#Cyber Crime Bureau
seemabhatnagar · 9 days
Madras High Court Orders Partial Defreezing of Account Amid Cryptocurrency Investigation
Freezing an account indefinitely without informing the account holder violates his fundamental rights. Freezing orders should be specific to the amount under investigation and not disrupt the entire financial life of individual.
The petitioner, Mohammed Saifullah's, bank account, was frozen by HDFC Bank based on the instructions from the Cyber Crime Bureau of Telangana, received via the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal.
The account was frozen due to an ongoing investigation into a cybercrime case related to cryptocurrency, in which an amount of Rs. 2,48,835 is suspected to be linked to the crime.
The total balance in the petitioner’s account was Rs. 9,69,580, and he had not been informed for over a year as to why the account was frozen or when it would be unfrozen.
The petitioner approached the Madras High Court seeking a Writ of Mandamus to defreeze his account and release of his balance.
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Mohd. Saifullah v. Reserve Bank Of India and 5 others
WP 25631/2024
Before the High Court of Madras
Heard by Hon'ble Dr. Justice G Jayachandran J
Legal Issue
Whether the authorities can freeze a bank account indefinitely without informing the account holder or quantifying the suspected amount, thereby affecting the fundamental rights of the petitioner under Article 19(1)(g) (right to trade and business) and Article 21 (right to livelihood) of the Constitution of India.
Argument of the Parties
Petitioner's Argument
The freezing of his account was without proper communication or justification from the authorities, and without a defined time frame, violating his fundamental rights.
Freezing of his account has seriously impacted his business and financial well-being.
Respondent's Argument
Freezing of the account was based on the ongoing investigation into cybercrime, specifically involving suspected cryptocurrency transactions.
They were acting on instructions from the Cyber Crime Bureau of Telangana and the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal.
Court's Observation
While the authorities have the statutory power to freeze bank accounts during investigations, it is essential to ensure that such powers are not exercised arbitrarily.
Freezing the entire account without specifying the amount under suspicion and failing to communicate the reasons to the account holder is not acceptable.
Courts order
HDFC Bank, was ordered to defreeze the petitioner's account, allowing him to operate it with the condition that a lien of ₹2,50,000 is kept on the account. The petitioner must ensure that a minimum balance of ₹2,50,000 is maintained in the account at all times, pending the investigation.
Seema Bhatnagar
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carlocarrasco · 1 month
NBI arrests 12 Chinese nationals who were caught in the act of scamming and for previously detaining and harming a man who refused to work as a scammer
Every day here in the Philippines, either someone got scammed or someone is secretly organizing a scam to steal money from others. Recently in the City of Manila, agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) apprehended twelve Chinese nationals who were caught in the act of scamming and also for illegally detaining and assaulting a man who refused to work as a scammer, according to a GMA…
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batboyblog · 15 days
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #33
Sep 6-13 2024
President Biden marked the 30th anniversary of the passage of the Violence Against Women Act and highlighted efforts to stop gender based violence. the VAWA was written by then Senator Biden and he often talks about it as his proudest legislative victory. The act transformed how the federal government dealt with domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In part because of the connection to Joe Biden, President Trump and the Republicans allowed the VAWA to expire in 2019. President Biden passed a new reauthorization, with new protections for women against cyber crime, in 2022. On the VAWA's 30th anniversary President Biden announced $690 million in grants to support survivors of gender-based violence.
President Biden and Vice-President Harris announced a new rule to force insurance companies to treat mental health care the same as medical care. The new rule takes on the use by insurance of restrictive practices like prior authorization, and out of network charges, it also closes a loophole in the law that allowed state and local government health insurance not to cover mental health.
The Biden-Harris administration announced that 50 million Americans, 1 in every 7, have gotten health insurance through Obamacare's marketplaces. Under Biden a record breaking 20.8 million enrolled this year. Since the ACA was passed by President Obama and then Vice-President Biden it has transformed American health care bring affordable coverage to millions and getting rid of "preexisting conditions". During the Presidential debate Vice-President Harris defended the ACA and the need to keep building on it. Trump after 9 years of calling for its repeal said he only had "concepts of a plan" on what to do about health care in America.
The IRS announced that it has recovered $1.3 billion in back taxes from wealthy tax dodgers. For years Republicans have tried to underfund the IRS hindering its ability to police high income tax payers. President Biden in his Inflation Reduction Act ensured that the IRS would have the money it needs to chase high income tax cheats. In February 2024 the IRS launched a program to go after over 100,000 people, making $400,000 or even over $1 million a year who have not filed taxes since 2017. The IRS also launched a program to collect from tax payers who make over $1 million a year who have uncontested debt of over $250,000. Between these two efforts the IRS has collected over a Billion Dollars in back taxes from the richest Americans, so far this year.
The Department of The Interior and White House Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi highlighted green energy efforts on public land. Highlighting two projects planned in Nevada officials talked about the 41 renewable energy projects approved on public land under the Biden-Harris Administration. These projects over 25 gigawatts of clean energy, a goal the Administration's climate plan set for the end of 2025 but met early this year. With the new projects in Nevada this is enough energy to power 12.5 million homes, and the Bureau of Land Management is another 55 utility-scale project proposals across the West.
The Department of The Interior announced $236 million to help fight forest fires and restore landscapes damaged by recent wildfires. Under President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Administration has spent nearly $1.1 billion dollars to combat deadly wildfires which have over the last 10 years grown in size and intensity thanks to climate change.
The Department of The Interior announced $157 million in wetland conservation. The money is focused on protecting bird habitats. It will protect and preserve thousands of acres of wetlands across 7 states.
The US Senate approved President Biden's nominations of Adam Abelson, Jeannette Vargas, Mary Kay Lanthier, and Laura Provinzino to federal judgeships in Maryland, New York, Vermont, and Minnesota respectively. This brings the total number of federal judges appointed by President Biden to 209. When Biden entered office 318 district judges were Republican appointees and 317 Democratic, today 368 are Democratic appointments and just 267 are Republican. President Biden is the first President in history to have the majority of his appointments not be white men and he has appointed more black women to the bench than any President ever.
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niqhtlord01 · 7 months
Humans are weird: Prank Gone Wrong
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
“Filnar Go F%$@ Yourself!” was possibly the most disruptive software virus the universe had ever seen.
The program was designed to download itself to a computer, copy the functions of existing software before deleting said software and imitating it, then running its original programming all the while avoiding the various attempts to locate and remove it by security software.
What was strange about such a highly advanced virus was that it did not steal government secrets, nor siphon funds from banking institutions, it ignore critical infrastructure processes, and even bypassed trade markets that if altered could cause chaos on an unprecedented scale. The only thing the software seemed focused on was in locating any information regarding the “Hen’va” species, and deleting it.
First signs of the virus outbreak were recorded on the planet Yul’o IV, but once the virus began to migrate at an increasing rate and latched on to several subroutines for traveling merchant ships things rapidly spiraled out of control. Within a week the virus had infected every core world and consumed all information regarding the Hen’va. It still thankfully had not resulted in any deaths, but the sudden loss of information was beginning to cause other problems.
Hen’va citizens suddenly found that they were not listed as galactic citizens and were detained by security forces on numerous worlds. Trade routes became disrupted as Hen’va systems were now listed as uninhabited and barren leading to merchants seeking to trade elsewhere. Birth records and hospital information for millions of patients were wiped clean as they now pertained to individuals who did not exist.
Numerous software updates and purges were commenced in attempting to remove the virus. Even the galactic council’s cyber security bureau was mobilized for the effort, but if even a single strand of the virus’s code survived it was enough to rebuild itself and become even craftier with hiding itself while carrying out its programming. This was made worse by the high level of integration the various cyber systems of the galaxy had made it so the chance of systems being re-infected was always high.
After ten years every digital record of the Hen’va was erased from the wider universe. All attempts to upload copies were likewise deleted almost immediately leaving only physical records to remain untouched.
To combat this, the Hen’va for all official purposes adopted a new name; then “Ven’dari”. In the Hen’va tongue in means “The Forgotten”, which is rather ironic as the Hen’va have had to abandon everything about their previous culture to continue their existence. The virus had become a defacto component of every computer system in the galaxy and continued to erase all information related to the Hen’va. Even the translator units refused identify the Hen’va tongue and so the Ven’dari needed to create a brand new language.
It wasn’t until another fifty years had passed before the original creator of the virus stepped forward and admitted to their crime. A one “Penelope Wick”.
At the time of the programs creation Ms. Wick was a student studying on Yul’o IV to be a software designer. While attending the institution Ms. Wick stated that a fellow student, a Hen’va named “Filnar”, would hound her daily. He would denounce her presence within the school and repeatedly declared that “what are the scrapings of humans compared to the glory of the Hen’va?”
The virus was her creation as a way of getting back at the student for his constant spite. Ms. Wick was well aware of the dangers it could pose if released into the wild and so had emplaced the limitation that the virus would only infect computers on site with the campus. The schools network was setup that students could only work on their projects within the confines of the institution to ensure they did not cheat and have others make them instead. What she had not counted on was this rule only applied to students and not teachers. So when a teacher brought home several student projects to review and then sharing those infected files with their personal computer, the virus then gained free access to the wider planets networks.
When the Ven’dari learned of this there were several hundred calls for Ms. Wick to be held accountable for her actions, and nearly twice as many made to take her head by less patient individuals who had seen their entire culture erased. Much to their dismay Ms. Wick died shortly after her confession from a long term disease that had ravaged her body for several years.
Much to her delight, she had achieved her goals of removing the source of her mockery.
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1americanconservative · 2 months
Did you know that the President of CrowdStrike Services and the Chief Security Officer served as the Executive Assistant Director of the FBI under the Obama-Biden administration?
Weird how the CrowdStrike
@CrowdStrike global outage happened during President Trump’s nomination speech at the RNC Convention. Meet Shawn Henry Shawn Henry is the Chief Security Officer and President of CrowdStrike Services. He joined CrowdStrike in 2012 after retiring from the FBI senior executive service. Prior to joining the private sector, Henry spent 24 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he held various operational and leadership roles, eventually becoming Executive Assistant Director, overseeing half of the FBI's investigative operations, including all FBI criminal and cyber investigations worldwide, international operations, and the FBI’s critical incident response to major investigations and disasters. He also managed computer crime investigations spanning the globe, and established the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force. Why is every crisis in our country somehow tied to
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femsolid · 1 year
TW: Trans activists
For more than a decade now, trans activists have been harassing those who belong to a feminist philosphy we call radical feminism or the women’s liberation movement.
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Radical feminists, like most feminists, believe that men use sex to oppress women. Meaning they oppress women through sexual exploitation and by perpetuating sexist discrimination towards those who belong to the female sex. They were the first to research and expose violence against women as endemic and traumatizing, and to create shelters for rape and domestic violence victims. Those shelters are now being vandalized and defunded by trans activists.
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Because radical feminists don’t believe in gender identities, gendered souls, gender roles or any form of innate personality based on sexist stereotypes, they have been receiving rape and death threats on a daily basis. The acronym “terf” was soon invented and is now used to describe any person who doesn’t support the trans movement, even if they’re not feminists, just as long as they're women, though lesbians and feminists tend to be the primary targets.
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As a whole, the trans movement claims that its biggest enemy and threat, its most pressing matter, its most dangerous opponent is the women’s liberation movement or what they call “radfems” or “terfs”. This is where their energy and anger is directed, typically in the form of sexist and sexual harassment, intimidation techniques, violence, censorship and social isolation. So let’s talk about that.
From the book Hate Crimes in Cyberspace:
Cyber harassment involves threats of violence, privacy invasions, reputation-harming lies, calls for strangers to physically harm victims, and technological attacks.
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Victims’ in-boxes are inundated with threatening e-mails. Their employers receive anonymous e-mails accusing them of misdeeds. Even if some abuse is taken down from a site, it quickly reappears on others. Victims’ sites are forced offline with distributed-denial-of-service attacks.
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While some attackers confine abuse to networked technologies, others use all available tools to harass victims, including real-space contact. Offline harassment or stalking often includes abusive phone calls, vandalism, threatening mail, and physical assault.
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The Internet extends the life of destructive posts. Harassing letters are eventually thrown away, and memories fade in time. The web, however, can make it impossible to forget about malicious posts. And posts that go viral attract hundreds of thousands of readers.
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Online harassment can quickly become a team sport, with posters trying to outdo each other. Posters compete to be the most offensive, the most abusive. An accurate name for such online groups is cyber mobs. The term captures both the destructive potential of online groups and the shaming dynamic at the heart of the abuse.
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Cyber harassment disproportionately impacts women. The U.S. National Violence Against Women Survey reports that 60 percent of cyber stalking victims are women, and the National Center for Victims of Crimes estimates that the rate is 70 percent. Of the 3,393 individuals reporting cyber harass-ment to WHOA from 2000 to 2011, 72.5 percent were female. The most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that 74 percent of individuals who were stalked on or offline were female, and 26 percent were male.
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Researchers found that users with female names received on average one hundred “malicious private messages,” which the study defined as “sexually explicit or threatening language,” for every four received by male users.
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According to the study, “Male human users specifically targeted female users.” By contrast, men are more often attacked for their ideas and actions. John Scalzi, a science fiction author and popular blogger, has found online invective typically situational. When he writes something that annoys people, they tell him so. People do not make a “hobby” out of attacking his appearance and existence as they do female bloggers.
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The nature of the attacks similarly attests to bigotry’s presence. Hate expresses something uniquely damaging. It labels members of a group as inhuman “others” who do not possess equal worth. It says that group members are inferior and damaged. Bigotry conveys the message that group members are objects that can be destroyed because they have no shared humanity to consider.
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Cyber harassment exploits these features by exposing victims’ sexuality in humiliating ways. Victims are equated with their sexual organs, often described as diseased.
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Once cyber harassment victims are sexually exposed, posters penetrate them virtually with messages that say “I will fuck your ass to death you filthy fucking whore, your only worth on this planet is as a warm hole to stick my cock in.” 
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Rape threats profoundly impact women: over 86 percent of rape victims are female. Virtual elimination may follow the imagined penetration: “First I’ll rape you, then I’ll kill you.”
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One woman who faced online abuse noted, “Someone who writes ‘You’re just a cunt’ is not trying to convince me of anything but my own worthlessness.” Despite the gravity of their predicaments, cyber harassment victims are often told that nothing can or should be done about online abuse. Journalists, bloggers, lay observers, and law enforcement officials urge them to ignore it. Victims are called “whiny baby girl[s]” who are overreacting to “a few text messages.” Often victims are blamed for the abuse. They are scolded for sharing their nude images with loved ones or for blogging about controversial topics. They are told that they could have avoided the abuse had they been more careful.
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A related message sent to victims is that the benefits of online opportunities are available only to those who are willing to face the Internet’s risks. They are advised not to expect anything different if they want to make a name for themselves online. The choice is theirs: they can toughen up or go offline.
The Internet is governed by society’s rules. Life online bleeds into life offline and vice versa. The notion that more aggression should be tolerated in cyberspace than in real space presumes that virtual spaces are cordoned off from physical ones.
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Most victims do not report cyber harassment to the police because they assume that nothing will be done about it. Sadly, they are right. Law enforcement frequently fails to act on victims’ complaints even though criminal law would punish some of the behavior. Victims are told to turn off their computers because “boys will be boys.” Online harassment victims are told that nothing can be done; they are advised to ignore rape and death threats. During the summer of 2013, high-profile women were subjected to a torrent of online threats. The feminist activist Caroline Criado Perez received hundreds of graphic rape threats via Twitter after her successful campaign to feature more female images on British banknotes.
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Members of Parliament and female writers who publicly supported Criado-Perez faced the same, including bomb threats. One tweet featured a picture of a masked man holding a knife with the message, “I’m gonna be the first thing u see when u wake up.”
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Because the Internet serves as people’s workspaces, professional networks, résumés, social clubs, and zones of public conversation, it deserves the same protection as offline speech. No more, no less.
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Without doubt, the free speech interests at stake are weighty. Free expression is crucial to our ability to govern ourselves, to express our thoughts, and to discover truths. For that reason, government cannot censor ideas because society finds them offensive. Truthful speech must not be banned just because it makes people uncomfortable.
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But credible threats, certain defamatory falsehoods, social security numbers, and nude images posted without consent contribute little to discourse essential for citizens to govern themselves and discover truths. Their net effect is the silencing of victims. Victims could blog, post videos, and engage on social networks without fear of destructive cyber harassment. They could raise money using networked tools unencumbered by rape threats, reputation-harming lies, and distributed- denial- of- service attacks. They could take advantage of all of the expressive opportunities available online. Protecting against online harassment would secure the necessary preconditions for victims’ free expression.
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With the help of law and the voluntary efforts of Internet intermediaries, parents, and teachers, we might someday achieve a free and equal Internet. We need to take action before cyber harassment becomes a normal feature of online interactions. A hostile online environment is neither inevitable nor desirable. We should not squander this chance to combat discriminatory online abuse; it is early enough in our use of networked tools to introduce equality of opportunity as a baseline norm of interaction.
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k-hippie · 1 year
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And of course, we have some mistakes in the links and in the cc content we are currently correcting ... What is a good Sims 3 World without a little headache ? :D And because we love difficulties, we are currently updating our own website ( which is a mess ) ... What else ? Nothing, everything is fine under the sun of this hot summer :D
The General Hospital is a Maxis one, but from Riverview. @nornities ( thanks A LOT for his/her patience to check Champignac ) pointed to us different things : missing mostly. so, somes of you may not see the Hospital ( Hopital des Bleuets ) in their game.
Bad links are currently corrected and both CC sims3packs folder and CC packages folder updated to include few missing stuff, including the Fresco Market items and the Skylight Studio roof elements we used + the Riverview Hospital :) HERE
The Open Swimming pool ( Champignac Bains Romains ) has lost its border texture ... don't worry : just replace with a one you like :)
The School is not the good one : too many missing stuff there, so we are currently uploading a new Champignac save game which should correct the little mistakes here and there HERE
Our Carpets Rabbit Holes folder had to be updated to get the Bistro RH : it is currently done ! But, you have to re-download the Rabbit Holes HERE
Our apologizes for this ! Really ... Anyway, we'll upload in the next hours a folder with ALL Community Lots and another one with ALL the residential Lots :) Just in case ... And here the 2 listings :
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Small Park : Monticule funéraire oublié - Colline des Celtes Small Park : Petit Fleuriste Small Park : La Vieille Tour no1 Small Park : La Vieille Tour no2 Small Park : Place Olivier Magnolia Horse Training Grounds : Elevage Pégase Junkyard : Neo Casse Stadium : Football Club Fire Station : Pompiers Volants Pool : Piscine Municipale Pool : Bains Romains de Champignac Diner : Brasserie du Cercle Gym : Gymnase Club Visitor Allowed : Boulangerie DeNimes Elixir Shop : Boutique d’élixirs : Elixirs et Reliques Theatre : Théâtre & Opéra Cemetary : Cimetière Civil Hospital : Hôpital des Bleuets Bookstore : Le Kiosque no5 Library : Bibliothèque V. Hugo Café : Café Catane Military Base : Bureau des Armées Police Station : Police Municipale Grocery Store : Epicerie des Halles Market : Marché Bio City Hall : Nouvelle Mairie Art Gallery: Villa Medicis Fishing Spot : Lac des Collines Criminal Hideout : Cyber Crime Beach : La Petite Plage Gypsy Wagon : Oeil d’Irma Science Lab : Bio Sciences Supernatural Hangout : Taverne du Nain Business & Journalism : Centre d’Affaires Consignment Store : Boutique & Brocante Bistro : Bistro Gastronomie Nectary : Le Monastère School : Ecole Municipale Vampire Bar & Cocktail : Midnight Lounge
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Maison Familiale : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Bleu Indigo : 1 double bed Maison des Pensées : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Prés : 3 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Ensoleillée : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Colocs : 2 double bed Maison Élégante : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Tournesol : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Biscornue : 2 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Haies : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Neo Rustique : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Mardi : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Chanoine : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison de la Vieille Tour de Garde : 1 double bed Maison des Gardiens : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Roses : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Chardons : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Nénuphars : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Bonjour : 1 double bed Maison en Coin : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Thym : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Fougères : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Collines : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Coquelicot : 2 double bed Maison du Ginkgo : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Manoir Central : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Manoir Chapelle : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Mas des Vignes : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Ferme des Tortues : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Ancien Lavoir : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Ancienne Ferme : 1 double bed Intro de Qualité : 1 single bed Le Camp des Hippies : 1 double bed Le Bosquet de Gardenias : 1 double bed Champignac Starter no1 : 1 single bed Champignac Starter no2 : 1 single bed
We have carefully furnished all the houses of Champignac to avoid half empty houses when visiting your Sims friends in town but not too much to avoid useless weight ;)
Do you know the origin of the name Champignac ?
We'll ... Champignac is a village from Spirou & Fantasio which is one of the most popular classic Franco-Belgian comics. The series, which has been running since 1938, shares many characteristics with other European humorous adventure comics like The Adventures of Tintin and Asterix. It has been written and drawn by a succession of artists ... Spirou and Fantasio are the series' main characters, two adventurous journalists who run into fantastic adventures, aided by Spirou's pet squirrel Spip, the Marsipulami, and their inventor friend the Count of Champignac ... :D
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Once again, sorry for the inconvenient. All files should be ok now, and oh ! one last detail ... Have Fun ! \o/
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
One of the world’s biggest botnet networks, responsible for stealing close to $6 billion (£4.7bn), has been shut down following an international effort from law enforcement agencies.
The US Justice Department, which led the operation, said the 911 S5 botnet comprised more than 19 million hijacked devices, which were being used to facilitate cyber attacks, large-scale fraud, bomb threats and even child exploitation.
Chinese national YunHe Wang, 35, was arrested on 24 May on suspicion of creating and operating the 911 S5 botnet from his home in St. Kitts and Nevis.
“This Justice Department-led operation brought together law enforcement partners from around the globe to disrupt 911 S5,” said US Attorney General Merrick Garland.
“This case makes clear that the long arm of the law stretches across borders and into the deepest shadows of the dark web, and the Justice Department will never stop fighting to hold cyber criminals to account.”
The FBI said the 911 S5 botnet infected computers in nearly 200 countries around the world, which were then controlled through 150 dedicated servers allegedly set up by Mr Wang.
An indictment unsealed on 24 May claimed that malware was used to infect and compromise millions of residential computers between 2014 and 2022, forming the botnet that was then able to carry out the cyber crimes.
Mr Wang allegedly sold access to the botnet to criminals, who then used it to bypass fraud detection systems in order to steal billions of dollars from financial institutions.
One target was reportedly a pandemic relief program in the US, which saw the botnet used to fraudulently make insurance claims from the hijacked IP addresses. More than half a million false claims resulted in losses of $5.9 billion for the programs, according to the FBI.
“Working with our international partners, the FBI conducted a joint, sequenced cyber operation to dismantle the 911 S5 Botnet – likely the world’s largest botnet ever,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray.
“We arrested its administrator, Yunhe Wang, seized infrastructure and assets, and levied sanctions against Wang and his co-conspirators... We will work tirelessly to unmask and arrest the cybercriminals who profit from this illegal activity.”
Mr Wang made around $99 million by selling access to the botnet, according to the indictment, which he used to purchase real estate in the US, St. Kitts and Nevis, China, Singapore, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.
Other assets subject to forfeiture are two BMWs, a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce and several luxury wristwatches.
“The conduct alleged here reads like it’s ripped from a screenplay: A scheme to sell access to millions of malware-infected computers worldwide, enabling criminals over the world to steal billions of dollars, transmit bomb threats, and exchange child exploitation materials – then using the scheme’s nearly $100 million in profits to buy luxury cars, watches, and real estate,” said Matthew Axelrod of the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security.
“What they don’t show in the movies though is the painstaking work it takes by domestic and international law enforcement, working closely with industry partners, to take down such a brazen scheme and make an arrest like this happen.”
Mr Wang faces a maximum penalty of 65 years in prison if convicted.
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lepartidelamort · 29 days
Les Sages de Sion à l’origine de l’arrestation de Pavel Durov
Durov est la cible d’une cabale aux larges ramifications.
L’angle d’attaque de la « justice » française est basique : comme patron de Telegram, Durov est coresponsable de tous les crimes ou délits que des utilisateurs auraient pu commettre via son réseau social, partout dans le monde.
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Selon cette logique, le patron d’Orange devrait être arrêté pour avoir fourni internet à des criminels.
De même pour le patron d’Apple pour avoir fourni des smartphones à des criminels.
Macron, tout comme les juges à sa botte, n’est que l’instrument de commanditaires beaucoup plus puissants.
Il s’agit bien sûr du gouvernement américain.
Washington se sert des états croupions de l’UE pour faire ce que la loi américaine ne permet pas.
L’idée des juifs est de faire plier les réseaux sociaux qui seraient tentés de leur résister, même partiellement.
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Ces derniers temps, Durov n’était pas dans les petits papiers des juifs.
Haaretz :
Il y a quelques mois, des pirates informatiques étrangers ont réussi à s’introduire dans un ordinateur lié au ministère israélien de la justice. Des dizaines de milliers de fichiers classifiés et de courriels sensibles ont été divulgués. Des liens permettant à quiconque de télécharger ces fichiers ont été publiés sur Telegram, l’application de messagerie instantanée la plus populaire.
Cependant, ils ont rapidement commencé à disparaître. L’un après l’autre, les canaux Telegram des pirates ont été supprimés, leurs utilisateurs effacés et les messages contenant les liens de téléchargement disparus.
Selon un certain nombre de personnes bien informées, Israël mène une guerre numérique sur plusieurs fronts pour tenter d’endiguer la fuite apparemment sans fin de ses informations. Il s’agit notamment de surveiller le web et les sites de médias sociaux à la recherche de fuites et d’adresser des demandes de retrait légal à des entreprises technologiques telles que Google, Amazon, Meta et même Telegram, afin de les supprimer ou de les bloquer.
Depuis le 7 octobre et jusqu’à aujourd’hui, nous avons assisté à un effort concerté de cyber-attaques, dont certaines sont directement liées ou attribuées à des États ennemis et à des organisations terroristes, pour mener des « attaques de perception sous la forme de publication de fuites », explique Haim Wismonsky, directeur de l’unité cybernétique du bureau du procureur de l’État israélien, qui fait partie du ministère de la justice et qui est l’organisme chargé de déposer les demandes effectives auprès des entreprises technologiques.
« La publication de ces fuites a pour but de faire peur, d’inspirer la panique au public et de donner le sentiment que nous sommes exposés et pénétrables, mais elle vise également à causer des dommages économiques, voire à mettre en danger la vie des personnes dont les données personnelles sont incluses dans ces fuites », a expliqué M. Wismonsky à Haaretz.
Cette politique et la manière dont elle est mise en œuvre font d’Israël un cas unique. De nombreux pays, dont les États-Unis, prennent généralement des mesures pénales ou juridiques à l’encontre des auteurs de fuites, qu’ils soient étrangers ou locaux, mais s’accommodent de l’existence de la fuite en ligne. Israël, en revanche, utilise les règles internes des entreprises technologiques pour les inciter à retirer les produits piratés en son nom – et empêcher ainsi les données divulguées d’atteindre le public ou les journalistes, tant en Israël qu’à l’étranger.
Les plateformes, même celles qui sont considérées comme hostiles aux demandes des gouvernements, comme Telegram, ont mis en place des règles destinées à les défendre contre les ramifications juridiques de la conduite de leurs utilisateurs. Il peut s’agir de demandes de retrait pour violation des droits d’auteur ou de plaintes pour diffamation.
Les documents piratés entrent dans la catégorie générale des biens volés, de sorte que les politiques mises en place pour empêcher la diffusion de fichiers permettant de télécharger illégalement des films ou des séries télévisées peuvent également être utilisées pour retirer des documents piratés, volés sur des serveurs israéliens sans le consentement de l’utilisateur.
Ces derniers mois, par exemple, des demandes israéliennes signalant des violations des conditions d’utilisation de Telegram ont conduit à au moins dix suppressions d’utilisateurs et de canaux de groupes de pirates. Souvent, ce sont les mêmes groupes de pirates qui, sans se laisser décourager, ont ouvert un nouveau canal et posté de nouveaux liens vers les mêmes fuites.
Depuis le début de la guerre, Telegram s’est révélé être un défi de taille pour Israël. Alors que de nombreuses entreprises technologiques ont rationalisé les mécanismes par lesquels les États peuvent les contacter, Telegram est considéré comme le moins coopératif de tous.
Qui plus est, alors que de nombreuses plateformes de médias sociaux ont investi massivement dans la modération, permettant aux personnes et aux organisations d’aider à surveiller le contenu – par exemple, le retrait de contenu antisémite ou de messages incitant au terrorisme ou même le retrait de vidéos du massacre du 7 octobre – Telegram ne l’a pas fait. Les États et les utilisateurs disposent d’une adresse électronique unique à laquelle ils peuvent envoyer leurs griefs.
Telegram est apparu au début de la guerre comme une plateforme clé utilisée par le Hamas dans sa guerre de l’information contre Israël, une plateforme qu’Israël n’a pas été en mesure de traiter correctement, faute de capacités de surveillance et de compréhension de la plateforme. Préoccupés par la vague de contenus pro-Hamas, qui comprenait des vidéos de l’attaque elle-même ainsi qu’un flux constant de matériel de propagande, des Israéliens du secteur des hautes technologies ont tenté, à la fin de l’année 2023, de contacter le fondateur de Telegram, Pavel Durov.
Bien qu’ils aient réussi à contacter Durov, qui vit aux Émirats arabes unis, celui-ci s’est montré peu réceptif à ces demandes privées d’amélioration de la modération sur la plateforme. Bien que quelques pages liées directement à l’aile militaire du Hamas aient été bloquées localement par la suite, l’initiative privée n’a pas réussi à convaincre le fondateur de l’application. Des sources expliquent que Google ou Meta retireront une page s’il s’avère qu’elle est directement liée au Hamas et qu’Amazon supprimera un site web pour avoir hébergé du matériel terroriste.
Sur Telegram, le contenu ne peut pas être supprimé avec de tels arguments. Seules les marchandises manifestement volées seront retirées, ce qui fait des réclamations de contenu la seule voie efficace pour les autorités juridiques israéliennes. Les données parlent d’elles-mêmes : Selon les chiffres officiels fournis par Israël, le ministère de la justice a envoyé à Facebook plus de 40 000 demandes de retrait de « contenu illégal » qui ont été acceptées. Il ne s’agit pas de messages pro- ou anti-israéliens, mais de contenus illégaux au regard des normes occidentales. Même TikTok a retiré plus de 20 000 messages signalés par Israël. Sur Telegram, ce nombre est légèrement supérieur à 1 300.
Les juifs veulent faire main basse sur Telegram.
Si Durov veut pouvoir à nouveau faire le tour du monde avec des prostituées slaves, il va devoir donner aux juifs ce qu’ils veulent.
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carlocarrasco · 2 months
Chinese nationals arrested by NBI agents for credit card fraud and bribery
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) arrested seven Chinese nationals for credit card fraud and bribery as a result of separate operations that took place in two cities, according to a GMA Network news report. One of the operations happened in Parañaque City which for some reason remains a hot spot of crime involving Chinese nationals. To put things in perspective, posted below is an…
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snippet <3
thank you @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @beelou @wabadabadaba @neondiamond and @crinkle-eyed-boo for tagging me to post a snippet! I just started working on a fic for @wankersday fest, Harry is the FBI man inside of Louis’ computer!
Harry exchanges a bored nod with the security guard as he flashes his badge, entering the sprawling building and wishing he’d had time to stop for a decent cup of coffee on his way in. No one had told him when he was in the academy how integral coffee would be to the job; he marks the hours of his shifts by which cup he’s on and sometimes it’s the only thing that helps fight the tedium. No one had warned him about that either.
“Hey, man,” Harry calls out, spotting his coworker Jeff in the doorway of the cramped office they share. “What’s up?”
“Nothing much,” Jeff replies, lifting his hand for a high five as Harry approaches. “I’m outta here. Got dinner with Glenne’s parents.”
“Nice,” Harry says, walking past Jeff into the office. He sets his laptop bag down, jerking his chin toward the desk they share. “How was he today?”
“Streamed some true crime series all day,” Jeff says, shaking his head. “Kept talking to the TV about law enforcement screwups, but he stayed off Twitter for once.”
“Beats watching him sleep,” Harry says with a shrug. “I’m gonna need an IV of coffee to get through the last few weeks of this.”
“Graveyard shift’s a killer,” Jeff says, shaking his head again. He pats the door jamb and points at Harry. “See ya tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” Harry calls after him. “Have fun with the in-laws.”
Harry surveys the desk they share, the three computer monitors fighting for attention around a few crumpled post-its and a used coffee mug. He wrinkles his nose. It’s bad enough that his training period is just busywork, surveilling some community organizer who’s clearly not a threat to his country, but sharing the duty with Jeff, whose dad is some D.C. powerbroker who made a call and got him the job that Harry’s worked for his entire life, just plain sucks. Harry sighs, grabbing the coffee cup and heading for the break room.
Jeff’s not a bad guy, Harry can admit that to himself as he sets Jeff’s mug in the sink and then pours himself a fresh cup in the deserted break room. Harry’s just frustrated. When he was younger, dreaming of working at the Bureau, he’d pictured himself hunting down terrorists. Working with local law enforcement when there was a kidnapping. Putting in the work in the field and catching serial killers. He’d been disappointed when he was assigned to the cyber unit, but they actually do a lot of cool work. He just wishes his training period, which honestly feels more like hazing at this point, would end so he could help his coworkers do that cool work.
There’s not a soul in the hallway as Harry heads back to his tiny, windowless office. He closes the door behind him, dimming the lights so he can see his multiple screens better. After he tosses the trash that Jeff left and boots up his laptop, he sits back in his chair and takes a sip of coffee, ready to start another long night of surveilling his subject.
Louis Tomlinson. 
I’ll tag @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @allwaswell16 @becomeawendybird @absoloutenonsense @homosociallyyours and @huggieshalo if you have a line or snip you want to share!
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insane crackpot crossover.
You know how technically Abe Lincoln could have sent a fax to a samurai as they all existed at the same time? Well.... GitS SAC takes place in 2030. John is on Tumblr now, prolly doing his under grad. He plasters his abilities on Twitch and Youtube. The Net is Motoko's main stick. Section 9 deal with cyber crimes. Esp in the Pan Pacific area. There is precedent for the team tracking down nukes and also finding/solving cases of the ''hacking'' of public officials. You can't tell me that a government seeking someone to puppet their leader wouldn't come under Aramaki's and The Major's radar. This would come under the Public Safety Bureau's purview, esp if it was deemed a threat to safety of Japan. If it didn't come under their jurisdiction? In 2045, the team are dealing with Post Humans. Could John and his cult be classed as post human? Who knows? But Motoko would not leave that stone unturned. She might even take an interest as a private citizen, esp when you consider the bigger philosophical questions raised such as what constitutes the soul/ghost etc etc. Aramaki would most certainly not be cool with the trillionaires bullshit leading up to the events of their escape. It becomes a race against time to figure out if John is the real deal. Lots of cyber space water cooler gossip to filter through. John is searching for proof the trillionaires are lying n tryna get out of dodge. Motoko could find that proof, then its a case of getting the Japanese government to give Sec9 the go ahead. They don't, their hands are tied. Maybe Motoko agrees with John initially. She rushes through the net, gets her ghost onboard one of the trillionaire's ships, but then John makes his move. The Major is not best pleased by this devastation wrought upon the human race, but she's stuck in the data stream of the ships with no prosthetic body to inhabit. All this time, she has been mistaken for a really old AI, passed down from generation to generation. She's the reason why boe have Emma Sen and Aim. She's biding her time. Some day, someone will build the technology of an android body n then its all over for John Gaius. The Major, Motoko Kusanagi is the reason why John Gaius scrapped the internet from necromantic boogaloo 2.0. He's terrified she'll find his ass.
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filejet · 9 months
How to Build a Holistic Entity Compliance Management Program in 2024
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Due to the rapidly changing and convoluted business environment, adopting a corporate compliance program has become necessary for companies in essence to avoid rolling the dice.
According to Statista, 41% of the risks encountered by leading companies included supply chain disruptions, followed by cyber incidents at 40% which is not surprising given what we have gone through the past few years.  In terms of entity management, there has been ebbs and flows for changes in legislation and regulations and market developments like mergers and acquisitions. These are some reasons businesses must have regulatory compliance policies in place.
Organizations are increasingly facing regulatory challenges, operational disruptions, and risks to their reputations. Therefore, creating legal policies that encompass not only regulatory requirements, but also social and ethical responsibilities is compulsory for companies.
The goal of holistic compliance is to build a culture of ethical behavior that includes everyone, from stakeholders to employees, customers, and suppliers. Explore the key elements of ducking your proverbial head by creating a compliance program with   all of its benefits for enterprises just below.
What Is a Corporate Compliance Program?
A corporate compliance program is a set of policies, controls, and procedures ensuring an organization operates responsibly and within legal and ethical limits.
The purpose of this program is to identify and resolve potential violations of laws in the organization’s regulations and internal policies.
Importance of a Corporate Compliance Program
In today’s business landscape, a company’s prestige is its most valuable asset. While rules for business practices are becoming onerous, violations can lead to severe financial and reputational consequences for an enterprise.
According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s 2018 Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State, the annual regulatory costs in the U.S. in 2017 were estimated to be almost $1.9 trillion.
Federal Regulations in Entity Management Compliance
The big daddy here is the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA).  This is a U.S. federal law that was passed in 2021 with the aim of increasing transparency around the ownership and control of U.S. companies. The law requires certain companies to report information about their beneficial owners (i.e., the individuals who ultimately own or control the company) to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), which is a bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department There are federal regulations that govern entity management. 
The CTA applies to certain corporations, limited liability companies, and other similar entities that are formed or registered to do business in the U.S. Specifically, it applies to companies that are defined as "reporting companies," which are companies that are not already subject to certain types of federal oversight, such as publicly traded companies or financial institutions.
From an entity management perspective, the CTA will likely have an impact on the way that certain companies are managed and organized. In particular, companies that are subject to the CTA will need to ensure that they have accurate and up-to-date information about their beneficial owners, and that this information is reported to FinCEN in a timely manner.
This may require companies to implement new processes and procedures for collecting and verifying beneficial ownership information, and for ensuring that this information is maintained and updated on an ongoing basis. In addition, companies may need to review their existing governance structures and make changes to ensure that they are in compliance with the CTA's reporting requirements.
Overall, the CTA represents a significant shift towards greater transparency in corporate ownership and control, and companies that are subject to the law will need to adapt their entity management practices accordingly.
In addition, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has regulatory authority over certain types of entities, similar to CTA that includes publicly traded companies, investment funds, and investment advisors.
The SEC requires publicly traded companies to file regular reports that disclose information about their financial performance, operations, and other matters that could affect investors' decisions.  By the same token, investment advisors are subject to registration and reporting requirements under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. 
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Labor (DOL), also have regulations that may impact entity management.  As an example, the IRS has rules regarding tax filings and reporting requirements for certain types of entities, while the DOL has regulations related to employee benefit plans and fiduciary responsibilities.
In general, poor compliance policies can erode the trust of stakeholders and result in investor withdrawal, supply chain disruptions, reduced employee productivity, and lost business opportunities.
But proper compliance program oversight minimizes legal risks and sustains a company’s reputation by ensuring it meets its regulatory obligations. They can also help avoid costly penalties and identify and manage data privacy fraud and corruption risks.
Moreover, a compliance program improves engagement among employees so they can understand and act in accordance with their company’s rules.
Ultimately, a corporate compliance program can assist an organization in defining its risk tolerance in pursuit of its objectives.  This isn’t a ‘put your finger up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing’.  It's a concerted effort to assess whether your organization is more conservative and risk adverse or flexible in pursuing its objectives, each should focus on implementing policies and procedures that reflect this which will allow everyone involved to operate accordingly.
7 Elements of an Effective Corporate Compliance Program
If you invest in building robust compliance programs, it will guarantee the long-term success of your business. The value here is we are hoping this outline takes the bite out of getting started.
For the policies to be fruitful, you must follow the U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines. Its eighth chapter, amended in 2004, describes the seven elements of an effective compliance program. Grab some coffee, it’s a challenging read or take a glance at the highlights here which include:
Standards and Procedures
The first element relates to the establishment of written policies and procedures. These policies should establish the legal and ethical standards to which all employees must adhere, identify compliance risks, and the consequences of non-compliance.
Governance and Oversight
Establish a compliance committee and assign someone who is in charge of overseeing the implementation of the compliance program and resolving significant compliance risk. High-level executives, the board of directors, and senior personnel must govern the compliance policies. They should be responsible for maintaining and enforcing the program across the organization, as well as establishing a compliance officer.
Education and Training
Your company must provide education and regular training to employees. This training will make them aware of your organization’s expectations and requirements to comply with regulations and enable them to understand the severity of compliance.
Implement a compliance training program, including an annual session and revisions that clearly remind your employees of your business’s ethical code of conduct.
Monitoring and Auditing
Establish an internal and external monitoring system and conduct regular audits. Assess areas of weakness and identify potential non-compliance risks in your organization.
Your organization must deploy an internal mechanism for investigating regulatory violations. Employees should be able to report compliance concerns and fraudulent activities anonymously. Establish two-way communication that can help analyze the issues and take timely, appropriate action.
Internal Enforcement and Discipline
You must have a strategy in place to enforce employee disciplinary measures promptly. The standards must clearly define the consequences of violating regulatory policies.
Response and Prevention
The seventh element of corporate compliance programs is response and prevention. Your organization must continuously evaluate and improve compliance based on your employees' responses, stakeholders' experiences, and changes in regulations.
Besides, depending on these experiences and changes, you’ll be able to discover violations and take consistent measures to prevent them.
How To Create a Corporate Compliance Program
Creating a successful compliance program for your business requires you to take a systematic approach that involves following several steps. Here’s how you can build effective regulatory policies for your business:
Involve All Necessary Parties A.K.A Posterior Protection
Digging into this, the first step to building an effective regulatory plan is to involve all necessary parties, including senior management and employees. Your board must be on one page regarding the program and should support staffing, resources, and the budget needed to build regulatory policies.
It’s easier for the employees to follow the plan with the help of leadership support. Next, create a compliance team that includes representatives from your legal, HR, finance, and operations departments. This team should be responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring, and maintaining compliance policies across the organization.
It should also take input from all involved parties to identify potential risks, write policies to address them, and outline directives that employees are expected to follow. Moreover, the compliance team should seek feedback from all parties to ensure the regulatory program meets their needs.
Moreover, including everyone in your organization in the compliance plan ensures they understand their role and responsibilities regarding maintaining it.
Assess Current Risk and Increase Transparency
This is a biggie.  Assessing current risks and increasing transparency are crucial components of creating an effective compliance procedure. Transparent assessment guarantees a company is adhering to existing laws and regulations and therefore mitigating risks like penalties, reputational damage, and other negative consequences.
Start by determining the regulatory requirements that apply to your organization. These requirements may include industry standards or regulations that affect your company’s operations.
Your compliance team should be able to assess your company’s current legal status by reviewing policies, training materials, and procedures. This is necessary to ensure your business is meeting all regulatory requirements. Make sure that there are processes in place that allow full visibility on all compliance aspects.
In addition, the team should conduct a risk analysis. This includes assessing your organization’s operations, supply chains, customer interactions, and partnerships to identify non-compliance issues.
Based on the potential risks, the compliance team should be able to develop strategies like internal monitoring and training programs. A periodic risk assessment can also help establish procedures to determine new compliance risks and visibility issues and mitigate them on time.
Establish Guidance Across Departments
Establishing guidance across departments can help you identify areas of non-compliance you may miss if only one department is involved. This also means all the stakeholders in your organization are held to the same regulatory standards - more CYA.
Your compliance team should be able to review past incidents and consult with departmental managers and stakeholders to recognize potential risks each department faces.
Next, they should develop standards and controls tailored to each department’s specific needs and align them with the overall compliance objective of your company. Your team should also establish cross-functional communication so each department can communicate with the other regarding compliance concerns. Maybe in your intranet or via a slack channel.
Communication can include regular meetings, collaboration on compliance initiatives, and reporting channels like a hotline or email address.
Furthermore, your compliance team should assign clear responsibilities to each department and establish accountability at appropriate levels so employees can report without fear of reprisal. Also, the team should regularly review or establish a cadence to update legal controls based on changes in regulatory environments.
Launch New Guidelines
Still with us?
Launching new guidelines is a critical aspect of a business compliance plan. It ensures that all regulatory updates are communicated, accepted, and adopted by the stakeholders. Your compliance team must develop the new guidelines by consulting with subject matter experts and reviewing existing legal procedures.
Once the new policies are developed, they should be disseminated to all stakeholders via mail, your company’s website, or through meetings and training. Make everyone aware of the new requirements.
Your team should also incorporate feedback from all senior management, department heads, and front-line employers to adjust the new guidelines accordingly.
Continuously Monitor and Adjust
Last but not least, it is equally vital to monitor and adjust your compliance program continuously. Your compliance team should set up a monitoring plan that identifies key performance indicators (KPIs) to track incident reporting and training completion rates and audit results.
The data collected from the monitoring plan should be used to recognize key compliance trends and areas of improvement. Continuously reviewing your legal policies will also help your company to remain relevant to regulatory requirements.
Additionally, your legal compliance team should use the data analysis to make informed decisions like modifying policies and procedures and providing additional training to employees.
Maintaining a Corporate Compliance Program
Maintaining a corporate compliance program can be difficult, as it includes a complex set of policies, employee training, investigation mechanisms, and reporting. Manually managing regulatory policies is impossible, especially for large enterprises, as the legal procedures require a high level of transparency.
Therefore, you’ll need compliance management software to streamline and automate your compliance program. Allied Market Research has already forecasted the global market for compliance management software to grow at a 15.7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) to reach $3.06 billion by 2027. Here’s how this tool can help you:
Provides Entity Management Reporting
We are Filejet, a leading legal entity management software, and we spearhead a comprehensive entity audit upon implementation. This helps establish current status visibility and a baseline to determine active compliance risk. Our software will help you maintain regulatory consistency and accuracy across your organization surrounding entity management.  Which is often the most overlooked part of a compliance program and one that can garner a quick win for a new corporate compliance program.
Automates Legal Processes
Automating your compliance procedure can save time and minimize the risk of errors primarily because most entity management programs are organized around a spreadsheet relying on busy teams to maintain it. Filejet can help. We establish practices that automate the compliance process, keeping entities in good standing.
Offers Real-Time Reporting
At Filejet, we have witnessed the hefty costs for non-compliance and the dread of having to write checks for fines, penalties, back taxes and legal entanglements. When an entity has become out of compliance or has been administratively dissolved due to non-compliance or illegal continued operation, the costs can be excessive.  From our point of view, if your organization is paying out dollars in any measurement on entity management, that equates to a high tolerance for risk in an attempt to align with company growth goals.
Filejet provides real-time reporting on the performance of compliance measures as it relates to entity management, ensuring timely identification of potential violations. This can help save your organization from reputational damage, legal penalties and potential liabilities and lawsuits.  Filejet is your get out of jail card that you can keep in your back pocket.
Enables Collaboration…Makes You Fearless
Filejet compliance management software enables collaboration between stakeholders, senior management, employees, and departments. Accountability can be managed and documented, and specific entities can be assigned to people or departments. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can work effectively for the success of regulatory policies. It also promotes crucial cross-company visibility and communication ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.
Easy To Scale
Whether you have a small business or a large enterprise, compliance changes can be challenging to adopt. Due to the engagement with government agencies for entity management it can be daunting to keep up with federal, state and jurisdiction requirements.  Filejet is comprehensive and flexible and can cost-efficiently scale to adjust to these regulatory requirements and the needs of your company.
Efficient Compliance with Filejet
A corporate compliance program is critical for the long-term success of any business as it can mitigate legal risks. While managing compliance is not easy, Filejet, a legal entity management system, can streamline your regulatory workflows and ensure transparency across all your business entities.
We aren’t handing out superhero capes but Filejet can help maintain your organization’s credibility, reduce legal inefficiencies, and notify you when your filing date is due. So, what are you waiting for? Explore Filejet today for efficient compliance and entity management.
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moth-thief · 11 months
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Metropolitan Police Department, Community Safety Bureau, Cyber Crime Division, Investigation Unit 11, Digimon Crime Response Team BT16-096 R <03>
[Main] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [D-Brigade] or [DigiPolice] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the top of the deck. Then, place this card into your battle area.
[Main] <Delay>
• Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. You may play 1 card with the [D-Brigade] or [DigiPolice] trait and a play cost of 4 or less among them without paying the cost. Trash the rest.
[Security] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [D-Brigade] or [DigiPolice] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the top of the deck. Then, place this card into your battle area.
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pi-mimi-for-hire · 2 years
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Is that MIMI MADISON-BHATT? A SOPHMORE originally from WASHINGTON, DC, they decided to come to Ogden College to study Linguistics & Environmental Studies. They’re THE AMATEUR SLEUTH on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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Full Name: Meera Hana Madison-Bhatt
Nicknames: Mimi (what she prefers to go by), Mads
Date of Birth: December 1st, 2002
Hometown: Washington, DC
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: South Asian Indian
Western Zodiac: ☼ Sagittarius | ☽ Scorpio | ↑ Virgo
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Complicated
Socioeconomic Status: Rich
Occupation: She runs a side hustle investigating for students on campus.
FOUR POSITIVE TRAITS: Passionate, Optimistic, Intellectual, and Independent
FOUR NEGATIVE TRAITS: Emotional, Stubborn, Blunt, and Argumentative
THREE SKILLS: Investigating, Hacking, & Stealth
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
MBTI:  ISTJ The Logician
On the Outside, Mimi is a talkative, animated, and guarded person. She skips small talk to bluntly ask why you’re talking to her. Mimi doesn’t share much about herself, rarely trusting anyone. However, she gives people the benefit of the doubt until she is proven otherwise. Mimi is easily excited by the prospect of a mystery, going on about theories and potential clues. She tends to go on about things she is interested in until someone tell her to be quiet. Depending on tone, she will either smile and stop or start arguing about your rudeness.
On the Inside, there’s a lot of inner turmoil. She wants to be a positive, intelligent, and uplifting person, but past experiences make it difficult to be this person. Mimi wants to believe good is out there, but it’s hard to trust when all you’ve seen is bad. 
Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock), Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Betty Cooper (Riverdale), Shawn Spencer (Psych), Abby Sciuto (NCIS), Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things), Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones), Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds),  Alli Bhandari (Degrassi: The Next Generation)
School Year: Sophomore
Major: Linguistics 
Minor: Environmental Studies
Sports: Ballroom Dance Club, Dance Team, Ballet Company
Extracurriculars: Mental Health Union, Debate Team, & Kappa Kappa Gamma Member
Father - Everett Madison
Father - Samar Bhatt
Grandmother - Agatha Madison
Grandfather - Alexander Madison
Grandmother - Uma Bhatt
Grandfather - Kanan Bhatt
Older Brother -  Rohan Madison-Bhatt 
Older Brother -  Charles ‘Charlie’ Madison-Bhatt
Older Brother -  Sutton Madison-Bhatt
Older Sister -   Laura Madison-Bhatt
Meera was adopted when she was four years old by her fathers, Everett Madison and Samar Bhatt. Samar and Everett work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Samar works in human trafficking department, while Everett teaches classes, and does some work with cyber crime division. Samar had a bust with his division, saving dozens of people, but the little girl who clung to him and refused to let go was a victim he couldn’t send away. 
At the time, Mimi was their third child. Her two, older adoptive siblings, Rohan and Laura started there. Both of them started off as foster care children, whom the Madison-Bhatt’s adopted. Charles was adopted two years after Meera. Sutton was last, adopted when she turned seven.
Her grandparents played a heavy role in her upbringing. Both her fathers’ jobs have them working long hours, but did not want to rely on a nanny to raise the children. The Madison side of the family is old money. They spoiled the children, but taught them the power of wealth and how to navigate the world. The Bhatt provided Mimi a chance to know her culture. Her parents took Rohan and Mimi on a yearly trips to India for them to learn more about their heritage.
Mimi was enrolled in dance lessons at the age of eight after she told her dad she wanted to look like the pretty ballerinas in the Barbie movies she watched. She started off doing ballet, but found herself loving every style. Mimi trained in multiple types. Her favorite styles are ballet, jazz, and Latin. She is considered classically trained and has won every competition she competes in.
Tragedy befell the family when Sutton died at the age of nineteen. It hit Mimi especially hard, due to their closeness. Their family rallied together, going to therapy and supporting each other through it all. They healed, but not without effects.
She dreams of being just like her parents and getting involved in the FBI. Her goal is to work internationally, which encouraged her love of languages. Ogden boasted providing the best program for her career path so it seemed like a perfect fit. 
Initially, everything was going super well. Mimi got involved and met plenty of potential friends. Then she met Greer Morrison. She tormented her, making every second she spent on campus hell on earth, and forced many people on campus to join in as well. Mimi thought about transferring multiple times, but she refused to let Greer think she beat her. Coming into this year and seeing that Greer isn’t around, things have begun to look up. The investigation wasn’t a shock to her, but it does have her guard up.
When Mimi first arrived at Ogden, she didn’t expect to become enemies with the Queen Bee. It started off as rude remarks and glares from across the room. It would escalate into being excluded from events and cruel comments on her social media. It was her mission to make Mimi miserable at Ogden, and she almost succeeded. She never had any proof it was Greer behind it, but she knew. Greer going missing, while peaceful, has Mimi scared that she will be the next suspect. However, a big part of her wonders why Greer hated her in the first place.
As a child, Mimi adored the mystery stories her father would read with her. There was something about gathering clues and information to reach a final conclusion that intrigued her. She found her nose constantly in a book, trying to solve the case. It wasn’t until middle school that Mimi realized she could do it in real life! It started off simple: the case of who stole the fruit roll ups, missing homework, the little things. She enjoyed the thrill of finding the culprit. She eventually turned it into a business. Is my partner cheating on me? Yes, and she’s got the evidence to back it up. Which faculty is on the committee for homecoming court? She’s got their names and addresses. At Ogden, she’s managed to keep this little business running well without any of the faculty finding out. One of the perks of being an outsider. Greer’s missing person case is the perfect time to show that she can handle something more intense.
Mimi has her pilot’s license, and a Cessna 172 Skyhawk she shares with her family.
Her grandmother, on the Madison side, and older sister were in Kappa Kappa Gamma. 
She prefers the Hardy boys over Nancy Drew. 
Mimi loves botany, and is obsessed with the language of flowers. Her dorm is filled with plants. 
She speaks four languages: English, Hindi, French, and Spanish. She is currently studying Latin. 
Tea is her caffeinate drink of choice.
Huge Game of Thrones fan: books and tv show.
A major Swiftie. 
Mimi has a Tik Tok account where she does popular Tik Tok dances, dance tutorials, and blogs a bit.
Any weather is sweater weather. 
Mimi has a bicycle on campus that she uses to get around. 
She is a gamer, specifically Call of Duty. Like most of the internet right now, Mimi is a simp for Simon "Ghost" Riley.
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nationallawreports · 1 year
Thailand: Arrests made in connection with USD 76 million cryptocurrency investment fraud
On 11 September, Thailand's Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau arrested four individuals from the PRC and one from Laos for their suspected involvement in a fraudulent cryptocurrency investment scheme that deceived more than 3,200 locals.
The investigation, which began in late 2022 with the assistance of the US Homeland Security Investigations, found the suspects operated a fraudulent Bitcoin investment platform which swindled over THB 2.7 billion (USD 76 million) from local investors. They have been charged with collusion in transnational crime, public fraud, and money laundering.
The Thai Anti-Money Laundering Office seized property worth THB 585 million (USD 16.2 million) from the accused on 4 September, with further asset recovery actions expected to be ongoing. The individuals arrested have not commented publicly on the charges against them.
In response to the growing threat of crypto-related scams, in January 2023, Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission introduced new requirements for virtual asset service providers operating within the country which aim at enhancing investor protection and securing user funds held by custody providers.
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