#Erik agere
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fandom-nursery · 7 months ago
Erik agere headcanons
Regresses between ages 1-5 usually but has also slipped into a teenager headspace a few times 
Regresses very often. He slips into headspace easily and has a lot of triggers for his regression 
His regression is completely involuntary and often leaves him feeling a little disoriented 
You would be hard pressed to find a single thing about himself that Erik doesn’t totally despise. His regression is no exception. He doesnt know whats happening to him and just thinks its another thing that makes not quite fit with the rest of the world 
He is shy unless he’s very comfortable and tends to speak quietly. He is much more confident singing than he is speaking 
Little Erik is incredibly timid and easily upset and frightened. He cries very frequently sometimes for no apparent reason or over something that seems very small 
Memory between headspaces for him are a little inconsistent. Sometimes he will have his memory, sometimes not. Sometimes he will remember things up to a certain point or just remember bits and pieces 
He has struggled with insomnia all his life and generally has a hard time recognizing when his body is tired and needs sleep so unless he has someone to help him he usually forgets/doesn't bother with sleep even when small 
This comes with the unfortunate consequence of him often being overtired and fussy 
Erik will soak up any ounce of physical affection he can get. He is unused to being touched kindly and will absolutely bury himself into anyone willing to give him positive touch 
He still loves music and art while small and maintains a certain level of skill at both, music more so than art. He is also very content to help with anything that whoever is with him is doing. He loves to be around people who care for him and likes to feel useful. 
He loves to have stories read or told to him. Daroga will often sit him down and entertain him for hours with the same stories he once told his son. Christine will also occasionally share stories with Erik that her father once told her 
He isn’t very picky about food but getting him to actually eat can be a challenge. He doesn't tend to notice hunger cues and he has never had particularly healthy eating habits. Setting him up with snacks next to whatever project he is working on is usually a good bet. Has very mixed feelings about people feeding him 
He has a small stuffed animal and several other props that he’s stolen from above. He has also built a lot of toys not necessarily with himself in mind but little Erik does play with them. A play therapist would have a field day with him and the Daroga is often a little disturbed and concerned when erik explains to him the plot of his latest pretend game 
The mask is still very much a sore spot when he’s little. He panics if it's removed even though it's uncomfortable. He doesn't really want to wear it, but he fully believes that he needs to be covered if he wants anyone to even be somewhat ok being near him. He also thinks he will be punished for taking it off.
fidgets with his hands for comfort 
Little Erik does occasionally wet the bed if he goes to sleep while very young but he would rather wash the sheets 100 times over than admit to needing padding 
The Daroga figured out Erik regressed in persia but wasn't really able to bring up the fact that he knew until they reunited in paris years later. Christine also finds out during one of her first weeks down in eriks house although she wasn’t totally sure that's what it was at first 
The Daroga feels a certain sense of duty towards erik and because of this does make an effort to take care of him if he is around while erik is little. Christine also feels a certain sense of obligation to him and cares for him on occasion as well. Erik soaks up care like a sponge and would absolutely thrive off having a full time caregiver however he doesn't dare ask that of anyone and doesn’t ever expect to receive that
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pawtrolling · 2 months ago
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spacecowboyy0 · 23 days ago
magneto with baby regressor?
sorry for the wait anon!
i'm thinking first class era with charles bc i miss cherik!!! this prompt has convinced me to add charles and erik to the list of characters i write for!
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-despite his confidence in his powers, he stays away from using them when you're a baby
-you absolutely love seeing your papa move metal but he doesn't want take any risks around you
-he loves carrying you around and charles teases him about spoiling you but you're his baby how can he resist?
-he's very protective of you, almost to the point of being clingy
-when you're in group settings, he has you flush against him, making sure you never leave his sight
-you best believe that he doesn't trust anyone to babysit you, he's finding a way to bring you with him everywhere when you're regressed
-definitely spoils you secretly in different ways than charles
-while charles might let you have another scoop of ice cream, erik is buying you another set of cozy pjs because he loves holding you while you're all soft and warm at night
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tinie-alien · 2 months ago
Rainbow Agere X-Men Boards 🥰🌈🏳️‍🌈
Featuring Scott, Jean, Charles, Rogue, Hank and Erik 💕
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samthatboy · 21 days ago
Caregiver!Charles Xavier Cargiver!Erik Lehnsherr Ikea rat moodboard
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quicksilvrxx · 4 months ago
Hi friend! Idk if you still want to do this or not but I would LOVE age regressor content for Erik Lehnsherr from X-Men (like, him as the regressor) and/or age regressor Charles Xavier
No pressure but just wanted to ask bc I saw your post!
Hullo hullo, now, I have barely any thoughts in regards to regressor Erik and Charles but I shall try and suffice!
Headcanon: Little! Erik is often nonverbal and can commonly be found hiding behind Charles.
Erik knew he regressed, after what he had been through it was obvious his mind decided to revert him mentally to an age filled with love, care, and safety. However, he was never able to indulge in his headspace due to his constant movement of hunting down the scientists who hurt him and millions of others. That was until he met Charles Xavier, the first ever mutant he encountered and learnt he wasn't the only one with a mutation. It was the first time he had felt love, care, and safety, all positive triggers to his regressions.
The first time he regressed with Charles, he remained silent, following the man around without much purpose other than to stay with him for protection. It didn't matter what the telepath was working on, he persisted in staying by his side, staying silent through the questioning and concerned looks directed his way by Charles.
"Erik? Are you quite alright?" Were the first words spoken by Charles when he regressed for the first time in his presence. Erik always remembered his first encounters with people, always preferring Charles' compared to others. Despite his lack of words and sudden clingy nature, Charles chalked it up to a particularly bad day where memories plagued the metal-bender's mind and the man wanted nothing more than comfort. "I see.. well, stay as you would like, I don't mind the company."
And then, it happened several times after that, with Erik finding Charles and clinging to his side despite the weird looks from the other members of the mansion. Charles had grown used to the behaviour, continuing with whatever activities he was doing, whether it was a light bit of reading, a particularly challenging puzzle, or simply working on paper-work for a reason Erik still doesn't quite grasp. "Hm... imagine you want to tell someone how many books you've listened to me read you, so you write it all down. Well, that's what I'm doing except with more boring things like a house and car. We use special papers to keep track of things so nobody forgets and everyone knows what's happening. Oh, you still don't understand, do you?"
Once Erik accidentally knocked over a vase and Raven had teased him that Charles wouldn't be happy with him and he would no longer be Charles' favourite anymore. He had held back tears as he listened to her words, unable to differentiate the difference between a joke and seriousness. He had gone and hid himself somewhere in the mansion, somewhere Charles wouldn't normally look as to avoid a scolding. It didn't matter though, Charles found him and frowned until he learnt that Raven had teased him about the broken vase. Erik would never admit it but he had leapt into Charles' arms when the telepath had confirmed he was still his favourite.
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egotank · 3 months ago
Morning, bubba!! Can yous do a CG! Magneto wif little! Vi'tor? Please? Tank chus, bubba! -Francis
Not So Big & Tough
CG!Magneto x Little!Sabretooth
“Weren’t you supposed to come back with someone?”
Toad sneered and Victor growled loudly in return he was tired of Toad’s taunts. A small portion of his mind wanted to cry at failing to follow Erik’s instructions to capture Logan while the other part was angry for even thinking about crying.
Victor approaches Erik nervously.
“Where is he?”
Magneto spoke.
“The X-Men got him.”
He responded the little in him whining when Erik used his powers to take the dog tag Victor had retrieved from Logan. Erik narrowed his eyes studying the larger man.
“Sabretooth, how old are you feeling?”
Erik asks gently despite his earlier disappointed attitude.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about sir…”
Erik sighs at Victor’s response and holds up his hands slowly pulling down a few fingers until the bigger man whines again signaling Magneto had the right amount of fingers up.
“Three got it, here you can have these back.”
Erik gives Victor back Logan’s dog tags which the now not so big and tough man took and began jingling the tags liking the noise it makes which Erik takes note of to get the man some toys that jingle in case Victor ever regresses like this again in the future.
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aew-regression-cove · 4 months ago
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second Erik stimboard cos love him!!!
X / X / X / X / 🧲 / X / X / X / X
ⓘ if you want to reblog, let me know and I'll decide to temporarily unlock the post or not <3
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motherlove · 7 months ago
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Father Caretaker Magneto / Erik Lehnsherr.
Like & Reblog if used.
No F/O tags.
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staticcryptic · 15 days ago
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// wallpaper I made based on Erik from cafae latte // guys ik he’s bad but he’s also so interesting I can’t stop thinking about him </3
- all images from pintrest, made on pintrest with the collage function, right side with border, free to use !
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turtlesystem · 6 months ago
i just know erik and charles would be the best cgs ever. like i had an epiphany just now and omg. can’t think of any detailed hcs rn (u are more than welcome to contribute…actually PLS share hcs if u have any) but I Just Know in a psychic telepath kinda way
i should make a cg!cherik themed edit… there is a serious dearth of agere edits in general, even in big fandoms 😔
- YJ
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littletail · 2 months ago
Hii! Can we get headcannons on a toy store playdate for the littles?
(Sorry for the late response!)
The Caregivers will allow silly games and antics as long as they aren't messing up the store or bothering others.
Juvia tends to stick to her Caregivers unless drawn into a game by other Littles.
Jellal drags Erza just about everywhere by the hand, wanting her to see all the fun things he likes.
Levy loves getting new books. She'll leave with at least 5 new ones after each trip.
Wendy is the least likely to make a mess of the store by dropping toys everywhere. None of them do it but she'd be the least likely to be the one who starts. She likes getting dragon plushies, especially white fluffy ones that remind her of Grandeeney.
Erik is surprisingly excitable over it. He'll take off into every aisle and come back with all the toys he can carry with stars in his eye.
Macbeth will take off down any plushie aisle and come back with all the plushies he can carry. His hoard of plushies grows with each trip. He's also surprisingly the most likely to make a mess of dropping toys as he has a tendency to grab plushies from the bottom of the pile.
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ivyace · 6 months ago
I posted a thing!!! There is no regressor Erik content on the internet so I'm making some because I NEED it
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ssspace-cadet · 5 months ago
my phantom of the opera phase is returning…….. idk what to do because now all i can think about is Erik being a caregiver and little me running around the opera house through all his secret passageways playing hide and seek 🥺
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tinie-alien · 1 month ago
Some more X-Men agere icons! :)))
(Creds for flags linked!) In order: ADHD Regressors: Deadpool, Quicksilver, Teddy Boy Regressors: Cyclops, Angel, Magneto, Wolverine, Autistic Regressor! Cyclops, Cook CGs: Wolverine and Gambit
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aew-kun-age-regression · 1 year ago
Can I request a cg Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier mood board? This month had been awful and I'm unable to watch the movie rn but ur mood boards are always fantastic
Hiii!!! Oh I'm sorry you've had a bad month!!! I hope this makes you feel a little better!!! <333
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