#Cosmic Connection
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martanis · 6 months ago
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It does not take the eye of an eagle to see your thoughts have flown far afield.
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misty-slays-blog · 5 months ago
I just had a thought I need to explore. We know that Galadriel was falling in love with who she assumed was Halbrand. She basically admits this herself during the log scene, but when she does, she seems insecure, likely wondering about the implications of loving a mortal man as an immortal elf. So when Halbrand revealed himself as Sauron, it must have left her feeling so humiliated, hurt, ashamed, and probably stupid. At this point, she likely believes that it was all fake: a deception on his part, toying with her emotions for his own gain.
But now we’re starting to see that Sauron actually has feelings for her too, which means it was real, and he was sincere when he was Halbrand. I'm not sure how exactly, but given what both Charlotte Brändström and Morfydd have said, the finale will likely move in the direction of Galadriel realizing that it had been real all along, and no deception.
So now I’m wondering: what would be worse for her? That she was deceived by Sauron, who made her fall in love with him for his own sick and twisted purposes? Or that Sauron, who she considers the epitome of evil and deceit, is actually in love with her?
On one hand, the revelation that Halbrand was Sauron might feel like the ultimate betrayal. She trusted him and even began to love him, only to find out it was all a facade, used against her by the greatest evil in existence. The shock, shame, and humiliation of being manipulated would be overwhelming.
But then, there’s the realization that Sauron actually has feelings for her. What does it mean if someone as dark as him is in love with her? That’s an entirely new layer of complex. His feelings might be obsessive, possessive, and rooted in control, but they’re real, which means that, in his own twisted way, Sauron admires and desires her.
It forces her to confront the uncomfortable truth that something about her drew him in, that she’s connected to him in ways beyond being mere enemies. It complicates the black-and-white view of good and evil she’s clung to, making her question her instincts, self-worth, and her very identity.
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her-wiings · 1 month ago
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laginestra98 · 4 months ago
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haircoveredwriter · 6 months ago
Sometimes I wonder…
I will address this one time, spoiler warning below I guess if folks haven’t been keeping up or trying to avoid them.
In regards to a certain article, im not sure if I’m reading the same as some because all I see is things we already knew. We know from the leaked 2x06 script pages that Caryl are going to finally work through their own personal demons; for Carol she’ll FINALLY deal with the loss of Sophia (as well as Lizzie and Mika I suspect) which will move her past her desire to run. In Melissa’s own words, she’s “saving herself by going to save Daryl”.
Daryl will get past his hero complex/feeling the need to save everyone thanks in part to Isabelle’s death (dude really has his inner self say through a ghost-nun that he’s still breathing so he shouldn’t dwell on what he couldn’t do).
No Caryl aren’t going to jump each others bones as soon as they are reunited because they have things they have to work through, making themselves different versions to have a healthy relationship. So they can stop the nagging voices saying they aren’t good enough for the other. We had past seasons of promised “talks that never happened” from past showrunners but now we are finally getting it, so I don’t see how that’s bad.
Melissa, Norman, and Zabel have had long discussions about where they see their/the characters going; Melissa herself gushed about getting to delve into things she hadn’t for years and how she’s having so much fun getting to do the work. IMO, they’re NOW getting to do the show THEY’VE wanted to do for a while. I’m excited and here for all of it.
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astoldbytode · 1 year ago
🌟 Exploring Mars Synastry Through the Houses: A Cosmic Journey of Passionate Connections 🔥
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🔥 Mars Synastry: Dive into the fiery depths of Mars' influence on your cosmic chemistry with your partner as we explore its journey through all twelve houses! 🏠
1️⃣ 1st House: Mars here sparks a magnetic attraction and assertive energy, fueling a dynamic and passionate connection built on confidence and drive.
2️⃣ 2nd House: Mars ignites a desire for sensual pleasures and material security, inspiring passionate exchanges centered around shared values and possessions.
3️⃣ 3rd House: Communication and mental stimulation drive the passion with Mars in the third house, fueling fiery debates and intellectually charged exchanges.
4️⃣ 4th House: Mars influences domestic life and family dynamics, igniting passion behind closed doors and driving intense emotional connections within the home.
5️⃣ 5th House: Adventure and creativity abound with Mars in the fifth house, inspiring spontaneous escapades and passionate pursuits of pleasure and romance.
6️⃣ 6th House: Mars fuels a drive for productivity and self-improvement, igniting passion through shared goals and a mutual desire for efficiency and success.
7️⃣ 7th House: Partnerships thrive with Mars in the seventh house, as assertive energy fuels dynamic collaborations and passionate exchanges with your significant other.
8️⃣ 8th House: Intensity deepens with Mars in the eighth house, fueling transformative experiences and passionate exchanges that delve into the depths of shared resources and intimacy.
9️⃣ 9th House: Mars inspires a thirst for adventure and exploration, fueling passionate exchanges as you embark on thrilling journeys and pursue shared ideals together.
🔟 10th House: Ambition and drive define your relationship with Mars in the tenth house, igniting passion and success in your professional endeavors and public image.
1️⃣1️⃣ 11th House: Friendships flourish with Mars in the eleventh house, as assertive energy fuels dynamic connections within social circles and passionate pursuits of shared goals and ideals.
1️⃣2️⃣ 12th House: Mars adds intensity and depth to your connection with Mars in the twelfth house, fueling profound and transformative experiences that transcend the physical realm.
Wherever Mars resides in your synastry chart, its placement illuminates the dynamic energy and passionate exchanges that define your cosmic connection. Embrace the sparks and explore the depths of your fiery chemistry! ✨
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journey-to-balance · 1 month ago
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Heal yourself with the light of the sun, and the rays of the moon, with the sound of the river and the waterfall, with the swaying of the sea, and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself with mint, neem, and eucalyptus. Sweeten with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with cocoa and a hint of cinnamon. Put love in your coffee instead of sugar, and drink it in silence. Nurture yourself with the kisses that the wind and rain give you. Stand strong with your feet on the ground, and with everything that comes from it. Be smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead. Dance, sing, draw, write, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember... you are the medicine.
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perplecta · 6 months ago
Ok hear me out. Melkor searched for the secret fire, than desired (feared) Varda for her beauty and power (light). Ungoliant fed up from the light of the Trees. Just as Sauron craves the light in Galadriel
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mirroringdust · 6 months ago
// Diversion Part 2
Curiousity - Temptation (Sauron POV)
It was not desire that made him so willingly answer her call. It was the opposite of that feeling of striving for something far away, going beyond the shades of possibility. No, if anything, it was curiosity, that unbounding distraction that paves the path for every foreseeable chance. A feeling that would give even more power, not take it. And that was what Sauron was clinging to when he agreed to meet her. It was a mind’s agreement, no words spoken, no letters exchanged, a connection quickly resurrected. And so, this time, he found himself striving along a path chosen by her. A meeting in the forest, a meeting from the past with the person he had first trusted before he had decided to mend everything that had been broken and rule this Middle Earth.
So h you like it and so happy to hear what you think ☺️
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dadattebayo · 5 months ago
lmao I'm so happy I bumped into this brilliant hilarious video, it's like a friendly reminder not to listen to anyone but your own "instincts" in things concerning shipping :)
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pinkbeastie · 2 years ago
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non-conventionnel · 8 months ago
What are karma, eternal recurrence, reincarnation, and free will? What is the human consciousness? What were the Buddha’s teachings and how did his teachings influence the spiritual formation of Jesus?
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laginestra98 · 3 months ago
The metaphisical Love of Sauron's and Galadriel's hands
"They part the theater with a semitouch, their hands abstractly close-up, separated only by the glass of the car window. This marvelous cinematic gesture communicates so much more than simple character and plot resolution. The abstract nature of the shot amplifies the significance of it, suggesting love of the highest, metaphysical order." The Films of Krzysztof Kieślowski: The Liminal Image, Joseph G. Kickasola, pp. 317-318
I was reading this book for my thesis when i came about this lines and something in my head clicked at "suggesting love of the highest, metaphisical order". And in that moment I thought about Galadriel and Sauron (indeed, why doing your work when you can think of them, right?). This kind of love, which is metaphysical and it's shown through a simple gesture such as an almost-tuch. Just to give you some context, the text refers to Three colours: Red, which is the last film of the "Three Colours tryology" and of Krystof Kieslowski's career. It's about a young woman who casually meets an old retired judge and, slowly, they create some kind of connection (this is a very summarized plot, but there's more to it than this). Anyway, the frame the text refers to is this one:
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This is the last time Valentine, the young woman, and the judge see each other. Kieslowksi is a real master of visual storytelling, and this is a blatant exemple. This short frame converge, as the text tells us, a ralethionship which was meant to be, but never was. In a previous scene the judge says to Valentine: "maybe, I never met the woman... maybe, you're the woman I never met". This non-meeting hangs there between them, between their hands, separeted by a glass, suspended in a timeless and spaceless moment. In this void their story exists, not in the real world, but in an alternate, separeted one. Sadly, is a world of imagination, so there isn't a possibility for a concrete connection, at least in the present. Now, there's more to say about Red, but I'll stop there because I don't think you're interested in it (but if you like cosmic connection and complicated carachters, you're welcome to watch this masterpice). What I want to address here are the words of Kickasola: "the abstract nature of the shot amplifies the significance of it, suggesting love of the highest, metaphysical order", then he adds: "at the same time, the glass symbolizes a barrier: a romantic connection reached for, but impossible". I think this words are easily applied to Sauron's and Galadriel's relathionship. So, let's analyzed how their hands are shot.
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In this frames their hands don't touch, but they enlace each other's arms as a sign of trust. This is the first form of connection they share, still, they keep their distance: neither of them dares to touch the other's hand, neither for a shake. So, they create a barrier.
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Here, their hands touch, but there's always an object between them. Every one of this objects rapresent an idea or a desire which are important to them: hope (the simbol of the Southlands king), promises (Finrod's dagger) and power (the nine rings).
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In these their hands are near, but never touch. The illusion is shattered, the promise is lost and, even if Sauron tries, he's not able to reach for Galadriel's hand.
I think is interesting that they never hold each other's hand, nor voluntary, nor involontary, nor for necessity. All their approaches are shaped first by formalities, then by ideals, finally by betrayals. Their connection happens in this space, better, in this non-space where they can hide what they feel, but will never say. Love is relegated in a place beyond phisical reach, hung in the metaphisical domain: is in the space between their arms, in the hold of Finrod's dagger, in the distance that separates their hands when Sauron try to catch her from falling. I think the last frame, more than the others, explain this. Like the one in Red, the nature of the shot is abstract, suspended in the air. The background is out of focus, their hands clearly visible. But, unlike in Kieślowski's movie, the distance here is accentuated not only by the fact that Sauron doesn't reach Galadriel, but also by how their hands are shot: they never overlap, so they can't touch neither in the metaphisical space. So is Love over, even in the abstract dimension? No, it persists, willingly or unwillingly, in the outer world, that may become visible (but still not phisical) if the theory about the bond made by Morgoth's crown is correct. This is shown by Galadriel's hand reaching for the wound = for the invisible connection:
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Interestingly enough, the phisical manifestation of said love (the phisical touch) happens in an outer space, separeted from reality: in Red, it happens in a theater, the ultimate fictional realm:
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in trop, this happens in an illusion, Sauron's illusion:
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Like Valentine and the judge, their love can't be sustained by reality, it wolud be crushed by hopes, ideals and power, but is unlatched from reality, alive in a place that trascend time and space. They both feel it, but will they acknowledge this? Only time will tell.
With this I won't mean that their love is not real, but that is bigger than the real world they are in (regardless from their behavior and choices)
Disclaimer: this is just my interpretation of Galadriel and Sauron relationship, it can be fallacious and is not a universal truth.
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90shaladriel · 2 years ago
Haladriel Week fic: Strays at Sea
Here is my entry for Haladriel Week Day 2
Prompt: Missing Scenes or What Ifs
What if Sauron didn’t have Halbrand’s form on the raft but was a doggy instead? 2.7k words | General Audience
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kimchicuddles · 2 years ago
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Doorways in my heart PATREON PUSH! I’m trying to increase my patronage to keep this operation going, so check out all the new stuff I’ve been doing over there… patreon.com/kimchicuddles COMMISSIONS & BOOKS! TikvaWolf.com TIPS! venmo.com/tikvawolf
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journey-to-balance · 1 month ago
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The best day of your life is the one in which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to blame. The gift is yours.
It is an amazing journey, and you alone are responsible for the quality of this journey.
This is the day your life really begins.
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