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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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catsandcataclysms · 1 year
They took my boyfriend to the vet to get spayed. Yeah he’s no longer submissive and breedable. But he isn’t going to have to worry about getting pregnant anymore so like it’s okay. And I asked but they said he doesn’t need a cone since he’s so well-behaved so like I guess he’s still submissive just not breedable
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dyingroses · 1 year
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chaithetics · 1 month
Disabled, Chronic Illness, and/or Mental Illness Reader Masterlist
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Porcelain and The Shark Series - Stewy Hosseini (Succession) x f (afab) Roy reader. Reader has anxiety.
Devilish Worries and Bodies* - Matt Murdock (Daredevil) x f (afab) reader. Reader has anxiety.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
A Purrfect Addition - Matt Murdock (Daredevil) x autistic plus size fem reader. Reader has autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
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Lifebuoy - Joel Miller (The Last of Us) x f reader. Reader has depression.
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Gynaecological/Pelvic Pain, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Vaginismus
Couchside Comfort - Stewy Hosseini (Succession) x f (afab) reader. Reader has endometriosis.
A Cinematic Lover Series - Dieter Bravo (The Bubble) x f (afab) reader. Reader has endometriosis, fibroids, and vaginismus.
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*Indicates smut.
More is coming! I promise...
I also have a Marcus Pike x lupus and mobility aid using reader which I've started and regularly annoy tumblr moots about for the last close to a year if not a year. But am open to requests and would love to write more readers with chronic illnesses, disabilities etc. Request box is always open, just can't guarantee you'll get a quick response! I'm also disabled and things take time haha!🫶 Much love! 💞
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ambitionectomy · 5 months
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For The Boston Globe, I drew this “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” parody. Only for perimenopause, that period (so to speak) of unanswerable questions (except by God).
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onwacollective · 6 months
“The part of the brain that trauma gets lodged in is not addressed by talk therapy because trauma lives in the body. And so somatic-based solutions that are trauma informed are really critical.”
- Dr. Sara Gottfried on why labs are important but so is generational trauma
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naomiknight-17 · 6 days
Welp. I think I know why I feel like garbage today
I think my body is trying to have a period. It is not supposed to do that. I am on medication to make it not do that
Auuuugh I feel so bluuurgh I just wanna sleep forever
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starline · 1 month
New Vlog up! This one is about the process of my third egg retrieval attempt! (like and subscribe and all that) youtu.be/KpcEy5cisBU
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tiredtwstoutt · 2 years
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drafthorsemath · 8 months
I heard back from my doctor and whoo boy
The ultrasound shows I have a small fibroid and possible adenomyosis which means one of the treatment options is off the table. She wants me to get an endometrial biopsy to make sure there's nothing more sinister in my uterus. I had one done 15 years ago. It was suggested by my (at the time) new doctor 5 minutes before it was done without any pain management or sedatives. It hurt so bad I nearly kicked him. So my new doctor said I can take ibuprofen and she will give me Xanax, but I told her I can't take ibuprofen so what should I take and btw I've had vicodin for cramps before so can we try that and skip Xanax? We will see what she says. I also informed her I've already had two panic attacks since she first mentioned getting this biopsy done again.
Her message also said my options are birth control pills, a particular IUD, or hysterectomy. I responded that I will under no circumstances get an IUD. I asked how the birth control will be different from the ones I was already bleeding through and how long do I have to try them before it's clear they aren't working. We will see what she says. I know a hysterectomy is a major surgery, but I am also so sick of this. I'm so tired of hormone pills making things worse.
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regnantlight · 21 days
Zelda stores her anxiety in her jaw.
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heraspeacocks · 2 months
medical stuff whining
I tried to put every warning I could on here for everyone's sake (not that my blog has traction, but no one needs to accidentally see this if it would hurt them).
I am nearing 2 weeks post-full hysterectomy. For those playing the home game, that's the uterus, tubes, and cervix. The ovaries stayed because I haven't started menopause and we are trying to keep it that way.
So here's my whining. The first week was, no surprise, painful. By the end of it, I was feeling better. Then I overdid it. Between a fall (klutz gene) and overdoing my activity (yes, a cute human was present, why did you suspect such a thing?), I have spent since about Sunday in significantly more pain.
Still not going back on the hydrocodone, but ow. I'm just SUPER tired of not knowing what is okay and/or where the proverbial line is. And I hurt. And I can't figure out exactly the nest methodology is. And my neighbors are doing one hell of a load of laundry and the deep rattling in the basement is terrifying what the hell.
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chaithetics · 1 year
A Cinematic Lover Chapter 1
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x f reader
Word count: 3.7K
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI (no smut in this chapter), mentions of substance use, chronic illness, endometriosis, fibroids. (Reader doesn't have any physical descriptions or implied characteristics but does have chronic illnesses and is explicitly diagnosed as having endometriosis, fibroids and vaginismus, which will be mentioned in more detail in further chapters).
Summary: Dieter Bravo is a fan of a screenwriter and may have a small crush on her. He seizes the opportunity to finally work with her on her latest project but is this more than a crush?
Note: I plan to finish/post the next part of The Miller's Buttercup on Monday or Tuesday. I've just been toying with this idea for a couple of weeks now and really wanted to finish part 1 (I wanted to procrastinate) and was inspired to finish it after reading some of the wholesome Dieter x horror lover fics by @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist (I was procrastinating and reading their fics, would recommend you do the same).
Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy :)
P. S the Dieter Bravo gifs are killing me
Sati Gajjar was talented, there was no doubt about it, she was finally getting the recognition that she deserved and her name was becoming a hot one to work with. She was down-to-earth but assertive, articulate yet kind, and passionate with a clear vision always in sight. She was your best friend and had been ever since you two met in middle school maths, a subject you both couldn’t stand. 
You’d both quickly bonded over books, music, films and television. Media marathons quickly became a staple in your friendship. You both loved storytelling and started making short films together in your early teen years. Sati was articulate but she wasn’t quite the wordsmith or poet that you were, you had a way with words and a million ideas for stories. Sati brought your words to life, she was direct and she knew how to make people listen, she knew exactly how to utilise a set, actors, and a camera to make your ideas better. 
You were a dynamic duo. Most of the work in both of your filmographies were collaborations but with more opportunities, schedules and life you’d both recently done some non-dynamic duo projects. This film was not one, it was your first time working together properly in what really wasn’t long for industry time but felt like forever for the both of you. Your last project together was technically writing an episode of Black Mirror that Sati directed, it didn’t line up though as you were working on something else in Australia so you weren’t on set together and during the writing process it had just been the usual influx of back-and-fourth messages and some video calls. 
Sati wished that you were here now, you both had producing credits, Sati was directing and you had written the script, it was a Blumhouse Productions feature which was big for both of your careers. You were in Australia wrapping up filming of an HBO Max limited series you’d created, written and were a co-Showrunner of. It had been your biggest creative responsibility yet and you were anxious and sleep-deprived, which Sati was well aware of. 
Your presence was missed more in the current circumstances, Sati had a meeting with the lead actor in your new picture, Dieter Bravo. It was clear that he wasn’t super interested in being at this meeting, which didn’t please Sati but she didn’t let it show. 
Sati absentmindedly tapped her fingers against her chair as the actor sunk further into the chair in the office, he looked like a slob and had his sunglasses pulled down low on his nose. He was visibly hungover and his head was pounding, his agent Abby was far more involved in the small talk than him. As the conversation continued it became clearer that nobody else was joining, Dieter interrupted Sati and Abby by snapping his fingers and then saying your name. 
“Hmm?” Sati asked looking over at him. She wanted to like him as they’d be closely working together but while she found this behaviour somewhat intriguing for the enigmatic reputation of Dieter Bravo, she was finding it off-putting and concerning for his potential work ethic. 
“Where is she?” Dieter asked. Abby sighed and rolled her eyes, she had already told Dieter that this meeting was just with the director and that you were unavailable, it was no secret to her that your involvement was a significant factor in him taking on this role no matter how much he tried to downplay that fact. 
“Unfortunately for us, she’s wrapping up a project at the moment, post-production in Australia. She sends her apologies though and will be with us for production.” Sati calmly responded, smiling at Dieter. 
Dieter groaned lightly then pushed his glasses up a bit more and nodded. It was too early in the day to be talking about work for his liking especially with a hangover. Meeting you was the main incentive for being up this early, he knew you wouldn’t be here but he still held out hope that maybe you’d have shown up. Dieter was a fan of your past work and he wouldn’t admit it to his agent or the director across from him but he had a little crush on you, despite the fact that you’d never met. He was sure that Abby knew this though.  
As the meeting eventually wrapped up, he lazily shook Sati’s hand and left. She was nice enough and she was firm, Dieter could tell she wouldn’t be impressed with his antics, he imagined you wouldn’t either if you two were so close, he’d have to keep that in mind. 
You didn’t know what a healthy sleep schedule was, your sleep schedule had always been atrocious. Cramps were in full swing and could feel a distinct pain in your ovaries and bladder, yay for endo and fibroids you bitterly thought. You didn’t have your period but you were experiencing a mild flare-up, which was part of what was keeping you up, along with the general stress of life. You were an anxious bean to your core, a fact you’d never argue with. 
You sat at a desk, sipping some peppermint tea and with a heat pad down your pants as you reviewed the final cuts of episodes while following along with a heavily annotated and doodled-on script. This show had been filmed in Australia and post-production was based here as well, a lot of the creative talent on this show was local which you’d liked being involved with. But you would also be the first to admit that this job and the timezone difference certainly didn’t help with your already problematic sleep schedule. 
It was almost 2 AM for you, you heard your phone vibrate on the desk and looked over. It was Sati, seeing her name and picture light up your phone screen made you smile, you loved her more than anything. Rubbing your eyes, you picked your phone up quickly, almost clumsily dropping it 
“Hey boss,” you answered, somewhat tiredly but your tone was still chipper, more than what was natural for this hour. 
“Not sleeping huh?” Sati playfully questioned, well aware of your sleeping habits and what you’d say.
“You’re the one that called,” You responded matter-of-factly with a smirk on your face that you knew she’d somehow know about despite not being able to see your face. “Turns out that a whole new timezone just keeps the sleep schedule just as troubling.”
“So I shouldn’t move to New Zealand and become a sheep farmer?” Sati asked with a chuckle, “Wait for a few more jobs I reckon. But you know I’m in Australia and not New Zealand right?” You joked in a deadpan tone, causing Sati to laugh, “Yes, I know they’re two different countries. New Zealand just seems nicer, less spiders!” Sati dramatically exclaimed. Which made you laugh, nobody had a phobia of spiders quite like Sati, you wouldn’t remind Sati that you hadn’t been attacked by any spiders or seen any gargantuan ones. You’d already done it and she wouldn’t have a bar of it. 
You remembered that Sati had had a meeting with the talented but notorious Dieter Bravo and that was probably part of the reasoning behind this call so you finally dared to ask “So, how did it go?” 
Sati sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before answering. “He was well, bored to say the least? And hungover? His agent Abby was fine, he didn’t really have much to say.” “Oh?” You queried, his substance use was highly publicised, and his reputation included him being a brilliant actor but an eccentric personality, to say the least. All of these were facts you both were aware of. 
“He asked about you, it’s like the only time he spoke.” Sati teased with a confused but amused tone. “Wait what?” You were surprised at that, Sati’s name was obviously bigger than yours, her role naturally meant that she was more of the face of behind-the-scenes work and you had no problems with that. You loved storytelling but you hated the spotlight from a young age. You’d had people compliment your scripts but you’d never had someone as big as him express an explicit interest solely in you, well your work. 
“Yeah, I swear it was the only time he spoke! He’s a big fan of May, Abby made that clear, that the script and working with you was why he wanted the role.” Sati stated, she was well aware of your disdain for the spotlight and your difficulty with praise, and she was glad that you at least got the flowers you deserved out of her awkward meeting. 
“That’s so wild-” you said, pausing to yawn and push some loose strands of hair behind your ear. “I can’t believe he’s seen it-” “Of course, he’s seen it and of course he loved it. It was a hit! Remember?” Sati said excitedly with a playful tone in her voice. You smiled and rolled your eyes despite remembering Sati couldn’t see that, “Shut up,” you said playfully, then sighed as you rubbed your eyes, “It’s just still so surreal.” 
“Yeah, I know.” Sati laughed softly, recognising your voice was becoming a bit more tired. “Well, I’ll let you go, sleep with the Crocs and whatever else it is you’re doing down there.” 
“I prefer brunches with koalas actually Sati.” You remarked. “Well, at least the Crocs don’t have chlamydia.”  Sati quipped back, you chuckled dryly and rolled your eyes at that. 
“I love you too Sati, well good night and morning to you.” You replied as you felt sleep catching up more with you. 
“I love you. See you soon.” Sati said and then she hung up. 
You didn’t know what to think, you expected that Sati’s meeting with Dieter would either be an absolute trainwreck or he would somehow disprove his reputation, that maybe it was all an act. You’d never expected in a million years that while the meeting wouldn’t be the highlight of Sati’s day that he’d somehow end up turning out to be a fan of your work. You felt yourself smile at that, and you tiredly scolded yourself, you didn’t need the validation of a stranger and it felt weird knowing that the enigmatic, finicky Dieter Bravo liked your work. It felt even weirder that that had made you smile. 
It had been a few months since Sati had had that meeting with Dieter and called you.  Post-production had wrapped up in Australia and you were now back home in the USA, you were glad to be back home, the familiarity was comforting and put you at ease a bit. Filming was still almost a month away but you had already had some meetings with Sati and other cast and crew members which had gone well and you were having one with Dieter this afternoon. You were curious to meet him and this curiosity grew alongside anxiety with knowing that he had specifically mentioned your work. 
You were now at a cafe waiting for Sati, you’d worn one of your black turtle necks with black trousers with an emerald green coat hanging off your shoulders. You weren’t in a creative block but had a million ideas, which was typical as you were entering a project, you’d been typing away when Sati came over.
“God, do you ever take a break?” 
“Ain’t no rest for the writers. We’re wicked creatures.” 
“You’re not Mike Flanagan, you don’t need to be pumping out at least one amazing thing a year,” Sati scoffed as she sat down. 
“It’s just future ideas.” You replied and Sati quirked an eyebrow which made you smile, “I’ll spam you and pick your brain about it later, okay?” She smiled and nodded as she made silly plot guesses as she rested her chin on your shoulder, reading what you were typing as you both waited for Dieter to come.  
Little did you know, Dieter was also genuinely anxious to meet you. Dieter looked around the cafe and he quickly saw you and Sati. He felt a blush creep up his neck to his cheeks as he saw you, it was surreal to see you in person. Your face was scrunched up in concentration, you were typing away and Sati was leaning on you. You said something which made her double up with giggles, and whatever she responded with broke the look of concentration etched onto your face with a smirk. You then laughed and took a sip of your water. As Dieter made his way over to the table, he couldn’t help but think how gorgeous you looked when your face was screwed up in conversation but also when you laughed. He wanted to make you laugh and he hoped he’d be able to hear that sweet noise in person today. 
“Hey,” Dieter started as he awkwardly fidgeted with his hands, you and Sati looked up at him. You smiled warmly at him and closed your laptop. 
“Hey, it’s lovely to meet you-” You put your hand out to shake his as he responded. “Uh, yeah, you too.” He shook your hand gently but firmly, your hand felt so small in his big one, and you felt a tingle as your hands touched which made you smile softly. Dieter felt it too and blushed at the sensation. 
Dieter sat down and drummed his fingers softly against the table. Sati got up and looked over at Dieter, “I’ll go and order, what do you drink Dieter?” Dieter answered with his order which made you and Sati both raise your eyebrows at the amount of caffeine but Sati went off to the line. 
“How are you?” You asked Dieter genuinely but anxiously. It was bizarre seeing a celebrity as big as him in front of you, you’d be working with him and he was apparently a fan of your work? It was wild. You knew he was attractive but he was also somehow more attractive in person, there was something charming about his tousled curls and the way he seemed to fidget. Was he anxious as well you wondered? Dieter looked at you like he was taken aback, you noticed his eyes changed but you weren’t quite sure what the change meant. 
He was taken aback by your question but smiled, he could tell by your tone and the way you were looking at him, it was genuine. It wasn’t the small talk or robotic answer with an expected vague and positive answer kind of question. “I’m alright, how are you?” He answered, he was, he was more anxious than anything but he didn’t want to admit that. You nodded and answered that you were alright as well. 
“Were you working on something?” Dieter asked, his warm chocolate eyes flicking over to the now-closed laptop. You nodded sheepishly. “What is it?” Dieter was genuinely curious and wanted as much of a glimpse into your mind as possible. 
“Just a few ideas in my head, nothing concrete super concrete at the moment. I’ve been talking to Sati about something based on Violet Paget’s works. I’ve also been toying with the idea of a Medea adaptation for a couple of months, a psychological drama with subtle horror elements.” You replied, feeling a bit self-conscious over a borderline rambling, Dieter nodded and smiled as you spoke though, it didn’t seem forced and it reassured you a little. 
Dieter hadn’t heard of Violet Paget before and made a mental note to Google that name as soon as he left. But he could easily see how a story like Medea’s could be adapted into something deeply emotive and visceral, especially by you. He smiled at the thought of how you’d adapt a story like that, something already heartbreaking and expand it in that provoking way into something also beautiful. 
“Maybe I could read Jason? If that helps your process or fits a future casting call.” He beamed with a growing smile. You smiled in return which reassured him that his offer wasn’t a cocky move. But you raised an eyebrow in surprise at his knowledge of the story. “What?” He asked, worried for a moment that maybe he’d overstepped and did indeed make you uncomfortable. 
“I was just surprised you knew Medea and Jason.” You answered with a warm smile which made Dieter relax again. 
“I did my tragedies,” Dieter responded proudly. 
“Huh,” You chuckled which provoked him to raise an eyebrow. “Well, we’ve only just met but you strike me as more of a Shakespeare guy I guess.”
“Am I that brand of pretentious?” Dieter asked in a teasingly offended tone. You laughed and shook your head reassuringly which made Dieter laugh. 
Dieter was secretly a people pleaser and he desperately wanted to impress you and the ease in the conversation and the laugh he’d gotten out of you relaxed him. It was as you laughed that Sati sat back down. 
She was quick to notice the difference in Dieter’s attitude and persona with you present. He was sober for starters but he was engaged in the conversation and he seemed to hang on to every word that left your mouth, which Sati knew you didn’t notice. 
The conversation flowed for a couple more minutes and then your drinks were brought out. You sipped on your chai as Sati then spoke about some pacing and shot sequences she had in mind that impressed Dieter. He asked some questions about his character and context which you answered thoughtfully, Dieter knew this would be a hit and easily one of the best projects he’d be involved in. 
As the conversation went on he was quickly picking up on your mannerisms. Like Dieter, you were also a fidgeter, you would fidget with the corner of your clothes, he assumed this was an anxious habit but he picked up on that it was something you also seemed to do subconsciously. Sati was clearly the more extroverted of the two of you, she was a bit bolder and it was clear that she adored you but Dieter quickly knew you were the warmer one of the pair. He wasn’t too surprised but he had expected you to be more gloomy based on your works and how you seemed to stay out of the public eye. 
You also had quite an expressive face, it would be great for the stage he thought, he also quickly learned that when your expression shifted into neutrality it wasn’t necessarily you being upset but that it was a shift for deadpan delivery. You were witty and some of your humour was silly but you definitely had a dry sense of humour. It always made Sati laugh and she didn’t seem as much of a serious person as he’d assumed when they’d met. You seemed to delight in making Sati laugh, which made Dieter want to make you laugh even more. You weren’t just ridiculously talented but you were kind, caring and funny, wanting to bring laughter to your loved ones. It was true though, you often used humour as a coping mechanism (you still loved a good, big fat cry) and you just wanted to make everyone happy. 
Dieter was easy to talk to and you felt surprisingly charmed by him, the knot of anxiety in your stomach slowly untangled throughout the conversation. You knew you shouldn’t have made assumptions but he was surprisingly a good listener, he was attentive, and he asked good questions regarding the project which you appreciated. You wanted to work with passionate people, people who cared and that was always more of a gamble on the slightly bigger projects. 
After a couple of hours, cinematography came up and you all spoke about Bones and All, at this point Sati checked her phone for the time and looked up. 
“I’m sorry but we should probably head off now, for the next item on the agenda,” Sati remarked. 
“How long do we have?” You asked Sati, being absolutely unaware of the time with your phone in your pocket and your laptop closed. “Just under an hour,” Sati responded, you nodded and Dieter tilted his head to look at the both of you. 
“I’m sorry, it was so lovely to finally meet you.” You said looking at Dieter, he smiled and blushed slightly, “It’s okay, it was great to meet you too.” He said smiling at you, he then turned to Sati “And it was great to catch up again. Thanks for making the time for this.” He answered. 
You all got up and said your goodbyes, he went in the car with his driver that was just outside of the cafe. You put your hands in your pockets and looked at Sati as you both waited for your Uber. “You made it sound a lot more professional than what it is.” You said. Sati looked at you and raised an eyebrow teasing, “It’s important.” 
You chuckled at that and playfully rolled your eyes, the next item on the agenda was going to a local cinema for its special screening of Dario Argento’s Three Mothers trilogy. It felt almost rude to end the meeting on that but you had been looking forward to this with Sati so you didn’t say anything. 
As Dieter sat in the backseat of the car, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly Googled you. The fact that you and Sati seemed to be going to the same “item on the agenda” reassured him that this meeting didn’t end because you had a date. Plus he was certain that you seemed almost disappointed in having to leave, he hoped that wasn’t a delusion. But he still needed to check. 
You didn’t have a ring on your finger but that didn’t mean much, your Wikipedia page didn’t mention a partner but there wasn’t much there under ‘Personal Life’, he’d gathered you were a private person anyway. He checked your Instagram and it didn’t look like you had any partners. He knew you and Sati were assumed to be partners often but you’d both denied this and Sati had a long-term girlfriend that the public knew of. 
He exhaled and leaned back into the seat, it looked like you were single, well he took the lack of evidence of a relationship as a good sign. He then remembered you’d mentioned Violet Paget, he typed her name in and clicked on her short Wikipedia page. Part of Dieter had hoped that meeting you would squash his little crush but now he just felt smitten.
Tag list: @pedritosdarling @read4funz @undermoonlightwalk @daddy-din @cowboychickenlittle
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ramayantika · 1 year
Not papa feeling too happy that I scored 98 percentile in bio for cuet lol
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onwacollective · 5 months
I created this Womb Healing Masterpost a year or so ago. Since then, I’ve continued to grow this list of resources, adding more info as I learn it. Every book, interview, podcast on the list I’ve read or listened to and found useful in my own healing. But I realize all this info can be overwhelming, confusing, and time consuming to get through to create the real change needed to balance your hormones. So, I’ve created cycle syncing wallpaper habit reminders to support women and menstruating individuals in balancing their hormones HERE.
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How to use:
These are specifically created for the 80% of women experiencing hormonal imbalance. I’ve designed them to make integrating the information and ancestral wisdom needed to balance hormones easily accessible. Switch each wallpaper background as you transition through each phase of your cycle. Every time you glance at your phone you get a reminder of what to focus on at a specific point in your cycle.
Each wallpaper contains:
🌟 A hormonal phase specific grocery list informed by the Autoimmune protocol (AIP) which means it excludes largely known gut irritants like nuts, seeds, beans, eggs, nightshade vegetables etc.
🌟 A list of herbal teas specific to the needs of each hormonal phase
🌟 A list of self-care practices specific to each hormonal phase
🌟 A journaling prompt
🌟 An affirmation
🌟 Basic overview of the hormonal changes occurring within the body during each phase
🌟 A list of vitamins/minerals to focus on in each phase (grocery list includes foods that contain these vitamins/minerals!)
🌟 Best care practices and tips for each phase
I have a vision of these hanging as posters in schools to teach children about the changes in each cycle. I wanted to make balancing hormones so easy that teenage me could do it. The info on the habit reminders connects to the practices and teachings described in the original tumblr post so if you ever want to dive deeper into a segment of info you can. You can find more info on how to download HERE.
If we let it, womb healing can be a beautiful initiation into feminine power. Be gentle with yourself 💗
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