#u can reply with ‘the gay ones’ but buddy that’s not gonna help
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spacespacespace · 5 months ago
Someone’s talks abt superboy and robin and I’m js like
Do you mean loser nerd robin and cool cloned superboy?
Or the stabby stab stab robin and ray of sunlight superboy?
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fanonskeletonstuff · 5 years ago
pls kno im not a serious writer thank;; also it’s my replies only, i didnt share anyone elses (unless they want to share killer and his s/o’s whole thread along with the sideplots, i dont wanna paste their replies without permission tho i plan not to)
this may include othertale spoilers and rahafwabas’ killer!sans comic references
gonna put this on wattpad too
Dust explores the CP. he sees Color and his rainbow cracked skull is the first thing he catches. Color sees him back and walks to him first. “heya. i see you’re about to cause trouble.”
“wh... what? pfff...” Dust is surprised Color already knows who he is. “i can’t if this is some large christmas gathering. isnt it on christmas, you have to be well... GOOD???”
Color jumps back from the yell. “of course you have to. but, you’re one of those sanses, so i can’t stop ya.” Then, he realizes something. “say, aren’t you killer’s friend? have you two met before?”
Dust remembers who Killer is. “ohhh, that man?? yeah, we had to date once during our bad sanses sleepover. horror held the event cause it was halloween at the time.”
“huh... well, this is dangerous of me, i’m talkin’ to ya and anytime you might just kill me.” Color chuckles. “however, I know sanses can control themselves. I know killer can. he thinks i have to kill him, but it’s just wrong. i think he can change. he doesnt have to fuel himself with thoughts of murdery.”
Dust feels roasted. “WOW?? heheheh!! you’re so smart those colors must be how high your IQ is!”
“heheh, oh, that. so, here’s my story. i absorbed souls in a genocide timeline. i was about to die, so it’s the only thing i had to do. that’s why i look like that... that...”
Color gets interrupted by Dance, who teleported next to him. “uhhh...”
— — —
“heya. you’re quite the party lights in here.” Dance is getting the gay feeling.
“oh, heheh, wow, huh?” Color feels awkward. “heyy, i know you! you’re that shy dancer who doesn’t get much stage fright the more he gets used to dancing. hip hop, right?”
“yep. yeah, that’s my genre.” Dance blushes. “what AU are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“i’m from othertale. fun fact, the AU’s not about me! i’m pretty much undyne’s supporting character.” Color laughs.
“cool...” Dance likes him- “i like your colors. where’d you get your lights?”
“oh, i was just explaining to dust pal here I got it from human souls. i, um, absorbed ‘em. needed it cause i was aboutta die.”
“that must be risktaking of you for your own life, c...” Dance winks, his left eye open. “hey, maybe we should... dance, sometime...”
Dust laughs at Color and Dance, gives a hard pat on Color’s shoulder. “uh oh, GAY alert!!!” Phantom!Papyrus is probably shook at this point.
— — —
“heh... sorry to say, but you’re too nice and popular to be with me.” Color answers. “I, um... already had letters with someone. kinda like dust, but...”
“it’s ok. if i dance too much, that’s when the beats go off.” Dance understands.
“yeah... honestly, he’d kill you if he sees you. If he were in this party and you say that to me... he’ll overthink his actions and end up on a killing spree.”
Dance knows who he’s talking about. “wait. you don’t mean... how...???”
“how... how is he with you? wait, i must be assuming. who are you with, but not really?”
— — —
“u-uh... he likes... someone else, n-n-now...” Dance being the shy sweatpants boi he is puts on his hood blushing. “sorry, i said too much...”
“o-oh, no problem! killer chose me anyway, but i only chose him back cause he wants me to be his guy...de.” Color winks for the pun. guy-de for ‘guide’ lol.
— — —
Then, Color says his name.
“killer. he told me everything about himself. personally. there was no one else but me and him. like an error in his anti-void.”
“oh, uh... he’s h-here, actually...” Dance hesitates. “wait... i still have more to say...”
Dust walks out of the conversation, continuing to follow Red.
Red sees Killer being cute. “ah *shoes*-//“
he notices himself getting his words censored and thats embarrassing. “WHAT THE-////“
— — —
Color and Dance walks in.
“hey, what’s happening here?” Color asks.
“hi red...” Dance waves. “i hope your anger management’s doing well.”
Red’s starting to think he’s gonna have a BIG WHOOP. “OK, what’s goin’ on here?! who set this?! cigar’rus?!” he mentions US!Pap, the host of the therapy closet session.
— — —
Killer sees Dust and feels a bit scarEd. “hiya.”
“welcome to the party, that goes to the three of you....” Dance still shying out tho.
“hey buddy red. tough day? i heard you yelling back there.” Color helps Red.
“ya heard nothin, newbie!” Red nervously laughs. “feel like imma get stabbed by that dust guy there! or any of those funkers!”
Killer breaks up with Color 3 2 1-
“sir’s probably lookin’ for us, we should find a way out.” Dust puts a hand around Killer.
Killer blushes. “wait...// im still wearing this.”
Dust lets go. “ohhh’kayyy, take your time...”
Killer rubs both of his sleeves until he sees Color. “color....?”
“uh...” Color stops hiding behind Dance, holds Dance’s hand, and blushes. “yeah, it’s me.”
Dance blushes back, HE A HERMIT CRAB//) “(c-color, whuh)”
“long time no see.”
“heheh... i heard you found someone else, so... hey, it’s okay! if he can help you, honestly, i just said yes so i could control you. and, uh, manipulation is one of the bad things in relationships, right? so...”
Killer listens to Color. “don’t feel bad.”
“i’m gonna walk off cause i don’t wanna get caught. oh, and one more thing.” Color shows Killer he’s holding Dance’s hand. “once you see it, you can ditch me.”
“s-s-sorry/////“ Dance mutters while hiding in his hood hiding away his blue blushy flustering face.
last one: shoutout to outer sans being a fluffy pillow to the bad sanses out there uwu
Outer, still next to RainbowKill, looks at Dust while Color and Dance walk away together. Not only he should help Killer calm down, but maybe him too. He probably has a certain goal to calm down most Sanses that used to be good. Yep, still the most relaxed Sans AU.
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the inexhaustible variety of life
summary: Cyrus Goodman has isolated himself from the rest of his prep school, but will an easygoing transfer student manage to crack his shell?
pairing: tyrus
word count of chapter: 1,169
first chapter, previous chapter, next chapter
chapter 4: nonsense
It slowly became an unofficial tradition for the two boys to meet up every Saturday to talk about the books they were reading. TJ would show up at Cyrus’ dorm, Cyrus would pretend to be annoyed, eventually let him in, scold him for laying on his bed (“It’s my bed! I should be the one sitting there!” “You can sit next to me!” “...You can have the bed.”), and they would talk about either their current assigned book or anything they were reading for fun. And if Cyrus got all of his work done before every Saturday just so he would have more time to talk, TJ didn’t need to know that.
Over the course of the past few weeks, Cyrus has discovered that TJ was a major theatre and history nerd and could rap the entirety of Hamilton on a dime if asked, while TJ noticed Cyrus never, ever read without a pencil in his hand so he could underline and take note of things.
Despite them talking about anything and everything involving literature, Cyrus never let the conversation steer to anything else. TJ wasn’t hurt by that, no, not at all. So Cyrus didn’t trust him enough to talk about normal friend things. It’s fine.
TJ had made his way over to Cyrus’ dorm one Saturday, ready to rant for a hundredth time about how Holden Caulfield was a major hypocrite. He held his wrist up to knock on the door, but he never got the chance, as Cyrus opened the door at that moment. “What, are you gonna punch me?” he teased.
TJ dropped his arm and looked inside the room, noticing everything was cleared out. “What’s going on? Are you transferring out?” He couldn’t be transferring, not now, not when they were just getting to be good friends. He didn’t know why it affected him so much, but he could not let him leave now.
“What? Oh,” Cyrus waved it off, “I’m repainting a wall in my room. Well, not me, because I’d knock everything over, but I am getting it repainted.”
TJ let out a small sigh of relief. “Oh.”
Cyrus smiled, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, since the fumes are so strong that I’m pretty sure I started hallucinating my essay talking to me a hot minute ago, it might be smart to go to your room today?”
“Oh, um, sure, yeah,” TJ replied. He’s gonna see my room, he thought. My messy, boring room, and he’s gonna think I’m messy and boring. Wait, why did he care if Cyrus thought he was messy and boring?
He didn’t, right?
“A man of many words, everyone,” Cyrus joked. “Let’s go,” he added, making his way around TJ to walk to his room, and for some reason the only thing TJ could think was hey, he didn’t shove me this time. Progress.
They stepped into the room, and while Cyrus took everything in, TJ was trying not to freak out whilst simultaneously trying to figure out why the hell he was freaking out in the first place. Cyrus was just in his room. No big deal. Right?
TJ watched Cyrus’ eyes trail from his messy desk to his messy bed to his various basketball posters. “So you’re a sports guy?” Cyrus teased.
“More like sport guy,” TJ answered, a soft smile on his face. “Basketball was the only thing I could get into.”
“I can’t do any sport to save my life,” Cyrus joked. “I almost failed PE in the fifth grade.”
TJ just laughed, taking a seat on his bed, while Cyrus was still glancing and pacing slowly around his room. TJ saw his eyes stop on something laying on his nightstand, and he turned his head to see what it was. Upon spotting the object, he snapped his head back to Cyrus in a panic.
“Oh, right, you’re...” Cyrus trailed off, an odd look on his face that TJ couldn’t decipher.
“Gay?” TJ sighed. “Yeah.”
“I forgot about that,” Cyrus said plainly.
TJ immediately went on the defense. “Is that gonna be an issue?”
Cyrus’ eyes widened. “No, no, dear god, no, it’s not. I, uh, actually— you know what? Never mind.”
TJ quirked one eyebrow, a small smirk resting on his face. “You good?”
“Okay, then.”
Cyrus sauntered down the hallway to the library to “return” his latest read, alone as usual. That’s when he saw it.
A bright pink poster pinned up in the hall, clashing with the brown wood of the walls surrounding it. A closer look at the poster told you it was announcing the first boys’ basketball game of the season, taking place that Friday afternoon.
Wait— isn’t today Friday?
He walked briskly toward the gym, book in hand long forgotten, and sure enough, it was packed with people. It definitely was not Cyrus’ scene in the slightest, but when he spotted a certain dirty blonde running across the court in his Riverview jersey, he figured it would be okay to watch. To support his, friend? Acquaintance? Book buddy? Sure.
Cyrus didn’t take a seat, he simply stood next to the bleachers watching. In all honesty, he had no idea how the game worked, he just knew you had to get the ball in the net and that he had never been able to do that. But, it was obvious TJ knew what he was doing, as he looked effortless out there. A small curl of hair flopped into his face then, and Cyrus couldn’t help but think it looked cute.
Oh, no.
That’s definitely a crush.
Come to think of it, it’s been there for a long time. And now it’s gotten worse.
A girl with curly brown hair called out to him, snapping him out of his stupor for a moment, “Hey, you’ve been standing around a while, do you want to sit with us?”
“U-um, no, nope, I’m good,” he replied, more frazzled than anything else.
“You sure?” The curly haired girl’s friend asked, adjusting her headband framing her jet black pixie cut.
“Yeah, I was, uh, just about to leave, anyway,” Cyrus responded, backing out of the gym, but not without walking into the wall first.
This crush was ruining everything, Cyrus decided.
He was in history class and noticed that TJ was sitting in front of him, so he stared at the back of his head for the majority of class, as one does. And, as if that wasn’t enough, when the teacher called on him, he answered “Cute.” Cute, for god’s sake!
To make matters worse, TJ wouldn’t let it go for at least a week. At least he didn’t know it was about him.
The crush was becoming more and more of a problem, too, as his witty banter was lacking. He couldn’t tease him anymore, or for lack of a better word, flirt with him. What if TJ picked up on it?
He had to get rid of it as soon as possible.
No one can know.
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coffeesforfuckers · 8 years ago
Our Summers Together Are My Best Kept Secrets And My Biggest Mistakes // Chapter Three
Ships: Peterick, Brallon, Ferard, Trohley, Jalex, Zian and others in the background
Description: Summers for most kids are spent going to the beach and on vacations with your family but lots are shipped off to summer camps for the whole summer. But the kids at Hempman Summer Camp actually beg to go! Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman all met there, they had all known each other for probably over a decade because of this absolutely amazing stay-away camp for kids from the ages of six to nineteen. All the kids that were there came back until they couldn't and they always had the same kids except a few new, younger, kids every year. That is until the year that the weird kid with the jet-black, dyed, black fringe and the crazy piercings and a couple tattoos comes in like he owns the place. That year also happens to be the same year that Patrick Stump gets gum stuck to the new emo kid's face and hair. It was love at first sight... But hate at first interaction for the blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy and the complete opposite for the new kid, Pete Wentz.
Chapter 3: Three: I Have a Forehead Texting Me and He's Kind of Cute?
I lay sprawled out across my bed, I don’t know why I can’t sleep but I’m just wired. Probably just too much coffee? I’m scrolling through my phone while Spencer, Jon and Ryan all slept.
My phone dings with a new message and I check the notification.
New message from: Retrieving…
I tap it and Kik opens.
I have one new message from someone by the name of BeeboBreadbin . What the fuck? I’m intrigued.
BeeboBreadbin: What’s your favorite animal and why?
Who the fuck is this dude? And is he okay?
Dal-Do: What is this? School??
Dal-Do: The flamingo cause it’s gay I guess?
This person has my full attention and I know I’m not getting any sleep tonight.
BeeboBreadbin: Wtf??? Is your user a fucking play on the word dildo??
BeeboBreadbin: Kinky
Dal-Do: I know I am thanks
Dal-Do: How’d you get my kik?
Dal-Do: I’m is confuse
BeeboBreadbin: Nice Engli dude
BeeboBreadbin: It was on tumblr and I’m bored
BeeboBreadbin: Or should I say
BeeboBreadbin: I’m is bored
Dal-Do: Fuk off
Dal-Do: You just want this dick
BeeboBreadbin: I’m not against it
BeeboBreadbin: WHat do you look like btw?
I contemplate showing this random guy that literally found my account on Tumblr, of all places, what I look like. I mean it couldn’t hurt really to just show him what I look like, but I mean... I don’t even know what I mean. I’m too tired to think.
Dal-Do: /Image Attached/
Dal-Do: Sorry, I was really drunk in this pic but like thats the most recent I have of just myself and it’s too dark for a good one.
BeeboBreadbin: Def want that dick fmu
BeeboBreadbin: Like you’re hot as fuck help
BeeboBreadbin: /Image Attached/
BeeboBreadbin: Teach me ur wayz plz
BeeboBreadbin: *Cries*
Dal-Do: Wtf??? You’re so hot??? I’m??? Sobbing????
Dal-Do: Pls don’t show me ur god face anymore
Dal-Do: So sexi
Dal-Do: I met you like ten mins ago… I need to chill
Dal-Do: My gay just couldn’t help but slip out
BeeboBreadbin: Pls slip ur gay into my ass
BeeboBreadbin: I need help
BeeboBreadbin: Gonna go drink bleach brb
BeeboBreadbin: Gotta go drwon the cringe
BeeboBreadbin: Drown*
Dal-Do: My name’s Dallon btw
Dal-Do: I realized that rn my name is dildo and I don’t want ur hotness to think I’m a dildo
BeeboBreadbin: I’m Brendon
BeeboBreadbin: Not Brandon
BeeboBreadbin: Call me Brandon and I’ll fucking cut you
BeeboBreadbin: /Image Attached/
BeeboBreadbin: See
Dal-Do: Yes, I am so scared of a forehead with a knife, /Brandon/
BeeboBreadbin: I’LL CUT YOU!
Dal-Do: Sure you will
Dal-Do: If anything you’ll want my gay inside u
BeeboBreadbin: You right
BeeboBreadbin: I’m always a slut for a walking dildo
Dal-Do: I’m always a slut for a walking forehead
BeeboBreadbin: Bitch.
Damnit, this kid is actually really funny and he’s pretty fucking hot if I do say so myself. Even with a forehead bigger than his shitty bowl-cut, he was pretty fucking cute. Shit, what was I even thinking? I just met this kid.
I felt bad, I was basically using Pete but even for someone as sloppy as him, he was really a fun person to have as a fuck buddy. He was hot as hell, rough, kinky and there were no strings attached! Perfect.
I know it’s fucked up but I’m not out and I’m the biggest commitment phobe on the planet. Yes, I understand that I’m problematic.
For once, I’m the first one awake. It’s only about six in the morning but I was wide awake. Pete squirms in his sleep, mumbling something. He talked in his sleep a lot, most of it was just incoherent mumbles and others were clear, mostly him muttering something to his mother or a friend.
I’m on my phone, checking all my notifications and such, texting some friends and writing down some lyrics.
“Patrick.” I hear and nearly jump out of my skin, I turn to find Pete sound asleep in the nearby bed.
“Yeah?” I raise my brow.
“Lay with me.” He murmurs sleepily.
“Um, What?” I choke in utter shock, this was probably the most crazy thing he’d said.
“Please, baby?” I feel the same itch that runs through my body when I’m in a relationship and begin to get jittery, needing to get out.
“Uh, I-I’m… P-Pete? I’m- er, uh, not…” I stammer out anxiously.
His words come out incoherent now and I know I can’t keep doing this anymore…
I am falling madly in love with Patrick Stump.
This is so bad.
I knew that Patrick won’t ever love me he’s not like that. He tells me all the time, he’s not the ‘forever with you’ type, he’s the ‘hump and dump’ type. It baffles me.
He’s so careful with everybody and everything, not wanting to upset anyone and yet this little ball of happiness is the biggest fucking slut on the face of the earth.
Damn, I want to hate him.
But, who could hate Patrick Stump .
The room was dim, light seeping in through the old smashed windows and the cracks in the old chipped wood of the abandoned wooden cabin Some light also poured in through the cracks and holes in the ceiling. The cabin was old, rotten, gross and falling to pieces but it was ours . And that’s all that mattered.
Hs fingers run through my somewhat long hair, his forehead pushed firmly to mine, the tips of our noses brushing. Our legs were tangled around each other as we sat across from each other on the ground.
“Lex?” I can feel his warm breath caress my lips.
“Yes, boo?” I coo back softly.
“So, um… What…” He pauses, pulling his head back from mine, “What are we?”
“Alive.” I reply with a coy smile, leaning in to kiss him again but he moves back, detangling himself from me. He seems frustrated by my reply.
“You know what I mean, Alex.” He grumbles, using my full name.
“I don’t know? We’re just friends that are like… More than friends but… Less than lovers… You know?” I let out a shaky breath and an awkward frown.
“No, Alex.” He huffs, “I don’t know.” He stands and starts to pace, “We’re either dating or somebody's being used.”
“It’s not like that! I just don’t want labels and people like, knowing!  I like our secret , Jack. I love this .” I frown sadly.
“I don’t ‘ love this ’. I want to hold your hand, kiss you, touch you, love you, wherever and whenever I can. I want to scream my love from the rooftops because, I love you, Alex . You never say it back but I’m fucking madly in love with you and you know it, Alex.” Jack tosses his hands in the air, “I don’t want to be a dirty little secret anymore, Alexander.” I wince at him using my full-on first name.
I let out a soft sigh, “I’m not ready for that… I like how we already are…” My voice cracks with desperation.
“I’m not doing this anymore.” He shakes his head and I feel my heart start to sink, “I’m done… I want to be something that you're proud to call yours.”
I swallow hard, “Wha-... What are you trying to say, Jacky…?” I’m trembling.
“We’re done. This… Is done.” He looks me dead in the eyes as he shoots his words like daggers into me. I let out a sob and then I can’t stop, shaking violently and bawling my eyes out. Jack shakes his head at my tears, turning to leave.
“I love you, Jack!” The words I’d neglected to say for so long finally spilled from me, my voice leaking emotion that spilled over the room.
“Well, you’re too late.”
And he’s gone.
I’d been talking with Brendon for about two, almost three, weeks but I already knew this kid was something special. All of my friends were extremely concerned with how attached to this random stranger I’ve become.
BeeboBreadbin: Dallon
BeeboBreadbin: Dal
BeeboBreadbin: Dal-Do
BeeboBreadbin: Yo!!! Dildo!!! Fucking reply damnit!!!!!!!
BeeboBreadbin: The forehead is gonna come stab ya ass
BeeboBreadbin: (With this dick!!!!)
Dal-Do: Pls do
BeeboBreadbin: Dildo! You’re back!!
Dal-Do: And gayer than ever!! ;)
BeeboBreadbin: Fuckin’ gayyy
Dal-Do: You know it
BeeboBreadbin: Wanna see my new room decoration?? (It not for indended use btw)
Dal-Do: Yus, send (n00ds) pls
BeeboBreadbin: Those come later
BeeboBreadbin: /Image Attached/
BeeboBreadbin: Yee! (Not for anal use I swear)
BeeboBreadbin: I named it Dallon <3
Dal-Do: What an honor it is to be shoved up your ass, /Brandon/
BeeboBreadbin: >:(
BeeboBreadbin: It’s decoration
BeeboBreadbin: /Image Attached/
BeeboBreadbin: On tha Pianooo
Dal-Do: Urielectric?
BeeboBreadbin: ???
BeeboBreadbin: O shit that thing
BeeboBreadbin: I do the musics and that’s what my studio (aka my friend’s basement) is called.
Dal-Do: You don’t live with your fam?
BeeboBreadbin: Nah, they kicked me out cause I’m a bi atheist
Dal-Do: A Gaytheist?
BeeboBreadbin: Y
BeeboBreadbin: E
BeeboBreadbin: S
Dal-Do: Relatable
BeeboBreadbin: /Image Attached/
Dal-Do: WHaT ArE U doInG WIth uR LEg!?!?!!????!!!
Dal-Do: Are those leather pants!???!!!
Dal-Do: You fuckin’ SL00TE!!
Dal-Do: ANd ThoSE BOOtS??!!
BeeboBreadbin: Only for u, boo ;)
Dal-Do: That’s gay
BeeboBreadbin: Yep, That’s me
Dal-Do: THAT’S SO RAVEN!!!!!!
BeeboBreadbin: Bitch you cheating on me with Raven Simone
Dal-Do: We ain’t even dating tf?
BeeboBreadbin: Damnit
BeeboBreadbin: My Plot
BeeboBreadbin: FOILED!
BeeboBreadbin: *Sobbing*
Dal-Do: That was fucking lammmmeeeeee!
BeeboBreadbin: Just like you
Dal-Do: /Image Attached/
Dal-Do: Gon fite u
BeeboBreadbin: Ooo!! Sweati and Sexi!!!
Dal-Do: Damn right hoe
Dal-Do: You better fucking enjoy that pic!!
Dal-Do: Everybody thinks I’m a psycho from running around first to get all sweaty and then taking fucking weird ass pics of myself while running.
BeeboBreadbin: That’s hawwttt!!!
BeeboBreadbin: I’d lick you, bro (Full Homo)
Dal-Do: Wtf??? Lmao, you’re fucked up
BeeboBreadbin: You rite
BeeboBreadbin: I is
BeeboBreadbin: Fuck I gtg, ttyl
Dal-Do: Awe ;,( come back soon
I frown and toss my phone to the side. May as well go see what everybody else is doing for once.
Chapter Masterlist ~
Previous -
One - The Gum Habit Gone Bad
Two - On the Rooftop with You
Next -
Four - Memories I Keep Locked Away for Times Like This
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bunbunprincey · 7 years ago
Camp Voltron
Chapter 1 - The Arrival
The whole place was filled up with chatter and footsteps, it was like a maze for you to find your way around, for some reason this year was very busy. Lance, Pidge and hunk chattered as they walked to the main hall waiting for the cabins pairings to be announced. "I hope I get to share a cabin with you again" lance said while looking at hunk and hoping he didn't have to share a room with some random 'nerd'. Hunk nodded in agreement "and I'll be sharing a room Allura again" Pidge smiled, she knew Allura was gonna have her back and bunk with her.
Keith without realising walked up next to Lance and Lance growled softly "you really are a stalker aren't you" Keith glared at Lance in silence, not saying anything in return. It was still very noisy until suddenly the noise came to a stop, Coran was standing In front of all the campers as he spoke "Welcome to camp Voltron, We have two new Counselors this year but they definitely aren't new to the camp". Allura and Shiro walked up next to Coran and smiled at everyone, they didn't need an introduction everyone knew them, even the new campers.
Allura stepped forward slightly and began to speak "Now lets start with the cabin Pairings" she went threw the cabin pairings and the last pairing was "Keith and Lance in cabin 8". Keith and lance growled at each other and Keith crossed his arms, they raced to their cabin and both made it there at the same time. Keith swung open the door and placed his bag on the first bed, Lance glared at him and his bag on the second bed while Keith started to unpack his stuff and mumbled "why the hell do I have to share a cabin with this idiot", little did he know lance heard and replied with "it's not like I want to share a cabin with you anymore than you do..." Keith just blankly starred at him and then lance started to unpack his stuff.
Chapter 2 - AntiSocial Emo Boy
After unpacking it was already dinner time, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Matt and Allura were sitting down together. Lance and Keith sighed, yet another thing they had to do together, Keith sat down next to Shiro and Lance sat across from Keith, next to Hunk. Lance and the others chatted up a storm and Keith just sat there eating In silence, Shiro looked at Keith "Are you ok?" He asked being the protective older brother he was "I'm fine... ish, but it's unfair that I have to bunk with that idiot" he said pointing to Lance. Lance was too busy to notice, he was flirting and winking at the girls sitting in the table in front of them, Shiro shook his head "it's good In a way, maybe you and lance could become friends" Pidge smirked and replied with "or more" she said teasingly and Keith just rolled his eyes, "I'm tired I'm going back to my cabin" Keith sighed and walked back to the cabin.
Keith got changed into his pyjamas and put his clothes away and he climbed into his bed, mean while back with the others once lance had finished flirting with the girls he had to stay back to help clean up, "Coran seriously this is so unfair" Lance complained and started clearing the tables. "Well maybe if you stopped flirting with everyone this wouldn't happen" Coran replied and helped Lance clean up, once they finished cleaning up Lance sluggishly walked back to his cabin.
Keith had fallen into a deep sleep by the time Lance was at the Cabin, Lance got changed into his pyjamas and jumped into his bed and wrapped the blanket around himself. Lance stared at Keith before closing his eyes and falling asleep, they both slept facing each other and had no problems all threw out the night as they just slept the whole time.
Chapter 3 - Trip and Laugh
Early in the morning Keith woke up, he put on his jumper and walked outside, he sighed as he felt the cold air hitting his face, Keith sat outside for quite awhile. Lance woke up later and walked outside, he crossed his arms feeling the coldness in the air as he looked over at Keith "what the hell are you doing out here" he raised an eyebrow. Keith turned his head over to Lance "what does it matter", Keith walked back inside and sat on his bed.
Lance sighed and walked inside after Keith, "I'm getting changed.." Lance said as he grabbed his clothes for today. He got changed into a Blue tank top and grey skinny jeans, as soon as Keith laid eyes on him he didn't know why but his heart stopped, he looked away from lance and shook his head softly. Keith got up and walked into the bathroom and put on a plan red t-shirt and black ripped jeans, Lance had already left for breakfast.
Keith ran to the hall were they ate breakfast passing Lance, Lance growled and started racing Keith to the Hall. Keith smirked softly and started running faster, without seeing Keith tripped over rock and fell down Lance started laughing until he saw Keith squinting his eyes in pain "Quiznak" Keith gripped his knee. Lance sighed and smiled "Hey buddy you okay?" Lances held his hand out to help Keith up, Keith very softly smiled "y-yeah I guess" he grabbed Lances hand as lance helped Keith get up, Keith and lance suddenly started laughing at what just happened as they headed to the hall.
Chapter 4 - secrets out
After breakfast it got rather cold so Keith and Lance decided to put jumpers on, Keith put on a red Hoodie and Lance put on a blue. Keith sighed and pouted "I really don't want to do stupid activities" he said as he placed his hands in his pockets, Lance raised an eyebrow "why..? There fun, I mean with all the ladies-" Keith quickly covered Lances mouth with his hand to stop him from talking "Yeah unlike you my life doesn't revolve around Ladies" Keith moved his hand back into his pocket. Lances smirked "what are you gay or something?" He said not knowing that he was, Keith froze and his eyes widened "D-did Shiro tell you!" Keith said in an alarmed tone, he had only told Shiro. Lance rubbed the back of his neck "I-i was joking I didn't actually know your were gay" Lance sighed and continued speaking "but I won't tell anyone I swear! And if it makes you feel better I'm Bisexual" Lance shrugged.
After a day of activity's and Dinner Keith and Lance went back to their cabin, Keith sighed and sat on the floor opening his laptop as he started to browse, Lance joined him and sat down next to him on his own laptop. "so.. are we like.. friends now?" Keith asked trying not to make it sound to awkward, Lance nodded "I guess.. we are" they both smiled and continued to browse their laptops, Lance started playing Sims 4 and Keith looked over "You play sims 4?" He said even though it was obvious "yeah, wanna ply with me?" Lance asked Keith nodded and sat closer to him, normally it would be uncomfortable for them to be this close but now, they just didn't care but also liked being this close.
For hours the two played sims 4 and shifted positions, they ended up lying down and falling asleep. Lance had his right arm spread and his left on his stomach and Keith had his head on Lances arm, Keith's arms were crossed and his legs bent slightly. If you didn't know any better and saw them you would think they were a couple... but for now they were just friends.
Chapter 5 - Missing it
Lance was the first to wake up, luckily during the night they shifted so that Keith was no longer lying on his Lance's arm and neither of them knew. Lance yawned as he sat up looking down at Keith, Keith's messy black hair was everywhere and his face was peaceful and cute, Lance couldn't help but to smile and blush at how adorable he found Keith. While Keith was asleep Lance headed into the bathroom and had a shower, he dried himself and got changed into a Long blue sleeved shirt, white jacket and dark blue jeans. When he walked out he saw Keith was awake, Lance smiled and Keith returned the smile "morning" they said to each other and Keith got up this time he was went into the bathroom and had a shower, Keith went on to dry himself and got changed into a wooly red sweater that looked super cute on him and grey sweatpants.
This time Lance waited for Keith, lance blushed a peachy pink and luckily it blended into his skin. Lance couldn't stop thinking about how cute Keith looked but shook away that thought and they walked to the hall for breakfast together. Keith and Lance smiled as they sat across from each other and chatted with their friends. After breakfast it was time for the first activity of the day was; three legged race, the teams were Lance & Hunk -- Keith & Pidge. At the end of the race Keith and Pidge won "Take that!" Said Pidge and Pidge and Keith high-fived Lance pouted and crosses his arms while Hunk smiled "congratulations guys".
After a long day Keith was so tired he skipped Dinner, meanwhile lance was munching down "weres Keith?" Asked Shiro, everyone shrugged not know where Keith was "He probably fell asleep... hmm Lance can you take him some food for Keith" Lance nodded and when he was finished grabbed food for Keith and headed back to his cabin. Lance saw Keith, his face was peaceful and Lance wanted to let him sleep but at the same time he had to wake him up, Lance set down the food on the floor and lightly shook Keith awake, Keith would Stir and rub his eyes with his fists "what do you want.." Keith groaned and sat up. Lance grabbed the food off from the ground and sighed "you need to eat, your skinny enough as it is" Lance teased and Keith punch his arm playfully "whatever idiot" Keith said as he started to eat the food and Lance just starred at Keith; Keith blushed and looked up at Lance in confusion "u-uh sorry.." Lance walked away and sat on his bed.
Chapter 6 - Moonlight Stroll
Keith felt bad and after finishing his Dinner he stood up, he grabbed Lances hand and started pulling him out of cabin; "wha- where are we going?" Lance asked and stumbled as he was getting dragged Along "you'll see" Keith smirked as he led Lance to a beach that was some how hidden "a beach?" Lance asked confused "a hidden one, don't tell anyone about it.. I come get when I need alone time" Lance was confused onto why Keith would bring him here, Lance gripped tighter onto Keith's hand, Keith blushed and and sat down on the sand pulling Lance down next to him, lance chuckled as he fell on the ground next to him. Keith didn't know what hit him but Lances smile put him in a trance and they looked each other in the eyes and Lance leaned into kiss him and Keith did the same, Lance placed his hands oh Keith's waist and Keith placed his hands around the back on Lances neck. They kissed for a couple minutes In til the tide came up and touched there feet, and kept coming up higher and higher Lance and Keith stopped kissing. They were blushing bright red and Lance picked up Keith and his eyes widened "w-why are you carrying me" Lance blushed "s-sorry I-I'll put you down", Keith shook his head and hugged Lance tighter "no!" He blushes bright red "I mean you don't need too". Lance placed his hands underneath Keith to keep him up and accidentally moved one of his hands onto Keith's butt, Keith blushed bright red and Lance moved it back "s-sorry". Keith couldn't help but to laugh "what's happened to you, your normally so smooth" Keith couldn't help but to tease Lance. Lance Blushed and put Keith down "I-I'm just not used to really loving someone.."
Keith and Lance starred at each other, Keith blushed bright red at those words "I-I love you too" Keith said and Lance smirked, Keith knew the smirk, that smirk was for when he had something cheeky in mind. Lance placed his hands on Keith's shoulder and kissed Keith's neck, Keith blushed bright red and froze. Lance left a hickey on Keith's neck and picked Keith up once more, Lance carried Keith back to there Cabin and placed him once they got inside. Lance looked at Keith and smiled "so are we like.. dating now" Lance asked blushing, Keith smiled "if you want to, because I really do wanna be with you" Lance nodded "it's offical, we're a couple" he said chuckling and Keith just blushed, Lance smiled "alright well I'm betting changed into my pyjamas" Keith nodded and Lance walked into the bathroom getting changed. Once Keith and Lance were both in their Pyjamas they talked for a while, Keith was obviously freezing and Lance smiled "you can sleep with me" Keith shyly nodded and laid down on Lances bed, Lance wasn't planning on sleeping yet but Keith obviously was, they fell asleep hugging Keith's face was in Lances stomach and Lance wrapped his arms around Keith making him feel safe and warm.
This is my story, it’s on wattpad, My wattpad is
0 notes
tyrus prompt: museum field trip where cyrus gets on the bus to find that the only empty seat is next to tj. also whoever they sit next to is their partner/buddy for the day. you can make this as angsty (post 313, both hurting and not knowing how to deal but forced to by the situation, so close yet so far etc) or fluffy (closer to a date, maybe an au where this is the first time they get to know each other) as you want! either way, love the concept of field trip setting tyrus
“oh and muffy are also sitting together/partners, if you wanted both ships in the same prompt! those two as partners could be fun. competing to see who's faster to fill in the worksheet or whatever first, but ending up enjoying themselves at the different museum exhibits. how carefree they are could either contrast with angsty tyrus for more angst (wishing they could enjoy themselves like that too, like they used to) or make a fluff fic even fluffier, idk, good with either”
thank u for the prompt, enjoy!!
(word count: 1951)
“What do you mean you’re not gonna sit with me?” Cyrus whined as he and Buffy walked to the bus that would be taking them and the rest of their history class to the Shadyside Museum of History.
Buffy chuckled, knocking into his shoulder, “I mean, I’m not gonna sit with you. Marty already asked me to sit with him, and it’s been long enough ago now since he broke up with his girlfriend. I’m not screwing things up this time.”
Cyrus deadpanned, “Well, you have always been known for your determination, didn’t know why I expected this to be any different.”
Buffy rolled her eyes and stopped walking for a moment as she exclaimed, “Cyrus!”
“I’m sorry! You know I’m team Muffy and all, but I have no one else to sit with since Andi and Jonah aren’t in our class,” Cyrus complained, stopping with her.
“What about TJ?” Buffy questioned.
Cyrus squinted, “Well...”
Buffy smacked him on the shoulder. “You still haven’t talked to him? Why? You’re, like, the king of communication. Andi and I had to physically constrain you from talking to him during the whole gun thing.”
“Why do you want me to talk to him? You’ve never exactly been his biggest fan,” Cyrus asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
Buffy sighed, “Because, Cyrus, I’ve seen how important you are to each other. There’s gotta be a reason he ditched you for the literal devil.”
Cyrus raised one eyebrow, deadpanning yet again, “You mean Kira?”
“I said what I said. Now, come on, we’re gonna miss the bus,” Buffy said, grabbing Cyrus’ wrist and dragging him to the bus.
They made their way on the bus as the teacher was giving them instructions, droning on about, “...Whoever you sit next to will be your study buddy for the trip, and you are to stay with them at all times so we can keep track of you all easier...”
Buffy sat down almost immediately as Marty was in the front, which left Cyrus to look down the aisle on the bus to see the only spot left open. He walked down towards almost the back of the bus and sat down, and he turned his head to spot the one person he did not want to see, the one person he would have to be around the entire day.
Of course, Cyrus thought, of course the universe wants to play me again. Thanks a lot.
“Hey, Cyrus,” TJ mumbled, looking down, almost scared to talk to him, which surprised the smaller boy.
“Hey,” Cyrus breathed out. It was all he could manage, really.
“Looks like we’re partners for the day,” TJ added, now looking anywhere but Cyrus.
Cyrus just nodded slowly, not knowing what to say. He looked across the aisle just in time to notice Buffy taking a glance at the two of them, who quickly turned around as to not draw attention to herself. Yeah, that didn’t work. He pulled out his phone and texted her.
cy-guy: what are you doing?!
slayer: TALK TO HIM!!
slayer: it’ll be worse if you guys are just in silence the entire day, if you at least talk then it won’t be as awkward
cy-guy: i hate it when you’re right
slayer: you must hate it all the time then ;)
He turned off his phone and faced the other boy, who was looking out the window as the bus started to move. He swallowed his pride, if there was any there to begin with, and said, “So, what’ve you been up to lately?”
TJ’s head snapped to look at him as practically the speed of light. “Oh, uh, nothing really... basketball, you know.”
Before Cyrus could register what he was saying, he blurted out, “You been hanging out with Kira a lot?”
TJ blushed—figures, Cyrus thought—before he responded, “No, not really. ‘S not like I want to anyw— I mean, you know what, I should just stop talking.” He tried to laugh off what he said, but Cyrus had caught it.
Maybe not figures.
“Why wouldn’t you want to?” Cyrus questioned, trying to tread as lightly as he could. He wouldn’t push, but he couldn’t stop himself from adding, “You kinda did a costume together.”
TJ looked scared then. He tried to joke, “Asking a lot of questions today, aren’t we, Und—Cyrus?”
Cyrus just raised a patient eyebrow, waiting for him to answer.
TJ sighed, leaning his head back on the chair. “It’s just a lot to explain.”
Cyrus turned to face him entirely. “I’ve got the whole day to listen. If you want me to.”
Meanwhile, Marty and Buffy had quickly reassumed their usual bantering ways, as Marty had been reading her texts with Cyrus over her shoulder. “What’s going on with him, anyway?”
Buffy replied, “He’s just being unusually... quiet.”
Marty snorted. “‘S something you could never do,” he teased.
“Please, Mr. ‘I Ate a Live Frog’, you never know when to shut up,” Buffy teased back, nudging him on the shoulder.
“Only around cute girls, which you would know if you were around when I started talking to Rachel,” Marty joked.
Buffy made a pitiful face, “I am sorry about you guys— wait.”
Buffy had a look of incredulity now, as she continued, “You thought I was cute?”
Marty blushed and chuckled, “I thought that was kinda clear when I asked you out on the bridge. And you turned me down.”
Buffy’s mouth went into a straight line at that. “Right.”
They arrived at the museum soon after, splitting up to roam around and look at different exhibits. Marty and Buffy dashed ahead of the rest of the groups, obviously caught in some competition, again. TJ and Cyrus hung back from mostly everyone else, riddled with awkward silence. They took their time throughout the museum, and TJ would stare intently at every exhibit as Cyrus took the notes they required.
Eventually, though, Cyrus got sick of the quiet game and said, “Okay, I know you’re a history buff and all, but the history of oil in Shadyside cannot be that interesting.”
TJ continued reading the wall, dismissing him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“TJ,” Cyrus said calmly, placing his hand on TJ’s shoulder, and it was only then that he looked towards Cyrus. “You can talk to me.”
TJ sighed, looking up at the ceiling, “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just... don’t know how.”
“Then I’ll try my best to listen.”
TJ looked around the room then, noticing it was next to empty aside from two other pairs of students, and he dragged Cyrus to a bench next to the exit for the next exhibit. They sat down, a beat of silence following them.
“Kira and I had never talked before. She introduced herself right before you had come over to me that one time. The next day, she came up to me again while I was practicing alone and asked me if I wanted to do a costume with her,” TJ began explaining.
“And you said yes because she’s a pretty girl and you’d rather to a costume with your crush than your friend. I get it,” Cyrus said, trying to make sense of it all.
“Actually,” TJ took a moment, “I said no, because I was already doing a costume with you. I didn’t want to do a costume with her at all. She kept persisting, and I kept turning her down. Finally, she said, ‘You’d rather do a costume with Cyrus than with me? Have fun with that.’ It felt like she was implying that it was bad I’d rather do a costume with a boy than a girl, like it was a threat.”
Cyrus gulped. “Oh.”
TJ continued, “I was so ready to do the costume with you, I had the board shorts on and everything, but I couldn’t help thinking she was going to do something if I didn’t match with her, so I... took the coward’s way out.”
Cyrus furrowed his eyebrows, trying to comprehend what the taller boy was telling him. “Because you didn’t want it to look... gay.”
TJ crinkled his nose. “If that’s how you wanna look at it, yeah.”
Cyrus immediately grew defensive then. “What’s so bad with looking gay? Do you have a problem with gay people? Because if so, I’m just gonna lea—“
“I’d be a hypocrite if I did, Cyrus.”
Cyrus’ eyes widened. “What?”
TJ leaned forward, analyzing the floor as he rested his elbows on his knees. “I am... gay. I just didn’t want people to know yet,” he mumbled.
“Oh.” Cyrus put a comforting hand on TJ’s shoulder. “I’m glad that you trust me enough to tell me,” he said, giving him the warmest smile possible. “And, I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions about things.”
TJ looked up at him with soft eyes. He nearly whispered, “You have nothing to apologize for, Cyrus. This is all my fault, I should be the one apologizing.” He took Cyrus’ free hand in his. “I am so sorry, Cy. You have no idea.”
Cyrus dropped the hand that rested on TJ’s shoulder. “It’s okay, I get it, you got manipulated, which isn’t fair at all. You have nothing to worry about.” He paused, then added, “If it makes you feel any better, I know exactly how you feel.”
TJ’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he began stuttering, “I– you’re– wh– a-are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Cyrus smiled confidently, “I’m gay, too.” He’d come a long way, and he was proud of the fact that he could actually say that with confidence now. (As he should be.)
TJ just gave him one of his signature grins, a blush painting his cheeks. “Cool.”
Cyrus chuckled, “I’m getting a little deja vu.”
TJ furrowed his brows. “What?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“I told you I could answer all the questions first!” Buffy boasted to Marty, who simply laughed in defeat as they exited the museum.
“You always were the smart one, weren’t you?” Marty teased. “Just means I’m the more athletic one.”
Buffy elbowed his side. “Oh, you wish.”
They both walked in a comfortable silence for a few beats, blushes painting both of their faces.
That is, until Buffy mumbled, “You know, if you asked me out again, I wouldn’t turn you down this time.”
Marty turned to look at her overdramatically and shouted, “Oh, really?”
Buffy grinned, blushing even more. “Please don’t make a big deal out of this.”
Marty simply smirked, stopped, and took both of her hands, exclaiming, “The one and only, Buffy ‘The Slayer’ Driscoll, will you do me the honor of being my non-virtual girlfriend?”
Honestly, Buffy was just surprised no one was paying attention at that point, but she rolled her eyes and nodded in response.
Marty dropped her hands as they made their way back to the bus, muttering, “Took you long enough.”
Buffy scoffed, “Oh, don’t be so entitled.”
“You love me.”
Yeah, Cyrus and TJ has seen that whole thing as they were walking out of the museum, and they couldn’t help but laugh at the spectacle Marty had made. But, Buffy deserved it, she deserved to be happy, so Cyrus was happy for them. TJ was just grateful they wouldn’t have to watch the endless pining and banter anymore.
They plopped back down in their spots on the bus as TJ blurted out, “I’m really glad we made up. That was probably one of the worst weeks of my life.”
Cyrus took his hand, replying, “Me too.”
Cyrus didn’t care if Buffy was looking that time. TJ didn’t care if anyone was looking that time.
slayer: so, tj?
cy-guy: so, marty?
slayer: oh shut up
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anxious-alyssia · 5 months ago
Someone’s talks abt superboy and robin and I’m js like
Do you mean loser nerd robin and cool cloned superboy?
Or the stabby stab stab robin and ray of sunlight superboy?
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