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kayzean · 3 months ago
@keferon new chapter for their Blurr plotline in the Mecha AU has once again made me go a tad insane. Get ready folks I have a two for one! A little “what if” and a headcanon!
What if during the scene where Swerve instinctively checks Blurr’s implants, Blurr subconsciously leans into that touch because fuck that’s probably the first genuinely caring and soft physical contact he’s had in fuck knows how long 🥺 Swerve ofc has the gayest of panics.
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This has been driving me up the walls/pos. They make me insane. The hurt/comfort potential of these two… I’m feral.
Swerve at some point probably: comfort?? In my hurt fanfic?? Aight.
I did say two for one didn’t I? I got this idea that Blurr has a talent for sketching. (Yes I shamelessly love a writer/artist duo) Blurr would sketch Swerve more and more. And maybe in a low and frustrated moment while sketching, he might finally remember his name…
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As someone who has scribbled out my frustrated thoughts on paper, I imagine him trying so hard to remember. And then the memory clicks mid scribble, throwing him off. He just sits there stunned for a while, tears dripping from his face. The name finally slots itself into his mind. A very important puzzle piece finally found. Slipping into place like it was always meant to be there. No doubt in his mind that it’s the right name. Finally….. he remembered. The name that has the power to hold his tired and fraying mind in one piece. The name that might have been the reason he didn’t give up and give in to the false promises and false hopes whispered to him by an insane scientist…
I’m so ill besties.
Bonus sketch because I think Blurr’s scars are so beautiful!
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vanishintoyou · 5 months ago
oh my fucking god i don't have any clothesssss
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papanowo · 6 months ago
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i think dan should get to be a little weird too. as a treat
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mohntilyet · 4 months ago
illario as the grandchild that is most like caterina is something i'm loving to chew on. the grandson that took her lessons to heart the most. kill anyone who sees your face and knows your name, "we are not revolutionaries", the first out of the two to prioritise the contract. power at any cost, and the only one to lean into the unnecessary abuse that their grandmother told them was tradition. why is anyone surprised he allied with the venatori? and then there's illario's considerable skill in infiltration and manipulating any mark, he has always had the charisma that lucanis lacked. illario isn't attached, he has/can/will use someone and immediately drop them; "that does free me from promises i don't intend to keep". he can lie about how much he cares so well that he fools a magister into believing he loves her. he kills zara without hesitation to cover his own tracks, meanwhile lucanis blindly promises a young girl in the middle of a siege that he will help her find her father. even the lessons about family stick with him, and in this entire messy power struggle, he never actually orders anyone to directly kill caterina or lucanis, not until he's backed into a corner.
and even after all that. despite even lucanis believing illario should be first talon, lucanis is still the better killer. illario is not strong enough to be the brutal assassin caterina needs him to be. so when lucanis seems to fill the role his mother left, grief and love for her dead heir apparent remains, and any of the other qualities caterina needs in her next talon doesn't matter. whatever his mother was, lucanis has to be. what illario does doesn't matter, because he will always be second best to caterina's memory of her favored daughter.
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heartorbit · 8 months ago
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the narcissist fools himself
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p4nishers · 2 years ago
i cant get over the ball being so CLEARLY all for crowley i can't get over aziraphale trying to woo him with a WHOLE FUCKING BALL because that's what he knows that's what romance IS for him because he's been wanting to dance with crowley ever since dancing was invented and he's so stuck in time with the way he dresses and talks and he still thinks a dance is the high of romance AND HE MADE A WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING BALL FOR CROWLEY JUST SO HE COULD DANCE WITH HIM like now it's so fucking obvious he gave away his BOOKS without a second thought and it was all for crowley he organised a whole JANE AUSTEN THEME BALL just so he could have an excuse to finally dance with the love of his life and i can't get over this i'm shaking my fists and pacing up and down he did not give a single fuck about anything other than dancing with crowley and HE BARELY TOUCHED OTHER PEOPLE'S HANDS WHILE HIS WHOLE FUCKING PALM WAS PRESSED TO CROWLEY'S AND i need to lie down
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lilislegacy · 9 days ago
So here’s the thing: Percy is my guy. I’ll defend him till the day I die. I adore everything about him, and you guys know that. So this post might shock you because I’m about to call the fuck out of him.
I am so SICK of receiving ask after ask after comment after ask about Annabeth being the only goddamn issue in their relationship, meanwhile Percy gets made out to be some saint. You want to call out Percabeth? You want to be all heroic and talk about bad behavior? Allow me to join you! Let’s fucking talk about it!
The number one thing people complain about in their relationship: Annabeth making jokes about his intelligence. But let’s actually talk about this: we all know Percy is extremely intelligent, but why are we so hellbent on denying it when he DOES act like an idiot most of the time? Like, why is Percy saying things like he can’t tie his shoes or phrasing stuff to Annabeth like an 8-year-old when he’s nearly a grown adult? And now tell me this. Why is it always on ANNABETH to translate and explain everything when we know Percy can figure stuff out for himself? Why is it always on ANNABETH to make the plan? Why is it always on ANNABETH to figure out how to fix things that Percy and Grover usually messed up? 
After Wrath of the Triple Goddess, I spent so much time being angry at how Rick wrote Annabeth bossing Percy around. But then I took a step back and realized: it’s because he also writes Percy as always being so heavily reliant on Annabeth when she’s there. Instead of asking, “Why is Annabeth acting like his mom?” why isn’t anyone ever fucking asking, “Why does Annabeth feel like she HAS to act like his mom?” Because she doesn’t act that way with people like Thalia, Jason, or Reyna. So why is her boyfriend putting her in a position where she feels like she has to explain everything to him and tell him what to do?
You know, in The Demigod Diaries, Annabeth says she’s always known Percy isn’t dumb and that he’s actually very intelligent—but that he just ACTS super dumb. Then she says she thinks Percy does it just to annoy her. Annabeth has called Percy smart on several occasions—including one of my favorite moments in MoA where she calls him brilliant and kisses him—and yet she still makes those comments about his intelligence. So considering all that, let's think about it. Have you ever met someone who’s super smart but acts so dumb that they actually convince themselves they’re dumb? It’s infuriating. So imagine how that must feel to a daughter of Athena. And don’t you dare go, “Well, it’s because of Percy’s childhood and his abuse…” because Annabeth is ALSO fucked up from her childhood and suffered from abuse, but that doesn’t ever excuse HER, I guess. So why does Percy get a pass? 
Oh right, I forgot: because we must always blame the woman for “nagging” and “being controlling.” Silly me for forgetting.
It’s ALWAYS “God Annabeth is so controlling all the time” and NEVER “how come Percy puts Annabeth in a position where she always HAS to take charge and keep things under control?” How come he low-key DOES act dumb and useless (and then complains about it) when they both know damn well he can be smart and resourceful when he wants to? Let me guess. “He’s insecure 😔😔.” YEAH, NO SHIT, SHERLOCK. So being insecure makes it all okay? Because Annabeth NEVER gets that benefit of the doubt. Or let me guess, “It’s Rick’s fault for writing him that way” okay cool, well then it’s ALSO Rick’s fault for writing Annabeth the way she is. You don’t get to pick and choose.
(Quick pause—does anyone else feel like Rick finally started writing Percy as a confident, secure, and assertive person in Heroes of Olympus—and found it so refreshing—only for Percy to regress back into his self-hating, insecure 12-year-old self again in the new books? Because it’s infuriating to me that he lost that character development. Anyway… resuming discussion.)
People are always so worried about Percy feeling inferior in their relationship, but never about Annabeth feeling frustrated when Percy doesn't act like the equally contributing partner that she knows he can be (and that he is a lot of the time). I mean, we know from her POV in MoA that Annabeth tends to feel like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders and has to figure things out for everyone else. And that she feels useless sometimes because everyone else, especially Percy, has all these amazing powers, and all Annabeth has to contribute is her knowledge. And yet, when she "shows off" with her intelligence, it's a "superiority complex?"
And another hot topic: Anti-Percabethers are always talking about Annabeth “bullying” and “physically abusing” Percy. (Despite him never feeling pain, flinching, or even expressing an ounce of discontent—in fact after she judo-flipped him, he laughed and smiled). And yet they never seem to want to talk about the fact that Percy has made Annabeth cry and been extremely insensitive to her on several occasions. And you wanna talk about physical violence? Let’s talk about how Sally, Paul, and Annabeth were all extremely nervous and tense when telling Percy that Sally was pregnant. You know why? It’s explained that they’re scared because his temper is brutal and they never know how he’s going to react—because he previously blew out the pipes of the entire apartment building when he got upset about something. How come everybody is SO worried about Annabeth playfully smacking his shoulder and him not caring, but NOBODY wants to talk about the fact that Annabeth is scared of making Percy mad because he can’t fucking control his temper or keep the world around him from blowing up? This is the guy who’s been kicked out of military schools for fighting. This is the guy who’s thrown his skateboard into a wall out of rage. This is the guy who got so mad at a goddess that he got pleasure out of torturing her. I’m not saying he’s wrong for any of that, but I am saying that Annabeth has never once done something like that.
Let’s talk about Piper’s perspective of him. I used to hate Piper because she was critical of Percy, but then I grew up. She is one of the few people who actually gives us an unbiased view of him, and you know what she says? She says she doesn’t know how Annabeth deals with Percy because Annabeth is constantly having to keep him under control. Annabeth keeps him from attacking/yelling at Leo after the canon incident. She has to diffuse his stupid, pointless “who’s is bigger” competition with Jason. She’s not there to keep him from pissing off Bacchus, and Percy rapidly escalates the situation and nearly screws them all over. I mean, in Wrath of the Triple Goddess, she had to tactfully handle him after Grover drank the strawberry potion because Percy was so angry that he was literally shaking (and btw Annabeth had to figure out the plan to fix everything that time, too). When she’s not there, Percy talks back to gods and superiors and gets everyone around him into bad situations with his temper and disobedience. Annabeth CONSTANTLY has to calm him down and keep him from losing his shit. Do you know how exhausting that must be??
So tell me—why is the blame ALWAYS on the woman here? Why is Percy made out to be some poor, abused wittle baby being picked on by big bad Annabeth? He’s a big boy. A grown man now, even. He is the most powerful demigod alive. He can fucking take care of himself, and so can Annabeth.
If you don’t want to like Percabeth? That’s fine. If you don’t want to like Annabeth? That’s fine. But STOP making it out as if Annabeth is the only one who causes problems in their relationship and Percy is completely innocent. Percy is just as bad—arguably worse, actually. Because despite everyone saying how bad Annabeth is to Percy, he never actually gets hurt, scared, or offended by her. Meanwhile, Annabeth HAS cried because of Percy’s words AND has been scared of him and his temper. So… what the FUCK?? How is Annabeth the one being villainized here??
Now, I can actively defend every single thing Percy has done. I love him for his flaws and they make him such a complex character. And I can do and say the same thing about Annabeth, but for some reason that’s “excusing bad behavior.” I love them both and think they are extraordinary people who’ve been dealt really crappy hands. They deal with things the best way that they can in the moment. But they BOTH mess up and hurt each other, and they BOTH have things to work on. They are very flawed characters, and we can point out and discuss those flaws while also being fond of those flaws because it makes them more realistic. 
Now, some of you might be thinking, “Lili, I thought you loved Percy and Percabeth.” I do. I love them so much that I pretty much have a whole blog dedicated to them. But I don’t love them because I think they’re perfect. I love them because, despite being extremely flawed, they make each other better. They love each other unconditionally. They build each other up and protect each other in the darkest of times.
They are best friends. They are battle partners. They are lovers. They are warriors. They are heroes. They are EQUALS. But they are NOT perfect. Not even a little. And their ability to overcome and work through those imperfections together is what makes them so extraordinary.
And yet, when Percy plays dumb, it’s blamed on Rick’s bad writing and excused as him being insecure because of his abuse. When Annabeth calls him out for it and jokes about it, she gets called an awful person who doesn’t value him. And when Percy loses his temper and acts out and gets everyone into bad situations, he’s excused because he inherited Poseidon’s temper and he can’t help it. But when Annabeth is extremely prideful and acts like she’s smarter than other people (which she inherited from Athena) she’s a selfish bitch who thinks she’s better than anyone else? 
How does that make any fucking sense? 
If you want to criticize Percabeth, criticize both of them. But don’t keep doing this “selective reading” bullshit so you can see Annabeth as the villain when she spends half her life cleaning up Percy’s messes and taking care of him. Percy is extraordinary and I adore him, but he is not a “saint” for “dealing with Annabeth.” He is damn lucky to have her, just like she's damn lucky to have him. 
Either be honest about both their flaws and cut it out with the double standards, or don’t bother pretending you care about the truth at all.
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sunkissedhyaciinth · 5 months ago
ok. hi epic the musical community. how we feeling after the vengeance saga? cuz me personally
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bacchuschucklefuck · 11 months ago
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while teen while goblin while aroace while injured while doing your best
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starkspi · 5 months ago
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From "Unadulterated Loathing" in which Charlie chains these two idiots accidentally together by @otsmosis (who made this comment at the end of the last chapter and inspired me to do whatever this is above)
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elsecrytt · 7 months ago
curse technique concept:
your technique can make anyone fall in love with you. it's not permanent, but the emotions are extremely real, and powerful, wearing off over time unless refreshed.
the technique is activated by eye contact.
you've also taken a binding vow - you cannot activate your technique at will, it's always on. this makes your technique much stronger than it should be.
so you run around with a blindfold, much like gojo, just to prevent making random people fall in love with you.
it's not so bad, really!
growing up, your parents would wear eyepatches - with only one eye making contact, the technique was half as effective!
except... if the effectiveness of the technique increases proportionally with the number of eyes... well...
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theonewhowails · 1 year ago
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silly stuff i drew while reading Feel No Evil by @payasita , in which the Lamb does not know how to propose, Narinder does not know how to be alive, and neither of them knows what an obligate carnivore is
bonus? lmao
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freshbaked-bread · 4 months ago
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little cat
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starburstminibot · 3 months ago
Transformers ARK! The Twins
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Sunstreaker, the self-proclaimed "eldest" of the two is cocky and egotistical. Most bots find him hard to approach so they simply steer clear. He takes great pride in his unstable reputation, and wouldn't be caught dead doing anything to break character. The only bot who seems to be able to put up with him is his twin, Sideswipe. And even though the two are rarely apart, they sometimes seem to barely even like each other. Despite preferring isolation, Sunstreaker has always been secretly jealous of how easily Sideswipe can make friends, and how other bots like his brother over him.
Sideswipe, while just as aggressive at times, can be much more relaxed and playful than his brother. He's funny and friendly, and can quickly gain favor with others. It's unfortunate that most bots are too scared to approach him considering who he's always hanging out with. Sometimes Sideswipe is resentful of the shadow he's constantly living in, and wishes Sunstreaker wasn't setting the standards of what bots grow to expect of him.
It would probably help both of their insecurities if they weren't so codependent, but no one's had the guts to try and tell them that yet.
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101suouexpressions · 6 months ago
Graffiti behind Umemiya and the class 1-1 representative
The way these are two consecutive chapters is really begging us to look into it, isn't it?
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Chapter 38: The Four Kings
On this cover, we can immediately spot the graffiti of four skeletons on the wall behind Umemiya, and it's not hard to understand that it's referencing the four Boufuurin Kings, as suggested in the title. But which one is which?
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The skeleton on the top left could be Mizuki, as we can see that it's holding a laptop, representing information control, which suits Mizuki's role. To his right, from the high heel hanging from the skeleton's fingertip, we can safely assume that it's Tsubaki. Below her, at the bottom right corner, with the spray can, is Momose. And last but not least, at the bottom left, is Hiiragi.
One observation to back up this assumption is the skeletons' horns. If we assume that the kings who are physically stronger have two horns, then it'd be fitting for Hiiragi and Tsubaki as their strength had been put on display, as we don't know as much about Mizuki and Momose.
One thing that keeps bugging me is the drawing on Hiiragi's phone. I'm not sure if it's just a random drawing that someone graffiti-ed over the actual drawing or it has a meaning, and I wasn't able to find any information on it, so if anybunny has an idea please share the knowledge! :3
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Chapter 37: One step
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Here, we have a direct view of the graffiti at the back of classroom 1-1. The drawing is a reference to the traditional Japanese painting Wind God and Thunder God (by Tawaraya Sōtatsu, from the 17th century). On the left is Raijin, the god of lightning and thunder, and to the right is Fujin, the god of wind, which orderly corresponds to Suou and Nirei. The two gods, just like Suou and Nirei, are oftenly depicted together.
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1. Signs of time
The Boufuurin Kings graffiti on the left is old, with scratches and leftovers of attempts to paint something else over it. On the other hand, the Fujin and Raijin painting is almost anew.
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This clear contrast implies the change in Bourfuurin's core members. As Umemiya and the four kings are graduating next year, the leading roles are shifting towards the newer, younger members.
2. The presence of characters (or lack thereof)
In chapter 38's cover, there is only Umemiya with his kings painted on the wall behind him, while in chapter 37's, both Suou and Nirei – Sakura's vice captains – are present, hinting a more direct involvement from the supporting positions to their leader. We can see this by putting Umemiya's and Sakura's relationship with their vice captains. For Umemiya, he is mature and independent, while Sakura is less so, meaning that he will have to depend more on his vice captains, whether emotionally or strategically.
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genomesoldier · 2 months ago
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I need to shoutout the Chance player who shot his flintlock at me (Telamon) because I walked up behind him and scared him apparently
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