#Gender Segregation
roomwithavoid · 2 months
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trans people in sports/bathrooms
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leftistfeminista · 9 days
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In Kerala India, women formed a nearly 400 mile long "wall" of between 3 to 5 million women, organized in part by the Communist Party of India (marxist), as they fight for gender equality in India and against religious gender segregation
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
A lot of your posts made me uncomfortable. How does a cis woman just tell you to leave her alone? It's OK to say "no" to things.
As I said before. You are not the first to be made uncomfortable by desegregation.
If you do not want to use desegregated bathrooms, simply do not use public bathrooms. You don't get to exclude a group from public life just because you want to be able to experience public life without them.
I don't even believe there should be rules about nonsexual nudity in public for this reason. It's not inherently harmful for you to see the human body.
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anqaspond · 5 months
fun fact theres a difference between gender segregation and women only safe spaces. its that the safe spaces are not the only places women are allowed to be. gender segregation means that women arent allowed to be in public places because every public place is, by virtue of existing in a segregated society, for men only until they make a women only branch. the difference, my friends, is whether or not youre being controlled about it.
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ivygorgon · 6 months
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Reconsider HB 183 for Inclusive School Athletics
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HB 183, which proposes segregating school athletics based on biological sex, raises significant concerns about the potential harm it could inflict on children. This approach lacks scientific backing and may inadvertently subject students to invasive scrutiny, including the risk of inappropriate inspections. It is imperative that we prioritize the safety and well-being of all students above all else.
Moreover, HB 183 echoes past mistakes made by administrations that were overly focused on perceived threats from the LGBTQ community, while neglecting actual dangers within local communities. For instance, scandals involving institutions like the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America highlight the grave consequences of such misguided priorities.
Therefore, I strongly urge reconsideration of HB 183. Instead of implementing policies that could harm vulnerable students, let us work towards fostering inclusive environments where all children can participate in sports with their peers, regardless of their sex. By promoting inclusivity and respect, we can create safer and more equitable opportunities for all students to thrive.
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Published: Nov 10, 2022
The Taliban is banning women from using all parks and gyms in Afghanistan, further squeezing them out of an ever-shrinking public space.
A Ministry of Virtue and Vice spokesperson said the ban, which came into force this week, was being introduced because, they claimed, people were ignoring gender segregation orders and women were not wearing the required hijab or head covering.
Mohammed Akef Mohajer, a Taliban-appointed spokesman, said the group had “tried its best” to avoid closing parks and gyms for women, and had tried ordering separate days of the week for male and female access.
“But, unfortunately, the orders were not obeyed and the rules were violated, and we had to close parks and gyms for women,” he said.
“In most cases, we have seen both men and women together in parks and, unfortunately, the hijab was not observed.
"So we had to come up with another decision and for now we ordered all parks and gyms to be closed for women.”
The religiously driven hardline group would be sending teams to check whether women are still using the spaces they are banned from accessing, he confirmed.
It is the latest example of women being restricted from public arenas in Afghanistan, which has been controlled by the Taliban since their rapid takeover of the capital Kabul last August.
Since their power grab, the Taliban have limited girls’ public education to just six years, restricted women’s work, encouraged them to stay at home, and issued dress codes requiring them to cover their faces.
Many girls are still waiting to return to secondary school despite the Taliban having promised it wouldn't ban them from classrooms.
The move to bar girls from school was so sudden that many turned up at their classrooms as usual in March.
A handful of Afghan provinces, however, have continued to provide education to all, although many rural areas, particularly Pashtun tribal regions, have closed educational institutions for girls and women.
In May, a Taliban decree stated that women should leave the home only when necessary, and that male relatives would face punishment for women’s dress code violations.
Punishments would start with a summons and could escalate up to court hearings and a jail sentence.
Hard-line officials in the Taliban are at odds with the pragmatists on how to run a country in the midst of a humanitarian crisis and an economy in free fall, after the nation’s financial reserves were frozen by Washington.
Western countries have said that the group needs to reverse its rules on women's rights for any path towards formal recognition of the Taliban government.
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autumnalhappiness · 30 days
I've been catching up on the news recently to find something saddening. There are so many hate crimes going on, racial profiling and discrimination, persecution of religious minorities, language-based hate speech, ageism, and even gender-based violence. The worst part is that these situations were caused by differences that nobody can change. It's caused so much harm to people who never asked for it.
One of the most important things to remember is to respect others, not because they share your race or beliefs, but because we're all human. It doesn't mean you have to change yourself, it just means that basic respect is crucial. Please remember this guys!
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Maybe the solution is that all men's restrooms have no good reason to exist and most women's restrooms have no good reason to exist.
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tjeromebaker · 3 months
Reseña | Rompiendo Estereotipos: La Capacidad de Cuidado de los Niños en Trabajos Feminizados
Reseña: Gender Segregation in Culturally Feminized Work: Theory and Evidence of Boys’ Capacity for Care” escrito por Angelica Puzio y Timothy Valshtein, publicado en Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 2022, Vol. 23, No. 3, 271–284, https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000397. Resumen del Artículo El artículo “Gender Segregation in Culturally Feminized Work: Theory and Evidence of Boys’ Capacity for…
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renthony · 3 months
It's real fucked up how many queer people dread Pride season due to both systemic queerphobia and queer infighting. Pride season always rockets up my anxiety, and I know I'm not the only one.
This shit sucks, y'all. We gotta support each other more than the queerphobes hate us. I'm not saying we have to love each other, I'm not saying we even have to like each other, but we cannot keep subdividing communities, circulating callouts, and dogpiling each other over who has it worse. That shit will kill us all.
We cannot keep thinking of our individual experiences with bigotry as, "I know [xyz kind of queer] has it worse, but...", and we cannot keep looking at other experiences with bigotry as, "that's bad, but [abc kind of queer] still has it worse," when the reality is that we are all being targeted. It's all bad! It all deserves to be talked about and fought against without trying to put it in some kind of hierarchy! Hierarchies are not fucking helpful here!
Some fucking unity, please.
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demi-raven · 2 years
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Click here for the rest of the article, a very good summary.
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itellmyselfsecrets · 2 years
“One of the hallmarks of childhood and many cultures is the emergence of gender segregation… gender segregation, which is vigorously enforced by other children, remains until heterosocial and heterosexual relationships begin to emerge in adolescence…While there are many toys and games that appeal to both girls and boys, when children play in gender-segregated groups, they tend to develop different skills and corresponding social norms…By the time they reach adolescence, boys are more likely to have prepared to view relationships in terms of greater independence and dominance, whereas girls have been prepared to view them in terms of nurturance and support. Boys’ gender-segregated play is more likely to prepare them for success in the workplace, while girls’ segregated play is more likely to prepare them for success at home.” - Kristin J. Anderson (Modern Misogyny: Anti-Feminism in a Post-Feminist Era)
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redstonedust · 2 months
its wild watching the telephone game of misinformation happening with imane khelif but tbh i think they 100% could put a man in a boxing ring against a woman and so long as they're in the same weight class i wouldnt give a shit. like there are cis people sharing photos of the fight going ''its SO HORRIBLE to watch a WOMAN get PUNCHED this is an OUTRAGE'' its boxing. thats how boxing works? they signed up to get punched? do you not understand sports?
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
Hi, I saw one of your latest posts talking about the gender "segregation" where you state that women's only spaces shouldn't exist. So, if that was actually real, do you think me, a cis lesbian woman, should I be using a changing room or a bathroom used also by people with penises?
I would feel very uncomfortable being naked near someone who is biologically a male and I have the right to say no, no matter how they react, cis women's feelings matter too and nobody can tell me when I should be uncomfortable, same thing goes for sports, cis women could get physically hurt if a biological male played against them and this had already happened in a school in the US.
This more confirms how you far left activists don't care about us
I do not care about people's disgust when it comes to means of segregation. Do you think that during the 1960s there was no white person who felt uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with someone with dark skin when desegregation hit bathrooms and locker rooms? Do you think there's no white person who feels that way now (hell, a big reason American suberbs are a thing is that it allows white people to live in white only places post civil rights laws)?
How is your desire to feel comfortable through segregation any diffrent? There is a group you feel uncomfortable with in a space so you want it segregated, I suggest you either not use that space or find a way to be more comfortable. Society may have a responsibility for you to be safe, but there is no responsibility for you to feel safe.
And do you think nobody wants to be segregated away from you? You're literally a queer person, there are people who do not want you in public because of the exact same uncomfortablity with you. You probably have way more in common with trans people than most cis people do. If many people were allowed to remove what makes them uncomfortable from society, you would be forced into the closet. This isn't a hypothetical, the same people pushing for removal of trans people from society have same sex relationships as their next target.
Uncomfortablity is not something society can or should protect you from.
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anqaspond · 5 months
yknow the irony of a gender segregated society is that i can go a day where a woman makes me deeply uncomfortable and no one will care but if a man sniffs in my direction im blamed for provoking it.
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redditreceipts · 11 months
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for reference: the title of this post is a reference to the extremely discriminatory signs that were in front of stores during racial segregation:
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imagine being so privileged that you compare people not wanting men in their spaces to literal apartheid and racial segregation.
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"they all need to be institutionalized" oh my god
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probably because you behave exactly like a cis man and these people are able to pick up on that
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"I really hate it when people assume that just because I am male, I am violent. That's why when someone tells me that I can't go somewhere, I am going to FUCKING BEAT THAT PERSON UP!"
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