#Gloria little star
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littlestar-center · 14 days ago
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(This Valentine’s Day, (almost) everyone will be in costume for the rest of the month!)
(Yarn ball mentioned: @machlover54666)
(Daria mentioned: @umaisho )
(Yes I’m working on asks..)
(Also! Want to give a BIGGGG thanks to my friend @homelesstransroachguy for making the design for Connor! I can’t wait to draw it :3)
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littlestar-center · 3 months ago
I really don’t wanna remake Sunny’s video
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For their resigns
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That isn’t really, he’s wearing a headband
And her glasses are reading glasses
15 notes · View notes
atleastpleasetelephone · 1 month ago
Gentle on my mind - Chapter 12
Initially set in 1967 when Elvis is filming Clambake. Feeling miserable and trapped after the Colonel banishes Larry and the spiritual texts, Elvis invites Gloria to keep him company through the last five days of filming. Gloria is an aspiring movie editor and more importantly she's a lot of fun. Will she be what Elvis needs to get him out of the depressive funk he's in?
Catch up with the other parts here.
Many thanks to @sissylittlefeather being my beta reader on this one.
A/N: It's 1974 at the start of this chapter. I've slightly messed with the timeline of real life here with Linda.
Pairing: Elvis x OC - Gloria, a budding film editor.
Word count: 5.3K
TWs: Erratic behaviour from Elvis, angry!Elvis, oral, erectile dysfunction, size kink, the welcome return of Gloria's filthy mouth, mention of drug use, kind of voyeurism, p in v sex, discussion of somno.
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That morning the mail arrives and Gloria breathes a sigh of relief. She can actually enjoy this Christmas without the divorce looming over her like it has been for the past two years - the paperwork has arrived and the divorce is finalised. She is free of Roger. Well, not entirely free, since she has a custody agreement to stick to, but at least she can finally move out into her own house again. Money from the settlement and some that she hadn’t been expecting (and certainly hadn’t asked for) from her dad mean that she’s able to put a downpayment on a little property not far away from where she’s living now. It will be good to be out from under her sister’s feet, but still having her close by. Christmas is low-key but joyful, and she’s starting to feel like things are really looking up now. She’s spoken to Elvis a handful of times over the past two years, but she didn’t want to see him again until the divorce was done. She also read the papers, and seeing that he was in a relationship with Linda Thompson had solidified her decision. She wanted to give him a chance at happiness without her interruption. Her love for him is as powerful as ever, but she still doesn’t think she can give him what he wants - Roger still wants to be in her kids’ lives, and the custody arrangement doesn’t stretch to her moving them to Memphis to live with a rock star. 
She decides to call him on New Year’s Day. She’s heard that he and Linda are no longer together, and she knows it’s his fortieth birthday in a week’s time. It hadn’t taken much persuasion for her sister to agree to take the kids so that she can visit him. Some guy she doesn’t know picks up the phone, and then it feels like forever before he finally speaks. 
“Elvis! Happy new year! My divorce finally came through!”
Gloria was expecting more of a response than that, and she finds herself frowning at the phone. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m calling you to tell you my divorce is finalised. I wanted to come visit you for your birthday.”
There’s a deep sigh on the other end of the line. “Didn’t wanna visit me before though.”
“I had to wait for the divorce to go through. I didn’t want Roger to end up with full custody. And anyway, you had Linda.”
Elvis snorts derisively. “Yeah. Had. Now she’s gone too. Everyone’s gone. Everyone leaves me.”
“I’m trying to come and see you.” Gloria is starting to get a little agitated. She’s calling with good news and Elvis is acting as though she just offered to kill his cat. 
“Are you going to send a plane for me, or not?” 
“Send a plane!” Elvis almost yells. “Send a plane! She wants me to send a plane for her! Who do you think you are, Gloria?”
Gloria opens her mouth to say something and then hears a click as the line goes dead. He’s put the phone down on her again. And right in the middle of an argument, this time. She shakes her head as she replaces the receiver. She’s just wondering how long it will take for him to call back when Corey comes bounding into the room. 
“Mama!” He exclaims, before jumping into her lap. “Who were you talking to?”
She smiles and wraps her arms around him. “Elvis, honey.”
“No you weren’t.”
Giggling, she brushes his unruly hair back from his forehead. “Yes I was, honey. Your mama doesn’t lie.”
Corey folds his arms and pouts. “Don’t believe you. You don’t know Elvis.”
As if on cue, the phone starts to ring again. Her four year old looks at it, distrustfully, making her laugh all the more. She picks up and says her name. 
“Elvis. Can you talk to Corey please? He doesn’t believe I’ve really been talking to you.”
Without waiting for a reply she passes the receiver to her son, who uses both of his little hands to cradle it by his ear with some difficulty. 
Elvis had been about to gush an apology for his rude behaviour just a few minutes ago, and he has to quickly readjust now he’s speaking to a small child who is questioning his existence. But he doesn’t mind. It’s actually sort of refreshing. 
“Hey there son. How’re ya doin’?”
“Hmmm. Mom says you’re Elvis, but I think you’re pretending.”
Elvis chuckles. “Well okay. How about I sing ya somethin’? Would that convince ya?”
Corey puts a hand over the mouthpiece. “He’s going to sing. What song should he sing?”
Gloria considers for a moment. “Hound Dog. You know that one.”
“Hound Dog.”
Elvis laughs. He’d been wondering if Gloria would pick something more obscure, but Hound Dog it is. He starts to sing in that deep baritone of his and she can hear him through the phone. She smiles. After a verse and a chorus he asks if Corey is convinced yet. 
“Hmmm. I guess so. You wanna talk to mom?”
“Yes please, son.”
“Okay. Bye Elvis!”
Elvis is still chuckling when Gloria presses the phone back to her ear. Corey jumps from her lap and runs back off to whatever he’d been doing in the kitchen with his sister and she’s alone again. 
“Thanks for doing that.”
“It’s the least I could do. Glory I’m sorry for earlier. I’m a grumpy old sonofabitch, but I do wanna see ya. If ya still wanna come.”
“I do,” she tells him, warmly. “Of course I want to see you. Especially on your birthday.”
“Even though I’m ancient now?”
“Oh yeah, ancient. Elvis, you’re not eighty three. You’re forty.”
He hums and then laughs. “Okay, okay. You’re right. I’ll send the plane for ya - are the kids coming?”
She shakes her head, and then realises that he can’t see her. “Um… no. I wanted to just spend some time with you alone. Although… I mean I guess you’re having a party?”
“No party.”
“Nuh-uh. Nothin’ to celebrate.”
“Oh Elvis. C’mon.”
He’s silent for a while, trying to work out whether he’s happy she’s coming without the kids or not. He wants to see her on her own, but this makes it seem like she doesn’t want him spending time with them. 
“I wanted to see ‘em. Corey and Jackie I mean.”
“Well um…”
“Can I?”
It’s Gloria’s time to be silent, trying to calculate the best thing to do. It’s too difficult to weigh up the pros and cons quickly enough, but her gut tells her she does want him to meet them. Otherwise why would she have put him on the phone to Corey. 
“If you promise to have a party, I promise my sister and her husband will bring the kids for it. But I want to see you alone first.” She pauses, looking around the room before dropping her voice to a whisper. “I’ve missed you, big boy. I’ve missed the way you touch me.”
Elvis swallows, hard. “I’ve missed ya too, Glory.”
“So you promise to have a birthday party? With cake and ice cream? The kids won’t forgive me if there’s no sweet stuff.”
He laughs. “I promise. Can’t believe you’d think I’d throw a party without a cake…”
“I’m just making sure. And… you want to see me before?” She suddenly feels insecure after her little admission and wants reassurance. 
“Of course I do, baby. I-I’ve missed ya too. Missed yer lovin’.”
Gloria’s mouth curls into a little smile. He’s still bashful, even after all this time. “I’ll come the day before then. Give you a special birthday treat.”
Elvis blushes to his ears thinking about what she might want to give him. He pushes away the thoughts of whether he’ll be able to give her what she wants and just tells her how excited he is to see her again. They talk for a while about the arrangements, and then Elvis describes the house to her in painstaking detail. She’s grinning when she finally gets off the phone. She has a feeling that 1975 is going to be a good year. 
Gloria’s stomach is in knots when the plane finally lands in Memphis. She hadn’t been able to fully enjoy the luxury of the private jet as she’d spent the entire journey feeling incredibly nervous about seeing Elvis again. The photos she’s seen of him over the past couple of years have shown him gaining and losing weight, sometimes looking tired and other times full of life, and always having a beautiful woman on his arm. After she left Roger, she put herself on a diet. Nothing too radical, just whole foods and fewer biscuits, but the combination of that and her new-found happiness have brought her back down to almost pre-baby weight. She’s still squidgy around the middle and she’ll never lose her big ass and breasts, but she’s feeling a lot more confident than the last time she saw him. And she can’t wait to show him the gift she’s got for him. She thinks his eyes are probably going to pop out of his head. 
Getting out of the plane, she spots one of his large Cadillac Limousines parked outside. Wondering who is going to be driving her, she walks down the steps and towards the door. She really hopes it isn’t some stranger. Before she has a chance to open the passenger door, the driver door opens and Jerry springs out. 
He wraps her up in a big hug. 
“Boy am I glad to see you!” She exclaims. “Some guy I’d never heard of answered the phone at Graceland the other day and I thought maybe El had cleared everyone out and some stranger would be driving me.”
Jerry laughs. “I’m still here. Well. I went and came back.”
“Well thank God.”
They get into the car together, Gloria sitting at the front to make it easier for them to gossip together. Jerry is married now, so he tries his best to put inappropriate thoughts of his best friend’s love interest to one side, but he can’t help thinking she’s looking well. And she seems happier too. He hopes this means Elvis will get himself out of the deep depression he’s been in since Linda left. The fact that he told the guys to plan a party, washed and shaved and appeared downstairs for lunch after Gloria had called on New Year’s Day was a step in the right direction. But Jerry still wonders if it is too little, too late. 
He pulls up at the house and is happy to see Elvis standing in the doorway, waiting for her. She gets out and immediately drops her bag on the ground at the sight of him, running towards him and jumping gleefully into his open arms. Jerry smiles, picking up her bag and carrying it to the doorway, trying not to ogle as her and Elvis make out like teenagers. 
“Thanks Jer,” Elvis tells him, still gazing into Gloria’s eyes. “Ya wanna come in for some food?”
Jerry shakes his head. “That’s alright, EP. I’ll let you two have some time on your own.”
They don’t really have any time on their own though. Minnie May and Vernon are both there during lunch, and various Mafia members stick their heads in every so often too, making Gloria feel as though she is almost constantly on display. When they eventually finish eating and talking, Elvis insists on taking her on a guided tour of the house. He keeps her busy, taking her from room to room and then outside to see the horses. Insisting that they go for a ride, by the time they get back it’s time for dinner and the whole process of people interrupting them starts all over again. Gloria feels like she’s on some kind of treadmill of interactions, even when she was alone with Elvis he was performing - telling her facts about the soft furnishings so quickly she couldn’t get a word in edgeways. Finally dinner is over and they move to the living room, but they’re still not alone. Vernon hangs about awkwardly as his son talks to him in an animated fashion, and then Red West comes wandering in. 
Gloria can’t help it, she huffs loudly, putting her hand on Elvis’ leg. He’s right in the middle of telling some story to his daddy and he looks at her disapprovingly without stopping. 
“Ah- uh- son…” Vernon begins, awkwardly interrupting him. 
“Yes, Daddy,” Elvis replies, impatiently. 
“I think maybe you two should have a little time alone, Gloria’s come a long way to see ya. Don’t ya think, Red?”
Vernon delivers this little speech staring at the carpet, shifting his weight about from foot to foot. It’s obvious he’s not used to delivering advice to his son, especially when it comes to women, and he looks up briefly at Elvis’ bodyguard for some cover. 
The other man simply shrugs. “None a my business.”
“It would be nice,” Gloria adds, trying to catch Vernon’s eye. She can’t help but feel sorry for him, he’s cutting quite the pathetic figure as he continues to shuffle and seems to get smaller by the minute. 
“Hmph.” Elvis is annoyed. He had been telling a story. How was it any business of his daddy’s how much time he spent with Gloria on her own? They’d already toured the whole house and been out on the horses. “None of either of ya’s business.”
“I’m gonna just… I’ll… I should…” Vernon stumbles over his words, trying to find a way to say he’s leaving without sounding like he’s contradicting his son. 
“Oh, get out then. The pair a ya. Ya don’t wanna be here anyway.” He looks at them both, eyes flaming. When they don’t move immediately, he yells. “GET OUT!”
Red huffs and rolls his eyes but he moves quickly, having no desire to have objects thrown at him today. Vernon shuffles off after him, mumbling his goodbyes. Once they’ve gone, Gloria turns towards the man next to her on the sofa. He seems like someone she doesn’t even know anymore, but the old Elvis must be under there somewhere. She has to try and reach him.
“I thought you wanted to see me,” she says, quietly. Her heart is beating fast but she tries to come across as calm.
“I do!” He replies, far too loudly. “What d’ya think we’re doin’ here? I’ve taken ya round the house, on the horses, fed ya, introduced ya to my family…” his fist slams onto the sofa in frustration. 
“And I’ve loved all that. But I just want a little alone time.”
Elvis sighs loudly. The worries he’d been trying to push down float to the surface again. He doesn’t know what will happen when he’s alone with her, and he isn’t sure he wants to find out. Gloria won’t be put off though. She scoots closer to him on the sofa and puts a hand on his thigh. 
“Why don’t we carry on the tour in your bedroom?” She suggests, batting her eyelashes. “I want to give you your birthday gift before everyone else gets here tomorrow.”
Elvis can feel his anger subsiding, and in its wake all there seems to be is fear.
“Ah-I… uh…” he stumbles over the words and then gives up.
“Please, big boy,” she tries, sensing she’s getting somewhere. “You made me all excited when I got here… all those kisses…” as if to illustrate her point she starts to pepper his face with little kisses. “I need you.”
Elvis lets out a low moan at her words, closing his eyes as she carries on kissing behind his ear and down his neck. He has missed her so badly. 
“Alright then.” His voice is hoarse, and he tries to clear his throat. “Ya can have the tour of upstairs.”
He stands up and pulls her with him, picking up her bag in his other hand and carrying it up the stairs. They get into his bedroom and he starts up a running commentary on the contents of the room, as if he was taking the guided tour thing literally. She pays no real attention to what he’s saying, instead taking it all in by looking around before picking her bag up from the floor. 
“And the bathroom is that way?”
“Yes honey. But ya’ll have yer own powder room…” he begins, but she cuts him off. 
“I want to get changed into something special. You sit down. I’ll be back.”
She heads for the bathroom without waiting for a response, just hearing him mumble something about not realising she was the boss of this house. He’s scared but he doesn’t try to stop her, instead sinking down onto the edge of the bed and waiting for her. 
Gloria’s heart is beating out of her chest when she returns, dressed in a sheer black robe fastened with a huge pink bow. She hasn’t had sex since the time with Elvis on the sofa and she hopes she hasn’t somehow forgotten how to do it. She also hopes he still likes her body, which no-one has seen in a long time either. Aside from the mostly internal pep talk she’d given herself, she spent most of her time in the bathroom fluffing her hair up and applying lipstick, which she tries hard not to chew off now with nerves. She looks at him and sees that his head is hanging down between his shoulders, making him look like he’s studying the fistfuls of rings he’s currently wearing. She needs to get his attention. 
“Hey, big boy,” she murmurs, walking towards him. 
Elvis looks up and does a double-take when he sees her. He struggles to swallow, his eyes go almost cartoonishly wide and eventually he manages to sigh out a “goddamn.”
She smiles a little seeing the effect she’s having on him, coming to a stop between his spread thighs. 
“You want to open your gift?”
“Damn, baby.”
He brings a trembling hand up to the end of the ribbon and pulls. The fabric falls apart, exposing her bare torso. He manages a few more “damn, baby”s as his hands slowly explore her breasts, belly and hips. After a while she captures one hand and slips it between her legs, watching for his reaction. His fingers explore gently until they come into contact with something that feels hard. He frowns, confused, then grabs her by the hips, picking her up and putting her down on the bed next to him. Spreading her legs he gets onto his belly to examine her pussy, his breath tickling her and making her squirm. 
“Well, I’ll be damned.”
There are two little spheres of metal at the top and bottom of her clit, and when he touches them gently he can see that there’s a bar between them, going through it. He’s never seen anyone pierced down there before and he’s fascinated. 
“You can play with it,” Gloria tells him. “It feels good.”
He hums with curiosity, gently moving it back and forth with a finger. “Yer a dirty girl, ain’tcha?”
She giggles. “Yeah. You knew that, though. I was a dirty girl when you met me.”
Elvis’ mind drifts back to the time when she’d told him she wasn’t going to wear panties and he could have her whenever he wanted. She’s right. She’s always been dirty. He sticks his tongue out experimentally, running it over the metal and the sensitive bundle of nerves. She rewards him with a soft moan. 
“Ya like that?”
“Mmm yes.”
Putting his lips around it now, he presses his tongue against the piercing as he sucks on her clit. Her hips buck up into his face and her moans get considerably louder. He smiles against her, sucking harder. She’d got the piercing a week ago, and she’s barely had an opportunity to try it out properly, although she had accidentally made herself come by crossing her legs too vigorously as she was watching TV the other day. It doesn’t take much more work from Elvis’ talented mouth to bring her to climax, her fingers tangling in his hair as his sideburns tickle her thighs. 
“Oh fuck. Elvis.” She almost whines her orgasm out, fingernails digging into his scalp.
He licks her gently a few more times until she’s squirming and trying to push his head away. 
She looks down at him through her lashes, breathing heavily, her face flushed. 
He chuckles. “That was easy. Can ya do another?” He runs the very tip of his finger over her clit and she flinches away from him, oversensitive. 
“Not right now!” She squeaks. 
“Alright then,” he replies with a soft smile.
He moves to lie down next to her and she rolls over, putting her head on his chest. He smells reassuringly just like he did the last time she saw him. 
“We need to get you out of these clothes,” she mumbles, running her palm over his torso. 
He grumbles. “I like wearin’ ‘em.”
Without any preamble, her hand moves below his belt to squeeze his clothed length. Only it’s still soft, and he twists his body away from her in embarrassment. 
“I-I-I-It’s not you, h-honey…”
Gloria just shrugs. “S’okay. These things happen.”
As she snuggles into him more, a feeling of contentment that she’s with him again at last spreads through her body. As she feels him start to relax, she slowly begins to unbutton his shirt. 
“Mmm, honey.” He tries to bat her hand away. 
“Please. I just want to feel your skin against mine again.”
He gives her a little sideways look. “I can’t do anythin’... I’m… I know I can’t satisfy ya…”
Propping herself up on an elbow, she looks down into his face. He’s still so beautiful she feels like she wants to cry. 
“I just want to cuddle. Let’s get under the covers and cuddle. I’m getting cold out here.” She shrugs her robe off completely and moves to get underneath the comforter and the electric blanket. When he doesn’t move too, she continues. “You satisfied me just now. So stop this self-pitying nonsense, old man, and get in the bed.”
There’s a moment where he just stares at her in disbelief, and then he cracks up laughing. “Okay, okay. Yer not just dirty, yer crazy too.”
“Get in the bed.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He gives her a mock salute, stripping off and getting under the covers with her. 
“You think I’m crazy because I want to be with you?” She asks, once they’ve got comfortable, wrapped around one another. 
He strokes her head, fingers running through her hair. “Ya said yerself I’m an old man. An’ I can’t live up to my nickname no more.”
Gloria giggles. She can’t help but think he’s made his Memphis accent stronger over the years to go with his curmudgeonly ways. 
“It’s still huge, big boy. Even when it’s soft.”
“Not much use like that though, is it?”
“Mmm. I like a challenge. I bet you I can cheer him up again. Get him all swollen and hard.”
Elvis squeezes his eyes shut. “Woman. That filthy mouth a yours.”
“I can try that if you think it would help.”
He growls, rolling her onto her back and pinning her there. “Ya’ve gotta stop that.”
“Answerin’ me back.”
He shakes his head as he nips at her neck. “Coz I said so. An’ I’m yer elder and better.”
Gloria bursts out laughing at that, and she hears him giggling too. She rakes her fingers through his hair. 
“I’m not going to stop it,” she tells him. “I think you like it.”
They tease one another back and forth like this for a while, enjoying falling back into the easy way they used to be together. Elvis still stays up late so they end up spending hours with him reading to her, and then when his eyes get tired they watch the TV in the ceiling above them. Gloria nods off a few times and eventually falls asleep completely in his arms. He switches the TV off first and then the lights, and lies there listening to her breathe until he finally succumbs to sleep too. It’s only when he wakes up the next day that he realises he forgot to take his usual pills. 
That isn’t the only thing he realises when he wakes up. For the first time in a while, there’s an ache between his legs. Gloria is still sleeping next to him when he cautiously moves the bedclothes to investigate. Even though he could feel it, he’s still kind of surprised to see his dick hard again. He wraps his hand around it and slowly moves his foreskin up and down. A sigh falls from his lips. It’s been a while since he’s been able to do this, and suddenly he’s tempted to just masturbate as Gloria sleeps. There’s no way he can let her down then. Just because it’s up now, doesn’t mean it won’t go down again at some inconvenient time, and he can just pretend he’s still having the same problem as last night. At least this way he can definitely come. 
His hand moves a little faster and he increases the pressure a little more as his dick hardens in his hand. He starts to think about Gloria’s tight little pussy around him, and he has the urge to look at more of her body. All he can see right now is the back of her head and one arm. He moves the bedclothes a little so he can see the smooth skin of her back. His hand keeps pumping. It’s good, but he wants more. Moving the bedclothes again, now he can see her ass. His hand moves faster. Her ass is so perfect. Big and round with just the right amount of jiggle when she walks. He can see she’s lost weight since the last time they were together, but he’s grateful that none of it seems to have come off that lovely ass of hers. 
He can feel himself getting closer and his horny brain decides to keep taking risks. He runs a finger over the curve of her ass, sighing loudly as he continues to fuck his fist. She twitches in her sleep and he pulls his hand away like he’s been burned. But the panic lasts for seconds, and he’s thinking about touching her again, and his hand seems like it’s moving of its own volition. If he could just squeeze that ass. Or maybe put his dick between her thick thighs… 
“Elvis?” Gloria grumbles, movement in the bed and what felt like something tickling her skin rousing her from sleep. 
He tries to pull the covers over himself and her, but even in her drowsy state she knows something is up. Just not exactly what, until she moves the bedding back to where it was. 
“Elvis!” She exclaims. 
He quickly puts both hands over his dick and balls, as if to shield them from her gaze, and goes bright red. “Uh… uh… I-I-I… honey I…”
“Why didn’t you wake me?” She demands. 
“Oh uh… honey ya looked so peaceful an’...”
“And so you thought you’d just… what were you doing exactly?” She frowns, propping her head up on an elbow and looking at him perplexed. 
“Uhhhh honey….” he groans, rolling towards her and burying his face against her chest. 
She giggles. “Come on, big boy. What were you doing?”
“G-gettin’ myself off,” he mumbles, after what feels like hours of awkward silence. 
“Looking at my ass?” She asks. When he grumbles and tries to hide his face more, she laughs. “Touching my ass?”
“Hmmm yeah.”
Still laughing, she gently dislodges him and then rolls onto her front, spreading her legs. “Well don’t let me being awake stop you.”
“Well I’d prefer it if you fucked me, but if you just want to jerk off over my ass you can. It’s your birthday after all.”
He can’t believe what he’s hearing, but then he thinks back to the things she’d said and done on the set of Clambake again, and realises this is just how she used to be. Before the kids. Before Roger. 
“I wanna fuck ya. C’mere, put this under yer hips.”
Handing her one of the many pillows on the bed, he watches as she does as he suggests. He’s groaning at the sight of her, ass propped up and ready for him. Then he starts to feel like he should be more gentlemanly than to fuck a girl who’s barely conscious. Ignoring the fact that he was touching himself and touching her bare ass when she was definitely unconscious a few minutes ago. 
“Y’only jus’ woke up…” he mumbles.
She looks over her shoulder and smiles. “If you’re hard, you can fuck me. I don’t even have to be awake.”
If he wasn’t hard as a rock before he certainly is after hearing those words, and he doesn’t spend much time prepping her before he’s pushing inside. 
The rush of adrenalin and the feeling of being impossibly stretched come back to Gloria immediately as she feels him start to enter her. He fucks her with the tip first, slowly getting her used to him again, until he feels her relax enough to let him in fully. Bottoming out with a groan, he wonders why on earth he thought using his hand was a better idea. Her eyes close tightly and her hands grab at the bedsheets as she tries to deal with the intensity of the feeling. He waits patiently, as he’s done every other time when she feels this tight. Waits for her to say it’s ok to move. 
Finally she feels like she’s not going completely insane, opening her eyes and relaxing her hands. She can’t wait forever, it may as well be now. 
“Fuck me with that big dick.”
He doesn’t need telling twice, pulling almost all the way out and then thrusting back inside, making her cry out. He pants, struggling to cope with the intensity of the feeling for a moment before he picks up a rhythm, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks. The rhythm makes her hips rock, and the rocking of her hips starts a delicious friction between her pierced clit and the pillow underneath her. She starts to moan, already knowing that her orgasm won’t be far away if yesterday’s sex was anything to go by. This piercing really is a gift. A rush of pleasure hits her, buzzing around her body and making her call his name. His eyes roll back in his head as she squeezes him. It had always been the end of their lovemaking in the past, and today is no exception. Her walls are so tight around him that he empties inside of her almost immediately, groaning with pleasure. It had been a while. A really long while, actually. And that made it all the sweeter. He pulls out of her as gently as he can, but she still moans loudly, feeling overstimulated and somehow puffy. Pressing kisses to her shoulder blades, he lies down next to her and she rolls off the pillow onto her side. Looking down, she sees it damp with the arousal that had spilled down her thighs as he fucked her. 
“Well this is ruined,” she says, picking it up and lazily throwing it behind her, off the bed. 
He laughs. “Oh Glory. That was so good.”
She grins back. “It really was. Happy birthday, big boy.”
They kiss, lazily. Then he thinks of something. “Did ya mean what ya said? About… whenever I’m hard… y’know.”
She nods. “Sure. We have to take advantage while he’s all big and hard, don’t we?”
He shakes his head at her again. “Ya haveta stop this.”
“I do not.”
“Do so.”
They tussle back and forth, giggling, until Gloria notices the time and realises they have an hour until her sister and the kids arrive. She presses her forehead against his and looks at him seriously.
“We have to shower.”
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months ago
this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.
It is vintage times. The powers that be have decided to again remake the classic vampire novel Dracula for the screen. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, Hollywood’s most elite hotties are up for the starring roles. the producers know whoever they cast will greatly impact the genre, quality, and tone of the finished film, so they are turning to their wisest voices for guidance.
you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.
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Previously cast:
Jonathan Harker—Jimmy Stewart
The Old Woman—Martita Hunt
Count Dracula—Gloria Holden
Mina Murray—Setsuko Hara
Lucy Westenra—Judy Garland (rip)
The Three Voluptuous Women—Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe, and Lauren Bacall
The Agonized Mother—Mary Philbin (rip)
Dr. Jack Seward—Vincent Price
Quincey P. Morris—Toshiro Mifune
Arthur Holmwood—Sidney Poitier
R.M. Renfield—Conrad Veidt
The Captain of the Demeter—Omar Sharif (rip)
The First Mate of the Demeter—Leonard Nimoy (rip)
Mr. Swales—Ed Wynn (rip)
The Correspondent for The Daily Graph—Ethel Waters
Dracula in dog form—Frank Oz with a puppet
Sister Agatha—Angela Lansbury
Mrs. Westenra—Gladys Cooper (rip)
Dracula's solicitors—Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee
Dr. Van Helsing—Orson Welles
Mr. Hawkins—Donald Meek
Thomas Bilder, the zookeeper—Lon Chaney Jr.
Mrs. Bilder, the zookeeper's wife—Elsa Lanchester
The Reporter from the Pall Mall Gazette—Hattie McDaniel
There is little to say to describe Mr. Marquand, who is only here briefly to describe how the Westenra will leaves everything to Arthur Holmwood. He is described by Dr. Seward as "very genial and very appreciative," and goes a little too much into legal detail considering the reason he turns up in the story. (Lucy and Mrs. Westenra are now dead.)
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corn-fart · 6 months ago
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My self-indulgent Champion Swap AU with Nemona and Leon :]
Uh expect more content of this, cuz this AU has been gripping my brain for the past week or so ahahah
More rambling under cut:
Whereas regular Leon's dream is for Galar's trainers to be the strongest in the world, Swap Nemona's dream is to simply get more people to enjoy Pokémon battling.
Despite the Galar League's uber-competitive attitude, Nemona has always prioritized having a good Pokémon battle over winning. The title of "Undefeated Champion" exhausts her.
I'm not entire sure who her ace/Dynamax Pokémon would be. Probably either Pawmot or her starter Pokémon.
If I knew Goroawase (Japanese wordplay with numbers), I would've given Nemona a number other than 1. I'll probably look into it more.
I'm thinking the other player character (Victor/Gloria) would replace Hop in this AU. Nemona helped raise them/was really close to them in childhood and they're siblings in all but blood.
Her family is still rich and on the board of the Rotom Phone company. Nemona's Champion status is excellent for sponsorships, but her family still rarely contacts her.
While Nemona's struggle with throwing Pokéballs is publicly well-known, it is NOT something she is made fun of for. >:(
I'm gonna be real, I know way more about Nemona in general over Leon :']
While having a similar passion for Pokémon battling, Swap Leon is definitely more competitive compared to Nemona.
If he's not at the Academy or training around Paldea, he's at home taking care of his little brother Hop, who's almost ready to enroll at the Academy.
Experienced similar levels of isolation (and possibly bullying) compared to regular Nemona at the Academy. I'm still debating why specifically, but honestly? The Academy already seemed like a pretty awful place before the Team Star ordeal anyways :')
Still has Charizard as his ace. Bonded pair do not separate lol.
I did draw a version of Leon in the Naranja Academy uniform, he just looked better in the Uva Academy uniform hjkfhwk
Um um um that is all I can remember at the moment. I have a few comic ideas I wanna draw but also my school starts up literally tomorrow so I won't be able to draw much 😔
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cloveroctobers · 4 months ago
U CANT REMEMBER — Jimmy Holiday [Fall Crumbles] 🤎
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A/N: y’all wanted more Jimmy so here’s me handing it to you early on a platter. You can thank Ms. Kiana for that! Which this little angst prompt was inspired by. I’m officially supposed to be on a break but apparently the inspiration wanted me to continue, hope you like!
SYNOPSIS: In which you’re Jimmy’s girl but once he went off to school to fully pursue basketball, you start to experience a unexpected shift in your relationship.
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Today was one of those days where you wished you would have went to sleep early and stayed asleep so you wouldn’t have to deal with the ache you were currently experiencing.
It was common for the both of you, staying up late until the sunrise arrived, trying your hardest to keep quiet in Jimmy’s dorm, out of respect of Jimmy’s homebody roommate. This was nothing new, you both used to always be nightowls back home but coming out to Colorado to visit your boyfriend at school, there never seemed to be enough time to talk so it was only amplified with borrowed time.
You adored nights where you faced Jimmy in his twin sized bed, his long limbs tangled with yours as he ran his hand up and down your arm while you talked about whatever. There were once stars in his honey eyes whenever he looked at you but you never expected this.
This was something you both agreed to make work, when he decided on Colorado to play ball for. Now all of a sudden there was a switch up, as you sat on a bench in the city down town, which was a pretty walk from campus.
“I…don’t understand.” You managed to get out, after the sound of ringing went away from your ears, “You want space? I thought 6 hours and thirty-eight minutes was enough?”
Jimmy, who still sat with one arm tossed behind you on the bench, while his other hand held on tightly to the crumbled up paper bag that once contained a blueberry scone, kept his eyes trained down on his lap, “I just feel like…maybe we should take a break. Things are heating up with the team, the pressure is constantly on with keeping up with school work—
You understood that part.
Confiding in one another when you called, texted, or FaceTimed just to see how one another’s day went, you knew the stress that came with school. It was something that was heavily prioritized by your family to get through and you did. College wasn’t for you much to your family’s disappointment but you chose to be thrown into the working world of New Mexico, just to get through but it was not a place you wanted to forever be stuck in. That was often expressed and you couldn’t be more than happy for Jimmy when he chose a city out of state.
Taking the drive either with Dezbah and Bryson, sometimes even Mrs. Gloria (Who no longer had warrants), or simply by yourself was the escape you needed. You loved the open road and being with Jimmy, it took time to figure it out and just to be together but now he wanted to call it quits. There really weren’t any warnings.
“So…I’m adding to that pressure?”
Jimmy clenched his eyes shut at your words, “No. I wouldn’t say that. Things have always felt right between us—
“Until it goes wrong,” you muttered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jimmy questions, now pressing his elbows into his knees, leaning over in attempt to stop the stomachache that was now forming as he was having this hard conversation with you.
Huffing out a laugh, you shifted your body sideways so you can look at the short haired teen, “It was Rocky from the start between us because of uncertainties but I always said we wouldn’t know unless we tried. I wasn’t scared to love you. It was little childish shit, you letting people get in your head about us, me not speaking up about it and acting like whatever you did with other girls didn’t bother me, then playing around with Krista and I because you didn’t know what you truly wanted.”
“I chose you, though.” Jimmy voiced, hating that he put you through that.
It was always the three of you at the beginning until it unfortunately became two. You’ve always been around and just foolishly waiting. It’s not like Jimmy ever had a serious girlfriend before you, he just like entertaining the ones who wanted to have his babies and it sucked to watch. Plus you had a fling and then a serious relationship while just being Jimmy’s friend and it was obvious he never liked any of the dudes you dealt with. He just hid it, not well but at least he tried. When he suddenly kissed you at that party that night—granted he was high and it was a stupid game of spin the roaches in the bottle (it didn’t land on you but the girl next to you)—it confirmed everything that your heart’s been trying to tell you for the longest.
There was a reason that kiss needed to happen.
Yet you sat on that for a while and Jimmy showed interest in Krista.
“Then tell me why you’re choosing to break up with me and right before the holidays too? Just tell it to me straight, what’s the reason, Jimmy? I deserve to know why.” You exasperated, feeling your drumming heartbeat in your ears now.
Jimmy’s rubbing at his face now, the bags underneath his eyes felt heavier. He was going to say something that he didn’t mean, “I just don’t want to do this anymore. Once I go pro, I don’t think I can even trust myself around any of the other girls alright? It’s like you said, I went back and forth between you and Krista once. Who’s to say I won’t do it again?”
Shock washes over your body. You couldn’t believe the guy that you once knew would fix his mouth to say this to you. It felt unreal, like a nightmare that you needed to wake up from. Of course there was always the potential of groupies getting at Jimmy, it was the same back in high school but you thought he loved you enough, after everything not to disrespect you like this.
“…what’s the number one reason you fell in love with me then?” Was your response, which made Jimmy lift his eyes and flick to you.
Staring at you like this, was enough to break Jimmy’s heart. He hated that he was putting you through this again but he didn’t think he could keep up. It was all too much but that didn’t mean you were too much for him. It was everything else and he wished he knew how to communicate that better.
Jimmy Holiday loves you because you inspired him to be more than what he is. He loves you because you always made time for him, even with this newfound distance, he loves you for your patience, sense of direction, and your good heart. There were many reasons to love you, he’s said them before but today he couldn’t.
“If you can’t remember, then I guess you’re right, I don’t need to be here anymore. And we don’t need to continue doing this. I won’t let you sideline me again.” You say, feeling like you gave him more than enough time to say something, to be honest, and have some decency.
What changed?
Jimmy often got in his head about many of things, you can blame it on a lot but you thought you were past this. Experienced some growth but you couldn’t keep putting your mental health through this. As much as you love Jimmy, if he wanted out and just off the hurtful things he just said, then you had no problem being on your way. If that’s how he wanted it, fine.
You’re on your feet and it feels like Jimmy’s heart is being squeezed in someone’s fist.
“I…I’m sorry.”
You lift your shoulders, watery smile appearing on your lips as you deeply inhale. Stepping forward, you grip Jimmy’s shoulder’s, leaning down to place a kiss on Jimmy’s brow. He closes his eyes at your touch, struggling to swallow down the lump in his throat.
“Take care of yourself, Jimmy Holiday.” You whisper into the crisp air and just like that, you were gone just like the tumble of brown leaves on the ground.
He wanted to go after you, knowing that you were most likely going back to the dorm to collect your things and hit the road. Perhaps his biggest regret once he gets back to see all of your things no longer around, every trace of you gone but that certainly wasn’t true. Jimmy sits on the edge of his bed, staring down at the screensaver of you two just before his roommate enters back in the room, asking what’s up with him.
Jimmy can’t even get the words out himself, shaking his head with his fist going to his mouth and he clenched his eyes shut once more.
Whereas you’re on the road, leaving the mountains behind and venting to Dezbah on the long drive.
“Yooo, What the hell did you do?” Bryson quizzed, as soon as Jimmy took his sweet time answering the phone, coming back from the showers.
Jimmy lays back on his bed, phone pressed to his ear. “I lost, bro. And I think I’m about to realize just how much.”
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More Fall anthology works here.
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daily-jin-madebygenius · 22 days ago
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Some hours after his visit Matteo finally decided to check on the girl. The unsuspecting workers not even aware about the presence of the rose, and totally not aware of the daisy, still asleep, fraught with drugs.
He walked down a long hallway. His leisure whistle echoing through the dark maze. Only a few people ever come down here. Luckily, today there were none.
What a surprise it was for the rose when he found the fence if the garden open. The order of things destroyed, and the daisy nowhere to be found.
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Holding the taser in her hands Gloria went into the basement. The star would have to be moved deeper. To the scrapping room.
He had to be shattered. Broken. Emptied of valuable parts.
The oleander entered the room, only to find the little blue flower asleep. Cuddling the beads in his big palms. All beaten and bruised. With his siren broken and a giant crack on his screen.
Good. It'll only make the job easier.
The oleander brought the vines with her. Chains to lead the robocar into the scrapping room.
Within some mere minutes, Gloria attached the cuffs around his wrists. A special device was put on the edge of his mouth, just to prevent the dog from biting (she hated dogs)...
Although the chains produced less electricity than her trusted taser, it'd be enough to make the car listen. He was a threat in his robot form, some measures had to be taken. Plus, it's noon. Gloria just wanted to get rid off the weed and get back to the daisy.
With all the preparations done, she woman landed a hit on Poli's back, this time uncharged. She needed him awake for now.
Oi, buenas noches, perro. Wake up.
As the flower was spitting her poison, she was unaware of the tiny white flower. Watching the woman from afar. Taking note of her every move.
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the-bus-called-graveyard-8 · 6 months ago
Madagascar in Nickelodeon Magazine (part 1 of 4)
Madagascar was first featured in Nick Mag in the June/July 2005 issue, shortly after the film's May 2005 release.
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Here we have the cover of the magazine, featuring Alex, Gloria and the Penguins
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Next we have an ad for the tie-in video game
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Finally we have a two-page spread featuring an interview with the main cast. Full transcription of the interview under the read more!
We talked to the stars of the new animated movie Madagascar. The film is about some animals from New York City's Central Park Zoo who suddenly find themselves stranded in the wilds of Madagascar, an island of the coast of southern Africa.
On-screen best friends and real-life pals Ben Stiller (near right, who plays Alex the lion) and Chris Rock (far right, who plays Marty the zebra) talked to us about their characters.
Nickelodeon Magazine: What is your character like? Ben Stiller: Alex is sort of the king of the Central Park Zoo. He enjoys being the main attraction and would be happy for things to always stay the same. Chris Rock: Marty is the adventurer of the group. He's not content in the zoo. He's the guy who asks, "What more could we be doing with ourselves?"
Nick Mag: Are you at all like your character? Ben: A little bit. [Like Alex,] I'm a New Yorker and a creature of habit. I like the comforts of home. And Alex is sort of an actor. He's a performer who has the self-delusional, self-involved thing that I think every actor can identify with. Chris: [Like Marty,] I always wanted to get away from where I grew up.
Nick Mag: What was the hardest thing about recording your lines? Ben: The time frame was crazy. It was like, "Wow, we're still doing this? They were serious about [this taking] four years?" At one point, I felt like all I ever said was "Marty!" Literally, for years. Chris: "Am I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?" How many times did I say that?
Nick Mag: Do you ever feel caged up, like you're in a zoo? Ben: Sometimes, when you're not happy on a movie set, it can be like that. Chris: Yeah, movies can be like that. Ben: I remember doing a movie once where, on the first day of rehearsals, I realized, "Uh-oh, this is not good." And I had four months to go.
Nick Mag: Did you do research for your role? Ben: I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes because of Tony the Tiger, and then I realized I was playing a lion and that I was really off.
Nick Mag: Favorite movie snack? Ben: I'm a big M&M's guy—peanut or plain. Chris: Popcorn and Raisinettes, but I wish they served banana cream pie!
We got the skinny on Jada Pinkett Smith's big character, Gloria the hippo.
Nickelodeon Magazine: What is your character like? Jada Pinkett Smith: She's like the mother of the gang. She wants to make sure that everybody is happy and taken care of.
Nick Mag: Are you anything like her? Jada: I have a real loyalty to my friends, just like Gloria does.
Nick Mag: Was the recording process hard? Jada: It was pretty challenging. You have to be really patient. You don't have the other actors there, there are no props, and you don't know what the scene looks like. It's just you and some paper with words on it.
Nick Mag: Do you have any pets? Jada: I have three dogs and a cat. And I'm about to get three more dogs!
Nick Mag: Do you like the outdoors? Jada: You have to be very cautious, but I love the wild. My intention for the next couple of years is to do more camping and go whitewater rafting in the Grand Canyon.
Nick Mag: Are you freaked out by nature at all? Jada: Not at all. Insects are the only things that kind of freak me out, but I can get used to them.
Nick Mag: Favorite movie snack? Jada: I usually do a mixture of popcorn and Goobers. Now I want some!
David Schwimmer talked to us about his character, Melman the giraffe.
Nickelodeon Magazine: What is your character like? David Schwimmer: Melman is a hypochondriac. he's afraid of almost everything and needs a lot of attention.
Nick Mag: Are you at all like him? David: I'm the opposite. My character couldn't be happier having bars around him so that nothing can get in. Personally, I'd go crazy. I'm low maintenance. I like not having a routine. Also [unlike Melman], I have to be forced to go to the doctor.
Nick Mag: What other kind of animal would you like to play? David: A black panther. There's something powerful and mysterious about it. It's got those green eyes and the sleek black coat. It would also be fun to be a water creature, like a dolphin. [Zelda the roving reporter: You're already a good Schwimmer.]
Nick Mag: Do you ever feel like you're in a zoo? David: I waited tables for seven years at restaurants where I felt like that. I also had a crummy job working in a tiny room in the business center of a hotel in Chicago in a suit and tie from six AM to six PM.
Nick Mag: Do you have any pets? David: I don't. I travel too much. But I had many animals growing up—dogs, a lizard, turtles. I love turtles. Their only protection is hiding—I love that about turtles.
Nick Mag: Favorite movie snack? David: There's no substitute for good, fresh popcorn.
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littlejazzy · 8 months ago
Do you have good recommendations for AgeRe stories? Something really cute and fluffy? (I'm a lonely regressor and I love reading stories about really sweet caregivers.)
I do!! I adore reading agere fics, so here are some recs! I hope you enjoy!!! 💖
Decontamination by SailorChibi - Marvel - Baby!Tony and CG!Steve - After a battle, Steve takes care of his baby - (This one is a Classification!AU/Littles are Known!AU... like, one of the very first ones. Very good and fluffy. If you ever read thorough their fics, (tagged NSAP bc agere straight up did not exist as a community yet) you'll start spotting alot of things that other people were/are inspired from.)
Picnic by SailorChibi - Marvel - Baby!Tony, CG!Steve, Middle!Bucky, Toddler!Clint, CG!Coulson, Kiddo!Scott, CG!Sam W., Kiddo!Peter P., CG!Wade, Kid!Wanda, and CG!Vision - All the Avengers have a nice picnic - (classification!au, but a different verse than the previous fic jsyk. this one is suuuuper fluffy and cute and fun <3)
Less than Five by SailorChibi - Daniel Craig's James Bond - Little!Q and CG!Bond - Q regresses smaller than usual; his daddy makes sure he's taken care of - (classification!AU, first of a series. first two fics are pretty fluffy, but the third has some angst, which makes the fluff even sweeter, in my opinion)
coffee makers and bumblebees by orchidsncrake - Daredevil - Little!Matt and CG!Foggy - Matt becomes overstimulated and after an altercation with the office's coffee maker, Foggy is there to make everything better
Small surprises by undergroundrice - Daredevil - Little!Matt and CG!Foggy - Foggy stumbles onto Matt regressing, and together they figure it out
A Second Shot by mylittlestories - MCU - Little!Natasha, Little!Clint, and CG!Coulson - Natasha didn't have much of a childhood. When she sees that having a second one is possible, she wants; Coulson and Clint are happy to make her family :) - (This one is unfinished, but what's there is just so nice I have to include it!!)
Give your Dreams the Wings to Fly by Honey_Dewey - FNAF Movie - Little!Matt and CG!Ness - Mike gets sick at work, but his boyfriend is there to make everything okay
the road to hope and adventures into the unknown (target) by romansprince - Barbie (2023) - Little!Ken, then CG!Barbie and CG!Gloria - Ken has become human... except he's never had a childhood. Sometimes he feels Fuzzy, but that's something he thinks he can keep secret. As he turns out, he can't, but it works out anyway - (Two separate fics that take place in the same universe/series. The first one/set-up is a little angsty, but the second is more fluffy)
Movie Night by mcschnuggles - Heathers - Little!JD and CG!Veronica - JD unexpectedly drops into headspace during a movie night with the rest of the teenagers; Veronica helps him through it - (Modern!AU, Everyone Lives!AU, this one is kinda angsty, but like, it's canon appropriate, lol - also!!! make sure that you check out the author's other works!!!!! lots of agere fics for a large variety of fandoms!!)
Toffee Ticking Time Bomb by GayCheerios - Star Wars - Little!Anakin and CG!Obi-Wan - Obi-Wan has to find his padawan's stuffie before the inevitable temper tantrum ensues - (classification!AU, part of a very nice and good series that, if you enjoy this fic, you should also check out)
Baby's First Bath by CyberToddler - Beetlejuice: The Musical - Toddler!Beetlejuice and CG!Maitlands - The Maitlands give Beetlejuice his very first bath - ( 👉👈 I wrote this one 😖)
Evolution by Cgetbrmj - The Last of Us (TV) - Little!Ellie and CG!Joel - Series that follows each episode of the show, and explores how these characters stumble upon age regression as a coping mechanism and how much they both realize they enjoy it. - (Slowburn agere, as it explores how it develops naturally between both characters. This one DOES contain some angst as it relates to the show, but overall is as fluffy as its setting allows)
The Doctor's Office by agerefandom (tazia101) - Twilight - Little!Reader and CG!Carlisle - Reader goes to their first check-up in their new town and unexpectedly regresses; thankfully, their doctor is more than understanding - (I can not emphasize enough how much I love this one. Hits all the right buttons, I'm so happy/thankful I found it before I had to establish care w/ a new doctor, it's just- so good)
Sugary Sweet by agerefandom (tazia101) - Twilight - Baby!Reader and CG!Alice and Jasper - A comfy, happy morning with your vampire caregivers - (be sure to check out the writer for more fandoms!! lots of agere fics, including gen and reader!insert!)
little life at the mansion by myworldoffanfiction - X-Men - Little!Reader and CG!X-Men (the main gang lol) - First chapter is a busy yet comfy morning while living at Xavier's Mansion. Second chapter is a fun Summer evening - (this one is sooooo sweet 😭)
Play Pretend by Vinnies_Comfort_Corner - Scream (1996) - Kiddo!Reader, Flip!Stu, and CG!Billy - You and Stu play pretend while waiting for Billy to come home - (if you enjoy this one, make sure you check out their other regression fics!!! there's even one with a petreg puppy!reader!! and other horror media!!)
Red Stained Fingers by CyberToddler - Scream (1996) - Little!Reader, CG!Stu, and CG!Billy - Unorthodox sensory play with diy-ed fake blood, lol - (I also wrote this one 😅 it's sugary sweet, I promise, lol)
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jerzwriter · 18 days ago
Week 17 (2) - Valentine Edition*
rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for their favorite! <3 *This week, I'm doing things a little differently — I'm making two lists - 10 11 of my all-time favorite happy love songs and 10 11 of my all-time favorite sad love songs - I'll go back to shuffling next week.
This was even HARDER to narrow down than my happy list. Apparently, I love angst! I literally have dozens more that I wish I could put on. I know some aren't popular - but damn they're good.
❤️Please reblog with your favorite SAD love song(s)
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equippedtolove · 3 months ago
To Be Forgotten
based on a concept by @losver07
The water ripples gently beneath Sirius' fingers. It was not gentle before. Its unrelenting hands and teeth and fangs of pure midnight had suffocated Regulus, leaving behind a mutilated, decrepit version of him. It had no mercy; the tides changed with every turn, sweeping across the grass, lapping at the edges like an animal waiting for prey.
Regulus. Regulus. Regulus.
Sirius stumbles slightly in his hurry to get away from the unassuming lake. He turns around, breathing softly to the other side of the landscape. Sirius' emotions often welled up inside him like great tsunamis; breaking everything in his path in rage and anger personified. His magic was destructive and unpredictable, shattering glass and bringing up floods.
Ever since the depths had taken Regulus from his arms, he had lost the conviction of power. Suddenly, nothing came to the tips of his fingers when yet another person encouraged him to get in the pool again, to 'give it a go'. Sirius had once swam for freedom and speed, but now, even that felt smothering.
Golden medals hung from all places of Sirius' room, adorned with achievements of swimming gloria. Since the funeral, none remain, all stored in a polite box up in James Potter's attic. Sirius had written three words on the box with a black sharpie, neat cursive in a smooth slant.
To be forgotten.
He'd won bronze in the European Championships. He gathered silver medals like a hoarder in the World Championships, Regulus grinning at him from the sidelines, urging him on.
To be forgotten.
He'd gone to the fucking Olympics, winning gold. Now, he cannot look at a pool. He only sees his little star, and the anguish on his face as he screams and sobs and cries.
To be forgotten.
He'd conjure water from his wand like magical fountains for Regulus in the summer, and Regulus would smile with that little tilt on the right, and he'd press a kiss to Sirius' forehead and call him mon frère and sparkle in the sunlight, catching the water in his mouth or down his neck or in his hair.
To be forgotten.
To be forgotten.
To be forgotten.
Sirius didn't think he'd ever forget.
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littlestar-center · 2 months ago
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(Gloria redesign! [She will talk like this]!)
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callmeend · 3 months ago
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Reposting this from the little star blog @littlestar-center because I love it so much
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ducktoonsfanart · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year! - Celebrating Panchito Pistoles, Aracuan Bird and The Three Caballeros' 80th Birthday, Fethry Duck's 60th Birthday and Donald Duck's 90th Birthday - Celebrating New Years with Donald Duck, his friends and family - Donald’s Family and Friends - Modern Three Caballeros - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse - My Gift for Friends - My Style - Happy New Year, Happy Birthdays and Happy Holidays!
I wish everyone a Happy New Year, a New Year 2025 with lots of wishes and health, and happy holidays!
Happy New 2025!
I apologize for the delay, because I worked on this drawing for two days, considering that I had other things to do, but I certainly did this now. Unfortunately, I was not able to do last year's celebration of my favorite duck on the occasion of his 90th birthday where he celebrates with his family and friends except for a few drawings, as well as the birthday of Fethry Duck and Panchito Pistoles, so I wanted to bring everything together in my new first New Year's drawing, as they celebrate an important anniversary, and you can see it on the cake where they write in the form of candles.
9/6/1934 The Classic Short “The Wise Little Hen” was shown and Donald Duck appeared there for the first time. Donald Duck will become one of the main stars of not only Disney, but also cartoon films, comics and video games at all. Certainly there is no need to tell his history. Yes, on December 21, 1944, the movie “The Three Caballeros” aired and Panchito Pistoles and the goofy Aracuan Bird appeared in that movie. And that’s how the Three Caballeros team was born, in my opinion the best Disney trio, after Huey, Dewey and Louie. Fethry first appeared in the comic book “The Health Nut” which was published in 1964, and on August 2, in the comic book Topolino number 453, in the American edition it will come out two years later. That comic was written by Dick Kinney and drawn by Al Hubbard. So I wish all of them a happy birthday and happy anniversary. In addition, I wish Daisy Duck a happy 85th birthday this year.
Otherwise, they celebrate in Brazil at Jose Ze Carioca’s (José Carioca-Zé Carioca), because it’s summer there. Last year I drew a couple of drawings of adults and children celebrating New Year's Eve in swimsuits and you can see them here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/738405983887474688/happy-new-year-celebrating-new-years-in-brazil
I drew it in my own way adding a lot of characters as I usually like and mostly I combined from Quack Pack, The Legend of The Three Caballeros, Donald Duck comics (Italian comics), Ze Carioca comics (Brazilian comics), Darkwing Duck, Ducktales both versions, Double Duck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik) comics. It’s mostly part of that Quack Pack AU of mine. I drew mostly in my own way. And this is also part of my version of Modern Three Caballeros. In addition to Donald Duck, Panchito Pistoles, Aracuan Bird and Fethry Duck, there are also their best friend José Zé Carioca, Rosinha Maria Vaz (José's girlfriend), Nestor, Daisy Duck, Gloria Pascoalina (Fethry's girlfriend), Della Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Dickie Duck, Gus Goose, Gladstone Gander, Abner Whitewater Duck, Uno Ducklair (One-Uno), Drake Mallard, Fenton Crackshell, O. K. Quack (a friendly duck from the universe from the Topolino comics), Queen Reginella, Kildare Coot (Sgrizzo), Moby Duck (Donald's distant older cousin next to Fethry Duck), Gandra Dee, Morgana Macawber, Launchpad McQuack, Lyla Lay and Kay K.
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and feel free to like and reblog this and please don't copy my versions of these characters and my ideas without mentioning me. Thanks! I wish everyone a happy 60th birthday to Fethry Duck, 80th birthday to Panchito Pistoles and Aracuan Bird, 85th birthday to Daisy Duck and 90th birthday to the best duck who inspired me, Donald Duck! And a happy New Year to everyone!
P.S. By the way, this is a gift for all of you, especially fans of Donald Duck and his comics, video games and cartoons. But I dedicate these drawings in particular as my gift to these people, for @elmer-dat-gander, @you-big-palooka, @isabellanajera, @fantasticenthusiasttale and to everyone else who loves these characters. I hope you like my gifts for this holiday season! Enjoy and Happy New Year 2025!
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months ago
Once Upon a Lamp - list of characters
In honor of Once Upon a Studio turning one year old
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The Adventures of André and Wally B.
Wally B.
Luxo Jr.
Luxo Jr.
Luxo Sr.
Red’s Dream
Tin Toy
Flip ‘n Beth
Zoo Train
Chrome Dome
Rallye Guy
Fire Hydrant
Helicopter Sheep
Eben’s Car
Knick Knack
Sunny Miami
Sunny Florida
Sunny Egypt
Sunny Jamaica
Sunny Palm Springs
Sunny Israel
Surf Death Valley
Sunny Atlantis
Toy Story (Toys)
Buzz Lightyear
Mr. Potato Head
Slinky Dog
Bo Peep
Mrs. Potato Head
Mr. Pricklepants
Stinky Pete
Lots-o-Huggin’ Bear
Big Baby
Chatter Telephone
Giggle McDimples
Duke Caboom
Gabby Gabby
The Dummies
Billy, Goat, and Gruff
Toy Story (Human side)
Andy Davis
Mrs. Davis
Molly Davis
Sid Phillips
Hannah Phillips
Bonnie Anderson
Bonnie’s Mom
Bonnie’s Dad
Geri’s Game
A Bug’s Life
Princess Atta
Princess Dot
The Queen
P.T. Flea
Mr. Soil
Dr. Flora
For the Birds
Bluebird Flock
Gawky Bird
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
Commander Nebula
Mira Nova
Booster Sinclair Munchapper
Warp Darkmatter
Monsters, Inc.
James P. Sullivan
Mike Wazowski
Celia Mae
Randall Boggs
Henry J. Waternoose
Johnny Worthington
Scott “Squishy” Squibbles
Don Carlton
Terri and Terry Perry
Tylor Tuskman
Val Little
Katherine “Cutter” Sterns
Duncan P. Anderson
Jeff Fungus
Banana Bread
Roger Rogers
Suzy “Sunny” Sunshine
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles
Bob Parr
Helen Parr
Violet Parr
Dashiell Parr
Jack-Jack Parr
Lucius Best
Edna Mode (E)
Buddy Pine
Winston Deavor
Evelyn Deavor
Rick Dicker
One Man Band
Lightning McQueen
Tow Mater
Cruz Ramirez
Mr. B
Alfredo Linguini
Chef Skinner
Colette Tatou
Anton Ego
Presto DiGiotagione
Alec Azam
Captain B. McCrea
The Reject Robots
Hal the Cockroach
Partly Cloudy
Carl Fredricksen
Charles Muntz
Kevin’s Babies
Day & Night
La Luna
Fergus’ Dogs
The Witch
Lord MacGuffin
Lord Macintosh
Lord Dingwall
Young MacGuffin
Young Macintosh
Wee Dingwall
The Witch’s Crow
Conan the Clan Dingwall Hunk
The Blue Umbrella
Inside Out (Mindscape)
Paula Persimmon
Jean Dewberry
Janelle Johnson
Teen Riley
Rainbow Unicorn
Inside Out (Humans)
Riley Andersen
Jill Andersen
Bill Andersen
Grace Hsieh
Bree Young
Valentina Ortiz
Coach Roberts
Sanjay’s Super Team
Sanjay’s Father
The Good Dinosaur
Forrest Woodbush
Dream Crusher
Coco (Land of the Living)
Miguel Rivera
Abuelita Elena Rivera
Enrique Rivera (Papá)
Luisa Rivera (Mamá)
Tío Berto Rivera
Tía Carmen Rivera
Tía Gloria Rivera
Abuelito Franco Rivera
Abel Rivera
Rosa Rivera
Socorro Rivera
Benny Rivera
Manny Rivera
Coco (Land of the Dead)
Papá Héctor Rivera
Ernesto de la Cruz
Mamá Imelda Rivera
Mamá Coco Rivera
Papá Julio Rivera
Tía Rosita Rivera
Tía Victoria Rivera
Tío Óscar Rivera
Tío Felipe Rivera
Office Bros.
Office Ladies
Smash and Grab
Ellis’ Grandma
Ian Lightfoot
Barley Lightfoot
Laurel Lightfoot
Colt Bronco
Badger Landlord
The Rabbit’s Neighbors
Soul (Living World)
Joe Gardener
Libba Gardener
Dorothea Williams
Curley Baker
Miho Akage
Soul (The Great Before)
Counselor Jerry A
Counselor Jerry B
Greg’s Parents
Luca Paguro
Alberto Scorfano
Giulia Marcovaldo
Ercole Visconti
Massimo Marcovaldo
Daniela Paguro
Lorenzo Paguro
Grandma Libera Paguro
Turning Red
Meilin Lee
Ming Lee
Miriam Mendelsohn
Abby Park
Priya Mangal
Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Jin Lee
Grandma Wu Lee
Auntie Chen
Auntie Ping
Mr. Gao
Izzy Hawthorne
Mo Morrison
Darby Steel
Commander Cal Burnside
Alisha Hawthorne
Kiko Hawthorne
Ember Lumen
Wade Ripple
Bernie Lumen
Cinder Lumen
Gale Cumulus
Fern Grouchwood
Brook Ripple
Harold Ripple
Alan Ripple
Lake Ripple
Eddy Ripple
Marco Ripple
Polo Ripple
Win or Lose
Coach Dan
Softball Team
Elio Solis
Ambassador Questa
Ambassador Grigon
Olga Solis
Ambassador Helix
Ambassador Tegman
Ambassador Turais
King George
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xxdjsunsetxdxx-blog · 2 years ago
Random Ships I Like In No Particular Order:
* Loubbie- Lou Miller x Debbie Ocean- Ocean’s 8
* Sabina x Elena- Charlie’s Angels (2019)
* Macgyver x Riley- MacGyver (2016)
* Magnum x Higgins- Magnum PI (2018)
* Shoot- Shaw x Root- Person of Interest
* Rizzles- Rizzoli x Isles- Rizzoli & Isles
* Wondercheetah- Wonder Woman x Cheetah- DC
* Camren- Camila x Lauren- Fifth Harmony
* Blackhill- Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill- Marvel
* Xialing x Katy- Shang-Chi
* Peggy Carter x Dottie Underwood- Agent Carter
* Supercorp- Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor- Supergirl
* Daniela x Carla- In The Heights
* Mira Harberg x Laurie- Irma Vep
* Judy Hale x Jen Harding- Dead To Me
* Florence x Madeleine- Gunpowder Milkshake
* Ronance- Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler- Stranger Things
* Eleanor x Drea- Do Revenge
* Harlivy- Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy- DC
* Wenclair- Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair- Wednesday
* Meddison- Meredith x Addison- Grey’s Anatomy
* Emily x Stephanie- A Simple Favor
* Mercymaker- Mercy x Widowmaker- Overwatch
* Akko x Diana- Little Witch Academia
* Dovesso- Professor Dovey x Lady Lesso- The School for Good and Evil
* Cassie Lang x Jentorra - Quantumania
* Spideypool- Spider-Man x Deadpool- Marvel
* Superbat- Superman x Batman- DC
* Batman x Catwoman- DC
* Princess Audrey x Wonder Woman- DCAU
* Jon Stewart (Green Lantern) x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* StephCass- Stephanie Brown x Cassandra Cain- DC
* DinahBabs- Black Canary (Dinah Lance) x Oracle (Barbara Gordon)- DC
* DicKory- Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x Starfire (Koriand’r)- DC
* Wondermagic- Wonder Woman x Zatanna- DC
* Daphne x Velma- Scooby-Doo
* Cassie Dewell x Jenny Hoyt- Big Sky
* Choni- Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz- Riverdale
* Bechloe- Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale-Pitch Perfect
* Khalopatra- Kleopatra x Frida Khalo- Clone High
* Talia Burns x Margot Fairmont- First Kill
* Question x Huntress- DCAU
* SuperWonderBat- Superman x Wonder Woman x Batman- DCAU
* Wonderhawk- Wonder Woman x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* Dana Scully x Monica Reyes- X-Files
* Barbara (Barbie) Handler x Gloria- Barbie
* Julethief- Carmen Sandiego x Julia (Jules) Argent- Carmen Sandiego
* Seven Of Nine x Raffi Musiker- Star Trek
* Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams- The Addams Family
* Swanqueen- Emma Swan x Regina Mills- Once Upon A Time
* Alicia Florrick x Kalinda Sharma- The Good Wife
* Danny James x Cable McCrory- Bull
* Kim Possible x Shego- Kim Possible
* Peachline-Princess Peach x Mayor Pauline- Mario
* Gelphie- Elphaba Thropp x Glinda Upland- Wicked
* SamBucky- Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes- Marvel
* PeggyNat- Peggy Carter (Captain Carter) x Natasha Romanoff- What if?
* Maxine “Max” Baker x Abby Littman- Ginny & Georgia
* Ashrah x Nitara- Mortal Kombat
* Johnshi- Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi- MK
* Barlissa- Barbara Howard x Melissa Shimmenti- Abbot Elementary
* Cabenson- Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot- Law & Order SVU
* Caroljess- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) x Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)- Marvel Comics
* Bishlova- Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova- Hawkeye
* Chlonette- Chloe Burgeois x Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug (in theory)
* Clawdeen x Draculaura- MH (Gen 1)
* Teleanor- Tahani Al Jamil x Eleanor Shellstrop- The Good Place
* Hanamusa- Jessie x Delia Ketchum- Pokémon
* Jemily- Emily Prentiss x Jennifer “JJ” Jareau- Criminal Minds
* Mellivia- Olive Pope x Melody “Mellie” Grant- Scandal
* Malvie- Mal x Evie- Descendants
* Mileena x Tanya- Mortal Kombat
* Fran Fine x C.C. Babcock- The Nanny
talk to me abt them if you want :)
couldn’t fit all the tags lol
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