#Founding Members
ellecdc · 25 days
guess whose backkk~~👀👀 i kid u not i begged PRAYED FOR A BREAK to come back to this blog🤞😭 what have i missed from the cult? GAHHH I MISSED YOU SO SO MUCHHH🫶🫶🫶
Babes it’s been a hot minute 😭😭😭 I’m trying to think of everything that has happened since you’ve been gone and ?…..I’m coming up blank even though I KNOW that’s not necessarily true….
Hmhmhmhmhmmmmmm…. @unstablereader @ghostwritermia @aremuslupinsimp ?? What do y’all think frostooo needs to be caught up on?? I feel like the last time she was here was Surprise! We’re Making Love 🫣🫶
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kokamobi · 1 year
"I'm rooming with Ken-chin!" Mikey announced.
"Yah, why are you choosing first?" Baji complained.
"Because I don't want to sleep with your snoring ass," Mikey replied.
"First, I do not snore. And second, what makes you think I'd choose you?"
The guys snorted, and Baji got offended.
"Well, I'm rooming with-"
"Sorry, man," Kazutora said the moment Baji turned to look at him. "I'm rooming with this big guy right here," he said, clapping Pah's back.
"Fuck," Mitsuya complained, regretting he didn't choose Pah before. He took it for granted Tora was rooming with Baji. "I guess I'll be rooming with Baji, then," Mitsuya resigned. "But I'm sleeping in the biggest room, no buts."
"No, why," Mikey said pouting.
"Because I'm sleeping with snoring Baji, that's why."
"Hey!" Baji exclaimed.
Kazutora laughed.
"This apartment isn't even that big, everyone could be hearing his snores."
Baji gasped, feeling betrayed.
"That's true, so you shouldn't be staying at the biggest room!" Mikey accused.
"Well, if you think that, then you go sleep with Baji in the biggest room, so Draken and I could rest from both of you."
Mitsuya mentally smiled when he saw Mikey's expression aggravated.
"No way!" he yelled, hugging Draken's right arm. Draken just sighed tiredly.
"Hey, Tora," Pah called from the corridor. He slipped away while the guys were bickering. "This will be our room."
"Yay!" He cheered, picking up his things and going where Pah was. He chose that room because he knew Mikey would like a room facing the ocean, and Tora would sleep better in a darker room. "Yes, it's great! I choose top!" he said, climbing the bunk bed.
"Treason!" Mikey yelled, seeing how Mitsuya went to the room at the end of the hallway. Baji followed, sticking out his tongue to Mikey. "Ken-chin," he cried, looking up at the blonde.
"Let's see what room is left for us, shall we?" Draken answered, nudging him and picking up his and Mikey's bag.
"Okay," Mikey resigned, dragging his feet behind Draken.
ㅡTokyo Manji founding members 🏖️🌊🍦
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Mitsuya promises to not leave Mikey.
In Bad Toman timeline, Draken is executed so Mikey and Mitsuya are the only ones left – then Pah-chin comes back from jail. But still, for most of it since Draken was also in jail, Mitsuya was the only founding member left by Mikey's side. And he goes missing one month before Pah is killed during that dinner
Whatever happened in this timeline – no matter how dark Toman must have become, Mitsuya didn't leave Mikey's side. He followed him as far as he could in the pit of hell even if he had to use violent for reasons that didn't involve protecting someone like he always preached — same goes for Manila
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And I can only theorize how he reacted after the new of Draken's execution in Bad Toman timeline, or even just learning about his sentence, by seeing how he reacted to it before the Battle of Three Deities
The only timelines where he leaves Mikey's side are when Toman is dismembered and when he is told to not follow him (indirectly in Bonten by Mikey and directly by Draken before the Battle of Three Deities "I'll stay with Mikey, go become a fashion designer")
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biznocrats · 9 months
Ground-floor opportunity to become a Founding Member of Digital Shopping Mall (DSM) by joining the mall for free and get 1 Digital Shopping Point (DSP) whose minimum economic value is $20,000 and its potential maximum redeemable value for products and services sold in the mall is $2 million, thanks to DSM's unprecedented pre-ordering technology that can cut prices up to 100 times lower.
Invite others and get 1 DSP for each referral up to 10 levels deep.
In addition, Founding Members will be sharing 10% of DSM's monthly revenue for a lifetime.
Get the details below.
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musubiki · 1 month
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balor 🥰
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lily-s-world · 11 days
I need DC Comics to give the Justice League the "Wayne Family Adventures" treatment because I'm convinced that the environment in the Watchtower is exactly like a high school.
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mammalsofaction · 2 months
Y'know what would be really funny? If each of the Flynn Fletcher siblings KNOW/have suspicions about Perry's secret, but they each keep it to themselves for individual reasons. It's been pointed out before that Perry can get REALLY reckless sometimes, and other times the boys are too clever/know Perry way too well.
-CANDACE has actually seen and interacted with Perry in secret agent mode, particularly during the time she thought she was high off her rocker and Perry had to save her from a self destructing volcano. She's had dreams where Perry was a secret agent in them.
-She doesn't bring it up or think about it much bc she just has like. A lot of other more pressing priorities most of the time, which is so valid. Also I lowkey thinks she suspects she's got a hallucination problem, like with the Zebra? I get why she doesn't talk about it out loud: she sounds crazy enough to her mother as is without suddenly talking about how their exotic pet is a sentient secret agent in a fedora.
-FERB figured it out almost immediately that day he and Phineas accidentally fell into Perry's lair and they pretended to be "secret agents" for the day. HE knows he didnt make that lair. Everything was almost toddler sized, but functionally and professionally equipped for a working adult. There were only two "P" s in the family, and it clearly wasn't Phineas. Also? Everything was Platypus themed. He put two and two together.
-I figure he doesn't talk about it bc he lowkey knows why Perry doesn't tell them. He and Phineas have a lot of faith in Perry, and Ferb is a lot less emotional. If Perry refuses to tell them about his double life and where he goes, hes just gonna trust him.
-Im pretty sure PHINEAS subconsciously knows about the secret agent thing. From where? Africa. He 💯 spotted Perry in secret agent mode on the other side of the gulf while hanging from that vine, and between his siblings Phineas is CLEARLY the one who knows what Perry looks like best. He can pick Perry out from colour and smell from every other brown eyed teal platypus in the entire tri-state area. He not only recognizes his paw prints: he knows Perry's healthy weight distribution on them to know whether or not hes injured or limping. Like....my boy can be oblivious and autistic 98% of the time, but Phin is also REALLY self aware and trusting of his own eyes and instincts.
-He doesn't talk about it because hes in denial 👍
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bolithesenate · 7 months
What happens when a Jedi Initiate dies?
It cannot always be prevented, the galaxy is a dangerous place, especially for children, and the Jedi are still only mortal.
Accidents happen. Illnesses exist.
Tragedies do too.
The Crèchemasters are highly trained to prevent that, of course, but they too are only mortal. They too can fail.
The death of an Initiate is a heavy burden, for the entire Temple. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it is a heavy burden. It is from that burden that one of the Order's most sacred traditions stems from.
They may die an Initiate, but they will not join the Force without guidance.
When an Initiate dies, they automatically gain the rank of Padawan – no matter their age. They will posthumously be taken in by a Master and be gifted a braid and a lineage. If they already found their crystal and built their saber, these too will be taken care of by their new Master.
Some Masters of such Ghost-Padawans, especially those who had a bond before their passing, will live the following years as if they had a living student. They will not take on another until the Force or they themselves deems them ready, at which point the High Council will hold a honorary Knighting.
Because while the Order might lose an Initiate, no Initiate will ever be left alone.
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You shouldn’t be allowed to have a band name like Violent Femmes or Barenaked Ladies or She Wants Revenge or Sisters of Mercy and then not even have a girl in your band
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gros-chat-fait · 9 months
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Just six normal teens hanging out in the woods. --
100th post and final drawing of the year. Happy holidays and new year, everyone <3!
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
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dumping a bunch of meme edits at 4am like a well adjusted member of society. also debut of the bb!jules edit i made a while, but then never shared.
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kokamobi · 1 year
"Hello," Draken chirped. He waved his hand cheerfully and sat.
But instead of sitting, he squatted awkwardly, his ass hanging in the air. Draken laughed, and opted for just let his body fall on the ground.
"What..." Baji said out loud, expressing the confusion all the guys were feeling. This wasn't Draken's usual behavior at all.
Mikey was following behind, footsteps equally weird.
"What is going on..." Mitsuya asked.
Mikey sent Draken a warning look, but Draken just giggled again.
"We switched bodies."
Silence stretched until Kazutora bursted into laughter. Pah had his mouth hang open.
"Draken," Mitsuya said, hands on his hips. "How could you let Mikey convince you to do this? It's not funny, it's strange."
Baji had his eyebrows furrowed. It was scary seeing them acting like each other, but it was a good prank because they knew each other like the back of their hands.
But something felt off.
"Ken-chin's over there," Draken said, pointing at Mikey.
"It's true, Mitsuya," Mikey said, his voice exactly like Mikey but with Draken's tone and cadence. "I don't know how this happen. Fuck, I didn't know this could actually happen? Like, what the fuck?"
Draken run his hands through his hair, but it wasn't his braid what he felt, neither the shaved sides of his skull, but soft hair everywhere.
This was real.
"At first I thought it was a dream? Or like a out-of-body kind of experience? But then I saw myself woke up and talk exactly like Mikey does, but in my voice? And when I look down at myself I was in Mikey's body?" Draken tried to explain, distressed.
"You're fucking joking. Then if Mikey saw himself in front of him, why he don't seem troubled," Kazutora argued.
"I just thought 'wow, I'm so pretty'," Draken answered.
No, Mikey answered.
Baji had to snort. If this was actually real, Mikey definitely would have thought something like that.
"I think Ken-chin was ready to hyperventilate," Mikey commented. "I pushed him down and made him follow my breaths. I was a bit too rough, I didn't know Ken-chin was this strong."
Mitsuya and Baji shared an unimpressed look at Mikey's smug tone.
"Are you saying... you're Mikey in Draken's body? And Draken is in your body?" Pah asked, looking absolutely dumbfounded.
"Yes, Pah, this conversation has been all about that," Kazutora said rolling his eyes.
"No way. That's impossible," Pah replied.
"Believe me, I thought so before I found myself in Mikey's body."
"Well, then. Let's say I believe this for a minute. Why would you change bodies."
"Mitsuya." Against all logic, even if was Mikey talking, this had to be Draken. Mikey never spoke to him with that level of irritation. "Do you think if I'd have known, I'd have let this happen?"
"I don't feel like this is so terrible?" Mikey commented.
Kazutora snorted.
"What, did you wish for this?"
Draken turned to face his own body.
"Did you wish for this?" He echoed, looking like he was ready to jump onto Mikey.
"No," Mikey answered, but it sounded like a question. Draken's anger expressed on Mikey's face so weirdly. He rolled his eyes. "Listen, even if I wished for this, which I didn't, how could I ever imagine it was gonna come true? I have wished for a lot of impossible things and they, obviously, never have come true."
Everyone fell silent, knowing what Mikey was talking about. Draken's expression softened, looking close to guilt.
"Is that bad?" Mikey broke the silence gesturing toward his body. "Being in my body."
"No, Mikey," Draken was quick to clarify. He sighed in exhaustion. "But, do you realise how serious this is? Like, how are we gonna get back to our bodies? How did it happen in the first place? Is there something we could do to go back?"
"Ken-chin. We'll fix this. Don't worry, we'll find a way."
Even if it there wasn't certainty of it, Draken felt reassured. He trusted Mikey, and wouldn't start doubting his words now.
"So," Pah started "what are you gonna do?"
ㅡswitched bodies!
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 281
I had a wonderful Ghosts are Dragons idea thanks to @fairy-lights-and-blobs 
Nocturne, the great feathered wyvern of dreams, son of Morpheous, created of the sands of dreams itself, might be a bit, oh what’s the word, stumped. He had been twisting through the smog of the living world, and honestly should have been unseen. Keyword being should. 
There’s a tiny? Hatchling? Growling at him when he slips into a warehouse, having been searching for a… misplaced item. And he says it with a question mark because? This is a hatchling, he knows his own senses, but they’re also… seemingly stuck in a human form. 
Dear Dreams, this is worse than how Phantom was- and he had been so injured from too much ecto at formation, even for a baby Primordial, that… Ugh, Nocturne wants to slam his horns against the ground repeatedly. 
Alright tiny red hatchling, let him just scoop you up aaand… alright, off to the Zone to see doctors, because really, he wasn’t expecting to get another child, but he’s also not going to just leave the equivalent of a chronically sick toddler!
Jason, currently Red Hood? No clue what the Fuck is happening, he just got kidnapped by an overgrown owl-lizard thing! And his comms are out and genuinely what the fuck-
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actuallyitsstar · 8 months
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I told her you don't even have a woman here, and you know what she said? "Well, he probably doesn't have one, he's got eight!"
↳ Top Gun (1986); dir. Tony Scott
+ Bonus:
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moodyvoid · 27 days
If you sincerely think Shigaraki would be an abusive partner, I’m going to assume you read the manga with your eyes closed.
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nelkcats · 1 year
The Return of the Speedster
Years had passed since Wally's death. Years since the Young Justice team had split up because of it, none of them could move on, as much as they liked to pretend about it, Nightwing was the one who had taken it the worst.
While the years passed on the hero's dimension, Danny was exploring Clockwork's haunt in the Infinite Realms, something that took him a long time as his mentor was hard to convince; while he was at it he found something strange. Clocky had told him it was the "Speedforce" although the halfa had no idea what that meant. He frowned wanting to explore it but his mentor stopped him every time, telling him it wasn't safe.
Unfortunately that wasn't enough to stop the teenager, who slipped into the crack in time. Danny was quite lucky, as the watch that had merged with him long ago from the "Dark Dan" incident had left him somewhat immune to the effects the site had, not that he knew it.
When he stepped inside, all he saw was an incomprehensible place. Since he wasn't seeing something interesting he was about to leave when he noticed a boy in a weird suit running. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, didn't Clocky tell him the place was off limits?
The boy noticed him too and explained in panic that the place was dangerous and could kill him. To which Danny rolled his eyes.
"I don't think you can kill something dead" he scoffed showing his ghostly tail. The boy didn't take that revelation very well, as he started muttering about being dead and in the afterlife. Danny, seeing that the boy had gotten distracted and stopped running, pulled him out of the place and guided him towards Clockwork's haunt. He had to ask his mentor about the weird kid and the best way was well, kidnap him from the strange place.
Both ghosts watched the speedster (Wally?) continue to mumble about having passed into the afterlife while having an existential crisis on the couch. Danny was tempted to tell him he was alive and everything was a misunderstanding but he had to get information first. And maybe get him back home if it was all a mistake.
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