and lastly, energy shielding used where the Lava would draw close, and possibly even run over the track from time to time. Whilst the metallic track makes things a bit slick, it is believed by the engineers that the heat the volcano will generate in the cars’ tires will be more than enough to counteract this.
/Equipment: High-grade Summer Tires, Heat Reflectance Suit
“Polar” Race Region: N77.00, E112.00
Russia is full of tundra regions, some parts of the shoreline nearby even freezing during the winter. Given the right conditions, this water can even freeze over the track itself. These conditions will force the drivers to measure their movements, reactions, and throttle control with an even greater amount of care than ever before, lest they risk getting froze out in this unforgiving wasteland.
/Equipment: Studded Winter Tires, Emergency Warming Kit
“Costal/Water” Race Region: Philippine island chain, on and off island
Among everyday driving, Drivers typically take great care in rainy conditions to avoid hydroplaning. However, on this track where water covers considerable portions, Drivers will have to quickly figure out how to get across the waterlogged sections in a controlled, but fast manner, where the track is sometimes even missing under the surface.
/Equipment: Specialty “Hydroplane” Tires, Emergency Floatation Ballasts
“Canyon/Cave” Race Region: Colca Canyon, Peru
This Track will require all of a driver’s Reflexes, luck, skill, along with their car’s speed and HID headlights, in order to make it through without making a jump too short, wrecking into one of the many obstacles throughout the caves, or flying off one of the sharp hairpin turns, deep into the canyon’s rocky maw.
/Equipment: All-Purpose Tires, Embedded Grappling-Hook, Vehicle Parachute
“Jungle” Race Region: Amazonian Rainforest, South America
The incredible amount of rain, combined with the dirt and mud throughout this region of the world make this track particularly tricky. With some of the track partially covered in dirt and mud, and parts of the track even made up of the forest floor itself, This means that drivers will be required to find the “grippiest” parts of the track, all while avoiding trees, boulders, and mud pits throughout the off-road sections as they race through at breakneck speeds.
/Equipment: Off-road Tires, Increased Suspension Height Setting
“Desert” Race Region: Arabian Desert, UAE
Sand. It’s loose, capable of causing massive wheel slippage at unexpected times when small amounts are sprinkled over the track, and, when a large enough wind picks up, able to reduce visibility to zero. With parts of the track covered by sand, drivers will have to keep up a brisk pace, and attempt not to accelerate in the sand, lest they risk entirely burying their cars’ tires, and leave themselves at the mercy of the harsh sandstorms common here, of which are difficult enough to deal with on their own.
/Equipment: Deep-Tread Tires, Increased Suspension Height Setting
“Orion Slingshot”
Engine: Turbocharged Second-Gen Lamborghini V12
Horsepower: 1000 bhp
Intake system: Top-mounted direct-feed Intake Scoop
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 7-speed Manual Gearbox
*Top Speed: 285 MPH
Based off a toy car the original creator of these races saw, this particular car is his personal vehicle. With an F12-inspired intake scoop, a Lamborghini V12 engine, and a lightweight “lift-up” unibody design, this car is Lightweight, Fast, and built for extreme top speeds.
Notes: Natural downforce is created by the shape of the car’s body. In other words, the faster this car goes, the “grippier” it gets.
“Modified 2012 Dodge Charger R/T”
Engine: Supercharged 5.7 HEMI V8
Horsepower: 900 bhp
Intake System: Stage 3 Cold Air intake
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 8-Speed Manual Sequential Gearbox
*Top Speed: 260 MPH
This Particular car was one of the first created for these tracks by Daniel Callahan. Given the amount of time that he has had to tune and perfect this car, it is almost perfect for the loops, jumps, and many other insane maneuvers that this car will face.
Notes: Handling characterristics are incredible on-road, but regardless of setup, particularly unfavorable off-road.
“Modified 2007 BMW Concept x6”
Engine: 4.4L S63 V8 Twin-turbo
Horsepower: 750 bhp
Intake System: Dual Snorkel System
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual
*Top Speed: 235 MPH
Created originally as a Replica to BMW’s original concept x6, this SUV has become much more. With a Bigger set of Turbochargers, completely rebuilt body, stripping out any excess weight, reinforcing the entire car like a roll cage, this particular vehicle basically became the equivalent of a Supercar built into a trophy truck, and is sure to dominate almost any terrain.
Notes: Was built to take quite a few bumps and bruises; it’ll smash through most obstacles when needed. However, it does have a considerable amount of bodyroll, due to it’s typical setup.
“Rally Duster”
Engine: Dual Supercharged 2005 LS6 Engines
Horsepower: 1000 bhp
Intake System: Dual Blower Supercharger Intakes
Drive: RWD
Transmission: Custom 6-Speed Manual
*Top Speed: 260 MPH
This Particular car is rather unique. Hand-built by one of the racers, of whom had a particular amount of experience in Rally driving, this car is an immense powerhouse from hell. When handled right, no other can match its off-road speed and agility. That is, given that you can handle 1000 horsepower being driven to the rear wheels thru two Corvette engines.
Notes: “Glass cannon” is a good word for it; Terribly well balanced, but can’t take a hit worth a darn.
“2016 Lykan Hypersport”
Engine: 3.7L Twin-turbo Flat-6
Horsepower: 820 bhp
Intake System: Dual Side-scoop
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 6 Speed Sequential Manual
*Top Speed: 265 MPH
The Owner of this car is a little more than “Mildly Eccentric”. They took a car of which as few as 7 were produced, tuned and barely upgraded it for an extra 40 bhp, and even set up the gearing to push for a higher top speed. With a high rate of acceleration, along with it’s new, albeit slightly higher electronic suspension, this car will be one to keep an eye on.
Notes: Extreme acceleration up to the top speed.
“1998 Chevy Tahoe 2-door”
Engine: 5.0L Cummins V8 Twin Turbo
Horsepower: 925 bhp
Intake System: Indv. Throttle Bodies
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 6-speed Race Automatic
*Top Speed: 249 MPH
A rat-rod, Diesel-powered project of torque and pure acceleration, this particular car is about as unwieldy as an angered badger. With stripped off fenders, doors replaced with welded-on “bars”, and the interior stripped out almost entirely, minus a few gauges and a racing seat, this Skeletal SUV was built as a rat-rod project from hell.
Notes: Sacrifices top speed for High Acceleration.
“2016 Local Motors Rally Fighter”
Engine: 6.2L LS3 Twincharged V8
Horsepower: 800 bhp
Intake System: Stage 3 Cold Air Intake
Drive: AWD
Transmission: 6-speed manual
*Top Speed: 237 MPH
Rebuilt by Jabari’s Team of Engineers specifically for these races, the Rally Fighter was already a formidable machine before this, now, however, it is even more so. Whilst keeping most of its physical attributes, this car is made of anything BUT original parts. All of the Panels and wheels are made of Carbon-fiber, frame made of Magnesium Alloy, and even bullet-proof windows installed for extra safety. With a Twincharged V8 to match, this car will surely be a true beast on the track and dirt alike.
Notes: This is another vehicle with a particularly high rate of roll, but incredible durability.
“1997 Race Mazda Miata”
Engine: Turbocharged 2.6L R26B Rotary
Horsepower: 939 bhp
Intake System: Indv. Throttle Bodies
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 7-Speed Manual
*Top Speed: 283 MPH
Light weight frame, rear-wheel drive, and close to 1000 Horsepower? This car will surely kill the driver if they don’t know how to handle it. However, when paired with the right driver, this car will fly like a bird, and sting like a bee. This car was built for high speed racing and maneuverability, and it does NOT disappoint.
Notes: A High top speed is achievable through a high amount of Skill and Balance.
“2019 Kawasaki Ninja H2R”
Engine: 998 CC DOHC I-4
Horsepower: 300 bhp
Intake System: Standard Intake
Drive: RWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Dog Ring
*Top Speed: 249 MPH
This motorbike has had very little modification to it, only modifications made being the electronic suspension system, and Nitrious fitting. Even without said modifications, this motorbike is extremely agile and fast. However, most street bikes weren’t made with off-road conditions in mind.
Notes: Extreme acceleration and top speed on Solid surfaces, handling deficiency offroad.
*Top speeds are measured without the use of Nitrous bottles installed in each car.
Name: Callus Callahan
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11
Ethnicity: African-American
Driving Experience: Track Racing
Car: “Orion Slingshot”
Home Origin: Dillon, Montana, USA
Appearance: Bald, Black T-shirt, loose brown “long-coat”, blue jeans.
Bio: Callus Callahan. The man who started it all, who created the original Circuit, along with incredible cars built to handle it all. The technology and cars he has created have made him a rich man, but with this challenge, he seeks to do something even greater, to revolutionize racing as it is known around the world.
Name: Daniel Callahan
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6’3
Ethnicity: African-American
Driving Experience: Street Racing
Car: “2012 Dodge Charger R/T”
Home Origin: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Appearance: Black, tightly curled hair, Green eyes, Grey Cargo Jeans, Green T-shirt, worn Black hoodie with “ARMY” logo on it
Bio: Son of Callus Callahan, Daniel has been on his own for close to 4 years now, living on the streets with nothing but his car, the clothes on his back, and food gathered with funds from won street races and even some stolen from unlucky passers-by. Despite this, he was offered the chance to take part in these races because his father knows him well enough by now and had even watched him race on the original circuit. However, for Daniel, this is about more than the money. He is here to prove something to his father and to the world.
Name: Sariah Malive
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6
Ethnicity: North American
Driving Experience: Track
Car: “1997 Race Mazda Miata”
Home Origin: Colombia, Kentucky, USA
Appearance: Short black and Yellow hair, Typically wears a loose-fitting one piece racing suit, average body build
Bio: Former Girlfriend of Daniel Callahan, Sariah was Born and Raised in Colombia, Kentucky, and hasn’t left since. When she and Daniel dated, Daniel’s love for cars rubbed off on her, and she became inspired to become a track car racer. Her involvement in this project is mainly coincidental. When the offer was sent out, most of the world’s top drivers were sent the message. Sariah was one of them, and given her and Daniel’s past, she may be one of the most driven competitors here.
Name: Jabari Khari
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Height: 6’8
Ethnicity: African
Driving Experience: Trophy Trucks, Baja
Car: “2016 Local Motors Rally Fighter”
Home Origin: Johannesburg, South Africa
Appearance: Short, blond hair, cut close to the scalp, Loose white Jacket and Jeans
Bio: Jabari grew up in a very rich family. Whilst his family raised him to live like a king, he has always had an underlying instinct that, in a way, forces him to help others. This does not mean, however, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t use his money for fun on more than one occasion. When he was invited to this race, he proceeded to have a car built by his own personal team of engineers and is even maintained by said engineers. Given his background in trophy truck racing, he will certainly have a few tricks up his sleeve.
Name: Ganzorig Tsetseg
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8
Ethnicity: Mongolian
Driving Experience: Street Racing
Car: “1998 Chevy Tahoe 2-door”
Home Origin: Sharyngol, Mongolia
Appearance: Slightly chubby, Messy Dirty-Blonde hair about shoulder length, blue eyes, Torn denim jacket, black crop-top, grey cargo shorts, belly piercing
Bio: Ganzorig has raced her father’s “Rat Rod” wince she was a child, mainly fneding for herself in the town of Sharyngol after her father died in a deal gone wrong. She has continuously proven herself an incredible driver with her constant escapes from bandits, Law Enforcement. However, she seeks a different life, one that she would get if she wins these races.
Name: Petya Aleksandr
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Russian
Driving Experience: Rally Driver
Car: “Rally Duster”
Home Origin: Moscow, Russia
Appearance: shortly cut black hair, worn Russian Army Jacket, Cargo jeans
Bio: Petya Served in the Russian Ground Forces from the Age of 20, up to the age of 36. He was an incredible driver of nearly all of their vehicles, and would have served longer, had his arm not been blown off in an incident with an IED. Despite the prosthetic arm replacing his own, he was no longer allowed to serve. So, he continued with the talent he had discovered whilst in the army; Driving. He participated in rally driving, using the money he had saved up form his work to build his own vehicle, and quickly proved to be one of the best. The way Petya sees this race and its challenges... he sees another day in the army, nothing more.
Name: Rong Guanghua
Age: Ȩ̶̫̳͔͊̓̚R̶̟̱̮͒̏̈̽̕R̸̙̜̲͕͇̫̱̗̾̅̏̓̋̑͋̊̿̓O̸̼͛̓Ṛ̶̡̺͕͂͜
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7
Ethnicity: Chinese
Driving Experience: E̶̗̱̺͔̲̤̰̙͈̥̫͉̩̼̪͊͌̃͌̈́́̔̓͛͝Ŕ̷̡̧̼̯̭͍̳̲̗̹̞̼͚̣͜Ṟ̸̯̽̒̍̽̒̍̾͛̐̌̕̚͠Ȏ̸͓̊͌̂̒̽̋̆̏̂̕R̴͎̜͒͌̄͆͆͋͊̈́̌͂̔̒͒̍̕:̵̲͇̘̖́͗̂̂̀ ̵̡̱̞̼̈́̉̏̈́̈Ḩ̵̲̲̰͓͈̹͙̜͚̼̘͛̓́̓͑͠Ả̵̧̧̨̺͚̹̘͔̪̻͍͈͆͗͌́̋̈́̚C̴̯̲͓͎͓̖̒̎̿̏͗̓̀͝K̴̻̼͎̯̙̗̄͊͗͛́̑͝͝È̴̡̛̘͚͖̭̫̼̪̬̣̯̓͋̈́̍̕͝ͅḐ̶́͂͊̈̂́͒̑̆͂̒̕͠
Car: Kawasaki Ninja H2R
Home Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Appearance: Shoulder-length Black hair, Golden-brown eyes, Black Helmet with Green visor, Black Motorbike Jacket, Motorbike pants
Bio: This Particular Racer is an anomaly.. nobody knows who she is, where she came from, Even Callus isn’t quite sure who she is… But she has proven to be an extremely talented driver. So, for now, Callus allows her to race. Albeit whilst keeping an eye on her when he can.
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exrainbow · 3 years ago
BITE Model part 1
Let's get into the B part of the BITE model.
Look here to see an explanation of the model and where I'm trying to go with it. It's not a perfect system!!! And is not the end all be all for cults. Also when I say member, the membership ranged from 11-21 and mostly women. Well it was supposed to be only women but I stuck in pretending to be one though I figured out I was non-binary.
This is what I'll be using to make my lists of attributes from.
Regulate individual’s physical reality
Nothing was made to seem like something else physically. I'm not sure I even know what this point means
Dictate where, how, and with whom the member lives and associates or isolates
Yes especially at higher levels. Big reason I left is that I could not live with "any male I am not related to under the same roof. Even if we are not in a relationship together". Even an adult who was living with her male partner was kinda treated weird since they were not married.
When, how and with whom the member has sex
We were just not supposed to even discuss sex. If a dating partner came to a even we could not say it was our partner. "No dating on Rainbow time". And only very recently were lesbian relationships acknowledged. So no two women members living together if they were in a "adult relationship"
Control types of clothing and hairstyles
YES! We had a dress code for all events and would get all sorts of harassment for breaking it. From having to change or even leaving the event. Hair as well was a part of this. I will have to make a whole post about this
Regulate diet - food and drink, hunger and/or fasting
During the conventions or special meetings our eating time was already planned for us. I would have no problem with this usually. I mean so does school, and work you have a lunch break. But outside of those times it was tricky to get food. Water usually ok. But at the big convention during the meetings which could run for hours, good luck.
Manipulation and deprivation of sleep
Mostly at conventions this is an issue. We would get back to the hotels at 10-11 at night and have to be at breakfast fully dressed and makeup/hair done by 8. Sometimes even earlier. This is for multiple days and kids usually about 11 have to follow it too. Also you have to get ready for the next day and such so usually about 6-7 hours of sleep.
Financial exploitation, manipulation or dependence
So lots of purchases were required to meet certain things. Annual membership dues usually about $10 far as I remember. Plus any clothing you needed to fit the dress code. There were dresses that were passed around for free. But if you got were selected to be a state officer? Get ready to pay hundreds on the expenses required. I’ll make a separate post detailing the spending for that. Plus the fundraising that was done. It was mostly internal amongst members or other Masonic orders. Thousands of dollars. Which is good yet also cost individuals who could not really afford to.
Restrict leisure, entertainment, vacation time
Some months, every weekend was taken up by events. It was really hard for those also in other school activities or clubs to also be members. Then you add at least two meetings in the evenings on school nights per month. There are clear expectations to do a certain amount of travel both in and out of state. So this is kinda applicable. And at events your every move was controlled.
Major time spent with group indoctrination and rituals and/or self indoctrination including the Internet
Yeah! Like I said, most weekends are spent at rainbow activities. Which includes formal and informal stuff. Formal meeting literally involve direct group materials. Non formal still uphold the values and rules. There are literal rituals at events. Both ones written into the bylaws/statues and ones adopted by individual assemblies. Some seem a bit like hazing tbh. Internet wise, Facebook was mainly used and monitored. Facebook groups were used and required for state officers. Also I had an incident where two adults from the order called me to take a Facebook post down. It was a photo of a strip club sign advertising “gluten free lap dances”. I thought it was funny but apparently that in itself was too sexually provocative.
Permission required for major decisions
Once you get to a certain point any other activities you take on will basically need to seek permission for new participation in sports or clubs once you’re a state officer. Is that major? Not really. Also you can’t get married while an active member.
Thoughts, feelings, and activities (of self and others) reported to superiors
Yes somewhat. If you said anything too out of bounds it could get reported. There was some camaraderie amongst the members especially those of us in our teens to twenty’s. If you broke a rule it could get reported. We also policed each other to prevent repercussions from the adults.
Rewards and punishments used to modify behaviors, both positive and negative
Yeah you could get excluded from events, given a talking to either one on one or in front of other members. Compliments and small gifts for doing the ritual work, or bringing in members was common.
Discourage individualism, encourage group-think Impose rigid rules and regulations
We would talk about rules at state officer only events. Like a sleep over with us and some adults in another room. Dress code was brought up and even if a few of us agreed with changing it, we’d be shot down. Your life at events was ruled by the adults and regulations 100 years in the making.
Punish disobedience by beating, torture, burning, cutting, rape, or tattooing/branding Threaten harm to family and friends Force individual to rape or be raped Instill dependency and obedience Encourage and engage in corporal punishment
All of these I have not seen or experienced
So basically most of the items were present, at least in a mild form. Of course I've wiped a lot out of my mind so feel free to ask questions to my inbox and that might jog my memory. Sometimes I look at this stuff and feel so stupid like it wasn't harmful enough to warrant any action against it. Argh
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