#Cuttie cup
swifty-fox · 3 months
[ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need
Would love something for Gale/John in Little Beasts—even a different prompt. Just something where they’re having to be emotionally vulnerable in some way.
John's leg jiggles rapidly, fingers tapping against the cheap plastic seat between his legs. The staccato beat is the loudest thing in the near-empty emergency room. It's only him and a harried looking young mother cradling her coughing child. She spares a glance at him, lips pursing unreadably and he offers her a faint smile that is not returned.
It's three A.M. and there's blood on his hands, under his fingernails. Coppery and sickening and mixed with the vomit on the knee of his jeans. He picks at it absently, too tired or perhaps too shell-shocked for disgust. Exhaustion sits heavy on his shoulders, and every glance from that woman has his skin crawling. It's irrational and unlikely but he imagines somehow she knows exactly why he's here, who he's brought and the six care rules he'd broken in the process of doing it.
No more late night wandering, if you can't sleep have a cup of goddamn tea Egan.
If tea doesn't help text Brady, yes even if Ev complains fucking text Brady
Don't text Curt
Don't let Curt text you
Don't go see Curt, no matter what he says or begs or promises, you can't save a man determined to drown
Stop trying to save the world.
Not the world, Johnny, just one man.
He stares so long and so hard in front of him the linoloum floor tiles begin warping and sliding against each other as if waves of the ocean. Florescent lights buzz above him, a mosquito whine in his ear and he tries not to picture Curts pale grey face, the way his teeth had unconsciously sunk into the meat of John's hand until it drew blood as he choked around his desperate begging fingers.
Don't be too far gone, please Cutty don't be too far gone.
Solid black shoes, shined to a modest polish step into John's field of view, a steaming cup of coffee pressed into his hands. (his bloody, bloody hands)
Father Cleven, who had been Gale to him now for longer than he hadn't been, folds himself gracefully into the chair beside him with his own cup of coffee. Takes a sip and hisses but doesn't complain beyond that.
"Drink, John," comes the pastor's quiet rumble.
He drinks. The coffee is made how he likes. Heavy on the creamer, light on the sugar but never wholly unsweetened.
"They said he's awake." Gale says, "But since I wasn't an emergency contact or family they couldn't tell me more."
John was Curt's emergency contact, or at least he used to be. He wasn't quite sure whether the man had kept him on the papers after not speaking for over two years.
He nods, takes another sip of his coffee and tastes none of it.
"John," Gale says and there's a slightly uncertain wobble to his voice. He's dressed in a white shirt and worn-soft jeans. Glasses sit low on the bridge of his nose and his hair was sticking up in odd places, flopping over his forehead and tangling around his ears like the ruffled feathers of a duck.
Gale- fuck sorry I know it's late-
It's fine, John, are you alright?
Yes- no. Yes I'm alright but I need- fuck
Take a breath, what's going on
I need you to drive me somewhere. It's my friend, he's in trouble.
John sits his coffee on the floor and pushes his fingers into his browbone, exhaling slowly.
He's taken something.
A hand rubs along his back, an excusable away touch of a Paster comforting one of his flock only not twelve hours ago Gale had pressed John down into the mattress with that same hand on that same spot and made him muffle his cries into a pillow.
"What do you need John?"
He swallows. Swallows again. Swallows again and then gasps for a wet breath, tears clogging his nostrils and avoiding his dry eyes.
"Take me home," he pitches his voice lower, only for them, "take me home and let me hold you."
He feels Gale exhale just as shakily and braces himself for spitting bitter rejection.
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cookeybg · 6 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic
I'm back! Sorry for the delay. You know how it is, when it rains it pours and all that. Here's the next chapter. I couldn't get it the way I wanted but I hope it isn't too bad. It is a short chapter though so I hope you enjoy!
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
[Here's my table of contents]
Part 1 - Chapter 5
“Thank you, Alfred.” Damian said. “You are welcome, Master Damian.” Alfred replied. Jon took a sip of his strawberry juice while he watched Alfred the butler, because the Wayne’s had an actual butler, go down the table refilling the cups for the rest of the children. They were nearly done with the most awkward dinner Jon had ever had and he was ready to go home and bury himself in his blanket for the weekend. The entire time he had sat listening to Conner, who sat to his left, chattering with Tim, who sat across from him, about school and TV shows. The three others on Tim’s right would add to their conversation every once in a while. Jon on the other hand couldn’t even taste his fancy food because Damian’s judgy green eyes would lock on to Jon too often to be comfortable. A servant came in with a food cart filled with what Jon hoped was dessert. Alfred, the butler (Jon wasn’t sure if he could get used to that), fussed over the dessert and gave a nod to the waiter who proceeded announce what they were about to eat. Jon heard nothing. He could feel green orbs burn the side of his face and he tried his best to ignore it. Not being able to take it anymore he stared back, blue locked on to green, green narrowed and blue briefly looked away only to look back and see an infuriating smirk grace Damian’s stupidly handsome face. Jon could feel his face heat up, with a frown he took another sip of his drink and by the grace of whatever god, a waiter came by to collect the last of his dinner and the pointless decorative plate that the real plate had been placed on. Another waiter placed his dessert in front of him telling him to enjoy. Jon stared down at what looked like a baseball sized, round, piece of chocolate. It had two pieces of chocolate spiral ribbon casually leaning on it and gold leaf on top. Next to it lay three slices of what looked like mandarin oranges. He heard a noise and looked up to see that Damian had cracked the chocolate ball with his spoon and the inside had ice cream. When he looked around he noticed that the rest of the table had done the same. “Jon, it taste just like those Cutties oranges!” Conner exclaimed. Jon smiled and broke the chocolate shell with his spoon, it made a satisfying cracking sound and Jon dug in. It really was good and he smiled in contentment. When he looked up, he noticed Damian looking away. Did Damian think he was dumb because he hadn’t figured out what had been in front of him? It wasn’t his fault he had been distracted while the Chef had been explaining their meal. Jon grumbled finishing the delicious meal.
“Kids! We have both good news and bad news to announce!” Clark’s voice was a volume louder than it normally would have been, but Jon could see the flush on his cheeks caused by the wine he kept on drinking. “Tell them the good news first!” Lois was no different since Bruce and Talia kept filling their wine glasses throughout dinner. Clark nodded and looked back at the rest of the table and gave his patented Kent smile. “We won the bid for the house we went to look at during summer break!” “No way!” Conner and Jon yelled at the same time. “The bad news is, it’s not move in ready yet.” Lois said making an exaggerated pout. “But the good news is, instead of renewing the contract for the apartment, the Bruce and Talia have offered their home while we finalize all the paperwork!” There were shocked exclamation throughout the table but none as loud as Jon’s, “What!” “Tt, father, has your adoption habit expanded to include a whole family?” Damian said, throwing his napkin on his plate, leaning back and crossing his arms. He scowled at both his parents but his fiery glare landed on Bruce. “Damian.” Talia admonished. “Now, son, you can think of this as a sleepover with one of your friends.” Bruce patted Damian’s head. “He is not my friend!” Damian hissed swatting Bruce’s hand away. “I think it will be fun!” Dick popped out of nowhere and latched onto Damian’s waist, hanging awkwardly onto him. “Richard, these aren’t good table manners.” Damian sighed as he adjusted Dick to sit properly on his lap. “You were slouching!” Dick smiled happily and Bruce ruffled his dark locks as well. “I think it’ll be fun too.” Jason and Cassandra had snuck up to stand behind Damian’s chair and Jason gave Jon a mischievous grin, while Cassandra nodded agreeably. “I can show you my gaming set up.” Tim told Conner. “It’s settled then.” Clark said. “Wait,” Jon’s voice cracked when he yelled, making him blush, but he continued, “hold on! W-when is this happening?” “Next week. It gives us plenty of time to pack and put things in storage.” Lois said. Jon leaned back dumbfounded. He looked over at Damian in dismay. Damian was fixing Dick’s hair while his stayed ruffled. Jon was not looking forward to this.
FYI: They did not drink and drive, they took a Lyft home.
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Franky in class one second after the bell rings, just minding his own damn business just taking the last two sips of the cola he brought with him.
That one asshole teacher nobody likes: Well, well class looks like Mr Cutty just couldn’t wait till his break until he poured some ungodly amount of sugar inside him once again. I do hope you have enough for the rest of the class.
Franky just unblinkingly reaching down towards his selfmade prostethic leg, opening a hatch near his calves and pulling out a five liter coke out of some random compartment he build in there. “Might be a little too little but I think everyone could get a half cup.”
Gets detention but the look on the assholes face and getting to show off the new thingamagic he build was worth it in his opinion.
hahaha, he'd have stashes I agree. I imagine some of the class, including Robin, refused teh cola he offered. So he just pulled out a tea set and served her tea instead. The teacher was too stunned to speak.
This type of behavior makes him loved by the entire class. He just does things to "stick it to the man" in an oddly lovable way. Like how he took the blame for Zambai when he broke one of the windows during football practice. He also defended Kiwi and Mozu when they got a dress code violation.
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nuri148 · 1 year
So... I've been a bit MIA bc this past weekend I was in my dear London for the 7th time and omg, it never gets old! There is SO much to see, and do, and discover, and revisit! And this has been the 2nd most eventful London trip ever (after the first one when we were still student-poor and the pound was super high and we crammed so much stuff in it no one believed us it'd been just 3 days.)
The excuse for this trip was concerts- We saw Billy Joel at Hyde Park on Friday and Blur at Wembley on Saturday. Both were great, my only gripe being that BJ didn't play my favourite song of his (The Downeaster Alexa), but he did play Piano Man and we had the surprise of the night when he sang Uptown girl with guest... Joe Jonas. Blur did play all their songs I like and it was endearing to see Damon Albarn being actually moved by being upstage in a full Wembley stadium.
An aside to say that, just like when we went to see U2 at the O2 arena a few years ago, I can only applaud the flawless organization of London transport around moving so many people in and out of venues. You'd think you'd have to wait forever for the tube afterwards, and that you'd travel like a canned sardine, but no, though we moved along throngs of people, we only had a bit of a queue for tapping in into the tube, but the train came right away (past 10:30pm!) and it wasn't particularly crowded. All hail TFL!
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From the "typical tourist spots" in the city, my favourite is the Picadilly/Chinatown/Leicester sq./Covent Garden area, and the only that's been a constant on every trip. We returned to Greenwich (we'd gone to the Observatory in 2013) for the Astronomy Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Maritime Museum, walked around bit the neigbourhood before it opened and, after it, we visited the Queen's House, which we didn't know existed but it was free and I never get tired of visiting palaces, because EveryGirlIsAPrincess and shit. Even me.
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Did you know there is a 121 year old pedestrian tunnel under the River Thames? I found out only a few days before the trip, and of course we crossed it. The tunnel south entrance is right next to the Cutty Sark - and we emerged on the north side on a normal neighbourhood on the Isle of Dogs (no, not the Wes Anderson film. It's really called like that). Headed for Canary Wharf, and to shield from the strong midday sun, we cut through Mudchute Park and... found the farm there. THEY HAVE ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS OMG!!! I spent a good while petting and feeding the sheep and goats, god, I love goats! I could have stayed for hours if it wasn't for my poor Husband and his please-can-we-go face. It was the highlight of the trip.
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We also went to Battersea Power Station, recently reconverted into a shopping centre. I knew, of course, that the former power station was an iconic building in the London skyline; it's huge and for many years provided a good chunk of the electricity to the city, not to mention its appearance in Pink Floyd's Animals album and films like Children of Men. What I didn't know was that it was also a fucking masterpiece of Industrial Art Deco. And I fucking love Art Deco. Not only that, they have made an incredible, amazing, absolutely stunning job at restoring the building to its original Art Deco glory. The butchers that turned Barcelona's former Arenas bullring into the current pastiche could learn a thing or two from them. The respect for the original building is such that one of the control rooms has been turned into a glamorous cafe, keeping all the control panels at the back; and the bar is like stepping into the 1940s, from the decor to the old furniture, to the design of the coffee cups and the delightful menus mimicking a power plant instruction boocklet. We could've stayed for ages but we had tickets for Lift 109 - a different tour that takes you to the top of one of the chimneys. The tour starts with a gallery about he plant's history and a somewhat silly videomapping with more of the same (cool lights, bad audio, couldn't understand the guy much). Then you take a lift, climb a set of stairs and take the second lift to the top of the chimney, at 109 metres high. The twist is: you don't exit the lift. The glass lift becomes the observation deck. Even with the rain, the views were spectacular, and the wow factor of emerging from inside the chimney is really something new. Price? Ridiculously expensive, but I indulged husband because he indulged me in...
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My personal highlight of the trip: we went for Afternoon Tea. But not just anywhere, no. If I was going to do Afternoon Tea I was going to do it with all the glamour that I deserve, so I booked us a table at Fortnum & Mason, no less. Do I need to say I felt like a princess? Everything was just so nice and fancy! The salon is just beautiful, so luxurious but without feeling heavy. The bathrooms had individual fabric towels to dry your hands.
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We could each choose which tea we wanted; Husband went for the Afternoon Blend (that's my fic's #8!) and I had the Wedding Breakfast blend, because I hadn't tried it before. It was nice, mild and balanced. They came in this nice china that you can buy on the store first floor for a lot of money.
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The food was great as well. The sandwiches were excellent; my favourite was the egg one; Husband preferred the salmon one. There was also chicken, ham, and cucumber. For the scones, I was a bit weary because I'm not a cream lover and the scones I'd had so far tended to fall on the dry side. But, oh my goodness, these scones were absolutely delish, and the cream + jam (or lemon curd) passed so well to them!
The sweets were, surprisingly, the least fabulous of the lot. Maybe it's a matter of local taste vs. my own; the quality and presentation was of course top notch. It could also be that I was already pretty full. I once read an iterview where a chef said something like, dessert is a thing people order when they're not hungry anymore. So it has to be totally scrumptious and tempting and delish to fully please the guest. For me, only one of the five samples filled that criteria, the cream tartlet with a freaking pansy encased in jelly on top. Both the mousses (Earl Grey + bergamot jelly, black cherry) were delicious, but not so much as to wow me. The chocolate cup could've been number one save for the raspberry filling - I love raspberries, but fruit in chocolate is a pet peeve of mine. Finally, the rose eclair definitely ticks the decadent checkbox (anything with rose does, IMO), but it's not a flavour I'm wild about. Much like truffle, to name another fancy eat, I feel it's easy to go overboard with it.
On top pof all that, we visited the Tate Britain and the Design museum, had breakfast(s) at Pret, bought rare-colour M&M's at the Leicester Square shop, walked down Portobello Street Market, visited Holland Park and Japan House and had lots and lots of fun!
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curlyhairednerd · 11 months
Circé, Bink’s Brew, and Rosé
Buggy heard her before he ever saw her.
Gather up all of the crew!
He was being led back to a ship by this Roger guy and his first mate Rayleigh. He could hear someone singing loudly as he approached.
It’s time to ship out Bink’s Brew!
“Cece’s at it again!” Roger laughed. “She’ll never stop singing that song.”
“I tried, but it’s her favorite.” Rayleigh sighed. “At least she got her mother’s singing voice.”
Buggy’s eyes went wide when he saw her. The girl with long blonde hair had a younger red head by the hands and was spinning around the deck with him. Her purple eyes landed on him and fixed him in place.
Sea winds blow, to where who knows?
The waves will be our guide!
The next thing Buggy knew, he had been dragged into her dance, replacing the red head.
O’er across the ocean’s tide
Rays of sunshine far and wide
Crocodile watched in amusement as she sang. Ever since she found her devil fruit, even her songs were enchanting to listen to. The entire bar was singing along and so caught up in the mood that no one noticed she was robbing them all.
Birds they sing of cheerful things
In circles passing by!
Circé laughed as she took a seat by him. “Throat too dry with sand?” She asked.
“I’m not stupid enough to let you rob me again.” He grunted, still bitter about the last.
“Hey I made it up to you by giving you a golden hook!” Circé pouted, turning back to the crowd. “How can someone not sing along to this?”
Bid farewell to Weaver’s town
Say so long to port renowned
Crocodile smiled into his ale as he heard her softly sing along with the drunken crowd. He’d throw her a bone this once.
Sing a song, it won’t be long
Before we’re casting off!
Mihawk wondered how he got here. Trapped in a party led by Shanks and Circé, two of the biggest drunken fools he had ever met. Oh right, because Circé was pregnant and someone had to make sure she wasn’t going to get drunk. And she didn’t trust Shanks so that’s why he came.
Cross the gold and silver seas
A salty breeze puts us at ease!
“Whew!” Circé laughed as she took a seat. “I haven’t had this much fun all year! You were right Shanks, you throw the best parties!”
“And my new niece or nephew deserved the best welcoming party!” Shanks cheered. “I still can’t believe you of all people are going to be a mother! How did that even happen!?”
Mihawk watched in confusion as Circé’s eyes widened, and wondered why she so desperately grabbed a cup to shove in Shank’s hands. “Who cares why?!” Circé laughed. “Just worry about how you’re gonna be my babysitter!”
“What was that about?” Mihawk asked his friend as they watched Circé return to the party.
Day and Night
To our delight
The voyage never ends!
Circé rocked her baby as she paced around deck. “I appreciate you helping me out so much.”
“It’s no problem.” Tom assured her.
“I know you’re busy with the train.” Circé continued. “I just need help making sure her crib and dresser don’t slide around.”
“You just have a seat honey and let the boys take care of things.” Kokoro said, handing Circé a bottle. “They’ll have your ship baby proofed before the day ends.”
Circé nodded and took a seat. Roselyn was starting to get fussy so Circé began to sing.
Gather up all of the crew,
it’s time to ship out Bink’s Brew!
Circé noticed that the younger of Tom’s kids, Cutty Flam was giving her odd looks as she held her baby. She wondered why until she remembered what Tom had told her. Cutty’s parents were pirates who abandoned him. He was probably wondering if she’d do the same with Roselyn.
Pirates we, eternally, are challenging the sea!
With the waves to rest our heads
Ship beneath as our beds
Rosé felt… odd as she listened to Brook’s play. “What is this song?” She asked.
“Bink’s brew.” Robin explained. “It’s a very popular sea shanty.”
Hoisted high, upon the mast, our Jolly Roger flies!
Somewhere in the endless sky
Stormy winds are blowing wide
“I know this song…” Rosé said quietly.
“Course you do.” Franky said. “I’ve heard plenty of pirates singing it back in Water 7.”
“No, that’s not it.” She insisted. “But I can’t remember.”
Waves are dancing
Evening comes
It’s time to sound the drums!
“Please tell me more.” Rosé begged.
But steady men and never fear!
Tomorrow’s skies are always clear!
“Bink’s Brew.” Shakky sighed nostalgically. “Your mother’s favorite song.”
“She told us that she was even making it your lullaby.” Rayleigh said. “We could never get her to stop singing it.”
So pound your feet
And clap your hands
Till sunny days return!
“It’s my favorite song and I hate it more than anything else.” Buggy the Clown told her. “Because she always looked so happy singing it and I will never hear her sing it again.”
Gather up all of the crew
It’s time to ship out Bink’s Brew
“That bitch got me so drunk and relaxed I didn’t notice she stole my hook right off my hand!” Crocodile scowled. “And I never paid her back for that!”
Wave goodbye, but don’t you cry
Our memories remain!
Shanks sighed. “Cece was always the life of the party, and nothing made her more exciting than that song. If I had known that was the last party we’d have, I’d have done so much more.”
Our days are but a passing dream
Everlasting though they seem
“Circé was an… unusual woman.” Mihawk mused. “You didn’t get a lot of female pirates of her caliber back then. You could say she inspired a generation. She had a lovely voice.”
Beneath the moon we’ll meet again
The waves our lullaby!
“Damn I wish I knew it was you.” Franky was beating himself up badly now that he knew the truth. “Maybe Iceberg and I could’ve helped you when you first came to Water 7.”
“I was a baby, why would you recognize me as a ten year old?” Rosé comforted.
After all is said and done
You’ll end up a skeleton
“Your mother sounds wonderful.” Crossette sighed. “I wish we could’ve met her.”
“Grandfather said that she wanted to be buried on Raftel.” Rosé said. “When we get there, I’m going to make sure she has a grave.”
So spread your tale
From dawn til dusk
Upon these foamy seas!!
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 11.23
Asian Corpsetwt Day [Every 23rd]
Big Help Day
Can You Find Your Old Rubik’s Cube and Still Work It Day
Chicory Day (French Republic)
Color Photos Day
Cutty Sark Day
Doctor Who Day
Do What the Heck You Want Day (Oklahoma)
Fibonacci Day
Flag Day (Niger)
Flipbook Day
Giorgoba (St. George's Day; Georgia)
Hadakambo Festival (Japan)
International Day of the Word
International Day to End Impunity
International Image Consultant Day
International Polyamory Day
Jukebox Day
Kinrō Kansha no Hi (Labor Thanksgiving Day; Japan)
Life Magazine Day
Monkey Banquet (Thailand)
National Polyamory Day (Canada)
National Day to Combat Child & Youth Cancer (Brazil)
National Margaret Day
Nursing Support Workers Day (UK)
Old Clem’s Night (Blacksmith Festival)
One Cup of Tea Day (Japan)
Paranoia Day
Pencil Sharpener Day
Repudiation Day (Maryland)
Rudolf Maister Day (Slovenia)
Seng Kut Snem (Meghalaya, India)
Thankful For My Dog Day
Thespius' Day (Greek Mischief Ghost)
World Watercolor Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Eat a Cranberry Day
National Bar Day
National Cashew Day
National Espresso Day
4th Thursday in November
Family Health History Day [4th Thursday]
International French Teachers’ Day [4th Thursday]
National Dog Show Day [4th Thursday]
Thanksgiving (US) [4th Thursday] (a.k.a. ... 
Advert begins (The Season of Advertising; Church of the SubGenius)
Beer & Turkey Day
Cthulhu Thanksgiving
Day of Mourning (Native American)
The Indigenous Peoples Sunrise Ceremony
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
National Mashed Idaho Potato Day
National Roast Turkey Day
Turkey-Free Thanksgiving
Unthanksgiving Day
Independence Days
St. Charlie (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alexander Nevsky (Repose, Russian Orthodox Church)
Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium (Christian; Saint)
Chiron’s Day (Pagan)
Clement I, Pope (Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, and the Lutheran Church)
Columbanus (Christian; Saint)
Daniel (Christian; Saint)
D'Aranda (Positivist; Saint)
Erté (Artology)
Feast of Qawl (Speech; Baha'i)
Felicitas of Rome (a.k.a. Felicity; Christian; Saint)
Fountain of Riddles (Muppetism)
Frederick Nietzsche Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
General Debauchery Day (Pastafarian)
José Clemente Orozco (Artology)
Konstantin Korovin (Artology)
Miguel Agustín Pro, Blessed (One of Saints of the Cristero War; Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church)
Niiname-Sai (Japanese Grain Festival)
Paulinus of Wales (Christian; Saint)
Sigd (begins at Sundown) [Hebrew; Cheshvan 29]
Trudo (a.k.a. Trond or Troll; Christian; Saint)
Wilfetrudis (a.k.a. Vulfetrude; Christian; Saint)
Woofenoot (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [64 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Against the Grain, by Bad Religion (Album; 1990)
Areopagitica, by John Milton (Pamphlet; 1644)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2), by Pink Floyd (Song; 1979)
Arthur Christmas (Animated Film; 2011)
The Artist (Film; 2011)
The Atrocity Exhibition, by J.G. Ballard (Novel; 1970)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (Novel; UK 1964)
Chinese Democracy, by Guns ’N’ Roses (Album; 2008)
Devotion (Film; 2022)
Doctor Who (UK TV Series; 1963)
Doggystyle, by Snoop Doggy Dogg (Album; 1993)
The Expanse (TV Series; 2015)
The Favourite (Film; 2018)
Flying Colours, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1938)
For Those About To Rock We Salute You, by AC/DC (Album; 1981)
G.I. Blues (Film; 1960) [Elvis Presley #5]
Glass Onion (Film; 2022)
Hugo (Film; 2011)
Inner Workings (Disney Cartoon; 2016)
It’s Only a Flesh Wound or Better Lead Than Dead (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 322; 1964)
Just Friends (Film; 2005)
Love in a Cold Climate, by Nancy Mitford (Novel; 1949)
Moana (Animated Disney Film; 2016)
The Muppets (Film; 2011)
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (Film; 1994)
My Sweet Lord, by George Harrison (Song; 1970)
No Smoking (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Pretty Peaches (Adult Film; 1978)
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1937)
Pride & Prejudice (Film; 2015)
Scrooged (Film; 1988)
Small Fry (Pixar Cartoon; 2011)
Strange World (Animated Disney Film; 2022)
Tampopo (Film; 2016)
Tea For The Tillerman, by Cat Stevens (Album; 1970)
The Ten Commandments (Film; 1923)
Terms of Endearment (Film; 1983)
Wednesday (TV Series; 2022)
The Worrying’ of the Green or The Look of the Irish (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 321; 1964)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Columban, Detlef (Austria)
Aleko, Aleksandar, Aleksandra (Bulgaria)
Klement, Kolumban, Lukrecija (Croatia)
Klement (Czech Republic)
Clemens (Denmark)
Kleement, Leemet, Leemo (Estonia)
Ismo (Finland)
Clément (France)
Clemens, Columbia, Detlef, Salvator (Germany)
Amfilohios, Elenos (Greece)
Kelemen, Klementina (Hungary)
Clemente, Colombano (Italy)
Zigfrīda, Zigrīda, Zigrids (Latvia)
Adelė, Doviltas, Klemensas, Liubartė (Lithuania)
Klaus, Klement (Norway)
Adela, Erast, Felicyta, Klemens, Klementyn, Orestes, Przedwoj (Poland)
Antonie (Romania)
Klement (Slovakia)
Clemente, Lucrecia (Spain)
Klemens (Sweden)
Augusta, Augustina (Ukraine)
Clem, Clemence, Clement, Clementina, Clementine, Crecia, Lucrecia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 327 of 2024; 38 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 11 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 10 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 27 Mir; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 10 November 2023
Moon: 85%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Frederic (12th Month) [D’Aranda]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 61 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 2 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 11.23
Asian Corpsetwt Day [Every 23rd]
Big Help Day
Can You Find Your Old Rubik’s Cube and Still Work It Day
Chicory Day (French Republic)
Color Photos Day
Cutty Sark Day
Doctor Who Day
Do What the Heck You Want Day (Oklahoma)
Fibonacci Day
Flag Day (Niger)
Flipbook Day
Giorgoba (St. George's Day; Georgia)
Hadakambo Festival (Japan)
International Day of the Word
International Day to End Impunity
International Image Consultant Day
International Polyamory Day
Jukebox Day
Kinrō Kansha no Hi (Labor Thanksgiving Day; Japan)
Life Magazine Day
Monkey Banquet (Thailand)
National Polyamory Day (Canada)
National Day to Combat Child & Youth Cancer (Brazil)
National Margaret Day
Nursing Support Workers Day (UK)
Old Clem’s Night (Blacksmith Festival)
One Cup of Tea Day (Japan)
Paranoia Day
Pencil Sharpener Day
Repudiation Day (Maryland)
Rudolf Maister Day (Slovenia)
Seng Kut Snem (Meghalaya, India)
Thankful For My Dog Day
Thespius' Day (Greek Mischief Ghost)
World Watercolor Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Eat a Cranberry Day
National Bar Day
National Cashew Day
National Espresso Day
4th Thursday in November
Family Health History Day [4th Thursday]
International French Teachers’ Day [4th Thursday]
National Dog Show Day [4th Thursday]
Thanksgiving (US) [4th Thursday] (a.k.a. ... 
Advert begins (The Season of Advertising; Church of the SubGenius)
Beer & Turkey Day
Cthulhu Thanksgiving
Day of Mourning (Native American)
The Indigenous Peoples Sunrise Ceremony
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
National Mashed Idaho Potato Day
National Roast Turkey Day
Turkey-Free Thanksgiving
Unthanksgiving Day
Independence Days
St. Charlie (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alexander Nevsky (Repose, Russian Orthodox Church)
Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium (Christian; Saint)
Chiron’s Day (Pagan)
Clement I, Pope (Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, and the Lutheran Church)
Columbanus (Christian; Saint)
Daniel (Christian; Saint)
D'Aranda (Positivist; Saint)
Erté (Artology)
Feast of Qawl (Speech; Baha'i)
Felicitas of Rome (a.k.a. Felicity; Christian; Saint)
Fountain of Riddles (Muppetism)
Frederick Nietzsche Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
General Debauchery Day (Pastafarian)
José Clemente Orozco (Artology)
Konstantin Korovin (Artology)
Miguel Agustín Pro, Blessed (One of Saints of the Cristero War; Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church)
Niiname-Sai (Japanese Grain Festival)
Paulinus of Wales (Christian; Saint)
Sigd (begins at Sundown) [Hebrew; Cheshvan 29]
Trudo (a.k.a. Trond or Troll; Christian; Saint)
Wilfetrudis (a.k.a. Vulfetrude; Christian; Saint)
Woofenoot (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [64 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Against the Grain, by Bad Religion (Album; 1990)
Areopagitica, by John Milton (Pamphlet; 1644)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2), by Pink Floyd (Song; 1979)
Arthur Christmas (Animated Film; 2011)
The Artist (Film; 2011)
The Atrocity Exhibition, by J.G. Ballard (Novel; 1970)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (Novel; UK 1964)
Chinese Democracy, by Guns ’N’ Roses (Album; 2008)
Devotion (Film; 2022)
Doctor Who (UK TV Series; 1963)
Doggystyle, by Snoop Doggy Dogg (Album; 1993)
The Expanse (TV Series; 2015)
The Favourite (Film; 2018)
Flying Colours, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1938)
For Those About To Rock We Salute You, by AC/DC (Album; 1981)
G.I. Blues (Film; 1960) [Elvis Presley #5]
Glass Onion (Film; 2022)
Hugo (Film; 2011)
Inner Workings (Disney Cartoon; 2016)
It’s Only a Flesh Wound or Better Lead Than Dead (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 322; 1964)
Just Friends (Film; 2005)
Love in a Cold Climate, by Nancy Mitford (Novel; 1949)
Moana (Animated Disney Film; 2016)
The Muppets (Film; 2011)
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (Film; 1994)
My Sweet Lord, by George Harrison (Song; 1970)
No Smoking (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Pretty Peaches (Adult Film; 1978)
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1937)
Pride & Prejudice (Film; 2015)
Scrooged (Film; 1988)
Small Fry (Pixar Cartoon; 2011)
Strange World (Animated Disney Film; 2022)
Tampopo (Film; 2016)
Tea For The Tillerman, by Cat Stevens (Album; 1970)
The Ten Commandments (Film; 1923)
Terms of Endearment (Film; 1983)
Wednesday (TV Series; 2022)
The Worrying’ of the Green or The Look of the Irish (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 321; 1964)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Columban, Detlef (Austria)
Aleko, Aleksandar, Aleksandra (Bulgaria)
Klement, Kolumban, Lukrecija (Croatia)
Klement (Czech Republic)
Clemens (Denmark)
Kleement, Leemet, Leemo (Estonia)
Ismo (Finland)
Clément (France)
Clemens, Columbia, Detlef, Salvator (Germany)
Amfilohios, Elenos (Greece)
Kelemen, Klementina (Hungary)
Clemente, Colombano (Italy)
Zigfrīda, Zigrīda, Zigrids (Latvia)
Adelė, Doviltas, Klemensas, Liubartė (Lithuania)
Klaus, Klement (Norway)
Adela, Erast, Felicyta, Klemens, Klementyn, Orestes, Przedwoj (Poland)
Antonie (Romania)
Klement (Slovakia)
Clemente, Lucrecia (Spain)
Klemens (Sweden)
Augusta, Augustina (Ukraine)
Clem, Clemence, Clement, Clementina, Clementine, Crecia, Lucrecia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 327 of 2024; 38 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 11 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 10 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 27 Mir; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 10 November 2023
Moon: 85%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Frederic (12th Month) [D’Aranda]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 61 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 2 of 30)
0 notes
xaviergalatis · 1 year
Walk in this bitch im with the gang
Man down
Locked for a !madness
Doing crazy shit every night, ain't no big thang
You don't know my language, don't know Skrrtinese
Woke up this morning got cups in my face
You not special at all, you big plain
A backpack nigga with luxury tastebuds
And the Louis Vuitton store got all of my pay stubs
Any rumor you ever heard about me was true and legendary
like I need the.....
Got them racks scattered all over my apartment
I shoot anything under the sun
jus called up [?] you know what we doin',
Woke up in Saks fith
Catch me out in Europe, 'cause I'm important
My bitch don't rock no Jordan's 'cause she gothic
Yung Bruh, this that hot shit, this ain't no pop shit
I'm smoking thrax
Any rumor you ever heard about m
I forgot, I made 50 bands off this laptop
You see that boy You better shoot in his face
Twizzy sending shots just like he Curry
be lookin like "Damn, what the fuck?"
We pull up in that i8, that Roadster, that Cullinan
We gon' pop out in a truck (Woah, woah)
Blue tint windows, I'm fuckin' it up
Thay say I be geeked the fuck up
Everybody wanna copy me, they think it's cool (They
Choppa on me, I'm bussin' it up
know who I am, who are you? You came up to me like I know you but I am confused
I guess this Shawty she doin' a handstand
ah, I don't even fuck with nobody at all, no friends
Whole lotta racks in the bust down
Went and copped ten, then I went and got—
Psh, I'm up
Blue strips
Call my diamonds ice spice all they do is dance
Stick in the box
Yeah, ha, yeah
Out in London, got the Tonka
Got a bunch of bad b****** I can't wait to replace
Double OT
I tried to save you in time, but you wanted to stay in there
I'm too underrated, thought that they would leave me the my
Man's got caught. Start singing like he's Drake
Spent a lil then pack of a purse off lean
Better that I change my number so you can't explain
Yeah, it's 5 AM and you still outside, it's freezing, yeah
jus called up [?] you know what we doin',
Big body Benz member I used to be dusty
I'm from the east with the squad
Bitch I'm on demon time
Got a crush on this waitress I might serve it
30s coming in I got good prescription
Yeah. I would like to purchase studio time
Take lotta L,s before you make m,s
Mob ties
I don't give a fuck what you said (Nah), delete my number
made twenty bands yesterday without even trying
I just be hitting buttons on my phone and watch it pile in
Back in the day started out with an eight
Ran off on the plug it was too easy
Ran off on the plug
212 be my playground
LA chew right through the week
Hit the ground heavy
Running low in Cali
Going uptown (UH!)
You ain't talking about a bag don't say my name
You'd just a lame
Keep rolling blunts of sticky
I stay on go ain't got time to kick it keke
The feds
That like bitch gimme face
Popping out the amg
Smoking exotics
My twizzy
I don't even tap I just go insane
Hell cat
Perky inside my soda get it fizzy
When I was down bad you was never around
Every Friday I'm make it move like Jason
Move it to my house
I'm a Florida boy I been wilding for so long
California hot shit but I'm froze up
25 racks for a verse
I put 5 grams in the wood I don't even know if I can get high
Double cup styrofoam pour it up
Wanna eat me up
I feel like a teddy bear
Lol shawty doing a hand stand
Bitch, I ain't shoppin' at no mallCan't even pronounce what I got on
Double R RR
Side popping
Came up from the mud
got it out the mud
Grew up to the moon
Rockstar popstar
In the hills
Imma do it while I land
Why you keep texting on my phone like bitch you better go show some
Move it to my house
One phone call....
I walk in this bitch
I have to write to find bakence
John calling me Relly
Got a script in my pocket I ain't seen no doctor
Smoking on zotic
Going wild in this fast lane
Seen the lights of the good year blimp
I put a Choppa on a blade I put a blade on the switch
If it ain’t bout money, it ain’t making no sense
Put a Choppa on the blade put a blade on the switch
I'm not a actor I'm a rapper
You not a rapper you a.actor
I don't miss Im making money while I piss
Outside it's a movie
I was in the trenches when Brittany kissed Madonna on TV
How he say we gang and we ain’t even met?
Put a rack in each hand
I forgot the name of the weed I'm smoking on but it damn sure ain't no Dosidos
We don't go fuck just any hoe
Heard you tryna fuck any hoe
I'm out in LA smokin' piss by a cheetah
90 percocet 10s now my cellphone
When I was down bad you was never around
SmOking exotic
100k for the feets
Try to get away from me had a stand off
Taking trips to NYC
You ever dance with the devil by pal e moon like?
Married to the money
I just hit rodeo spent a check on my momma
Fuck around with a opp put a coochie on his head
30thousand dollars for a nigga to get flee
When we out in public she gone take a pic
Took a look to my right that's a opp on site
I put my heart in this
Chrome heart
High waisted shorts
You think I'm a rock star I'm a pop star
Throw it back shorty make that ass clap
I still ride a gangsta label
Glock got a switch it came with a night light
Give a fuck if you famous you getting smacked up
Popin shit like I run shit
Back to back shows
100 felonies
Hoe in the room for one night
Thinking of the Masterplan
I see all the plots
Creatine with the water whippin
Zazai stay in that bitch mouth like a dentist
Out of state I'm doing different shows
Bitch I ain't really wanna fuck put it in your mouth
Skinny jeans on with a big bank roll
My loyal jugg love to meet me at that one spot
I smoked a quarter last night by myself
Got a pot addiction, damn I need some help
You look like an easy lick now
Had to stay down with the plug just to get it up
Never wore a condom no condom
Government issued Glock bitch I found it
Bullets inside of a cop and I let him drowned bitch
High speeding high speed chase
The fall
Can't tell a lie
It's/that's worth a lot
100k in my lap
You ain't got no minutes on your phone you in love with me
Paper work say I'm a paid killer
I tell her get off me when she try to cuddle me
No label
That bitch wet
MaN down
I know the cops won't get me here
I shave my head every day like I'm Britney Spears
[Verse 1: Ricky Hill]
I know my haters hope I lose my tone
But I'm Ricky Hoe, I know I fucking won't
She don't hear me, that's Satan tryna body me
Spin his block with choppas, make these nigga fear
Pull up on opp, we gon' empty clips
But she a sad bitch, she just slit her wrist
I don't want to feel
Zooey deschanel
Checking media takeout
Murder suicide
30 minutes' later Kobe told me put the mask on'
Fuck it we gone pop.out
Trap out the west side Atlanta
This shit came straight out the croc pot
hit that boy with a hollow now he in gelato
What happened Walk in this bitch and I'm spazzin
Vvs on my pinkies
Spin in his block two times with a chopsticks get this shit poppin
I put the bricks on the plastic
Say he gang but hr ain't really gang he is not official
Ran off on a plug it was to easy
Big body Royce pullin up can't even fit through
Let then hittas do it for me because back then they did it with me
My Glock got a switch
I'm getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger
Gurl that butt getting bigger
I be with them niggas sending shots they gone solve em.
When you see that boy you better shoot in his face
20 minutes later Kobe told me put the mask on
They say I'm geeked the fuck up
Can she fuck right now
L weil Uzi but I'm nice now
Jugg like 200 bands out the laptop
I need deep
Yeah it ain't matter Xay hit it first
Balenciaga marjeally
Came out the beast out the belly
Bullets in the mat
Running like lil G
When my pocket ain't no cap
An I'll find em on the Map
Pop me a PERC and promethazine
Likeing my drip cuz my drip is too clean
I got my clout in under three weeks
You know that I luh' to flex
I'm finna hop on a jet
You is a bitch pull up with the K and then I ran off with the strap
Lil macey came back call up my grandma I'm still in the trap
Call up my bitch I said throw it back
Louie v on my backpack you want my drip lil bitch you can't have that
Better watch out or you finna get beat
Impregnate Brittanys
Balenci' untied shoes
Spent a whole check on some
I need every bad bitch at the equinox
I don't care about making friends, I just care about faith
Yeah, bitch, I'm on the edge and this shit feel great
Rock Chane'-ne' and some Gucci on my socks (Skrrt, in the cut)
I wore designer I won't wear again
Plus kojomi just shut down the app store
If Nike ain't had frizzy they would have nothing
Take a picture with me on rodeo
I like my bitches extra thick
I need deep
The mandem celebrate Eid, the trap still runnin' on Christmas day
Left it on red
I really hate niggas I'm a Nazi
Two cups (Cup), toast up with the gang (Gang, gang)
From food stamps to a whole 'nother domain, ya
I can see your essence still just doesn't feel the way it's supposed to I feel so bad
Won't catch me around a broke bitch unless you pay me
bitch came with 25hundred told her maybe
5k in a day you can't trap with me
Catch a case I'm beating the case
I keep that mask
.snookke. Runts
Stuck inside my mind
Capital P ( Pimp)
No sir ski !!!!
Hit the has
This and that
Came up from the mud
We go to stores for them looseys and them doue cups
Thoes was long nights
I'm steady on my grind I need cheese on my grits
I got goons that will take your life I'm just saying
My name already a legacy
What you know about having no heart ?
This that motherfucking amthum right here boy
I really do this shit for jits boy
You know why they don't make it out
90's raised me . Enough about that
Yeah I know the strains I just trimmed that
I'm a 90's baby so I keep the strap
If I hit it from the back she fine hit the sidewalk
Oh you do that too ? Never seen that
Too many heads in LA
I got a Glock in my rari
Sorry about that
Fuckin on his bitch out a iphone6
I stretch the work it not no Levi jeans
DayDay made that nigga Diddy Bop
Bring us some figgy pudding
Put it out here
Walk around
Now we catch him at the chicken spot, up a couple chops
Flex the L's
On the gram '
but the other day
I had a dream I wasn't K,
I probably would be deceased if it wasn't for my grandparents
I'm too legit for life, I should get a grip and die
You speakin' down on Odd Future, it's a fuckin' pronoun
Twenty-one in the league ho I'm a fuckin' pro now
clothes fit, from out the closet
In the rectum of the hood
Diamonds hit like piss
2003 shit
51 -50
While listenin' to R. Kelly's greatest hits
That's my bestfriend
Yeah I'm glad for you
Ran off on the plug
Skirt off
In the gym
Ice on my wrist
Rolling up big that's Pikachu
If I see you I don't speak that means I don't fuck with you
Got a bag and fixed my teeth hoe you know this shit ain't cheap
Plug hit the stick in my Tesla
Okay here we this that new yishigo
I don't know how they feel about me right now
Hold up b**** hold my phone
Pick it up dropped it off back where I found her
Late nights in the studio you can't be wasting all my time
Shorty want to come my way
Won't you come my way
Hey, I live in a house with a pool in the back
Right around town with the strap in my lap
Jeffrey Jeffrey Dahmer
Cartier frames on me look like Jeffrey Dahmer
Punch line after punch line
You know I eat rappers at lunch time
Fuck a record deal I do it no cosign
You ain't got no minutes on your phone then you in love with me
The paperwork say that I'm a paid killa
I'm a real grave digger
She a real gold digger
I f****** new b**** cuz her ass bigger
A 20 years later I'm the same nigga
I'm sliding over cars while I shoot. I think that I'm some cruise bitch
Blue cheese got a hundred racks up
Fiji water splash need to get some work off
A lot of niggas* die do to these streets
Don't call me daddy cuz I'm not chyour papi
Ice on my wist hit wit the light at the Roxy
By my
I don't wake up in the morning for no breakfast
Niggas know I'm a shooter
My nigga gone shoot from the tray
herd you is broke that's not my problem
I ain't got time to play with that side-poppin
Fuck around give you my last name
Mans don't celebrate either trap still running on Christmas Day
I think that I'm tom cruise
Killin niggas even doe black lives matter?
You ain't got mineuts in your phone then you inlove with me
No condom
For the money im a savage
I got a play on my phone
watch me get this money nigga
tired of being hungry nigga
I'm out here popping ollie's switch
this the start of it
bitch I'm high as fuck I can't even roll my weed
I'm in the hills
I keep a FN57 and a G Tuck
told my bad bitch let the camera man hit for me
I go 200 and I crash out
love to beat that till it creame up
you see us scorin'
V.I.P in the plural, while yo section borin'
Bitch I got the Tommy no Hilfiger
Pull the checks, receipt stashed, straight to the palm, drippin'
space ghost coast to coast
ride around with a kill tec
he got shot he ain't get back
I got a whole lot of money coming in
ran off on the plug
Justin Bieber
I need a bitch with a real butt
I gotta know who you fucked in ths room
codine and a lot of cups
niggas think o can o broke
I can not go broke nigga
Xanny, help the pain, yeah
Please, Xanny, make it go away
know I'm misunderstanding
cuz skin complexion
free my nigga out of that jail
every other night another dollar getting made it
goddamn it
hot sauce
Fast car, NASCAR
bag on fire
you gone fuck around and drowned of this wave
every other night another movie getting made
I spend in the club what you have in the bank
my AP going psycho
had so many bottles gave ugly girl a sip
I'm in the Lambo I'm on my way
my money thick I'll never fold
can't really trust nobody with all this Jewelry on me
take you to the smoke shop we gone get high
got the racks and they all C-Notes
in the rental
all vvses put you in a necklace
diamond district in the chain
certified you know I gang
in the morning or the late
you got that yummy yummy
said she wanna fuck the homie we gone team up
my chain straight from the ocean
niggas think it's sweet
got free wifi they ain't got 3g
I really hate niggas I'm a Nazi
breaking the seal
Jesus piece
the audience
can we get married at the mall?
My shooters gon' shoot, can't miss
pouring up lean
money falling out the ass I got a lot of cash
I don't
just got up out it they like there he go
really spinny
really drippy
Moscow face
hand deep up in her purse
diamonds hitting
hide it in my sock
I'm her dad
xanny make it go away
I want drugs
I'm getting sketched out
shoot out
do the dash
2am in the A
wanna come to my room
Clancy ( ofwgkta manager )
hunting em down
hell no nawh
every night
switch lanes
no face no case
club going up on a Tuesday
throw that to the side yeah
press my line
I'm different
wanna go it how I do it
i don't sell Molly no more
stupid lil bitch
lil bitch
put this Greek dick i
I didn't do it but fo
smoke crack
I cannot go broke
Octobers very own
locked in
late night in the studio you can't be wasting all my time
100k for a feat
niggas think it's sweet it's on sight
my new bitch ass fat like that ass on Kim k
I used
I used to
pink and yellow diamonds
my diamonds
diamonds hitting
beat the beat up
think it's sweet it's on sight
crying in a bag
0 notes
chrisringrose · 1 year
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“Like Air in Ice”: April poem #29, 2023. You often hear that awful people have occasionally done acts of kindness, or been ‘a nice person’. This little poem. The penultimate one for April,  muses on that paradox, though without any great philosophical conclusions. It was inspired by the ice in my glass of Cutty Sark at midnight.
Like Air in Ice
Like cloudy air that’s trapped in ice –
a blur of white within the core –
a taste of virtue still remains
within the bitter heart of vice.
The murderer who cups his hand
around a tattered butterfly
and tips it, feeble, but alive
through the window to the sky
or dreams of mother, home and bed
between his acts of cruelty
projecting pity and complaint
into the thoughts that grip his head.
Or maybe that’s a role we play –
a mask we put on once or twice
to muzzle the monotony
and made the blankness go away.
CR April 29, 2023
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gaia-care · 4 years
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mike13mt · 5 years
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Detox drink with lemon, mint and cucumber by AnnaBogush
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amuseoffyre · 4 years
Rating: PG Summary: The finest Belgian lace, the persistent threat of clogs and the contemplation of the destruction of the big cutty thing. aka what happened after crêpes. Notes: I was delighted to work with @cliopadra with the concept of this story and the art they’ve produced for it :)
“No one will be about,” he said with a mutinous wiggle of his lace-frilled shoulders. “I doubt anyone would even notice.” Crowley hiccuped then pushed his glasses back up his nose. “You’re joking.” Aziraphale dragged the wine bottle – third one? Or maybe fourth? – back across the table to refill his cup with a very nice red from some old upper crust sort’s cellar. “Certainly not.” “You got arrested.” The angel sniffed. “And your point is?” “My point is…” He paused as Aziraphale topped up his cup too. Both bottle and cup were awfully wobbly, silly rebellious things that they were. “Point… oh…” He squinted across the table. “Point is you’re all foof and frill an’… an’… an’ aristo-thingie! The ones they chop the heads off!”
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ofbloodandfaith · 3 years
Welsh New Year's Day traditions: British Goblins by Wirt Sikes
Glamorganshire - apple gift or New Year's gift: “...children, on and about New Year's Day, going from door to door of shops and houses, bearing an apple or an orange curiously tricked out. Three sticks in the form of a tripod are thrust into it to serve as a rest; it sides are smeared with flour or meal, and stuck over with oats or wheat, or bits of broken lucifer matches to represent oats; its top is covered with thyme or other sweet evergreen, and a skewer is inserted in one side as a handle to hold it by.
...takes the custom back to the Druidic days, and makes it a form of the solar myth... three supporting sticks of the apple... three rays of the sun, the mystic Name of the Creator; the apple is the round sun itself; the evergreens represent its perennial life; and the grains of wheat, or oats, Avagddu’s spears. Avagddu is the evil principle of darkness - hell, or the devil - with which the sun fights throughout the winter for the world's life.
Pembrokeshire: to rise early on New Year’s morning is considered luck-bringing... also deemed wise to bring a fresh loaf into the house. A rigid quarantine is also set up, to see that no female visitor cross the threshold first on New Year’s morning; that a male visitor shall be the first to do so is a lucky thing, and the reverse unlucky. As soon as it is light, children of the peasantry hasten to provide a small cup of pure spring water, just from the well, and go about sprinkling the faces of those they meet, with the aid of a sprig of evergreen. At the same time, they sing the following verses:
Here we bring new water from the well so clear,
For to worship God with, this happy new year;
Sing levy dew, sing levy dew, the water and the wine,
With seven bright gold wires, and bugles that do shine;
Sing reign of fair maid, with gold upon her toe;
Open you the west door and turn the old year go;
Sing reign of fair maid, with gold upon her chin;
Open you the est door and let the new year in!
The words 'levy dew' are deemed an English version of Llef i Dduw (a cry to God).
Glamorganshire - welsh song sung by boys in chorus on New Year's Day, somewhat after the Christmas carol fashion:
Blwyddyn newydd dda i chwi,
Gwyliau llawen i chwi,
Meistr a meistres bob un trwy'r ty,
Gwyliau llawen i chwi,
Codwch yn foreu, a rheswch y tan,
A cherddwch i'r ffynon i ymofyn dwr glan.
A happy new year to you,
Merry be your holidays,
Master and mistress - everyone in the house;
Arise in the morning; bestir the fore,
And go to the well to fetch fresh water.
Everywhere in Wales - Twelfth Night Custom, Mari Lwyd: the Skeleton of a horse head adorned with 'favours' of pink, blue, yellow etc. Bottoms of two black bottles are inserted in the sockets of the skeleton head to serve as eyes. They carry this object about from house to house, with shouts and songs, and a general cultivation of noise and racket. A duet is sung in Welsh outside a door, the singers begging to be invited in. If the door is not opened the tap on it, and there is frequently quite a series of Awen sung , the parties within denying the outsiders admission and the outsiders urging the same. At last the door is opened, when in bounces the merry crown, among them the Mary Lwyd, borne by one personating a horse, who is led by another personating the groom. The horse chases the girls around the room, capering and neighing, while the groom cries, 'So ho, my boy - gently, poor fellow!' and the girls of course scream with merriment. A dance follows - a reel, performed by three young men, tricked out with ribbons.
Aberconwy in Caernarvonshire: The Penglog (a skull, a noodle) is a similar custom peculiar to Aberconwy, but in this case the horse's skull is an attention particularly bestowed upon prudes.
Pembrokeshire: Cutty Wren is a twelfth night tradition. A wren was placed in a little house of paper, with glass windows, and hoisted on four poles, on at each corner. Four men bore it about, singing a very long ballad:
O! where are you go-ing? says Mil-der to Mel-der, O! where are you go-ing? says the youn-ger to the el-der; O! I can-not tell, says Fes-tel to Fose; We're go-ing to the woods, said John the Red Nose, We're go-ing to the woods, said John the Red Nose!
The purpose of this right is to levy contributions. Another custom was 'tooling' and its purpose was beer. It consisted in calling at farmhouses and pretending to look for one's tools behind the beer cask. 'I've left my saw behind your beer cask.' a carpenter would say; 'my whip', a carter; and received the tool by proxy, in the shape of a cup of ale. The female portion of the poorer sort, on the other hand, practised what was called sowling, asking for 'sowl', and receiving, accordingly, any food eaten with bread, such as cheese, fish, or meat. The custom is still maintained, and 'sowling day' fills many a poor woman's bag. The phrase is supposed to be from the French soul, signifying one's fill.
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agerefandom · 4 years
Caregiver!Merida Headcanons
for @babyduckie-babymax​
Merida takes you for rides on Angus, her arms around you holding the reins
You have a baby bow and arrow: if you’re good enough, she’ll give you real arrows, but otherwise you’re going to get suction cup arrows so you don’t hurt anyone
Merida helps you forage in the forest, shows you all the tasty plants you can get from the undergrowth and the moors
I hope you like Scottish terms of endearment: you’re her leanbh, her karriewhitchit, her wee cutty when you’re causing a bit of trouble
She lets you play in the mud and then tosses you into the stream to get clean again, splashing and playing all the while
She gets you to help her look for the best skiffers (skipping rocks) by the river, and counts the skips she can make 
It’s easy to tangle your fingers in her hair, and she’ll laugh before she helps you get free
You’ll be spoiled by the kitchen servants and Merida both: she can’t resist giving you sweets and candies
She’s small but she’s strong: she can lift you onto Angus’s saddle, hoist you out of the streams, and sometimes she picks you up and twirls you around
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(note: I’m not Scottish, nor do I speak Scottish Gaelic! I put research into these headcanons but do correct me if I’m wrong.) 
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upcloseandchaotic · 4 years
We’ll Meet Again
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Sooo, surprise? I write sometimes. I don’t write a whole lot, but I figured I’d throw this out there. Enjoy <3
My first time posting a story on Tumblr, my first Y/N fic, and my first Marvel fic. Just out here trying all sorts of new things lmaooo
Disclaimer: Steve and Bucky are not my characters, but OC is. 
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Y/N, and an OC. Implied Stucky x Y/N if you squint.
Triggers: Kidnapping, drugging, fighting, vomiting “Come on,” you whispered to your fiance, Thomas, as you slide your key card through the reader. The reader turns green and you giggled as you pull Thomas in behind you. He chuckles as he starts to walk around, looking at your new office.
You had just gotten a promotion at your job, making you the registrar at the Natural History Museum. You have been working towards this position for about 4 years now, so you and your fiance decided to sneak in after the museum closed to celebrate in your new office.
Thomas placed the champagne and the bag of food and supplies he had brought onto your empty desk and turned towards you, pulling you into his embrace. “Look at you, with your fancy new office,” he said, smiling softly down at you.
“Don’t forget the fancy new desk,” you add, “I paid good money for that fancy new desk.” 
“Oh yes, how could I have forgotten your giant, fancy desk.” Thomas cupped your face and gave you a quick peck, pulling back with a smile on his face. “That monster weighed a ton, I’m pretty sure I’m still sore from carrying it up the stairs here.”
You rolled your eyes and snorted. “You know, if you’re still sore you could just go home. As the doctor likes to say, rest is the best medicine. I’m sure I could drink all of this champagne by myself.” You snagged the bottle and twirled away, sending him a sly look.
“Don’t you dare!” he laughed, lunging for the champagne in your hand. You gasped quietly but twisted to avoid his attempt. This turned into a five minute game of chase around the office, around chairs, fake plants left behind by the previous owner, and various feinting attempts by both you and Thomas. Everything became silent though as the sound of footsteps started ringing in the hallway. You froze mid run, staring at the door of your office with baited breath. Thomas had stumbled but quickly recovered, crouching down behind your desk. As the footsteps got closer you dived behind your massive desk as well, ignoring Thomas silently laughing next to you.
The door opened and you and Thomas stilled, watching the guard’s flashlight flash on the wall behind you and swing around the office. You held your breath until you heard the guard’s footsteps walking away and the door close behind them. The tension you were holding in your body instantly melted away and you sagged against the desk, thanking the universe that you and Thomas were not caught. Thomas, on the other hand, was still shaking as he popped open the bottle.
“Thomas,” You hissed, listening for footsteps.
“Babe, it’s fine,” he said, rising from behind the desk after waiting to see if the guard would come back. He pulled out two champagne flutes and started to pour them. I shook my head but got up as well and started to pull out our food.
After setting up our dinner on the floor behind the desk Thomas held up his glass. “A toast to new beginnings and new possibilities.” You were a little confused but I lightly clinked my glass against his and repeated it softly.
You and Thomas ate dinner, chatting amongst yourselves as you ate. The champagne was a little dry, but did have a decent fruity flavor, so you soon found yourself having a second glass.
“This is really good,” you say as you take another sip, “Where did you get this?”
“Oh, you know, just the corner store near my place,” He offered, his eyes strangely boring into you as you put your drink down on the floor, “Is it good?”
“What do you mean? Haven’t you--” You looked towards the glass in his hand, and started to feel uneasy when you noticed that it was still full. “What’s going on?”
Thomas flipped his wrist over to glance at his watch. “Unfortunately, Y/N, you’ve got about three minutes before the drugs in this champagne knock you unconscious.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You demanded, kicking the glass away from you as you scrambled back, horrified to feel an aftertaste on the back of your tongue and everything started to start rocking back and forth.
“Now, you could make this easier on yourself,” Thomas continued on, as if you hadn’t said anything, “I need some information, baby, and it would be easier if you would just give them to me.” He tilted his head and watched you flailed and fell to the side, still trying to push yourself away from him.
“Wha-- Thom, ” You tried to form the words on your tongue, but they all seemed to mash together as your tongue felt like it was turning into stone.
“It’s all for the greater good,” Thomas explained, crawling forwards towards you, ignoring your terrified squawk. Once he reached you he pulled you up and put you in your new office chair, spinning you to face your computer. You could feel the world spin around you and briefly closed your eyes in a desperate attempt to get it to stop. Your heart had begun to race and sweat started to form on your face and neck.
“You see, Y/N, I’m part of a big organization,” He calmly continued, tapping the start button on your desktop. You blinked blearily as the start screen came up, trying vainly to focus on what was going on. “We’ve decided that the world is a little too...reckless. Humans are so vain and fickle. They need to be controlled.”
You lean your head against the desk, nauseous due to the drugs and his evil villain speech. You weren’t even really sure why he was saying anything to you, you were only really understanding about half of what he was saying.
“We need an item in the collection here,” you heard. You leave your head against the desk but you try and focus as much as you can on what he’s saying, “and you’re going to help us retrieve it.”
“Fuh Ooh,” You slurred, opening your eyes briefly to glare at him.
“Now, baby, don’t do this. We haven’t even gotten to the part where I give you your options,” Thomas cooed, petting the back of your head softly. You go to jerk away but he just lightly grasps your neck before going back to petting it. You grunted indignantly, but decided not to push it. “As I was saying, I need the password to the system. You can either provide it to me, right now, or we can do this the hard way.”
“Nuh,” you growled, straining to push away from the desk. It worked, but you lost your balance and fell halfway out of your chair.
“Wrong answer, darling.” Thomas snarled, grabbing your shoulder and throwing you against the top of the desk. You cried out in pain and saw your vision fill with stars. “Come on now, don’t make me do this, Y/N.” You groaned but laid against the desk, breathing deeply to try and fight the drugs starting to drag you under.
“Oh no, no, no. Don’t you pass out on me now,” he chuckled. You gave a strangled scream as a knife was pulled out of somewhere and slammed into the desk right next to your face.
“Don’t worry about that, darling. It’s not a threat to you as long as you stay awake. You pass out and I’m going to have to keep you awake.”
Why did you drug me then, you thought, trying to pull yourself back from the edge of unconsciousness. Panting, you braced your forearms against the desk and pushed yourself up. Lifting your head from the desk left you dizzy, but the fresh air was starting to stave off the darkness.
“There you go, baby. I knew you could do this,” Thomas encouraged condescendingly. His tone reminded you of an owner praising their dog for sitting. He was just missing a dog biscuit. “Now, put your password in the computer.”
“Nooo,” You groaned, turning your head to where you thought he was and glaring.
Thomas clucked his tongue, fisted your hair in his hands and snapped you back, placing the knife to your throat. “You are reaching the end of my patience, Y/N. Password, now.”
You start taking shuddering breaths as you struggled to push past the nausea and hold back your fear. You were pretty sure that you were going to die in this moment, but fuck Thomas and Hydra. Even though he said you would not be harmed, you were pretty sure that none of the scenarios ended well for you; at least you could keep him away from whatever it was he wanted.
You were gearing up to tell him to fuck off once again when the door to your office exploded, allowing two giant men to run inside.
Thomas pulled you up and out of the chair, holding you against him like a human shield. Not that you were much of a shield, you thought to yourself. Your legs had as much sturdiness as cooked spaghetti, and you were starting to see two of everything.
Even though the man on the left’s face was half hidden in a rugged, but well-kept beard, you could see the fiery determination pull down his features. He took a quick look around and you watched as he evaluated the situation and the chances of this going in his favor.  In his hands was a blue, red, and white shield with a star on it. It was hard to determine the shade of gold his hair was, but you 95% sure it came to life in sunlight.
The other man’s face, on the other hand, seemed to have been carved out of ice and it had come to life. His long-ish brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun, his arctic eyes staring down the barrel of his gun and trained on Thomas, following his every move. The glistening of metal caught your eye as the moonlight seemed to reflect off what looked like the man’s metal arm.
What the hell did Thomas give me, you thought, blinking slowly a couple of times to see if you were in any way hallucinating.
“Captain America,” Thomas replied coolly, taking a second to gather you closer to him, “Asset.” You flinched as he hissed the name harshly in your ear. He pressed the knife closer to your neck and you gritted your teeth as you felt the sting of it lightly cutting into your skin.
“Copeland,” The golden haired man said, lowering his shield in front of himself to stand up straight. “Let her go.” 
“No, I don’t think I shall,” Thomas replied, taking one hand and patting your cheek fondly. You growled and turned to bite him, but that quickly turned into a whimper as he grabbed your chin and dug his fingers in. “Why would I give up my shield? As soon as I do we both know the Asset will just put a bullet between my eyes.”
“We have orders to take you in.”
“For some reason, I don’t think that the Asset cares about that order. As they say, ‘accidents do happen’.”
The man with the metal arm grunted quietly, “Can’t say it would be that much of a shame if something were to happen. But, I’ll back off with the gun if you just let her go.”
Thomas hummed, tapping the side of your cheek with his index finger, as if he was thinking about it. You closed your eyes and breathed in slowly through your nose. Your fear was making your heart race furiously. Bile started to climb up your throat, but you quickly swallowed it back;  you did not need to die because you decided to vomit on Thomas’ shoes.
“No, I think I’m going to stick with my decision.”
“You have no way out, Copeland,” Goldilocks growled, dropping down into what you assume is a fighting stance. “You’d have to go through us to get out of here, and then we have all of the entrances and exits covered with the Avengers. You will lose. Give us Y/N. Now”
“You underestimate the greatness of Hydra, Captain,” Thomas tutted, his hand dropping to reach into his pocket. He pulled something out and held it in front of you. Everything was still swirling together in your sight, but you squinted to get a better look at it.
It was a small glass ball that was filled with a glowing, rolling blue and white liquid. You felt chills run down your spine; even though it looked like something that came out of a Harry Potter movie, you were sure that whatever was contained in the ball was not good.
“What the fuck is that,” the man with the metal arm snarled, switching his gun to point at it.
“This is my Plan B,” Thomas crowed. He started throwing it up slightly in the air and catching it. As you watched you could feel the dread sitting in your gut like a pile of stones. “It was good to see you, Captain, Asset, but it is time for us to go.”
You watched, terrified, as he threw the ball up in the air and let it smash on the ground in front of the two of you. The blue mystery liquid quickly seeped out of the ball and opened up a vortex in front of you. You screamed and closed your eyes as you could feel it start to suck you in. 
Dual cries of “Y/N!” sounded around you as Thomas threw you forwards with him into the hole. The two mens’ cries faded away as quickly as they came though, because as you fell forwards into the space-color rabbit hole, the only thing you could hear was wind whipping past you and your prayers for a quick death.
After what felt like ten minutes of falling, you felt Thomas lose his grip on you and then your body crashed onto something rough, unforgiving and smelled like hot garbage. You gagged and pushed yourself up, groaning at the pain that was starting to flash through your body. Blinking rapidly to adjust to the light, you lifted your head and looked around. You could see some vague figures of people walking up ahead of you and cars on the road. You might not be sure where you were, but maybe someone would help you.
“HELP… HEL--” You cried, trying to push yourself towards the crowd. Before you could get any farther you felt someone grab the back of your hair and slammed you up against the wall. His hand was placed over your mouth in an instant, cutting off your cries.
“Not so fast, sweetheart,” Thomas snarled, “You need to shut up. Now.” 
“Hey! What’s going on!” 
Thomas and you turned your heads, watching as a short, thin blond man ran into the alley, shouting at Thomas to let you go.
“Get lost kid!” Thomas shouted. He let go of you and whipped around to face the newcomer. You cried out as you went sprawling on the pavement, your knees hitting the ground with a loud thud. You flinched and thought that that was going to hurt tomorrow.
“Leave her alone!” the guy cried, bringing fists up near his eye level. He kept switching between glaring at Thomas and looking down at you in concern.
Thomas grunted and swung at him, but the man was quicker and ducked out of the way. They kept swinging and missing between the two of them, but eventually the blond man managed to get in between you and Thomas, not allowing Thomas to get past him. Unfortunately Thomas started getting hits in, quickly driving the man up against the wall next to you. The man, knowing that there wasn’t much he could do, then started going on the defensive, blocking as many hits as he could but still fielding 75% of them.
“No!” you screamed, using the little energy you had left to start kicking at Thomas’ legs.
“You little bitch,” Thomas hissed, stepping away from the man to reach down for you. You screamed, still kicking and hitting him wherever you could reach.
“Leave them alone!” another voice called out from the mouth of the alley, shortly followed by the sound of someone running towards the three of you. The blond man seemed to get his wits about him and stood up, pushing Thomas farther away from you, towards the center of the alley. 
Before you could yell for the blonde man to run, a brunette man wearing blacks slacks and a white button up shirt came flying into view and immediately started to go after Thomas, who had fallen back and was left defenseless against the newcomer. 
You could hear the fight going on beside you but the blonde man crouched down beside you, cutting off your view of it. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
You nod, closing your eyes as another wave of dizziness takes over.
“Where did he hurt you? Can you stand up?” The man’s blue eyes were soft as they scanned you over.
“I’m going to throw up,” you warned, rolling over towards the wall. He was quiet as you vomited up your dinner, pulling your hair away from your face and whispering that you were alright.
When you finished, you turned back and groaned as you pushed yourself up until you were sitting on your knees. You looked behind him and noticed that Thomas was laid flat on the ground, unconscious and the other man was wiping his bloody hands on his pants.
“You okay, Doll?” He asked, coming over to the blond man’s side and kneeling down.
You could feel your limbs start to shake and you shook your head, “I don’t feel well, but I’ll be okay in a little bit. I don’t know what’s going on, though where am I? What’s the date?”
“You’re in New York, it’s January 19th, 1935,” The blond man said softly, sending a confused glance over to the brunette.
You inhaled sharply, the date sending you reeling. Your brain was screaming that it was impossible, but the more you looked at their clothes, the people on the sidewalks and the cars driving around, the more you believed it.
You were from 2020, stuck in 1935.
“Where are you from?” The blond asked, a couple of minutes after you had gone silent.
“I’m from a city south of here, in a different state,” you whisper.
“Do you know how to get back home?”
“No… he kidnapped me. I don’t know how to get back.” At the thought of never being able to go back, you feel tears start collecting in the corner of your eyes and a lump settle in your throat.
“Don’t cry, Doll. We’ll figure it out. Until then you can stay with my family. It’ll be tight between you, her, my sister and my Pa, but we’ll make it work. We won't leave you out here,” the brunette sighed, grabbing one arm to gently pull you up. You lose your balance when you go to step forward and immediately the blond goes and supports your other side.
They start walking you out of the alley and you get onto the sidewalk before you realize something. “Thank you for helping me… but who are you?”
“I’m Steve,” the smaller blond man says, smiling up at you, “and that’s James, but we call him Bucky.”
Taglist: @what-just-happened-bro @babiiface95
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Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.
- Tom Stoppard, Artist Descending a Staircase
Sir Anish Kapoor’s ArcelorMittal Orbit tower was completed in 2012 at a cost of £19 million ($27 million). It was intended to be a permanent lasting legacy of London's hosting of the 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, assisting in the post-Olympics regeneration of the Stratford area. At 376 feet (114.5 metres) it became the UK’s tallest public artwork.
London Mayor Boris Johnson put into motion a design competition that was held in 2009 and it called for designs for an "Olympic tower". A 9 panel commission made of the great and the good was set up to recommend to both Johnson and the government. It received about 50 submissions. Boris Johnson had said that his early concept for the project was something more modest than Orbit, along the lines of "a kind of 21st-century Trajan's Column", but this was dropped when more daring ideas were received. Boris Johnson was believed to want something like the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty what he and the government settled on was something completely different with Turner-Prize winning artist Sir Anish Kapoor in partnership with Cecil Balmond of Arup Group, an engineering firm.
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Kapoor said that one of the influences on his design was the Tower of Babel, the sense of "building the impossible" that "has something mythic about it", and that the form "straddles Eiffel and Tatlin". Balmond, working on the metaphor of an orbit, envisaged an electron cloud moving, to create a structure that appears unstable, propping itself up, "never centred, never quite vertical". Both believe that Orbit represents a new way of thinking, "a radical new piece of structure and architecture and art" that uses non-linearity – the use of "instabilities as stabilities." The spaces inside the structure, in between the twisting steel, are "cathedral like", according to Balmond, while according to Kapoor, the intention is that visitors will engage with the piece as they wind "up and up and in on oneself" on the spiral walkway.
The Independent described Orbit as "a continuously looping lattice ... made up of eight strands winding into each other and combined by rings like a jagged knot". The Guardian describes it as a "giant lattice tripod sporting a counterweight collar around its neck designed to offset the weight of its head, a two-storey dining and viewing gallery". According to the BBC, the design incorporates the five Olympic rings.
Upon its launch Johnson said "It would have boggled the minds of the Romans. It would have boggled Gustave Eiffel." Nicholas Serota, a member of the design panel, said that Orbit was a tower with an interesting twist, with "the energy you might traditionally associate with this type of structure but in a surprisingly female form.”
When Anish Kapoor’s commission for the Olympic Park in London was unveiled no one really noticed, as most viewers thought it was still under construction.
Orbit confused viewers for sometime, but when they realised that the twisted metal structure in place was indeed an artwork they were up in arms. It was soon slammed by critics and citizens alike.
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Overall reception to Orbit was mixed, but mostly negative. With regard to its potential as a lasting visitor attraction, The Guardian's Mark Brown reflected on the mixed fortunes of other large symbolic London visitor attractions such as the popular, but loss-making, Thames Tunnel; the Skylon structure, dismantled on the orders of Winston Churchill; and the successful London Eye. When plans were first reported for an Olympic tower, the media pointed to a manifesto pledge of Johnson's to crack down on tall buildings, in order to preserve London's "precious" skyline.  The Times criticised the idea as a vanity project of Johnson's, with a design "matching his bravado", built to "seal his legacy", surmising it would be compared to other similar vanity projects such as the "wedding cake", the Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II built in Rome, or the Neutrality Arch, a rotating golden statue erected by Turkmenistan's President Saparmurat Niyazov, while comparing Johnson to Ozymandias. Art critic Brian Sewell said "Our country is littered with public art of absolutely no merit. We are entering a new period of fascist gigantism. These are monuments to egos and you couldn't find a more monumental ego than Boris."
The Times reported the description of it being the "Godzilla of public art". In October 2012, ArcelorMittal Orbit was nominated and made the Building Design magazine shortlist for the Carbuncle Cup - an award for the worst British building completed in the past year, which was ultimately awarded to the Cutty Sark renovation.
Jay Merrick of The Independent said that "[Orbit's] sculptural power lies in its ability to suggest an unfinished form in the process of becoming something else", describing how its artistic riskiness elevated it above the banal artworks of the public art movement that have been built elsewhere in Britain's towns and cities. Merrick was of the opinion that it would be either loved or hated, being a design which is "beautifully fractious, and not quite knowable".
Jonathan Glancey of The Guardian described Orbit as "Olympian in ambition" and a "fusion between striking art and daring engineering", and said that, the Aquatics Centre apart, it represented the architecturally striking Joker in the pack, given that the rest of the landscaping and architecture for the Games "promises little to get excited about". He believed it would become a "genuine eyecatcher" for the Olympics television coverage, with its extraordinary form being a "strange and enticing marriage of sorts" between the Eiffel Tower and the un-built early Soviet era Tatlin's Tower, with the biblical Tower of Babel as "best man".
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The Times writer Tom Dyckhoff, while calling it "a gift to the tabloids" and a "giant Mr. Messy", questioned whether the Olympic site needed another pointless icon, postulating whether it would stand the test of time like the London Eye and become a true icon to match the Eiffel Tower, or a hopeless white elephant. Suggesting the project had echoes of Tatlin's Monument to the Third International, and especially Constant Nieuwenhuys' utopian city New Babylon, he asked whether Orbit was just as revolutionary or possessed the same ideological purpose, or whether it was merely "a giant advert for one of the world’s biggest multinationals, sweetened with a bit of fun".
Rowan Moore of The Guardian questioned if it was going to be anything more than a folly, or whether it would be as eloquent as the Statue of Liberty. He speculated that the project might mark the time when society stops using large iconic projects as a tool for lifting areas out of deprivation. He questioned its ability to draw people's attention to Stratford after the Games, in a similar manner to the successes of the Angel of the North or the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. He also questioned the piece's ability to strike a chord like the Angel, which he believed had at least "created a feelgood factor and sense of pride" in Gateshead, or whether it would simply become one of the "many more unloved rotting wrecks that no one has the nerve to demolish". He postulated that the addition of stairs and a lift made Orbit less succinct than Kapoor's previous successful works, while ultimately he said "hard to see what the big idea is, beyond the idea of making something big".
Fellow Guardian writer John Graham-Cumming rejected comparisons to icons like the Eiffel Tower, which had itself not been intended to be a lasting monument, only persisting into public acceptance as art through being useful; he also pointed out the Colossus of Rhodes collapsed within a few decades, and the Tower of Babel was "constructed to glorify those that constructed it." He suggested that a future mayor should reconsider whether it should be pulled down. Questioning its corporate role, he believed that meant it looked less and less like a work of art and more like a vanity project.
Even Sir Anish Kapoor acknowledged the criticism and said of its clunky features,“It’s an object with all its elbows sticking out and it is slightly awkward, but I think I made it for that reason, I wanted it to be slightly awkward.”
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After the 2012 Olympic Games, the Orbit tower was used as an observation tower, running at a loss of £520,000 ($884,000) in 2014–15, according to the BBC—or losing up to £10,000 ($17,000) a week in 2014, according to the Guardian newspaper.
Amidst the rising clamour of the costs matched only by the disdainful disinterest in the massive sculpture, something had to be done.
To appease Londoners, ex-London Mayor Boris Johnson brought in Carsten Höller to add a slide to the 376 feet tall artwork, making it the highest slide in Europe.
Kapoor later said he was pushed into the high profile collaboration by Johnson. Kapoor would later say that Johnson’s request “felt to me as if it was turning the whole thing in the wrong direction.”
“It was not always my thinking. The mayor foisted this on the project and there was a moment where I had to make a decision - do I go to battle with the mayor or is there a more elegant or astute way through this?,” he told the Guardian.
“I knew of Carsten’s work so I thought, well, who better than a fellow artist to join up with and make this a positive story rather than a negative… Luckily, and thankfully, Carsten was open to it, so we found a way round this,” Kapoor explained.
Judging by the unforgettable success of Höller’s slide installation at Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall, it’s easy to imagine what made Kapoor click and extend the invitation to the Belgian-born Stockholm-based artist.
“One makes artworks for other reasons than profit,” Kapoor told the Guardian. “I understand this is run as a so-called attraction, which I have problems with personally… I want it to be slightly more highbrow than that, without wanting to be pompous about it. There’s a difference between a fairground ride and art,” he added.
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Höller, meanwhile, took a more lighthearted approach, urging people to embrace “the amusement side of it.”
“A child might be here purely for the slide, while the serious art lover might see this in purely formalistic terms. I personally like the confusion, that you don’t know what it is but it still creates a very unique experience,” he told the Guardian.
 The ArcelorMittal Orbit re-opened to the public on 5 April 2014. Since then it has done below average business in attracting people to come and visit it or try the slide.
The London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), which runs the park where the sculpture is located, released numbers revealing the sculpture’s sizeable debt and a steep drop in visitors. Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal had provided a £9.2 million ($11.2 million) loan to help pay for the original construction of the sculpture, but this loan has ballooned to £13 million due to the accrual of interest.
Ticket sales to the observation platform and a tunnel slide designed by Carsten Höller were meant to help repay the loan, but low visitor attendance prompted a £58,000 ($70,000) loss in 2018/19 alone. Visitor numbers have dropped from a high of 193,000 in 2016/17, when Höller’s slide was introduced, to 155,000 in 2018/19.
It’s not just an artistic folly but a commercial one too.
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It's not wholly fanciful that such artistic scuptural landmarks can help lift places. No one can put a figure on jobs created or investments made in Gateshead thanks to the Angel of the North, but it has at least created a feelgood factor and sense of pride. The Bilbao Guggenheim of 1996, still the archetype of such town-boosting, certainly placed a relatively obscure city at the centre of attention.
Buildings can't do it alone and if people find their attention has been drawn only to a wasteland, they will go away again. The Guggenheim worked because there were also dull practical things in Bilbao such as new transport infrastructure and business parks.
But the most important ingredient of a successful icon is that it works artistically. It has to strike a chord, sound the right note, catch a mood, win hearts and confound sceptics. In other words it has to be aesthetically pleasing because it’s good art made by equally by great craft and graft.
The ArcelorMittal Orbit has become an unloved rotting wreck that no one has the nerve to demolish.
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