#Conservative Style
bosscovers · 1 month
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Show your support for the 2024 election with our Trump White House Phone Case! Featuring a bold design with the White House backdrop and "Trump 2024" prominently displayed, this case is perfect for any political enthusiast. Available in three striking colors—red, black, and blue—and in both glossy and matte finishes, this case offers premium protection for your iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, or Google Pixel device. Made with durable materials, this phone case is built to last while making a statement. Carry your political pride everywhere with this standout accessory!
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toyastales · 2 months
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If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water
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mold-girl · 3 months
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does op think that male authors who rape women dont use their money and further influence to abuse more women? does op know that the "problematic work" in question is usually portrayals of how its ok to abuse women, which takes away womens (a disadvantaged groups) social rights and is worse than wizard books?
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justaweebitferal · 2 months
Because I’ve been seeing a lot of them…
I don’t make the rules. Know your own subcultures history and meaning folks.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🦇
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puppyeared · 5 months
When you go on walks, what’s your favourite part? Mine is when I find one of the rivers or small streams nearby my house. Or when I get to meet some new dogs- or when the temperature is just warm enough to bask in whilst the trees are rustling because of a strong breeze. Maybe my favourite part is the walk itself, I like walking places. Problem is I always need to have a destination in mind.
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the weather is getting nicer so its the best time to go outside and poke around for some new visitors ^_^
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Don't think that patiently explaining the legalities and details of the Trump indictment will change the minds of the MAGA crowd about it. Those folks, like Trump, simply don't believe in the rule of law.
There may be some Republicans who secretly believe the charges have merit but are scared shitless of what may happen if they say so in public.
A reasonably healthy party might give its indicted leader some benefit of the doubt, while calling for judgment to be withheld before he has his day in court. But Republicans correctly understand that their party will consider Trump an innocent martyr regardless. The sickness of the Republican Party as it is presently constituted is that there is no conceivable set of facts that would permit it to acknowledge Trump’s guilt. What has brought the party to this point is the convergence of its decades-long descent into paranoia with its idiosyncratic embrace of a career criminal.
Yep, the GOP has been drifting in this direction for a long time. Trump's emergence finally nudged them into being a full-blown paranoid cult.
The Republican Party’s internal culture has been shaped by what Richard Hofstadter famously described as “the paranoid style” in American politics. Hofstadter specifically attributed this description to the conservative movement, which, at the time, was a marginalized faction on the far right but has since completely taken control of the party and imposed its warped mentality on half of America. To its adherents, every incremental expansion of the welfare state is incipient communism, each new expansion of social liberalism the final death blow to family and church. Lurking behind these endless defeats, they discern a vast plot by shadowy elites. In recent years, the Republican Party’s long rightward march on policy has ground to a halt, and it has instead radicalized on a different dimension: ruthlessness. Attributing their political travails to weakness, Republicans converged on the belief that their only chance to pull back from the precipice of final defeat is to discard their scruples. A willingness to do or say anything to win was the essence of Trump’s appeal, an amorality some Republicans embraced gleefully and others reluctantly. Trump, by dint of his obsessive consumption of right-wing media, grasped where the party was going more quickly than its leaders did. This aspect of Trump’s rise was historically necessary. All Trump did was to hasten it along.
This is Trump's legal philosophy (if you want to call it that) in a nutshell...
Trump was not raised in a traditional conservative milieu. He came into a seedy, corrupt world in which politicians could be bought off and laws were suggestions. He worked with mobsters and absorbed their view of law enforcement: People who follow the law are suckers, and the worst thing in the world is a rat.
Trump is basically a petty mobster. That explains why he hates the FBI.
It is the interplay of the two forces, the paranoia of the right and the seamy criminality of the right’s current champion, that has brought the party to this point. Trump’s endlessly repeated “witch hunt” meme blends together the mobster’s hatred of the FBI with the conservative’s fear of the bureaucrat. His loyalists have been trained to either deny any evidence of misconduct by their side or rationalize it as a necessary countermeasure against their enemies. The concept of “crime” has been redefined in the conservative mind to mean activities by Democrats. They insist upon Trump’s innocence because they believe a Republican, axiomatically, cannot be a criminal.
That Manichean view fits in well with the radical Christian fundamentalist tendency in the GOP. Though instead of Jesus Christ, the credo of Republicans is to accept Donald Trump as their personal Lord and Savior. By that reasoning, Donald Trump is incapable of wrongdoing.
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spirkbitch · 1 year
everyone else might already know this but i just think it’s funny that canonically The Cage takes place in 2254, so over 10 years before the start of Kirks first 5 year mission as captain. while SNW takes place around 2258-2260
(with the reveal of Carol Marcus being pregnant it would make most sense for it to be 2259 seeing as TSFS takes place in 2285, which would make David Marcus 25 at the time that movie takes place)
anyways, then the beginning of TOS is in 2265, and here’s a visual representation of why i find that funny (using spock as an example because he’s my favorite)
Spock and Pike circa 2254
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Spock and Pike circa ~2258
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and then back to Spock looking like this in TOS circa 2265 (Where No Man Has Gone Before was the second pilot but The Man Trap aired first so idk which takes place first in canon so here’s both)
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also i know most people are probably just gonna ignore it but i would love to see an in-universe explanation for why the hair and clothing styles changed so much between snw and tos.
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stinkybrowndogs · 5 months
I think i definetly would have been a furry had i been allowed on the internet before the age of 16. I was fucking primed to be a furry.
Im just saying that i am not making bucko bucks on furry commissions rn bc i was prevented from reaching my true potential
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ssreeder · 9 months
Hii! I was super bored last night so I did a quick drawing of the meditation scene in chapter 14. I was struggling at drawing Zuko cause of the way he sits. He’s described as sitting “lotus position” I looked that up and it looks so uncomfortable. That’s why I’m team #CrissCrossApplesause. Anyways I hope your doing well!! :)
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AWWWWWE OMG I LOVVVEEEEE IT!!!! Haha Aang & Momo in the second picture are adorable, and Sokka’s little “I love you” face at Zuko is amazing. Thank you for this it seriously is made my day!!
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lizardsaredinosaurs · 2 years
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Philippine Eagle (pithecophaga jefferyi)
Critically Endangered
endemic to Philippines
threats: deforestation, pollution, pesticides, poaching
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fuckspn · 10 months
i think we need to get out ahead of this and collectively accept that if there is a supernatural revival we're going to lose. best case scenario is they bring cas back and don't address the confession at all. i'm sorry i want to see those two pale coconuts collide more than anything too but after the way every mention of cas was viciously cut out from the last two episodes and every post-finale convention shitshow i just do not think there's a world where this hypothetical revival gives us what we want
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teafiend · 1 month
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Sorry, this is silly, but I got no one to ask and it seems like you're no stranger to this sort of thing. This probably sounds if not dumb, very basic, given how much of a longstanding, endlessly discussed and analyzed issue this has been for fucking centuries now, but anyway: Is there actually a reason to be bothered by illegal immigrants? I mean, on the face of it, it just seems like such a victimless crime to me? Sure, some immigrants are criminals in other, actually serious ways, but I've seen no evidence that persecuting them over their status as illegals over those crimes specifically, is actually helpful. Like, internet piracy is a crime and most immigrants probably have more valid reason to do it han msot poeple who use Kissanime. I honestly straight don't even see how it's morally justifiable to report someone for being an illegal.
There isn't any good reason, and it is a victimless crime.
The reason that nations crack down on immigration so hard is that it is to the benefit of the state that people remain legible. It's important to the folks with power that they be able to know who they've got power over and what they can do with that power.
Sometimes that's for morally justifiable reasons- "how many people do we need to provide universal healthcare?" "how many teachers do we need for this school?" Most of the time it's for less savory reasons. "How much can we expect to collect in taxes?" "How many soldiers can we field in a crisis?" "Which people are most likely to try to take away our power, and how can we stop them?"
Open borders make people just a little bit less legible. If you can Hit Da Bricks if you're paying too much taxes, or if your country's being invaded, or if you don't like your country's rulers? Suddenly, the people in power can't keep track of what you can give them, because you could just leave any time.
most anti-immigrant fearmongering is either xenophobes xenophobing or powerful people pushing propaganda that's designed to keep you legible. morality has very little to do with it; it's for the convenience of the people in charge.
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spikeisawesome456 · 5 months
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My older brother and I are going to Japan next week as a belated 30th birthday trip for him, and a graduate school graduation trip for me. We’ve been planning this trip for a while now (he’s been planning it for years, I’ve been planning it for about a year-ish), so it’s surreal to think it’s almost here.
As part of the trip, I really wanted to try a Lolita style dress (and yes, the name is unfortunate, but it’s the name of the style I believe) while there, so I’ve spent the last month or so curating this outfit, and while I have mixed feelings on it (see my non-post from earlier), I am cautiously optimistic about the whole thing. I’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and not an insubstantial amount of money on this outfit. I actually decorated the shoes myself and fully created the little wrist cuff things (which are not attached to the shrug, by the by. It’s like a bracelet more than anything), which I’m kinda proud of. :-)
Also, yes, that is a wig I’m wearing, ha. It’s on top of my regular hair and I think it looks… okay? I kinda like it. It’s a very pale lavender and I think it’s pretty. You can’t see the bow on the back of the wig from this angle, but there is a pink and purple long hair bow with butterflies back there. :-)
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araneitela · 5 months
As I walk around the apartment with my phone, sipping my tea as I'm waking up, and packing up little tidbits in my bathroom; all I can think about is the following sentence: 'She dresses to impress', and how utterly false it is for Kafka. Even within a context where she needs to catch someone's eye, trust me, she doesn't need to "dress to impress". The entire concept of this woman doing anything aesthetically, even if it could also benefit for and/or with others, is absolutely unfathomable to me.
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disarmluna · 5 months
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