#wbk analysis
101suouexpressions · 9 days
Graffiti behind Umemiya and the class 1-1 representative
The way these are two consecutive chapters is really begging us to look into it, isn't it?
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Chapter 38: The Four Kings
On this cover, we can immediately spot the graffiti of four skeletons on the wall behind Umemiya, and it's not hard to understand that it's referencing the four Boufuurin Kings, as suggested in the title. But which one is which?
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The skeleton on the top left could be Mizuki, as we can see that it's holding a laptop, representing information control, which suits Mizuki's role. To his right, from the high heel hanging from the skeleton's fingertip, we can safely assume that it's Tsubaki. Below her, at the bottom right corner, with the spray can, is Momose. And last but not least, at the bottom left, is Hiiragi.
One observation to back up this assumption is the skeletons' horns. If we assume that the kings who are physically stronger have two horns, then it'd be fitting for Hiiragi and Tsubaki as their strength had been put on display, as we don't know as much about Mizuki and Momose.
One thing that keeps bugging me is the drawing on Hiiragi's phone. I'm not sure if it's just a random drawing that someone graffiti-ed over the actual drawing or it has a meaning, and I wasn't able to find any information on it, so if anybunny has an idea please share the knowledge! :3
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Chapter 37: One step
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Here, we have a direct view of the graffiti at the back of classroom 1-1. The drawing is a reference to the traditional Japanese painting Wind God and Thunder God (by Tawaraya Sōtatsu, from the 17th century). On the left is Raijin, the god of lightning and thunder, and to the right is Fujin, the god of wind, which orderly corresponds to Suou and Nirei. The two gods, just like Suou and Nirei, are oftenly depicted together.
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1. Signs of time
The Boufuurin Kings graffiti on the left is old, with scratches and leftovers of attempts to paint something else over it. On the other hand, the Fujin and Raijin painting is almost anew.
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This clear contrast implies the change in Bourfuurin's core members. As Umemiya and the four kings are graduating next year, the leading roles are shifting towards the newer, younger members.
2. The presence of characters (or lack thereof)
In chapter 38's cover, there is only Umemiya with his kings painted on the wall behind him, while in chapter 37's, both Suou and Nirei – Sakura's vice captains – are present, hinting a more direct involvement from the supporting positions to their leader. We can see this by putting Umemiya's and Sakura's relationship with their vice captains. For Umemiya, he is mature and independent, while Sakura is less so, meaning that he will have to depend more on his vice captains, whether emotionally or strategically.
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everysuosaku · 1 month
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I want to say something about this comment Hashirao makes, but I can't quite put words around it yet. I assume he means "heart" not as "spirit," but moreso "vital organ." It's still an interesting choice of word to associate with Suo, and a perceptive observation to make for someone who seemingly just arrived at the battlefield. Without considering the planning and strategizing he does behind the scenes, what would class 1-1 look like without Suo?
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dlldior · 1 month
VAIN — a kuro analysis of sebastian's character and his relationship with ciel
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hi! so i've been wanting to make an analysis post for SO long but didn't really know where to post it, but tumblr is always here to answer my prayers. i just want to preface this by saying this is all my personal opinion and what i've taken away from the kuroshitsuji manga. there are so many layers to sebastian's character and his relationship with ciel, so many angles to analyse it from, they are extremely complex characters so there isn't one true take of their characterisation.
i'd be happy to discuss any disagreements or even other opinions you might have with my points in a civil manner. that's the beauty of media literacy!
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my take on sebastian character!
sebastian is a really interesting character. being the main protagonist of black butler, it's surprising we don't know much of his origin or past—all we have of his character is how he behaves and interacts with characters now, and i'd like to further delve into this.
but from what we do know, sebastian is a hyper narcissist. he's unable to feel shame and thinks he is above everyone else; as illustrated and stated by the creator. most of sebastian's character is revealed through his relationship with ciel—which is the main centrepiece of the story—and how he behaves with him, as ciel is the only person (aside from the obvious exceptions) aware of sebastian's true nature and intentions. despite his "caring" facade towards ciel, sebastian is simply acting on the contract for his own best interest, and even ciel is aware of this fact which is why he rarely lets his guard down around him. his great means to preserve ciel's life is to preserve his soul, after spending the last 3 years cultivating it for him to devour after fulfilling their contract.
sebastian is too wrapped up in his own affairs and self-absored nature to even consider other people's concerns. he only feigns care for ciel due to his duties as a butler and maintaining the "aesthetic". the reason why he's so comfortable being in such a subservient position is because he knows deep down that he is above all humans. the best way i can describe this is a little odd but it's like when celebrities work at minimum wage jobs just because they can, not because they need to but because they know they're above these types of jobs with their level of wealth. they willingly put themselves in these degrading positions as they're comfortable enough with their wealth to be able to for fun. that is sebastian's case. he is comfortable enough with his power and tact as a demon to be able to don a tailcoat and play as a servant to the very species he sees himself above.
on top of that, sebastian appears to believe he is above those of his own kind, claiming that such gluttony goes against his demon "aesthetics" which is why he has invested so much time into cultivating ciel's soul instead of feeding off of multiple contracts. it reveals why sebastian is so into the "butler aesthetic" and finding himself in such a degrading position for one of his own kind. he seems to prioritise elegance, not greed, when it comes to fulfilling contracts.
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however, sebastian's true nature is more prominent in the flashback sequence where ciel first summons him. he is extremely cocky, trying to manipulate ciel for a quick and easy kill such as when he was eager to kill everyone who has caused him harm, which does, in fact, reveal that he is not unlike most demons. the reason why sebastian picks such an appearance all ties into his narcissism, he gets off on impressing humans with his supernatural skills and ciel is only one who seems to understand that part of him, but it's always played off for comedic effect. sebastian soaks up in the praise he is given by these "puny" humans, always hanging onto their last words of flattery which reveals his true vain nature and that he is not as elegant and collected as he seems.
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the fandom's take on sebastian!
i think the reason why the fandom is so fixated on sebastian's character is due to a myriad of factors. it can be due to how well he's able to play his facade; he's charming in a way and knows how to use his words to get into people's good graces, wielding his "elegance" and "aesthetics" to his advantage. as sebastian is forced to pretend to be human for the sake of their contract, he is able to analyse the qualities in people that others would want to see and apply that to himself. he's able to feign morality and charisma—partly due to his butler aesthetics but also for his own self-serving nature and receiving praise.
another reason why i think sebastian is the most popular character amongst the fandom is, yep, you've guessed it, his appearance. sebastian's appearance is no accident—both in his character's creation and the form he chose for himself in the story—he wields his sexuality and attractiveness to his advantage. his true nature and appearance are disgusting and unsightly, which is why he covers it up with a beautiful face; making it easier to deceive and manipulate.
however, the issue is with the fandom is that i think sebastian has the epidemic of what i like to call "attractive justification syndrome" where the fandom goes to great lengths to justify sebastian's actions and refusing to acknowledge his character for what it is—a self-absorbed, predatory narcissist—because he's attractive. however, sebastian is BEYOND morality and clearly lacks any remorse of his irredeemable actions. he doesn't feel shame and doesn't care to; i feel as though just because he's attractive, fans try too hard to defend him. don't get me wrong, i enjoy sebastian's character as well and i'm no different in admitting he is attractive, but i think he's extremely interesting and does explore different ideas of morality (more so, lack thereof) but i think it's rather off base to try and defend his character.
i think the bigger issue is that people tend to think enjoying his character says something about them, instead of what it says about the story. they're too afraid of liking his character for what it is. as they're scared of what that'd say about them for liking such a terrible person of a character. on tiktok especially, i feel like many fans sometimes try a bit too hard to have a moral high ground that they refuse to acknowledge the darker side of sebastian's character as then there goes their reason for liking him.
the anime adaptation doesn't help with this issue either for why sebastian's true character has been heavily lost. i feel as though they're eager to add some sort of movement or emotional depth to his character, which defeats the purpose of it. sebastian has a very static character, he doesn't have the emotional capabilites to feel empathy, he can sure as hell pretend, but at the end of the day, he's only here for his own best interest.
this is especially evident in the translation change in the public school arc where in the anime, sebastian justifies protecting ciel instead of chasing after undertaker because "he's spend too long raising him", whereas in the manga, sebastian justifies it for the true reason, which is because he's "spent too long cultivating his soul and won't let himself be robbed of it". there is a distinct difference as in the anime, sebastian appears to care for ciel's actual wellbeing, whereas in the manga, sebastian has established the foundation of the contract and how he's only preserving ciel's life for his soul.
anime translation
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manga translation
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my take on sebastian and ciel's relationship!
it is no surprise to say that their relationship is extremely unhealthy. due to the imbalance of power dynamics between them, there will never reach a point that their relationship turns healthy. it may look like ciel wields the power through their master-servant dynamic, but peeling away at this layer will reveal the foundation of their dynamic, being human-demon. but these are obvious points. sebastian wields his power as a demon to subtly manipulate ciel—his suffering and misery acting as a marinade for his soul. sebastian has no interest in ciel's wellbeing and, in fact, goes out of his way to contribute to his trauma.
a good example of this would be in book of circus during ciel's ptsd attack where he relives his trauma of seeing his brother be murdered in front of him. ciel is completely vulnerable, reaching out helplessly for anyone to help him and sebastian feeds off of his misery, caressing this child's vomit-coated lip and getting him to call his name when he is unable to speak. the scene is extremely grotesque and uncomfortable to watch as we see this adult practically looming over this defenceless, traumatised child who his gripping onto him for support. i usually dislike giving yana credit as she has done a pretty bad job illustrating their relationship with the unnecessary icky fanservice and horrible attempts of incorporating psychosexual elements into the story but i believe this scene was intentionally drawn this way to reveal sebastian's predatory nature. it's supposed to make you feel disgusted as sebastian uses ciel's codependency on him as some sort of power trip, feeding off of his trauma.
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i got this point from a wonderful friend who i've analysed the story with, but sebastian is indeed a predator. he is textbook definition grooming ciel. he may not be sexually as grooming falls under the definition of "preparing/training someone for a particular purpose or activity", but his relationship with ciel is for the sole purpose of being able to devour his soul at the end. when sebastian was referring to "cultivating his soul" in the public school arc, he meant spending years using subtle manipulation and grooming tactics to get the desired flavour of ciel's soul.
just because ciel was aware of the terms and conditions of the contract, aware of his impending doom, it doesn't make sebastian's actions of preparing a child for death any more morally fine. the foundation of the contract was never fair; ciel had no choice. it was either sebastian left him to die in the cage, or he was to form a contract with him to gain the power to come back. all the power ciel has is not his, and one day, that power will be stripped from him, and he will have to face the one who gave him this power. it is the reason why ciel does not choose to pursue happiness after coming back, as he knows that if he even gives into the idea, sebastian will automatically assume he's abandoning his revenge and kill him. i'm not saying ciel is devoid of faults either, everyone in this show is morally grey and he can cause his own suffering too, but this is a sebastian-focused rant so i'll go deeper into this some other time.
i think the reason why dadbastian is such a popular headcanon, especially on tumblr, is because it subverts the unhealthy, grotesque aspects of their relationship and provides ciel with a healthy parental figure which he has been needing, giving him the solace he deserves from all his trauma. not to mention, there are scenes in the series where sebastian does act as a parental figure towards ciel. don't get me wrong, i ADORE this headcanon and will go down with it but i think the darker reality of their dynamics in the manga is the reason the headcanon is even more upsetting as we know it will never happen and this child will never get the peace and happiness he deserves.
TLDR; sebastian is a hyper narcissist and is there for nobody's best interest but his own, the only reason he goes to great lengths to preserve ciel's soul is because their contract wouldn't be sustained otherwise. the fandom tries to justify and defend his actions too much due to how well he's built his facade of desired human behaviour and his attractiveness. sebastian contributes to ciel's trauma, subtly manipulating him and mocking him for being taken to his limit. their relationship is extremely unhealthy. dadbastian reigns supreme because it subverts the grotesque factors in their relationship.
thanks for taking the time to read this if you've made it this far! i'd love to hear any of your guys' opinions and takes on their characters.
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phuuca · 2 months
My friend Jax got me REALLY into Wind Breaker and I binge read the entire manga in, roughly, three days. But every time a new gang was introduced, I always had the idea pop into my head of “What if Sakura joined these guys before Furin?”
So here’s my two cents about how those would all go:
(Gangs ranked from Least Damaging to Most Damaging, based on how they’d treat Sakura)
(Spoilers for the Manga)
Roppo Ichiza - Least damaging
They wouldn't let him join officially, because he's too young. But this is Sakura and he'll throw himself into battle anyway for the thrill of it, but also because he wants to belong and protect. It's who he is at his core. Kanji sighs with unsurprising disappointment because Sakura should be in school! And making friends!! You're committing truancy Sakura. Go make friends, you under-socialized, stray cat!! Sakura being adopted into the Roppo Ichiza is just Kanji and Akihito trying to convince him to transfer to Furin because SAKURA. YOU'RE LIFE IS BEING WASTED HERE. Anyway, he ends up transferring to Furin after hanging around Shizuka and Tsubaki long enough and they beat Gravel's ass. He drags the boy by the scruff, kicking and screaming, and enrolls him in Furin High himself.
Gravel - second least damaging
He thrives, but in a way that’s a little different from Roppo and Furin bc they are a community. However he still, ultimately, gets picked on because of his appearance and is more lonely than he thinks he is. But, for the most part, he's welcomed with open arms because he contributes a lot to Gravel and is super reliable. He takes up a semi-leadership position, despite being one of the youngest members, because of his fighting abilities. Transfers to Furin after Suzuri becomes a Chef Trainee and pushes Sakura to better himself in a way similar to Tsubaki and Shizuka.
Both a Roppo! and Gravel!Sakura would be closest to Tsubaki.
Shishitoren - smack dab in the middle, our true neutral
He’s in a neutral position in Shishitoren. It's neither good nor bad overall, but he’s still incredibly, lonely. Choji picks on him for being strong. Togame picks on him because of their clashing ideals and talking speeds. He’s definitely strong enough to hold his place there and find shaky community, but his own personal morals isolate him more ostentatiously than not. And, with the threat of being kicked out, he's afraid of even being seen as "weak". He still thinks it's some punk shit to be picking on middle schoolers and he'd beat the snot out of Arima and Kanuma, if given the chance. After the tournament, he transfers with a little bit of pushing from Togame.
Shishitoren!Sakura would be closest to Hiiragi (he sees a lot of Sako in Sakura).
Keel - damaging
He withers, but at a slower rate. He’s the only member to not use a weapon, because he thinks bringing a weapon to a fist fight is cowardly behavior. This makes him an outsider and a target of their bullying. He willingly joined under the guise of finding community, but was pissed off when he found out this community is full of petty thugs and bullies. He tried to leave, and was close to being successful, but then he say Nagato and decided he was going to stay and (begrudgingly, with a lot of grumbling and swearing) stay. He stands beside Nagato as an a kind of, tough-loving, older brother/mentor figure. Sakura often takes the brunt of Nagato’s punishments because Nagato is not a fighter and he's "responsible" for hims as his mentor. Even after he fails nabbing the purse, he takes it for Nagato and is devastated, but truly not surprised when they beat up Nagato too. He transfers after Nagato is saved.
Keel!Sakura would be closest with Ren.
Noroshi - most damaging and he’s in active, tangiable danger.
He withers and burns from the inside out. He’s fighting for his fucking life all the time. He’s got scars and a single tattoo. Absolutely lonely and gets sick, maybe, twice every six months from constantly being run ragged and feeling like dirt. There are small streaks of white in his black hair from the constant stress of fighting Takiishi, Endo, and the other Noroshi members in a thunderdome that, seemingly, never ends. Is first seen beside Endo during the Gravel Arc as his shadow, a reopened split lip staining the collar of his hoodie red. He is saved during the war by Umemiya after he clips his head, hard, on the chair Takiishi throws, and is held down until he passes out (Umemiya defends his unconscious body from Takiishi). He transfers to Furin once the war is over and is monitored by the Four Kings, not because they think he’ll betray him, but because Sakura needs guidance on the difference between constantly fighting for your life verses a friendly fun brawl (Endo and Takiishi had him fight them for survival under the guise of “fun”).
Noroshi!Sakura is closest with Umemiya (everyone saw this coming).
In every reality, my boy Haruka Sakura ends up in Furin because all roads lead to Furin. He belongs there, that’s his family, even if some extra steps were taken to get there.
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xqllin · 3 months
the absolute horror on my face upon the realization that a pearl by mitski is literally sakura MOTHERFUCKING haruka
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"You're growing tired of me"
- his doubts about how everyone will think of him when he thinks he 'failed' his duty as a grade captain, a leader
"You love me so hard and I still can't sleep"
- ok I can't really remember when it happened but this reminds me of the time sakura spent the whole night tossing and turning and then kotoha teased him about it
(i seriously can't remember why tho but it's gotta have something to do with how the people of Makochi treated him)
"And all the things I don't talk about"
- 'Everybody's got a thing or two that they don't wanna talk about' by sakura haruka himself
"Sorry I can't don't want your touch/Sorry I can't take your touch"
- him being so used to physical contact through violence, he doesn't know how to be soft, he never got the chance to
"It's not that I don't want you"
- he does care about them all but he's scared of getting close to people, he's only had himself so he pushes them away unconsciously :(
"It's just that I fell in love with a war/Nobody told me it ended"
- my interpretation of this line is that you're just so used to the toxicity, even after you've gotten rid of it, it doesn't leave you, in fact, you might feel you're still in the war, or worse, be the trigger of another war with a different "enemy"
- but in this case the "war" really did end for sakura (WARRR ISSSS OOOOVERRRRRRR)
- it's just like how sakura has been ridiculed by people all his life, he automatically assumes Furin and the townspeople will be the same and eventually reject him as well
"And it left a pearl in my head/And I roll it around every night/Just to watch it glow/Every night baby that's where I go"
- basically him overthinking things, I don't really know how to explain it 😞
"There's a hole that you fill/You fill, you fill"
- his thoughts about how he wants to be with these people, and then he realises he wants to be here, that he belongs here, that this is his home :((
- this town will heal him, fill the hole in his sore, lonely heart (im so happy for him sobs)
🙏 sorry if any of these information are wrong, I wrote this purely by my memory !
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lineycantdance · 5 months
AwaE's "Tale of the Magical Island" play
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In the the sixth episode of Season 2 of Anne with an E entitled "I Protest Against Any Absolute Conclusion," the community of Avonlea comes together to put on the annual Christmas Pantomime. In this meta, I offer my analysis of this story within a story.
Not only does the plot of the panto draw heavily upon the story of Adam and Eve, but in my interpretation, it also allegorically serves as a way for Avonlea to use the medium of the theatre to process and come to grips with the threat that the grifters posed to their "magical island" community.
First, a brief synopsis of the play:
The opening number introduces the audience to an agrarian community residing on a "Magic Fantastical Island." Our hero, a farm boy, encounters a Fairy Princess who, seeing The Boy's hard work and goodness, bestows upon him a Golden Apple Tree which he vows to faithfully protect. A Dame happens upon the Golden Apple Tree and asks The Boy to hand her one of its fruits, but he refuses. When the Dame steals an apple, the Devil Lobster appears accompanied by a catchy tune. Things seem bleak when the Devil Lobster gets ahold of one of the apples, but a Prince on a noble steed arrives to vanquish the evil foe. However, the Devil Lobster thwarts the Prince by crushing his sword in his claws. As stormy skies swirl overhead, The Boy digs a large Black Hole with his trusty shovel and tricks the Devil Lobster into falling in. The hole swallows up the Devil Lobster, the day is saved, and they all lived happily ever after!
The Panto as Allegory for the Grifter Arc:
Ultimately, this play tells a simple story in which good triumphs over evil with a moral about resisting temptation and the perils of greed.
I would like to call attention to the fact that the apples are painted gold. Like their edenic counterpart, they symbolize sin and temptation, but in the context of this allegory, they also represent the enticing prospect of finding gold in Avonlea.
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One of the Prince's lines suggests that if the Devil Lobster got his hands on the golden apples, it would bring spoil and rot upon the town's land ("You think you can turn our land into rot?/ I'm the unconquerable prince, lest you forgot!"). This parallels the threat that the mining operation posed to Avonlea—digging up the earth in the hopes of finding gold would have defiled the land and brought environmental destruction to the small farming town.
The Devil Lobster is defeated by falling into the Black Hole—this bears a striking resemblance to how Mr. Dunlop was ultimately caught by the townsfolk in S2E3 after he fell down the mining shaft at Nate's dig site.
It's significant that The Boy is the one who digs the hole to stop the Devil Lobster. The Boy represents the every child, and more specifically, the youth of Avonlea. While the adults of the town were easily swindled by Nate and Mr. Dunlop's gold scheme, it was children, specifically Anne, Diana, and to some extent Jerry, who were able to see through the grifters' ruse, put all the pieces together, and try to stop them from getting away with their scheme.
The version of events rendered in the play puts a more heroic spin on the role The Boy plays in thwarting the evildoer. He actively sets a trap for the Devil Lobster using the pivotal prop—a shovel—to do so. Since a shovel is a tool of excavation, this reflects how the excavation site Nate initially used to stage his con became a trap and holding place for Dunlop when their ruse came crashing down.
In reality, our child heroes were not so active nor successful in thwarting Nate and Dunlop. Only Dunlop was captured whereas Nate got away with the money. After their sleuthing in Charlottetown, Anne and Diana tried to warn the Barrys about what they'd discovered, but Diana's mother wouldn't hear any of it. Anne told Marilla who thankfully believed her, but by then it was too late, and the two literally got tied up. Meanwhile, Jerry had his own moment of realization, finally recognizing the boarders as the thieves who mugged him and stole his money in the finale of season 1. He tried to throw a punch at Nate, but got beat up again and fell unconscious. Mr. Dunlop only fell into the hole, not by any of the children's doing, but because he and Nate turned against each other.
The play credits the children as the real heroes in the story and offers a happier ending than the real version of events in which the community is still reeling from the financial blow of the con, lingering distrust—especially of outsiders—and feelings of regret and shame. In particular, we see how Marilla blames herself for inviting the boarders into their community and how the fallout of the the con hits the Barrys especially hard, manifesting as marital conflict between Diana's parents. The play's happier version of events helps the town process the ordeal they've gone through and imparts a moral they learned from the experience.
Each Character's Role in the Panto:
Anne as The Boy: Like the show itself, Anne is the protagonist of the play, our plucky hero. Her stepping into the role of The Boy was foreshadowed with her trip to Carmody earlier in the episode during which she dressed up like a boy. It's also fitting that Anne plays this part since she was the one who put all the clues together about the boarders' true intentions. The fact that Anne replaces Josie in the lead role of the play, as well as Matthew's last-minute substitution for Billy as the Owl, signifies that Anne and the Cuthberts are forces of progressive change in Avonlea.
Diana as the Fairy Princess: Most characters, including Anne, see Diana as the angelic image of a proper lady. She's generous, sweet, beautiful, and comes from a wealthy family. Like her Fairy Princess counterpart who awards The Boy for his hard work, Diana sees Anne's virtues even when others don't, and overall is a supportive and generous friend.
Matthew as the Owl: Matthew stepping into this role is foreshadowed in his flashback with his brother Michael in which a young Matthew can be seen whittling an owl figurine. Owls are associated with wisdom and true sight. This is a fitting choice for a narrator character in a play and also suits Matthew who demonstrates real wisdom.
Mr. Lynde as the Devil Lobster: In S2E2, a townsperson remarks that Mr. Lynde shows no moderation whatsoever as he piles his plate full of sweets. The Devil Lobster is the embodiment of greed and avarice and proclaims that he is "simply shimmering with sin." Tamatoa who? I only know the Devil Lobster! Also, it's clear that Rachel is super into seeing her husband acting a bit naughty and decided to have some fun with this casting choice.
The minister as the Fair Dame: Seeing the minister in drag is played for comedic effect. The Dame plays the part of Eve taking the apple from the Garden of Eden. While the minister was skeptical about the gold testing business, he did not dissuade the town's eagerness for material riches and therefore also shares responsibility for inviting avarice into Avonlea.
Mr. Phillips as the "Unconquerable" Prince: This is also played for laughs as it demonstrates Mr. Phillip's inflated sense of ego. He envisions himself as a gallant hero when in reality, he is anything but. The Prince is ineffectual at fighting off the Devil Lobster and runs away like a coward, much like how the adults and authority figures of Avonlea were completely bamboozled by the grifters.
Rachel Lynde as Queen Victoria: Perhaps a narcissistic casting choice on the part of Rachel, but let's be real, she was the artistic director behind this whole production and knocked it out of the park. Pop off, queen!
I hope you enjoyed this discussion of the "play within a play" in S2E6 of Anne with and E. This is probably my favorite episode in the whole series due to its many wholesome moments, especially Jerry giving Anne his Christmas card, Gilbert and Bash coming over to the Cuthbert's for Christmas dinner, and Matthew overcoming his stage fright. 10/10 would recommend. Of course the Christmas episode absolutely slaps!
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bubblesxo · 7 months
okay but jerome's side-part in s1 felt purposeful. like they were dating him like they did with his clothes, to make him seem more sincere than he actually was. in actuality, jerome's entire persona at the circus (including how he acted, talked, dressed, and even parted his hair) was just one part of his big show: the first act, his introduction. hehe
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kingkatsuki · 3 months
I wanna pick your sexy brain… how would each wbk boy kiss you (wbk kiss analysis)? 🎤
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I did more of a types of kisses thing instead of kiss analysis but I hope that’s okay!🥺
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Characters: Sakura, Togame, Kiryu, Tsugeura, Umemiya, Choji, Tsubaki, Suo, Sako, Hiragi, Kaji, Sugishita, Suzuri, Kusumi, Endo, Takiishi, Seiryu and Uryu.
Word Count: 1.2k.
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The feelings Sakura has for you are suffocating, as is the mere thought of kissing you. He’s never been scared of anything more than he is when he’s alone with you, crimson down to the tips of his toes as he wonders whether you’ll realise what a terrible mistake it was to even agree to go out with him… and just as he turns to tell you how he feels his lips press against yours in a messy accidental kiss.
Togame likes to indulge in those languid kisses. The ones that are more like your lips lazily moving against each other than an actual kiss, his tongue salves against yours as he lets his hands explore your body. There’s never a sense of urgency when Togame has you like this, nor is there any expectations.
Kiryu’s kiss is unexpected, just like the way your eyes meet across the room when he sees you make a beeline for him. The burly man that looked as though he was harassing you following close behind as you close in on him. Barely able to raise a pierced brow before you’re wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pressing your glossy lips to his in a fake kiss. It’s not invasive, in fact, it’s more of a lingering peck as you hold him against you— hopeful the guy bothering you will take the hint and leave. But it’s the way you look when you pull back with a small “thanks” that makes Kiryu want to give you a real kiss.
Tsugeura gives you a motivational kiss. The kind that he feels he’s deserving of whenever he has a good workout, or a successful fight. Almost like a reward as he wraps his arms around you and your lips meet, full of excitement and eagerness as his tongue swipes against your bottom lip. More often than not you’re the first thing he thinks of whenever he feels like a winner, because you’re the real reward and he wants to collect his prize.
Umemiya kisses you like it’s the last kiss you’ll ever have. Trying to pour every ounce of love and devotion that he holds into the kiss so you can feel how he feels. Hoping it translates with the way he strokes his fingers against your hips and his tongue brushes against yours, exploring every inch of you as though he’s afraid that this will be the final time and he’ll wake up from whatever dream this is.
Choji gives surprise kisses. Ones that you don’t expect to receive, and that come out of nowhere. Whether it’s a playful kiss to your lips, or a sloppy wet smooch to your cheek— it’s never quite the same and yet somehow it leaves you trying to ruin the surprise because you want more.
Tsubaki loves to tease you with indirect kisses. The type where you’ll both happily share a bottle of water or a glass of something stronger— his signature red lipstick smeared against the rim as he offers it out to you. Placing your lips in the exact same place as you share, some of the lipstick now smeared against your lips as you imagine how much messier it would be if he were to kiss you directly.
Suo seals everything with a kiss. Whether it’s a soft good morning, or a lingering farewell— he always makes sure to finalise it with the press of his lips to yours. Those kinds of kisses that leave you lightheaded as you sway from foot to foot, terrified your legs will fail you and leave you tumbling to the floor. And what makes it worse is the innocent smile he gives you after, as though he hasn’t just tried to consume you whole.
Sako gives you those sickly sweet kisses. The ones that leave you with icing around your lips and the sugary taste of sweets on your tongue as he leans down to pull your chair closer to his, feeding you more of the pretty, instagramable cake he’s ordered just so he can taste more of it on your tongue as he invades your mouth.
Hiragi constantly gives you those I thought I lost you kisses. The ones where he holds your cheeks in his palm as he bends his knees to meet your eyeline. His forehead pressed against yours as he breathes a sigh of relief to see that you’re okay, before he kisses you with that urgency and desperation that could only come from a man that almost lost everything.
Kaji gives you shut up kisses. He says he could listen to you talk all day— the saccharine sound of your voice better than any song he could ever listen to, but sometimes you really did talk too much. Asking him weird questions, or wondering whether he’d still love you if you were a worm. It’s nonsense, he thinks as he rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the way you yap away beside him. Pulling his sucker out from his mouth as he turns to press his lips to yours in a deep, lingering kiss. Effectively silencing you as your focus shifts towards deepening it, your tongue matching his movements as he tilts his head to the side to explore every crevice of you. Pulling away with a satisfied smirk as he renders you speechless, before popping the sucker back into his mouth.
Sugishita falls for the challenging kiss. The one where you tilt your head so sweetly and raise your brows in a mock taunt, cocking your hip to the side before smoothing your lips together as you ask “Aren’t you going to kiss me?” And you know Sugishita doesn’t like to lose— never one to back down from a challenge as he takes a tentative step closer to connect your lips in a messy clash of tongues and teeth.
Suzuri gives you a kiss on the inside of your hand as your palms hold his cheeks so tenderly. Unused to anyone treating a man like him with such care and concern— far more used to striking fear into the hearts of anyone he comes into contact with, and yet you look at him with such love and adoration.
Kusumi gives you emoji kisses all the time. Unable to go an hour without at least sending one across to you with absolutely no context. He often says the emojis are a promise of how many kisses he’ll give to you when he sees you, and he won’t be satisfied until you’re drowning in his kisses.
Endo and Takiishi give you a three-way kiss. One where you’re sat between them as they connect your lips together in a messy kiss that’s full of teeth, tongues and spit. Unsure who’s trying to devour who as you feel hands all over your body, groping and squeezing as you try desperately to keep up with both men— trying to match their movements as your tongue strokes against their lips, swallowing your moans as your gloss smears as far as your cheeks.
Uruyu and Seiryu give competitive kisses. Both men want to be better than the other, call it old fashioned sibling rivalry that you’ve managed to come between as they sit you between them. Barely able to recover from one set of lips as he pulls you into a sultry kiss before you’re being torn apart and pulled into another. It’s too much and not enough at the same time as they keep you on your toes— stealing the breath from your lungs as they vie to be the first to make you fold.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi ☺️ you make me happy
Just read your post of Jungkook being the best boyfriend. Can you please make the same for Jimin,,,,?))
Absolutely. It would be my pleasure
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Lost diamond is talking about this post.
We can start with a moment I've never seen until 2day....
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But we already knew this yes? It's not the first time JK has said Jimin treats him the most. Even during one of the unfortunate moments when JK rated Jimin last, the latter was sure to remind him that he's the one who spends on him the most. So Jimin has always been generous with his baby since the very beginning. Which is why our next moment should come as no surprise.
-Jimin travelling across the world in 2019 for JK's birthday and then doing so again in 2023 for JK's solo debute. Anything for the love of his life it seems. #allthefeels 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
Next I just wanna bring this back real quick
(Thanks @chicknbunny13 )
It is not an underrated moment by any means whatsoever. In fact you will see this clip every few weeks on twitter on your timeline. Jikookers love this moment. But, we mostly talk about Jimin feeding JK which it's fine. Really. Its sweet and really nice to see. But all members feed eo it ain't a big deal. So what I like to talk about is what happens before Jimin feeds JK.
JK wants pizza. He stands, looks around, they've ran out so he sits back down. He glances at Jimin's one, but its whatever, pizza is finished. But here's the part I like; Jimin without even looking at JK, just knows what he wants and thats when he feeds him a bite from his own. So either a) He was watching JK on his periphery, or b) He is just that in tune with his boyfriend. I'm going with the latter coz it ain't the first time he's come through for JK even without him asking. That's what sets the moment apart from all the other times members have fed eo.
Next moment that proves how much Jimin loves JK applies to both since it also involves a whipped JK. Analysis time guys. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
This is so fun guys I highly recommend watching it
I went there for this one moment coz I'm a big fan. BTS countdown Jikookery:
JK is the king
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and other members are supposed to go appeal to him so he can choose one of them. Jimin of course is very eager
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He was adorable saying that. He is calling himself hyung but he's totally baby in that moment 🤭🤭 Suga starts singing this one song and Jimin is the loudest shout-singing how crazy he is for JK
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Wbk 💅🏾😏
He leaves all other members in the dust, in his rush to get to his JK. Eager much? 🤣🤣
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While waiting JK closed his eyes and looked so blissful. I didn't fully understand why he was in this state
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Or why editors put a heart there 😂 so I chose to read that as him praying and hoping his baby gets to him first 😌😌
Since Jimin took off before the others, of course he arrives first
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So now JK has 3 options; suga, jimin or rm
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Suga makes his case
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Jimin wants to make his case with this one thing and JK is ready and waiting
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But Jimin only gets to say one word:
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Before Suga tramples all over his pitch
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So in the end Jimin doesn't even make his case 🤭
RM then makes his case by way of poem
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And now its time for the King to pick his partner
Remember Namgi both had chances to appeal to JK and why he should choose them. While Jimin essentially said nothing. So.... the king makes his choice.
But of course 😌😌😌
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Editors with the hearts thou 🤭🤭
Jimin was really happy that JK chose him. 🥺🥺 However, anyone who really pays attention to JK during BTS games could have predicted who he would choose 🤭🤭 This is definitely a whipped JK moment seeing as Jimin won unfairly. Definitely some boyfriend privilege involved here. He he heee.
Members play the game and Jikook proceed to win
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At some point JK raps and Jimin praises him immediately
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If you've ever noticed Jimin praises JK ALOT. I would say he praises JK the most. He is always telling us how good JK is, how talented, how he's good he is at everything. Even though we already know. Jimin never hesitates to praise JK and I for one love to see it. Most recent being the flying yoga episode when first thing he said was how good JK was gonna be at it
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Even though we all know he was the king of said flying yoga. Jimin seems to be extremely proud of JK's talents and prowess. Here we saw him drooling over JK bungee jumping so yeah... he definitely likes that JK is so good. Jimin has always been super proud to have JK as his boyfriend. Its a shame antis don't care to see it.
Another thing that shows how much Jimin loves JK, is always being there for him when he needs comfort
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What i love about this moment is that Jimin thought JK was puking when he ran over. And yet the first thing he does is grab JK's face to check on him. Vomit be dammed 🥺🥺🥺
Jimin is always there for the members when they need comfort. Yes. But I love love love how soft he's always been with JK. Remember during summer package when JK wrote a letter for Army and then got emotional? I love how Jimin wrote a poem for him after
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"My Jungkook" he said 😭😭😭😭😭
And we haven't even talked about how Jimin has always rubbed the back of JK's neck since time immemorial.
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When JK is in distress, when he makes a mistake, when the rest laugh at him, when he's confused, when the others talk over him and introvert JK can't get a word in. Jimin is always there to rub the back of his head to make him feel better since satellite Jikook are always next to eo.
Emotionally supportive Jimin is a huge dynamic in their rlship
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That last one brings us to our last point since I've ran out of image space; Protective Jimin that one time Suga did the thing. They were reacting to that last concert and JK who as we all know cries the most was being comforted by Jimin. Once again.
Jin is the one who pointed out that JK was crying.
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immediately Suga was like;
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Yeah... Jimin wasn't having it. He was like; bro you'd better shut tf up.
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Pointed a finger at Suga, his hyung and everything. Suga picks on Jimin all the time. It's the most popular Yoonmin dynamic. And usually Jimin doesn't care. But he drew the line at Suga picking on his bae. 🤭🤭🤭 I love this moment sm!!! He seriously wasn't having it and that was so hot of him 🥵🥵
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Look at his adorable worried face 🥺🥺 caught JK right on time too.
These moments are endless really, but i will stop here since there's no room for more imagery. But Jimin really is the best boyfriend and you can tell by JK's loyalty and how JK has always made Jimin his priority. He wouldn't do that, wouldn't be so head over heels if Jimin didn't treat him like a king.
Long live Jikook ✊🏽
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windbreaker-timely · 5 months
wind breaker blog
hi all!
this is a SFW fan Wind Breaker-centered blog. it will have:
official updates when possible
run by @asa-pike, with help from @apparently-artless, currently not accepting additional help but if it gets big cthat might change!
icon credit
Wind Breaker fan-server! JOIN HERE
please keep in mind:
will contain manga spoilers, but they are tagged.
i run this blog mainly for my own enjoyment; if i'm feeling too tired or in pain, i may not log on for a few days, but there's a queue running for 7 times a day!
i run the blog from an entirely different account from my main to keep myself from burning out and getting overwhelmed; don't be sad if i miss something, just message here.
asks welcome, but no ship or character discourse allowed.
mod uses he/him for Tsubakino, as of 06 June, as these are his official pronouns. no discourse on that allowed, either.
i'm always open to questions you may have about stuff (especially Endo! lol)
no NSFW asks; please keep it clean
will not reblog opinion posts, fics, explicitly shippy fanart, and "x reader" type content.
mod's first source blog so be nice if i mess up plz
if i reblogged something twice, it's because i forgot! haha
let us know if any fanart reblogged is stolen! things might slip through
following #wind breaker, #wind breaker (satoru nii), #windbreakeredit, #wbktimely
have fun!
#official - character profiles, official images, magazine covers, etc.
#satonii - art by the mangaka
#wbk manga spoilers
#ost #stage play
#updates - for any updates concerning the series, ie manga schedule, etc.
#analysis - any unbiased analysis of characters and symbols in the series
#aes - things that remind me of the WB manga as a whole (rarely but might happen)
#blog update
#ask group posts will be tagged only by who's the main focus or by the group's name (or both, but i won't name every individual character HAHA)
#bofurin: Sakura Nirei Suo Tsugeura Kiryu Sugishita Anzai Kurita Kakiuchi Takanashi Kaji Enomoto Matsumoto Kusumi Yanagida Uryu Uryu Umemiya - #ume Hiragi Tsubakino Mizuki Momose Shiina Azusawa Tochimoto
shishitoren - #sst: Choji Jo Kanuma Arima Sako Saruwatari
#keel Natori Kongo Tone Kaga Kirishima Mogami
#gravel Suzuri
roppo-ichiza - #roichi Nakamura Miyoshi Hidaka Otowa
#noroshi Endo Takiishi Banjo Shakushi Tarumi Hashirao Sugichi
etc: Neo Tenjin Kaito Kotoha Tachibana Sasaki Nagato Tsuchiya Shizuka Shitara
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101suouexpressions · 3 months
Umemiya fostering Sakura to be his successor
This is an open secret by now, but in this post, I will dive into the process that Umemiya went through to finally decide on Sakura.
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First notice: Pre Shishitouren Arc
In the beginning, Sakura was known as the kid who came to take over the old, disordered, and violent Fuurin, which had definitely given a lot of people the wrong impression of him. However, on his first day, he had proven to have good morals instead of being an arrogant power-seeker.
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This had, of course, piqued Umemiya's interest and changed his perception of Sakura.
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Shishitouren Arc
However, Umemiya's evaluation of Sakura only commenced when he let the boy participate in the Shishitouren fight. This is like an entrance exam to see if Sakura has what it takes to be a leader.
Clearly, the task wasn't simply "beating the Togame's ass", but it seems like Sakura has to check some certain, hidden boxes. Sakura officially passed the test when he successfully connected to Togame through the fist-fight based on just a few words from Umemiya.
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It proved that not only did Sakura have a kind heart, but he could apply newly gained knowledge (this happened again at the bridge, where they had to defend the town from Noroshi, Sakura had learnt to take his environment into account in a fight) very quickly.
The Aftermath of Shishitouren Arc
It seemed that Umemiya had officially made the decision to foster Sakura to become the next leader after that. His attitude had changed.
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Moreover, later into the day, instead of hinting vaguely, he explained the concept of a conversation through fists in great details this time.
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Doesn't it look like he's teaching it to Sakura? Umemiya only did this because he had officially recognize Sakura as his successor, or at least, his direct mentee.
Throughout Wind Breaker
Umemiya entrusted Sakura with the class leader position, directed him to Kaji for experience, and let him face Endou. Not only did Sakura's credibility increase, but the last point is very interesting because no matter how strong and good at fighting the boy is, Umemiya must have been aware that Sakura is NOT going to win going against a beast like Endou.
Personally, I believe this is a very good parallel to the way Suou taught Nirei how to fight. Umemiya was letting Sakura experience, and from the newest chapters we can tell that Sakura was learning a lot from this challenge.
Why didn't Umemiya choose another person?
Million-dollar question! This was my missing piece, which had been preventing me from writing this post in the first place. Umemiya was in third year, he definitely needed to find a new leader for Boufuurin before he and the four generals graduated. If Sakura didn't arrive at Makochi, then who would be the next leader?
Well folks, with the newest chapter (chapter 146), I can finally give you an answer in the form of a theory.
Umemiya was going to train Sugishita to become the next leader.
I'm making a separate post for this theory, which is coming VERY SOON (I am writing it right after this post). In the mean time, can you guess why? :3
As a thank you for reading this far, have this Sakura playlist.
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bthump · 2 months
heyy i hope your week has been going well, it is always a pleasure to read ur blog! i wanted to ask u something, why do u think guts is so obsessed with griffith specifically? wbk he's in love w him, but i mean mainly personality-wise! at first it made sense because he wanted to be seen and griffith was the first to want him as a person rather than a soldier or whatever arbitrary value was attached to him. since then, however, he has met so many people who care for him and could give him the same things griffith could've. i realize my question is kinda odd since it very much has to do with romantic feelings, i was just wondering if there were specific traits that made it so that any other person ever since was just a 'warm light', yk?
I've been good and hope you have too! Thanks for the kind words!
I think there are a few reasons Guts latches onto Griffith so hard, and they tie back to his formative childhood.
I agree with you that it started because Griffith wanted him - I think even just the realization that Griffith went out of his way to save his life after stabbing him probably had an impact. But yeah, Griffith actively fighting for him to join him, and then saving his life cinched it, even if Griffith downplayed his actual feelings afterwards.
On a personality level I think the waterfight is also very important. It's basically the first time in Guts' life that someone has treated him like a peer. This may be a translation thing, I'm always a little wary of basing analysis on word choices for that reason, but I think it's potentially telling that before the water fight Guts tells Griffith to cut it out because they aren't "kids," but then after the waterfight Guts contemplates Griffith and thinks of him as "probably just a kid..."
So yeah I think Griffith treating him like the child he is, as a child himself, probably had an effect on how quickly Guts warms up to him and how unique Griffith is in his life. There's no one else Guts can say he ever like, played with, yk? He's been forced into a mature role since he was like two years old learning how to use an adult-sized sword.
And then there's the daddy issues lol. I think he wants Griffith specifically to want him, more than anyone else he's ever met, because he is projecting his feelings about Gambino.
(Sidenote, I've seen some people claim that Griffith is like a father figure to Guts, which is laughably ridiculous lol, and that is absolutely not what I'm saying here. I'm just saying Guts' childhood informs his emotional needs and desires as an adult.)
Like Gambino, Griffith is a mercenary leader, and he saves Guts' life, and Guts respects him. Unlike Gambino, Griffith actually likes him and genuinely cares about him. With Griffith he can fulfill that emotional need for someone he admires and respects to actually like him back. After Griffith, he's either been alone or he's been the impressive leader people look up to. He has friends now, but his dynamics with them are different.
I have more about the parallels between Griffith and Gambino wrt their roles in Guts' life here, and also here if you're interested.
I also think the scene where they attack Zodd together is extremely significant for Guts. Not just because Griffith admits that he risked his life to save Guts without any logical justification (though obviously that's huge), but also because it essentially represents a reprise of his childhood rape trauma but with someone else there to save him, and face the monster at his side. It's a very significant moment of personal fulfillment for Guts imo, and the scene where he dedicates his sword to Griffith on the rooftop afterwards is essentially the high point of Guts' entire life. It's hard to compete with that.
(Post where I visually illustrate how the monsters in Berserk parallel Donovan, in case that take needs some evidence lol)
And finally, it's worth pointing out I think that while Guts does have friendships post-Eclipse, including people willing to risk danger for him (like Serpico stepping between him and Zodd on the docks), Guts keeps himself more emotionally distant from them. This is at least in part out of a fear of losing them the way he lost the Hawks, as the Beast points out in chapter 290:
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And probably partially because again, his role with them is different. They follow and admire him. He's like the Griffith to their Hawks now, more closed off himself and projecting an image rather than opening up emotionally.
So yeah, basically I think Griffith had a pretty unique role in Guts' life, one that's hard to follow up, especially when Guts doesn't open up to others nearly as much post-Eclipse.
Thanks for the ask!
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lveclouds · 1 year
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↬ pairing/characters: joshua x film major reader, other members may make appearances/be mentioned 
↬ genre/aus: heavy fluff, slight angst (finally i know), slight college/university au, established relationship, song au, hurt/comfort 
↬ summary: in which joshua just wants his significant other to just be with him, cut off from the world.
↬ rating(s): pg15, nc17 (see warnings) 
↬ tw: heavy swearing, slight angst (listen y’all know i can’t not write a bit of angst slkjfjdjf), kinda cheesy and very fluffy, you’ve been warned <3 joshua is an absolute sweetheart wbk, brief mentions of stress (being a uni student is a constant struggle), reader is a bit of a workaholic
↬ wc: 2.9k
↬ note: hello loves! the title of this fic comes from the song ‘disconnected’ by 5sos, which is honestly one of my favorite songs from them (esp after seeing it live in concert recently) even to this day. it’s just so cute and evokes all the emotions in me okay :(( anyways this fic was another spur of the moment idea (are y’all even surprised at this point lmao) and i decided to write for joshua, as i haven’t written anything for him yet (i do have another joshua fic in my drafts rn hehe) also yes this fic will be cheesy, you have been warned <3
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joshua eyed the macbook balanced on your lap with utter disdain, wishing he could pry the device from your hands, make you focus on him instead, but he knew his efforts would only be in vain. you had come home from a long day of classes, ranting incessantly about how cruel your professors were for assigning a shit ton of work over the course of three days no less, and he had listened attentively to every word, despite the exhaustation from comeback preparations weighing down on him. 
you had given him a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing into his room to take a quick shower, and had come out fifteen minutes later dressed in loose, black sweatpants and one of his shirts, the latter practically a dress on your small form. 
joshua’s heart had squeezed at the sight, for seeing you in his clothes was something he’d never get used to, even after three years of dating. that fluttering feeling quickly dissipated when you plopped down next to him on the living room couch with your macbook in hand. 
“you have homework?” he had asked, trying to keeping his voice as casual as possible, and you’d simply let out a noncommittal grunt in response. “my introduction to film studies professor wants a five page analysis on the great gatsby, and it’s due on friday, which means i only have a few days to finish it.” 
joshua had bit back a retort, refraining himself from reminding you that it was only monday, for heavens sake, but decided against it. “how long is it going to take you?” your expression had gone soft, and you’d leaned over to press a soft kiss on his cheek. “two or three hours, give or take, i’ll try and finish this paper soon, and then i’m all yours, okay? just give me two or three hours.”
and because joshua knew he couldn’t deny you anything, he’d conceded. so, here he was, trying his absolute hardest to focus on a movie that didn’t really interest him in the first place, silently counting down the hours in his head. 
five minutes had turned into ten, ten into fifteen, fifteen into twenty, and so on. time trickled on slowly, and joshua had become utterly convinced that watching paint dry was more entertaining than the movie currently playing on the tv. 
he wasn’t even sure what it was about, and nothing about piqued his interest, for all he could think about was you, wearing his t-shirt and balancing that fucking macbook on your lap, eyes practically glued to the screen. 
joshua hadn’t really thought of himself as a clingy person, in fact, even the other members thought so, with hoshi pointing out how, ever since he’d started dating you, he’d practically run out of the rehearsal room once the choreographer deemed practice over, eager to get home to you. 
you had taken up permanent residence in the dorms, and the members even had one of their managers make a key for you so that you could head straight there in between or after classes to rest. joshua was surprised that management had been okay with it, among all things. 
he and the rest of the members had been extremely busy with comeback preparations, and the past few weeks had a whirlwind of activity, with arduous dance practices, album photoshoots, recording sessions in woozi’s personal studio, and so on. 
the group finally had a few days off from comeback preparations, and joshua was determined to spend all of them with you, watching those cheesy romance films you loved and maybe spending all day in bed. alas, none of that had actually come true, for you were extremely busy with school, constantly working on assignments or projects, and joshua had spent most nights sleeping alone. 
your side of the bed was constantly empty, and joshua knew you were staying up at ungodly hours at night, curled up on the couch, working on another assignment that probably wasn’t due for another few weeks. he wished he could pull you away from work, even for a second, but knowing your stubborn nature, it would take a lot for you to take a break. 
joshua tried not to pout like a child who’d just been told they couldn’t have ice cream for breakfast. he was a twenty seven year old man, for fucks sake, and pouting because his girlfriend wouldn’t pay attention to him was not good for his character, and if the members found out, they’d tease him relentlessly for weeks. 
“are you almost done?” he found himself saying, mentally patting himself on the back for keeping his voice neutral as possible, “sort of, i finished the introduction and maybe, erm, half of the analysis? i’ve written..two pages so far.” you mumbled, and joshua felt his heart sink into his chest. 
“oh.” was all he managed to say, and went back to pretending to watch his movie, resisting the urge to scream in frustration. a long stretch of silence settled between them, and joshua wracked his mind for something to say, anything to break the awkward atmosphere. 
another long beat of silence, and then, “are you mad at me?” your voice was impossibly soft, and joshua knew you well enough to note the nervousness laced within your tone. at that, his head whipped towards you, heart aching at the unsure, almost fearful look on your face, tension lining your shoulders.
“no, love, of course not, you’ve done nothing wrong.” he reassured, and nearly sighed in relief when the tension in your shoulders loosened, ever so slightly. “then why did you sound so… upset earlier?” “i did?” you nodded, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. 
“y-yeah, a bit, i don’t think you realized though.” “i’m not upset, darling, just a bit… sad, i guess.” “sad? why? did something happen while you and the guys were preparing for the comeback?” you asked, concern furrowing your brow, and joshua felt a small smile tug at the corners of his mouth. 
“no, nothing happened, don’t worry, the guys are fine, just resting from the crazy schedule we’ve had these last few weeks.” “oh, thank god, i thought something happened. then, why are you sad?” joshua hesitated, wondering if you would laugh in his face for admitting that he had felt lonely these past few days because you’d been so focused on work and not him. 
stop overthinking everything, you idiot, this is y/n. she’s not going to laugh at you or think you’re pathetic. well, here goes nothing. “this is going to sound pathetic of me, but you’ve been so focused on work these past few days and.. i don’t know, this is the longest break i’ve had during comeback preparations that management has given us in a long time, and i guess i thought we could spend them together. but you were so determined to get your work done, and i didn’t want to bother you.” 
joshua tried to keep his voice as cheerful as possible, but the small crack in his voice at the end betrayed him, and he felt color rise to his cheeks in embarrassment. to his relief, you didn’t laugh in his face or call him pathetic. 
instead, you were looking at him with guilt written all over your face, dark eyes glinting with unshed tears, and joshua felt as if he’d been punched in the gut. “why didn’t you tell me?” you asked, and you sounded so hurt, so devastated, that he immediately wished he could take his words from earlier back. 
“i didn’t want to bother you”, he replied softly, voice ever so gentle, as if he were afraid of scaring you off. “you’re never a bother! i’m the one who shouldn’t be bothering you. you’re an idol for fucks sake, you’re constantly rehearsing and preparing to put out an album and perform on stage for thousands and thousands of people, and i’m just a struggling university student who’s constantly complaining about something trivial like shitty professors-” joshua cut you off by pressing a soft kiss to your mouth. 
“i could say the same about you, you’re never a bother to me either. and yes, i do prepare to perform for tons of people, and while it’s a lot different from being a student, you shouldn’t think of yourself that way, it breaks my heart. never think just because you’re a university student, it doesn’t make your worries or stress any less significant or important. and shitty professors isn’t a trivial matter. they can either make or break your overall experience, and i’m sorry that they’ve been throwing all these things at you. but i know you. you can get through it, and if you ever need me, i’ll be here.” 
you were a sobbing mess at this point, and joshua gently pried the laptop from your hands and set it on the coffee table. “now come here.” he whispered, opening his arms ever so slightly, and you threw yourself into them, body wracking with uncontrollable sobs, burying your face in the crook of his shoulder. 
joshua held you flush against him, wrapping his arms around your body and rubbing comforting circles on your back, murmuring reassuring words under his breath. your soft sobs filled the room, and he swore he felt his heart cleave in two at how utterly shattered you sounded. 
after your tears had subsided, joshua pulled back enough to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “i know this is a long shot, but would you be willing to spend the rest of the night with me? that is, no movies, no music, and definitely no five page papers. you can work all you want tomorrow, but i think maybe taking a break will benefit you.” 
your shoulders slumped in defeat, and joshua couldn’t help but smile fondly at the exasperated huff you let out as you gazed longingly at your macbook. “fine, but only because i can’t say no to you.” you murmured begrudgingly. joshua let out a soft, amused chuckle, leaning down to press a soft kiss atop your head. “likewise.” 
“do you mind if i put your laptop in my room? just so that you’re not distracted by it?” you shook your head. “go ahead, i don’t really want to write that fucking paper right now. my brain is fried.” joshua chuckled, reaching out and ruffling your hair affectionately. “ok, i’ll be back.” 
he took the laptop off the table and headed towards his room, humming softly to himself. when he opened the door, jeonghan was sprawled out on his bed, scrolling idly through his phone. he looked up when joshua entered. “i thought you were spending time with y/n. having a lover’s quarrel?” jeonghan asked, the corners of his mouth curving into a mischievous smile, and joshua rolled his eyes, used to the former’s cheekiness. 
“very funny. no, we are not having a lover’s quarrel.” jeonghan sighed, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “shame, i thought something interesting was finally happening around here.” joshua snorted. “yeah, like the one time you and dokyeom went live at the same time and you practically begged carats to watch you instead of him?” 
jeonghan gave an elegant shrug, unfazed. “it’s not my fault i’m so lovable.” joshua fought the urge to throw a pillow at his friend’s head. “whatever helps you sleep at night.” he grumbled, placing your laptop on his bed before promptly exiting the room, shutting the door gently behind him. 
joshua found you right where he left you, curled up on the couch, except now, you were hugging a pillow to your chest, seemingly lost in thought. the sight made his heart ache and warm all the same. he gently kissed the top of your head as he plopped down unceremoniously next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“penny for your thoughts?” he teased, which earned him a half-hearted glare. “what are you so lost in thought about, love?” he saw your cheeks heat at the way the endearment slipped easily off his tongue due to years of use, and fought the urge to coo at the sight. 
“nothing, just thinking about how i could’ve spent time you with you these past few days, you know, instead of brushing you off and doing work instead.” 
joshua shushed you, pulling you closer into his side. “it’s okay, i also was a little embarrassed. i mean, i didn’t want to come off as clingy.” that earned him a soft smack on the chest. “you are not clingy.” “tell that to hoshi, he thinks i’m utterly besotted, his words, not mine.” 
you glanced up at him, a teasing glint in your eyes. “well, you are, aren’t you?” joshua rolled his eyes half-heartedly. “sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, love.” you scrunched your nose at joshua in mock disgust, and he let out a soft chortle of amusement. 
a comfortable silence settled in the air, and you let out a soft sigh of contentment, resting your head on joshua’s shoulder, and he smiled, carding a hand gently through your hair, the strands like silk against his skin. joshua adored moments like these, when it was just you and him, and he could temporarily forget about any and all his worries. 
and even if the others teased him for being so besotted, then so be it. after all, joshua was used to their teasing, had been for eight years and counting. you were the first to break the silence, clearing your throat awkwardly. “not to sound like a broken record, but i really do feel guilty for completely ignoring you these past few days. if i had known you had-” 
“love,” joshua began, cutting you off gently but firmly, “like i said before, you have nothing to apologize for. your work was important, and i would’ve distracted you.” you let out a small sigh, small shoulders slumping in defeat. “still, you could’ve at least tried to take my laptop away. or something,”
joshua rolled his eyes half-heartedly. “i love you, but we both know that you would likely hiss at me if i did.” color rose to your cheeks. “n-not true.” “sure, love.” you wrinkled your nose at him in mock disgust, and joshua couldn’t help but press a gentle kiss atop your head. 
you mumbled something incoherent under your breath, but said nothing further, instead settling back into joshua’s embrace, and he allowed himself a small smile as you let your eyes flutter shut, letting out a small yawn. “tired?” he whispered, carding his hands through your soft hair, and you managed a small nod. 
“sleep, then, love. i’ll be here when you wake up.” at that ,color rose to your cheeks, and joshua bit back an amused laugh, knowing you were likely to scold him for it, and leaned back against the soft cushions of the couch, relishing in the comfortable silence that settled around the room. 
it was moments like these that joshua treasured the most, when there was nothing but you and him, just enjoying each other’s company. with you, he could let all his worries melt away, forget about concerts and comebacks, and just be himself. 
and, as much as you and him loved spending time with the other members, it was often loud and chaotic, and joshua needed the peace and quiet every now and then. he let out a content sigh, and felt exhaustation take over, and soon, his eyes fluttered shut and he entered dreamland, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
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a/n: no bc wtf was that ending oh my god anyways this was my first shua fic, and i hope you all liked this regardless of how terrible it is lmao also i started school again :’) if you have also started school, i hope it’s going well <3 ! (i cannot believe i’m a junior in college now wtf) also i turn 21 in like a week so there’s that lsdkfjldjf and since school is starting again, i might not have a ton of time to post fics:(( but i will still try to <3 also seungkwan is back:(( i saw the pics and videos from the concert in japan and my heart is happy:(( also scoups was there :((( i hope he recovers soon and quickly <3 wishing him all the best <3333
tagging: @hong-jisoo , @drmflm, @playmetheclassics, and anyone else who wants to read this <333
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phuuca · 4 months
Welcome to Phuuca!
With the sudden surge of new people following me, I've decided to make a type of Introduction/masterpost to let everyone know who I am! This post will continue to grow as things change and update.
So Hello everyone. I'm Phuuca [ he/they ]! I'm a Native-Mexican artist who's currently pursuing a degree in Studio/New Media Art. I am an adult (DoB: Jan. 20th) and have many interests and ideas I am passionate about. I use Firealpaca to draw and animate and I use Capcut to edit.
To get the record straight: This is MY blog where I express myself and my opinions, including political ones. I am very vocal about where I stand and where my morals lie. If you are a proshipper, invalidate people's identities, victim blame, and/or are bigoted in any way, shape, or form, you do not have a place here and you should really block me.
(Masterpost divided via importance and ease of access)
🍉🇵🇸 links:
Palestine Masterlist
How You can Help
Daily Snoopy Thread of GoFundMes
A Verified list of Palestinian GoFundMes
Life for Gaza
Madleen's Family
Official Boycott List
General Phuuca Related Tags!:
Commission Info - TBA
For all my art - #phuuca's art
For general headcanons - #phuuca's headcanons
For analysis/writing - #phuuca shut up
For the occasional cosplay - #i cosplay sometimes
For all my masterposts - #masterpost
Main Fandom Tags!:
#twst fanart (general tag)
#twst fanfic (general tag)
#twst oc
#Overblot Ace AU
#TWST Werewolf AU
#Blood Pact AU
Kingdom Hearts:
my Magnus Opus of KH Fan
#kh fanart (general tag)
#kingdom hearts fanfic (general tag)
#traverse town AU/TT AU
#twewy fanart (general tag)
#twewy fanfic (general tag)
#monstrous punishments AU
Final Fantasy:
#ffxv fanart (general tag)
#ffx fanart (general tag)
#ffx mermaid AU
Honkai Star Rail:
hsr fanart (general tag)
Wind Breaker
• wbk fanart (general tag)
Code Vein
code vein (unfiltered tag)
Ghost in Code Vein (OC tag)
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endoyamato · 10 days
i think ur analysis on endo and his views on reality and fiction and the way he views himself is spot on, i clocked that as well basically immediately with that line he made about the villains/monsters/kaiju in a story. and on that note thats why endo and sakura get to me so much, because every part of their fight made it clear nobody else, not even--actually, ESPECIALLY not chika, has managed to connect with endo in such a deep and true and emotional way. i really am excited for the trajectory of endo's character following the end of the noroshi arc because he very clearly is on the cusp of some big realization or change regarding himself, which i think will happen not only with the conclusion to chika and ume's fight but also sakura's new presence in his life. wind breaker is so well written!!!!!
YESSSSSSS i agree, wbk is so so well written, and the overarching idea of hope and community and seeking help touches every aspect of it, and i'm CERTAIN it will give both endo and takiishi the conclusion and understanding they seek and deserve. i love them so much
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allbuthuman · 2 years
sick of introductions spoiling the entire book like ok i love analysis wbk but why would you tell me the actual ending before i start the book????
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