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advluv4life · 2 days ago
And a really bittersweet part of it is that Neil only speaks French because he was on the run instead in the Nest.
okay but jean's surprise at the banquet when neil understands his french. jean who spoke french to neil in the nest. jean who probably hadn't spoken french since kevin left. jean who hasn't had anyone to speak to in the language he's most comfortable in for so long.
jean finding out his lost forever partner speaks french.
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lillaray · 3 days ago
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Buttercups wip (^-^) gonna finish it tommorow
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deaddaygal · 2 days ago
Danube Sturgeon, Lake Sturgeon, really any kind of Sturgeon. That’s a hell of a fish. Ancient little freaks that live for a 100 years if you let them. Long snouts. Good looking boys.
pssst what is your favorite kind of fish (not to eat but to look at or otherwise enjoy) and why?
i want to draw some fish for a thing but im not sure what kind…. 🤔
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split-ace-collection · 21 hours ago
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Canon. Can't change my mind
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akaneenaka33 · 21 hours ago
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Just a little guy <3333
I CANNOT draw Sonic so until then I cannot fully participate in wsatw :( BUT I AM WORKING ON IT until then have a doodle bc hair ruffles is all I can give rn hsgshsj
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everwalldigan · 7 months ago
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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k-mraz · 1 year ago
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shhh dont disturb them they're sharing mana after a tough day
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kawareo · 8 months ago
Lae'zel is pretty fluent in Common but since she still sometimes messes up some words, I don't believe she understands a third of all the big words Gale uses casually. My headcanon is that she memorizes them during the day and then goes to demand elaborations in the evening, and Gale is very happy to have someone to teach linguistics to.
By the end of the game she can call Vlaakith an pernicious, diminutive old fuck, cut to Gale in her corner wiping away a tear of pride
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vikcacao · 1 day ago
I can picture Yuuji being entranced by Megumi's blushing face and the taste of her lip gloss or lipstick or what ever (fem Megumi feels so feminine to me, I really enjoy the idea of her wearing makeup and stuff). And her kissing Megumi again partly because she's realizing things about herself, but also because she wants to taste it again and shit like that
I like the idea that because Megumi is so feminine, Yuuji doesn't realize Megs' queer until she's literally told so by Megumi. When I first drew their comic, I pictured Yuuji being ever so slightly jealous of Megumi because she fits the "ideal" female beauty standard (and so get male attention, much to Megumi's annoyance), and Yuuji doesn't because she's naturally muscular and tall and broad and all that stuff.
I can picture Megumi doing Yuuji's makeup, Megumi's freaking out bc her crush's face is so close to hers and she's doing her makeup andbakgslabak
While Yuuji's just like, enjoying bonding with Megumi lol
i need to draw more fanart for you ESPECIALLY your yuri itafushi designs they’re SO GOOD GUHHRVH😭😭😭😭
I didn't expect people to like my yuri designs to much lol
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huskerdust-loover · 1 year ago
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Okay I've been thinking about this little stupid detail all fucking week.
I love how Husk grabs all four of Angel's hands.
He's just being so sweet and just accepting Angel for all that he is and I'm crying.
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Angel literally puts his extra arms away just so that it will be easier for Husk to dance with him 😭😭😭😭😭
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sporesigil · 1 month ago
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gay people are real
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lesbos-crossings · 4 months ago
it’s always 2 dumb bitches telling each other “exaaaaactlyyyy”
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akamitrani · 4 months ago
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Behold, ginger twinks supremacy.
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tankuare · 16 days ago
Aaron watching the ravens swing their rackets at Andrews head knowing he killed a man in the exact same way
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peachyygoblin · 5 months ago
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Babysitting 🍂
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