#Cricketer Wedding
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shaadiwish · 1 year ago
Check Out The Pictures From Cricketer Shoaib Malik And Sana Javed’s Wedding. Stay Tuned To ShaadiWish For Latest Trends And Ideas.
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theonekierce · 10 days ago
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"And there knelt A. J. Raffles, with his black hair tumbled, and the same watchful, quiet, determined half-smile with which I have seen him send down over after over in a county match!" -The Ides of March
Raffles Week Day 5: Cricket 🏏
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ghostinthelibrarywrites · 2 months ago
OH GOD IT'S SO HARD TO CHOOSE but if I'm allowed to be greedy... 💍🌶 and/or 🏏? 👀
Thank you for the ask and of course you can be greedy!
💍 From Wedding Vows and Other Lies:
Edwin has been successfully dodging his mother’s calls ever since Walter’s funeral, so it’s only his luck that she would catch him when he’s at his most vulnerable: sound asleep. The sound of his phone buzzing on the bedside table wakes him from a dream he can’t quite remember but that has left an anxious pit in his stomach and he gropes for it without opening his eyes. If bloody Janice has called out again and he has to open the shop for the third morning in a row, he’s going to start “accidentally” removing the bookmarks from whatever book she’s reading whenever she leaves it unattended. “Hello?” he tries to ask, but it’s muffled by his pillow. “Edwin?” His mother’s impatient voice cuts through the last vestiges of sleep. Edwin sits up so fast that he nearly falls out of bed. He can hear the sound of clattering in the kitchen; Charles must already be up. “What is it? Has someone else died?” “Don’t be absurd.” She sniffs. “Does someone need to die for me to call my son?” “Usually, yes.”
🏏 From Cricket Bat Heart 3:
When he comes out of the bat, Charles is tense, waiting to spring at the nearest threat. It’s only when he registers his surroundings—a bedroom with nothing more threatening than the wall of overflowing bookshelves—that he lets down his guard. Edwin stands in front of him, eyes wide with wonder, like they always are when Charles appears out of the bat, no matter how many times he summons Charles. It always makes Charles smile. Now that he’s determined they’re not under attack, he gives the bedroom another look. It’s exactly what he was expecting from Edwin’s room: bookshelves packed with detective novels, mangas that he almost certainly borrowed from Niko, and lots of serious-looking history books. The bed is covered in a faded blue quilt and there’s a sofa in front of the window, which overlooks the garden out back. “So, this is it?” “This is it.” Edwin smiles a little nervously. “I hope it’s acceptable.” “It’s aces, mate.” Charles grins and goes to flop down on the sofa.
🌶 From the smutty Undead Boy Detectives fic (under the cut, even though it's not overly explicit)
“How does that feel?” Charles asks a little breathlessly, drinking in the sight of Edwin stretched across the bed, the graceful arch of his back and his long, long legs. Edwin shifts, wearing a thoughtful expression, like he’s puzzling over a tricky clue. “Odd.” That’s not what Charles wants to hear when he's fingering his boyfriend for the first time. “Odd how?” “Do you remember when I was infested by that spectral worm?” “Mate, are you comparing having my finger up your arse to an ectoplasm-eating ghost worm?” “It's not an entirely dissimilar pressure.” “Right.” Charles starts to pull back. “That’s enough of that, I think.” “Hold on.” Edwin frowns at him over his shoulder. “Give me a moment to adjust, Charles.”
Make Me Write (Again)
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cricketnationrise · 10 months ago
wip weds 24.7
oh hey i haven't done one of these since....april, apparently. welp.
anyway thank you for the tags over the last few weeks, sorry i don't have any rwrb for yall today, can i interest you in some FTH tortall banter instead?
Raoul and Buri endure through all the pomp and circumstance with more than a meager serving of grace, and seem incapable of looking away from each other during the reception. It’s sweet—Raoul is genial most of the time, but he’s downright giddy now. Buri’s smiling so wide that Dom’s worried about her face splitting in two.  “There’s practically stars in their eyes,” Evin Larse mutters from next to Dom. “Downright unnatural on the Commander.”  “Must be talking about your Commander, mine smiles all the time,” Dom teases. “Especially when there’s mud to get stuck in. Now that’s unnatural.”  “Hush, the both of you. Anyone would think you’ve got no manners,” Kel chides from across the table. “They’re happy.”
open tag here for anyone who wants it and some groovy people below the cut!
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf @cactusdragon517 @cha-melodius @celeritas2997 @blueeyedgrlwrites
@kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @indestructibleheart @tailsbeth-writes @porcelainmortal
@anincompletelist @firenati0n @three-drink-amy @wordsofhoneydew @14carrotghoul
@ships-to-sail @iboatedhere @onthewaytosomewhere @getmehighonmagic @heysweetheart-writes
@thesleepyskipper @happiness-of-the-pursuit @myheartalivewrites @sparklepocalypse @orchidscript
@welcometololaland @rmd-writes @tintagel-or-cockleshells @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl @montrealmadison
@the-lincyclopedia @missanniewhimsy @inexplicablymine
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nyoomfruits · 15 days ago
omgggggg the lestapiastri fic was everything i needed and more
do you have any more 163381 fics planned? or would you be willing to write more bc we LOVED IT !!!!
i don't have anything planned at the moment!! i would love love love to write more lestapiastri but its usually a case of if an idea hits and when it hits lmao
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maintohthakgayibhaishaab · 1 year ago
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years ago
I got on the wrong bus to campus and instead ended up at a cricket game with cats. Half way through the game I was told to take the commentator home, this old posh guy, and when I got him home, he told me a story about how him and Nelson Mandela were secretly married.
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septiccoffeefreak · 9 hours ago
Shut the fuck up. "I will never end up like him, behind my back I already am. // Check your calendar this way you will always know // The last time you came through, // oh darling, I know what you're going through", Ok????? "The last time you came through"????? "Oh darling, oh darling, oh darling" ?!!!!!! Okay?!!!!!!! OKAY??!!!!!!!
Bashing my head through a fucking wall. Headfirst Slide what drugs did they put in you and where can I get another dose
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moongothic · 1 year ago
You know I often go off about how One Piece has these long running themes that're so queer-coded, but man, watching this video
Katakuri is so fucking trans
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jacobsneed · 2 years ago
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Tagged by @direwombat for WIP Wednesday, and I've actually got some stuff I'm working on! :D
Mainly Ljubica stuff, focused on the apartment painting, thinking about Léon the professional but with Niko and Ljubica, and doing some working in photoshop again :3 and a bonus old funny doodle and a Cricket sketch because garsh dang they're crawling back into my heart <3
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tagging @poisonedtruth@river-ward@socially-awkward-skeleton@perhapsrampancy@voidika@fly-amanitaa@trench-rot@aceghosts@inafieldofdaisies@detectivelokis@adelaidedrubman@g0dspeeed@josephslittledeputy@deputyash@josephseedismyfather@strafethesesinners and anyone else! <333
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shaadiwish · 1 year ago
Its officially the season for weddings and engagement. And another name to the list of people getting hitched is Kolkata Knight Riders’ (KKR) all-rounder, Venkatesh Iyer.
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theflyestwhiteboyofthemall · 10 months ago
i love saying i have a routine as if it means in anyway i remember what said routine is n follow it (:
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jeevanshaktihospital · 1 year ago
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PCOD के लक्षण👇👇
अनियमित पीरियड्स
चेहरे पर मुंहासे चेहरे पर अत्यधिक बाल
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पीरियड्स के दौरान हैवी ब्लीडिंग
वजन बढ़ना
त्वचा पर काले धब्बे For more information, 🤙🤙Call 📞 : +91 87089 16596, +91 82220 29985 Visit : Jeevan Shakti Hospital, In front of Guru Nanak Sr. Sec. School, Rishi Nagar, Hisar, India, Haryana
PCOD के लक्षण👇👇
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cricketnationrise · 11 months ago
wip weds 24.6
its both wip weds and the day after i finished my @aroyallybigbangrwrb fic, so y'all get one last bit of it before it gets posted in the next month or two
thanks for the tags, your snippets were delightful to catch up on when i got home from work today @kiwiana-writes @cha-melodius @firenati0n @three-drink-amy @adreamareads
@iboatedhere @onthewaytosomewhere @thesleepyskipper @nocoastposts and @orchidscript
The gym has been decorated to the nines for the dance, streamers and gauzy fabric panels hanging from the rafters and draped over every available surface. There’s white picket archways set up around the perimeter of the room, providing selfie opportunities and more places to lay fabric and tack up fake greenery. Seriously, it’s like the dance committee raided a Joanne’s Fabrics without regard for anyone else’s sensibilities. Nora gives her ticket to the bored-out-of-his-mind Spanish teacher manning the check-in table and slips inside. Just like every other school dance, it’s both ridiculously crowded and hotter than hell—there’s already signs of frizz on almost every girl’s hairdo, despite the scent of hairspray lingering in the air. She can’t find June anywhere.
an open tag for anyone looking for an excuse and some specific ones under the cut!
@inexplicablymine @welcometololaland @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl @dumbpeachjuice @wordsofhoneydew
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf @cactusdragon517 @leaves-of-laurelin @sherryvalli @rmd-writes
@heysweetheart-writes @getmehighonmagic @missanniewhimsy @montrealmadison @dr-book
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drankitmogha · 1 month ago
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भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के खिलाड़ी प्रिय छोटे भाई #Rajan Kumar ( RCB IPL Player )
को विवाह की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं और आशीर्वाद ❤️
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stokesy55 · 4 months ago
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I can't with them
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