#no but srsly guys i get that hes the normal guy but you forget ... HES ALSO WEIRD !!! HES SO STRANGE !!!
papanowo · 2 days
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i think dan should get to be a little weird too. as a treat
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explorevenus · 2 years
toy cars & princess tea parties ♡ steddie x reader
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nsfw (18+) - minors dni !!! srsly i will scream
word count - 4.8k
description - a few years after the (non-canon) events of season four, steddie and reader are grappling with the implications of adulthood-- eddie comes home from work with an interesting idea to take their relationship to the next milestone...
tags/warnings - polyamory, pet names (baby, princess, angel, doll, etc.), praise, threesome, breeding, fem!reader, eddie being mischievous bc he 100% planned this, steve playing right into eddie’s hand and going absolutely feral, p-in-v ofc ♡ also one use of (Y/N) which i didn’t know was a problem for some people but apparently it is so there’s ur warning
a/n - ok i’m sorry but ever since my first time witnessing the six lil nuggets speech i cannot get over the CANONIZED FACT that steve harrington is INTO BREEDING. it’s canon to me and u can ARGUE WITH THE WALL. that being said i felt it was my civic duty to rope eddie into it bc i physically cannot help myself and here we are ♡ i hope u enjoy, i will repent later ♡
p.s. i used the stand-in name ‘jennifer’ for them to refer to a random npc classmate of theirs bc apparently that was an incredibly popular name in the 80′s so if ur name is actually jennifer i am sorry in advance but the name is only mentioned like two or three times at the beginning so
my masterlist ♡
my ao3 ♡
fic under the cut, thanks so much for reading and i hope u enjoy ! ♡
-venus ♡
It started out as a quiet, normal evening.
You were curled up on the couch with Steve, drifting in and out of naps as he played with your hair and absently watched whatever was on the TV. You were both off work today, and unsurprisingly, it was rather quiet without Eddie around. He'd been working late shifts at the record store lately-- something about a coworker needing a schedule change to coincide with her college classes.
So, there the two of you sat, your hair messy with sleep as you slumped into Steve's chest, his strong arm closed tight around your shoulder, thumb caressing your exposed arm where your blanket had slipped down. It was cozy, it was lazy, it was sweet.
A stark contrast to what you didn't know you were in for that night.
Your sleepy eyes blinked open at the sound of the front door to your shared apartment opening, and you and Steve both turned your heads to see Eddie walk in. Eddie tossed his keys on the counter and stretched his arms up with a dramatic, satisfied groan before kicking his boots off, and his dark chocolate eyes soon trailed across the room to you and Steve.
His lips were quick to upturn into a smile. "What a sight to come home to. Aren't you two just adorable?"
"Says you," You mumbled tiredly, opening up your arms so as to coax him to join you on the couch. "How was work?"
Eddie's posture softened and he wasted little time giving into your command, plopping down on the couch beside you and joining Steve in playing with your hair. "It was fine. Work's work, y'know."
You hummed in acknowledgement, just about to drift back to sleep at the added warmth of his body before he spoke up again.
"Do you guys remember Jennifer from high school?" Eddie asked.
Steve pondered for a moment. "Jennifer... which Jennifer?"
"Chess club Jennifer," Eddie confirmed. "She came into the record store with her boyfriend today, that guy Todd? Well, I guess he's her husband now. Anyway, she was like, super pregnant. Isn't that weird to think about? People we went to high school with are having kids now."
It certainly was weird to think about. High school felt like it was a lifetime ago just about as much as it felt like yesterday, and classmates getting married and starting families were just another harsh reminder that you were all well and truly adults now.
"Yeah... wow. That's a trip," You mumbled, reaching up to rub the sleep out of your eyes. "Sometimes I forget we're not 16 anymore."
"Yeah, seriously," Steve hummed in agreement, and you could have sworn you noticed his muscles tense beneath you.
"Well, good for them," You added, hoping to cut through some of that tension. "They've been dating since like, freshman year. I guess it was only a matter of time."
Eddie let out a little breath through his nose, grinning as he stared forward at the TV, but it was evident he wasn't really watching.
You raised an eyebrow and nudged him. "What?"
Eddie shrugged, drumming his fingers on your hip and stealing glances between you and Steve. "Only a matter of time, huh?" He asked. "Good to know."
Eyes widening, you quickly straightened your posture and stared at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" You pressed further. Steve was watching him too, reaching for the remote and muting the TV without even looking. The silence was deafening.
Eddie shrugged again, face smug with amusement. "I don't know, it's just... seeing them all happy together and starting a family, it just kinda got me thinking, y'know? That could be us someday."
Steve's hand froze on your arm, and now you could hardly read his expression. You just stared between them with eyes so wide you were sure they could see right through them and into the cogs turning in your head.
"Just think about it for a sec, okay? Indulge me for a minute," Eddie continued. "Little Munsons and Harringtons running around, Saturday morning cartoons, bathing fat little babies in the sink... wonder whose seed'll take first," He chuckled to himself.
But that comment alone got to you. Your face burned, and now it was you pretending to watch the TV, even with the sound off. Heat pooled in your core with an embarrassing quickness, and it felt nearly impossible to fight off the image of trying, Steve and Eddie fucking you into a sobbing mess and filling you up to the brim, competing to see who would knock you up first. You swallowed dryly.
"I-I need some water," You stammered, peeling yourself out of their arms and abandoning your blanket as you disappeared into the kitchen.
You had never really talked about having kids before. Steve had always shown an interest in starting a family, but you weren't really sure where you stood, and Eddie didn't seem like the type. You always figured it would be a conversation for another day, a day in the distant future when you were all finally adults working big jobs, picket fence and whatnot.
Yet here you were.
"You alright there, baby?" Steve's voice broke you out of your deep thought and you realized your glass was full beneath the tap, cool water spilling out over your fingers shortly after he'd spoken.
You flinched and turned off the water, setting your glass down and reaching for a rag to dry your hands. You couldn't quite bring yourself to look at him as you replied, "I'm fine, just... thinking."
"Thinkin' pretty hard, it looks like," Eddie teased, coming up behind you with a squeeze to your hips and a sweet kiss to the crown of your head. "Didn't mean to freak you out, doll."
"I'm not freaked out! I promise," You were quick to clarify, taking a big sip of your water with a shaking hand. "Just... caught off guard, I guess. I've never really thought about having kids before."
Eddie let out a little pff. "Oh, come on, I don't believe that. You've never thought about it before? Not even one time?"
You shook your head.
He turned you around in his arms, taking the glass from your hand and returning it to the counter, ensuring he had your full attention. Steve was leaned on the door frame listening, observing. Watching your reddened face.
"You're blushing," Eddie chuckled quietly, leaning down to brush his lips over your forehead before turning over his shoulder to look at Steve. "Help me out here, Harrington?"
But Steve looked just about as flustered as you did. "It would be nice," He admitted. "I've thought about it. A lot. You would make a beautiful mother, (Y/N)."
"See?" Eddie smirked. "Harrington agrees with me."
"Don't you guys think we should wait? I mean, the apartment works just fine for the three of us, but it's a little small to raise kids in, and we're still so young," You said, though you weren't fully sure whether you were trying to convince them or yourself. "It's just a really big decision. I don't think we should rush into it."
"We can get a house!" Eddie grinned, brushing your hair away from your face. "I'll work overtime at the record store, book extra gigs at The Hideout. Whatever I need to do to make that happen. We'll find somewhere real nice, fenced yard and all that. Maybe we can even talk Steve into building a treehouse." 
"I don't know, Eds..." You sighed.
You fully expected Steve to back you up on the absurdity of that suggestion, but he didn't. "That's not such a bad idea. I've been saving up from my paychecks since we graduated. It was meant to be a safeguard if Vecna came back and we all needed to hit the road, but it's been a few years now. Maybe we should just do it. Real estate's pretty cheap around here, given everything that's happened."
Perhaps they had a point, although selfishly, you sort of wanted them to keep trying to talk you into it.
"That's great, but have you guys really thought this through? Like really thought it through? Babies are a lot of work, and our relationship is hard enough to explain as it is, people are going to have so many questions--"
"Then let ‘em ask," Eddie interrupted you, planting a sweet kiss on your lips, though he quickly became distracted by your throat, tipping your chin up with his pointer finger. "I don't give a fuck. It doesn't change anything. They'll just be jealous that they don't have an extra parent for their kids like we do, right Stevie?" He spoke between increasingly sloppy kisses to your neck, teeth nipping at your warming skin.
"Exactly," Steve smiled softly, crossing his legs where he stood, and you almost could have sworn you saw the front of his sweatpants tightening. "We're already better off than most couples, if my math is right."
You were quickly melting under Eddie's attention, and Steve's lustful gaze. While you might have initially hoped that excusing yourself for a drink of water would help you cool off, it was entirely obvious now that such an attempt was in vain-- you couldn't fight with yourself anymore. They'd successfully convinced you.
Swallowing thickly, you tangled your fingers into Eddie's messy curls and could hardly bring yourself to look at either of them as you spoke in a near-whisper, "O-Okay, let's do it..."
Eddie froze, pulling away from your neck with a parting nip of the flesh so that he could stare at you with stars in his eyes. "What did you just say?" He asked.
Shyly, you glanced between them, a giddy smile tugging at your burning cheeks. They both looked truly in disbelief. "I said let's do it. Let's try for a baby."
Eddie hardly had a chance to react before Steve crossed the small kitchen and took your face in his hands, pupils blown wide as his mouth collided with yours. You stumbled back into the countertop at the force of him, gripping the edge with one hand and fisting his old Hawkins High gym shirt with the other. Eddie could do little but step back and observe, and unbeknownst to you and Steve, since you were preoccupied, Eddie had quite the satisfied smirk resting on his face. Truthfully, he knew this was what Steve wanted and that it likely wouldn't be much of a challenge to get you both going, the devil that he is. There was nowhere better to start than to just witness the fruit of his efforts.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Steve spoke against your lips, letting one hand drop down to slide up beneath your shirt-- a shirt you'd stolen from Eddie's side of the closet-- and you shivered at the feeling of his warm skin on yours. "No idea how long I've wanted to hear you say it, princess..."
"S-Steve--" You gasped, but he wasn't finished yet.
"Say it again," He grunted, hips rutting into yours, and... yeah, his grey sweatpants were definitely getting tight. "Say you're gonna make me a fuckin' daddy, sweetheart."
Eddie watched with anticipation, palming impatiently at the front of his jeans. He knew Steve wanted this, but he didn't know he wanted it this badly.
Breaths quickening, you briefly took Steve's bottom lip between your teeth just to drive him that much crazier before giving in to his request, voice soft and sweet. "I'm gonna make you a fucking daddy, Steve..."
Steve let go of your face to hike one of your legs up over his hip, driving his clothed cock into the seat of your thin pajama shorts. You let out a choked whine, feeling a rush of wetness pooling in your panties, head swimming with need.
"Forgetting someone, angel?" Eddie interjected smugly, eyebrow raised, working himself stiff over his jeans.
Panting against Steve's hot, wet kisses, you barely managed to get the words out. "G-Gonna make you a daddy, Eds... gonna give you a baby..."
Steve groaned against you, lips sloppily trailing down your chin as he lifted you up in one quick motion, peeking his eyes open just enough to orient himself so that he could carry you towards the bedroom. You grabbed at Eddie's free hand as you passed, dragging him along with you, although he hardly needed any convincing-- he'd been waiting for this all day, resisting the urge to feign a sudden onset illness just to skip out of work and fuck you dumb, even though it appeared Steve was determined to beat him to it.
Steve shoved the bedroom door open with a heavy hand and wasted no time pinning you to the bed, tugging at your shirt like he'd die if it didn't come off, and in your eagerness to be touched by them you were quick to lift it over your head for him, exposing your soft chest to the cool air of the room. Steve's teeth dragged over your collarbones and down to the swell of your breast, sucking a harsh mark there before he took your nipple into his mouth and swirled over it with his slick tongue.
"F-Fuck," You sighed, taking a fistful of his thick hair.
Eddie shed himself of his t-shirt and jeans before joining the two of you on the bed, smoothing your hair out of your face with one hand and stroking his hardened cock with the other. "You're gonna look so pretty with a baby in you, dollface," He mused, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Everyone's gonna know you're fuckin' ours, huh? Ours forever."
You nodded hazily, reaching out to grab at his thigh, your nails pressing little crescent moon shapes into his alabaster skin. He sucked in a sharp breath, pace of his hand faltering. Eddie didn't want to cum just yet, for obvious reasons, but it was hard to stop himself from jerking off as he watched you writhe under Steve's touch. He found himself having to exercise some serious self control.
Pulling away from your breast with a soft pop, Steve slid his hand beneath the waistband of your shorts and ran two fingers over your drenched panties. "So good and wet for me already," He praised, watching with lust thick in his eyes as you inadvertently bucked into his hand. "You just can't wait, can you? Want me to fuck a baby into you so bad..."
"Y-Yes, Steve, please," You whimpered, shaking hands carding through his hair. "W-Want it so bad..."
"Easy, Harrington," Eddie chuckled breathlessly. "It was my idea. I'm goin' first."
Steve shot him a look that could truly kill, dragging his fingertips over your clothed clit just to make you squirm. "What are we, twelve?" He scoffed.
"Whatever. Don't make me push you off the bed, Stevie. Move," Eddie grunted, expecting Steve to put up more of a fight, but he didn't. He simply rolled his eyes and withdrew his hand from your shorts, clambering off of you to busy himself undressing for now.
Eddie crawled atop your trembling body, kissing down your chest as he dragged your panties and shorts down with a hooked finger. You hastily kicked them off and let them drop off the edge of the bed, leaving you completely bare for them. Eddie took a moment to soak in the sight of you with adoring, hungry eyes, dipping a calloused finger into your folds to ensure you were as wet as Steve said-- you definitely were, in fact, even more so than he'd been led to believe.
With a proud smirk and shaking hands he took hold of your hip, dragging the reddened, weeping head of his cock up the length of your pussy to slick himself with your arousal. You flinched at the stimulation, bucking toward him with a soft mewl of his name, a coded plea for him to get on with it, and he chuckled.
"I've got you, baby," He soothed, gifting you a sweet kiss. "Gonna fuck you real good, promise."
Your jaw dropped in bliss as the head of his cock breached your entrance, and without even thinking about it you hooked a leg around him and drew him deeper into you. He was trying to be gentle, considering they hadn't prepared you quite as well as they usually would, but he was impatient and clearly, so were you. His hips jerked into yours as he lost himself to the feeling of your plush, soaked walls hugging him tightly, and as he buried himself in to the hilt he let out a low growl that was almost animalistic.
Eyelashes fluttering, you whimpered in pleasure at the feeling, holding his soft biceps to ground yourself. "Fuck, Eddie..." You sighed, rocking into him.
"Jesus, baby, you gotta be patient, or I'm gonna bust and then neither of us will get to enjoy this," He chuckled breathlessly, fingertips pressing into your hips as he slowly began to move. "Fuck, you feel like a dream..."
Your head fell back into the pillows as the pace of his thrusts picked up and steadied-- he'd quickly found his rhythm, watching your tits move with every snap of his hips against yours, and he could hardly believe his luck that he'd found two people as perfect as you and Stevie, let alone that you'd agreed to start a family with him. Just the thought of it drove him crazy, and he could barely look at you anymore or he would finish way too soon. Screwing his eyes shut, Eddie let his own head fall back similarly to yours as he submitted himself to the feeling, and the sinful sounds of your slick cunt taking all he would give you.
Steve, newly naked, sat beside you on the bed, taking your breasts into his big hands, thumbs skimming over your pebbled nipples as he watched Eddie fuck you. "Takin' him so well, sweetheart," He mused, resisting the urge to reach for your clit. "You're such a good fuckin' girl, aren't you?"
"S-Stevie," You whined, speech slurring with pleasure as you reached weakly for his hand. "Feels so... so good..."
He hummed, taking a hold of your hand, lips brushing over your knuckles. "I'll bet it does, princess. Gonna let Eds make you a mama, huh?"
"Mhm," You nodded, squeezing his hand. "A-And you too..."
Steve chuckled softly, kissing your knuckles again, more affirmatively this time. "That's right. That's my good girl."
With the combination of their filthy words and the near bruising feeling of Eddie's engorged cock prodding at your cervix, you were ashamed to admit that you were already nearing the finish line too. You desperately clenched around Eddie in an attempt to hold on, but it would seem as though the action brought him that much closer to his own end.
His rings were cold on your hot skin as one hand moved from your hip to the lower part of your stomach, applying just enough pressure to intensify the feeling of his swollen cock inside you. Your mouth fell open in a near silent cry, and Eddie couldn't help a breathless little laugh at your reaction. He just couldn't believe how adorable you were, how perfect you looked even while he was fucking you like a touch starved teenager.
"Right here," Eddie groaned, taking his lip between his teeth with a wild grin. "That's where our perfect little baby is gonna grow, right between these gorgeous fuckin' hips of yours, princess..." His inked skin glowed with sweat in the low bedroom light, and your cheeks burned.
It was in that moment that you started to realize that Eddie really must have been thinking about this for a long time-- running into a classmate of yours at work was just a convenient excuse to bring it up. Regardless, you couldn't help but be glad that he did.
"S-So close, Eds, m'close... please," You whimpered, feeling that knot begin to tighten deep within you, but in his concentration it would seem Eddie had barely registered your plea.
No matter, Steve was certainly paying close attention. He gently brushed your hair away from your face so that he could admire you properly before allowing his hand to travel down the length of your stomach, dipping in the space between you and Eddie so that he could toy with your clit. Mewling in pleasure, you gripping Steve's wrist with a shaking, white knuckled hand as your high crested over you-- you felt your walls pulsing around Eddie's thick cock as your cum seeped out around him.
It would seem that alone was enough to push Eddie finally over the edge. His fingertips bore deeply into your skin, pace of his thrusts faltering as he buried himself as deeply inside you as he could manage and shortly thereafter, you were graced with warmth and butterflies as his hot seed flooded your cunt. The deep, broken moan that fell from his lips was unlike anything you'd ever heard from him before, primal and satisfied like he'd never had an orgasm quite like this. With stilted movements he continued to fuck his seed into you for just a moment until he was absolutely positive you'd drained him dry, and only then was he able to will himself to pull out.
"Jesus, sweetheart, you drive me crazy," He huffed, catching his breath as he reached forward with his thumb and caught a stray globe of pearly white that was threatening to slip out of you, pushing it gently back into your sensitive pussy. "Can't waste a single fuckin' drop, now can we? Not 'til you're good 'n knocked up, huh?"
"E-Eds," You whimpered, jolting beneath his touch and finding yourself unable to do much more than make grabby hands at him, craving his affection.
Flopping to the bed on the other side of you, his lips brushed over your sweaty temple as he soothed, "M'right here, princess, m'not goin' anywhere."
Steve was kind enough to allow you a moment to come back to Earth before reminding you of his presence with a soft touch to your thigh. "Are you ready to go again, sweetheart?" He asked, kind words juxtaposed by the absolute carnal hunger in his eyes, pupils blown wide as he soaked in the pretty sight of Eddie's seed leaking from your cunt.
Just the sight of him hovering over you, careful hands spreading you open by your shaking thighs was more than enough to reignite the flame in your core, bringing a renewed wave of need. You nodded lazily, reaching for his hand.
Steve laced his fingers in yours. "Use your words, princess."
"I-I'm ready, Stevie," You sighed with a sweet smile, your hips working off of a mind of their own as you bucked gently toward him. "Want your cum... n-need it so bad..."
You almost could have sworn you saw his eyes roll back into his head in pure bliss at the sound of those words leaving your lips. In no need of any further convincing, Steve softly kneaded your quivering thigh in his large hand before taking his woefully hard cock in the other, lining himself up with your entrance in a way which took special care to push any stray seed of Eddie's back into you. Your head fell back with a quiet whine, already sensitive from having came already, but equally so your mouth was watering and you could hardly think coherently through the thick fog of need that clouded your fucked out brain.
Steve drove into you as carefully as he could manage in his eagerness, cognizant of your sensitivity but all too anxious to give it all to you. As he bottomed out inside of your slick cunt his eyes screwed shut, almost overwhelmed by the feeling of your cum-soaked walls pulling him in. 
He groaned deeply, hips snapping impatiently forward. "S-Six..." He muttered, perhaps to himself, but the utterance did not go unnoticed by you or Eddie.
"Huh?" You mewled, squeezing his hand as you rocked on the bed. "Stevie?"
"Six," He said more clearly now. "I've always wanted six... six cute little terrors, and you're gonna be their mama, huh?"
"Six?" You gasped, but were quickly subdued by the pleasure of his thick cock rutting deeply inside of you, threatening closer to your cervix.
Eddie chuckled. "We could handle it. I mean, we've had plenty of practice."
Now it was you squeezing your eyes shut, head lazily shaking back and forth on the mattress. "Uh-uh," You moaned. "T-That's... s'too many..."
"Jus' think about it," Steve grinned. "Three boys, three girls. Toy cars and princess tea parties, road trips in Eddie's van..."
"S'too much," You slurred, though at this point neither Steve nor Eddie could tell if you were still referring to the six kids thing or if you were just getting overstimulated. They silently figured both were possibly true.
Eddie smoothed your hair away from your forehead. "Doin' so well for us, princess. Just a little longer, m'kay? Stevie's gonna take good care of you."
Tears pricked at your eyes as your second high of the night continued approaching all too quickly. Every last movement Steve made pushed you closer and closer to the edge, beckoning you to finish once more, and it felt so horrifically good that it almost hurt. You could hardly think straight, unintelligible moans tumbling from your lips as you squeezed Steve's hand like he'd disappear if you let go.
"Don't fight it," Steve said breathlessly, squeezing your hand in return as an acknowledgement of your inability to speak up. "Just cum for me, honey, just let go and cum for me..."
His words alone sent shivers down the length of you that glittered and bloomed at the base of your spine and brought your legs together, inadvertently pulling him deeper into you as you cried out and gushed over his hard cock. Your whole body shaking, you hardly even noticed that your free hand was reaching for Eddie's.
"Aww... you're okay, you're alright," Eddie cooed, taking your hand while Steve continued to rut into you, though it was evident he wasn't far from his end, either. "You still with us, pumpkin?" Eddie checked in.
It took you a second to fully process what he'd asked of you, but once you did, you nodded hazily.
"That's my girl, all fucked out and dumb," He praised. "Aren't you just the cutest, hm?"
Eddie brought your hand to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss to your knuckles, and when you pulled his hand towards yourself he expected you would return the affection-- instead, you took his thick middle and ring fingers into your mouth as if to pacify yourself.
He nearly came again at that motion alone.
Steve, who watched this exchange occur with lust-blown eyes, drove into your cunt hard, white knuckling your hips as his jaw dropped in a jagged moan and he emptied his seed as deeply inside you as he could physically manage. For a moment he couldn't bring himself to pull out, rocking into you just a few more gentle times as if to fuck it further in. You were a quivering, whining mess at the hand of his ministrations.
Once he had properly descended back to Earth from his high, Steve leaned down to kiss the blushing bridge of your nose, and then Eddie's ringed knuckles that rested just before your lips. You blinked absently, tears bubbling in your lashes, but even so you couldn't help but smile at how sweet they could be in the aftermath of acts that would reasonably deny you entry into heaven.
"You're so good for us, sweetheart," Steve mused, steadying you by your waist as he unsheathed himself from you, slowly so as not to waste any of their seed. "I can't wait for us to have our own family."
You sucked softly at Eddie's fingers, gazing up at Steve with hazy doe eyes that wordlessly pleaded for him to join you on the bed. Typically he would make you say what you wanted out loud, but neither of them felt the need to bother tonight. After all, you were gifting them something they couldn't get from anyone else, something they only wanted from you.
Catching his breath, Steve brushed his hair away from his face and laid on the other side of you, drawing your shaking body into his warm chest. Eddie scratched your back lovingly as Steve played with your soft hair.
A few moments of comfortable silence passed while you all regained proper consciousness, but that silence was broken by Eddie.
"I hope it’s a boy.”
"A boy?" You gasped, turning over your shoulder to look at him with raised eyebrows. "Like there aren't enough of you already?"
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jellyaibo · 6 months
got to ramble abt loser to someone last nite right and its always a nice lil refresh for me explaining what actually happens in the show AND MAN its so funny how people are so willing to call loser a jerk or think shes evil bc of the things she did and like ok whatever but did we forget abt all the shit this thang had to go thru like ?!?!?!?
getting eliminated with the most votes so far, isolation in the jawbreaker (which ik tghis isnt a serious deal in the show, DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE ANGST ABT THIS CUZ IM NORMAL) like ofc getting eliminated isnt enough get into the sensory deprivation chamber SADFJKSHDFKHSDF LIKE !
also imsorry this cunt has ptsd HEHAHHAA WE SEE HER GET A FLASHBACK IN EP 4 THATS JUST NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN (the paper mache incident)
and like. man it adds layers BC AS U CAN SEE LOSER NEVER ALWAYS HAD IT SO GOOD???? so like OF COURSE when him & winner get popular loser relishes in it. BC ITS DESERVED? LOL? WOULDNT U BE ECSTATIC IF U AND UR BUDDY GOT POPULAR AFTER YEARS OF NOTHANG? ITS HUGE!
and yeah ! her up n' leaving winner wasnt the best but you srsly gotta keep in mind this is losers dream . to her winner just didnt want to support him anymore AND U COULD SEE LOSER WAS CLEARLY UPSET ! hes ALSO losing a good friend too !!
butohmy god im getting off tangent just. you know . loser has gone thru some shit and its funny how many ppl i see just dont talk about it !! AND LIKE !! ON TOP OF THIS LOSER IS STILL NICE !! IDC !! loser has always been helping people n doing her best . and even tho her fans keep flip flopping (shoutouts to cake) she still keeps her chin up
PLUS having all these fans adds another thing: expectations, expectations, THE HIGHEST OF ALL! bc loser is soo popular, everyone sees him as perfect and strong WHEN LIKE WE SEE LOSER IS A HELPER AND A NICE GUY YES but at the end of the day ! shes a guy ! (thinks really hard abt cake n eggy arguing then it just cutting to loser craving nuggets . see maybe this is just me looking too deep into it but it shows the contrast of how the fans feel abt her vs how loser rlly is . just a kinda quiet?? guy that likes helping ppl)
this shows even more in post split when loser has a #normal moment over "a fan doubting her" YOU CAN SEE HOW IT AFFECTS HIM BC EVERYONE HAS SUCH HUGE EXPECTATIONS AND . as u could see ANY ONE MISTAKE WILL LEAVE LOSER ALL ALONE AGAIN ! OFC SHE WILL PANIC INTERNALLY SKFHDKSDFH
and idk where to put this but taco calls him "cuboid" and like see itsounded so derogatory when she says it GAJHAHAHAHA ITS LIKE??? not object slursIM NOT SAYING THAT ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO ME . IT SOUNDS LIKE A DEROGATORY TERM MAN ITS LIKE GETTING CALLED uhhhhhhhhhok other than the f slur i cant think of anything its like shes being called a faggot ok whatever I NEED TO STOP TYPING
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
*runs up to you full speed and looks right into your eyes*
Do the entire fluff alphabet with Skeptic 🤨 🙏 💻
*runs away*
*pops head back out* please 👀 *runs away again*
thank goodness i have a fellow skeptic fiend like myself. thanks gurl, i can always rely on you (srsly tho i want more skeptic request fr fr). i hope this is a banger and that you have a radical day
Fluff Alphabet with Skeptic (Tomoyasu Chikazoku)
Pairing - Skeptic x reader
Warnings - none!
Notes - (image below not mine) (post inspired by this) sorry this took forever omg. but I love it! I dont get to write for this man enough, so thank you so so much! enjoy and stay hydrated!! <333
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
he just likes to sit and have you there in the background
he literally wont even talk to you, you just need be there
yall dont go out much together (i mean look at this cockroach of a man fr)
when you guys hang out the most it's usually at his place in your pjs just sitting and working in silence
sometimes you'll find his arm draped around your shoulder tho
and y'all definitely listen to music as you work and he builds a PC or something
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
he loves you
hecc yeah he does
he just like... doesnt admit it all the time
he will secretly admire you from afar
and stare at your thighs respectfully
he thinks you're really hot
he just wont say that out loud of course
he also admires that you're a strong independent person who can tell him where to shove it
thinks its hot when you're telling him or other people what to do
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
stares at you while you're crying on your bed
walks out
man dont know how to comfort are you for real??!
like he will tell you to get over it and then reluctantly pull you in for a hug
then he'll just sit next to you and pop an earbud in your ear and listen to Gorillaz while you're pressed against him
he cares, he's just bad at emotions fr
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
marriage or nothin
no kids tho
he just wants to be the hot married couple
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
he likes to think he's dominant when yall are just on equal footing
he'll try to tell you what to do and you'll just sit there and slow blink before tilting your head and going... "really?"
but he does the same to you, so yall do your own thing while being equal and happy
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
fighting with Tomoyasu would last DAYS
he just likes to pick fights tbh
he'll complain about little things and y'all will be crossing your arms at each other for weeks but still holding each other at night
they're never bad, just nit picky bullshit
you both end up just forgetting about it and go on with normal life
your'e never really mad at each other just cranky. married couples cant be in the honeymoon phase forever
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he cares a lot about you and knows that you care a lot about him
he always has that why do they love me mindset whenever he looks at himself for too long in the mirror
he knows that you love him because even though he looks like a cockroach that just crawled out of your sink drain, you still press yourself against him and take him on dates and make him feel... worthy of love tbh and no one has ever made him feel that way
he will never admit this to you tho because he doesnt want to show you how cheesy he is
he will show you through a hug every blue moon and a cuddle every night
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
he shares everything, but he just doesnt hide anything
it's not like he's trying to hide anything from you, if what he needs to say comes along in a convo, he'll tell you
he just doesnt care to hide anything, but wont spill his whole life on you
if you didnt know about it it's because it was never brought up in conversation
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
he finds himself smiling more and taking to more people
like he became a little less introverted since you met him
he hates it but you love it
you actually came to love staying at home more because you get to spend that time with him, so you never feel like you constantly have to be out and about to be happy
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
you're a very friendly person so if he sees you bring a little too friendly with someone, he will walk over to you, wrap his arm around your shoulders and dead stare that person in the eyes
then he'll complain about it later blaming how pretty you are and then a stupid argument ensues that ends with kisses and cuddles ;)
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
this man's kisses would be like silk
like omg he's gorgeous
he would pull you in slowly and place his lips on yours softly turning into the hottest make out session in the world
the first kiss: you kissed him
you just pecked him on the lips and he pulled you closer, asked if that's all you got and then y'all were kissin night
wish that were me frfr
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he just told you
better to just say something
you were just walking on your college campus when he was like "i want to date you"
thank god it was fast because you wanted to tell him that for weeks, but didnt know how to say it
what a savior
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
as stated before lol
he would walk up to you, hand you the ring box and just sit and wait
you look up at him confused when you open the box and he eyes you, waiting for a response.
"tomo... what is this?"
"marriage. you wanted it, didnt you?"
"oh!" you laughed, slipping on the black ring and looking it over. "of course i will!"
you're wedding would be during fall and it would be all black. black clothes, black tables, black flowers, etc. it would be awesome
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
he just stares at you
a lot
it's hard for him to say his feelings in words so instead he just stares at you
would hold your hand more often when he is really feeling in love with you
it is not obvious for others
the entire MLA has no idea that he has been married for over six years
it's just a run on joke at this point
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he hates PDA with a passion
the most he will do is hold your hand or kiss you on the forehead, but he hates is so so much
i mean, if he's feeling jealous, he will purposely get handsy with you in front of other people to show that you're in a relationship, but other than that he doesnt want your lips touching his while you're out
that's for home and for home only
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
really good at cuddling somehow
also just makes you feel pretty and loved without him having to say anything
and back to those 400/10 kisses
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
you mostly have at home dates just sitting together and cuddling because he wants his hands on you and he cant do that in public
but if you do go out, he takes you to some fancy shit
nice resteraunts
like 5 star shit
expensive man
and yall always dress up as the power couple you are
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
yeah, but in secret
he doesnt need to be up your ass when you're working on stuff, but he will definitely be supportive of your dreams
he knows you can do it by yourself tho so you're all good
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
this man NEEDS a routine
none of that try new stuff shit
he needs to wake up and do his morning routine with you in the bathroom with him doing yours
he needs you both to head out to work at the same time with a kiss goodbye
he needs at home dates and occasional dinner dates
maybe a walk every now and again and a run every other day, but really, nothing changes all that much in his routine, only for trips, which are rare
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he knows you like the back of his hand
he may not be good with emotions, but that doesnt mean he automatically doesnt know what you're going through
he knows what makes you sad and what doesnt
he knows when you need to be left alone
he knows you well enough to take a break every now and again
and he knows when you just need a hug
he loves you, he just doesnt vocalize it
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he could not live without you
breaking up with you would be a crime
he needs you
like literally NEEDS you
it's in his routine that you're there and without you... he would be nothing
you make him feel like he's worth life and he didnt realize how much he needed that until he met you
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
he loves taking you on midnight drives in his nice car when neither of you can sleep
he also loves pressing kisses all over your face when you're asleep and dont notice
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
oh very much so
but tell anyone that and you're dead
he loves the feeling of his body pressed against yours
he literally purrs like a cat when y'all cuddle
and he's really good at cuddling
but you dont say any of this because you dont want him to stop
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
he just gets really stressed out
a huge part of his routine is missing so he is lost for the first part of his day if you arent there
its also too quiet for his liking
he likes hearing you complain that there's no more milk in the fridge and that you have to go to the store or get on his ass for not doing the dishes, but if you arent there, it's dead quiet and he's not a fan
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
he wants to keep you.
he would do anything to keep you in his life.
mha masterlist --- pinned post
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With how all over the place and messy his motivations seem to be, it almost would have made more sense to me for the primary motivation of his turn to be the simple fact that he's working in retail lol. Lord knows there were plenty of bad days where I was like "people are a mistake" and might have been willing to end the known universe if just one more thing went wrong or I had to deal with one more horrible, unreasonable customer. At least Hisui is largely empty, so there are way, way less people to deal with, but on the downside he doesn't get any fun battles like a modern trainer would, just a lot of commute time featuring deadly encounters. He's young too, like older teenager-early twenties and seems to have cooked up this whole mess quite a few years ago, which aren't anyone's most stable. HC from you of echo chamber of discontent with his evil togekiss + job he hates and no end in sight + the recklessness of youth = ripping holes in space and time to yell at god and demand they fix the world, makes sense to me.
But to your point, him having an actual, regular ass job is a nice change of pace! I can't think of any other big bad who has one... except maybe whatshisname from Kalos? Forget what he does but maybe ceo? Even Giovanni is a gym leader, which is like a special job. Not comparable to some dead-end retail job. Though I guess Volo and Giovanni do have a handshake meme of shirking their duties to do their real passion, so there is that.
wwkjhwjkh yeah honestly, lysander and (i think) lusamine and rose technically have Jobs, but even ceo is kind of a Special Job in the same way a gym leader is imo. there really are kind of no other villains who are just some guy normally i don't think. volo's entire Thing really is justifiable purely on the basis that he is like twenty (hell years) working retail (hell job) with an apocalypse plan he's been sitting on since he was fifteen (you are your absolute least rational at fifteen.) and sadly he somehow found out a real workable way to end and remake reality. when you think about it from that angle he really makes so much more sense as a character and person.
srsly though i know i've said this before but i think volo makes waaaay more sense as a character if you ignore the tangle that is his canon ranting and look at him as a very young and DEEPLY miserable person who is on so many levels not making stable decisions. he hates his job, hates his life, has a miserable life history, plus with the added confirmation that there's sort of a general air of gloom & doom around hisui atm that's like, the cultural/social situation he's been steeped in (even if he goes elsewhere as a guild member, he pretty clearly considers hisui His considering the whole fixation on arceus.) dude was Not set up for success. modern au where volo goes to therapy and gets a couple prescriptions and gets to live out his true purpose of being some fucking guy
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dungeonbf · 1 year
LMAOOO i can picture him laid out on the bed role playing his ww2 rp and someone comes in and he tosses everything under the bed and is like “what do you want 😡”. also ur so right with the lps.. im going to add that to my selfship Pinterest board under his section ty!!
an acc just tries to get him to be more normal pilled.. they r the ideologies off brand version of SpongeBob and squidward I fear.. /hj but srsly an acc sees chris lib and turns to auth right with a shit eating grin like “i know what you are 🏳️‍🌈”. an acc doesn’t even have to say anything and auth right just goes “shut up shut the fuck up” and chris lib is like “?” <\3 but I think chris lib wld wave at an acc regardless ^_^ they r buddies..
PFFTTTYHABBAHA HIM AND HIS VINTAGE NIGHTY WIGHTIES he is not real I can’t even. he comes in dressed for bed and Chris lib is like “what is that. you look like a damsel in distress.” and he’s like “IT’S TRUE VINTAGE. FROM AN ERA WHERE THINGS WERE RIGHT!” and chris lib is like “ok princess ok damn. calm down.”
lmaooo ur right tho.. auth right takes chris lib out to this fancy place and he’s like working every move he knows (which is mostly just staring. and like. putting his hand on hers but mostly staring and smiling). It is soooo awkward for the waiter I feel so bad for whoever serves them. auth right is sweating bullets and Chris lib looks so unimpressed (but he’s happy on the inside he just forgets to express sometimes. he’s me so he forgets to express every now and then) and at the end of the date auth right takes him home and chris lib is like “that was nice. i’d like to go out again with you :)” and gives him a kiss on the cheek before heading inside. and auth right is stunned. oh god *head in hands* they r in love
I’VE WATCHED SOME OF THE OFFICE AND THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING HELP. chris lib: why are you so smiley? an acc: anti centrism gave me his jacket because it was cold. an acc: this is the best day of my life. chris lib: lmao ok
if chris lib ever went “anti centrism is just ok” an acc wld go “TO YOU. HE IS JUST OKAY TO YOU. HE IS EVERYTHING.” ITS LIKE THOSE COPYPASTAS WAIT LMAO
who is anticentrism? to the blind, he is the light to the starving, he is bread to the sick, he is the cure to the lonely, he is a companion to the sad, he is joy to the prisoner, he is freedom to the poor, he is treasure for me, he is EVERYTHING. I LOVE anti centrism
— @boykujou
@boykujou wait wait you know the homophobic dog… that’s me with auth right, that’s our entire dynamic i hate this guy.
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this is how he makes me feel.
also i saw this and it reminds me of authright so here u go
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(you’re the one texting “stop”) ALSO THIS IS MAKING ME GIGGLE IRL… i will be your guys’ waiter… i will refill your drinks and blatantly nudge authright with my elbow and wink and be the annoying wingman i was meant to be!!!! genuinely love your dynamic with him, it’s so cute. are you guys the type to debate about politics? especially since your views are so different? i’m curious :3
also, i think authright is a gift giver. nothing too extravagant but after the third date or something, he gives chrislib a pretty necklace to show his appreciation — and, i think if you pet his hair he would spontaneously combust into flames. give him affection, he needs it.
also i hope you know i read the copypasta and started laughing in real life, that is SO funny and it’s so real. like that copypasta where it’s like
if anti-centrism has 5000 fans i’m one of them
if anti-centrism has 500 fans i’m one of them
if anti-centrism has 50 fans i’m one of them
if anti-centrism have 5 fans best believe i’m one of them
if he has 1 fan then I AM that fan
and if he has 0 fans then i must be dead.
diehard anti-centrism fan til i DIE. i think their dynamic is very interesting because an-acc is such a fan, qui thinks anti-centrism is sooo cool and i feel like qui tries so hard to impress anti-centrism, ‘cause an-acc’s a wacky ideology and therefore kinda looked down upon by the other extremists, so qui has to try extra hard to get approval, yk?? i feel like an-acc’s a little bit off the rails, honestly, and starts leaving love notes at anti-centrism’s door a week into knowing jrem. (also sidenote, i know anti-centrism’s actual name as a character is “jreg”, i think i’m gonna use it very sparingly though cuz i wanna keep a good distinction between the character and creator — i’ll use it as more of a nickname, rather than his actual name)
i think anti-centrism appreciates the love notes, though, he walks with a bit more pep in his step after reading them :3
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sultrybaby · 2 years
Fallin' (EN- REACTION)
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Enhypen reaction to you tripping down the stairs and crashing onto them.
Requested by: ANON
'Enhypen reaction to you tripping down the stairs and crashing onto them
Why? Cuz my head is running laps around the east coast prison near the asylum. '
💞Warnings: a lot of falling, im pretty sure there's cursing, really cliché at times, this honestly feels like a fever dream💞 Word count:200 something 💞Pairing: Enha x gn!Reader💞 Genre: Fluff, crack (can be interpreted as established romantic relationship OR platonic relationship)
Poor boy was coming upstairs to check on you
When he saw you coming downstairs. He turned away for like...1 second and suddenly u yelped.
He ran to you in order to catch you but in vain.
You just smashed into him.
Both of you fell on the floor, Heeseung suffering slightly more than you did considering u used him as a mattress when u fell, while he hit the ground straight up (RIP 💀)
You both start checking if the other was ok
"Dude you good?"
"I mean u almost curried me but yeah wtv"
"Hey I didnt MEAN to-"
U both make eye contact and just...start laughing.
"BRO that was epic"
"r u srsly bro-zoning me rn"
"i talk like this when im embarrassed shut up-"
I can imagine him just, catching u out of reflex
Like you would trip and fall and he would just extend his arm and casually catch u (Damn that's hot 😳)
"Uhh..thanks man"
"Oh baby, what would u do without me, mm?"
Tripping and falling onto jake would be so cute
Like i think you'd both be going down the stair when u trip, and he would wrap his arms around you and envelope you
"noo bby r u okay??? 🥺🥺"
You'd be a blushing mess because of how embarrassed you are, and he will just make it worse by pecking ur crown and being all "i caught you falling for me 😉"
He might even go as far as bridal carrying u down the stairs (provided he does not give up and jsut leave u on the stairs by then)
This guy would react similarly to jay
As in he'd probably catch u perfectly with his reflexes
But his attitude
He is NOT as carefree as jay
This cocky mf is not gonna let u forget about it god
You'd trip, fall, and land straight into his arms. And he would push you in until ur noses are almost touching.
"If ur so desperate to be held, u can just ask baby"
And you'd eyeroll but ur also secretly, like, so flustered
And honestly HE'S EMBARRASSED TOO he does not know where all this confidence is coming from
Like he'll manage one more 'I see ur falling for me" before breaking and bursting into laughter, his face a red mess.
And u would laugh along with him, hitting his chest.
"You dork😡"
"You clutz 😡"
Okay yall
Dont kill me for this BUT
I think sunoo would actually just let you fall LMFAOO 😭💀
Like he would be near the stairs when he would hear you trip
And he'd see you falling down, and he's jsut make that disgusted face he makes and move the fuck out of ur way like ur some dead insect
LIKE IM SAWRY but that is the only way i see this going down
And you would rub ur butt and stand up, and then he'd be like
"u okay?? 🥺🥺"
And yall would just bicker endlessly until he notices like a red spot on ur elbow and gets seriously worried
Prepare for cuddle night
The most normal out of all of them
U trip, crash on to him. He almost falls but then he catches his balance
He's lowkey amused but he keeps his cool and he's checking if you're okay
"Im good Im good dont worry"
He kinda dusts you all over
And then
Yall just go your merry way
Every once in a while he does bring it up when ur going downstairs tho
"Hey be careful...remember when u almost died"
"That's way too dramatic baby 😭"
The craziest out of all of them.
I feel like this would go down really badly.
He would probably be at the end of the stairs with some col drink in his hands, when you trip and fall
But he'd be listening to something with headphones in so he wouldnt know
Would get an inkling like a millisecond too late
You crash into him, he drops his phone and drink (which spills all over the two of you)
He would fall, and you would fall on him
Everything would happen way too fast and he would be so confused while you were embarrassed (and drenched)
You barely recover from the shock when you hear him yelp
Bruh wot 🤡💀
"Come on yn let's do it again"
So yeah you would somehow convince him to not do it again by getting him a new drink 
Permanent all works
@gloomysunny @thomas-the-tank-engene @goldenhypen
Permanent kpop
@soobin-chois @one16core @hoonsmarsbar
@yogurteume @annoyingbitch83
@kflixnet @enhypennetworks @the-k-neverland
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Okay, so... so two things.
Hold on, I just finished the Diablo Immortal campaign, I will try to write something more comprehensive later. But for now I have two questions.
Just... you know, spoilers down below. And a whole lot of raging and cussing.
1) How the FUCK did Skarn get Diablo’s body, and how the FUCK did he keep the Prime “chained down” until he got a Worldstone Shard?! Which was like years later!!! How the bloody hell did Diablo get so goddamn big in the first place?!
2) and this is the big one. HOW IN FUCK’S NAME DO YOU USE ANGELIC LIGHT TO GIVE BIRTH TO MORE DEMONS?! How does that work?! Someone please explain it to me!!! Was it even addressed?! I don’t think it was! No, the half sentence “Light and Dark used to be one” doesn’t fucking work, Light and Dark used to be one, BUT BACK THEN THERE WAS ONLY ANU AND NOTHING ELSE! Does that mean demonic blood can be used to create more angels? Do the shiny bois periodically pump the Crystal Arch full of demon blood for it to work or some shit?!
I’m sorry, but I’m just kinda fucking annoyed by this shit as an angel fan. Why are the scales always tipped TOWARDS the Burning Hells?!   - Oh angels can turn into corrupted angels who are basically demons! - Demons cannot turn into angels, tho, lol. - Oh demons can summon entire fucking armies right on top of their targets! - Angels cannot summon shit, apparently.   - Oh demons can be birthed and summoned and bred! - Angels have a slow birthing process and they always forget who they were (except for Archangels, fight me on that, I dare you), fuck ‘em.   - Oh, demons can like permanently corrupt entire races (the Khazra) and have them run around on Sanctuary as envoys. - Sanctuary-loving angels can’t have ally species or nations or groups tho, screw them! The Horadrim? They are barely there anymore!   - Oh, demons can use angelic light/blood/essence to birth more demons, and one fucking no-name jackass (it’s canon, they said it in the game) built an entire FACTORY around that shit. - It doesn’t work in reverse, tho.
It’s been bugging me for a long while now, and Immortal was the tipping point, honestly.
Look, I get it. Demons are cool (they really aren’t, tho), they are fun to write (they are super one-dimensional idiots, tho), and they have an impressive presence (yeah, I give you that one).
But this has reached the point where the other side of the scales isn’t just underweight, it is completely forgotten. Angels! Hello?! They are a thing? A pretty big thing? There is so much potential in them beyond their cool waving wings and shiny weapons?! Blizzard, for the love of god, PLEASE pay some attention to the shiny bois too! Demons get all the perks, and the angels are like... “we somehow still hold our ground, despite having none of the advantages demons have. Yay?”.
No, it’s not yay. Give them attention and love, for fuck’s sake! They could be so much more! Malthael had been an amazing glimpse into the “Worst case scenario”, but how about the normal angels? Don’t you want to show off how cool those guys are?! Give them some advantages demons cannot have finally?! Some cool magic, or a way to bolster their forces?!
Nah, screw that, we are leaving them out of Diablo 4 entirely.
Srsly, tho, fuck this demon-loving policy in Diablo storytelling. across all mediums. Give me something, please!!
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taeyaxx · 4 years
How would the Haikyuu Captains spend Christmas with you? Like, what gift would they get you and the activities y’all would do? (Bokuto, Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo, Ushijima, and Terushima)
tae’s notes: aaaaaaah!! ok so i love my nsfw but sfw like this makes my heart go 🥺🥰🥰 i really love hc’s like this too because all these boys are DORKS!!! thank you so much for the ask!! <3
⫸ ━━━━━━━━ ♥ ━━━━━━━━ ⫷
tags: sfw, fluff, bokuto is the biggest nerd when it comes to the holidays, holiday fun, cozy winter’s, warm sweaters, longer post, hc’s, mention of nsfw, mention of alcohol, just mostly sweet hc’s okay 🥺
⫸ ━━━━━━━━ ♥ ━━━━━━━━ ⫷
taglist: @kaaidalupita @ushiwakajimas @lunarkawa
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okay so for bokuto i imagine him as the BIGGEST holiday person
like he goes above and beyond for the holidays 
especially Christmas!!! 
will go all out and i mean it!!
brings home a billion decertations and makes it a competition to see who can hang up the most in ten minutes
he always wins somehow 
buys you two ugly ass sweaters too
like i mean those really really ugly sweaters that he knows are ugly but it’s become a tradition between you two 
just wearing.......the ugliest sweaters as you two put the tree up 
as for gifts i think bokuto isn’t one to put like....a lot of money into them?
feel like he’s the type of guy to buy you something that hits you in the heart and makes you want to smother him in kisses
nothing too expensive but it’s the sentimental thought that counts
as for party games or activities i think bo would be into the cuter ones like gingerbread houses or just baking in general 
not that he knows how to bake but he likes to help you make cookies okay
(by help i mean he’s got his arms wrapped around your waist and chin on your shoulder and watching you bake and occasionally handing you things)
he’d sweep you under the mistletoe and kiss you until you both started laughing
picking you up he’d carry you off to the bedroom, sharing a chuckle with you for no other reason than just how in love he is with you
and then he’d quiet down and make the slowest, sweetest love to you 🥺
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alright the next boy is the lovely oikawa!
feel like he isn’t the BIGGEST holiday person
for no reason i just think he’d be like “eh it’s another day”
but that DEF changes when he meets you
his attitude starts to go from “it’s a Tuesday” to slowly looking forward to every holiday he can celebrate with you
especially Christmas because it’s the one day he can spoil you in gifts and you can’t really get mad at him
like bokuto tho, he wouldn’t be the most expensive gifts
he’d get a bunch of things he had noticed you spoke of or the things your eyes lingered on just a little longer than others when you two were out
def the type to wake you up with breakfast in bed 
like isn’t the GREATEST cook in the world but he knows how to make some decent food
and he makes sure everything is perfect for your holiday morning
he’d pull out your favorite sweater of his and he’d wear it all day
bring you warm fuzzy socks and his favorite sweater for you and a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate
his main gift is probably that one pair of shoes you had wanted for awhile but could never bring yourself to buy
or just any similar gift
for activities, oikawa is ALL about the games
he sets up every holiday game he can think of 
does that stupid thing where he wraps a specific gift in like 12 layers of duct tape and 8 layers of bubble wrap and 5 layers of zip ties
like is an ASS abt it but it’s always funny having to beg him to get a pair of scissors for you because he went overboard again
after gifts he’d pull you off to the bedroom and kiss you slowly before 
giving you all the pleasure in the world 🥰
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next is daichi! let’s just say....
daichi here isn’t into any other holiday EXCEPT for Christmas 
mans does everything for Christmas
he’s buying the decorations and hanging them up with your help
setting the tree up IN NOVEMBER !!
goes crazy with the lights outside too
like y’all are def known for being THAT house on the street just 
full blown Christmas lights
when Christmas morning comes tho, he’d wake you up nice and early (not anymore so than normal tho) and take you into the kitchen where he’s made the BIGGEST breakfast for you
i’m talking every breakfast food is out on the tabel and you can’t help but shake your head
cause who’s gonna eat it all? 
somehow you two finish up whatever you can before he’s moving onto doing some small activities 
he doesn’t go crazy with them but likes to do some stuff with you
somehow got into painting? 
don’t know how it happened but i feel like he sets up an entire thing in one of the spare rooms
and you two just paint the silliest things you can think of 
and at some point you two def play drunk roulette and try to guess what alcohol was what in each cup  
as for gifts the man is stupid when it comes to buying things 
he goes so overboard when spending money on you 
doesn’t buy like 15 million gifts but will buy you 3 or 4 SUPER expensive gifts 
and you sit there, opening them up and knew he would spend too much money so you also had to buy more expensive gifts 
that he would use everyday just because you paid for them of course
by the end of the night you two end up on the couch, cuddling under a giant blanket, and watching some hallmark Christmas movies smh 
and if you want something a little more exciting, because daichi is That gentleman, he waits for you to ask
and when you do? y’all don’t even move to the bed 
he’d kiss you all slow and dim the lights and let the movie behind you play out as you two focus on the more intimate parts of the holiday
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kuroo my baby.....my life....my heart I love him
mans is so cute during the holidays he’s just 🥺
baby boy doesn’t wake up super early at all
he’d wake up a little bit but you two know it’s too cold so you just cuddle in closer and fall asleep until noon
when you two finally get up tho, he’s sluggish pulling you out of bed and giving you a sweater to wear and that’s all he wants you to wear
pulling you into the living room to reveal his gift for you and it’s gotta be like a dog or cat or something istg 
you’d just walk into a new cat sitting on the couch just sleeping away and you just SIGH 
“kuroo...it’s adorable but this will be the 4th cat we have”
“BAAAABE it’s so cute tho 🥺”
so you get another cat lol Which is fine cause…..it is cute 🥺
can’t decide if kuroo would wait until night to get into the sexc or if he would just start the entire day off with little whispers and lazy sex and then it’s just all daaaaay baby 
pulls you into the bath together
like srsly would fuck you all day long as a gift too 
and god if it isn’t a great gift tho smh 
finally you both decide to get dressed and go out to any open place for dinner 
being too tired from the rest of the activities you had done all day
which is probably why you guys don’t play any games at all lol you just end up being too tired
so no traditional activities other than being bent over every surface in your house 
after it gets too dark i’m sure you two would just cuddle into bed, legs tangled up in a mess and just whisper all the things you love abt each other yk how it be 🥺🥺
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ushi doesn’t really see the desire of the entire holiday
like giving gifts and eating a good dinner should be EVERY NIGHT he thinks
Christmas eve you two would visit his family (cause uwu farm boi) so that way he’d have you all to himself Christmas day
probs has a tradition on like baking pie together or some kind of sweets
makes it a little competition to see who can bake the best pie tbh
you always win somehow
other than that he really isn’t into too many games?
he just enjoys your company and usually places you and himself in front of the fireplace and you two cuddle for the entire day
you read books and joke and laugh and paint your nails and do just mundane things together
at some point in the night tho he’d turn on some music and would slow dance with you in the kitchen 🥺
as for gifts?
that’s all i’m gonna say sjksjd 
ok ok but no this man buys you SO MUCH
like yeah he doesn’t see the reason to buy you gifts only for this one day (cause let’s tbh he buys you gifts constantly)
but for Christmas? he just..... “oh this is a thing everyone else does so i must do it too” but in the kindest way
buys you an entire new wardrobe because he notices you wanting some new shirts
buys you new purses or wallets or jewelry
would surprise you with a trip to some vacation home somewhere
like he is all god giving on Christmas 
lowkey would def surprise you with an entire new wardrobe just for lingerie and you can’t fight me on this
it makes you a little sad you only buy him a few new watches and new ties or whatever else he might have mentioned over a few lunches or dinners
he doesn’t mind tho since he’s literally all abt pleasuring you yk
for the later activities tho, i feel like he’d be more like daichi?
like def would bend you over the counter as you two cooked dinner or in front of the fireplace but he waits for you
waits until you’re calling for him to make love to you
and when he does? UGH
let’s just say he has you crying later 
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baby boy....baby....
much like kuroo i feel like he’d wanna make love ALL DAY 
wakes you up early just to have morning sex
after the third round you have to tell him they need to eat something
and tbh feel like he might lowkey forget to get you a gift until the LAST DAY 
like he def just bought this gift last night and wrapped it while you slept 
and tbh....it’s so cute of him to do that jkjks
he seems like the type to buy you jewelry or socks or both lol
like buys you a new necklace and some rings
def doesn’t try to talk you into getting a matching tongue piecing yk
also feel like he’d buy a new set of “bedroom toys” for you two to try out
and at first it’s like “of course he would” but you thank him later after using them
also a HUGE fan of ugly sweaters
but makes it a game to see who can MAKE the ugliest sweater like 
you will not see this man spend money on an ugly sweater but he will buy a bunch of ugly accessories just so you two can have fun making them
so it’s a tradition now that you two a week before Christmas begin making ugly sweaters
usually it ends up being a tie smh
feel like he would be into a bunch of other games tho
like the white elephant games or caramel apples and ginger bread houses
he just wants to spend all his time with you so he looks up a bunch of games you two can play 
he almost seems like the type to do puzzles? so maybe you two would work on a 2,000 piece puzzle together 
watch really old and bad movies together too
for some reason i feel like he’d be the best cook out of all the boys??? for no reason really i just...imagine he knows how to cook so well
so he def makes this big ass dinner of anything you wanted even if it’s not traditional food
like the one year you guys literally had PIZZA just because it sounded good
also talk abt snow ball fights and building all sorts of things outta the snow
and y’all can fight me on this............after a few years he’d be that cliche guy to propose to you and confess his entire heart out for you 
(of course you say yes becausae you’re so in love with him 🥰)
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sakuramotion · 3 years
hello u guys!! <3 [crickets] i've been inactive bc a lot of fucking annoying shit happened [crickets] anyway good news is i'm done with the semester i'm done with college i'm no longer a student omg??? only took me forever <3 (the third try was a success!! luv to see it) (yes i dropped out of college twice and was kinda scared i was not gonna make it this time but i! did! it) (now i'm like broke) but anyways so guess who got tested positive for covid? my fucking flat ass,,, BUT you know what's actually worse? i got it because my mom got sick with it she got me so worried!!!!! like the first days she started to feel sick she was like i'm gonna stay in my room ok but my sister and i were like nah she probably just has the flu but then she went and got tested and had to wait for the results and on the day of the results i woke up with a sore throat but was like really mild and i was like ok.... probably nothing serious! and then my mom got the results and she was positive and the next day my throat really hurt and i think i had a fever so i took a pill slept it off and the next morning i was fine like i swear like nothing had happened!! but my mom was like yall need to go and get tested now so we went and we did the antigens one so very quickly we got the results and... well i was positive my sister was negative. and there i was like great! like worst timing ever bc my depression and my bpd issues and all the fucking mental shit i have to deal with has been Really Bad and then i got that shit just when i thought i had found a job and stuff with uni was going on and i had just seen my boyfriend like couple days ago and i was so scared omg i was like if he gets sick because of me i'll kms and then i started reading all these articles and they were like awful like awful stories with the same message: you! are! going! to die! but first you will suffer and if you don't die you will suffer forever! and i was like jfc ain't that life anyways like yea i wanna kms every day but i don't wanna go bc of some fucking ass virus.... honestly i got so scared not for me but for my mom!!!!!! bc after she got her results she started to feel Really Bad like the whole thing happened to her coughing loss of taste and smell body ache she had no strength she was sleeping all the time and i saw her only a couple of times bc she was really staying in her room and she looked so bad and god,,,, to see your mom like that! my mom!!! my mom has always way more energy than me and to see her like that christ i cried like a baby for two days i was so scared and then i wanted my bf to be with me but ofc he couldn't bc i needed to isolate as well and my dad! my dad texted me what was your result? and i texted back positive and HE left me on read,,,, like ok!! daddy issues explained,,,,, he texted me like 3 days later to asked how i was feeling like ok what if i had died.... but anyways ,,,, so there i was worrying abt my mom and waiting for the symptoms to really hit me but nothing happened to me like after those two days before i got tested nothing else happened except for like coughing here and there and a stuffy nose for a couple of days so i guess even tho i'm not fully vaccinated yet bc i got the first dose on july,,, that must've helped a lot bc thanfully i didn't get sick like my mom i didn't feel anything more but also very thankful my mom recovered completely after a week and a half and here she is back to her normal self!! i'm so excited this is finally over for us and i get to finally see my boyfriend soon like omg i missed him so much i needed him so much like i hug almost nobody but that man!! i hug him so much so often and i miss doing it i need to do it i can't wait <3 happy ending for us happy and thankful it ended like this!! [crickets] anyway don't forget to wear ur fucking masks wash ur hands!!!! and get vaccinated!!! srsly ppl be careful!!
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meitanteisachi · 5 years
My Kacchako reading list
My personal shortlist of the most unforgettable Kacchako fics I’ve read and currently reading, as well as planning to read! These are just those I can name at the top of my head so I probably might have missed some and will add later on once I remember. Most are rated M/E (because I am a sucker for Kacchako smut bahaAHHAA)
A Little Bit Closer by mignonettes (a Ground Zero...dildo?!) A Softer World Prompt 46 by i-masshiro (kchk as exes. They never really got over each other) A Sweet Surprise by ohmytheon (Ochako bakes Bakugou a birthday cake) Again by corinnemaree (After Bakugo gives Ocha her first kiss, she just cant get enough) All Work and No Play by mignonettes (one of the hottest kchk smuts imo) Angel and Demon by EmeraldWaves (Ochako is a tease) Apricity by i-masshiro (Christmas kchk; honesty hour for our babies, very cute) As If to Say by calamansifresh (can’t get enough of a straightforward Bakugo. fluff!) As We Minimize the Space by calamansifresh (Ochako’s obsession: touching Bakugo. hot smut) Quiet by IchigoKacchan (twitter thread turned Ao3, HOT) Bakudonis by Ichigo_Kacchan (1-A drooling over shirtless Bakugo) Benign Masochism by windigop (Stripper Bkg. That’s it. I’m sold) Best Birthday Ever by crystymre (A twitter thread full of fluff and everything nice uwu) Biting the Bullet by MockingbirdSoul (one of the BEST kchk sexual tension fics EVAR) Conflict Resolution by Colorslander (Bakugo is bad at feelings, yes) Delivery Incoming by mignonettes (drunk Bakugo loves his girlfriend so much. VERY CUTE) Drinks series by BlueTee (ahh!! drunk kchk!! isso!! cute!!! AHH) Fight Night by ohmytheon (Ochako: *breaks Bakugo’s nose* Bakugo: im so turned on rn) First Date Etiquette by Methoxyethane (smut and humor are /chefs kiss/) Fleeting Emotions by EmeraldWaves (series of oneshots! includes tdmm and kmjr! fave is #4) Fragile by Virtually Forgotten (another series of oneshots! fluff/angst/smut i’m in love) Fuck or Die: Bakugo birthday edition by Italian_Lily (lust quirk and coming 7 times omg) Fuck or Die by mignonettes (twitter thread; ochako hit by a quirk that makes ya horny)  Gentle Hands by corinnemaree (it takes a while for Bakugo to process that Ocha kissed him) Girl of His Dreams by NamiSwaannn (Bakugo has very /vivid/ dreams abt Ochako) good together by tusslee (kchk sext this is so hot asjdkhaf) Hero Analysis and Application by SakuraDrops93 (slow-burn kchk wholesome content, except for chapter 28, ish) Hot Lavender Latte by calamansifresh (coffee shop AU! cute and wholesome and fluffy) How’s The Weather by crystymre (how the ending is written is the BEST) I Don’t Care by SakuraDrops93 (MY. MOST. FAVORITE. NON-SMUT kchk oneshot) I Don’t Compete by crystymre (kchk pro-hero AU. hot and sweet and cute) If Heartbreak by i-masshiro (if you don’t want to have your heart broken, DONT READ THIS. </3) Irresistible by ElanaDrex (lust quirk again, but dayum this hot) Kill, Fuck, Marry by stillfly94 (twitter thread; we love an angry dork Bakugo) Late Night Sweets by jarynw02 (so cute omg! Bakugo soft only for Chako) Misfit Love by Ichigo_Kacchan (Bakugo bought a new desk and Ochako didnt like it. yet) Morning Dew by calamansifresh (we need kchk morning sex in our lives) No One Else by thesweetestnerd (again, Ochako being a hot tease) Not Afraid by omytheon (Spin the bottle. Bakugo to kiss Ochako, then it gets complicated) once bitten by wonduhhwoman/still.fly (vampire ochako oneshot. help, this is too hot.) one juicy peach by still.fly (the first kcck i’ve read. it’s hot and beautiful ;_; sweet bakugo) Partition by Ichigo_Kacchan (based on Beyonce’s Partition, Kacchako multitasks in limo) [Prompt]Sweet Surprise Vday KCCK by italian_lily (Bakugo helps Ochako make cake) Protect and Kill by ohmytheon (AU, Ocha is FBI agent and Baku is assassin) quality time by still.fly (kcck as roommates. fluff!) Quarantine Thread by Megadoodle (soooo cute!!!) Quiet Time by ohmytheon (Deku overhears kcck on the top bunk doing...things) say it and i’m yours by yaomomochi (aquarium date!!!) Sparks by ohmytheon (secret relationship + blind date) Stress Relief by Italian_lily (exactly how I would picture a kchk sparring smut scene tbh) Suds ‘n’ Sweat by mignonettes (kcck in laundry and ya know what happens) Summer Hoodies by mythica magic (Ochako in Bakugo’s sweater hrrrmm) Take a Break by ohmytheon (pro-hero Kchk doing it in the workplace to relieve stress) The Dark Web by ohmytheon (another hot kchk sexual tension comin’ right up!!!) The feeling that isn’t entirely unpleasant by mysterious intentions (fluffy HS kchk!) The Final Countdown by ohmytheon (New Year’s countdown, first kiss, pure kchk fluff <3) The Five Times It’s Fake and the One Time It Isn’t by mignonettes (fake dating AU!) thought that i was dreaming by lianhuawu (kchk post AFO-fight. sweet huhu) Un Pour Tous by mignonettes (coffee shop AU, fluff!) VIP Pass by HikoCassidy (oooh a drummer Bakugo) warm light on a winter’s day by wonduhhwoman (soulmates kchk, stuck in cabin for winter) Worthy by Tharros (drunk Ochako again + sweet “friend” Bakugo) Yes or No is Not a Trick Question by silv3rbloodalch3mist (ANOTHER. FAVORITE. Honest Bakugo is hot) Yours, If You Wanted by calamansifresh (bakugo and his hidden crush mehehe)
Aquating Training Session by BeMore (happens before camping arc; w/ tdmm!) Boyfriend-Girlfriend Things by silv3rbloodalch3mist (ahh another one from a fave author!) Little Do You Know by fullondisclosure (soulmates with a twist!) Make it wit chu by Ichigo_Kacchan (a One night stand/FwB Kacchako) Mr. Brightside by SakuraDrops93 (MY. MOST. FAVORITE! RECENTLY UPDATED AHH) Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by Ms_Chunks (very long but very good asdhajf kchk quirk dynamic) floaty ‘splodey fic series by ishkabibble_bafflegab (every fic in this series is /hearteyes/) Hot Cocoa & Chill by FrenchK (uwu i’m soft) Seeing Double by knifekirby (Fantasy AU! I’m in love with this!) The Reaper by thevoidyouknow (kchk roommates, virgin ocha and horny bakugo) (Touch Me) Kill Each Other Slowly by corinnemaree (vampire!bkg) there is something wrong with uravity by onlyfm (again with the horny quirk. yes) We Can Never Be Friends by crystymre (reading this on twitter it’s so fun and hot omg) why don’t you say so by frazzledazzle (all dialogue; all interesting drabbles! love this!) You Lost by NanaHachikoSan (this is just hot dirty hahaha)
A Different Perspective by house_of_pixels actuality by still.fly Among a Crowd of Faces by miraimisu Bakugou Katsuki is Going to Become A Friendly Guy Even if it Kills Him by pisces-royalty Blanket Pals by miraimisu Clocks and Blades by Pomoon Closer by Ichigo_Kacchan downplay it by seconddaysea Fall by crystymre Finding Our Normal by theGingerTrekie Floating Embers by megwritesfanfiction Grounded by ElenaDrex He Who Always Left First by miraimisu Hot-headed by MoofyKitten In Hindsight by infantblue  It’s Just Training by LaMuerta It’s Our Secret, Angel Face by thesweetestnerd Kacchako Week 2019 entries by BlueTee Lie for Me by lovecassia Limerence by KarmaHope Make Me Forget by Chio Saki Midnight Terrain by stillfly94 No One Knows by Ichigo_Kacchan Noblesse Oblige by EmeraldWaves & Superevey On the Rainbow Road by ohmytheon One Day at a Time by jarynw02 Out of the Town by jarynw02 Popcorn for Breakfast by Ichigo_Kacchan [Prompt]Glimpse into the Future by italian_lily Something New by megwritesfanfiction The Boys Start the War and the Girls Get Even by crystymre The Heist by katschako The Need Inside You by ohmytheon the shape of your words by nascence The Wonderful World of Jealousy by ohmytheon These Stones We Skip by miraimisu With the Touch of My Staff by miraimisu
If you can recommend me some (I’m pretty sure there are a lot of beautiful Kacchako fics out there I might’ve missed bc srsly this fandom has SO MANY talented writers), feel free to leave them in the comments and I’ll be more than happy to add them here
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NSFW Alphabet x Diavolos Dad
@fellulahh started a movement, which I fondly call “the devil daddy stan-squad”
It is very inspiring!
So to support this great developement...have some NSFW-Alphabet promts for Dias father.
(Since he is not an actual character in the game (yet!) none of this is remotely canon!I wish....hahah)
This mass of a man is not used to real affection. He never took a real interest in anybody, neither did he have the time for that.
It actually takes him a while to open up, but even after he feels more comfortable with the relationship, his way of showing affection is more subtle.
For instance he will pull you into him in order to “straighten up the sheets” on your side of the bed. You can be sure that he will just not let you go again.
Like his son, this man is huge.
The Demon King takes pride in his impressive height. He loves the way he tower over his lover wherever they go, but also in bed.
You could say that he has a decent size kink!
The thing he lovey about his lover would be their hips and butt.
I headcanon that he is a booty fan! Small booty, big booty, he approves!
You can be sure that his hands constantly leave prints on your deicate flesh from how hard he grabs you.
If you thinks that this man is all grim and moody...you are on the right path. He had an image to uphold!
But seriously...I believe that he has the ability to be Cheesy, at least with his lover.
Diavolo probably inherited it from his dad!
But his goofy side will not show during the act itself. Sometimes he´ll tease you during foreplay, but this man prefers passion over goofyness in bed.
D-irty Secret
Is this man the ruler of a whole realm? YES!
Does he enjoy to have his lover ride him once in a while? Hell Yes!
Please give this man the right to watch his lover be on top of him once in a while!
The demon lord is almost as old as time itself, to be fair, he spent a big amount of it in a slumber...but he gained experience.
Demons are just not able to resist temptations!
The Demon King puts his experience to use with his lover, he has a lot of great ways to make you loose control in the sheets (and probably every other surface of the palast)
F-avourite Position
finding positions during sex is quite difficult for the two of you.
while his height has many advantages....sex isn´t one of them
you actually tried quite a few ones, but many tries ended not as expected
Positions like 69 will simply not work out for the two of you
He actually went to the human work in secret and got a book for sex positions to find something that suits the two of you. He´´ll never admit it openly and you can´t deny that it did something to you when you caught him being engrossed in a book about “human mating” (it probably was a porno magazine..this man has no clue of human media), while sitting at his table, looking all serious.
If he feels more emotional, he´d want to spoon you during sex or sprawl you out on the bed in front of him. Looking at you during the deed is the epitum of intimacy to him!
after a while you found many position that work out for you.
His favourite ones include bending you over a piece of furniture or having you ride him.
The only time he´ll break his serious stance in the bedroom is during foreplay
He´ll tease you A LOT
“Hmmm...so wet for me already...quite desperate my love”
“cat got your tongue? How unfortunate...I came up with one or two ideas  how you could use it!”
The demons King strikes me as a rough type of handsome, but that does not mean that he just let´s everything grow wildly!
He always makes sure to groom his royal area to perfection.
Also he read about humans facination of the happy-trail...he makes sure to adapt
being intimate with the devil in person is quite a challenge sometimes.
He is very busy, but when he finds you, he´ll make sure to make up for it in any way you can imagine
Sex with the Demon King (he needs a name srsly) can be either extremely passionate or extremely intimate, this man does not make compromises!
One thing is clear...you are his Queen/Partner and he will make sure that you are satisfied, even if it means that he has to man up and share his deepest desires with you
J-ealos Sex? 
you´re in an entanglement with a King...he knows that there is no one better than him, at first sight at least.
He might have a hard time to admit it to himself, but sometimes he wonders whether he is really capable of making you fully content, since he has so little knowdledge of the human world and it´s culture.
This adorable mass of a man spents his free time listening to you or reading human-literature in order to fully grasp what humanity is about.
So if you actually went to the human world and there was a person that connected with you or talked about some human thing he is not able to understand just yet...he will get jealous.
How cam a peasant believe they can just walk up to the queen of devildome and pretent to be better than the King himself!
He absolutely will show you that he understands you and your body better than anybody else, when you get home,( or in a secluded area nearby)
like already mentioned he loves the size difference. It does not matter whether you are tall or short, in comparision you are tiny, also you should not forget that he can influence his human form and he may or may not make sure that he hovers over you at all times.
Demons have their own way of showing affection to their chosen one, one these ways is marking their partner
The Demon King would proudly show off his partner plus lovebites he left on them.
If his partner is a female the next stage for him would be breeding. I can see him getting exited by the thought of seeing his woman swelling with his son growing inside of her, showing the world that she is his.
What use does a palace have if you can´t use it?
He´ll want to sleep with his partner in any place they can imagine, but his favourite places, would be either his throne (serious powerplay...just imagine you riding him, while he sits on his massive throne) or your shared bed (because he knows that you´re most comfortable this way)
Many things get the King going, but his absolutely biggest trigger is you being the Partner/Queen you are.
Seeing you tending to Devildomes Subjects with love and care will make him want to sweep you off of your feet and carry you to your shared bedroom.
Another thing that gets him going is praise. When you call him “my King”, “Your majesty” or simply “love”....you are in for a ride
What he absolutely would not do is having a threesome with anybody, especially not Diavolo!
Another thing he´d not even want to try is BDSM on him or you. He can get a bit rough with you, but he is scared to hurt you too much if you tried implementing pain in your sex life.
His sadism is dangerous sometimes.
He just adores the sounds you make when he goes down on you ang god---- he is skilled!
He likes receiving just as much as giving.
Watching you go down on him, clearly having a hard time taking all his glory in, will make him painfully hard in your mouth.
His pace depends on his mood and the situation that lead to sex.
If the two of you jokes around and indulged in a more playful kind of sex, he would be on the faster side, relishing in the lovely souns he can get out of you
If the two of you have a more passionate session, he would take his time and force every little bit of pleasure out of you.
Due to the time issue Quickies are normal for the two of you, though he prefers to make you scream all night.
Usually Quickies re some sort of teaser to prepare you for whats going to happen this night.
Saying that it happened once or twice that a Quick Round activated his hunger, poor Diavolo( and Lucifer) had to take care of all the work, because the King himself had a meeting to attent
Of course they know his true intention and tbh it´s still hard for them to accept that their friend is now the partner of the Demon King himself, especially since they both showed an interest in you as well
R-efraction Period
a matter of minutes..demons have just more stamina than humans do.
But he will make sure to stop, when you can´t take it anymore!
He was aware of you way before he officially “awaked”
after a while he fell for you, only after that he decided to make a move and claim you as his
The Demon King was aware of his sons plans and watched it all unfold (not being happy at all) but you piqued his interest.
“A weak human making pacts with some of the strongest demons of Devildome?”
The Demon is old-fashioned, he prefers to be the the thing giving his lover pleasure, not some damn piece of plastic
Also he is not advanced in technical knowledge, it was quite a shock to him to wake up to a modern devildome
it goes hand in hand with his powerplay-kink
the King just loves to see you loose your mind, almost begging for him. It does wonders for his ego!
Entirely depends on the situation you guys are in
W-ild Card
Usually he just grunts or groans, but if you have a particularly passionate session, he´ll press orders to his theeth
“Shi- look at me! Don´t look away!”
“Tease me one more time and I´ll make sure you won´t walk for the rest of the week, lttle one”
He enjoys having you nearby at all times, even during work. Usually when he works you lay on a couch in his study and do shoolwork or read, etc
He´ll get moody if you can´t be there due to you having a life outside of the palace and friends.
He wouldn´t say it out loud, but he is slightly jealous that the demon brothers get to spent so much time with HIS Partner
Oh Boy...not saying numbers, but it takes some time to prepare you. This man does not only have big hands...
The Demon King can be needy behind closed doors
From the outside he appears cold....angry at best, but when you´re alone he yearns for his lovers affection.
He´s touch deprived, even if he´s had some...company in the past, it was never on a real intimate level.
This is completely new terrain for him, so he needs to learn how stop the intense craving for you
He slept centuries...he needs no sleep
The King knows that you need your sleep and he makes sure you get enough, but as soon as you fall asleep after a rather long session of love-making, he impatiently waits for you to wake up, slowly falling asleep after pulling you close to him.
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clowndaydreams · 5 years
Yan!Marvus x Reader
I hope you all like it!
“Can you pass me the potato chips?” You looked over to your companion. Marvus nodded and reached over to get said bag from his side of the couch.
“here ya go.” You grunted a quick thank you to the clown and started to dig in. You had been hanging out with Marvus all day. You still couldn’t believe how friendly you’ve gotten with the superstar since you met him at that concert you went to. It had been a few perigrees since then, but the clown had since made a habit of inviting you over randomly when he was free. You were just happy that he remembered you at all.
Currently though, you were both relaxing on the couch and watching some Slam or Get Culled episodes that he was in. Right now, a season finale was playing. He was the final challenge for that season’s top 2. They had to rap battle him and whoever fared better was the winner.  You glanced over at him. He was in his usual facepaint, but was casually wearing a neon yellow ripped tank top and matching pajama pants with some designer troll logo and ‘JUICY’ all over them. How he managed to look so hot in that would forever elude you. You snapped out of it when he started speaking again.
“u kno, i thought ricard was the better 1 outta those 2.” You pretended to glare at him.
“SPOILERS!” You jokingly huffed, lightly shoving his arm. It didn’t move, as you’d expect.
“LOL! XoD sorry fam, seen dis crap 1000 times alreddy.” Wait, then why did he let you pick this episode? Or even agree to watch this with you? If this was boring you could do something else. And as if he could read your mind, he held up a hand.
“dun worry bout dis. is chill or w/e. butt srsly, u kno who gunna win.”
“Still! I wanna watch it!” You giggled. You both watched on in silence as Marvus was brought on to surprise the contestants.
“How were they behind the scenes?” You asked as you watched the confessionals for both of the contestants.
“ricards moirail b a clown, so me n him knew each other alreddy. he wuz p chill i guess lol.”
“What about Krayaa?”
“turns out she wuz a fangirl. foamin at the mouth n erythng.”
“Really?!” You turned to him to try and see if he was lying. He looked almost bored about it all. Like you were both talking about the weather or something. You wished you could be so relaxed about meeting a rabid fangirl and somehow living to tell the tale. Seadwellers were supposed to be stronger and more durable than landdwellers. At least, that was according Polypa anyway. Huh, you had to remember to check on her later after you got home too.
“ye. she wanted 2 pail after the shoot.” Your jaw dropped. Krayaa was a seadweller! Did he have to listen to her? She could have killed him for not listening!
“Nahhh, no worries,, the contract she signed for the ep woulda had her disqualified and mah bodyguards woulda whooped her b4 she had a chance. ;op” He chuckled. “If she managed 2 get thru them, I aint no wimp.” He added, flexing his arms a little to prove his point. You almost couldn’t stop staring. He had to know what he was doing to you…right? Granted, this was a crush you had no intention of pursuing. If you were speaking honestly, Marvus was a guy who probably didn’t want commitment due to his lifestyle. Even then, he had people throwing themselves at him constantly. People his own species. People who were a lot better fitting with his general aesthetic and not some poor wandering alien that he would DM when he was high when they both should have been sleeping. Your own concepts of relationships and types of love were different. But you could dream, right? You were content with just having him as your designated hot friend anyway. …That did mean you were allowed to drool over him in your mind. As long as it doesn’t get creepy to him. Yeah. You were fine.
“u gud (Y/N)? u tryna lure snacks into ur mouth or smth?” You snapped out of your stupor.
“Ew! Gross! I don’t eat bugs like you weirdos!”
“it aint gross. literally free snacks u can catch. :o)” He laughed.
“Where I’m from they’re gross!” Granted, there were places that did eat crickets and the like on Earth, but you would never tell him that.
“dun knock it till ya try it.” He got up and left the room, returning after a moment with a small box.
“…What is that.” You had a sinking feeling you knew what it was.
“chirp grubs.” He opened it and there they were. Disgusting caramelized crickets.
“I can’t.” You shook your head.
“more 4 me lol.” You looked away as he ate a few of the crickets. You looked back at him when his palmhusk rang. It sounded like a clown horn version of one of his songs. Fitting, honestly.
He glanced at it and rolled his eyes before silencing the phone.
“Who was that?”
“Oh…” He looked bored again. Not good. What could you talk to him about to keep him interested?
“Uh…You ever get tired of the fans trying to aggressively pail you?” Ok, that wasn’t the best choice for conversation. Your bad.
“i meannn….in the beginning yeah. now its kinda the norm 4 me ufeelme?”
“Yeah, I guess. Does it ever make you feel like you can’t have a relation-er, quadrant?” You assumed it would, but that would also come with fame in general, wouldn’t it? You weren’t sure. Then again, if he didn’t want-
“kinda. i think its kinda funny how i can attract psychos, fans and thots, but not my crushes.” You sat up straight. Marvus had a crush?
“Wait. You…uh…are pale or um….red? for somebody?” You didn’t have the best grasp on quadrant terms.
“lol sumtimes i forget your an alien.” He leaned back onto the couch.
“butt yeah, i have a few crushes at the mo.” He smiled, staring at the ceiling.  Few. He has more than one crush right now. That soft smile said it all. He had it bad.
“…Can you tell me who they are?” He looked over at you and looked sheepish.
“i…dun think is a gud idea.”
“Please? I have to know who the great Marvus Xoloto has a crush on.”
“u kno 1. itll be awk af :o(“ Now you had to know. Now you were thinking about whether or not Marvus had a type. What if they were all mega hot models? Wait! Did he have a crush on Chahut? They would totally have to know each other. Who else did you both know??? He heard of Cirava, but you didn’t think they talked. Who???
“…kk fine. only if u slam a faygo tho.” You gave him a look.
“Isn’t Faygo…not for non-clowns?”
“is just us. whos gunna kno?”
“You promise nobody’s gonna know?”
“on my life. u slam a faygo, n ill tell u who my flush be.” You thought it over. You remembered tasting the stuff at clown church when you went you went with Chahut that one time. Just a sip left you a bit tipsy. A whole bottle may have rendered you unable to be coherent enough to even process who his flush crush was. Would it be worth it? You felt a choice coming on. Either way you had to drink a certain amount in order to maybe try and learn this random troll’s identity. The question was, do you try and counter his offer or just slam the entire bottle and hope for the best?
It would be better to respect your own limits. A bunch of your friends had lectured you a few times over putting yourself out just to potentially make a friend. This would piss them off and would probably not end in your favor even if you did decide to just go with it anyway.
“How much faygo do I have to drink?”
“hm…” He got up, went to the kitchen and got a small can of Grape Faygo, a normal bottle for one and a whole 2 liter bottle. “imma b nice. u get a choice. u gotta try 2 finish the can. u get 1 q with the name if u finish the can. Smol bottle gets u 2 qs and the name n the 2L gets u as many qs as u liek. fair enough 2 u?”
…Now you wanted to chug the 2 liter. You haven’t even seen anyone try to down that other than the Grand High Blood once when you took Karako to clown church for the first time. But that guy was a clown and he is HUGE. You, not so much. But, you chose to respect yourself for once. You’d see how you felt after the small can and go from there. You picked it up, opened the can and took a deep breathe. Powers that be, let this not wreck you and let this answer be worth it. If he cops out with his answers, you would try to hurt him. You started chugging. You did your best to try and treat it like a shot like Cirava taught you so you wouldn’t taste the overly sweet flavor too much. After a moment of light agony and attempting to not drown in the soda, you reached the end of the can. You slammed it onto the coffee table and started panting. Ok, you weren’t feeling woozy like before. Maybe those tiny sips when you went to clown church helped your body get used to it.
“u gunna try the otha bottles?” You managed to shake your head. You weren’t gonna do that again. Your head started hurting. You looked over at him. Were his eyes always so vibrantly purple? Woah, now they’re flashing purple. What the heck? Was this Faygo high? You now understood why all the other clowns were so goofy after drinking a cup of this stuff. Crap, now your head was starting to hurt.
“Wh-Who….who is it..?” You started feeling like you were gonna pass out. You laid down on the couch. You needed to close your eyes. That was way too much for you. You felt Marvus pick you up into his arms.
“ye…after u wake up bb.” Wake up? Wait, did he just call you a pet name?! You were about to question him when he tilted his head.
“dangg,, u managed 2 stay awake with chuckles and faygo? ur stronger than i thought. Soz bout this babes.” His eyes became blindingly vibrant again and you blacked out.
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mysticgalaxychaos · 5 years
"In depth" analysis (commentary) on Mcs vs Yaha dialogue (part 3, finale)
It's finally over! You can now resume scrolling on your dashboard in peace!
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*Bonus. Another weird quote by our friend when the Mc dies in battle. Don't fully understand it, but kinda relieved his "beauty" is his sin... Thinking about again though, he does call his ability to feel sexual pleasure his "luster" so we don't know what "beauty" could be a eufemism for...
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Can we all take a moment to appreciate how FRIGGIN GORGEOUS Yaha looks here???????? Like I know he's dying, and bleeding, but he just looks so cute! Actually Yaha always looks cute but this one looks extra nice
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This is actually a very sad moment. Poor guy's dying and here we see what Yaha thinks of himself. He recognises he has changed and that he was "damaged". I guess loosing his ability to feel **SeXuAl** **PlEaSuRe** was really dertrimental to his personality. I mean that kinda thing really changes someone, you know!
What can I say... They tried, they really did. They tried to make this sad with him calling himself broken and everything. And it would have all been fine and honestly, pretty sad if it wasn't about LOSING YOUR ABILITY TO FEEL SEXUAL PLEASURE!!!!! That was your "luster"????? Like... What?? Is there something I'm missing??
To be real, we have lots of evidence and we do hear later on from Urick that Yaha was changed a lot by this pact deal. I can't imagine exactly why and the context isn't super helpful, but the best explanation I could come up with was that his ability to seduce anyone he wanted coupled with his inability to feel pleasure when actually engaging with said people might have made him desperate or left him feeling deprived. It's kinda contradictory. You are given the ability to do something you (presumably) really enjoy, with whoever you want without any limitations but you are never allowed to enjoy it again. I guess that's what made him so weird about everything
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This line legit upsets me, not only because of how bad I feel for Yaha, but mostly because of Urick's reaction. You'll see it right bellow so all I'm gonna say regarding Urick is that it's usually the person who lives who says "I'll never forget you"...
Can we all just admire the amount of love and dedication Yaha has to and for Urick? If you really think about it, he's had a crush on him since they were young, he held onto that for so long, he got rejected, he sacrificed a part of himself (yeah, I've been making fun of that, but truth is that it was), he suffered because of it, he changed, according to his own words he "was damaged" by this, he has seemingly received nothing from Urick apart from semi harsh kinda aggressive comments and even after all of this, all he has to say was that he's happy he can see him again. He just holds nothing against him... Now I'm not saying he's been the best person to Urick (after all there has to be a reason he's so cold towards him), but even in his last moments he still expresses his love... Of course you could argue that this isn't realistic and that it is probably very unhealthy and obsessive, but I really do find this very heartwarming
*Rip cute baby elf*:'(
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This scene and Urick's reaction reminded me a lot of Rei during Yuda's death in Hokuto no Ken. I found it so funny how Yuda was there dying, confessing his love, pouring out all of his feelings and Rei just stood there kinda... Not reacting at all. The difference being, In Hokuto no Ken, Yuda had pretty much ruined Rei's life and even then, Rei seemed pretty upset by his death when he actually died. Here we have two people who were friends from childhood, who for some reason (probably less serious than murdering your parents and kidnapping your sister) fell apart. And after the heartfelt things Yaha said, THIS is what Urick has to say!!!
"Well, I know you devoted your life to me and have been in love with me since forever and I also know you sacrificed a part of yourself to be with me, but... Ugh... You shouldn't have made that pact deal, huge turn off"
What the hell, Urick???!! As much as I like you, this is an awful way to respond to your friend's death! He didn't even touch him or hug him or something! Come on! The guy's dead! You can at least show him some love now! This is such a cold response and it's even worse since it's coming from Urick who's normally so friendly... It does makes things supper complicated too. So far we've had a pretty consistent narrative of what transpired (or might have) between Yaha and Urick and here come these final scenes to just completely contradict everything! But we get the one piece of info; the fact that it was the pact deal that ruined the relationship.
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1000000 iq
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That's were we get direct confirmation that Yaha changed, probably after the pact deal. Also we learn it was that change the ruined the relationship. But here's the weird thing, people change, what could have possibly happened that was so different to drive Urick so cold?
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This line just shatters my kyoka suigetsu! I just don't know what to say! If we take this as true, the game has just retconed everything it's told us! Either that, or Urick has just NO IDEA what was going on all these years AND payed 0 attention to what Yaha told him during the fight! Or, Urick is lying because his ex, Yaha borderline exposed their relationship and he is just so much in denial about his sexuality that he doesn't want anyone to even think he could be gay
But srsly WHAT THE HELL??? Urick! Yaha didn't want to "make a name for himself in the knights"!!! He wanted YOU! How do you not know this! This just changes so many things! Their relationship goes from "ex friends with something extra happening in between that was maybe not entirely liked by both" to "man completely oblivious to best friend's feelings even after he literally confesses them". Now this is possible, since Yaha did ask Urick if he knew about his feelings for him. It is also possible that this entire time we had (which we did) Yaha's version of events with Urick not knowing any of this, but this begs the question, if Urick didn't knew up until now, why isn't he reacting differently to Yaha's death. If I had just learned my former best friend was in love with me, I wouldn't be sitting there looking at him die. Also if that was the case, what was it that drove them apart if not Yaha's attempt to get with Urick? Could it be that he was just too preoccupied with sex from that point on? But then why is Urick so mean and cold? This doesn't seem like it was just them drifting apart, something big happened to get Urick to this point.
More than anything, this line doesn't match up with any previous information we know...
"Um... Yeah Nowe, Yaha just... Wanted to be popular within the nights! All of that stuff you heard... That was nothing! Nothing at all! He's just... Well... What? Why I hate him? I hate him because... Uh... He's just... Too... Well that's not important, but it DEFINITELY isn't because he started fucking everybody! DEFINITELY NOT!"
Bonus: this is the single BEST piece of trivia I have ever seen about a character, EVER!
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So this thing is over! Are you supper happy about it? I bet you are! Anyway now I'm just gonna go ahead and link the videos I used for these screenshots and... Idk bye!
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incorrect-ace · 5 years
What about call me baby by exo?
Ive always said that Kasper and Mihawk are a blessing to EXO. Like srsly. The choreos are all soo sooo good. I think one thing that is unique to some extent to EXO is yknow normally when there is a member who goes forward to have their solo vocals or hit high notes or whatever...after they finish, they round the stage and joins in the dance from behind. But in EXO their choreographer (bless you kasper and Mihawk) really incorporates the fact that there are solo singing and makes the formation changes as the vocal/center changes and thus the current vocal/center just steps right back into their position in the formation rather than round the stage and join from the back.
Which is one of the things that makes EXO’s performances soo soo much better. Well I will go watch Call Me Baby bcz I havent seen that in ages hahah:
Fun fact: I thought this was an Advertisement when i first watched it hahaha...yknow what’s funny? Well my best friend is an EXO-l and has been so YEARS AND YEARS. And she was REALLY trying to get me into EXO. Watching this is such a throwback. Here is some fun story:
When she first showed me EXO Kris caught my eyes...but before I got to like him she tells me “the dude left” so I was like, okay then I should like another one right and forget about Kris? So I started liking Luhan, and slightly after that he leaves. So Im like okay damn. And then I started liking Tao, and boom he leaves too. So in the end I was like “yknow, I will stop liking anyone or they will start leaving hahaha”
When I first watched this MV during it’s release my favorite part was Lay x Tao part (obvi bcz I loved Tao and well that part looking really fun?). But now as I rewatched it today...well Chanyeol is my child and puppy and deserves all the love in the world and his rap is insane. So I will give it to Chanyeol.
I dunno if it’s just me...but do you guys also feel like Yuchan and Chanyeol has a slight resemblance??? At least like their puppy happy energy?? maybe also their limby bodies and their styling??....i dunno maybe its just me
Send me a Kpop MV in my askbox and I will tell you which part is my favorite!!~
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tayegi · 6 years
Revenge is a Dish Best Served... Hot? (m)
When your roommate keeps you up late at night with her noisy rendezvous with male overnight guests, you and Seokjin team up to plot your revenge...  How? With a taste of her own medicine, of course. 
Dedicated to my roommate :”) ily, but please let me sleep.... 
Warning: Seokjin smut
Word Count: 17,051 
Your heart stops in your chest when you walk in through the door of your apartment after a long day at lab—to find your roommate snuggling with a strange man you’ve never seen before on the couch. They look up at the sight of you and casually hold up their hands in greeting, but your roommate doesn’t even bother to move from where she’s practically lying in the stranger’s lap.
“You’re back from lab late,” Lei calls out to you.
You cautiously set your bag on the counter and think through your words before responding, “Yes… and I have to wake up tomorrow at six in the morning to set up an experiment.”
“Aw, you poor thing,” she offhandedly comments before turning back to her new male companion.
You remain standing in the foyer for a few moments, staring at the way she snuggles back into his embrace without a second thought. But neither of them notice your heated glare, and you have no choice but to moodily march into your bedroom… the one located directly next to the living room in which they currently occupy… with the very couch they sit on pressed against the wall of your room, your bed mere concrete inches from their canoodling… Luckily they aren’t having sex this time.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Normally, you are completely cool with your roommate having visitors over. Boyfriends, dates, one-night stands, whatever. You’ve had your fair share of hookups in the past, and it’s not your right to judge… when these hookups take place in the privacy of one’s own bedroom, that is. But your roommate has this strange preference for canoodling in your shared spaces…
And with only a thin wall to separate you from them, you can hear them as clearly as if they were standing right before you. You groan as you hastily change for bed and dive for your earplugs. But of course, it’s useless. You can still hear the high-pitched squeal of your roommate’s giggles through the spongey material. And with each passing second, the anger in the pit of your stomach heats until it reaches its boiling point.
Jin!!! You angrily text your best friend, in lieu of stomping out in the living room and giving the inconsiderate couple a piece of your mind like you’d really like to, She’s doing it again!!!!
Like always, it only takes him a minute to respond, Lei?
Yah. Who else? Ugh, im going fucking crazy!!!
What guy is it this time? The one who grunts like a pig during sex or the one who asked to borrow a pair of your socks?
Neither! It’s a new guy :( 
Just tell them to shut the fuck up.
Srsly, ___. Just do it.
>.< ur no help! Forget it.
Want me to come over and do it for u?
N.O. trust me, Jin, that’s the last thing id ever want.
Y? bc u cant stand to see me saving ur ass again?
No, bc ud only make things worse w/ that scary face of yours.
Not my fault ur blind and cant appreciate beauty.
U look like a mean alpaca
Wut??? Y u lyin? Bitch, im beautiful and u know it!
Whatever. ur no help. Now ill just suffer through the rest of the night listening to their gross scream laughing.
Wanna sleep over instead?
Nah, u live super far away. Just forget it. Maybe I can try to shove two pairs of earplugs in D:
U need 2 just grow a pair and deal with this problem instead of avoiding it.
Asjdflklsdfk maybe one day…
Aite, coward. But don’t turn to me crying.
… why are we even friends again?
Bc no one else likes you.
Jin, r u saying u like me…?;)
No. I tolerate u. plz don’t go putting words in my mouth.
Ya ya whatever. love u too, baby <3
Istg if u call me that one more time…
Goodnight, baby 😘 😘 😘
You smile fondly at that last message. Why is Kim Seokjin such a tsundere? Pretending that he doesn’t care for you, when you know that he probably sees you as a little sister to him. But he’s not Jin if he’s not cold and aloof. Shaking your head in amusement, you place your phone down and lie down on the bed with a smile on your face.
You’re not sure what higher power allowed you to befriend someone like Kim Seokjin years ago in college, but you thank that unknown deity on a regular basis. You don’t know how you’d survive the stress of grad school without Jin’s snarky, dramatic, mostly unwarranted comments every day. Just thinking of your best friend is relaxing enough to put you to sleep and within minutes, you feel your exhausted mind drifting off… Until—
“HEHEHEHEHE, you’re so funny!”
Lei’s high-pitched giggling instantly slams you back into full consciousness. You lay there, staring up at the ceiling in defeat, before flopping over to muffle a scream in your pillow. Fuck your life…
“What are you still doing?” Jin groans as he watches you type furiously at your kitchen table.
“Sorry, I just need a few more minutes,” you say as you hastily type another line of code.
“I thought you wanted to grab food!” he exclaims, “Why are you like this?”
“Shh,” you shush him, “Go stare at your reflection in the back of my laptop and shut up.”
Jin sighs dramatically, “I think it’s very irresponsible for a full grown adult woman like yourself to demand that someone drives her to lunch, only to stand them up.”
“Relax, I’m not standing you up,” you mumble as you hastily delete your line of code and reconsider it, “I just need another second to rerun these analyses… And no one told you to pick me up! I could’ve just taken the subway.”
“And get mugged again?” he snorts, “Like I’m going to let that happen. I can’t deal with that again.”
You shoot him a wry glare, “Not everyone can drive around in their fancy little cars, Mr. Rich Kid.”
“Psht. You’re the one who chose to be a broke ass grad student. Who would willingly want to be a student for another four years?!”
“Six years,” you quietly correct him.
“Six years?! Okay, that settles it. You’re officially insane.”
“At least I enjoy it! You’re the one who sold your soul to the corporate overlords and have to suffer through that boring financial… wait what do you do again?”
“How do you know nothing about me?! Investment—”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can you come take a look at my analyses?”
“Oh my god… I knew there was a reason you wanted me over,” Jin says with a good-natured sigh as he scoots over to peer at your laptop screen, “Your silly overeducated mind can’t handle a bit of math.”
You scowl at him as you show him the output of your analyses, “Just tell me if this is right or not…”
“What’s the magic word?” he chimes in a singsong voice.
“Sweet cheeks?” you offer.
He immediately scowls, “Forget it. Do your own damn analyses.”
“I didn’t mean that!” You exclaim, clinging onto his sleeve before he can walk away, “I’m sorry, dearest Jin! You are as rich in intelligence as you are in beauty! Please bless me with that sexy brain of yours!”
His lips twitch at your exaggerated words, but to your relief, he concedes, “Fine,” he sighs dramatically, “But only because you asked so nicely.”
You feel the urge to retort back, but you stifle it down in order to show him your output screen, “Please look this over and let me know where I fucked up…”
“What a noble man I am, helping you with the most basic math,” he’s as dramatic as always as he pulls your laptop towards him.
“Yes, my savior!” you pretend to swoon.
Jin actually cracks a smile at that, and opens his mouth to respond, but at that moment, two bodies come crashing in through the front door. Your gut twists in annoyance when you identify the intertwined bodies as Lei and her new man aggressively making out in the doorway.
At least they have the decency to briefly separate when they realize that there is company in the apartment, “Oh, hey guys,” Lei greets the two of you.
Both of you hesitantly wave back. Normally, she would spend longer chatting with the two of you (or flirting with Jin, more like), but this time, she is too engrossed with her new friend. As soon as she finishes greeting you, she reattaches her lips to her male companion’s, and they messily stumble onto the couch to make out more.
You stare at them with a disgusted look on your face, before you quickly catch yourself and politely clear your throat, “So, Jin, what do you think about my analyses?” He doesn’t respond, so you poke him after a second, “Jin?”
“Sorry, what?” he says, forcibly tearing himself from the stomach-turning spectacle, “I can’t concentrate when I’m literally on the verge of vomiting.”
You quickly shush him, horrified that your new guests on the couch might hear his offensive words, “Don’t be like this! It’s a beautiful and natural part of life!”
He ignores you, “Is this the shit you have to deal with on a daily basis?” Jin asks you in horror.
You wince, “Pretty much…”
“Damn… Ok, I’m gonna go beat them both up for you. This is unacceptable.”
“No!” you hurriedly grab his hand before he can follow through on his threat, “Come on, let’s just leave. Aren’t you hungry?”
“___, you seriously can’t keep running away from confrontation!”
“I know, but—ugh!” Frustrated, you shut your laptop and tighten your grip on his hand to forcibly drag him out of the apartment, “Lei, I’m leaving!” You call out before you step outside, but of course, she doesn’t even notice.
As soon as you shut the front door behind you, you whirl around in the hallway to face Jin, “I know that this is gross and really inconsiderate, but what can I do?”
“Just tell her to fucking stop,” he says, his solution as simple and blunt as always.
“I wish I could! But you know that her mother’s the landowner of this apartment complex. I’m paying barely half the rent of what a nice two-bedroom apartment like this downtown should go for! I can’t afford to piss her off!”
“That’s such bullshit,” Jin growls, “You can’t just let her get away with everything she wants because she can hold this over your head. Move out. Hell, if you need somewhere to stay, you can crash with me.”
“Ugh, it’s really not that simple. That’s not a permanent solution.”
“Neither is just letting her get away with this without any consequences for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, I know… I just need to think of a better approach…”
“Fine. If you won’t talk to her, then get back at her.”
That makes you pause, “Wait… what?”
“Two can play that game,” he explains, “How is it fair that she can be so inconsiderate and rude fooling around with guys in your shared living space? So you should do it too. And she’d be a complete hypocrite if she found fault in it.”
“I…” you blink as you try to think it through, “Wait… that’s not such a bad idea, actually…”
“Of course it isn’t,” he says at once, “I’m a genius, after all.”
“No, you’re really stupid,” you absentmindedly inform him as you mull over his suggestion, “Wait… no, I think this actually could work, Jin! Wow, I just need to find a man to fool around with in front of her! This is exciting!” You exclaim, beaming at this point.
“Yes, exactly. Give her a taste of her own medicine. She probably lacks the basic empathy to understand how gross this is. So you need to let her know how it feels.”
“Ok,” you grin, “I think I will, thanks Jin! I’ll call Jung Hoseok tonight and ask if he wants to come over.”
“Wait—Jung Hoseok?” Jin asks with a wrinkle of his nose, “Are you really going to go down that route again?”
“Sure, why not? I mean, he’s the ultimate fuckboi, and I would never date him, but that’s not what I want from him tonight, now is it? And I think Hobi would always be down for a hookup with no strings attached.”
Still, Jin clicks his tongue in disapproval, “That seems excessive and rather dangerous for this ploy, ___.”
“Dangerous?” You repeat in surprise, “How so?”
But he only ignores you, “Why do you actually have to hook up with someone for real? Why can’t you just fake it?”
Your brow furrows in confusion, “Fake it? How would I fake it on my own? Do you want me to pretend to masturbate or something, you pervert?!”
He cringes at the very thought, “No way, you nasty. I was just saying that I’ll help you act it out in front of her.”
“You? Really? Why would you do something like that?” you ask, shocked by the very thought.
He shrugs, “Why not? It’ll be fun. You know I’d love nothing more than to get back at that gross, overly touchy roommate of yours.”
You pull a face of sympathy when you remember all the unwarranted flirting and excessive skinship Lei had subjected Jin to over the years you’ve lived with her. “But she knows we’re friends. She’ll never believe that we’re hooking up.”
“Why not? I’m hot. Of course you’d want to fuck me.”
You glare at him, but don’t have the energy to discipline him for once, “But why would you want to fuck me? That’s the unbelievable part!”
“Why not?” he says in a flippant tone, “I’m hot and horny, you’ve got tits, we’ve been friends for years, and things just fell together. Boom, done. Now let’s go get omelets.”
“Seokjin, they’ve long stopped serving breakfast.”
“Damn it, woman!” he exclaims, “I told you to hurry up!”
You can’t help but grin at that, “Guess we’re just going to have to eat fried chicken again!”
He shoots you a glare, “Again?”
You beam back, “Yup!”
“Ok, she’s supposed to come back from the grocery store any minute now,” you hiss at Jin that next weekend, when you finally find the time to put your plan into action.
“Alright, what should I do?” he asks as he flops down on the couch next to you.
“Hmm… I’m not sure,” you say as you awkwardly swing your legs over his.
He easily lifts your legs and drags them over his lap, “Should I take off my shirt?” he asks, fingers already fidgeting with the top button.
“No!” You exclaim, sitting up to grab his hands, “What’s wrong with you?!”
“Oh please,” he says with a roll of his eyes, “You know you want to see it.”
“No, I don’t,” you snap back, and for good measure, you pull up the front of his shirt to cover him up to the neck, “Keep that nasty shit to yourself.”
“How is she ever going to believe that we’re fucking?” he sighs.
You pull your legs off of his lap, “I knew I should’ve just called Hoseok,” you groan.
“No, we can make this work,” he says, suddenly leaning down to lay on top of you, hands pressed into the cushions on either side of your face to keep from crushing you, “Isn’t this better?”
But you flush at his close proximity. Whenever you think that you’ve finally gotten used to his impossibly handsome face, he proves you wrong. And lying on top of you like this, with his face inches away from yours… You can see every detail of his face from the sharp angles of his jaw, to the intensity of his dark gaze, and the fullness of his pink lips. Flustered, you squeeze your eyes shut, and blindly fumble out of his grip.
“No, it’s not!” You exclaim as you shove him off of you.
He looks at you, surprised by your dramatic reaction, “What’s wrong with you?”
“N-nothing! I just… I want to be on top instead!” You practically shout as you push him on his back.
Confused, Jin nevertheless complies, “Alright, fine. Whatever floats your boat, you crazy woman.”
You sigh deeply. He’s a lot less threatening now that he’s on his back with his lips far away from yours, and you find yourself finally able to relax. Until you realize that you need to climb onto his body. “I just don’t want Lei to get the wrong impression,” you mutter as you awkwardly shuffle around on the couch, looking for the best position, “Can’t let her think that you’re the one in charge here.”
Jin snorts, but nevertheless crosses his arms behind his head and watches you make your approach under half-lidded eyes, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe. Now climb on up.”
Your face nearly explodes with heat from his casual use of the pet name. “You’re so annoying,” you grumble under your breath as you swing a leg over his waist. But it feels ten times more awkward to straddle him, and you quickly scramble up to hover above his stomach instead, avoiding his crotch like the plague. There’s a moment of uncomfortable silence. Then—
“Is this normally how you hook up with guys, ___?” Jin asks as he cranes up his head to try to look at you.
You scowl down at him, “Are you questioning my methods?”
“Yup. Stop being so damn awkward and sit down on me already.”
You flush at his word choice, “J-Jin, I—”
But he grows impatient with your hesitance and takes it upon himself to grab you by the hips and yank you down on him so that you straddle him around the hips, making you sit directly on his—
“Jin!” You yell out in indignation, your face as hot as a furnace at this point as you grab at his vast shoulders for balance.
That smug bastard is as unfazed as always, “What?” he says with a cock of an eyebrow.
You tighten your grip on his shoulders, “Nothing,” you spit out, “You’re just really… skinny,” you say, dragging your nails down his torso as a punishment.
He snorts in response and grabs your hands to flatten against his chest, “Does it feel like I’m just skinny?” he says as he forces you to feel the hardness of his pecs.
“Yes,” you growl, “You bony ass bitch.”
His face scrunches into a scowl and he opens his mouth to offer you an undoubtedly biting retort, but at the moment, the front door swings open.
“Hey, ___, I’m back. How are—AH! What is that?” Lei squeals when she realizes that you’re lying on top of a man, “Wait, is that Kim Seokjin?!”
Your best friend awkwardly pops his head out, “Hi.”
“Oh my fucking god… Are you guys hooking up?!”
Jin winces at your robotic answer and tries to make up for it by smoothing a hand up your thigh, making you jump in surprise, “It’s been like a year now,” he informs her, “Where have you been?”
Lei just shakes her head as she puts down her grocery bags on the ground, “I should’ve known. You guys were always too close to just be friends.”
But that comment makes you frown, “What do you mean by that?”
Jin slaps a hand over your mouth, effectively shutting you up before you can question her further, “Just shut up while we’re still ahead,” he growls into your ear, “And fool around with me.”
“What are you talking about?!” you hiss back, alarmed.
Instead of responding, he splays a large hand across your lower back and shoves you flush against him. It takes everything in your power to keep from squealing out in surprise, but when Jin unexpectedly bites down on your earlobe, you can’t help the squeak from bursting out.
“The hell’s wrong with you?” he whispers in your ear, “Can’t you moan like a normal person?”
“I-I’m sorry? I just wasn’t expecting—eep!” you squeal again when he presses a kiss to the sensitive skin under your chin.
He pulls back with a sigh, “Why are you acting like this? You’re the one who wanted to cause a scene, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did, but I—” You stop there, embarrassed. How can you explain that you were expecting to just roll around, faking it? How naïve could you be?
Jin sighs again, “Fine, you can suck on my neck instead,” he says, craning his head upward to allow you access.
You pause at that, gazing down at the sight before you with wide eyes. Here is the most attractive man you have ever seen in your entire life, laid out before you like a seven-course meal, just waiting for you to have a taste. Your mouth waters, and if not for your crippling embarrassment, you might have dived right in to eat him whole. But this is your best friend… your platonic best friend who has never seen you as a woman. He’s just doing this as a favor to you, and you won’t allow yourself take advantage of the situation and enjoy this too much…
Easier said than done.
The moment you lean your face down, his masculine scent overwhelms you, making you lightheaded at once. You silently say a prayer in your mind, then lean down to press your lips against his neck. It’s a dry kiss—just a peck of your lips to his skin, but it still makes shivers slide down your back. How many times have you imagined touching him like this? Back in the budding years of your friendship during college, this was all you could think about. It would drive you insane, fighting back your urges to touch him, and staying awake at night stewing over your jealousies of his new fling of the week. It can’t be healthy opening this door again, when you’ve been doing so well keeping non-platonic thoughts of your friend out of your mind for so long… But how can you resist?
When Jin makes no sound of protest, you grow bolder, greedily parting your lips, and before you can second-guess yourself, you flick your tongue over his pulse point. There’s a beat of silence, where you realize what you’ve done and crippling embarrassment fills you. You’re just about to sit up and beg for forgiveness, when Jin does something very unexpected. He weaves a hand through your hair and pushes your head closer.
“Jin,” you whisper against his neck, shocked by the action.
He simply hums in response, “Keep going.”
Your heart is fluttering like a little bird in its cage as you silently obey. As though intoxicated, you can’t help but plant a series of open-mouthed kisses across the expanse of his neck, admiring the way his muscles flex as he twists his head to allow you room. But when you graze your teeth across a prominent vein, he suddenly groans.
“Do that again.”
The low, rumbly quality of his voice makes shivers wrack your body as you jump to do as he says. You gently sink your teeth into a patch of skin under his ear and soothe over the bite marks with your tongue until he groans again. You know that the sounds are probably for show—to feign pleasure to your snooping roommate, but you can’t help the way they send heat straight to your core.
Another few seconds of this, and Jin begins to shift from underneath you, presumably from discomfort. Instantly feeling guilty for sitting on him so heavily, you spring up to relieve him of your weight. But you’re a bit fuzzy with arousal and miscalculate your movements, unintentionally sliding down on him further… until your thigh rams into a strange hardness in the left leg of his jeans… wait could that be—?
“Ugh, how long are you two going to continue doing that?!” Lei’s shrill voice breaks you from your reverie.
You spring away from Jin as though burned, “Wh-what?” your voice is trembling, but you can’t help it.
Lei glowers at you from across the room, “I am trying to make dinner here.”
As though completely unperturbed by what had just occurred on the couch, Jin smoothly answers for you, “What’s wrong, Lei?” he asks with a perfectly arched brow, “Does this bother you?”
She glares back, “Not at all,” she spits through gritted teeth. “You know what? I’ll just eat out.” And with that, she snatches her purse off the counter and marches out the door.
You flinch as the door slams after her. Then you turn to stare at Jin with wide eyes, “Oh my god… I can’t believe that actually worked.”
He chuckles, “I told you it would, didn’t I?”
You laugh along with him, even as you peel yourself off his body and slide to the floor, “Thanks, Jin. She actually believed it! Now she’ll think before hooking up with a guy in our common space again!”
“Great. Just let me know if you need my help again,” he says as he rises to his feet.
“Wait, are you going somewhere?” you ask in confusion as you watch him pick up his phone from the coffee table and slip it into his pocket.
“Yeah, I have work in the morning. I should go home and prepare.”
“But I thought we were going to get dinner after this?”
“Next time,” he says as he makes his way to the door.
You’re a bit stung by his cold rejection. He doesn’t even have the decency to look at you as he blows off your dinner plans. Normally, you’d scold him for this kind of behavior, but this time, you’re a bit relieved that he’s leaving after such an awkward encounter.
“Ok. I’ll text you?”
“Yeah. See you later,” and without a second glance, he walks straight out of your apartment.
As soon as the door closes behind him, you collapse into an undignified pile on the ground, groaning weakly and clutching at your still pounding heart. What the hell had happened back there?!
Unfortunately, it becomes apparent over the next week that your ploy with Jin did not work at all. Lei brings home a new guy less than three days after your romp on the couch, and to your utmost dismay, they go at it all night long. You’re basically a walking zombie the next day at school, horrifying your lab mates by the way you hog the French press throughout the entire day.
By the time you finally leave lab that evening, you’d like nothing more than to just faceplant in bed hibernate for about a decade. You trudge into your apartment complex, let yourself in through the front door, and nearly jump out of your skin in surprise at the sight of Kim Seokjin chilling on the couch.
“AHH! You scared me!” You exclaim, clutching your heart in fear, “How did you get in here?!”
“Your doorman recognized me and let me in the building,” Jin informs you, completely unfazed by your dramatic reaction.
“Oh… that makes sense… Wait, no! How did you get into my apartment?!”
“I have a spare key.”
“Oh…” You say, blinking at the realization. Then—“Wait, what?! How do you have a spare key?!”
“Your mom gave me one.”
“She did what?!”
“Shh. Keep your voice down. You’re so noisy,” he says with a wince. “I wouldn’t have had to barge in here if you would just pick up your phone… Why are you so late?”
“Late for what? …Oh shit. We were supposed to have dinner tonight, weren’t we?!” Wide-eyed, you dive for your phone, and sure enough, there are three missed calls, all from Jin. “I’m sorry, I don’t have service on the subway.”
He scoffs, “I could’ve just picked you up from lab.”
You hastily shake your head at the very thought of it, “Seriously, it’s not a big deal…”
“Fine… what do you want to eat?”
You hesitate, “Jin… it’s always nice to eat out with you… but maybe it’d be nicer to get take out?”
He squints at you in suspicion, “What’s up with you?”
Damn! How did he see through you so quickly? You widen your eyes, trying to play innocent, “Nothing! I just… wouldn’t this be more convenient?”
Still, he scrutinizes you from head to toe with those sharp eyes of his, “Why are you saying this? And why do you look so terrible? Do you have manuscript deadlines again?”
“No, that’s not it,” you quickly say, not wanting to worry him.
“Midterms? Bad meeting with your advisor?”
“No, no. None of those. Seriously, don’t worry. I just didn’t sleep well last night and I’m kinda tired.”
He leans forward so far that his nose nearly brushes you, making you instinctively jump back in surprise, “It’s Lei again, isn’t it?”
You freeze at that, like a deer caught in the headlights, “N-no?”
But he sees through you like you’re transparent, “Ugh, so our scheme didn’t work?”
You awkwardly drop your eyes to your feet as vivid memories of what had transpired between the two of you in this very room come flashing back, “No, I don’t think so… But hey at least we tried, right?”
You don’t have to look up to know that he’s boiling with anger, “Hell no!” he curses, “Are you seriously going to let that asshole get away with it? No, we’re just going to have to think bigger!” He dramatically declares.
“Trust me, ___we’ll make her regret messing around with you like this.”
“Ok…” you warily agree, “If you say so…” but you can’t shake the excitement that bubbles in your chest at the thought of what he has in store for you.
The next day, you find yourself propped up on the kitchen counter with Jin standing between your legs.
“When is Lei coming home?” he asks as he casually rubs his large hands over your thighs.
But you’re too distracted by the feeling of his warm palms on your bare skin that you can’t think, let alone respond. Why did you choose to wear shorts today, of all days…?
“___?” he says your name in confusion when you take too long to respond.
You jerk your head up in surprise, “Y-yes?”
He frowns at your strange behavior, “Your roommate… Lei. When is she coming back?”
“I… um…” you blink hazily at him, too mesmerized by the beauty of his perfectly symmetrical features up close to process his words, “What?”
He raises an eyebrow, and tries to ask the question for the third time, when there’s the sound of a key in the lock. “Hurry and kiss me.”
But at that moment, he reaches forward to cup your face in both hands and presses his lips against yours. The door slides open, and Lei curses at what she finds in the kitchen, but you barely notice. You’re too fully engrossed in the heady sensation of Jin’s silken lips sliding against your own.
“Hi guys, I’m home!” Lei practically yells to catch your attention.
Jin pecks your lips one more time before he pulls away to flash her a displeased look over his shoulder, “Hey.” And with that, he leans in to kiss you again.
Normally, you’d be embarrassed by this public display of affection, especially with your best friend of the last half-decade. But you can’t process anything other than the fact that the most beautiful man on planet earth is kissing you… finally. Never in a million years would you have ever predicted such a thing.
“What are you doing?” Jin whispers to you between long, languid kisses, “Kiss me back.”
That makes you realize that you’ve been completely still this whole time, unable to move one inch from fear as you passively accept his kisses. Tentatively, you begin to move your lips against his, but as soon as you reciprocate, Jin suddenly freezes. For a moment, you’re terrified that you’ve offended him somehow. Are you a terrible kisser? Do you disgust him?
But less than half a second passes before he emits a sound from the back of his throat that sounds suspiciously like a moan, then deepens the kiss. Surprised by the action, your hand instinctively flattens against his chest, but you’re unsure if this is to push him back or urge him closer. Jin interprets it as the latter and steps forward until he’s flush against you, forcing you to feel the hard lines of his body.
You must be possessed. There’s no other way to explain it. Why else would you take it upon yourself to explore the firmness of his torso with interest? It is completely unlike you to boldly slip your hands under his thin t-shirt and grope at the tight muscles of his stomach like a fucking pervert.
To make matters worse, Jin doesn’t provide an ounce of resistance as he eagerly arches into your touch and slides his hand from your face to grab at your hips instead. Then, he suddenly grabs at your thighs, forcing them to lock around his waist. And that’s when you feel it again. The strange hardness in his jeans that you felt a week ago during that incident on the couch. And there is no fucking way of mistaking it this time: Kim Seokjin is aroused. He has a fucking boner that you caused. What the fuck is happening?!
At that realization, heady arousal slams into you with the force of a sledgehammer. All you can think about is grinding against his erection. You want to touch him, kiss him, feel him all over. But most of all, you just want to make him feel good. It’s more than a desire at this point, but a raw need. At this point, you are so drunk off the sensations of his hard body pressed against yours and his sinful tongue sliding down your throat that you almost do something very stupid. Your hands dart to his belt, tingling with the need to touch him—
But the hard slam of a door makes you break away from him with a little yelp.
“You guys are fucking disgusting,” Lei mutters under her breath as she escapes to her bedroom.
There’s a brief moment of disoriented tension between you and Jin where all that can be heard in the kitchen is your heavy pants. But then he steps away from you, leaving you cold from the lack of contact.
“Jin…” you whisper in a small voice, “Wh-what was that?”
Despite his harsh breathing, your best friend seems relatively unaffected by what had just transpired between the two of you. He nonchalantly shrugs, “What do you mean?”
You stare at him for a moment, but the sight of his flustered appearance, with his full lips swollen by your kisses and his cheeks tinged a rosy shade of pink, only makes the voracious desire in the pit of your stomach flare with need. You tear your eyes away, “I… I don’t know. I think… I think we may have taken that too far.”
“Whatever. It worked, right?” his tone is unexpectedly cold as he responds.
You glance up in surprise before lowering your gaze again, “Yeah… but what just happened… um… should we talk about it?”
“What’s there to talk about?” he snaps, “We took it too far, right? We’re just friends, right?”
“Right…” you hesitantly reply, wondering what you’ve said to piss him off so much, “Just friends… nothing else… It’s not like we’re attracted to each other or anything crazy like that…” you say, praying that he’ll object to that obvious lie. The burning erection in his pants is undeniable proof otherwise.
He snorts, making you look up in hopeful surprise, “Don’t you even try lying to my face.”
“There’s no way you’re not attracted to me, so don’t even try with that bullshit.”
That was not what you were expecting at all. Angered by his arrogance, you flash him the deadliest glare that you can muster, “You’re so full of yourself, Kim Seokjin. Do you really think that every girl in this universe wants to hop on that dick?”
“Of course not,” he smoothly says, “but you clearly do.”
“How is your head so fucking big?” you snap, horrified by how spot-on he is with that assessment. ��And look who’s talking: you were hard as a rock, asshole.”
Jin’s eyes pop open, as though shocked that you’ve noticed. “Yeah, so what?” he spits back, even as he awkwardly hovers both hands over his crotch area, “I’m human, of course I’m gonna pop a boner if someone’s fondling me in such a perverse way! Don’t think you’re special.”
Your face heats at the insult, “Really? So you weren’t attracted to me at all? You would’ve just popped a boner for anyone?”
“Yeah, exactly,” he says with a glare, “It’s just like masturbating, isn’t it? Being touched feels good.”
“Great,” you growl, “Well you can go take care of that yourself, dickface.”
“Or you could do it for me.”
That makes you stop in your tracks, “Wh-what?”
He rolls his eyes at your dramatic response, “Don’t get any ideas in that simple little mind of yours. It’ll just feel a bit better than my own hand.”
Anger flares in your chest from his condescending tone, and before you know what you’re doing, you’ve reached over to grab him roughly through the pants. “Does this feel just a bit better than your own hand?” you mock him as you massage his erection with both hands.
Jin licks his swollen bottom lip before shooting you a glare relatively devoid of any real anger, “Barely.”
Your eyes flash, and then you’re reaching into his pants to grab his bare cock. This time, Jin can’t help his instinctive reaction to your touch, doubling over as though he’d been punched, “___!”
You ignore him to squeeze what you can of his length in the restrictive confines of his pants. “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop.”
His eyes dart to yours, “Don’t you fucking dare do that or I swear to god, ___.”
You resist a shiver at the sound of his uncharacteristically deep voice that’s dropped an entire octave with arousal. Drunk on his reactions, you would happily obey, but a new thought pops in your mind about how the two of you aren’t alone. You pause and try to remove your hand from inside his pants, but Jin quickly grabs your wrist, fearful that you might leave him hanging, “Lei could come out and see us,” you remind him in a hushed voice.
He relaxes slightly at that, “Then we’ll go into your room,” And without waiting for a response, he drags you in that direction.
He practically bursts into your bedroom and kicks the door shut behind him. You blush at the sight of your messy, unmade bed, but Jin gives zero fucks as he eagerly sprawls across your sheets and yanks at his belt. As you watch him, you can’t help but feel a bit of trepidation. This is your best friend of half a decade. If you cross this line, you might as well be flushing years of friendship down the toilet. What are you doing right now?
But at that moment, Jin finally gets his belt undone and yanks down his pants and boxers without a second thought, his hard dick instantly bouncing up to slap against his stomach. As soon as your eyes land on his throbbing length, you’re done for. All thoughts about the ethics of this situation drop from your mind as you crawl onto the bed after him, eyes fixated on his bare cock and practically salivating at the sight.
Jin watches you from under hooded lids, seemingly nonchalant as he lays back against your headboards, hands propped behind his head, but when you grab him in your warm hand again, his entire body spasms.
You can’t get over the feeling of him in your hand, so hard and big, yet velvety-soft to the touch. And the way he keeps twitching, as though trying to jump closer to the heat of your hand, is intoxicating.
You gently squeeze him from base to tip, marveling when copious amounts of precum slide down his cock from your action. It slickens your movements, allowing you to give him longer, harder strokes with each passing second.
After a minute or so, Jin suddenly crashes his head back against the wall with a loud groan of frustration. Startled, you look up at him, and nearly jump out of your skin in surprise to find him already staring down at you, his gaze so heated that you feel almost painfully hot in your own skin.
“Jin…” you whisper his name, cringing at the dry, broken quality of your voice. You lick your lips for moisture, ignoring the way his eyes lock on the gesture, and try again, “Jin, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he says, but the word comes out as a strangled groan, “Fuck.”
No matter what bullshit he tries to tell you, you know that he likes this. He likes this a lot, if the way he shivers and pants, his hands clenching and unclenching in the sheets underneath him is any indication. His teeth are gritted so hard that you can see a muscle jumping in his cheek, revealing just how difficult it must be for him to hold back his sounds.
You pout slightly at the realization. You’d like nothing more than to hear him moan for you. But you have a role to play here—you’re supposed to be completely indifferent, and begging for him to moan your name would ruin that purpose, no matter how much you want it. Somehow, you still value your ego more. Just like he does.
So you pump him harder, lowering your eyes to your work to avoid the heat of his gaze, and biting down hard on your bottom lip to resist the urge to taste him… The hot precum leaking from his tip is so tempting, but you force yourself to stay strong. You can’t let him win, like he always does. Not this time. It’s been your mission in life to prove to him that you’re not just another one of his fawning fangirls hanging onto his every word. You refuse to be that person… maybe because you want to be more than just that to him…
If you let your emotions take control right now, then you’ll be doomed. You’ll let him know how much you care… How much you’ve always cared about him. And then he’ll just laugh you off, like probably does with all the other love-struck admirers. You stand no chance. This will be as much as you’ll ever get from him.
And with that in mind, you suddenly slow down your pace, realizing that this is the only chance you’ll get to ever touch him. You close your eyes as you try to remember every detail—the weight of his cock in your hand, the very texture and warmth; his ragged breathing and the way he looks, whole body drenched in sweat. It’s then that you realize with a sinking heart that no man will ever compare. That this is it.
“Fuck, ___,” Jin groans, tearing you away from your thoughts, “Are you trying to kill me?”
You ignore him to wring your fist up his length, paying special attention to the sensitive head of his cock.
Jin curses again, “Fucking hell, ____! Why are you doing this to me?” He shifts in obvious discomfort on the bed, hips lifting towards your stingy touch.
“What do you mean?” you say as you examine his heavy, pulsating erection. It’s so hot and red, you can only imagine that he’s practically at his bursting point. You almost feel sorry for him. But if he hates this so much, he can just get himself off. His hands are just about as good as yours, apparently.
Jin throws his head back and groans deeply when you slide a thumb across his slit, “You’re fucking doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“Why would I do that?” you snort, “Aren’t you just getting a little desperate?”
“Yeah, because I want to fucking cum and you’re making it impossible,” he spits back, “Why are you so lazy? Why can’t you put in some fucking effort?”
“I’m just not interested,” You smoothly lie through your teeth, “This is so boring to me.”
“If we’re just friends and you’re not attracted to me whatsoever, then why the fuck are you even doing this?” Jin growls.
He’s got you there. “And if you’re not attracted to me either, then why do you want this so badly?” you shoot back, instead of addressing his question.
“Because your hands are soft and I want to fucking cum on them!” he practically snarls, “Don’t you dare think this has anything to do with you.”
Your nostrils flare in anger, and you’re almost tempted to just drop his cock and stomp out of the room. But that would mean that you’ve let him get under your skin. And you’re determined to not let him affect you one bit.
“Fine,” you snap. And with that, you begin jerking him off as fast as you can.
Jin’s entire form crumples at once, as he practically folds his larger frame over you. He’s a bit slow with his reactions this time and doesn’t have the self-control to hold himself back before a strangled moan tears through the room.
You ignore him and the wetness in your underwear as you impatiently stroke him towards his orgasm. His precum is still flowing, but it’s not quite enough, and you quickly duck your head to spit on him to further lubricate your movements.
Clearly not expecting that, Jin shouts out your name, astonished by the vulgar action, “___!”
“Shut up,” you growl in response, redoubling your efforts. He’s so close right now. You can feel it viscerally as if it was your own pleasure. The way his arms shake with the effort to keep him upright, the way his breathing goes haywire, and the way every muscle in his body tenses like a coil… He’s either on the edge or right there. And true to your expectations, it only takes another minute of your harsh pumping before he’s suddenly latching out to grab you with both hands.
“Fuck!” he shouts, entire body trembling as he bursts all over your hands. Any semblance of self-control disappears at that instant, where he helplessly jerks his hips up into your hand, desperate for more friction.
You patiently stroke him through his orgasm, using his excessive cum as lubrication. He meets you stroke for stroke, and the fluid motions of his hips makes your mouth go dry. You’ve never seen anything so fucking hot as Kim Seokjin when consumed mindless by his powerful orgasm.
But all good things must come to an end, and a few seconds later, he pushes away your hands with a shiver of overstimulation. You reluctantly withdraw and stare down at your cum-coated hands. For a second, you’re nearly overcome with the need to taste him by sucking his cum off of your fingers one by one. Somehow, you resist and reach over to pluck a few tissues from the nightstand, “Ew.”
Jin is still breathing too hard to respond. He shakily brushes his sweaty bangs off his forehead and tucks his spent length back in his pants, “Sh-shut up.”
You ignore him to reach for the hand sanitizer instead, intentionally rubbing it on in front of him to prove a point.
A heavy silence suffuses the room, and you have no idea how to address it as you carry on with your act. You realize that the logical course of action is to kick him out of your apartment… But you don’t really want to do that.
“Come on,” Jin says, breaking through the tension, “Lie on your back. I’ll eat you out or something.”
But the way he says it makes it sound like a chore, and your face heats at the implication, “Forget it, asshole. Don’t even front. I know what a selfish bastard you are.”
His brow furrows with indignation, “What the fuck? I’ll prove to you just how wrong you are. Get on your back, kid.”
Clearly that was the wrong thing to say to him as it just encouraged his competitive drive. You try a different approach, “No way. Why do you think I would ever want that?”
“Are you still playing this game? Calm down and let me rub one out for you.”
His crassness makes you shrivel up in embarrassment. There’s nothing you’d want more, but you know that the moment you drop your pants, he’ll realize how turned on you are… You’ve already soaked through your panties at this point, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you left a stain against the bed sheets. And he can’t know how aroused you are from just pleasuring him. You would never survive the embarrassment.
“Stop it,” you say, “Just leave me alone.”
You’re not sure if you’re more relieved or disappointed when he concedes. “Fine,” he bites out, “I didn’t want to go through that effort anyways, so you spared me.”
That stings more than it should. “Whatever. Just go home, asshole.”
Jin doesn’t even look at you as he angrily buttons his pants and yanks his clothes back into place. Then, without sparing you a single word, he marches straight out of your bedroom. You count down from ten in your head, and the moment you hear the front door slam shut, you collapse onto your bed with a deep groan. It feels like all the energy has left your body, making you feel exhausted enough to sleep for a decade.
What you had just done to Jin… That was single-handedly the sexiest experience of your life. And yet… why do you feel so empty?
You don’t speak to Jin for the next week. For most friends, this is a pretty normal occurrence. But you and Jin are so close that it’s odd to not speak to him for even a day, much less an entire week. The first few days are tough. You almost forget that you’re fighting multiple times throughout the week, and pick up your phone to complain to him about the harsh feedback your advisor’s sent you, or the annoying thing Lei’s done this time, before you collect yourself.
But when the 10-day mark rolls by, you feel your defenses crumbling. You find yourself pausing in the hallway outside of your apartment, staring down at your dry phone with a frown. Normally Fridays are your bi-weekly dinner dates with Jin. It’s been a tradition between the two of you since you were in your second year of university. Surely, he wouldn’t be petty enough to forget this… right?
You’re about to pull up Jin’s contact in your phone to call him when a family of four nearly plow you over in their hurry to the elevator.
“Sorry, Miss!” the frazzled mother yells out before she shoos her children into the elevator.
It’s too hazardous to stand out here in the busy hallway, so you quickly unlock the front door of your apartment unit and let yourself in before hitting the green “call” button. You’re just about to toss your keys on the counter when a loud vibration makes you jump in surprise. Oh, you thought you were home alone. Lei was supposed to be out until late tonight. You look up to greet her, but the smile slides right off your face when you find someone much bigger than Lei sitting in the living room. The keys slip between your fingers to fall to the ground with a loud clatter.
“Oh, shit.”
But Jin beats you to it, rushing across the room to pick up your fallen keys for you, “Here,” he says as he hands them to you.
“Thanks,” you resist the urge to shiver as his fingers brush yours. Then you drop your gaze to your feet, too overwhelmed by his sudden appearance to look him in the eye, “Jin, what are you doing here?”
“Tch, don’t tell me you forgot about our dinner night?”
You peek up at him in embarrassment, “Really…? You’re not still mad at me?”
He rolls his eyes at that, “How can I be mad at you for something so stupid? Come on. Put down your backpack and let’s go.”
Suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, you lurch forward to throw your arms around his neck in a painfully tight embrace, “I’m sorry, Jin!”
He chuckles as he hugs you back, “Don’t be, ___... Seriously. Don’t be.”
You’re not sure what he means by that, but you don’t care. All you know is that you have your best friend back, “Let’s never do anything so stupid again.”
His smile doesn’t reach his eyes when he finally lets you go, “If you say so.”
Jin insists on walking you back to your apartment after dinner (even though his car is parked just on the curb), and you decide that it’s only proper to invite him in for a drink. But as Jin watches you fumble around in the kitchen with a beer in his hand, he suddenly shoots you with an unexpected question:
“Hey, ___, have you ever thought about me as more than a friend?”
You nearly drop the glass you had been cleaning in shock, “Wh-what?”
“We’ve been friends for a long time. Surely you must have thought about it one time or the other?” he calls out as casually as if he was discussing the weather.
You slowly put down the glass as you deliberate your next words carefully. But how can you evade the question without straight-up lying to his face? “I… I’m not sure why you’re asking me that,” you slowly say.
Jin sighs deeply and plops down his beer on the coffee table, “Stop cleaning and come sit with me for a second.”
There’s no way you can reject that simple request without appearing suspicious, so you reluctantly wipe your hands and join him, “What’s up, Jin?” you ask as you cautiously take a seat next to him on the couch and fold your legs underneath yourself.
He pauses for a moment, fiddling with the hem of his oversized cream sweater, before speaking, “I know that I’m not your type. That’s what you’ve been telling me since we first met. But surely over the past five years that we’ve been friends, it must have crossed your mind at one point or the other, right?”
You gnaw on your bottom lip, unsure of his intentions behind this line of questioning, but terrified, nevertheless, “I’m not sure what you mean, Jin.”
He sighs in frustration before trying again, “Come on, ___. You can be honest here… Have you ever thought about fucking me?”
Your mouth instantly goes dry at his question, and for a moment it feels like you can’t breathe. “Wh-what are you--? Why… I-I never!” you choke on your words, then hurriedly backtrack to try to fix your mistake, “I mean, I’m not blind. I can admit that you’re objectively hot, but that doesn’t mean that I want to—” You break off, embarrassed beyond belief, “God, Jin! Where the hell is this coming from?!”
But the tall dark-haired man purses his lips together tightly and steamrolls on, “Really, ___? So you’re trying to tell me that in our five years of friendship, not once did you ever think about me sexually?”
You take a moment to inhale deeply and brace yourself, “Never,” you lie through your teeth.
His eyes narrow, “Really?”
He cocks his head to the side as he considers you, brow furrowed as though deep in thought. Then, he unexpectedly lets out a bark of laughter, “Bullshit.”
Your eyes widen in shock, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Bullshit,” he growls, “I know it’s not all in my head. I know that you want me, ___.”
Your face heats with indignation, “What the fuck’s gotten into you these days?!” you seethe, “I know how you act with the other girls, but can you keep your oversized ego in check with me at least?!”
“Fine, if you’re not the least bit attracted to me, then come here,” he says, grabbing you by the hands to drag you closer to him on the couch so that your thighs touch, “Do you really feel nothing when I’m this close to you?”
“No!” You exclaim at once, though you can’t help the way your body floods with warmth at the feeling of his hands on your skin.
“Really? Look at me, ___. You seriously don’t want to kiss me right now?”
“No, not at all!” you shriek as you try to rip your hands out of his grip, but he’s a lot stronger than you expected.
“So what you’re trying to say is that you feel nothing for me,” he presses on, a strange desperation flashing in his eyes before he quickly masks it, “There is absolutely no attraction between us, and you’ll only ever see me as a friend?”
“Yes,” you lie, since it’s all you’re good at, “I don’t like you, Seokjin, and I never will.”
At that, he drops your wrists as though burned, “Alright,” he mutters in a bitter tone, “I understand.”
You suck in a deep breath through your teeth to try to calm your pounding heart. It doesn’t work. “Good,” you whisper in a hoarse tone. Then you rise to your knees and smash your lips to his.
Jin is completely still for the longest, most devastating second of your life. You’re about to furiously apologize then throw yourself out the window in disgrace when he suddenly grabs you by the back of the neck and forcibly deepens the kiss. And then his tongue is in your mouth, boldly pressing past your teeth and curling with yours as his fingers tighten around your neck, holding you captive.
His kisses are nothing like the modest, chaste ones he gave you in the kitchen a week and a half ago. This time he’s on the edge of violent, devouring you whole and holding onto you so hard that you have zero chance of escape. It’s as though he’s afraid that you might try to leave again. But you wouldn’t even if you could. Because this has been five whole years in the making. You’ve wanted him since the first time you laid eyes on him. And now that you’ve finally got him…
You feel like you’re drowning under the heat of his touch. It’s like the blood rushing through your veins has turned to molten lava, burning you from the inside out. You’re completely powerless as you get swept up by your desires, like a leaf in the wind. All you can do is relish the sensations, clinging onto Jin with both hands as you silently beg him for more.
And he does not disappoint. Without missing a beat or breaking the heated kiss, Jin shoves both hands up your shirt, hot fingers trailing along your stomach and ribcage for a second before he boldly grabs your breasts. You gasp into his mouth in surprise, and the sound turns into a guttural moan when Jin slides his mouth from yours to suck deep bruises into the tender skin under your jaw. The multitude of sensations leaves you breathless. But before you can rip off your shirt to allow him better access, Jin suddenly jumps up and hauls you off your feet with formidable strength you weren’t aware he possessed.
His lips are on yours again before you can comment on this new development, distracting you with hot kisses until your back hits something springy. You break from the kiss with a yelp of surprise to find yourself in your bedroom, pressed flat against your messy sheets as Jin continues to mouth at the crook of your neck. Somehow, he had carried you to your room when you were unaware. And now that he’s not limited by the awkward positioning of your bodies on the couch, he’s able to lower himself on top of you, trapping you under his broad frame with no restrictions.
“Jin!” You yell out in shock when a shift of his hips has you feeling the painfully hard erection in his jeans for the first time.
He ignores you to yank on one of your legs, forcing it to wrap around his waist and allowing himself surface area to grind against as he loses himself to his lust. And then it hits you like a slap to the face that this is actually happening. That this isn’t going to be some casual make out session or another quick handjob. That after all of these years of fantasizing and waiting, you’re finally going to have sex with Kim Seokjin. This is actually happening.
“Seokjin,” you murmur his name when he begins nipping down to your cleavage, making him freeze in his tracks.
“…Yes?” He asks as he stares up at you with fearful wide eyes. You instantly recognize the trepidation in them, confusing you for a moment before awareness dawns upon you. He’s scared… because he thinks that you might ask him to stop. And you know that he would. He would do it in a heartbeat if that’s what you wanted. But he’s so aroused that it wouldn’t be anything short of excruciating.
So you giggle softly to dispel his fears and affectionately lean up to nip his earlobe, “Take off your clothes, Jin,” you whisper in his ear.
Your sultry request incites something within him, because less than a second passes before he’s shooting up onto his haunches and ripping off his clothes at lightning speed. You gasp out loud at the sight of his bare chest, hungry fingers darting to touch the hard muscle, but before you can make contact, Jin pushes your hands away to undress you as well. In a blink of an eye, your shirt hits the ground along with your bra. Jin pauses for a moment there, distracted by the mouthwatering sight of your breasts, but quickly refocuses when you wiggle out of your jeans and carelessly kick them off to the ground, leaving you decked in only a pair of thin cotton underwear. And together, the two of you peel them off your legs, leaving you entirely naked before him.
“Fuck,” he curses, eyes shamelessly devouring you from head to toe as he runs his tongue over his lips over and over, practically salivating at the sight of your bare body spread out across the sheets.
Embarrassed, you try to cover yourself with your hands, “Jin…”
He possessively rips your hands from your body and pins them above your head, “Don’t you dare cover yourself from me,” he growls before covering your lips with his swollen red ones again.
His grip is as strong as steel around your wrists and you couldn’t break free even if you wanted to. You never knew that your handsome, princely best friend possessed such strength, and it’s sexy to say the least. He had always seemed almost delicate, like he would be flimsy in bed, but you could’ve have been more wrong. It feels like a wall of concrete is closing in on you, surprisingly well-defined muscles rippling with every movement, and you feel light-headed from the intensity of your arousal.
“Fuck me, Jin,” you beg as you careen your hips up for friction.
He curses softly at this, but somehow resists, instead slipping his hand down to cup your mound, “How are you so fucking wet?” he asks in shock as he easily slides a finger inside of you.
You clench down on him at once, moaning at the sensations when he begins curling his finger inside of you. But it’s not enough. Not when you know how big and thick his cock is, and how much more nicely it’d fill you up than his slender fingers. “Seokjin,” you whine, “Please just fuck me.”
He bites down on his plump bottom lip at that, but somehow manages to refuse you with a shake of his head, “No. I gotta stretch you out first, baby. So I don’t hurt you.”
“I can take it, Jin!” you exclaim, practically thrashing underneath him when he slips another finger inside of you, rocking them both up against your g-spot in a way that makes you see stars in your vision.
Jin groans softly as you clench around him as hard as you can, clearly imagining his dick in the place of his fingers… which he could easily have, if he wasn’t so damn stubborn. “N-not yet,” he says, but the tremble of his voice gives him away.
“Please!” you mindlessly beg, “I want your dick so bad, I’m going to die if you don’t fuck me right now! Please, Jin!”
He falters at that, and when you lean up to bite down at the thick muscle of his neck, Jin’s resolve crumbles entirely. “Fuck, okay,” he breathlessly agrees, and with one last harsh twist of his thumb against your clit, he rises onto his knees to yank at his belt. “Get a condom.”
You’re so distracted by the residues of pleasure that continue to buzz in your system that you can’t process his words for a moment. But when you finally do, you hastily shake your head, horrified by the very thought, “I’m on birth control… And we know each other. You’re clean, right?”
“Yes, of course!”
“Then please cum inside of me, Seokjin,” you purr, wrapping both legs around his waist and rubbing your drenched slit against the front of his crotch.
His eyes darken at that, and in a blink of an eye, he has his jeans and underwear shoved to mid-thigh and his burning hot erection gripped in his hand. You can’t help the gasp that tears from your throat at the sight. He’s bigger than you remember. Not only is he long, but unbelievably wide in girth. You like dick as much as anyone else, but this is almost excessive. For a split second, trepidation breaks through the cloud of arousal. There’s no way he will fit… not without a great deal of pain, at least.
Jin senses your hesitation, and he lowers his head to give you a soft, reassuring kiss, “I told you to give me time to stretch you out,” he says as he gently slides the flat of his cock against your pussy lips.
That snaps you out of it, and you quickly shake your head, absolutely resolute as you spread your thighs for him, “I don’t care. Do it next time. Right now, I just need you to fuck me before I go insane!”
Jin pauses at that, “Next time…?”
You ignore him to lift your hips up, grinding your sopping wet pussy against his dick, “Please just put it in, Jin!”
He chokes back a groan at that and licks his lips, “Fuck, alright.” And his former line of questioning lost through this distraction, he shakily presses the head of his cock against your entrance, biting down hard on his bottom lip when it pops past the barrier, allowing him to sink in a good inch or two before he forces himself to stop. “A-are you okay?” he asks, voice quivering as hard as the arms trying to brace themselves on either side of your head.
It’s a bit uncomfortable having your entrance stretched this wide to accommodate his girth, but it’s not intolerable. So you nod your head and spread your legs wider, allowing him a full two more inches into your delicious heat before you press a hand against his stomach to stop him. “Ow, give me a moment,” you say with a wince.
He jerks his head in a curt nod, trying to be respectful of your needs, even as his hands grip around the sheets tightly enough to turn his knuckles white. In the minute he allows you, he restlessly noses around your neck, darting his tongue out to taste random spots, as though seeking any distraction to keep from shoving the rest of his cock inside of you like he desperately desires.
Taking pity on him, you raise your hips to meet his until you’ve got nearly half of his enormous cock inside of you. Already, it’s a bit more of a stretch than you can handle, and your body automatically attempts to push this foreign item out of you by tightening and squeezing around him. It’s completely instinctive, like a knee-jerk reflex, and you realize too late that it’s the absolute worst thing you could do to a man with his self-control shred to tatters.
The moment he feels your walls clamping around him as tight as a vice, Jin throws his head back with a gasp, then slams the rest of his length inside of you with a single jerk of his hips.
You’re suddenly overwhelmed, filled to the hilt, and you’re sure he’s hit your cervix by the sharp pain that stabs your lower stomach upon impact, but you wouldn’t dare stop him. Even the pain is poignant, the sharpness chased by the sweetest aftertaste of pleasure that has you hungry for more.
“A-are you okay?” he breathlessly asks, even as he begins to surge forward in your heat, hips immediately picking up a rapid pace.
“Yes!” You yell out, “Please don’t stop.”
“Fuck,” he curses as he digs his fingers into your thighs hard enough to bruise. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, you feel so good.”
You wrap your legs tighter around his narrow waist in response, silently urging him on as he literally fucks the thoughts out of your mind. As a result, neither of you notice the bang of the front door swinging open until a voice calls out—
“___, I’m home!”
You stiffen at the sound of Lei’s voice and dig your nails into Jin’s back to keep him from moving, “Shit,” you whisper, eyes wide with fear at getting caught, “We need to be quiet!”
Jin’s hot pants fill the air as he struggles to hold himself still inside of your hot pussy when all he wants to do is fuck you into oblivion. He manages exactly ten seconds before his eyes flash dangerously, “Fuck that shit,” and with that, he pulls back on his heels and slams into you so hard that your entire body knocks back into the headboard, and a scream of his name come tearing from the back of your throat before you can help it.
There’s the sound of something clanging noisily as it hits the ground in the other room, followed by Lei’s cursing, “What the fuck…?”
Jin laughs under his breath as he continues to drill into you, delighting in the shrieks and bubbles of noise you helplessly emit. “Fuck, ____,” he moans dramatically, so that his voice can be heard through the thin walls, “You feel so good.”
You bite down on your bottom lip to hold back your laughter as you catch onto his wicked plan, “Oh Jin, please fuck me harder!” you wantonly moan at the top of your lungs, “Harder, baby, harder!”
Jin flashes you a brilliant grin before reaching up to bang his fist against the headboard, the loud thuds echoing throughout the room, “Like this, baby?” he half-yells, even though he has fallen motionless inside of you.
“Fuck yes!” You scream so loudly that even Jin jumps in surprise.
That is the last straw, and a second later, you hear the front door opening, “You guys are fucking disgusting!” Lei shrieks in the shrillest voice imaginable before slamming the door shut.
There’s a brief moment of silence before Jin blinks at you, “Do you think we finally got your revenge?”
“I sure hope so… What more can we do?”
A stunning smile stretches across Jin’s handsome face as he peers down at you, “Want to take this to her bed instead?”
You stare at him with huge eyes for split second, shocked beyond belief. He stares back with a raised eyebrow. Then, the tension breaks and the two of you burst into hysterical laughter.
“This is crazy!” you yelp as tears fill your eyes from how hard you’re laughing. This whole thing is just so ridiculous! Not in a million years did you ever imagine yourself to end up in such a wild situation! You clutch your aching tummy as you continue to be overcome by peals of laughter, and as a result, you don’t notice that Jin has fallen deathly silent until he suddenly grabs you by the hips with a snarl.
The laughter dies in your chest as you take in the sudden intensity of his cold stare, “Jin…?”
He tightens his grip around your hips when you shift around to try to look at him better, “Stop. Fucking. Moving.”
You instantly obey, freezing to ice as the implications of his words hit you like a ton of bricks. Your hearty laughter, with him buried deep inside of you, has probably shaken him up in the most agonizing way possible… Flustered, you nervously chuckle, unintentionally constricting and vibrating around his cock again.
Jin falls on top of you with a tortured groan, hands sinking into the pillow on either side of your head as he helplessly drives his hips forward into your warmth, “I thought I told you to stop moving,” he hisses as he pulls out just to ram himself inside of you, up to the hilt. And just like that, the tension breaks as the desire to cum rushes back, ten-fold.
“Oh my god, Jin,” you groan as he begins to mercilessly pound you into the mattress, “How are you so fucking big?”
He chuckles breathlessly, “I hope you’re not in too much pain in the morning.”
“I’ve already lost feeling in my legs,” you say, even as you wrap them tighter around his lithe waist, “What is this damn elephant trunk of yours?
That makes him laugh again, sweaty face flushing with a tint of pink, “I’m sorry baby girl.”
“Don’t be,” you groan, “Because it’s fucking awesome.”
“I promise I’ll be gentler next time,” he guarantees you through heavy pants, “But right now… I need to cum… fuck, I’m so close, ___.”
“Me too,” you groan, blindly lifting your hips for more. And as a result, you’re too dazed by your need for an orgasm to process the meaning behind his words. This whole situation should be unbearably uncomfortable and weird—you’re fucking your best friend of half a decade, after all. But for some reason, it feels right. Like you were meant to have him buried in your pussy. You’ve never known what empty felt like until now that you’ve finally experienced the ecstasy of complete fullness.
Warmth is bursting at the seams of your legs, coloring your vision a rosy tint, but still, it’s not quite enough. So you slip a hand between your sweaty bodies, seeking that extra boost that will send you off the edge. But before you can rub yourself to completion, a hand knocks yours to the side.
“Let me,” Jin offers, brow wrinkled in concern as he resumes drawing circles around your clit for you. It takes you a second to recognize the emotion on his face as jealousy—over your own touch on your body. It’s so childish and yet endearing that you can’t help but laugh at his illogical reaction. However, your amusement quickly dies in your chest when Jin vindictively digs his thumb into your clit with the perfect amount of pressure, sending you catapulting towards your orgasm so fast, you experience whiplash.
“Oh my god,” you whimper as you trash from underneath him, practically bucking him off, “I’m going to cum!”
Jin moans from deep in his chest in response to your warning and leans down to suck a hickey into your neck, “Do it,” he breathlessly commands you, “Cum for me now.”
Like a puppet on a string, your body automatically obeys, and with just one last hard slam of his cock into your fluttering walls, you squeeze your eyes shut and cum all over him. The white-hot pleasure overwhelms you, filling every cell of your body with blinding light such that your mind blanks entirely. Consequently, you’re too caught up in your own pleasure to notice when Jin stiffens above you, his own release triggered by the sudden vice-like clamping of your walls over his dick. He cums noisily, grunting your name and spitting various curses as he snaps his hips back and forth, riding out his orgasm in bliss.
When he’s emptied every last bit of his hot semen inside of you, Jin finally pulls out with a deep sigh of contentment. There’s a few minutes of blessed silence where the two of you simply lie there, nuzzling into each other with soft kisses, and listening to your racing hearts slow. You feel sluggish with exhaustion in the aftermath of your orgasmic bliss. And it feels so nice to have Jin gently mouthing at your neck as he holds you close to his body, both arms looped possessively around your waist like he never wants to let you go. Your eyes feel so heavy that you can’t help but close them, as you reason with yourself that it couldn’t hurt to doze off for just a few minutes…
But of course Jin has to go and ruin the peaceful atmosphere with his big, fat mouth.
“See? I knew you were attracted to me,” he chuckles, voice muffled by your skin.
And just like that, the mood breaks and your jaw drops with indignation, “What the hell?” you angrily shove him off of you.
Bewildered by your sudden shift in mood, Jin nevertheless rolls over onto his back, “Huh? ___, what’s wrong?”
“How are you so fucking arrogant, Kim Seokjin?” you growl as you hunt for your clothes.
“What? No, I’m not!” He protests in confusion, “How is it arrogance when I’m just stating facts? You’re clearly attracted to me! Why else would you have jumped me like some kind of feral animal?!”
Your face grows hot at the unflattering reminder, “Oh my god, shut up, Jin. I must have had a minor stroke or something. I don’t know what else could have possessed me to act in that a way. I’m such a basic bitch!”
“Why are you acting this way? It was good, wasn’t it?” he asks with a touch of defensiveness.
It was more than good. It was amazing. Mind-blowing, really. But there’s no way in hell you’ll boost his ego by letting him know that. “You have a big dick, I’ll give you that. But that doesn’t mean shit.”
He colors at your insult, “And you think you’re all that? All you did was lie down and take it, ___. I might as well have been fucking a ragdoll or something.”
“Oh yeah? Well look at you, asshole. I gave you a handjob and let you fuck my pussy. And what did I get in return? Just a bruised cervix.”
Jin splutters at the complete unfairness of your words, “B-but—what are you even—I tried to reciprocate, but you wouldn’t let me!”
You choose to ignore that, “All I hear are excuses! I seriously can’t believe you, Jin. Were you honestly expecting me to fall to my knees and thank you for blessing me with your dick?”
“Why not?” he hotly shoots back, “You were literally begging me to fuck you earlier. I think you could show a bit more appreciation.”
You heat up further as you remember the shit you said in bed, but you resolutely refuse to allow any embarrassment or weakness to show in front of him, “I don’t know who you think I am, Kim Seokjin. But I’m not one of your fangirls who pray that you’ll look in their direction, and allow you to use them like disposable sex dolls. That won’t work with me. I’m more than that. Jin, you know I am,” you say, hoping that he will agree with your statement.
To your disappointment, he snorts in derision, “Yeah right. You may pretend to be all high and mighty, but I know you’re just as thirsty for this dick as the rest of them. Just admit it, babe.”
Your ego is torn to shreds, yet you make you last attempt, desperate to not let this opportunity slip past you, “I won’t be another one of your playthings, Jin. I deserve better.” There’s a brief moment of silence following your confession. You’ve wanted to say this since you first caught feelings for him all the way back during college, and the fact that you’ve finally gotten this off your chest is both liberating and completely terrifying. You know that your chances are slim at best, but you can’t help but hope against hope.
“Tch, whatever,” is Jin’s gruff response when he finally catches his breath, “Fuck you too.” And with that, he collects his clothes and stomps out of your bedroom.
You sit there for a long time after he leaves, helplessly staring after him. Not even in your wildest dreams or most frightening nightmares could you have ever predicted him reacting in this way. With all of your years of friendship, you actually believed him to care about you. So his blunt, heartless rejection is agonizing to say the least. You had expected an awkward rejection—maybe a half-assed hug and a promise that you’d find someone else at worst. But you have never witnessed such coldness from this man who you had considered to be your best friend.
Suddenly wracked with shivers, you slowly slide under the covers and pull them over your head. The remnants of his cum is still seeping out of you, sliding down your leg to stain your sheets, but you’re too numb to care. You can only lie there and stare up at the ceiling as you fight the urge to cry.
You can’t bring yourself to crawl out of bed the next morning until nearly noon. You know that you look like a hot mess with your hair matted and eyes swollen from crying. All you want to do is grab a glass of water from the kitchen to keep from dehydration, then spend the rest of the day cooped up in your bed.
Unfortunately, as you pour yourself water in the kitchen, Lei hears the commotion from her bedroom, and hurriedly rushes out to intercept you.
“___!” She yells your name, making you cringe.
God, you really need to get your own apartment… You take another long swallow of your water before you slowly put the glass down, “…Yes?”
She places both hands on her hips, clearly upset with you for some reason you can’t fathom, “How dare you pull a stunt like that last night!”
You wince at the volume of her voice, “What do you mean?” you ask, glancing longingly past her to the open door of your bedroom.
“Don’t you even try to play dumb, ___! That stunt you pulled with Seokjin! How could you do that to me?!”
“What the hell are you even talking about?” Irritation fills you for the first time at her hypocrisy, “Maybe we were a little loud, but so what? You bring home men all the time!”
“That’s not what I’m pissed about!” She says with a childish stomp of her foot, “Are you kidding me right now, ___?!”
“Lei, I really have no idea what you’re trying to say!” you exclaim, frustrated by this situation. Why is she acting up like this when you’re already feeling so miserable?
“You can’t possibly be this dense!” she practically shrieks at you, making you heat with anger, “I don’t care if you hook up with random guys! I care if it’s Kim Seokjin!”
“Why?” You yell back, “What’s so different about that asshole?!”
“What’s so different?” Lei repeats, dumbfounded, “Are you fucking—he’s different because I liked him!”
It takes a few seconds for you to process her unexpected confession. You open your mouth, as though to reply, but your words fail you. Instead you’re left gaping at her like a fish out of water as you try to wrap your mind around this. “Wh-what?” you finally croak out, “Lei, what are you even saying?”
“Don’t even try to play dumb,” she huffs, “I know how close you are to Seokjin. I bet he told you fucking everything! That lying bastard… Can you believe he rejected me by saying that he didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but then he goes and screws around with you just a year later?!”
You’re still reeling. “Hold on,” you say as you dig your fingers into your suddenly aching temples, “I need a moment to process this…”
But Lei ignores you to continue ranting, “Seokjin is an asshole, and we all know this. I’m not surprised. And I don’t care if you’re dating now. That’s fine. I don’t even care that you guys show your sickening PDA in front of me… But to fuck the guy who you knew I liked so noisily when you knew I was home?! Now that’s actually messed up, ___.”
You wince at the accusation, “It’s not like that, Lei. I seriously didn’t know!”
Your roommate sniffs loudly, “Yeah right, bitch. I hope that you’re pleased with yourself,” and with that, she turns dramatically on her heel to march out of the apartment.
“Wait, where are you going?!” You anxiously call after her.
“To fuck Jung Hoseok!” She informs you with a perfect flick of her long curls over a shoulder.
You flinch in shock, “Wait, you’ve fucked him too?”
“I guess he got tired of waiting for you,” she snickers before she slams the door shut.
You stare at the front door for a few seconds, contemplating your next course of action. What you really want to do is chase after your roommate and clarify this huge misunderstanding with her, but it’s clear that she won’t be receptive to anything you’re saying right now. So you decide to put that problem on the backburner. But for the meantime…
Your expression darkens as you pull out your phone to scroll to Jin’s contact. Done with being sad, your tears have all dried up and now you’re just pissed. Time to get some answers from this shady fuckboi.
“Oh,” Jin’s eyes widen at the sight of you on his front door step less than half an hour later, “___... when you said that we needed to talk over the phone earlier, I didn’t realize that you meant in person… and right now.”
“Why? Is not a bad time?”
He shakes his head and moves out of the way, “No, please come in.”
You remove your shoes at the entrance before slowly walking across the vast apartment and taking a careful seat on his expensive leather couch. He lives by himself in a luxury apartment tower in the heart of the city. This is what happens when you don’t make the poor decision of entering a six-year doctoral program and living in near-poverty conditions until you’re thirty. Must be nice…
“How did you even get in here?” Jin asks as he pops open two beers from the fridge and hands you one.
You gratefully accept the icy beverage, “The security guard let me in.”
“What? Why?!”
You shrug as you take a sip, “I dunno. He seems to think that I live with you.”
“Oh… That’s weird.”
Things between the two of you are still awkward from the events of last night. All you can think about when you look at him is how good he looked in your bed, drenched in sweat and swollen red lips parted in pleasure. But the heat rising in your blood quickly chills over when you remember the way he had rejected you and crushed your ego mere moments afterwards.
“I had a really interesting discussion with Lei earlier today,” you say as you take another cautious sip of your beer.
“Oh?” His eyebrows raise in surprise, “About what?”
“About something that transpired between the two of you last year…”
“Oh…?” He folds his hands awkwardly in his lap, and it might just be your imagination, but does he suddenly look nervous?
You twist in your seat to face him, “Jin… why didn’t you tell me that Lei asked you out?”
His face blanches at the accusation and it seems like he wants to deny it at first, but thinks better of it, “I… I just… I mean, I didn’t see the importance of bringing up something like that…”
“How is it not important?” You snap back, temper rising, “Lei is my roommate. And you’re supposed to be my best friend! How could you have kept such a thing from me?”
He shrugs and drops his gaze to his lap, clearly abashed, “I dunno… It just wasn’t a big deal…”
“Of course it’s a big deal!” You practically yell at him, horrified by his heartlessness, “And to fool around with me in front of her when you knew she liked you?! How could you have done such a thing?!”
His ears are flushed pink at this point, “You’re right. I’m an asshole. I deserve this…”
But his apology still doesn’t explain shit. “You’re not normally like this!” You exclaim in frustration, “Why are you acting all shady and weird?! This isn’t like you!”
He shrugs again, unable to make eye contact at this point even if he wanted to. His broad form is shriveled up with shame, making him look like a little boy caught stealing. “I don’t know…”
That answer isn’t good enough, “Cut the bullshit, Kim Seokjin!” you growl at him, “And just tell me, once and for all: Why didn’t you tell me about Lei?!”
He chews his plush bottom lip for a few seconds as he mulls over his answer, “Because I didn’t want to,” he finally admits.
You’re practically tearing out your hair at this point, “And why’s that?!”
“I just didn’t want to!”
“Why the fuck not?!”
“Because I was afraid that you would never date me if you knew!”
The confession hits you like a slap of icy water in the face. It’s so unexpected, so completely disorienting that you can’t even wrap your mind around it. For a moment, you fear that you’ve misunderstood, “…What did you say?”
Jin’s entire face is as red as a tomato with embarrassment, but with enormous courage, he forces himself to venture on, “You’re a loyal person, ___,” he says in a small voice, “I’ve known you for five years now, and I know that you value your friendships above all else… Chicks over dicks, right?” he says with a humorless chuckle, “I knew that if you ever found out about Lei having feelings for me, that I’d be off-limits. And then I’d never have a chance with you!”
Oh god… What is he even saying right now? Could the great Kim Seokjin, the ultimate playboy with girls throwing themselves at his feet, begging for a chance, actually have feelings for you…? This can’t be real. “Jin…” you whisper his name, “Do you… do you like me?”
He winces at your question and buries his burning hot face in his hands, unable to respond except for a stiff nod of his head, “More than that…” he finally manages to choke out.
Your world spins dizzily around you, and you’re grateful that you’re sitting, otherwise you might have fallen over with the way your knees suddenly weaken to mush. “B-but… but why haven’t you ever said anything to me?” You croak, trying to process this bewildering situation, but it still feels like you’re in a dream.
“And get my heart broken?” he snorts, derisive, “No thank you.”
“How are you so positive that I’d reject you?” You ask, looking up at him in confusion.
“Are you serious, ___?” he says in astonishment, “You’re the one who tells me every day how you’re not attracted to me. And that you only see me as a friend.”
You flush at the accuracy of his words, “Yes, but that’s because you’re a fuckboy! All you do is hookup, and you don’t care for relationships.”
“Maybe that’s because I’ve been waiting for the right one.”
That statement takes your breath away, “But… b-but,” you stammer, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why does it matter?” he bitterly counters, “You never reciprocated my feelings, and I’m not good enough for you, so why bother?”
“What?!” you explode at that. You’ve never heard anything so untrue. “What the hell are you talking about?! No one said that!”
“You have!”
Your face scrunches into a deep scowl, “What the fuck? No way! I would never say something like that!”
“Are you kidding me?! ___, you literally just said this to my face last night!”
“I did not! Do you have listening comprehension problems or something? Because there’s no way I would ever—”
“ ‘I deserve better’,” He spits out, quoting you word-for-word, “I get it… And I agree, okay? You do deserve someone better than me. But saying that to me like ten minutes after my dream of getting to touch you finally came true… That was too cruel, ___. Even you have to admit that.”
You’re so taken aback by his rant that you can’t even speak for the next few seconds. All this time… through the past five years of friendship and secret longing… this was all due to a simple misunderstanding? For a frightening moment, you fear that you might cry.
“Jin,” you whisper in a strained tone when you finally find your voice again. He peeks up at you in curiosity. You take a deep breath to stay calm, then firmly place both hands on his shoulders, forcing him to look you straight in the eyes. You won’t tolerate any misunderstandings this time. “Jin,” you say his name again, your voice clear and firm this time.
“Yes?” He says, looking up with a glint of hope shining in his eyes.
You squeeze his shoulders, and without breaking eye contact you say in the most serious tone you can muster, “You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever met.”
His face crumples at once, “What?!”
You ignore his offended expression and tighten your grip in his broad shoulders, “You have no language comprehension skills whatsoever, and I fear that you might be illiterate,” you inform him with a straight face.
“What the fuck are you talking about?!” Jin exclaims, bewildered by your unexpected attack, but offended nonetheless, “I’m smarter than you, at least!”
You shake your head while kindly reaching a hand up to stroke his handsome face, “God must have invested all his time in your face, and forgotten about your brain, you dumb son of a bitch.”
He sits up with indignation, “Look at who can’t even write a simple line of code! I do all your homework for you, you idiot! How dare you call me stupid when you couldn’t survive grad school without my help?! If I’m illiterate, then you’re—”
You cut him off with a rough kiss that momentarily takes his breath away.
Instantly, the anger slides off his face, replaced with something much softer. Jin slowly runs his tongue over his lips and looks up at you with dreamy, half-lidded eyes, “It’s not fair for you to kiss me like that when you want me to shut up… Especially when you know how I feel about you.”
You playfully flick his nose in response, “It’s not my fault that you’re too dumb to realize that I’ve been in love with you since our second year of uni.”
His subsequent reaction is so hilarious that you wished you thought to capture it on film. With his doe eyes bulging, jaw dropping, eyebrows shooting into his hairline, Jin looks like a clown or some kind of slapstick comedian and you can’t help but giggle at his reaction, “You’re so silly.”
That snaps him out of it, “Why am I the one who gets all the blame?!” He exclaims in indignation, “You’re just as dumb as me, if not more! Why would you insist that you weren’t attracted to me?! What did you expect?! For me to try to make a move, thinking that you would never reciprocate? If I’m dumb, then you literally have an IQ of fifty!”
“How am I dumber than you?” you gasp, “You can’t understand spoken language!”
“Yeah? Well you can’t talk!” he shoots back, “ ‘I deserve better.’ How did you expect someone to interpret such a vague statement?! How can you criticize someone for misunderstanding when you can’t even speak properly?!”
His neck is turning red with anger, the veins bulging and his eyes as wide as a frog’s. You open your mouth to berate him, but instead burst into laughter, “Oh my god,” you choke out between semi-hysterical sobs, “How am I in love with such a crazy madman?!”
He pauses at that, “Wait… you’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, dumbass. If you didn’t have the language comprehension skills of a seven-year-old, you’d realize that when I said ‘I deserve better,’ I meant that I wanted to mean more to you than just a hookup…”
He falls silent at that, mouth forming a perfect “O” of realization. “…That does make a lot more sense…”
“Yup…” And with that, you pull out your phone to rapidly type out a text message.
Jin looks at you with a pout, “Wow, you confessed your feelings not even a minute ago and you’re already on your phone! Is this what our future relationship will look like?!”
You glance up from your phone to shoot him a wry grin, “Calm down, you needy child. I’m just texting my friend who recently got licensed as a neuropsychologist. We’re getting tested for our first date,” you say as you affectionately ruffle his black bangs.
Jin’s eyebrows shoot up with surprise, “Why? You know we’re both clean—we literally had sex yesterday!”
“We’re not getting tested for that,” you chuckle, “I’m setting up an intelligence assessment… So I can prove that my IQ is higher than yours, once and for all!”
His jaw drops at that unexpected turn of things, “You’re insane!”
“Am I?” you shoot back, “Or are you just chicken?”
He shakes his head with reluctant amusement, “Fine. Let’s do this. But how are you going to explain to our future children that you brought their father to take a fucking IQ test to prove a point for their first date…? Whatever,” he says with a scoff, “Please hand me that dictionary on the coffee table.”
“…Future children?” you numbly repeat, even as you follow his instructions. Then you quickly snap yourself out of it, “Wait, what are you doing with that dictionary?”
“Studying up,” is his curt reply, “I have to beat you at the test to prove to you how dumb you really are.”
Gasping with indignation, you quickly drape yourself over his shoulders to ogle at the small print of the book in his hands, “You’re on, asshole!” And with that, you reach over him to rapidly flip through the dictionary, trying to disorient him while soaking in as much information as possible.
This whole situation is ridiculous. It’s unbelievably childish and you should be ashamed of this type of behavior at your age… Yet, when Jin briefly turns his head to press a kiss against your cheek before evilly blocking your view of the dictionary, you can’t help but smile. Because as immature and absurd as this situation may be, for some crazy reason it feels right.
“You’re also going to write Lei a heartfelt apology letter for your behavior,” you say with a little nip at his ear.
He stiffens at the reminder, his neck flushing with embarrassment, “Yes, of course. I’ll go and do it right now.”
But you stop him with a hand on his thigh, “It can wait until the morning,” you inform him, “But for now…” you rub your palm over the bulge forming down his left pant leg. “I promise I’ll be patient this time.”
Jin’s eyes are heavily dilated when he twists around on the couch to look at you, “You better,” he says in a quiet, rumbling voice, “Because this time, I intend on enjoying you.”
Your pulse quickens and liquid heat fills the pit of your stomach. Because for some reason, his words sound like a warning… “Yes, please,” you say in a hushed whisper, eyes as round as saucers.
“And this time, you wouldn’t dare accuse me of not reciprocating,” he murmurs, hot breath fanning across your face, “I’m going to eat you out until you fucking beg me to stop.”
“Oh God,” you croak, arousal dampening your underwear at the very thought.
“No,” he smirks, “Just call me ‘Jin’.”
There’s a brief moment of silence as you slowly process his lame joke. Then—“Oh my god, Jin!” You groan as you shove his face away from yours, “Way to ruin the mood, dumbass!”
“Wait, what? No! Come on, ___, you know that was hot!” he says, lowkey panicking as he tries to reach for him again.
You simply sigh as you situate yourself on the couch with your legs spread, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just start eating me out so I don’t have to listen to your dumb dad jokes any longer.”
“Yah! How dare you?! I’ll have you know that hundreds—no, thousands of girls would have killed to—”
“Shut up and get to work,” you bark with a rough tug of his hair.
Chastened, he instantly drops to his knees, “…Yes ma’am!”
Author’s Note: Please don’t ask me about any sequels or updates! This is solely a one-shot and will not be continued :) But I’d love any feedback! 
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