#Damian not as much
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flamingpudding · 1 year ago
Fictober23 Prompt: 9 - "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Red Hood's swearing, mention of character death
Danny blinked a couple of times before he realized what exactly happened. He had been with Alfred making some cookies for the rest of the family after Oracle had reported they would all come back uninjured. And Danny had decided to help Alfred in hopes to get back on Damian's good side. The boy had been pretty short and huffy with him ever since Danny had admitted that he didn't plan on getting reinstated as hero.
The rest of the family had taken it sort or well, sure there were the occasional side comments in hopes to maybe convince him to come on patrol with one of them every now and then but otherwise his decision was greatly accepted. Alfred had appeared especially happy when Danny had announced that after having lived with the Waynes for little more than a year now.
Of course Phantom would still come out to help if his ghostly rogues decided to show up and pester his new family or Lady Gotham needed help with something or when Lazarus Pits were involved. But this certainly did not include a situation like that.
Looking down at his gloved hands, Danny breathed out a sigh of relief, noting that he had gotten summoned as Phantom at least. Pretransfomred. Last time he got summoned and had appeared shortly as plain old Danny before changing into Phantom, Tim, as Red Robin of course, had gaslighted the cultists into believing they hallucinated seeing Daniel 'Danny' Fenton-Wayne for a brief moment. The press still had a field day with the nonsense the arrested cultist spouted.
At least now they wouldn't have to deal with another media drama that could result in Vlad trying to fight Bruce for custody again. Still, Danny frowned, they had summoned him right out of a late night baking session with Alfred and knowing his family the way he does now it was only a matter of time before they all stormed this place or at least some of them.
Bruce had put a tracker on him specifically for this kind of situation, aside from the fact that he was also still pestering the Justice League Dark to find a way to stop it from happening in the first place.
"You do realize that you are in deep shit right?" The occult leader looked at Danny for only a short moment before continuing his spiel about how with the power of the summoned they would lead the world back to the balance it's supposed to have and bla bla bla. Being the Ancient of Balance Danny never thought he would even get summoned, aren't cultists in books more interested in evil demons, masters of chaos, Cthulhu and so on?
Knocking with his fist against the barrier lightly, the halfa noted that he would probably be stuck in place until his family showed up to disturb the chalk writing on the floor. For a moment he wondered if he should attempt to break out but then remembered the lecture Bruce had made him sit through the first time he broke a magical barrier and got injured in the process. It was probably better to wait.
"You know the last time I got summoned out of family time, one of my brothers went apeshit on the cultists." Danny continued to interrupt the leader's speech, just to be a little shit. He needed to pass the time somehow. Plus he wasn't lying. He had gotten summoned right out of movie night with his siblings, it's no understatement to say that they were not amused. Jason was especially pissed for some reason. "And the time before that it was my younger brother, that was a whole lot more bloody but no one died anyway in the end.
"Silence spirit of balance, you will listen to me. I was the one that summoned you."
"Yea… buddy that's not how this whole summoning thing actually works. You read a couple of fictional books." Danny retorted until he saw what the leader pulled out and flinched back.
How was that possible? Danny was sure that after his parents death, Bruce had bought all the rights of Fenton Works, including the patents and put it all in Danny's name no matter how much some tried to fight it. If it wasn't willed to Danny then Bruce had bought it. They had stopped any production of his parents' inventions, they had forced the GIW to cough up all the inventions they bought and then disband the governmental organization through the Justice League.
Of course Danny had known that some of his parents inventions were still on the black market and then there were also Vlads inventions but, the cult leader was holding up a Fenton bracelet Danny had specifically created for his brother to help him control the corrupted ectoplasm in his system until his treatment with Frostbite was done. How was it possible for them to get a hold of it? No wait it looked slightly modified from the one he made for his brother.
"This will make you listen to me." Danny's eye widened as he noticed a shard of a very familiar red crystal embedded in the bracelet when the leader waved it around triumphantly at Danny's reaction. It wasn't enough to brainwash him by simply holding it to his face but if he made direct contact with it? Danny wasn't so sure.
"How did you get that!"
"Oh not so mouthy anymore are we?"
His core quivered and all his eyes could do was focus on the red shiny stone as flashback ran through his mind as he pressed as far away from the leader as he could. His back hit the other end of the barrier he was in and Danny contemplated breaking the barrier and high speed flying home to the Wayne manor even if it risked injury.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The calm but familiar voice broke Danny out of his panic as he saw a blade sneak around the leader's neck. Robin was standing right behind the man seemingly having appeared out of nowhere.
"Robin! B said to wait for his signal!" Another voice appeared and Danny heard the thud next to him with the flutter of a cape. Relieved, he turned his head ever so slightly to find Red Robin next to the barrier, looking unimpressed at the fact that Robin, from the looks of it, had run ahead of them once again.
Robin clicked his tongue and Danny finally relaxed enough to snicker at his siblings' banter. Before he could add in his own two cents to the banter a window crashed in and Red Hood added himself to the rescue party.
"Can't any of you follow a fucking plan?" The man announced his presence loudly while also landing boot first on some random cultist members. That instantly scattered, their stunned frozeness, caused by their leader getting held at blade point, broken now.
"You're one to talk. Since when do you simply follow B's plans anyway?" Red Robin huffed back, taking the bracelet from the leader as well as destroying the barrier seal with his boot by smudging the chalk writing.
"Point taken." The other answered as he started to knock out any cultist that was in his reach. Red Robin joined him once he gave Danny a look over and was certain that the barrier no longer existed.
Robin once more clicked his tongue causing Danny to look over, the leader now knocked out cold before his feed. "Phantom, you need to stop getting summoned by these incompetent…"
"I do not require your input!" Robin shouted across the room at their older siblings that were currently giving the rest of the cult members the beat down of their life.
"Fruitloops?" Danny offered chuckling at the seething glare Robin directed at him for that and he lifted the palm of his hands in a sign of peace.
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batfam-stuff-posts-0 · 6 months ago
When Bruce gets injected with truth serum
"Who's your favorite"
Everyone looked at Jason.
"Out of the four of us," he clarified. "Who's your favorite?"
He, Dick, Tim, and Damian turned to Bruce curiously.
Bruce proceeded to go on and on for over 3 hours about how he didn't actually have a favorite and how proud he was of all of them, only interrupted when Alfred walked in and Bruce started about how he was the best butler-dad ever.
None of them could honestly say they weren't at least a little teary.
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batcavescolony · 8 months ago
*Talia visiting Damian*
Talia: Damian, how are you? *glares at Dick*
Damian: I am doing well mother
Dick: *from behind him* *mouthing: why the fuck are you here?*
Talia: oh that's great! I see you have a new pet? *Mouthing back: to see MY son*
Damian: this is Haley, Grayson's dog, she's staying with me while he goes on a mission.
Dick: *flipping Talia off where Damian can't see* yep, he's so good with animals
Talia: I'm aware *throws a knife at him*
Dick: *throws it back*
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livingtobethevillain · 2 months ago
Pediatrician damian except he treats every kid with the same amount of respect and attentiveness that he would give an adult.
Pediatrician damian who will tell parents with barely concealed distaste to shut up when they talk over their children during an appointment.
Pediatrician damian who is always watching his patients, searching for if the injury they got from "falling" is actually just that or if the injury has to do with the impatient and anxious parents nearby.
Pediatrician Damian who cares so SO much about every kid and who he learns to be comforting and gentle for because he doesn't want to cause them any more anxiety before their flu shots.
Pediatrician damian who is still a hero at heart and who has kicked ass when his hospital was briefly taken hostage by rogues. Who immediately jumped into a fight because the crying of tiny terrified children echoed in his ears and he was filled with enough righteous anger his 10 year old self would stagger.
Pediatrician damian who does everything in his power to make sure every kid who needs it gets Healthcare.
Pediatrician damian who refers to his patients as his kids.
Pediatrician damian who I'm SOBBING OVER
@puppiesandnightlock I have a lot of feelings bestie 😭
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abisalli · 12 days ago
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bad doodles of the batfam (requests from instagram)
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purpleangiie · 1 month ago
Damian: "Grayson, what are you staring at?"
Dick: "Sh!"
Tim: "Leave him be, D. He's emotional."
Damian: "Over what?"
Dick, staring at the two quiet figures in front of them: "Would you believe that? Jason and Bruce existing in the same space and not throwing a tantrum, but actually behaving like two adults? They're even working together at the same desk. Unbelievable."
Damian: "Wait, has father just ruffled Todd's hair?"
Dick: "And he didn’t even punched him back! I'm so proud of how far they both have come. *sniff* Now we could all be one happy family."
Damiam: *looking absolutely bewildered, gazing up at Tim who just shrugs*
Tim: "Give them 15 minutes."
Damian: "12."
Jason: "Bruce. Bruce WHERE IS MY PEN?"
Bruce: "Y-your pen, Jason?"
Jason: "Oh my god. You don't even remember it. My pen, Bruce. My personalized red and golden Montblanc you gifted me for my 14th birthday. I left it here, where is it? You threw it away, didn't you? LIKE YOU DID WITH ANY REGARD YOU EVER HAD FOR ME AND MY FEELINGS? DID YOU FORGET I WAS YOUR SON TOO? WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR YOU TO LOVE ME?"
Dick: "Damn! We got so close."
Tim: "And that'd be 10 minutes and 35 seconds."
Damian: "-TT- Pay up, Drake."
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ochibrochi · 10 months ago
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the first and last time he'll let his brothers pick him up from school (wishful thinking 🙄!)
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notrobinsomethingworse · 29 days ago
Dick: Happy Birthday Tim.
Tim: Yeah. Thanks.
Dick: How’s finally getting out of those teen years?
Damian: Don’t be absurd Grayson. Timothy is turning 17.
Dick: What? No he’s 20.
Tim: Aw first name?
Damian: It is my only gift to you.
Tim: Thanks Dames.
Dick: We are not changing the subject.
Jason: I dunno what to tell you dickbird. Baby birds turning the big one seven.
Dick: Jason you tired to kill him three years ago…
Jason, shrugs.
Steph: I mean he’s always been the little one. Even for me.
Dick: Steph he was the same age as you when you were dating…
Steph, shrugs: Can we have cake?
Tim: Hey! I haven’t blown the candles yet!
Dick, struggling: Cass… please.
Cass, ruffling Tim’s hair: little brother.
Tim: Aww thanks Cass.
Dick: Bruce come on. You gotta believe me.
Bruce: Hm
Tim: You did gaslight me for my 16th birthday. That was before Jason came.
Bruce, thoughtfully: Hm.
Dick: WHAT- No. I’m talking to both of you about that later. Tim is 20. It’s physically impossible for him to have been 17 FOR THREE YEARS.
[Varying degrees of staring]
Tim, whispering: Dick? Yeah kinda pointless doing this. I’ve tried before, they all just shrug it off.
Dick: What? So how old are you?
Tim: Probably 17? I’m starting to think I’m cursed or something honestly. I’m not too worried about it unless Damian starts becoming my older brother or something strange.
Dick: What.
Tim, nodding: Pretty sure I accidentally made a deal with the devil or something. Not quite sure. My memories a bit fuzzy on that year.
Dick: WHAT.
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barkbarkyapyap · 23 days ago
Thinking about the bat family doing normal family shit and it’s just a painful reminder that they are still human people and humans are kinda silly.
They go ice skating and Jason, 6ft and 225 pound, the Red Hood, is comically bad at ice skating. One foot on the ice and he’s on his back with his feet in the air like a cartoon.
And he denies it the whole time but his legs shake and he clings to the wall with white knuckles while muttering curses like he’s trying to spell his feet to work.
And Dick is just great with all his balance and figure skating stupid fucking acrobat bastard-
Or they decide to go see a movie as a family. It’s a horror movie, and they assume everyone will be fine because they see enough horror in their daily life.
And normally they would be, but this is a slasher. So it’s all suspense and jumpscares and gore. And Tim, Tim who loves psychological thrillers and can see movie endings coming from miles away, is suddenly clinging to Dick’s arm as subtly as possible because every scare has him tensing and trying not to yelp.
Or they go out to a carnival, with rollercoasters and bad food and worse games to win dumb prizes. They’re walking around, splitting up to do various activities, and Dick and Damian comes up to Bruce and asks him to go home.
Why? Because Dick drank too much soda, he refuses to use the bathrooms. He has an irrational fear of outhouses. And Damian saw one of the mascots walking around, a man in some kind of shitty lion suit with a vest, and is convinced the lion suited man is going to get him. (Bruce does take them home, but Jason teases them the whole way.)
Just silly things that show how they are people beneath the masks.
Love it.
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everwalldigan · 2 months ago
Bawling my eyes out at the thought of Dick’s last bit of parting advice for Damian on how to be Bruce’s Robin (before he went back to blud) being “just pretend to fall asleep during a stake out. Trust me”
Of course Damian’s sceptical and it takes him a long time to even THINK about making himself look that vulnerable but his curiosity eventually wins and he pretends to fall asleep during a boring night.
He thought he was prepared for all possibilities but he was not prepared for Bruce to call out his name, sigh softly and scoop him up, not letting go of him even once until they reach his bed (he will never admit it but he actually did end up falling asleep). He was absolutely not prepared for Bruce to take his shoes off, tuck him in and hesitate just a little second before giving him a forehead kiss and leaving the room silently. He ends up actually falling asleep on the very next week
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prlssprfctn · 1 month ago
Damian wakes up, startled. He doesn't remember what he saw in his dreams, and he is not sure what caused him to feel so anxious, but he knows what to do. The routine is easy and comforting; he just needs to find his brother Jason. So, he goes.
His bare feet against the cold floor is soundless, making no sound, and he keeps rubbing his eyes until he sees one of the doors open. It must be Jason. He always keeps the door of his room open, just in case.
There is a dim light in the room, a small lamp on the desk, where the stakes of paper are stored, and Jason is here, as tall and huge as always, tapping on his feet in an attempt to concentrate, while twirling a pen between his fingers. He is either reading or working on something else: writes down memories, afraid of them slipping away due to the Lazarus Pit hammering in his temples all the time.
Damian yawns and steps closer, tapping on his back.
'Akhi Jason,' he calls hoarsely. The body freezes, almost surprised — he is not supposed to; Jason hears him from the corridor, even if he is the most soundless kid in the whole world. 'I want to sleep.'
He never says he sees nightmares or that he is scared — just that. It always works.
Expect, this time it doesn't.
'What did you say?' Brother asks, his voice sounding so unusually stiff.
'Jason,' he repeats, more irritated this time. 'I said, I want to—'
When Jason turns around, Damian instinctively staggers back, his eyes widening.
The man in front of him is not Jason.
And for a second, Damian is panicking, until-
Until he doesn't remind himself that he is not home anymore. He is in the Wayne Manor, with his father.
With his father that looks exactly like his brother, only older, without scars, marring his face, and without a white streak that makes him look like a bird.
'Damian,' his father calls, slightly shaken. 'How do you know Jason?'
He swallows down. He is not supposed to tell about his brother. They instructed him not to.
But father has a familiar desperation in his eyes, the same one Jason had, when he was pacing around the room, muttering something incoherent, the cut out from newsletters photos of Bruce Wayne with Tim Drake in his hands, and-
And Damian shrugs.
'He is my brother,' he says, almost too innocently; because if he is going to be clueless about it, then what others will have to tell him? 'He stayed with a grandfather. It is a shame.'
Almost as if he doesn't understand what all of this implies.
'I was sleepy,' he adds. 'And got confused. My apologises, father. I shall return to my bedroom.'
Bruce stares, stares, and stares. And then, rubs his face with his hands, exhausted.
'I'll tuck you in. Let's go,' and a second later, with his voice sounding so familiarly small, just like how Jason's sounded when he first acknowledged him as his brother, he adds: 'Can you tell me more about your brother, Damian?'
And Damian tells him, of course.
He is not surprised to see the result of his work the next week.
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batfam-stuff-posts-0 · 4 months ago
Bruce: Tim and Damian did what?
Jason: Well, Alfred said they weren't allowed to see Dick because he was still recovering from last night, and the only way they could stay was if they were injured.
Bruce: And?
Jason: So they punched each other in the face and told him they were injured.
Steph: I gotta admire their dedication
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who-always-pays-their-taxes · 11 months ago
“Bruce Wayne is actually a really good father and all his children are just like that” is actually my favorite flavor of batfam
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months ago
Y'know sometimes I wonder what Ras reaction was to the Justice League. Like he practically offered Bruce the chance to be one of his generals, straight up offered for him to be his heir, and was turned down.
Do you think he's offended. Because oh, so his organization isn't good enough, but that merry band of idiots is?!
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spacespacespace · 5 months ago
Someone’s talks abt superboy and robin and I’m js like
Do you mean loser nerd robin and cool cloned superboy?
Or the stabby stab stab robin and ray of sunlight superboy?
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demonicsuffrage · 17 days ago
The Robins™ as random textposts
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